shirley - My Sister (Copied)
HI, I m steve.., 26 years, from Bangalore.. I am of muscular build, and maintaining my body in good shape by regularly hitting gym.. my sister says that I can turn on most women..
Now getting to the story, I want to narrate to you all about my experience with my sister Shirley.. as I m typing this she is sitting with me giving a hand job.. my story is a little long but please be patient with reading coz I promise you’ll completely enjoy it..

I am basically from mumbai, my father and mother had a love marriage for which both of their houses was against it..esp. coz my mom was a ***** who had fallen in love with my dad who was a Christian, so basically both of them were expelled from their dad managed a small clerk job in an office and mom was working as a teacher in a local school..
Soon my elder sister was born and after about 2 years I was born.. our family life was good for some years and though my father was drunkard, my mom kept quiet about it,.. eventually because of drinking he took a lot of loans in our neighbourhood and the peoplefrom who he had taken loans started to crowd around our house shouting, and calling my dad with foul names.. as it carried on my mom used to fear going out coz of those loaners following n pestering her..
Few more years had rolled by, when my sister had reached 18 years of age, and I had become 16 when a tragedy struck our life,. Our mom died because of heart attack, esp. coz of our situation then we could not afford higher hospital care n she died in a government that time our father had developed an affair with rich widow who was his manager at his office.. so immediately after her death, he eloped with that woman disowning us n leaving us in complete disarray..
All my sister and I had left was a small house with only one room, and since we both were still studying, we had to arrange for our daily means of living.. My sister started taking tuition at home for school kids after her college and I found a part time job at a garage.. and so we were barely managing our lives when after a few months, my sister got an engineering seat as she was intelligent.. though she had a scholarship it couldn’t cover full expenses.. so after school,I decided not to go to college and instead work full time so that I could send her to college..
As time passed by, my sister blossomed into a beautiful woman with all the right curves. She had taken after my moms looks, her skin was white, she had beautiful long black hair till her waist, her eyes emanating with warmth and affection and her luscious pink lips could make the dicks of men looking at her, salute them..Her boobs were not too big but enough to make any man crazy, and her ass( I love this part of her most) was just round and so juicy, whenever she walked it would bounce a little and make it visual treat for on lookers…In short, she was one of college beauties and boys ogled at her whenever she strode around graciously in college..( now that I fuck her regularly, I know her stats and its 34b-28-34..)
We had become like close friends by this time… She used to share with me everything and though there were occasional fights between us, she always was proud and happy that I had sacrificed my studies for her and she would boast about me to her friends.. She never had a boyfriend at college even though few had proposed to her.. During her final year in college at their college fest some guy had proposed to her and when she didn’t accept it, had tried attacking her during the night just outside college when she was about to leave college to r**e her.. luckily that day I had gone to her college to the fest and was at a shop nearby, when I saw it and encountered him n there ensured a small fight with both of us fairly wounded and he ran away when I had just begun to overpower sister stopped me from chasing him..
Her shirt was torn due to that bully and her white fair arms and little of her boobs were exposed.. she was in tears.. I consoled her and put my jacket over her and brought her home.. after returning home also she was still in a state of shock..i was still burning in anger in my mind at that son of bitch so I hadn’t noticed my wounds.. Slowly I felt soft hands cleaning my wounds n turned to see that my sister was cleaning n tying a cloth around my arm wounds.. it was already midnight, so we decided to order some food at home and go to hospital next morning..
As she rose to after tying, I noticed that my she had removed my jacket and at her back she had small wound,.A glass splinter had torn through her shirt n penetrated into her back n her blood had wet her shirt.. I told this to her and she tried to remove it but she couldn’t reach it.. then I offered her help and pulled it out.. as It came out there came sudden gush of blood and I immediately applied pressure over her soft back to stop bleeding..
I told her that in order to stop bleeding and also see for other wounds, she should remove her shirt.. Initially she refused but I eventually convinced her.. I also told that we should go to bathroom as the hall ll become unnecessarily dirty.. she agreed and I took her there.. Our bathroom was very small and it barely had space for two.. as we went in, our bodies touched against each other but neither she nor I did mind it coz we didn’t have any bad intentions.. we stood against the sink and slowly and hesitantly she unbuttoned her shirt.. On the mirror that hung over the sink I saw her beautiful body and her top slowly getting semi naked.. as she removed her shirt I saw that she was wearing a black bra and those wondrous white globes of hers were waiting to free themselves from captivity…
Her navel looked like a well with sweet water just waiting for somebody to quench his thirst from it.. As I saw her like this I completely lost my senses and was dumbfounded at this exquisite sight.. my sister watching me through the mirror said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and slight grin on her face,
sis: What are seeing bro..? never seen a woman in bra before..?
mebananaslightly shocked): … huh.. Nnn…. No.. ( though I had seen porn by that time I had never seen in real, a women semi naked)
sis: u should see my wound first..(she laughed winking at me)
By this time my 7 inch dick had stood in full erection without my knowledge and was poking at through my jeans,.. My mind was racing out of control and my eyes was still stealing glances at her boobs and mouth was just watering looking at the delicious navel and boobs waiting to devour.. I was again brought back to reality by my sister nudging me through elbow..
me: Ahh…. hmm.. I ll dress the wound now..
SIS: ok, do it fast..
As I applied tincture over the wound, she made a soft hissing sound unable to bear the burning nature of it.. I noticed that there were also small wounds under her bra straps and some of the abrasions were stretching from her back to her armpits.. ,my mind was turning wicked now and I convinced myself that I wanted my sweet angel for myself and I ll not part her with anyone..
After dressing that wound , I made a wicked plan to see her boobs.. I told my sister that there are more wounds under her bra straps and I need to examine them completely so as to see if any splinters are left out and she needs to remove her bra for this..
Sis: oh no nooo.. I cant get remove it.. let them be there.. we ll go to hospital tomorrow..
me: no sis, I cant stop now.. if the wound becomes septic by tomorrow it ll be a problem..
She refused again but I continually persisted until I convinced there was no harm in that.. eventually she agreed and my mind started laughing wickedly in itself.. she told me to unhook the bra behind and I did it very fast and then she kept her left hand on her breasts and raised her right arm slightly up so that I could slide her bra strap out..
As she raised, I saw her armpit which was slightly glistening with sweat and a short stubble which had started to grow looked like the tender top of grass with moisture as if in early morning.. I always loved armpits and she had the most beautiful I had ever seen.. I just wanted to lick that moisture from the tender new soft hairs which were growing showing that she had shaven her armpits a few days ago.. But I checked myself and slowly slid her strap and we did the same thing with the opposite hand
and keeping her one hand against her lovely sweet melons she removed her bra n threw it to the nearby basket..

She said, ” Get it done fast” and gave a shy smile and slightly looked down.. But I had other plans in my mind.. I slowly started caressing all over her back and whenever I touched her wounds she would slightly arch back and let out a small moan.. as I noticed after few mins.
she had closed her eyes and started enjoying my warm hands all over her back..
I then asked her to lift her arm upwards to see a wound which was stretching from side of her body to her armpit.. she did it hesistantly but I knew that she had already become hot with my gentle caressing.. due to the cramping space my dick was already touching her butts and she had noticed it.. then I came to her side and brought my face near her pits as if examining but I was really sniffing in her aroma
she had applied a deodorant with rose water like scent and that mixed with her aroma was intoxicating.. I sniffed to my heart content and slightly applied some ointment there and then saw her face.. she had closed her eyes and was enjoying.. I couldn’t control anymore and grabbed her angelic face and pressed my lips to hers.. initially she resisted and kept pushing me away but I was too strong for her.. eventually she gave in and opened her lips and it felt like doors to heaven had opened for me.. I took her upper lip inside my mouth and started sucking.. it was like as if I was sucking a soft rose petal with honey smothered over it..
I felt her lips very soft and melting like chocolate inside my mouth with her saliva coming like cream out of a eclairs chocolate,, ohhhhhh I enjoyed every moment of it.. and then we eventually played with our tongues and it was like thumb fight dragging each others tongue into other’s mouth.. I also bit her lower lips during my first kiss and our first French kiss lasted for about 7 min… and suddenly she pushed me back and gave a slap on my face.. she was semi naked by then and I just got a glimpse of her lovely erect pink nipples over her white mounds like the cherry over a vanilla cake.., before she covered them again..
From here on I ll let my sister take over the narration for a while..
I was semi naked in front of my brother and was barely covering my boobs.. I had not expected this sudden twist of ou first kiss even though I was enjoying his touch on my back.. my brothers strong hand on my soft back was exciting each and every nerve in my body and after my first kiss I was completely wet my panties and I feared that there were some stains also on the tight jeans I was wearing.. while his kiss had lasted I felt like I was in some heaven with his tongue exploring my mouths like a kid devouring a delicious ice cream.. but suddenly I came to my senses and thought about the sin we were committing.. Immediately I had pushed him back and slapped him and put my hands against my melons though he had caught a peek of my erect nipples..
But then I started to feel sorry for slapping my brother and seeing his red cheeks where my hand had landed I started crying very loudly.. After all he was my loving brother who had sacrificed so much for me and had protected me from evil crutches very few hours ago..
As I started crying more and more my brother slightly tried consoling me and wipe my tears saying it was his fault he had lost control and all, I simply collapsed into his arms bending my head and still crying.. he had taken me into his arms and we were hugging each other tightly while I was still sobbing.. I knew my soft melons had crushed against his strong chest but I didn’t care about it now.. I was feeling secure in his arms..
In the coming parts, I ll tell you people how my brother convinced me about our changing relationship and how I ended up seduced by my brother and had the most wonderful sex that night, loosing my virginity to my brother and how he became my soul-mate.
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As I was hugging him I was still sobbing, but I slowly noticed that his dick had begun to erect again after it had become small due to my slap.. My bro was 5′ 11 in height and as I was only 5′ 6 my head came up to his shoulder and now it rested on his broad and strong chest.. He was still blabbering about not to cry and all.. Meanwhile,I released from his hug and covered my nipples again..

Me: Steve, this is completely wrong what we are doing..
Him: sis, but I like u very much and I am now in love with you..
Me: you are only having infatuation bro, once you meet your physical needs, u ll realize it..
Him: No sis, I m sure of the love I have for you.. We both have no one else in the world, I have you and you have me.. Nobody else helped us during our hard times..
Me: yes,what u say is true but this is not true love bro.. Your only attracted to my body…
Saying this I tried to go out from the bathroom.. But in seconds, my bro jumped in front of me and stood against the door blocking the way..
Him: sis please, I can’t control myself.. My thoughts are racing and my body is losing control..pls just let me kiss you once more and then you can go.. I won’t stop you..
Me: no, I can’t let you to do it.. Now get out of my way..
Him: no , u won’t go out from here unless u allow me to kiss again..
Me: let’s c..
I tried to push him with one hand but he held my hand and instead pulled me nearer to him.. I struggled and cursed at him to let me go but it was in vain.. He grabbed me with his one more arm and our bodies once again came in contact with each other.. He rather tightly hugged me and pushed me against the wall and brought his face near mine.. Now I let go of my other hand which was holding my breasts and used it to avoid his face touching mine..
But he was too strong for me and I was already tired and weak.. In two mins. He overpowered me and pinned my both arms over my head with his one hand and he had used his legs to immobilize my legs and kept them firmly against the wall..
I found myself hopelessly struggling avoiding his face but he just held my head firmly and
Him: pls sis I don’t want to force you coz your my lovely angel.. Just let me kiss and I swear to let you out .. U know your position now and I ll kiss you with or without ur consent.. But I don’t want to do it against your wishes..
I just realized that my struggle was hopeless and also he was just asking for a kiss from me.. My bro who had sacrificed so much for me and who was ready to do anything for me.. He had stood by me during my hard times and helped me study. And he had never asked me anything till now.. Even though he could have easily forced through me here he was still requesting me..
So I thought I ll grant him his wish and said,
Me: OK bro, but just one kiss.. OK..? After that u have to let me out..
He eagerly nodded his head in agreement and a smile spread across his face.. His strong chest was crushing my soft melons, and his strong and erect dick was desperately trying to tear through his pants n making a huge tent ,poking at my lower abdomen.. I closed my eyes when he brought his face against mine..He pressed his lips against mine and I opened mine to let his tongue in.. It was an awesome feeling..
I had never before kissed any male before that night and as his tongue started probing in my unexplored mouth, my body started responding to him and I put my arms around his head.. His rough lips and the small mustache over his upper lip poking against my soft lips ignited my innermost desires of sex.. He then sucked in my tongue and gave a bite over it..It created the ripples of pain with pleasure in my body and my pussy had started becoming wet again..
At this moment, my bodily desires overtook my mind and all the thoughts about right and wrong were destroyed by the raging heat emanating from my body.. It seemed like my pussy had a mind if its own and it become the controlling power now and it had decided that it will take inside the hot iron rod of my bro and quench its long term thirst.. My mind had become helpless and I had become like wild bitch craving for his cock..
My right hand had reached down to his cock and had started caressing it over his pants without my knowledge..
Now, over to my bro again to continue the story..
I had somehow convinced my sister to let me kiss her again even though she was feeling wrong about it.. The devil inside me had woken up that night seeing my sisters angelic beauty and it had erased the right and wrongs in my mind.. All I was thinking was how to bed her with me.. But I was not willing to use force to do that.. After all, she was my sister and I had loved and protected her my whole life..
I wanted her to enjoy sex with me so that she would also open up with me and we could have the most romantic and best sex of our lives..Once when I got her tongue again I started to lick it like a sugar candy.. I knew she was slowly succumbing to the pleasure and in a short while while surrender to me.. Suddenly I felt her hand over my hardened rod, I knew that she was now ready to go to the heaven of pleasures with me..
Immediately I placed my hand over her soft melons and started pressing it.. She let out a soft moan inside my mouth when my rough hands caressed her nipple.. Her melons felt like a soft wet spongy ball and her glistening sweat over her boobs came on to my hands like the wetness of the sponge smearing the hand..We were kissing like there was no tomorrow and we couldn’t breathe anymore, we parted from each others lips and started panting for breath as if we had just now run a sprint..
When our breathing settled down I looked into her eyes and saw the mixed expression of love and lust, inviting me to new world of pure joy.My hands were still crushing her boobs and she had already got inside my pants through my zip and rubbing my dick over my underwear..Her forehead had little drops of sweat shining in light like little diamonds.. My hands now slowly travelled to her navel and below it to her button of tight jeans like it had its own work to do.. Looking at her with lust, I slowly unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped her pant..
She was wearing a black lacy panty and as I sent my hand further down I could notice she was leaking heavily and her panties had become so wet..As my fingers became wet with her moisture I took one of them and put it in mouth and licked it as she stared at me with her eyes wide open.. Then I slowly undid her pant and threw it away..she was wearing a black lacy panty and her slender and long legs looked like a the tender stem of a creeper plant which was never yet touched by any man..
Meanwhile she had got rid of my pants with my help and I was only in my t shirt and undies..I took a step back and glanced at her from top to bottom.. She was almost naked and her boobs had turned to a reddish hue, thanks to my hands and her panty was glistening with moisture.. Then she gave me an expression that i can’t forget until my last breath..She winked at me and bit her lower lip slightly and pouted her lips like kissing me.. That was enough to turn the mind of even a saint, let alone a young hot blooded male like me who was in heat to mate with a woman, from normal to insanity..
I eagerly went and grabbed her slender curvy waist, and what she said in her luscious tone, still rings like favourite tune even today in my ears..
Sis: Let’s go to bedroom..Today I m going to show my brother how heaven will be..
I lifted her in my arms like a child and she put her garland of arms around my neck and I took her to room and rolled her on our was a double bed and since our mom died, usually only my sis slept there while I slept in hall on a sofa.. But from today onwards it was destined that there would be a couple sleeping on it..I put the room light on to see my sisters sexy structure and her time-sand like bottleneck beauty turned me insane..Lying on bed my sis said..
Sis: come here my man, take me and show me how much you love ur sister..
Me: yes sis, today ur bro ll show you the abode of ultimate pleasure..
Saying this I removed my t shirt exposing my broad chest with little hairs on it and went near the bed and sat near her..
She gazed at my muscular body and my hard dick making tent in my undies and a small spot of wetness on it showing my precum..
Due to work in the garage and my current physical work, I had developed a slightly muscular body even though I didn’t go to gym at that time..
I slowly laid on her and it felt to as though I m lying down on a bed of soft and whipped cream.. I started kissing her from her forehead and she closed her eyes..I worked my way down kissing every part of her lovely face and gave a bite on her ear lobe.. She moaned in heat like,
“Ahhhhhh… Hmmmmm bite meee more” I then came down and gave a love bite on her neck.. she writhed in pain and pleasure, i came down further and i started kissing her boobs. my one hand was fondling the other nipple and i was sucking one nipple.. my sis was now pressing her head against my head against her boobs and loudly moaning with pleasure..i was feeling as though i was licking an ice cream(boobs) with pink cherry(nipples) at the top..
With my hands still caressing her boobs, i came down to her navel.. it was perfectly round and deep and looked like a well.. i took water from a nearby bottle and poured some of it on her navel and started licking it.. it felt like sweet water quenching my sexual thirst and i licked it clean until there was not a drop left..

By this time my sister had become mad with my licking and pressing and she was loudly moaning like, “AHHHHH OHHHH AHHHHHH.. HMMMMMM.My bro today i m yours.. ssssuucckk meeee..and llicckk meee..
Slowly now i reached over her panty and and i took in the aroma of her womanhood.. it was maddening me and intoxicating.. i kissed her pussy once over her panty and her wetness smeared over my lips.. she shivered when my lips touched her pussy lips..
I inserted my two fingers inside waist band of panty and tried to remove it.. my sis understood me and lifted her round ass cheeks so as to help me and i quickly removed the panty and threw it off..i was now seeing her cunt which was clean shaven and looked very smooth and soft.. i admired it for a few seconds and then kissed her pussy.. she arched her back and stiffened her hands as though she just received an electric shock..
I separated her pussy lips with my tongue and two fingers and it looked like a beautiful flower whose petals i had just drawn apart..her clitoris just glistened with moisture and shined like pearl in that pink surrounding skin.. i saw then a tiny hole through which i saw her inside of vagina.. it appeared pink and soft, i slowly put my tongue at that hole and i felt like i m sucking the honey out of her pussy flower.. my sister gave out a loud moan like”sssssss..ahhhhhhhh..hmmmmmmm”.. i gently continued my licking and she closed her thighs around my head to push more of her tongue inside..
Then i slowly inserted my little finger inside her hole and my sister almost shouted.. ” ahhh ffffffuuuuckkkkk ahhh hmmmm ohhh” and i now tried to put my tongue inside that hole and started tongue fucking her… she was now moaning very loudly, “ahhhhhhh uhhhhhh.. hmmmmmm fffuuuuccckkk oiiiii suuuck my ppusssssy haaarrrddder u sisterfucker… i slowly and steadily increased my speed and was now literally tongue fucking her and in between biting on her clitoris… shirley was continuously moaning with pleasure and whenever i bit her she gave out loud shouts of lust and pain.. i used my hand while licking and had found her g spot and was now vigorously licking her and at same time rubbing her g spot..
She was now shouting at the peak of her pleasure like,” ohhhhh sssuuuck meeee haarrrdddder u bastard.. kisss meee and fffucck me.. make ur biitchy sister cccummm” i was surprised at her use of foul words but i was turned on even more and increased my speed.. within a few mins., she moaned and arched her back high up in the air and pressed my head over her pussy and screamed,” i aammmm cummmmiinnnggggg” and released her cum into my mouth and splurted a little on my face also..i drank her cum and licked her pussy clean,even though it tasted a little salty.. she released her pressure on my hand and fell back to bed spent with energy and feeling weak in her legs which were slightly trembling..
She then brought my face up and i saw that her eyes were filled with heavenly pleasures and she had big smile of satisfaction on her face after her first orgasm..she noticed a few droplets of cum over my face and she licked them.. and then gave me a long french kiss again and said
She:oh my awesome bro, today i experienced my peaks of pleasure and you have made my first orgasm wonderful and memorable..
Me: wait sis, i still have a lot more to give and today i ll show the heavenly abode of pleasures..
She: i m eagerly waiting for it.. come on now.. dont make me wait any further.. insert that rod inside me and tear my hymen and take my virginity.. this is my gift to you for that wonderful orgasm.. come on bro, fuck me and make ursss..
By that time, my rod had leaked some precum and had made wet my undies.. my sis quickly removed my undies and my dick sprang out like an animal and stood erect saluting her.. she slowly bent down and kissed my dick and lied down again.. i lowered myself on to her and touched my dick on her pussy lips.. she made a soft hissing sound.. i slowly rubbed my dick on her pussy and teased her.. she shouted, please bro,dont tease me anymore,just fuckk me,but be gentle.. i parted her lips with my fingers and rubbed the insides of her pussy to get a little lubrication.. then i pulled my fore skin back and spit in her pussy and made it more wet and ready for an invasion..
I put my dick against her tiny hole and slowly applied pressure on it, my sister shut her eyes tight and screwed up her face due to the pain.. she dug her nails into my back and i steadily increased my pressure and her hymen stretched to its limits and she now started screaming,”ohhhhhhhhhh i..i cant take it anymore.. plsss pull back.. ahhhhh” and clenched her teeth but i was in no mood to retreat.. i kept my dick steady for a while until her intensity of pain decreased and now i again started pushing my rod.. she was shouting with pain and lest neighbours would wake up, i closed her mouth with mine…her moans were now coming inside my mouth and i noticed that half of my pink head had made way through her hole and her pink membranes had turned into reddish hue as though it was burning..
I suddenly gave a jerk and my full head with half of shaft, got inside her hole and her hymen was partly torn with small droplets of blood coming out.. she gave out a loud scream unable to bear the pain,which only sounded like muffled talk due to our kiss,i saw her eyes were filled with tears and she was pleading me,with her eyes to withdraw my dick..i was in no mood to listen though i felt sorry for her state and waited in that position for a while so that she regains a little strength for the final onslaught..
As soon as she appeared a little relaxed and closed her eyes momentarily, i suddenly thrust my full dick inside her without any warning and my full dick disappeared into her pussy tearing the hymen completely and blood gushed out onto the bed.. she gave her loudest scream but it only appeared like a muffled shout inside my mouth while she had bitten my lower lip with her teeth and her eyes were wide open which had become red and tears were rolling down her cheeks silently..
However it was the most wonderful moment for me as in that missionary position my dick was engulfed by her pussy and her cunt walls were warm and moist and i felt as though it had entered a warm bath tub… i wanted that feel to last longer..i stayed in that position for a few mins and then slowly started a to and fro motion inside her pussy.. by now she had relaxed a bit and had slowly started to enjoy even though pain was still radiating from her cunt..Now her cunt was melting like soft butter against my burning rod and was leaking juices in plenty..
Gradually,i increased my strokes when she started moaning with pleasure and now i slowly released her mouth..she loosened her grip on my back and was now clenching her teeth so as not to make loud noises while my dick explored the depths of her virgin cunt.. i had now started to increase my speed at steady rate and she was mumbling words like,” fffffuuccckkk meeeee ohhhhhh hmmmmmm ahhhhhhhh hmmmmm ohhhhhh, tearr mmy pusssyy tonight..” i had increased my speed and my dick was moving in rhythm like a piston moving in and out of engine, as my balls slapped aganist her body and her thighs collided with mine, strange sounds emanated and filled the room..
My sis was now at her peak and enjoying completely uttering mouthful of curses like” ffffucck meeee harderrr,u bastard..Ttteaarr my cuunt,ahhhhh ohhhh hhmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh, you son of bitch give it to me hardder hmmmmm yyesssss llike that,, u asshole,, fffffffffffuccckkk ahhhhhhhhh oiiiiii ohhh ahhh hmmmmm.Make meee ur whore…ahh yesssss, fffffffffuccccck ,fuuck, fuck, fuck, yyeesss, i am your dirty whore… fffuck me harder,, fuck fuckkk ur sister, u dickhead..listening to this not only had i increased my speed and was fucking her vigorously but i had also started using foul words at her, “u bitch, u dirty whore.. takke thisss.. ahhh ahhha ahh fffuck ffuck ffuck u bitch.. see how your cunt is shamelessly taking your brothers dickk… your my slave baby,for the rest of your life.. u ll spread ur legs shamelessly whenever i want…u bitch..seee how your pussy is become hot due to my vigorous fuckkking.. ahhh i ll tearr your pussy tonight.. The cot was now creaking and ramming against the wall like an old horse which was whipped hard to make it run..
By now she had already orgasmed twice and was on the very verge of the third when i felt the familiar feeling of my balls contracting and my cum travelling up my dick to spray out.. i was lucky that i had masturbated that day early morning and now could hold on till so much time so as to make my sister cum twice.. i yelled out,” i amm cummminggg” when almost at the same time my sister shouted “Me tooo”…i thrust deep into her cunt and discharged a thick load of warm semen into her pussy.. she also came at almost same time and our juices mixed together and overflowed on to her inner thighs and bed..
We were sweating heavily and gasping for our breaths, i slowly laid down on her and saw that she had tears of joy trickling down from her eyes due to the heavenly pleasures she had just received..,i slowly craned my neck upwards and licked her tears.. she gave me a quick on my lips and i went back slowly she turned sidewards and i hugged her with my head still at same position.. we were tired after our first sex session and lay there still, our bodies were entwined to each other in perfect silence.. Suddenly we heard a loud ring and knew that someone was at the door..
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There was the loud ring at the door and we knew that someone had come… my sister immediately grabbed the bed sheet and covered her nudeness while i put on my trousers and t shirt and went to see who it was at the door….It was a girl of about 18 years of age she was wearing a white chudidhar but it was mud stained at some places and it also was wet due to the drizzle.. She was cute to look at that but less beautiful than my own sister but her body had stats of 32c-28-34.. Her height was around 5’4 and she had wrapped her dupatta around her head and her face showed features of shock and sorrow and there was some moistness in eyes as if she had shed a few tears very few moments back.. Also her legs and hands were slightly shivering and her breathing was rapid and her firm mounds on her chest was raising and falling with the movements of her chest…I wondered who this girl was who was standing at my door at this dark hour of night with a small bag in her hand bothering me when I had just deflowered my own sister and longing to get back to her in bed..
Me: yes, who are you and what do you want
She: (Her voice was shaky and she spoke in short bursts)..hi, my name is shalini.. err.. I am the sister of satish, your friend.. please let me come inside.. I want to speak something important with you..
As my memory flashed back two years I remembered that satish was a friend of mine at the garage where I worked and we were close friends and he had mentioned that he had a sister who was studying high school in a missionary school. She was staying at the orphanage run by the same school for poor children and satish had managed to sneak her in to orphanage with the help of a father at church who was regular customer of ours.. because otherwise they would not allow children with guardians..
I had asked him about his parents lot of times but he never would talk about that topic with me and once when I had pressed about that topic he had become angry and didn’t talk with me for days.. Finally I had given up that topic and didn’t bother about it…i had only seen his sister in a photo that he had shown me which was taken when she was small but now she had grown up quite a bit and I still couldn’t believe it was her..
Me: how can I believe that your indeed his sister..?
Shalini: see this.. saying this she thrust a photo drenched with moisture of her sweat and rain into my hand of me and my friend together.. I recognized that photo instantly and asked her to come inside.
She came inside and I signaled her towards the chair in the hall and offered her a towel .. she was still very nervous and was uneasy and wrapped herself in the towel… meanwhile I bolted the front door and headed inside towards the room to have a look at my sister.. she was anxious as to who the person was.. I did comfort her by telling about shalini.. shirley told that she ll get dressed and come outside but I told her that I ll handle the matter and asked her to take rest and sleep for a while as we had just finished our first wonderful sex and also she was tired and was just coming out of her own shock from that bastard guy..
When I came out I saw that shalini was sobbing and it looked like something very bad had happened..
Me: what happened..? where is satish..? why are u crying…?
Shalini: satish is dead …!!!..
Saying this she burst out into tears and I was shell shocked on hearing these words.. it took me a few moments before I recovered from the shock and saw that she was crying very loudly..i went near her and put my right arm over her shoulder to console her when she buried her head into my chest still crying..
To cut out the unnecessary length of the discussion between me and her, she had told me that she had got a call that day evening around 10 that her brother was admitted in a local hospital due to road traffic accident.. they had informed her that his bike was hit from the back by lorry and he had fell on the road with his head hitting the edge of ppl had told that his condition was very severe and chances of him surviving was very less.. she had immediately rushed to the hospital and upon arriving there at around 11, the doctor had said to her that despite his best efforts , her brother was dead.. she had broke down and cried bitterly for sometime when the hospital people tried to console her but they also asked her to pay the pending bills so that she could take the body…
Whatever little money she had brought with her was paid to the auto she had come and not knowing what to do, she desperately searched his purse and had found a photo of me with him, behind which my contact number and address were written .. she had tried calling on my number but I had put my phone in the silent mode and also I was busy defending my sister that night that I had not looked at my mobile.. seeing that the distance of my house from the hospital was walkable she had rushed to my house..
To cut long story short, I performed the final rites of my friend after his body was handed over to us by the security officer and I took care of the hospital bills.. it was around the next day late in afternoon that I returned from the burial grounds .. my sister was down with fever that day and she was in bed all day..shalini had gone back to her orphanage but not before she had thanked enough for all the help I had done and I did offer her that for any help that she needed she could call me anytime..
In the evening, I took her to the hospital where the doctor treated her wounds and assured me that there was nothing to worry about it and her fever was just her body reacting to shock and gave her medicines.. by night my sister had recovered a bit and after listening to what had happened the previous night, I saw that she too was crying and I consoled her.. she made me promise that I would be extra cautious on road and she then cuddled into me mumbling how she could not afford to lose me and all..
As shirley slept in my embrace, I was lying on bed and wondering what all had happened to my life in two days… I had defended my sister from an attack that ended up in me in both of us losing our virginity to each other, and before I could enjoy it, my friend had died virtually orphaning his sister except for me.. everything appeared blur to me as I slowly shut my eyes and drifted into sleep..
Few months had passed by now and my sister had graduated from her college as the best academic student of her batch.. she had tears of joy in her eyes that day and I felt very happy on that day.. in her brief speech she mentioned how much she had worked hard and how all of this was only possible coz of me who had supported her during her studies..we had a long kiss that day and I ended up having sex with her for the 2nd time that day.. even though we had kissed a few times in between we never had proper sex after the first time on that day..needless to say that she used emergency pills after both times of sex..she had got a job through campus selection and that improved our financial status..
Meanwhile my love for her had doubled to her and I guess even she felt the same.. I had decided now that I want my sis to be with me for whole of my life and I couldn’t bear the thought of sharing her with a 3rd person.. but I didn’t know whether how my sister ll react to this.. she was goading me to resume my studies and do some degree now that we were ok with financial concerns..but I was not agreeing to it.. I was planning to propose to her very soon even though the fear that she might reject this as a sin was lurking at the back of my mind.. one evening she came home from office looking rather tired and dull..
I asked her the reason and she told me that her boss had given her a new project to be completed in 3 days and she had worked throughout day taking only lunch break in between and her eyes were red and sore..i offered to do massage to her.. she accepted and I unbuttoned her shirt and and went inside to get some oil.. when I came back she was already lying on the mat with only her bra and panties on.. the hour glass structure of her body was white and tempting me to fuck her hard ripping her pussy but I remembered she was tired and I restrained myself by thinking that she wont enjoy the sex if she s tired..
So i suggested her to eat something while i give a nice massage to her.. she too agreed and i ordered pizza and started with my massage. first i took some oil and gently poured it on her back.. her beautiful torso gave a slight shake when the oil hit her smooth soft skin..i asked her to remove her bra and panties lest it might become was 6 months now since she had sex with me.. she hesitated for a moment..
From here my sister Shirley ll continue the narration..
I was mighty tired that day after heavy work at office.. as I came home my bro asked me why I look so dull and tired and offered me massage.. I readily accepted.. till that day we only had sex twice.. my cunt was now itching for sex and I knew that my bro couldn’t resist the passionate desires if he just saw my body half naked..
So I knew before hand that massage will lead to steamy sex but I also didn’t want to behave like wild bitch begging for sex with my bro.. I had to know now what was running in his mind..he had ordered pizza and I had laid down on the mat in my lacy black bra and red strap wounds had healed now and only tiny scar remained in my otherwise flawless back..but it was that wound which made me closer to my bro and have sex with him.. so I m proud of that..soon my bro brought the oil and put some of it on my back.. my body shuddered at the cold contact of the oil on my back.. my bro now asked me to remove off my bra and panties otherwise it would become soiled.. I hesitated now a bit coz it was months since we had sex and he had seen me naked.. I was feeling shy to bare myself with him staring.. he repeated the same words again and I realized that massage would lead to sex and I wanted it badly now..
Me: I am too tired to remove it bro.. u only remove it..
Steve: ..err.. me uh..? hmm … all right..
As his hand touched my back to unhook my bra the familiar touch of my bro ignited my deep desires.. he slowly unhooked and removed the bra , brushing against my soft mounds.. I let out a deep moan when his fingers pulled at the straps of my red panty.. he removed that from my waist as I raised my back to help him remove it from my back.. I was now completely naked lying face down on the mat.. my round firm butt smiled at him and he was staring at them as if he was ready to bite and eat those soft spongy ass cheeks..
Me: (giggling)..are you going to only stare at them or start the massage..?
Himbananastartled).. ehh..?!.. ya ok sorry.. I ll start now..
Me: it s not fair that I m completely nude and your completely dressed.. come on now u should also remove your clothes..
A broad grin spread on his face and I knew he was so happy to get rid of his clothes.. I was also burning inside to see him naked and he removed his clothes in moments until he only had his undies on..… his broad shield like chest with little hairs on it and his strong arms with the curvy biceps were turning me on.. he then dipped his fingers in the oil and slowly started caressing my back with his strong hands.. my body started to respond to his manly touches and the heat started to rise inside my pussy.. he spread his fingers completely and gently negotiated the curves of my back all the while stimulating my passion more and more.. he made slow circling movements over my back and I wondered when did my brother become so much professional at this..
Me: (smiling naughtily).hey bro, how come you are massaging like a pro..? did u do practice on other women before..
Him: no sis, when I was working in garage, the owner of the garage also owned a massage centre.. I had gone there a few times when my owner had called me there and I had observed how the professionals there were giving massage.. I m only trying it on you..
Me: your doing a wonderful job at it.. continue it over my back also..
He continued his massage over my back and had now reached my ass cheeks and was slowly kneading them and I felt the passionate desires of my sex raising inside me.. I let out soft moans as he oiled and continued his massage and he reached my ass crack and slowly inserted one or two fingers in it and parted my ass cheeks.. my puckered ass hole was now open to air and as his fingers touched it, I let out a loud moan and arched my body from the floor.. he gently caressed me there and my pussy was now wet with juices and the beast of sex had awaken inside me.. he went slowly downwards and over my white beautiful thighs and curvy legs and I felt that all the tiredness and stress of my work was going out of my body and was filling now with passionate desires of romantic deep sex..
He then asked me to turn around as he had finished with my backside and he now wanted to continue it on my front side.. I readily agreed and turned around now with my pussy already wet with my juices and I noticed that his cock was already saluting my angelic beauty and had made a huge tent in his undies..a few drops of precum had already leaked and formed a wet patch over his undies where his head of penis was beneath it..
He stared at me from top to bottom and bent down to give me a kiss.. I grabbed his head and pressed my lips over his lips and he slowly took in my upper lip inside his mouth and sucked it like a baby.. my heart was now pounding and juices from my pussy were overflowing on to my inner I felt his tongue probing inside my mouth and exploring all corners.. our saliva was getting exchanged very liberally and I was very happy to drink it.. we were in a very deep french kiss when the doorbell rang and we were startled and came out of the kiss.. I was scared coz I was completely nude and tried to grab at the towel.. my bro quickly got up and put on his trousers and a banian..
Him: I ll see who it is at the door.. and don’t you worry about it.. bolt the room door behind me and stay here only darling..
Saying this he lightly gave a quick kiss on my cheeks and went out.. I had wrapped myself with towel and bolted the door of room after he left.. as I heard the faint conversation at the door, I got to know that it was the pizza guy who was delivering our orders and very soon the delivery guy left and my brother shut the main door and came inside and knocked on my room door saying it was him and I can open the door safely..
I opened the door and my bro came in with boxes of pizza.. he sat in a chair and I sat in his lap,.we fed each other and he often ate chunks of food from my mouth and I felt very happy about it.. he then suggested that I should lie down and continue eating while he resumes his massage on me.. I agreed as there was only little left in our box and lied down.. he opened my towel and dipped his fingers in oil bottle and resumed his massage.. I had finished eating by now but he licked the little morsels from my fingers.. I felt it was such a romantic moment.. he had now finished with my neck and had moved on to my chest.. my two round globes were already heaving up and down due to my deep breathing and i had developed gooseflesh due to his erotic touch..
As his hands traveled over my soft mounds my nipples became erect and taut almost to extent of pain showing how much he was arousing me… he then pinched my nipples and I let out a loud moan which echoed in our room.. he rubbed and kneaded my boobs to his satisfaction until my whit skin over boobs had turned reddish and my nipples now refused to come back to their normal size.. with one hand still playing with my boobs , his other hand traveled to my navel.. as his fingers inched their way towards my navel he applied light pressure over my flat stomach which made me feel so good.. his fingers now found their way inside my navel and he slowly circled around and inside it and it created waves of intense pleasure which rippled through out my body and hit my mind with such intensity that I started moaning and grunting with my teeth clenched.. he was doing almost like a pro and was completely relieving my body of all his stress and tension.. my cunt was radiating heat and was waiting to engulf his manhood now..
He then slowly moved down to my pussy and kissed it once.. as he kissed it I felt like current passing through my body and I shuddered at it.. he slowly put his tongue over my pussy and licked my clitoris separating through my labia.. I widened my thighs to give him more access to my most private place.. he massaged my thighs with one hand and my pussy with other alternating his hands.. I had screwed my eyes shut and was moaning like” ahhhhh ..hmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhh iittt feeeeels soooooo gooooood.. keep it going… ahhhhhh hhhmmmmm ohhh.. so fucking good..” he gradually went down and finished my legs and came back up to my womanhood and inside of my thighs.. he first put his nose near my pussy and inhaled the raw sexual aroma coming out of it and then slowly pressed his lips on my pussy lips.. I felt I was in the air floating.. he then separated my cunt lips and inserted his tongue into my vagina.. I arched my back unable to bear the pleasure he was giving me..
He continued to probe into my cunt with his tongue while his fingers played with my clitoris.. soon he found my g-spot and as he touched it I let out a loud cry of pleasure like” ssssssssaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and he knew he had me at his mercy there.. he gradually increased his tongue fucking all the while stimulating my g- spot.. I felt the familiar feeling of my womb contracting and knew that I was almost nearing my orgasm.. I had tightened his head around my pussy by straddling his neck with my thighs but this didn’t affect his actions on my pussy.. he had infact increased his speed and I was moaning very loudly like” ahhhh myyyy bro tthhisss isss vvery good.. keep fffffuucckingg ur sister s pussy with ur tongue..ohhhhhhhhh this s so fuckking awesome.. hmmmm ahhhh make me ur whore ahhhh..”
In a few mins I felt my cunt muscles twitching and contracting, I arched my back high up in the air tightening my grip over his head and I shouted,” ahhhhhhh oiiiiii maaaa I ammm cummmmmmmming steeeve..” and my pussy squirted with my love juices.. he was still tongue fucking me and my juices splashed inside his mouth and some of it on his face also.. he drank all my juices which was in his mouth and I collapsed on the mat spent with energy, droplets of sweat over my face and trickling down my chest on to the round boobs.. I had closed my eyes momentarily and I felt I had just gone over a pleasure ride to heaven.. I slowly released my clamp like grip on my bro s head and he came up over my body..
I noticed the few drops of my cum on the angle of his mouth and some of it on his cheeks.. I grabbed his face and showered his face with kisses and also licked my cum from his face.. we again had a long French kiss, I lowered my hand and slipped it inside the waistband of his undies and found his cock rock solid and hardened to the core, .. we broke off from the kiss,I removed his undies now and gripped his 6.5 inch cock in my hands.. i retracted his fore skin and saw his pink bulbous head glistening with precum , while his cock shaft was bulging with engorged large blue veins… the girth of his cock at base was so much that my fingers just touched the base of my hand when I encircled it..
Me: steve, u have just given me a wonder tour of heavenly pleasure.. let me try to give some joy and relieve of this pressure..
Steve: ok sis.. I gladly accept your offer..
I sat up on the edge of bed and he stood on the floor.. I lowered my head little on to his cock, kissed the bulbous head and slowly opened mouth and took in rod inside and started licking his penis with my tongue.. he collected my hair in his one hand and held it at the back of my head to prevent it faling on my face.. now I slowly bobbed my head to and fro licking on his cock and he was pushing more and more inside my mouth sometimes touching my throat..

I was giving my first blowjob to my darling brother who had done so much for me and I loved him so much.. my one hand was on his shaft and other was on his balls slowly rubbing them.. his big fat cock moved in the perfect rhythm of in and out and my boobs danced while hanging down from my chest..he was moaning loudly like..” aahhhh Shirley.. my lovely sis.. this feels so good.. hmmm ahha ahhh hmmm.. you’re mine for my life… ahhh hmm..”
Gradually I increased my speed and he was almost fucking my mouth and groaning in pleasure.. in between I took his balls also into my mouth and sucked them and though it was salty and hairs on it, I was happy to do it..

I came back to his cock now and then my fingers slowly inched their way towards his asshole.. now he was ramming his cock in and out of my mouth with high speed .. I slowly tried to insert his my tip of finger into his asshole and almost immediately he inserted his cock deep into my mouth touching my throat, he shouted” ahhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh sissssss , I am cummmmmmmmmming sissssssssss”.. his semen hit the back of mouth and spilled all over inside my oral cavity.. it tasted like a mix of salt and sweet and my mouth was filled almost completely with his cum.. I gulped down almost whole of it although a small amount of it trickled out of my lips onto my chin..
I laid back over the bed and my bro came on top of me and lied on me..
Him: wow, thank you so much sis, that was the best blowjob ever.. I love you so much..
Saying this he kissed me on my lips and licked his cum on his chin.. we then went in for a long smooch and when we couldn’t breathe anymore, we parted gasping for air,.. I was looking in his eyes and saw so much of love and care emanating from it… he laid down on the bed now by my side and I rolled on to him keeping my face on his chest.. his hand slowly was moving through my hair now and even his body was tinged with oil traces.. our bodies were entwined with each other..
We had slept off like that for almost 3 hours.. I was gently awakened by steve and we got up and went into the shower.. we soaped and washed each other and he gave me yet an other orgasm in the bathroom.. after finishing with it I wrapped myself with a towel and came out while he chose to remain nude.. he also urged me not to put on any clothes and spend the night nude with him . I agreed to his wish..
From here on , my bro will continue..,
After bath, my sister s body was glowing after the massage I had given to her and all the stress, worries and tiredness had vanished from my sister s beautiful face and it was now radiant with joy..she was glowing with happiness and smiling at me.. I cracked a few jokes and we laughed together and we went into hall and were watching a movie.. she had leaned into me and I had put my arm around her.. she was seeing the tv screen but I was only gazing at her..i noticed that she was very happy and I decided to bring up the matter of her marriage..
Me: sis, now that u have a job and have settled down in your life, have you given any thoughts about your future marriage..?
Sis: ya, but before I get married I want you to resume your studies and I ll pay for it.. this is more important to me than my marriage..
Me: sis, but I don’t want to study anymore.. being the man of house, I have the responsibility of settling your life..
Sis: no no… I wont agree for marriage and all until u accept to continue ur studies.. promise on me that u ll accept that and I ll do whatever u ll want me to..
She had pleading face and I had never said no for her wishes.. besides I noticed an opportunity here..
Me: ok sis.. I promise that I ll study further.. now tell me what type of man do u want as your life partner..?
Sisbananablushing).. hey , I m feeling shy.. I cant tell u..
Saying this she hid her face in my chest.. I slowly lifted her face from my chest and looked into her eyes ..
Me: come on sis, u have to tell me now..
Sis: ok I ll tell you..i just want a man like you who is so much caring, loving, and understands my emotions.. he should be passionate about my dreams and support me just like ur doing..he should love me even when I become old and lose this physical beauty.. he should take care of our children and love them for what they are..
I was listening to all this and I thought that this was the right moment that I was waiting for.. immediately I grabbed the small box I had kept under the pillow as per my plan and I released her from my hug and got down on one knee on the floor.. my sister was startled at this sudden movements and she was wondering what was happening..
Me: sis, u know how much I love you and I also know how much u love me.. I love you so much that I cant bear to even think of hurting you.. I also cant stand the thought of parting you with another man..i want to be with you for my whole life.. I will take care of you and our children and I wont let you cry for anything.. I will always keep u happy until my last breath..
Saying this I opened the small box and held it in front of her, and the small diamond ring in it glittered coz of the light falling on it…. she was glowing like fairy angel and this diamond seemed to lack lustre enough to match her beauty.
Me: you are the angel of my life..will u marry me and be my wife and mother of my kids..? and be my soul mate for the rest of my life
My sister was startled by this and she appeared shocked and was not able to react to my sudden proposal..
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I was taken aback at the sudden act of this at my brother, I wasn’t expecting that my bro ll spring this matter upon me so suddenly.. a mix of emotions rose within me.. On one side, I felt that I was wanting my brother desperately and I also didn’t want to share him with any woman.. but on the other side I felt it was such a sin to commit.. also people would not accept the new relationship between us and maybe they would outcast us.. we would be isolated and kept out of society and they would treat us cheaply.. this fear within me overrun the love for him momentarily..
Mebananashocked and prtending angry) what..?! what the hell are you doing..? I know we have been fucking each other.. but this is wrong.. I cant accept this..
Him: .. bb..but I love you so much sis.. I cant live without you..
Me: do you know how big a sin this is..? what the society will tell about this.. this is taboo.. they ll keep us out forever.. we ll be tortured in hell if we commit sins like this..
Himbananawith tears filled in his eyes).. hmm.. can you live without me..
As he asked this question, my heart became heavy with grief and tears welled up in my eyes.. I felt like hugging him and shouting” I cant live without you bro..” but I controlled my emotions and turned my face away, hiding my tears..
He came behind me and put his warm hands around my flat stomach and tried to further this conversation..
Him: please sis.. understand how deeply I love you.. why do you care so much about this society which never even looked back at us when we were crying and pleading for help us transport mom to hospital.. they just stood and looked around mumbling among themselves as we helplessly watched our mom suffering.. even when she died they didn’t bother to help us with her cremation.. we did everything by ourselves and that bastard dad eloped with rich women at the first signs of trouble.. it is been only you and me since then against this harsh world and we have had each other s backs in times of trouble.. we have shared some joyous moments together and I have always and also in future ll protect you.. please don’t leave me.. I cant survive without you.. just be with me throughout and be my wife.. I assure you that u ll never regret for choosing me and making this big decision of your life.. if even after all this u don’t want me then I wont force you but will stay away from ur life.. ur happiness is the most important thing to me on this earth..
As I listened to this talk form my brother s lips, my heart was melting against the fire of pure love from my brother.. tear drops were slowly trickling down from my eyes on my white cheeks leaving a wet trail behind on my face.. by the time I finished I had almost tried to turn around and hug him but at the last moment I checked my movements and I painfully tried to shrug him off and told
Me: (sobbing).. I cant accept you bro.. now leave me alone for sometime,.. saying this I ran from the hall towards the room and shut the door behind me and sobbed out loud..
He sat there broken hearted not knowing what to do with ring.. a few moments later he came and aplogised for his actions and asked to forgive him and all.. but I was immersed in my own thoughts and didn’t listen to him.. few mins later I heard the sound of hall door being closed and the clinks of our gate opening.. and as I peeped from the room window, I saw my brother had hastily clad himself in some old clothes of his and was starting his bike.. within moments he went off but I didn’t bother to ask him.. soon a deadly silence fell over the house occasionally interrupted by the melodious tunes coming from the radio of adjacent house and the regular ticking of the second hand of the clock..
As I slowly squatted on the floor, I just tried to recollect what had happened back there.. my bro had just proposed me suddenly out of nowhere and I was totally surprised by this move and didn’t know how to react to that.. my first impulse was anger as to how my brother could think like that.. but I had controlled it and resisted the impulse to slap him..i felt disgust at myself for having let this get so far..i got up from the squatting position and opened the door and went out into the hall.. i noticed that he had thrown the ring on the sofa and it shined now upon me as I approached it.. I slowly took it up with my hands and and the glitter of it made my eyelids to close .. I just held it now against my chest and ran back into the room.. I realized slowly that whatever my brother had told was appearing right to me..
The wretched society that I was caring so much about had never bothered to look at me when I was crying.. I only had one close friend apart from my own brother and only these two formed my whole world.. besides all this, my brother had stood by me at all times supporting me and had sacrificed his career and had started working at very early age , just so that I could continue my studies.. without him, I would have never achieved any of this and become what today I am.. all my friends had their parents at the graduation day and were taking photos with them happily.. I missed my mom so much that day but my bro had tried to cheer me up and wiped my tears and tried to crack some silly jokes about to make me smile.. he had never let me down and even had ended up wounded badly trying to defend me against some son of bitch who had tried to bang me.. he had always and even now protecting me and my life so much and in his love and care, I had forgotten that I missed my parents love.. whenever I looked at his eyes, I saw the big sacks of love that he had for me which were held in his big chest..
I opened my eyes and noticed I was standing in front of mirror.. I just looked at myself and thought how beautiful I was.. I remembered that boys at the college were always ogling at my assets even upon my clothes.. they were always making silly excuses to talk to me but I had never really cared about them.. I had also noticed that the middle age and older uncles dicks were hardened whenever I passed the streets in the morning while jogging.. some of the males used to wake up early just to see my tights sticking to my butt coz of sweat and my tight t shirt hugging my boobs giving them an extra lift up and making them appear more firm and rounder..
I slowly opened my towel in front of the mirror and let it slide down over my legs..i just gazed at my perfect hourglass like body covered with soft smooth white skin which was appearing more shiny due to the massage my brother had just given me..i gently caressed myself over my body and I found that I had the right curves like a model and could make even old rusty dicks erect.. when the older males only couldn’t resist lusting after my body, my brother was a hotblooded, young stud who was with me all the time and had now fallen in love with me..even some of the girls of my class would ogle at his body and pray to god that they want him once in bed to satisfy them and would envy me for the chance that I had to sit behind him in bike and put my arms around his waist and lean on him while driving..
He had never asked anything from me until now and I knew he was the brave knight and the right person to keep me happy.. I just felt like a princess who had atlast found her prince and strong warrior who would even lay down his life to keep me safe and always happy..
I convinced myself that I would rather spend my life in hell with my brother than alone in heaven which would feel like a prison without him.. I immediately removed the ring from the box and wore it,, I looked at my fingers on the mirror and found that ring fit me perfectly.. my heart leaped in joy at the sight of joy and I felt I had made the right decision in accepting him.. I freshened up a bit and wore a creamish white salwar kameez and did a little make up.. as the lipstick turned my lips cherry red, I blushed at myself looking so beautiful.. I wore a gentle perfume and turned around looking at the mirror and noticed that I was looking like angel and no man in his right mind could refuse me..
I went into the hall and now was waiting for my darling bro to arrive.. it was nearly two and half hours since he had left and I was getting anxious as to where he was and whether he had committed any harm to himself for the fact that I had rejected him.. I tried his cellphone but he had left that in the home itself..all sorts of wicked thoughts were crossing my mind andi was now really getting worried , thinking whether to go out and search for him or inform the security officer.. but just then the familiar roaring of his bike engine and I got up and ran towards the door..
From here my brother steve will take over..
I was heartbroken when my sister had rejected me and didn’t know what to do.. in a fit of anger I threw the ring box on the sofa .. I couldn’t bear the thought of living without my sister.. I went and knocked at the room door that she had shut but she didn’t open it.. finally I uttered a few words of apology to her and grabbed some of my clothes from closet and put them on hastily.. took my bike keys and left my home.. I drove until I reached a highway and there I parked my bike on side of road.. I slept on my bike and tears rolled down my cheeks..i thought to myself whether I had done any grave mistake by asking her to marry me.. I pondered upon it for a long time crossing the pro s and cons of it.. finally I thought to myself that one thing was more important to me than rest of things and that was my sister s happiness.. if she was hurt by this then I couldn’t forgive myself.. as I fixed this on my mind, I decided that I would go back and apologise to my sis about this matter and would ask her if we could return back to normal lives.. even though I couldn’t bear to part with her, I resolved to find a suitable guy for her and if she was ok with him then arrange their marriage..
As I had reached this conclusion, I glanced at my watch and saw that it was late now and my sister would be alone at home.. I immediately kicked at start lever of my bike and drove back.. on the way home, I picked up some food,and a bouquet and wrote sorry sis on its note and reached I knocked upon the door the power in the house went away..
Me: (shouting) hey sis , its me.. Are you ok..?, be careful and watch your step..!
Sis: hey steve.. I m alright here.. wait I ll just get the candle and open the door..
After 3-4 min, I heard the clicking of bolts and with a candle in her hand my sis slowly opened the door, as the door opened and wind blew from outside, my sis closed her other hand also around the flame to protect it from wind.. what I saw at that moment completely blew my head off.. my lovely sis was holding the candle in her hands and the little beam of light from the candle illuminated her face and neck, unravelling the real beauty of my sister.. her curves were maddening me and her white salwar kammez and that duppata that garlanded around her neck appeared so well set for the occasion and my sister really looked like fairy angel standing at the doors of heaven welcoming me.. I stared at her dumbfoundedly lost in thoughts with my mouth wide open,,
She giggled a liitle and a little pinch from her brought me back to reality..
Sis: are you only going to stand there and stare at me like you have never seen me before..? quick, come inside.. I cant hold this for much longer..
Me:.. hhh ehhh yaaa… ya .ya lets go inside..
As I followed her inside her beautiful butts swayed from one end to another and I was forgetting all my resolutions about her.. to keep my thoughts in check I quickly diverted my thoughts
Me: why are you holding this candle..?what happened to the torch or your mobile..?
Sis: the batteries in the torch have long run out.. I told you to replace them last week only but you have forgotten.. my cell phone is dead now without battery power as I forgot to charge it at office today due to heavy work..
Me: ok ok..
By this time we had reached the dinner table and I put down the food on it.. she put the candle in the centre of the table .. I asked her to sit down and she sat in one of the chairs.. I went and knelt down beside her and brought out my bouqet and handed it to her.. she saw the note stating sorry on it and smiled slightly..
Me: I m really really sorry sis about what happened previously and I promi….
She silenced me by putting her index finger over my lips and whispered.. “sshhhh”.. at the silky touch of her fingers my lips shut themselves tight and my mouth went dry.. she signaled me to get back to the opposite chair.. I went back and sat down there quietly..and I bent my head down in shame unable to face her..
Sis: lift your head steve, I have a surprise for you..
I slowly lifted my head and saw at her.. she smiled at me and flashed the back of her left hand towards me and there in the third finger was the little diamond ring was smiling at me.. I just got the most sweetest shock of my heart was now pounding hard and fast at my chest as if it was going to burst at any moment.. my mind was experiencing the peak of pleasure and it was high in the air.. I couldn’t sit any more and stood up.. she also stood up and came out of the chair.. I immediately went and grabbed her waist and lifted her in the air.. I was laughing and lifting my sister higher and higher and she spread out her arms in the air as I spun her round.. slowly I brought her back on the floor and gasped for my breath unable to handle the excitement of the situation.. as she came down we smiled at each other..
Sis: actually I should say sorry to you steve for the hurt I caused you today.. u have always wanted my happiness and without realizing that I hurt ur feelings badly.. when you had gone out, I realized that whatever u had said was true and I don’t give a damn hell about this society or about the sin.. our hearts are united in pure love and ur my brave knight darling..I don’t care if we are burned in hell for this mistake as long as you are at the side of me holding my hand.. I love you so much and I want you to be my boyfriend and husband and my only lover.. will u take me as your girlfriend and soulmate..?
I was overjoyed to hear this conversation from my sister and couldnt find words to express my joy..
Me: yesssss Shirley, ur the love of my life and I promise you that I wont let a single tear shed down from your eyes.. ur the first and last gf of my life.. and I will gladly accept you as my wife..

Saying this., I grabbed her face in my arms and we entered into our most romantic smooch till date.. her soft juicy lips melted inside the warmness of my mouth as I sucked her lips.. our tongues twisted and entwined around each other as our saliva was exchanged very liberally.. we both vied against each other to pull the others tongue into each others mouth and I won pulling her tongue into my mouth and licked it like a candy..
Slowly I let out her tongue and gave my tongue to her to suck and she sucked it hungrily like a child savouring the ice cream and while releasing my tongue gave a soft bite on my tongue.. I moaned in pain but it was a sweet pleasurable pain.. we collapsed into one chair, she siiting on my lap as I encircled my left arm over her slender waist..I opened the food packet.. we ate from a single plate with she feeding me while I fed her.. after we finshed , I carried her in my arms around the house as she put the garland of her slender white arms around my neck,, after rounding twicei carried her and put her on the bed.. I quickly got rid of my clothes while she giggled and blushed seeing my body..
I was now only in my undies and my boner was erect thinking of how it would get to play with my sisters beautiful I made my sister sit on the bed and went behind her, gave a kiss on her soft white upper back and unhooked the kameez and slowly lifted it over her head.. her hairs slowly curled up as I raised it revealing her beautiful neck which looked like the tender stem of a lotus.. I gave many kisses on her neck and removed the kameez completely.. she started to breathe heavily now.. I slowly slipped my hands towards the knot of her salwar and untied it..
As she stood up it slipped down to ground, revealing the curvy awesome thighs and her round firm butts smiling at me.. now I went in front of her staring at her from top to bottom.. she had kept her hands on her curvy waist and was now posing like bikini model grinning at me.. ln the dim moonlight coming from the window , her body had its own radiance which was mesmerizing like an angel come from heaven.. a sight that I remember even till today when I close my eyes.. I went near her and put my arms around her, raised my arms on her smooth back and unhooked her white lacy bra.. her body was emanating a mixture of her sweat and the rose perfume and as it filled the room, it was intoxixcating and enough to make my blood boil with passionate desires of sex..
As I removed her bra straps , her smooth, round firm mounds became from from captivity and bounced gently on her chest.. her cleavage was teasing my dick to full extent..i slowly moved my fingers down her silky body and inserted my fingers in between the waistband of her pubic area.. as I dragged down the panties, I noticed that she had shaved her pussy hairs cleanly and the smooth feel of her pussy flower was fueling my fires.. I just went back a step to admire my sisters beauty now and just at this moment the power came on.. as the bright light fell on her body, I couldn’t resist thinking whether she was one of the sculptures from the ajantha caves that had come to life.. so perfect her body seemed that I felt I had taken years for god to carve out this beauty.. the only thing that I felt my dad had done right for me was to give me this angel..
Sis: come on my bro and boyfriend.. surely ur dick must be paining now.. let it take bath in my pussy juices and relieve its pressure..
Saying this she quickly removed my underwear and my 6.5 inch boner with its full thickness came out like hungry animal ready to poune on its prey.. I lifted her in my arms and put her on bed.. I jumped on her now and our bodies came into contact now.. we smooched for what was like eternity while she slipped her hand towards my dick and placed it at the her holy entrance.. a little jerk from me and my erect pole went inside the soft flower exploring the sweetness inside.. she gave out a loud moan like” ssssssahhhhhhh ohhhhh how much my pussy was burning to get rammed by my bro s cock..
Me: ss ahhh sis.. from today this pussy is mine forever.. ohhh its so tight.. hmm
Sis: yesss steve, from today both me and my body is yours.. come onnn use it properly.. ffffffuuucckk mee..ahhh..
I had increased my speed by now and was exploring the depths of her pussy..she was continuously moaning loudly unable to withstand the pounding..the cot was heavily croaking against the wall.. as I saw her eyes while fucking in the missionary position, the eyes appeared luscious inviting and igniting the deepest animal passion of fucking in me.. i was so much high in my mind now that I was ramming my piston with full force against her and her pussy lips had become red and sore unable to bear the brunt of my passionate and high speed fucking..
Sis: ahhh ohhh ahhh hmmm ya bro fuccck me.. ahhh yaa,, oh hmmmmm..give to me hardder.. shss hh ohh my pussy is so much sore now..but don’t stop..
Me; ya Shirley.. From today only my dick ll be grinding and pounding ur pussy.. Ohhhh hmm.. U r my private whore… Soon we both were heavily sweating and she had finished her 1st orgasm and headed towards her 2nd.. I wanted to fuck her for long that day so I tried to control my orgasm.. we stopped for a brief moment.. Sis: I want to ride ur hard bulging dick..
Me: OK sis.. I laid flat on bed while she slowly climbed on me.. She adjusted herself over me and held my dick in her hand and slowly pushed it inside her cunt.. She moaned like “sssssssssahhhhhhhh” as my rod went inside her.. she started a kind of grinding movement on my pelvis now..I felt it so exotic and superb.. Sis: how do u feel bro..? Do u like it..? Me: hmmmmmmmm this is so fucking awesome.. Don’t stop.. Please continue this.. As grinded my dick in her pussy., I watched her boobs bouncing.. She bent down a little and we kissed each other , my hands squeezing those soft mounds..I felt that familiar tingling sensation in my balls and new I would cum in the next few mins.. Now she was at high speed bouncing over my dick and her mounds continuously dancing on her chest.. She was gasping for breath but didn’t want to slow down at all.. I was also moving my dick in rhythm with her pelvis.. Sis: Hmmm ahhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm ohhhhh ffuck this so good.. Ohhh ahhh. Hmm.. I ammm almost der.. . ahh.
Me: ohhhh l am also cumming sister.. Should I cum outside..?? Sis: no my Darling.. Cumm inside meee.. I want ur warm semen filling my womb.. Cumm with me.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!! She grabbed my chest and dug her nails in while her cunt muscles contracted and twisted ,tightening the grip around my dick.. I couldn’t hold much longer and I plunged my dick in a final deepest thrust into her cunt and groaned,releasing my semen in high speed shots that hit her vaginal walls.. She too arched her back and hung her neck back and cummed continuously.. Her warm cum mixed with my juices ran over my dick and it felt most warm and superb.. Her juices then trickled down from cunt to her inner thighs onto my thighs making it wet.. She collapsed on my chest spent with energy and tired.. Both of us were sweating heavily and room was filled with the aroma of our sweat and sex juices..she now showered my face with kisses.. I held her head and gave a kiss on her forehead and cheeks.
We both hugged each other and she slept on my chest..the silence of the night now broken by rhythmic work of the second hand of the clock.. I closed my eyes and went into deep sleep.. Morning when I woke up, I found my sis still sleeping like a baby on my chest.. I slowly pushed her hair apart and laid a kiss on her cheeks to which she opened her eyes gradually.. Me: good morning my darling, wake up.. We have a lot of things to do.. Sis: morning darling.. Ya I have to get to office early.. Have a lot of work to do.. That day we took bath together and I soaped and washed clean every inch of her body while she bathed me..
We had one more steamy session in bathroom and she gave me another blowjob.. I only selected her dress to wear for that day and she told me that hereafter I have to do it everyday.. I gladly accepted her wish .. We ate breakfast and soon her cab arrived. She hurried out of door but hastily returned as she had forgot her mobile.. As she grabbed the cell from the table, I went behind her and grasped her waist and turned her around and smooched her for 3 min even though the driver was continuously honking… In the end I kissed on her forehead and told.. Me: bye Darling.. Take care… Sis: I love you so much honey.. Bye.
We still had so much practical difficulties in changing our relationship.. Shirley resigned her job at Mumbai and with the help of her close friend in Bangalore by name swathi,we shifted from Mumbai to Bangalore.. Swathi helped my sister in getting a job here. She also under stood our love and arranged for our marriage in a Church.. On the wedding day,Only a few ppl were present and as my sister walked down the aisle in her white gown, my heart overwhelmed at her sight and I thought to myself that I am the luckiest man alive on earth who is getting such a beautiful and awesome Lady who is also my sis as my wife… Soon she came by my side..
Mebanana whispering in her ear) u look so damn beautiful and sexy in this dress.. Ur an awesome sight Shirley: (whispering) u also look handsome in this black suit.. Soon after the father finished with his words, I kissed the bride while the small crowd stood up and clapped.. I then lifted my wife in my arms and walked till the car while everyone present blessed us.. We had got a flat for rent from swathi… In fact she herself was the owner of that and we became quite close now with her..
she was a divorcee living on her own with no kids but she had got lot of compensation money from her husband who was a rich businessman.. While we were returning from church, Swathi pressed in to my hand, the air tickets and booking of a private resort in goa.. I refused to take it, but she persisted telling that it was our wedding gift from her.. I accepted later and Swathi told now that flight was that day night only and she had packed our baggage..
So we accepted and boarded the flight to goa to celebrate our first night and honeymoon.. Okay readers that’s it for now.. In the next part I ll tell more details about the most romantic first night and the awesome honeymoon that we spent in goa.. Also will tell the details of shalini returning in my life and what impact it had on our life.. 
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Shirley s narration:

We had boarded the flight to goa acc. To swathi’s plans..I was very anxious and excited about the honeymoon and the possible arrangements waiting to welcome me and my new husband steve.. As we landed in goa, we got into a cab and reached our destination.. The given address turned out to be a private resort of high class suites.. It was on the small island away from the mainland and we went to the resort on a speedboat.. We were welcomed very warmly by the manager there and we learned that swathi was co-owner of that resort so she had ensured we would get the royal treatment there.. I was overwhelmed by the arrangements there..Swathi had arranged the grand honeymoon suite for us..
The suite was very very good with so much space inside and at the backside, had was a miniature beach which was secured space only accessible through the suite.. The bed was decorated with flowers and was wishing us good start and long happy married life.. The whitish pink curtains that overhung the bed had a romantic feel about it. A bottle of high quality wine and two glasses stood on table near our bed waiting for us to mark our celebrations ..The restroom was very good with a comfortable bath tub big enough to accommodate two people in it.. And the rear door opened into a balcony with a spiral staircase leading down to the miniature beach.. As i stood at the balcony a gentle breeze was blowing over my lovely face likely it was kissing me.. Our luggage was brought up by the room boy and my bro/hubby was talking with the manager about the food arrangements for the night..
Manager: sir, all arrangement s are acc. To swathi madams plans and u can give a call to the reception if u ever need anything at any hour.. We hope that your stay will be a pleasant one and as you’re a friend of swathi madam’s any extra facilities that u might require will be provided free of cost..
Steve: thank you.. We need some time to freshen up now. .We ll be down at 8.30 for the special surprise..
Manager : very well sir..
As the manager and room boy left, i asked my darling what the surprise was and he told that he won talk anything about it and will reveal it to myself at 8.30.. I was also tired of journey and decided to take a small nap while my brother went to the bathroom to freshen himself.. My lids were getting heavy and the gentle breeze of the evening aided me in drifting off into land of dreams..
I woke up to the kiss of my hubby and saw it was already dark outside and clock was showing 7..
Me: (yawning) i m still feeling tired honey..
Bro: hmmm but now get up darling and get ready.. You have to discover the surprise downstairs .. Don’t you..?
Me: oh yes, i am waiting for it eagerly.. I ll take a bath now..
Bro: (winking) shall i join…?..
Me: you naughty..(giggling).. The whole night awaits us my dear.. Results of the patience will be very sweet.. I promise(wink)..
Bro: (with a gloomy face) ok.. Listen i m going out now.. By the time i return, u should be ready with this dress..
I freshened up myself in hour.. I waxed my armpits and shaved my pussy clean as steve liked to tongue-fuck me .. I put on the dress given my bro and some light make up making my cheeks pink and my lips turned to shade of pinkish red due to lipstick.. The dress was a red gown with moderate embroidery and it was strapless leaving my white upper chest and my fair arms exposed.. I was glad now that i had waxed my armpits as any trim of hair would be ugly and embarrassing.. When i was almost finished and was trying to zip my gown ,my brother came in through the door very well dressed and groomed in a greyish black tuxedo.. He slipped something into the drawer from his pockets , then came and stood behind me as i watched him through the mirror..
Me: help me zip this gown..
Him: sure my lovely wife.. You are looking stunning in this gown..
Me: its almost 8.30.. Let s go down.. I cant wait any more for the surprise..
Him: ok lets go..
I slid my hand into his the space between his arm and body and we walked downstairs.. I was the proud mistress of my loving bro who was my darling husband now and i felt so happy that i had chosen him.. As we reached the ground floor and entered the door which lead out into a hall, i was startled by a small burst over my head and i gripped my bro more tightly.. It was only a balloon which had burst and the sparkling pixie dust was now falling over us.. Manager and the waiters were standing at the side clapping for our entry and i noticed there were two other couples also who were now cheering at us..
As we advanced towards the table i noticed that there was a wedding cake with the inscription of cream.. The inscription read as,” many many happy returns to the most beautiful wife in the world and also my perfect soulmate.. Your loving hubby,steve”.. My eyes welled up in tears of joy and as i turned to my bro,he asked me,
Him: how is the surprise my dear..?
In reply, i only grabbed his face and gave kisses to him to show him how much i liked the surprise.. He then held my hand as we cut the cake and i gave the first piece of it to him.. He bit a little of it and took it from my hand and fed me lovingly initially but at the end, smeared a little on my cheeks and face even though i tried avoiding it,, now my brother went near the manager and whispered something in his ear.. Manager signaled to his staff and they opened champagnes and romantic music started to play in the background.. Two couples had now started dancing.. My brother came near and held out his hand..
Steve: may i have the honour of dancing with my beautiful and sexy wife..?
Me: absolutely my dear.. I gladly accept..
I stretched out and grasped his arm while he put his other arm around my slim waist and pulled me towards him.. Our bodies made gentle contact with each other and we now danced slowly to the romantic music.. We hugged each other and i kept my head on his shoulder while he gently kissed me on my neck and cheeks while we continued our slow dance.. The other couples very also very romantically involved in themselves and we were like that for about half an hour..
As the music slowly tapered we were ushered to the food stalls at the side by the manager.. The food was very good and esp. The fish was really awesome.. As we ate i noticed that the waiters and the male counterparts of the couple were stealing glances at my assets and were feeling jealous at my brother who was feeding me now and then.. I couldn’t help but smile a little at them and wondered how much loyalty were their wives expecting of them..
We finished our light but delicious supper.. The manager thanked us all as the other couples headed towards their suite.. Just as we were leaving, manager came near us and whispered that we were the most gorgeous couple on that day and we thanked him and my bro asked him to send the desserts up to our room… we opened the door and entered our suite and i noticed that there were some special dim lights adding to the romantic feel.. The bed was specially decorated with the soft rose petals now and the room smelled great.. We had not had sex since 4 days now and i was hugely turned on by the wonderful atmosphere.. My heart was beating fast now excited about the first sex as a wife..
I went near the bed and sat on it while my bro removed his coat and loosened hi s shirt.. The door was knocked and we received our dessert which was four scoops of different flavoured ice creams topped by dry fruits and chocolate wafers.. I poured some wine into the two glasses and as my bro set down the dessert on the table near our bed, i handed him the glass of wine.. We drank to the lovely life ahead of us and swore to never part from each other.. As i gulped some of wine, my bro came near and pressed his lips against mine forcing my mouth open.. The wine present in my mouth was now flowing towards his throat now and after he finished drinking that we had our first romantic smooch of the evening.. My tongue explored his mouth and he bit my tongue intentionally making me moan in his mouth..
He slowly unzipped my gown now and removed it leaving me only in transparent white over-clothing.. I unbuttoned his shirt and removed it exposing his shield like chest and broad strong arms.. He then slowly removed my white transparent over-clothing and i was left only in my white lacy bra which exposed most of my breasts and lacy white panties which exposed my round bums only barely covered my pussy and asshole.. I removed his pant and his grey underwear was already bulging due to his hardened dick..
He now sucked on my breasts over my nipples and made them wet.. I was holding his tool over his undies and feeling the hardness and girth of it.. He gradually kissed me down now from face downwards to my toes and tickled on my soft soles, sucked my toes and slowly came up again licking on my legs, thighs and kissed my pussy over my panties.. I now sat up and he quickly got rid of my bra and panties .. In turn i removed his undies and we both were now completely nude in front of each other.. He slowly made me lie down on the bed and he came over me..
Me: so my dear, now i m officially your sexy wife.. Your surprise today was wonderful.. In turn i want to gift you something memorable today..
Him: yes my lovely darling.. What is it..?
Me: actually i wanted to offer my virginity to my husband on this day but i have already given off that to my loving bro who took care of me so well and loved me so much..( winking

Him: oh yeah..?(giggling)then what does my wife have for this new hubby now..?
I smooched him again and said..
Me: my husband today will get to take away the virginity of my ass..!!!!..
As soon as i said this, my bro s face widened in a big smile and i noticed he was very very happy in his mind which was exhibited by his shining eyes.. I continued..
Me: steve, my darling u have already fucked my pussy and mouth.. So today my special gift to you is my the virginity of my asshole and with this i completely become yours in body and mind.. Come my dear bro and hubby.. Lets fuck till the dawn of tomorrow..
Him: oh my lovely sis and wife.. I love you soooo muchhh.. Ummaaaa.. I am so lucky to get a beautiful sis like you who accepted my love and married me.. I thank the god for giving such a sexy and understanding wife.. Now lets fuck baby.. I cant wait to put my dick in your little asshole..
Me: be gentle, my hubby.. U know how sensitive i am…
Him: yes , my darling.. I ll be very slow and gentle.. But first give me a blowjob.. I will get some lubrication and also my dick ll become more hard..
I grabbed his dick in my hand and slowly pulled down the foreskin.. I dipped my hand in the chocolate ice cream on table and smeared it on my bulbous head and also on the shaft.. I kissed it once and looked at his face.. He had closed his eyes now and was ready to enjoy.. I slowly took his dick in my mouth like a choco bar and started licking him..
He lifted the hair from my face and held it knot like behind my head while i sucked his dick like a hungry child eagerly sucking at the delicious creamy chocolate.. As my head bobbed taking his dick in and out of my mouth, he was groaning in pleasure now and was holding back his climax.. My boobs were hanging down from my chest and dancing in their own rhythm while my tongue licked his shaft and the engorged bulging veins.. I was also stimulating his balls in their sack and when i felt his climax building up in his orgasm, he stopped me and brought my face up and smooched me..
Him: are you ready sis, for the most ultimate pleasure of your life..?
Me: ya bro.. Come on, show the heaven to your sis.. Make her moan in pleasure and your sex slave for the rest of your life..
He reached out to the drawer and pulled out the flavored condom packet.. I looked at him peeling at it and grabbed it from his hand..
Me: fuck me without this.. I want to feel the raw power of your dick.. Let my ass experience the natural skin of my hubby s dick..
Him: as your wish sis.. But it might hurt more in this raw sex.. I ll be as gentle as possible..
He then reached for the bottle of vaseline and smeared it liberally over his dick and near my asshole.. He again smeared some of it over his index finger as i lie over my stomach and my one leg slightly folded and the other stretched on the bed.. He now inserted his finger slowly over the puckered opening between my asscheeks.. I gasped with my mouth wide open as his finger head went inside my little asshole creating the ripples of anxiety and pleasure within me,, he slowly inserted his finger inch by inch while i moaned like bitch in heat..After sometime i noticed that his finger was making to and fro motion inside my butt hole and my pussy had become wet with juices and over flowing..
He stopped it, removing his finger from the hole.. He then rubbed his bulbous head over my hole.. I was very anxious about the pain i was about to feel when that huge dick would enter me in that little hole. .He then slowly applied pressure on my puckered hole with his dick and i started to feel the pain as my sphincter began to expand to accommodate that bulbous head of that giant monster.. Tears rolled down my cheeks as i tightly grasped and twisted the bed sheet in my hands.. My breathing became shallow and rapid as though gasping for breaths like” hmm huh huh ah ah huh hmmm huh huh hmm huh huh”.. I felt as though my body was ripped apart now and i couldn’t hold out now so i screamed at my bro..
Me: (shouting).. Ahhhhhhhh i cant take it anymore.. Please remove it off.. Oiiii ahhhh hmmmmmmmaaaa ahhhhhhhhhh sssssahhhh ohhh you sisterfucker…
Him: just hold still and relax sis.. The more u fight against it the more u feel the pain.. Take deep breaths and relax…
Even though i was badly pleading him to remove his dick from my hole, he was not at all moving his dick and he had determined himself to fuck my asshole that night.. As i slowly started deep breaths and relaxing, my sphincter opened gradually and the head of his dick was now inside my asshole..I was still gasping at the stretching of my butt hole to its extreme limits while he was now slowly pushing his way inwards.. He craned his neck forward and licked of the tears from my face now and i felt that my ass was melting like soft butter to his hot iron rod.. Eventually the pain had decreased in me and i had started to enjoy the pleasure of assfucking.. I was moaning in pleasure ..”hmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhh hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhh yyyesssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh iitttt feeeeeeeeeelsss soooooo goooooooood..”
He had now completely inserted his dick inside me and was now pumping in and out of my hole.. I was feeling like a complete bitch and whore of my bro.. My anal muscles were now contracting and relaxing like milking the cum out of my bro s cock.. And my pussy was overflowing with my juices..
Me: ahhhh tear me assss apart my hubby,, .My cocky sisterfucking bro,, u bastard.. Fuckkk meeee harder ahhh ahhha ahhh hmmm ssssssssssahhh ahhh ohhh hmm ahhh ahh yesss yesss give it me harrrderrr.. Hmmmm hmmm ohhh
I was now become like a dirty whore using abusive language to my bro, nut somehow it was turning on me and to my surprise him also more and more.. He was now ramming his dick in my ass and sound our bodies clashing against each other filled the room,, hhe also started the dirty language now,,
Him: take thisssss you cock sucking dirty whore.. You lusty bitch.. Hmmm yesssss hmmm i will tear your ass apart today…
We fucked and groaned and moaned and the sounds of it echoing across the room.. He couldn’t control anymore now and i felt he was about to climax.. I quickly shouted..

Me: don’t waste your cum in my asshole bro.. Quick come on remove it and cum inside my pussy.. I want my womb filled with your cum and seeds.. I want to become pregnant with your child.. Ah hmm,, yes fuck me in pussy.. Make me the mother of your child.. ..
Him: okkkkkk sisss..
He quickly removed his dick from my asshole and i turned up exposing my boos to him…he inserted his tool in my pussy. He had hardly given two strokes when he gave a deep thrust exploring the depths of my pussy and stretching it to its limits, while grabbing my soft boobs and crushing them hard, started shooting his cumshots in my pussy..The warm cumshots brought about my orgasm also as i arched my back and my cunt gripping his cock tightly milking out the last drop of cum from his tool and discharging my own juices..He released his load completely and mixed with my juices it overflowed on my thighs and on to the bed.. He collapsed on me, his face landing on my boobs and both of us were heavily sweating despite the a. C in the room…
Me: this is what i call a breathtaking sex my dear.. You have completely satisfied me today
Him: yes my lovely sis and sexy wife.. I have fucked in you in all holes now.. You’re mine completely.. I have also released my cum your womb to make a cute little baby just like you.. Love you sis..
Saying this we smooched each other again and again till we were completely spent for the night.. I laid down flat on the bed while my bro took some of the wafers from the cup and dipped it in my pussy filled with juices and ate it.. I felt completely satisfied that night both mentally and physically.. We slept completely nude on the bed with our bodies entwined and my face on his chest..
From here on my bro will continue…
Steve s narration:
When i woke up after our first night i was feeling very satisfied and happy.. I kissed on the forehead of my sis and rolled her slowly on bed from my chest and let her sleep..I went to the bathroom and freshed up.. I then went down and found out that the swathi had planned a few watersports for us that day.. I went up and woke my sister, told her about the events for the day.. She was excited though a bit tired after that heavy duty fucking last night.. We engaged in some fore play and then when she went to bathe i followed her and had a steamy session under the shower by lifting her in my arms and fucking her in upright position.. We then came out and went for the water sports.. She wore a yellow bikini inside and wore a loose t shirt and jeans shorts and sunglasses..
I put on my beach attire., she was hugging me tightly when we went on jet ski and i intentionally made some curves to create more fear of falling in her so that she would hug me more tightly now.. Some of the males were ogling at her continuously and i felt very proud to have such a beauty with me.. I told her about the ogling and she laughed at it and then she grabbed my hand and put it around her waist while walking on the beach, i could feel the jealousy in the men s eyes and i kind of enjoyed it.. When we reached the suite in the evening i was already so hot that i shut the door immediately and fucked her on the floor there only.. She was surprised about it but happily enjoyed with me..
When we were finished with our sex session, i checked my cellphone and noticed that i had missed calls from an unknown number.. I called back to the same number ad to my surprise i found that it was shalini.. I asked her whether she was in any trouble and needed any help.. She said that she was in some trouble and wanted to meet me immediately .I persuaded her to tell me what the trouble was but she refused to tell it over phone and told that she ll tell the full story when she ll meet me directly..
I told her that i was in goa right now and that i had also moved out from mumbai to bangalore.. She told that she knew about it as she had gone to my previous address and the neighbours had told her about it so she had immediately caught a flight and reached bangalore.. I told her that i ll return to bangalore in two days and asked her to stay at my flat till the and gave her the address, asking to collect the keys from swathi..I also suggested that she might stay at swathi s house itself if she was scared to stay at my flat alone and i ll talk to swathi about her arrival..
Shirley had overheard my conversation with shalini and when i told her that about her conversation, she dialed up swathi and told to help out shalini until we arrived.. Swathi readily agreed and assured us regarding her matter and not to disrupt our plans as only two days were left now.. Then we went down near the miniature beach and lied down at the beach.. My sister came on me, smooched me and lied on my chest playing with her fingers.. The gentle breeze was blowing the soft curls hair of my sister on my face and soon i was aroused again by the odour of pheromones coming from my sis body.. We had lain almost half an hour now and the artificial waves were washing against us.. My sister asked me
Shirley: honey, how much do you love me..?
Me: cant describe that in words my dear.. All i can assure you is i will never let you be sad because of anything.. I always want u happy and will do anything for it..I ll never let you go until death parts us apart..
I knew she was more happy than me listening to those words and gave a beautiful smile at me..
Shirley: right now i want to beautiful baby from you.. I want to play with it, cuddle it and watch it smiling..
Me: oh yeah, lets us go up and make a baby right now..
Saying this i winked at her and got up while her white cheeks turned pinkish red due to blushing.. I then lifted her in my arms and went up to the balcony and coz there was no fear of anybody intervening, i stripped her naked there only and i also became naked quickly.. She lied down on the floor and i spread her legs and stared at her womanhood now blossomed into beautiful flower.. I slowly spread apart her pussy lips and looked at her eyes.. She blushed and turned her eyes away from mine.. I then bent down and kissed her cunt.. She let out a moan.. “ssssssaahhhh”..
I then slowly inserted my tongue into her and started licking her pussy.. She had become wet by now and was leaking juices.. Gradually i increased my speed and started fucking her pussy with my tongue, one hand stimulating her clitoris and other hand squeezing her breasts and she was moaning with pleasure loudly without a care…as i increased my speed to maximum she grabbed my hairs and pulled my head towards her pussy, moaning my name.. She reached her orgasm quickly and i drank her juices.. My dick was still hard ..
Shirley: come on my darling.. Let your small brother get a dip in his holy waters of his sister pussy and enjoy himself in it.. I cant wait anymore…plough my fertile land and implant your seeds and let a beautiful baby come into this world through us.. Fuck me honey..
Me: yes sis, i also want your incestuous child as quickly as possible and i want to carry it on my shoulders and play with it.. My dick ll dive into the holy waters of my sisters pussy and enjoy in it.. Here it comes..
Saying this, i plugged my dick into my sis pussy and like a man on mission , i did my work sincerely and whole heartedly, fucking her deeper and deeper , while she was screaming out on the balcony to fuck her harder and harder.. As our lower bodies clashed against each other , my balls crashed against her ass rhythmically.. I was now ramming her at high speed and in a few mins, shouted..
Me: i ammm cummmiinnnnggg sis…
She: me tooooo bro, cummm deep in my womb…
I shot my cumload in her pussy and she too cummed.. I collapsed on her spongy boobs and relaxed for a few mins.. My sis was perspiring and i licked a few drops of sweat formed over her upper lip.. I then got up and tried to wake my up my sis from floor but she was too tired and told me to lift her and carry inside..
I lifted her like a baby and put her on bed and i also lied down beside her.. The moon light was now shining upon us through the open balcony door.. My sis kissed me on my forehead and slept on my chest hugging me.. I closed me eyes now and thought about shalini who had suddenly remembered me after years now and what trouble she might be having now that has brought her back to me.. I also got worried now how to introduce my sis to her and whether or not to tell the truth about us and got anxious about her reaction towards me if i told the truth to her ..
Okay guys that’s it for now.. 
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A little recap of what had happened in my previous part.. I had enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon with my sister and had taken off the virginity of her ass.. I had also fucked her in the balcony and shower and we had danced together.. meanwhile shalini had called about me regarding some trouble and wanted to meet me.. I had asked her to stay at my flat until I returned.. now read on..
The story will be resumed in steve’s words now..

I had dozed off thinking about shalini s trouble.. when I woke up I found my naked sister cum wife sleeping peacefully beside me.. I put on some clothes and went down to check with the manager.. he told that our events for the day included some sight seeing and shopping.. I came back up and woke up my sister and we had a bath together during which we had steamy sex below the shower and some romantic cuddling in the bath tub.. then we came out and dried ourselves..
Shirley wore a black sport bra and red designer panty.. she then put on a tight red t-shirt with short arms which revealed her smooth lovely armpits and the gorgeous navel when she raised her arms to tie her hair.. she also wore a butt hugging blue denim well below her white navel and now put on her sunglasses.. she looked very fair like a cine actress now and I teased her about it.. she laughed and patted me on shoulders saying I was her only hero for life.. I put on cream colored t shirt and blue jeans and we went out..
We started our sight seeing along with the other couples by visiting the candolim beach,went on to majorda and mobor beaches.. in the late noon we went to a falls where we played in water and our clothes became wet.. a group of males who were also present there were now ogling at my sis assets with their eyes wide open my sis intentionally raised her arms as if to adjust her hair and showed them a glimpse of her navel and the boys were overjoyed to see it judging by the look on their faces and wanting more of it,, but my sis left them high and dry and came back into my arms.. we then left there and went to the caves nearby and returned to our resort by night.. that night my sister was excited by the attention she had got near the falls and I fucked her twice to cool down the heat in her pussy..
On the next day, we went to other two beaches and then we did some shopping in the afternoon and returned to our hotel by tea time.. we then packed our luggage and left from the resort.. we thanked the manager and the staff for making our stay a memorable one.. the manager asked us to visit again when ever we wanted and said it was his pleasure to serve us.. we boarded our flight at dusk and reached Bangalore at night.. in the cab from airport, sis had slept on my shoulders due to tiredness while I was lost in my thoughts about shalini s trouble and trying to guess her reactions when she found out about us..
When we reached swathi’s house , shalini had already slept .. swathi informed us that she had insisted shalini to stay at her house only and shalini had agreed and stayed.. we slept that day in the guest room of swathi s house..
The next morning when we were having coffee, shalini woke up late and came out.. she was glad to see me and came and hugged me..,almost immediately her eyes overflowed with tears.. I thought to myself that the problem was a bigger one than I had thought.. swathi went and consoled her.. shalini then sat down with shirley on the sofa where as swathi signaled me to come to the kitchen to talk about something and went ahead of me.. I followed her..
Swathi: steve, how will you tell her about Shirley..?
Me: I don’t know.. I have planned to introduce her as a wife only as shalini has never seen her till now..i have also talked about this with Shirley and mostly she would have introduced herself now as my wife..
Swathi: but it can be disastrous if she learns of your secret.. we don’t know how she ll handle it..?
Me: ya we ll think of some way for that,, by the way did u ask what problem she has..?
Swathi: I did.. but she never came out completely and used to start crying.. the only thing I understood was she was being chased by some goons.. its up to you now..
We came out of kitchen with swathi carrying a cup of coffee for shalini.. i saw that shalini had leaned into my sisters shoulders, still sobbing while my sis was comforting her..shirley signaled to me through her eyes that thing of intro was down and she was managing the situation.. I went down and sat in the chair opposite to them..
Me: shalini, I see you have already met my wife now and you know swathi ofcourse by now.. u can trust both of them as much as u tell me..
Shalini: thank you.. now without any further delay I ll tell my story..
She told me her story for nearly three hours with crying and sobbing in between comforted by my sis.. I will tell you only the condensed summary of her story comprising of essential details and exclude all the other unnecessary details.. as the readers already know shalini is the sister of my friend satish who is dead now.. in the third part of my story I have already told how he died and what had happened after that..
I’ll now continue from after that.. she went back to the orphanage after I had done the necessary deeds of cremation of her bro.. she had then recovered from her emotional distress with the help of her friends and the staff at her school.. when she became 18, a lawyer had approached her with the will of her late grandpa which stated that she had become the heiress to a small estate and some wealth of her grandpa which was worth 2 crores.. she was shocked and couldn’t believe it.. but whether she believed or not those were the facts..
She now told me about her parents and family which satish had concealed from me.. her mother was the only daughter of her grandpa and her grandma had died when her mother was a child.. since then her mother was raised with utmost love and care and also grandpa was very lenient to her.. her mother had then fallen in love with a very poor clerk of other religion.. when her father objected to this, her mother had escaped with that man..
Then shalini s mother had a led a difficult life for 5 years during which both her kids were born and she also had learnt that her husband already had another wife prior to her and he had used her only for her wealth and beauty and had now deserted her leaving two small children in her ..
She couldn’t return to her father also because she had incurred wrath of him.. consumed in these worries,she had turned to prostitution as means of living and to feed her children..
But soon she was murdered by a drunken driver when she had refused to offer her services to him for free of cost.. this left young boy satish to take care of shalini and since then he hated his father and had sworn revenge against him.. then they had moved from town to Mumbai where satish met me and we had become friends meanwhile her grandpa had made extensive attempts to search them but in vain..
Finally he had died of the same worries leaving behind a will which transferred all his properties to his daughter and their children when they attained adulthood.. since both shalini s mother and her brother were dead now all the wealth had descended to shalini now.. when she visited her hometown after two years to see the place she was welcomed by an evil greedy manager there who pretended like a nice man before her but was angry inside that she had taken away his dreams of becoming the estate owner..
He had plotted to murder her and appointed some local goons to finish of her.. shalini had barely escaped two attempts at killing her and just before the third attempt was made, she had learned from a faithful house maid that the manager was the culprit behind these attacks.. she had tried to lodge complaint against him at the local security officer station but the inspector there was an ally of the manager and had refused to take her complaint and turned her away..
When she was returning back to the estate the house maid had saved her life against the third attempt and had managed to send her back to the city.. shalini had then approached the orphanage with her problems but the had refused to take her back in for the fear of the goons attacking on the other girls there.. she then had turned to me for her help and had gone to my previous address to seek me whence she had learned that I had shifted to Bangalore and had come here and called me on my phone..
By the time she had finished telling me the story her eyes were turned red and she felt weak and helpless about the situation.. we then assured her that we would help her and she should have no fear of attacks anymore now that she was safe and protected by us.. we then thanked swathi for the timely help she had done to us and returned to our flat along with shalini..
I decided to settle this matter once and for all.. I tried to search if shalini had any other relatives who were willing to accept her and live with her but I couldn’t find anyone.. meanwhile swetha used her contacts and we sought the help of an higher security officer officer who then ordered an investigation at the end of which the estate manager was arrested along with suspension of the inspector shalini was now free to go and stay at the estate but she refused to do it and pleaded that she wanted to stay with us only as she had no one else now and we were her only people.. swathi and my sis were glad to accept her request and I too gave my consent for it..
We sold off the estate there as per shalini s wish and we returned to Bangalore.. I wanted to buy a new house as the flat was not enough for the three of us.. we purchased a new house very near to swathi s house under loan and partly from shalini s money because I didn’t want to shalini to spend her money on this fully and keep her money as reserve for her future.. it was 2bhk house with single bathroom and toilet with a small garden in front of it.. we then moved in there.. shalini decided to resume her studies and do an interior designing course while I found a part time job and joined an evening college to resume my studies .. my sister became pregnant now with my child and all of us were very happy..
One day when I went to shalini s room searching for something, I saw the photo of a couple and got shocked.. I called shalini into her room and asked her who they were and she calmly replied that they were her parents.. I rubbed my eyes and once again saw the photo only to discover that father of shalini was none other than my own father who had eloped at our mothers death, and shalini was indeed my step sister.. I returned from her room silent and shocked.. later in the night when I told my sister about it she was also equally surprised at this.. but we decided to keep quiet about the matter..
Unfortunately my sister had an abortion and the doctor told us that my sisters uterus was hostile to the fetus to some unknown reasons and that we would have to search for surrogate mother in future to have our baby sister was heart broken for months and I was also disappointed with this matter.. shalini took full careof my sister during this time and even swathi supported us in this distressing times..
An year had passed by now and my sister had gradually recovered from that shock and returned to work.. shalini had learnt the secret behind me and Shirley as siblings and to my amazement , she had accepted and understood our love for each other and she was happy for us even though she took few days to come to terms with it.. life was running smoothly when one day I returned from my work in the evening and saw that my sis was cooking something in kitchen.. I decided to surprise her and tiptoed behind her..she had taken bath recently and the hair was still wet..
I grabbed her waist from behind and lifted her up in my arms when she suddenly screamed and I was shocked to find out that it was in fact shalini who was in my sister s dress..i immediately dropped her down and during this my arms brushed against her breasts briefly.. she looked at my face and blushed and bent her down and giggled softly.. I was ashamed and embarrassed and uttering apology I shot out of my kitchen.. later when I told this incident to my sis, she laughed an laughed at me and started teasing me.. my sis even told about this to swathi and even she used to tease me occasionally..
We had returned to our normal lives and I used to have sex with my sister regularly and sometimes I would be worried if shalini would over hear my sister moaning and making weird sounds during our hot sessions of sex.. she had caught us twice in bathroom having silent sex when I had sneaked into my sister bathing without shalini s knowledge and she had entered to freshen up only to see my dick on both the occasions at its full erection and she had blurted apologies and left immediately..
My sis and she had seen each others bodies during dressing and my sis didn�t mind if shalini used bathroom along with her.. but this had proved disastrous to me and I was ashamed to have been naked before shalini.. she used to giggle at me now and then and was blushing in the presence of me.. also she would hug me sometimes in some context or other and press her soft virgin boobs against my chest.. though I felt weird about her recent behavior, I used to brush aside any evil thoughts about her..
From here on shalini would continue the story..
Ever since the hugging incident had happened, I felt some weird thoughts arising in my mind about steve.. I used to wonder about his strong arms and chest and wished for same incident to happen again.. immediately I used to feel guilty about thinking like that and felt I would be doing wrong to Shirley that I was desiring her husband� sometimes I used to hear the moaning sounds from their room and would imagine how passionately they would be enjoying.. my body used to get hot by these thoughts and I used to rub myself down at my womanhood to satisfy myself..
Sometimes I couldnt control myself and used to go and peep through the keyhole of their bedroom door but all I would be able to see was his well shaped body glistening with sweat and her white slender legs cast over his shoulders while she gripped the pillow with both her arms and him ramming into her pelvis.. after they finished their sex I would come back to my room and masturbate myself wondering if I could at least get a man like him grinding my pussy.. after my oragsms I would feel guilty about those thoughts and would resolve to stop them only to succumb to them two nights after..
One day I caught the couple having sex at bathroom and for a few seconds my eyes were riveted on his big hardened dick bulging with blue enormous veins over it.. I immediately withdrew from there uttering apology and closed the door.. I ran to my room and shut the door.. I closed my eyes and the striking picture of his powerful cock appeared before my eyes.. till then I had only seen cocks in porn movies but when I saw a cock in real, my sexual beast was awakened..
I noticed that my heart was pounding inside and my boobs were having up and down.. let me mention my figure here.. I am an average height girl of 5’4 with boobs of 32 c 28 34 and I did curvaceous body.. my ass was the best part of me and it swayed beautifully as I walked and the males on roads used to stare at it as though it was some delicious biryani waiting to get eaten up.. now coming back to the plot, I was lightly sweating and my purple panties showed signs of wetness coming from my pussy.. I immediately bolted my room door, and lied on the bed.. I removed my t shirt and the pyjamas I was wearing and started touching myself.. I closed my eyes and imagined steve in his nude form, kissing me passionately and giving me love bites over my boobs and around my navel..
My body s temperature rose up like the inside of boiling kettle and droplets of sweat trickled down the small valley between my globes .. I rubbed my pussy lips vigorously and had stuffed a kerchief into my mouth so as to avoid my loud moans being heard to the couple in the bathroom.. my one hand rubbed my boobs together and squeezed them while my other hand was indulged in giving my womanhood extreme pleasure.. soon my I began taking shallow breaths and my lower abdomen had started contracting.. I took a pillow and applied pressure over my pussy and began rubbing my pussy over it, imagining it to be steve s dick which I had just then seen..
In a few mins, my legs clasped the pillow tightly between them, my right hand gripped one of my nipples.. the kerchief I had removed now and I bit my lips in ultimate passionate desires and arched my back.. my womb contracted and at the peak of my pleasure my cunt felt the familiar feeling of cum being released from it.. soon my cum came down on my inner thighs and some of it made the pillow wet..i relaxed my posture now and rolled over on the bed with my cunt experiencing one of the most intense orgasms..
From that day onwards I used to love hanging about steve and my desires towards him had increased.. I caught them once again in the similar position in the bathroom and had another wonderful orgasm on that day.. I used to blush whenever he used to come out only in banian and shorts imagining his strong arms around my waist and his fingers playing with my navel.. also I used to find some or the other excuse like pretending sad for silly reasons and used to hug him tightly.. when my boobs used to get crushed in between his chest and my body, I used to feel excited and my pussy would become wet..
Though he used to feel weird about it, he was choosing to ignore these moves from me and always used to treat me like a kid he protected.. by now I had fallen in love with him and wanted him badly , though I knew that he was already married to his own sister and they were happy and content with their peaceful existence.. sometimes I used to feel guilty that I was cheating Shirley who had just recovered from the loss of her pregnancy and had always been supportive to me..
I was in these split minds when suddenly one day steve came home and showed me the photo of a handsome guy and asked me what I felt about him..he told me that the guy s name was ashok and he was a well mannered and cultured boy of very silent nature , well settled engineer living in Hyderabad and steve had also found out that his parents were from a cultured rich family, not expecting any dowry..he then told me that ashok never had any girlfriends in his life and he was also very choosy in terms of his friends
I knew where this was leading and decided to end the emotional struggle within my mind and thought of giving consent to my marriage.. after all my only family now consisted of steve, Shirley and swathi.. they discussed about this this new relationship offer to me while in my mind there was still some conflicts as to whether accept the new guy and new life or confess my feelings before steve and try my last chance of luck at it.. but I didn’t know how to convince Shirley to share her husband with me and I definitely didn’t want to ruin her the end when steve announced their decision of marrying me to him, I decided to go with it and make them happy by sacrificing my love even though I knew it would slowly kill me from the inside..
As soon as I consented the formalities of getting to know each other s families was over soon and we were engaged.. I had tried to talk to him during a single date that both the families had mutually arranged but he didn’t seem to be interested in it and was reserved in his replies cutting short the answers to just single words or very short sentence.. soon the marriage dates arrived and Shirley and swathi took care of me so much during those days that I never missed my family.. in fact I was kept so much lively during those days by them that I doubt even if my family would have done so much for me..
My hands had beautiful patterns of mehendi spread on both sides and it was some designs were done on my legs also.. my bridal dress selection had so much debate between the three of us that I wondered if we had discussed too much into the textile industry itself.. steve took care of the financial and outdoor works of marriage and he had become so much busy that I rarely had talked to him during those days..
Ashoks parents wanted a very grand ceremony and they only took care of all the expenses of the marriage.. all the rituals were done ceremoniously and the wedding finished without any obstacles or hurdles.. I did notice that ashok was extra bit shy in touching my arms during ceremonies and avoided as far as possible any physical contact with me.. though doubts arose in my mind I kept quiet for the sake of my steve who had taken so much pains to get my life to settle with him..
A day after our marriage when I was about be to be sent to ashok’s house, I broke down and cried bitterly to leave my new found family with whom I had become so much attached like I knew them for more than decades.. Shirley and swathi consoled me and told me that they would be in regular touch with me and this was not the end of our relationship.. steve accompanied till the bride groom s house and while he was leaving , I couldn’t control my tears and went and hugged him and cried on his shoulders.. he was controlling his emotions strongly with a mask like face but in his eyes I had seen that he would also miss me more than I would miss him..

He gently caressed my head and kissed me my forehead once.. he assured that I could call him at any hour of day or night whenever I wanted and should any need arise he would come to my help immediately.. when I waved good bye to him I noticed that even with strong will, the angles of his small eyes had moistened.. he waved back and told me that he ll be in constant touch with me..
Ashok’s parents had requested prior only that first night should take place at their home as per their custom and so it was arranged on that night only when I had gone to their home.. soon I found myself in our big bedroom with ashok.. all the arrangements were made and it was beautiful.. ashok was already sitting on bed.. I was dressed well and the anlkets made the musical sound when I walked towards him..when I went and sat beside him he moved a little aside.. I moved closer to him but he again moved away.. initially I thought he was shy and was scared because he had never been with girls.. so I only decide to make the first move..
When I kept my hand on his chest he immediately withdrew away from me and went and stood near the window looking away from me.. he was anxious about something and few drops of sweat had already formed on his forehead.. I sensed that something was wrong.. I decided that I should discuss everything clearly with him now before starting our lives..
Me: ashok dear.. what s the problem.. I m your wife now.. are u scared about our first night.. if you want we ll go slowly and only sit and talk with each other today.. but u have to share your problem with me.. only then we can figure out a solution..
Him: ehh .. .. I cant tell you that.. u sleep here .. I ll go out..
Me: no, you cant do that.. your parents ll think wrong of me that I m keeping you out.. I don’t want to start with a bad name here.. whatever is your problem you can tell me..think of me as your close friend..
Him: (hesitating) errr,, huuhmm.. no..
Me: is there a problem with me..? am I not beautiful..?
Him: no not that.. your really gorgeous ..
Me: ok then do you love somebody else and you have agreed to this marriage on force of your parents..?
Him: ehh.. yes.. kind of..
I was disappointed with this but still kept on with discussion to solve the problem once and for all..
Me: ok, so you don’t want me now..
Him: yes I don’t want you..
Me: ok, at least you are being honest with me before the start itself.. thanks for tell me the girls name and where she lives.. I’ll see how I can help you..
Him: you dont need to worry about that.. my parents are leaving tomorrow for native for some important work.. u can go back to your home and I ll manage the rest.. divorce papers ll be signed and sent to your address..
Me: (sobbing) do u hate me so much that u cant keep me one day in your house.. ok ok.. leave it.. I have no choice left but to agree to whatever u say.. but can I at least know the name of the lucky girl please.
Him: err.. eh.. errr.. its not a girl.. hiss name is sunil..
I was completely shocked at his words and couldn’t believe my ears.. I had never even thinked about the possibility of him being gay.. I confirmed his words again by asking him to repeat whence he started to tell his tale to me.. the whole summary of it being that he was introduced very early at the age of 10 into gay sex by his cook..they had kept on the relation for almost 4 years and when his parents had found out about it they had kicked out the cook and forbid him strictly not to indulge in those taboo acts anymore..
But even as he grew up, he never got interest in girls and always wanted to hang on with boys and was attracted to muscular males.. he had been in secret relations with some gays since he was 18 and had found sunil when he was 21.. and from then on they had been in gay relationship till date.. his parents had found out about sunil and didn’t want to let down their prestige in society. so they had forbid ashok to have any further contact with sunil and threatened to commit suicide if ashok went against their wishes.. so he had agreed to this marriage with me and had made plans to divorce me once their parents who now stayed at his native left from here.. I was disheartened, broken down and didn’t know what to do.. just when I thought that life had settled down , it had turned into shocking disaster..
I immediately went out of the room and called steve..i sobbed on the phone and asked him to come immediately to my house.. he kept on asking what was the problem with me but I didn’t answer any of his questions and only told him to come and pick me up immediately.. he jumped on flight for me and came to Hyderabad and reached my house as soon as possible.. as soon as he came, I ran into his arms and told me to take me away from this home..
He tried to convince me and asked me to tell him what had happened but I didn’t tell him anything and kept on persisting that I wanted to get out of the house as fast as possible.. sensing there was some serious problem he asked permission from my in laws and he took me to a hotel.. I carried all my luggage also with him and we booked a hotel room.. my in laws had understood what might have happened between me and ashok and kept mum because they knew they had committed a mistake..
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We left the house in a cab and I refused to talk to steve in the cab and was continuously shedding tears.. he also understood that there was something private and we shouldn’t discuss it in open.. we roamed 5-6 hotels but none of them could offer us two rooms as it was Saturday and most of the them were full.. at the 7th one, I took the initiative and told steve that I have no problems in staying in single room with him and I couldn’t hold on much longer.. we checked in and went to the room.. we ordered food to be brought upto us and he shut the door of room behind me.. all the grief and disappointment that I was holding back exploded and I went and hugged him and started crying on his chest.. he slowly took me to the double bed and we sat there..he wiped tears from my face and asked..
Him: come on now shalu, its only me.. stop crying and tell me what happened..? y did u call me so urgently..?any problem with the in laws..? tell me
Me: (sobbing) not only them but also..
Him: ashok..? did he hurt you..?
Me: yes its him..
And then I told him what all had happened after he left me in the evening and how ashok had cheated us and his parents had kept us in the dark about his gay nature.. I was crying all the time in his shoulders while telling him this happenings and he used to console me saying that he was still there for me and he would handle the matter.. at the end he was angry so much that I feared he would go and hurt ashok or their parents for putting us through all this drama..
But I held him back in my tight hug and convinced him that we ll handle the matter legally itself without taking unnecessary risks.. he then cooled down though he was still burning with anger on the inside..
We made calls to Shirley and swathi, informing that we were safe and they need not worry then I told my bad experience to them on which even they got angry at ashok and his parents.. they asked us to return back to Bangalore the very next morning and then we sit together and discuss about further actions.. swathi also told that she ll book the tickets online for us and asked us to sleep peacefully for the night.. after the conversation was over, steve asked me to freshen up a bit as my was tear ridden and he told he had to make some calls and ll return in five minutes.. I got rid of my bridal dress painfully and took a shower and changed into night gown..
Meanwhile our food had come up and steve went in for taking shower.. I didn’t have any mood for eating anything and simply sat on the bed lamenting about my state.. he returned from the bathroom and found me still sorrowful and that I had not touched anything in the food.. he tried to coax me into eating something but I refused.. but he persisted and ultimately I ended up in eating a few morsels from his hand.. he also didn’t eat much.. he then told me that I should sleep on the bed and he ll take rest in the chair.. I tried to tell him that I didn’t want to sleep and I ll sit in chair while he should sleep on the bed.. but he made forcefully lie down on the bed and covered me with a bed sheet while he leaned back on the chair near me..
It was not even an hour when I had finally fallen asleep after my silent sobbing that I woke up shouting and crying due to a bad dream.. steve was awakened by my shouts and he tried to relax me that it was only a dream and reassuring me that I was safe.. I refused to sleep now and told him I ll stay awake.. but he wanted me to sleep and be fresh for tomorrow as we had to travel again.. we had an small argument.. ultimately I accepted his words with a condition that he has to sleep with me on the bed beside me.. not seeing any other alternative he accepted and he slept beside me though maintaining some inches distance,..i held his hand and told him that I will only get sleep if I feel safe and he agreed to it,, we then slept..
When I awoke in the morning, I found that I had gone very near to him and had kept a hand on his chest he was still asleep.. as I rose from the pillow I noticed that he had his morning erections and his dick was poking through his trousers and making a tent.. I was instantly seized with impulse to hold it in my hands as I was not satisfied sexually from lot of days due to marriage tensions and thought that my new husband was almost impotent to me propelled these thoughts.. but I checked myself and tried to avoid those thoughts and went to the bathroom..
When I returned steve was already awake and he was on call with his colleague.. I did overhear a part of conversation that if everything went well steve had to go on foreign trip as a part of office work and stay there for a minimum of at least 6 months.. then he cut the call and freshened up.. then we boarded the flight to Bangalore and returned home.. during the flight I noticed that two of air hostesses were standing at the door and giggling between themselves sneaking glances at steve.. flames of jealousy had arisen within me and if they had come anywhere near me, I would have wringed their wrists behind their backs and kicked them in the ass..
I thought why I was getting such thoughts and it dawned upon me that I still loved steve and couldn’t forget him..i also realized that my marriage had almost ended even before it started and I didn’t want another marriage at least in the near future.. my sexual desires were haunting me now and combined with the love for steve, my mind started hatching evil plots to somehow get steve to fuck me at least once..more I resisted such thoughts the more it was coming back until I decided that I would somehow hatch a plan to get steve to fuck me without Shirley s knowledge.. I convinced myself that it would only be one time and I would not ruin her life anymore after that..
Once I returned back to Bangalore, all the three were sympathizing with me while I sobbed and cried.. I had made my first part of plan and that was to pretend I was depressed very much and earn their sympathy more.. it was easy and I carried it out with relative ease.. shirley and swathi were getting worried as I was not eating properly and talking much.. I knew what they would do next and made some thinking as to how to setup the doctor as per my wishes..
While these things were happening steve had sent a notice to my in laws about the marriage.. they had approached us privately and wanted to settle of the matter outside the court without making the issue more public.. steve had refused to budge to them and wanted to put them in jail but I convinced him that they were already old and couldn’t tolerate their last days in jail.. besides ashok was almost impotent towards me and by pursuing this no benefits would come.. ultimately both the lawyers made a peaceful settlement and we did get a very very good amount of money.. it was decided that I would get divorce after 6 months based on mutual agreement from ashok and myself..
Everything was looking favorable to my plans when steve who was now working in a full time job had to go to u.s. as a part of office work and stay there for 6 months. he had to almost leave immediately in a 15 days and I saw that he was slipping out of my hands.. then suddenly I made a clever plan and pretended to be depressed very much and made a fake suicidal attempt by just slightly slashing my wrists.. I was immediately hospitalized and where I was treated and referred to psychiatrist..
I knew that Shirley didn’t want to leave the job for his sake coz they had a loan on the house and which she was repaying a significant amount of it.. so most probably he would go alone but Shirley would also be worried about his food arrangements and would want him to stay healthy there.. and she couldnt ask swathi also as she had her own business here and was too much occupied in it. so I had planned to make it look accidental that I would be going with him.. so much I had thought out before attempting the fake suicide..
Now when I was referred to a psychiatrist, I requested for a private session with the doctor.. during that session I gave indirect hints to the doctor that I would want a change of place to forget these grieving moments and it would help me come out of it.. the doctor got convinced about it and without knowing my plans, suggested to my family that a change of environment would work wonders for me and I would recover faster.. I was happy that i had got the work done without bribing the doctor which would have been my last resort, had he not acted acc. To my wishes..
So far everything was moving perfectly acc. To my plan and the final touches to it were given by Shirley and swathi themselves when they saw it fit to send me with steve.. I would take care of the cooking there for steve and it would also be a change of environment for me.. I pretended to be surprised by it and acted like I didn’t want to go.. but they persisted with me and now even steve asked me to join him as per doctor s advice.. I ultimately agreed and all of them felt very relieved and happy as all their problems were solved.. little did they know that I had set up such an elaborate cunning plan and everything was going acc. To my wishes.. I was immensely happy inside but pretended to be sad on the outlook..
In two weeks, we left to U.S. Shirley was glad that she had two targets with a single arrow while swathi was relieved that I would recover faster coz of change of the environment.. when we reached there, we were escorted by the company cab there to our accommodation which was flat big enough for two people.. luckily for me, it had single bedroom as they had though steve would be coming with his wife and had allotted that to him.. steve seemed a bit worried and asked his company whether they could offer some other place which had two separate rooms but they denied having any of them empty right now and told that they ll inform us if any place was vacated..
Without seeing any other choice, he accepted that and apologized to me for not being able to provide a better accommodation to me and promised to change it as soon as possible.. I pretended to offer my money to make other arrangements even though I knew he would refuse to take my money.. he refused it politely.. then I assured him that I am most comfortable in the place we had got until further arrangements could be made.. but I prayed with my full heart that no such changes should come,,
We had settled down comfortably and it was a 2months now since we had arrived.. I took care of the cooking and made lovely dishes to my love, steve and eagerly used to wait for the weekends when he used to take me out for movies or tourist spots.. whatever activities I did at home, he never discouraged me and always supported me in my little endeavors.. in turn my face began radiating with happiness and he was most relieved and happy to see me improving..
I was now planning to execute the final part of my plan of seducing him.. I knew that he was addicted to regular sex with Shirley and he was missing her badly here.. he never wanted to go to prostitutes for sex nor did I want him to..i knew that he was growing impatient without the sex and the stress of work was adding to his desperations.. he used to sleep in the hall while I slept in the room.. sometimes I used to hear his faintest groans while has jacking off on phone with Shirley…
I went to beauty parlour and completely waxed my body and made my skin look shinier.. i knew Shirley had more fair and smoother skin than me but I did have the right curves like her and I looked more like a Mexican beauty who have sexy curves with shade of tan more than the americans.. I was ready to go to any extent to get steve.. so I first started to wear short clothes than my usual at home and used to walk around with that tempting steve..he didn’t object me for the fear of me going back to depression and gave me full freedom..
I exploited this to full extent and started to increase the exposure of more and more skin everyday.. I used to wear short tight jeans trousers which hugged my firm butts and made them more prominent.. and I started to wear sleeveless t shirts exposing my smooth shaved armpits to him whenever possible.. I used to leave my hair loosely and it used to reach long way down my back and it swayed sexily along with my waist when I strode around.. I used to hug him daily when he came home now and though he was initially shy, he had of late become more acceptable to it and had started to enjoy it..
I used to often keep groceries on the top shelf with help of stool and then hide it, waiting for him to come back from office.. when he used to come home I used to pretend that I wanted the groceries urgently and that stool was missing somewhere and asked him to lift me.. he would lift me up in his arms and I used to enjoy the feel of his arms around my stomach and navel.. even though he felt something fishy about it at times , he never refused me and I knew that my plan was working slowly now..
One day his office mates had invited us to a beach party and I decided to make full use of it.. I had purchased a sexy white bikini for my plans and now was the time to put it to use.. when we reached the beach it was already evening and he was in his beach attire already.. we parked the car given by the company to us near the parking lot and I asked him to carry on while I would follow him.. I stripped my outer wear now and was only in my skimpy white two part bikini revealing most of my curves and skin covering barley my nipples and my crotch at the bottom..
As I walked his male colleagues watched with their eyes wide open ,and their jaw dropped down while the females present appeared jealous of me and my body.. steve was also watching dumbfounded and was eying me from top to bottom in disbelief.. one of his colleagues present there suddenly said, oh my..! steve you are a lucky chap.. u have such a beautiful and sexy wife..I blushed at that remark while steve was embarrassed by it.. he then stammered and introduced me to them..
Him: errr friends, this is shalini.. my close friend and like my family but david you were wrong in that coz she s not my wife..
Me: hello everyone..nice to meet you.
David: pleasure is all ours gal..
His friends then gave handshakes to me though I knew that most of them were lusting about me in their mind steve came and whispered in my ear that he was sorry regarding that remark, but I immediately gave a quick kiss on his cheeks and told that I understood that it wasnt his fault.. he was stunned by the kiss and looked at me surprisingly.. I winked at him and told that I didnt mind to be his wife and giggled.. he took it as a joke and laughed at it..
We played in the water for sometime and my nipples were almost visible through my bikini bra.. steve was now stealing peeks at my wet boobs and nipples and also used to stare at my crotch.. I was happy that he was doing that and knew now that half the job of seduction was over.. I proudly pressed my boobs against him whenever I saw an opportunity during the games..
As it darkened they set up a small fire in the beach and brought out the drinks.. steve came near me and told me that if I was feeling uncomfortable we could leave or I could also refuse the drinks if I didn’t want it.. but I signaled him that I was ok with the drinks and dance and wanted to us to enjoy it.. after having a few glasses of beer music was played and the females and males paired up dancing with each other.. I naturally chose to dance with steve..
Initially his hands were trembling to touch me but I took his hand and pressed it firmly over my waist and went closed to him.. with the other hand in mine, we danced like a couple.. initially steve was a bit shy and embarrassed but soon he started to enjoy the smooth feel of my body and his hand now firmly gripped my waist and he hugged me closer.. he lifted his right arm which had mine and made spin around him and then hug him tightly..i completely enjoyed his touches on my body..
After the dance, there was some fun games arranged particularly for couples.. almost all of them present there had teamed with girls, except for 3-4 males.. steve didn’t want to participate in those.. but I knew this could be the chance that I was waiting for.. I told him that I want to participate and I only want him as a partner.. he didn’t agree to it..but I persisted like a stubborn kid throwing up tantrums.. one of the free males out there came and asked me whether I was interested in participating with him and he was eyeing my body..
Before I could answer him back, steve intervened and told him that she already has a partner and thanks for offering.. he assumed that if he didn’t agree , I would go off with the other males.. but what he didn’t know was I only wanted him. I also knew he was too possessive over me to let me go with other partners.. he told me that he was ready to go with him.. a broad smile spread over my face as I gripped his arm and walked towards the games area..
We enjoyed the games thoroughly and we were tied for the first spot along with two the tie breaker game there was big biscuit kept on cup of beer and we had to lift it with our mouths from either side and eat it… the trick in the game was the that biscuit was already slightly wet and the longer we waited for our turn it would become more and more wet.. we were 2nd in the random order and whoever finished the biscuit without dropping a chunk of it within a short time would win the prize which was a trip to Hollywood sponsored by all the couples present there..
Steve was hesitant about it but there was no turning back now or else we would forfeit our chance.. besides I didn’t want to lose it and also know that this was a good opportunity for me to deliver the final blow to distance between me and him.. I convinced him that we should try at any cost..he agreed and we started the game.. the first couple had dropped of the biscuit while eating and had lost.. I told him that we should be extra careful not to allow cracks to grow at the middle of the biscuit and we should it also do it quicker.. at the whistle blow, we lifted the biscuit quickly but then the tricky part started.. we started to chew from both sides.. he was little slow while I was bit more fast.. due to this biscuit started to crack in between.. I knew that if we continued like this the biscuit would break off at middle and chunk would fall down..
I signaled him to eat it faster but still the biscuit was just hanging on a delicate balance.. I knew what I had to do and this was the right time.. I opened my mouth to maximum extent and went on rapidly eating towards his side.. during this a chunk almost got separated from main part but I pushed at it with my face and I crashed my face against his.. a chunk of biscuit was all that was remaining now but it was stuck below my lower lip and chin and his chin was pressed against mine…. we couldn’t do big movements or else it would fall I signaled steve to remain absolutely still for a few seconds..all the onlookers were on their toes to see whether we would win or lose..

I very slowly moved now and tried to bring up that chunk up.. I succeeded at it but the chunk was over his closed lips.. there was a chance that he could eat it.. but a higher risk that it would fall off,.. besides I knew that I could feel his lips closer upfront.. so I signaled my eyes at him to stay still.. I then slowly opened my lower lip and luckily the end of the chunk came slightly over my lower lip.. now I opened my mouth a little more and it came inside a little more but as it had become wet now it and I could see steve was getting anxious that it would fall off ..
I then went all the way and pressed my upper lip against his lips literally kissing him when that chunk completely came into my mouth.. steve was already turned on at my kiss and he now slowly opened his lips and we gave ended having a perfect smooch and my first kiss of life.. his tongue boldly explored my mouth and I let him do it to his heart content.. l licked his lips like my favorite candy and was delighted that my plan was finally successful.. when we parted slowly from each other, I loved the fact that he his arm was over my bare waist and he had developed a boner coz of the kissing.. the timer was stopped and everybody present cheered us..
As the third couple participated, steve and others watched it in full eagerness but I didn’t care now whether we won or lost.. I had got what I wanted most in my life and I knew it was just the beginning of the night and it was the night that I was planning and waited for so long.. the third couple finished successfully but when the time was taken into account we had beaten them by just a few seconds..i was overjoyed and steve himself was thrilled so much that he came and hugged me and lifted me up in his arms and made a victory spin..
The party was over soon now and we got back to the house.. steve was now thinking of what had happened and also he was strongly resisting against himself to look at me. the wild sex hungry animal which was sleeping had now been aroused by me though I had to still uncage it..when we got to home he avoided talking as much as he could and went to freshen up.. I knew that I had to get him now or else he would slip out of my grasp forever.. he was still edgy and anxious.. I had a plan to make him go crazy over me..
I prepared orange juice for us both and quite simply slipped a Viagra tablet into his glass of juice and stirred well.. then I half drank my glass when he came out so that he wouldn’t drink from mine.. I said that I had prepared juice for us both since we were tired and asked him to drink.. he was shying away from me now so I decided to give him some space and make him drink it. I told I ll take a shower now and went to the bathroom.. before I shut the door I peeked from the angle of door and made sure that he was indeed drinking..he quite quickly finished it and my evil mind laughed at the trick being worked out..
I quickly showered myself and made sure all my body was washed off all the offensive odor..i opened the wardrobe now and picked out a cream white translucent saree.. I knew steve was sucker for sarees like all indian men and to expose myself now through that would throw him off his senses.. I wore only a strap blouse which was almost like a bra, so I didnt wear any bra inside my nipples were erect with excitement now and I wore a black lacy panty down and a petticoat and dbangd my saree over it.. I puffed myself with a exotic deodorant and adjusted my wet hair.. then I tugged the saree a little down so that my navel would be visible to him.. I just applied a light makeup and painted my lips cherry red with the lipstick..i put on my anklets and slim waist chain around y flat stomach to add to my beauty and wore hangings on my ears..
I was happy with myself now and I looked irresistible in the mirror.. I decided to take a selfie and pouted my lips like kissing and took two more, one with a smile and one with erotic posture and my teeth biting my lower lip.. it was going to be an unforgettable night for me and I wanted sweet memories of it to remember for my lifetime.. I looked once again at the mirror, adjusted my shining bindi and gave flying kisses to my reflection and went out of the room..
Steve was watching tv in the hall with a vodka bottle open in front of him.. I grabbed a glass from the shelf tiptoeing and now deliberate walked towards him with my anklets jingling and making sweet music to ears.. he turned around and his jaw drooped down and his eyes widened.. he had just worn a trouser and a sleeveless t shirt and was now awestruck watching me..
From here on, steve will take over the narration..
I was just shocked and sweetly surprised on seeing shalini in such a dress.. I never expected her to do that and now was looking irresistibly sexy.. the orange juice had a strange effect over my body and my boner was struggling to tear through my body was getting hotter and hotter.. I had just opened bottle of chilled vodka and had sat down trying to forget what had happened in the evening given that I knew she was my step sister.. I was feeling guilty and had emptied a shot of vodka down my throat when I heard the jingling sound and turned around only to be astonished at her beauty..
I was already missing the amazing sex with Shirley and I used to wank off every night imagining her.. but today every time I closed my eye, shalini in her bikinis looking sexy appeared before me and was arousing me.. i had become desperate for sex and had noticed over the couple of months that shalini was trying to seduce me.. I had strictly controlled myself initially but gradually I had lost the strong will.. today s events were leading me elsewhere completely and my mind was conflicting between loyalty to Shirley and my unsatisfied hungry sex beast..i was just hanging on by threads when she came to me like this..
Shalini: hey ya steve , drinking by yourself ah..? wont you pour a little for me..?
Steve: this is vodka dear much much stronger than what u drank at the party.. are you sure you want this..?
Shalini: I am grown woman steve and i make my own choices.. I do know the difference between vodka and beer.. and since you are still hesitating, I shall help myself..
Saying this, she poured herself a drink and sat beside me.. shalini was an exotic display of sexiness unlike Shirley who had the angelic looks of a beauty,, shalini edged more on the sluttier side while my sister gave the first impression of innocent romance.. shalini’s deodorant was already maddening and couple with her body aroma, completely threw me off guard.. I was fighting hardly against my urge to grab her , kissing her sensuous lips and fuck her right there..
She was intentionally sitting very close to me pressing her soft body against mine.. my hands were trembling when I poured another drink for myself.. she laughed seeing my plight and uttered in her sexy voice..
Shalini: hey steve, why is your hand wriggling like an old man.. are you feeling uncomfortable around me..?
Me: errr.. err noo..
She saw that my boner was making a tent through my boxers and smiled to herself.. at this very moment a romantic smooch was playing on screen and I avoided my eyes.. she was glancing at me from the corner of her eyes.. I protruded my hand to pick up the remote on table but she immediately grabbed my hand holding the remote.. as I looked at her , I saw her eyes filled with lust for me and her sensuous lips coming closer to my lips.. I knew where this was leading but the sex hungry beast won over me and we smooched again.. this time a very long one though and very exciting also.. I grabbed her face and increased the depth of the smooch while her hand slowly traveled between my thighs and grabbed my dick sending pleasure waves throughout me.. I knew I was losing whatever little resistance I had..
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Steve’s narration:
We were smooching each other like there was no tomorrow.. she had seized my dick over my boxers and was squeezing it in her hand.. my hand now slowly crawled across her body and grabbed her boobs.. she moaned at my grasp of her soft melons and saliva was getting liberally exchanged between the two of us..she leaned back over the sofa and and I went over still gripping her boobs over her blouse.. her breathing had become deeper and her pallu of saree had just become a slim cloth going through her cleavage.. I just stopped back for a few seconds and admired the luscious body .. her navel seemed to wink and tease me.. the waist chain was hugging her waist seemed to smile mischievously at me tempting me furthermore.. the alcohol within me was taking its effect as it supported the sex hungry animal side of me against the loyal and moral side of me..
I decided that she should know the truth behind her father and what she meant to me.. because where I was straying on the path now was only one way and there was no return from there..
Me: shalini, I need to tell you one truth which I have been hiding..
She: (impatiently).. u can tell me whatever u want after you explore my body to full extent.. I cant wait now to listen to it..
Me: no, this is a very important one and I think u should know it now than later and it might change your view of me..
Shalini: I don’t care what your truth is.. I only have one view and that is I love you..
Me: please listen to me first.. this is important..
She: ok finish fast.. I cant wait to get in your arms..
Me: (clearing my throat).. er .. shalini you’re my step sister.. both of our father is only one man..
She appeared shocked and surprised at my words and for a moment I thought she might slap me for telling this now..
She: you are kidding right..? are you telling this to stop our romance..?
Me: nooo.. I am damn serious.. look at me.. do I look like am joking..? that too about as serious as a matter about this..?i swear upon you.. it is true..?
She understood that I was indeed telling truth and closed her eyes.. I got worried as to what she would do now.. she might get and run away to room and attempt harming herself..after all she had just recovered from depression.. she might also hit him hard in the face for keeping such a big secret from her.. I was getting anxious for her reaction but then she opened her eyes and only calmly said..
She: so..?
I was in for a shock this time.. I never thought she would handle this matter so easily and carefree..
Me: err.. you are not angry at me..? or worried that we are crossing a big line here..?
She: see honey.. I never cared about that bastard who just gave birth to me and did nothing else for me.. he pushed my mom to desperation and she stepped on an ill path just to save us.. and only my bro took care of me after her death.. we struggled hard and I also lost him unfortunately.. ever since then, you’re my only savior.. I had fallen for you when u had first helped me itself..
After that every act of yours for me has only increased my love towards you.. I would have proposed to you long back itself had u not been married.. that gay husband doesn’t exist for me anymore.. and I have never stopped loving you..
You are my man, my hero, my brave knight who rescued me from all my troubles.. so what if I am your step sister.. you have married your own sister and have fucked her now about a hundred times.. I don’t care for the sin we are committing now because I know from the bottom of my heart that I love you and would go with you to hell rather happily.. I know you also don’t care for the sin because then you wouldn’t have married your sister.. so yes, come on and fuck me..
Saying this she tightly hugged and me her soft boobs crushing against my chest made my lose all moralities.. I couldn’t control any more now .. my dick was paining now.. I couldn’t resist anymore and decided to fuck her.. I showered kisses on her face and neck.. gave some soft bites along the way down to her chest.. she stopped me now and told we should go to the bedroom. I agreed and got up, stood beside the bed..
She: hey why the hell are you simply standing… at least today carry me in your arms inside..
Me: ok..
And I lifted her in my arms and carried her inside. I went out and bolted the doors and came back.. she was waiting now and had dropped her pallu.. her boobs seemed like two tasty mangoes trying to burst out from the captivity of the blouse.. her nipples were poking through her blouse inviting me to play with them..i went near her, picked up the pallu and firmly grasping it, pulled and tugged at it forcefully..
As the saree disrobed from her, she rotated around her own axis couple of times.. now she was standing only in blouse and petticoat but not making any attempts to hide her treasure.. advancing towards her, I undid the knot of her petticoat and slid down revealing her thunder thighs and black lacy panty covering her womanhood.. she removed my tshirt revealing my bare chest and also removed my half trouser throwing it aside.. I was only in undies now,my dick making a tent of it..
I turned her around, moved aside her wet hairs and gave few kisses on her back before untying the knot of her blouse.. she then turned back revealing her juicy mugs and erect nipples.. it was maddening me.. I pushed her on bed and jumped on her.. I grabbed her boobs and squeezed them hard.. I took one of the nipples in my mouth and sucked them.. she had started to moan loudly and grabbed the hair on my head.. I went on sucking her nipples and squeezing the other nipple in between my fingers..
She was moaning loudly now like hmmmmmmm ahhhhhh oiii steevee.. suckkk my nipples harrderr.. hmm bite them.. come on I love you sooo much..i went on sucking her boobs and also gave a few love bites on her round globes.. she moaned with that pain and pleasure.. I then came down and kissed around her navel.. then I deeply licked her navel like drinking sweet water from a deep well..
I now raised her arms up and took a deep breath of her armpit aroma.. it was quite arousing.. then I bent down and kissed both her smooth and clean shaven armpits.. she felt tickled and giggled.. i started licking her armpit now and she felt strange pleasures spreading through out her body so she moaned and giggled in between..her smooth skin at the armpits tasted somewhat salty but I was aroused too much to note that difference.. I licked out to my hearts content and I noticed that she was also enjoying my act..
She then came up and removed my underwear while I lay down flat on bed..she held my 6.5 inch rod in her hand and bent down drawing my foreskin back.. she kissed it then gave me a lusty look and took my entire dick in her mouth..she swirled her tongue over my shaft and it worked magic inside me making more and more horny.. my bulbous pink head rhythmically disappeared and appeared as she sucked my dick like a lollipop.. I had closed my eyes and was in heaven.. I had missed sex so much and today I was getting it after so many days that too with another virgin..all these thoughts made my dick more hard and my heart was filled with pleasurable emotions..
She gave me a soft bite during the blowjob , I groaned and opened my eyes to see her.. she winked at me naughtily while still continuing to suck my dick.. she was also stimulating the balls in my sack and playing with them alternately licking them also.. slowly she turned her attention towards my asshole and made circles around my anus which stimulated me even more.. the pressure in my balls was building up now and I knew I wouldn’t last longer.. I was thrusting up my pelvis now literally fucking her mouth..she also had increased her speed and her head was bobbing over my dick in high speed..
Suddenly she inserted the tip of her little finger into my asshole and I gave a long deep thrust into her mouth hitting her throat and almost gagging her.. cum shots from my dick hit her mouth like bullets from a small cannon.. she was ready for this and handled it well keeping still till the last drop of my cum had come out from my penis.. she did swallow most of it as I pulled out my dick slowly and a little of it started to trickle down her angle of mouth.. she took my finger, wiped my cum of her chin and then looking at me lustily put my finger in her mouth and licked it clean.. when she left my finger stained with her saliva, I winked at her and licked my finger of her saliva..
My dick was only semi hard now and it was not completely limp like usual.. I wondered why it was and what was causing this.. but I turned my attention towards the naked beauty in front of me with only lacy thin panty covering her most private part..i removed it off her curvy legs quickly and laid her down flat on bed.. she spread her legs for me willingly knowing what was about to happen.. I saw the second most beautiful pussy acc. To me.. she had shaved her pussy hairs completely except for a little triangle like small bush and it was trimmed neatly.. it looked sexy and added to the beauty of her little flower down there..
Me: your panties were already wet sis.. seems like your pussy is leaking heavily..
Shalini: yes steve darling, I just gave me step brother an exciting orgasm and I was very happy to do it.. this is the way my pussy shows how much pleased it is.. but it would be more happy to have you tongue and dick inside it
Me: all in due course my dear.. today is the day that I make my step sister as my private property and give you the ultimate pleasure of life that you’re gay husband couldnt give to you.. watch out.. here I come..
Saying this, I plunged my head between her thighs.. I kissed her virgin pussy and licked the petals of her womanhood.. she gave out a loud moan like ssssssssaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmm.. I then slowly parted her pussy lips apart and saw the pink flower waiting to get explored and deflowered by me.. suddenly I got an idea.. I wanted to take snaps of her virgin pussy before I punctured her hymen..
Me: shalu, I have a wish my dear.. I want to take photos of your pink virgin pussy before we go further with our sex..
Shalini: sure steve, whatever you phone is on table here only.. take snaps with that only..
I grabbed her phone from the table and took snaps of her pussy with lips closed and lips open also.. the pink membranes were glistening with her love juices.. I also took snaps of her boobs and nipples upclose.. now she grabbed the phone herself and clicked a few naked selfies of herself and took pictures of erect dick.. I proudly posed my erection and in last she managed to click a selfie where I was kissing her cheeks now she kept the phone aside and laid down while I put her legs on my shoulders and bent down to give her oral sex..
I slowly licked her pussy and simultaneously started to rub her clitoris.. she had screwed her eyes shut in complete pleasure and was moaning loudly like hmmm ahhhh hmmmm yesssss hmmm ahhhh ssucccckkk meee.. ahhhh hmmm i gradually increased my speed now and my tongue was licking the insides of her vagina through the small hole in her hymen.. she was moaning continuously now and had tightened her grip around my head.. her fingers squeezed the bed sheet tearing it.. her head was thrown back on the pillow and I could feel her cunt muscles contracting.. I knew her orgasm was near now.. so I I increased my speed of rubbing and licking to maximum as though her pussy was experiencing a vibrator.. she gave weird lusty expressions on her face and was almost screaming with pleasure..
Suddenly her thighs pushed my head towards her pussy and she arched her back high up in the air., shouting..arrgh.. I ammm cummmminnnggg honeyyy..warm cum oozed out of her pussy and I managed to lick most of it.. little droplets had spread on my lower part of chin which I wiped off as she collapsed on the bed after experiencing a high intensity orgasm.. slowly she loosened her grip around my head.. i came up slowly but she grabbed my face and showered kisses allover it ending in romantic smooch.. when we parted apart gasping for breath, I could see her face glowing with happiness.. after a few seconds..
She: thank you steve or should I call you bro now.. this was the most exciting and wonderful awesome experience of my life..
Me: you can call me what you like dear but there are still pleasures you have to experience.. the night is young and we are alone here away from the rest of the world.. I’ll show you the heaven my darling..
She: now I am getting a wicked idea but I want your help for it..
Me: what is it..?
She: I want to pose like a naughty nude model and you should take pictures of me..
I was still surprised by this though it seemed incredibly sexy to me as we both were high on alcohol.. I went to cupboard and grabbed my Nikon DSLR camera.. I have forgot to mention to the readers that I had a hobby of photography and carried my semi-professional camera around.. I set up my lens and flash in mins, while she closed all windows and drew screens over it. . with a red curtain dbangd behind her, I started clicking the camera..
From here on shalini will take over the narration:
The wild, slutty side of me was in full show that night and steve was also equally enjoying with me.. I posed in different poses like I had seen the models in the ftv and was unraveling the erotic side of me.. on particular pose I saw steve enjoying very much was when I held my hair with my hands exposing my smooth underarms, pouting my lips like kissing and also spreading my legs baring my pussy to the camera while sitting on chair.. I remember that he took three different shots of the same pose from different angles, one very upclose.. I went on posing and posing like bitch in heat, giving every possible expression of lust..
He also went taking snaps asking me to change postures now and then , suggesting me to curve my body in certain ways making my pics smoking hot and sexy.. I obliged to every wish of his and I even posed in a sexy lingerie and my bikini for him.. we ended our photo session by him taking photos of my pussy and hymen again.. by this time I was hot again and his dick had grown rock solid.. both of us now wanted to finish the last act of union and I was eagerly waiting for it..
Steve: I m hard again shalu.. my dick wants to enter the forbidden kingdom of your pussy.. hmm
Me: yess steve.. the forbidden sin gives more pleasure.. u ll be the first adventurer to enter my virgin territory..
Saying this I dragged him with his dick to bed and I lied down on the bed.. I wanted the classic missionary position to be my first sex position..i pulled him over me and felt his rod ready to enter the gates of my forbidden kingdom..suddenly he withdrew his dick back..
Steve: holy shit.. I dont have a condom.. and I cant run to shop in this position.. shall I order it online..?
Me: honey, I cant wait till it gets delivered .. you can see that my pussy is already leaking now.. besides I dont want some rubber intervening between my pussy and your dick when we are uniting for the first time and also its my first sex.. I want to completely feel the natural texture of your dick in my virgin pussy.. I also want to you to cum inside my pussy only as its our first sex and I dont want you to waste your cum by spilling on my body.. I ll take care of the contraception tomorrow.. now enter fast..
Hearing this, he came over me and smooched me hard and said, holy cow, I love you sexy lady, u made completely fearless now.. I swear you ll have the most memorable sex for ur debut and u ll remember it for a long time..
Me: yes my darling I know how awesome your in bed.. I have secretly heard you making out with her in your bedroom.. .. hence forth I dont want anybody else in my life other than you, my darling.. u and only u shall be the master of my body from today and I ll obey my master s every wish..
Steve: ohh yeahhh I love my new naughty whore so much..lets begin..
Me: will it hurt much honey..? please be gentle na..
Steve: have I ever hurt you love..? it’ll only be a little sting and pains only for a few mins.. after that the pain vanishes and u ll experience the ultimate pleasure..i promise I ll be as gentle as I can honey..
He smooched me again and rubbed his dick head on my pussy so that it gets accustomed with it.. he spit on my pussy and rubbed his dick in it lubricating it, although my pussy was already wet with the erotic photo shoot.. he then slowly applied pressure over my pussy and tried to push his dick inside.. my hymen was stretched to its limits and pain started traveling up my spine..
Me: ssssssahhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmaaaaa slower slower
Him: I am slow only honey..
I had screwed my face tight now unable to bear the pain.. tears had filled up in my shut eyes and started to slowly flow out as he apllied more and more pressure..
Me: please remove it off honey.. I cant take it anymore..
Steve: its alright honey.. just a little more and it ll be over..
He bent down to smooch me and while I was indulged in his smooch he gave a strong jerk and his dick mercilessly tore into my hymen.. I screamed like.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmmmm but it was muffled due to the smooch but my eyes were wide open now, tears flowing like a river from them.. half of his dick was inside me and I was bleeding from my pussy.. he kept still for a few moments in that position, playing with my nipples.. and then he slowly withdrew till his head and a gave final forceful jerk to my pussy and his full dick was engulfed my tight pussy which was stretched to its maximum limits creating waves of unbearable pain to me..
He again held still in that position and licked the tears flowing on my cheeks while I tried to smile in that much pain showing that I was fine.. eventually he started to and from moments and the pain started to disappear from my pussy being replaced with pleasures.. the girth of his dick stretching my cunt every time it plunged in was creating ripples of awesome pleasure within me..
Me: hmmmmmmmm ahhhh come on dear,, hmmm yesss like that.. ohhh goddd this is so fucking good ..
Him; ah I said na.. only a little sting.. from now only pleasure darling..
Me: ohhhh yeah yeahh yeahh yeahh hmmmm ahhh yeahhh yeah ffffuccck meee..
He started increasing his speed and my pussy was getting heavy duty ramming from his hot rod.. like the bitch I was, at this peak of pleasure I started talking dirty..

Me: ohhh yeahhh this is so fucking good.. come on you sister fucker.. your dick wont be satisfied with ur elder sis alone.. come on fuck your younger one also.. make her your whore u bastard..
Him: yess bitch.. I was eying since ever since u attained adulthood.. I knew u had the hots for me like the bitch you were.. ohhhhh goddd your cunt is very hot and melting like butter.. shittt.. this is so good..
Me: come on bro, your fucking like a sissy.. give it to me harddder you son of bitch..
As soon as these words were out of my mouth he increased his speed to maximum and I was feeling like my pussy was subjected to extreme pain and pleasure.. he also started spanking my boobs and my face and they turned red wherever his hands landed roughly.. I looked back at him more lustily and he continued the spanking and fucking I felt like a proper slut now getting it the hard way but loved it..
Me:ohhhhh yeahhhh come onnnnnn fuccckk meee harderrr..yeahhh like thattt.. yesss sucker.. hmmm ahhhh ahhhhh hmmmmmm oiiii hmmmahhhhhhhhhhhh spank me master.. I am your dirty little whore..
Him:you are right bitch.. your my private dirty whore from now on and no other male shall ever enter in your pussy.. you’ll be mine for your whole life and shall serve me only..
Me: yes master.. I am rich whore serving my master.. ahhhhh hmmmmmm yessss ohhhhh sssss ahhhhhhhh..
With liberal flow of dirty language and him dominating me, my cunt muscles started contacting again and I was having another intense orgasm..he also couldn’t hold on much longer as my cunt milked his dick.. I arched my back up in the air and dug my nails deep into his back, pulling his dick towards me..I shouted..
Me: ahhhhhhhh I ammmm cummmmmiiinngggg bro,,, hmmmmmmmm yessssss.. ohhhh goddd holy shitttttt fffffffuuuuucckkkkkkkkkk
Him: I m also ccummmmmiiinnngggg sisss hmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhh yesss. Ffucckk..
My cunt juices started to overflow on through my dick while he gave a final deep thrust into my pussy and started shooting his warm semen inside the depths of my pussy,, I felt that all that pain was totally worth the heavenly pleasures I had just experienced.. he collapsed on my boobs and we both were perspiring badly.. after a few mins, I felt like I needed to pee and asked him to get up..
Him: okkk but I ll also come.. I also want to pee and also want to watch you pee..
I agreed.. we went, pissed and came back.. but he seemed to enjoy while was peeing.. we then came back to the hall very hungry.. we found some food in the fridge and devoured it quickly.. we then came back to the room, nude and steve had brought along with him the vodka and offered me some..
While we were drinking, he started cutting some naughty jokes and both of us were laughing.. I stared at him for a moment and said..
Me: it was my dream to get fucked by you steve and today, honey u transformed me from a girl to a woman.. my dream has come true.. I want to give you whatever you want honey..come on ask..
He leaned and kissed me on lips and said, I have everything I want.. just promise me that you ll stay with me till the end and never leave me.. my eyes welled up in tears of joy and my heart leapt with passionate love.
Me: I’ll never leave you darling until death does us part I swear this on you..
We kissed each other again and I saw his dick was up again due to the effect of Viagra
Him: I wonder what has happened to my dick seems totally uncontrollable..
Me: (laughing naughtily) not your fault honey.. its the effect of Viagra that I gave you in orange juice..
Him; oiii then you must be punished with another round of hard fucking u bitchy sis..
Me: I m ready to take the punishment my dear bro and master..
We both laughed out and ended up in having another steamy hot session.. this time he asked me to ride on him initially and then fucked me hard in doggy style,, the room was filled with the sounds of our pelvis crashing each other and moans from me , groans from him.. it smelled of our body odours now and this time he fucked me for a longer period in which I had two more orgasms.. finally when he cummed in my pussy, we both collapsed on bed, extremely tired.. I cuddled up to him and we slept naked , hugging each other..
I’ll continue what happened in the morning in my next part..Meanwhile lets see what was going on in india in Shirley s words..
Ever since steve had left for america,I was missing the sex very much.. I was addicted to it so much now that living without it seemed like hell� even though we had weekly phone sex, I missed the feeling of his dick in my cunt.. I had even purchased a dildo and was using it for masturbation but it was not very satisfying.. I longed for his crawling touch all over my body.. my breasts had become bigger due to his handling and protruded from my shirts so much so that most males in the office ranging from peon to ceo eyed them lustily..i had to change my office wardrobe for this reason but I felt proud about it..
Swathi was two years senior to me at college but we had bonded very well with each other.. she understood me better than anyone at college and most of our interests also matched well that further strengthened the bond between us..
I used to share everything with her and she also used to do the same with me..we knew each other so well that we could predict where the other would be in college when our classes left.. she used to help me with my academics as she herself was a very brilliant student and also she was going to special coaching classes which I couldnt afford.. even after she had left the college she maintained constant touch with me until she was forcefully married off by her father to some rich businessman and she had shifted to Bangalore..
When I was convocating I had called her to invite her to the function , but instead I heard her sad story where she told me that her husband had already had a wife before who was dead and this was his second marriage.. he had this secret from her and also had a lot of affairs with other girls.. she had discovered this truth one day when she had read his messages on phone from his private secretary and he had sent non veg jokes and also had sent dirty messages to her for which she had replied that he was not at all interested in her these days and she was missing the regular fucking from him..
She had managed to somehow capture him red handed during one of his illegal sexual acts.. he was caught in surprise and from then on he managed to give divorce to her and also lot of money and some of his properties as a compensation for not exposing him publicly.. she was the only daughter of her parents and her mom had died long ago when she was still in school.. her father had passed away only a month after her marriage and she had barely lived with her husband for 3 months when she had caught him.. after she had got divorce she had tried to go back to some of her distant relatives.. some of them refused to accept her while others were only eying her money.. disgusted with them, she had isolated herself from them and had settled down in Bangalore..
She understood me and my feelings when i called her for help regarding my love with my bro and completely stood by me.. she was my only other soul mate other than steve and I wanted to somehow bring back the happiness in her life.. I had tried to get her interested in other guys but she would never get on and used to find some or the other faults with vain, I had given up my attempts..
Ever since steve had left we had become further closer and I used to now discuss all my sexual matters with her.. I had told my whole sex experiences to her, how I had accidentally exposed myself to steve and how he had managed to seduce me and how he had proposed me .. I also told her about our wonderful honeymoon sex and other experiences in goa and thanked her for that. She had also become very open with me given the fact that her household consisted only of a cook/housemaid and a driver.. driver had been recently removed due to the deceit in petrol expenses and she herself would drive..
We used at one place now either hers or mine and there would be no one at night except us, for the maid left at night after cooking.. we used to eat together, sometimes feeding each other and watch movies late night then fall asleep.. she also used to discuss about how she used to fantasize about men and one day showed me her huge porn collection which had all forms of sexual fantasies existing on earth., and also showed her dildo collection to me..
I was just super excited to see all that.. I looked at her and saw the naughty bitch in her.. she winked at me and removed her pink top.. my body was barely holding on control..she removed her pyjamas also now and I saw her womanly treasures on display..she was endowed with good body like mine , in fact her boobs were slightly bigger than mine about 34c.. she had apt curves to seduce any man and I wondered y her husband like son of bitch had neglected this beauty at home and had gone to some other cheap beauty..
Swathi: why dont you let your skin breathe some air.. its only me and you.. remove your clothes baby.. I know your pussy is itching for some fun.. u can use everything here to please yourself..
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Now a little recap before we start the story in Shirley s words.. I had fucked shalini now seduced by her, aided by my desperation of sex.. Shirley had given brief past of swathi and how they gotten close over the years.. swathi and Shirley were sharing sexual matters with each other now and shirley was exposed to collection of porn and dildos owned by swathi.. now read on..

I was just surprised seeing her semi naked body.. and I was also longing to have some fun and quench my longing thirst of sex..she had just invited to play with my body in front of her.. this was completely new to me but I was ready to explore new was crazy enough decision to marry my brother but swathi had supported me.. if this would pleasure her a little then I was ready to do it..
Swathi: hey are lost..? did you hear me..?
Me: err yess.. I m was just… never mind..
I took of my tees and quickly got rid of my shorts as well.. just a white bra and pink panty remained to cover my womanhood..
She: wow.. look at that.. huh,, we have a got sexy and cute princess here.. ready to have fun..?
Me: yeah..
We went into a room which had her home screen carrying some hd porn dvds and a few dildos of different shape and size..she put on the porn and came and sat beside me on the mattress.. the porn movie started and we giggled at each other.. we both were like lingerie models together waiting for the hotter part.. a man with a big dick was getting I sucked by two women… slowly swathi was rubbing her pussy over panty while I was biting my lips in excitement..
As the fucking on screen began, swathi had removed her bra now and was rubbing her boobs together and moaning loudly.. I also decided to bare my boobs and removed my bra..
We were completely enjoying and moaning loudly.. swathi had become completely nude and was inserting a dildo into her pussy..i was not holding myself back and removed my panty and become completely nude.. the fucking on screen was intense as the guy was fucking hard and fast into the asshole of on girl while sucking the boobs of the other..
Swathi: ohhh hmmm fuckkk yeahhh,,hey gal, are you liking this..?
Me: yes… ohh goddd I had missed sex so much.. I m so much relieving my stress here..
Meanwhile on screen the guy had finished and the two girls face was smeared with his cum.. the girls were kissing each other, licking the cum from each other.. I had never seen lesbian porn till then.. this was creating butterflies in my stomach.. my pussy was getting turned by the fact there was a naked sexy woman beside me watching this porn with me. My body was getting hotter…swathi noticed the new excitement on my face..
Swathi: hey do you like this huh..? you seem to enjoy more these two girls kissing and licking each other..
Me:errr hmmm nooo..
Swathi: come on dear.. it s only me here.. you share everything with me na,, don t hide your feelings.. let them flow..
Me.. oo ,, hmm okk.. its actually so good dear.. I have never seen this type before.. its exciting..
Swathi: (speaking boldly) want to try it for real..?
She winked at me mischievously and licked her lips.. I was sweetly surprised by her statement and my cheeks had turned red..getting a cue from this, she boldly came forward and kissed me briefly on my lips.. she gave me two more kisses.. driven by my desperation for sex, my sexual passion was now directed in a new way.. she drew back after the third peck at my lips.. I couldn’t wait any more
My body burned with new passion for girls and I clearly said out loud to her, “ lets do it”.. I then grabbed her face and pressed my lips on hers.. she readily opened her lips and I sent out my tongue to a new territory.. the feel of her womanly lips was sooo fucking good that my pussy started leaking instantly.. here we were, two ladies kissing each other like new lovers and ready to go to unknown land..
She was more stronger than me and she pushed me over on the bed, and started kissing me from my face.. first she kissed my forehead, then eyes , nose, came down to my lips sucked them for a while.. her hands were crawling over my back gently caressing me while I did the same to her.. she gave a bite on my earlobe making me scream in pain but it was arousing..she then came down planting kisses all down my neck , all the way till my boobs.. she gave my boobs special treatment and I loved the feel of woman s lips on my nipples.. this was completely different from what steve used to suck me and also quite better than that..
She sucked me like a baby sending ripples of pleasure throughout my body.. she slowly went down kissing and licking my navel… she slowly kissed my thighs and went down kissing on leg, came back up till my pelvis kissing the other leg.. she had even licked my toe and I found that it was most enjoyable..
Mow she came near my pussy and slowly caressed my vertical lips , looking lustily at me..i bit my lower lip signaling her that I was enjoying this..
Swathi: I am about suck the honey out of your cunt dear.. shall I proceed..?
Me: please do it fast honey.. I cant wait..
She parted my cunt lips and plunged her tongue inside it.. as her tongue entered my pussy, it opened itself to passionate pleasures.. she swirled her tongue around my pussy and licked my wet pussy like a dog licking water.. I was on top of clouds floating in peak pleasure.. she used her fingers and found out my g spot rapidly..
Me: sssssssahhhhhhhh rub there darling… ohhhhhh I like it sooo muchhh..
She: ohhh yeahhhh .. hmm see now how I ll play with it..
She rubbed my g spot vigorously alternately licking it with all her might.. I was losing control of my own body..
Me: hhmmmahhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh goddddddd I likkke thisss.. holyyyy shitt..swathiiii hmmmm I love youuuu sooooo muchhh hmmmmm ya yeah yeah hmm yeah hmmm oh god this is awesome… suckkk meeee darling…hmmmmm
She was now rubbing me at full speed and her tongue kept probing my cunt deeper and deeper.. I had not had an orgasm since 4 days when steve had called and this was really too much to control.. I tightened my thighs around her head pulling her face towards my pulsating cunt.. my back rose up from the mattress as I grabbed the bedspread and pushed my pussy fully towards her mouth.. she was almost gagging when I shouted.
Me: I amm cumminnngggg darlingggg.. ohhhhhhh fffffucccckkk…
My cum filled her mouth and she started drinking it.. I fell back on mattress completely spent loosening my grip around her.. her mouth was filled with my cum and she came up on my body and relaxed on my boobs.. I pulled her face towards mine and smooched her.. I could taste traces of my cum in her mouth and we shared each other s saliva.. when we were finished with smooching, she found my face radiant and satisfied..
Swathi: how was it..? enjoyed eh..?
Me: this is awesome dear.. I have not climaxed like this ever since steve went..but I believe its not finished yet.. your pussy is still wet but I want it leaking your juices… allow me to give back some of the pleasure you have given me dear..
She smiled and kissed me..the porn was just playing like some background noise but neither she nor I cared for it.. we had found what we wanted in each other..i slowly laid upon her and started kissing and licking her.. her boobs seemed in desperate need of attention and I gave it my full care, caressing , kissing , licking and sucking it.. she was letting out sounds of passionate love and it seemed sexy ,turning me on more and more..
Her navel was little bigger and deeper than mine and my tongue inside sent chills of happiness down her spine.. I played with it for a while and then came down.. her pubic area had hairs all around it and I found her flower in the midst of it.. she apologized to me for not shaving down here but also told me that there was no one until now, who wanted it..
Me: don’t worry dear, from now on I m there for u.. your pussy ll be regularly pleased by me henceforth..
She had tears in her eyes now.. I went up kissed her cheeks , wiped her tears..
Me: this is not the time to cry my love, this is the time to enjoy.. ummm..
Swathi: hmm yes dear, I wont cry.. I love you so much sweetie..
I went down again, parting her pussy lips and found her pink membranes shining with drops of her juices.. I started licking her and at the same time, rubbing her clitoris.. I licked her inside of thighs , played with her nipples, squeezing them and inserted two fingers inside her pussy.. her pussy was tight and swallowed my fingers fully, lick an python engulfing its prey..i finger fucked and licked her alternately.. her pussy was over flowing with love juices now.. I now got up and smooched her spreading my legs..she also spread her legs wide open fully excited..
Swathi: come on honey.. its finally time for our little sissies to say hi to each other…
Me: yes darling.. now is the time our pussies found out how much we love each other..
I put my one leg in between her legs amd our thighs came into close contact.. I lifted up her other leg and pushed my pelvis towards her, we adjusted ourselves like a blades of a scissor and then I slowly rubbed my pussy over her bushy cunt..her hairs pricked my smooth pussy lps and it sent shock like waves throughout my body..
Me: hmmmmm hmmm yessssss
Swathi: ohhhhhhh dearrr fffffuccccckk hmmmmmm
I started rubbing my pussy against her’s now and we both felt like heaven descended down to earth.. she started to moan loudly..
Swathi: ohhhh hmm hmm yeah yeah yeahhh fffuckk me honey fffuckkk mee.. I am a bitch..ahhh hmmm
Me: oh yeah baby.. right now your a bitch and another bitch is screwing you.. ohhh fffucckk this feels sooo good,,
As we ground our pussies against each other , I felt intense pleasure ready to explode from my brain.. she was also moaning loudly and gave equal thrusts back at me, crashing her pelvic bones against mine.. we increased our speed gradually and now were rubbing against each other very fast,, she squeezed my breasts while I pinched her nipples as we neared our orgasms now.. she shouted first raising her back from the mattress..
Swathi: arrgh.. I ammm cummminggg dear.. hmmmmmaaa..
Me; me tooo honeyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmaaa
Cum flowed out from both our pussies now .. I put her leg down and collapsed on her consumed in my second orgasm.. she closed her eyes for a minute now letting the feeling sink inside her..
We were little tired now.. we took rest in each others arms for a while and then we went out nude.. I went into kitchen and brought back something to eat while she had brought back a bottle of wine.. we ate in a single plate and drank the wine.. she lovingly fed me during the meal and I did the same back to her.. she had tears again in her eyes..
Me: anything wrong with me..? y your crying again..
Swathi: your like a pure diamond dear.. its not you.. its me.. after I was divorced I faced so much problems and no one stood by me.. my father had forced me into marriage and he was not there to even hear my problems after that.. some of my relatives feared admitting me into their family for fear of society while others wanted my money.. an distant uncle welcomed me but I sensed that he was more after my body than listening to me.. your the only one who loves me for what I am rather than what I have..
Me; its not a great deed that I have done..
I wiped her tears , fed her and said..” I am always there for you.. don’t you worry dear.. from now on your like my baby doll”
She smiled and hugged me, resting her head on my chest.. I finished the meal and drank the wine that she had left in the glass.. i patted her on the back.. she got up and switched off the porn while I went into kitchen, washed my hands and kept the plate in the sink.. then I went into her room where she was sitting on her bed.. it was a double bed of king size.. she had arranged the bed and it was already late in the night..
Swathi: come honey, I want to sleep with you today naked.. I hope you don’t mind..
Me: oh I don’t mind it dear.. in fact I m also sleeping nude with you.. from here on there shall be no formalities between us honey.. what is mine is yours..
Swathi; and also what is mine is yours..
I cuddled up to her and we lied down in each other s arms.. she asked me.
Swathi: honey, promise me one thing..
Me: whatever you want dear..
Swathi: just never leave my side for any matter..because I cant lose you..
Me: I swear on you darling.. I am always there with you.. no matter what..
We smooched each other again and slept.. the next day was a Sunday, so we woke up late.. she invited me to shower and we both enjoyed soaping each other.. we had a steamy session in the bath tub and cummed at almost the same time.. swathi called the cook and told that there was no need of her coming today and gave her holiday.. she then suggested that we will only wear lingerie and be like that for the whole day… I agreed.. she ordered food both in the morning and night, the delivery times of the food being the only time when she wore a night gown.. we enjoyed each other, watched some romantic movies and lot of lesbian porn..
We masturbated each other.. she even strapped a dildo around her pelvis and fucked my pussy with it.. after I finished my orgasm, I did the same to her.. we had become proper fuck buddies now but more than that the love between us had almost increased by thrice.. I had turned bisexual along with her but both of us had no regrets about it.. the only worry to me , was how to tell steve about this and whether he would accept this other side of me whole heartedly..
We were pleasing each other almost daily now and we went out like lesbo couples to movies,clubs and high class parties.. she refreshed my wardrobe entirely and she had also given me complete freedom to pick and choose whatever I wanted from her wardrobe also.. all the men at parties used to ogle at us with their mouths watering but never cared about it.. we used to dance like crazy at dj nights , but never allowed any male to come in between us..
Swathi had convinced me to resign the work at my company and she took care of the loans that I had even though I didn’t want money matters to spoil our relationship.. she was very powerful in these matters of convincing me and she won always by saying that whatever was hers was mine too and she meant it to the last letter.. I still protested that I wanted to work and she had made me the boss of one of the little software companies she was running.. I didn’t know how to ever repay her for all these things..
Let’s stop here for a while.. meanwhile lets go back to shalini to continue her part in the u.s.
After that memorable night with steve, we had cuddled up against each other and slept.. when the morning dawned upon us and sun shone brightly through the window, I opened my eyes and realized that I was sleeping on his chest.. I looked up and found out the he had already awake and was seriously thinking about something.. I went up to his face, kissed him on the lips and said..
Me: good morning baby.. I see you have already woken up early than me.. what are you thinking so seriously..?huh..?
Him: er..its nothing..
Me: (winking)don’t worry about me getting pregnant darling.. I ll take the pill today..
Him: no.. its not about that.. its just that.. hmm its nothing for you to worry about..
Me: I know what you are worrying about.. your feeling guilty about sleeping with me now.. is it not..?
Him: its not like that shalu.. its just that I love Shirley with all my heart and don’t want to cheat her by keeping this secret from her.. but I don’t know how to tell her.. and I m scared if she leaves me after hearing this.. I cant live without her..
Me: (pretending to be serious) so I m not important to you at all..?

Him: your misunderstanding me shalu, I am not repenting for sleeping with you but she s my wife.. you both are like my two eyes.. I want you both to be happy always..
Me: hmm i was just kidding baby.. I know how much you love her honey.. she s really great gal.. she has sacrificed so much for you.. and I wont let you lose her because of me.. it would also ruin her life.. leave this to me honey.. I’ll handle this and some how convince her that this was not your fault , even if have to fall on her feet or give my life for it..
Him: (smiling) I wont let you till there honey.. this is a thing that we both have done.. what ever the consequences , we both shall face it..
Me: yes, but I shall initiate this talk with her.. ok..? now give me a kiss honey ..
He sucked at my lips for some time while I played with his lower lip.. we got up and showered.. he couldn’t get his hands off me and it ended up in hot steamy sex.. we came out and dried ourselves.. he got ready for office and while leaving gave me a hug and kiss..
We had sex almost every day now.. I liked most when I got to ride on him grinding my pelvis against his dick.. I was on pill regularly today avoid any unnecessary risk of pregnancy..daily morning I used to give him blowjobs and only then he would go to shower.. I had got accustomed to his cum now and it was like a morning routine for me to drink it.. as time skipped by, I didn’t know 2 months had rolled past me..
We had gone to Hollywood with the prize tickets.. I enjoyed every moment of my stay there.sometimes he seemed worried and guilty about Shirley, I would immediately run to him, kiss him and divert his mind or re assure that everything would be alright and I would make sure of it.. we had come to the last week of stay in u.s and the company gave him the week off to enjoy..
We went around to many places , resorts, museums , theme parks, beaches etc.. we did some shopping and went to movies.. wherever we used to go, I used to stick to him like chewing gum and enjoy the feel of his hand around my waist..i wanted this to last forever and couldn’t bear to think of a life without him.. we had a candle light dinner with romantic music at the background on our last day there…
I had just fixed in my mind now that steve would be the only man hereafter in my life and I would dedicate my life to him,even if I didnt get to marry him. .. I somehow wanted to convince Shirley to share steve with me though I knew that was nearly impossible task and frankly didn’t know how she would take this matter..she had shown utmost love and care to me from the beginning and I didn’t want to ruin her life by snatching away steve from her..
When we landed back in india, we were received warmly by Shirley and swathi at the airport.. we went back home in swathi’s car.. I shared my experiences of trip and both the ladies were listening to it eagerly while steve was driving the car.. both of them seemed very happy to see me completely recovered and talking so much, thinking that their idea had worked .. but the real treatment was only given to me by steve..
I still had to break the ice and talk to Shirley about us.. steve was feeling more and more guilty as the days passed and I was also missing his love and the hot sex very much.. I had to figure out some way now and I was thinking very hard of some plan to solve this.. I did notice that Shirley would busy now so coz she was the boss of swathi s office.. swathi had become closer than ever and she also used to treat me like Shirley..
From here on, swathi would like to narrate the story..
Ever since steve had returned , Shirley had become busy at nights having sex with him, though she would come once a week to stay at my house but most of the times I would be alone or shalini would be there..i was missing the regular oral sex of Shirley now and masturbation had become only like a daily chore that I had lost interest in.. I was eagerly looking forward to the nights with Shirley and everyday I rubbed my boobs thinking of her..
I used to hug her whenever I got the opportunity.. only we both knew the real secret behind this and we used to giggle about it.. I used to got Shirley s chamber on some days, lock it from inside and have hot smooch and finger fucking sessions but we couldn’t do much for the fear of employees outside..
Sometimes after our night sessions,Shirley used to feel guilty that she was cheating steve and couldn’t carry on this without his knowledge.. I used to ask her to speak her mind to him about this but she used to hesitate thinking that he might feel disgusted with this and leave her..
Soon my birthday arrived and Shirley along with steve and shalini planned a surprise grand party for me, inviting all the workers at my companies.. after I cut the cake the first piece went into shirleys mouth and she did the same to me but smeared the cream all over my face..i did the same with her and shalini.. we enjoyed that night a lot..
I noticed that steve was looking very handsome that night, now that he was hitting the gym regularly.. some of the girls were staring at him, probably wetting their pussies thinking about him naked..
After everyone left that night, Shirley said to steve that she wanted to spend the night with him.. he agreed and left with shalini.. we then had the house to ourselves.. we locked the house, got rid of our dresses each one disrobing the other and got nude quickly.. I kissed and licked her luscious lips and played with her nipples.. she too played with my nipples and navel..
Soon we laid down on the bed and we went in 69 position and started licking each others pussies. I played with her asshole also while she continuously moaned inside my pussy licking it.. we cummed in each others mouth.. then we smooched mixing each other s juices and drank them.. we rested for a while and again resumed our session , this time grinding our pussies against each other and she spanked my ass a few times like giving birthday bumps to me..she then fucked my pussy using a dildo and I had another superb orgasm..later I returned the favour and she burst out with her cum flowing down her thighs..
The room was filled with aroma of our love juices and sweat.. I then cuddled up to her and she took me in her arms and kissed me on forehead..
Shirley: how was the birthday gift dear..? hope you enjoyed it thoroughly..
Me:superb.. awesome.. wonderful honey.. you know we had not had sex since last week and I was sorely waiting for this.. this is the best birthday gift ever..
She: I want to fulfill all your wishes darling.. you should not miss anyone nor anything,, I probe the world around to get you whatever you desire, tell me what you want..?
Me: thank you dear.. you have given everything.. but I have hidden a secret from you and I am feeling guilty about it.. I jut feel like clearing out of my chest tonight.. but before that get a glass of wine dear.. I need some courage to tell it..
She went out and brought back a wine bottle, two glasses and some chips..we drank 3-4 glasses before I could muster enough strength to tell her..
Me: ok promise me honey, that you wont leave me or scold me for this,,, I don’t want this to affect our present relationship in any way and you ll continue to love me and be with me just like you are now..
She: why are you telling all this huh..? you know na, how much I love you.. and I wont leave you… now tell me what is it..?
Me: no, swear on me right now.. and only then I’ll tell..
She: what..? r you crazy..? I cant let you get harmed by anything.. its ok tell me like that only..
Me: no honey, I am damn serious.. keep your hand on my head and swear upon me.. only then you ll know this or else I’ll die with this secret..
She: okkk darling.. here you go..
She kept her hand on my head and swore that whatever the truth/secret that I was about to tell wouldn’t affect our relationship in the slightest way and she ll continue to love me like she has always did and she ll never leave me.. and crossed her heart upon this,,
She: ok darling.. tell me now..
Me: errr..
She: now don’t be shy… I m your eternal lover and we are alone.. I have already sworn on you.. whatever it is that is bothering you inside your heart, remove it out of the cage and let it roam free.. come on.. tell me already..
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Now coming back to story … in swathi’s words..

Me: okk honey..i am telling you.. I have had a secret crush on a guy since many days now and I feel like I am in love with him..
Shirley: what..?!! really..? then y didn’t u tell all these days..
Me: (with a sad face) because I feel I wont get him how much ever I try..
Shirley: nothing is impossible honey.. esp. when I am with you.. I ll get him for you even if I have to seduce him myself..
Me: (smiling ).. really..?
Shirley: yess.. wherever he is in this world.. but first tell me who the lucky guy is..?
Me: sure u wont be angry with me na..?
She: arre baba… I have already sworn on you and plus its your birthday dear.. now I cant stand the excitement anymore.. tell me already..
Me: (hesistating)..errr.. err .. its none other than steve.. honey..!!
She: (surprised) what..? come again..
Me: yes honey it s ur brother and husband steve.. ever since I have met him I had a crush on him.. the way he takes care of you, the way he loves you, and ever since you told me of the way he makes love to you and the intensity of sex, I have been fantasizing about him.. and it makes me go on the edge, wetting my panties.. of late, the thoughts have increased so much that I cannot concentrate on my business..sometimes I see some random guy in the road and imagine it to be him, and keep staring almost crashing into vehicle ahead of him.. I want him so badly atleast just for one night where he makes passionate love to me…yet I repent about it coz I know he loves you and only you and I can never get him.. its killing me from within..(I burst out into tears..)
Shirley was shocked hearing this and seemed perplexed as what to do.. she took some time to recover and I was fearing she might slap me or get up and walk away.. to my surprise she did neither but just cleared her voice once and began with a soothing voice..
She: ok.. I m surprised by this.. but you come here baby doll into my arms like that.. yess slowly…like that.. hmm now stop crying .. eh.. now here.. wipe it off.. come on.. its your bday today and ur not allowed to be sad.. u have said what you had to.. its my responsibility now..ok..just relax and take deep breath..
Me: I m sorry dear..(sobbing).. u can take back your promise.. I know this is never going to be mine..
Shirley.: (placing her finger on my lips)..ssssssshhhh dear.. a promise is a promise and I have already gone a step further and sworn on you.. you have given me so much till now.. and you have asked nothing in return… just endless love from you.. besides this, remember what I said..” what is mine is yours..” and I mean it.. so shush now and turn that frown upside down.. I ll give you my precious jewel but only for one night.. is it ok..?
Me: really..!!!!!! ur not kidding right..? huh..?
She: nope.. but you have to give me some time for it.. I have to plan it very carefully lest steve may think wrong of me.. ok..? now smile.. ya that’s like my sweetie.. now lets sleep.. we are tired and its late..
I was so happy that night and I also shed tears of joy on the pillow for thinking how much was this girl ready to offer me and how much she loved me.. she was making a sacrifice that no women would be ready to do even if they were given all the money in the world.. I hugged her closely, my lids heavy now shut themselves over my eyes.. I drifted into land of dreams where steve was hugging me tightly and making intense love to me..
Life was going on smoothly now.. I was back in my spirits and concentrating on my business.. I used to feel happy sensing that the day that steve would hold me in his arms was coming near.. I had so many expectations about it… and every day used to relieve myself rubbing my pussy.. shirley used to joke that I had recently been more happy when her brother was around me.. it was true though I used to deny it to her..
From here on shalini will continue..
I wanted to do some work to get my mind off the idleness and boring and suggested to them that I would want to start some business with the money I had..swathi came forward with an idea that she would also invest along with me and together we could start hotel and catering services.. she gave an idea that she would bring over cooks from her goa hotels and introduce the original goa cuisines in Bangalore and we might get some success in that..
So we agreed and started a single hotel first..steve had left his job now and helped us in our business by overlooking the business matters.. I used to spend my time in the chef s room, learning new dishes and tastes from the chefs and supervising the cleanliness and quality of the dishes.. though we did suffer some loss initially, it gradually picked up and our business flourished ..
One day, I returned from the hotel in the noon, due too headache.. shirley was home that coz she had applied a leave.. I had a special dish for her that day with the help of chef and since I was returning earlier than usual, I carried back along with me.. I found the door locked and I gave a single knock on the door.. but then I got an idea of surprising her with my dish.. I found the back door unlocked and slid in through to the kitchen with the intention of warming up the dish..
But I heard some strange noises coming from Shirley s room as though someone was moaning with pleasure.. I guessed Shirley must have been masturbating to relieve herself.. but then I heard another female voice giggling and it did sound familiar.. out of curiosity I went near her room to see what was happening.. the door was not locked but only closed.. I pushed open the door suddenly and I was shocked to see the sight..
It was Shirley and swathi, both of them being naked and rubbing their pussies against each other… swathi was lying down and Shirley on top of her pinching her nipples.. on seeing me both of them stopped abruptly and stared at me in disbelief.. they knew that we were too late to wear clothes now and I had already seen what was going on..
I stared at them for a minute and the house was pindrop silent, making the hall clock ticking the loudest noise.. I couldn’t believe it.. so I came out and shut the door behind me.. my heart was pounding and I noticed that my boobs were heaving over my chest.. my body hairs had stood erect and I was slightly sweating.. strange enough, my panties was becoming wet and I couldn’t suppress my excitement.. they had turned lesbians.!!!
I sat down and thought for sometime.. the room was silent and only some hustling sounds came.. after a short while, the door opened and they came out wearing their clothes.. both of them came near me and sat in front of me.. Shirley began to talk..
Shirley: .errr.. I don’t what to say or where to begin.. but you have already seen us naked in the act and we don’t wish to pretend that it was some kind of accident..
Me: ok.. .. hmm from how long have you two been at this..
Shirley: from many days now.. I will tel you every thing dear.. please be patient with me and don’t call steve now.. ok..
Shirley then narrated what had happened between them, how their sex started coz both were feeling lonely and desperate and how much she was missing the action ever since steve had ever left..she told every possible detail of their lesbian action and while I was hearing it, my panties got soaked in my juices and I was burning from the inside from fire of sex.. it had been so many days since i had sex with steve and very erotic description was going on infront of me.. I wondered how much longer I could hold on now and wanted her to finish fast.. as she drew to a close, I noticed that swathi was still keeping her head down in shame while Shirley was looking away from me and speaking..
Shirley: ok that was it.. now we are in your hands.. whatever u say we are ready to accept..
Me: I am not bigger than either of you.. and I m in no position to judge you based on this.. but I can only ask you this..
Saying this, I got up from my seat, went near Shirley.. as she looked into my eyes now, I grabbed her beautiful face in my hands while swathi watched in wonder what I was doing.. I pressed my lips on her lips and slowly opened my mouth.. Shirley seemed shocked for an instant but quickly recovered opening her mouth and smooched me.. we kissed for a long time as swathi watched impatiently.. finally when we could no longer breathe, we parted from each other..
I gasped and said” please allow me to join with the both of you..” both were overjoyed hearing this.. swathi came up and kissed me now showing her consent.. all the three of us went to the room, but I made sure now that I had locked the back door and also the room door.. swathi quickly got rid of her dress while I went near Shirley and removed her clothes one by one..she in turn disrobed me at ease and swathi giggled looking at the wetness of my panty.. I was blushing now but swathi came up and smooched me now, showing it was her turn to kiss me..
I was laid smoothly upon the double bed. The ladies began their magic on my body.. swathi still played with my lips and tongue while Shirley licked my boobs and nipples, crushing them in her hands.. she crawled her hands all over my body licking me as she liked and I was completely enjoying it.. swathi came down to my boobs now and started sucking like a baby while Shirley had found my treasure down under.. I had still kept my pussy hairs trimmed in a nice little triangular bush in case I ever got an opportunity with steve again.. Shirley parted the petals of my flower and gently kissed… she licked inside my cunt now probing deep.. I was for the first time feeling a woman’s lips on my pussy and it felt so fucking awesome..
Me: hmmm yeah hhhmm yeah hmm yeah hmm yeah.. ohhhhh goddd how much was I missing this.. suck it sweetie.. lick it and bite me… ohhhhh yesssss… make me cummm.. sssshhmm
Swathi now came upon my face and turned around and sat over it.. her cunt was directly over my mouth and I started licking it.. her pussy was clean shaven and I liked licking the soft insides of her pussy.. the feel of her pussy was like licking the cream off from a soft cake and my first time of licking a pussy felt superb…shirley increased her speed of licking down and was playing with my clitoris squeezing it between her fingers.. my moans were muffled in swathi s cunt but I could hear swathi moaning loudly..
Swathi: ohhh goshhh.. hmmm lick it faster bitchhh…faster .. yess.. bitee mee.. ahhhhm yeah yeah yeahhh hmmm ahhh hmmm yessss this is insanely better than two ladies pleasing themselves..
Shirley had reached her top speed now.. I was not able to hold on much longer.. just as I reached the peak,, Shirley stopped for a brief moment, spread my lega wider.. she adjusted herself between my thighs so that our pussies touched each other send chills of extreme pleasure through out my body.. she slowly started to rub her smooth pussy against mine … I felt like flying in the sky and in turn transferred on the feelings to swathi licking her cunt and crushing her clitoris with my fingers.
Shirley gradually increased her speed and was now grinding her pussy against me rapidly.. I had closed my eyes now and was moaning continuously into swathis pussy.. when I opened my eyes for an instant, I found that swathi was leaning forwards and smooching Shirley while she ground her pussy into mine creating ripples of pleasure within me..
I couldn’t hold on much longer after filling my eyes with that sight, raised my torso, dug my nails into soft ass cheeks of swathi and released my load.. after I finished both of them went down to cunt and licked my love juices.. I had just finished with an intense orgasm but they continued to fondle each other,, swathi strapped a long dildo just above her butt cheeks and pushed Shirley on bed.. she fucked her like an animal and in full force.. soon Shirley cummed.. I went near her pussy and licked as my of her cum I could..
Swathi grabbed my face and smooched me again sharing the juices of Shirley with me and also my saliva.. but swathi had not finished yet and I was ready for another round.. now the dildo was strapped around meby Shirley who gave the green signal to me.. swathi came in doggy position in front of me.. I pushed my artificial dick into her while she let out aloud moan..
Swathi: sssss sssshhh hhhh hhh hmmm ahhh come on.. push it inside fully.. ahhh like that,..
Me: u like it huh..? bitch..? tell me that you like it and want more of it..
I spanked twice on her ass making her groan with pain …
Swathi; ohhhhhh ahhhhhh hmmmm oh goddd.. ffffuccckk.. yes u whore,, I like ittt and I want it.. give it to me harderr..
I pushed inside and out of her while Shirley came under us and rubbed her pussy with one hand and squeezed her areola and nipple with the other.. swathi was nearing her orgasm now.. shirley inserted tip of her little finger into swathi s ass now and smooched me while I gave deep thrusts to her pussy stretching it to the maximum.. swathi couldn’t hold on to this mutual attack on her pussy and ass.. she loudly screamed
Swathi; ahhhh I ammmm cumminnggg ohhhh ffffuccckk..
As she released her juices , shirley inserted her finger inside swathis cunt and brought it put smeared with her cum.. she made me lick a part of it while she licked the rest.. we were sweating heavily now and felt tired and hungry..
We didn’t bother to wear our clothes as we knew that steve wouldn’t return until night.. I warmed up the dish that I had brought and we ate it together.. swathi liked it very much and we decided that it should be included in our menu from tomorrow itself.. like the naughty girls we were, we smeared the gravy on each others bodies and licked it.. swathi laid me down on the floor and put a cap of wine in my navel and both of them licked it.. I felt so nice that I wanted to try it on Shirley and she agreed.. as I finished licking her, all of us laughed and hugged together.
We had another round of hot sex and this time I got to fuck Shirley s asshole with my fingers and dildo.. the best expression was when my fingers slowly spread her asshole making enough space for the dildo.. all of us enjoyed that moment the most.. after we finished and all of us had cummed, we took a shower and clothed ourselves.. we opened the windows to let in fresh air wash off the odour of our sweat and cum.. swathi left in the evening regarding some work while me and Shirley cooked for the night discussing how amazing the afternoon was..
It was dark now and an hour was due for the arrival of steve. Me and her were sitting in the hall, casually speaking to each other.. inbetween she told me that she was desperate to have a kid now but steve wasn’t co operating fully ever since he had returned from the foreign trip… she told that their sex sessions were very brief and she only had to seduce him all the time for it..and sometimes he used to break off in the middle of the session and walk off to the bathroom..
She had sensed that something was wrong and had probed steve about it but he had denied her claims telling her that he was fine and it was only work stress.. she did fear that he was losing interest in her and maybe was liking other new women elsewhere.. I knew the real reason behind it was me and I felt guilty for denying Shirley her pleasures while she was only giving me more happiness..
She gazed at an ad on tv where baby soap was being advertised and her eyes filled with tears.. as they trickled down her lovely cheeks, I kissed her and licked them… I wiped the rest of them from her eyes with my dupatta ..the doctor had said that her uterus was hostile and they would have better chances if they tried an ivf and surrogate mother..
Me: honey.. don’t be sad.. hmmm .. everything ll be fine.. I know that by next year there ll be a baby in your arms and u ll be happily kissing, cuddling and playing with it..
Shirley: u know the condition of my womb na.. I don’t want to risk another loss.. but finding the right women for surrogacy is very difficult.. these days they just rob us and we cant trust them fully.. I don’t want my baby to be born to an uncultured woman or a criminal.. and I cant be fully sure until I know them closely for at least an year.. its looking like a distant dream now..
Steve like kids very much and I m unable to give him one.. he has been very supportive to me till now about it.. he still loves me but I know that even he is longing for a kid now.. I have noticed how he looks at the kids of the neighbours.. he doesn’t talk to me about it coz he doesn’t want me to feel bad..oh lord.. u have given me so much troubles till now but have also shown me way out of it.. please please do something now..
Saying this she burst out into tears, covering her face with her hands.. I took her into my arms and tried to console her.. she was still bitterly sobbing and I tried my best but my efforts were going in vain.. and then suddenly I got an idea..
I sensed an opportunity here to some how clear the things between us and reveal the secret of steve and me..
Me: hey baby,now stop crying.. listen to me.. I have an idea!
Shirley: (sobbing).. what..?
Me : I know a women to help you in this matter of pregnancy.. she is good cultured , well behaved, doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t have any crimimnal background.. most of all, she ll take good care of your baby..
The colour came back to her cheeks now and she wiped her tears., eagerly asking me..
She: who is it..? I m ready to give whatever she demands..
Me: .. err.. its me..!!!!..
She : what..? hey please don’t joke on this.. its very important to me..
Me: do I look like I am joking.. I am damn serious honey.. now look , my marriage is finished and done with.. I don’t want to go through all the difficulties of finding the right man again.. besides you have done so much for me.. this ll be just a small token of my love towards you.. unless u don’t want me to be the surrogate mother..she grabbed my face and showered kissed all over it.. I was seeing her so happy for the first time and I wondered how now could I distress her again.. but I had to say it some day or the other and finishing it off early seemed like a better option..
She: oh dear.. I never knew you loved me so much.. this is a really big thing that you are doing to me.. how can I ever repay you. ?.ask me whatever you want and I swear on you that it shall be yours if I have the power of giving it to you..
Me: err.. whatever..
She : yes but within my limits you know..
Me: (hesitating) errr.. err..
She : go on honey.. don’t be shy..

Me: ok.. you have just forgive one mistake of mine and grant me one wish..
She: ok I forgive all of your mistakes.. now what is your wish..? come on tell me..
Me: errr.. I want to live with steve..
She: you are already doing that no..?
Me: not this.. err er as a wife.!!! I love him so much now.. there can be no other man in my life henceforth apart from him.. I was accepted him as husband in my mind.. I know you are his love but please please allow me also to serve him.. I don’t ask for an official state of wife before the world..but I only request you to share him with me on your terms.. this is my only wish..
The only mistake is that I have kept it secret from you that he has already fucked me and took my virginity.. infact it was not his fault at all .. I loved him so much that I seduced him at the trip when he was missing sex with you..
I have told everything now.. it s upto you..
As I looked up, I felt her hand rapidly landing on my cheeks that changed my head posture.. she was angry and she slapped me again.. I started crying now and apologizing to her.. she grabbed me by neck, dragged me till the door and pushed me out, ramming the door behind me.. I kept knocking on the door..
Me: Shirley please understand me.. I accept that I should not have kept it a secret from you for such a long time.. but I really love him.. I cant live without him but I don’t want to take him away from you.. I want us all to be happy.. please open the door..i ll die without you both..Whatever I said, I ll take back. Please let me in..
Any amount of apologizing and pleading her didn’t change her mind.. I felt like I was some outcast now.. I had just had an amazing noon with her and now I was thrown out of the house.. life taking strange turns.. there seemed like only one way now.. everything else was blank.. I turned towards the road and started walking.. i had my mobile though in my hand when she had dragged me out and I wanted to call steve but I restrained myself.. I was down the street now and had turned right..
From here on, shirley will take over the narration..
I was very angry with what I had just heard.. she had dared to fuck my husband behind my back.. after a few mins of knocking , her voice had ceased to fall on my ears and I heard the clanking of gates.. I didn’t care where she went.. I was very angry with her and also with steve now.. I was right.. he had gone to another woman.. i banged my fists against the door, made a mess of the sofa cover and broke down the vase.. after the home looked like someone had barged and messed with it, I sat down feeling helpless and broke down crying.. I was angry with myself that there was something wrong in me that had led steve to her.. I didn’t know what to do..
Just then there was a ring at the door.. I opened the door.. it was steve.. all the suppressed anger in me suddenly filled my head with rage now as I saw him smiling..
Steve: come on let us go in..? I know you are angry because I m late.. but u know how it is.. I cant come before others..
I slapped him at the door, forcefully.. he asked what had happened and I gave him another tight slap.
Me: how dare you sleep with her..? what wrong have I done to you to deserve this..? huh.?
He instantly knew what was on my mind and looked disgraced and kept his down..he started to apologise to me when I gave another rap on his cheeks..
Him: whatever u want to punish , do it inside .. even if u have to kill me ok. Now lets go inside ..
Me: I don’t want you to come inside.. I have thrown her also out.. get lost and don’t show your face to me..
Him: (angry).. where did you send her..? it was not entirely her fault.. I have equal responsibility of it.. now tell me where did she go..?
Me: to hell.. I don’t care.. now leave me alone..
I slammed the door on his face..with my back to the door I broke down crying and sat down there itself.. thousand things running inside my brain and I felt my head was exploding.. I pulled out my hair in disgust.. after crying for a few minutes, I slowly thought what I had done..i had just pushed shalini out of the house and slapped my own brother very hard.. I had never even scolded him that badly in my entire life.. just hours ago, I was on shailini s chest, crying , while she was consoling me.. all was lost..
I was totally perplexed from what had happened though I was expecting a milder form of this where she didn’t throw shalini out of the house.. poor girl, shalu must have taken all the fault on her.. I took my bike and I immediately left.. I tried calling her but she was not picking up my calls.. I knew she couldn’t stand such a deep grief.. I was scared now that she might do something to herself now… I didn’t know where to look for her. She might be any where and every moment was crucial.. I was just roaming on my bike searching through every street in the locality.. I was becoming anxious about shalu and at the same time angry on could she turn away a girl whom she loved so much like that in the dark of the night,,
But I had to somehow find shalini and first bring her back home.. all my calls were going unanswered by her and every call that got disconnected filled me with more fear that something bad had already happened.. yet I had a ray of hope that god wont let me lose her forever.. I took a deep breath now and started thinking what to do,,
Just then my cell ringed and I saw the screen.. it was shailini..!!! I felt very last some sense had come back into her..i picked up the call..
Me: hello shalu, are you all right,,?
She: yes but not for much longer.. just listen now..
Me: no.. first tell me where you are..? I ll come right there..whatever it is we ll solve it together.. just don’t do anything silly..
She: its over steve.. no use now.. take care of Shirley well.. tell her that I said sorry.. and dont search for me..just let me go.. goodbye..
Me: hello.. just u wait.. don’t do…
She had cut the call.. my whole body was shaking now.. I couldn’t hold on to my phone.. I tried to call her back but she was not answering.. I knew this time what was happening.. I just didn’t know what to do,,I knew I had to save her life somehow but I was just standing in the midst of the road now.. and didn’t know where to find her..
I just took a deep breath and started to analyze the situation.. I had noted that shalini s purse still lay on the table when I had gone back home.. so now I knew that she didn’t have money with her to travel far .. where ever she was , she had gone there by walking….also since she didn’t have money she couldn’t have purchased any poison or any drugs.. so far so much was clear..
Now then where could she have gone that was dangerous.. there was a railway station, a man made mini lake, the highway, an unused well, but as well as high buildings over every street, an old bungalow where there were reports of a drunk psychopath who had escaped from prison just 3 days ago.. I did wonder why I thought about him but I had take every possibility into account now because her voice sounded firm and resolute.. and I knew that she could to any extent when she was determined..I thought of more places where she could be.. but my mind was going blank now..
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A little recap before I start the story.. swathi had let out her secret wish to Shirley.. shalini had found about shirley and swathi engaging in lesbian sex and had joined them.. later on, shalini had revealed to Shirley about her love towards me and our physical union to which Shirley had thrown her out,, shalini had decided to end her life and had given me a last message .. I had panicked but now was thinking what to read on..

My mind was racing like an engine and ideas from all corners of brain was rushing in.. the trick was to keep my mind calm and isolate the real spot where she was.. I parked my bike by side of road and shut myself to the outside distractions.. i remembered the most probable spots now.. the railway station, the man made mini lake, highway, an unused well, high buildings over the street.. still these were so many and I had enough time to visit only one place.. it was very tricky.. I could lose her any moment and one wrong calculation would make sure of it..
I had take a calculated risk now.. now I tried to recall my conversation with her.. this would give me some clue as to where she would be…the surroundings from where she was was absolutely quiet with no noises what so ever.. so the railway station was absolutely ruled out..the mini lake was guarded by constable and was closed by now for the outsiders ever since the security officer had found out the drug addicts were using that as their rendezvous for purchasing the drugs from the dealers.. so that was being ruled out..
She would have been seen by any people if she had climbed to the top of it since it was still an active hour in the city.. also she would have been stopped by any watchmen, if she had been to any private commercial buildings.. besides, she was a girl of quiet nature and didn’t want to show the world that she was dying.. so I could omit this from my list..
A thought of herself burning herself struck me but she dint money to buy the fuel for that and she wouldn’t beg for money.. also she might think people would notice setting herself on fire and would avoid or spoil the attempt..i also thought about her mindset which would prefer a more silent approach than such a violent I dismissed that idea..
Now only two of sane choices remained for me.. here it was very close.. I couldn’t properly decide whether it was the highway or the old well.. I knew that I had not heard any vehicle pass by during the conversation but the talk between us was very brief.. on the other hand, the well seemed a good choice coz it was a bit nearer when compared to the highway.. but there was pitch darkness surrounding it and I remembered that shalini was afraid of the dark.. i couldn’t decide..
The human brain works so fast that I wondered it when I opedne my eyes and started my bike.. I had finished thinking so much but my watch showed that only a minute and 20 seconds had passed by.. I took a wild guess and started towards the unused was very near from where I was and the highway was far away when compared to it.. so I decided to go with this and prayed desperately in my heart to god to be on my side this day ..
I drove my bike at maximum speed I could on the streets and reached near the well inside few minutes.. I dropped my bike and ran to the edge of the well.. as I was running, I heard a faint noise calling out for help.. I knew that I was right now and god was really on the side of me..on reaching the edge I just jumped into the well.. as I swam up, I found that shalini had just made her last effort to surface and her voice had choked out with water.. as her respiration ceased, she lost consciousness and started to descend down..
I quickly swam to her, and grabbed hold of her, put her on my back and tried to swim towards the steps leading out of the well.. she was weighing enough to immerse most of my body into water,under her.. as I knew swimming, I managed to hold my breath under water coming up every now and then to take a deep breath and then resume swimming under water.. I managed to somehow bring her to the steps and laid her on it..
Her body was nearly ice cold now and she was not breathing on her own.. I tried to rub her palms and soles but she was not responding.. I had to make her breathe somehow but I was just a common man, not a doctor or god… I just remembered from the movies that I had seen.. I immediately opened her mouth, took a deep breath and blew air into her throat. Then I put my hand on her chest flatly and applied pressure on it… I repeated this for a while alternating between the mouth and the pressure on chest..
She didn’t seem to respond.. I kept my ear on her chest to hear her heart beat.. it was very faint and was almost very slow tending towards stopping.. I laid her on her face and sat on her back, throwing all my weight the back of abdomen.. whatever water which had gone inside her stomach during drowning started to flow out of her mouth.. I repeated it twice on her and turned around applied pressure on her chest again and blew some air down her throat.. I kept my ear on her chest again and her heart had stopped beating..
I was desperate now, with grief already making it s way into my a last measure I hit on her chest forcefully with my closed fist and on the 4th blow a miracle had happened .. she suddenly coughed and choked , vomiting water.. i turned her face to side now and pressed her stomach upwards.. some residual water came out and she slowly started breathing.. I opened her mouth and blew some more air into her and kept my hand on her chest.. I could feel the heart beat now and was thrilled..
I had managed to save her from the jaws of death though I was only halfway back.. I carried her up the steps.. she was semi conscious now mumbling something.. I placed her on the land.. I picked up her phone near the edge of the well and called my friend to immediately bring his car near the unused well.. coz I knew I was wet already and my phone would have died in my jeans pocket. Then I raised her and put her on my shoulder, and made my way towards the road..
My friend came as fast as he could and when the car stopped near me, I opened the back door and placed her inside on the back seat.. I then drove to the hospital leaving my friend to pick up my bike from there and park it in my house.. at the hospital she was treated properly and the doctor came out in an hour and assured me that she was out of danger..
I was still sobbing now.. steve had gone .. I sat now thinking what I had done.. I had turned away the poor girl when she had dared enough to tell me the truth..after she was the light of my house , spreading smiles and happiness even though her own life was big tragedy.. she had lost everybody and everything except the money and us.. she was my support during my distress times and she had taken care of me like her baby when I had the abortion..
Why was I hating her so much..? because she loved steve..? or because she had slept with him..? i realized that I was jealous of her and I feared that steve might leave me and be with her.. my fear had what turned me into monster.. now I had lost both steve and also her.. there was no meaning for all this when I had lost him..
And then the question of cheating.. I knew that had cheated me but I was no different myself.. when I couldn’t stand the desperation of sex and had found a new partner in short time to satisfy myself and accepted that as my newfound love towards swathi..then why could he not,,? After he was also human and was a young stud.. besides shalu had told me that she loved him even before she had slept with him and it was her dream to spend her life with him..
When a woman like swathi couldn’t resist her desires towards my bro, then how could I expect shalu to resist a man that she loved more than her life.. in fact I myself had promised swathi that I would share steve with her.. shalu was no less than swathi to me and she was also younger and my step sister.. if my conscience would permit to share steve with swathi then I had no rights to deny shalu her love..
Besides, that sweet girl had offered to bear my child in her womb when she could have very easily given birth to her own child, copulating with steve.. steve s desire of becoming a father would be fulfilled by her and he could neglect me in the future.. but she didn’t want to snatch him away from me even it was very easy for her.. she had only begged to share him with her without even wanting the official status of wife.. such was her dedication to me and him,, but all I done was to throw her away mercilessly in the dark of the night..
I had thought so much and had decided that I should set things right which I had spoiled.. I called steve but his mobile was switched off.. shalinis mobile kept ringing but she was not picking.. I worried that something bad had happened and if either of them had been harmed I could never forgive myself..
My worst fears were realized when steve s friend came home in the bike in which he had left, and told me that he had driven to the hospital along with a girl who had jumped into the well.. I stood shocked for minutes and then called swathi and we both hurried to the hospital that his friend had mentioned..
When I went there the security officer had arrived and were inquiring and talking to steve.. I literally ran to him and first asked whether shalini was alive and safe.. he replied in positive and resumed his talks with the security officer.swathi and me went to the doctor to talk about shalini s present health..
Doctor assured us that shalini was out of danger but was kept under observation still at the icu.. he refused our request to meet her once as she was still recovering and would probably be sleeping now.. as soon as he could, he would let us meet her.. we thanked the doctor for saving her but he told that the real savior indeed was steve and had he brought her any late to the hospital. It would be difficult to save her..
Swathi and steve were negotiating with the security officer while I was repenting that I was the root cause behind all this .. a little patience from my side would have gone far in averting this whole dangerous event.. I was gazing with me tear filled eyes through little glass window of the door of icu even as the watch man was trying to ward me off.
Finally swathi came and took me away from the door towards the waiting hall as burst in to tears in her embrace.. steve refused to even look at me and swathi sent him home to take some rest and return in the morning as he was tired.. I was longing for him to just look at once he was going to turn around and give his assuring smile but he just went away..
When shalu wake up in wards, she saw me and started crying.. I kept my hand on her cheeks..” shalu, just come home.. don’t think anything else.. “ eventually shalu was bailed out by swathi but shalu refused to come to our home and went to swathi s house.. steve kept dead silence with me .. he just used to go off early in the day and return home very late.. I wanted to talk to shalu but even she refused to talk to me and would always cry if I would force her..
The house seemed like the home of dead and I had to do something now else, everything would be lost..i decided to talk to shalu..
Somehow I had survived despite my desperate attempts to die.. I couldn’t face Shirley nor steve.. so I had taken refuge in swathis afternoon Shirley came to my room.. I started to get up and go but she held me back and shut the door.. she had tears in her eyes and told me,” today you have to talk to me.. I cant take this torture anymore.”
I sank into a chair while she kneeled down in front of me..
Me: I m sorry, I don’t want to trouble you anymore.. I am leaving tomorrow from here..
She: (with eyes in her tears).u ll do so only over my dead body..
Me: .. plz Shirley.. don’t speak like that..
She: then now stop talking and listen to me.. my apology has no meaning now but if it makes you feel better I ll do it.. but before that I ll tell you my decisions.. you wont go anywhere but will stay with me only.. you ll also bear a child for me and in turn you can have steve if he ok with this.. I did treat you like big sinner when I myself had cheated steve by making love to another woman.. so I guess that makes us even..
Saying this she kissed me and kissed me on forehead and cheeks.. she then told that she wants to break ice with steve and told me how they had become.. I agreed to help her and went to their house.. I called steve and told him to come early today in the evening.. he refused to do so but I made him swear on me and he did come home in the evening..
He just freshened himself and sat in the hall.. I went along with shirley and we sat opposite him.
Me: what are you doing..? avoiding the angel that you love the most for my sake.. there was no need to save me but what you doing now is wrong.. after all we were the ones who did the mistake but she s paying the price.. not fair steve..
Him: (angry).. don’t you dare to speak about fairness to me.. you almost died out there.. do you know what that would do to me huh.? Did you gave a freaking thought about it when you decided to end your life..huh..? and she decided that it was you had done all the wrong when I found that later she herself had slipped.. when she can make her own choice and act as she wants, then I do have the same rights..
I and Shirley both were shocked about this but he later told us that he had found out about Shirley and swathi , accidentally when he had come back gone to Shirley s office one day in the evening just the day before I had tried to commit suicide.. he was surprised that only they were there at office when everybody at office had left and when he had gone near the cabin heard moaning sounds coming from inside.. he had stood outside and listened to their sexy and dirty conversation and had walked away..
Shirley was crying now apologizing to steve that it was a her mistake that she had concealed that from him but I decided to support her..
Me: if your blaming her then blame me also coz even I have shared bed with her.. I m part of her now just as much as I am of you.. so calm down..
It was his turn to be shocked but he quickly recovered..
Him: now that we are clear with each other what is that you two suggest…?
Me: you should first apologize to Shirley and resume your normal relation with her and secondly you must consent to the fact that I want to be the surrogate mother for your baby.. shirley has accepted to this and now its your turn..
Him: alright.. but are you sure that you want to do this pregnancy thing.. your still young, think about it.. it might ruin your future if you should decide to marry again..
Me: never shall I marry another man again..
Shirley: (intervening) no shalu, you have not told him everything yet,.. shalu loves you so much that she cant live without you..and since she s my sister I have decided that we both will share you..
Me: what the hell are you speaking Shirley..? have you gone mad..?
I wont go into the unnecessary details of how Shirley convinced steve for this but ultimately he put only one condition that he can never give me so much love like he loved shirley.. I knew this but I was more than contented for the fact that I finally had become a part of them.. I would spend the rest of my life with man I loved and a my most loving sister.. I didn’t want anything else..
Next day, all arrangements were made by Shirley for our sex.. when the night came upon I insisted that Shirley should join us and our first sex should be memorable.. Shirley initially denied but later accepted. By the time steve came home, we had dressed like two newly wed brides.. when steve came, he was pleasantly surprised and he came and kissed Shirley.. they engaged in a passionate smooch for a minute or so.. then he came near me and kissed me..
Oh how long had I waited for this moment and finally It was so much sweet.. when we parted and I looked at shirley, she was smiling.. tears rolled down my cheeks.. Shirley came near me and wiped my tears and took me in her embrace while I placed my head on her bosom..
Shirley: what happened sweetie..? why are you crying..?
Me: I still feeling guilty that I m sharing your husband who belongs to you only..i still feel I am breaking the family..
Shirley: oh shut up darling.. you r not an outsider here for a one night fling.. I love you so much.. now stop crying.. lets enjoy todays night with our handsome brother here..
Steve put his hands on both of us and we all three went to the room.. once inside we pulled down steve s pants and his underwear.. his dick had already been erect and sprung out.. both of us made him lay on bed and we jumped on him..
Heaven on earth.. two spicy beauties looking at me lustfully and I was naked from waist down.. soon they got rid of my shirt and banian too.. shalini was first to grab my dick in her hand while Shirley grabbed my balls. As I lay back relaxed both of them started sucking.. wow that feeling I ll never forget in my life.. Shirley devouring my balls like cotton candy. And shalini licking my dick as if she was hungry from months.. meanwhile Shirley inserted her little finger in my asshole that made me gasp with pleasure. I had almost cummed but restrained back with all my might..
Oh jeez, when you have two beautiful angels sucking on your dick and balls you cant expect any better oral sex.. Shirley had now taken over my dick while shalini was sucking my nuts.. both the ladies were driving me crazy now. Suddenly Shirley increased the speed of her blowjob and shalini began to tickle with my asshole.i couldn’t hold on much longer..
Me: I am cumminngg darlinggg… ssaaahh
I emptied my load in Shirley s mouth and she almost took it fully in her mouth.. after my last drop had gone out, Shirley removed her mouth from my dick and shalini also rose from her position..then Shirley grasped shalini s face and they smooched resulting in my cum flowing now to shalini s mouth. They smooched passionately enough and when they parted I could see that they were still unsatisfied and looking at me with lust while swallowing my cum..
Shalini: wow, sis your saliva mixed with steves cum tasted so good.. I want it again.
Shirley : yes baby , we ll try it after sometime again.. but right now I need to ensure that your womb is filled with his seeds today..i cant wait anymore for a baby.. so lets get his tool up again..
Saying this she kissed me passionately.. after our smooch I told If they wanted me erect again then they should put on some lesbian show for me.. Shirley laughed wickedly while shalini blushed in excitement.. Shirley now went near shalini and started to remove her clothes one by one.. meanwhile shalini did the same to her.. both of them were completely naked rapidly and I was enjoying the show..
Now they sucked and played with each other’s tongues.. my snow white(Shirley) had grabbed shalinis boobs and squeezing them hard while the Mexican beauty(shalini) moaned loudly..soon Shirley was sucking boobs of shalini while she had her fingers in Shirley s pussy. My tool had become semi erect already now..
Shalini laid my sister on bed and started sucking her pussy.. it was an awesome sight when my sisters pink pussy lips were savoured and cherished my shalinis red luscious dick was completely erect now and I was rubbing it..shalini increased her speed ad her tongue worked its magic on my sis.. shirley was gasping and moaning very loudly.. “sssahhh ohhh godddd ffffuckkking awesome shalu… hmmm myyy darling..suck it harder.. hmmm”
Shirley tightened her thighs around shalini like a vice and pushed her cunt towards her face.. soon she cummed in shalinis mouth who drank it all. Shirley was spent with the orgasm and even shalu was tired with sucking so she collapsed on shirleys thighs. After recovering for a minute or so., Shirley got up and put shalini on bed flat.. she came near me and held my rod and dragged me onto the bed where shalini was still recovering from that pussy sucking
Shirley: come on darling, spread your legs now. Let this cock enter your pussy and do its job.. I know your also anxiously waiting for this moment..

Saying this she spread shalu s legs.. I could see some slight stubble around her pussy..shirley made me lie on her and guided my dick into her warmhole.. as soon as I inserted shalu let a gasp and her pussywalls stretched to accommodate the familiar dick inside.. Shirley gently waded to shalu s side and slept beside her while I was hammering my rod inside shalu. She took hold of one of nipples and started sucking..
Shalini: ohhhhh hmmmm siss it feels so good.. lick and bite me sis while your brother and husband fucks mee..
Me: oh fffuccck.. shalu how tight you have become..shhhhh hmm mmhmm
The bed was creaking under pressure while my pelvis rammed against that of shalu.s. the piston was working its way in and out.. I could see shalini clenching her face with intense pleasure.. I knew that her orgasm was near..
Shirley: you sister fucking husband.. fuck her deep .. deeper man.. yesss fuck her until she cant take it anymore.. give my sister the proper banging.. don’t stop fucking her until her womb is filled with your seeds.. yeesss.. ffuck.. come on fuck her fertile womb and plough your seeds inside.. I want a baby soon..
Shalini: ohhhhh hmmmm yesss fuck me my lord.. from today only your dick ll be the owner of this pussy… fuckk me hardddd.. I want your child my darling.. I want to become pregnant with your child for Shirley.. ssssahhhh hmmm hmmm
All this was too much for me.. I just fucked harder every stroke and shalu was bearing the brute force of my beast but she was enjoying it.. her cunt muscles tightened around me in an instant and it sucked in my tool completely.. I also thrust forward and cum hit her pussy walls with full force.. she had tightened her grip around my waist and she was also cumming with me..
I collapsed on her and my sweat drenched on shalini who was also perspiring heavily.. Shirley immediately came near me and gave me smooch.. then she went near shalini and gave a peck on her cheeks.. shalu opened her eyes..
Shirley: you have done it superbly dear..
Shalini: thank you sis.. but all this happened only coz of you.. I love you sis..
Shirley: me too sweetie..
After that, we all slept naked with each other on a single bed.. when I woke up with an erection in the morning shalini was still sleeping.. but Shirley was awake and was in kitchen making sandwiches for us.. she had just worn her gown with nothing underneath it.. I went naked near her and grabbed her from the back..i encircled my arms around her waist and gave a kiss on her neck and cheeks..
Shirley: oh so my brother is awake now and I can sense his morning erection..
Me: (kissing her again). yup, and I want to cool it off inside my sisters pussy..
Shirley: (chuckling) not now steve .. I am preparing breakfast.. go and shower first and let me finish by the time shalu wakes up.. poor girl she ll be hungry..
Me: oh I cant wait until then.. lets shower together..
Saying this I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bathroom.. I removed her gown in an instant and put on the shower.. I grasped her waist under the water and started making out with her..
Shirley: ohhh hmm so much has happened steve.. now you have a new wife also.. how was the last night..
Me: it was very very good.. but all is because of you.. I never thought all this could happen..
Shirley: hmm me neither but sometimes you have to make some compromises in life.. but I m glad that shalu ll be the mother of your child.. anyhow I can never become mother..
Saying that she became sad.. I kissed her and hugged her tightly..
Me: whether you become mother or not doesn’t bother me.. all I want is for you to be happy ..and I ll do anything you want..
Shirley: (smiling) hmm all this dialogues you ll forget after shalu bears a child for you.. after that I ll be cornered and you ll start loving only her..
Me: never.. the only queen of my heart ll be you.. I agreed to fuck shalu only because you wanted it.. even now if you want we ll stop all this and I ll make separate arrangements for her living.. she can bear my child but she ll never take your place in my heart.. believe me my dear..
Her eyes was filled with tears of joy and I kissed her forehead and hugged her.. then we danced and made love.. I fucked her twice in the shower and cummed inside her pussy.. we then bathed each other and came out.. shalini was in kitchen eating.. seeing us she teased Shirley..
Shalu: what sis, enjoyed the shower with your husband nicely..?
Shirley: (blushing) yes shalu..
Turning to me,she said,
Shirley; now that you have done so much there is one more last thing that I want from my darling hubby
Me: anything for my sweetheart.. tell me what to do..?
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Shirley revealed the another shocker to me..
She: you have to have sex with Swathi ..

Me: have you gone insane..? This is completely out of league.. How the hell did you think of this..
Shirley: oh shut up.. We just have had a three some with our step sister.. Besides it’s Swathi who asked me for this.. She s been sweet heart to us till now..I just thought we could give her some comfort from our side.. Besides,it’s only one night.. So just get this over with..
Me: oh so it’s her wish eh..? Which other women have you agreed to rent me out..
Shirley : don’t you dare go there.. I just forgave you and Shalini.. Do you think it was easy for me.. But there sometimes has to be some compromise in life in order to move smoothly..
Me: you don’t know how I have lived those days when you didn’t knew about me and Shalini.. It was hell living like that.. Every time I saw your face I felt like stabbing myself because of cheating you..
That is when I realised how much I love you.. I don’t want to go through that hell again..
(My eyes welled up with tears)
Shirley came near me and garlanded her arms around my neck and kissed my lips and said..
She: you love me that much eh..? What if I die tomorrow..?
Me: wherever you go,i ‘ll follow you.. Even if it’s death..
She: hmm too much love from bro making my heart ache( smiles)..Don’t worry,i won’t go anywhere without you.. But you just do this thing with swathi for my sake.. Please..?
Me: are you sure..? We still don’t know how I ‘ll get on with Swathi..
She: oh everything ‘ll be fine.. I ‘ll make sure of it..Now,i ‘ll give a blowjob to my little bro so that he gets ready for the feat with Swathi tomorrow.. Come here..
I kissed her and our tongues got into their familiar interplay with each other.. I was still nude. She had only her top on. She grabbed my dick while we tongue fucked each other, started giving me a hand job. My heart was lighter now that my wife had forgiven my mistake and I realized that my dick had got a new vigor now that I ‘ll be getting the taste of a new cunt..Nevertheless I loved my sister more than anybody else and I was willing to do anything for her..
My dick was now hard and ready. Sister made me lie down and went down on my dick.. Slowly she kissed my tip of dick as it longed to be inside one of the familiar and cozy cavities.. Then she dragged back my foreskin and just looked at me once and licked her lips as if she was going to lick a delicious cone..
As our eyes met, I found myself uttering ” love you , Shirley”. Before swallowing my dick inside her mouth she managed to speak out “love you too”..
I laid my head back and closed my eyes entering the world of pleasure.. It seemed like my sister’s lips were weaving a magical and cozy blanket around my erect rod and it seemed so soothing.. Her tongue swirling around my dick made me feel as though my dick is inside of a royal tunnel getting a massage..
No guilt this time around meant that I enjoyed each moment of it..
I opened my eyes slightly and looked to my side.
Beside me on the other side of bed Shalini was still sleeping in nude after the heavy session we had a few hours ago. I wondered how come Shirley wasn’t tired still. Maybe she was pushing all her needs of rest to make sure that I got an extra ounce of pleasure.. That made me love her even more..
Her rosy lips bobbing up and down my rod with her hair flying around made me almost on the verge..
I shouted ” sis ,I m cominnggg” and gave a thrust upward. She held on to my dick as it emitted a fine stream of warm cum into her mouth. She swallowed it entirely as I collapsed on bed spent with all energy.. Then I got up and managed to drag her up on myself and kissed her once again.. The faint odor and taste of my own cum was still lingering in her insides..
After we broke the kiss, I spoke
Me: aren’t you tired now.? you have shed so much calories today..( winking)
She: (laughing).. Ya I m damn tired now.. But it was worth all the fun I got.. How was the blowjob..? Huh..
Me: as always it was amazing.. Nobody can beat my sister..
She: ok I ‘ll sleep now..
And she tried to wriggle out of my arms on to the bed..
Me: unh unha.. Where do you think you ‘ll sleep today.. your going nowhere mrs.Steve.. you ‘ll sleep right here on my chest in my embrace..
She: ( smiling) what is the childish thing.. I ‘ll sleep on the bed here only beside you.. you can also be comfortable.
Me: my comfort is already in my embrace.. I don’t need anything. you ‘ll sleep today on me.. That’s it..It’s been long time since you were in my arms.. Pls Shirley let me hold you tonight.. your face on my chest gives more warmth to my heart..And I m longing for it badly..
She: alright darling.. I ‘ll sleep on your chest now .. Happy..?
Me: yes..Goodnight sweetheart.

She: sweet dreams dear..
She did sleep off soon on me but somehow I couldn’t get sleep as fast as her .. I just kept caressing her soft strands of hair and admiring her qualities.. She had made the biggest sacrifice by letting me have sex with Shalini. Plus she had forgiven me for past things..She was so kind so as to recognize that Swathi was too far lonely and frustrated when the women around her were getting regular sex and at least for one day she would give her a relief and some happiness..
Oh where would I find such another angel who had managed to break the rules of society ,dared to marry her own brother and yet manage to forgive me when I had erred..Maybe I can’t find one like her anywhere.. And that made her just more precious..
I promised to myself that I ‘ll keep this priceless jewel always happy and safe from everything.
While was I thinking so much Shalini had managed to wriggle up to next to me. Now on my right half of chest was Shirley s lovely face and on my left arm Shalini was sleeping.. I had never thought that night when I rescued Shalini from jaws of death that I’ll be in my current position with both the ladies accepting each other..
It just added on to my responsibilities now that I should keep both of them happy..
Shalini had made no less sacrifice either.. She had discarded her future life with somebody else for the sake of me and now was willing to bear my child for Shirley.. She had even accepted the fact that I will always love Shirley more than her..
All these thoughts made me feel more inferior to both of them.. They had made so much adjustments just for my sake. It was just not so easy to make an adjustment that they didn’t like and manage to live with it for the rest of their lives.. But somehow they had done it..And now both of them are sleeping peacefully next to me as though all the past incidents of fighting had never occurred..
Just one question was still lingering in my brain when I finally entered the world of dreams..
Was I worth the mountain of love that they were offering me..?
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As the morning sun spread a warm light through the window, I woke up to the chirping of the birds outside.. Both shirley and shalini were still asleep with shirley still on my chest.. I cleared the strands of hair on her face and gave her a kiss on forehead.. Then I slowly laid her to my right and got up.. I wanted both of them to sleep as they were tired from the previous night’s heavy sessions of sex..
I finished my morning chores, took a bath and then I made some coffee and sandwich. And then I went in with the plates of tiffin to the room.. Both of them were still sound asleep.. I woke up shirley by kissing on her lips to which she responded well and then shalini too received a kiss from me. Both were surprised at my humble attempts at cooking if making coffee.
Shalini: wow, this is really a very god morning to me.. To receive bed coffee from my husband and to have it with my sister.. (slurping) mmm good taste also..
Me: thanks shalu, how do you feel shirley darling..?
Shirley: (teasing me)coffee is just ok .. And sandwich needed a little more effort..
I became a little grim and looked down at my own sandwich.. It did look like it needed some more effort ..Shirley recognized my feelings quickly and said,” don’t worry dear, I tastes alright for a first timer and I will teach you if you are interested but all that matters is your love behind this and it makes this sandwich that much tastier..
I was kind of elated with shirley’s words .. After the brief breakfast shalini got up for taking a bath and asked me if I could accompany her for a steamy session as she felt charged up after gulping down my simple cooking.. I said I had finished taking a bath but she goaded me continuously, even shirley took her side so I had to finally go with her..
She was already nude and she used it to her advantage by turning on the shower while I was still taking off my clothes and I got drenched.. She presented her complete set of 32 teeth and started pouring more water on me.. I caught hold of her and lifted her up in my arms so that her face came directly under the shower.. She was trying to wade me off while I having fun doing it.. I finally put her down when we both started laughing.. And we did have more fun.. Shalu asked me to soap her and I obliged.
Then I took a bottle of shampoo and emptied some of it on my hand .. Shalu came and stood in front of me with her back facing me.. I rubbed my both hands and made a fine lather out of the liquid. Then I started to apply it on her back slowly reaching every corner and carefully negotiating the curves of her body. Occasionally I used to tickle her just to hear her laughing..
As my hands made way to her shoulders and gradually down to her breasts she started getting hotter and whispering moans. My fingers felt her roused nipples completely erect and taut showing how much turned on she was.. I was still facing her back but the feeling of having full breasts in my hands were so amazing.. I was lost in handling those lovely boobs when I felt a hand on my crotch tugging at my underwear..
Shalini was trying to hold my cock .. So I quickly got rid of my underwear and t shirt and stood nude.. And I got back to my position of mauling her boobs vigorously while shalini had grabbed on to my hardened dick and was giving me handjob.. And then she turned around
She: hmm bro, looks like your dick is hard and ready.. Look at my sissy down here.. See what you have done to it.. She s dripping wet.. It needs something badly.. Send your little brother to comfort my little sissy..
Me: hmm shalu which position do you want..?
In answer to it she slightly bent on the wall and opened her legs for me.. I went behind her and inserted my hardened cock into her while grabbing her boobs from behind..I started slow and deep strokes into her..
She: hmm sssss ahhhh ohhh I love your cock steve.. It just so completely fills my pussy and your thighs crashing against mine makes me crazy with lust.. Ohhhh yesss give it to me… hmm
She was speaking very loudly without a care in the world.. My dick was enjoying her love tunnel to the fullest while my hands were busy pinching and playing with her boobs.. Guys please enjoy your wives/girlfriends from behind once in the shower coz it s just a really new and amazing feeling.. My slow strokes was thrusting deeper and deeper into her..
Shalini: ohhh….Ohh…. Ohhh .. Hmmm … hmmm fuck me harder bro.. Fuck yes..
Me: (grunting)hmm take this.. Hmm hmm ah ah ah…
She: this is fucking good.. Ffuck yeah fuck hmmm hmmm ahhhhh ohhhh I just love it.. Pinch me harder fucking rip my pussy ..
Our tandem rhythm had reached its maximum speed now and I was humping her vigorously.. Shalu s moaning was so loud that it could be heard throughout the house… I was fucking faster and sensed that I was approaching my end.. Shalu had already climaxed once and was nearing another..
Me: I am almost near
She: (screaming).. Hmmm hmmm ahhhh give me every last drop of it.. Fill my womb with your warm cum.. Make me a mommy.. I want to be a mommy.. Ahhh fucccck
I humped deeply one last time and shut my eyes.. Shalini was having another orgasm and her cunt muscles tightened around my dick pulling it in.. I couldn’t hold out much longer and erupted sending stream of fine cum deep into her pussy.. She had grasped the tap on the wall tightly and was breathing heavily.. Her cunt muscles were contracting and relaxing alternately and my dick inside had a superb experience..
When I opened my eyes I saw shirley standing at the door in a gown with a towel..
Shirley: wow, shalu you are such a real bitch.. I just couldn’t control hearing your loud moans from below.. Wow you are so passionate. And you steve, making her scream so much eh..? I bet you can’t make me croak out louder.. Can I join you guys..?
Me: you are going to lose your bet sis,.. Come here i’ll show you how much you will strain your voice box now..
Shirley just got rid of her gown and joined us naked and while shalini took a breather, I fondled my sister until I became hard again. This time I fucked shirley for some time when shalini too joined again and I ended up fucking them alternately every five min while the step sister fondled each other’s boobs and lips.. Ultimately after half an hour I ended up cumming again in shirley’s pussy this time, we finished our bath and came out after a while..
Since it was a sunday, we decided to enjoy ourselves and ordered food from outside. Both of them sat down to watch some serial on tv while I had some office work to do.. In the evening they wanted to see a movie and we got into our car headed to a mall where swathi was supposed to join us.. Looking at their tight jeans and sleeveless tops I commented..
Me: (smiling) wow, you both have dressed like teenage girls trying to show off your assets.. Guys at the mall ll be having a tough time adjusting their pants
Shalini: oh we don’t care about them .. All we care is about the man behind the wheel is happy with us or not..
Me: yeah about that, I feel that lot of those guys ll also be jealous when they see with two awesome hotties..
Shirley: well let’s get their stomach burning( smiling naughtily)..While at mall you are going to put either of your arms on the waist of each of us.. Understood mr. Steve?
Me: yes, senioritas .. As you wish dearies..
When we reached there , as expected lot of guys had trouble with their dicks and some were eyeing me with jealousy.. The girls didn’t give a damn about them walking in tandem with my hands around their waists. I was in cloud nine looking like a model with two smoking beauties beside me..
Swathi was already there at the entrance of the screen with our tickets.. Even she was dressed in modern outfit with t- shirt sticking on to her buxom beauties while the shapely jeans clinging on to her tight round ass.. We went in for the movie and the girls liked the movie so much that they were so absorbed into it but it didn’t interest me that much..
So I started checking out swathi who was seated one seat beside shalini.. I was wondering what made her desire me who was content with two women now.. Nevertheless I had made my promise to shirley and if I was going to fulfill it I might as well be enjoying another beautiful woman while doing it.. Would I be able to satisfy her..? How will I work with her after this episode..? Would this create any problems in future..?
My mind was engrossed in these thoughts that I didn’t bother to take interest in the plot of movie.. The movie was over after some time and we strolled out of the theatre.. The girls went for some shopping while I went to check out some new gadgets and devices into electronic outlet.. I purchased some things myself and also brought a new mobile as a gift to swathi whose birthday was the next day..
When the girls returned carrying their shopping bags, I noticed that swathi was kind of blushing and shy with me.. I understood that shirley would have told her about my approval for sex with her .. Still it kind of looked cute to see a woman blushing as if she’s going to have sex for the first time.. We did have our light dinner at the restaurant..
When we reached home, a guy was waiting at the door with cardboard box in his hand.. It was shirley`s idea of celebrating swathis birthday at midnight and that’s the reason she had ordered cake..

We took the cake box and went inside the house. In a few minutes, another guy arrived for delivering some condiments and drinks.. I went up to take a shower to freshen up, while the ladies were busy chatting and setting up things. I put on grey shorts and a black t shirt , then came down..
I noticed that swathi was off to freshen up while shirley and shalini had almost set up things for celebration though it was only four of us. It came to my notice that I might have to do the deal with swathi tonight itself.. I was half excited and half anxious as to how this might progress. .In a few minutes swathi came out into the hall dressed nicely.
She was wearing a sari to my surprise with a suitable strap golden blouse which barely covered her back and also highlighted her cleavage enhancing her beauty of boobs..
She had also worn her sari well below the navel and as it was translucent sari, I could make out the gross outline of sexy navel over it..

I had never seen swathi like this and such a sight provoked my manhood. I did my best to control it so as to not make it obvious.. But shalini had noticed me ogling at her ,she came near me and whispered in my ear naughtily..” here’s your newest bride.. Ready to go on honeymoon with you…Though I managed to stop shalini from continuing her whispering further, it did occur to me as inevitable thing now. I did ask shirley through sign language about whose idea it was to dress up swathi like that to which she pointed at shalini..
Soon it was around midnight, the cake was laid down , I twisted the bottle of paper crackers ,while the girls cheered and smiled happily as the birthday girl made her way with the knife through the cake. Lot of selfies and photos were taken to embark the occasion. It was also fun to watch the girls smearing cream among themselves but I too got a taste of it once shalini broke through my resistance.. I gifted the mobile I had brought for swathi , also found her happy with gifts from shalu and my sister..
They wanted to dance and I had put on my stereo. The funky and party playlist did have enough juice in it to make them go crazy and dancing. It was then I noticed that even shirley and shalini had got into skimpy clothes. I set up pegs of drinks on the table and sat down with one in my hand.. The girls too came, took up their drinks ,finished it and went back to dance ordering me to fill up another round for them..
After another two rounds of drinks, I was dragged to dance with them by shalini . I was pushed towards swathi who blushed at me while my sisters surrounded us on either side. While we were dancing swathi would occasionally touch my shoulders and chest and I would hold her hand or brush myself on her back.. Her aroma was intoxicating my brain though I was too shy to proceed any further on her with my sisters around. After some time we all got tired and sat down on the sofa..
I grabbed some of the pizza and chewed on it while the girls dove into the noodles..
I was now getting very anxious as the moment was nearing but I played it cool in front of them.. Swathi spoke out..
Swathi : thank you guys, it has been my best birthday since a long time and I have never felt much happier. You guys are my true family now..
Shirley: speaking of family, there is one more gift left to give you.. And both me and shalu know that this gift ‘ll make you happier than ever.. We proudly present to you .. Steve..
Saying that they waved their arms toward me as if I was some package to swathi.. I managed to bring on smile on my face while looking at swathi while she looked down with shyness..

Shalini: oh look at this, the new bride is too shy to face her lover .. Now sis, we should not waste time of these guys as they have got things to do.. (winking naughtily at my sister)..
Shirley : yes dear, swathi as I had promised you ,tonight only your birthday steve ‘ll be with you for the night .. It’s my biggest gift to you.. He might be a little shy but take my word when I say that he ‘ll make you squirm with pleasure once he gets going..

I faked an angry face at shirley.
Me: come on sis, your making too much of this thing.. Was it necessary to brag about it..?
Shirley: well, from tomorrow even she s family to us.. Nothing to hide about.. She ‘ll be a better judge by tomorrow morning.. Now come on.. No more talks..
Both shalini and shirley pushed us into our master bed room where I was surprised to find some plain yet suitable arrangements for the night.. They closed the door behind us and we were left alone in the room.. I didn’t know how to proceed with this nor did she make any effort on her part, though we were obvious about the fact of what was going to happen..
The clock ticked on breaking the monotonous night with its regular noise. I was very nervous now and decided to break the silence lest I feared I might go crazy..
Me: uhhh please sit down.. I.. I.. ‘ll .. Hmm .. Are you thirsty..? I ‘ll bring some water..
Saying this I went near the table to pour out some water into jug , muttering to myself how foolishly I was talking.. Swathi was silently smiling at nervousness..
Me: here, take it..
Swathi took the glass and asked me to sit down beside her.. She gulped down some water and put down the glass.. I was exhibiting fine tremors and was looking on the wall.. Her warm hand grasped mine.
Swathi: look at me steve, you can’t make love to me if you are afraid to look me in the eye.. I know this is awkward for you coz you might not have thought of me like this.. But please fulfill my desires for one night..
Me: ( stammering) huh.. I am nn .. Not afraid .. Why should I be..? Hmm ya I m not afraid..
Swathi: I know steve how your mind is running now.. You love shirley too much to say anything to her, but you also love her too much to think of having sex with me and if you don’t want to do this, it’s fine with me. We ‘ll sleep separately and fake in the morning about this.. Maybe I am just unlucky and not so beautiful like your sisters but I don’t want to force a man to give me happiness when he’s not happy giving it. .
This was treading on some else track and I didn’t want to cheat my sister by faking a thing that I had promised her.. I turned to swathi with strong will and held her sad face in my hands..
Me: it’s not that you are not beautiful.. You are beautiful in your own way.. I am just feeling that you deserve to be loved by somebody better than me who is not married already.. You have to have a life with pleasures with a good guy..
Swathi: ( looking at me with puppy eyes) so you can’t give me anything ..? I don’t want anybody now.. I want you just for one night , please be with me for one night.. Take me to those lands of heaven to where I have not been ever coz my husband never bothered with me.. I am lost steve.. Just for this night, be my lover and save me from my daily routine of sadness..
I couldn’t say anything else to her.. I just closed my eyes and bent forward on her, letting my lips take over.It found the soft rosy petal like lips of swathi which opened as if on signal letting my tongue in.. We kissed slowly my lips smacking against hers while she held my face with her hands and pressed it against hers.. As they say, the first kiss makes for best sex with your partner , we enjoyed our kiss to the fullest extent..
When we broke from our heavenly experience she looked at me with eyes completely filled with love.. I found myself melting.. My hands travelled on her shoulder from whence I dragged down the pallu of her sari.. She was looking stunning with her 34 c boobs staring at me from under the strap blouse which was more like a bra.. I went on to kiss her neck slowly travelling down her chest to her cleavage.. I licked at the valley between two mountains of pleasure to full possible extent until I found her buttons obstructing my further path..
I made her lie down on the bed on her face and lifted off her long hair from her bare back.. It was a fun land awaiting my presence to enjoy it.. I made sure to lick each and every curve and corner on her back and pulled out the straps of her blouse and found that now she was semi naked.. The round contour of her breast was compressed against the bed .. I was madly in lust on swathi..
As I turned her around her full view of boobs filled my eyes making it an awesome sight.. I looked at them and at her face once, she bit her lips and nodded her assent for me to dig in. .I grabbed both boobs with me either hand and started squeezing them.. She closed her eyes and started moaning while I pinched her nipples, taking one of them into my mouth..
Swathi: ohhhhh steve.. It’s soo gooood… Hmm bite me… Make me yours..
As she continued to moan I went down from her nipples to her navel making little circles around it.. Her body was arching up from bed due to pleasure but I managed to put my tongue deep into her navel and lick it… I played around her nipple for a while making her squirm with pleasure.. Gradually I travelled down to her legs , raising her sari and petticoat from her legs ,planting a kiss for each inch of it raised.. I kissed and bit her heavenly thighs making my impressions on her body..
Swathi : oh you are so good steve.. I submit to you completely.. From today you are my lord, I am your humble servant..
Use me to obtain maximum pleasure .. Ohhh my lord make me your slave.. Allow me to serve you properly..
She got up and pulled down my underwear along with my trousers.. My fully erect dick sprang out of the captivity.. She looked at with lust , kissed the tip dragging back the foreskin and put it into her mouth.. She gobbled my cock back and forth while I held her hair from her face occasionally giving thrust to her.. Soon I burst into her mouth, and she swallowed my cum completely..
Me: it’s time to return the favor to you..
Saying this I disrobed her sari completely and also undid the knots of her petticoat letting it slip down..She had shaved her long legs nicely and through the lacy panties I could make out that she had shaved her pussy as well.. I made her to lie down on the bed and got rid of my t shirt.. Then I kissed her pussy over her panties and removed the last piece of cloth on her making us complete nude ..
I had a complete look at her sexy structure now and she was well built with right curves though she looked fatter than my sister.. But the big ass and round boobs were enough to drive a male crazy .. Altogether she was complete package bonanza to raise anyone s dick.
She: (spreading her legs). Come my lord.. Enjoy the treasure that is reserved and waiting for you since a long time.. Make me feel like woman today.. She had also shaved her underarms and it was now glistening with sweat as she raised it above her head.. I asked her if I could like her pits since it was so sexy..
She: every inch of my body is yours my lord, you can enjoy and use it as much as like and in whatever way it pleases you..
I inhaled her womanly aroma emanating from her pits before diving into it.. It was quite different from my sisters but it drove my lust more.. I slowly kissed and cajoled it, licking and occasionally biting it.. It was more smoother and softer than my sister’s as swathi had a bit more fat in this region.. After I had sufficiently tasted her armpits , I went down finally to the glory hole..
It was slightly blackish on the outside but as she spread her legs more welcoming me, the pink insides came into view teasing and taunting me to have a go at it.. I flicked my tongue on her clitoris and labia while she let out gasps of moaning..
She: ohhhh it s been so long now that my pussy had forgotten the sensation of how a guy’s tongue feels… Lick it steve . Lick it .. Ohhhhh.. Hmmm ahhh..
I continued to push my tongue inside her sacred hole and it welcomed me by squishing some warm pre cum over my face. The probing of my tongue inside her pussy made her mad with lust as she started moaning out loudly.. I realized that it was her fantasy to be dominated in sex., and I decided to that to her..
She: ohhhhh my god .. Hmm put your tongue deeper my master .. Explore the depths of my pussy… I am a dirty slave who wants her master to quench her thirst of sex… Ahhhhh ohhhhh hmmm..
Come on master.. Ohhh I can’t hold on much longer.. Hmmm.
I could feel that since it was sometime since had an orgasm that she couldn’t hold out much too longer. I increased my speed of tongue fucking her.. Her cunt muscles vigorously contracted as she pulled my head into her pussy more with her legs.. Soon her back arched up from the bed signaling her climax..
She: ohhhhh I amm mm cummingggg…. Oooohhhh sssshh..
That was when I discovered that swathi was squirter who could release cum like men in a fast stream and I was lucky to have experienced it… Her pussy sent out a small jet of fluid at my face while she held on to the pillow with all her might..
She finished cumming and fell flat on bed, drained of energy.. Slowly the grip around me also lessened as her thighs relaxed.. I breathed in deeply to take some fresh air and wiped the sweat of my forehead..She grabbed my face and dragged me up, pushing her tongue into my mouth.. We had another deeply invasive french kiss with our saliva getting exchanged liberally..
As I separated from her lips wishing to take some air in , I noticed that her face was content with the huge orgasm she had just finished.. All the pent up sexual tensions in her were relieved and we were comfortably naked in each other’s company for the first time..
Me: I am still hard slave.. What will you do about it..?
She: give the only thing I have left in my possession now.. My pussy ‘ll quench your thirst and satisfy your dick my lord.. Please take it and make me happy..
Me: as you wish , my lovely slave..
I slightly adjusted myself on her side while she lifted her right leg in the air , allowing me access to her love hole.. I teased her pussy by rubbing on it without inserting inside.. She was getting impatient.
She: don’t tease me any more please.. Put it inside .. I am dying for it..
Me: (teasing her further).. Say out loudly what you want slave.. Say it loudly..
She : I want your dick inside my pussy my lord..
Me: tell that you want your masters dick inside your dirty cunt..
She .. Yes, yes I m a cheap slave bitch who wants her master s cock inside her dirty pussy.. Are you pleased now my lord..
Me: say it again..
She: (loudly).. I am cock hungry , always horny and dirty bitch who ‘ll do anything to get her masters dick inside her pussy.. Now please satisfy my itching cunt with your rod master .
I plunged my dick slowly inch by inch into her pussy.. Since she was not fucked from long her pussy was tight but her cum along with my pre cum made it easier for me to penetrate.. As my dick inched it’s way deeper her cunt muscles spread apart accommodating my full shaft inside..
She: ohhhhh jeeeez it’s soo thickkk..My pussy feels like it s bursting due to pressure..
Hmmm ssssss.. Give me more of it.. I like it..
I started giving slow strokes to her from behind, and once in a while she used to turn and kiss me.. I started rubbing her pussy also with my fingers..My dick was going and coming out of her love tunnel as it clenched and twisted at my thrusts..
She: ohhh ohhhh fuck.. Yeahhh yeahhh fffuckk me .. Fuck ffuck this dirty pussy.. It’s been waiting for you since long time.. . Ahhhh ahh ahhh ahhmm hmmm please fuck harder my lord… Yeaah like that.. Yes like that.. Harder harder… Hmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hhmm ohhh hmm hmmm ohhhh ohhhh.. Yes…. Faster and harder… This bitch s pussy needs to be torn today master… Give it to me harderrrrrr ssss ahhhh ahhhhh ahhh oh I love your dick master… It’s so fucking huge…. Hmm yeah oh yeah fuck me fuck me fuck my pussy…
I had become mad with her words ramming her endlessly.. She was nearing another orgasm.. I knew that mine was closer to you….
Me:. Where do you want me to cum ..? Should I come on your body..?
She:.. Noo.. Don’t let it waste my lord… Cum inside my pussy.. Yes. Yes fucking cum inside this dirty pussy.. Ohhh master fill my womb with your seeds.. Let your cum inside my pussy.. Ohhhh ffffucckk

She had started another climax and the squeezing of her cunt muscles made me orgasm as well.. I pulled out and gave a deep thrust into the depths of her pussy sending jets of my cum hit her womb walls.. She too squirted and I felt my dick was getting a warm shower inside her pussy..
As we finished cumming, we collapsed on bed in each other’s arms gasping for breath.. It was an amazing experience .. I was completely satisfied and the look on her face told me that she was more than happy. We closed our eyes momentarily…
I opened my eyes to the sound of opening of our door and realized we had forgot to bolt.. Shalini and shirley entered giggling as I tried to grab a bed sheet over my dick..
Shalini: y are you feeling shy bro..? Nothing to hide here.. We all have seen each other naked though not at the same time..
I let go of bed sheet and lied down.. Swathi was now beaming with happiness..
Shirley: so how did you enjoy the gift..?. Did you like it. ?
Swathi: like it..? I love it.. More than anything.. Oh it was so ducking awesome.. Steve even fulfilled my fantasy.. And then she suddenly became sad. .. And started sobbing.. Shirley came round and put her arms around swathi..
Shirley: what happened..? Why are you crying..? .Did this guy hurt you anywhere.?
Me: hey, come on , I didn’t do anything to hurt her..
Swathi: no it’s not him.. I am cursing myself now. .I had made a deal with you and you acted according to it but I am not able to think of how I ‘ll do my part of it.. I had only asked him for one night but now I m .Feeling like so evil that I want him more. I don’t want to break the deal but I can’t stop wanting him also.. I am such a bad woman.
Shirley: stop crying darling.. And it’s not your fault dear.. He has this effect on ladies.. Once they get a taste of him they ‘ll want more and more and more.. They just can’t stop with one act with him.. It’s like they get addicted to his cock.. Take for example shalu , she never can’t get enough of him.. That’s y I don’t let this guy out with other ladies.. Else he ‘ll come back with group of women chasing him…
Shalini: yeah, that’s right .. (looking at me)you are such an amazing lover that we have to be very careful with you..
We all burst out laughing while swathi regained her composure and started smiling..
Shirley: don’t worry dear, you can have him whenever you want..
Me: hey, you are not even asking me whether I want it or not..
Shalinibananasmiling naughtily).. Nothing to ask you about, you are our sole property and we ‘ll use it like we want..
Saying that she pounced upon me kissing and cuddling me while I smiled and pulled off her skimpy clothes..
Shalini: hey we should have a foursome right now.. Are you up for it girls..?
Shirley in reply got rid of her clothes while swathi started kissing shirley .. Shalini tried to engage me into another round..
Me: hey shalu I am tired right now, just give a few minutes of rest to my rod .. Meanwhile get some lesbian action so that I can be ready faster..
Shalini agreed and went to them who were already deeply engaged in their love making… A brazilian kind of model body, a buxom beauty and finally my cinderella were engaged in licking each other’s boobs and pussy and having fun together.. I was really tired by then but the show in front of me was just too hot to let go of it and sleep.. Soon shalu was doing some pole dance kind of moves for me at one of the legs of the cot as it was projected upwards for provision to put on the mosquito net.. Shirley also joined her while swathi came and took hold of my limp dick giving me handjob..
The pole dance between two erotic beauties plus the handjob brought back whatever was left of my strength.. When it was hard enough., shirley came near me and asked..
Did you fuck her asshole..?
Me: nope..
She: oh you have missed it.. But you ‘ll finish it now without help..
Swathi readily turned around into doggy position while shirley parted her ass cheeks.. Shalu brought some oil and applied it on.My dick and at the entrance of her anus..
Shirley: come on hubby, this is your gift for being so understanding and helpful to me.. Come on, take the virginity of her asshole and show her how strong you are..
This time I showed no mercy on swathi and I rammed my dick right into her asshole.. It only went half inside while she screamed with pain…
Swathi :.Ohhhhhh fffuccck.. It hurts… Hmmmm ahhh..
Shirley : calm down lady, this is nothing.. Now your going to feel the real shit..
As she finished the sentence I almost pulled out and this time with my force pushed my dick into her anal hole..
To stop her from screaming shalini went and kept her hand on her mouth.. While I started giving strokes I could still hear swathi s muffled moans of pain.. But I increased my speed.. Shirley was still parting her ass cheeks apart giving me full access, while occasionally I used to smooch my wife continuing the ramming..
Shalini removed her hand now once she found swathi was not screaming though she was still moaning out loudly..
Swathi: ohhhh ohhhh hm ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhh ffffuccckk oh tear my asshole master.. Rip it apart.. It deserves to be torn apart…Yeahh fuck my ass.. I am your slave master..
Fuckk my asss ahhhh yesss yessss hm fffuckkk yeah fuccck yeahhhh…
I lasted around an hour this time probably due to reason that I had already cum twice.. Swathi s ass had become sore after 15 minutes of my heavy drilling that she had also cummed again. So shirley had to take over for her as I had not finished yet.. I was using her pussy and ass alternately until I finished my load finally in my dear wife’s pussy.. I just literally fell on bed after that and just closed my eyes. I had just finished exploring all the holes of the three women in my life and was hell tired..
When I woke up it was already noon in the next day.. Shirley had brought me some coffee and told that shalini along with swathi had gone to office for the meeting that I should have attended. I relaxed myself and took a bath.. When I came down brunch was set up but I went to kitchen where shirley was doing some work and brought her into dining table with me..
Shirley:. What do you want..? Why are you carrying me..? Put me down baba.
Me: I want my sister to feed me today. I am too tired to eat..
She: alright..
I made her sit on my lap while she fed me with her soft hands.. I made her also to eat in between..
Me: have we gone too far sis, marrying you was one thing but what happened yesterday was an entirely different thing..
She: I am not sure either.. But I decided something when I found out about shalini s attempt to kill herself..
It is too face life as it comes and not bother too much about it.. As long as you’re there with me I ‘ll face anything.. But now that you have found two more women , you may not be so much into me like before.. But I ‘ll request you one thing.. Just don’t leave me alone ..
Me: I have to tell you one thing sis.. There is only one woman in the entire world that matters to me the most.. She is the one who is sitting on me now.. I ‘ll never stop loving you nor the presence of shalini or swathi have any effect on my love to you.. If at all, it only increased my love towards you , for no other woman makes such a sacrifice to her husband.. Whatever happens ,i ‘ll never ever leave you and will love you……
Saying this I kissed my sister who put her arms around me… my heart sank into the cushion of her warmth..
That’s it folks.. I might write a few adventures of ours that we had at some picnics but I am not sure of it…Coz of swathi’s death about a month ago in car crash has left us wounded and devastated. I pray that wherever she is , she s happier..

The End
[+] 1 user Likes hirarandi's post
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Good story, waiting for another episode. Thanks....
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