Adultery The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED)
Update 35 - The ceremony & dance in the village

“Hey, man sshhhhhh! Her father in law has hugged her, come up on the stool and look!!!”
But when 2 other youngsters went up the stool to look, they had broken off the hug and each walked their way! Now the youth discussed that was a normal father/daughter hug nothing to think of it. One said don’t try to blame her because you find her sexy and hot, if you long for her does not mean that she is like that, if you cannot get to fuck her does not mean that you have to blame her using other people’s names! And all others agreed upon that, unless they find her nude, sleeping with someone else they have no right to think badly of her.
More people got gathered in their yard after some hours and Aditi was busy in the house with some tasks. The two brothers-in-laws came in the house twice to take something and they went to the backyard to deal with the preparation of the local liquor. The father in law also once went to have a glance of how the work at the backyard was going on. Some musical instruments were brought by players, and some women who would dance accompanied by young girls met in the tent.
Aditi as well got ready in the village dress to participate in the dance, last year she had danced a lot and her father in law had loved it and praised her dance a lot, so she was to dance again. And this is how she looked and how far looked sexy and attractive.
But last year Aditi was not dressed like she is this time..... She was timider last year and was not back from the town. Then Vishal was not playing the role plays with her and she had supposedly not known sex as now!
Of course, she had a veil ‘dupatta’ to cover her upper part but while dancing anyhow that moves away or is attached on the waist. What is important here is that she was like that inside the house before joining the other girls in the tent and the father in law came across her and stared at her cleavage! Even the blue veins the upper part of her appealing boobs were visible. The father in law admired her with a smile and knowing that he was gazing at her breasts she hurried to take the veil which at that moment was over her bed. When she went to take her veil Darun was getting in the house and on seeing him his father quietly walked ahead. By then Aditi was coming out of her room with the veil in her hands still without wearing it and this time Darun came face to face with her and his eyes as well went straight on her boobs, those fairer parts which are normally hidden inside the dress and bra, looks fairer and sensitive which should be handled very carefully, with delicacy were in front of Darun who got to run his tongue over his lips while Aditi got to lower her looks on the floor knowing that he was as well staring at her bobs..... Darun cleared his throat and said, “You are looking gorgeous many men will be killed by you today in the tent it seems!” She blushed answering shyly, “Stop teasing me will you!” And she then put her ‘dupatta’ on her breast, despite that the thin veil could not hide that dick raising cleavage. She then started walking bypassing him while Darun after looking on both sides held her hand and pulled her towards him. She was pulled in such a sudden that her whole body collated to his and she placed her palms over his chest to keep balance when Darun surrounded her in his arms saying, “You are looking so cute that I can’t let you go without a good hug Aditi!” He hugged her tightly and his father saw that from a corner of the house.
Aditi still being caught in his strong arms, in a smile said, “Why? Have not you hugged me many times even when I do not look cute?” Darun still holding her close to him answered, “It’s not that Aditi, I think you know very well what I mean isn’t it?” Aditi gave an answer to him which will get many perplexed and think what is going on either there are many more things hidden to be declared here or will everything come to the surface on due time? She said, “Okay leave me, let me go now if Leena sees us together you know what will happen, let go now!” And she broke off and went to the tent hopping like a little girl does on the right feet then the left playing with her veil!” when she was still going Darun raised his voice asking, “But where is Leena I have not seen her for some time already!?” She replied louder still hopping, “She has gone to pluck flowers in the nearby forest with other girls!”
Before she could get out of the house from the corner the father in law did, “pssst pssst” So Aditi looked that way from where she heard it, and found her father in law asking her to come by movements of his hands hiding behind a door not to let Darun see him. She then looked back at Darun who was still there, and Aditi signaled her father in law and pronounced in low voice, “Darun is still there, I cannot come he is looking in my way!” The father in law insisted and in whispers said, “Come on he does not know that I am calling you, make as if you are coming to look for something come! come!” She turned to loom again where Darun was and found him moving his step to the other way so she quickly went behind the door her father in law was standing; the place was limited for two persons to get hidden behind that door, so Aditi had to be completely clutched to her father in law like they were playing hide and seek thus allowing her father in law’s body to be completely touching to hers and his arms went around her surrounding her in another tight hug crushing her boobs on his chest again. He said,
“You are looking like a doll in this attire, so cute wow!”
Aditi: “Is it? Darun also said the same!”
The father in law: “Tell me will you drink today as well as you did last year? Please say yes” and he let his palm slightly pass on her shoulder....
Aditi: “Holding his hand to stop him run more on her shoulder answered, “I have not yet decided either I will drink that liquor they are preparing, but could be I take some sips, last year you had forced me and I was all alone Vishal was back too late that night I still remember I was sleeping in the kitchen and he had taken me to our room, all was because of that damn liquor!”
The father in law was trying to cajole her but she got off from his arms in a sudden and mocked him with her tongue out walking away saying, “I will not drink today as I know why you are asking that beeeuuuuueee!!” and she showed him her thumb moving it and ran to the tent!
After a while the liquor was ready and glasses were filled and served in the tent to all the guests. Women, girls, boys all had it. Leena was back with the other girls and the flowers and they got busy decorating the tent. The men of the house also got dressed in the traditional village dresses for that occasion.
And the show started. The drumbeat was heard and the ‘dholl baje’ started under the swinging of the village girls and women. Aditi was at first watching, and suddenly Leena came dressed up quite like her and pulled her hand to dance. There she was amongst the women and boys dancing making her whole body sway in such a way that she got almost all male eyes stuck on her. She was the main attraction. In the dance movements, she had to bend down many times thus her boobs were almost coming out of her short top like a blouse. Imagine the youth and olds all watching!
Now the boys who were dancing wanted all to dance with her.... they were changing dance partners now and then but Leena was getting stuck to her bhabi....then as Darun got in the dance after some glasses of the local liquor, Leena clung to him to dance, it was then that those boys who were talking of her in the tent dance with Aditi in turns.... they were having fun. Laughing, dancing and repeating the wordings of the song which was sung! Darsheel also joined in. The father in law was drinking and watching. His eyes were fixed on Aditi and she was every now and then looking in his face..... Once or twice she called him to join the dance, but he was taking his time admiring her and seeing her being touched by so many young boys....
At last, the father in law moved his hips and got in the middle amongst the dances, but just then Darsheel was holding Aditi for a dance..... Aditi moved on seeing her father in law joining and Darsheel left her seeing his father coming towards her.... Aditi was soon seen dancing with her father in law while Leena and Darun watched them dancing in between themselves..... Those young boys looked at each other and signaled each other showing Aditi and her father in law. Among the women who were dancing, some women wanted to dance with Aditi’s father in law.... and one woman came moving her hips and openly asked Aditi she wanted to dance with her father in law if she had objections.... Aditi could not refuse and moved aside....... by then Leena was dancing with Darsheel and Darun was free so he came to take Aditi to continue the dance..... It was all a mess as about 30 to 40 persons were dancing altogether and were crowded..... Darun seized that opportunity to hold Aditi tight to his and pressed his body to hers while Aditi looked to check on if her father in law was not looking at them....... But just then Leena came again and took away Darun from Aditi who then went with Darsheel to continue dancing......
Drinks were continued being served and the father in law shared his glass with Aditi requesting her to sip..... She took it still dancing and enjoying the fun.... little by little sips after sips she took a whole glass, then the next one after some minutes......
The time was already late evening and soon panting Aditi asked with Darsheel, “Vishal is not yet back? What time is it?” Darsheel answered, “Bhabi its sunset and the ceremony is to end now. Aditi was not able to hold her step, she stammered from right to left and walked to the house to look for her mobile to call Vishal. Her father in law followed her in the house and got in her bedroom to see Aditi on the bed trying to dial Vishal’s number...he mounted on the bed near her and said, “Don’t call him my dear it’s good that he is not yet back, it’s high time nah?”
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Update 36 - Vishal returns earlier from work and....

Despite being drunk Aditi was aware of what was going on and leaning on her elbows with the cell phone stuck to her ears she was looking in her father in law’s eyes thus all her boobs were seen hanging in the blouse which the dad was gazing at.
Darun followed on seeing Aditi getting into her room but when he saw his dad on the bed near Aditi he stepped back to look outside and found Vishal’s car stopping just near the gate as it could not get inside because of the pitched tent. Darun quickly went to tell Leeena to shout Vishal’s name loudly so that Aditi and their dad could hear inside. Leena understood and ran towards Vishal shouting “Vishal bhai, Vishal bhai you are so late you missed the whole ceremony, we enjoyed a lot Adi bhabi dance well and we had great fun, wait I will serve you the liquor....” Aditi and the dad heard it in the room and Aditi did her best to escape from there by telling the father in law to stay inside and she will go to stop Vishal in the tent then he will get out of room meanwhile.
When Leena was serving Vishal, Aditi joined him and stammered her words to him.... He laughed saying, “Look at you-you are drunk hehehe!” anyhow they got gathered almost the whole family and neighbours and food were served along with the liquor which was continued being prepared at the backyard. Vishal started consuming the liquor in great quantity and enjoyed the company of old lost friends. Aditi was doing to and fro stammering bringing food, serving Vishal and others while the father in law and Darun were observing her very well. Vishal was soon all intoxicated and at times pronounced words which were private between her and Aditi. He once mentioned Anand’s name while talking and his visit to his apartment with Aditi. Darun looked at Aditi with a strange look at that time and she as well looked at her father in law and Darun while Anand’s name was mentioned!
Once Aditi’s mobile rang. She went to attend to the call in a corner far away. Vishal was almost completely intoxicated by then. The call was from Anand. Aditi started talking to her. He was flirtatious and she was encouraging him to go on talking. Her father in law after watching her talking for a while observed that she was like talking to a lover…. Her facial expressions and way of behaving while talking with the smiles, and biting her lips, playing with her hair and all that made her father in law suspect something fishy.
He approached her and listened to her talks. But he could not make it out who to she was talking as on seeing him coming nearer she said bye to Anand and cut the call. When the father in law asked who it was, she said it was the apartment gatekeeper Om whom she had told to make rounds and have a look at her house!
(What happened afterward in the village will be told in flashbacks at the required time to have the needed effect.)
The next day since it was Sunday Vishal and all others woke up with a terrible hangover by that local liquor. Some people even slept in the tent dead drunk. Vishal’s car remained on the road all night. Aditi was on the bed of her father in law, Vishal slept in the lounge, and when Aditi woke up she found Darun as well in his father’s room but on a sofa half dressed, Leena and Darsheel were in one room. The father in law had already left the room and was bathing. Aditi slowly walked to her room with a headache and found Vishal in the lounge dead asleep. Aditi’s top was undone, her skirt was not on her but a short silk dress covered her waist. She imagined of last night’s events and hurried to her room to change herself…… being thankful that Vishal was asleep. She noticed red marks on her thighs and near her armpit….. She then went to the bath as the father in law got out.
Late in the evening Vishal and Aditi left the village to be back home. Leena cried when she hugged Aditi and whispered something in her ears. Aditi hit her arms when she heard her and looked back at Darsheel and the other men of the house.
Soon they were back in their apartment. Vishal was dead tired and they went straight to bed and fell asleep without even touching each other. Sleep was more important than sex at that time.
Next day the normal wheel started to turn once again. Vishal went to work, Om flirted with Aditi, Anand called her and had sex phone chat with her. Vishal at night restarted the role plays using his father, and brothers as characters fucking his wife……
Days went by. Aditi was becoming more and more demanding where sex is concerned. She was becoming wild during role plays and fucked with rage. Vishal enjoyed a lot. Anand wanted to fuck her and kept pleading her for a meet to fuck but she was still holding him… Om tried to approach her more; he twice went inside her apartment in the pretext of checking the plumbing work as her neighbours had troubles….. He touched her hands and tried to hold her but she pushed him gently. Om told her that he knew what for Anand had come that day. Aditi was compelled to ask him to keep silent and as reward, she will one day please him as well!! Om was happy and started waiting the day he will be on her bed to enjoy her.
And this day arrived when once Vishal did not feel well at work and left his office in the middle of the day to be back home! It was around 1.30 PM when he drove his car in the apartment compound. Om opened the gate saying ‘hi’ to him and Vishal was driving towards the underground parking when he saw his father’s car in the yard parking! He braked; looking at the number plate of his father’s car to make sure either he was not mistaken… he then called Om. Om came and Vishal asked, “You know the owner of this car?”
Om: “Yes Sir. I do.”
Vishal’s heart pounded in his chest and he asked, “And where is the owner at this moment Om?”
Om: “He is upstairs Sir, he has come to see some relatives…”
Vishal: “You note all the vehicles which come and go from this compound don’t you?”
Om: “Yes Sir I do”
Vishal: “Wait let me park my car then will check your register in a while I want to verify something.”
Vishal parked his car, walked in Om’s kiosk and took his register where Om and other guards note down all vehicles which come in and leaves the compound daily. Vishal went through the back pages checking one by one to see if that vehicle had ever been here before.....meanwhile he asked, “Do you know to which relative the owner of that vehicle has gone?”
Om: “No Sir, but that man often comes in the day. I think his daughter lives up in an apartment.”
Vishal looked at him shocked and asked, “He comes OFTEN you say??”
Om: “Yes Sir, why is there any problem? Do you know that man?”
Vishal felt dizzy and asked for some water with Om who gave him his bottle. Having gulped once Vishal looked up towards his apartment and felt suffocated. He continued going through the register pages and found Darun’s car number in between, then found his father’s car number several times and Darun’s as well.....
Vishal then walked to the lift with heavy steps...He felt his feet were not accompanying his body..... He had difficulty to breathe... yet he walked and felt the distance from where he was to the lift was miles away........ Once in the lift, he rested his head leaning against it and took a deep breath shaking his head. He panted like he had run a long distance. Out of the lift, he walked very slowly towards his apartment door and tried the handle to find it locked so he took out his key and inserted in very slowly making sure that no one could hear from inside. The door unlocked, he stepped in to find no one in the lounge and he walked very slowly towards his bedroom and felt his legs shaking, the door was semi-closed, and his heart beat very very fast as he heard a little hiss of Aditi’s voice...... and a little moan of a male voice........
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Update 37 - Aditi caught red-handed by Vishal

The door unlocked, he stepped in to find no one in the lounge and he walked very slowly towards his bedroom and felt his legs shaking, the door was semi-closed, and his heart beat very very fast as he heard a little hiss of Aditi’s voice...... and a little moan of a male voice........
Vishal sweated, felt suffocating, took another deep breath and thought is this not what he was waiting for? Was that not what he wanted Aditi to do? Did he not wish and long to see his wife being fucked by someone else? But was that the way he wanted to learn it? No. This is not the way he wanted. He wanted to be the master and she the slave, he wanted to lead and she follows. But the matter was the other way round he thought. Was he dreaming he thought! Was that a dream? Was that a moment of a roleplay that he was living? What was he supposed to do at that time? Get in and appear in front of whoever was inside? Or watch secretly and enjoy? Could he enjoy that? Now was really his father inside? Or did his father and Darun come in the apartment to meet someone else for another purpose and he was mixing all in his dirty mind? Could that be? But what was the sound he heard in Aditi’s bedroom? Should he go to peep since the door was semi-closed?
Vishal was thinking all that running his palm on his forehead to wipe off the perspiration. He stepped very slowly like a cat was walking despite his shaking legs. The noise from inside became clearer and moans and murmurs increased. The bed’s creak and inter gasps of Aditi was heard more.
And yes Vishal heard his father’s voice at last before even looking inside. He heard him saying, “Okay okay my baby, and now take it...ssssshhhhh” and he heard Aditi’s “Hmmmmmm”
Despite him, he felt the bulge in his pant. Was he having a hard-on? He should not he thought, yet yes, he was getting erect though he knew his father was with his wife in his bedroom on his bed! He dared to approach more but made sure that they do not see him.
And he was both shocked and happy to see his father’s dick in his wife’s mouth. She was sitting on her legs on the floor and his father was sitting on the bed with both his legs parted, his palms over the bed to support his body , he looking up on the ceiling with closed eyes feeling the pleasure while his daughter in law was making him feel so good by sucking his cock holding it in her soft hand and caressing his ball with the other hand. His father had his shirt still on him all buttons open but had no pants and underwear. Aditi’s head was in between his thighs, at times her hands on his hairy thighs sometimes over his chest running her fingers in between her hairs, but her mouth was continuing the such while the father derived much pleasure......
Aditi had her back with the door, so had no chance to see Vishal while the father was busy deriving pleasure so he too would not look in the doorway as they know the main door is locked so they were at ease. Aditi was in a very short skirt which was mounted and tossed up her waist letting her nude ass be seen to Vishal and she was wearing no pantie..... Vishal ran his eyes over the bed and around to find Aditi’s pantie near the pillow, she was not wearing any top or what but her bra only which was unhooked, and just then his father placed his hand on her boob and pressed it so Vishal moved one step back.....
Vishal shook his head; for a moment and thought, “When has this started? Was it when I was still living there? We lived there for about 10 months.... So I was right thinking of her with them!? Or did this happen in the harvest festival only? No, they have been coming here since long I saw in the register of Om! I so much longed to see her with another man, and here am I today, but I don’t like it she has hidden all this from me!! Why she pretended to be reluctant all these days? When I HAD ASKED HER TO DO THE ROLEPLAY WITH DAD SHE LOOKED ANNOYED AND HAD SAID HE IS LIKE A FATHER...YET SHE IS ENJOYING HIM!!
He soon heard Aditi saying, “Hmm papa my mouth has ached I stop now.... it’s too big to take in the mouth for long...”
Vishal then slowly neared his head behind the door to watch and found his father lying on the bed while Aditi was mounting over him parting both her legs over his thighs. She threw her bra on the floor and crouched over her father in law moving her waist over his dick rubbing her wet pussy over there hearing the rough moan and grumbles of the father in law. He admired his own wife’s ass and thought he never found it that way since it the first time he was looking at it from that angle. Aditi then placed her mouth on her father in law’s mouth who gulped her tongue inside his moth and they started sucking each other’s tongue drinking the nectar. Aditi was meanwhile continuously rubbing her pussy on his hard cock and letting her boobs being rubbed on his hairy chest to feel the pleasure and delight derived by that. The father in law started passing his hand on her nude soft back then slowly lifted up his waist by moving up his legs, held his dick in his hand and looked for his daughter in law’s pussy to put his dick in.... Since Aditi was over him when he lifted up his waist Aditi was lifted up as well and she joked, “You are swinging me, rock me like a baby hmmmm muuuuuuaaaaaaah” And by then his dick was touching the opening of her pussy so he said, “Okay take in inside you now, immediately Aditi put her hand to his dick and controlled it into her and she hissed and oscillated over him turning her eyes upside down with the pleasure she was getting...... Just then she kissed his neck, earlobes and continued the movements of her waist and hip vigorously as though it was she who was fucking him since he was on top of him......
Vishal was watching with ease. They were not worried and did not think at all that there could be someone inside the house, so they were careless and freely were going on with their intercourse. Vishal put his hand on the bulge in his pant and said to himself, “Aditi, baby you are giving me immense pleasure today and this is what I wanted to see you doing. I wanted to watch you without you being aware, and I got you today baby, I will have to keep this secret till I can with you so that I can see more of you this way...I always wanted to check on how you react with another man’s dick, I so much longed to see your facial expression if another man was having sex with you.... And today is only the beginning for me are really a nymph, I was right thinking that way of you honey you are a damn nymph.....I always felt that you needed much more than my cock..... Now baby you will have to let Anand fuck you and you will have to accept anyone I want you to get fucked with....... yeah now my dream comes true darling...... But when the fuck did you start that with dad?!!!”
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Update 38 - Vishal still watching Aditi with his father

Vishal wanted that to remain up to him, he did not want to let her know that he found her with his dad. He decided to leave the house before they end the session. And he continued watching deriving much pleasure. He got back composure; he was not as shocked and depressed as he was when he had just got in the house. He started feeling his dream being realised without any effort now.
Aditi’s young body was being rubbed all along her father in law’s mature body and she was licking and kissing the father in law’s neck and earlobes meanwhile her hip was being moved with her ‘papa’s dick inside her and she was in between gasps taking short deep breathes warming the dad’s neck while breathing out. He was on his part encouraging her by pushing his cock in and out of her supporting his waist weight by pressing on her toes and lifting up partly his hip and Aditi together who was on him. His hand soon went on her young boobs which were neither big nor small and looked like a small balloon containing water when pressed by the father in law’s hands. He then tried to reach his mouth to suck the breasts while Aditi with her eyes semi-closed and reaching the world of ecstasy hisses and quivered over him as soon as his mouth sucked her nipple... she pressed her belly with force over his body and held his head firmly getting much pleasure and feeling too good.
And after a little while, he rolled her under him, to get on top of her. His dick was still inside her when they changed position. So Aditi wide opened both her legs to let her father in law’s hips stay in between her thighs, and as he started to hump, she crossed both her legs over his waist and her arms surrounded his shoulders while her mouth looked for his tongue which she swallowed into her mouth and started sucking with vigour passing her hand’s palms over his nude back and moving it undergoing though his belly to caress just centimetres away from his cock as well.... The father in law felt very good feeling her soft hands running at the downer parts there and she was in a way encouraging him to be pleased quickly...... The blows started to go on faster one more rapid than the other, and soon Aditi clutched his neck with such force that he felt like being hanged, she screamed and moaned with pleasure and started panting twisting her body with hisses and whimpers and shouted, “Aaaaaaahhhhh issssssshhhhhhhh yeeessssssss Its sooooooooooooo gooooooood aaah aah aah aah I am reaching my orgaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssm pppppppppaaaaaaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....sssssssssshhhhhh you are superb papa woooooooooowwwwwww aaaaaaaahhhhh love you papa love you love you love you muah muah muah muah...........” She kissed him dozens of times on his face reaching her orgasm with hisses and quivers......
The father in law as well was about to cum and groaned over her taking his tongue the maximum possible to lick her face and neck and his body as well quivered over her when he pushed his dick deeper possible into her with groaning sounds, “AAGGGGGHGHGHGHGHGHGH...yes I am cumming to sweetheart you are just an angel I miss you so much, I dream of your body night and day honey, never had I ever get the pleasure of fucking as I get with you my love you are fabulous...aaaaaahhhhhgggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!” And he took out his cock in a sudden to piss out his cum on her belly, navel and part pissed on her boobs as well..... she looked at the cum coming out of her father in law’s cock with a smile and caressed the dick when it was pissing the thick liquid out....... then biting her lips she with both hands caressed his dick and childishly said approaching it, “Hmmmm I love it, it makes me feel so good....big thick are a true demon to get deep in me to please me”....and she kissed it, then the dad tried to push it into her mouth, so Aditi lifted up her eyes, looked in his face then opened her mouth to let the sticky dick slide into her mouth again , while the dad once more trembled and gave a sigh of relief feeling the real pleasure after ejaculation to feel his young, beautiful, lovely daughter in law’s warm mouth’s suck......
Both lay flat on the bed and their hands caressed each other. Then after a little while, Aditi again went on his chest with her boobs, nude crushing on his hairy chest asked, “Have you ever thought what will happen if someday Vishal learns about our relationship?”
The father in law answered, “I don’t like thinking of odd things, I better think of your thighs and boobs plus your beautiful voice and eyes than think of something else!”
She giggled and said, “But I often think.”
He: “And what do you think?”
Aditi: “I think he will be very happy if he learns this!”
He: “Are you sure? I don’t think so. He will kill you or me!”
Aditi: “No papa, not at all! You don’t know him as I do. He will be very happy and love it!”
He: “Are you mad baby? No husband will ever like his wife with another man!”
Aditi: “Oh God why don’t you, believe me, he will love it if he knows we do it!”
He: “Do you want to say that you will one day let him know about us? Beware if you do that! This is not something to be shared, its out secret do you understand baby?”
Aditi: “No I have no intention of telling him, but I know he will like it if he learns and will want to see you doing this to me!”
He: “You mean he liked voyeurism? He wants to see you being fucked?”
Aditi: “hmmm, yep”
Vishal was hearing all and muttered, “Oh no don’t tell him that Aditi!!”....
Just then Aditi got out of the bed saying, “I am going to the bathroom will be back in a minute papa!”
Vishal hurried his step, got hidden behind the curtain which leads to the terrace door and as soon as Aditi went out he slowly opened the door and went out locking back the door.
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Update 39 - Vishal plans again

Friends not in each update there can be a lovemaking scene. Some updates like this one will miss such encounters yet it is an update which will lead to other sexual encounters. Hope all understand that. Thanks.
Vishal went to the kiosk of Om again. He again took the register to verify since when his dad and elder brother started coming there. He was in the apartment more than a year now so he started to look for the dates they came for the first time.
While he was doing so Om was suspecting something and doubted it was related to Aditi and other men. He asked Vishal either there was any problem. Vishal was trying to hide, but then he thought Om could be helpful to tell him more if he knows about Aditi. While going through the pages of the register he found Anand’s car number who was here by 3 PM in a weekday. He was very much shocked and asked,
“Om this car owner was here at 3 PM of the week? Is this not a mistake? He came to my place with me only and that was in the evening by 6 PM, remember he had left his car in the parking and came to take it back the next day?”
Om could remember very well that Vishal was talking about the man whom he listened at Aditi’s door and who had surely fucked her...... Now Om did not know what to say as he wanted to protect Aditi to get advantages with her, so he asked,
“Sir, who is this man? Your relative or Aditi madam’s family member?”
Vishal: “Why? What did he tell you?”
Om only wanted to know either Anand was fucking Aditi as a family member or he was Vishal’s friend who was fucking his friend’s wife! Om already started to have a bulge in his pant thinking of Aditi, but he did not want Vishal to know the truth. So he said, “No Sir, he did not tell me who he is and I don’t think that day he had come to your place!”
Vishal looked at him and understood that he wanted to hide Aditi’s truth. He immediately planned things in his mind. But first, he started to look in the back pages of the register. He started to check to form the page the first time came to live at the apartment. First two months there was no entry of his father’s or brother’s car..... And after two and half a month since he joined the apartment, first he saw Darun’s car number registered by Om at 1 PM. Then after a week, he found his father’s car number. Vishal took a paper and noted those dates and time. Then it continued every week almost. Vishal wanted to see if he could find both Daru’s and his father’s cars registered same day and same time...... but he did not get it that way, he found both had come on the same day several times but at different times. Aditi surely managed the time by cell phone! Vishal said to himself, “So there were days dad fucked her and left then darun came to fuck her, and the same night I FUCKED HER...WOW, SHE RECEIVED 3 DICKS PER DAY?!! Oh no!! And I am the fool who is trying to convince her to get fucked by Anand and that friend of mine seems to be fucking her already!! Damn it, man!!”
After noting all those stuff Vishal talked to Om.
“Look Om tell me one thing. You are attracted to my wife isn’t that true?”
Om blushed and did not know what to say, he just bent her head and moved it in a negative way.
Vishal talked again by putting his hand on his shoulder, “Look, I know you are young, unmarried and are impressed by Aditi, tell me if you wanna get to fuck her yes or no? I will guide you how to get her and I bet you can go to her bed and succeed!”
Om: “But Sir ji, she is your beautiful wife and how can I do that?!
Vishal: “Come on man, we are modern people and all this is common in this high society you know it pretty well isn’t it? So tell me do you want to fuck her or not?”
Om looked up at the terrace of Aditi and looked back at Vishal who on his turn looked up at his terrace and asked, “You admire her when she comes up there don’t you? And she talks to you on cell am I right?”
Om: “You know everything, Sir!”
Vishal: “So tell me Om are you ready to participate in what I want to do for you to fuck her?”
Om: “As you say, Sir!”
Vishal: “Okay so first tell me you are aware how many persons come to fuck her don’t you?”
Om: “Oh no Sir, you are trying to make me say a thing that’s why you are fooling me please don’t do that Sir. I am sorry I won’t even look at Aditi ma'am now on!”
Vishal: “No my dear, I will really make you get her. I promise. Just tell me all that you know about my wife and tell me all the people who come to see her, tell me if there are people of this apartment as well who see her!”
Om: “Look, Sir, I only once went to listen at your door when this car owner had come at 3 PM. (he meant Anand).
Vishal: “Good. So what did you listen?”
Om: “They were on bed, Sir. They made love I am sure by what I heard.”
Vishal: “You see so is it not easy for you to get her?”
Om: “I am very hesitant Sir”
Vishal: “I will help you, young man! And you will enjoy Aditi!”
Om: “How Sir?”
Vishal: “I will tell you all in details. You will have to do exactly as I say and you can get her to fuck. She will maybe resist or refuse despite that you do not stop, she will at last surrender and enjoy.....okay? you get me?”
Om: “Okay Sir, but when?”
Vishal: “I will tell it to you soon maybe tomorrow or after. You work in the day can you see her at night by 10 the day I ask you to?”
Om: “I can manage Sir. But you will be at home then nah?”
Vishal: “No I won’t be there, I will guide you what to do, the night you will have to come I won’t be here...... so it’s a deal okay?”
Om: “Okay Sir as you say.”
Vishal: “But mind you if you tell her anything that I talked to you! I know you talk to her on the cell but what we talked remains in between us okay? I will make you fuck her and you will enjoy that so keep quiet okay? Give me your cell number and save mine too. I will call you when the time comes. And don’t let anybody know that I am here. I am going to sit in my car in the underground and as soon as that car leaves you call me to let me know.”
Sitting in his car Vishal visualised all that he saw between his dad and his wife. He took his dick out and started caressing it with a terrible hard on. He thought how Aditi was lovingly caressing his father’s dick. He thought how without any hesitance she took his cock in her mouth to suck after his ejaculation. He visualised her lovely smile when she looked up in his dad’s face. She was so loving like she was in love with him. He could still hear her voice which resounded in his ears saying, to his dad’s cock “Hmmmm I love it, it makes me feel so good....big thick are a true demon to get deep in me to please me”.... Vishal thought of all that he just witnessed, how she clutched both her legs on her father’s waist and enjoyed the fuck; she was really enjoying a lot and loved it..... Vishal could see all in front of his eyes and he started masturbating thinking of his own wife with his dad.
He ejaculated soon..... And worked his mind how he will make Om fuck her and where will he be to watch all at 10 PM of the night. He planned in his mind that he will tell Aditi he has to do overtime in the office that night. He will come home at 6 pm and leave again by 8 PM. And he will let the terrace door unlocked from inside so that he could get in from there when Om will take her to the bedroom. There was one way from where he could get to the terrace and that was the lift which leads to the other floor, he should then go by stairs to reach his terrace by passing through another awning. And he also will let a window of his lounge open from inside and drew the curtain so that he could get in from there in case Aditi will lock the terrace door from inside. His lounge had two windows which gave on the terrace as Vishal planned all that in his mind and was sure to succeed. He also thought how and when Anand came to fuck her since he was in the office..... He thought how Aditi has been fooling him about Anand and she did not even speak a word of his visit, which meant that he had come to fuck and did it!! And he as a friend as well mentioned no word to him, which meant both his friend and wife had been enjoying behind his back...... well was it not what Vishal wanted deep inside him? He was, in fact, happy that his dream is now coming true and he can now realise ALL his dreams.......
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Update 40 - Om calls Vishal, someone came to see Aditi

Vishal also ordered Om that whenever someone comes to see Aditi when he is at work, to call him immediately on his cell. They exchanged numbers. He also gave Om 1000 bucks to keep all secrets and told him that he will get more if he does proper works for him. Om was happy that he was getting a part-time job to keep eye on Aditi plus he will get to fuck her! He thanked his destiny for that.
That evening Vishal was back home inside at the usual time he comes. He slept in his car in the underground till that time. And Aditi behaved as if nothing had happened, she was loving and caring to Vishal and showed no sign of any other things. Vishal wondered how cunning she is and how easily she could keep her cool after cheating on him for so many month/years!! Vishal was now feeling being fooled by her though he was happy to see what he had been longing from her since always, he never had ever thought that she would have cheated on him. He had always thought that he will ask her to do all that, he had only and always wanted that he would take her to that path and make her sleep with other men..... He had wanted that he would have guided her and she would NEVER do it without his consent...... but he was in a way somewhat affected by what Aditi had done to him.... but that pain was less compared to the joy he got by seeing her being passionately fucked by his father. At times he felt like bursting out and ask her everything, tell her to relate everything since when it all started.... But he again thought let the appropriate time come, not to precipitate things.
That night Vishal did not make love to her. And she did not ask for it, both fell asleep earlier than usual.
Few days went by. Om was waiting for Vishal’s green signal. Vishal was not yet ready for the plan. And one day by 1 PM Om called Vishal.
Om: “Sir, someone came to see your wife!”
Vishal: “What is his car number?”
Om: “No car Sir, he came on foot and has come several times before as well!”
Shocked Vishal said, “What the fuck? Who is this one now? How does he look?”
Om: “A young boyish type, not tall, short guy.”
Vishal shouted, “Darsheel?!! He too comes? Oh my God!!”
Om: “Who is Darsheel Sir?”
Vishal: “Oh no no its okay, is he already in?”
Om: “Yes Sir. Five minutes ago he went in.”
Vishal: “In your register, you do not mention the names of people who come to see someone?”
Om: “No Sir, we only ask whom he/she wants to see. The rule here is only to take all vehicles numbers only not the persons’ names.”
Vishal: “Okay, thanks Om I will be there soon. Thanks again, my dear. Keep informing me same way always.”
Vishal visualised the way Darsheel had hugged Aditi when they had been there for the harvest festival. Being short in height his head was on Aditi’s cleavage when he had hugged, her boobs were pressed on his cheeks......Vishal felt excited thinking all the men of his house have tasted her already!! He pretended to feel sick and took half day leave and left the office.
Speeding he reached in the compound quick, parked his car in the underground leaving everything inside his car he took the lift and went up to find Om placing his ears on his apartment’s door trying to listen what is going on inside. Both talked in whispers, Om said, “They are in the bedroom I think, they were talking here in the lounge a minute ago!” Vishal asked still in whispers, “What did you hear them talk?” Om said, “He was addressing her as ‘bhabi’ and she was calling him beta..... strange.....” Vishal insisted, “Tell me what did they say to each other?”
Om said, “Nothing much Sir, I only heard she said, “Why did you escape your studies beta, you must study hard, forget me for a few days and concentrate in your studies, my dear!” And he answered, “I can’t bhabi, I miss you a lot, I think only of you night and day... Leena teases me a lot!”
Vishal shook his head and inserted the key with many precautions in the keyhole not to make any sound and clicked. As the door was unlocked he asked Om to return back.
Once inside Vishal’s heart started beating fast and taking a deep breath he walked very slowly. He was like a thief in his own house. He stood to listen if he could hear their voices. And he made it out that they were both in the kitchen talking. He did not know what to do now...... If they would return from the kitchen to get into the bedroom they would see him in the lounge... where to hide? He was worried...and he ran to get inside his bedroom...... then where to hide now? There was no space... he got out, ran to the lounge again and hid behind the sofa set by sitting on the floor.... His heart beating too fast he prayed that they do not come in the lounge to sir on the couch..... He could feel and hear his heart thumping in his chest. He sweated..... He was afraid what if he gets sneeze or a cough!! He was panting... placing one hand on his chest he tried to lift up his head to look at his bedroom’s door...... his heart was beating so hard that he could not hear their conversation but only his own heartbeats.
After some 5/10 minutes, he heard the voices nearing in the corridor. The voices were approaching him..... He started praying that they get into the bedroom and do not come in the lounge.... It was around 1.45 PM in the day, daylight spread in the whole lounge, everything was seen clear like crystal and he would very easily be seen if they came in the lounge. And Aditi and Darsheel walked holding each other’s waist and stopped just near the bedroom’s door and continued talking. Vishal prayed and prayed that they open the door and get inside..... But they were not going in but talking holding each other..... Aditi was in a beautiful skirt and blouse, looking gorgeous. This is how she looked and she posed several time like this for Darsheel before Vishal came in:
Now friends who can ever resist such a babe, with such fleshy thighs and boobs... such a splendid body ready to lay on bed??
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Update 41 - Vishal watches Aditi with Darsheel

And at last Vishal gave a heavy sigh when he found Aditi pushing the bedroom door with one hand while her other hand was around Darsheel’s waist. Both got in letting the door partly opened. Normally that room’s door always remains open even when they sleep at night since there is nobody else in their house than the two of them. So Aditi does not have the habit to close the door and since she knows that the main door is locked she feels secure.
After wiping off sweat from his forehead Vishal, at last, felt easy as they were inside the room. He stood up and walked with all precaution not to knock with any object in the lounge. He heard kissing sounds coming from the bedroom and hurried his steps to watch them. But when he neared the door to look it was not kissing but Darsheel was sucking Aditi’s boobs and they were still standing against the wardrobe in the room. Since Darsheel is not tall at all, his face reaches just Aditi’s boobs and he had managed to move the upper part of her dress to get her boobs in his mouth to suck while Aditi was running her fingers on his scalp in between his hair. Everytime that he was missing the suck the sound of a kiss was heard loudly like it normally does when sucking any part of the body and miss part of it the kissing sound is heard. Aditi was murmuring something slowly caressing his head. Vishal wanted to hear what she was pronouncing but could not make it so he followed her lips movement to understand what she was saying. Vishal made out that she was lovingly saying, “My baby, my sunny! My little boy! Kissing mama’s boobs hmm?!”
Vishal astounded told himself, “What the fuck is that? She plays role play of mother-son with him! She is one step ahead of me! What the fuck damn it!!” He felt like banging his head against the wall and with an evil eye continued watching them eager to know either he was right in what he was thinking.
Aditi slowly walked towards the bed while Darsheel continued sucking, licking her boobs...... and as soon as she neared the bed, she sat down over it and Darsheel did not leave her boobs but crouched and bended to continue his task then Aditi just lay over her back on the bed so Darsheel went over her with his whole body. Vishal started to caress the bulge in his pant and moved closer to continue the watch avoiding Aditi’s eyes coming over him.
Aditi little by little removed Darsheel’s shirt while he was involved in pressing her boobs, licking her armpits and other delicate parts of her splendid hot body. One of his hand was vigorously caressing her thighs and moving up towards the inner parts to reach her pantie and she was by then removing his trousers. When he was left in his underwear with a hard-on; his dick was pointing lifting up his underwear which made Aditi giggle by touching it with her finger saying, “How funny it is pointing straight where it has to get it, it knows its’ place so very well hihihi!!” And Darsheel straightened his body pulling Aditi’s hand towards him to make her sit over the bed and pressed his dick still in the underwear to her face. Aditi passed her cheeks over his bulge and opened her mouth to take his dick together with the underwear placing both her hands on his thighs lightly caressing them which made Darsheel feel very good as he whimpered by her touch.....
Aditi kissed his underwear and shouted, “Look its wet, you have pre-cummed is it? You are wet baby!! Hmm hihihi...let me taste it...” and she passed the tip of her tongue on the wet spot where Darsheel’s precum was stained. She made it wetter with her tongue by licking it. Darsheel asked, “How does it taste mom? You use to taste your sunny’s cum always you love it isn’t it mom?!”
Hearing that Vishal shook his head and talked to himself, “Oh my God! Oh my God! They also do role plays! How cunning of Aditi she uses all my tricks with him and others as well could be oh my God!” Then he remembered when he had questioned her about the way Darsheel had hugged her when they had been there for the harvest festival, she had replied that it was just like a mother was hugging her son! So she had said it right..... They play mother and son these two!!! Yet Aditi is still younger than her age-wise, since she is Darsheel’s elder brother’s wife and he being the youngest brother in the house Aditi had superior status, so she was the mother and he the little son!! Vishal was wondering who started the roleplay? Aditi or Darsheel? It could be that Darsheel being Vishal’s brother had the same type of interests and desires to have such ideas of role plays and he, being, short in height imagined being the son of Aditi..... One day he will learn all thought Vishal; that how it all started who decided the role plays and either Aditi agreed to play his mother.... Whatever it could be he was damn hard erect and was enjoying the show, so thought to put apart those thoughts and enjoy what was offered to his eyes at that moment.
Gradually Aditi threw out Darsheel’s underwear and all her dress were out too. Both nude were lost in each other's embrace. They were having a 69 pose on the bed. She had his dick in her mouth while he was exploring her cunt fingering, sucking, sipping her juices. Aditi was eating his whole cock swallowing it up to her throat while he was moving his hip pushing it deeper.... she was meanwhile giving little moans moving her waist as well to his caress and suck.
Vishal could not hold and secretly took out his organ in his hand to start masturbate keeping his eyes on them steadily observing Aditi’s expressions and endeavours.
Darsheel soon changed position and started sucking Aditi’s tongue while her legs were parted away to let him in between her thighs. After a long passionate, ardent, enthusiastic kiss, he spoke caressing her cheeks moving away from her open hair, “Mom, my lovely young mom, I am the luckiest son to be making love to such a young hot mom am I not mom? Would any son have such a young mom? Can a mom have such beautiful hard boobs? Can she have such beautiful young thighs, such a beautiful spotless neck and back wow mom I am gifted to have you on the bed whenever I want oh mom my lovely mom I am so happy to have you!”
Hearing that Vishal was overwhelmed and thought why he never played mom/son with Aditi! He thought, could be that Aditi derived much pleasure doing this roleplay as Vishal never have done this one..... So he was expecting Aditi to reply him and yes, she did, she spoke caressing his back and kissing him on any part of the flesh of his which was coming to her mouth, “Oh yes sunny and I am the fortunate mom to have you to please me, out carnal desires are quenched by your cravings for me and your touches make me feel so good that I wish you always stay on bed with me, love you my dear sunny, come on top of mom now and get inside me ssssssshhhh i want it so much, sweetheart, come my baby please mom do it fast mom can’t wait anymore darling hmmmmmm”
Vishal watched his wife’s expression filled with lust and desire aroused by his little brother playing as her son... he observed her expressions, he eyes full of longings for Darsheel and he felt it how far she needed to be fucked at that very moment since he knew her needs so well being her husband. He stroke hard on his cock and watched then going to fuck.
Darsheel did not waste time and mounted on his sister in law-cum mom and inserted his dick in her under the moans of Aditi who let a gasp and moan like ‘ ssssssshhhhh aaaaaaaah yessssss deeeepr get it deeper in your mom sunny!”
And Darsheel started humping caught in between Aditi’s thighs sucking her neck, boobs and since he was shorter he was getting much of her breasts and neck to eat during the fuck. Aditi was getting to lift up her head to bite his shoulder leaving dark red snaps and her teeth marks on his skin. The blows gradually started going faster one after the other and panting heavily Darsheel humped and humped harder feeling his dick sliding easily in her pussy since Aditi was all wet by then.... Darsheel being younger and of small size his dick was not as big as that of his dad or Vishal.... he looked like a kid so his dick was also smaller, thinner, so it was in a way getting lost in Aditi’s hole as it was too wet.... anyhow the fire of desire was present to make him feel good and the role play helping he soon felt his liquid coming out and he groaned, “mom, ohhhhhh mom I am to cum now sssssshhhyesssssssssss.....” Aditi quickly moved her waist in such a way to eject his dick out and he quickly took it out ejecting pressure of his cum over Aditi’s belly, waist, navel and partly on her boobs.... he continued rubbing it over her pussy..... and Aditi encouraged him by passing her hands over his ass asking him to continue harder as she will soon reach her orgasm too.... she moaned and screamed, “Yessssss continue to rub, rub harder sunny make mom cum make your darling mum cum no need it to be inside, keep rubbing hard I will soon cum baby..yessss yessss oh my goooooooooaaaaaad....ssssssssssshhhhhh yeahhhhh babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy mom is happppyyyyyyy now uuuuuuffffffffffff!!!!”
And Darsheel lay flat over her like a corpse lightly licking her armpits feeling the salty taste on the tip of his tongue since she just sweated after the actions...... Aditi on her part was biting his shoulder continuously and feeling getting a sort of juice which she was sucking and swallowing....... after a short while she breathed out heavily and parted both her arms stretching them on both sides of the bed feeling tired...... Vishal looked in her face with passion and wished to go on the bed immediately and kiss her... she was looking like a love Goddess at that moment all nude, her arms stretched out, her soft whitish and pinkish skin all displayed in the open, her thighs partly covered by Darsheels legs, her waist, the fleshy parts of her hip, her lovely boobs, her open black hair stretched all over the bed, partly fallen, hanging over the bedsheet..... Vishal continued admiring his wife in the company of his younger brother......
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Update 42 - Anjali

That night Vishal had a very hot session fucking her as in his mind he visualised how his youngest brother was fucking her playing as her son and how she was responding to him as his young mother, that excited him too much and he had no control. He fucked and got pleased without Aditi reaching her orgasm. After the session, Aditi teased him asking, “What’s the matter tonight no role plays and not caring to get me pleased; you just enjoyed like you did a year before, you remember how I was not even aware what orgasm was?! hehehe”
Vishal looked in her face and asked, “And now you are very experienced huh?” he wished to start a conversation and try to get her to divulge something but then he thought she will be hinted and have doubts so he preferred to remain quiet so that he could watch more of her escapades secretly.
Aditi in her mind kept thinking why he got so horny and reached his peak so fast without any role play and not talking any word before starting the sexual intercourse...... being a woman she now could feel when Vishal is in great vigour to do it and when he needs to think of someone else with her to satisfy himself with her..... But thinking of that only she fell asleep.
The next day Vishal thought to call her as the stranger, Aditya, changing his voice again just to see if she could be interested to receive him. But Aditi refused to talk to him. Now Vishal wondered why she is refusing to talk to the new gallant...Is that because she is getting too many men to satisfy her? Or she does not want to make new acquaintances. So Vishal dropped the idea thought to try another time.
Now there was one case going on in the apartment which Aditi was aware of but had not told about that to Vishal for her own benefit. There was a young college girl named Anjali who lived three doors to Aditi’s. That girl had an affair with her father’s friend and Aditi came across them one day in the corridor and after that day each time that the man came she was aware and kept an eye on them.
So today in this update lets check on Anjali and her father’s friend and how Aditi is related to them in the case and why Aditi kept that secret with Vishal. Anjali was a hot college girl, modern, sexy, living life to the fullest. Her father was a very busy businessman and her mother a state office worker who was always back home late by 6 to 7 pm from work. Anjali was the unique child they had. Often Anali’s father’s friends came to his place for business discussions at night. Among those friends was one Mr. Rajan a man in the fifties who came several nights for a serious business matter. One among those nights when Anjali was doing her college works sitting in a frock when Mr. Rajan’s eyes went on her several times and she gave him smiles. At that moment her mother, tired of the whole day's work had been to bed. Her father and Mr. Rajan were sipping a whisky during their debate over the business matter. Anjali was then sitting on the next side of the living room where her study was situated. A thin curtain separated the place where Anjali’s father and Rajan were seated. When the wind was blowing the curtain Rajan’s eyes could see Anjali’s crossed leg and part of her thighs then her arms and hair swaying brushed by the moving curtain. Rajan under the drinks influence at that moment did not care that she was only a little college girl but found her sexy and attractive. He only found a female in need. He tried his best to attract her attention and when Anjali noticed him looking at her, she responded in a smile and moved the curtain to let him have a glimpse of her.
Thus once still sipping his whisky he walked near Anjali and asked in presence of her dad, “Doing college works young girl? Huh? So how is it going? Studying hard I see hmm?” Anjali biting her lips in a coy smile just said, “Oh yeah” and she looked at her dad to check if he had any negative type of response. So when she found that it was a normal type of conversation and her dad did not mind Mr. Rajan talking to her she talked to him as normal as she could. Anjali’s dad was fumbling through some files sipping his whisky and talking to Rajan meanwhile who was standing close to Anjali at that moment having a look at Anjali’s copybook and checking on which kind of homework she was doing. Glancing at Anjali’s dad either he was looking at him; when he was not Rajan brushed the other side of his palm on Anjali’s arms several times. She got goosebumps by the elder man’s touch yet she only gave smiles checking at her dad. Rajan crouched thrice to view Anjali’s tender cleavage as she was bending over the desk doing her homework... part of her thin bra strap was seen on her shoulder and Rajan got erect looking at her tender boobs held by the small bra.
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Update 43 - Anjali continued....

Anjali’s dad said, “Rajan let her do her work man, come study the file my dear!” And Rajan replied in a joking way, “Buddy she reminds me of my college days, how I was doing my college works this way, look how she holds her pen to write its funny.....” The fact was that Raj was just using that as a pretext to cover the bad intentions he had on his friend's daughter. Anjali asked, “What is funny in my way of holding the pen?” So Rajan seized the opportunity to touch her. He took her pen, checked on her dad either he is looking at them so found him busy going through the files pages, then he let his chest rub on Anjali’s back pressing it to her while he put both his arms putting the glass on her desk to hold her pen and show how he holds a pen to write. During that action Rajan’s dick had bulged and he pressed it on Anjali’s thighs since she had lifted up one leg to cross it on the chair she was sitting and her frock was short so her thigh was all out. Rajan looked back at his dad either he was looking and he moved the curtain in a way so that he can’t see him, he then pressed his dick more over Anjali’s thighs making her feel it. Anjali blushed looking back in the way of her father knowing very well what Mr.Rajan was trying to do with her. She very well felt his hard cock still in his pant being pressed on her thigh. She knew he was a bit drunk and again she looked in her dad’s direction to check on by then Rajan who was from behind her pressing his chest on the back of her shoulder, kissed her head then brushed his lips on her neck moving her swaying hair..... Anjali took a deep breath and felt her heart beating faster, then tried to push him but he whispered in her ears after kissing them, “You are a very beautiful girl, I would have loved to have a beautiful daughter like you but I am unlucky to have only 2 sons you dad is fortunate to have a lovely daughter like you!”
Anjali liked the way he complimented her beauty and felt good. She was about to push him but on hearing his words and liking them she remained quiet and blushing bent her head down. Rajan then ran his hand along her arms caressing them moving up to her bra straps and inserting one finger in between the strap he slowly asked, “Which number do you use?” Anjali felt ashamed to answer to that question and blushing heavily she said, “Don't know, go away now my dad will see!”
Feeling that he had already conquered her Rajan straightened his body taking back his glass of whisky said in a louder voice, “Man you are lucky to have a lovely daughter, I wish I had a daughter like her! But my bad fate!” Anjali’s dad not taking much care of his words only said, “Come on buddy lets finish with this file where are you getting involved with kids!”
Anjali was a girl who lacked affection. Both her mother and father were busy people and had no time for her. When Rajan did that action to her, she felt being taken care of and liked it. She turned back many times to look at Mr.Rajan who was constantly looking at her winking at her and at times sending kisses when her dad was not looking their way. Anjali was only smiling with him.
That night Anjali dreamt of Mr. Rajan. She was lonely and felt the need to have cared. So Mr. Rajan had come in her life at the right time it seemed.
Several nights Rajan came and approached her, touched her, caressed her. Touched her boobs and gradually got the time to pass his hand on her thighs and mount up to her pantie, put his hand inside his bra, fondle his small boobs and all that.
Thus one night Anjali’s dad went to piss and Rajan hurried his steps to Anjali and asked her if she had ever kissed a man. She said no. So he said he will give her the first kiss lesson. He said to be quick before her father comes back. Anjali was thrilled and hurried. Rajan asked her to stand up and hold his clasping her arms around him which she quickly did and stood up on her toes lifting up her head to get her mouth reach his mouth while he took her tightly in his arms bending his head over her face seeking for his mouth and asked her to open her mouth which she did fast look in the direction of the bathroom in case her father returns.
Rajan took her face delicately in his hand and pressed her cheeks lightly to make her mouth open and inserted his tongue into her mouth asking her to suck it..... Anjali did it and he did the same their tongues melting in each others mouth while Rajan ran his hands on her buttock pressing her to his dick while he thrust over there. Her slim body caught into his large arms she looked like a child kissing a huge monster. Rajan slowly passed his hand under her skirt pressing her ass and trying his fingers get in between her small pantie while his dick still in his pant har erect was hardly pressed over her pussy over her skirt. Anjali was feeling all and letting him so. Rajan licked her cheeks and neck moving to her tender small boobs when they heard the toilet flush and the quickly broke off...... he whispered, “That was the very first kiss of your life remember that always!” Anjali rubbed her mouth looking in his face with a coy smile, then ran her tongue in between her lips to sit back at her desk looking in the way her dad was returning from the bathroom.
Then it started going strong as Rajan cunningly started coming to see her as soon as she returned from college by 3.30 PM when her parents were both at work. The very first day that he came at that time he hit the jackpot! Anjali was just back from college, still in her uniform when Rajan rang the doorbell. She opened and as soon as he got in she was in his arms kissing each other wildly. He took her in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. Having a young college girl still in college uniform laying her on the bed and that too with a man in the fifties, that’s really hot and thrilling indeed!!
Rajan passed his hand under her skirt moving it up while kissing her asked, “Has your dad ever loved you this way baby? Has he ever touched you? If you were my daughter I would love you this way everyday muuuuaaaah......” he went on licking and kissing her while she was gasping for breath.....
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Update 44 - Anjali and Rajan decide to talk to Aditi

Rajan was too happy to be having a young teenage girl in his arms on a bed. It was a dream come true for him. Again he himself was thanking his fate that being in the fifties he was having a college girl in uniform on her bed
He was kissing her meanwhile his hands were running over her thighs moving up towards her pantie..... Anjali tried to resist but finally gave up surrendering her body to him...... Anjali was those days getting interested in sex, her body was demanding it and at college, she discussed sex and orgasm among friends.... She wanted to experience it so wanted to give it a try that's why she surrendered and wanted to feel the man’s organ...she had never seen or touched a male organ and was too excited to have a look and touch it, feel it.... Thus her escapade started with her father’s friend who was the only male around in her life those days.
So I am not going to write a detailed encounter between Anjali and Rajan and going to show how Aditi got related to this. It so happened, that Anjali started receiving that man almost every afternoon when she returns back from college. Rajan came to enjoy her sexually. And one day Aditi was coming from somewhere and met them in the lift. Aditi was in a beautiful sexy saree in which her waist, belly, back, arms were all bare and that man started ogling her leaving Anjali. Aditi felt that he was staring at him and she tried to cover her body parts but to no avail.
When they got out of the lift Aditi walked in the front, Rajan purposely held his steps to see in which apartment Aditi will get in. Aditi turned back twice to look at him before reaching her door. Her blouse was backless with laces on her shoulders supporting the blouse with a deep V – cut..... Her fair spotless skin, her smoothness was all igniting the man who did not move his eyes from her and Aditi knew it. When Aditi bent a little bit to insert the keys in her door her cleavage gave such a splendid view that any man would get excited, so was the man with Anjali at that time. Anjali also observed that her old partner was staring at Aditi and she wished to be like her, lovely, attractive, sensual.... but she was too young and did not match even 5% of Aditi. The man admired Aditi from behind after watching her cleavage. When she was bent to open the door, her ass wrapped in the sari had such a sexy look that again any man would die for a view..... her hip’s movements when she walked, her waistline, her thighs all could be very well distinguished.
And that day; Rajan visualised fucking Aditi when he was having sex with Anjali. He talked about her with Anjali and took her information etc. He learned through Anjali that Aditi was a housewife who remained alone all day as her husband goes to work.
Aditi on her part when she was back in her house started who that man was? She had never seen him around and she knew Anjali’s dad. But that man was stranger to her. She also thought what was he doing with Anjali when she is alone at home at that time?! She thought he could be her uncle, mother’s brother or Anjali’s father’s brother...... And after that day she started keeping an eye to check either that man comes every day with Anjali when she returns back from college!
And Rajan as well tried to check on Aditi if he could see her when she passed by in the corridor after getting out of the lift. He started clearing his throat when he walked by Aditi’s door to make her aware that he is passing by. Aditi waited for them on the terrace at the time Anjali returns from college and found that man coming with her almost every day. Rajan also saw Aditi many times on the terrace when he gets in the compound. Anjali also noticed Aditi watching them almost every day. And Rajan and Anjali talked about Aditi once they were on the bed.
Anjali said,
“I don’t know if Aditi madam has noticed you coming every day and will tell it to dad!”
Rajan: “I think I must go to talk to her don’t you think so?”
Anjali: “Don’t know, don’t you think that will create more suspicion about us?”
Rajan: “I think she knows and understands all, she must be aware that I am your lover and being a married woman I bet she will understand and we can ask her to keep the secret, what do you think? Let’s go together to talk to her!”
“Anjali: “Oh no! I won’t go; you go and tell her not to spoil my name, not to make me get troubles!”
Rajan: “You don’t worry sweetheart, I will fix that. Let me go to talk to her, will be back to tell you what she said. I am sure she will not talk about us to anyone.”
Rajan went to knock at Aditi’s door. She was surprised to see him when she opened! She was in a skirt and blouse. The skirt reached her upper knees her heart beat fast on seeing Rajan at his doorstep! In fact, at that very moment, Aditi was thinking about him and Anjali and he appeared in front of her that shocked her more! She could not tell him that she was just thinking of him... but she stammered, “Yes how may I help?”
Rajan said that he had a very important matter to tell her and he needed to get inside to talk to her. He told her that Anjali had sent her to talk. Hearing Anjali’s name Aditi agreed to let him in looking in the corridor either Anjali also was coming. But Rajan told her that she is shy to come that’s why he came alone, later Anjali could join in.
They sat in the lounge, Aditi sat opposite him and her skirt which reached her knees moved upper thus her beautiful fleshy thighs were in front of Rajan’s eyes after that action!
Rajan got to manage his dick inside his pant which Aditi noticed and bit her lips.
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Update 45 - Rajan at Aditi's place

There was a moment of silence. None talked. Aditi was waiting for him to speak since he came at her place to talk. Rajan was watching her from tip to toe particularly above her knees and she was aware but was not making any move to cover her thighs as she could not. When Aditi found him not talking she stood up asking, “So you had something to say about Anjali?”
Clearing his throat and looking aside Rajan mumbled, “How do I start?”
Aditi: “I beg your pardon!!”
Rajan: “No, I was thinking how do I start?!”
Aditi smiled and looking straight in his face said,
“It seems you do not have to talk about Anjali but about yourself am I right?”
Rajan found that she eased the situation and diverted the subject another way so he seized the opportunity to talk something else.... he started by this..
“You are a very beautiful woman my dear!”
Aditi blushed and with a smile said,
“Thanks, but this is not what you came to tell me is it?”
Rajan: “In fact the first day I saw you in the lift I was dead of admiration for you and wished to talk to you then itself; had Anjali not been with me I would have talked to you.... I had wished on that day in the lift me and you were alone!”
Aditi smiled more and giggled a bit asking in a giggling voice while sitting back on the couch opposite him again,
“Really? You must be kidding isn’t it?”
Aditi sounded interested in his flirty talks and seemed giving his words importance the way she sat back observing him while listening to. And Rajan was happy that she was paying attention to his words without getting annoyed, Aditi’s smile and giggle encouraged him to move on with what he wanted to say, so he proceeded. So he started to flirt with her just to try her. Aditi was expecting him to flirt since she somehow felt like he was being flirtatious as she had very well observed him on day one when she was opening her door while getting out of the lift. Then Rajan started with a queer smile;
“Well, hum, err.... ehem...... you see you are a too pretty woman that I can ignore you! The day I saw you in the lift I was mesmerized by your beauty and figure...I so much really wished and wanted to hold you, tell me can I do that right now please don’t say no!” So said Rajan stood up from his seat and walked to the settee Aditi was sitting in a move to sit closer to her...... Right then Aditi stood up seeing him approaching her. She blushed and went to stand farther still staring in his face still with a smile but a little bit not afraid but surprised by Rajan’s sudden, quick move for a first meeting.
So on seeing her feeling disturbed Rajan held himself sitting back where he was. Aditi leaned against the wall holding a lock of her hair in her hand playfully rubbing the end on her cheek still staring at him; she lifted one of her legs placing the heel against the wall and was going to ask him something when she noticed his eyes going on her thighs since when she did that movement her skirt moved upper and Rajan could see in between both her thighs, the inner fairer parts of the delicate, smooth skin were displayed to his view and he felt like kneeling down in front of her and start licking them..... Aditi asked;
“How are you related to Anjali?”
Before Rajan could reply Aditi added, “Are you her uncle or something like that?”
So Rajan just answered, “Well yes I am!”
Aditi: “I had never seen you before that day we met in the lift, so how come you come every day when she ends college?” The curiosity of women is like that only; they do not hesitate to ask anything. Rajan felt unease to answer that, but he thought since she started the conversation he had to speak now!
Rajan spoke anyhow;
“Well, I am her father’s friend only. I am not related to her. Well, how do I tell you now... Anjali is a nice girl and she lacks affection. So I got used to her as I used to pay visits to her dad, we are business partners and.......” Before he could continue his sentence Anjali who was looking in his face while he was talking and observing his expressions said abruptly;
“Isn’t she too young for a man like you?”
Rajan was startled by what she suddenly said and looked in her face like a dumb! Aditi was still standing in the same position leaning against the wall with her leg uplifted...... Rajan looked in between her thighs again and pretended to be looking at something else and he thought that she is in a way easing the conversation by coming directly to the main issue he had come to discuss still he was shocked by the way she was straight to the point! So he spoke;
“Well, since you asked it let me tell you what for I came to see you. Anjali and I are very close to each other. She fears that you tell something to her dad which I think an intelligent woman like won’t do. Still, I came on behalf of Anjali to ask you to please keep our secret..... She is too young and any relationship between me and her would spoil her image that’s why I also would request you to please not speak about us to anybody.”
Aditi listened to him attentively and asked,
“And you believe that I should listen to what you just said?”
Rajan: “I don’t think you would ever spoil a young student’s reputation will you?”
Rajan said, “Hey please come here why are you standing so far away, come here we may discuss the matter in a better way please.” Aditi walked to the place she was sitting earlier, sat on the sofa and looking in Rajan’s face asked again,
“Okay here I am, tell me is Anjali not too young for you? You must be a married person I hope you may have a daughter as old as she isn’t it? Am I right? I wonder how Anjali could have let you approach her! She is a nice girl and too naive, you should have used opportunities!! How old are you, Mister....??”
Rajan answered, “Rajan, I am Rajan, you may call me by my name!” And he stood up to go to sit near Aditi on the same sofa. This time Aditi did not leave her seat. She was expecting his answer and since she was talking seriously she was expecting him to reply him seriously. Yet her knees, beginning part of her lovely thighs, her upper part of the cleavage were all displayed to Rajan who was more absorbed in watching her than listening to her words. He sat close to her and said,
“How old do I look? Guess my age!”
Mister Rajan did not give his age. He looked like a man in the late thirties, say around 38/39. He was smart. Always well dressed, he cared about his look and looked much younger than what he was. So Aditi answered,
“I don’t know you may be around 39, 40, 42 or so!”
Rajan lightly placed one of his hand on her knee and whispered,
“I am over fifty my dear, but I am aware that I do not look my age!”
Aditi with her mouth opened exclaimed,
“Oh no! That’s why Anjali must have also been mistaken, you are a flirt and you trapped her is it?”
Rajan said, “No no it's not that, please understand, it happens when two people are alone too often and you see it’s uncontrollable....” and he slowly moved his palm on her knees trying to move upper on her thighs.... Aditi knew what he was up to and put her hand on his hand asking him,
“Please behave yourself, Mister Rajan. It’s only the first time you came to my place and you can’t get so close to me I am not Anjali!”
Immediately then Rajan quickly put his other arm around her shoulder and rapidly put his mouth on her mouth and started to kiss her when Aditi was trying hard to break off the kiss but to no avail as she was caught in his strong arms, her boobs pressed tightly to his chest and his mouth exploring hers while Rajan’s hand slowly started to move upper under her skirt.....
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Update 46 - Rajan seducing Aditi

Rajan was not going to fuck Aditi since he just had sex with Anjali before coming to see her, but he was trying her. He wanted to see if he can get her. He was very much attracted by her sexy body and seductive manners. Her smile, voice, way of talking and behaving plus her dress was killing Rajan since he first saw her. Now as he was alone with her he was doing his best to check on her. He thought if he succeeds at least to kiss, hold and caress her, the door will be opened for the next venture with her.
Now since she was caught in his arms he was at the same time trying to see if she will resist strongly or take that lightly. He thought either he will get a slap and she will shout or, then he will quietly leave, but he was happy to note that Aditi was not that much resisting but was only being a little bit naughty and was pretending not to like it and Rajan felt she was liking the hug and kiss but was pretending to refuse....
So his hand was moving in, under her skirt, his palm was feeling her soft, smooth skin oh her lovely sexy, fleshy thighs, while his mouth was taking her tongue into his to suck...... Rajan found that she let her tongue be in his mouth, she should have not opened her mouth if she had to refuse... but that happened only for a few seconds then she closed her mouth and put her hand on his hand to stop him moving upper under her skirt.... Naturally, a woman will not let a man do all that the first time they meet thought Rajan... so he accepted with what he got for a first approach.
Aditi said in a soft voice looking down still holding his hand which was still under her skirt,
“You are not telling me about Anjali, that what for you came here is it? Or was Anjali just a pretext and you wanted to see me?”
On hearing that Rajan now thought to tell her that he was there for her only. But then he had to give an answer to Anjali as well..... He found Aditi much hotter and more interesting to sleep with than the girl that Anjali was. She was inexperienced and Rajan thought to have sex with a married young woman whose husband is not at home was much more interesting and he will surely enjoy a lot more. He thought with Anjali he had to teach her sex and love making whereas with Aditi he will be taught for sure..... So he answered,
“What do I say? I don’t know how to start with.....”
And again before he could continue, Aditi spoke,
“If on the first visit you did all this to me no wonder what you must be doing with that girl alone in her room when her father is not around. Did you have sex with her? She is no longer a virgin, isn’t it? My God but she is a small girl! What do you get with her? You spoiled her! Did you? Tell me!” Aditi suddenly felt like she was talking to someone she had befriended since long like she was talking to Anand or someone she knows since long..... Rajan was someone who was too friendly and easy to talk to and Aditi found it easy to talk that way to him. His hand was still under her skirt and she was holding it preventing him to move further, yet Rajan was trying during the talk to move his fingers upper, he wished to touch her pantie, and he was having a hard-on despite he just had sex with Anjali... he again tried to lick her neck when she was talking but Aditi moved her head back to make him miss the lick and she said,
“You answer me and stop behaving like a little kid Mister, and take out your hand out from there will you!!”
Rajan smiled and gave her a weird look pretending not being aware where his hand was and asked,
Where from do I remove my hand, tell me.... hehehe....hey let my hand get upper, I want to feel you deeper please, come on let me kiss you more, you taste so good hmmmmm” He was gallantly being more and more flirtatious with her and Aditi imagined how will Vishal use such a scene as a role play. And when role plays come in her mind she gets shivers in her spine and gets horny...... that was sort of weak point for Aditi where she needed to be loved and feels aroused......
But Aditi again said,
“Nah! First, you tell me everything about you and Anjali, I am interested to know, we will then think of what you want!”
Rajan thought, “She said ‘first you tell me then we will think....’ which means if I tell her about Anjali she will accept what I want great!” He was happy and decided to tell her all about him and Anjali. So he started;
Rajan: “Well yes Anjali and I are in an intimate relationship. Okay?”
Aditi: “I knew that! I knew that! I was sure! And she hit him on his shoulder then continued to talk, “But what do you get with a little girl like that? How did you start that with her? Did she not refuse? Why did she let you? Tell me how did it start? When was the first time? Did it start by a kiss? Did you seduce her or she seduced you? Where was her dad then? Tell me all I want to know!”
Rajan then thought she will surely be excited and become aroused sexually when he will relate her all that, and that will help him to get closer to her and caress her deeper...... on her part, in fact, Aditi was thrilled to know how he approached a young college girl like Anjali..... And she was really wishing to hear the story and deep inside her she was sure that Rajan’s erotic explanations with Anjali will arouse her and she will feel like longing for sex.... she was in a way preparing her to get fucked she thought... with a stranger in her house alone, husband not at home...all that was exciting her and she wanted to experience how it will feel to hear an erotic or sexual encounter related by a stranger to her.... Aditi was actually getting horny and she felt her pussy a bit wet even before he started telling her about his approach with Anjali.....
Aditi was trying to feel that she was going to be Anjali and listen by Rajan how he seduced her when she was a college girl.... Aditi was getting in the skin of Anjali ....she was may be a bit jealous of Anjali...she was not understanding herself at that moment... She thought that she should have been in the place of Anjali and Rajan should have done all that to her and not to the real Anjali...... why was she thinking like that? Did she have such a past as well? Was Aditi abused when she was small? Was she used by someone like she witnessed Anjali and Rajan’s case? Was something related to her life that way? Aditi was looking too much involved in Anjali’s case and was too eager to know how Rajan approached her..... And now even Rajan started having doubts, he also started thinking; “It seems she has had something like this when she was at Anjali’s age..... Maybe that’s why she seems so interested to know.... who knows, it could be she was also used same way like Anjali when she was that young.... so let me tell her all adding some spice in the tale now....”
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Update 47 - Rajan still in the company of Aditi

Aditi was still holding his hand which was over her thighs under her skirt waiting for him to relate her, his events with Anjali. But Rajan was trying to at the same time caress and cajole her in the process which Aditi was resisting but not pushing him since she was too eager to know about him and Anjali. She repeated, “I am waiting for you to start telling me your adventure with that girl Mister!”
So Rajan started without removing his hand from where it was. He talked with ease in a smooth voice trying being sweet to her. More than telling her about him and Anjali, Rajan was rather concentrating on her body, her smile, her lovely voice which made her really special in all the ways. He said,
“Anjali is my friend’s daughter. His dad and I work in partnership and started recently coming to his place related to our business. It all started with business discussions around some glasses of whiskeys. The time of our meeting was always after dinner. Anjali at that time did her college works and one night I found her thighs under her desk as I had sat on the couch.......”
Aditi tried pushing his hand which was being moved deeper under her skirt saying,
“You seem to be very fond of thighs that’s why you are not leaving mine huh!”
Rajan answered, trying to lick her neck leaning over her making her almost lie over the couch... So she had to leave his hand under her skirt to use both hands to push him back to avoid lying over the couch. Now since she had left his hand under her skirt Rajan seized that opportunity to push his hand upper and he touched her fleshy pussy over her cotton material of the panty... He quickly pressed his finger in between and almost penetrated her hole together with the panty, but that happened in a fraction of a second as Aditi got the time to again hold his hand pulling in outward. During that fast action, Aditi’s elbow pressed on Rajan’s dick which was hard and she felt it and knew he had a hard-on! Both started panting and were breathless for a while after the little struggle. Aditi ordered in a naughty way pointing her index at him,
“Look either you continue or I am going to lock myself in my bedroom!”
Hearing the word ‘bedroom’ Rajan said in a funny tone,
“Bedroom? Oh yeah, that would be a better place, that’s where we both should be right now, let’s go honey!” And Aditi looking at him with big eyes yet with a queer smile answered,
“Shut up and continue to relate about Anjali, tell me how you started all with her?!”
Her skirt was already moved upper and part of her fleshy thighs was clearly visible by then after the struggle and Aditi did not move back her skirt to cover it. Maybe she knew anyhow he will put his hand there or could be she was thinking the way Anjali showed her thighs to him and at that moment Aditi wanted to put herself in the place of Anjali to feel younger, to feel she was only a college girl and being seduced by a friend of her father..... Aditi was may be trying to live a roleplay.... but no one knows what was going in her mind at that moment and why she did not cover her thighs. And yes indeed Rajan placed his palm over her thighs observing them. Aditi looked his eyes admiring her thighs. And she placed her hand over his hand to prevent him caress upper. She then looked in his face with eyes asking him to continue to relate his adventure with Anjali. So he continued to talk by caressing her thighs, at times kissing her cheeks, sometimes running his tongue over her neck and once licked her earlobe in a sudden while talking, yet he continued to talk with a hard-on which Aditi looked at the inflated part of his pant with a little giggle. Rajan was having sort of double erection, one by thinking of Anjali since he was describing what he did with her, second by touching and observing Aditi and feeling her body and closeness. He continued despite all,
“I started looking at Anjali from that say and she noticed it. One day she moved her dress to cover her thighs. I was watching at them every time while talking to her dad. She was aware that I wanted to see her thighs, but she purposely covered them and was watching me and laughing since she felt victorious by making me deceived by not showing them to me. So on that night, I signaled her to lift up her dress. She looked at me with big angry eyes. I requested by crossing my fingers to her still being in front of her father by stealing a moment of his inattention. After several requests Anjali lifted her dress a very very little bit and gave a glance at me. I signaled her to lift more, she lifted a little bit more, I asked for more and more, she moved her dress up a bit by bit several times so that I could see her thighs... she was teasing me, was mischievous, was making me beg..... Then I waited for her dad to go to piss. And as soon as he went I hurried near Anjali and held her in my arms and kissed her savagely. She was not expecting at all and was totally shocked which made her like surrender completely to me. That was the first ever kiss of her life she told me later. Before her father was heard flushing the toilet I made Anjali sit back and knelt on the floor telling her how much to lift up her dress to let me see her beautiful sexy thighs, and I kissed and licked her thighs before hearing her dad closing the toilet door.”
Aditi took a deep breath listening to him attentively with a cold running in her spine and asked him to continue..... And this time she had let his finger caress her panty just on her pussy...... Rajan felt her panty was wet already and he knew that whatever he was relating was arousing her....., anyhow he continued .......
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Update 48 - Aditi in ecstasy with Rajan

So Rajan continued to relate with his finger playing on her panty just over her soft pussy. He said,
“And after that every night the game between me and Anjali continued. I was no longer going to see his dad for business purposes but for his young hot daughter. I always found a pretext to tell her dada that we have to work on that or that project finding lame excuses for meetings at his place. At times we met only for drinks and it became a habit to be at his place every night. I started talking to his daughter in his presence pretending to be friendly to her and always waited for him to go to piss to kiss and caress Anjali. She loved being kissed and always surrendered which encouraged me to move ahead. I then little by little started caressing her intimate parts, touched her pussy under her panty and fingered her which she loved. I made her touch my dick. She had never ever touched a dick before mine. She was thrilled by the organ and looked at it in amazement. The day I made her kiss and lick my cock was wonderful. The way she took care and delicately held it in her hand, caressed it, kissed it, ran her tongue all along the length of my dick. She asked me why it was so long and hard, I asked her to take it in her mouth, she at first took the tip in her mouth without sucking it. I pleaded her to suck it she was not doing it but only holding it in her mouth. I took her finger in my mouth and sucked it by telling her how she must suck my cock; she then did the same with the upper part of my dick my moving the foreskin down..... It was the most amazing moment the way she sucked my cock that night wow!! I was like a moment of elation, I was on the seventh heaven, I was in you understand?!”
At that moment after listening to all his words it was Aditi who was in trance it seemed, she had let Rajan move her panty aside and let his finger enter her wet slippery pussy, her eyes were turning upside down as she was living all that he was relating....Aditi was imagining all that was happening with her and she was lost in ecstasy and lay over the couch and parted her legs wide apart letting Rajan view all her thighs and her moved panty..... Rajan had not thought that after just having fucked Anjali he would be able to double the action once again... he was not sure of his capability any more...... But Aditi was such a damn hot and seductive of a female that even an impotent man could get erect! Lol!!
Aditi held his hand, brought it to her boobs and pressed it over it and with her druggist's eyes she beseeched him to massage them, and murmured, please continue telling me about Anjali and meanwhile continue doing this to me, do both at the same time please can you? She was now begging for him to do anything to her..... Just then Rajan pulled one of her hand to his dick and did almost the same action he had done to Anjali like he just related. He made Aditi press his cock and he quickly unzipped his pant to let his big, hard cock out, which sprang out of his underwear.... Aditi did not hesitate any second to hold it firmly in her soft hand and started moving her closed fist on the dick in the way one normally masturbates..... Rajan then placed his waist near her shoulder and he lay opposite with his head reaching to her thighs...... In short, it was like a 69 pose. As soon as his dick touched her face, without being asked Atiti opened her mouth and took his cock in her mouth and gave him a vigorous suck taking almost the whole cock up to her throat while Rajan tried to push the maximum he could altogether. Rajan meanwhile gradually pulled off her panty to throw in on the floor parting her legs wider where he placed his head in between and his tongue was found lapping Aditi’s pussy like a dog. Under that process Aditi was moving like she was possessed by a devil with moans and whimpers... her voice’s sound changed and seemed she there was a devil’s voice coming out from deep inside her. She was in ecstasy and dearly wanted to be fucked. Rajan entered his tongue in her wet hole the more that he could be feeling the heat she has kept there. Aditi was dripping and Rajan was sipping all her juices; while she was giving him such a wonderful suck that Rajan felt it was the first time in his life that someone was sucking him that way.... It was with such expertise that Aditi was doing the task as though she was a degree holder in the matter. Rajan’s cock was not decreasing vigour at all and was ready to enter her hole. Aditi murmured by clenching her teeth, “I want this completely inside me now, all of it should penetrate me with high speed.... come on now please ohhh I dearly want it...I am your Anjali Mister come ion take me again...uuuffff!!!!yeaaaaaaahh iiisssssssssshhhhhhhh!!!”
Rajan understood that she was horny and needed to be fucked and that she was getting herself in the shoes of Anjali. Everything that he related heated Aditi and she was living the role play which has such an importance in her life that she lived every role play she played...... Vishal has made her so much accustomed to role plays that whenever she does so she starts living them as if for true, like in reality, till she is in ecstasy, and that would stop only when she gets her orgasm!!
So Rajan changed position and, and mounted over her by undressing and himself. Aditi was longing for his cock to drill her. She had parted her legs and was eagerly waiting with her eyes semi-closed. Her breath was heavy and she was badly in need of a good fuck!! Rajan started licking and sucking her beautiful boobs which were all that time hidden. Rajan was in love with her boobs now and was concentrating on them only but Aditi was dying to get his cock inside her.... She was sort of panting, taking breath unevenly, her whole body was hot, she was as though in fever..... She begged, “Put that thing into me please, later take my breasts, I need that inside me now! Do it now please I beg of you my dear oh shit hurry up!! My God!! I dearly want that into me now!! NOW I SAY NOW!!” She shouted in whimpers and hissed!
When Rajan found she was desperate he gently pushed his dick which slides into her pussy easily since she was damn wet longing and being desirous for long. And he did not stop and humped as fast as he could looking into Aditi’s face and crushing her boobs with both hands each while his dick was rapidly doing to and fro in her dripping pussy. Aditi was wailing with moans and whimpers, the more she got the blows of the cock inside her the more she lamented and moaned with hisses..... Her fingers griped on Rajan’s back and her nails were piercing his flesh, he felt the pain but she was unaware that he was hurting him, she was lost in ecstasy and the intensity was such that she was in another world... What was important for her was her orgasm and she was feeling all the pleasure of a good fuck...she was immensely enjoying her the pleasure deep in her pussy and all her organ was in ecstasy, her clit, vulva, the labia majora, the labia minora, the G spot, everything was touched, rubbed, ripped..... And Aditi was on the seventh sky.... she was as if knocked out on a ring. Rajan was getting much pleasure seeing her in that state, he was admiring her facial expression and felt victorious for being lucky to make such a damn God of sex reach her peak of sexual desire and quench her thirst...... Rajan was as well deriving very great pleasure feeling his cock in the hot pussy of Aditi... he thought he was so dearly willing to get her on bed when he found her in the lift some days ago and here he was the lucky one to be humping her inside her house on a couch in her lounge... and she was giving him voluntarily, and that also she was begging him to put his dick into her..... It was an immense pleasure for Rajan as well......
Twisting, quivering, moaning, Aditi shouted, “ Yesssssssssss yesssss I am getting iiiiiiiiiiiiiit, I am cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiing, its sooooooo gooooooooooood wooooooooooow you are extra ordinary my deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sssssshhhhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssssss suupeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!” And she clutched Rajan’s shoulder in her arms biting his neck dangerously leaving dark red spots...... Rajan started to cum within a few seconds after her orgasm and Aditi coming back to her senses precipitated looking in his eyes in worries, “Take it out, take it out fast don’t ejaculate inside I am not using any contraception!!” So Rajan pissed out his cums with pressure all over her belly, partly even reached her boobs and neck....., Rajan groaned lying flat over her with his cock pressed in between his and her flesh, “aaaaghghghghghghghghgggggghhhhhh sssssshhhhssssssssssssssssssss yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! You are fabulous my looooooooooove!!!! Superrrrrrrrrrrb!!” He stayed over her for a long while panting, his chest crushed both her boobs, and her arms had enveloped his back while she was licking his neck and cheeks tenderly...and kissing him all over his body part that she was getting...... Both were panting, and she slowly whispered in his ears, “So this is the way you please Anjali a little girl, and now tell me who is better she or me?”
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Update 49 - Aditi got a call from Vishal

Rajan was overjoyed having been successful to get Aditi. They were still lying on the couch almost nude when Aditi’s mobile rang. Her boobs were partly over Rajan’s chest, as by then it was Rajan who was lying on the couch and Aditi was leaning over him, her tits over his hairy chest and Rajan’s hand caressing her nude back...... The mobile rang and Aditi quickly got up to take the call by just holding her blouse with one hand covering her boobs while Rajan said, “Why are you hiding them, I have seen and touched, licked all....” Aditi looked at him by placing her index finger to her mouth whispering, “Shhhh, it’s my husband, don’t talk at all please....”
She attended the call and Rajan watched her from tip to toe and observed her expression. Aditi sat on the opposite couch, Rajan kept looking at nude Aditi who sat to talk on her mobile....... She was with one hand trying to pull her skirt and wear her blouse..... Vishal talked on the other end,
“Hi wifie, what's up?”
Aditi answered with a blushing smile still trying to wear her clothes,
“Am okay why you called suddenly?”
Vishal: “Why I called? Do not I always call you? I will be late this evening, have some special works to be done will be back by 9 PM may be; had to tell you this!”
When Aditi was replying him, Rajan got up and pulled her skirt which she was trying to pull on her..... he did not let her wear her dress.... he wanted to look at her nude talking to her husband.... her boobs were looking beautiful and were still firm and erect nipples were inviting! Aditi could not react or else Vishal could hear so she had to let Rajan pull out her skirt...... She continued to talk to Vishal and Rajan purposely started being naughty to her.... he sat down on the floor near her and placed his head on her thighs and started lightly passing his tongue in between her thighs.... Aditi was trying her best to stop him but could not do much as Vishal would hear any of her movements..... That was an amazing scene to watch a young beautiful wife all nude in front of a stranger talking to her husband and the stranger taking all advantages and admiring the wife who was compelled to keep quiet!
Rajan was being naughty as he was very much enjoying that moment. That was exciting him to caress, touch, kiss and lick Aditi when she was in the company of her husband on phone. Rajan was feeling very victorious that he was having Vishal’s wife nude in front of him while from a distance he was talking to her.
Vishal, as usual, started talking eroticism with Aditi and asked,
“So how is my hot, sexy wife dressed right now? Did you change with what I left you in this morning? Tell me in what you are?!”
Hearing his question Aditi suddenly became mischievous and wished to be naughty with him and she answered,
“I am all nude baby!! And I am on the couch!!”
Rajan jumped hearing her saying that and quickly stood up staring at her! But she asked him to sit back by pulling him with one hand..... Vishal on the other end thought Aditi was creating a new sensational role play for that night to spice their encounter and listened to her. Aditi continued,
“Yes, I am nude on the couch and not alone honey, someone is here by my side annoying me! Hmmmmm!!” And she placed her index finger to her lips asking Rajan to keep quiet and pulled his head on her nude lap! This time Aditi was being dominant! She was leading and Rajan following her, Vishal listening to her! She was entertaining to men at once! Wow!! But Raja was shocked and was not understanding what was going on he thought, ‘Is she going to tell him that I fucked her? What the hell is she talking?!’ He did not know about the husband’s fantasy and the role plays with which they used to spice their bed life!
Vishal on his part became very excited hearing her saying such words and for a second doubted either she really was in the company of someone! But he now had ways to learn if someone was really with her, through Om he will know all he thought so asked his wife to continue the adventure telling..... But the fact was that Om was unaware about Rajan with her since Rajan was accompanying the little girl Anjali but not Aditi, so he was not aware either Rajan was in Aditi’s bedroom!
Anyhow she continued saying in an erotic way with sensuousness in her voice while Rajan looked in her face with dismay and opened his eyes big together with his ears to listen all that Aditi was relating to her hubby.
Aditi talked;
“Hmm the person I am with just juiced me and I am an uncontrollable baby...hmmm I dearly wish you were here and I could hold your hard piece of meat in my mouth... please be back sooner!”
Hearing that in the voice and the intonation in which she said those words thrilled Vishal and asked her to continue. Rajan was still not understanding what was going on and he asked for leave, he walked to the door waving ‘bye’ to Aditi who looked up at him waving back. Rajan felt she was reporting him to her husband and he believed the husband will now be back and he will be bashed so he escaped!
Vishal just told Aditi that he will be back late this evening and she was inviting him with eroticism..... The fact was that Vishal had planned to send Om to her this night... he was since years waiting to see her get fucked by someone else and she had already started cheating on her.... but now he had to see how she starts for the first time with someone she had never done that, he wanted to watch all step by step.... he longed to watch all her expressions, he wished to see how she reacts on seeing another man’s dick, one which she has never seen, a cock which she has never thought of..... Vishal had different plans for her... he also wished to see Anand with her from the start till the end... but with Anand he wanted that Aditi accepted the game and agreed that with his knowledge and he would be the master of that Anand/Aditi game...... he was confident that he will someday succeed to make that happen, but now since he had planned all with Om so he now plans to get Aditi in more activities than only with Anand!
Vishal whispered to her;
“Sweetheart is it the role play for tonight why are you teasing me in the middle of the day honey I have a hard-on!”
Hearing that Aditi giggled and said, “No I am really nude at this moment and someone did that to me!!.... Hello, you do not believe that I am nude? I am really yes I am!”
Vishal knew that she was kidding and pulling his legs so answered, “Okay okay yes you are nude and are in the company of one of my friends and he is eating you up, this is what we are going to play tonight right?!”
Aditi only giggled again and biting her lips asked, “Well at what time will you be back then exactly 9 PM or later? Will your friend Mr. Anand also be with you for overtime?”
This question startled Vishal as neither he was going to do any overtime nor Anand would be with him... and he started thinking what if Anand will really go to see her...what if Aditi would call Anand to come as she will be alone till 9 PM?! Vishal was getting confused by his own plan now.... but he did not know that Anand and Aditi had a way to communicate, so he believed that they will not be able to talk to each other anyhow. His plan was to get Om got to see Aditi and he would watch all!
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Update 50 - Om Visits Aditi

Check update 39 you will know how Vishal had already talked to Om that he would make her get his wife on the bed! And this planning had been going on for days between Vishal and Om. And this day was decided to execute that. Vishal, in fact, had ended his job at the same hour and Om had to meet him in a restaurant where during a drink they would prepare for the rest of the actions to take place. Om had day duty so was free and they met for a couple of drinks and planning which had already been made yet they had to talk of it a bit more.
The plan was simple, Om would go to knock at her door she would open and he would get in and try to get her despite her refusal since she knows that he has been longing for her, And Vishal would like last time go through the balcony terrace where he had intentionally let an impost open from where he could get either on the terrace or even inside his apartment.
During their talks, OM was going on repeating, “But Sir ji what if she will push me, what if she will not accept at all! How can you be sure that she will let me! I am a little bit afraid thinking of that, and everything may be spoiled if I do not succeed!”
Vishal replied him in a cool manner; “Look Om. She is my wife and no one knows her better than me. I know her as I know myself. Well she may, in the beginning, push you, she will no doubt be a bit reluctant in the start, but I know the longer moment that you will spend with her she will finally let you! Just do all that I have asked you to do... say the words I have asked you to say...compliment her body, her sensuality..... You told me once you were watching her thighs from your kiosk and she was intentionally lifting up her legs to let you watch her panties, isn’t it? So now it’s time that you touch that panty.... It’s time that you smell and taste her so what are you waiting for my dear hmm go ahead! Get her my friend!”
And Om getting under the intoxication of the alcoholic drinks started getting somewhat drunk and started thinking of all the moments he had approached Aditi and the words he has spoken to her during his flirts! He thought how really Aditi had obeyed him to lift up her legs so that he could watch in between her thighs and her panty.... he imagined her fleshy thighs, her beautiful desirous waist, her lovely boobs...her killing beauty, her attractive body smell...Om knew almost all about her and he desired her so much that he was not believing that it was really going to happen now!!
And by 7.30 PM they reached the apartment gate where Om got out to check either Aditi was not on the terrace as she must not be aware that Vishal’s car is getting in. Since the way was clear he told Vishal to get in the underground parking and told his friend who was on night duty watchman that he was going to fuck a gorgeous lady tonight! That friend got mouthwatering and pleaded him to tell him her name so that he too will fuck her when he would get the chance... but Om told him that’s top secret..... But yet later it could be that he also would get a chance with her...... Om did not discourage his friend and went to join Vishal in the underground parking.
As per plan, Om went to knock at Aditi’s door and from the same corridor, Vishal walked to the terrace from outside and before getting out he peeped to see Aditi opening the door for Om.
After the third knock, Aditi came to open the door and looked quite amazed to see Om standing! She was in a lovely sexy, attractive dress! Vishal was watching her from behind the terrace door which lead to the outer part of the building but from where Vishal can get to his own terrace then. This is how our dear Aditi was dressed at that moment which turned Om’s eyes.....
Her cleavage, her bra’s strap, her hair flung open...Om kept looking at her inviting body for a while without saying any words.... Vishal on his part watched and found how Om was devouring Aditi’s body.... he saw in which dress Aditi was and that was almost a nightdress in which she used to please Vishal as he loved to see her in that...... Now since Om was not replying and looking at her cleavage she looked in his eyes and looking at the ceiling in a sigh said, “What on earth are you doing here at this time go away!” But immediately Om gave her a little push to succeed to get into the apartment... Vishal had told him to do so if in case she refuses to let him in..... Aditi closed the door when Om was already inside and she followed him in the lounge where Om already took a seat on the couch.
She sat opposite him and looking weirdly in his face she asked, “You are drunk, isn’t it? I can smell that! Now tell me why did you come at this hour? Are you mad? My husband may be here anytime now!”
Om was smiling and with a grin said, “I know he is not here tonight that’s why I came I can no longer wait to have some good time with you Aditi ma'am!”
Aditi bit her lips and asked, “How do you know that he is not here? Tell me!”
Om: “Its simple mam his car is not in the parking, I verified before coming in hehehe!!...... Aditi maam you are looking gorgeous, just like I wished to see you woooow you are so hot I can no longer resist oh my God!!” Om did not delay to ask her straight away; “Let’s not lose time Aditi mam, let’s go to your bedroom.... Aditi followed him laughing to her bedroom and these were the way she sat or posed on her bed and Om watched her with a hard-on while Vishal was already on his terrace watching them...

Both men inside and outside the house were going mad.......
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Update 51 - Aditi in her bedroom with Om, Vishal watching....

From the terrace, Vishal was too excited and eager to watch and was expecting to realise part of his dreams by watching his Aditi being fucked by Om. He was only willing to watch Aditi’s expressions and the way she would behave while Om will be in contact with her hot body..... He wanted to know and see either she will have the same reactions which she normally has when having intercourse with him or she will be hotter or more demanding and happy or what!... He knew her smiles, her way of approach during sex, he knew how she seduced and which parts of a man’s body she likes, so he wanted to see either she will appreciate same parts of Om’s body and will have the same approach to him also or she will be different..... He had watched him partly with Anand but not as he had expected... but here he was the master and like a movie director he felt Om will proceed in all the ways he had instructed him so he eagerly waited and watched from the terrace.
Aditi was giggling looking at Om but questioned him teasingly; “Tell me why did you drink before coming here? And your friend who is working night shift, what did you tell him? Hope you did not mention my name to him, I will kill you!”
Om was still standing in her room while she was changing position at times sitting, then lying and then again changing position in front of Om as if she was posing to display her thighs, cleavage to him...The fact was that she was not attracting him but she was trying to sit in a position that her intimate parts would not be visible, but the dress she was wearing betrayed her! Om was watching, admiring her sensuous body, her beautiful fleshy thighs which looked so attractive and desirous in the black dress she was wearing, Om felt like grabbing her sexy thighs in a sudden and start eating it...yet according to what Vishal had told him he could not do that, Vishal had asked him to follow all that he has taught him step by step.....
So he said, “Aditi mam, I will call you Aditi okay, it sounds better than adding ‘ma'am’ to it, yes so I was saying, you remember how the first time I started watching you every time that you came on the terrace to wait for your husband? Remember how I had asked you to lift up your leg so that I could see you lovely thighs? Then itself I had thought to come here in your bedroom when your husband will not be here...I was waiting with great eagerness for this moment my dear!!”
Aditi: “Oh really? And what makes you believe that I will please you?”
Om: “Come on Aditi, if you did not have to please me you would not have lifted your leg to let me watch your inner thighs, you would not be keen to show yourself to me now and then, now please don’t play smart I know that you like it so let’s not lose time and get to business!”
Aditi with a smile looking on the bed said, “What business? I have no business dealings with you Om!” By then Om was sitting over the bed close to her and lifted his hand to pat her bare thighs while seeing him doing that action Aditi moved her leg back by sliding farther on the bed!
Vishal looked for an appropriate time to slowly get into the apartment from the door which leads to the terrace and since he knew that Aditi never closed her bedroom door as they two only lived in the apartment, he took a position behind a flower pot from where he could clearly see into his bedroom and even hear their talks. He had already prepared for all that days earlier. He had already positioned that flower pot and tested either from there he could see his whole bed.... and it was positive. Now both he and his wife were the energy saver type people and Vishal had moulded her in his ways that each time that she went do kitchen works she used to switch off the lounge lights, and when she went to her bedroom to rest she switched off the kitchen and lounge lights. So she had done the same when she got in her room, she had switched off the lounge lights so Vishal was standing in the dark side behind the flower pot, thus he could never be seen from the bedroom!
As guided by Vishal, Om approached Aditi over the bed in a flirtatious way with a naughty smile saying words taught by Vishal to be told to his sensuous wife.
Om: “I have never gone with any girl till now, in short, I am a virgin you are my first discovery Aditi you like that?”
Aditi looked in his face with mixed feelings of shock and sadness saying, “Oh really? You have never approached a girl? Is that true or are you kidding me? I thought you must be a great gallant having slept with lots of women!”
Om: “Nah ma'am, I have not been that lucky where girls are concerned, each time that I tried to go close to anyone I have been unsuccessful..... But I dearly hope that you will not let me down, will you? Hmm?” And he gave a very sad look at Aditi looking deep in her eyes..... All that was taught by Vishal to him!!
Aditi naturally felt very sad for him and wished to please him yet she was feeling reluctant as well she did not know why! And she spoke, “Hmm so you are a do not know anything about a woman hmm? Then how will you come to me? Hmm?”
Om “That will come naturally Aditi I am a man anyhow so I believe all that happens naturally my instinct will make me do what should be done....”
Aditi: “Hmm so you masturbate a lot do you?”
Om felt shy and bent his head like a little boy caught by a teacher in a classroom! Aditi felt victorious and liked that she will be dominating all now. She asked, “Whom do you think when you shag? Film heroines? Hmm? What're your fantasies tell me, tell me I am eager to know....” Aditi clutched both her thighs together tightly as if she was getting goosebumps!
Om tried to touch her upper thighs and his head still bent he murmured, “When I was a teenager I was thinking of movie actresses but since I have seen you, you are the only person of whom I think when I do that!”
Despite her, Aditi blushed but replied with confidence in her voice, “Oh I am flattered my dear, I don’t know how many others think of me and my body while masturbating; really you think of me? Come on, explain to me, how was the first time you shagged thinking of me, explain me in details.....”
This was not according to Vishal’s plan; he had not expected that Aditi will say such things to him..... However, he had told Om if ever Aditi asks things he is not prepared for, to use his brain and reply wisely to please her.....
As Aditi was waiting for Om’s answer looking in his face Om said, “Well the first time I thought of you to masturbate was the very first time I saw you coming to this apartment. You came here with your husband to check in the building and the environment and had talked to me asking either people are nice here. You were in a yellow sari and I was looking at your beautiful waist, your cleavage was partly visible and when you were talking to me I was watching the movements of your breasts to your breathing rhythm...... when you had left that day I had been to the bathroom to shag thinking of you and I prayed that you come to start living here! The next few days I masturbated visualising of you in that yellow sari..... Then when you came to get settled here my joy had no bounds... you were the first lady to get me an erection in this building, no other woman ever impressed me sexually like you did..... and so I started looking on you, watched on you and the day I asked you by signals to lift up your leg when you were on the terrace I shagged a lot that day after seeing your inner thighs and believe me I had seen your white panty on that day.....!!!”
Aditi looked amused listening to him and biting her lips with a naughty smile she asked, “From that distance, you were able to see my panty? Don’t tell me, at this moment I do not even remember which one I had worn on that particular day! Okay now tell me which part of my body attracts you the most, I mean which part you like the most in me, which part you love to watch the most?”
Om answered without any hesitation by placing his palm on her fleshy thighs, “this is the part I love the most, this is what kills me...whenever you are in a skirt I keep looking at this.... I just want to eat them, apart from this you are attractive bit by bit... I love your smile and your voice... your way of talking, your sweet approach...hence everything in you is special which turn any man on!!”
Vishal was listening and watching all with a hard on placing his hand on his dick.... he thought, ‘This Om is more than I expected him to be!! I never told him to say all that yet he manages so well! That could be the liquor effect hehehe!!”
And Om now could not hold any longer he tried to pull his hand upper under the short dress Aditi had worn, check on the pics of last update, and Om gradually placed his lips on her thighs and started kissing them while Aditi could not push him but stretched her body over the bed letting Om proceed, while Vishal shivered with pleasure looking at them.....
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Dear Friend's...
Thanks for linking the story so much... yourock
You all are welcome  to my story zone... 

Now we cross 51 updates of this story... The original writer complete the story in 101 updates...

I got all of them with me...

But ... But... But...

For some reason's I am stoping the story here... As I can see that only views are increased but no comments are coming from viewers (you people's are only viewer's not reader's, because a good reader are impatient & good creetic . Always asking and motivating writer for good writing & criticize on his errors. )

I know I am not the original writer, but we can thank to original writer for his best story which he share with us ... We can thank him , for his precious time he spent on writing...

I thank the original writer on behalf of all you ...

But request you to comment & Thank him & All good unsung unknown writer's for their time, their passion, good writing skills...

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[Image: heart.png]

मेरी फितरत नही किसी की चीज़ को अपने नाम करू...

so as i always say... all credit goes to unsung original writer Casinar...[Image: yourock.gif] 

[Image: Namaskar.png]
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it is nice again to read this story

it was one of the best i had red
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