Making of Kingpin - Copied
I was pissed. Really pissed.

The alarm on my bedside table had just woken me to face what I knew would be another week of utter tedium. As I clambered out of bed I shook my head at how I had allowed myself to be put into this position. Why was I allowing my considerable talents to be so tragically wasted?

I got on with my morning routine. As I got out of the shower my mood lifted. I looked across into the mirror and saw my reflection. I immediately grinned, somehow being reminded about how hot I was made all my problems seem much less significant.

Nobody could deny how sexy I was and the power it gave me over weak-minded men who couldn't stop drooling when they encountered me. Well who could blame them? I was a tall, blonde bombshell. I took a moment to admire myself. My sleek blonde hair hung round my shoulders and my tight, tanned body glistened as the light reflected off my still wet body.

I cupped my huge, firm double F breasts in hands, brushing my sensitive nipples and sighing with contentment. My hands then wandered down my flat, toned stomach before reaching the folds of my shaved, tight snatch.

I gently rubbed my sensitive clit and let out a low moan. God I needed to get laid. It had been far too long. That thought snapped me out of my reverie and I quickly reached for a towel knowing I did not have long before heading to school.

School. The thought crashed me back to reality again and my mood darkened once more. And as I continued to get ready my mind drifted back to the start of this horrendous assignment.

Life had been so good. I had been flying up the ranks of the vice squad, all my years of hard work starting to pay off. I loved my job. There was nothing more satisfying than bringing down arrogant good for nothing criminals. The bigger the better and I had netted some pretty big fish recently. 

I loved the whole process. Staking them out, figuring out their weaknesses and then bringing them down. Seeing their arrogant, cocky faces stumble and falter as I laid out the evidence in the interrogation room and they realised they would not see the outside of a high-security prison again.

But then Billy, my stupid boss, had called me into his office and given me this stupid, poxy assignment. I could remember the conversation like it had happened yesterday.

"Sophia I've got a new job for you. It's undercover and I think you're perfect for it."

My heart jumped. I loved undercover work as Billy knew. It was my favourite. I loved working my way into seedy gangs, gaining their trust and then ensnaring them. It was so unbelievably satisfying to see their reaction when they realised they had been duped by the girl who they had seen as just a dumb blonde.

"Great you know how much I love undercover work", I replied, perhaps a bit too quickly.

Billy chuckled. "That's great. Well here's the deal. We've been so successful the last few years in stemming the tide of criminal filth. And you've been a massive part of that. But our new boss is keen for us to do better."

I straightened up slightly as Billy continued, annoyed at the implied criticism of our work.

"The problem is that as we arrest each kingpin another one comes along to take his place. And they are getting younger and younger too. We need to go lower down the food chain and try to get the arrest before their activities escalate."

I didn't like where this was going and felt it ominous now that I had already agreed to something that sounded like it was going to be beneath me. I brought down the biggest and the best.

"So I've been asked to run an undercover op at Sunville High. We have lots of reports about gang activity there, it's an absolute cesspit and is the roughest public school in the Valley."

I was stunned. Billy wanted to send me to a school. A fucking school?! What was he thinking? I had bigger fish to fry than little boys acting big. Had he gone mad?

"Don't pull that face with me Roberts. You've already agreed to the op so I don't want any whining from you."

I knew he was serious. He didn't address me by my surname very often, only when he wanted to make absolutely clear who was in charge.

"But, sir, don't you think there are bigger cases that I would be more suited to. I'm sure Angie would love this assignment".

"I've been told this is our number one priority so I'm putting my best officer on it. No arguments."

I was raging inside but I knew better than to argue further. Billy was a good boss but when he gave a clear, direct order he expected discipline from his officers. My training kicked in and I meekly said, "Yes, boss."

I woke up from my daydream and finished packing my bag. As I drove to school I reflected on the last few weeks. Billy had been right about one thing. Sunville was an absolute cesspit. It was clear the students ran the school rather than the teachers. Most of them were too scared to challenge bad behaviour.

There was a clear social hierarchy with the jocks at the top ruling the roost. They were worshiped by the hot chicks and intimidated the teachers into letting them get away with whatever they wanted. Drug dealing went on blatantly in the corridors and the school was littered with used condoms from the students sexual exploits.

I had quickly established that there was one main gang which ruled the school based around the football team. The ring leader was unsurprisingly the star quarterback, a dumb bone-headed 18 year-old jock by the name of Troy Fratelli. He strutted around the place like he owned the joint which to be fair he practically did.

The cheap sluts all swooned whenever he passed and were desperate to get his attention. And it wasn't hard to see why. He was hot. Well, no not hot, more like scorching. He was tall, about 6' 5'', dark and had a rugged face. His strong, angular jaw line made him look incredibly masculine and imposing. This combined with a killer smile - and dimples to match - made practically all of the girls putty in his hands.

I couldn't deny, as much as I wanted to, the effect he had on me when I first saw him. As I took him in for the first time I felt slightly breathless as my eyes wandered ravenously over his strong, muscular body. I felt my pussy tingle. Of course, I'd quickly regained my composure and easily batted away his sexual innuendo.

I was a red blooded woman after all, but I had learnt long ago the importance of self-control. I loved sex. But only when I was in charge. My favourite thing in the world was taking a cocky, arrogant jock and breaking him, turning him into a toy for my pleasure. But I pushed these thoughts away, ever professional, keeping my eye on what was important.

Troy had clearly let his status get to his head and I knew that would be his downfall and I had spent the last few weeks learning how his gang worked and who the key players were. It was clear that he used sex as a weapon to get what he wanted.

It was impossible to miss the rumours about him. I would hear the sluts bragging to their mates about what he had done to them and about how big he was. This always made me laugh inside. These dumb, inexperienced little girls had no idea what a real man was like.

There was no doubt that Troy was impressive and his operation was certainly more professional than I had expected. But at the end of the day he was still only a boy. I had brought down some really nasty pieces of work in my time and Troy wasn't in their league. Smashing his gang would be like taking candy from a baby.

I had of course kept Billy up to date with my progress although my reports were less detailed than normal given how pissed I was with him still for putting me through this boredom.

I pulled up in my rusty old car, picked up my bag and stepped out. I was immediately confronted by the usual wolf whistling. One of the hardest things about being undercover was having to play the dopey teacher, intimidated by these little shits. In reality I could break their balls but I had to play along.

So as I walked to my classroom, I had to blush at the catcalling and the comments about my tits and arse. To be fair they weren't wrong about my body. I was proud of it. It gave me power and I loved that power. I kept in great shape with a regular gym work out. Having reached my late twenties I felt in peak physical condition.

My plans for bringing down this pathetic gang and getting back to real detective work were coming to fruition. If all went well I would only have a couple more weeks in the godforsaken school.

The day was dreary and uneventful. When I had finished my lessons I got a call to see the principal. As I walked into her office I looked down at her. She was so plain and bland. Even her name, Jessica Frost, was boring. Of course, she was completely ineffectual and didn't know half the things which went on under her very nose. Most of the time she had a vacant look as though spaced out. At times I wondered if she was doped up she seemed so stupid.

She looked up at me. "Ah Roxy thanks for making the time to see me. Take a seat."

I smiled a fake simpering smile and sat down as instructed while fighting back the urge to roll my eyes at her insipidness and the equally powerful urge to laugh at my ridiculous pseudonym, Roxy Heart.

"I'm sad to say I've had a complaint about your teaching methods from a student."

It was like I'd been slapped. What the fuck was going on? First off my teaching was better than the rest of the useless staff in this place despite my lack of training. And secondly who gives a shit what a student thinks?

"Usually I wouldn't care about a complaint but I have to on this occasion."

"Who was it?" I asked a little too sharply. I had to rein myself in and not let my temper get the better of me.

"Troy Fratelli".

That jumped up little shit! My heart was pounding with anger but I couldn't let this show. I kept my voice calm and measured.

"What is his problem."

"He says that he is struggling to get math and he needs a good grade to get a place in college. He doesn't think you are giving him enough attention. As you know Troy is our star quarterback and our football team is, we both know, pretty much the only good thing about this school. I don't want him put off his game."

My immediate impulse was to snap back that if he wanted to do better he should spend less time shagging his way through the school and dealing drugs and more time studying. But again I kept this thought to myself.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Well Troy has asked if you could give him some private tuition. To go over the key concepts again and talk through the issues he has."

My brain immediately went onto red alert and smelt a rat. It had been clear from the moment they had met that Troy had wanted her. She had seen the hungry look in his piercing green eyes as he looked at her. No lesson would go by without him making a pass at her. She had laughed it off and made sure to keep her distance.

"I realise this is not exactly standard practice but if you are able to do it I would really appreciate it. He asked if you could do one session a week with him on Saturdays at 6 at his house."

I paused before responding, weighing up my options. I sensed danger. It seemed unlikely that Troy really cared about his grades and this was just a ploy to ensnare me. He no doubt wanted to get a piece of my ass. My instincts were telling me to refuse and keep my distance.

But the risk taking side of me said it was an opportunity. I could find out more about the gang and how it worked if I got closer to him. It was risky, but I was used to taking risks and after the tedium of the last few weeks I could do with an adrenaline kick.

The cocky little shit had probably pulled this trick with all the teachers he fancied. He had the subtlety of a brick. Well he was about to get a shock - his teachers were nothing like me. Plus if things did get nasty I would have back up on call within minutes.

"Of course Jessica. I know how important the football team is to the school so I'll do my best to get his grades up to scratch."

"Fantastic. I really appreciate your willingness to go that extra yard, it means a lot."

I got up to leave thinking the meeting was over but as I reached the door Jessica spoke again and I turned to face her again.

"Roxy you're new here so you're still learning the ropes but you will find out that making Troy happy makes your life a lot easier."

She gave me a knowing smile and it suddenly clicked with me. It was clear that Troy's tentacles had extended as far as the Principal's office. He thought he was invincible but he was about to get a rude awakening.

I took my time getting dressed the following Saturday. The prospect of danger had me wet with anticipation. I'm the ultimate adrenaline junkie and this was my fix.

I picked my clothes carefully. I knew from experience that I could use my body to get men to dance to my tune so I put on a classy black dress which showed off my long, shapely legs and which had a plunging neckline, proudly displaying my firm, plump breasts.

I knew exactly what was going to happen. Troy was going to make a move on me and I was going to charm and flatter him, lead him on, tease him, use him and get out of there with all the evidence I needed to bring him down.

As I felt the excitement flooding through my veins a pang of embarrassment hit me. Was this what I had been reduced to? Getting excited about bringing some low life good-for-nothing nobody to justice. This was beneath me and I knew it but my professional training meant I had to push that to one side and get on with the job in hand.

I had put all the usual precautions in place. I'd told Billy about my plans and had packed my alarm safely into my handbag so that I could call back up if I needed it.

As I drove into his neighbourhood the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end as I prepared myself for what I was about to do. I pulled up at the address I had been given and stepped out into the warm evening air.

I felt incongruent in my surroundings which were grim in the extreme. I was truly a diamond surround by detritus. The pavement was uneven and strewn with rubbish and I approached the block of flats with trepidation noticing as I approached the needles which had been discarded on the ground.

There was tension in the air and the streets were largely unoccupied. The few people who were around were walking hurriedly to their destination. This was a bad neighbourhood and nobody wanted to linger. I shivered with excitement as I pressed the intercom buzzer. After a few moments a low, baritone voice smoothly spoke, telling me to come on up and the door unlocked.

I stepped across the threshold and saw the block was in even worse condition than the streets. There were puddles of what looked like dried sick on the floor and the air was stale. I walked quickly up the stairs, my heels clanking loudly on the floor until I reached the right door and knocked again.

Within a few seconds the door swung open and my senses were assaulted. The first thing that hit me was the smell of the place. It reeked of sex. There was no other way to describe it. The musky, masculine, primal, dirty smell was intoxicating and temporarily disorientating.

But that wasn't what shocked me most. Troy was stood in the doorway wearing just the skimpiest pair of red boxer shorts I'd seen in my life. My eyes were mesmerised by the sight before me. I knew he was hot but this was incredible. He was quite simply the finest male specimen I had ever seen.

Troy was all muscle, his arms and legs rippled with menacing power. His shoulders were broad and his large pectoral muscles were thrust proudly out towards me. His torso was rock solid and he looked like he had more of an 8 pack than a 6 pack, his muscles were so well defined. But he didn't look like a body building freak either. His muscles clung to his body perfectly.

And he had a perfect all-over tan. His body was a rich, dark mahogany colour, which only accentuated his strength and masculinity and made his muscles seem even more defined.

My eyes were drawn though, like a magnet, to his crotch. It was clear the rumours about him were true. The material bulged obscenely as it tried to contain the meat within. He was big, and by the looks of it he wasn't even hard yet.

A few moments had passed before I could recover my composure. I looked up to his face which had broken into a wide, cocky grin as he watched my reaction to his display. Seeing his arrogance woke me up from my daze and I was furious at myself for letting him get this small initial victory.

"Sorry Miss Heart" he purred coolly "I was running behind schedule. Just wait a minute while a grab some clothes."

There was something strange about the way he said my name but I thought nothing of it. It was taking all my mental energy to control my libido and concentrate. My pussy was betraying me though as it tingled and moistened, wracked by desire.

He stepped back from the door and I crossed the threshold. Troy indicated that I should go through to what appeared to be a dining room and I sat at the table, placing my hand bag down next to me.

As I walked freely into the flat I felt a pang in the bottom of my stomach. It was my defence mechanism screaming to me that I was walking into a dangerous trap. I already felt like my usually absolute control was starting to slip. But instead of listening to my impulses I suppressed them. My training kicked in and the logical, rational side of my brain reasserted itself telling me this was just a boy and reminding me that I had busted far worse and more dangerous men in my career.

Troy left to get dressed and I woke up to the job in hand. Jumping up from my chair I took advantage of the opportunity of being alone in the room to plant a few bugs in strategic locations which would undoubtedly provide some crucial intelligence.

The room itself was a complete mess. It was strewn with clothing garments, most of them obviously from chicks he had banged. There were a huge range of thongs of various colours, shapes and sizes.

The conscious part of my brain was repelled by this disgusting state of affairs. But another part of me was turned on as evidenced by my pussy continuing to wetten, to the extent that I started to worry it might even become visible. However much I wanted to deny it I was turned on. This wasn't Troy's flat or his home. It was his lair, the place he brought girls back to so that he could fuck them into submission. Well I wasn't the submissive type and he wouldn't be adding me to his list of conquests.

As I regained control I chastised myself for my weakness. Sure Troy was hot (ok insanely hot) and yes he clearly had a big dick but I had seen his type before. I thought back to my college days when I had really let go sexually.

My room had seen a procession of fit, hung jocks be chewed up and spat out again. I loved the look on their faces as we started to fuck and they realised for the first time in their lives that they weren't good enough. That I was better. And instead of using me, I was going to use them. Milk them dry, play with them like a toy until I got bored and moved onto the next one. And they were college guys, this was just a jumped up boy. Sure, technically he was 18 and so therefore a man now. But he wasn't a real man yet. He couldn't be.

These thoughts were still racing through my mind when Troy re-entered the room. He was now wearing a polo shirt which was so tight that I could still see his rippling muscles and his shorts left his powerful legs on show.

This time I was better prepared and able to keep it together. I knew I had to regain control of the situation.

"So what did you want to look through exactly Mr. Fratelli" I said reasserting the boundary between us.
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To my surprise he picked up a textbook and opened it before asking me a few basic questions. He pulled his chair close to mine and I could smell him. It seemed like he'd worked out and not bothered to have a shower because he had a musky odor which should have repelled me but again my pussy seemed to have a different opinion as it got even wetter.

Troy was good I had to give him that. He was clearly well versed in the art of seduction. He leaned in close to me so that our bodies were just inches apart. I could see that he wanted me. His eyes kept dropping to my cleavage and I grew in confidence. He was a sap like all the rest, a pawn for me to use and discard.

We sat there for several minutes chatting though his dull, asinine questions when suddenly out of the blue he lunged at me. Our lips locked together and, caught off guard, I did not immediately pull away. His lips were smooth but he took dominant control, his tongue invading my mouth and ravaging it.

Quickly I caught myself and pulled away angrily.

"What do you think you're doing Troy?"

He had a gleam of triumph in his eyes. But I could see that he was hungry - hungry for me. His eyes were on fire with a blazing passion that I could not remember seeing before. And for the first time I began to doubt myself. I wasn't sure I could control this force of nature and I clutched my handbag tightly, ready to send out a call for help if I needed it.

Troy sat there for a moment. His eyes locked to mine. "I think that's pretty obvious, miss". He emphasised the last word, tauntingly, almost mocking me and before I could fire off a retort he added "and I think you liked it, didn't you?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I've had men, real men. Why would I have interest in a boy?"

I smirked in triumph as I saw the anger on his face at this slight on his masculinity and pressed my advantage.

"You might have your pick of cheap sluts your own age but I'm a mature woman. So let's cut this out and get back to work."

"Stop lying to yourself. I know you want me." As he said this he stood up and approached me slowly and continued, "Are you afraid you wont be able to handle this?" as he grabbed hold of his sizeable bulge.

He was now only inches away from me again. I could see his trouser snake growing as he groped it. I could smell his musk again. It was driving me wild with a lust I had never known before. He towered over me and I could feel his power emanating from his body. I felt the urge to reach out and lose myself in those big, strong arms and let him have his way with me.

But I knew that I was stronger. I had to be stronger. This was a weakness, an infatuation. I needed to regain control and fast.

"No, Mr. Fratelli. I don't want you. I'm here to teach you and if you are not interested in learning then I think I had better leave." But even as I spoke my voice was faltering and I knew he could sense my weakness.

"I'm sure there are plenty of things a mature, sexy lady like you could teach me," he replied with a leer.

I didn't like the way this was going. Things were off track and I couldn't trust myself to stay. For the first time in my life I feared that I would be too weak. I needed to get out of this place. Everything about it was fogging my brain and stopping me from thinking rationally.

"Right well in that case I think I had better go".

Troy's demeanour changed immediately. He went from playful to angry within a microsecond.

His response was fired back with venom "I don't think so, miss."

This time when he lunged I was ready. He made to grab my throat but I was too quick for him, knocking his hand away and jumping backwards quickly. Knowing I had only a matter of seconds I flung open my handbag and plunged my hand inside, reaching for the alarm which would send back up racing to help me. It would be embarrassing to need it and it would blow the operation but I felt more uncomfortable than I'd ever felt before in my life. Things were not going to plan and I wasn't used to that.

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't find the alarm! My hand moved around my small handbag frantically as I began to panic. He would be upon me in seconds and it just had to be here somewhere.

I was brought back to reality by a loud, taunting laughter. I looked up and saw Troy holding my alarm, a huge grin on his face.

I felt like I had been struck in the face by icy, cold water. My brain struggled to compute what had happened but my body had already processed what this meant. It shivered in fear. Fear like I had never felt before in my life.

My conscious mind continued its frustrated torment. How had he known about the alarm? Was my cover blown? How was I going to get out of this? All these questions raced through my head but no answers came.

"Looking for this?" he finally said in that mocking, arrogant tone. Without another word he dropped the alarm in front of him, lifted his foot and brought his shoe crashing down on it so that it smashed into thousands of tiny pieces across the floor. It was another demonstration of his strength and power and again my traitorous cunt grew wetter even as my fear grew.

"So it's just me and you, isn't it miss?" he said calmly as he walked slowly towards me.

I backed away until my back hit the wall. I was cornered and he knew it. He bore down on me, his hulking figure seeming more imposing than ever. But whatever he was capable of I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Using my martial arts training I ran forward and jumped, launching an acrobatic kick to Troy's head. My foot hit its target, the stiletto hitting him in the side of the head. He staggered back, dazed. I knew that I had to get out so I ran past him but just as I thought I was clear I felt his huge hands clawing me back.

"I don't think so, bitch," he said. His tone was so threatening that I shuddered as he twisted me round and slapped me so hard around the face that spit was forced from my mouth and the room started to spin.

I fell backwards onto the floor but jumped up quickly. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I faced my nemesis again, once again positioned between me and the door. I took heart from the trickle of blood which ran down his head from the earlier blow.

I ran forward again and went to kick him where I knew it would really hurt: his balls. But he was ready this time and deflected the blow, knocking me off balance. As I struggled to recover he launched himself at me, pinning me to the floor.

I squirmed and writhed in an attempt to free myself but he was so strong. He lowered his head, ready to plant another unwelcome kiss onto my lips.

In desperation I kicked like an angry mule and my knee connected with his balls. As he screamed in agony his grip lessened and I was able to free myself.

As I got to my feet I spun around, realising that I was still trapped and saw Troy again regaining his feet. The sight was terrifying. He was angry. So angry. And that scared me while also turning me on in a way I had never felt before.

I tried to clear my mind and remember my training and as he again launched himself at me I moved deftly and quickly to flip his flying body past me until it hit the wall behind with a sickening crash.

I stood over him. My heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping. I felt more alive than I'd ever felt before. I knew that I should run and get out while I still had the chance but I couldn't. I had to put Troy in his place and show him nobody got the better of Sophia Roberts.

The sight of his georgous, prone body sent my emotions into overdrive and the chance to assert my sexual superiority overwhelmed all other considerations.

I stood over him, my feet planted either side of his hulking body. He looked groggy as he started to regain consciousness.

"The bigger they come the harder they fall" I taunted him. "Nobody gets the better of me you pathetic, dumb jock". My cunt was leaking now as I felt a dominant high and my pride swelled at having bested this animal. "And don't you forget it."

As I said these final words I spat in his face and started to raise my foot. But as it came crashing down on his face I saw him move with incredible speed. His hand reached out and grabbed hold of my foot, twisting it away from his head and causing me to rock on my feet. Simultaneously he launched his foot into the air and with a sickening thud it connected with my cunt.

The pain was excruciating beyond belief. My overconfidence had proved my undoing and I fell backwards. Troy took immediate advantage of my incapacity and grabbed hold of my leg with his huge, bucket like hands. He twisted it viciously and I heard an awful crack.

I writhed and struggled and tried to free myself from his grasp but his huge hands had me in a vice like grip and he was relentlessly pulling me closer to him. As our bodies pressed together I could feel his prick rubbing against my thigh as he administered another huge slap to the face.

My free hands were flailing, firing off a series of jabs into his upper torso. Each one was as ineffectual as the last. But the exertion was starting to take its toll on me.

He pulled me roughly across to the couch situated across the room and as he sat me down he yanked my hair back and spat menacingly into my ear, "We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way."

He then let go and stepped back, looming over me imposingly, a leer across his face.

I was dazed and confused. I had seriously underestimated Troy. My training and experience had not prepared me for how to handle this and as I tried to think straight I knew that I could not fight him physically. He was just too big and strong. I'd have to try and talk my way out of this.

"You thought I was a stupid little kid didn't you? You were so arrogant, so confident well you're not so confident now are you? Pig!"

He said the last word with such venom that I knew my cover was blown, a fact which was obviously clear to Troy too.

"Oh yes Roxy, if that's even you're real name. I know that you're a pig. And do you know what I don't really like it when pigs poke their nose into my business. I'm going to teach you a lesson which you'll never forget so that you never interfere in what doesn't concern you again. I'm going to show you what happens to pigs that mess with the Fratelli's. They get roasted." He emphasised the word with such force that I panicked inside. I was in over my head and I was finally starting to realise it.

"But how?" I found the words escaping my mouth before I could stop them.

"When I first met you I thought you were pretty clever but you turned out to be another dumb bitch. It wasn't too hard to figure it out but enough talking we need to teach you your lesson. You never know you might even enjoy it."

Only now did I fully comprehend what I was facing. Troy certainly wasn't a boy. But he wasn't a man either. He was a beast and he was ready to feast on his prey.

In that moment I struggled with the gamut of emotions which flooded my body. I was wracked with fear. I was out of my depth and utterly unprepared for what I was facing. By comparison all the other criminals I had tackled in the past seemed like rookies and amateurs. But fear wasn't the only thing I felt. A more powerful, primal feeling pressed in on me from all sides: arousal. I felt incredibly horny and judging by the growing bulge in front of my head I wouldn't have to wait long for my arousal to be sated.

But still I felt the urge to resist. The urge to fight. He could beat me and force himself on me but that was physical and in the end I would have my revenge. I just had to stay strong and not allow my lust overpower me. I was afraid that if I did that I would be lost forever.

As all these thoughts ran through my head Troy was stripping and as he pulled down his underwear I gasped in shock. Swinging up from his pants and hitting his solid granite like abs was the longest, thickest dick I had ever seen in my life and that included a lot of extreme porn.

It must have been over a foot long and as a thick as a cock can. It more resembled a small arm than a dick. It looked angry. The purple head flared, its helmet protruding out, even thicker than the shaft and the size of a plum. I was gushing now. Despite my best efforts I was failing in my attempts to control my most base desires.

I knew straight away what this was. It was a weapon. A lethal pussy-plundering, bitch-breaking, slut-shredding, twat-taming, cunt-cleaving, fanny-fucking, vulva-volleying, hymen-hammering, labia-lashing, womb-walloping, derriere-drilling, booty-battering, ass-annihilating weapon of destruction. It was an exocet missile and I was its target.

Troy laughed again at me yet again, a recurring theme it seemed. "I thought you would be a challenge but you're just as pathetic as all the high school sluts. All your swagger, all you confidence, all your experience. None of it means anything now, does it?"

"You might deny it. But I know you want me. I know what a wet pussy smells like. And I can smell yours. It's leaking because it wants me. It wants to be fucked." He wasn't wrong. But I was in denial. I opened my mouth to protest.

But before I could utter a response he had swiftly moved forward, thrusting his hips and forcing his cock inside my mouth, shutting me up. It was so big that I struggled to accommodate it in my petite mouth. I struggled to open my mouth wider, straining my jaws to allow this huge meat stick entry.

It was so hot and heavy. My tongue ran down the base of its shaft, along the sizeable vein protruding out. I couldn't believe how hard it was. It was as hard as steel but as smooth as velvet

I couldn't help myself. I was in complete torment, torn between my desire and my need to stay in control. But Troy was impatient now at my feeble efforts and roughly grabbed the back of my head, jamming it forward.

His cock slid further back and he manoeuvred himself so that his shaft was pointed down my throat. At this point my thoughts were irrelevant. He was the one in complete control of this situation. He thrust his hips forward further and I felt him push further down my throat than I thought was physically possible. He was obviously used to using throats to get himself off. 

But this wasn't just deep throating his dick, it felt like it was reaching right down to my oesophagus. I struggled to breath. His invading spear occupied the entirety of my mouth and throat.

I looked down in shock to see that there were still several inches outside my mouth. This was impossible I thought. But I couldn't deny the evidence. He was literally hung like a horse and boy did he know it.

Hr could feel me panicking now as I struggled to breath and he started shit talking me too, adding to my anxiety.

"Yeah how does that feel, pig? How do you like my baseball bat stuffed down your little throat? Not such a boy now am I? I'm going to enjoy breaking you in and showing you what a real man can do. Once I've finished with you you won't know what day of the week it is never mind what your cover story is. You won't be a clever, jumped up pig then. You'll be a jabbering cum-hungry slut willing to do anything to get your next fix of the Troy Fratelli treatment."

A few hours ago I would have heard those words and thought they were idle braggadocio. But now I knew better. Now I knew that he was being utterly truthful. It should have terrified me but the fear was ebbing away now. It was being replaced by my hunger for his cock. I wanted him to fuck me into oblivion. I didn't care about the case. I didn't care about the security officer. For the first time in my life I wasn't in control. I was being forced to submit to a superior.

And I absolutely loved it.

I felt myself feeling light headed as my body protested at the lack of oxygen. Just as I felt like I was about to pass out I felt movement in my mouth and I gasped for air. The disorientation and overpowering sexual fog in the room meant I couldn't think. My conscious brain had lost and my bodily desire had won.

Before I could regain my composure I felt his fuck stick plunge back down as Troy started fucking my throat. Slowly at first but then quicker and quicker he thrust his hips backwards and forwards. He was using his pecker to punch the back of my throat, utterly degrading me for his enjoyment.

I became lost in the frenzy. I didn't know what was up or down. And I didn't care. I was no longer Sophia Richards, top vice-squad detective. I had become Troy's sex-crazed slut. My purpose wasn't catching criminals, it was getting Troy off.

As I became overwhelmed with lust my hands reacted instinctually. One reached up and wrapped itself along the base of his shaft and massaged his apricot sized gonads. The other reached down and reached up my skirt, pulling aside my now soaking panties and reaching inside my wet folds.

I knew that this would show Troy that I wanted him. That I needed him. It would entrench yet further his dominance over me. But I didn't care. All that mattered now was satisfying my lust.

He continued to show no mercy as he roughly pulled my head backwards and forwards. Spit was flying everywhere. It was so degrading but so intoxicating. I was already more turned on than I had ever been before in my life.

Eventually after what seemed like hours I felt his prick shudder and expand before firing shot after shot of hot, thick cum straight into my stomach. But it kept on coming and soon my mouth had filled up. I tried desperately to swallow every drop. It was so warm and creamy. I wanted it all inside me.

I felt like I was choking. I was going to die here, drown in his baby batter. But then I felt him roughly pull out, but his huge cannon kept on firing and the next thing I knew my face was being covered in white gooey liquid, blinding my eyes and rolling off my chin onto my huge, natural tits.

I fell back onto the couch feeling utterly spent. My brain had ceased to function properly. I did not even think about how far I had fallen or how I had let myself be degraded. My conscious brain was too shocked by the turn of events that it had shut down.

Unable to reason or process what was happening I was left with only my animalistic urges. And that urge was to let this powerful alpha male turn me into his fuck slut.

As I opened up my eyes I saw Troy taking a photo of me, his latest conquest. I glanced across the room at a mirror, propped up against the floor and was taken aback at the sight which greeted me. My hair was a complete mess, frazzled after Troy's frantic assault. And my face was unrecognisable, my make-up was smeared across my face and it was utterly plastered in cum. What I had thought was a classy black dress was now flecked with stains. I looked like a cheap whore. I couldn't believe the transformation from the powerful, confident woman which had stepped into the apartment less than an hour ago into what I now saw and felt.

A few hours ago I would have been appalled and overcome with shame and embarrassment. But that version of me had gone now and I didn't care. All I cared about was getting my hands on that huge meaty sausage and stuffing it into my now desperate pussy.

I reached out with my hands and started stroking his member. Unbelievably it was already semi-hard despite spewing what seemed like a gallon of spunk all over me. Within seconds it was again at full mast, seemingly staring at me menacingly.

Troy was leering over me and moved forward, pushing his pole to the entrance of my now leaking cunt.

He stopped suddenly and picked me up, looking into my eyes with such a burning intensity that it was surprising no sparks flew from them. I stood there transfixed, unable to move, feeling so unsteady on my legs that I thought I might fall at any moment.

"I think it's time you showed me those huge tits you've been hiding from me."
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And in one, sweeping stroke he reached out with his huge hands, grabbed hold of my dress and ripped it off me. It tore, right down the middle, and crumpled to the floor. Quicker than lightening my bra and knickers lay at my feet as he tore them down.

We were both naked now, facing each other. But that was the only thing we had in common. He looked excited, confident, ready to use me. I felt more fragile and vulnerable than I had ever felt in my life. But I wanted him. I needed him.

"What does my piggy want now, then?" he said in a low, seductive voice.

I didn't hesitate for a second.

"Oh fuck me. Fuck me hard. I need you and your huge manly shaft inside me."

Quietly, in his rasping, deep voice he said, "Beg".

This was the ultimate humiliation. His demonstration that he was the one with the power and I was the one underneath the table begging for him to throw me a few scraps.

"Please fuck me. I need it. You're so big and strong. You're better than any man I've ever seen before. I can't leave without feeling you inside me. Use me. Destroy me. Fuck me until I cry".

The words flooded out of me as an almost involuntary reflex. I was desperate now in my need for release. After such a raw, brutal experience my desire had built to intolerable levels. It wasn't just emotional, it was physical. I had never been so humiliated in my life but I had never been so aroused. I knew that tonight would change my life, forever.

And then after a few more moments of agony Troy had mercy and put me out of my misery.

As he said, "Well you asked for it," he grabbed hold of me and pushed me back so that I was once again splayed on the couch, my legs invitingly ajar. He brought his hips down with me and in one smooth motion his purple head penetrated my now slick cunt, slipping easily inside me.

I immediately screamed out in both pleasure and pain. After the build up and anticipation it was finally happening. But the scream wasn't just an emotional release, it was a physical one.

Even with only the head of his huge steel rod inside me I felt my twat had been stretched wider than it ever had before given his incredible girth. 

The pressure on the walls of my cunt was exquisite. Thankfully the build up in my pussy juices meant I was well lubricated, reducing the pain I was experiencing as he pushed himself inside me inch by inch. But god was it painful. And, with a jolt, I looked down to see he was still only half the way in.

But he was determined and it was becoming clearer and clearer how experienced he was. He was taking it slowly. Finding the path of least resistance. Giving my cunt the time it needed to accommodate him, to suck him deeper inside me. He obviously knew how to tease, to prise, to extract the last drop of desire from his quarry.

He wasn't simply a beast wanting to inflict pain. He wanted me to enjoy this. He wanted me to be lost in a state of sexual ecstasy. He could have ripped me in two, damaged me beyond repair and discarded me on the steps to the cop shop as a warning to those who crossed him.

But he was pushing into me slowly. It was still brutal but I was loving it. Loving being at his mercy. My pussy was getting even wetter. I had never been much of a squirter but I was already gushing and I felt my orgasm starting to build.

I felt so incredibly full and still he pressed on, deeper and deeper. As I continued to shriek out he started to growl. For the first time since his sexual onslaught I took a second to look at him again.

His body glistened with a sheen of sweat, making it glow and highlighting the contour of each rippling muscle. He was radiant and wore the expression of a kid in a sweets shop. He was staring down at my huge, perky breasts. And as I gazed at him his hand reached out, kneading my soft hooters and purring with pleasure.

His obvious carnal desire for me brought about another change in my emotional state. I was proud. Proud that I had a body able to attract such a prize stallion. I wanted to serve him. To devote myself to him.

And then without warning he thrust again and I yelped in agony as his pecker punched the back of my cervix reaching places which had never been reached before, stretching my cunt to absolute bursting.

He waited again for me to grow used to this new intrusion. The orgasm which had been building burst out like a flood, covering his truncheon with my juices and providing yet more lubrication. I screeched out anew at this unbelievable pleasure, thrusting my arms around Troy's neck and pulling his head down towards mine.

At the same time I shouted out, "Stop playing with me and fuck me. Fuck me harder than I've ever been fucked before."

Troy didn't react for a second and just beamed down at me, his face inches away from mine. Then he reached down and our lips locked together in a passionate embrace.

This kiss was far more sensual than the last. His tongue invaded my mouth but playfully rather than aggressively. My obvious subservience seemed to have abated his desire for brutal domination.

At the same time he started to fuck me. Each thrust seemed to remould me to fit his mammoth size, the walls of my cunt being pushed beyond their limits. The tension and friction as he pushed in and out of me was incredibly stimulating

In that moment I felt like I had literally gone to sexual heaven. I felt his warm, hot mouth and his hard muscular body against mine. I felt more connected to Troy than I ever had to any other man in my life. It was on another level. He was no longer my rival. He was my lover.

His strokes started off slow and steady but quickly sped up until his love stick was pistoning in and out of me so fast that it became a blur. He was like a musician playing an instrument. And I soon felt a second orgasm bursting forth.

And still he continued to pound away. Relentless and untiring. My cunt started to spasm uncontrollably and soon my body was shaking. His pace had continued to increase and his strokes had continued to deepen and now he was thrusting the entire length of his huge steel rod into me.

My screeching became louder and louder and higher and higher pitched. I felt like jelly. I was losing consciousness. The pleasure he was giving me was transcendent. I seemed to be in the middle of the longest and most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced. Time seemed to stand still, the pain subsided and I felt pure and unadulterated ecstasy.

For the first time in my life nothing mattered. As long as I could feel this good, experience this pleasure, nothing else was important. This was my world. This was who I was meant to be. This was who I wanted to be.

My body continued to shake as Troy drilled me over and over again, seemingly with unlimited stamina as my orgasm continued, the couch beneath me becoming soaked in my sexual juices.

My mind began to shatter, not in pain but in pleasure. I no longer felt like an independent being. I needed to keep feeling like this. I would do anything to keep feeling like this.

It seemed like this moment would go on forever and ever. It must have all got too much for me and I must have passed out. But even while dreaming I felt like I was on a higher plane, the most completely satisfied I had ever felt in my life.

When I regained consciousness I was lying on what I assumed was Troy's bed. He was lying next to me, his arms wrapped around mine and nuzzling on my neck. I immediately felt empty without him buried inside me. It was like a part of me was missing and I yearned to have it inside me again. But I could feel the sticky residue that he had obviously left when he had finally had his relief. The old me would have stressed about allowing a man to leave his seed in me, but the new me revelled in it and wanted more. 

As he saw me wake he grinned at me and said, "Hope you enjoyed the warm up. Ready for round 2?"

"Warm up?" I said weakly. My voice was thin and croaking after all my screaming. Then lighting up I said "Of course, stud."

This seemed to turn Troy on and I could see his dick start to harden as blood rushed into it. He jumped off the bed seemingly still with boundless energy, He reached down and picked me up effortlessly and spun me over like a rag doll before dragging my ass into the air.

He reached across to a cabinet by the bed and picked up a small bottle. I jumped as I felt a cold liquid hit my ass cheeks. This was quickly followed by Troy's hands which hurriedly rushed to push the lube up my tight rose bud.

I groaned as I felt first one, then two, then three fingers enter my ass. I had done anal a few times but was not very experienced and certainly not with a cock anywhere near this side.

I trembled slightly at the prospect but my desire far outweighed my fear. I had experienced the highs Troy had taken me to and I wanted to be taken there again.

Troy seemed to tire quickly at the efforts to prepare me and crouching behind me he pushed the protuberant head inside my tight, firm asshole. I screeched out in pain and my ass vigorously protested the invasion.

He seemed more impatient this time, pushing through my pain barrier with ease, like he knew that I could take it. And I was desperate to take it. Desperate to show him that I was worthy of him. Desperate to show him I was the best slut he'd ever had, that I was stronger and fitter than the other girls he fucked. I didn't just want to be his bitch. I wanted to be his top bitch.

So as the pain grew and he sunk his huge log deeper into my anus I gritted my teeth, bit down my screams and grabbed hold of the bedsheets to suppress my outbursts.

I was grateful for the thousands of squats I had done, firming my ass so it would be able to withstand the punishment it was about to receive.

As if seeing my acquiescence as a green light Troy started fucking me hard and fast. He was like a jockey putting his new filly through her paces, seeing how far she could go.

Soon our bodies were both drenched in sweat and I felt another orgasm building inside me as he continued to thrust into me until I felt with a jolt his balls slap against my clit. I couldn't believe that I was taking a full foot of thick, meaty prick into my tiny butt.

I squealed in pleasure, the pain starting to subside. And with a shock I felt Troy slap my ass firmly.

"That's it pig, take it, take it all the way."

And with that he slapped me again, and again, and again. But instead of complaining I shouted out, "Yes. Spank me. Punish me for being a naughty pig. Teach me a lesson, daddy."

My final word seemed to be like an electric shock to Troy. I felt his dick harden further and he quickened his pace, becoming more and more brutal. And all the while he kept slapping my ass at will, telling me what a worthless pig I was.

Within seconds I felt yet another powerful organism flow through my body. The guys I had slept with before had struggled to provoke a single orgasm from me. And yet here I was having experienced at least half-a-dozen already with no end in sight.

As I came my ass clamped down on Troy's dick. It formed a vice around his shaft which he attempted to power through but to no avail and within seconds he too was grunting at the top of his lungs as he fired shot after shot of hot spunk deep into my bowels.

And then he did something I had never seen a man do before. He kept his now softening dick inside me as his seed seeped out of me. But within seconds he was hardening again. He swivelled me around on his pole so that he was lying back on the bed with me sat on top of his now again fully hard dick.

Without missing a hearbeat he started fucking me again, as hard as ever. The new angle meant that he was once again rearranging my ass and before a minute had passed I was screaming in ecstasy as my body shook in pleasure, once again reaching the Everest of sexual nirvana where nothing mattered and life was pleasure in its purest form.

The rest of the night became a blur as my conscious mind faded away and freed my animalistic urges to run wild. Time seemed to lose all meaning as Troy continued his sexual masterclass making me now and forever his dedicated, loyal whore.


I awoke suddenly the next morning as the first rays of light found my resting eyes. I found myself lying naked on the bed. His bed.

Simultaneously my senses went into overdrive as I took in the pungent scent which permeated the room. It smelt of pure, unadulterated sex. The smell seemed to infect every pore of my being. It's raw power sent a chill of desire down my spine and my pussy began to moisten anew, despite the battering it had taken last night.

I felt the sheet beneath me was damp, dousing me in sexual fluids. I suspected, no I knew, this included the juices of many other chicks who had lain where I was now lying, having experienced the fucking of a lifetime.

At the same time I became aware that my skin was covered in what could only be sticky, dry cum. I looked down and saw my usually golden tan covered in numerous white blotches, the residue of Troy's copious sexual releases.

And every muscle in my body ached. I could feel a number of bruises beginning to form and my ass felt incredibly raw from the spanking it had received over the last few hours.

It took a few seconds for me to form conscious thought, to process my surroundings. And as I did so the memories of the previous night raced through my mind, accelerating my heart beat as I relived the thrill. The thrill of being conquered.

After a lifetime of dominance, of always getting what I wanted, of being in charge and in control I had been tamed. Tamed by a force stronger and more powerful than any I had ever encountered before.

Looking at myself I realised what I looked like, what I had become. A cheap whore. A fuck toy to be used and abused at will.

And whereas yesterday this had repulsed me, humiliated me, embarrassed me, it now felt liberating. It gave me a simplistic contentment I had never experienced before.

Why did I have to be ambitious? Or fill my head with complicated thoughts when I could feel like this?

My head swam as I gazed across at the body lying next to me, less than a foot away. Despite knowing its every contour the sight of it still took my breath away. It was the male form perfected and brought to life.

From his dark, spiky black hair, to his strutting angular jaw, his broad muscular shoulders and his huge pecs, down his taut, defined abs to the huge thick tube dangling between his legs he was divine.

Even soft his dick looked menacing, at least 7 inches in length it was still bigger than most erect cocks I had seen. It was like a slumbering giant, which once disturbed would grow to a monstrous size. And underneath I could just make out his plum sized gonads which even now would be churning, producing more spunk for him to fire.

As I watched his chest gently rise and fall I purred with contentment. I knew in that moment that my old life was over. I had been changed irreparably.

All I wanted to do now was to please Troy, to be his number one bitch, to give him what he wanted so that he would give me what I wanted: his dick inside my holes hard and fast.

As these thoughts developed I was overcome by hunger and desire, so horny that I couldn't think straight. I crawled down the bed and reached out, wrapping my hands around his thick cobra.

Bending down, pushing my ass into the air I took him into my mouth. I could taste my juices on his helmet and swiftly tried to push myself down further, taking more of the soft meat into my eager mouth. Even soft I was having to strain my jaw to accommodate his girth. I rolled my tongue around the underside of his foreskin and was immediately rewarded by the taste of his sexual essence and a few seconds later a stiffening hardness as the snake started to rise, awaking from its slumber.

I felt the first drops of precum leaking into my eager mouth and gobbled them down greedily. I started to feel giddy as I felt his tool widen and lengthen under my ministrations, feeling proud that despite the struggle that I was getting such an immediate reaction. With this encouragement I attacked his python with more vigor. I loved having him in my mouth. He was so warm and as the blood rushed forward I felt him expanding even further inside me, pushing my jaw out further to accommodate him.

I was slobbering now, losing control. What had started slow and sensual was becoming messy and frantic. By now he was rock hard, like a concrete column, all flexibility gone. And I was desperately pushing my mouth down further and further, spittle flying everywhere as I aimed to please it.

"That's it. Deep throat that dick like the cheap slut you are."

The deep baritone voice and the insulting trash talking moved my state of arousal up another notch. Determined to satisfy my new master I began thrusting my head down further and faster with no concern for the discomfort it was causing me. My hands came up to wank the base of his steel rod and massage his balls.

I needed to show him that I was good. No, not good, great. That I could pleasure him better than any of his other sluts. I manoeuvred my head to find the best angle for his spur to penetrate furthest down my throat and suppressing my gag reflex.

Troy was grunting now, making a low guttural sound, which told me that I was doing a good job. Perhaps I had not lost all my drive and determination. My sole ambition, in this moment, was to give Troy the best blow job of his life and I couldn't let anything get in the way of that.

I found a steadier rhythm and felt as I did so Troy's big bucket sized hands slap my ass. The jolt was like an electric shock and I became more frantic, pushing his beast further and further down my throat as I felt his fingers enter my dripping twat.

Suddenly I thrust my head down at lightening speed and it slid further down his cock than ever before, less than an inch away from the base. My body was contorted and it felt like I could not move or breath as a crowbar fixed me in place.

The force of the thrust stung but I didn't care. I felt victory in the loud grunt that issued from Troy's lips as he cried out in ecstasy. I held my mouth in place and began to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen as I fought with every fibre of my being to stay in place. My tongue lapped against his invading spur, trapped in my gullet and I felt it struggle as Troy continued to moan.

"You sure know how to give a blow job, slut."

Again the encouragement spurred me on. I began once again fucking his shaft with my mouth, bobbing up and down at such speed that my world became a blur. The rest of the universe faded away and it was just me and his impossible large dick.

As I pushed myself to my absolute physical limits I heard Troy's groaning getting louder as he fought to contain himself. But I knew it was a losing fight and before long I felt his tackle widen, distending my jaw and throat before it began to fire.

"Here come's your breakfast" he bellowed.

Within milliseconds my mouth was full of his thick, warm cream. As I did my best to swallow I began to gag. Choking due to the lack of air I felt myself losing control. I was drowning. I was going to die, drowned in cum.

But just as I was losing consciousness I felt him withdrawing and I fell to the bed as his hot seed was fired all over my face and hair. My mouth hung open, I was panting like a dog from my exertion. All my energy was spent and my jaw felt dislocated from being stretched beyond its limits, spasming in pain.

But in that moment I was satisfied. Satisfied that I had pleased him. This sexual god. He continued to stream as he splattered my entire upper body from his almighty orgasm. I wanted to guzzle it down but I couldn't as my jaw ached and went numb.

Eventually I saw his prick starting to soften and I looked up into his sparkling emerald eyes. They were ablaze with passion. Keeping constant eye contact I started to scoop up his milk off my heaving tits and seductively licked my fingers, forcing my mouth into action again against its wishes to please him.
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I wanted that moment, our eyes locked together in lust and desire, to last forever. I had never felt prouder in my life. All the criminals I'd brought down, all the commendations I'd received seemed irrelevant now.

But the moment was broken as a cold, calculating voice spoke from behind my back.

"Have you broken her yet?"

I spun around in shock, having thought we were alone. Standing in the door was a man that I'd never seen before but who looked familiar, and I suddenly realised why. He looked like a paler, less attractive, less imposing, less masculine version of Troy.

He looked about 6 feet tall with messy brown hair which had grown a bit too long. He wore a casual t-shirt and jeans and his face was similar to Troy's but rounder and his jawline was softer. He had muscles, but they were normal muscles and lacked much definition as his clothes hung loose around them.

I realised quickly I was being harsh. The guy was cute, hot even. But next to Troy he looked feeble and weak. His cold, dark eyes were focussed on Troy, seemingly unconcerned at my nakedness or the cum which still clung to my face and chest. And as this thought went across my mind I realised that I had not cared about him seeing me like this either. I had become so desensitised, so dehumanised that I had lost all self-respect. It just didn't seem to matter anymore.

Troy laughed at the question.

"Of course I have. Look at the state of her. You know me bro. I never fail." His voice was so cocky, so arrogant but whereas yesterday I would have despised it today it made me cunt twitch in excitement.

That made sense. It explained why they looked so similar.

"Look, I'll prove it to you."

Slapping me on my red raw ass Troy knocked me out of the way and jumped spritely out of bed. Picking up a bottle of lube from a bedside draw he reached across and lobbed it out of the open window. It hit the hard path below and rolled down a few more feet, stopping at least fifty yards away.

Turning to me, an evil look on his face, he commanded, "Fetch it, pig."

It took a second for me to compute the command. But as soon as I understood it I jumped to my feet and ran out of the door. I didn't care that he was treating me like shit. I didn't care that he hadn't even acknowledged the awesome effort I had made to please him. All I cared about way obeying. He had awakened a submissive in me that I hadn't even known existed but felt incredibly natural.

I knew it was obscene. I knew it was absurd. I was stark naked. I was covered in white goo. My hair was a tangled mess and my ass was scarlet red. But I didn't care. Troy had given me an order and I had to follow it.

I opened the door to the apartment and stepped out into the corridor, shivering at the cold fall air which fluttered against my exposed cunt. I ran down the stairs two at a time, taking care to dodge the many needles which littered the way. In a few seconds I reached the door and burst out onto the path. As I reached the small bottle I saw an old man in the distance. He dropped the bag he was carrying as he stared at me open mouthed.

As I felt my cheeks redden my nipples hardened in the cold and I felt my pussy leaking. I was being turned on by this utter degradation. As my heart raced I ran back to the door and frantically pressed the buzzer, desperate to get back inside before anyone else saw me.

"Let me in," I said urgently.

"Why should I let a naughty little pig like you back into my apartment?" I could hear Troy laughing at my predicament.

Not knowing what to say I begged, "Please let me in."

"Has piggy learnt her lesson?"


"And what have you learnt?"

Frantically I garbled, "That you are the hottest, strongest, most powerful man I've ever met. That I loved you using and abusing me. That all I want to do is please you and show you that I'm better than all your other sluts. That sex with you is like a drug and that I'm addicted to it."

There was a second of silence where nobody spoke as the enormity of my words sunk in and the only sound was my panting desperation. Then I heard the buzzer ring and found the door open. In less than a minute I was back in the apartment, coughing and spluttering from the physical and emotional torment.

I walked into the front room and saw the two brothers high-fiving each other and laughing. Troy was saying, "I told you so, shes's hooked!"

When he noticed my re-entry he grinned and motioned for me to sit on the couch. He had thrown on a pair of leopard print boxers. As I looked at them I thought how appropriate this was. He was an absolute animal.

"Right, down to business." Suddenly Troy's demeanour had changed, matching his brother's as he looked at me seriously. 

"What's your real name?"

It never even crossed my mind to lie to him.

"Sophia Roberts."

"And where do you work?" This it seemed was to be my debriefing.

"I'm a detective in the state's vice squad. I specialise in undercover work, infiltrating gangs, finding evidence of their lawbreaking and bringing them to justice."

I had always been so proud of my work but now I was speaking with a dead tone in my voice. I didn't care about my old life, only my new one as Troy's whore.

"Go on," he pushed eagerly.

"I've helped bring down some of the biggest mobsters in the business. Harvey Solento, Travis Christos and Rafa Garcia. Oh and Pete Duval."

I deliberately held back the last name and it seemed to have the desired effect. Troy exclaimed, "You were the pig that brought Pete down? His operation ran half the drugs in this state before he was busted!"

"Yeah it's amazing what these things can do to a man," I said while cupping my massive jugs in both hands, "Stop him thinking straight." I wanted to show off. I wanted to impress.

"My speciality is homing in on targets, worming my way into their trust, bamboozle them with my beauty and then BAM locking them up and throwing away the key."

These words had an immediate effect on both brothers, who looked like their Christmas had come early.

"So I broke you where all those other hotshots failed?"

"Oh, you're a hundred times the man, they'll ever be." I replied without a seconds hesitation.

He beamed at this comment and I could see once again his bulging schlong tenting against his skimpy boxer shorts.

His brother looked at him with mild irritation and asked, "So what was a hot shot cop doing in a school then?"

"Investigating your gang of course. It's part of a state wide strategy to target gangs earlier in their development, before they get too big." Before they could ask another question I went on, "But I don't care about any of that. All I want now is that big, thick, rock hard pole hiding in those pants plunged into my throbbing, desperate cunt."

The boys exchanged a quick look. Troy's brother arched his eyebrows as if to say 'you've got this one good and proper'.

"Not so fast," said Troy. "We don't want you to forget your job, you'll be going back to it. Except instead of infiltrating our gang you'll be infiltrating your old team."

I was momentarily stunned. But then my heart started to race as part of my old self reawakened. It felt like waking up from a dream. In some ways it was unpleasant. I had come to realise that all I needed was Troy's pecker ploughed up my holes, sending me to heaven.

But now I saw that I would have to earn that right, I couldn't expect it to be handed to me on a plate. And what better way to put my talents and training to good use. It was like I was being reprogrammed. I loved working undercover. I loved a challenge. And what could be a bigger challenge than this? Thwarting the system from the inside without getting caught. Imagine the daily thrill.

Instead of working for justice I would be working for the man who had broken me. The man who owned my ass more completely than I had ever thought possible. I realised how wrong and misguided I had been. This was the way of the world. The strong took what they were entitled to and the weak were made to serve.

All this rushed through my mind in a few seconds and as it did so my cunt started to leak and my hand crept down, pushing into my tight, warm folds, seeking to sate my dirty, corrupted desires.

The two brothers were watching me, eager anticipation on their faces.

"I take it that's a yes then," Troy exclaimed as he watched my lewd display.

"Of course. You own me now and I will do whatever you ask as long as you promise to keep stuffing my holes with that monster between your legs."

"Don't worry babe, soon my dick will feel more part of you than your own limbs."

As Troy said this in his deep, menacing voice his eyes burned into mine and I could see his hunger to devour me. This, and being addressed as 'babe', only heightened my desire and I felt my juices spillout out onto the couch below me adding to its numerous stains.

"But first to business." Again Troy adopted his serious demeanour.

"You'll obviously need to stay teaching a little longer to avoid suspicion which will also give us some more time to spend with each other. But you'll redirect your attention to another individual. Someone else in the gang who has got a bit too big for his boots. We figure why clean up the trash when we can get the pigs to do it for us?"

"You're good," I smirked, "We're going to have so much fun together."

"But that's not all," Troy continued excitedly. "My bro Scott here," he said slapping him on the shoulders as he did so, "is a bit of a genius. Well no, he's a lot of a genius. Basically he knows as much about computers and shit as I do about banging sluts senseless."

"Wow - he must be the best in the world then," I said like the pathetic groupie I had become.

"And he's been targeting your systems for months. He's broken in a few times but not been able to access any of the critical files. And that's where you come in." As he said this Scott reached into a bag next to him and extracted a computer memory stick.

Troy continued, "You'll head back to HQ and brief your boss on the investigation and then use his computer to upload the virus on this memory stick onto your computer system. Tell her what it'll do Scott."

For the first time Scott seemed to get animated, excited even.

"I've been developing this virus for months, no years. It's incredibly sophisticated. It will almost certainly be undetectable. It will probe for system weaknesses, corrupt the security systems to mask its activity and adapt to any problems it encounters."

His voice was becoming more excitable as he continued to expound the virtues of his pride and joy.

"It will then punch through your firewalls and set up a secure comms channel so that we can direct it and receive information."

"Cut to the chase, bro." Troy seemed impatient, he was eyeing me up hungrily and I noticed with an excited squirm that he was still incredibly hard and clearly ready to go another round battering my tight pussy.

"Basically, it will be able to find and alter information on your systems telling us what you know and what you're planning to do."

Troy, cutting in with a manic tone to his voice gloated, "And we all know knowledge is power. And we won't stop until we're the most powerful mafia bosses in the world."

The room felt electric and looking at them they were deadly serious about the size and scale of their ambition and their greed for power. Smiling eagerly I chipped in, "They also say power is the greatest aphrodisiac."

"One more thing before I give you your beef injection. Your name from now on is Roxy Heart and your pseudonym is Sophia Roberts, because you're now a slut. Our slut."

"Of course," I responded quickly, "My old life is over now, Roxy Heart is the proper name for the cheap whore I've become."

A grin forming on his handsome face Troy said, "Well that's enough business for now, time for some action."

And as he spoke he stood up quickly, looming over me, and in one swift motion pulled down his boxers. His freed spear bounced upwards, slapping his stomach so hard the noise travelled round the room like a bell announcing round 2.

My eyes stared transfixed. I was still shocked at his sheer size and hardness. Most big dicks I'd seen drooped slightly at the end and I'd always found them a disappointment. They flopped around ineffectually and it was why I'd always rolled my eyes before at boasts about size.

But not Troy's. His was standing bolt upright like a soldier ready for battle. His glistening head poking upwards, obscuring his navel and reaching to the bottom of his washboard abs. I felt frozen, transfized, the multitude of emotions running through me like a flood. I noticed that I was drooling slightly and Troy was laughing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Scott look at me disgustedly before leaving. He spoke to Troy but I didn't hear what he said, my attention was wholly occupied by what I now realised was the eighth wonder of the world.

Suddenly Troy was moving towards me and before I knew it he had picked me up. Effortlessly I rose in his strong, powerful arms. His biceps tensed and I could only gaze in awe at his incredible physique as I clung like a limpet to his hot body. He was carrying me up the stairs now, my legs wrapped around him, our faces close. I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks and my cunt twitched in anticipation of our further copulation.

"I think you need cleaning up, don't you?" Troy whispered to me. His tone had changed, becoming softer and more loving. Before I knew it we had arrived at the bathroom which featured a huge walk-in shower. He flicked a few switches and suddenly water was cascading over both of our bodies. He carefully let me down and I tottered momentarily, unsteady on my feet.

He pressed himself against me, pulling me towards him, bending down. And suddenly our lips connected. His tongue pushed into my mouth as we kissed passionately. This was different to last night, more sensual, more caring, less frantic but just as pleasurable.

I felt his huge hands reach up to my neck, cupping my face, caressing my cheeks, forcing our tongues even deeper into our entwined dance. I reached out with my hand and wrapped it around his shaft and started to stroke it before reaching down to massage his huge ball sacks.

As we kissed out eyes became fixed on each other. It felt like a laser boring into me, such was the intensity of his stare. In that moment I felt incredibly connected to Troy, even more than when we were having sex. It felt almost like we were becoming one, our individual forms merging. My dependency was growing. I didn't just need his cock. I needed him.

Eventually he broke away. I looked at him breathlessly and couldn't help admiring his impressive form. As the water dripped down his Adonis-like body his skin shone even brighter, his muscles rippling and gleaming. My cunt seemed to lurch and I felt incredibly aroused. I had always been able to control my libido in the past but it was like a switch had flipped inside me. I was totally out of control and wrecked with need.

As I looked at his face I saw him checking me out, the same lust in his eyes as he brought his hands up to fondle my luscious breasts. As he caressed them he whispered again, "You've got a fantastic rack. I could look at them all day."

I gasped as he tweaked my nipple and swelled with pride at the compliment. I already felt on the edge of a powerful orgasm and was desperate for relief and he hadn't even entered me yet.

"Oh fuck Troy. I need you inside me so badly." I felt the words coming out of my mouth before any conscious thought had crossed my mind. I wasn't screaming, it was more of a plea for mercy. I was ready to beg if that's what Troy wanted.

But without another word Troy grabbed hold of his stiff rod, lifted me slightly and directed the head to the entrance of my now dripping canal. Slowly he penetrated me. I groaned as he entered. Even after the pounding of last night I was still surprised by his girth. I came, shuddering in delight as the long-awaited release arrived.

I expected Troy to start deep dicking me hard and fast, but he surprised me. He pushed his way in, slowly but surely, allowing my pussy to adapt to his colossal size. The pleasure was indescribable as I felt another orgasm building.

When he was fully inside me and his balls were resting on my full twat he stopped. I felt impossibly full. But I felt whole. I felt completed. This was what I needed as much, if not more, than my arms and legs. Our eyes were once again locked together and I felt again like I was drowning in an emerald sea.

His eyes were glinting with lust yes, with desire yes, but there was something more there. A warmth, an affection that I hadn't seen before. And without a word he reached up to my neck and pushed me forward towards him until our lips met again.

I had never before felt so connected to anyone else. Our tongues became entwined as he kept his prick fully impaled into my overstretched pussy. My mind was shattered. I could not compute the emotions I was feeling which seemed to have escalated beyond pure lust.

Troy didn't seem satisfied just owning my body. He wanted to own my mind too.

Our embrace made me feel so unbelievably complete. It was the most intimate moment of my life and made me feel there was no part of each other we did not know.

I was falling again, over the edge, cumming uncontrollably, my cunt convulsing and my whole body shuddering as Troy held me tight, holding me in place. I felt him shudder too and our make out intensified as his dick pressed even further inside me, pushing my twat even further out of shape.

The world seemed to be spinning. It seemed like I had left reality behind as a spark flowed between our bodies. I felt Troy shudder again as he lost control and fired his seed directly into my waiting womb. And still my orgasm went on, as if it would never end.

I felt his cock deflating slightly and he withdrew, breaking our embrace. As he did so I reached out to stop him. I didn't want him to leave me. My cunt felt so empty without him. And I felt hollow as our fluids dripped down my legs, washed away by the torrent of water still falling all over us.

Troy smiled at me and turned me round and in a few seconds I felt him re-entering me. I jumped in surprise. He was hard again. How was that possible? And he was rubbing his helmet against the tight rose bud between my ass cheeks.

It took him a while to push his helmet inside me and I gasped in pain. How could I possibly take him dry like this? Seeming to read my mind he cooed in my ear, "Don't worry. We'll take it slow."

And he was true to his word. He felt his way slowly, easing in centimetre by centimetre, pausing along the way to let me adjust. It was like he was sculpting my ass to fit his huge dong. As he did so one hand reached down to finger my still wet cunt, strumming my clit like a guitar and causing pleasure to course through my body. His other hand reached up and around to my heaving busom, twisting my nipples and elating me further.

My ass was starting to adjust as I felt his precum and my ass juices adjusting to the intrusion. My ass muscles were clamping down on his dick but it stayed as solid as granite as it prized me open, slowly, inexorably splitting me in two.

The all-out assault by his baseball-bat like cock and his massive hands felt unbelievable. He seemed to know my erogenous zones better than I did and knew every button to press. I was still shaking as though electrocuted, only able to stand because of his support. Today he seemed to be fucking me in a way designed to maximise my pleasure not his and it felt utterly exquisite.

My ass felt like it was on fire and soon I felt a more powerful orgasm than anything I had yet experienced rip through me and my ass tightened like a vice around Troy's rigid tube. He groaned in pleasure and I was sure he was about to blow, but he breathed deeply and regained his composure gasping, "Not yet babe."
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I shouldn't have been surprised there was more, but I was. I felt like jelly, weakened by the ecstasy coursing through my veins more powerfully than any drug and yet he was still hard, unbending, unyielding.

And with a gasp I felt him push further into my now slick anal canal. Deeper and deeper he went, drilling further into my depths than I could ever imagine. Every time I thought he had got as far as he could he grunted and pushed deeper.

Eventually I felt his balls slapping my ass. It felt like my rectum was being arranged. Once again I felt fuller than I ever had before. And he just held me there, his huge crowbar fixing me in place.

I couldn't handle this and again I shook with my biggest orgasm yet. My ass muscles were so tightly clamped on Troy's fuck stick that it felt like our bodies had melted into one, connected mass. As I continued to shake violently I felt my ass tighten around his pole. But it did not move. Not an inch. As I squirmed Troy kept a tight grip of me, holding me powerfully against his body.

And then he started to withdraw, pulling out until only the head remained. No I thought, don't leave me empty. I could feel the void in my ass left by his retreating prick and it felt like a void in my soul, like a part of me was missing, incomplete. As if telepathically linked Troy pushed forward into me until once again he was submerged, balls deep in my tight, hot ass.

And so he started to fuck me. But it was so different from the previous night. He took it slowly. Deep dicking me relentlessly with regular, smooth strokes. His dick was as hard as steel but as smooth as silk, massaging my backdoor as if worshiping a god. 

My ass was now begging for him, wanting to pull him in, wanting him to fuck it harder and again he picked up the pace, the whole while I was shaking in pleasure, completely at his mercy.

His rhythm was perfect, accelerating faster and faster as my ass became trained to his size. My ass felt like it was on fire but it was now a fire without pain. The orgasms now running uncontrollably through my body overwhelmed all other senses.

This went on for what seemed like hours. If I had been able to think I would have marvelled at his stamina. But it was like time stopped as a meaningful way of understanding the world.

All that seemed to exist was us, together, rutting like primal animals, so overcome with lust that the rest of the world had faded away. I wanted it to go on forever and it seemed like it would.

But then eventually, both of us panting, he groaned loudly, his helmet flaring inside me and sending his spunk into my guts as if it had been shot out of a cannon. I could not cope, it was too intense emotionally and physically. I was totally drained and so I passed out.

When I awoke I was back in bed, my head resting on Troy's shoulder as his hand twiddled with my golden locks.

"Wakey, wakey", he said playfully.

"That was ...". I was lost for worlds. "Incredible."

"Ready for some more?" He asked with a glint in his eye? "Why don't you clamber aboard?"

I looked down and saw his free hand tugging at his once again inflated shaft. Not long ago this would have shocked me. We had fucked for longer in the last 24 hours than I had done in months. We should be worn out, tired. And I was all of those things. But it was like Troy had turbo-driven my libido, turning me into a perpetually horny cock-craving slut.

So without a second thought I hoisted myself up and straddled him. Lifting his cock head I pointed it towards my pussy which was still dripping wet. It felt weird to be in control, to take the initiative. Troy was watching attentively as I pushed down and felt him enter me again.

I signed in pleasure as I pushed myself down, impaling myself on his rod. I was uncertain, unsure how to take the lead. I was used to riding dick. This was my favourite position. Getting on top and pounding a jock into submission in search for my own release. But it suddenly felt wrong. This wasn't my role here.

Troy was chuckling at my confusion.

"Let me ask you a question. Which did you prefer? The way we made love today or the raw, brutal way I fucked and used you last night?"

His question hung in the air for a moment. I thought I had preferred our love making today - the incredible connection between us should have provided more pleasure to me than the nasty, filthy degradation.

I stopped my formulaic thrusts and stopped bucking my hips, with half Troy's cock still inside me. And it hit me. That word brutal, the way his gravelly, deep, powerful voice said it sent shivers down my spine and made my pussy squirm. He knew. It was like he had been teaching me a lesson. And then I felt a flood of words leave my mouth.

"This morning was fantastic but it was nothing compared to the way you made me feel last night, like I was being fucked to within an inch of death. That complete submission made me feel better than I've ever felt before. But you knew that already, didn't you."

As he flashed his wide smile he replied, "You're all the same. You're mind tells you you want a good boy to make love to you and feel special but deep down your body knows better. It wants a bad boy to dominate it, to fuck it senseless."

I couldn't take it any longer. "Oh take me, Troy." I screamed. "I don't want to be on top - that's your place. Fuck me. Hammer me. Destroy me." I was hysterical, demented.

As I looked into Troy's eyes I saw a fire which had been relit. "You've never been on top, bitch. And you never will be."

And without any warning he bucked his hips so fast I felt winded as his pecked punched upwards, smashing into my pelvis with the force of a rocket that had just taken off. It was like an engine going from 0 to 60 in a millisecond and without waiting for me to adjust he stared pounding my pussy so hard I could barely breath.

His rhythm was metronomic and in stark contrast to the wreck I had already become. I was screeching like a banshee as I felt a huge orgasmic explosion run right through me and my juices squirted out over his weapon, creating an even slicker passage for him to hammer.

I fell forward, unable to stay upright, but there were no soothing lips to meet me as my face fell on Troy's hard shoulder as my sizeable bosom compressed onto his glistening, mighty pecs.

Suddenly I felt his huge hands grab my ass and he started moving me down the bed. His hips did not stop thrusting for a second as he kept drilling me long, hard and deep.

I was already lost, unable to comprehend what was happening. I felt my mind shattered again. But it was bliss. It was joy unconfined. And then we were rising off the bed and he was carrying me. The angle of his attack changed as we moved pushing my cunt further out of shape as it slipped deep inside me.

I felt my back touch the wall as he used his new position to bounce me on his shaft, throwing me around like a rag doll.

I was mesmerised. It was like I had watched a demon rise before my very eyes, pulling me down into a world of hedonistic gluttony and excess. My body was now shuddering in a state of what must have been perpetual orgasm.

In what must have been just a few short minutes he had broken me again. I was no longer a woman with thoughts and ideas. I was just a piece of meat for him to use and abuse as he pleased. And I loved it. I loved being this mindless, gibbering wreck. Who cared about anything else when you could feel this good?

I felt his hands leave my ass so that all that held me in place was the steel rod buried in my squirting snatch. As his hips flexed violently I bounced against the wall, shivering as I was pushed harder against the cold wall but burning up through sheer sexual pleasure.

He was pummelling me absolutely senseless. It felt like he was fucking me so hard that he would fuck me clean through the wall. His hips were working overtime and seemed to be working faster and faster, impaling me and pushing me upwards only for gravity to force me back down onto his prick.

And then impossibly he stepped it up even further. Like a supreme racing car going from 6th to 7th gear his hips moved so fast that everything became a blur. It was like watching a video on fast forward. The supersonic pace made each thrust indistinguishable from the last.

It was a constantly hard, rough friction, causing the walls of my cunt to feel like they were ablaze. I was no longer howling. Perhaps I was making a noise, but if I was it was probably only one that a dog would have been able to hear.

I felt my once proud, athletic body and hard abdominal core melt, losing all strength so that I jiggled like a piece of jelly being jabbed by a hard stick.

And then I looked into Troy's face and I trembled. It was the scariest sight I had ever seen. In my disorientation it grabbed my attention and I could not tear myself away.

It was like looking at a lion. So fierce. So hungry. So wild. So feral. It seemed impossible that I was looking at a man. This was an untameable beast filled with a passionate fire that would burn the entire world, the entire universe. A hunger which could not be sated, that would consume and devour. And at the moment it was devouring me.

As I watched I saw in my peripheral vision his huge hands reaching up, roughly grabbing my teats and squeezing them mercilessly.

This pushed me over the edge utterly and completely and I felt head once again falling forwards onto Troy's hard shoulder as he carried on spearing me like a hog being roasted on a fire.

It was like an atomic bomb had exploded inside me, smashing my mind into smithereens. I was utterly spent now. Utterly gone. I no longer knew where I was or what was happening to me. All I knew was that I didn't want it to end. And I would do anything, anything at all to keep feeling like this.

I must have lost consciousness because from that point on I could remember no more. Instead I fell into a deep sleep.

But it was not an ordinary sleep. I felt my head spinning, trying to make sense of what was happening to me. But then it had been forced to give up the ghost, like a tv being unplugged. And instead I experienced pure, unadulterated emotion. Free from reason or thought.

And it was bliss. Pure, unfettered, unbound bliss. That is the only way to describe it and it was something I never wanted to end.

It might have been days, months or years later when I awoke for all I knew but it was dark outside and once again I was sharing a bed with the man who I now saw as a God and was gazing at me intently, watching me with interest.

I felt exhausted despite just waking. It was like I had run a marathon and I suppose it had been a sexual one. My limbs ached but none more so that my twat.

I looked down and saw it split wide open, a crimson red. It looked swollen and distended, and felt as dry as the Sahara. I reached down to touch it but winced at the pain as I did so. It was like Troy had kept using me until all my pussy juices had run dry and beyond.

In an almost numb shock my hand reached round to my ass which felt just as raw, just as broken, just as used. Instinctively I slipped a finger into my ass. It parted like the red sea did for Moses, slipping in with no problem at all. My once tight sphincter had become as loose as a cheap whore.

The rest of my body was in a similar state. My once golden tanned skin was now red and blotchy and covered in white splotches. I was unrecognisable. Glancing at the mirror on the opposite wall I saw my face was covered in semen, my eyelashes matted with cum and my hair had become a tangled and sticky mess.

As I looked round the room I could see that it had fared little better. Furniture lay battered and broken on the floor and the paint on the walls was coming away, obviously peeled away as Troy had pushed me into them.

Troy was like a beacon in this darkened room. He glowed with contentment.

"I've never been able to do that before." His voice was excited, more excited than I've ever heard it. "You were incredible, I've never been able to unleash myself fully on a chick like that before. They're too fragile. But you're a woman. Yes you passed out but your body kept itself open to me."

I tried to speak but I couldn't. I felt so many emotions. Pride, at these words of encouragement. Fragility, physically and emotionally after being ruined so completely. Desire, to be fucked and used like this again and again.

"Anyway that's enough fun for now. It's time you were on your way Mrs. Heart."

It was like he had thrown a bucket of water over me, waking me from the dream world that I was still living in where it would be just me and him for the rest of time.

I rolled over and clung to his body.

"I don't want to leave you. I can't leave you."

I was whimpering pathetically. This is what two days with Troy Fratelli had done to me. I was now a blubbering wreck, begging him to keep using me.

His arm moved so quickly that I had no time to react, thudding into my chest and flinging me across the room. I crumpled in a heap on the floor face down. Winded from the blow and the fall my chest was heaving as I tried to get my head together.

As I turned I saw Troy looming over me. Like a man mountain, a greek Adonis towering above me, his huge phallus jutting out in front of him.

"If you ever want this inside you again", he said grabbing hold of his imposing cock, "then you better pull yourself together and get to work. You have to earn the right to have me inside you."

This more than anything brought me to my senses. He was using my desire to manipulate me to his will. My hunger for his dick was undiminished despite my dishevelled state. He knew that and he had me on a leash like the bitch that I'd become.

"Of course." I replied. My voice was hoarse and the words hurt, sore from my screaming and shouting. "My job is to serve you, I know that now."

"Good." Troy smiled and extended his hand, lifting me up onto my feet.

I staggered around unsteadily on my feet. Troy snickered at my inability to stand up straight and with a push to show him my strength I righted myself.

"You need to go get some rest now - you've got work in the morning." He winked at me as he slapped my ass, dismissing me from his presence in the most demeaning way possible.

He watched as I tottered around the room and attempted to dress myself. As I was about to leave though he said more seriously. "Wait. Tell me what you are going to do to earn your right to my dick."

I turned round to face him again with a fire once again in my eye, determined to show him that I could earn it. That I would earn it.

"I'm going to go back to teaching as though nothing has happened. I will report to my superiors that you are and your acolytes are trouble-makers but that it is nothing more than typical jock high-jinxs. I will plant Scott's virus in our computer system so that you know about our operations and intelligence and then I will wait for further instructions."

Troy grinned at me, looking like the happiest man alive. He strutted over to me and leaned in to give me a deep, sensual kiss. But far too quickly he pulled away. "That's my girl," he whispered. "And take this". Troy reached down and passed me a small, cheap looking cellphone. "It might look old," he said watching my quizzical expression, "But Scott has put encryption software on it that makes it impossible for your friends to listen on. We will use it to contact you."

And with that he gave me a final slap on my ass and I walked away, down the stairs and out of the apartment, stumbling towards my car, ready to start my new life working for Troy.

End of Chapter 1
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I felt so different that Monday as I strode through the school corridors.

Everything around me was much the same. The chicks were still drooling, batting their eyelids and hitching up their skirts in an attempt to catch my attention. The jocks were still gazing across at me, mouths slightly ajar in a combination of ill disguised awe and jealousy. The nerds were still cowering, eyes averted in fear. The school itself was still dilapidated and crumbling from lack of care and attention. The teachers were still as submissive as ever, unwilling to challenge the transgressions taking place all around them. And the corridors were still littered with discarded needles and condoms from the students' illicit excesses.

But I was different. The eyes through which I saw my surroundings had changed following my sexual destruction of Roxy over that tumultuous weekend.

Just the thought of her name, her new name, made me tingle with excitement. I had turned a self-respecting, strong, professional, independent woman into a slut who would sell her own grandma to get the chance to bounce on my pole again.

I owned this school. Nothing went on within its walls which I did not control. I was at the sexual apex and everyone else was forced to dance to my tune, either because they wanted me, they were scared of me or they knew that I could give them what they wanted. Some might call that arrogant and cocky. And they would be right, but I had a lot to be cocky and arrogant about.

Before this fateful weekend I would have been proud of my achievement. Proud to have either battered or fucked every rival to my status of top dog into submission. Proud to have made myself untouchable by splitting the principal in two on the end of my cock. Proud to be making myself rich through extortion and drug dealing which had turned half the students into smackheads desperate for their next fix and willing to do anything for it.

But this weekend had changed me. It had made me realise how small fry I still was. How much further I had to go.

Everything about this school felt smaller and less significant. Was this to be the limit of my power and achievement in life? The ability to control a shithole of a school and fuck a load of dumb sluts into submission?

This weekend had made me realise that would never be enough for me. I wanted more. And I was going to get it. And god help anyone who dared stand in my way.

As I walked into my first class of the day I sat down in the back row. The teacher – unfortunately a fat, old man providing no eye candy whatsoever – was warbling on. But I couldn't concentrate. My mind was racing, pushed onto fast forward by the amazing weekend I had just experienced.

It had been incredible and exhilarating. On another level from anything I'd ever experienced before. Sexually Roxy had been able to stay with me longer than any woman I had ever fucked. Most of the cheerleader sluts started spasming once I got halfway inside them, unable to cope with my girth. I had to take it slow and easy with them, unable to unleash my inner beast.

But not with Roxy. She was a woman in her sexual prime, fit and athletic, able to take the hammering I had given her and still beg for more. For the first time that I could remember I had woken up and not been as horny as hell. The weekend of almost constant sex seemed to have sated my seemingly unlimited sexual appetite, at least for now. Of course it helped that she was blond with a rack to die for. I had always been a sucker for a cute blond. I could still see her huge, perky tits and wished I could fondle them right now.

I felt a stirring in my loins. It seemed my horniness was returning and with a vengeance, and I felt my dick harden, pushing against my tight fitting jeans.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the cheerleading squad eyeing my groin. She started to push her hand down underneath her short skirt and pleasure herself as she looked at me with longing desire.

I couldn't remember her name. She was called something like Casey. Or was it Tracey? Or Macy? And to be honest I didn't really care. I needed some help now and she would be more than willing to provide it. She was quite small in stature, had shoulder length black hair with a pair of perky B-cups. She wasn't ugly by any means but she was just plain to look at.

She wasn't really in my league. But right now all that mattered was that she had a mouth and she knew what to do with it. The fact that she was getting lucky would only make it better, she would be desperate to please.

Pretending I hadn't seen her I pulled down my zipper and fished out my now granite-like dick and started to slowly wank it with my big hands. I could see the slut, whatever her name was, staring at me now open mouthed.

Glancing across at her our eyes connected and I quickly communicated through my facial expressions what I wanted from her.

She stood up from her desk immediately and started walking towards me. She pushed the desk in front of me out of the way and got on her knees before wrapping her lips around the helmet to the monstrous piece of meat between my legs.

A few heads had turned at the sound of movement. But most looked unsurprised when they saw the source of the disruption. The teacher at the front of the room stuttered for a moment, looking for a split second into my eyes before quickly turning away and continuing his monotonous drone.

Everyone knew, teachers and students alike, that it was pretty rare for me to get through a day without busting my nut at least half a dozen times. And teachers now knew better than try to challenge me. That was a sure fire way to make sure they were either bent over their desk and gangbanged by the entire football team, leaving their limp bodies unconscious in a pool of cum, or so battered and bruised that they would be in hospital for weeks. So instead they had to put up with my outrageous behaviour.

I had been right about this slut. She was desperate to please and was trying her best to fit my throbbing meat down her throat, but was failing miserably. Her ineptitude only reminded me of Roxy and her exquisite mouth. The way she had woken me with a blowjob after being so completely fucked the night before had been incredible.

Before this weekend I would have revelled in the power of getting sucked off at the back of a class with nobody daring to even whisper a complaint. Now it seemed beneath me. But my cock needed release so I used my hands to push the back of the eager sluts head, impaling her further on my jutting spur. She was gagging and spluttering as she struggled to please me and yet still the teacher ignored the lewd display, even as it began to drown out his weak, pathetic voice and more heads turned to watch the show.

As I looked round the room, at the eager, excited eyes it reminded me why my control of the school made me so proud. Because it had been so hard-fought. Nothing had ever been given to me, I had to take it myself.

And that forced my mind back to a place it had not been for a long time. I remembered sitting at a small, cramped kitchen table watching my mother crying with anguish after being told of the death of my father on the orders of the local mafia boss.

I couldn't have been much older than 6 or 7 when it happened but I could remember it like yesterday. The tears rolling down my distraught mothers face would be etched in my memory until the day I died. It might have been invisible to the outside world but it would be a permanent scar on my psyche.

But while my mother bawled and my older brother tried to comfort her I did not shed a tear. I remember even at that tender age feeling little compassion for my father.

He had been a fool. He had been weak. He had got in over his head and failed in his duty to provide for and protect us. He had spent his whole life on his knees, begging others for scraps off the table, wheeling and dealing in a constant struggle to make ends meet.

He had picked the wrong side in the battle that had been fought and won by the man who ran this godforsaken town, Nacho Gonzales. A Mexican drug lord who had swept in and disposed of the old Italian crime bosses who were too weak to oppose him.

I could still remember the Mexican brute that had knocked on our door and brazenly dumped his rigid corpse over the threshold, laughing and telling us that us Guido Wop scum should know our place. I could still remember my mother shrieking, pounding her fist as Scott pulled her back to stop her getting killed as well.

I had made a vow to myself that day. I had vowed that I would avenge my father. I had vowed that I wouldn't be weak. I had vowed that I would bow to nobody. I had vowed that I would wreck my revenge.

From that day forward I had been gripped by an incredible competitive spirit which coursed through my veins. I had to be stronger, fitter and faster than everyone else. So I dedicated myself to training, treating my body like a temple to be worshiped. But it wasn't just physical. I became eager to understand how power was exercised so that I could take that power for myself.

And what I saw was that those that were strong had power. Those who could inspire fear in others, those who could inspire loyalty in others, those who had a presence and an aura were the ones who had the power in the world around me.

I soon fast forwarded in my mind to a few years later and a similar scene was before me. This time it was Scott crying. This time it was Scott howling. For a cop had just turned up to tell us our mother was dead. She hadn't done anything wrong. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the crossfire of a gang dispute.

Again I did not shed one tear. The pain that coursed through my body was like nothing I had ever known. My mother had been the kindest, most gentle person I had ever met and had shown nothing but love and attention to my brother and I.

We never had much money but that didn't seem to matter. There was always laughter and joy in our house. And we had each other.

And yet in one mindless moment that had been destroyed. This time I felt weak. I felt responsible. I felt ashamed for allowing this to happen. It was a stupid reaction. What could I have done? What could anyone have done? But it didn't stop me feeling culpable.

The loss I felt at that moment was incomprehensible. It was too big to compute. One day my mother was there chiding us to do our homework, laughing at our silliness, shouting at our misbehaviour, comforting us about our insecurity, putting us to bed at night. And then she was gone.

Just like that. No warning. No chance to say goodbye. Gone. Leaving a huge empty void that would never be filled again. I would never again see her beautiful smile. I would never again feel her warm and comforting embrace. I would never again taste her amazing home cooking.

I had never really known my father. All I had felt towards him was resentment that he did not provide for us what fathers in our neighbourhood had for their children.

But my mother? She was my world. My everything. The moment I found out she was gone was like an eclipse. It was like the sun being extinguished. And for a time it seemed like the light would never return.

For weeks, months, years afterwards I would stupidly still expect to see her or hear her again, before realising that would never happen.

And so a darkness crept into my heart, into my very soul, poisoning and contaminating it, robbing me of any youthful innocence I still had. I felt like I was being taught a very cruel lesson by the world. And so the only thing I had left was Scott.

It was us against the world now – and I was determined to make sure nobody would ever hurt us ever again. And the only way we could be safe would be through strength.

I remembered clutching Scott in my arms, holding his blubbing face to my chest, and vowing to him that we would be avenged.

We both dealt differently with the tragedies that had befallen us. In the following years he buried himself in books while I played every sport I could seeking to dominate my peers. Those childhood tragedies had helped to shape and mould me in ways I still could not fully understand. 

Our neighbourhood was rough, really rough. And the only way you could survive was by proving yourself. By showing people that they couldn't mess with you.

That meant getting into fights, often with people older and bigger than me. But I always came out on top. I mean I still came home pretty bruised and bloodied sometimes. But the other guy always ended worse off.

I don't think in those days i was necessarily stronger or fitter or faster. But I was a scrapper, I was tenacious, I never knew when I was beaten and I didn't let pain affect me. I was vicious. I didn't play by the rules and I didn't show any mercy. The world had never shown me any so I wasn't about to show it any either.

More importantly I knew this was what would keep me and Scott safe. Once word had got round that I'd put a guy several years older with 50 kilos on me into hospital, or that another had been left with several teeth lying next to his bloodied body suddenly people hadn't wanted to fight me anymore.

Instead they had wanted me on their side. And so over time I built up a loyal group around me. It was mainly based around the football team, which had become my passion.

I loved being out on the field. I was so competitive, so desperate to win. And over time we moved from being a laughing stock to being feared and respected across the state.

That wasn't because we were the most talented, or the most skilful. But we treated every match as a battle. A battle that we would win, or die trying. We wouldn't give an inch to anyone, regardless of their reputation.

So when the state champions rolled in town and expected to dish out their using ass whooping we surprised them. We were ultra-aggressive. We hit them so hard and so fast that they couldn't cope. They started making stupid plays. And we nailed them.

They had been sent home with their tails between their legs. And we had sent a message out to everyone in the league that we were a force to be recognised. The atmosphere in the locker room after the match had been amazing. Everyone was buzzing. Everyone was on cloud 9. I felt happier than I had ever felt before in my life. And it was like I knew this was what I was meant to do. Lead.

After that it seemed like we'd won games sometimes before we even stepped out on the field. I could see it in the eyes of our opponents. Their body language screamed fear, and they submitted even though in many cases, most even, they were probably more talented and better trained.

But it hadn't been easy. The only way I had been able to inspire that loyalty was by showing that if they were there for me then I would be there for them.

So when any of us were disrespected, when any of us were insulted I made sure that we responded. And aggressively. So that people knew that you didn't only not mess with me, you didn't mess with my crew.

And over time those bonds grew stronger and stronger, building up a family around me to replace the one which had been so cruelly ripped away from me.

But I knew that I had to remain strong. Any show of weakness, any sign of vulnerability and I would be tossed aside. We may have become like brothers but like brothers we were rivals as well as family. And they were all like me in so many ways. They were messed up. They had never been taught how to behave. They had no respect for authority, unless it was backed up by strength.

I knew that each and every one of them, in their dreams, wanted to be in my position. The leader of the pack. I knew I had to always been on my guard.

But then a whole new world opened up to me. The power of sex to establish social hierarchy. I had been so focussed on turning myself into the biggest, strongest, hardest, toughest, meanest and most feared son of a bitch that I had neglected my biggest asset. The one hanging between my legs.

It took a challenge to wake me up to the opportunities that I had allowed to slip through my fingers. I couldn't believe it was only a few months ago now, just after I had turned 18. It seemed like it was a lifetime ago.

I can still remember the scene like it was yesterday though. I walked into the locker room for practice and for the first time I wasn't greeted by a parade of fist bumps and jocular back slapping.

Instead all the attention was focussed in the other corner of the room. And I could see who was the centre of that attention. It was Marc. Marc fucking Greco.

We'd grown up just a few streets away but I'd never liked him. Both his parents had decent jobs, which was unusual, and so he always had better clothes and shoes than everyone else. That wouldn't have been a problem but it was the way that he looked down on me that really wound me up.

We had been competitive for years. We were both sporty and athletic and spent hours in the gym. It had only been in the last couple of years that I had pulled ahead of him. I became captain of the football team, something he was desperate to have. And I was the undisputed leader of our crew. Suddenly he wasn't looking down on me anymore.

If I'd had my way he wouldn't have been on the team. But most of the guys liked him and he wasn't stupid enough to challenge me overtly. Plus he was a seriously talented ball player, even I had to give him that.

So I wasn't impressed to see that he was at the centre of a scrum of excited faces. He was holding up his phone and a few of the guys were crowded round looking at it, their eyes out like stalks.

As I got closer I heard fragments of their conversation.

"Fucking hot, dude."



"God look at those tits!"

And then I heard Marc's cocky voice cut in, "Yeah she is as filthy as she looks. Hammered her all night long. She just kept begging for more. What can I say, I'm good!"

As I approached a couple of guys stepped away and I finally what was on the phone. I had to exercise all my self control not to let my jaw drop.

There was a picture of our head cheerleader, Dixie. She was by far the hottest chick in the school. She had long sexy legs, a gorgeous face, firm large tits and a shapely toned ass. She kept herself in great shape but the best way to describe was curvaceous. And it wasn't even her looks that made her so hot. It was the way she moved, the way she pouted her lips, the way her jugs bounced as she cheered. It was like she was made for one thing. Fucking.

But this picture was Dixie as I had never seen her before. She was completely naked and on her knees. Her mouth was lolled open and she looked dazed and confused. Perhaps the white blotches covering her face and matting her hair had something to do with it. She was looking directly up at the camera and her eyes were filled with lustful satisfaction.

"I'll have to do a video for you guys next time. Might teach you a thing or two!" Marc continued arrogantly.

I played along and congratulated Marc for bagging such a stunner. I had to even if I didn't want to. But it was the training session that followed which really worried me.

Marc was strutting around like he was the one in charge. And I could see that sneering, smug face I'd hated for all those years staring back at me.

Even worse was the reaction of the other guys. Suddenly they were hesitating when I gave them instructions, their heads tilting towards Marc to see what he thought. And then Marc started to tell the team what they were doing wrong and I could see them nodding, agreeing. They sensed that he was the big man, that he was the alpha and their loyalty was drifting in response. I felt threatened and vulnerable. The power balance had shifted. And it was all over some girl.
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In the days that followed things only became worse as Marc dragged Dixie round the school like a bitch on a lead. They were caught fucking in an unused classroom and given a telling off but that only increased Marc's reputation for being a complete stud.

It taught me that demonstrating physical prowess and sporting prowess wasn't enough. I needed to assert my sexual prowess as well if I was to regain my alpha male status. And I was going to regain it. I hadn't worked for years to establish myself as top dog to let that slip away without a fight.

And as a showered after practice I knew I had the beating of Marc Greco. Sure we shared some common features. His Italian heritage had blessed him with his dark, handsome looks. And his training meant there wasn't an ounce of fat on him and his muscles were all well-defined, most noticeably his washboard abs.

But I had a few inches on him – in more ways than one. I was obviously taller than him, but more importantly I had a good few inches on him in the cock department. I mean, he wasn't small. From the pictures he spread round he looked like he was a good 8 or 9 inches and thick too. But he couldn't compete with my foot long special.

Weirdly, I'd never had much time for girls up until that point. I had been so focussed, so determined, so driven to become the biggest and best that I had refused to let myself get distracted. I wanted to be the best ball player this school had ever known, to be stronger, harder and tougher than everyone else so that I would be both feared and respected and have a group of guys around me that would have my back.

Girls had never been part of the picture for me. I mean sure I'd fooled around with a few, having a quick fumble at parties or bars when I'd got drunk. But they always got too clingy and I couldn't see what purpose they served in helping me in my thirst for power and control.

Looking back now it seemed incomprehensible to me that I could have been so stupid. And in a way I should have thanked Marc. Because he was showing me the potency of sexual power, opening up new possibilities and potential. 

Things came to a head a couple of weeks later. We had just finished practice and the guys were sat round the locker room while I talked them through what we needed to improve on for our next game.

Then I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Marc was shaking his head and whispering to the guy next to him, clearly slating my team talk. My blood started to boil, I wasn't going to stand for this anymore.

"Got something to say, Marc?" I snapped abruptly.

"Yeah Troy I do actually." He had that sneering look on his face again. "I've been talking to a few of the other guys and we think it might be time for some new leadership on the team. You've done a decent job but maybe now it's time you handed over to a better player."

I was out of my seat before he had even finished the sentence. Then several things happened all at once. Marc jumped to his feet too and several guys joined him on both sides, trying to keep us apart.

Marc continued taunting me. "Let's face it Troy I'm a better ball player than you. And I'm a better man. Just ask Dixie."

We were now stood just inches apart. The locker room was hot but I felt even hotter. Anger and fury coursed through my body and it took all my self control not to start throwing punches. All that would do would be to incite a massive brawl and create a huge problem in the team. So I did everything I could to control my emotions. I looked down on him with an expression of utter contempt.

"I'm ten times the man you'll ever be Marc and if you don't like me captaining this team you know where the door is."

For a few seconds nobody said anything until Marc hissed, "This isn't over." And with that he turned and walked out, followed by a few of his pathetic acolytes.

He was right it wasn't over, but it soon would be. As I got my stuff together a few of the other guys came over and offered supporting words, but it certainly wasn't unanimous and there were plenty avoiding my gaze. I knew I had to deal with Marc once and for all and show everyone that I was the top dog.

And I knew the only way of doing that would be by ensnaring Dixie.

So I hatched a plan. I couldn't take the chance of approaching Dixie directly. If she turned me down it would be disastrous. I would be finished. A laughing stock.

No. I had to be clever about this. So instead I would go after Jess. She was Dixie's best friend and they were virtually inseparable.

Jess wasn't ugly by any means. In fact she was pretty cute. A petite brunette with a pretty face and perky pair of B-cups. She had a toned body which was tight in all the right places and while she was pale that suited her sweet all-American image.

She would have done well with guys but her problem was Dixie. She was such a sex bomb that she sucked up all the male attention. Dixie was like a sun gone supernova, wiping everything else from view. When they walked into a room at a party the guys would only have eyes for Dixie and Jess just got pushed to the side.

I figured that Jess probably got pretty pissed off about this situation. She must get jealous of all the attention Dixie got from guys, tired of constantly playing second fiddle, being ignored and slighted.

Getting into her pants would be easy. I decided to put my plan into action as soon as possible so the very next day I pulled Jess up in the corridor.

I was just on my way to practice and was wearing a tight white t-shirt with a pair of bright red shorts. I'd be jogging through the hot corridors and I was covered in a light sheen which only accentuated my rippling muscles. As I walked up to her I saw her eyes roving hungrily across my body, before her gaze was drawn inexorably to my crotch which was sporting a prominent bulge, despite my still being soft.

Jess was wearing a conservative cardigan and a pair of loose fitting jeans. She really didn't know how to work her assets and as I looked down at her petite body I knew it would be difficult to force myself to get too excited given her plainness, but I knew it was necessary for my plan to work.

There was no point in engaging in any small talk. I didn't want to get to know her emotionally. I just wanted to fuck her.

"Hey Jess, fancy going out for dinner tonight?"

I grinned at her reaction. From the look on her face she was feeling a mixture of shock, confusion and delight. It took her a few seconds to rediscover even a modicum of composure.

She giggled nervously and said, "Uh, yeah sure, that would be, like, awesome."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7. Got practice now so gotta run."

And with that I strode away. As I did so I glanced back and saw Jess at the centre of a gaggle of girls all furiously whispering together. I loved girls and their gossiping ways. It was the key to making my plan work.

That practice was the worst yet. Not because we were playing badly, in fact we were playing some of our best ever stuff, but Marc was being cockier than ever. And there was no doubt that his confidence was translating onto the field. He even started calling the plays, something that had always been my role. But I just let it slide, sure that my plan would bring this challenger to heel.

As we got into the showers Marc didn't even bother to shower. "No point cleaning this," he said pointing at his dick, "when I've got my own personal cocksucker to clean it for me."

The guys whistled and I could see they were impressed by his brash arrogance. I just smiled to myself, sure that Marc was headed for a big fall.

I arrived outside Jess' house at 7 prompt. I was driving an old Chevrolet which Scott and I had inherited from our father, just about the only useful thing he had left us and even this was falling apart.

Jess lived halfway across town in a relatively nice area. The house was small, but way bigger than mine and Scott's poky apartment.

I was about to jump out when I saw Jess skipping down the driveway. As I looked up at the house I saw the curtains twitch. Almost like her parents don't trust me I thought. Well they weren't wrong.

And when I saw Jess up close it became even clearly why they would be concerned. She had clearly made a huge effort and had obviously been taking some lessons from Dixie because she was dolled up to the nines. Her face was covered in make-up, which gave it a rather unnatural look, jarring with the paleness of her skin. She had striking turquoise mascara and bright red lipstick which made her thin lips look bigger.

Her hair had been straightened and looked incredibly sleek in the fading evening sun. She was wearing what could only be described as a red lyrca boob tube which looked like it was a size or two too small. It barely covered her small, flat tits but the clinging material had the effect of pushing them upwards, making them look bigger than I remembered.

Both her pale, white shoulders and toned, flat stomach were completely exposed, showing off her athletic, taut body. Her problem was that she was all angular and rigid without the feminine curves that made a chick really hot and sexy. But my eyes were drawn to her matching, crimson mini-skirt which billowed gently in the wind and left her pale, thin legs completely exposed.

It was little wonder that her parents were nervous. Their little girl had just walked out of their house for a date looking like a cheap slut. I found myself unconsciously licking my lips. This was going to be more fun than I'd thought. It was clear just how desperate Jess was to impress and that was exactly what I needed from her.

In all honesty the overall effect didn't work. It clearly wasn't her style. It was her trying to emulate her hotter, sexy friend instead of finding her own way. 

A few seconds later the door flung open and Jess jumped into the passenger's seat next to me. I was immediately hit by the smell of her sickly sweet perfume and had to force myself not to cough. Boy, this chick was desperate for me. Instead of offering a verbal greeting I leaned across and planted my lips forcefully on hers.

She jumped slightly in shock at this sudden connection but quickly joined in enthusiastically as our tongues swirled together. As she started to feel more comfortable I became more aggressive, my tongue ravishing the inside of her mouth. I felt another jolt of surprise but there was no attempt to draw back and I took this as an invitation to continue. I wanted to assert my dominance and control over the situation, approaching it like I approached everything else in life, and it seemed as though Jess was more than happy to play the submissive role.

I felt like I could have fucked her right there and then, right in front of her parents house, the thought of doing so sent a surge to my hardening cock, but I knew this wasn't the plan so I forced myself free of our prolonged kiss.

Jess looked disappointed and reached across to attempt a repeat performance but I said, "Don't worry babe, there'll be plenty more time for that later."

Now that I was free of our embrace I was able to look more closely at her body. And while it was not the best it was far from the worst. And from my vantage point I could see almost all of her pale, white tits. The contrast with her bright red top was pretty hot.

"So where are you taking me for dinner?"

"Oh you'll see," I replied. And I set off driving.

We didn't talk much as I drove. I couldn't be bothered with chit chat and that was clearly not what attracted Jess either. Whenever I glanced across at Jess I saw her gawping at me, sometimes even open mouthed, as though she still could not believe this was really happening to her. Like she was in a dream that she was about to wake up from.

As I drove out of town houses became less and less frequent until we arrived at a quiet and secluded country lane, surrounded on all sides by trees. I'd heard that it was a popular make out spot and it was just perfect for my plan.

As the car slowed to a halt I looked across at Jess who had a dazed, confused look on her face. "I thought you were taking me out for dinner?"

"Yeah I am doing. Here's your dinner babe." And as I spoke I moved quickly to yank down my jeans so that my massive tool flopped out, just as I'd planned when I had gone commando for the evening.

My dick was semi erect and stretched down my muscled thighs. Even in this state it must have been 9 or 10 inches long and I felt a surge of pride go through me as I saw Jess' reaction to this sudden reveal.

I wished I could have taken a photo of her shocked expression as her eyes bulged out agog and her jaw dropped at the sight in front of her.

And before she could react I reached back and quickly pulled off my tight white t-shirt, flinging it behind me onto the back seat. Jess' mouth opened wider and her eyes darted across the obscene tableau laid out before her.

Finally she seemed to regain the power of speech. "Wow." That was all that she could manage as she stared in stunned silence.

"Don't you want to taste it?" I teased playfully.

But it seemed like Jess' mind was struggling to assimilate the sensory overload. "But, but, it's so big, there's no way I'll be able to fit that monster in my small mouth."

"Oh babe, give it a go, you know you want it." And then pausing for effect. "Unless you want me to give it to another chick instead?"

The effect of this last remark was instantaneous.

"Oh no, of course not. I want it but it's just ...." she trailed off.

"Don't worry babe we'll take it nice and slow. Come on, why don't you touch it, it won't bite."

This interplay was really boring me. Why couldn't we just fast forward to the part where I fucked her brains out? But I knew it would be better to take it slow, ease her in and make sure that I did everything I could to enhance her experience. I wanted her to really enjoy this. I wanted this to be the best sex she would ever have.

Her small hand reached out and tentatively wrapped itself around my now hardening prick.

"That's it babe" I cooed encouragingly.

Her pale white hand was a stark contrast to the dark mahogany brown of my dick. The sight made my blood pump faster, helping to inflate my shaft further.

Growing in confidence Jess started to wank my cock, and it responded by swelling and hardening.

"Woah," she panted half in excitement and half in fear.

"It likes you babe" I said playfully. "Why don't you kiss it?"

Crawling across she placed her knees on the passenger seat, thrusting her ass into the air and bringing her head down to my now rock solid spur.

It was now standing upright and to attention. Jess reached forward, stretching her lip out until it connected with my purple, fat helmet. She swirled her tongue around before opening her mouth wide until the head had disappeared from view.

I groaned at her touch, more in encouragement than pleasure. She was being far too tentative, far too soft, far too plain and far too vanilla. But I let her grow accustomed to my meat without complaint.

As she continued to explore I reached across and pulled down her top. It was so flimsy that it folded in on itself until it formed a red belt around her midrift. As her small tits fell out I reached across and massaged them gently before tweaking her erect nipples.

That elicited a groan of approval and as I looked down I saw Jess really getting into the blow job. She was forcing her head further and further down my rod and sucking on it as though her life depended on it.

I could tell that she hadn't given many blow jobs, or perhaps it may have been that my size, but what she lacked in experience she made up for in eagerness.

Her red lipstick had now almost entirely disappeared and was now smeared across the top few inches of my dick making it look even more imposing while also making her face appear even more slutty. Her spit was flying everywhere in her frantic attempt to please me.

"That's great," I said, "But you can use your hands too babe."

At my prompting I felt both her hands rise up and wrap themselves around my pole. I couldn't help be turned on by the sight of this slut slurping on the end of my cock with both hands wrapped around it and still not able to take it all to the base.

Forcing myself to return my attention to Jess I pulled down her mini-skirt, exposing her wet cunt which had been neatly trimmed, a small bush visible above her leaking hole. Wasting no time I placed my thumb on her small clit and started it massaging it sensitively.

I felt a surge of excitement at my touch pulse through Jess' body, causing her mouth to push further down my shaft.

Stepping things up a notch I inserted first one and then two fingers into her tight snatch. The inside of her pussy felt warm and silky smooth. And as I started to gently fuck her with my large fingers. I could see her shiny, pink cunt opening up.

It was obvious that she wasn't very experienced sexually as her twat felt incredibly tight and I could feel it stretching as I inserted yet another finger and started to build up the pace.

Jess' face was starting to look flushed and her sweat was making her pale body gleam as she rocked herself against my fingers while continuing her blow job.

To be honest I was a little bored. Her oral skills were not improving and she was still unable to fit more than the first few inches inside her mouth.

But Jess was panting, heaving with exertion as she did her best to please me. And as my fingers moved faster and deeper inside her I could feel her pussy juices starting to leak onto my hand. Eventually she must have reached breaking point as she lifted her mouth off my dick and screamed, "Fuck me Troy. Fuck me NOW!"

"Come and clamber aboard then" I said grinning at her eager face.

Her petite, flexible body manoeuvred itself across the car, finding a way despite the cramped conditions. As she did so I used the hand which had been fingering her to guide her ass, which I could pick up easily in my huge paws.

I could barely smell her perfume now. The tight confines of the car had been suffused with a tangy, sexual odor as the smell of her ripe pussy mixed with the more musky smell of my now throbbing prick. 

After a few seconds of scrambling Jess was now straddled across my powerful thighs, my precum started to smear across her stomach. I adjusted my seat so that I was now laying back at an angle. I reached across and pulled Jess down gently by the neck until our lips met.

Her mouth had a salty taste, having just been servicing my cock, but I didn't let that affect me. I was less aggressive and more sensual than before, trying to relax Jess, preparing her for what would come next.

I could feel my now swollen prick digging into her tensed abdominal muscles. After a few seconds Jess pulled away and I looked down. The sight of my now slick, wet, dark wooden stick against her white colourless skin really pushed my buttons and I felt a real hunger to fuck the living daylights out of her tight, young body.

Instead I took it slowly and lifted her body up from her ass, as though it was as light as a feather. I heard a squeal of anticipation from Jess who was looking at my now flexed muscles as though she was a staved women looking at a feast.

As her ass reached the tip of my purple helmet and it touched the entrance to her pussy I could see Jess' heart was racing, her breathing becoming more and more erratic. She leaned forward with her dainty arms outstretched, clinging onto my shoulder blades for support.

"Are you ready babe? Don't worry, we can take it nice and slow."

Jess groaned in response and seemed incapable of speech, for what would not be the first time that evening, and just nodded her head.

As she did so I let go of her ass so that she dropped a few inches and her cunt enveloped the head of my cock, before she righted herself and stopped it penetrating any further.
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She screamed out immediately, the girth of my thick, muscled shaft forcing the walls of her twat to stretch and contort in ways she had never felt before.

I looked down and saw her sat impaled on my stiff rod, still at least 8 inches uncovered and the lips to her cunt bulging out.

Jess was now short of breath and I could feel her shuddering as she tried to come to terms with what was happening to her. I could feel her moist twat leaking over my helmet, mixing with my precum and proving more lubrication so that she started to slip further down my dick.

I was starting to grow impatient. This wasn't doing it for me, she was taking things so slowly that I was in danger of falling asleep. I wanted to thrust my battering ram balls deep into her hole, and keep pounding it until I came. But I knew this was about her pleasure, not mine.

So I waited, what seemed like an age as she started to push down on my prick, growing accustomed to its size. I could feel her vagina stretching to accommodate this alien invader. Eventually she reached about 8 inches down and stopped, her face contorted in pleasure.

Leaning forward so that I could feel her hot breath on my face she whispered in my ear, "Fuck me, big boy."

I didn't need a second invitation. I grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her gently off my shaft, just as it reached the top I thrust my hips up and started to fuck her.

As I started to pick up the pace Jess started to groan loudly, she flopped forward so that she was nuzzling my nape as I continued to methodically pound her. I was taking it slow, or at least I thought I was but it seemed like it was plenty fast enough for Jess.

I could feel her cunt being really stretched now as I pushed deeper and deeper. It was resisting me but my shaft was irresistible and she was being forced to submit to it. For the first time I started to get into it as I felt her tight twat encasing my dick, soaking it in her fanny fluids.

And then I felt her whole body shake and her screaming reached a higher pitch as a powerful orgasm raced through her body. I felt her pussy spasm on my dick, leaking like a fountain now, soaking my crotch in her juices.

The car was steaming up as we both panted at our exertions and I felt her warm body flailing against mine as I continued to pound methodically away and Jess seemingly began to lose all sense of control.

I lifted her clammy body and once again wrapped my lips around hers, while I pummelled her with regular, hard strokes. She felt like jelly in my hands, quivering and limp. My tongue invaded her mouth and for several minutes our bodies remained glued together, writhing around on the car seat as yet again I felt her body shaking and yet more liquid came pouring out of her dripping cunt.

Her tight, wet snatch was starting to have an effect on me and I felt my dick stiffen and swell until eventually I could control it no longer. I quickly lifted Jess just as my huge cannon started firing. The first spurt of cum rocketed out and hit the top of my car, the next went in an arc until it connected with Jess' sleek brown hair.

I was roaring now as I felt the release from my body as I soaked Jess in my thick, creamy man juice. She had turned into someone else now. She was a sex craved slut and I watched as she scbangd my cum off her face and chest and guzzled it down as though she hadn't eaten for days.

She clearly wanted more and I was more than happy to give it to her. Her lewd display was a huge turn on and I soon felt blood once again pumping to my expanding cock.

I reached across and opened the door. As I did so we both shivered at the cool breeze, which felt much colder given how hot and humid the car had become.

Jess got the idea and clambered out as I quickly followed. She was unsteady on her feet but her hand snaked out and wrapped itself around my dick which was now almost fully erect, sticking out from my body, swinging around ominously like a python ready to strike.

"Fuck me, stud. And I want it hard this time."

It was like she had been transformed. Gone was the plain, unexcitingly dull girl I'd asked out on a date earlier that day. In her place was a horny dick-loving slut who wanted me it hard and fast.

Well if she wanted hard, she was going to get it hard. I lifted her up from her midrift and walked round to the front of the car before twisting her round and bending her over the car bonnet.

I wasted no time in placing the tip of my shaft at the entrance to her cunt and driving it into her fast and deep. Her vaginal passage was looser now and so well lubricated that I was able to stuff almost 10 inches of wrist thick cock inside her now well-used pussy.

She screamed out in what sounded like a mixture of pleasure and pain. This time I didn't take it slow. I didn't give her time to adjust. This is what she wanted. She wanted me to dominate her. She wanted me to manhandle her. She wanted me to take her. And so I started to drill my dick inside her hard, fast and deep.

Soon I could feel her whole body shaking yet again and this time her spasming cunt seemed to go into meltdown, so much juice was leaking from it that I thought she would run completely dry. And still I did not stop fucking her.

I felt like I could keep on going for hours. Jess seemed to have lost the power of speech, all she could do now was utter hoarse, guttural moans. I was losing control now. Jess had helped to unleash my inner beast and I was going to keep up my assault until my desire was sated.

Both our bodies were now covered in sweat as we continued to fuck like wild animals. What before had been slow and sensual was now utterly primal.

At last I felt that familiar tightening in my balls and quickly pulled out, spinning Jess round in the process, before splattering her in my jizz once again. She looked a complete wreck. Her once pale white skin was now smeared in the black dirt from the car bonnet and interspersed with white blotches of semen.

As I finished blasting my latest load over her she crawled forward and took my dick into her mouth, eager to extract every last drop.

She looked hungry for more, but I had tired of this plain, cheap slut. I had done what I had set out to do. I had fucked her into a haze of slutty submission and desperation which would leave her begging for more. And more importantly running to all her girlfriends to tell them how amazing I was.

Judging by the darkness now surrounding us it looked pretty late, so I decided it was time to call it a night.

I forced Jess to her feet and pushed her stumbling into through the passenger side door where she fell in a heap onto the seat. Despite her weariness and the complete state she was in she still begged imploringly, "Fuck me again. I need you. I need you inside me."

"I think that's enough for one night, babe." I replied with a wry grin on my face.

I walked back round the car, quickly put my jeans and t-shirt back on and got in the car. As I drove Jess back home I noticed her dozing off to sleep with an expression of pure bliss on her blotchy, red, cum soaked face.

When I pulled up at her house Jess was still asleep and took a few minutes to awaken. It was now very late so the streets were deathly quiet. I wanted to drop her off and leave as quickly as I could so I nipped out of the car and was just helping her out when I heard running footsteps behind.

I quickly swivelled round and was confronted with a wheezy fat man in his fifties running down the driveway, followed closely by his scared looking wife.

He stopped just a few feet away from me as Jess swayed unsteadily and lent back onto the car for support.

As he looked at Jess his face started to swell and redden as an angry crimson tide washed over him. He momentarily paused in stunned silence before launching into a tirade, "What do you think you have been doing? You bastard. What have you done to my poor girl?"

Unable to stop myself I replied cockily, "It's pretty obvious what I've been doing to her, isn't it?"

Jess was starting to wake up to the situation and rearrange her clothing to provide at least a modicum of modesty but it was far too late for that.

And then suddenly I saw her father launch himself at me. As he leapt forward though I nimbly swayed out of the way and he hit the floor with a sickening thud.

I calmly picked up his sprawling body and pinned him against the car door.

"I'm Troy Fratelli and I will fuck who I want, when I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me. And you better get that into your thick skull soon or your pathetic ass will be lying in a hospital room while I'm here fucking your daughter AND your wife."

At that I threw him to the side and he dropped to the pavement again, falling heavily like a sack of spuds.

Turning to his wife I said calmly, "Unfortunately for you babe I don't have time to fuck you tonight but if your husband doesn't wise up soon it can be arranged. I'm sure Jess will be able to tell you just how good I am."

And with that I left the three of them in shocked silence and got back in my car to drive home.

When I got into my bed that night adrenaline was still running through my veins. Even though Jess wasn't anything to get too excited about it had felt great to see her on her knees in front of me, utterly devoted to my dick. I fell asleep hoping tomorrow would be even better.

The next day was Saturday so I got up late, feeling a sense of excitement about the day ahead. I quickly jumped into the shower, lathering up my toned body, so that all traces of my exertions the previous night was removed.

It was mid-afternoon when the ring on my bell came. Smiling to myself I pressed the intercom to let in the guest I had been expecting.

A few seconds later I heard a loud knock on the door. I decided to take my time, make her wait a bit. The knocking grew louder and more impatient until eventually I flung the door open.

The sight which greeted my eyes still stunned me, even though I was expecting it. Stood before me was the hottest, sexiest chick I had ever laid eyes on. It was Dixie.

She was leaving very little to the imagination, sporting a bright purple 2-piece bikini, which matched the colour of the tiny handbag that hung from her right shoulder and was incredibly tight fitting. The material barely covered her sizeable breasts and I could see all of her incredibly tantalising cleavage. Her body was in great shape, tight in all the right places but still retaining her feminine curves.

My eyes which had at first been glued to her incredible rack drifted down her body to see the thinnest possible thong which barely covered her pussy above her tall, slender legs.

Finally I managed to drag my head back up to her face. She was wearing plenty of makeup but whereas Jess was an amateur, Dixie was a pro. It just seemed more natural, more in keeping with the tanned, golden colour of the rest of her body. Her best feature by far were her fat, pouty lips which had been covered in a bright pink lipstick. I couldn't wait to have them wrapped round my meat.

I looked into her piercing blue eyes and almost had to step back at the intensity of the stare which she gave me. It was filled with such a powerful mixture of lust and desire.

I don't think my cock has ever got so hard so quickly. It literally went from being soft to being as solid as a steel crowbar in just a few seconds as I looked at her incredible body.

The thing with Dixie was that it wasn't one feature that made her stand out, although her boobs were pretty special, it was the whole package. It was as though she had just stepped out of a porn shoot, she just seemed like she was made for fucking. I could feel the heat emanating from her body.

I never got nervous. Ever. But even I was starting to question whether I would be able to satisfy this sex bomb.

I had decided not to bother with many clothes, after all I was hoping I wouldn't need them. So I was just wearing a pair of leopard skin boxer shorts. I could feel my prick stretching the thin material, trying to free itself from its confines and get inside this minx standing before me.

After a few seconds of stunned silence Dixie entered the apartment and shut the door behind her. Quickly she got level with me and pushed me back against the wall.

"Hello big boy, pleased to see me?" in a sweet, seductive voice which made my dick swell even further.

"Yeah" I mumbled slightly.

Dixie wasted no time in grabbing my throbbing piece of meat, massaging it slowly as it lay encased in its cotton confinement.

"Well I guess Jess wasn't lying, you really are a very big boy, aren't you?"

Her lips curled upwards as she looked into my eyes. This seemed to wake me up and I knew for this to work I needed to take charge. This wasn't some inexperienced little girl, this was a hot-as-fuck whore who wanted it hard and rough.

Reaching down I whispered in her ear, "Bigger than anything you've ever seen before."

And with that I ripped down my boxer shorts, causing my dick to bounce upwards like an uncoiled spring, hitting her hand hard.

It was her time to look shocked and stunned.

"But ...", she was stumbling now, "It's massive, it can't be real." And then she moaned, a moan laced with both fear and desire.

Without saying another word she got to her knees and wrapped her pouting lips around my spear.

I felt elated. This was the fittest, hottest girl in the school, the girlfriend of my most hated rival and here she was on her knees, submitting to me without me even having to try.

What she did next could only be described as worshipping my huge schlong. It was like she had entered a trance where all that existed was her mouth and my cock.

She drove her head down hard on my prick and I felt it hit the back of her mouth with a thud. She must have been intimidated but she didn't let that inhibit her.

I felt my dick pressing out, pushing her jaw down and out to accommodate my girth. Her wet, hot breath felt fantastic on the sensitive tip and I squirmed as her tongue danced expertly under my helmet. After just a few seconds I felt my precum oozing into her mouth as I gasped in pleasure at her expert oral skills.

A moment later I felt her soft, smooth hands reach up and start tugging my love stick, massaging it sensually, wanking it into a state of even more heightened frenzy.

Taking a breath she lifted her head up and as she did a long, white strand of precum stretched up before breaking and falling all over her chin. The sight was incredible, this super hot slut already covered in my juices. I couldn't wait to see her degraded even further.

She spat viciously several times on to my huge fuck muscle before using her hands to spread the liquid across my tool, while continuing to wank it, so that it became slick and shimmered even more imposingly before her eager mouth.

But before I could take that in she had enveloped my cock again in her mouth with yet more zeal this time. She was forcing herself further and further down my shaft, impaling herself and forcing my pecker to push down her tight, constricted throat.

When I had buried two thirds of my prick inside her she started to gag and splutter, she was clearly struggling to breathe. Having a tube the size of a coke can down your throat must do that to you I thought wickedly.

But she didn't let the obvious discomfort affect her, keeping her eyes on the prize and continuing to edge her chin towards my low hanging balls. Her hands kept busy the entire time, squeezing my churning gonads. The sensation was incredible. I had never before seen a chick be so insatiable, so voracious, so desperate to fuck my dick with her mouth and throat and hands.

Things were started to get real messy as flecks of spit flew everywhere making my cock even more slippy and easing its passage further and further down her neck. As I looked down at her I could see she was at her limits. Her breathing had become erratic, her mouth was bulging obscenely and her face had become red. But still she went on.

She had now reached her physical limits, with a good 3 inches of solid, hard cock left untouched by her impressive mouth. And it wasn't long before I was pushed beyond mine. I felt my balls tightening, I couldn't control it. My dick flared and I quickly pulled Dixie off my cock.

Immediately a spurt of white cum was fired out of my now obscenely large cannon. I had never felt so aroused in my life. And I had never cum so hard in my life. I let out a loud, primal grunt and the whole room seemed to shake as I shuddered violently. The first shot hit the ceiling a good nine feet above, the next one went flying over Dixie's shoulder and hit the opposite wall. I felt dazed, but regained my composure enough to direct my still spasming dick at Dixie's face. I watched as volley after volley rained over her, as though she was having a milk shower.

Just like Jess the night before she was desperate to taste my essence and she gobbled up as much as she could.

I watched her in a slight daze, still shocked at this sudden turn of events. It had all been so easy in the end. "No need for dinner then, babe." I said laughing as Dixie continued to consume my cum like a ravenous, feral animal.

She was scooping the thick goo off her breasts, which were now fully exposed as her bikini had fallen away in the flurry of activity. I could now see her magnificent jugs in all their glory.

Huge, ripe melons, perfectly spherical with a golden tan that exhibited no unsightly tan lines. There was no sag whatsoever, they just stood there proud and imposing, as though gravity had no effect on them. Even better she had a pair of nipples which pointed straight out in front of her and which I could see were fully erect and begging to be worshipped.

I could not wait to touch them, to feel them in my hands and mouth. But looking back up at her face she seemed disappointed now that she had scooped up most of the jizz which had covered her.

"Why the sad face, babe?"

"Oh, it's just I really hoped you would fuck me right now with that big hard dick of yours. But now that you've blown your load I guess I'll have to wait."

I laughed and started wanking my deflated prick, slowly bringing it back to life.

"Oh babe, that was just the warm up act. I've got plenty more left in the tank. And it's all yours."

"But once Marc has popped he usually can't get it up for hours."

"Well I'm not Marc, am I?" I said gloatingly.

And I saw her mouth open in shock as she saw my hand leave my now ramrod straight fuck stick, which extended past my navel and rested on my tight, muscled abs.

"Now get up those stairs, get on my bed and get ready for the fucking of your life."

Dixie jumped straight up in response to my order, her massive jugs swaying seductively as she did so. I watched as she strutted up the stairs, my eyes fixated on her incredible ass which was large, round and incredibly tight. I couldn't wait to fuck it.

And so after just a few seconds I followed her up the stairs.

The sight which greeted me when I entered my bedroom was almost enough to make me cum again on the spot.

Dixie was laying on the bed in a semi-upright position, her back placed on my pillows. She had her legs wide open and her small hand was placed just over the top of her hairless cunt. As she slowly massaged it I could see it glistening, moist and wet from her state of arousal.

She looked at that moment like a golden goddess, with her perfect large orbs undulating slightly as she rocked backwards and forwards while she continued to finger herself.

Her body position screamed submission. It screamed an invitation for me to fuck her and it was one that I wasn't going to refuse. She was laying there ready, like a turkey waiting to be plucked.

I approached her slowly, wanting to savour every moment. As I mounted the bed I looked up and saw her eyes fixed on one thing. The beast between my legs. She just couldn't take her eyes off it as it bobbed menacingly, getting nearer and nearer.
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Eventually I reached her and clambered over her before placing my mouth on her lips. My tongue darted inside, tasting the salty remnants of my earlier discharge.

Simultaneously we both moved our hands, hers lowered to my dick, snaking her hands around my pecker while mine reached out to finally touch her beautiful big tits.

They did not disappoint. They were so big that I could only just fit them in my bucket sized hands. I squeezed them forcefully. Despite their firmness they felt so soft in my hands, so pliable as I twisted them one way and then the other.

The touch made my dick twitch and squirm in her soft hands. I felt like I could play with these fun bags for days. But more importantly I knew they were mine. And Marc would never touch them again.

After a few minutes I decided that I had to taste her tits for myself, so I pulled my mouth away and bent down sticking my tongue out until it connected with her left areola. As it grazed her nipple it felt as hard as a nail, sticking out from her busom.

Then I could hold myself back no longer and I dived forward, my whole face becoming engulfed by her cleavage. The soft, silky skin caressed me as I ravaged first one breast and then the other. My movements were frantic and excited as I nibbled on her skin, eliciting a low moan.

As my oral assault continued I reached down with my hands and forcefully pushed three large fingers into Dixie's now unprotected twat. It felt unbelievably moist as I heard Dixie moan in surprise at the intrusion.

I immediately began frigging her quickly with my fingers. Her fleshy folds felt incredibly tight around my long fingers, I could not wait to see how it would make my dick feel.

I felt my head sliding into the huge valley between her golden orbs and then her soft, creamy flesh pressing in on me from all sides, as Dixie removed her hands from my cock and squeezed her boobs, smothering me.

Both our bodies were writhing in pleasure, but I couldn't hold myself back any longer. In one swift movement I moved my head back up while moving my hips down, positioning my sex column at the apex of her tight snatch.

With one hard, brutal thrust I penetrated her. We both grunted loudly as my helmet and a good 6 inches of thick, solid muscle burst inside her. The entrance was helped by the slickness of both our organs which provided the lubrication needed as I started to stretch out her cunt.

Her pussy felt amazing. It felt like a velvet glove, it was so smooth and tight. There was literally no gap whatsoever between us now and her inner folds were driving my dick crazy.

My hips began to gyrate, pushing my shaft in and out of her at a rapid pace. On each stroke I managed to force myself deeper inside of her.

Dixie was now panting heavily and her moans were increasing in both pitch and volume but as I looked into her face I could not see a trace of pain despite the fast and furious pace of my assault. All I saw was a primal look of lust and desire. And I felt below her hips starting to move, matching me stroke for stroke.

She wasn't just lying there, taking it. She was eager for me. She wanted it harder. She wanted it faster. She wanted it deeper.

I had never known this before. All the girls I'd fucked had just lain there, all their energy focussed on gasping for breath and staying conscious.

But Dixie was different. Dixie was born to fuck. And as I saw this it sent a huge wave of testosterone through me, flooding my veins and igniting a blaze inside me that I had never known before. It was like a part of me I never knew existed was awakening and taking over.

I started to act on instinct, rather than conscious thought and felt my hips thrusting faster and faster as I rammed my spear deeper and deeper inside Dixie's straining cunt. We were both groaning and heaving now, sweat ran down both our bodies, making us even slippier.

I looked down again and saw that all but a couple of inches of my meaty love muscle were now pummelling themselves into her wet, tight hole. I could see her pussy lips stretching, wrapping themselves around my eager prick.

I sensed that I was reaching parts of Dixie which had never been reached before. It became harder and harder to push forward any further as though she was stuffed as far as she could go. But we both kept trying and I could feel her passage expanding, stretching, extending as I continued to mercilessly assault her with my baseball bat sized dick as I plunged new depths.

A moment later I heard Dixie scream, but it wasn't a scream of pain, it was a scream of delirium, of ecstasy. Her mouth was ajar, gurgling and frothing. Her eyes were rolling in her sockets and her body felt like it had been electrocuted as it shook violently. The powerful orgasm was accompanied by a flood of pussy juice being released all over my tool.

This extra lubrication was all I needed and instead of stopping and letting her get her breath back I ploughed on. The orgasm seemed to relax Dixie and her cunt seemed to open up for me, like the Red Sea parting for Moses. And as I thrust violently forward I felt the tip of my dick hit something harder, like I had whacked Dixie's womb I was that far inside her. And at the same time I felt my balls slap against her soft ass. It seemed like we were built for each other.

From that moment I went into overdrive, my hips working faster than ever as I drilled her with hard, deep strokes. I felt Dixie's body convulse again as another orgasm swept her away on a tidal wave of heavenly joy. And once again her cunt spasmed and flooded with her juices, making her vaginal canal even sloppier.

As our bodies smashed into each other harder and harder I became mesmerised by Dixie's incredible jugs, which swayed like an out of control pendulum as our primal rutting continued.

As yet another orgasm gripped hold of Dixie I felt her cunt clamping down on my cock even more firmly, pushing it closer and closer to its limits until eventually I felt my balls tighten and I started firing directly inside her.

I roared and pulled out my swollen prick which continued to blast all over Dixie's body, covering her luscious breasts in white sticky man fluids.

As I looked down on her she looked utterly radiant. Despite being plastered in cum and dripping in sweat her whole body glowed with an aura of horny pleasure and desire. She was gobbling up the creamy residue like she was still famished despite the fact that it was her second helping.

The sight turned me on even more as I thought greedily about the marathon sex session which still lay ahead. I could already feel my dick starting to harden once again. I felt like I could go on for hours and hours, and in Dixie I had found a girl who could match my newly heightened libido.

Dixie leaned forward and opened her mouth, licking my now deflated tube, helping to pump it up once more. In just a few minutes it was once again the rock solid, foot long monster that she so desired.

As she pulled her face away I saw a manic glint in her eye, gleaming in triumph. She rose from the bed like a sexual goddess, dripping in fluids but without any inhibitions.

Taking charge she twisted me round and pushed me back into the bed. The next second I saw her huge breasts coming towards my face, smothering me in their her soft mounds once more.

I was panting now with excitement as Dixie took control, using her sizeable assets to drive me wild with desire. I felt my dick lying against my abs, swollen and distended beyond belief. It felt so hard that I thought it was going to explode.

Then I felt a soft, warm hand reach down and yank it upwards before Dixie's hips were raised and came crashing down as she impaled herself on my fuck stick.

As she started bouncing vigorously on my staff I felt her lift up her busom away from my face. As I looked up I saw a look of triumph on her face. A look of dominance as she towered over me, moaning as she used my dick to pleasure herself.

"This is what I do. I take horny, muscled up studs like you and turn them into my playthings. I'm going to ride this dick until I've fucked all the cum out of you."

Dixie was moaning and panting as she spoke, clearly still straining at the massive size, but she looked so radiant, sparkling with sexual energy and vibrancy. And her cunt felt divine. My cock was being pleasured and satisfied in ways I had never even thought possible. It was so tight and wet and seemed to stretch like elastic as my spur jutted in and out.

I lay there in a pool of hedonistic pleasure as Dixie towered above me. I felt a blissful happiness which was completely alien to me. Why fight? Why care about anything? Why rage against the world when I could feel this good?

But then the dark side of my mind reasserted itself, as Dixie's moaning became louder and she shook once again. I felt my prick being covered once again in her juices as she panted and flopped forwards. But still she kept riding me like a champion jockey, not even skipping a beat despite the half-dozen orgasms which had already rushed through her and would have been enough to leave most chicks comatose. But Dixie wasn't most chicks.

She was treating me like she had treated Marc and all of the many sexual partners before. But I wasn't like them. I was better than them. I would never be content to lay back and be used by somebody else.

But I knew Dixie was strong. She was more sexually experienced and undoubtedly knew how to take a pounding, as her performance so far had shown. But I knew that I could outlast her. I knew I could dominate her. I knew I could make her mine.

And so as Dixie raised her hips once more I surprised her by forcefully thrusting my hips up to meet hers. She grunted in shock and surprise and took a few gulps of breath as though trying to recover from being winded.

I met the next thrust just as strongly, and the next, and the next. My hips moving perfectly in time with hers, our bodies locked together in what had become a competition. It was a contest which would determine the power dynamics of our relationship.

After just the first few powerful thrusts I saw Dixie was struggling. She had not been taking the whole force of my impressive battering ram, leaving a few inches untouched on each stroke. Perhaps that was what she was used to, perhaps that was what Marc and all her other lovers had been packing.

But now I was forcing all 12 inches of my thick tool as deep as it would go inside her now flooded cunt. It was so wet, so slick that there was little resistance and with the force of our two bodies crashing into each other I found it easy to stuff my entire length inside on each stroke.

The whole bed was shaking from our exertions and as I looked up at Dixie I could sense the power shift taking place between us. Just a few minutes after I started to really, properly fuck her, Troy Fratelli style, her confidence and swagger had started to crumble.

She was tottering now, her head falling further and further forward as her physical strength began to sap away. Her powerful core withering under my vigorous, unceasing, unrelenting assault.

Dixie was screaming now, like a hyena on speed. Incapable of coherent thought, never mind speech. Her face was going a deeper and deeper shade of crimson as she struggled to keep up. But she had pride and she was strong. She was desperate to show she was in control.

In the end her body betrayed her. Or more specifically her cunt. As I continued to drill it harder and deeper than it had ever been drilled before it started to twitch, unable to handle the pressure any longer.

And then all of a sudden it happened, seemingly without warning or trigger. It was like a damn breaking, as a torrent of pussy juice came raining down over my prick.

This wasn't just an orgasm, it was a mind-blowing atom bomb that was ripping through Dixie's body, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

Her whole body began to judder as though she was suffering from an epileptic fit. All strength seemed to leave her as she collapsed on top of me, unable to take any more. I looked down to see her mouth lying ajar and frothing. And still the juice came pouring out of her like a flood crashing through inadequate sea defences and soaking everything in its wake.

After what seemed like an age Dixie's body stopped twitching and her cunt eventually stopped its release of girl cum. She had been knocked out cold, fucked into complete and utter submission.

I rolled her body off me onto the other side of the bed and clambered up. I stood next to the bed, my mammoth fuck tool still jutting out imposingly as I watched her now immobile body asleep on the bed.

As I stood there over her prone body I felt a surge of pride course through my veins. I had turned the hottest, sexiest, dirtiest slut imaginable, who chewed up and spat out jocks for breakfast, into a jibbering mess.

And now I was going to show her that she had met her match. Her superior. And that she was mine now. I was going to teach her that nobody could fuck her the way I could, nobody could make her feel the way that I made her feel. And she would be my plaything, fucked until she could fuck no more.

Stepping forward I climbed onto the bed and got on my knees, straddling her still comatose body. With my hand I manoeuvred my throbbing prick and jammed it into her still lolling mouth. My other hand gripped the back of her head and pulled her in, impaling her suddenly on my shaft.

Her eyes fluttered open and then widened as she felt and saw my huge manhood being forcefully thrust through her mouth and down her throat.

"That's it. Wakey, wakey. Who is in charge now? You thought I was like all the other jocks? You thought you could ride me until I broke? Stupid, bitch."

And then I went into overdrive, like a demon who cared only about getting off. I forced my pecker in and out of her gob at lightning speed, while at the same time brutally smashing her face into my crotch.

All she could do was lay there and take it. This was me putting in her place, showing her who was in charge, destroying her mind and eradicating the thought of any other man from her brain.

She was struggling to breath and I was worried that her neck was going to break, but I continued going confident that she could take it. Her dribble was now rolling down her chin as her spittle flew everywhere and she was forced to give me an incredibly frantic, messy blowjob.

I couldn't take it anymore, I withdrew from her mouth and aimed my now spasming dick at her face. The first spurt of cum hit her squarely in the eye, while the next one landed on her forehead. Before long her face, hair and upper body were drenched in my semen as I unloaded over her.

When I had finally run dry after firing a least a dozen shots onto Dixie's now defeated body I stood up and walked away heading for the shower to clean myself up and give Dixie a chance to recover from her ordeal and come to terms with her new reality. That she would be mine to do with as I pleased.

When I stepped out of the shower ten minutes later I saw Dixie propped up on the bed. She had cleaned up most of my sticky seed but a few blotches remained where she had missed a bit.

Her expression had changed. It was no longer triumphant and imposing. Instead she was looking at me with a combination of awe, respect and curiosity. It was like she was intrigued at a strange phenomenon that she had never encountered before.

I pushed my chest out in pride and approached the bed once again, ready to finally show Dixie who was boss and take full ownership of this amazing piece of ass. As I did so I tugged at my dick and smirked at the expression of shock on Dixie's humbled face.

"Let's get this straight once and for all. I own you. I own your huge tits. I own your wet mouth. I own your tight pussy. I own your beautiful ass. And that's because nobody can fuck you like I can. You live for sex and nobody can give it to you better than I can."

As I spoke my arrogant swagger grew and grew, sending blood rushing to my fast expanding shaft.

When Dixie spoke it was her voice sounded like a wild animal that had been tamed and domesticated. "You're right. I've never been fucked like that. I'm used to being the one in charge but ... but wow. I've always been the one wanting more, using a guy until he couldn't get it up anymore. But you're ... you're like superhuman. I'll do anything, anything if you promise to keep stuffing me full of that huge, hard dick of yours."

Beaming at her I said simply, "That's my girl."

I walked forward and mounted the bed. In a flash I had turned Dixie over so that she lay on her stomach, before roughly thrusting her shapely ass into the air.

I pulled back my hand and slapped her hard and suddenly without warning. The sound echoed throughout the room and she yelped in excitement. I slapped her again and again, marking my property still further.

Then I spat savagely down, my saliva hitting its target of her tight rosebud. I slowly inserted two fingers inside her butthole. It felt incredibly tight and I knew it would feel even better than her pussy had.

But I was starting to get impatient now. My prick was once again painfully hard. So instead of tenderly opening her up and getting her ready I quickly lined up my purple helmet with the entrance to her back passage.

Mounting her I reached across, forcing her head down into the mattress. Then in one swift thrust I ploughed into her. We both groaned in unison as her ass resisted the sudden invasion. It simply could not cope with my enormous girth.

But I was determined to show her that nobody could fuck her like I could and I knew that she was so horny and so needy that she could take a hammering which would destroy other chicks.

So I quickly withdrew and ploughed into her again, managing to push in further this time. I looked down and saw her fantastic ass being skewed by my towering pole and the sight only heightened my desire and need. It seemed like an impossible optical illusion.

I continued to fuck her with shallow steady strokes which got progressively deeper and deeper. It was a tremendous effort. Her ass seemed to be both determined to keep me out and then equally determined to stop me from leaving.

Her anal canal was so much dryer and tighter than her cunt had been. It felt amazing, clamped around my dick. The pressure it was under created a sensation like none I had ever experienced before. It was like wading through treacle, every tiny movement sending tremors through both of us. I was sure that nearly any other man would have cum by now. But I was determined not to and I now had the confidence and self assurance to control myself and hold myself back to prolong my enjoyment.

From the sounds Dixie was making the experience was not proving so pleasant for her. I saw her biting a pillow in agony and felt her body wiggling about like a fish caught on a hook, trying to cope with what I knew must be a red raw pain from the abuse of her ass.

As I continued to pound away, reaching further up her rectum I could feel her ass muscles stretching. Her passage began to expand and become more elongated as it sought to accommodate my massive tool.

And then suddenly the resistance seemed to have melting away and I began really drilling her. I felt so liberated, as though all shackles and chains had been thrown away. Beneath me I had a complete slut. A complete slut desperate for me to fuck her brains out. A complete slut who could take the punishment I was giving her and would love me for it. Both of us were sweating profusely and as her ass opened up I heard her screaming, not in agony but in ecstasy.

Then I heard a ringing noise. Without stopping my rhythm I looked across the room and saw the ringing was coming from her small purple handbag. I reached across and fetched it out. When I saw the caller ID I broke into my biggest smile of the day. It was Marc.
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"Here, bitch, it's your ex-boyfriend," I sneered.

She twisted round, falling onto her left side as I forced the phone into her right hand. As she turned the angle of my dick shifted and Dixie screeched in pain as her ass was pushed even further out of shape.

"Answer it," I growled, "Tell him that you're mine now."

With a pained expression she accepted the call. Immediately Marc launched into the conversation.

"Hey babe, where are you? Fancy hooking up tonight? Could really do with some ...."

He stuttered, unable to complete the sentence.

"Err ... err ... err ... babe, where are you? What's happening?"

I was laughing now.

"What's that noise? Who are you with? Dixie? Dixie?" He sounded really panicky.

Dixie tried to respond, "Hey babe, I ... I ... ah ... ah .... I'm .... I'm fine. Just a ... ooh ... little .... ugh ... busy right now."

I could see she was trying to be as quiet as possible but she wasn't being helped by the fact that I was now fucking her even faster and harder and she just couldn't cope with it.

"What do you mean busy? Who are you with? What are you doing?"

The only response from Dixie was a high pitched scream as I skewered her once more.

I decided it was time to put Marc out of his misery.

Taking the phone I said calmly, "What do you think she's doing Marc."

There was silence. He was totally lost for words and all that could be heard was Dixie moaning as I continued to pound away at her ass remorselessly.

"No. It can't be." Marc finally responded.

"I'm afraid it is Marc. I'm afraid Dixie here isn't really in a fit state to talk, what with me fucking her senseless."

"You bastard! You fucking bastard! Wait until I get my hands on you!"

I was laughing again. "And do what? You know you'd end up in hospital if you fight me and after it gets out that your supposed girlfriend begged me to fuck her because you weren't doing it for her you'll be a complete laughing stock. Especially after all your boasting."

"How could you do this to me you heartless son of a bitch?" Marc sounded like he was cracking now, unable to handle the emotional strain.

"Marc you tried to take me on. This is what happens when you try to play with the big boys. You get found out. Did you think I was going to just stand back and let you take my place? You made your bed, now you've got to lie in it."

And with that I hung up the phone and threw it to the side.

"Now where were we?"

I grinned down at Dixie, turning her round again so she was once again being pounded hard into the mattress. We were now rutting like feral beasts all consumed with lust. I could see my huge tool pistoning in and out of her butt which had now been expanded to meet my needs.

We were both heaving from the exertions and I felt the now familiar shuddering as Dixie's whole body tensed up and yet another orgasm powered through her. But I didn't let up. Not even for a second. Instead I started to thrust my hips even faster, plunging myself so deep inside her that I finally felt my balls slapping her exposed clit.

The sound of her caterwauling was now starting to give me a headache as she wriggled like an electrified eel on my shaft and tried to live with the hammering I was giving her.

I leaned forward and reached round to grab hold of her baps. Her nipples were as erect as freshly cut diamonds and I roughly tweaked them, causing her jerking and swaying to increase.

I was holding her in place now, she was completely at my mercy. And it felt so good. I felt so powerful. Like nothing and nobody could stop me. After a lifetime of pain and scrapping and fighting it felt amazing to be in control, to be dominating someone so hot and sexually powerful and taking her for my own.

I kept on thrashing away for I don't know how long. The sky outside was now dark but I didn't want this moment to end. But it had to. And finally I felt my balls tightened, my prick swell and then unload deep into Dixie's bowels. By now Dixie was incapable of speech.

I pulled out roughly and spun Dixie round as rope after rope of my manly essence shot over her, covering her from head to cunt in my spunk. She looked almost unrecognisable. The extreme fucking had made her go red as though her body had become an overheated furnace, unable to cope with the experience. The contrast of her red skin and my pearly white cum was hugely erotic.

Eventually I stopped cumming and was about to lean forward and get Dixie to clean me up when I saw that her eyes were shut. She was out for the count. I had fucked all the energy out of her. I felt proud, but I also felt cheated. I could have done it all over again. Still, I knew then that me and Dixie would be spending a lot more time together.

After I'd showered for the second time that day I went downstairs and picked up my laptop while I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I logged on eagerly and broke into a huge grin when I saw what I was looking for.

I'd set up a few cameras in the bedroom to film my antics with Dixie to humiliate Marc even more and boy had it worked a treat. The expression on Dixie's face as I was fucking her was incredible. She looked as though she had died and gone to heaven. 

I couldn't help but admire myself while I watched, heightening yet further my cocky arrogance. I looked like a bronzed sex god, so dominant, so powerful. My muscles gleamed, rippled and flexed as my hips gyrated and my prick destroyed each of her tight, wet holes in turn.

I spent the next few hours editing the video and then I put it onto a password protected website Scott had set up for me. Then I sent an email to Marc, cc'ing in the rest of the football team. It included a link to the video and i quickly typed out my message:

Hi Marc

I think this video shows pretty clearly who the better man is. Maybe you should remember that next time you think about challenging me.

You were right about one thing though. Dixie is filthy. She was damn good. Don't think she will be interested in you anymore though after what I've done to her.

At least you will have this video to wank over when you're home alone. And it's something I'm sure all the boys will enjoy too.

See you around (or not).


I quickly pressed sent, shut the laptop and headed back to my bedroom. I fell asleep feeling like the happiest man alive.

The next morning I was woken up my phone buzzing like an angry bee. I grinned as I looked at the messages from my football buddies. "Wow. That was incredible." "You da man. That hoe got nailed good!" "Bro, that was some serious shit." "Way to lay down the pipe. That slut won't be able to walk for a week."

I couldn't believe how perfectly my plan had worked. The power struggle, such as it was between Marc and me, was over and I was back on top. I knew that this would send a message to the others to, not to step out of line or I could destroy them like I had destroyed Marc.

As it happened he was so mentally wounded by the whole affair that he quit the team. I knew that he couldn't bear to even look at me anymore. But it made the team stronger. Yes we had lost a great ball player but we were tighter and more unified which was far more important.

As I sat reading the texts I saw Dixie wake up, our eyes immediately connecting with each other. I saw something new in her eyes. Longing. Need. Dependence. Submission. She was looking at me as though I was the only man on earth. It was as though I had brought out a side in her that she had never known she had. Just as she had brought out a side of me I was only dimly aware of.

Wanting to cement my power in the relationship immediately I said brusquely, "Right. Let's get a few things straight. You're mine now. You don't go near another man without my permission. Of course, I'll keep fucking who I want, when I want and you'll be grateful when I decide that's you."

I thought she might look surprised or even protest at my direct order. But instead she simply nodded her head meekly. And then she spoke in a hoarse, thin, gravelly voice.

"Of course. When I heard Jess talk about how big you were and how hard you had fucked her I knew I had to have you. But I underestimated you. I thought Jess was overplaying it, just showing off. I thought you were just another dumb jock. But wow. I've never felt like I did when you were fucking me last night. So powerless. So helpless. So at your mercy. And I loved it."

"So you're mine now then?"

"Oh yes. I would do anything to have you bend me over again and fuck my brains out. Nothing else matters. God. It's like a drug. I just need it. I feel so empty now without you inside me. And I know you'll fuck other girls. I mean I thought I was the horniest, dirtiest slut alive but even I couldn't live with you. A stud like you takes what he wants. But I'll be here, all my holes ready and willing to be battered by this huge baseball bat between your legs."

Dixie's submissive dirty talk had got me rock hard once again and she had reached out and grabbed hold of my ferocious dong. As I looked at her huge rack and toned body all conscious thought was forced out of my head and I was overcome with need.

Without saying another word my lips smashed into hers and my tongue greedily invaded her mouth, scouring it hungrily. As we kissed I lifted Dixie up in my strong arms and carried her through to the bathroom and my walk in shower.

And before I knew it I was inside her again. Both of our bodies smashing together in a torrid frenzy. Her cunt felt a little slacker and a little looser but it was still a perfect fit for my shaft. The rest of the day was a blur as we fucked each other relentlessly, both of us insatiable for each other.

That night as we both lay in bed, finally too exhausted to fuck any more, we started talking about what the future held.

Dixie was only able to croak but she spoke as though a fire had been lit anew inside her.

"It's ours for the taking. You and me together will be unstoppable. We can run that school and make everyone else dance to our tune."

That weekend changed me as a person. I'd always had a dark side within me. I had always felt the urge to control and dominant, to be aggressive and assert my authority. The traumas of my youth had imbued me with a toughness and a hardness that had warped my morality and turned my heart to ice.

But up until that weekend my horizons had only extended as far as the football team, to showing that I was better than all the other guys and that I deserved to be their leader.

But now Dixie had opened up a whole new world of possibility. A new way in which I could dominate, a new way in which I could manipulate others and obtain the power I craved.

Over the next few weeks Dixie taught me new lessons in the art of manipulation and the power of sexual need and desire to control others and get them to do what you wanted.

My soul, already damaged, was corrupted further, falling deeper into depravity and an inescapable moral abyss. But I didn't care. Not one bit. All that I knew about the world, all my experience of it, was that winners ruled and took what they wanted. And I knew that I was going to be a winner, whatever it took.

The truth was though that I loved it. I loved that feeling of pounding a girl so hard that she was barely able to speak or walk the next day. The glazed look in their eyes which signalled they would be willing to do anything to get another fix of me. In those moments I felt so powerful, the surge of adrenaline and testosterone inundating my veins and making me feel that I was invincible.

And so in the next few weeks Dixie and I consolidated our control over the school. The very next week we had an incredibly hot threesome with the principal. It seemed that Dixie and her had already been fooling around and so we had arranged for me to walk in on them both while Dixie had her tongue lapping at the principals clit.

The dumb bitch had been so consumed with lust that when she saw my towering pole looming in her face and breathed in its musty odor she had crumbled, sticking out her tongue to taste the meal placed before her.

A few hours later Dixie and I had left her in a tangled mess. Her body limp and unconscious. Thick rivers of cum trailed in streams out of her cunt, ass and mouth. She hadn't been much cop in the sack but we didn't care. This was about business, not pleasure. The sex between Dixie and I when we'd got back to my apartment seemed to be on another level. The thrill of breaking an older woman in a position of authority, had made us both incredibly horny and our copulating was even more intense than normal.

I soon realised that while I would happily fuck other chicks it would be hard to find one as compatible as Dixie. We were similar in so many ways. Both fit. Both attractive. Both dynamite in bed. Both competitive. Both strong willed. Both power craved. Both ruthless. Both without any moral code whatsoever.

My libido seemed to have increased exponentially. We were regularly banging each other as many as a dozen times a day. Within weeks we knew the others body as well as our own. Each crevice, each dimple, each inflection, every millimetre was fondled, sucked, clawed as our lust boiled over.

And Dixie had been right. We were unstoppable together. We had taken several pictures of the principal, intending to blackmail her. But that wasn't needed. It seemed when she had awoken in a pool of sexual juices she had not felt shame or remorse, but like Dixie had felt empty and bereft. She had a foot-long shaped hole in her cunt which needed to be plugged and she was willing to do anything we asked as long as I obliged her on a regular basis.

After the principal had fallen the rest of the school quickly followed like a pack of stacked cards being knocked to the floor. Between us we both controlled the social elites. After my humiliation of Marc the jocks on the football team were in awe of me. And Dixie had a similar control over all the hot, fit cheerleaders that all the guys in the school drooled over. We soon added a collection of weak teachers to our fold, unable to say no to our sexual advances and then too desperate to oppose anything we did.

Once our power was secured Dixie and I started to cash in. We started using the assets at our disposal to make money. And I mean serious money. It started off as pure, straight-forward extortion, forcing teachers and kids alike to pay up or end up in hospital. 

But it quickly moved on as we started whoring out all the fit 18 year-olds to anyone who could afford to have them – both girls and boys. Although there wasn't much money in our neighbourhood, there was enough desperate people to make it a nice little earner. The best thing was that we didn't have to threaten anyone. We found that both their share of the money they earned and the occasional special visit from me or Dixie kept them pretty sweet.

And then of course we started to push drugs. It was all pretty low key at first as the entire city already had a network of dealers. I knew that eventually I wanted to take them on but I also knew that doing so right now would be madness. And I didn't want to end up like my father.

Instead we reached out through my mate Vinny. I'd known VInny since we were both knee high. And we'd always been buddies. But we'd only got close in the last few months. Vinny wasn't on the football team. He had a wiry and slight frame and was quite short at just 5' 7".

What VInny lacked physically, he more than made up for in other ways. He was a man of few words but it seemed like he knew everyone. He had connections with all the key criminal networks and had managed to get a reputation as a trusted go between and someone who always kept his word.

As Dixie and I started to cement our control we decided we needed to build up a team of loyal supporters around us who would have our backs and get things done that we didn't have time for. Vinny was a key part of that, acting as our fixer. Making sure that people weren't taking liberties and that we were getting the share we were entitled to.

So we sent him out to negotiate with some of the dealers in the area. And he proved himself. We got a steady supply of pot, coke and even some smack in exchange for a cut of our profits. Before too long we had half the school hooked, providing a stream of easy money. It was far better having people throwing money at us desperate for a fix, than having to beat it out of them.

Yes a lot had happened since that fateful weekend I thought as I heard a bell ring and I was jolted out of my reminiscing.

I looked down to see the poor chick still trying desperately to get me off. Impatiently I grabbed hold of the back of her head and started jamming my meat stick down her throat at high speed. She was gagging now, her face turning red and spit flying everywhere. I saw out of the corner of my eye the fat old man at the front of the class staring and rubbing his clearly small dick through his trousers.

The rest of the class was staring too, frozen like statues as they watched the brutal, lewd display in front of their eyes. After a few minutes of frentic action I finally felt my balls clench and I released the poor slut from my vice like grip.

Wads of spunk fired across the classroom, some of it hitting a couple of chicks stood a dozen feet away. But I soon redirected my attention to the girl kneeling before me, washing her entire face with my man juice.

When I had finished I simply tucked myself back into my trousers and stood up. I walked out without a backward glance or a word of thanks. Heartless? Yes. Brutal? Yes. Necessary? Yes. I could only dominate and control by using fear and desire. That meant I had to keep my tough guy image in place at all times.

As I reflected on how I had reached this point in my life I realised that my weekend with Roxy would surely prove as much of a milestone as my weekend with Dixie. Now was the time to step things up. I had outgrown this shitty, godforsaken school. Now I had to expand the little empire that I had built.

That afternoon I walked into one of the small, now disused classrooms, in the basement. As I walked in I saw everyone was already seated and in position.

Over by the window was my brother Scott in quiet conversation with Vinny. It had been a masterstroke getting Scott involved with what I described as the business. He was the cleverest guy I knew and obviously one of the only people in the world I could trust absolutely. He had always been so different from me. Quiet and withdrawn, rather than brash and arrogant. But he was starting to come out of his shell now.

Greeting me with a pair of fist bumps were Jayden and Elijah, two black guys who are our top enforcers. With barely a brain cell between them they were linebackers in our football team and built like brick houses. They both had a couple of inches on me, their muscles bulged from their bodies obscenely and they must have weighed in at 250 pounds or more. They were perfect for doing our dirty work.

Most of the time they didn't need to do anything because as soon as they appeared people usually started cooperating. I'd started to use them for my own personal protection as my profile on the criminal scene grew I knew it was better to be safe than sorry. When we'd first started out they had done some really nasty damage to a few guys who wouldn't play ball. After that people knew we weren't going to be messed around by anyone.

Sat with them was Rick. He was a typical fun-loving jock motivated by cash and cunt, which we supplied in abundance. In return he helped run our operations. Everyone liked Rick, we had other people to do the dirty work, which helped when you needed someone to persuade people. I knew we couldn't be fighting everyone all the time and Rick really helped share the load.
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On the other side of the table placed in the centre of the room were the final four of our current top table. Dixie was in the middle flirting shamelessly with the three guys on either side of her and I watched them look at me nervously as though scared of what I might say.

On her right was Tony who was throwing his arms around expressively. Tony was like a second brother for Scott and I. He'd been in and out of our house every week as we were growing up. When our parents had died his mom had made sure we were ok and was always checking in on us. It was nice to feel that we still had somebody looking out for us.

Over time Tony and I had become really close but we were so different. He was the typical Italian cheeky chappie with the gift of the gab. What he lacked for in physique he made up for in wit and personality. I personally had seen him charm a number of hot chicks into his bed despite his modest physical attributes. He was a great guy to have around and was our eyes and ears. If anything was happening that we needed to know nine times out of ten Tony would find out about it first.

Finally to Dixie's left were Mike and Alex. This final pair were like chalk and cheese. Mike was probably the guy in the group who was most like me. He had the same dark, handsome Italian features, the same confident swagger and the same huge ego. But his similarity to me was a worry. I thought we could have another Marc on our hands. We had always got on well and he'd never dared to challenge me but I knew that he wouldn't hesitate for a second to sell me out if it would benefit him.

Alex couldn't have been more different. He was much more quiet and withdrawn. I'd only drawn him into the top table because he was so perceptive, he noticed things other people missed and was great at offering another perspective on situations. Physically he was nothing special, being short and pale but had been great mates with Scott for years. But I worried about his social awkwardness and whether he could hack being in a gang as the stakes got raised. I didn't know if he had the gumption to stick it out when the shit hit the fan.

As soon as I sat down at my seat at the head of the table the room went quiet waiting to hear what I had to say. Usually I'd go round the room and get an update on how things were going and whether there were any issues which needed dealing with but this week was different.

"We've all got far too comfortable." I spoke the words calmly but I felt eyes darting towards me on all sides as the casually relaxed atmosphere quickly gave way to a now tense, businesslike tone.

"Yes we run this school. Yes we're making a bit of money. Hell we're making more money than we've ever had before in our lives and it feels pretty good, doesn't it?"

I looked round the room and saw a few nods in response, looks of pride which only reinforced my view that everyone had got complacent.

"But it's not good enough!" A few of those who had been nodding flinched slightly, taken aback by my newly strident tone. "You lot might be happy being small-time, constantly bowing to the big shots, but I'm certainly not."

"We've achieved a lot in the last few months and we should be proud of that. It gives us a firm base to build on but we need to step it up now. That means every one of us needs to be on the lookout for new opportunities, ways we can expand our reach and grow our operation."

As I looked into the eyes around the table I saw a mixture of emotions, some looking excited while others were fearful.

"And I've got some good news to get us started. This weekend I seduced a cop and banged the shit out of her." This lightened the mood and a few of the guys wooped as I bragged of my exploits.

"She was scoping us out which I take as a complement; we are already on the cops radar. But something tells me we don't have to worry about them now. By the time I'd finished with her the dumb slut was begging for my dick. This was a top officer in their vice squad, not some office junior. And now she'll be our personal mole in the force."

The only person who didn't look pleased to hear the news was Dixie. Girls could get so jealous I thought. But then again I knew I could use that to my advantage. Dixie would be even more determined to please me and prove herself to be my best slut.

"Now we need to be careful. We all know that we're are nowhere near as powerful as some of the other gangs that run this city, but we will be. We just gotta play it clever and wait for our chance to strike. So we gotta be careful but we've got to show we mean business too. And remember this is a merit based system I'm running here. Those of you who step up to the plate will get rewarded, handsomely. Right, that's enough business for one day. It's important you guys all get your relaxation so I've arranged a special treat for you all, but remember tomorrow the hard work begins."

I nodded to Dixie and she got up and left the room for a moment. When she returned a few minutes later she was accompanied by a bevy of the hottest cheerleaders in the school, wearing the skimpiest outfits.

Suddenly the room was a whir of movement as the guys picked out their favoured girls and started making their moves on them. I saw a few eyeing me up hungrily but then divert their attention as Dixie gave them daggers.

Within just a few minutes the room had been completely transformed. Whereas it had been quiet, serious and sober it had now turned into a heaving mass of writhing bodies, an utterly debauched scene.

I saw Rick had pulled a couple of girls towards him and immediately dropped his shorts. The two chicks were on their knees, worshipping his now rock hard 7 incher, as he moaned in pleasure. Further round the room I saw Jayden and Elijah had picked out a fairly petite girl and quickly had her bent over. They were brutally spit roasting her with Elijah stuffing her cunt with his dick while Jayden kept her mouth full. Their dark black skin, combined with their huge size made the slut servicing them seen even smaller. But looking at her face she was loving every second of the degrading treatment.

The other guys were all taking things at their own pace and I saw that one chick was really having to cajole Alex into joining in, pushing him to overcome his inhibitions.

But this observation was brought to an abrupt end as I saw Dixie approach me. She had stripped down to just a tiny red thong and I couldn't help but stare at her impressive chest. Her big, golden tits pushed out and hung in the air as though held up by an invisible object.

As she strutted across the room her hips swayed and the movement caused her tits to bounce. It was so erotic to watch and I felt my prick stiffening in my pants.

When she finally reached where I was sitting she mounted me, crowding my face with her huge mounds of flesh, smothering me in their smooth folds.

Leaning forward she started whispering in my ear, "So you bagged yourself a cop, did you? You sexy, bitch-breaking stud?" Her voice was raspy and she was trying her best to be nonchalant but I could tell that she was jealous as hell.

Her breath felt hot on my neck and I could feel my cock starting to leak precum and ache painfully in its tight confines as Dixie gyrated on me, as though she was performing a lap dance for me.

"But you know that I'll always be your number one don't you? You know I've got the best body, the biggest tits, the tightest ass and that I make this harder than any other bitch around?" She thrust her hand down, massaging my throbbing junk through my trousers.

I couldn't take it any longer. I lifted my arms up and effortlessly picked Dixie up in my arms and rose to my feet before depositing her before me. I whipped off my trousers and my stiff prick came bounding upwards, before landing on her outstretched chin.

"Well I guess you better prove it then, hadn't you?" I said playfully, grinning down at her desperate, eager face.

The next couple of hours were a sexual whirlwind. Dixie outdid herself with the nasty, sordid lengths she was willing to go to in order to satisfy me. We dominated the whole room with as our bodies hammered into each other, like a strip of potassium thrown into water, igniting and dazzling all onlookers.

Whether it was the audience or the knowledge that she had new competition the sex was simply mindblowing. As I fell asleep that night I knew that if shagging other girls made Dixie react like this then I needed to do it a whole lot more. And as I lost consciousness I felt incredibly contented, knowing that was exactly what I was going to do.

End of Chapter 2
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As I watched the bevy of scantily clad cheerleaders enter the room my reaction could not have been more different from everyone else. Instead of whooping with joyful anticipation at the imminent orgy I felt anger rising up inside me like an uncontrollable fire blazing everything in its wake.

I rose abruptly from my seat, not in eagerness to get my hands on a busty slut, but in anger at my brother's impetuousness. I stormed out without a backward glance, brushing off an offended looking chick who had obviously been told to target me.

As I walked through the corridors my anger seemed to build even further, rather than dissipating. My brother was so fucking full of himself and so rash. You would think after everything that had happened to our family that he would show a bit of caution, but no he raced around like a bull in a china shop seemingly not caring about the consequences of his actions.

The thought of the word 'bull' momentarily diverted my mind away from the anger I was feeling. Troy certainly was a bull. A bull-stud.

Having lived with him all my life I had seen his physical development, his hours in the gym paying off, building his musculature and honing his physique, turning him into the Adonis that he had become. Of course it helped that he had shot up in height, reaching his current mountainesque proportions, standing at a towering 6 foot 5. Combined with his dark, tanned skin, rugged jaw line and spiky black hair he had all the girls swooning at him and plenty of boys too.

But as his brother I was lucky enough to have seen him up close. And all his impressive features paled into insignificance in comparison to the awe inspiring baseball-bat which swung between his legs. After the death of our parents we were forced closer together and we were completely comfortable in each other's presence. I would regularly see Troy walking around naked in all his glory.

And as he had got older it became harder and harder to miss the thick piece of pipe he was packing. I had to strain every sinew to stop myself from staring, but it was so hard. As I reached the parking lot my anger had given way to a lustfulness which seemed to have lasted for months, as I thought yet again about my brother's incredible body.

Living with him, seeing him every day was like simultaneously being in both heaven and hell. I felt blessed to be in the presence of such an incredible man. From his gorgeous face, to his chiselled abs to his humongous piece of meat it seemed like my brother was not a mere mortal, but a sexual God amongst men.

For so long I had suppressed my true feelings. Being gay in my neighbourhood was just not cool. I'd seen guys put in hospital for it and while I always knew Troy would protect me I still didn't feel comfortable about coming out. Especially when my bro was such an uber-jock. The straightest of the straight. It almost felt like I would be betraying him if I admitted that I loved dick.

I remembered that slowly dawning realisation that I was different. When my mates were jacking off to porn and raving about how hot the busty pornstars were I couldn't keep my eyes off the strong, powerful men and their thick, hard poles jutting proudly out from their crotches. I used to imagine that it was my ass they were ploughing, feeling their heat and strength dominating me into submission.

Like most guys in my position I fought against my feelings, denying them for as long as I could. But after I stumbled across some gay porn I could deny myself no longer. Watching two men throwing themselves at each other, their sweating bodies sliding against each other drove me wild with lust. Everything about it turned me on. There was nothing better than watching a muscular, tight ass being speared relentlessly. The look of ecstasy on both of their faces, one dominating and the other being dominated. Even the sound of it got me hot. Their low, guttural growling hit the spot in a way that squawking high-pitched squeals never seemed to.

But the fact that it was my brother that I lusted over seemed to make my emotions even more taboo. It was Troy who I thought of as I wanked myself to release at night. It was Troy who was able to get me harder than concrete. It was Troy that I fantasised fucking me.

Sure enough as I opened the door to the old Chevrolet my crotch felt uncomfortable as my boner stained against the tight jeans I was wearing. Jeez that boy infuriated me, just a few minutes ago I had been angry as hell at him and now I was once again consumed with lust.

For a few moments I sat in the old, stuffy car as the sun beat down on it causing the temperature to rise as high as my emotional fever. It had been in the last few months that my desire for my brother had really hit fever pitch.

Ever since he had banged Dixie a few months ago his libido had been turbocharged and he seemed to have fucked his way through the hot chicks in the school faster than a hot knife ran through butter. It was very rare these days for me to get home and not hear a chick screaming at the top of their lungs as Troy nailed her harder than she could handle.

At night I would lay down in bed while Troy banged one, two or even three sluts right next door. The sounds that emanated from the room often seemed barely human. I would just lie there, frantically jerking my own meat, consumed by jealousy and wishing it was my ass being destroyed by his lethal fuck spear.

The whole apartment reeked of cum and there seemed to be a perpetual sexual haze despite how far we tried to open the windows. It was like I could sense Troy's potent pheromones on some deeper level and they made me incredibly hungry for him.

But I still felt like I couldn't tell him how I truly felt. I valued our relationship too highly. After our parents had been ripped away from us so brutally we had formed such an incredibly strong bond. It seemed to extend further than a conventional brotherly love. We were literally the only person the other could rely on in the whole world.

We built a formidable level of trust between us as a result, because we wouldn't have survived otherwise. And weirdly it was our differences which made the relationship between us work.

We both reacted so differently to the tragic loss of our parents. Whereas he became driven physically I became driven mentally. Whereas he wanted to be the strongest, hardest, toughest guy around I wanted to reject that whole world and bury myself in books and academia. Whereas he spent hundreds of hours in the gym honing his body I spent hours in the library honing my mind. Whereas he was extrovert I was introvert and whereas he was driven to avenge our parent's deaths I just wanted a quiet life.

I guess he sort of adopted the fatherly role while I took up the motherly one in our relationship. He was the guy who would be strong enough and tough enough to protect us from external threats. He was the guy who would wheel and deal, bully and extort so that we always had enough money to keep our heads above water.

While I was always the one offering words of caution. I was the one providing loyal, submissive support. I was his emotional crux when he had returned home and could no longer keep up his aggressive, fearless front. I was the one who made sure all the boring jobs were done, that the place was kept reasonable and dinner was on the table.

It had always been like this, even when our parents had been around. Troy had always been stronger physically. When we had scrapped as youngsters it was always me that had been forced to yield. So that while I was the older brother most outsiders would not think so.

And so our relationship was far from perfect. We had so many bust-ups and arguments. But despite the tension between us we were glued together by a bond of trust and loyalty that was the most powerful force in the world.

And so this newfound sexual desire for Troy seemed to me to be incredibly dangerous. What if it ruined our relationship? I could not, I would not, let that happen.

But I had to find some form of coping mechanism. So I had surreptitiously fitted some cameras in Troy's room. That meant as he went about rearranging a chicks internal organs I could watch and get myself off. I also purchased the biggest, fattest black dildo I could find online and I would stand furiously wanking my prick while fucking myself.

But rather than satiating my lust it only seemed to intensify it. I was becoming more and more obsessed with his huge shaft, the way that it was so hard and strong and thick. I used to love watching his big, muscled ass thrusting away, pounding his latest squeeze into paroxysms of delight. The way his ass clenched and rippled with such immense power and control had me spewing gallons and gallons of cum.

The feelings were so confusing. How could something that felt so right be wrong?

But knowing it was I had buried myself even more into my academic work. As I saw Troy being dragged inexorably into the crime business I vowed to do everything I could to help him. I knew that he was a natural born leader and it was my duty to serve him in any way I could.

I was scared though and my fear drove me to urge Troy to be more cautious, more careful. Sometimes he took my advice but most of the time he didn't. Most of the time he was driven purely by instinct. And it was difficult to criticise those instincts. I was yet to meet a guy who wasn't intimidated by him or a chick who wasn't so wet for him that they would do anything he asked. But I worried that it was all going to his head.

I advised him not to tell the others about Roxy. Why let more people know? All it did was increase the risk that word would get back to the force, ruining our asset before we could use her. But he couldn't resist the impulse to act the big man, to impress the other guys and show them yet again how fearsome he was.

I could see why he had done it but it just felt like his judgement was being clouded by his ego. And then he had brought in those sluts and would no doubt spend the rest of the evening satisfying his carnal desires.

I didn't begrudge him having a good time but he seemed to only care about having a good time. And I worried that would make him sloppy, careless.

So as I sat stewing in the warm car I felt incredibly confused, my emotions a completely tangled mess. And I didn't know how to solve this problem. This was alien territory for me. I hadn't met a math problem that I wasn't able to solve. I loved nothing better to take on a challenge, break it down and solve it.

And so I didn't really know how to cope with this emotional angst. Driving home my mind was racing as my conflicting emotions battled for supremacy. One moment I was like a love-sick puppy convinced that Troy could do no wrong, the next I was cursing him with incredible ferocity convinced that he would ruin us both.

When I arrived home I sat myself at my laptop and tried to work on some software I had been developing but I could not focus or concentrate. I found myself going round in circles, as the coding swam before my eyes and my mind burned with confusion and trauma.

No matter how hard I tried I kept seeing images of Troy floating across my consciousness. His rugged face. His washboard abs. His foot-long porker. I was out of control as I once again felt my shaft hardening as I fantasised about my brother.

Finally something broke inside me. I banged down the laptop and jumped up, hurrying out of the flat and slamming the door behind me. I rushed out towards my car, got in and put my foot to the floor.

A few minutes, and several close shaves later, I arrived at my destination. It was a place that I had read about dozens of times online but never had the courage to visit. It had a sordid reputation as a bar where gay guys went with only one thing in mind - getting laid.

I had raced across town in an almighty hurry, mainly because I knew that if I stopped and thought about what I was doing I would have chickened out and gone home. This was way, way out of my comfort zone.

I mean sure I'd messed around a bit with a few guys but only nerds who had the sense to keep quiet about it and were shit scared of my brother. But stepping inside this joint would be a huge step into the unknown.

What if some muscled up jock stud picked me up, carried me home, bent me over and pounded me into submission so that I became a drooling, helpless cock slut. I'd seen how Troy looked at his conquests once he'd finished with them and they were on their knees begging him to fuck them again. It was a look of utter disdain. How would he feel if he saw me in that position, begging another guy to use and degrade my body?

And then I realised that I had to do this. I needed to have the courage to take this step and see what happened or I would be forever unhappy and dissatisfied. I needed to take a leaf out of Troy's book and act on instinct.

So I slowly opened the door and hammered it shut with more force than I had intended. I looked down at my hand, which was shaking uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath I steeled myself and started walking towards the bar. It was dusk now and the light had begun to fade. As I approached I could hear the music and raucous noise emanating from the bar. A few of the patrons had spilt out onto the street and as I got near the door I saw two guys making out vigorously in the adjacent doorway, groping each other unable to keep their hands off each other.

Snapping my attention away I reached for the door and opened it, stepping over the threshold and into the unknown. I was immediately assaulted by a barrage of sound, the cheesy europop blaring out across the bar.

It was incredibly full even so early in the evening and was packed to the brim with an amazing variety of guys. Tall, short, fat, thin, blonde, brunette, white, black and latino. The makeshift dance floor was rocking with numerous gyrating bodies thrusting themselves together in a smorgasbord of hot man-on-man action.

The bar was incredibly hot and humid with too many bodies packed into too small a space. As a result the majority of the guys had discarded a lot of their clothing, with torsos being bared left, right and centre.

But the other thing that hit me was the smell. It was hard to describe but very powerful as the stale sweat mixed with a variety of cheap colognes to create an earthy musk which was incredibly manly but also faintly nauseating.

As I made a quick scan of the room I was generally disappointed. Sure there was the odd guy who looked ok but so many of the patrons seemed to be middle aged, overweight or just plain unattractive. Still I suppose it was unrealistic to immediately find someone I could pick up, take home and fuck, even though this was my overwhelming impulse.

I tried to gain my bearings and acclimatise. I felt so uncomfortable surrounded by all these exhibitionists. They were clearly very comfortable with their sexuality and being 'out' in public. But I wasn't and felt really self conscious.

My body temperature was rising and a few beads of sweat appeared on my temple as my discomfort grew. I decided I needed a drink and fast, so I started to edge my way to the bar. It was difficult to navigate a way through the mass of bodies and as guys knocked into me my pangs of unease only grew further.

What was I doing here? This wasn't me. This wasn't my scene. I was too socially awkward, too introverted, too controlled. But I knew this was an itch that I needed to scratch so I steeled myself to persevere. 

Eventually I pushed my way through to the bar and was lucky enough to nab one of the recently vacated stools. Propping myself up on the bar I focussed my attention onto the bar staff.

And I had to make an effort to stop my jaw hitting the floor. There were 4 of them and they were all smoking hot. It was like they had all been picked for their aesthetic qualities alone. Perhaps that explained why the bar was so popular.

There were all very different. But they all had certain things in common. They were all completely naked except for the tightest pair of lurid green speedos I had ever seen in my life. They all had rippling muscles and shredded, 6-pack abs. And they all had a sizeable bulge in those tight fitting pouches.

The one nearest to me was tall, dark and very handsome. I mean he rivalled Troy in the looks department even if I doubted he would do so in the trouser department. He had perfectly groomed stubble which just made him look so hot in a mean and brooding sort of way. He had tufts of hair all across his body, giving him a swarthy, manly look.

Next to him was a shorter guy with dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He had a broad smile and an easy going manner, rocking the surfer dude vibe as I saw him chatting up the customers. His body seemed to be as hairless as that of a baby and he had clearly doused himself with oil at the start of his shift so that his tanned pecs gleamed in the dull light of the bar.

A bit further along was an absolute beast of a man. He looked more like a bouncer than a bar tender. He was an absolute giant, standing at least 6 and a half feet tall, and was tremendously stacked. His muscles bulged from his body obscenely and I could only imagine what damage he would do in the bedroom.

On the other side of the bar was a rugged looking black guy with a shaved head and charcoal brown eyes. He looked very imposing and I could see him grunting towards a patron he was serving who looked like he was about to spaff in his pants.

By the time I'd got my breath back the nearest barman had reached me.

"What do you want to drink fellow."

"Erm ... errm ..." I stumbled, completely losing my composure.

He smiled widely, showing off his prefect white teeth.

"First time here, hey?"

"Is it that obvious?" I said somewhat dispirited at being caught out. I felt my face beginning to flush in embarrassment.

"Well it's a lot to take in the first time. You're not the first and you're not the last to feel nervous and shy around this ... well this hedonism."

His kind words calmed my nerves somewhat and I smiled weakly back.

"Anyway, what do you want to drink?" He asked again. "You clearly need a few to relax yourself."

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks, thanks."

When the barman returned I quickly downed my drink and ordered another. And another. And another.

Before long I was pretty buzzed and starting to relax a little. My eyes surveyed the room and I began to feel more at ease in this seedy, debauched environment. It was unbelievable to be somewhere where you could be completely open about your sexuality. Not having to worry what my brother would think or anyone else.

A surge of liberation flooded through my veins, but it was an alien feeling. My life had been all about duty and obligation for so long. With our parents gone and Troy being so head strong it had always fallen to me to be responsible, always fallen to me to exert self-control and subjugate my own desires, always down to me to make sure all the little things in life were sorted out.

As I sat there in this strange new world I felt a defiance rising up within me. It was about time I let go and enjoyed myself. So I set about finding a guy to fuck. Seeing those hot bartenders and being surrounded by such rampant testosterone had gotten me horny as hell.

I could feel my hard prick straining against my underwear. I knew my dick wasn't in Troy's league, I doubted anyone's was, but it wasn't anything to be ashamed about. It was a good 8 inches and thick too. And right about now it wanted nothing more than to pound a tight, wet hole until it got the release it had now been waiting hours for.
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The problem was there was a serious lack of talent on offer. And the few young muscle studs that were available were surrounded by swarms of eager suitors, desperate to get a piece of the action. I myself had already knocked back a few approaches and was starting to think the whole thing was a lost cause when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

A little way along the bar were two guys, one looming over the other. I saw the hand of the bigger guy reach out, groping the smaller one violently. The look on the victim's face was a combination of horror, panic and terror. Instinctively, without thinking about the possible consequences I jumped up from my seat and rushed across.

"Oi get off him," I bellowed as I reached across to pull the shoulder of the bigger guy. He spun round immediately and suddenly I began to doubt my actions.

The guy had what could only be described as a mashed up face. His nose was flattened and crooked while he had a black eye. He frankly looked terrifying and I felt like he could easily put me into a coma. But if there was one thing my brother had always taught me was to stand up for yourself and not show any weakness. This was proving very difficult at the moment but I was determined to do my best.

"That wasn't a very smart move, was it?" the brute snarled at me.

The next moment he had lunged forward, trying to land a punch on me. I nimbly sidestepped him and aimed my knee firmly into his groin. He keeled over in pain and screeched at the top of his lungs. When he had regained his balance his face looked positively demented with fury and started walking back towards me.

I was in real trouble now, I doubted my move was going to work a second time. But then to my relief I saw the same tall, dark barman appear out of the corner of my eye.

"Mason! You better calm down right now or you'll be getting another ban."

The man whose name was obviously Mason stopped and looked across. The anguish on his face was palpable and he stood there for a few moments as though attempting to solve a complex problem and failing miserably. Finally he shook his head and wagged his finger at me.

"You better watch out, pretty boy won't always be here to save you." And he stomped off in the opposite direction, undoubtedly seeking out his next victim.

"Sorry about that," the barman muttered apologetically, "Mason finds it difficult to take no for an answer. But his bark is worse than his bite. Let me get you both another drink on the house."

"You know what I'll have - another scotch on the rocks." I said quickly.

I turned to look at the other guy to see what he would order and for the second time that evening I had to fight to stop my jaw dropping to the floor.

Stood next to me was the cutest, most handsome guy I had ever seen in my life. He had high cheekbones and his face tapered perfectly down to his rounded chin. His features were petite but his eyes were a piercing blue and as he cracked a smile he showed off his perfect white teeth and adorable dimples. The picture was completed by his tousled, mousey brown hair which was immaculately styled, brushed forward across his forehead.

"I'll just have a rum and coke", he told the bartender.

His voice was soft and clipped, his accent was rarefied as though he was from a different social milieu entirely and this only increased my curiosity and desire. He was a few inches shorter than me and had a slim build. I had never seen a prettier guy in all my life. He looked like a model and wouldn't have looked out of place in a catalogue or even in a film. 

I had never believed in love at first sight, but in this moment I felt like anything could be possible, as I tried to process emotional feelings which I had never encountered before. I could understand now why Mason had been attracted and in my mind could imagine myself in his position. It probably helped that he looked so dapper. He was wearing a pair of navy blue chinos and a crisp white shirt which pulled off looking both casual and at ease but also smart and sophisticated.

"Thanks so much for that. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here to rescue me."

His voice broke me out of my daydream and I watched in stunned silence. My mind seemed to have frozen and I was unable to respond. The thought of engaging in conversation seemed to be beyond me.

"I'm Nate by the way," he said offering his hand.

I quickly shook it. His hand was smaller than mine and it felt so soft and smooth in my hands. I lingered perhaps a second too long, electrified by the touch.

"Scott," I replied, "And it was no problem at all."

By now the bartenders had returned with our drinks which we both took and clinked together.

"Typical for something like that to happen on my first visit here, it's taken me weeks to pluck up the courage." He had a rueful smile on his gorgeous lips now.

"Really? It's my first time here too! It's all a bit overwhelming isn't it?"

"No way, man. Totally."

And suddenly the ice was broken and we started chatting. It was pretty difficult to hear each other over the cacophony of noise around us, which of course meant we needed to lean in closer and closer. I wasn't too concerned about this. In fact I was positively loving it. 

As we reached across each other to whisper into each other's ears our bodies unavoidably touched. My hand on his back. His thigh on my thigh. My chin on his shoulder. I felt his hot breath on my collar and could smell him. He was wearing a sweet cologne but I could also smell his sweat and loved it as though it contained pheromones pulling me closer to him.

I had no idea what we were talking about but we were both laughing and we were both moving closer and closer together. After a few more drinks we were practically sat in each other's laps and it felt as though the rest of the bar had melted away and we were the only people left.

As I looked into his deep, blue eyes it felt like I might fall into them. They were so big, so bright, so enticing. My dick was now desperate, like a dog yanking at its leash. It was taking all my self control to stop myself from mauling him right there and then.

The talking had stopped and we were now just gazing at each other, seemingly both swept away in the moment. But both frightened and fearful, unwilling to make the first move.

Our faces were moving closer and closer at an imperceptible pace. I could feel his ragged breath on my cheek as our mouths hung seemingly interminably in the air, neither of us daring to give in to our desires.

And then suddenly it happened. Our lips connected and I felt a thrill surge through my body. Whether it was the drink or the feelings of wanton lust my rational mind, perhaps for the first time I could remember, took a back seat and I was acting on pure desire.

Both our mouths were now locked together and our tongues were exploring each other with giddy excitement. His mouth tasted minty fresh and I was determined to taste every part of it. Our tongues were dancing, entwined in a chaotic dance. It was fumbling but I didn't care. I had never felt so physically attracted to anyone else in my life.

Without realising it my hand had reached up to cup his neck and pull us closer together. I felt his hands roaming over my body and then down towards my crotch.

As his hand reached the outline of the bulge in my trousers we both let out a gasp and our mouths fell away from their passionate embrace. Our eyes locked together and I saw the glint of lust in his eyes. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Nate leaned forward and whispered, "Let's get out of here," in my ear. He led the way, through the mass of people still partying away. But I didn't see them. My eyes were fixed on Nate's tight butt, which was shown off by his tight fitting trousers. Daringly, I grabbed hold of his ass and gave it a firm squeeze as we edged our way to the door, laying claim to what was now mine.

When we reached the door Nate whipped out his cell and I heard him calling a cab. Then he turned towards me and we leaned into each other once more. Just before we embraced fully he whispered again in my ear, "I think tonight is a night neither of us will forget in a hurry. I can't wait for you to bury that huge dick inside me."

My cock reacted to his words by tightening even further and it took every effort to stop me from blowing there and then. Something about his sweet, innocent voice talking dirty turned me on so much. It was quite chilly now and as we clung together we both seemed to burn like fire as our bodies once more became enmeshed in a whirl of flailing arms while our lips connected in a sensual kiss.

A few moments later I heard a car horn tooting and we once again had to break apart, stumbing towards the taxi. But still we were connected, as we walked together, holding hands. Nate told the driver where we were going and we jumped in the back.

I had no idea where I our destination was and cared not a jot. As soon as we collapsed into the back seat I was on top of Nate. I went to kiss his neck, licking and sucking as I saw the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

My hands grappled with the buttons with his shirt and before long it had been prised open completely so that his torso was completely exposed. It was like the rest of him, extraordinarily gorgeous.

His chest was shaven and the skin looked as smooth as silk. His pecs and abs were more defined than I expected given his slim build but were perfectly in proportion to the rest of his frame. The only bit of hair on him was a little treasure trail leading south to his crotch. I saw him tensing his abs for effect, showing them off as he grinned up at me with a perfect smile.

From another guy it would have come off as cocky but from Nate it was so playful and fun loving. I dove my head down, licking his abs and exploring every crevice with my tongue. Slowly I worked my way up his body so that eventually our lips locked together again in a passionate embrace. His hands were fiddling with my trousers now, trying to unleash the rock hard tube from its prison.

I had lost all track of time but before I knew it the cab had come to a halt and the driver was shouting forty bucks. I thought it was pretty steep but I saw Nate dive for his wallet and hand the cash over before pushing me out of the car door.

When I emerged, panting from exhilaration I felt my jaw drop for the third time that night. The house we had pulled up at, well, it wasn't a house. It was a mansion. I'd never seen a house this big, but before I could process what this meant Nate was once again tugging at my hand, dragging me up to the front door.

I gazed at him for a moment before moving and he turned round to face me.

"Come on big boy, let's get inside so you can give me the fucking that I've been waiting for all night."

Watching him say these words again nearly pushed me over the edge. He looked so delectable in the soft street light. His shirt was now hanging open, gleaming with his sweat and his hair now messy and unkempt but looking even hotter as a result.

Without another seconds delay I moved forward, pushing Nate ahead. He ran towards the house and quickly unlocked the door. We fell forward together into the hallway and I grappled with his shirt so that it dropped to the floor. At the same time he lifted up my t-shirt and deposited on the ground. Slowly we backed down the hallway, Nate leading the way.

Once again I reached down and locked my mouth onto his. This time there was nothing slow or sensual about our kiss. It was frantic and desperate, as we both ravished each other's bodies, totally overcome with lust and horny need.

Before I knew it we were going up some stairs and through another door. Nate reached out and flicked on a light, illuminating a large room with a huge bed in the centre. But I gave it only a cursory thought as I my tongue continued to reach down Nate's throat.

Nate's hands were reaching down and grappling with my belt, working frantically to unlock it. After a few seconds he succeeded and my zipper was pulled down and my pants fell to the floor with a thud. Stepping out of them I reached around to grab hold of Nate and forcefully pushed him over.

We landed on the bed, bouncing a couple of times until we came to rest. For a moment we both lay there looking into each other's eyes. In that moment I felt at peace with myself in a way that I had never experienced. I was living in the moment. All my worries, all my fears, all my concerns melting away as I gazed down at Nate's beautiful face.

And then the moment was broken as I pushed my head down to meet that incredible face and our mouths were once again locked together in a furiously ardent clinch. My hands snaked out and grabbed hold of his neck and pulled him in closer, forcing our tongues to press as far down each other's throats as was physically possible. Nate's hands were now kneading my pulsing prick through my now soaking briefs as my precum leaked out.

Our bodies were both now slick with sweat as our excitement and anticipation levels reached new heights. I didn't want my mouth to leave Nate's such was the enjoyment I was getting exploring every millimetre of his mouth as our saliva intermingled while some escaped, dripping down towards our chins.

But I was too eager, too hungry for more and so eventually I tore myself away and instantly buried my head in Nate's chest. I started licking and sucking my way across his chest, soaking up his tangy perspiration. His skin felt so soft and I wanted to do nothing else but worship his lean frame.

When I reached his right nipple I swirled it in my mouth and felt Nate shudder in pleasure.

"Urgh, yes, urgh, that feels so fucking good."

Spurred on by this encouragement I refocused my attention on his other nipple and this time I nibbled lightly on it, pressing my teeth against his hot body, marking him as mine. It seemed as though Nate could not speak this time as his groans of delight reached a higher pitch.

Letting go of his hard nipple I continued to work my way down his chest, burying my lips into the undulating crevices of his defined abs. I was loving everything about this boy. The touch of his skin, his light sweet scent, his lithe form, it was all combining to intoxicate me with a lust which I had never felt before in my life.

As I moved further south I hit a small trail of light brown hair, knowing that it led to the treasure I was seeking and losing all patience I moved my tongue swiftly down until it reached the cold metal buckle of his belt. I quickly reached up with my hands to unclasp it and swiftly pulled down his pants. As Nate wriggled out of them his cock sprung free from his confines and I realised Nate had gone commando tonight. Suddenly he didn't seem quite as innocent as his appearance had suggested.

His dick was stood to attention, erect and proud. I admired his pecker for a moment. It looked to be a bit smaller than average to me but like the rest of him resembled a work of art. It gently curved upwards and had a dark brown hue, turning pinker on the approach to his circumcised tip. He had neatly trimmed pubes which matched the light brown of the hair on his head.

Without another thought I drove my head down onto his member, forcing as much of it into my mouth as possible. His relatively small size meant that before I knew what was happening my nose was buried in his thin bush.

"Urgh, oh yes, that feels so go ... oo ... oo ... d," Nate gurgled from above me and I felt him collapse backwards on the bed, pushing his hips further into my face.

I held his prick there for a moment, it was like it had been designed for my gob. Inhaling deeply through my nose I took in the manly smell which permeated his crotch. The smell was making me go even more wild with desire and I lost what little control was still remaining. The salty taste of his precum was being smeared across my mouth and I was desperate to extract more of his manly essence.

My tongue lapped at the underside of his dick, sending shudders of pleasure through him. Then suddenly I lifted my head up, sliding my tongue up his shaft until it reached the tip. Then I plunged back down again.

I didn't have much experience of giving blow jobs so I didn't really know what I was doing. But in this moment of passion I was doing everything I could to stimulate Nate, to push him beyond the edge and give him the pleasure I could see that he craved.

Then I went into overdrive, bouncing my head on his dick with such force and ferocity that everything became a blur. I could hear Nate squealing now, his pitch rising as I pushed his buttons. Soon his whole body was quivering beneath me, but I was relentlessly determined to extract his nectar.

It wasn't long before I felt his shaft twitch and tighten. Nate let out a scream and I felt my throat being flooded with his hot, thick cum. I did my best to swallow the salty release but started to gag as it overwhelmed me and his prick fell from my mouth as the last dribbles of his orgasm landed on my chin.

I grinned up at Nate as I gobbled down the last remnants of his creamy goo and saw his face hot and red from the exertion, still panting and covered in copious amounts of sweat. The glossy sheen only made him seem even sexier and I knew that I could not wait any longer. I needed his ass.

"Got any lube?" I asked eagerly.

"Thought you'd never ask," Nate replied cheekily, pointing to a cabinet beside his bed.

I scrambled to my feet and within a few seconds had reached it after taking just a few short strides. When I turned round to face the bed I saw Nate crawling towards me. His eyes were alight, as though something had awakened inside him and given him a newfound confidence.

I followed his eyes and saw that they were locked on my white briefs which were now practically transparent, soaked in my precum. He reached forward with my hands and I trembled slightly as he connected with the sodden fabric. I had never felt so sensitive, so attuned to each and every touch or sensation. I would need all my powers of control to hold onto my load for as long as possible. I wanted to savour this moment and prolong the pleasure as long as possible.

Nate continued to move towards me until he was able to reach forward and pull down my drenched briefs. My prick sprang out and bounced forward, landing on top of Nate's left eye. He looked excited and frightened all at once, he jumped back as though in fear and stared at my prick like it was the only thing in the entire world. The fire in his eyes was now burning like a furnace as they flexed within their sockets.

Finally he spoke. "Wow. You're huge!" And then he leaned forward, stretching out to lick my red helmet. When his tougue connected with the tip of my shaft it was like an electric current ran through me as my heightened sense of arousal made my prick feel super sensitive.

I also felt a surge of confidence flow through me at Nate's words. I'd never been that proud of my dick or thought of it as big, never mind huge. When you saw Troy and his mammoth sized pole everyday that was pretty much impossible.

But as I stood there looming over Nate's body I swelled with pride as I realised he was right. I obviously shared some genes with my brother as my tool jutted out from my body and stood at a length that must have been at least 8 inches of thick, hard muscle.

As these thoughts flitted through my head Nate had moved further forward and was now wrapping his head around my engorged prick. As he struggled I stepped back, withdrawing the tool from his mouth. He looked up at me with disappointment and confusion, like a child who had just had his favourite toy confiscated.

"I don't want that hole. Turn round" I growled menacingly.

Nate complied instantaneously and I was soon confronted with his rear end pushed up towards me, presenting his compact, tight butt. It was so perfect, round and tight. It wasn't big but it was really toned and was large enough that his rosebud was obscured in the valley between his two ass cheeks.
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I roughly grabbed his ass with both hands and pushed them apart so that I could get a better look at his hole. It was so tight, I couldn't imagine how it could accommodate me, but I knew that it would and I couldn't wait to see what it felt like.

As I looked down I couldn't help but marvel at his butt, kneading his cheeks in my hand. Like the rest of his body it seemed as though it had been created by an artist, sculpted and refined to perfection after years of toil.

It seemed like Nate was as desperate to be fucked as I was to fuck him. He screamed out, "Fuck me stud, I need you. I need you inside me."

I hurriedly opened the top of the tube containing the lube before squirting it onto my now painfully hard dick. I shivered slightly as the cold liquid hit my overheating prick. It only took at couple of tugs to spread it across the surface, preparing my cock to slip into the ass laid out before it.

I squirted the lube again, this time over Nate's exposed man hole. As it hit I saw his ass cheeks jiggle and I could sense the anticipation radiating from him. Reaching down I pushed my middle finger into his ass crack in an attempt to open him up and push the lube inside his anal canal.

Nate grunted at the intrusion and I felt extreme resistance as his ass fought against my touch. His rectum felt incredibly hot and tight but I pressed on until my finger slipped deeper and deeper inside him. Now I could wait no longer. I knew that without a slower build up and more preparation it would be more painful for Nate but I could not bear to hold myself back a second longer.

Roughly I manoeuvred his light frame around the bed so that he was facing the pillows and clambered over him. Planting my left knee on one side of him I placed my right foot on the other and pointed my throbbing shaft towards his expectant ass.

I thrust my hips forward and down, forcing my helmet into his unwilling ass. We both groaned as I entered him. I looked down and saw the first inch of my dick had disappeared inside Nate. I could feel his ass being stretched to accommodate my sizeable girth.

"Urgh ... urgh ... fuck me. Fuck me HARD," Nate grunted imploringly.

And it was like a switch being flicked inside me. Like a computer programme being activated. I was suddenly hit by a more powerful hunger than I had ever felt before in my life. I was going to take this ass. It was mine. And I was going to fuck it harder than it had ever been fucked before.

With a roar I shoved my fat shaft forward and down. Assisted by the lubrication it slipped about halfway in as both Nate and I screamed out in unison. For a second it felt like my prick was stuck, so tight was the grip of his ass.

With a mighty effort I pulled back and it seemed like I was dragging Nate's ass with me, then just as I was about to exit him I thrust forward, burying myself even deeper into his man-cunt.

Nate wasn't screaming now, he was howling in pain. I looked up and saw his face being reflected in a mirror positioned behind the bed. It was red and contorted in agony. His ass must have felt like it was on fire. But I didn't care anymore. I needed to bust and I was going to use and abuse this ass until I did.

Slowly at first, but quickly picking up the pace I began to plunge my spear in and out of his elongating ass. I was starting to struggle now. The pressure of his ass muscles squeezing my cock was giving me indescribable pleasure. It was constant, as though my shaft was being suffocated, denied any respite.

As I ploughed in and out of Nate I lost the power of conscious thought as I let my primal instincts take over. My groaning had increased in pitch as I hammered his ass harder and deeper. Glancing up at the mirror I saw that his eyes had gone glassy and it seemed the pain had started to be overtaken as his ass started to become used to my invading pole.

But still I yearned for a closer connection with Nate. I wanted to share this moment with him completely. So I made the snap decision to withdraw my dick, emerging from his ass with a pop. Moving at lightning speed I flipped him over and dragged him down the bed before climbing down onto the floor.

My dick was throbbing now with such intensity that I thought I could pop at any moment. Hurriedly I lifted him in my arms. His left leg stretched upwards past my shoulder, while his right leg wrapped around my body with the flexibility of a gymnast.

With one hand I lowered his body, while the other grabbed hold of my pipe and directed it to his ass. Then suddenly I thrust forward and entered him again. In this position our faces were just inches apart as our bodies slid past each other, both sweating profusely from our exertions.

Our eyes became fixed on each other as I resumed my fast, deep thrusts into his now slick anal channel. Nate looked as though he had fallen into a blissful stupor, but I saw in his eyes a hunger for more.

That was confirmed as I felt him starting to thrust his pelvis, meeting my strokes as I powered into him, forcing me further and further inside, using gravity to help me force myself deeper, until eventually I could hear my balls slapping his ass and I knew that I had bottomed and was pummelling him with the entire length of my spur.

Nate was now gurgling with pleasure and panting heavily as I leaned forward and pushed my lips out and as he realised what was happening we were once again locked together at the mouth, just as my prick was buried in his butt.

I have no idea how long that moment lasted but it seemed like hours. I had never felt so physically connected to someone or given myself so completely to someone. The assault on my senses made the bedroom, the entire world, disappear as our bodies became so thoroughly entwined that it was no longer clear where I ended and Nate began.

As much as I tried to hold on, to stay in that moment forever, all too quickly I felt my balls tighten and next thing I knew my dick was firing hot, sticky cum deep into Nate's bowels. Just a fraction of a second later I felt Nate's prick explode too and spurts of jizz shot up, coating my chest.

When my cannon finally stopped firing I felt utterly spent. My now deflated cock fell out of his now leaking ass and I pushed Nate away so that he fell onto the bed with a thud, before a second later I collapsed next to him.

My legs felt like jelly as we both inched our way up the bed until our heads were resting on the pillows and we looked into each eyes as we came down from our post-coital high. And that was the last thing I remembered before losing consciousness, knocked out by the ferocious intensity of our copulation.


I opened my eyes blearily as I regained consciousness, awakened by the light now streaming into the spacious bedroom. I was lying on my back, with Nate's head resting lightly on my shoulder. As I looked down at his beautiful, peaceful face the events of the previous night raced through my mind.

I couldn't believe what had happened. How had the shy, withdrawn, self-conscious guy I knew myself to be managed to bag a hot guy and fuck him silly within hours of meeting him? It was like a stranger had occupied my body for the night, taking me over.

But as I gazed up at the golden-patterned ceiling I felt my chest swell with pride. It wasn't just my brother who was good in the sack it seemed as I remember Nate's ecstatic face as I'd ploughed his anus with my prick. It was like a whole new world of possibilities had opened up. A strange, somewhat frightening new world, but an exciting, thrilling one too.

My introspective musings were interrupted though as I saw Nate's eyes flutter open, his long graceful eyelashes lifting to reveal the piercing blue beneath. He gazed up at me and for a moment neither of us spoke as we stared at each other reverentially.

Suddenly in the sober light of day I felt weirdly self-conscious, despite the intimacy we had both just shared.

"Well that was a fun night, wasn't it?" Nate grinned, breaking the silence. He scrambled up and off the bed and I could not help but take in his wonderful naked form.

"Yeah, certainly one to remember!"

Nate had turned round and wandered over to the window and was looking out with nothing to hide his modesty. My eyes were boring into his tight, pert ass and I could still make out the stale white residue which trailed down his leg, the only blemish on his otherwise perfect body.

"Better get some breakfast then hadn't we? Come on sleepy head!"

His playfulness was infectious and it raised my spirits. As Nate walked across the room to open a huge oak wardrobe I bounded up and after him.

He had managed to put a pair of bright orange boxers on just as I reached him. I grabbed hold of him and hugged him tight before bringing down my face and planting my lips on his.

The kiss was slow and sensuous as we both drank each other in. The franticness of the previous night had been discarded, as though we were now more comfortable in each other's presence, more in control.

After a few moments we broke apart and I felt Nate's soft hands groping at my meat, which was quickly stiffening in response. I moaned softly and whispered, "Don't worry we can play later but now you mention it I'm starving. Let's grab that now and then we can come back and spend the rest of the afternoon here."

The gleam in Nate's eye told him that he wanted nothing more than to curl up with me and start right where we had left off last night but before he had a chance to argue his stomach let out of a loud rumble.

"Guess you're right, it's just so hard to keep my hands off you."

Nate quickly dressed, throwing on a casual t-shirt and jeans. Embarrassingly I had to dress as we walked out the bedroom and down the stairs, picking up the clothes which had been discarded the previous night.

It was only when I was fully dressed that I started to notice the house once more and I recalled my brief glance of its frontage the night before. If anything the inside of the house was even more impressive than I remembered the exterior to be.

It was simply massive to start with. It was so incredibly spacious with wide halls, high ceilings and tall windows which gave the whole place an airy, expansive feel. I looked upwards and saw the stairs we had just come down spiralling up what looked like a further 3 or maybe 4 floors.

The decor was simply stunning, as though designed by a modern day Michelangelo. The wallpaper was ornate and delicate with several prints and murals scattered across the walls giving them an exotic feel. As I passed each room I noticed that each one had its own distinct design and feel, as though it had been meticulously planned.

The floors were all wood effect, matching the big wooden-frames to the doors and giving the place a homely vibe. I also noticed the whole place was in pristine condition, a stark contrast to my chaotic and messy apartment. Setting off the whole place were the various sculptures and ornaments which dotted the building adding a further regal air to the house.

I was so in awe of the house that I was momentarily lost for words. This must be worth an astronomical amount. Eventually we reached the kitchen and I could smell freshly baked bread and the distinct smell of food being fried.

The kitchen was in proportion to the rest of the house and as we entered I saw that it stretched and opened out into a dining area with a large rectangular table, which itself looked out onto a luscious green garden.

"Juanita!" Nate exclaimed as he hurried across to a short, elderly Latina who was bent over the cooker, "You never cease to amaze me!" Motioning for me to join them he went on, "This is my, umm, friend, Scott. Scott this is Juanita our awesome cook."

"Nice to meet you, Juanita," I replied courteously. This dude had a cook? Seriously? What the fuck was happening here?

"What you want today, sir?" Juanita asked Nate deferentially.

"Oh, the works. You know me I love a big breakfast in the morning and I'm sure my mate Scott here has a pretty big appetite too." He winked at me mischievously before leading me across to the large table.

As we reached it I took the opportunity to look out at the garden. Again, I was utterly stunned by what I saw. The grounds stretched as far as the eye could see and just to the side I saw a huge swimming pool glistening in the morning sun.

I looked back at Nate as I sat down and saw him giggling at my startled expression.

"What is this place? It's unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I always forget how amazing this place is for people who haven't seen it before!" Nate smirked. "It's pretty epic, isn't it?"

"Umm, yeah, I've never seen anything like it. I mean it's like something out of a movie. You're family must be so rich!"

"It's all my dad's work really. He made it big working for one of the big investment banks, then set up on his own and has been coining it in ever since. They spent years renovating this place before we moved in."

Suddenly pieces of the jigsaw were starting to slide into place. Nate was a typical member of the rich, white prep boy set. I could see it now in his styling, his clothes, his voice and his carefree attitude. Seeing the inside of his house was like stepping into a world, so outside the boundaries that I had always been confined by. It was mind blowing.

"So you must go to Barts then?" The question tumbled from my lips before I had chance to stop it. Barts was the school which all the rich white kids went too, on the other end of town to the school I had gone to.

"That's right, not long to go now until I'm outta there and out of this stuffy town."

"And presumably you're a great lacrosse player too." I said half-mockingly.

"Bullseye." Nate responded jokingly, "But I'm even better at water polo." The twinkle in his eye told me that he loved teasing me like this.

But before we could continue our conversation any further Juanita had arrived with our breakfast. I thought I would fresh out of awe, but no here it was again. Tray after tray piled high with food had appeared on the table.

There were waffles, bagels, pancakes, croissants, toast, strawberries, pineapple, mango, rashes of bacon, sausages and cooked tomatoes. It was a smorgasbord of culinary delights.

Nate immediately pilled his plate high with food and as the shock wore off I followed him a few seconds later. Silence fell as we both hungrily ate our way through the delights in front of us. I had started with the cooked breakfast as it was a treat I rarely got and I could tell straight away that it was all food of the highest quality. It was just so much tastier and fresher than the cheap cuts I had become used to.

The cover gave me time to collect my thoughts somewhat. I was struggling to process the implications of all this. I felt my old self reawakening itself. The cold, calculating, cynical side of my brain was telling me that this could be a meal ticket out of painful drudgery for Troy and I. Hadn't he been urging us just the previous afternoon to dig out any opportunities that we could?

But then I remembered how good last night had felt with Nate. It was so loving and innocent, just two guys bonding and making each other feel good. A part of me wanted to hold onto that. A part of me wanted to leave behind the world that I knew where you needed to scrap and fight and battle for every morsel. A part of me just wanted to wrap myself in Nate's arms and stay there forever and ever.

As my brain whirred with confusion I noticed more movement on the far side of the kitchen. A girl had appeared. Well to be fair she was a woman, a stunning woman.

She was the type of girl that I'd only before seen on TV. She wasn't wearing anything too grand but she was tall and had long shapely legs. Her flowing brown hair was styled immaculately as it hung down just past shoulder length.

It was her face that provided her best feature, it made Nate's seem ugly by comparison. She had high cheekbones, a petite nose, full puffy lips and smouldering brown eyes. She had only applied a little makeup but she was obviously an expert because it perfectly suited her lightly tanned complexion. It was like looking at a model, no a supermodel. If I wasn't gay I would have needed to exercise huge self restraint not to pop there and then.

I saw Juanita hand her a bowl and she wandered languidly across the room towards the table. Her hips swayed alluringly from side to side and I noticed that under her loose fitting clothing she was concealing a sizeable rack.

It was like my mind switched gears again, decisively changing course and in that moment I knew what had to be done. I just had to hope that I had the strength to see it through.

"Scott this is my delightful sis Grace. Grace this is Scott."

"Nice to meet you Grace." I responded in a friendly tone.

Grace started at me, giving me the most cursory nod possible and sat down to eat the thin gruel that she seemed to be eating. Her disdain for us both could not have been clearer.

"Don't mind Grace," Nate said redirecting his attention back to me, "She can be a little bit haughty at times."

Grace responded with a stare so cold and withering that it was almost a surprise that it didn't force Nate right off his chair.

"Anyway Scott, it's got a bit chilly down here, why don't we head back upstairs?"

With one last smirk in his sister's direction he led me away from the table, leaving behind mounds of uneaten and doubtlessly wasted food.

As I followed him my mind was working overtime and a plan was developing in the deep, dark recesses of my mind. A plan which would help Troy and I achieve the next stage in our ambitions. The appearance of stuck-up, snooty, snobbish Grace had firmly tipped the balance of my dilemma and I now knew what I had to do.

"So what's the deal with Grace then?" I asked Nate as we walked up the stairs.

"Oh, she's just let all this wealth go to her head. Combined with her knowing just how drop dead gorgeous she is she seems to think she is better than anyone. Plus she has all the guys running around after her at school, desperate to do anything she wants. I just do my best to keep out of her way, which is one advantage of living in a mansion! But enough of her, I'm far more interested in you right now."

As he finished the sentence we burst through the doors to his room. Taking charge he pushed me back onto what I quickly realised was his freshly made bed. Damn, this boy had things good! He quickly followed, jumping on top of me and attacking my mouth with vigour.

His tongue slithered into my mouth and we both pressed our heads together, cramming ourselves as deeply inside ourselves as possible. As we did so I felt myself hardening rapidly as my carnal desire became stimulated. The snog became increasingly sloppy and frantic as we both surrendered to our libidos.

Nate's expert hands were back to work, unbuckling my belt and lowering the zip so that my turgid log flopped out. At his touch my shaft twitched in pleasure and I felt my precum leaking out over him. He tugged my cock deftly, smearing the sticky liquid across my shaft.

Then pulling himself away Nate leered over me and growled, "Time for me to repay you for last night."

The next thing I knew I could only see the top of his head as I felt his soft lips touch the head of my cock, forming a tight seal. He was again using his hands. One was wrapped around the root of my tool while the other was lightly massaging my balls.

I could tell that he was struggling a bit as he tried to fit my sizeable girth into his small mouth. The space was so tight that I felt his teeth brushing along the top and bottom of my dick. But this only heightened my sensitivity and I let out a loud, deep moan of appreciation.

Nate was trying his damndest to push his head further and I felt my spur being pushed further and further down until it reached his throat. But I wanted to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me.
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Reaching forward I dragged his head off my pole, which flopped back and hit my abs with a slap. His pretty face stared up at me dazed and confused.

"I want that tight ass of yours," I ordered demandingly while indicating that I wanted him to twist round. Cottoning on Nate hurriedly stripped off his pants and stepped over me so that his legs were straddling my torso. Looking up I was mesmerised by his ass and gazed in wonder as it started to descend.

Within seconds I had his ass in my face and felt his mouth once again wrap itself round my prick as Nate forced his head down, fighting to adjust to this new angle of attack. I could smell his deep manly scent. Leaning forward I stuck out my tongue until it hit his tight, pink rim.

My hands grabbed hold of his ass, forcing it down further into my face so that my whole vision was obscured by his perfectly sculpted rear end. I squeezed his hard muscles as my hands easily slid over his soft skin.

I pushed my tongue deeper and deeper, swirling it around the entrance to his shit hole. The dirtiness of the rim job only heightened my arousal and I felt my prick expanding against Nate's jaw, straining it to its limits.

As I probed deeper and deeper I could taste Nate's ass juices, their salty tang permeating all my senses and driving me wild with lust. My tongue was now greedily penetrating deeper and deeper into Nate's man-cunt. In response to my rim job I felt Nate's body squirming in pleasure, sexual energy coursing through him and causing his mouth to vibrate on my dick, sending waves of pleasure through me.

Nate had now managed to stuff nearly all of my schlong into his grateful mouth. I could feel it sliding down his throat, being stimulated as it slid over his tonsils. He was a great cocksucker and I got the impression he had a bit of experience, certainly more than me. Nate seemed to be able to suppress his gag-reflex and managed to keep on going inexorably while his hands juggled with my balls.

Eventually it all became too much and I unloaded a huge wad down his throat. It seemed to hit him unexpectedly and I felt him choke and gag. But he must have loved it too because the next moment I felt spurts of cum firming out of his twitching prick, showering my chest in his man juice.

Nate rolled off me and laid back on the bed, panting from the exertion with white splooge dripping down his chin. We both fondled each other lovingly, savouring the high from our orgasms.

Once I was able to think straight I decided I needed to know what this was so I tentatively broke the contented silence.

"You know how to handle a dick, don't you?" I croaked, looking into Nate's soft, beautiful eyes. His body tensed slightly at my words and I saw hurt in his eyes. "It's not a bad thing," I said reassuringly, "It's just I want to know, is this just a one-time thing, or does it have any mileage?"

Nate broke out into a beaming smile. "Oh Scott. Why in God's name would I willingly give up a hunk like you who fucks me hard and deep? I'd love to get to know you more and see if things could work between us. I've had quite a few guys in this bed, but none of them have come close to matching up to you."

It was my turn to smile now. I couldn't believe it. This was possibly the richest kid in town and also the cutest. He could have any guy he wanted and yet somehow I had managed to cast a spell over him so that he wanted me. It felt impossibly good.

His words sent a surge of adrenaline through me and I felt my pipe beginning to reinflate as blood pumped towards it at a heady rate of knots. Nate looked down at me an expression of incredulity on his face.

"Woah, looks like someone's keen. Good job we had such a big breakfast, looks like we're both going to need all our energy. Now it's my turn to take control."

Nate flashed that shit eating smile at me once more before taking hold of my now fully erect piece of man muscle. He raised himself up and straddled me again, but this time facing me. Slowly but deliberately he lowered himself down until the tip of my spear was directly positioned at the entrance to his back door.

Then unexpectedly quickly he plunged his ass downwards with force, impaling himself on my prick, which burrowed upwards as his slick anal canal opened up for my fat cock. There was nothing slow or sensual about what followed.

Nate instantly hit a hard, fast, aggressive rhythm as he thrust up and down on my member. It felt exquisite as he expertly tensed his ass muscles, squeezing every last drop of sensitivity out of my dick.

I tried my best to match him, thrusting my hips upwards to meet his strokes. His face was red now and he was grunting hard. I wasn't far behind and together we were making such a racket without a care in the world about who would hear it.

It was so damn hot watching this cute, sexy slip of a man bouncing on my cock, so invigorating. This was what made life worth living. This moment of connection. Nate continued the punishing onslaught against my rock hard shaft and as he started to push his ass back down he leaned forward and our lips met.

The kiss was rocky and jolting, our lips bounced around as the impact of our pounding rattled through both our bodies. Nate was now sliding his ass up and down my prick at such speed that he was starting to lose control. His body was juddering as he shifted his ass, stuffing my fuck tube in at slightly different angles and providing him with yet more stimulation.

We were both dripping wet again in each other's juices, panting heavily as we both fought to keep going, to maintain this wonderfully blissful feeling. But we were fighting a losing battle and after a few more punishing strokes we both screamed out in release.

I unloaded deep inside Nate for the second time in the last 12 hours, depositing my thick cream deep inside his shitter. Simultaneously his dick fired a series of watery spurts which landed across my chest with some even reaching my chin.

Nate collapsed on top of me, grabbing hold of me like a life raft. For what seemed like hours we lay there in each other's arms. Both of us happy and content with the world.

For the rest of that weekend we were inseparable. Most of it was spent continuing to explore each other's bodies and we fucked several more times. It was so unlike me to be able to cum so many times in such a short period but it was like Nate had supercharged my libido.

But we also chatted about other stuff and it turned out we had a lot in common. Nate was a math geek like me and a bit of a nerd when it came to school. Not athletic enough for the sports teams (it turned out he was very average at both lacrosse and water polo) he buried himself in books and was fascinated by science.

Over the course of the next week I spent every evening at Nate's house and slept every night in his bed. We fucked in every position imaginable, but I was always the top it just seemed that was what we both wanted. By the end of it we knew each other's bodies like the back of our hands. I occasionally bumped into his parents around, each time being introduced as a 'friend' but it seemed that they were both aware and comfortable with him being gay which was fantastic.

I'd also found out a bit more about his family. His father was Ted Sterling and he was worth tens, if not hundreds of millions. He kept as many of his dealings as secret as he could. Finding this out only made me more determined to make my budding plan work.

The intensity of our relationship in that first week meant that we developed a close bond. It wasn't just physical but emotional and intellectual. I knew this was key for my nascent plan to work. I needed Nate to not just lust after me but actually love me. I wasn't my brother, I didn't have the physical power to subjugate someone with the force of my body but I knew that wasn't the only way to skin a cat.

I knew I had struck gold when just a week and a half after we had first met Nate lay next to me after another fucking session which had lasted several hours. We were lying together, our bodies entwined together.

"I've never felt like this before babe," Nate whispered in my ear. "I think I'm falling for you real bad. I couldn't bear not having you in my life."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," I replied before we both drifted off into a deep, contented sleep.

The next day I called back at my apartment after school. I'd hardly seen Troy given the amount of time I was spending with Nate. I knew the time was right to put my plan into action. Part of me felt guilt about what I was about to do but it was only a small part.

Nate was a hot guy. I felt affectionate towards him and didn't want him to be hurt unnecessarily. But he was spoiled and pampered. Yes he hadn't let it go to his head as much as his sister had but he still lived a life which was a bed of roses compared to everyone else I had ever known.

I had to put myself and my family first. The hurt, the pain, the tragedies that I had experienced had taught me that. Nobody else in this world was going to look after you but yourself and your family. It might not have been pleasant but that was the real world. Nate hadn't ever known what the real world was like, but if things went to plan he soon would do.

But I was still nervous as I walked into the kitchen to see Troy wolfing down a sandwich. My trepidations weren't about the plan but how Troy would take the news that I was gay. We had such a close bond, welded together by our shared loss and I loved him unlike anybody or anything in the world. I would take a bullet for Troy if I needed to.

I couldn't bear to lose him. But how would he react to the news that his brother was bent, queer, a fag. The brother of Troy Fratelli, the biggest alpha male uber-stud on the planet, was a cock muncher. Would he throw me out? Would he reject me and claim that my perversions had nothing to do with him? I had no idea as I sat down to face him.

"Hey bro," Troy exclaimed as he sent bits of food flying everywhere while swallowing the last piece of his meal. "Where you been, I ain't seen you in days."

"Yeah ... ummm ... I've been meaning to take to you about that. It's ... it's ... just." I was a nervous jibbering wreck and I could see Troy losing patience with me.

"Spit it out man." Troy said sternly although a look of worry was starting to infect his previously upbeat expression.

"I ... I ... wanted to tell you that I'm ... that I'm gay." I could think of no other way to sugar coat it. No other way to ease him into the revelation.

For a second there was complete silence as I held my breath, fearing the explosion to come. And then Troy started laughing. Hysterically. His face went red and he bent over as he cackled. Finally righting himself he responded.

"Is that all? Is that what you've been so nervous about telling me? I'm your brother. I know you're gay. I've known for years. I'm just glad that you're finally able to be open with yourself about it."

"But ... but," I stammered.

"What? I join in with the guys when they call people fags, queers and cocksuckers? Of course I do. That's the part they expect me to play, so I play it. Does it mean I believe it? No. I couldn't give a fuck whether another guy likes cock or cunt. Why should I?"

I sighed in relief and it felt like a huge metaphorical weight had been lifted.

"I mean don't get me wrong bro I wouldn't necessarily go round advertising but you can bet on our dear mother's gravestone that if anybody ever says anything disrespectful to you about being gay they'll have me to deal with."

Troy rose from the table, he now seemed fired up with familial pride.

"Come here." He beckoned towards me and I rose to meet him as he hugged me close. "It's you and me against the world. It always has been and it always will be. There is nothing you could ever do, no mistake you could ever make, that would stop me loving you. And never forget it."

I thought I was going to be crushed to death he pulled me into such a hard embrace. I inhaled his powerfully masculine scent and felt a stirring in my loins. God he was so damn sexy. It took all my self-control to stop my excitement from escalating any further.

After a few seconds Troy released me and sat back down. He was smiling again.

"So you got a boyfriend now have you?" he asked cheekily.

"Yeah, sort of," I replied coyly as I felt my cheeks redden.

"Good work! No need to blush," he exclaimed while pushing forward his clenched fist. We bumped knuckles and my spirit was raised further.

"But that's not all, I think I've worked out how we can take the business up a gear."

As I went onto describe my relationship with Nate, the wealth of his family and his sexy, stuck-up sister Troy's smile got wider and wider. When I'd finished he looked like a boy on Christmas Eve, eager to open his presents.

"Looks like we've got some work to do, doesn't it?" he yelled in excitement.

"We sure do." I responded gleefully.

We spent the next few hours finalising the plans which we would soon put into action.

End of Chapter 03
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I awoke blearily and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the sunshine now streaming into my room. As my eyes started to focus I saw from the clock on my bedside cabinet that it was already mid morning.

Moaning slightly I sluggishly lifted myself out of bed, which creaked slightly as I did so. Images from the night before raced through my mind. It had been yet another one of those dull, boring house parties that my girlfriends seemed to so enjoy.

Thankfully my best friend Tamara had brought along a bottle of vodka so we had been able to get hammered together, which sort of made the evening bearable, even if I was paying for it now.

I couldn't even remember who had been the host of this one. The guys at Barts were so lame. Even the so-called jocks who played on the lacrosse and water polo teams were pathetic. I mean sure most of them were pretty hot, with their muscled bodies and handsome all-American faces.

But they were just so boring. So generic. So vanilla. I needed a bit of spice, a bit of zest but I felt like I was suffocating in mediocrity. I needed a real man, but these were just boys. Boys that I could wrap round my little finger as easily as taking candy from a baby.

I laughed cruelly as I remembered their efforts last night to impress me, seeing their desperate puppy dog faces desperate to get some action. Men were so weak. All I needed to do was bat my long, flowing eyelashes, shake my wavy brown hair and click my fingers and they would do whatever I wanted them to.

The only fun I was able to have last night had been winding up these pathetic saps, luring them in with my many physical charms and then spurning their advances, swatting them away like irritant flies.

I had a reputation across the school for being an ice queen and it had been well-earned. I never did any chasing, I just let guys chase me. And boy did they chase. Well I thought, looking down at my naked body as I lay on my bed, why wouldn't they?

I had a knock-out figure and everyone knew it. My firm breasts were large and plump, my hips were narrow and small but most impressive were my long legs which just seemed to go on and on and on. But I knew that my face put even my body into the shade. Blessed with high cheekbones, a petite nose and plump lips I knew I had the pouting face which would allow me to make lots of money as a model once I had left this pathetic school.

I loved watching the look in a guy's eyes as they gawped at me, seeing their desperate lust, watching them stuttering and losing all their self-confidence. It made me feel so powerful, so in control. I could make them do anything I wanted, like a puppet master controlling all the strings.

Of course it helped that everyone knew that I was the richest girl in school. I mean everyone was rich at Barts, but our family was the richest of the lot. God bless my dad, what he lacked in looks he more than made up for in business flair. And that mattered, so much. While Barts was a placid place on the surface in reality it was riven with competitive bitchiness and one-upmanship, among the parents as much as the students.

So I loved seeing jaws drop when I hosted parties as people realised that what they thought was big was actually tiny compared to our mansion. But that was nothing compared to the day a few months ago when I drove into the parking lot in my brand-spanking new Ferrari F430. It had taken weeks to nurdle the money out of my dad but he couldn't resist the charms of his little princess forever.

The looks on everyone's face as my long legs stepped out of the gleaming car were a sight to behold. So everyone knew that I was the most powerful girl in the school, with guys fawning over me and girls desperate to befriend me.

Part of me loved it all. Loved making other people do what I wanted. Loved being treated with adulation. Loved getting my own way all the time. But another part of me hated it. Hated the tedium of it all. Hated the lack of challenge. Hated the boring tranquillity.

I even had the token boyfriend, Brandon. We'd been going out for over a year now after I finally agreed to his unceasing passes at me. He was the closest to my type at my disposal with a strong, muscular, powerful build.

Of course, he was the captain of our school football team and I loved to watch him play. He was so powerful and aggressive on the field. Unfortunately, this seemed to disappear when he was off the pitch.

He had a smooth, handsome face and would not have looked out of place in an Abercrombie & Fitch advert. But he was so eager for me, so desperate to please me that just like all the other suckers in my life I could get him to do what I wanted, when I wanted.

Another disappointment was his performance in the bedroom. Given his impressive physique, height and athleticism I was expecting to be impressed but was let down badly when I finally let him advance from making out and allowed him to sleep with me.

He seemed to have no idea what he was doing, forcing me to take the lead. And the equipment he was working with was also inadequate in satisfying my growing sexual needs. What made it even worse was that his bulky frame only made his cock look even smaller by comparison.

When erect his dick could only measure about four, thin inches so that when he jumped on top of me and started pumping away I could barely feel a thing. Luckily he only usually lasted a few minutes and I had learnt how to act out an orgasm so that he felt like he was a sexual champion.

I yearned to be satisfied, truly satisfied. I heard my girlfriends giggle as they described what it was like to be fucked by a guy who was packing more than Brandon could offer and was sorely tempted to get out there and enjoy some real action.

The only thing holding me back was my desire to maintain my status amongst the elite social circle I was part of. That meant remaining cold and aloof, that meant maintaining the respect of my peers, that meant keeping the hottest, most desired guy in the school on a short leash. More than anything it meant not being a slut.

That was the deal. Accept a lack of sexual fulfilment in exchange for social power. From the outside it must have looked like I had it all, but really it felt like I was trapped inside a prison. A beautiful, attractive, privileged prison, but a prison nonetheless. 

I couldn't wait for the end of this school year to end so that I could get out of this awful, sterile environment. And as I considered the remaining months which would need to be endured I sighed in frustration.

I only had myself to blame. At 19 I should be out of school but stupidly I had begged my dad a few years ago to let me study for a year at a top European school. I thought it would be just the ticket to escape but it turned out to be a carbon copy of Barts just colder and bleaker without my home comforts. So all I had achieved was to extend my time in self-imposed purgatory.

I stood up and reached down under my bed and fished out a box which rattled as I lifted it up. As I opened it my face lit up as I looked down at the toys which had helped keep me sane over the last few months as my sexual appetite grew exponentially.

This was the only way I was going to get any release and I looked hungrily down at the large, black dildo which took pride of place on top of my assortment of toys. I reached out and grabbed hold of the smooth plastic shaft.

For some reason using a black dildo really did it for me. Perhaps it was because it was so taboo. The idea of dating a black guy in our community would be about as welcome as a bucket of sick. And so every time I used it to get myself some release it felt so liberating, a momentary escape from my dreary, plain existence.

Just as I began to lift the heavy tool I heard movement at the door. Moving with incredible speed I had closed the box and placed it under my bed just as I saw the family maid appear in the doorway.

"Juanita!" I shouted angrily, "How many times have I told you to knock?"

"I'm sorry Miss Grace," she said quietly, her head bowed to the floor. "But, your mother asked me to wake you to have your breakfast with her."

I groaned internally. This was one of my mother's annoying habits, she had a desire to feel like we still had a real, emotional connection when in reality we had long had a distant, frosty relationship. Still I didn't want her to get angry, it wasn't worth the aggravation. 

"OK, tell her I'll be down in a minute."

The maid shuffled away and I hastened to get dressed. As it was such a lovely day and I had no plans I decided it was a day to lounge by the pool and soak up some sun.

I wandered over leisurely towards my huge triple wardrobe which was bursting at the seams with a wide variety of outfits. I quickly found the bikinis and rifled through them to find the right one.

Even just the touch of my hand against my huge black sex toy had sent a shock of sexual energy through me and so I impulsively picked out my sexiest two-piece bikini.

They were plain black and had a lacy feel, more like lingerie than swimwear. It provided a nice contrast with my relatively pale, white skin. The bikini top was strapless and barely reached high enough to cover my now hardened nipples while the thong bottom was so small that it left my toned ass completely exposed. Thankfully I had just shaven my lady garden or that too would have been on show.

I strutted down the stairs. I knew that I looked smoking hot and it made me feel good to be flaunting it even if I couldn't do it in front of other people at least I could do it in my own home.

As I entered the kitchen and approached the table my mother looked up at me and immediately pulled a face. "What are you doing Grace? That outfit is completely inappropriate. Go and put something else on right now!"

Giving her one of my trademark withering stares I jibed, "Just because you could no longer fit into this outfit, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to wear it. Anyway, I'm just going to be lounging around by the pool today so why do you care?"

My mother's cheeks had reddened at my insult and she looked sheepish, evidently wanting to get along. "Well ok, as long as you're only wearing it around the house I suppose it wouldn't do any harm."

I smirked in triumph as I sat down and Juanita hurried to serve me.

As we talked I appraised my mother and realised my taunting, not for the first time in my life, had been a little bit harsh. Kaitlin was not the lithe, trim teenager who had fallen in love with my father but she was not unattractive.

In fact she had aged pretty well and in many respects was an older version of me. Our faces and figures were very similar and we both shared flowing brown locks of hair, but as she had aged Kaitlin had started to sag a bit here and there, her tone starting to fade and she had filled out a little, becoming more curvaceous.

She had also changed in other, less natural ways. As the wife of the richest man in town she had been able to afford a few cosmetic enhancements. The most obvious was her boob job, which had enlarged her already sizeable rack to a pair of double Es and suited her status as a trophy wife. Kaitlin had also indulged in the odd nip and a tuck here and there to keep her looking more youthful than her advancing years.

Even in her current demure outfit she oozed sex appeal and I could tell why my dad still seemed to love her as much as the day they had met. Her busom pushed out against the plain cardigan she was wearing, causing the buttons on it to strain, while her short skirt showed off her strong legs.

Finally we had both finished eating and I could make my escape. "I'm just heading out to the pool then mom, want to make the best of this weather!"

"OK love," she replied. "I'm going to be out the rest of the day. I'm meeting up with Chloe and the rest of the girls." What she meant was that she was going to go and drink a bottle of wine with a few of the other boring trophy wives, only good at spending their husband's money.

"OK," I replied indifferently.

"Juanita," I called, "help me put this sun lotion on".

When I got to the pool I laid myself down on a lounger and started to soak up some rays. It was so quiet and peaceful and I was so glad to be able to get some alone time without the incessant babble of tedium which seemed to surround me wherever I went.

It wasn't long before I heard some male voices, laughing and joking, and then a splash as bodies entered the pool at speed. I didn't bother to open my eyes. I knew who it would be: my annoying little brother Nate and his latest squeeze.

He was annoying me more than usual at the moment. I couldn't believe that he had become inseparable from this Scott boy. It was bad enough that he was flaunting his gayness, but now he was doing it with a guy from the shitist neighbourhood in town.

God only knew where he had been or who he had been in. After all the hard work I had done to maintain my social standing, he was busy undermining it. I'd confronted him about how stupid he was being but he wasn't having any of it, as though a spell had been cast over him and he had lost all use of his critical faculties.

Still it would probably prove to be a phase which would burnout, I just had to be patient, and so I did my best to screen out the noise and relax myself again.

After about half an hour I started to feel a bit stiff, so I got up to sit down in a chair by the pool for a bit. As I looked across it though I was forced to take a sharp intake of breath out of surprise. There weren't two guys in the pool, there were three. I recognised my brother and his boyfriend but not the guy who was with them.

As I focussed in on this stranger I felt a shiver race down my spine, despite the heat of the sun beating down. I could only see his head as his body was submerged in the pool. But what I saw seemed to have had a profound physiological effect on me.

I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. The face that I was now intently focussed on could be described in just one word: masculine. His strong, rugged features screamed both strength and danger. This was a man's man, not the effeminate boys I was used to dealing with. His skin was a deep, dark brown, bronze even and seemed to glisten in the sun.

The guys were messing around, with lots of splashing and jostling, but it seemed that my movement had not gone unnoticed and I saw this strange man turn and look at me, straight in the eye. Even though he was still a good thirty feet away our eyes connected as though they had been locked together.

I fought to control myself as I looked into his emerald green eyes, which smouldered with a blazing power. I felt a thrill of excitement flood through me. It was like looking at the sun, both exhilarating and dangerous in equal measure.

I felt something which I hadn't felt in a long, long time. Uncertainty. My life was so mundane and mapped out. I knew how every scenario would unfold well before it did, knew how everyone would react, knew what they would do. But this dark, handsome stranger was something new. I could sense it. He had an aura of masculine power which I'd never encountered before and it was making the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

A small part of me felt scared, frightened. I might be bored of my world but at least I was in control of it. What was would happen if I lost that control? What damage could I do? But a larger part of myself was excited and eager to find out what would happen.

All of this flashed through my head in a second and before I knew it the mystery man had said, "I think I'll leave you guys too it." His voice was deep and rasping. It was exactly the kind of voice I would have expected a man like this to have and it only heightened my sense of intrigue.

I looked across and saw my brother and Scott were in each other's arms, their bodies entangled within each other and their lips drawing inexorably closer together. But before they met my brother shouted back, "Yeah, thanks Troy, I think your brother is just fine with that," before he turned back to Scott and plunging his face forward so that their mouths smashed together.

So this was Scott's brother? Well I guessed that made some sense now that I examined him more closely there were definite similarities. But it was like Troy was the colour version and Scott was the black-and-white one. His features just looked stronger, more defined, more imposing, more sexy.

The thought of the word sent more shivers through me and I felt my pussy twitch in excitement. My lack of release earlier was starting to show as a feeling of desire swept over me.

And now Troy was walking through the water towards me. His large frame, forcing the water roughly aside as he made fast progress. Quicker than I had expected he had reached the small ladder on the side nearest to me and was starting to rise out of the water.

I watched, transfixed as he slowly rose out of the water. First his powerful, broad shoulders came into view. He lifted his arms and ran his hands through his short, dark hair and in the process showed off his meaty biceps. These guns were fully loaded that was for sure. I'd seen muscled jocks before but nothing on this scale, I knew instinctively that one punch from those beasts would send any of them tumbling to the ground.

And then I saw his torso break the surface too. Water clung to his body, making him appear darker and causing his muscles to glow and twinkle in the hot sun. I felt dazzled as I saw the light bounce off every crevice on his washboard abs. I could feel my jaw starting to slacken as I admired how shredded he was.

His upper body looked so commanding, like a battleship that could sink a flotilla. There was a taper in from his shoulders down to his waist but it was only slight. I had never seen anything like it. This was a man who was built to take control, to dominate, to lead.

But all these thoughts were driven from my mind as more of his body emerged. And this time my jaw did drop and I gaped open mouthed at the sight before my eyes.

Troy was almost entirely out of the pool now and I was astonished to see that he was stark naked, without a stitch of clothing to hide his modesty. But then I saw that he had absolutely nothing to be modest about.

My eyes were fixed like a laser on the magnificent organ between his legs. Hell it was more like a fully-fledged symphony orchestra than a mere organ. Even after being in the cold pool his prick looked huge.

It was an even darker shade of brown and seemed to reach impossibly far down his muscled thighs. And then, behind his shaft I saw his two wrinkled plum-sized balls. My mind was in meltdown now as I thought about those balls and I couldn't help but think about how much cum this stallion would produce.

My girlfriends loved to gossip about how big all the guys in school were. But from what they'd told me Troy was in another league altogether. I had never seen, or even imagined anything like it before.

Troy was walking towards me now. It was a strutting, confident walk which you would expect from someone who owned this impressive mansion, not someone visiting from the dodgy end of town. But none of that mattered now.

All my attention was taken up by watching his dick, which was now swinging up and down as he covered the ground towards me. It was like a huge elephant trunk, thick and fleshy, getting bigger and bigger as it got nearer and nearer.

When he finally reached me Troy pulled up a chair and sat down next to me.

"You must be Grace. You look even hotter than Scott described."
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Momentarily I was completely lost for words. Inside my head I was screaming, "He's talking to me! He's talking to me! What do I do?"

Even in my moment of panic I appreciated the irony of the situation. Usually it was me who was sat in Troy's position, making guys flustered. Now the boot was well and truly on the other foot.

I suddenly realised that my mouth was still agape and my eyes were still fixed on his crotch. With a tremendous effort I forced myself away and looked up.

Troy was grinning. It was a cocky grin, the grin of a guy who was in complete control of the situation and knew it. If anyone who knew me could see me now they would have to laugh. My ice queen demeanour had well and truly melted away in the face of the scorching heat emanating from Troy.

But that wasn't what really caught my attention. Once again I felt my gaze being drawn to his green eyes, which sparkled with a vibrant energy.

"Uh, thanks, uh, uh, I guess."

For the next few minutes we engaged in an inane small talk which took all my mental powers to engage in. It was like my mental capacity was being entirely utilised taking in this powerful figure before me.

The sight of his mammoth dick had seemingly infected my mind like an out of control virus, breaking through any mental inhibitions I had and stopping me from thinking straight.

I couldn't help taking furtive glances at his crotch as we talked. Like a moth drawn to a flame I couldn't stop myself. And each time my gaze returned to Troy's face I saw that his grin had widened as he gave me a knowing look.

I simply couldn't believe what was happening here. Troy was sat with a relaxed, open posture, his legs spread out wide as he lay back in his chair. He was acting as though he had not a care in the world and as though sitting by the pool butt naked was an everyday occurrence.

As I struggled to maintain the small talk a furious battle was playing out inside my head. A part of me was furious at the gall of Troy's behaviour. The ice queen inside me was demanding that I tell him to leave, to get out of a place which he could never afford.

But yet I didn't do that. I was acquiescing to his presence, submitting against my conscious will. My body was betraying me. It was wracked with need and desire which could not be sated.

So as I fought not to give in to my wanton lust I sat there in a self-enforced purgatory, condemned by this internal stalemate. But it was an uneasy truce, one which I feared was about to shatter with devastating consequences.

Troy was evidently getting impatient at the lack of progress too because out the blue he suddenly growled at me, "You want it, don't you?"

Simultaneously, he started to tug on his prick which I noticed with shock started to grow almost immediately. Once again, my mouth was ajar, unable to formulate a coherent sentence.

His act was so vile, so uncouth, so disgusting. I shouldn't be allowing this good for nothing delinquent to do this in my house. Who did he think he was?

But there was a stronger, more powerful force inside me which was turned on by these raw, unconstrained acts. Troy wasn't one of the domesticated guys who I was used to. He wasn't a trust fund kid who had been emasculated by high society etiquette.

He didn't care what I thought or what was expected of him. He was a hunter, a predator who would take what he wanted. And I was his prey. Despite my reluctance to accept it I found this exhilarating beyond anything I had every experienced in my cocooned existence.

My body was ahead of my mind. I felt my hand, seemingly involuntary, slipping down and entering my quickly moistening pussy. I moaned slightly as I pushed my fingers inside, overcome by a level of desire which I was seemingly powerless to control, even if I wanted to.

I knew that I shouldn't be doing this. I knew I was better than some cheap, common slut. I knew that I should be screaming no and running as far away as possible from this beast. But I couldn't stop myself.

Troy watched me as though amused by a pet. Then he stood up suddenly and I watch transfixed as his now hardened dick sprung up, slapping his hard abs and sending a sound which seemed to reverberate inside my head like a gong.

"Get on your knees."

His order was clear and firm. And for the first time in my life I found myself willing to obey an order given to me. Willing to submit. It was a truly novel experience but one which seemed to please me as I felt my cunt continue to wetten in lust.

As I fell down to my knees my head was pushed forward so that his prick stood just inches away from my face, his huge, hairy ballsacks level with my face.

Acting now on pure instinct I reached up with my right hand and took hold of his shaft. Just touching it sent a surge of excitement through me. My petite hand was barely able to reach around his tool, despite it still not being fully hardened.

It felt so warm, so hot, burning with sexual energy. It was so utterly different to Brandon's pathetic twig that it might as well have been a completely different body part. As I started to slowly massage it up and down I felt it continuing to grow and harden.

Seemingly happy that I had submitted to him Troy stepped a few paces back and sat down again. Without even thinking I crawled forward and I leaned down to get closer to his meat, my breasts resting on his powerful thighs. In one simple movement he had asserted his dominance and control over me, forcing me to crawl on my knees by my lust.

I reached out with my other hand so that both were now gripping his rapidly swelling member. It was now a struggle for my hands to fully reach round, such was the size of his girth. And still it kept expanding upwards and outwards.

All I could do was watch, mesmerised. My eyes were cross-eyed trying to keep up. I loved seeing the contrast of my dainty white hands against his dark brown pole, making me feel even wetter.

"Suck it, bitch."

Troy sounded cold now, like he was doing a job, breaking in his latest foal. Nobody talked to me like that. I was the queen bee. I was the girl that everyone else had to bow down to. I wasn't the one who took orders, I was the one who gave them.

But the idea of not obeying Troy never crossed my mind. He had unearthed a side of me that I had suppressed all my life, the desire to be dominated, used and abused by a strong bull-stud. And now after years of denying myself here it was, finally happening. And it felt great!

Yet Troy was clearly unimpressed with my lack of a speedy response and without warning he roughly pulled my head forward and forced my mouth down on his fuck stick.

Instinctively I opened my mouth as wide as it would go in an attempt to accommodate his huge appendage but still I was only able to fit the first few inches inside.

Troy loosened his grip, giving me a chance to show what I could do so I lifted my head back and dove back down, this time forcing a bit more of him inside me. I tried to use my tongue, lapping at the underside of his prick while using both my hands to wank the parts I could not reach with my mouth.

My senses were assaulted with new sensations. I'd never gone down on a guy before. It had just always seemed such a revolting, degrading act. I loved Brandon licking me out, it was pretty much the only thing he could do to turn me on but me go down on him? I don't think so.

And now here I was slurping on the pole of a stranger I had only met ten minutes ago, acting like an utter slut. And with a sudden jolt I remembered that my brother and Scott were just feet away. But all these humiliating thoughts only increased my arousal. I loved it. I loved being humiliated, forced to please a strong, virile man.

The thought made me feel liberated and I renewed my efforts to please Troy, bobbing up and down on his spear enthusiastically. The taste was strange, a mixture of the chlorine from the pool and his natural salty tang as he worked up a sweat.

"Jeez, you really are an amateur cocksucker, aren't you?" Troy said amusedly. "Looks like I'll need to give you a little help."

And before I could react I could feel his hand on the back of my head, pushing me down. It was so strong that I felt my face slipping down as he impaled my head on his huge weapon.

It was so uncomfortable, so difficult, so alien. But slowly my head slipped further down his shaft until the tip was nestled in my throat. All I could see now was his sculpted abs and the remainder of his prick.

I was wriggling now, unable to breathe properly and struggling to get air through my nose. But Troy just laughed and held me in place, seemingly enjoying my discomfort.

"Yeah, not so stuck up now are you? What? No witty retort? No withering comeback? Yeah suppose that would be a bit tricky with a huge cock rammed down your throat!"

Another wave of humiliation swept through me as I realised it wasn't Troy's deep, masculine voice which was taunting me but the clipped, preppy tones of my brother. How embarrassing, to have him watch while I sucked off this stud right in front of him.

Yet again my reaction surprised me, although by now I should have realised the change which had been wrought in my inner psyche. I didn't jump up and tell my stupid little brother where to go.

All my life I'd owned his sorry ass. When we were growing up whenever we had a row or an argument I would complain to dad and of course he couldn't refuse his little princess. So Nate had been sent to his room or been grounded regardless of who was at fault.

At school I was the popular one. I was the one who had guys chasing after me while he was stuck with the nerds, laughed at and bullied by the more muscular jocks. And I loved to taunt him, demean him, show him who was boss.

The old me would have told him not to be jealous, that a big-dicked stud like Troy would never be interested in a pathetic runt like him, that his todger was so small that you'd need a microscope to see it, that he was a sad pervert who should go back to his room and wank himself to sleep.

But I didn't do any of those things. I didn't get angry. I didn't get frustrated. I got wet. I felt my cunt twitching as my brother taunted me. I loved it. The sheer and utter humiliation was making me so, so hot.

The next second I felt Troy pulling on my hair, yanking me upwards. But before I had chance to draw breath he was pushing my head violently back down. And he didn't stop as he roughly bounced my head up and down on his pole like it was a basketball.

As he did so my brother kept up his nasty invective, obviously enjoying his cathartic revenge.

"Look at you, your cunt is dripping. You love it, don't you? Who knew that the little princess, the high and mighty ice Queen was nothing better than a cheap cock slut?"

All the time Troy kept his hand firmly on my head, yanking it up and down at such a speed that I started to feel dizzy. I was completely lost now. Spit was drooling down my chin and onto his throbbing shaft. My throat felt sore as he continually pounded his pecker further and further down my oesophagus, contorting my neck to allow him to penetrate further.

And still Nate kept up his trash talking. "That's it. That's where you're meant to be. On your knees. Serving your superiors the only way you can. The only thing you're good far. Opening your mouth and letting it be used and abused to get your stud off."

He was right and I was absolutely fine with that. At this point I was literally a fuck doll. A pretty, beautiful fuck doll. But a fuck doll nonetheless.

I was completely at Troy's mercy as he abused my mouth in order to satisfy himself. Suddenly I heard his gravelly voice cutting through my brothers whine. "This isn't working."

And in one swift motion he pulled me off his now slick shaft. He stood up and loomed over me like a human colossus. My mouth stayed open as I gazed up in wonder at his magnificent body, not even noticing Nate and Scott stood watching to the side.

I could now see his magnificent tool in all his glory and it seemed that I wasn't the only one to be stunned as the sight had also put an end to Nate's stream of abuse.

Troy's dick was standing completely upright and resting on his perfect abs, extending impossibly far past his naval. It was like a weapon that was fully loaded and ready for action.

Looking at it I shivered. It was a shiver of fear, a shiver of anticipation, a shiver of desire. I knew that weapon was powerful enough to destroy me but I was too far gone now, had slipped too far down the path of hedonistic lust that I wanted it. I was desperate for it. I needed it.

As I stood gazing I watched as Troy grasped hold of his manhood and pointed it downwards. He started to bend his knees and I saw in horror what was going to happen before it did.

"Hold her head," Troy directed Nate.

Next thing I knew my head had been grabbed behind me and tilted back and Troy's prick was descending like a magnet being pulled inexorably towards its target. Instinctively I opened my mouth as far as I could, completing my utter submission, and next thing I knew it had been completely filled.

Troy was using his weight to force his shaft further down my defenceless throat. I was completely immobilised as Troy's thick, solid pipe pressed itself further inside me, forcing my mouth to open wider and wider to accommodate it.

"That's it bitch. Not so talkative now are you." My brother had started his invective again. And now one of his hands had grabbed hold of my hair while the other was yanking my chin down. "That's it sis. Take his dick you good for nothing skank. Because that's all your good for really, isn't it? Underneath your high and mighty front you're just a needed slut, desperate to get fucked, aren't you?"

For once in my life I was actually agreeing with my brother. This is what I wanted, he didn't need to hold me down, I would have let Troy do whatever he wanted to me because in that moment I was lost and all that existed was my sexual desire which was over-riding any self control that I might have possessed.

As Troy continue to plunge further down my throat I started to feel light headed as it became harder and harder to breathe. I could hear myself gurgling away as I was skewered mercilessly on his humongous rod.

I tuned out Nate's insults and just stared up. My eyes were squinting in the sun, but its glare was nothing compared to Troy's. His body towered over me and I felt utterly powerless. I had never stood a chance against this.

As I looked up I saw his pitiless, merciless eyes as he thrust his hips further and further down, impaling me on his pole. And with a shudder I felt myself cumming. Cumming harder than I had ever cum in my life.

Nobody had touched my cunt and yet here I was shaking pathetically like an inexperienced virgin. It was the look in Troy's eyes that had sent me over the edge. I knew that look because I'd dished it out so often. It was a look of power, of strength, of dominance, of control. It was a look which said this is all about me, and you are here as my accessory, as my plaything.

It was at that moment as I was gurgling helplessly on Troy's huge tool and my cunt was spasming out of control that it finally hit me quite how far out of my depth I was. It was like I had been thrown in at the deep end of the pool without being able to swim and without anything to keep me afloat. Instead, I was being swept away on a tide of euphoria. But as I looked up into those unyielding eyes I knew that this wasn't a game. This wasn't a sport. This was me being changed, irrevocably. I was being broken like a piñata.

As I came round I could hear my brother panting like an excitable puppy. "She's cumming." He seemed to have given up abusing me and instead was talking deferentially to Troy, who even in my wretched state I was pleased to see was obviously unimpressed by his immature attitude.

"There was me thinking she would be easy to break." He continued excitedly. "But look how easy it was for you to break her!"

And at that moment I knew. I knew that my brother had set this up. He had invited this sexual predator, this uber-stud into our house with the express purpose of breaking me. It should have appalled me. The betrayal, the lack of familial love, the deviousness of it all.

But it didn't. If anything it yanked up my arousal levels even further. If I knew about one thing it was manipulation. Bending others to my will. And I had to hand it to my brother, he had found my weakness and exploited it mercilessly. It seemed that bitchiness ran in the family.

It was so humiliating, being served up by my pathetic wimp of a brother for a sexual annihilation like the main course at a huge banquet. Yet that humiliation did not embarrass me. It only made me feel hotter and more needy.

This I realised was what I had needed. I had been shaken from my torpor, my palid, turgid existence and was experiencing life in the raw, my primal essence being unleashed free of high-society constraints.

But as these flurry of thoughts raced through my head I was becoming more and more dazed, the pressure of Troy's dick on my gullet draining the oxygen out of me like a deflating balloon.

Next moment though I was spluttering and coughing, my spit flying everywhere as Troy removed himself from me and again stood towering above me. His prick was now coated in my spittle, gleaming even more in the sun like a polished piece of pipework.

But when he spoke, in his deep baritone voice he wasn't addressing me, but instead my brother.

"Pick her up."

With that simple command he turned on the spot and began walking to the house. It was the first glimpse that I'd got of his muscular, tight arse which flexed as he walked, as impressive as the rest of his physique.

My brother looked startled by the turn of events. It seemed like this wasn't in the plan. Taking my advantage I whispered, "Better carry me bro. I don't think you'd like Troy angry."

His face blushed as he realised that despite his scheming, despite his determination to bring me down, he had about as much control of this situation as I did.

I saw the look of confusion in his eyes. He was still panting from his excitement, but I could see that was fading fast into what looked like a mixture of the lust and fear which was consuming me.

He glanced back to see Troy walking away, confident that we would both follow. And his eyes were fixed on his muscular glutes as he took a sharp intake of breath. Finally in desperation I saw him look over my shoulder at his boyfriend Scott.

The expression his face was pained, as though he was seeking guidance. But if he expected some sort of rescue it was obviously not forthcoming and I saw his eyes change again. The light inside faded slightly as he seemed to accept his fate. Yes this was my dear brother, weak and vacillating. He was proving yet again how inferior he was, even while I was lying at his mercy.

And then in the next second I felt Nate's arms reaching round my body and picking me up. One arm snaked under my legs while the other supported my back as he lifted me up off the ground. Then he was hurrying forward, chasing after Troy like a wayward puppy trying to find his way back to his owner.

In just a few minutes the power dynamics had changed utterly and I wasn't about to let that opportunity pass me by. "That's it brother. Carry me, like the docile bitch that you are. Weak and pathetic. You'll never be a real man, like Troy."

I was spitting my venom now, my old bitchy sell rushing back to me, and I saw that my barbs were hitting home as Nate's face darkened and reddened in humiliating embarrassment.

"Troy wants me Nate. He wants to fuck the shit out of me. And I can't wait for it. I might not be an ice Queen anymore but I'll be Troy's Queen if it means getting plugged by that huge dick of his. Of course he wants me. And that makes you jealous doesn't it Nate? You're jealous that it's your sister who is gonna get pounded. But then, what would he want with a sad little bitch boy like you?"
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It came flooding out of me, the torrent of invective. It made me feel good to have a bit of power over someone again. I might have enjoyed being humiliated by Troy because he had the strength and the wherewithal to dominate me, to put me in my place. But it still felt nice to lord it over a weakling like Nate who wouldn't know power if it hit him in the face. It was made even better by the fact that he'd had his little moment in the sun. He thought that he had won a victory over me. But I was showing him that he would forever have to kowtow to me, especially once Troy had got a taste for my cunt.

But my trash talking stopped as soon as Nate entered our lounge. I had to stop because once again it seemed like Troy had managed to suck all the air out of my lungs just by looking at him. All thoughts of abusing Nate were pushed from my mind as I focussed anew on the god-like man in front of me.

He was stood in the middle of the room, his feet a few paces apart, his back straight, and his hand wrapped around the base of his large tool. It still looked slick from his forceful blowjob and was now pointing straight towards me as he slowly tugged it in his firm hand.

Our lounge was massive and imposing. There was an ornate fireplace to the left with a large mirror above it, huge windows to the back, dozens of art pieces on the wall and a collection of sofas and small coffee tables set out in an artistic pattern across the room.

But all of that paled into insignificance compared to Troy, who dominated the room and demanded my attention. I was instantly wracked with an intense need to be fucked. As Nate lowered me to the floor my hands groped my dripping cunt as I massaged it vigorously while walking towards Troy.

"You two can go. I think it's gonna take some time to straighten this naughty girl out and get her in line."

I heard movement from behind as both Scott and Nate left. I revelled in my brother's dismissal and I beamed at Troy as he watched me approach and then spoke again in his deep, sexy voice.

"You want it, don't you babe?"

If any other guy had called me babe I would have slapped them, but I loved Troy calling me that. "Yes." I whispered hoarsely.

"Sorry babe, I didn't quite catch that."

"I want it." I said louder this time, a note of desperation very noticeable in my voice.

"What do you want me to do you, babe?"

He was grinning now. Grinning like the cat which had got the cream. He was playing with me, toying with me, showing just how in control he was.

I lost it. I tore off my bikini and quickly pulled down my thong to reveal my naked, toned body. My cunt was bare and free of any encumbrance I thrust my hand into it and squealed in pleasure. The nipples on my breasts were so hard they were painful. Acting on pure instinct and emotion I walked forward, my excitement building as I got closer and closer to Troy.

We were just inches from each other now and I could smell his powerful, masculine odour, which only intoxicated me further. "I want your dick." As I began to speak my hands reached up to my large, perky breasts and I massaged them sensually, pushing them together so that they seemed even bigger. "I want you to plunge your huge, fat prick into my tight, wet pussy and fuck me so hard that I can't walk properly for a week."

I could see that Troy was enjoying the show I was putting on for him. I was wiggling my hips now, while I talked out my fantasy. All my inhibitions had gone. All the scheming had vanished. The ice had melted and now I only wanted one thing. And I wasn't going to stop until I got it.

"I want you to ravish me. I want you to use me. I want you to destroy me."

I emphasised the word destroy with extra passion and it seemed as though Troy had heard enough because he moved so quickly that I barely realised what was happening before my back was on the sofa and he was on top of me.

His weight forced me to sink back into the sofa and I saw his head approaching mine. And suddenly we were kissing. Our tongues were entwined in a dance as they mashed together.

His tongue pushed itself fast and furious into my eager mouth and our faces glistened with the flecks of our shared saliva. Our bodies were now pressed tightly together, my breasts squeezed against his hard, muscular chest. He was so warm, so hot, like an engine that had been idling but was now preparing to hit top gear.

He moved his hand to the back of my head and pulled me even closer in, and our kissing became even more frantic as we both panted with excitement. But neither of us were satisfied for long. We both wanted more. I needed more.

As our clinch continued I reached down with my hand until it reached his hard, jutting spur and struggled to hold it in my grasp. It was pulsing now and I knew it couldn't be long until I had my wish and felt his schlong penetrate me.

The anticipation was killing me. My small soft hand was exploring his impressive shaft, tracing the large vein which bulged underneath. It was so hot and so hard and I needed it inside me. I was no longer thinking with my head. The only thought was being driven by my cunt.

In desperation I pulled my head away and screamed, "Fuck me, Troy. Fuck me, now. I need you inside me. Use me. Use me like a cheap whore and fuck me into oblivion."

As I was screaming out of control I saw his eyes ablaze in excitement and felt his prick pulse in my hand.

In a flash his hips had been drawn back and then he pushed forward until the dark purple helmet hit the entrance to my now flooded cunt. He was now towering over me, as he straightened his muscled body, while I lay beneath him, my back arched against the soft fabric of the sofa while my legs dangled helplessly over the side.

Troy with his feet on the floor was directing his hard, thick pipe downwards, perfectly positioned to break me in two. I was so hot, my head swimming with pheromones and as I looked down I could see his thick, veiny love muscle dark and forboding against my pale, white skin, about to penetrate my soft, pink pussy.

Next moment all conscious thought was pushed from my mind. Troy had forcefully pushed downwards, opening me up to his invasion. His immense girth and the speed of his thrust made me gasp in shock and knocked the stuffing out of me almost straight away.

But before I could draw breath he had withdrawn, before plunging his pecker into me once again. I was screaming, mewling and totally out of control. The wetness of my cunt and the angle of his attack meant that he met virtually no resistance as he slid into me.

And before I knew what was happening we were fucking as his hips bucked and he forced himself further and further inside me. His cock was so fat and so hard that it simply forced my cunt to accommodate it, forcing it to stretch wider and wider.

I just loved how good it felt. He was fucking me hard, really hard. But any pain was overwhelmed by the pleasure he was giving me. My cunt felt like it was on fire, the friction he was causing making it twitch and shudder, sending shots of pleasure right through my body.

I was gasping for breath and my head had rocked back as my overloaded senses tried to cope with the pounding I was receiving. Troy's head swam into view and as he looked down he had an expression of concentration on his face, like he had a job to do. But it was so handsome, so beautiful, so rugged that I didn't care about anything else.

And all the while he kept up a metronomic pace. Each time I thought that I was settling into the fucking that I was receiving I would feel him push harder and plunge deeper inside me.

He was playing me like a maestro. Each time my screaming petered out, each time my breathing became less erratic, each time I felt like I was regaining my composure he upped the ante.

It was like a high performance car being slowly taken up through the gears. Each time I thought I couldn't take any more, that I'd been pushed beyond my limits Troy seemed to prove me wrong.

All it took was for him to press himself further inside me, or alter his angle by just a degree and a new, as yet undiscovered part of my cunt, screamed out in pleasure.

He was now stuffing my pussy with nearly all of what seemed to be his foot long dong. He somehow managed to keep the pace of the fucking going while hitting me with long, deep strokes that were filling me with ecstasy.

Each time he drilled me it felt like my internal organs were being rearranged, such was the force and speed that he was going at. My screaming had now died down. Not because I had learnt to cope with the pounding, but because it had reached a pitch too high for human ears.

What few words I was managing were garbled and lacking in any meaning whatsoever. "UUUgghhhh. Arrrghhh. Yeeeesssss. Fuuuucccckkkkkkk. Morrrreeee. Harrrrrdd. Arrgggggh. Ugh."

The sofa was rocking now, hitting the wall with huge force each time Troy plunged inside me before being dragged away again as he lifted his hips out.


The noise of the sofa slamming into the wall mingled with my garbled shouts as Troy, with the stamina of an ox kept nailing me harder and harder.

And still Troy carried on fucking me. Remorseless and relentlessly he was spearing me open. For how long this went on for I have no idea but suddenly I felt something snap inside my head and at the same time my cunt felt like it had exploded.

Sticky girl juice came squirting out, drenching Troy's prick in my essence and dripping down on the sofa. That had never happened to me before. Obviously never with Brandon, but not even in my most frantic masturbation sessions had my cunt reacted like this before.

I felt my whole body quiver and shake as waves of pleasure rushed through me, making me feel better than I had ever felt in my life.

It was then that I truly realised how stupid I had been. What a deluded fool I was for thinking that I had any other place in the world than here: Underneath a stud like Troy, being nailed like a cheap slut.

I had wasted so much time on such ephemera. Obsessed with keeping my composure, protecting my high-society status, manipulating and controlling those around me. All that seemed so pointless now that I had experienced being fucked by a sexual god.

All I wanted now was for Troy to fuck me again. To give me another one of these incredible orgasms, to have that rush of endorphins spreading from my cunt throughout my body and making me feel so fucking good.

And as these thoughts rushed through my mind I let out a primal scream stronger and more intense than any in my life.

Troy was still going. He had carried on fucking me even as my body had seemingly shut down from the intense feelings of pleasure. My frame was weak and limp. I was exhausted sexually and physically. But it looked like Troy was just getting started as he continued his pounding as though nothing had happened.

The fluid from my geyser-like cuntal explosion simply greased my pussy even more, meaning Troy was able to penetrate me even deeper. He was now covered in a sheen of sweat from the exertions of pumping me, making his tight, ripped abs look even more impressive.

Just as I thought that he could carry on forever he abruptly pulled out of me. The momentary absence of his pipe from my cunt made me feel empty and I groaned in disappointment as my pussy screamed out to be fucked anew.

I didn't have to wait long. Troy flipped me over with incredible speed and dexterity so that I was now on top of him. He was lying almost flat on the sofa, his head propped up by the back rest. His hips extended past the end of the sofa and he was supporting me on his strong thighs.

"Ride that dick!"

I didn't need to be asked twice. The change in positions had helped to re-energise me and I was eager to show Troy that I wasn't just a cock sleeve and to prove to him that I was worthy of his prick.

So I quickly moved myself forward and placed my cunt on his dick before thrusting down and impaling myself on his thick, unyielding shaft.

"Ugh," I screamed out, "You're so fucking big. You're aaarrrgggghhhh!"

My words were interrupted as Troy flexed his muscles and drove his pole upwards so quickly that I was thrown into the air. As I fell back onto his spear it penetrated me again, slithering yet further into the inner reaches of my cunt.

This new position was hitting new nerves inside me and firing off pleasure throughout my body and within seconds Troy had started his rhythmical fucking again.

I might have been on top but he was very much in control as he showed off his sexual prowess by hammering my cunt with the same deep dicking that I had learnt to love and crave. I did my best to keep up with him and used all my strength to ride his dick as hard and as fast as I could.

Our bodies were smashing together and I could feel his huge peach-sized balls slapping my ass each time we connected. I was screeching now at the top of the lungs and had lost all sense of self or thought.

In this position I could see Troy's incredible body laid out before me. With each thrust into my twat I saw his muscles flex, making them look even more refined. As I struggled to cope with his pace my hands reached down, using his hard, muscled pecs to provide support.

But my eyes were inexorably drawn back to Troy's face and our eyes connected as we fucked. As I looked into those emerald eyes I realised that I never wanted to look away. It was like I was being hypnotised. I had never felt so dependent on anyone else in my life. Never felt so needy. But there was no doubt that after today that I would need Troy forever. I would never tire of having my cunt ripped apart by his monster dick. Whatever I had to do to keep getting fucked like this I would do because I knew that nobody in the world would be able to fuck me as well as Troy was fucking me now.

His eyes burned with a smouldering lust. He had a grin on his face as he watched me getting more and more delirious. I could feel another orgasm building inside me and it felt even more powerful than the one that I'd already experienced. That excited me, but it scared me too.

Sensing that I was on the edge Troy did two things at once to push me over the sexual cliff. He reached up and tweaked my nipples, roughly and hard. At the same time he doubled the speed that he was fucking me, sending his hips into overdrive as I bounced and flailed on his prick.

There was no question of this being a partnership now, of me contributing. He was destroying my cunt with his pipe, boring into it so hard and so fast that the whole room became a blur. I started to feel dizzy and the stimulus became too much.

Without even having the energy to scream I came. I had thought my earlier orgasm was powerful, but that was nothing compared to this. My body was convulsing so hard that it felt like I had been electrocuted.

I fell forward onto Troy and my face hit his hard pecs. It was all too much and as I felt my cunt flooding yet again the word faded away and I lost consciousness. Troy had fucked me into a coma.

When I came round I opened my eyes blearily but was soon jolted fully awake as I was confronted by a huge purple helmet resting on my face.

"That's it babe. Ding, ding time for round two."

I looked up for a moment and saw a manic look in Troy's eye. He certainly wasn't done with me yet. The tingling which I still felt in my pussy only intensified further as I saw his greed for sexual gratification. He was going to keep fucking me until he came. And that was fine by me.

I could smell his meat. It reeked of my own juices which were splattered all over it. But just as I went to reach out and put it into my hungry mouth Troy quickly flicked the hard heavy dick so that it slapped me on the cheek. Before I could react it had swung back and had hit me on the other cheek too.

"That's it babe. Not so high and mighty now, are you? Tell me what I've turned you into."

I didn't even think. "I'm your bitch, your whore, your slut, your skank. I would do anything to be pounded by your huge fuck stick. Give it to me, stud. Give it to me hard."

Troy just laughed, bent down and turned me round so that my face was being pushed into the sofa while he positioned himself behind me.

But once again Troy had a surprise for me. Instead of lining himself up with my cunt which was swimming with my juices I felt the tip of his wang touch my tight rose bud. Simultaneously, his hand came crashing and slapped my ass cheeks so hard that my whole booty jiggled.

I'd never let Brandon stick his thing up my asshole before. It was so disgusting so degrading. How could a classy girl like me let a grubby boy do that to me? Well, I was finding out that I wasn't the classy girl I thought I was.

But even if I had wanted to protest Troy wasn't going to give me the chance. His hand kept slapping my ass and I could feel it starting to burn. But all the abuse did was make my ass and cunt twitch in desperate need of the pounding which I knew was about to begin.

"Who owns this ass?" Troy bellowed while continuing to mete out his punishment.

"You. It's all yours. You own it, like you own me."

The words spilled from my lips without hesitation. The final vestiges of my self-worth, of seeing myself as a strong, independent woman disposed of without a second thought.

Troy didn't respond verbally. He responded physically.

Without any further warning he forced his hammer deep inside my shitter, propelling me forward so that my shoulder crunched into the back of the sofa with a thud.

It was agony. It was like my ass was being ripped open, my juices providing only the barest lubrication to his sudden, forceful entry.

But I didn't have long to worry about it because before I'd had chance to draw breath he had drawn his hips back and slammed me again. He was soon hitting his regular fucking pace, leaving me squealing beneath him like a pig being skewered on a hot poker. 

The noises I was making now seemed barely human as I tried to come to terms with Troy's brutal assault. It was like he was trying to ram home his dominance over me, to finally and utterly break me to his will. And it was working. I was losing all track of my bearings as he continued to plunge his dick into me harder and deeper with each stroke.

My tits were swinging now, smashing into the base of the sofa while my head lolled in around in a puddle of my own pussy juices. The smell was intoxicating and as well as the physical pain of having my ass pounded I realised through the sexual haze how revolted I should be. But that didn't matter now. Everything that I thought I knew was being deconstructed by Troy as he re-educated me about what was really important to me.

Before long what had been excruciating pain was giving way to ecstatic pleasure. My ass started to grow accustomed to Troy's size as he stretched my muscles and bent them to his will just as he had bent me to his will.

Unlike earlier though he didn't even wait for me to grow comfortable before raising the stakes, pummelling my ass with such ferocity that I thought he was going to kill me.

And then suddenly my body was juddering as a new orgasm ripped through it. My ass felt like it was on fire as it shook violently and as it became wetter with my ass juices my slicker canal only allowed Troy even easier access to keep splitting me in two.

Troy didn't miss a beat. He just kept right at it, pounding away, thrusting faster and faster his arms reaching round to grip my shoulders to increase his leverage, and I was totally lost. My body was thrashing about like a fish caught on a very large, thick rod. I felt high as a kite. It was all so mindless. So hedonistic. So liberating.

I heard myself screaming out, "Fuck me harder. Deeper. Faster." Troy was already giving it to me better than I could have ever imagined possible but with my inner slut was still greedy, hungry for more.
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I felt Troy responding by increasing his fucking to a turbocharged level and I felt his spear force itself yet further up my rear passage as I grabbed hold of the sofa and howled at the top of my lungs.

I was nothing but a piece of flesh being used. Used and abused by a man who was fucking me so hard that I was now in a constant state of orgasmic delight. I truly was Troy's bitch now, being fucked like a dog.

Fucking was too soft a word for what Troy and I were doing. We were rutting, like two wild animals. It was rough. It was nasty. It was sweaty. It was painful. It was brutal. It was filthy. But by god I loved it and knew that my life would never be the same. Having experienced this fucking of a lifetime I would be forever changed.

Then all of a sudden I felt Troy's pipe swell up, even fatter as it bombarded my rear end. Next second he had spun me round again and I heard him bellow as he finally unleashed his cannon full force. The first rope of cum hit me flush in the eye, dribbling down my face and smearing me with his thick, sticky man juice.

Then more shots were fired in quick succession and I was covered in a rain of semen, which quickly plastered my face and hair. I had never thought anyone could cum as much as Troy did then. By the time he was finished my whole upper body was plastered in his white residue, which was dripping down my body.

As I reached up to wipe my eyes I saw him before me and my mouth for the umpteemth time that day hung open as I looked on in awe at the sex god stood in front of me, still panting from our exertions. He was now covered in sweat, which was dripping down his body but this only gave him a deeper, more bronzed tan and emphasised his incredibly muscular physique.

He had a huge grin on his face as he looked down imperiously on me as I lay sprawled on the sofa covered in his seed. Then he stepped forward and gave me an order.

"Clean me up, babe."

I kneeled forward instantly and he pushed his dripping dick into my willing, waiting mouth.

I didn't even think for a second about how disgusting this was. Sucking a dick which had just spent half an hour pounding my own asshole. It was filthy and degrading. But I didn't care anymore. Troy wanted me to do it so I wanted to do it.

After a few moments Troy seemed to be satisfied with my work and he collapsed onto the sofa next to me.

"Aren't you gonna eat your dinner, babe?" He asked playfully.

It took me a moment for me to realise what he was talking about and as I lay there dazed and confused he tauntingly pointed to his face.

Suddenly I understood and without asking another question I began to scoop up the white deposits he'd left on my face and started shovelling the thick, viscous liquid down my throat.

I'd never tasted cum before. Whenever Brandon had spewed a few drops on me I'd always been disgusted and ran to wipe it off with a tissue. It was bitter and I didn't like it much, but I still gulped it down. In my post-coital high I felt lucky to have been fucked by Troy and given the honour of having his nector.

It took me quite a while to consume all the spunk which covered me and there was quite a bit in my hair which was impossible to extract. Troy just sat and watched his green eyes sparkling as he saw me so eager to do his bidding.

"How do you feel, babe?" He asked when I had finished and my eyes had returned their focus to his.


The word fell from my lips without a second thought. But now that I had said it I knew it was true. Both my cunt and my ass still felt sore and red from their abuse at Troy's hands (or rather at Troy's dick). But that was nothing to the feeling of emptiness. Despite the soreness and how long our already marathon sex session had lasted I still wanted Troy inside me again, and felt incomplete without him.

Troy laughed again. "As soon as I saw you this morning I knew you were an absolute cock-slut, but even I didn't realise how right I would be. It just goes to show I suppose that once a cunt has had a dick like mine it can't help but want it again and again, whether that cunt belongs to a rich chick like you or the busty cheerleader without two cents to rub together that I fucked last night."

As I listened to him I couldn't help but agree with what he said even though I knew that my old self would be horrified by the sentiment. But even more shockingly I noticed that as he spoke his hand had reached his now soft, fleshy tube and as he stroked it I saw it rising anew, seemingly ready for more.

Even after a day filled with surprises I was shocked yet again. How could Troy be getting hard again after we had been fucking for hours and he had just fired about a gallon of cum over me? But my shock soon gave way to excitement and need as my cunt twitched in anticipation of being fucked again by his huge sex column. 

Seeing the look of excitement in my eyes Troy said, "You really are a horny bitch, aren't you?"

"I am now." I said eagerly.

"Good, cos as you can see I've got quite the sexual appetite," Troy said smirking while nodding towards his now fully re-inflated prick which looked ready for action once more.

Before I could respond Troy had lifted me up in his big, strong arms. He quickly manoeuvred me into position so that my legs were splayed around his torso, smearing his abs with my still leaking cunt juice.

Troy was holding my waist and was effortlessly controlling my position as though he had picked up a doll. I was using all my strength to lift my upper body and keep contact with his captivating emerald eyes.

They were sparkling again with a sense of eager anticipation. And suddenly I felt his hips press forward and he was inside me again.

This time my cunt was better able to accommodate him and using my wetness as lubrication he easily slid a good two thirds of his porky pole inside me. The force of his thrust knocked me backwards and my head fell away from his glistening body.

The only things supporting me now were his big strong hands and the powerful muscle which he was planting inside my desperate cunt. Despite the position being precarious I felt incredibly safe in Troy's hands, reassured yet again by his immense strength.

Troy hit top gear quicker this time, hitting my pussy with shorter quicker strokes as though his appetite for release had increased. All I could do was lay back and take it. He was in complete control, using his strong hands to move my body so that our hips both smashed together in perfect rhythm.

Each stroke sent a wave of pleasure which travelled right to my core. I might have had no control, but I didn't want to. Troy was playing me so well that I was happy to be at his mercy and within just a few strokes I was again screaming at the top of my lungs as I felt another orgasm building.

As Troy continued to relentlessly fuck me with his impossibly large schlong I felt my cunt straining under the pressure as it was stretched this way and that, subjected to such incredible stimulation that it was only a matter of a few minutes before I was again shattered by another powerful orgasm that powered through my body and seemed to go on and on and on as Troy kept pounding away.

Perhaps it was that orgasmic bliss that meant I didn't hear the noise of the car engine. Perhaps it was my screams which meant I didn't hear the front door opening or the feet running across the house at the sound of the commotion Troy and I were causing. 

But suddenly, just as I felt the familiar feeling of Troy's swelling rod inside me I saw the last person in the world appear in the room, panting and out of breath: my mother.

I saw her upside down in the doorway as my head lolled backwards. For a moment the only sound which could be heard was the rhythmic slapping of hip on hip as Troy kept blasting his rod into my squelching cunt.

While my screams had been extinguished in shock at my mother's appearance, it seemed as though Troy wasn't going to let it get in his way.

Eventually it was my mother who broke the silence.

"What the hell is going on here? Grace?"

I tried to speak but my mouth was dry and for the first time in my life I was speechless and it was talking all my effort not to resume my raucous shouting at the pounding that Troy was administering.

"That's pretty obvious, isn't it maam. I'm banging the living shit out of your daughter and she is absolutely loving it."

Troy spoke in a calm voice, as though this sort of thing happened every day and really wasn't something to get worked up over.

"Excuse me young man but st-st-stop that right now and get out of my house!!"

My mother's was trembling and I could see her sway slightly. Even though some of that was probably my dizziness I could also see that she was intimidated by Troy and by the looks of it was distinctly the worse for wear after her drinking session with the other trophy wives.

"And why would I do that, when I'm having so much fun?"

All the while Troy carried on his rhythmical fucking as though nobody had disturbed us and the room rang out with the clapping sound of his balls which were now slapping my ass.

My mother was really losing her composure. "G-g-g-et o-o-out! You discusting boy!"

"First off maam. I'm not a boy, I'm a man as I'm sure your daughter could tell you if only she could speak. And second, there is no need to get jealous. There's plenty of my dick to go round."

As Troy said these words he intensified his fucking so that his pipe was thrust in and out of my now constantly spasming cunt at an even faster pace.

"I-I-I mean it. Release my daughter at once!"

"Well if you insist."

In one fluid movement Troy yanked me off his prick which had now swollen to monstrous proportions and flung me to the side, discarding me like a piece of trash and I hit the floor with a sickening thud.

Just a second later the inevitable happened, what I had known Troy had been building up to for the last minute while he spoke to my bewildered mother.

He unloaded a huge rope of thick white cum. It flew into the air at incredible speed so all that I could see was a blur as I looked up, unconcerned by the pain caused by my fall. But despite the blur its trajectory was clear. It arced up into the air before being pulled downwards by gravity until it hit its target, landing on my mother's chin despite the fact that she stood a good thirty feet away.

Of course Troy didn't stop there. His huge cannon kept on firing his white spunk and as its velocity dropped he swaggered forward aiming his dick like a gun and using my mother for target practice. She just stood there, seemingly immobilised by shock at what was happening to her as her whole face and chest became covered in Troy's splooge.

When he eventually stopped issuing his seed he was stood just a few feet from my mother. I scrambled off the floor eager to clean him up, to take up my role as his dutiful cum rag. But he knocked me a way with a gentle slap of his hand and I fell back to the floor, looking up at his handsome, rugged face.

Troy was grinning from ear to ear while my mother, from what I could make out under her white mask, was terrified.

"Not seen a dick like this one before have you ma'am? Bet your husband isn't packing like this is he?" He grabbed the base of his prick to emphasis the point and I saw in astonishment that it was still rock hard. Troy was obviously getting off on putting on a show for my mother.

"In fact I bet you've not seen one like this in your entire life, have you? Even in your wild college days." Troy was walking towards my mother now and she was backing away but in her disorientation she was walking towards the wall, rather than the door. Her back hit the wall and she jumped out of fright before redirecting her attention to Troy and his humongous appendage.

I saw her eyes bulge. And in that moment I could see what was going to happen. I saw what Troy was going to do. Perhaps this had been his plan all along. Perhaps this is why he had decided to fuck me in the lounge rather than in one of the house's many bedrooms.

Troy's actions and intentions should have repulsed me. Should have caused me to rise up and fight against him. But the old part of me was still there and I couldn't help but be impressed by his ruthless aggression. And my new self felt her cunt shudder again. The more evil Troy became the more I wanted him. It seemed that I was a sucker for a bad boy. And Troy was the baddest of the lot if he was about to do what I thought he was going to do.

"You must think you've got a pretty good life." Troy continued, "Living in this huge house. Going out to lunch with your rich friends while your husband goes out and earns the money. But I reckon that's not enough for you, is it? I don't think your daughter is the only repressed slut in this family, is she? I think you've been desperate to escape your suffocatingly boring existence for years now, haven't you? Well now is your chance to find out what you've been missing out on."

My mother either couldn't or wouldn't say anything in response to Troy's speech. In the meantime he had continued to walk towards her and as he did so her eyes stayed fixed on his huge dick.

"Now is your chance to get fucked properly. Not what your husband tries to do maybe once a week if you're lucky. This is your chance to get fucked by a proper man. Look at what I've done to your daughter."

When my mother refused to look at me Troy stepped forward and grabbed hold of her face, still sticky with his cum and pointed it in my direction.

"What do you see?" He asked tauntingly.

"I-I-I. I don't ..."

"Don't play stupid with me. You know exactly what you see. You see a slut. A mindless, cock hungry slut who has just been fucked out of her tiny little mind. But you're not angry. You've had plenty of time to run for it, to call for help but instead you stayed and watched while I was hammering your own daughter's cunt."

My mother looked as though she couldn't speak even if she had wanted to. But I could see from her eyes that she was starting to lose it. She was still buzzed from her lunch and I could tell from her involuntary twitching that she was turned on by Troy and his trash talk. She was trying to deny it to herself. She was trying to regain control. But she couldn't, Troy had her exactly where he wanted her and her defences were crumbling as he continued an assault which I knew wouldn't stay verbal for long.

"No you're jealous. You want a big fat dick slammed up your MILF pussy. Don't you? You want a young, hung stud to fuck you hard unlike your useless, worthless husband. You've convinced yourself that you're happy in this fairytale life you've constructed but you'll never be as happy as your daughter is now without being dominated by a strong alpha male. And you know it. Well today is your lucky day, babe, cos you're not going to find a bigger stud than me to give you the drilling that you're so desperate for. So why don't we stop playing games and get down to business?"

Even under the translucent glow of the cum which was now congealing on her face it was clear that Troy's dirty talk had made a profound impact on my mother. She was panting now and her face had turned a scarlett red and the earlier terror in her eyes had been replaced by a gleam that I had never seen before except in a mirror a few hours ago in my own face. It was the gleam of a slut who was desperate to get fucked.

"Strip babe, I want to see if you're as hot as your fine daughter underneath those clothes."

This was the moment of truth. My mother could still walk away. I knew that she wore a panic button that my father made sure she always carried with her. She could press that and security would be here in minutes. Or she could make the same choice that I had a few hours earlier and submit herself to Troy and let him use his massive tool to turn her into a desperate slut willing to do anything to get her next fix of his dick.

I also realised in that moment that she never really had a choice. I was my mother's daughter after all and we had a lot more in common than either of us cared to admit. Troy had hit all the right notes. He had obviously done his research well, and my dopey brother had probably given him all the ammunition he needed.

We both knew that our parents marriage was a sham. My father put up with it because he knew he couldn't do any better even with all his money. And my mother put up with it because without it she'd be penniless. She was trapped in a loveless marriage which if she was anywhere near as horny as I was must have been hell for her. And now here was Troy, promising to give her what she had been yearning for. Well, there was only going to be one outcome.

And sure enough after a second of hesitation my mother reached down and pulled down her black skirt. Troy had taken a few paces back now and was stroking his dick as he watched appreciatively as my mother submitted herself to him. As I watched I wasn't overcome with anger at what Troy was doing. No my overwhelming emotion was jealousy. I wanted Troy to be watching me, wanking over me, fucking me, not my past-it mother.

But I knew better than to try and interfere. It wasn't my place to try and interfere even if I had the power to do so. A man as strong and virile as Troy made up his own rules and so instead I decided to enjoy the show, placing my fingers inside my sloppy, leaking cunt and playing with myself as my mother continued her lewd strip show.

Her top had now been discarded and so she stood wearing just a red bra and thong, matched by her scarlet heels. I saw in Troy's excited face that he liked what he saw and I couldn't blame him.

My mother still had a great figure despite her age. Her legs were long, shapely and toned from spending hours in the gym. Her abs were firm but all eyes were fixed on her full, large breasts which were barely concealed by the lacy bra that she was wearing.

Suddenly she seemed to realise that she was the centre of attention and that she had a red-blooded, horny stud who had his attention solely focussed on her. I saw a spark light up in her eye. She wasn't used to male attention like this except from the old, balding men at the boring social functions she attended.

So she started to show herself off, her hands roamed over her curvy body seductively and she leaned forward, giving Troy and eyeful of the boobs that my father had spent so much money on over the years. She started to wipe the cum still splattered over her face and chest and rubbed into her body, making it gleam.

Her hands cupped her firm breasts and started to push them together, making them appear even larger. Troy was watching her now hungrily. His hands were tugging at his prick in his excitement at the lewd show my mother was performing for him.

Slowly and seductively she lowered her bra until it had been removed entirely, revealing her hard, erect nipples at the centre of her small areola. While one hand continued kneading her busom, the other reached down and slowly lowered her thong which dropped to the floor and was kicked away.

As she did so she gave us both an eyeful of her clearly wet pussy which had a neatly trimmed bush above it. Now completely naked my mother straightened up again while her fingers worked their way into her tight cunt, exposing her pink inner folds which glistened in her juices.

My mother had been waiting a long time for this and now that she had made her decision, to lose herself in this depravity, to surrender to her fantasy she was not holding back.

Then suddenly Troy leaped forward, evidently unwilling or unable to hold himself back any longer. He immediately grabbed hold of her ass cheeks with both hands and effortlessly lifted her off her feet, dragging her across to the sofa where he had fucked me just minutes before.
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As he dumped her on her back I realised with a jolt of excitement that he was going to fuck her as she lay in her own daughters sweat and cum. The nastiness of it all made myself finger myself even faster.

Troy really was a beast of a man. A primal force of nature on the rampage, wrecking sluts like me and my mother. It really was something to see this young man manhandle a woman old enough to be his own mother so easily. To bend her to his will like he had already bent me. And it made me so hot that I was desperate for another fucking and insanely jealous that it was my mother's turn to get the savage treatment Troy was about to mete out.

Suddenly I heard a scream and saw that Troy had forced his weapon into my mother's defenceless cunt. It sank inside her as easily as a knife sliding through butter, her wetness helping Troy split her open.

I watched mesmerised as Troy withdrew his massive implement and as he did so he dragged my mother's cunt along in his wake before plunging back into her anew. Her pussy bulged under the strain of his wrist-thick girth and she was now screaming out in a mixture of pleasure and pain which I knew so well.

The walls of her pussy were wrapped so tightly around Troy's pistoning prick that it was hard to know where his dick ended and her cunt began. She was writhing beneath him, squirming like an eel under the force of his hammer like thrusts.

"Come on old lady, can't you keep up?"

As though slapped in the face my mother tried to open her mouth in response to Troy's insult but her mouth slapped shut as Troy drove hard inside her, submerging yet more of his pipe inside her. All she could do was gurgle and moan in a high pitched squeal.

But her face grew more concentrated and her body stiffened as she attempted to keep up with the young jock who was fucking her harder, I was sure, than she had ever been fucked before.

"Ugh. I guess tight, ugh, cunts run in the family."

Both of us beamed at the compliment as though we had won some kind of reward. Troy glanced round at me and grinned as he saw our reaction to his praise.

"Come here, babe." He instructed and without missing a stroke he leaned across and pulled me into a passionate embrace.

Our lips locked together and we were kissing with a new level of passion and ferocity. It was as though all the anger and frustration that I felt about not being in my mother's position was being poured into the kiss as our tongues became enmeshed, writhing all over each other. I could tell that Troy was being turned on by having a mother and a daughter together. It seemed to have pushed his sexual prowess up to an even higher level of performance.

My mother was really struggling now and as Troy broke our snog we both looked down to see my mother's eyes rolling in their sockets and next second her whole body was shaking and she was squirting like a leaking hosepipe all over Troy's prick.

Instinctively I bent down to lick up her juices and spurred on by my lewdness Troy accelerated his thrusts so that he was deep dicking my mother at what seemed like warp speed. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. She was red hot now and the tremors from her mind-blowing orgasm were still racing through her.

But Troy wasn't going to stop. I saw it in his gorgeous green eyes, a thrilling darkness. He was passed the point of no return. My mother had been fucked beyond her physical limits but Troy, in the throes of passion, didn't seem to care. He just kept slamming her over and over again.

She seemed to be completely limp now as her body was rocked by each thrust of Troy's pelvis but had a blissful look on her face. I didn't think she had ever looked so happy in her life. But it was all getting too much for her and I saw her fading out of consciousness. Whether it was pride in fucking a hot, sexy MILF into a coma I don't know but Troy roared and released a torrent of his man juice all over her prone body.

He didn't cum quite as much this time but he still coated her breasts and torso in his manly essence. He stepped back from the sofa and looked down at the spent, comatose body beneath him with a sense of steely satisfaction at what he had achieved.

Then he turned to me and said, completely matter of factly, "Where is that maid of yours? All this fucking has made me starving."

I hurried up to call for Juanita and we both left the lounge, leaving my mother asleep in our combined sexual fluids.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Juanita had looked shocked when she saw our two naked bodies but when I told her to stop gawking and get cooking she quickly obeyed. I quickly realised that I was very hungry too and we both ate ravenously.

Troy couldn't help but charm little old Juanita and succeeding in making her blush as she looked at his buff, fit body. Soon we had both eaten a sumptuous, but simple meal and were sitting back contentedly in our seats.

"So babe," Troy said in a more serious, workmanlike tone of voice, "I'm guessing you're gonna want me to pump that cunt of yours pretty regularly from now on, aren't you?"

"Well duh!" I said rolling my eyes, "Watching you fuck my mom back there. God, it just made me so hot and wet. The way you totally overpowered her and banged her so hard that she passed out! I was so jealous that it wasn't me you were doing that to."

Troy grinned at me. "Somehow I thought you'd say that. Now obviously you are gonna have to give me something in return if you want me to, umm, give you a regular servicing."

"Anything. Anything you want!"

"Well babe, it's pretty simple. I want it all. I want your whole family. I want you. I want your mom. I want this house. I want all your property. I want your dad's business. The lot."

His sheer audacity impressed me. He thought he could waltz in here and take EVERYTHING? Who did he think he was? But then I realised he was Troy. He was a stud who had fucked me so hard that he had turned me into an absolute slut for him and his cock. I knew that nobody else would be able to screw me like that. Nobody else would be able to make me feel the way that Troy had made me feel today. I had felt more alive today than I ever had at any point in the previous staid, boring 19 years of my life.

And so I realised that Troy deserved everything. It was only right that a big, strong, powerful alpha male should demand everything. Because he knew that he could get it. He knew that after just a few hours with him I would be willing to do anything for him. Even if that meant selling my own family down the river. I would do all that just to be fucked by Troy one more time. Just to feel so out of control, so reckless, so deliriously happy.

"You've got yourself a deal then." I replied, eyeing his dick eagerly, which was lying soft between his legs but still seemed to stretch halfway down his thigh.

"Hey, not so quick babe." Troy chuckled, laughing at the pained expression on my face at being denied, even momentarily. "The way I see it is that I've got you. I've got your pathetic brother. And after that performance just now I think it's pretty safe to say I've got your mom too. So that just leaves one last possible roadblock - your dad. So you better tell me everything you know about him right now so that we can get him dancing to our tune."

"Well stud, if there's one thing I can do, apart from fuck, its wrap my dad round my little finger."

We spent the next few minutes strategising. Here I was talking to a guy that I'd only met today and betraying my own father, the man who had done everything for me my whole life. But that was who I was. My dad had the chance to straighten me out, to make me a better person, but his weakness, his submission to my every whim and demand had made me the woman I was today.

When we had finished agreeing our plan I saw Troy relax and a look of complete satisfaction spread throughout his body. Poor Ted wouldn't know what hit him.

"Right then babe, let's get to work."

We decided we had time for a bit more fun before putting our, admittedly relatively simple plan, into action because Ted usually arrived home late from the office.

We both strutted back into the lounge, Troy slapping my ass cheeks as we went and causing me to squeal in excitement. As we re-entered the room our noise caused my mom to awaken from her cock-induced coma.

She looked groggy and disorientated, confused about where she was and how she had got there. By this point Troy had again sprouted a full erection and despite seeing it in action all day I still had to stare at it in awe. By the time my mom had fully opened her eyes she was confronted by Troy's thick, solid pole pointed directly in her face.

Instinctively she reached out and grabbed hold of it and without another word leaned forward to try and gobble it up. Troy stepped back and she stumbled onto the floor, her hair matted with sweat and cum, her legs wobbling like jelly. Troy forced her to crawl across the room after him. Each time she got close to her prize he cruelly backed away again.

Eventually they reached me on the other side of the room. "Why don't you two sluts show me which of you can give the best blowjob?"

Within a second I was on my knees next to my mom and we were both scrabbling to get our hands on Troy and his huge slab of meat. As we fought each other Troy said mockingly, "Don't worry babes, there's plenty of dick for the both of you."

And before my mom could do anything else to stop me I dove forward and forced Troy's huge mushroom head into my mouth and slammed as much dick down my throat as I could. I knew my mom was pissed that I'd got a head start but she soon realised that Troy had been right and I saw her in my peripheral vision groping at his low-hanging gonads, stuffing her face with first one ball and then the other.

Troy had definitely been right his tool was definitely big enough that it needed at least two sluts to be able to service it. I was struggling to fit even a third of his crowbar into my gob and was using my hands to reach the base of his prick.

As I was blowing him I looked up into his green eyes. I had never been so eager to please another human being in my whole life. Never been willing to subjugate my own needs to those of someone else and I felt pride when Troy let out a moan of satisfaction.

"God damn you two are eager sluts. We're gonna have so much fun together."

After a while at Troy's insistence we swapped places and I saw how eager my mom was to please him. She was bobbing her head on his dick like a yo-yo she was so eager to get him off.

I was still amazed at Troy's stamina. We must have been going on for at least half an hour and yet he seemed like he could do this all day. He had incredible self-control given what a kick it must have been giving him to have a mother and her daughter fighting over his cock.

Eventually Troy dragged us off his huge pipework and laid it out for my mom. If she wanted to continue getting fucked by a proper stud, instead of her useless hubby, then she would have to give Troy everything.

Her eyes widened at the scale of his demands but when Troy made to leave, taking his once-in-a-lifetime dick with him, she quickly shouted him back like I knew she would. Just like with me Troy had unleashed her inner slut and there was no way that she could lock it away again.

With my mom on board with our evil plan I left the two of them to go get showered and dressed, but couldn't help look back at them with a jealous glare on my way out. Still, if our plan worked I would be getting plenty more time with Troy.

When I arrived back downstairs I saw that Troy was again balls deep in my mom. She was screaming like a banshee again and I felt that familiar jealous feeling rising inside me which I fought with all my strength to surpress.

I could see Troy was taking it relatively easy by his standards. She was riding his fuck stick on the sofa which we had spent the day fucking on. He was letting her set the pace and she was grinding slowly up and down on him, her ass wiggling as she did so. I saw that his face was a little bored at the tameness of its all but we both knew he needed to make this last a little longer.

I gave him a quick thumbs up and he nodded his acknowledgement. I retreated out of the room and hid, waiting across the corridor.

I wasn't kept waiting long as the door soon opened and I heard my dad entering the house. Mom's moans were still ringing loud and clear, echoing for anyone to hear. A second after the door had opened and for the second time that day I heard running footsteps run towards the lounge to find out the cause of the unholy disturbance.

I crept out of the room and positioned myself beside the door so that I had a good view of the action but not be seen by anybody inside, until I wanted to be.

My dad ran into the lounge and was confronted with the site of my mom screaming at the top of the lungs while riding Troy in the reverse cowboy position. At the site of Ted she jumped in what Troy and I knew was mock surprise and clambered off Troy's stiff pole.

Even in the drama of the moment I struggled to take my eyes off Troy's huge organ. As my mom stood up it fell back and slapped Troy's abs with a thud which echoed round the room. It was so dark and slick, covered in my mom's pussy juice, which I saw was also starting to drip down her leg.

My dad was seemingly unable to say anything and was momentarily speechless as his face reddened in what I could only imagine was a mixture of embarrassment. Eventually he managed to desperately ask, "How could you?"

My mom looked at him with an icy glare that I could only admire as an expert who had perfected the look myself.

"How could I not?" she replied angrily. "Look at me. Look at this body." She cupped her breasts and wiggled her curvy hips, putting on a show which I doubted he had seen for years. "Remember it? Because it's so long since you've looked at it. You care more about that bloody business than you do about your own wife. So how could I not look elsewhere for some attention?"

"But I've given you everything. You ungrateful little whore." My dad seemed to be recovering his composure a bit now. "And now I come home and find you cavorting with a boy. Have you n-n-no ..."

My dad had been stopped in his tracks as Troy chose this moment to enter the fray. All he had to do was stand up and my poor father came to a stuttering, spluttering halt. I couldn't blame him. Troy looked incredibly imposing as he stood up, at least half a foot taller than my dad and with his massive cock jutting out from his body like a lethal and threatening weapon.

"Boy?" Troy boomed, "Boy? Do you really think that I'm a boy when I'm playing with this?" He gave his prick a few rough tugs to emphasis his point. "I bet you couldn't imagine having a dick like this in your wildest dreams!"

"Uh, uh," Ted was on the ropes now, lost for words as his eyes goggled at Troy and his incredible physique. Even after a day of non-stop fucking Troy looked fresh, his tanned body covered in a sheen of sweat that only made him look even sexier.

"Here's what I think," Troy continued as though Ted had not even attempted a response. "I think deep down you're glad that someone else has stepped up to the plate. I think you're glad that a proper man, a real man is giving your wife the attention that a hot, sexy woman like her needs. It means you're off the hook. You can go back to running your business safe in the knowledge that your wife is being well looked after. Isn't that right?"

My mom took the opportunity to jump back into the fray. She moved towards Troy and reached out and wrapped her hand against his pole.

"Look at it, Ted. Look at it. Once I've had this inside me, how could you ever compete? You always told me that you loved me and wanted only the best for me. Well Troy is the best. He can fuck me better than you ever can. So don't make me choose because even though we've been married twenty years and I've only known Troy one day, there'll only be one winner."

My dad's face was now a crimson red, through a mixture of anger and embarrassment and he seemed paralysed still by the spectacle before him.

"This is what's gonna happen." Troy was speaking again in his deep, commanding voice. "You're gonna let me move in and you're gonna let me keep banging your wife senseless. In exchange Kaitlin won't divorce your sorry ass and take your house, your cars and your company with her. And you don't have to go through the public embarrassment that a messy divorce would cause you. Especially when your business partners and golf buddies find out that your wife has left you for a guy still at school."

Troy spoke with such authority and power that it seemed like my dad would have no choice to submit. His performance was turning me on so much and I was desperate to feel him inside me once again but knew that I had to hold on just a little bit longer.

"I - I - the cheek. The impertinence ..." But my dad's response was drowned out by my mom's laughter. The hand not on Troy's prick was pointing at my dad's crotch. I edged further into the room to get a better look and even after all the events of the day I was shocked at what I saw.

My dad's grey trousers had a dark spot which was rapidly expanding from his crotch and down his leg.

"Oh Ted, you never did have much stamina, did you?" My mom mocked him derisively.

Troy was beaming now. "Well I guess I've got your answer even if it is from your dick rather than your mouth. I'm not an unfair guy Ted. I'll let you watch while I fuck your wife's brains out. And you can wank yourself as much as you want while I do it."

Ted didn't respond verbally, as though he couldn't. Instead I watched as my own father unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. His grey briefs soon joined them at his ankles. My dad's rigid dick was stood to attention, already hard again. But it looked more like a stub than a proper cock. He was even smaller than Brandon. My respect for my mom suddenly went up a lot. It was impressive that she had stayed loyal to a man who had clearly never been able to satisfy her sexually. Though I suppose the money must have softened the blow somewhat.

"Well Ted, it looks like Troy here has got you just as excited as me. In twenty years of marriage I don't think I've ever seen you get hard again so fast before."

And with that she sank to her knees and pushed her head forward, choking on Troy's prick. Ted's eyes were bulging and I watched as he backed away and sat down, continuing to wank his feeble dick.

As I watched the sordid scene before me I realised just how fucked up this really was. I was watching the guy who had spent most of the day fucking me getting head from my mom while my dad sat and watched. But I had never cared much about morality and I wasn't going to start now. Seeing what Troy was capable of doing had only made me more attracted to him.

With Troy I would never be the one in control. I'd never know what would happen next. But I knew that he would be strong enough to protect me. I knew that he would always leave me completely satisfied. And I knew that I wanted him more than ever.

Given my dad's weakness I hadn't even been needed, but that wasn't going to stop me getting some more action with Troy, whether my dad was there or not. I knew instinctively that now was the time to show him what the situation was, now while he was at his weakest.

So I crept down the hallway before walking back towards the lounge. This time instead of being quiet I was loud, instead of hiding my presence I advertised. And in a few seconds I had barrelled through the door.

Both Ted and Troy's heads snapped towards me. My mom remained impaled on Troy's pipe - and I saw him push her head down further, making it impossible for her to look round.
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