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Chapter 1
Shyamalavathy is a lecturer whose husband was alcoholic and suffered from diabetes that had robbed him of all sexual desire and left her in a sexless marriage for many years. She was forty five, mother of two girls and a boy aged twenty two, nineteen and sixteen respectively when her husband died.Shyamalavathy was twenty two when she married to thirty four years old husband, a Lecturer,one year after his first wife died. He was a suspecting and dominating husband. She led the life accepting the fate, living with her sadistic, cruel and abusive husband for the sake of children.
She was beautiful and sexy. Every man who looked at her desired her. Her husband tormented her for no fault of her, when a man looked at her. Though she was earning good salary, She did not have financial freedom and suffered humiliation, physical and emotional abuse from her suspecting husband.
She thought "It got to a point where I just couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with him. At some point, I wished that he would die. There’s no way I’m going to be able to divorce him. Maybe he’ll be killed in a car accident.I would fantasize about that but I would feel such awful guilt thinking about it. I created a fantasy world of what it would be like if I was not married to him but I just kept thinking, that’s never going to happen unless maybe if he were killed, if there were some type of accident. That would give me an out. There were many times I thought it would just be so much easier if he died in a car accident. It was that I truly wanted him dead. It was a very superficial imagining because I never thought through any of the consequences such as how the children would feel. And I am sitting here today."
She did not feel sad or have feelings of grief. She did not mourn. She felt relief, free as if she is set free from life term imprisonment. She felt happy, joyous and elated.Instead of being gloomy and sad she felt monstrous joywhich means there would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.Shedid not have feelings of grief, sorrow and sad. She is experiencing complete joy over the death of her husband, due to the resentment and helplessness that built up over the years.She has been mistreated by her husband since marriage. His death is for the best for her. She felt relief that he is dead and can't hurt her now. She felt better,calmer and Safer and happy.
She thought, 'I wasn’t good at being assertive, so his selfish, inconsiderate domination walked all over me. I was a living doormat. It’s not easy being a living doormat. Anyone woman who has attempted to survive such an existence will agree. I was resentful, exhausted, used up, abused and wounded. I did not feel loved. At the same time, I knew he needed me in his life because of my salary. I was used and abused.I've never been happier since my husband died.' Being a widow is good for her because there is no suffering and less stress after her husband died and she was free to live her life as she wants. She was thinking how best to use her newly acquired freedom.
She accepted condolences from friends and relatives calmly.Since her happiness is socially unacceptable, she masked her happiness feelings in the presence of other people, except in front of children.Surprisingly even the children did not feel sad for the loss of dominating and dictatorial father.During the thirteen day customary mourning period of her husband, she said it repeatedly under her breath - free, free, and free! The vacant look that was present in her utterance escaped her eyes, they remained bright and keen. She kept saying free! Her body and soul free.Concealing her pleasure for the sake of society, She has gone through customary mourning period till thirteenth day .
Even before the thirteenth day ceremony she got a surprise. Ontenth day after her husband’s demise, she received a letter from an unknown person named Shiva.The first letter was opened by her daughters and they read it. He praised her beauty, expressed his love, and admiration.She was surprised to receive such letter immediately after becoming a widow. She wondered whether a man known to her has written with a pseudo name.Every day she received handwritten voluminous letterson beautiful stationary containing erotic Kama Sutra positions and Khujaraho sculptures in the background for a week from him. The letters day by day became more amorous, erotic, explicit, enthralling, romantic, and passionate. Each day she waited for his letters and read the letters with curiosity, increased interest and pleasure.
Chapter 2 - The letters
My darling beautiful Sexy Kama Shyamalavathy,
I love you.I like you. I want you. I have been in love with you. You are beautiful, erotic and sexy.I like your smile, the way you hold your head, and your very essence entrances me, I feel like I want to have you as mine.I guess some people would call that love,but it is much more intense and passionate. I fell in love with you ten years ago, the first time I saw you - Love at first sight. But could not express my heartfelt intense love, lust and immense desire to you because you are married, have three children and a suspecting husband.I am thirty three years old. I have been in love with you for ten years. The feelings inside me for you are profound, real, intense, terrifying and terrific all at once.
I like yourtall, dark, curvaceous sexy erotic sensuous body, smooth, radiant glowing healthy skin, beautiful face, deep set thick kajal lined expressive eyes, well defined curvaceous eyebrows. Your well-defined juicy wide full thick pouting pronounced cupid bow heart shaped lips reveal passionate, artistic, creative, intelligent, energetic,erotic, seductive and sensuous personality. I am attracted to your long, curved, and almost-concave sloped nose with a slight upward peak at the tip long smooth neck and sexy round shoulders, fat smooth arms, artistic long fingers, large huge voluminous firm pendulous mountainous heavy breasts hung from lean chest, big nipples extending out of your brazenly top heavy frame. I admire your taut thin waist curvaceously spread onto wide bottom and big hemispherical protruding inverted pots-like hips,you rbeautiful black, hip length,soft, silky, lustrous, smooth, shining, wavy, voluminous, uniformly thick hair. I want to feel your hair arranged into a bewitchingly beautiful thick braid. I admire your curvaceous erotic exciting body, firm yet full at the bosom and wide round hips. I want to kiss your prominent fleshy belly button with deep hole and wide rim carving lusciously in a vortex to fit a jewel. I like your beautiful and sexy taut and fit body with flat stomach. Your curves are well defined for a forty seven year old mature woman.I want to fondle and suck your large, globular, firm, and voluminous breasts hanging from your lean chest. Your thicksmooth fat arms, huge enormous hips and big butt excite me. You have an erotic bodyand incredible hips.You maintained and stayed pretty fit, but left enough fat on your ass, thighs and chest to shape a curvy figure despite your advancing age.Your sexy curvaceous body personality makes you immensely desirable. Your thick arms also indicate that you have very thick fat enormous thunderous thighs. The shape and size of your wide mouth and succulent juicy thick cupid lips indicate that you have juicy thick cunt lips and enormously significant big clitorisand very deep big cunt.
Your name, K. Shyamalavathy reveals your style and nature- Kama, Sexy, Horny, Aphrodisiac, Magnificent, Adorable, Lust, Admirable, Voluptuous, Amorous, Tantalizing, Hot and Yearning.Your initials KS indicate Kama Shyamala, Kamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha, Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous. You are like Kakinada Kaja, hard on the surface and sweet and juicy in the core. Only when someone bites into Kakinada Kaja the real taste is experienced.
I wish I could kiss you in the morning every day and remind you fresh each day how lovely and sexy you are, how beautiful your smile is, how sexyyour husky voice is, your words, your hands, your freckles, your expressive eyes, your thick arms, your mouth, your juicy succulent thick cupid shaped lips, your huge bigprotruding, breasts, your thin taut waist, and your nose make me crazy with desire, to kiss you for every sweet thing about you even though that would take a thousand years. I would like to kiss your juicy lips and drink your cunt Kumaras -nectar every night.I wish I could whisper in your ear and have it be the first thing you hear in the morning; tell you what you mean to me, how wonderful you are, how special you are, how the world is a better place with you in it, desire you, crave you right there in your bedroom. No matter what you think you look like, you are heart-breaking, beautiful and desirable to me in every way.I wish I knew your desires, feelings, fantasies, thoughts, tastes, preferences.
On seeingyou first time I felt fatal physical attraction and immense desire to have you. I find that I nevertheless share some sort of connection with you. I am obviously sexually attracted to you andenamored by your beautiful and sexy appearance, but at the same time, I have this sense that the two of us are related for more than one life. We will be able to connect on a deeper emotional level than purely a physical one. I want to know the real you. Let us begin to get to know each other. Let us know and explore each other.I want you to be mine. I feel you are mine and you belong to me. Let us share aspirations, dreams, desires, fantasies, feelings, ideas, memories, musings, secrets, and thoughts uninhibitedly. Open up your mind for me and share your innermost deep rooted thoughts, whatever they are I can understand and appreciate you without criticism. Consider me as your close intimate friend, your soul mate, and your alter ego. Let me enter you, your mind and explore you.The God surely took extra care when he made you so beautiful sexy and erotic for me. I do not know why God sent you to earth without enjoying your beauty. He must have been in love with you. You are a divine courtesan. God created you so beautiful for me.
You look absorbing, abstemious, adamantine, adaptable, aphrodisiac, alluring, amative, amenable, amorphous, amorous, angelic, animated, appealing, appreciable, archangelic, ardent, arresting, artistic, aristocratic, austere, bawdy, beguiling, beautiful, beatific, beckoning, beguiling, bewitching, bimbo, bubbly, bouncy, buoyant, calm, captivating, carnal, celestial, charming, chirpy, commendable, compelling, concubine, concupiscent, cognizable, cognitive, cognoscible, confident, consummate, contemplative, covetable, curious, concubine, cougar, courtesan, curvaceous, dainty, debauched, delicate, delightful, delirious, desirable, discernible, distinguishable, divine, dreamy, dazzling,, earthy, edible, ecstatic, effervescent, elated, elegant, elfin, enchanting, energetic, encomiastic, engrossing, engaging,enticing, enthusiastic, enthralling, epicurean, erogenous, erotic, estimable, euphoric, euphemistic, evoking, excellent, exemplary, exciting, expansive,exuberant, exquisite,fabulous, fascinating, flaunting, flamboyant, flawless, floozy, fervent, flirtatious, fleshly, flowery, fuckable, frothy, galvanic, gentle, gracious, gripping, glorious, gorgeous, haunting, harlot, hedonistic, heavenly, hot, holy, hypnotic, hypnotizing, impeccable, immaculate, impish, impressive, inciting, iniquitous,intriguing, interesting, inviting, intelligent, intense, introspective, juicy, kinky, lascivious, lavish, laudable, libidinous, licentious, lovely, lovable, libertine, likable, lickable, lubricious, luring, luscious, lush, lustful, luxurious, magnetic, magnificent, magnanimous, malleable, marvellous, mature, meritorious, mischievous, mesmerizing, munificent, mystical, natty, naughty, noble, nubile, nymphomaniac, obsequious, obstinate, opulent, ostentatious, passionate, perceivable, percipient, physical, pleasantly plump, pleasing, pleasurable, pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, pretty, primrose, promiscuous, profligate, promiscuous, positive, proactive, provocative, prurient, pulchritudinous, putain, puzzling, ravenous, ravishing, rapacious, restrained, rich, riveting, rousing, ravenous, ribald, salacious, scopious, sexy, seductive, sensuous, sensational, sensitive, sensuous, sensory, sensualistic, slut, splendid, spellbinding, sprightly, stimulating, stirring, stunning,sparkling, steamy, stupendous, stunning, sober, soft, sublime, submissive, succulent, strumpet, sumptuous, supple, sybaritic, sycophantic, symmetrical, tramp, stunning, sybaritic, tantalizing, temptress,transcendent, tempting, thoughtful, titillating, tolerant, and vicious, voluptuous, unique, wampole, whore, wild, wonderful, zippy and zealous.
I am attracted, bewitched, captivated, enamored, enraptured, entranced, aroused, and fascinated by your ethereal beauty. You are such a pulchritudinous woman, every man that beholds you surrenders to your beauty. No words can express your beauty and alluring personality. Mere words cannot express and communicate your feminine beauty and erotic sexy personality. With all the qualities you possess, you could have become a rich courtesan! Instead you have been leading a life of suffering woman.
I have been observing, admiring, appreciating you, your erotic beauty and alluring, erotic, exciting, gracious sexy personality for the last ten years with intense love and immense desire to have you, own you, possess you, take you, cuddle you, feel you, fondle you, fuck you, kiss you, eat you, excite you, embarrass you, enter you, enjoy you, explore you, devour you, meet you, mate you and to unite with you but never get an opportunity to talk to you or meet you in person. Despite the deceptive, calm, sedate, subtle, subdued, orthodox, understated, personality you want to present to the society, I know that you are a woman with abundant stored unfulfilled deep desires and sexual energy lurking inside like a simmering volcano of bold, untrammeled passion. I will make your volcano erupt and the hot lava pours out emptying you.
In the past, you might have often felt embarrassed by your sexual desire, like it is something to be ashamed of – after all, you are a woman. It is your relationship with desire; your physical, somatic experience of the potency of desire itself, that most frightens you. Desire in your body feels too big, too much, too out of control. Desire itself feels dangerous. You are like a volcano – a mix of beauty, heat, fire that both destroys and creates.
You are a definition of female eroticism. There are many kinds of power, used and unused, acknowledged or otherwise. The erotic is a resource within a female that lies and firmly rooted in the power of unexpressed or unrecognized feeling.The erotic offers a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough.Of course, women so empowered are dangerous. So we are taught to separate the erotic demand from the most vital areas of our lives other than sex.This is why the erotic is so feared, and so often relegated to the bedroom alone, when it is recognized at all. For once we begin to feel deeply all the aspects of our lives; we begin to demand from ourselves and from our life-pursuits that they feel in accordance with our deepest erotic knowledge and joy. Our erotic knowledge empowers us, becomes a lens through which we scrutinize all aspects of our existence, forcing us to evaluate those aspects honestly in terms of their relative meaning within our lives. And this is a grave responsibility, projected from within each of us, not to settle for the convenient, the shoddy, the conventionally expected, or the merely safe.
I will help you to celebrate your female eroticism.
I wonder what type of woman you are. Read the description of various types of woman describedin VatsayanaKama Sutra. Try and figure out which one you are.It is not easy to define women's characteristics. It could be more complex to define a woman under one category. Each woman is unique having combination of characteristics and behave differently in each occasion depending on circumstances, opportunity, and societal restrictions.
There four types Padmini, Chitrini, Shankhini, and Hasthini. each type is subdivided into three categories called Mrigini, Ashvini, and the Karini, based on women's yoni size. Hence the combination of type and category makes into twelve different kinds of women
It will be interesting to know what type and category of woman you are. It does not matter what type of woman you are! Because I love you as you are and want to have you as mine. I want to know everything about you. I am not asking for just friendship and love. I am asking you to be mine. You belong to me. I possess you. I own you. You are mine. You will be happy to be mine. You are my property. God created you for me. You should realize this.
Shyamala, Know yourself. Identify what type of woman you are! I am sending you by separate register parcel containing Sari, Brasseries and Lingerie for you.
I am sure that you need a man like me to satisfy your urges, desire and needs both psychological and physical despite your mature age. I am the right man to understand and appreciate your qualities, help you know your own self and satisfy all your aspirations, dreams, desires, creative and fertile imaginations and fantasies. I have been trying to communicate with you telepathically. Tune your mind while you read my letters imagining me and then when you are thinking of me, it is easy to receive my mind and thoughts and to communicate with each other. You can feel me with you and my presence, when I think of you. You can actually feel the thoughts when you are reading.
I want to fuck you.
Lovingly & Intimately,Your Lover & Master Shiva
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What the actual fuck was this!?
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The ultimate style and poetic narration
An unique story in making.... Maybe
Keep posting
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Chapter 3
She was not offended butamazed, amused, astounded, captivated, delighted, ebullient, ecstatic, elated, joyous, happy, pleased, surprised, and thrilled to receive such letters from an unknown man. She was happy that a man wants her and desires her so much and he wants to own her.
He did not offer condolences or mention her recent widowhood. Instead he expressed his love and desire. She tried to guess who could have written such a lovely amorous letters? She wondered, 'Is someone known to her trying to take advantage of her being awidow.'The letter came from a faraway place as indicated by postal stamp on the envelope. His handwriting is beautiful. She received voluminous detailed handwritten letters on beautiful and elegant stationeryadmiring,apotheosizing, complementing, consecrating, eulogizing, ennobling, exalting, glorifying,idealizing, rhapsodizing and praisingher beauty, expressing immense love and intense erotic desire.The letters increasingly became more amorous, romantic, bold, erotic and explicitly vivid and descriptive. She was not angry but happy. She was amused and enthralled.
She was overjoyed to receive a beautiful Sari, Bras and Lingerie for you. She received expensive PeterPan Push-up Plunge bras whichpush breasts up and together to give maximum cleavage. Plunge bras aredesigned to join the cups low between the breasts wearing with low deep cut blouse to show off breasts.
Shestarted waiting for his letter every day and reading them again and again experiencing the love. It is the first time in her life to receive such love letters. She never had an opportunity to share her thoughts and inner romantic feelings with anyone. However, all that changed when a mysterious lover begins to write to her. For the first time, she gets to know a man's inner soul that loves and desires her. Whoever he is,this man is interesting, intriguing and a mystery and the best thing that has ever happened to her. She was able to get to know his intense love, innermost feelings, and immensedesire for her. She wants to share her feelings. She wants him asherfriend, lover andsoul mate.
She thought that "we all tend to hide our true inner feelings in person but when writing a letter, it’s easier to write our deepest feelings. She had never thought about it like that before. His letters were so romantic and explicitly erotic and it touched her heart and excited her like no other erotic and romantic story ever told. The act of writing encourages people to present a more profound and sincere picture of their true self.It is often easier to describe your heart in writing while you are alone than it is when you are talking about your feelings in front of another person. Indeed, self-disclosure in the initial stages of a relationship is often greater in letters than in offline communication. Moreover, unlike phone calls, letters can be reread again and again and thereby enhance romantic responses. When we write a letter, we have a sense of being in company, even if we are secluded. When we receive a letter, the feeling that we are not forgotten is prominent as well."
The mysterious loverShivabecame her friend and soul mate. Being loved and desired by a man, younger to her by fourteen years is thrilling and exciting for her. His letters evoked her dormant romantic feelings surface, her banal and carnal desires aroused, awakened, incited and provoked. It didn’t take long to realize how wonderfully he is tuning her and prompting her mind to think about her own unsatisfied sexual desires. She fell in love with the mysterious unknown lover, whom she never met. She thought, 'I have been going through some kind of sex drought. I am hungry and ravenous. All I want is to meet this mysterious lover. He can only satisfy me.'
She could not resist. Her mind is occupied by his thoughts. Every day she read his letters many a time. Each time she could interpret the meaning of words in a new way and got more and more excited.The more she read his letters the desire intensified and aroused herlike reading an erotic explicit pornographic story. The urge to express, to convey and to communicate with him and reciprocate has become uncontrollable. Every time she read his letters her pussy became wet with desire. She want to share her feelings with him.Once she started writing, her thoughts are flowing out as if water gushes out when the gates are opened in a dam. Her deep rooted dreams, desires, longings which she thought long forgotten and resting at the bottom of her mind surfaced and became more pronounced.
She wrote and rewrote many a time to finalize the letter putting her thoughts into words. Finally she wrote as the thoughts came out without editing uninhibitedly. It was as if she is rediscovering her own psyche and her inner self. The process of writing the letter to him itself is like catharsis,ablution, abreaction, cleansing, expurgation, purgation, purification, release, and lustration. She felt like he is her alter ego. Thinking of the unknown lover while writing, she got so much aroused with immense sexual desire. She wants to be fucked by him. She had to masturbate many a time massaging her clit and inserting her fingers deepin her cunt and massaging to orgasm before continuing writing the letter.
Chapter 4 : Shyamalavathy replyto Shiva
Dear Sir
I am amazed, astounded, surprised and puzzled to receivesuch detailed beautifully handwritten romantic lovely erotic letters on aesthetic stationery from you, daily for one week expressing your intense love, lustand immense desire for me. Who are you?How do you know me? What do you know about me?
You said, "With all the qualities you possess, you could have become a rich courtesan!" I have to look up the dictionary to know the meaning. Courtesan means "a woman who has sex with rich or important men in exchange for money."
Should I be happy to be called a Courtesan? I consider it as compliment.
I am forty seven year old, widowed fifteen days back. I have two daughters of marriageable age and a son. Your letters did not indicate the fact that you know about my recent widow status.I am surprised and happy to know that you have been in love with me for the last ten years. It is definitely a pleasure for me to know that a man has been admiring, appreciating and loving me with immense desiresilently and secretly for ten yearswithout any encouragement from me. Ten Years is a long time for an young man to sustain and continue such an intense love and deep desire without reciprocation from awoman.
I am amazed that you have loved me without expecting anything from me in returnall these years till now. You have been giving perhaps a lot more than you initially thought and now want to begin experiencing the flow of reciprocity. What are you expecting from me? Love? What do you want from me? Pure Sex? I do not know whether I truly deserve your intense love. You have demonstrated by waiting for ten years that your love is true and mature and not just infatuation. I realize that you really love me so much. Why have you been waiting for ten years my dear lover? You should have informed me ten years back.
I wonder why you chose to reveal now expressing your love for me. Is it that, you are aware that I have recently become a widow and hence an easily availablewoman for your enjoyment and sexual pleasure and become a Courtesan? Do I look like a woman who needs sex and ready to have an affair for sexual pleasure immediately of acquiringwidowhood? How do you know that I am not grievingand still mourning for the loss of my husband?I wonder whether it is so apparent and obvious on my face and in my behavior that I am looking for a man nowto satisfy my sexual desires.The post mark on your letters indicates that you are not from this town. I cannot recall having acquaintance with you or knowing you. I also wonder, is it a mistaken identity? Are you sure it is me you have been and are still in love. You may have been in love with some other younger beautiful and sexy woman fromthis college, and got the name wrongly. But I feel It is me you are seeking and not a mistaken identity. I wonder why me?Do you like me so much?
Do you want me? Do you lust me so much?Do you want to fuck me?
You say that you have been in deep love with me for the last ten years. You could have informed me then. I would have been fortunate to have you. Why did you not inform your love for me ten years back?Why did you wait for so many years? You have seen me when I was thirty six old and fell in love with me being infatuated and attracted by my beauty. Have you seen me recently? Now I am a matured woman and may not be as beautiful and sexy as I was. Have you been waiting to for me to become a widow? What would you have done if I have not become a widow? I wonder whether you would have remained assilent lover forever, had I not become a widow. Should I feel happy that I became a widow and hence you thought I am readily available for your pleasurenow?
Eleven years ago, I was at Technical Teachers' Training Institute(TTTI),Chennai for one year Faculty Improvement Program (FIP), staying alone without husband in hostel.Do you know me atChennai?Are you one of my ex-colleague or ex-student? Are you younger or elder to me?The intensity of your romantic love and erotic desire expressed explicitly in your letters so beautifully make me think that you are younger to me. I have so many unanswered questions in my mind.
You might be aware that I have been leading a respectable life with dignity and social status. Receiving such voluminous letters daily attracting attention of my colleagues, and ifyour letters to my college address are opened by others, it would definitely scandalize mereceiving such explicit erotic romantic love letters at this age from a man. Being a widow, I am an easy target for gossip. I have two daughters of marriageable age and I do not wish to get remarried. Havinga love affair now at this age disgraces me in the society.
I appreciate your knowledge, language skills, effective and succinct use of erotic words and phrases, tone and clarity of poetic writingstyle to communicate romantically and erotically your intense love and immense desire for me. I am sure you are a creative and passionate person. Reading your letters is like reading an erotic romantic novel. I feel like a teenage girl while reading your letters. Thank you for choosing and showering me with such an honor of praise, admiration and adoration of my beauty.Despite of consequences of accepting you as a lover and soul mate into my life at this age, I am having sexual arousal and romantic feelings influenced, induced, and invoked byyour ardent adoration and admiration, you won my heart.
You have beenseeing me for the last ten yearsand must have been aware of the changes in my body. I am used to many men including my male colleagues, young students and strangers gaze at me obviously with sexual desire. Some men made indecent proposals to me suggesting extramarital affair. But I remained a faithful wife without having any extramarital illicit affairs. Do you think being a widow; I am now an easily available woman for your pleasure? I wonder whether all the men gazing at me are thinking so. Is it that I look like a sexually starved and hungry for sex for every man? I have been faithful in the marriage and did not have any extramarital affairs despite the fact I did not have happy married life and my husband could never satisfy me physically and psychologically.
I have been living a life as a wife without having love in marriage. I wonder many a time,Is it true that the love between a man and woman exists as described in romantic novels. Is the relationship between man and woman, be a marriage or having extramarital affair is a convenient arrangement to satisfy mutual physical desires. I realize like most of the women that having children in marriage is not a sign of having good and satisfying sex. I learned to live without romance, having my physical and psychological desires unfulfilled.
Many women experience similar phenomenon and stay married for the sake of children and society. Some may opt for divorce and remarriage. I am not young, I cannot think of remarriage at this age, Even if I opt for remarriage, there is no possibility that I get a man who can love me and satisfy all my desires.If I marry a man elder to me, how can my sexual desires be fully satisfied? The society does not appreciate and approve remarriage at my age, having young daughters of marriageable age. The society also does not approve having an affair with a manthat too with a younger manlike you. I am having so many thoughts confusing and conflicting.
Your letters are filled with intimate details and descriptions of various Kamasutra positions. I assume you want to try all these coitus positions with me and fuck me. In your letters, you have not been requesting for my love. It surprises me that you are commanding me, as if I have been your lover or mistress for a long time and as if you have been fucking me. You have been ordering me to open up my mind to you and share my secret thoughts and desires. Sharing my innermost feelings and thoughts with anyone else scares me because I may be misunderstood. Why are you so confident that I accept you as my lover? I am sharing all my secret thoughts with you now, because now I accept you as my lover and soul mate.
You have become a mysterious lover and definitely aroused and awakened my romantic love feelings and sexual desires. I now believe true romantic love exists. Or is it just pure sexual desire? Honestly, you have already invaded me, opened me, entered me, penetrated me deep and occupied my mind fully.The penetration is so deep, touching the core, to the bottom of my mind I have been forced to think of you ever since you wrote your first letter. You have occupied my mind and intervened so effectively that I cannot think of anything else except you.I am surprised at my own self, even before I start sorting out my feelings and enjoying the freedom of my newly acquired status of widowhood that I am influenced by youand awakened to think of love and sexual pleasure.It is as if I have been waiting eagerly to be a widow to start a love affair with you.
When I read your letters, I feel you, feel your love as if you are touching me, cuddling me, and embracing me and feeling and exploring every part of my body. Sometimes, I think and feel you are communicating with me through Telepathy. You are reaching my mind effectively transferring mind-to-mind communication, thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images. You are reaching me through your mystic telepathic power whenever you want, because I feel your presence as if you are there with me and my mind and body is filled with pleasurable sensations.. I can feel the waves of your love surrounding me. I can feel and sense you that you are watching me. You are making me to think about you always, telepathically.
I feel you are communicating sexual love and making love to me telepathically, because whenever I think of you, I feel aroused and stimulated and my body responds uncontrollably with desire.Yesterday, when I was taking bath nude and later on dressing, I felt you were with me, in me, into me, watching me, touching me, fondling me, kissing me, entering me, exploring me, opening me and fucking me. Did you make love to me at that time? It may be my imagination, but I think you tune the frequency of my mind and send your waves ofdesirestelepathically to me and receive my inner thoughts. I cannot help or control thinking of you and feel your presence sometimes when I am in the midst of people, in the college, in the classroom teaching or at home, suddenly you enter my mind and I feel your presence in me, around me and with me and my body responds. Sometimes it is an embarrassment to conceal the waves of pleasure, when I feel your presence with me, surrounding me, because my cunt juices flow out, dripping on to my thighs. I become wet and cannot stand or walk. My petticoat becomes wet.
Thank you for your sustained love for so many years. I am curious to know how you know me, what do you know of and about me, and where did we meet.Do you still love and desire me with the same intensity? I would have accepted your love had you informed me eleven years back when I was at TTTI. But you were there one year later. I was staying in the Hostel away from husband. I could have been your lover all these years, had I met you eleven years back. I missed the opportunity to meet you then and experience your intense love and romanceall these years. It would have been wonderful to have extramarital affair with you. I would have been happy to be owned by you, to belong to you, to be your mistress. I wonder how many women you own already. Have I become the latest acquisition and a member of your large harem?
My sexual reawakening immediately after my husband died and receiving your love letters really surprised me. I am ready,from expecting to be done with sex to having an intense physical relationship, to experimenting in a way I never had when I was youngerand married. But more importantly, rediscovering my sexuality helped me to be open to enjoying life again, and to look at new things with curiosity instead of judgment.I think I am now ready for you.Your letters are like foreplay before love making.
The change in my outlook about life and the way I think is now pronominally conspicuous, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, notable, noticeable, prominent, remarkable, outstanding, salient, striking, strange, unimaginable,and unthinkablesuch that it reflects in all aspects of my living. You are the only reason for influencing and inducing the changes and transformation in me to become a new confident person. Surprisingly, even my children are happy noticing the positive change in me and they know it is you who invoked me to become a more confident sexy sizzling sensuous woman. Had I known that you have been waiting for me to become free from marriage;I could have divorced my late husband to be your lover or even enjoyed having extramarital relationship with you.
I should admit honestly that I am in love with you,I need you, Shiva, my mysterious and unknown lover.Your powerful love activated, animated, energized, enlivened, excited, fortified, galvanized, invoked, inspired, induced, invigorated, reinforced, rejuvenated,restored, revitalized strengthened, renewed, roused, stirred, triggered, vivified, vitalized and zapped up my faith in true love and turnedme on sexually. I am waiting for you to enter me deep to the bottom and explore me.
I read about the detail description, characteristics and qualities of different types and categories of women. I prefer to hear from you what type of woman I am, after exploring my sensuous body.You successfully made me realize my own inner psyche and now I wonder what you will find in me, physically and psychologically and how you would classify me. I am not bothered how you would classify me, because I want to be loved and desired by you. I am longing to meet you, to be with you, to experience your love, to feel you in me and to reciprocate your feelings. I am anxious to present myself and want you to see the changes in me. I want to share with you all I have and all that I can give. I want to give you myself without hesitation or inhibitions.
You said, I am like a Kakinada Kaja. How do you know? You have not bitten and eaten my cunt yet. You have not tasted my cunt. How do you know that I am tasty and juicy at the core? Is it obvious for you that I am full of Kamajuice inside, easy to bite and eat? You definitely make my stored and accumulated Kamajuices overflow so much that I become wet reading your letters and become a rasagulla soaked in sweet syrup. I imagine youbiting my clit and licking, sucking and slurping up my cunt juice.
You described - "The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are big long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-ting
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You described - "The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are big long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-tinged; her face is broad; her hair is thick and black; her feet, hands, and arms are short and fat; and her teeth are large and sharp as a dog's. She is noisy when eating.She is gluttonous in the extreme. Of a wicked and utterly shameless disposition, she never hesitates to commit sin. Excited and disquieted by carnal desires, she is not easily satisfied, and requires congress unusually protracted. Her Kama-salila is very abundant, and it suggests the juice which flows from the elephant's temples."
I am sure, you might have enjoyed all types of woman of all ages. You will be able to tell me after you explore me, the type of woman I am. Do you prefer mature woman.Every day I await your letter, read and experience your love which gives pleasure and new meaning to my life.My daughters saw me when they peeped in to the room, masturbating while writing this letter. I know they are reading all your letters and masturbating.With your letters you are seducing my daughters too. I am sure my daughters also are in love with you. The always talk about you. They call you Dad; I know their liking for you is romantic. But do you accept them, my young beautiful virgins as your daughters?
Anxiously await your creative detailed descriptive animating awakening beautiful besieging bewitching captivating commanding delightful demanding enchanting enthralling enticing energizing engaging erotic exciting exhilarating fascinating fabulous fortifying inducing influencing inspiring invoking indulgent inciting interesting intoxicating invigorative informative lovely luring naughty provoking pleasurable raunchy refreshing rejuvenating reviving seducing stimulating stirring tempting thrilling uninhibited reply.
Come and eat me, bite me and suck my juice.I am sending my photos and my daughters photos as desired by you.
Please reply to my residential address which is given below.
Sincerely Yours, Kakinada Kaja - K. Shyamalavathy
Chapter 5 - Shiva's reply
My dear Sexy Mature Widow Shyamala,
Shyamala, you asked me, "Do I look like a woman who needs sex and ready to have an affair within two weeks of acquiring widowhood? I wonder whether it is so apparent and obvious on my face, in my behavior that I am looking for a lover now?"
Yes. You definitely look like a woman who needs to be fucked, not after becoming a widow but even before. You are born to be fucked. Its apparent on your face and your body language that you want a man to fuck you thoroughly and satisfy your insatiable desires.Any man who is looking at you donot think you are a pious pativratha. Men do not see you as a mother or sister, unless they are incestuous. Men want to fuck you.
You are like a wine. Women and wine become tastier as they age and mature. More passionate, sexier and ready to experiment in sex.
I know that you cannot think of anything else except me after reading my letters and receiving my love. You are experiencing power of my love and my intense desire for you. As we become older, we know more about ourselves and what we want, what we can tolerate and what we cannot. Falling in love later in life can be a lot less confusing just because we know ourselves better. I think we have a better idea what we desire from a partner, so perhaps identifying a compatible lover is little easier too. I do not hesitate to state that it is physical attraction, fatal infatuation and intense desire to fuck you that sustained my love for you.
In a conscious romantic loving relationship, there’s room to feel anything. Not only that, there’s room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory. it’s not easy to do. But it’s also one of the most healing things we can experience in love. It’s rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear, in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you’re willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.
You asked whether I am transferring my feelings of love and desire for you telepathically and making love to you. You may wonder, 'Is my lover thinking about me?' Yes I am now communicating with you telepathically. You will know if you listen to your thoughts. We can experience a pleasure that lifts the soul and catapults it across galaxies, taking it to a place of beauty that exists as a secret of nature. And a secret of nature is what true sexual pleasure is. Much more than the physical experience of sex, which is about friction of body parts, psychic and telepathic sex is among the highest expressions of Love, Harmony, and Beauty – it is the result of merging thoughts, auras, and souls in a dimension that is within our grasp, yet out of this world. How we get there, however, requires complete openness and trust; it also requires practice and patience. I encourage you to try to enter my thoughts so that you may share in the pleasure I feel as you send thoughts of your sexual pleasure to me.I am happy to know that you received my feelings of making love to you.
My Sexy Sensuous Shyamala, Sit and concentrate, visualizing me entering you, inside of you, at that the stage of physical intimacy just before climax; holding my manhood inside your cunt firmly. Keep those thoughts for as long as you can, sending thoughts of your pleasure while receiving them - importantly, share. It is the sharing that brings supreme pleasure, which exists at a deeply psychic level. In this dimension of thought and knowing, send whatever thoughts and emotions you are feeling to me, expressing your love and admiration for me, telling me how you feel - express all of it, even if there are tears, just express.
Through practice, you will know when I am thinking of you and I will know when you are thinking of me. There will be no question, there will be just love, there will be pure bliss, there will be a release and experience of pure joy. Experience me. I am with you whenever you think of me, though not physically. But you can feel me with you and in you.
You are an erotic beauty. Every inch of you exudes raw sexuality. You seduce with your eyes, that slight smile, walking style and your mannerisms and your sexy curvaceous body.Despite thatfact you are elder to me by fourteen years and that you are a widow now makes me think that our relationship can flourish now. I can marry you and make you my wife for which you may say that society does not accept and approve. We can be lovers and soul mates forever. Do you think having love affair at this stage of your life is improper, immoral and illicit?Age does not matter.
In fact sexual intercourse between a matured woman and young man is more pleasurable. Come to me my darling, I will show you the heaven, make all your sexual dreams and fantasies come true. I envy the men who have the opportunity to see and enjoy your beautiful sexy figure every day.
Had I met you eleven years ago, at Madras during yourone year FIP, I would have definitely seduced and fucked you then, you would have happily become my lover committing adultery having an extramarital affair cheating your husband and betraying him. We could have enjoyed one year of living and great fucking together. I would have impregnated you. Later on your husband could have even enjoyed seeing you fucked by me. He would not have objected to your parallel extramarital relationship with me. Youcould have turned your husband to be a Voyeur and Cuckold. He would have happily become your slave. He would have happily lived knowing that you are thoroughly fucked. You missed the opportunity.
It is not obvious how to explain this phenomenon as emotions are typically partial and exclusive. This is especially so in romantic love which requires a lot of energy and resources. People sometimes express the difficulty in loving two people at the same time, by posing it as a logical contradiction: "He cannot romantically love both me and her at the same time."
A plausible way of explaining this difficulty is to claim that romantic love is based upon a few significant characteristics of the beloved, and hence loving more than one person at a time may not be entirely unfeasible, as the additional love would be based upon a different set of characteristics, and thus the two loves could be considered complementary rather than contradictory. Another context for such Polyamorous love is having two or more romantic relationships which are at a different stage: one could be at the infatuation stage and the other at a later, more mature stage. It seems that there is no logical contradiction in romantically loving two or more people at the same time, and the issue here is psychological, as it generates profound emotional dissonance. The dissonance stems from the fact that by definition, emotions demand partiality, that is, the preference of one over another, which entails some sort of exclusivity. Emotionally, it is extremely painful to imagine your lover in the arms of another person. Indeed, most of those who are being romantically in love or having multiple lovers with two or more people at the same time and pleased with the experience also claimed thatthey would donotfind it enormously difficult and is possible, to share their beloved with someone else.
How can human society cope with such emotional dissonances? One approach may be to adapt our accepted norms concerning romantic and sexual exclusivity to reflect the occasional dissonances of our reality, a change which has indeed begun to take place in modern society. People now allow their spouses to have more freedom in their personal relationships with others, and attitude is more flexible also concerning sex. In many societies extramarital sex is disapproved socially, nevertheless, the transgressor is only mildly criticized for such activity. Indeed, extramarital affairs begin to be described in more neutral terms. Instead of the highly negative terms of adultery and betrayal,some people begin to use the more neutral term of parallel relationships. I have had parallel relationships with women without any problems.
I met your colleague Lakshmi eleven years ago at Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI), Madras while she was doing FIP, and she became my lover. I used to fuck her during that one year and continued thereafter. I know both you and Lakshmi are not on friendly terms.Ten years back, during one of my visits to Lakshmi I saw you while going to the College. I fell in love with you at the first sight. It was fatal attraction and I decided to have you as mine. Lakshmi told me that before marriage, you used to come to college with your hair in two braids. The image of you in my mind in two braids at the age of twenty two was thrilling and exciting, I am anxious to see you now in two braids. I have been aware of animosity between two of you. Strangely, she was the reason I had the opportunity to see you. She is aware of my intense desire to fuck you. I think, the reason of animosity between two of you is that 'both of you are beautiful and sexy'. You envy her because she was bold to divorce her inept tormenting husband, and has been able to get lovers of her choice,which you could not do. Now you know that I love you and desire you, envious feelings about Lakshmi should ceaseand both of should become my loving mistresses and sisters in sin.
I have seen you few days after your husband's demise when you came to Lakshmi's house. There was no sadness or grief in your eyes. I saw immense relief in you. Despite being a new widow you are looking happy and beautiful exuding raw sexuality. You aroused my intense deep carnal desire for you. It is visible that the sudden demise of your husband brought out the real woman hidden inside you. I know that you were ready for me, and now available for me. You noticed the desire for you in my eyeswhen I looked at you and smiled mischievously. I recognized the pent up desire in you and the real slut in you. I think you have felt that your wishful thinking became true when your husband died. It may sound sadistic and cruel but you can tell me. You are now free to do and live the way you desire. Your thoughts now are free galloping like wild horse with new found freedom.
You are like a wild horse. You need to be tamed. You are a sex hungry slut. I am the man who can tame you. I know you are in an emotional and biological need that must be gratified. The perception of need begins with a rise in emotional intensity; you feel more strongly about being with someone who loves you, dominates you, protects you and possess you. As the intensity increases, it can feel like you need to have it, for one compelling reason: It’s the same emotional process as biological need. When emotion suddenly rises, your sexual biological needs increases. In other words, the perception of need becomes self-reinforcing: “I feelit, therefore, I need it, and if I need it, I have to feel it more.”To love freely and safely, get in touch with your deepest desires, lurking beneath surface feelings of loneliness. Your deepest desires will lead you to a relationship with me based on compassion, kindness, fairness, intimacy, and love, rather than temporary excitement or relief from shame and loneliness. Do not be ashamed to recognize your emotional and sexual needs. You need a man who can tame you. It is me who can tame you.Any other man cannot tame you, control you, and dominate you. You need me.
You will enjoy the erotic humiliation by me. You are an ultimate bitch and a Cunt. You need to be humiliated, degraded by me so that you realize what a slut you really are.I urge you to awaken your erotic life. Embracing your erotic soul and deepening the intimacy in your life is both a consequence of deep presence and its gift. Healing yourself in your deepest erotic space can only be a deliberate act, and the doing of it miraculously heals everything else. Tapping into the courage to know your own deepest sexual thoughts and feelings, and offering them with your whole being, is both a life work and lasting gift.
Shyamala, You may wonder why am I using erotic filthy dirty obscene abusive words. I know you like them. If you want a simple answer, it is because you have come to recognize humiliation or humiliating treatment as a sexual behavior in the same way that most others would recognize flirting, or personal contact, or even a style of revealing dress or other behavior. You like a man to be in charge. All sex has an emotional aspect and humiliation is a very powerful emotion. You like humiliation and have probably learned to associate belittling treatment with the sex you are attracted to. It is possible this could come from trauma, but it may more commonly come from the personalities and experiences they have encountered in early life.
It may be perhaps that you were abused in your childhood by a male relative. I think you were molested and fucked when you were young by someone in the family or a relative.You were definitely mistreated and abused by your husband. This desire is fairly common. So far you did not enjoy submission and humiliation.
The liking of humiliation varies from just enjoying some very specific fantasies, up to a liking for extreme and repeated mistreatment, but despite this it is really just part of the emotional aspect of human sexuality, though it can become quite addictive and a problem in some people. For you I am there to guide, direct, command, teach you to enjoy your journey of erotic humiliation.
You do not want to further waste your life living like a celibate without fucking pleasure thinking of ethics, morals, traditions and social restrictions. Are you afraid of the disgrace that you may face socially and consequences, if you are in love affair now?
Men do not see you as pious woman, mother or sister. They look at you as a desirable slut. Men around you may be looking at you with desire but do not have capacity to recognize the real adventurous, amative, amazing, amorous, aphrodisiac, ardent, aroused, bewitching, carnal, concupiscent, desirous, enchanting, erotic, exotic, fascinating, fervid, hot,kinky, lascivious, libidinous, loving, lustful, lubricious, maudlin, romantic, passionate, prurient, sexy, sensual, steamy, stimulated, slut, sultry, voluptuous,wanton, wild, wistful person hidden in you. I recognized the hidden qualities in you long back and I want to have you as mine and I am sure you want to be mine.
I will help you to be a desirable and dazzling woman instead of desolate, sexy instead of being a reclusive, raunchy instead of being reclusive woman, and celebrate every moment of your life instead of being a celibate. So let's celebrate everything we are and everything we have with mind, body and soul! Once you learn to enjoy, you will not be afraid of the society, you will be confident and proud to announce to the world that you are now having an affair with young lover in your life.
My desire for you is so intense, many a time I wish I could have been your Neighbor, Colleague, Student or one of your family member, may be a Uncle, Uncle's son, Cousin, Brother, Brother-in-law, Nephew, or Son so that I can see you, talk to you, have you and know the real you in you. You may feel that I am thinking of taboo incestuous relationship with you. Whatever the relationshipis called, I want to have you even if it'simmoral, and taboo. You are celebration of feminine sexuality. Our relationship extends beyond this life. Perhaps we were related in our earlier janmas. You might have been my Mother, Aunt, Sister, Sister-in-law, Mother-in-law, Cousin, Lover, wife, Mistress or even Courtesan.
I would like to know you - your mind and body. What are the most sensitive erogenous zones of your body. I will find out when we meet. I will explore each and every minute part of your body and mind to know you.Your mouth and pouting thick lips indicate that you have large and deep Cunt, thick cunt lips and prominent protruding big clitoris. You will be able to take a big horse's cock and needs to be fucked for very long time to reach vaginal, clitoral and whole body orgasm. I am endowed with humongously hung long thick fat monstrous magnificent special cock with huge knob. Your cunt will stretch, torn, deepened, and widened once I fuck you. I will fuck you baby, so much that you plead for mercy. You will love it so much that you will become my slave, baby.
When it comes down to it, the most obvious reason women like to be dominated in bed is that they were born this way. It might sound controversial, but it’s actually simple biological truth. The role of a woman in bed, based on her sexual parts alone, is to be fucked, not the other way around. Sex in its basic form is a man fucking a woman. She has to allow him to penetrate her in order to get full sexual pleasure. He has to jam his penis into her over and over again if they want to procreate.
Women are the receiving sex and women want to submit to a dominant man. The shared animating impulse described by all these ideas is the innate compulsion of women to be desired. Desired so strongly that a man loses control of himself. Women are, by their very nature, irredeemably solipsistic, and this solipsism is a function of their genetic prime directive: to use their bodies and their beauty to capture the seed and the services of a high value man.This aspect of female sexuality explains the prevalence of bang fantasies in the female fantasy repertoire. bang fantasies, in this understanding, are actually fantasies about surrender, not out of masochistic yearnings to be harmed or punished, but out of the female desire to be desired by a man to the point of driving him out of control.
There are plenty of women who yearn to be punished, even if their yearning operates mostly on the subconscious level of cognition, It’s as if a woman’s desire to be desired is, when taken to extremes, warped into a need for punishing treatment as the only demonstrations of male desire that will mean anything to her. I want to fulfill your desires. You are submissive by nature and realize and bring out the real self from subconscious level.
Lovingly Your Master, Shiva
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Types of Yoni based on time of Birth
It is amazing to know that various women have different types of yoni depending on their time of birth irrespective of their Zodiac sign. Earlier I have written to you about the twelve categories of women. Depending on the time of birth and Nakshtra, women are classified into twelve types. Hence it can be seen that there are one hundred and forty four types of woman. The type of yoni is determined by how the Moon is placed in the sky at the time of a female's birth. The Constellation in which the Moon is located at the time of birth is also considered.
The four orders of women, Padmini, Chitrini, Shankhini and Hastini, may be subdivided into three kinds, according to the depth and extent of the Yoni. These are the Mrigi, also called Harini, the Deer-woman; the Vadava or Ashvini, Mare-woman; and the Karini, or Elephant-woman.
The Mrigi has a Yoni six fingers deep. Her body is delicate, with girlish aspect, soft and tender. Her head is small and well-proportioned; her bosom stands up well; her stomach is thin and drawn in; her thighs and Mons Veneris are fleshy, and her build below the hips is solid, whilst her arms from the shoulder downwards are large and rounded. Her hair is thick and curly; her eyes are black as the dark lotus-flower; her nostrils are fine; her cheeks and cars are large; her hands, feet, and lower lip are ruddy, and her fingers are straight. Her voice is that of the Kokila bird, and her gait the rolling of the elephant. She eats moderately, but is much addicted to the pleasure of love; she is affectionate but jealous, and she is active in mind when not subdued by her passions. Her Kama-salila has the pleasant perfume of the lotus-flower.
The Vadava or Ashvini numbers nine fingers depth. Her body is delicate; her arms are thick from the shoulders downwards; her breasts and hips are broad and fleshy, and her umbilical region is high-raised, but without protuberant stomach. Her hands and feet are red like flowers, and well-proportioned. Her head slopes forwards and is covered with long and straight hair; her forehead is retreating; her neck is long and much bent; her throat, eyes, and mouth are broad, and her eyes are like the petals of the dark lotus. She has a graceful walk, and she loves sleep and good living. Though choleric and versatile, she is affectionate to her husband; she does not easily arrive at the venereal spasm, and her Kama-salila is perfumed like the lotus.
The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-tinged; her face is broad; her hair is thick and somewhat blackish; her feet, hands, and arms are short and fat; and her teeth are large and sharp as a dog's. She is noisy when eating; her voice is hard and harsh; she is gluttonous in the extreme, and her joints crack with every movement. Of a wicked and utterly shameless disposition, she never hesitates to commit sin. Excited and disquieted by carnal desires, she is not easily satisfied, and requires congress unusually protracted. Her Kama-salila is very abundant, and it suggests the juice which flows from the elephant's temples.
The wise man will bear in mind that all these characteristics are not equally well defined and their proportions can be known only by experience. Mostly the temperaments are mixed; often we find a combination of two and in some cases even of three. Great study, therefore, is required in judging by the absence or presence of the signs and symptoms, to choose the Chandrakala and other manipulations proper to the several differences, as without such judgment the consequences of congress are not satisfactory. Several distinctions of Padmani, Chitrini, Shankhini and Hastini; of Shasta, Vrishabha, and Ashva, and of Mrigi (Harini), Vadava (Ashvini), and Karini are seldom found pure, and that it is his duty to learn the proportions in which they combine.
Before proceeding to the various acts of congress, the symptoms Of the orgasm in women must be laid down. As soon as she commences to enjoy pleasure, the eyes are half closed and watery; the body waxes cold; the breath after being hard and jerky, is expired in sobs or sighs; the lower limbs are limply stretched out after a period of rigidity; a rising and outflow of love and affection appear, with kisses and sportive gestures; and, finally, she seems as if about to swoon. At such time, a distaste for further embraces and blandishments becomes manifest; then the wise know that, the paroxysm having taken place, the woman has enjoyed plenary satisfaction; consequently, they refrain from further congress.
The Twelve Types of Yoni in general terms are described below:
1. Gaja Yoni/ Elephant Yoni
2. Mriga Yoni/ Deer Yoni
3. Ashva Yoni/ Horse Yoni
4. Maarjaat Yoni/ Cat Yoni
5. Mesha Yoni/ Ram Yoni
6. Sarpa Yoni/ Snake Yoni
7. Vyaghra Yoni/ Tiger Yoni
8. Vaanar Yoni/ Monkey Yoni
9. Maheesha Yoni/ Buffalo Yoni
10. Chaga Yoni/ Sheep Yoni
11. Shawan Yoni/ Dog Yoni
12. Mushaka Yoni/ Rat Yoni
1. Gaja Yoni/ Elephant Yoni - Elephant or Cow
Native is said to be very chaste with occasional but strong sexual performance. Generally considers sex as a moral duty or for procreation. Sexual pleasure is secondary consideration for this type of personality. Takes longer time for preparation and for penetration. But when on the job, the Yoni enthralls the male for long time.
Body Elements: Earth & Air
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage and deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Revathi or Bharani has this yoni. A person born in this class, is honored by authority, is powerful, a sensualist and an enthusiast.
2. Ashva Yoni / Horse Yoni: - Camel (cow)
The native looks like not interested in sex but in fact has very strong sexual urge and performance. Sometimes experiences dual orgasm like a camels humps and hence the name of the yoni. Either yoni takes cosmic energy during hot environment and performs sex during cold time or takes in cosmic energy during cold environment and performs sex during hot time. Takes longer time to satiate this yoni and the male sexual organ must be aptly suitable. During sex there would be little talking only.
Body Elements: Earth & Water
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage and shallow base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Ashwini or Satabisha has this yoni. A person born in this yoni, is independent, full of qualities, has expertise in playing musical instruments and is a great devotee.
3 Ashva Yoni/ Horse Yoni- Horse (Mare)
Native with type of yoni has strong sexual urge and performance. She would be very active during spring and summer than winter. Her dominant yoni with a pliant man makes the most satisfying and rewarding sexual partners. Here the mare initiates signals and showers with pats and kisses so that the man is excited. Due to high libido levels the mare will expect longer play. Some men cannot manage a mare in sex.
Body Elements:Air
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Uttaraphalguni has this yoni. A person born in this class, is valiant, loves battle, is wealthy and benevolent.
4. Vyaghra Yoni/ Tiger Yoni - Tiger (tigress)
The tigress is known for strong and ferocious sex. But initially the tigress takes ages to get into high libido. Some by 24 years and many others do so by 32 years of age. Thereafter, sex urge never falters; might lasts for 3 to 4 decades. Sex performance on each occasion extend to more than an hour for a number of days. Lot of purring but little talking during copulation would be found. If the male is satisfying then the tigress responds if not, she goes in search for another satisfying partner.
Body Elements:Fire
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage and deep base. : Person whose birth Nakshtra is Chitra or Vishakha has this yoni. A person born in this class is of independent nature, efficient in accumulating wealth, receptor of virtuous preaching and is full of self praise.
5. Shawan Yoni/ Dog Yoni -Dog (bitch)
This yoni never lets go once the man is with her both in sex and in life. You are tied to her forgetting your roots and relations. Your lingam is completely swallowed and covered by the bitch yoni during sex that you cannot easily extricate after ejaculation. Sex is very high and can reach zenith during hot summer. If lingam can match with yoni, sex would be good, else it is worse for the relationship. Yoni will go for alternate partners. The opening of the yoni is soft at the commencement of sex, but once the male organ is inside the opening contracts and tightens.
Body Elements: Earth
Yoni Features: soft and tight opening, narrow passage and deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Mool or Ardra has this yoni. A person born in this class, is enthusiastic, a rebel of his caste, a devotee of his parents.
6. Maheesha Yoni/ Buffalo Yoni - Ox (cow)
This represents a dutiful and loyal yoni. Preferring strong males this yoni gives in cajoling the partner and making sex very sweet for him. If the males are not strong, the cow does not complain. On average sex is sparse, but when on the job this yoni goes for a long play. Prefers orthodox manner of having sex and in silent nights.
Body Elements:Water
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage and shallow base
Person whose birth Nakshtra is Hasta or Swati has this yoni. A person born in this class is a fighter and warrior, lusty, has many children, religious and has excessive wind element in his body.
7 Mriga Yoni/ Deer Yoni - Deer (doe)
This yoni is a faithful house-wife that gives pleasure to partner. After the mare deer is the most sought after yoni. She does not worry even if you go out with other yoni. Deer suppresses her sex urge for the family benefit. However, she is ready at all seasons; she can have sex both in mornings and evenings; she never fails to make the male ecstatic and happy throughout life.
Body Elements: Spirit
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Anuradha or Jyehsta has this yoni. A person born in this class, is of independent nature, earns her livelihood with excellent means, always speaks truth, has love and affection towards his dependents and is brave.
8. Maarjaat Yoni/ Cat Yoni-8 Cat (tabby)
This type of yoni requires longer foreplay. Penetration, however, is spottier. The cat would want the male organ to be withdrawn and again inserted several times during copulation, because orgasm takes long time to be reached. The cat wishes the partner to caress and hold her by the neck. She wants the act to be soft and slow. In many cases, men cannot have the patience to go along and ejaculate faster. In that event the cat washes her yoni with water to cool down her anger and frustration.
Body Elements: Fire & Earth
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Ashlesha or Punarvasu has this yoni. A person born in this class, is efficient in his occupation, loves sweetmeats and is unkind.
9 Sarpa Yoni/ Snake Yoni
This yoni makes a very faithful sex partner. The duration of sex ranges less than an hour to about 2 to 3 hours at a stretch. The snake wants more foreplay by curling and twisting around the partner. Often snake raises the legs to allow the male organ to go inside or prefers penetration from behind. This method makes yoni to reach orgasm easily. The snake would not allow the male organ to be withdrawn once inside.
Body Elements: Fire & Air
Yoni Features: tight opening, narrow passage & deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Rohini or Mrigsira has this yoni. A person born in this class is angry, cruel, unfaithful and misappropriates others' wealth
10 Vaanar Yoni/ Monkey Yoni
This type of yoni wants to be the dominant partner, otherwise whole hell will break down. Monkey needs lots of pleading by the male for sex, lot of gifts and favours not to mention praise. Monkey needs care and caressing more than any other type of yoni. Generally the sex act will be shorter but much happier for both. If the male does not play by the rules then monkey will shut-out sex giving an excuse of the care and welfare of family and children.
Body Elements: Fire & Spirit
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage & deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Poorvashadha or Sravana has this yoni. A person born in this class is of restless nature, loves sweetmeats, quarrelsome, lusty and has good, obedient children.
11 Hare
This type of yoni is for all seasons and generally prefers nocturnal copulation. The hare is ready to make sex in different postures and places. Both yoni and male must have equal aggressiveness for happy sex. One party's low libido level can mar satisfaction. The actual penetration and subsequent orgasm is much shorter when compared to the other yonis.
Body Elements: Air & Water
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage & shallow base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Kritika or Pushya has this yoni A person born in this class, is a flirt, an enthusiast, expert in conversational skill but has a short life.
12 Mushaka Yoni/ Rat Yoni
Rat type of yonis like to have sex anytime and has great cunning in selecting places and postures. So much so rat can have sex in the presence of children without them ever knowing what the parents are up to. If the male is dominant over yoni, she selects the same male otherwise opts for another. Social ethics are thrown into the wind by the rat
Body Elements: Air & Spirit
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Purvaphalguni or Magha has this yoni. A person born in this class is intelligent, wealthy, always ready to do his work, and a skeptic.
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chapter 3 continued
You described - "The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are big long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-tinged; her face is broad; her hair is thick and black; her feet, hands, and arms are short and fat; and her teeth are large and sharp as a dog's. She is noisy when eating.She is gluttonous in the extreme. Of a wicked and utterly shameless disposition, she never hesitates to commit sin. Excited and disquieted by carnal desires, she is not easily satisfied, and requires congress unusually protracted. Her Kama-salila is very abundant, and it suggests the juice which flows from the elephant's temples."
I am sure, you might have enjoyed all types of woman of all ages. You will be able to tell me after you explore me, the type of woman I am. Do you prefer mature woman.Every day I await your letter, read and experience your love which gives pleasure and new meaning to my life.My daughters saw me when they peeped in to the room, masturbating while writing this letter. I know they are reading all your letters and masturbating.With your letters you are seducing my daughters too. I am sure my daughters also are in love with you. The always talk about you. They call you Dad; I know their liking for you is romantic. But do you accept them, my young beautiful virgins as your daughters?
Anxiously await your creative detailed descriptive animating awakening beautiful besieging bewitching captivating commanding delightful demanding enchanting enthralling enticing energizing engaging erotic exciting exhilarating fascinating fabulous fortifying inducing influencing inspiring invoking indulgent inciting interesting intoxicating invigorative informative lovely luring naughty provoking pleasurable raunchy refreshing rejuvenating reviving seducing stimulating stirring tempting thrilling uninhibited reply.
Come and eat me, bite me and suck my juice.I am sending my photos and my daughters photos as desired by you.
Please reply to my residential address which is given below.
Sincerely Yours, Kakinada Kaja - K. Shyamalavathy
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Chapter 5 - Shiva's reply
My dear Sexy Mature Widow Shyamala,
Shyamala, you asked me, "Do I look like a woman who needs sex and ready to have an affair within two weeks of acquiring widowhood? I wonder whether it is so apparent and obvious on my face, in my behavior that I am looking for a lover now?"
Yes. You definitely look like a woman who needs to be fucked, not after becoming a widow but even before. You are born to be fucked. Its apparent on your face and your body language that you want a man to fuck you thoroughly and satisfy your insatiable desires.Any man who is looking at you donot think you are a pious pativratha. Men do not see you as a mother or sister, unless they are incestuous. Men want to fuck you.
You are like a wine. Women and wine become tastier as they age and mature. More passionate, sexier and ready to experiment in sex.
I know that you cannot think of anything else except me after reading my letters and receiving my love. You are experiencing power of my love and my intense desire for you. As we become older, we know more about ourselves and what we want, what we can tolerate and what we cannot. Falling in love later in life can be a lot less confusing just because we know ourselves better. I think we have a better idea what we desire from a partner, so perhaps identifying a compatible lover is little easier too. I do not hesitate to state that it is physical attraction, fatal infatuation and intense desire to fuck you that sustained my love for you.
In a conscious romantic loving relationship, there’s room to feel anything. Not only that, there’s room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory. it’s not easy to do. But it’s also one of the most healing things we can experience in love. It’s rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear, in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you’re willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.
You asked whether I am transferring my feelings of love and desire for you telepathically and making love to you. You may wonder, 'Is my lover thinking about me?' Yes I am now communicating with you telepathically. You will know if you listen to your thoughts. We can experience a pleasure that lifts the soul and catapults it across galaxies, taking it to a place of beauty that exists as a secret of nature. And a secret of nature is what true sexual pleasure is. Much more than the physical experience of sex, which is about friction of body parts, psychic and telepathic sex is among the highest expressions of Love, Harmony, and Beauty – it is the result of merging thoughts, auras, and souls in a dimension that is within our grasp, yet out of this world. How we get there, however, requires complete openness and trust; it also requires practice and patience. I encourage you to try to enter my thoughts so that you may share in the pleasure I feel as you send thoughts of your sexual pleasure to me.I am happy to know that you received my feelings of making love to you.
My Sexy Sensuous Shyamala, Sit and concentrate, visualizing me entering you, inside of you, at that the stage of physical intimacy just before climax; holding my manhood inside your cunt firmly. Keep those thoughts for as long as you can, sending thoughts of your pleasure while receiving them - importantly, share. It is the sharing that brings supreme pleasure, which exists at a deeply psychic level. In this dimension of thought and knowing, send whatever thoughts and emotions you are feeling to me, expressing your love and admiration for me, telling me how you feel - express all of it, even if there are tears, just express.
Through practice, you will know when I am thinking of you and I will know when you are thinking of me. There will be no question, there will be just love, there will be pure bliss, there will be a release and experience of pure joy. Experience me. I am with you whenever you think of me, though not physically. But you can feel me with you and in you.
You are an erotic beauty. Every inch of you exudes raw sexuality. You seduce with your eyes, that slight smile, walking style and your mannerisms and your sexy curvaceous body.Despite thatfact you are elder to me by fourteen years and that you are a widow now makes me think that our relationship can flourish now. I can marry you and make you my wife for which you may say that society does not accept and approve. We can be lovers and soul mates forever. Do you think having love affair at this stage of your life is improper, immoral and illicit?Age does not matter.
In fact sexual intercourse between a matured woman and young man is more pleasurable. Come to me my darling, I will show you the heaven, make all your sexual dreams and fantasies come true. I envy the men who have the opportunity to see and enjoy your beautiful sexy figure every day.
Had I met you eleven years ago, at Madras during yourone year FIP, I would have definitely seduced and fucked you then, you would have happily become my lover committing adultery having an extramarital affair cheating your husband and betraying him. We could have enjoyed one year of living and great fucking together. I would have impregnated you. Later on your husband could have even enjoyed seeing you fucked by me. He would not have objected to your parallel extramarital relationship with me. Youcould have turned your husband to be a Voyeur and Cuckold. He would have happily become your slave. He would have happily lived knowing that you are thoroughly fucked. You missed the opportunity.
It is not obvious how to explain this phenomenon as emotions are typically partial and exclusive. This is especially so in romantic love which requires a lot of energy and resources. People sometimes express the difficulty in loving two people at the same time, by posing it as a logical contradiction: "He cannot romantically love both me and her at the same time."
A plausible way of explaining this difficulty is to claim that romantic love is based upon a few significant characteristics of the beloved, and hence loving more than one person at a time may not be entirely unfeasible, as the additional love would be based upon a different set of characteristics, and thus the two loves could be considered complementary rather than contradictory. Another context for such Polyamorous love is having two or more romantic relationships which are at a different stage: one could be at the infatuation stage and the other at a later, more mature stage. It seems that there is no logical contradiction in romantically loving two or more people at the same time, and the issue here is psychological, as it generates profound emotional dissonance. The dissonance stems from the fact that by definition, emotions demand partiality, that is, the preference of one over another, which entails some sort of exclusivity. Emotionally, it is extremely painful to imagine your lover in the arms of another person. Indeed, most of those who are being romantically in love or having multiple lovers with two or more people at the same time and pleased with the experience also claimed thatthey would donotfind it enormously difficult and is possible, to share their beloved with someone else.
How can human society cope with such emotional dissonances? One approach may be to adapt our accepted norms concerning romantic and sexual exclusivity to reflect the occasional dissonances of our reality, a change which has indeed begun to take place in modern society. People now allow their spouses to have more freedom in their personal relationships with others, and attitude is more flexible also concerning sex. In many societies extramarital sex is disapproved socially, nevertheless, the transgressor is only mildly criticized for such activity. Indeed, extramarital affairs begin to be described in more neutral terms. Instead of the highly negative terms of adultery and betrayal,some people begin to use the more neutral term of parallel relationships. I have had parallel relationships with women without any problems.
I met your colleague Lakshmi eleven years ago at Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI), Madras while she was doing FIP, and she became my lover. I used to fuck her during that one year and continued thereafter. I know both you and Lakshmi are not on friendly terms.Ten years back, during one of my visits to Lakshmi I saw you while going to the College. I fell in love with you at the first sight. It was fatal attraction and I decided to have you as mine. Lakshmi told me that before marriage, you used to come to college with your hair in two braids. The image of you in my mind in two braids at the age of twenty two was thrilling and exciting, I am anxious to see you now in two braids. I have been aware of animosity between two of you. Strangely, she was the reason I had the opportunity to see you. She is aware of my intense desire to fuck you. I think, the reason of animosity between two of you is that 'both of you are beautiful and sexy'. You envy her because she was bold to divorce her inept tormenting husband, and has been able to get lovers of her choice,which you could not do. Now you know that I love you and desire you, envious feelings about Lakshmi should ceaseand both of should become my loving mistresses and sisters in sin.
I have seen you few days after your husband's demise when you came to Lakshmi's house. There was no sadness or grief in your eyes. I saw immense relief in you. Despite being a new widow you are looking happy and beautiful exuding raw sexuality. You aroused my intense deep carnal desire for you. It is visible that the sudden demise of your husband brought out the real woman hidden inside you. I know that you were ready for me, and now available for me. You noticed the desire for you in my eyeswhen I looked at you and smiled mischievously. I recognized the pent up desire in you and the real slut in you. I think you have felt that your wishful thinking became true when your husband died. It may sound sadistic and cruel but you can tell me. You are now free to do and live the way you desire. Your thoughts now are free galloping like wild horse with new found freedom.
You are like a wild horse. You need to be tamed. You are a sex hungry slut. I am the man who can tame you. I know you are in an emotional and biological need that must be gratified. The perception of need begins with a rise in emotional intensity; you feel more strongly about being with someone who loves you, dominates you, protects you and possess you. As the intensity increases, it can feel like you need to have it, for one compelling reason: It’s the same emotional process as biological need. When emotion suddenly rises, your sexual biological needs increases. In other words, the perception of need becomes self-reinforcing: “I feelit, therefore, I need it, and if I need it, I have to feel it more.”To love freely and safely, get in touch with your deepest desires, lurking beneath surface feelings of loneliness. Your deepest desires will lead you to a relationship with me based on compassion, kindness, fairness, intimacy, and love, rather than temporary excitement or relief from shame and loneliness. Do not be ashamed to recognize your emotional and sexual needs. You need a man who can tame you. It is me who can tame you.Any other man cannot tame you, control you, and dominate you. You need me.
You will enjoy the erotic humiliation by me. You are an ultimate bitch and a Cunt. You need to be humiliated, degraded by me so that you realize what a slut you really are.I urge you to awaken your erotic life. Embracing your erotic soul and deepening the intimacy in your life is both a consequence of deep presence and its gift. Healing yourself in your deepest erotic space can only be a deliberate act, and the doing of it miraculously heals everything else. Tapping into the courage to know your own deepest sexual thoughts and feelings, and offering them with your whole being, is both a life work and lasting gift.
Shyamala, You may wonder why am I using erotic filthy dirty obscene abusive words. I know you like them. If you want a simple answer, it is because you have come to recognize humiliation or humiliating treatment as a sexual behavior in the same way that most others would recognize flirting, or personal contact, or even a style of revealing dress or other behavior. You like a man to be in charge. All sex has an emotional aspect and humiliation is a very powerful emotion. You like humiliation and have probably learned to associate belittling treatment with the sex you are attracted to. It is possible this could come from trauma, but it may more commonly come from the personalities and experiences they have encountered in early life.
It may be perhaps that you were abused in your childhood by a male relative. I think you were molested and fucked when you were young by someone in the family or a relative.You were definitely mistreated and abused by your husband. This desire is fairly common. So far you did not enjoy submission and humiliation.
The liking of humiliation varies from just enjoying some very specific fantasies, up to a liking for extreme and repeated mistreatment, but despite this it is really just part of the emotional aspect of human sexuality, though it can become quite addictive and a problem in some people. For you I am there to guide, direct, command, teach you to enjoy your journey of erotic humiliation.
You do not want to further waste your life living like a celibate without fucking pleasure thinking of ethics, morals, traditions and social restrictions. Are you afraid of the disgrace that you may face socially and consequences, if you are in love affair now?
Men do not see you as pious woman, mother or sister. They look at you as a desirable slut. Men around you may be looking at you with desire but do not have capacity to recognize the real adventurous, amative, amazing, amorous, aphrodisiac, ardent, aroused, bewitching, carnal, concupiscent, desirous, enchanting, erotic, exotic, fascinating, fervid, hot,kinky, lascivious, libidinous, loving, lustful, lubricious, maudlin, romantic, passionate, prurient, sexy, sensual, steamy, stimulated, slut, sultry, voluptuous,wanton, wild, wistful person hidden in you. I recognized the hidden qualities in you long back and I want to have you as mine and I am sure you want to be mine.
I will help you to be a desirable and dazzling woman instead of desolate, sexy instead of being a reclusive, raunchy instead of being reclusive woman, and celebrate every moment of your life instead of being a celibate. So let's celebrate everything we are and everything we have with mind, body and soul! Once you learn to enjoy, you will not be afraid of the society, you will be confident and proud to announce to the world that you are now having an affair with young lover in your life.
My desire for you is so intense, many a time I wish I could have been your Neighbor, Colleague, Student or one of your family member, may be a Uncle, Uncle's son, Cousin, Brother, Brother-in-law, Nephew, or Son so that I can see you, talk to you, have you and know the real you in you. You may feel that I am thinking of taboo incestuous relationship with you. Whatever the relationshipis called, I want to have you even if it'simmoral, and taboo. You are celebration of feminine sexuality. Our relationship extends beyond this life. Perhaps we were related in our earlier janmas. You might have been my Mother, Aunt, Sister, Sister-in-law, Mother-in-law, Cousin, Lover, wife, Mistress or even Courtesan.
I would like to know you - your mind and body. What are the most sensitive erogenous zones of your body. I will find out when we meet. I will explore each and every minute part of your body and mind to know you.Your mouth and pouting thick lips indicate that you have large and deep Cunt, thick cunt lips and prominent protruding big clitoris. You will be able to take a big horse's cock and needs to be fucked for very long time to reach vaginal, clitoral and whole body orgasm. I am endowed with humongously hung long thick fat monstrous magnificent special cock with huge knob. Your cunt will stretch, torn, deepened, and widened once I fuck you. I will fuck you baby, so much that you plead for mercy. You will love it so much that you will become my slave, baby.
When it comes down to it, the most obvious reason women like to be dominated in bed is that they were born this way. It might sound controversial, but it’s actually simple biological truth. The role of a woman in bed, based on her sexual parts alone, is to be fucked, not the other way around. Sex in its basic form is a man fucking a woman. She has to allow him to penetrate her in order to get full sexual pleasure. He has to jam his penis into her over and over again if they want to procreate.
Women are the receiving sex and women want to submit to a dominant man. The shared animating impulse described by all these ideas is the innate compulsion of women to be desired. Desired so strongly that a man loses control of himself. Women are, by their very nature, irredeemably solipsistic, and this solipsism is a function of their genetic prime directive: to use their bodies and their beauty to capture the seed and the services of a high value man.This aspect of female sexuality explains the prevalence of bang fantasies in the female fantasy repertoire. bang fantasies, in this understanding, are actually fantasies about surrender, not out of masochistic yearnings to be harmed or punished, but out of the female desire to be desired by a man to the point of driving him out of control.
There are plenty of women who yearn to be punished, even if their yearning operates mostly on the subconscious level of cognition, It’s as if a woman’s desire to be desired is, when taken to extremes, warped into a need for punishing treatment as the only demonstrations of male desire that will mean anything to her. I want to fulfill your desires. You are submissive by nature and realize and bring out the real self from subconscious level.
Lovingly Your Master, Shiva
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Chapter 6
Lakshmi, a former student later became colleague of Shyamalavathy in the same department was not on friendly terms with her. Bothstay in the opposite houses in the colony. Forty year old Lakshmi, a beautiful lean sexy divorcee with long thickhair has been a mistress of Shiva for eleven years. They met in Madras when Lakshmi was doing one year FIP. They were staying in TTTI hostel.
Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI) is also known as 'Tantalizing Temptress Teachers Institute.' Most of the women lecturers from various colleges who opt for one year Faculty Improvement Program(FIP) on deputation are Single, Unmarried, Spinsters, Married but unhappy, Married and Separated, Divorcedor Widows. They are away from family and place work and their known environment for one year and free to acquire and enjoy lovers. They are hungry for sex and look for a suitable male.Extramarital affairs and illicit sex relationships happen during the FIP.FIP is also known as 'Fucking included Program.'
Some of the women who come to TTTI for one yearFIP may not have intentions initially to acquirelovers, but have extramarital affairs and enjoy uninhibited sex with one or multiple partners within one year.Convenience, Proximity and opportunity influence and induce them to indulge in sexual adventures. Both men and women live in the same hostel having common mess and common indoor auditorium. Men and Women opt for this one year FIP, apparently to improve their knowledge and teaching methodologies and also as a prerequisite for their career advancement. Whether they really are benefited improving their pedagogical skills, most certainly they improve their tantalizing skills enjoying thefreedom and sex with new partners immensely. Once they go back to their home towns they continue their established affairs or use effectively andimplement newly acquired erotic skills during one year FIPto acquire more lovers and to have adulterous, amorous, clandestine, illicit, illegitimate, secret and extramarital affairs.They become more tantalizing temptress, provocative, sexy and seductive. The sexual experiences during FIP make them hungrier for sex looking for variety in sex and normally will have multiple partners. Some of them of use these acquired skills for the advancement of their career using sex once they go back.There is lot of competition for women at TTTI since the number of women is less compared to men. Women can select the partners as per their choice and desire. Some Women FIP candidates change their lovers in that one year and some women have multiple lovers concurrently.
I joined as a Research scholar in the adjoining Research Institute. Since the Institute I joined did not have Hostel facilities, we were provided hostel facilities in TTTI on request.
Lakshmi, a Lecturer aged 29, a divorcee, mother of a six year old son, joined FIP. Being a divorce and celibate for fouryears, TTTI-FIP program offered her the opportunity.
Lakshmi is 160 cm tall, lean, skinny fair womanwith oily smooth, clear, unblemished and radiant glowing skin, beautiful round face, well defined thick eye brows, large expressive eyes, full wide mouth, juicy thick lips. Her lower lip being thicker is very exciting and erotic. She has smooth neck, thin long smooth arms, and long artistic fingers. Her breasts hung from lean chest and big nipples extend out of her slender lean frame made her brazenly top heavy. Her very narrow thin taut waist curvaceously spread onto firm bottom and hemispherical protruding round hips. Her bewitchingly beautiful, tantalizing thick, long, soft, silky, jet-black, lustrous, shining, wavy, voluminous and uniformly thick hair reaches her knees. Her lean curvaceous body firm yet full at the bosom and wide hips and long legs are erotic. She has blemish less radiant and glowing smooth translucent skin. She is extremely curvy with everything being tight, toned, and feminine, with low body fat, low BMI, extremely narrow thin waist and wide hips. She has sweet, melodious sexy voice. She is every inch an exuberant,, sexy, sensuous, vivacious, glowing and exuding and oozing charming feminine sexuality.
Lakshmi was at her sexual peak. Shebefriended and fell deeply in love with Shiva. Shiva got attracted to her.She needsa man to fuck and satisfy her sexual desires. They soon became lovers. He liked Lakshmi's knee length thick hair. Lakshmi is wild in bed and Shankhini woman. The hostel was common for both men and women. For one year Lakshmi enjoyed fucking with Shiva. They used to go to movies and outing. She actually started treating Shiva as her husband. They went to Tirumala and stayed there for three days in the cottage. It was like a honeymoon. They stayedin a cottage at Golden beach for two nights and enjoyed fucking on a full moon night on the beach. They have five day week. Every weekend, over the course of their year-long honeymoon, Lakshmi and her lover Shivavisited Kanchipuram, Madurai, Kodaikanal, Ooty, Connor, Thanjavur, Mahabaleswaram, Rameswaram, Coimbatore, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari. On weekends, Sometimes Shubhalakashmi, Lakshmi's colleague another FIPcandidate also joined FIP with them.
After the one year FIP program, Lakshmi went to her home town. Shiva used to visit her place regularly. She introduced him to all her friends inviting them for Lunch or dinner when he visited. Everyone in the College, Colony and her familyknow about the affair between Lakshmi and Shiva.Lakshmi told everyone that she is Shiva's mistress.
Shiva used to see Shyamalavathy during his visits to Lakshmi's house and saw Shyamalavathy. Shiva asked her Lakshmi to introduce Shyamala. She toldShiva about Shyamalavathy husband's suspicious nature that was well known in the colony, when she observed Shiva gazing at her and obviously interested to have her.Lakshmi being Shiva's mistress for ten years is envious of Shyamalavathy because of her beauty and does not want to introduce him to Shyamalavathy.
Shiva's knowledge about female psychology, language skills and poetic writing style very much impressed Shyamalavathy. In his letters he describes her with beautiful words phrases what he saw in her body, her style of walking, the way her thick braid moves on her hips. Shiva skillfully uses the language to express his emotions, feelings, love and sexual desire for her. He writes how he is going to treat her as sex goddess, worship her beautiful body and make passionate love to her. His letters aroused her sexual desire. It was like reading erotic romantic sexually explicit pornographicnovels stimulating her core banal desire. Her unsatisfied hunger for sex has become pronounced and surfaced. She felt that she is being chased and courted by him who wants her so much that he wants take her and devour her. She wants to be taken by him. She wants to submit herself to him. The thought of submission to him is so pleasurable and exciting.
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Shyamala's letter
Dear Sir
You said "It may be perhaps that you were abused when you were young by a male relative. I think You were molested and fucked when you were young by someone in the family or a relative." Why do you think so? Do you think I was fucked when I was a young girl by a relative?
I am again surprised to learn thatyou are younger to me by fourteen years and you have been fucking my venomous, jealous cunning colleague Lakshmi.I fell in love with youthrough your letters communicating romantic intimate passionate deep love and desire for me. I am also honored that you recognize my inner qualities as described by you with so many praising adjectives. I have to look up dictionary to understand the meaning of phrases you used to describe me. Even thefilthy, derogatory and debauchery wordsyou wrote excited and electrifiedme, twisted my nerves sending shocking sex waves through my mind and body.I wonder whether I deserve and qualify to be described like this. You also have awakened my desires. It seems you are an expert mind reader.
Iremember seeing you many a time during your visits to my colleague, the bitchy slut Lakshmi. I noticed you gazing at me with intense desire every day when I go to the college and return. I could not reciprocate. I had been aware that you have been observing me from the terrace of Lakshmi's house. You are young, tall, handsome irresistible masculine man. I envy that bitch Lakshmi for having you as lover all these years.My desire to be your loverbecomes more intensified because you are Lakshmi's lover. The fact that Lakshmi's lover desiresme more gives me pleasure and a feeling of triumph. It is a feeling of triumph and victory over Lakshmi. I feel jealous of Lakshmi because she was bold to divorce her husband and found you, seven year younger young man as her lover and enjoying your intense fucking.
I saw many a time you and Lakshmi going to movieswhenever you visit as if you both are husband and wife. You are a handsome hunk and a stud. Sheproudly flaunts you and told everyone in the college that you are her lover.
I wish I was at TTTI Madras during that one year FIP instead of Lakshmi when you were staying there in the Hostel.We could have had wonderful time during that one year together. I am sure you would have chosen me instead of Lakshmiif I were there. Did that bitch trapped you then? I think so! You were only twenty two then, young, virile, and bubbling with uncontrollable desire and stamina. She provided her body to you to fuck and release your youthful sexual energies into her. If I were there instead of her I could have been your lover instead of her. I missed the opportunity to be fucked by you and enjoy your youthful energetic fucking.
My dear sir, It gives me immense colossal pleasure to note thatyou think I am more beautiful, sexy, desirable and erotic than Lakshmi. I know that you regularly write letters to Lakshmi.Have you informed that bitch about us? She does not seem to know yet, that you have been writing to me,had she known she must have spread the news like a wildfire by now. Does she know that you love memore than her and prefer to fuck me?I wonder what do you like in that abominable, belligerent, obscene, cheap, contentious, cunning, deplorable, disgusting, loose malicious, resentful, tongued, vindictive, vengeful, wicked bitch Lakshmi. She is amoral, depraved, perverted, lewd, malicious gossipmonger. She uses abusive, blasphemous, desecrate, profanatory sacrilegious words and hurls a volley of invectives against colleagues. I know her and she was my student.She got fucked by many men.Whenever You visit her she behaves as if her husband came home after long time and proudly tells everyone, inviting her other depraved divorced degenerated deceitful deplorable bitchy friendshome to show you off.
I am sure you know about her nature and psychology and the type of women she is friendly with. It seems that you bring her beautiful costly saris from various places that you visit on you business tours. She tells everyone that you brought such costly saris for her. I am sure you control and tame her wild nature. Whenever you visit her, you must be fucking her thoroughly many a time the whole night, because the next day everyone can see that she has not slept the previous night and looks like thoroughly and mercilessly fucked by you.It seems she tells her friends in vivid details how you fuck her. She records your conversation with her while fucking and plays them to her friends. She is happy to be used by you.
I know that she is sexy in a way, though lean, with smaller breasts, and smaller ass than me. Some men get attracted to her by her animal magnetism. She traps men. She of course has long hair reaching her calves. Are you attracted to her and her sisters because of their long hair? I am aware many men are attracted to longhaired women. You must be enjoying her Sisters, her Sister's daughters and her friendsBharathalakshmi, Vasundhara, Lathadevi, Shubhalakashmi and her neighbor Kusuma. She must be arranging women for you.
You may not know about Lakshmi's real character. Everyone says that She got fucked by all her brother-in-laws before her marriage, which was the reason her husband divorced her. She must have been fucked by all her brother-in-laws from teenage. She still continues to get fucked by her brother-in-laws. She is getting fucked by her tenant, one of our young colleague and the Mason who constructed her house. It is rumored that shewas fucked by construction workers also. She traps young male students to satisfy her nymphomania.She perhaps likes variety and needsa man to fuck her every night. Surprisingly, she tells everyone that you are her only lover. I wonder how and why you love her.Do you continue to have relationship with her because she arranges her relatives and friends for your sexual pleasure. She has long hair. Are you obsessed with long haired women?
You are aware that I too have thick smooth lustrous hip length thick hair and I think you will like the feel and texture of my hair. I should take care of my body more carefully to look sexy and present to you. I am doing more exercises to keep me fit for your use and abuse. You know I have bigger full breasts and bigger wide ass. My daughters have long hair. I am sure you want to fuck my daughters too.
I am surprised at myself that I enjoy and get excited with uncontrollable desire reading your raunchy, explicit, uninhibited, erotic, vulgar letters and filthy words you use.The letters filled with dirty, filthy vulgar derogatory words and phrases which would normally makes a woman feel offended and humiliated. I am enjoying thoroughly reading them. You have definitely helped me learn, improve and enjoy indecent, vulgar, filthy and obscene vocabulary.
Sir, thevery thought of you dominating me arouses me to the core and my body is on fire, my cunt gets wet. It’s not just pain or forceful physical dominance that get me going. The power is also in your words-in the triggers. In the real world I don’t approve of the words like whore or slut being used to shame me.
I am enjoying you call me a Courtesan, Slut and Whore.
I also don’t like being told what to do. Tell me not to do something, say something, or wear something and I’ll immediately want to do it. That's how it used to be with my late husband. With you, though, the things I can’t abide in real life become eroticized. Strongly delivered, these words are a major turn on.
I am longing to be told what to do by you. I want to give you, my Sir complete control of me. I want you to dominate me, control me and order me. I enjoy every 'Please, Sir' and 'Thank you, Sir' I utter. I’m aroused by the fear of beingpunished for not completing a task or forgetting to ask permission. These triggers are strong and working for me when I am writing. I’ve been reduced to a wet mess with just reading your letters.
My Kama juices overflows from my cunt making my petticoat drenched. I have no choice but to masturbate to orgasm thinking of you. It has become essential for me to read your lettersimagine your gigantic cock deep in my cunt and masturbate to endless multiple orgasms every night without which I can't sleep. Some times while watching romantic serial in TV, with my children, I get aroused thinking of you and me,
And my hand goes into my pussy, masturbating. I am eagerly waiting to actual experience of your young virile hard huge monstrous long thick big gigantic cock penetrating, forcing, opening, widening, expanding, filling deep into my cunt and then fuck me hard and deep long time making me reach ecstatic continuous multiple orgasms. Just thinking of your gigantic cock, I get arousal. You enquired about my physical measurements. I think you already knew. I am 160 cm height, 68 kg Wt., 38DD-30-40. BMI 26.2.
Lovingly and eagerly waiting to be yours - K. Shyamalavathy
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Chapter 7
Shyamalavathy and Shiva exchanged letters almost every day.She started sharing her thoughtsuninhibitedly,her troubled life controlled by her suspicious dominating husband, secrets, memories and other feelings which she never shared with anyone else for the fear of being misunderstood. In him, she found a close intimate friend and soul mate with which she can share anything and everything.The question that puzzled her is whether or not he is as wonderful, romantic, passionate, powerfuland chivalrous in person as he is in his letters, letters that were given much thought, letters written so romantically and eloquently, letters that touched her heart and excite her!
His really powerful communication, that actually delivers to her the value of human connection is based in authenticity. it made Shyamalavathy to get to her authentic self through exploring and unleashing her inner self. He empoweredher to be confident and true to herself. She was eagerly waiting for his letters.
While writing letter to him, Her mind opened, thoughts flowing into words. It was like water flowing out of a dam after opening the flood gates. She felt like purging out her deep rooted thoughts, memories, feelings from her mind.
Shiva wrote
My dearest darling Sexy Sensuous Sizzling Shy-am-a-lava-thy
The few times I had the opportunity to see you, from the opposite house terrace, and while you walk to college and back home, it had taken my breath away. Seeing your smooth, soft shiny skin, with your hip length thick long hair braid adorned with flowers oscillating like pendulum on your swinging huge hips, your big breasts and bigger ass had an unbelievable impact that my cock becomes hard and erect. Had I been near you, I might have taken you right there and then. Your flat stomach showed the discipline of years of exercise and yoga. Your lithe neck, collarbone and chin are so shapely - they simply cry out to be kissed and nibbled. Your beautiful breasts are so firm and sexy. I imagined licking up from your navel to between them, as I wondered about your nipples, whether they were a light rosy pink or a soft brown.
I cherish exactly who you are and what you are. I will bring out the real you - the slut, hidden deep inside you. I will peel off the accumulated layers of resentment and perceptions to help know your real self. I know beneath your berated, calm, dutiful, mellowed, restrained, repressed, subdued, sober, solemn, somber, obdurate, orthodox external appearance you project, you are an untamed wild woman and should be tamed and trained.
I will be bringing out your crazy sexual wild slut side waiting to be unleashed, which perhaps you do not even know that exists within you yet.I know you are definitely a slut. Unleashing your inner slut that craves naughty, dirty sex side and makeyou orgasm over and over again and ask me for more. It’s like magic. It seems that you have not been tamed and fucked properly by your late husband all these years, except abusing you physically and verbally since he could not satisfy you sexually. He has been suspicious of you because of your beauty and was afraid that you might have extramarital affairs. He abused you emotionally. Emotional abuse is any nonphysical behavior or attitude that controls, intimidates, subjugates, demeans, punishes or isolates another person by using degradation, humiliation or fear. Nonphysical behavior or attitude means neglect, invalidating another’s thoughts and feelings, and refusing to acknowledge the needs of the other intentionally. Over a period of time, this kind of emotional climate in a marriage can squeeze the life out of a marriage and out of a wife. I understand that you have endured physical and emotional abuse all through married life. Yet,you did not submit yourself to your husband. But now
I will make you enjoy the same abuse you vehemently resented. Now that you are mine and you belong to me. I own you and possess you. I want to- be with you, abuse you, acquiescent you, acquiesce you, around you, admire you, adore you, align you, awake you, bang you, beat you, besiege you, command you, cuddle you, comfort you, coax you, debauch you, demand you, deprave you, drain you, dominate you, drill you, drink you, eat you, educate you, emancipate you, encircle you, engage you, endorse you, engorge you, enjoy you, enlarge you, enthrall you, enter you, entertain you, envelop you, evoke you, excite you, explore you, feel you, fill you, fondle you, free you, fuck you, give you, glamorize you, honor you, hump you, ignite you, imbibe you, induce you, incite you, indulge you, ingurgitate you, inveigle you, invoke you, involve you, kiss you, know you, lap you, lead you, lick you, love you, melt you, mount you, melt you, nibble you, open you, occupy you, pleasure you, peel you, procreate you, possess you, ram you, reach you, ride you, rip you, screw you, slurp you, subservient you, suck you, surround you, stroke you, squeeze you, tare you, taste you, tease you, tantalize you, teach you, treat you, tongue you, torment you, unite you, use you, and widen you. I want to make you happy and experience the ultimate sexual pleasure which you never thought possible and to make love every day and night. When I use and abuse you, you will be happy.
What stopped me so far? Fate, Time, Proximity and Distance I guess, or common sense. Because we were living in distant faraway places and you were someone else's wife, I did not want to cause trouble to your family life. I wanted to inform you about my love for you, earlier but knowing that you had suspicious husband stopped me to chase you. You may not be aware that I have waited for ten longyears for you. Had we been living in the same town, I would have got enough time to comfort you, to make you confident and free, to chase, to seduce, to entice and fuck you. You would have become my mistress happily, even when your husband is alive. You would have divorced him, if he did not accept your extramarital affair with me. But, he would have become a voyeur, cuckold and be happy to see you fucked by me thoroughly.I would have impregnated you.
I understand how you feel now, having conflicting and confusing thoughts and thinking whether or not to accept me as your lover. I am sure you cannot think of rejecting my offer to be my slave. You need me. As a widow, having a illicit relationship with me may cause family problems to you, may disgrace your family social status and may cause obstacles formarriage of your two beautiful daughters. I assure you secrecy, if you so desire and do not do anything to tarnish your image. Let us meet to know each other. Tell me, share with me all your desires and fantasies, I will make them true. It is a promise. You cannot imagine the things I will do to you and make you to do willingly because you will be eager to please me and serve me. You will not regret having me as your lover. You will have psychological and physiological fulfillment of your needs,desires, dreams and fantasies.
My desire for you has been ever increasing in the last ten years. You have become sexier as you mature. I want to experience the spirit of eternal exotic beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes and fling you down under me on that softy belly of yoursand fuck you up behind, like riding a horse, glorying in the very sweat that rises from your arse, of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair, to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my balls or stuck up in me behind and your lips sucking off my enormous monstrous long thick gargantuan gigantic cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt. I will prompt your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches and noises, and even to do the most shameful and filthy act of the body. You will remember the day you pull up your clothes, bend over and beg me to fuck you. Then you will be ashamed even to meet my eyes. You are mine, darling, mine! I love you. I own you. I will make you my slave.
I will do everything possible to you and I want you to do everything and anything you want and desire. For me, every part of your body is precious and I will kiss, lick and lap your body. I will taste, lick, lap and slurp your sex juice. You resent your late husband because he is not enough of a man capable of fucking you, taming you, make you submit and surrender yourself to be used. That is the past.
I will show you what it means to get fucked and reach ecstatic whole body orgasm. Let me forewarn you, once I fuck you with or without your consent, you will be my slave for life. It is me who recognize the real slut in you, your inner self, You will be begging me for more and more because you need it and you want it. I am the man who can trigger simmering volcano and make you melt. Do not be afraid of knowing the real you in you, I will help you unleash your inner slut. You will definitely surrender and submit yourself to me and obey myorders.
You will enjoy the pleasure of submission like a horny bitch in heat or like an animal in mating season. You will enjoy and invite physical, verbal abuses by me, which you resented when meted out by your inept late husband without fucking you properly as you need. You are a woman born to be fucked. With me you will enjoy pleasure in pain. You will experience the ultimate pleasure of pain being submissive, controlled and ordered and fucked by me. You will enjoy when I use abusive, bawdy, cheap, derogatory, degenerated, dirty, gross, filthy, indecent, lewd, nasty, naughty, profane, repugnant, ribald, obscene and vulgar words. You are a real slut. You are whore. You are a tramp.
You will enjoy the kinky sex which you never heard or imagined that exists. I am not going to elaborate now on what kinky things I will do to you, because the surprise element makes it more pleasurable, when I do things to you. I want you so wrapped up in excruciating pleasure that the only thing that can occupy your mind is how to keep from bursting at the seams. You will explode like a simmering volcano triggered.
Shyamala, In fact, love, sex, pain and violence all stimulate the release of similar chemicals and hormones in the human body. Endorphins that are released in painful experiences are often perceived as pleasurable. Stress and pain can also stimulate the serotonin and melatonin production in the brain, which transforms painful experiences into pleasure. The release of epinephrine and norepinephrine in pain can also cause a pleasurable ‘rush’. Human biological response supports the complex and mysterious link between pain and pleasure, which we see in the runner’s high and the facial expressions during orgasmic release.
The practice of combining painful techniques with sexuality is ancient. Kama Sutra refers to safe practices reflecting the ancient rituals of sexual dominance and submission.. Loving someone emotionally creates the same pain and pleasure experience that lives in the body while making love to them. The moments of deep connection and intimacy, vulnerability and nakedness are matched by their opposite experience, feeling deeply hurt by your lover, by what was said, or, just as often, what went unsaid.The act of loving in whatever form requires a willingness to experience both the pain and pleasure. This is the piece of sustaining loving relationships that is easy to miss, or at least misunderstand, and tragically the place where we walk away from the heart of what we want most. I will make you experience and enjoy blissful pleasurable pain.
You probably still think it’s scary and that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. For you, It will be pleasure. You will love to indulge in all my fetishes and fantasy role-play, spanking. being tied up. and being treated as a pet. You will experience the ultimate joy of nirvana, like sublimating yourself to God.
I am your Lord, Master and God. Remember your sex energy is your lust for life! It's your passion! Get passionate, get sensuous! Love your beautiful body! But if you don't do it you'll never discover your Paradise Portal! Shyamala, your body is a portal to Paradise. Your body is an instrument that can create and experience pure unadulterated Bliss! Get in there and love it! Feel it, touch it, play with it, pleasure it, and savor the sensations that your body gives you as you kiss me, as you stroke my long thick monstrous gigantic cock, as you masturbate or as you are fucked by me mercilessly!
And if you have a problem with the Fuck word - practice saying, "I love to be fucked" hundred times a day until you can say it and take a dirty ribald pleasure in saying it! Love the life in you - it's really, really good! So learn to tease your desire and hold it at fever pitch, because arousal will benefit you mentally and spiritually and make yourself ready for me. You can do it with anything you want - it doesn't have to be sex, though sex is the most effective. When you are hungry, take a piece of fruit into your mouth and just "hold" it there ... see how long you can go without actually chewing it, just close your eyes and taste it, feel its texture, savor everything about it.
It's a well known fact that most of the artists, geniuses, creators, leaders and entrepreneurs of the past and present have very strong sex drives. You need to take action and get your juices flowing again! You've got to get your sex energy up and buzzing. I will make your abundant stored juices melt and flow.
You will not be having any conflicting thoughts or afraid of what the society will think of you. You will be happy to let know the society, colleagues, neighbors, family and friends that you are my slave, my kept woman and my mistress. You will enjoy being my lover, mistress and slave, despite the social stigma and condemnation you will face. You will enjoy being called a mistress of me. You will actually tell your children and everyone that you are my mistress.
I suggest that you imagine the minute details of how I will eat you, treat you, worship your sexy beautiful body, abuse you, arouse you, fuck her, tame you, use you and make love to you to satisfy you desires, when we meet and do everything possible.You go to a temple and see the sculpture of various sex positions, read Kama Sutra and use your fertile imagination to know the things I will do. You will be in ultimate bliss. Nothing is taboo between us.
Do not worry much about my relationship with Lakshmi. I am capable of controlling her.She will do whatever I say. She is my slave. She is a bitch definitely. She cannot afford to be disobedient to me. What you said about her is true.She even asked me to marry her. My enjoying her sisters, relatives and friends is also true. She arranges women for me because she does not want to lose me.
I can come to your house and let everyone in the colony know that now you are my new mistress. Do you like that? Both you and Lakshmi want to fight with each other for my love? For your information, she was not the only lover I had during that one year at Madras. I had other lovers too.
You mentioned about Lakshmi's friends and your colleagues too who have been fucked by me. You may be knowing about them. I will tell you what type of persons they are when we meet, If you want to compare yourself with my lovers whom you know, Lakshmi is a bitch. You will have to prove that you are a better bitch, Sexy slut, Tantalizing temptress, and whore. Be happy that I consider you as unique and want you to be mine, My slave.
Lovingly yoursShiva
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It is weird and great narration ,you have unique style and keep entertaining us,superb update
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Chapter 8
Shyamalavathy was happy and thrilled that at forty seven years age, Shiva, an young highly educated handsome man found her beautiful, irresistibly sexy and desirable. He isseeking, chasing and pursuing her relentlessly to take her, to have her, to experience her feminine beauty, to own herand to fuck her. She has become obsessed with him, waiting every day for his letter.
Despite having grown-up adult children, she could not control thinking of her new found lover, whom she never met.Her children knew about the mysteriousman,as she happily discussed about him with them. They were happy that their mother changed from moody to happy and friendly person. They even started teasing her when she goes into room to read his letter immediately after coming back fromcollege.Waitingfor his letters became unbearable; It has become an obsession for her.Every day when she comes back from college in the evening, she asks her children for uncle's letter. She reads his letter many a time and writes detailed reply expressing her feelings, emotions and thoughts in detail.The following morning she gives the letter to her son to mail.
Prompted by her new found freedom as a widow, her dormant suppressed sexual desires surfaced and the love letters further triggered her romantic feelings despite deep conflicts, religious faith, beliefs, traditions, moral ethics, social honor and her needs which she found hard toreconcile. The content of letters between them became more romantic, explicit, sexy and raunchy. She started thinking of him always, the mere thought of him made her sexual desire mount to unbearable heights and her pussy becomes wet.
He wrote erotic intimate feelings about her and encouraged her to express herself uninhibitedly all her thoughts and feelings and her refluxes while reading his letter. She responded with equal enthusiasm describing her thoughts about him and her desires and fantasies, which she never shared with anyone else, the deepest desires which she was not aware that exists in her mind and perhaps afraid of admitting to even herself so far. While reading hiserotic descriptive letters, she feels he is already making love to her, get excited, her body and mind responding with uncontrollable sexual desire and invariably masturbated to orgasm. It has become a habit for her to read his letters with her fingers in her pussy.
She is aware that she is considered attractive, beautiful and sexy by men, but all these years she felt completely out of touch with what really turns her on, what actually makes her body feel good. Her mind-body connection that lies at the heart known as ‘erotic intelligence’ is all about having the capacity to trust herself, to be in touch with her own body, her boundaries, her values and how she feels her own sexual energy. She has taken the first step to enhancing her sexual awareness and became aware of what her mind and body is trying to tell. Her letterwriting to Shiva is like a letter to her own body, telling him how she feels about it and what she likes about it. She shared her feelings, imaginations and body reactions uninhibitedly in vivid details in her letters.
Inspired by new awakening of her sexual desire and energy, Shyamalavathystarted taking care of her body, grooming herself to be a pretty, attractive, beautiful and sexy woman. When her husband was alive, she did not have freedom to buy saris of her choiceand present herself as she wants. With financial freedom, she bought new thintransparent silk, georgette, chiffon and lustrous linensaris and got stitched low deep V-cut wide neck designer blouses. She started wearing sari well below her prominent fleshy navel revealing and flaunting her curvaceous body. Instead of tight braid or bun which she dressed her hair earlier as instructed by her late husband, shenow dressed her hair in loose bewitching thick braid. She did intense exercises to maintain her lean taut midriff.The overall effect is that she transformed herself into a sexy woman flaunting her sexy beautiful body. Her new look surprised everyone. Men of all ages including her students looked at her with awe, desire and lust. She enjoyed the attention, male gazingand sexyflirting comments she is getting now from men in the street.She being available widow, men known to her started talking with her suggestively offering intimate friendship and companionship. Some men even visited her home asking her for sexual favors and suggesting her to be mistress.She enjoyed the comments at her back calling her KamaSundari, Kama Shyamala, kinky slut, Kakinada kaja sweet, Kakinada Sundari, Kala Sundari, and Cleopatra. Women colleagues scorned and gossiped at her new sexy slut look and said that instead of being a gloomy desolate weepy widow she has changed into a sexy sizzling slut available widow inviting men's gaze at her.She is now aware that she can choose her lovers. She is preparing to present herself to her young mysterious lover.She started doing more vigorous exercises to keep fit, reduce her tummy and waist fat. She has thick arms, She could not do anything about that, but her thick arms also looked sexy. She bought a weighing machine to watch her weight.
Her children including her son commented that she is becoming more beautiful and sexy. Her son said, his friends are commenting that he is lucky to have such a sexy mother. 'I hope Shiva finds me sexy too' she said to children.
It has been three months since he wrote his first letter. He influenced and guided her to change gradually, entered her mind, encouraged toopen up her mind and share with him all her apprehensions, aspirations, cravings, desires, dreams, fears,feelings, fantasies, likes, memories, moods, motives, perceptions, preferences,opinions, tastes, wild thoughts. She thought it is time to meet Shiva. She wants him. She is happy that he desired her and understands her and accepts her as she is. He has become a great friend and soulmate. She wondered about her needs and desires. As he said, he brought out the slut in her. she wants a man in her life. Her mind and body needs love and sex. Surprisingly Shiva recognized her needs and desires.
She mused, Is it that she wants to be fucked? If it is so, there are so many men including some of her colleagues waiting for an opportunity and ready to fuck her. She thought that She can have many lovers if she wants, now that she is a widow and considered sexy and avilable by men. She can have variety of lovers. Many men younger to her expressed their desire for her. Even some of her students are chasing her everyday. Every man it seems is assuming that being a beautiful widow she is easily available for sex. More so with her because she is beautiful, sexy and desirable.
But she wants to be fucked by Shiva.The desire for him has become uncontrollable need. It is he who stirred her emotions and ignited fire in her. It is strange that she wants him so much even without seeing him properly or even meeting him socially. Now she is not bothered about having an affair with him despite knowing that she will be scorned, and called an immoral slut.He has brought out all desires, fantasies and thoughts which she never thought that exists in her mind. He brought out and helped her to know her inner self as a submissive. He is not requesting her, he claims he owns and possesses her. He wants to dominate, command, control her and wants her as his slave. He has already taken her into his control and directing her thoughts. She has been tuned by him to become his slave. She is ready to become his slave.
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Chapter 9
She received another letter from Shiva.
My dearest darling Sexy Sizzling Slut Shy-am-a-lava-thy
If you are still confused about myintentionto own you, to dominate you,to possess you, to be your Master, to make my slave, I would like you to read the following and try to identify your needs and desires to be dominated. It is not just BDSM, It is Eroticized Dominance. I am offering you a golden opportunity to be my slave and serve me.
The eroticization of male dominance and female passivity and submission in couple relations is a game in which there are no winners, a luring erotic bond that makes human relationships human, an empathic connection, a hardwired drive to mutually know and compassionately understand one another that is rooted in our nature.
This capacity remains dormant, however, unless developed and nurtured. It is a learned ability that requires such skills as being open and vulnerable to one another, an essential aspect of growing the courage we need to love with our whole heart. To love with our whole heart, in a nutshell, means to develop our capacity to remain empathically connected to self and other, in moments when core fears, such as inadequacy or rejection, get triggered.
Our human brains are wired to move toward pleasure and avoid pain. We learn and adopt behavioral patterns that release feel-good hormones such as dopamine or oxytocin. We are also wired to learn from pain, to seek to eliminate or avoid what produces pain and anxious sensations, such as the stress hormone cortisol. These processes are regulated by the mind of the body, the subconscious. The body also releases feel-good hormones whenever we experience relief or lower anxiety through the specific ways we’ve learned to deal with stress, such as an angry outburst or an emotional shutdown.
Emotions shape and spark the firing and wiring of neurons that produce behaviors.Happy neurochemicals are released whenever our distress is relieved by behaviors that activate these feel-good neural patterns.The happy chemicals - Oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin develop synapses each time they are released, strengthening behavior patterns associated with feel-good sensations of relief and pleasure.
Essentially, beliefs are perception filters that our body relies on to know when to activate its sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Eroticized dominance in couple sexual relations, at least subconsciously, indicates that Sex is a beautiful and unique experience for personal pleasure to prove superiority via dominance and a key aspect of emotional intimacy in a couple relationship. Primary goal is to win by overpowering the will of another, to ensure they know their place and willing to be dominated.Love is regarded as overall sex-focused, sex is equated with intimacy. Women only respect and surrender happily and willingly to men who fuck them to satisfaction, dominate them, command them, and respect is associated or equated with obedience and submission. Women also look beautiful, healthyand happy if they are fucked properly and thoroughly regularly. They become hysterical if they are not properly fucked to orgasm and satisfy their sexual desires. Sexual hysteria is the main symptom of sexual dissatisfaction. I understand that you have hysterical pangs some times due to unfulfilled sexual desire.
My dear Slave baby, be prepared to be fucked, be dominated, be controlled, to obey my orders and to be my slave. You belong to me. I own you, your mind and body. You have not answered my question.. What type of woman are you? If still do not know, I will find out soon, when we meet, the qualities inherent in your mind and body. Padmini, Chitrini, Shankhini and Hasthini. and Harini or Ashvini, Karini. What type of cunt you have - Gaja Yoni, Mriga Yoni, Ashva Yoni, Mesha Yoni, Sarpa Yoni, Vyaghra Yoni, Vaanar Yoni, Maheesha Yoni, Chaga Yoni, Shawan Yoni, Mushaka Yoni.
Lovingly Your Master - Shiva
She read the letter many a time, imagining him and thought of her married life with selfish unromantic inadequate husband. She could have become a slave to her husband, if he was enough of a man to fuck and control her. She thought 'Shiva understands me, my soul,my thoughts and my desires.' She never had satisfaction in sex with her husband. Her husband just fucked and ejaculated disregarding her sexual and emotional needs. She never had orgasm while fucked by her husband. She read the words and phrases in the letter, its meanings and imagined him. When she read the words, 'You aremy slut and slave.' She got excited, her cunt became wet and she masturbated to orgasm thinking of what type of woman is she and what type of cunt she has.he said he will find out. She wondered what combination and characters she has based on Nakshtra.
She came out of the room and her daughters teased her, 'Mommy you have been spending so much time reading love letters from uncle. You are like a teenage girl falling in love for the first time. We are happy to see you like this. We want to see him.'She blushed, and said, 'I am eager and want to see him too and want him at the earliest.'
During the dinner with children, she could not stop talking about Shiva. Shyamalavathy went to her bedroom read Shiva's lettersthinking what type of woman she is, and what type of woman he likes and wants me to be. She is ready to become the woman he wants her to be, whatever Zodiac Nakshtra she is born.She wants him to like her. She wants to become the best sexslave he ever had.
She wrote a reply. Writing to him made her excited and she inserted her finger, her left hand into her wet cunt, thinking of his massive long thick monstrous gigantic cock. The cock of Shiva - Shiva lingam. She could not contunue writing and she masturbarted her cunt till she orgasmed. Then she continued after her sexual desire temporarily subsided.
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Chapter 10
My dear Master
You helped me to introspect myself, recognize and accept the real me. My life was not easy since the very beginning. A troubled childhood taught me how horrible it is to be born as a girl.My younger brother got all the attention and love from our dad and relatives, whereas girls always felt unwanted. In a way, we were used to being mistreated. For my dad, we were nothing but a curse, a burden. In spite of this negative atmosphere, the wonderful nature of my surroundings helped me dream a better future.
But that wasn't the end of it all; a challenging adulthood was waiting for me with open arms when I grew up. I was good in studies. Because of financial status, though I was working as a Lecturer, I was married as a second wife to a widower who was alcoholic, insecure, suspicious and abusive. Because I am beautiful, every man looks at me with desire. My husband suspects me. I was used and abused by him. I suffered and endured troubled life with him for the sake of children. When my irresponsible, inept, selfish husband died, I got the tag of a widow.I couldn't escape the infamous tag in our society one way or the other but still, it was a great relief for me. I did not feel grief. I did not mourn. I don't feel ashamed feeling the way I did. Does it sound bad or cruel? Maybe, but I believe my long struggling life gives me the right to feel so. I never enjoyed sex with my husband. He never satisfied me sexually.
I am a widow and let me tell you - how society wants me to live my life. Society wants a widow to live her whole life without sex, regardless of when she lost the physical intimacy. But, nobody cares. I always want sex and this taboo of not being able to do it suffocates me a little.
I am a forty seven year old widow with two daughters and a son. I do not wish to get remarried, but does that mean I have no sexual needs or I shouldn't have any? Finding an appropriate person as a life partner again is not an easy task for a mature widow in the orthodox Indian society. I fail to understand why I am not allowed to have a healthy sexual life. In a situation where most people don’t want women to talk about sex and related topics, I can imagine how much hatred I might face if I express my thoughts on my sexual desires to others. But I recognize it is one of my basic needs. I don't deny it and I don't want to. I crave for your sexual touch every night I try hard to go to sleep. I have dreams, desires and erotic fantasies. I have fertile imagination. You prompted and invoked all my dormant desires surface.You have successfully unleashed, my inner slut, my animal instincts and entered my mind without asking my consent. Now in all my dreams you are the man entering me. I am happy that you found me. I appreciate that you havebeen waiting for me ten long years to take me. In the eyes of the society, accepting you as my lover, I may be called a sexy hungry slut and a whore. I do not care. I want to be yours. I think I will enjoy being called your mistress!
You are fourteen years younger to me. Though I am elder, I feel like an young girl when I read your letter and imagine you. Thinking of meeting and mating with you, being with you, and being your plaything, has only gotten me more exciting. I still wonder what the things you’ll do when we meet are. I'm still amazed by how dominating you've gotten, and how you can make my breath come short and my mind spin wildly with your powerful play of words. You have already invaded me, penetrated me, occupied me, filled my mind. My mind and body together is yours. I realize now that I want to be dominated by you. I am happy to surrender and submit myself to you. I want to be your slave forever. You are my Master.You have already become my master. Are you going to force me to do the things you like. If I refuse, will you beat me and force me against my will? I just imagine the scene and I wonder at myself that I am willing to submit and surrender to you. Writing this and thinking of all the romantic, dirty, filthy things you want to do to me, I got so much excited and wet. I want you to explore me, excite me, and exhaust me and do everything anything you want to do with or without my consent. Do you need my consent my Master to eat me, beat me, use me and abuse me? I am yours, my mind is yours and my body is yours. When I do puja, I think of you. Yesterday I went to Shiva temple, saw Shiva lingam and it was you, I saw there. I am seeing your lingam my Shiva.
I fell in love with you even before you informed me that Lakshmi is your lover. Everyone in the College and Colony is aware that Lakshmi is an arrant, arrogant, casuistic, corrupt, crafty, crooked, conscienceless, degraded, degrading, depraved diabolical, disgraceful, deceitful, dishonest, exploitative, immoral, lewd, petty, polyandrous, ruthless, selfish, shady, shameless, sinful, scandalous, scheming, selfish, underhanded, unethical, unscrupulous venal, vicious, and wicked bitch have many lovers. I know Lakshmi has been your mistress for ten years. For the last ten years, I have been aware that youhave been looking at me, gazing at me with desire and watching me from the terrace during your visits to Lakshmi. I felt jealous of Lakshmi, though a divorcee, having such an young handsome man to fuck her. Secretly I admire her couragebeing open about her relationship with you. She told everyone one in the college and colony that you have been fucking her. Perhaps it is you, who gave her the courage. It seems that women of all ages are invariably attracted to you. I do not know how many other lovers you have. People in the colony gossip that Lakshmi's elder sisters and her sisters' daughters are also your lovers. Is it true that you have been fucking all of them? What will you tell Lakshmi about us? Tell her that you want to fuck me. Once she knows, she will spread the news to everyone. I do not care. Rather I would love everyone knowing that you fuck me, prefer me to her. I am determined to prove that I am a better lover and better slut than Lakshmi and any other woman you have had sexually. Will you continue to fuck that bitch Lakshmi too.
I am sure you will be surprised and like to see the change in me-in dressing and everything else. Thanks to you for your prompting, encouraging, guiding and advising me to transform for the better. You have skillfully lead me like an expert therapist. I am wearing the bras and panties couriered by you. My daughters are jealous of me, receiving such gifts from you. May be they want you to buy for them too. It seems you have lot of experience in buying women's lingerie. You are already controlling and dictating me what to wear. I am enjoying being controlled by you, my Master. I want to be better than all the women you have fucked including Lakshmi.
I have spent all these days, since your wrote the first letter, trying to figure out what the hell my problem is. So I went in search of answers, reaching out and digging deep inside me both psychologically and physically as you advised. So here it goes, Looking back I did not know what I want. I know I want more than what my husband offered in sex. I have not been fucked thoroughly by him. I want to be fucked. I wasn’t sure what I would do when I got freedom after my husband died. I had no experience to draw on. I only knew that to be true to myself was something I needed to make me feel complete. When my husband died, I barely got out of the gate into freedom and ran right into you. I felt as though I had just hit a brick wall, stopped me dead in my tracks no matter where I stepped. No man has been able to do that. You helped me realize my own deep desires. My husband tried to dominated me by beating and abusing without fucking. He could not become my master. I did not love him. I did not submit to him because he could not fuck me thoroughly. I know you are the dominant for me. You have guided me to understand the pleasure of submission willingly and wholeheartedly.
I realized that by nature, I am a submissive with a lot to learn. I believe that It’s not enough to just have a submissive nature. It goes far beyond sex. I’m learning about myself and what kind of submissive I want to be. Trying to blend those things together has been a bit of a challenge. At the same time I’m trying to find my place with you.
My master, I may not have yet had a chance till now to physically witness your extreme power, but the very idea of giving you complete control over me is beyond thrilling and exciting. I never pictured myself finding someone I could wholly submit and surrender to. Every day awake thinking of ways I can please you.. I know you will always watch over me with interest in mind. I look forward to seeing what things I will learn from you once we are together and mate as you have been my teacher without even knowing it.
As your submissive, your pet, your baby girl, your kitten, your slut, your slave, your mistress, your whore, your servant, your maid, your niece, your baby sister, your student, your lover, your wife, your mother or your friend, I promise to follow the rules you set before me in each role. You are my religion and God. I will be obedient and accept each task you give to me with a smile, happily, wholeheartedly, sincerely and with excitement in whatever the role you want me. There are a few things I can do everything as submissive and slave to be sure I am properly showing my respect and appreciation for Master have done for me. These actions include but are not limited to, daily devotions, proper kneeling, a proper bow, and waiting properly sexily dressed as per your wish at the door for your arrival. I have become much more serious about this lifestyle since you initiated, lead and provoked since Imbed. Without your guidance I find myself wondering what I should do. I will complete each task set before me in the most pleasing and appropriate way possible as I serve you my Master and God. You have become my religion and God. Now I understand the bliss of complete devotion and surrender oneself. I want to be the best slave you ever had.
The love, the trust and sharing, the words communicated and felt, those are all parts of our relationship. My body is yours, and if you say am beautiful, then I am. No matter what I look like to others, I am beautiful in your eyes, and because of that I hold my head high. If you say I am your precious jewel, then I am that, a beautiful, sparkling gem. If you say that I am your pet, your slut, your whore, your slave, your mistress, your lover, your wife, your friend, your little girl, your sister, your servant, your maid, your mother, your aunt, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, then I am that, as pious, wanton and dirty as you want me to be. My mind and body is yours to expand, to explore, to know only as you can. I have no secrets from you for secrets are a thing that would keep me from being more perfectly yours. Secrets would put a wall up between my Master and myself and I do not want walls.
Your lessons not always ones I would seek on my own, but they are lessons you have decided that I need, and so I learn from you. My soul is yours as bare to your touch as ever my skin could be when I kneel naked at your feet. Never a moment goes by when I do not feel your presence, be miles away or standing over me. If I were to ever displease you, your displeasure would be a blow to my soul, worse punishment than any lashes could be. The anguish of my soul that I feel when I disappoint you is harder to bear than any physical anguish I feel.
I am grateful that you care enough about me to spend your time and energy so freely on me. I have the easier job, to feel, to experience, to let myself go and abandon everything and give everything I have to you. I am your pleasure and your responsibility, and you take both seriously. I am your submissive woman.
I have not surrendered to my late husband and retaliated, got physical beating. If he had fucked me and satisfied me I would have become his slave. I endured physical abuse still did not surrendered to him. I have not accepted him as my Master. I accept you as my Master & Lord, Sir. I want to become your slave. I am proud to call myself that, my submission is a gift that I do not give lightly, and can only be given to you who can appreciate that gift and return it tenfold. I am a slut, only to you, my Master who has that strength, will I give myself fully, because I am strong and proud. I surrender myself to you. Fuck me to surrender to you.
I’m now so ripe for verbal and nonverbal severe hard beating and abuse. Mute and accepting of your delicious hard angry long thick monstrous cock plunging into my wet moist hungry pussy. Angry with rage pounding hard against my buttocks. Ramming in and out furiously, my pussy juice gushing out plentifully on your cock and dripping down your thighs. Please master, call upon me and I’ll run to you. No words, just severe heavy bloody beating. Beat all your rage upon me. Allow me to bleed for you. Let my body be thrashed and beaten severely until you are done. No words, no explanations just my bloody beaten, my naked body taking your entire wrath. I give to you all I have to give. I patiently await my chance to prove my worth to my master. You have only contacted me after I became widow. I wish I have become a widow much earlier so that you have had me all these ten years.
The wait for our romantic encounter and an opportunity to be your slave is arduous, excruciating, grueling and making me feel sexually stimulated with anticipation and expectation of excruciating pleasure. I have been a celibate for a long time without having sex. You reawakened my huge appetite and hunger for sex. Anticipation about our meeting and mating is mounting. Flirting with you all these days through your effective stimulating words made me ready for you. I masturbate thinking of you. Whenever I see Shiva lingam, I think of your lingam. When I do puma and worship Shiva lingam, I am thinking of you. I wish you had initiated me and entered me ten years back so that I could have enjoyed the bliss.
I want to confess that I have dreams about you every night and think of you when I am awake. You said you wish you could be my family member - the thought abundantly amuses and arouses me, you being my father, maternal uncle, paternal uncle, elder brother, younger brother, cousin brother, brother-in-law, nephew, stepson, son, son-in-law, son's friend or student. In all my dreams and wishful thinking whatever the role you are, you fuck me, you dominate me, tame me, teach me and train me and I end up as your obedient willing slave. When I wake up suddenly and remember the dream, I am filled with immense pleasure having such thoughts and dreams, having such uninhibited, illicit, incest and taboo relationship with you. You gradually and successfully influenced and lead me to think that nothing is taboo. All my orthodox, moral, conventional, socially acceptable values have gone out of mind and I became an immoral slut.
My son is eagerly waiting outside the room to drop this letter in the post box. I think he opens my letters and read them before mailing. I have a suspicion he does. What does he think of me reading my letters? He must be thinking that I am a degenerate immoral kinky slut and whore. Perhaps he also wants to fuck me. He must be masturbating reading my letters. I do not know whether he make Xerox copies of my letters to read them again and again to masturbate. Once I go out of the room, my daughters will know I masturbated. They know that I have been masturbating everyday reading your letters behind closed doors. I also think my daughters are reading your letters when I am not in the house. I think they masturbate reading your letters.
My two beautiful virgin daughters Srividhya and Sridevi are anxious and eager to see you, my lover and asking me to invite you home. They refer to you as Daddy. They want to meet you, but I am afraid and you know why. They are in love with you! Though they refer you as Daddy, I am sure they want you. My daughters want their new daddy to fuck them. And you are a Casanova. I imagine that you becoming my son-in-law marrying both my daughters. Having you as my son-in-law is an exciting thought. You can have me anytime and every time you want. You will have me and my daughters together.
I sublimed to you, submit myself to you and want to be your slut and slave for his life. Now, I am yours. I am ready for you. I do not bother what others think of me. I will be happy to let the society know that I am your mistress. When are you taking me to promised fucking heaven?
Please let me know when we can meet to mate. I am eagerly and anxiously waiting for you. I want to be your slave. Summon me; I will come to you wherever you are. Please come to me and take me. I want the world to know that I am yours. Your mistress.
I know that some women in the Colony and some of my colleagues in the College are attracted to you and will be happy to be fucked by you. I want everyone to know that I am being fucked by you. I want everyone call me as your slave. I want everyone know in the College and Colony that you prefer to fuck me than Lakshmi.
I want to write more but let me pause, so that I can put these pages in an envelope and give it to my son to mail. You informed that the envelopes you receive appear to be opened and glued again. Most certainly, It looks like my son is reading my letters before mailing. He must be enjoying reading my feelings. His behavior towards me changed of late. He has been looking at me with lust and desire. He has been commenting on my looks and said, Mom you look sexy. He must be masturbating thinking of me after reading the letters. I do not really know what is he thinking of me. I have seen his pants bulge when he looks at me. He must be masturbating after reading my letters to you.
It is very amusing, thrilling and exciting to know that my daughters read your letters and my son reading my letters. What happens if my daughters and son discuss about these letters. I wonder whether they are already talking about us. My daughters are reading your vivid descriptions of what you will be doing to me.
I think they also imagine that you will be doing similar things to them. Actually you skillfully seduced me and my daughter through your letters. And after I give this letter to my son to mail, I think of you and the things you will be doing to me when we meet and masturbate. I am also curious to know what type of woman I am classified by you when we meet.
You also mentioned that we could have had incest sex. Perhaps I would have loved, that you could have been my father, Uncle, brother or son! What you would like to be in our incest relationship? What a pleasure it would have been to breastfeed you as your mother. As you know as a mother, I breastfed three children. If you were my husband I could have breastfed you too. I have that unfulfilled desire. I am amazed that you influence my family so effectively; my daughters want to be fucked by you. And they call you Daddy. I am sure you will like my daughters. They are young bitches in heat. I wish you marry them both.
And my son wants to fuck me. Many a time I saw him masturbating looking at my photo and reading your letters.
I am your Slut, Whore and Tramp,
Submissively & Lovingly Yours,
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Chapter 11
My dear Submissive Sexy Slut Shyamala, My Whore and Tramp
I am happy to know that your daughters want to be fucked by me. And now you must have been thinking of fucking your son.
What a slut you have become!
Sex is the ultimate expression of love between man and woman.
Please read the following thoughts carefully. It will help you to clear your confusion about sex and spirituality. Sex is not sin. Even if it's considered sin by some, it is a necessary sin. Sex keeps you healthy and you will have a positive energy flowing through your mind and body.
SPIRITUAL SEX: Some people believe sex and spiritualism are mutually exclusive, that you can't be spiritual if you indulge in sensuality. It's true that any kind of indulgence can distract your attention from spiritual development, but the same can be said for the distractions caused by daily living. In my personal opinion, if your behavior does not harm others, it's OK. That implies there is nothing wrong with sexual fulfillment, and masturbating for twenty minutes is no more detracting from spiritual development than spending twenty minutes paying your monthly bills. Spiritual development is substantially hindered if you spend most of your day thinking about sex, but this also applies if you spend your time concerned about money. Most of us are guilty of one or the other, or both, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that metaphysical awareness is in such short supply.
The most intense spiritual state that many of us will ever achieve will be during the act of making love - fucking. One way of describing spiritual awareness is that it occurs when an individual is capable of perceiving that which is beyond oneself as being a part of oneself. God consciousness occurs when an individual experiences being All That Is. The expression of love, where the loved one is valued as much as oneself dissolves the apparent boundaries between self and other. When this expanded sense of being is combined with physical sexual stimulation during love making, the stimulation acts as an energy source which powers the emotions of both partners. These emotions can include love, lust, bliss, joy, naughtiness, fun, abuse and many other delightful sensations. The ultimate sexual/spiritual experience occurs when physical sensations are at their peak of pleasurable intensity. It is therefore highly desirable to maintain this peak of physical sensual sensation for as long as possible. For a woman, this means continuous orgasm. For a man it means being on the verge of orgasm indefinitely.
It is very helpful, but not absolutely necessary, to be in love in order to achieve these physical sexual conditions. The deepest levels of intimacy are involved, which means emotional walls must come down completely. Dropping one's walls requires that you have respect and appreciation for your partner. The physical techniques I am about to describe will produce the prolong states of peak sexual arousal just mentioned, but it is necessary to be completely aware of your partner's state of arousal in order to maintain that condition indefinitely. This means one must be in constant communication with one's partner. Believe it or not, telepathic awareness is the easiest way to maintain this communication. As mentioned earlier, telepathy is a merger of consciousness, and love brings down the walls which separate us psychically and emotionally.
All of us are telepathically aware on subconscious levels. This is most noticeable during love making, when two people feel the same emotion. It is not that you feel your own emotion and your partner feels something similar. Emotions produce psychic energy which projects outward from the body. Our auras become filled with this emotional energy, and while making love (as opposed to simply having sex) the auras of both people merge together, becoming a single emotional energy field. What one person feels, the other also feels, because the same emotional energy field is being perceived by both partners.
I know this may all seem a little far out if you are unfamiliar with metaphysical awareness, but I am not describing anything you haven't already experienced if you have ever been in love. Telepathic emotional communication exists, and it is simply a matter of becoming aware of your perception of it. The visual telepathy exercise described in the Psychic Window chapter enables you to perceive telepathy operating on a visual level in just minutes. The Psychic Touch Dancing exercise in the Psychic Party Games section will further reinforce the way two people can be connected on "other than normal" levels of awareness. It is highly recommended that you perform those two exercises just prior to working with the techniques presented here. Combining all of these together can produce an evening of truly wonderful intimacy.
Spiritual sex is all about stimulating energy on several different levels: physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual. Physical energy is experienced as sensation within the body. Sexual energy differs from physical energy in that it radiates from the body in the same way emotions do. The feeling experienced as "sexual arousal" is a form of sexual energy, and can almost be described as a "sexual emotion." Two people can share the perception of sexual energy telepathically as the sexual energies merge into one energy field.
When love is involved our emotional walls, which we almost always have in place, completely disappear. When these walls come down sexual and emotional energy merges freely within the combined aura of both participants, and spiritual or "psychic" energy begins to seek alignment. Each type of energy, from physical to spiritual, is progressively more refined and subtle. The more refined the energy is, the more detail it is capable of communicating. Ideally, all these energies form into a single unit where both people experience the same perceptions, physically, sensually, emotionally and even intellectually. All perceptions become one and the same for both people. In practical terms, there is usually some variation in individual perception, but the goal is to reduce the differences as much as possible.
Please keep in mind that what I am describing here is something that most people are not familiar with. All of this happens to some extent whenever people make love. I am simply pointing out details which most people are not consciously aware of. By becoming more aware of the energies involved it becomes possible to control those energies more deliberately, enabling one to reach new heights of transcendent bliss. OK, now we come to the specific details of how to go about making all this happen.
Generating sexual energy is best accomplished by creating "excited anticipation" of the sexual encounter to come. It means going without sexual release for as long as is necessary for both participants to feel very motivated sexually. In the meantime, over the course of perhaps two or three days, it helps to flirt and tease, to stimulate modest degrees of sexual arousal in both partners. Any direct physical stimulation should be very brief, only enough to stimulate the beginnings of arousal, then discontinued. Talk about how wonderful it would be to experience continual orgasm, or otherwise place attention on the desire for sex in order to create brief periods of arousal. Do romantic things. Give each other massages or otherwise engage in intimate, not-quite-sexual behavior. Have fun creating the anticipation. And do not be concerned with achieving results the first time. The ability to experience continuous orgasm will take as long as it takes for both partners to get the hang of it. Simply enjoy the idea that such conditions are possible and that you might actually be able to experience them.
Once both the lovers are extremely aroused, the next step is extended foreplay. Burn incense, light candles, put on some romantic music or otherwise create an atmosphere of "special intimacy." Physically, begin with very subtle stimulation. For instance, if you have long hair, drag it gently across the naked skin of your lover. Men should remember that women are generally twice as sensitive to physical stimulation than they expect, and women should be aware that men generally need more physical stimulation than they do themselves. Take your time and pay close attention to the affect your actions are having upon your lover. Sex is communication. Communicate your responses to the stimulation you receive so your lover can understand the results of his or her actions. All of one's attention should be upon the other person and what you are feeling sensually and emotionally. Think less, feel more. Gentle foreplay should be continued until the desire for intercourse is intense in both partners. At no point during foreplay should either person be brought to physical climax.
When intercourse begins it should be approached slowly, with attention to all of the subtle sensations one is capable of perceiving. Slow and steady is the rule. It can become difficult to refrain from more aggressive action, but continuous female orgasm requires gentle, steady stimulation of the clitoris. A circular motion repeated approximately once per second is generally ideal. The object is to bring the woman right to the edge of orgasm then apply this slow, steady stimulation. The woman must not "reach for" her orgasm, but should instead allow her partner to "push her over the edge." When the orgasm begins to trickle in, the woman should focus her attention on all of her sensations, emotional and sensual, and expand her feelings into the space around her. Her partner must continue the same, steady stimulation and "push" his emotional and sensual sensations into the woman's energy. Feel the energies combine in a sea of excited, and at the same time, relaxed, bliss.
The steady stimulation will produce "ripples" in the female orgasm, where the intensity gradually rises and falls. If both people are fully aware of their partner, each will know the current state of the other's sexual excitement and more or less stimulation can be applied as needed. The man must not allow himself to climax or the experience will end at that time. In the beginning it can take a bit of practice to get the hang of things, and ultimately the woman must control of how much stimulation she receives, with her partner precisely in tune with her every movement. The woman needs to insure that she receives just enough stimulation to keep the orgasm flowing steadily, but not so much stimulation that she exhausts all of her sexual energy in a more powerful climax. Once both partners are aware of how much stimulation is required the process becomes rather automatic. This is similar to the way Psychic Touch Dancing works, in that movement occurs with neither person actively controlling the movement.
This peak experience can be maintained indefinitely, though it is rare to go more than twenty or thirty minutes without becoming physically exhausted. The emotional energy is a sublime experience, profoundly personal and yet shared. It is, indeed, a spiritual high.
Many men may be unaware that the level of sexual excitement achieved just prior to climax can be maintained indefinitely. It is reasonably easy for a man's partner to provide this experience during oral sex, as the penis swells noticeably just prior to ejaculation, and if the stimulation is reduced or removed at that point the man will not reach climax. Any man who has experienced oral sex in this fashion, being held right on the edge for what seems like eternity, will eagerly agree that it is the ultimate best that head can get. For some couples, continual female orgasm and prolonged male pre-orgasm can best be accomplished orally. It is possible for a woman to initiate continual orgasm while positioned on top. Woman should push (as in childbirth) while moving downward, and tighten while moving upward, repeatedly, in a relatively slow but steady pattern of movement. Push as the penis moves in, squeeze as it moves out. She also warns that a man can fail to achieve erection if too much emphasis is placed upon performing well enough to achieve this extraordinary level of sexual fulfillment.
Bottom of Form
Enjoying a healthy sex life is one of the great joys in life. Knowing intimacy could be a boon for your long-term health as well makes it that much more pleasurable. Great sex is full of spontaneity and too much concern about technique can become interference. So if things don't seem to be going as planned, just relax and have fun, knowing that one day you may spontaneously catch on to how easy all this really is to do.
Come to me You need not to have to worry, I will help you enjoy great sex and have all the benefits. You will become more beautiful, sexy, healthy, glowing, glamorous and gorgeous. Your sexual hormones production will increase and make you happy and confident. Orgasms and sexual activity release pheromones and acts as ultimate antidepressants and anti-aging and makes you look younger. Sexes also increases your breast size and flatten your belly, the more you are fucked the more you become beautiful.
Your Master Shiva
P.S: You said, your daughters are reading my letters. I am happy that both your daughters are also getting ready to be fucked by me. Did you ask them and your son about reading our letters? Let them read. Let them know that I want to fuck your daughters. Let your son know that I want him to fuck his own mother and sisters. We will have rendezvous.
Shiva wrote on a separate paper to her daughters.
My dear Sexy Step-daughters Srividhya and Sridevi
“Your Mom tells me both of you are reading my letters with keen interest. You are keen and eagerly waiting to experience my love. I want to tell you that I love your Mom and both of you. I will be visiting you soon to show, and express my love to your mom and to both of you. I have seen your photos and both of you are beautiful and sexy, desirable and irresistible. Be ready for me, to offer me your virginity and to enjoy and experience my love. I will show you what a Daddy should do to his young beautiful virgin daughters.
With loving hugs and hot passionate kisses all over your sexy bodies, every inch.
-Yours Loving Daddy”
Shiva informed the date of his arrival and the hotel he will be staying. She prepared herself for the night with a overnight bag as instructed by Shiva. She got manicure and pedicure, nails painted by her daughters. She dressed in a thin sari below her navel and deep low cut wide neck backless blouse showing off her big breasts, revealing her cleavage. Her thick hair shampooed and conditioned arranged into bewitchingly beautiful thick braid with perfectly trimmed ends, earrings and lined her eyes thick with kohl.
Her daughters said, you look sexy and ten years younger and look like our elder sister. Bring our daddy home. We want to meet him. Daddy promised us many things.
Her son said, 'You are damn sexy mom'
Am I looking sexy to you also my son?
Yes, Mommy, You are beautiful and sexy.
She smiled and looked at her image in the mirror and was happy about her looks. She thought she would have been sexier if she can adorn her braid with jasmine malas. She packed jasmine malas and put it in her bag. She pulled her sari much below her navel and adjusted pallu in such way that her navel is visible. She felt like a new bride going in to the room on first night. At the same time, she felt like a whore going to her lover. She is aware that anyone looking at her in the attire does not think that she is honorable and respectable lady lecturer. Instead she looked like a floozy and vamp. She thought that finally she will be with the man, her Master. She is elated and excited with expectation of meeting him, her Lover and Master.
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Chapter 12
She went to the Hotel in the evening; Shiva was waiting at the entrance and led her by holding her hand to the Restaurant and ordered snacks and coffee.
Shiva: Baby, you look beautiful bitch and sexy slut.
Shyamala: I am happy you like me. You have influenced me to change. Shiva, you look more handsome and powerful than I imagined.
Shiva: You are dressed to kill. I appreciate that you took special care to dress for me.
Shyamala: I am happy you like me. I have been preparing myself to look beautiful and sexy for you.
Shiva: He took her hands in his. Did you know that I was in love with you and have wanted to take you, since ten years.
Shyamala: I guessed by the way you were gazing at me. I did not know your name initially. Later on I came to know your name, and that Lakshmi has been your lover. Did you meet her at TTTI? Were you staying at the Hostel?
Shiva: Yes. If you both have been friends, perhaps I would have seduced you long back.
Shyamala: I could have been there at TTTI that year. Being senior in the department I was deputed first the previous year for the FIP. Had you been there one year earlier we could have met. You could have had me then. You could have fucked me instead of that Lakshmi. I was thirty six then and was more beautiful and desirable. Do you still love me?
Shiva: Age does not matter. Some women like you become more beautiful and sexy with advancing age. Women and wine more matured the better. you have sexy voice. I love you with more intensity than earlier. You arouse carnal desire in me. Yes. if you want the proof of my desire, feel me now, he placed her hand on his bulge.
Shyamala: She felt the bulge of his cock, feeling the hardness, smiling, and said 'OMG, you are ready'.
Shiva: I am always ready for you, baby. You definitely look sexy and more..
Shyamala: More?
Shiva: Yes, More. You are dressed to reveal your beauty and sexuality. I will tell you later when we are in the room.
Shyamala: I read all your letters again today. I was afraid to meet you, after reading all your raunchy explicit descriptive letters today before getting ready.
Shiva: why?
Shyamala: You know why. The things you said you will do to me and things you did not say that you will do to me as a surprise. My daughters teased me; I look like a new bride going to her husband for the first night. They are reading your letters and they know what you will do to me.
Shiva: That's good to hear. Your daughters know and approve and sent you for our mating. You are ready!
Shyamala: Yes, Mating? You sound as if It is a animal mating. My daughters and son like you. They want to see you and meet you. They are so happy that I have changed, being happy, joyous and friendly with them now. They know it is because of you I have changed so much. You made me to submit. Recently when you saw me, after my husband died, you wrote to me. Why did you think I accept you so easily and so soon?
Shiva: You would have accepted me as your lover and Master, had I courted you, chased you even ten years back. I have the power to seduce you, to make you mine.
Shyamala: Why did you wait? You should have taken me then. I would have been happy to be your mistress.
Shiva: I waited because once I fuck you; You would have divorced your husband, if he does not accept. That would have made you look like an immoral bitch in the eyes of society. I did not want to spoil your children's future. I will take you now, baby
The waiter served the snacks. They ate snacks and had coffee.
Shyamala: As a widow, people may call me immoral bitch, once everyone knows our relationship. But I do not bother.
Shiva: Do you dress like this to college. I appreciate that you have really changed. You present yourself now as confident and sexy woman.
Shyamala: My confidence is induced, influenced and inspired by you. Now that I am your lover, I do not care what others think of me. Do I look like a slut?
Shiva: Do you know that you really look like a slut and whore and not a dignified respectable lecturer.
Shyamala: smiling, Sir. You want to see me like a slut.....
Shiva: Your backless blouse is very deep and low cut showing your breasts, and Sari dbangd so low waist below the navel, men think you are challenging them to fuck you. Everyone in the restaurant is looking at you with desire. They must be thinking that I have hired a whore for the night.
Shyamala: Am I looking like a whore and prostitute? Let them think. Sir, I am specially dressed for you today, smiling, I am your whore. You hired me just not for one night but for life time Sir. Am I looking like prostitute?
Shiva: You do not look like a road side prostitute from the red-light area, but are definitely looking like a high class whore sexually hungry and found a young man to fuck you and satisfy your insatiable desires.
Shyamala: You are an expert in recognizing, seducing and satisfying married and unsatisfied, unmarried, single, spinsters, married, divorced women and widows of all ages.
Shiva: and make them my life time slaves. I do not pursue and chase happily married women who are loyal to their husbands, unless .....
Shyamala: Unless?
Shiva: Unless the woman is extremely beautiful and sexy.
Shyamala: You seduce loyal happily married wives too?
Shiva: Yes. I do, loyal and happily married wives remain loyal mostly because lack of opportunity, fear of social stigma, and not finding a man who can win their heart and make them madly fall in love. I seduce women who are so called pious or pativratha, if I like them and make them my sex slaves, even if they are married.
Shyamala: You are an irresistible man.
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Chapter 13
He led her to the room. In the room he took her in his arms. And the room was perfect, warm, bathed in the golden light of over a dozen flickering candles in this room, scented candles, the earthy natural scent of patchouli, sandalwood, sage and frankincense an aphrodisiac to the senses.
She saw the headlights in the window and her heart skipped a beat. He led her in front of the mirror, looking into the mirror, she thought, and ‘Would he still think she was beautiful? The years had been kind, but, she was older, nonetheless.' The deep cut low neckline doing little to conceal the swell of her huge breasts that threatened to spill forth with each ragged breath. She quickly moistened her lips and smiled.
She was happy after so many years; finally she is in the arms of a man she loves. She took six arm lengths of Jasmine malas from her bag, and gave it him.
Shiva said, Lovely, I thought the flowers were missing, and arranged jasmine malas in her braid. Shyamala, my dear baby, you look ravishing. He took her face in his hands, stroked her cheek, her ear, chin and the side of her face along the jaw line with his fingers. He stroked the back of her head, slowly massaged her scalp, running fingers through her thick hair, brushed the strands of hair away from her eyes as he made eye contact, leading her to want something more. He liked the feel of stroking her oily long thick luxurious lustrous smooth shining silky jet-black hair.
Shyamala felt his callused hands, and the sinewy muscles leading up to broad shoulders. When Shyamala inhaled his rich natural sweat scent, Androstenol singed her senses and slid over her bare skin like a powerful aphrodisiac.
He cupped her face in his hands gently with love, desire and empathy. He wanted to love, comfort, possess, own, make love and devour her. He could see in her wide expressive eyes pleading desire to be taken, to be owned, to become united, to be filled, an unmistakable urgent need. It was an uncontrollable, irresistible and intense desire. Her large expressive eyes wide open looking into his eyes was inviting him.
He kissed on her forehead, eyes, eyelids and cheeks. She was moving her face conveniently to receive as he kissed, licked, and nibbled lovingly, delicately, and passionately all over her neck, cheeks and face. He licked and nibbled at her earlobes while his fingers caressed at the back of earlobes. He kissed her earlobes, the sides of her ear, and the area behind her ears gently. He stroked her ears as he continued to kiss and also brushed his lips along and behind her ears and nibbled her earlobes taking into his mouth. He kissed her chin and nose.
He lovingly stroked the sides of her neck while kissing, tossed her hair back so that he can caress her neck a bit more by running the sides of his fingers up and down her neck down to the base of her shoulder and all the way up to her earlobe. She was eagerly enthusiastically accepting and receiving his sensuous loving licking kisses moving and turning her face closely and conveniently to receive as he kissed each and every inch of her fore head, her eye lids, cheeks, chin, neck, shoulders and all over her face. he ran a finger on her juicy soft thick lips and holding her lower lip gave her a soft kiss, paused to caress her lips by holding the kiss for a few seconds. He ran tip of his tongue on her thick full beautiful pouting wet juicy soft top and bottom lips. Finally, he ran his tongue between her wet juicy thick pouting inviting lips forcing her mouth to open.
She opened her mouth fully inviting and taking as his tongue slipped into hers. His tongue explored her mouth, touching her inner cheeks, her tongue and deep into her throat. Her arms snaked around him tightly and their tongues caressed each other and she tasted his tongue. She took his lower lip into her mouth and, sucking, chewing and biting digging her teeth, all the time pressing herself against him. He was biting and chewing her lips till bleeding. She sucked and chewed on his lower lip for a long time. In turn, he took her lower and upper lip one after another alternatively chewing and sucking them gently.
Their tongues entwined, exploring and sucking hungrily each other alternatively. Her tongue attacked his mouth, probing his tongue, teeth and gums. Their bodies were pressing at each other. Their hearts beating faster, blood running through veins faster and faster at high speed. We kissed on for long time, endless with small gaps for taking breath. He could feel her long fingernails digging on his back. he can smell her body aroma, an exotic body odor of passion, sweetness and desire. It was if they both want to drink nectar from each other’s mouth. Her hands were around me encircling and clutching tightly. Her fingers digging into his back, they kissed each other unmindful of the time and circumstances for a long time taking turns.
Her sucking of his saliva passed his testosterone hormone to activate her sex desire to the peaks. Our kissing stimulated nerve endings on our lips which sparked release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure and feeling of rewarded which made us want to kiss for a long time. Endorphins and Phenyl ethylamine levels also increased during the kissing working as an Aphrodite. Their adrenal system got excited releasing adrenaline making our whole body into an excited, revved up state, their heart rate increased. Blood rushed away from the stomach to our muscles and our sexual organs. Pheromones released extensively when we kiss and we can sense them with our nose and mouth and were able to detect that we were aroused and we are ready for the action.
The signs of extreme sexual arousal in her were obvious. Her cunt juices started flowing out profusely, her cunt lips and clitoris swollen and engorged. He continued to French kiss her possessively and with all the love that he could muster. With her lips and hands and hair and their bodies pressed together in the most intricate and intimate manner, he did not stop. He wanted to be there with his arm cupping her cheeks sometimes briefly pulling her hair, sometimes pushing her to the very edge and she was being absolutely ravishingly submissive and receiving and reciprocating forcefully.
For her, there was nothing.. Nothing in this whole world, just Shiva, his lips, his tongue and his hands, her needs, his desires, his happiness, and her urgent need for love, to be taken by him, to take him into her. Shyamala's muscle tension increased, heart rate quickened and breathing is accelerated. Her skin became flushed and her breast nipples become hardened or erect.
His overpowering maleness made her submit herself to him. Her whole body was aching with irresistible, unbearable and uncontrollable desire. She became aroused and excited beyond control, the blood running fast, her nerves electrified and tensed, her pulse rate and breathing quickened. Her heavy huge breasts became painfully heavier and swollen, areola expanded and enlarged, her nipples became stiff, hard and jutting to come out of the bra and blouse straining at seams. Her clit swollen, engorged and stiff, and her soft cunt lips enlarged and opened like flower petals. Cunt juice from her pussy was overflowing and running down between her thighs. She could not think of anything else except that her hungry burning insatiable desire to be quenched. She was like a simmering volcano with hot lava ready to explode. A throbbing from her pelvis overwhelmed her body. She could not bear the urge. She wants his cock deep inside her cunt. She wants to be fucked. She wants her cunt opened, filled and fucked. She was ready and waiting for him to enter..
He lifted her by slipping a hand under her arm and around her back, leaned over her placed my other arm behind her knees and scooped her up into my arms. She put her hands around my neck holding on to me, buried her face on my shoulder and groaned. He carried her to the bed room, dragging her sari pallu, and thrown her on to the white bed sheet that covered the bed.
Shyamala lay down on the edge of the bed, her feet touching the floor and her hair spread wide on the bed. He could see her flawless blemish less glowing smooth skin, full extra-large voluminous conical mountainous big breasts with large dark areolas and hardened jutting upright erect big nipples, her mound of deep navel, the rise and fall of her abdomen.
Lying back down on the bed, her partially nude erotic body revealed in the soft diffused light. Her extra-large huge mountainous breasts had proportionately large conical areolas with big long elongated and stiffened nipples that pointed out from the considerable mound of her firm tits. Her huge breasts hung on her ribcage, up thrust with huge nipples pointing the ceiling. He sat next to her, cupping, stroking and feeling her huge voluminous firm pendulous conical extra-large breasts. he unhooked and removed her blouse and bra as she lifted her hands up willingly to ease them. Her naked heavy breasts were firm; big enlarged areola and engorged nipples were long stiff and jutting out. He bent down to kiss her big mountainous breasts. He nibbled and stroked her erect engorged stiff nipples. His hand sipped through below her sari and petticoat feeling her big thunderous thick fleshy soft thighs. Her blood flow to her cunt increased, clitoris and labia swollen and her vaginal lubrication began. Her breasts become fuller and the vaginal walls begin to swell. Her muscle spasms in the feet, face, and hands are clearly visible.
You bitch, Shyamala, you are ready!
Yes, my Master. I am ready for you.
Yanking off his shirt and lungi he undressed completely. He walked towards her flaunting his long thick amazing, colossal, imposing, incredible, exceptional, gigantic, ginormous, incredible, marvellous, massive, monstrous, gigantic, gargantuan, huge, striking, unimaginable, whopping cock with huge knob proudly.
Shyamalavathy was surprised, shocked and fascinated by seeing the enormous size of his erect long thick rigid big pulsating monstrous young and virile cock. It is so extraordinarily long, very thick and meaty.She never seen such a huge gargantuan cock with such a huge knob and never imagined that a man can have such a big cock. It is a like a horse's cock. She was amazed and terrified, her eyes wide and eyebrows rose seeing the enormous size of his monstrous cock in surprise and disbelief. Her surprise is not unexpected to him.
He stood there in front of her showing his cock
'Oh my God, Your cock is gigantic like horse's cock, Shiva lingam,' she said.
Take it, hold it and feel my cock, my baby.
She took his rigid long thick erect hard turgid pulsating cock into her hands with awe, feeling it and held it in both of her fists. She was able to contain only part of its length and thickness. It was the first time in her life to see and hold such a big long thick monstrous enormous sized cock with rock hardness. She never even heard a man can have such a big cock. She never imagined a man can have such a big cock as big as horse's cock.
She remembered the sculptures on the temples and also thought of Lord Shiva's lingam. She felt his cock and squeezed. It was like a long thick hard rod with very big menacingly huge knob. She was overwhelmed to hold such a massive monstrous long thick cock in her hands. She held the knob in the palm of one hand and caressed it with her fingers of other hand slightly squeezing the knob.
She was afraid, terrified and very much apprehensive whether she could take all this meaty enormous cock in her cunt. She could not help but compare the enormous size of the cock with that of her husband’s timid small soft lifeless cock. She was holding and stroking his cock in her hands. Her hands running along the shaft lovingly and ran her index finger nail on his big pink knob. She took hold of his scrotum feeling the balls and then her fingers reached encircling the big knob of his cock as if to measure. She was afraid that her cunt may not be able to take this monstrous cock with its even menacingly bigger knob and her cunt may get torn and ripped apart. Yet, she was excited with anticipation and want to be fucked by such a massive cock as big as horse's cock. Her surprise on seeing his massive cock is not new to him.
I am happy, Sir, I am fortunate to hold your beautiful gigantic lingam.
Do you like it bitch?
I love it, Sir.
Do you want to take it in your cunt?
I want to but I am afraid, sir.
Shyamala gawked at the exceptionally long, thick shaft pointed directly at her. “There is no way in hell that horse dick is coming near me. You are not ripping my pussy in two,” she shrieked, clamping her legs tightly.
Though she was afraid, she wants his big monstrous cock to open and fill her cunt. She was excited, her cunt petals enlarged, clitoris became stiff and hard, and her cunt juices started overflowing with excited expectation. Excited by the arousal, she sucked in a tight breath, the scent of her arousal and body language telling him just how needy she was to get fucked. She kissed the knob and ran over her tongue over the knob.
She thought finally her dreams come true. She always was unhappy about her husband's timid cock. she said, ‘Oh, my god, Shiva, I cannot wait, Please do it. Come into me. I want your lingam inside me,’ she said holding and stroking his cock.
He took off her sari and petticoat as she lifted her big wide ass to ease out. She was naked and spread her legs and thighs wide apart. Her beautiful thick wet juicy cunt flower and engorged glittering stiff big clit were inviting. She has beautiful thick cunt lips, erect big clitoris andlong triangle of thick black soft pubic hair.
She put her hand and covered on her cunt. He took her hand off, bent over her between her fat fleshy thighs and rubbed his cock on her wet cunt lips and massaged her clitoris, gently.
He had never been able to thrust into a woman without worrying about hurting her, so his sexual encounters had been lessons in control – painful struggles to be gentle and hold back. He’d taught himself the art of slipping just the head of his power peter into a woman’s pussy and then thrusting ever so slow until she’d reached her limits. His cock had never been more than halfway in.
He opened her cunt lips with his hands, slowly and firmly entered her juicy cunt opening going in deeper and deeper between the clinging lips of the vulva. His cock entered tightly, opening and widening her soft cunt walls.
When his cock knob entered her, she gasped. It was painful. It was the first time in her life she had ever experienced what it was like to feel a cock opening her cunt, stretching her cunt and full from the inside her cunt. Despite her cunt filled with juice it was extremely painful for her. The truth was that she was definitely turned on, and her cunt overflowing with juices, the size of his cock did hurt her.
Shyamalavathy cried in pain and said, 'You are hurting me, Sir, Please be gentle.'
He shoved himself inside her, fought to push his hardness inside her as far and as fast as he could. She was too tight and he was too wide for speed, but whereas before when he felt resistance he'd hesitated, now he shoved harder. Her body resisted, and his body crashed through. He shoved all that hard, wide meat inside her. He forced his way in, while her body was still trying to figure out if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
His thick cock stretched her vagina to the utmost limits. In the next few attempts forced his cock deep slowly inch by inch got into her touching the bottom of her cunt. He kept his cock still without moving. Her cunt was completely filled and stretched to the limits by his cock. She never felt that way with her husband’s small timid cock. She could feel his cock filling inside her cunt stretching and expanding. It was a surprise for her that his big long thick enormous cock filled her cunt to the bottom and still some length of it is outside her vagina. Her hand was on his cock which remained outside. She raised her bottom slightly to take more of his cock into her cunt. Her cunt muscles were gripping his cock tightly like a fist. It was obvious that she never had such an experience of her cunt filled by such enormously thick long a big cock. She was tightly encircling and gripping his cock as if she wanted to take all of him into her.
She felt amazing, so hard, so long, so wide cock all inside her. It felt good. It flung her back against the bed, tore screams of pleasure from her mouth. It made her writhe around him, wriggling and struggling; caught between orgasm and her body telling her that maybe she shouldn't be doing this. It turned almost-pain to unbelievable pleasure. It made her throw her body around him, over him; fling her upper body against the pillows, over and over again like a puppet whose strings had been cut. She writhed and screamed, and fought, and danced under him. And he shoved himself as far inside me as he could, hit the end of her when there was still some of him yet to go.
He looked into her eyes, and said, 'you bitch your cunt is filled and stretched by my cock. Do you want more'
Yes Sir, whatever pleases you, Sir. She said.
She wants more. Her cunt muscles opened up, stretched by the enormous size of his thick long cock, and her hands on his hips were pressing him more into her. He took her breasts into his hands fondling them. It was a moment of unison, of their bodies and souls.
"Sir, It feels like your cock split me in two. I feel your cock in my throat!" she stammered. She slowly turned to look in the mirror across from the bed. What she saw horrified her. Her cunt was stretched wide open by his huge cock. There was at least half of his cock still out of her cunt. 'Oh, God I feel like I'm a virgin getting fucked. "It's so you know, sir, how much your stretching me?" she whispered.
He looked down in front of her. The juice had traveled down his cock and was staining the sheets. He looked into her eyes keeping his cock still to enjoy the feeling; He was not in a hurry. He wanted her to feel and enjoy enormous size of his cock. Slowly he slid back and forth. ‘I want to fill you and fuck you slut', he said and took his cock out to the knob and entered her again to the bottom.
He is boring into her cunt enlarging her cunt hole as a boring machine turning to widen and deepening.
Oh my God, Shiva, You are tearing me apart.
He settled down to a steady, relentless rhythm, fucking her straight and hard.
She said, ‘fuck me, deeper, more and more. I am your slut. She urged him as his cock was going in and withdrawing to the tip and then sliding into her cunt slowly and steadily. He could feel her cunt muscles opening every time his cock going in deep.
She was moaning, and said, ‘Oh, fuck me, fuck your Slave, fuck me, fuck me hard. Tear me apart. I need it. I have been waiting and hungry for so long all my life to take your cock. Give it to me all the way in.’ She was repeating the words again and again, cooing and crying loud, while moving bottom up to meet each of his strokes. 'Fuck me. I am your slut. Fuck me hard,' she said. Her pussy juices were flowing out running down his cock and his balls were soaking wet.
He lifted and placed both her legs on both sides his shoulders, slightly lifted her ass just off the bed, re-entered her cunt and fucked her slowly, steadily and rhythmically deeper and deeper. He whispered, 'Shyamala, You are a sexy bitch and your cunt is like a heaven, and you need to be fucked by me.' He fucked fast with all his energy digging into her deeper and deeper opening her cunt with each stroke with more and more energetic thrusts. She was making husky and horny sounds, cooing and groaning very loud with pleasure.
"Shyamala, my sweet sexy baby, you are a cunt. You are a sexy bitch and slut. You are a tramp and whore. I am going to fuck you so hard and rip off your cunt."
'Yeah, I am a bitch in heat, I am your slut. I am your whore. Fuck me, my Lord and Master. Fuck your Slave. Fill my cunt. I am yours. I am your slut and whore. Your fat cock is so long and big. Fuck me deeper and more and more, rip me off. I have been waiting for you all these years to fill my cunt.
'Fuck me, use me, she said huskily.
She was thrusting upwards raising her arse with equal vigor and enthusiasm making erotic sounds. She was like a bitch in heat now. She wanted his cock in her. Their bodies with each stroke were trying to unite with each other, attempting to unite, to become one, to achieve oneness. It was a beautiful unique and ultimate expression of love and desire between man and woman and their souls to become one and achieve oneness.
Her hands around him, her legs spread wide, her cunt inviting and receiving his cock each time.he was digging and rotating his cock in her cunt making it bigger and wider, as a thick iron crowbar rod digging and deepening into rain drenched soft earth, taking his massive hard cock out and sending back with more vigorous force and rotating in circular motion to make her cunt wider and deeper. After few minutes her hips began to rise and fall with me in harmonious perfect rhythm and made undulating circular movements that quickened and heaved, and she began to emit throaty erotic exciting orgasmic sounds. She squirmed and moaned as he pulled almost all of the way out and then thrust back in to hilt with full force again and again rapidly gaining speed.
The rhythm became faster and faster as he placed his hands under her ass cheeks bringing his cock into her cunt deeper thrust to the hilt. As he fucked deeper with more forceful thrusts, digging and rotating in her cunt holding her arse cheeks, she came violently crying a loud as if a simmering volcano erupted, as if an earthquake occurred and shook her, her whole body in frenzied uncontrollable spasms and she dug her finger nails deep into his back scratching wildly drawing out blood. Her orgasm was visible in her reaction of complete abandon, her legs and pussy tightening around me in a squiring movement. She moved back and forth, up and down and wiggled tighter and tighter. She screamed and moaned with absolute pure pleasure and it was more than obvious that she was having a great time. He pumped mindlessly faster and faster deep into her cunt. I kept his cock rooted in her cunt without moving and her cunt muscles gripping, releasing and squeezing his cock like a fist, repeatedly.
Hemassaged her clitoris slowly until she lifted her hips and came again. Her body was shaking in a frenzied motion sweating profusely. Keeping his cock still in her cunt, he massaged her cunt and clit smoothly and she had three more consecutive endless orgasms. She came as if all her pores opened up and juices coming out of her body crying out loud like a wild animal. Her muscles of her vagina contracted. Her uterus was undergoing rhythmic contraction. He kept on fucking her more and digging into her cum filled cunt. He fucked on with all his energy continuously.
Suddenly her fingers dug into his shoulders and she was ready again. She wasin uncontrollable orgasmic phase again and experienced multiple orgasms. Finally we came together in unison and in a harmonious motion. She surrendered to orgasm as her entire body contracted and convulsed in frenzied movements. She cried out very loud with joy and her fingernails dug deeper and deeper scratching his back violently, drawing blood profusely. Her fingers dug in deeply drawing blood.
He had just finished banging Shyamala's cunt and she was recovering from a series of mind blowing orgasms. She was satisfied, he wanted more, but her cunt was too sore.
You bitch; you scratched my back and drew blood. You need punishment.
I could not control Sir. You have gave me such a powerful orgasm.
I have to punish you now. You should realize who your Master is. He turned her around.
He forced his cock up her ass. She was on her knees with her chest against the bed and her tight, round, huge creamy ass hanging there just waiting for him. He positioned his precum lubed cock head against her virgin asshole and pushed. He pushed harder to force his cock past her tight ass-ring. A bit more force and he penetrated about an inch. He began to push deeper when it occurred to him that her virgin asshole was so tight around his thick cock that he is causing her pain. He stopped pushing and asked Shyamala if he was hurting her.
"Yes", she gasped.
I pulled back an inch or so and asked again.
"You're so big and my ass is so tight. It hurts," she whimpered.
"Do you want me to stop?", I asked.
"I don't know. Sir, It hurts so much, but I think I can take it."
You have to take it, my bitch.
He forced his cock further and suddenly his cock surged up her ass – with too much effort his cock was half way up her ass.
He asked her."Am I hurting you?" I asked.
"yes," she cried.
"Excellent," he thought.
"Do you want me to stop," I asked.
"No, I like it."
He slowly pressed deeper into her ass and began to stroke her. he could tell she was liking it because her breathing became more and more ragged and her face was flushed.
"Deeper," she gasped.
He pushed and sank deeper into her asshole, but the position they were in did not permit full penetration. So she took the initiative and they rolled over so that she was on top and he was beneath her. In that position, she could use her weight to force his entire huge cock up her ass. She supported herself with her arms as she rode up and down on his cock while he rubbed her clit. Soon the sensations that she was feeling made her weak and she could no longer support herself. They then rolled over and with Shyamala face down and somewhat spread-eagled, he rode her tight, round, pumping ass. She was really turned on and loving the sensations caused by his huge cock thrusting into her slippery, silky, smooth asshole. He wants her to feel the whole cock in her tight ass and was hurting her, so he was using his entire cock. The way she was pumping her ass and pushing back at him made him think that she wanted more cock.
"Do you want it deeper?" I asked.
"More Cock.! Give me More Cock. Shove Your Huge Cock up my ass", she gasped.
So he pushed all the way in.
"Fuck yeah! give it to me hard!", she moaned as he pushed his cock balls deep into her tight, round ass. He rested a bit with his cock buried in her asshole. Her face was flushed and her breathing was ragged from the sexual excitement. Her tight body writhed and her ass pumped trying to get me to ride her and drill deep into her asshole.
"Oh God It feels so fucking good. Fuck me. Fuck my tight ass.", she pleaded.
He began to thrust into her with full strokes making her breathing even more ragged. He then reached down and began to rub her clit. She was so hot that she grabbed his hand and began to rub herself with his hand to reach orgasm. Picture it if you will, a hot, tight-assed mature forty seven year Shyamala taking the entire length of his long thick monstrous huge big thick cock up her tight asshole – she was writhing, pumping her ass, rubbing herself to orgasm and begging for more!
Knowing just what she needed for a mind blowing orgasm, he pulled out his cock of her ass. He ordered her to position herself bent hands resting on the bed, legs spread wide.
She felt his slippery fingers pressing against her anus, two sliding in working her cunt juices in. A third and fourth finger followed, twisting and turning, stretching her arse hole open.
He took the big wax candle from the side table, went to the bathroom and coated the candle with cream. He brought the cream bottle. She looked back and wondered what he will be doing.
She asked, Sir, What are you going to do to me?
Can't you wait bitch for the punishment, he slapped her on the ass.
He applied cream on her ass hole and inserted the cream coated ribbed wax candle into her ass. She cried with pain. Sir, Please, I can't take it.
You whore! You have to. Remember you are my slave. I hired you for the night.
Sir, it is paining like hell. Please take it out.
You bitch, you have to learn to enjoy the pleasure and you will.
He rotated the candle in her ass hole, removed the candle from her ass.
She sighed with relief. Thank you sir.
Wait, you slut. he again pushed the thick long candle deep her ass stretching her ass. She had unbearable pain, yet it was stimulating for her.
Keeping the candle deep inside her ass, He penetrated his cock deep into her cunt.
Her cunt filled with his cock and asshole filled with candle sent shockwaves throughout her body.
He started fucking her cunt violently and fucking her ass with Candle.
She was crying with pleasurable pain.
In a matter of a few strokes, he had her screaming and writhing as her orgasm took hold.
"Fuck me, Master" she screamed over and over.
Her orgasm started to peter out, but it started up again – she was having multiple whole body orgasms! He was utterly amazed as he continued to bang away at her pulsating cunt making her scream and writhe. Finally her orgasms were over, but he wasn't finished, he hadn't come yet and he was getting close.
"Oh fuck yeah. Come in my cunt. Fill my cunt with your hot come." she moaned.
After long fucking, he could not control anymore and came very big. He ejaculated thick loads of sperm into her cunt, pouring his thick hot sperm filling her cunt.
She squeezed all his juices with her cunt contracting muscles. All his thick sperm juices drained to the last drop filling her cunt. She almost went into a trance. She experienced cervical orgasms which is so different from clitoral orgasm. Her body slowly returned to its normal level of functioning, and swelled and erect body parts returned to their previous size and color and felt a sense of well-being, satisfaction, enhanced intimacy and fatigue and closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes, he looked into her eyes and saw her blushing. Her blushing, feeling shy at that moment was amazingly beautiful to see. It was the shyness a woman feels naturally, after being fucked thoroughly to orgasm and submitted her body and herself completely to her man. She kissed him all over his face. Her eyes and face were glowing with contentment and satisfaction.
She looked at him with love, devotion and submission and said, ‘Oh! God, Shiva, You have shown me heaven. You seeded and filled my cunt with your potent sperm.
'Shiva, you are so knowledgeable about sex psychology, women's feelings and sexual behavior. You aroused me to uncontrollable desire, made me forget the circumstances, and time, opening me up and fucked me for so long. It was almost one hour since we started and you have been playing with my body and my mind. You are saying that I am a sadist after fucking me for more than half an hour like a wild animal. You filled, stretched, widened and tore my cunt apart. Your cock is so big that filled my cunt and stretched to the extent of tearing me apart. You made me unleash my sexual energy and overcome inhibitions and talk dirty words shamelessly like a slut.. But I enjoyed it. You are a fucking animal. I have been hungry and starved for fucking. There was so much pent-up sexual frustration stored in my mind and body. You made me overcome and release all my energies. You drained out all my stored juices. I cannot even walk. Now I need to go to the bathroom to pee.'
Shiva said, "Shyamala, I am happy to hear you that I helped you to bring the real slut in you.'
As she walked naked to the bathroom, her long braid swinging, he watched her bouncing hips moving in rhythm provocatively in harmonious motion with her long braid on her back. He watched with admiration, love and possessiveness her naked sensuous and curvaceous body, her huge extra-large full heavy voluminous breasts hung from her chest swinging up and down. He made her sit on his lap naked. She put her hands around my neck and my hands were holding her protectively. She was hugging him, her face buried on his chest and he cuddled her.
He said, Shyamala, you are a beautiful bitch and sexy slut
.She said, Yes I am. I am a slut. "You are my Master. ‘It is the first time in my life I have experienced such beautiful orgasm while fucked. You made it safe enough for me to be my truest sexual form and from that came the flood of euphoria and ecstasy that is a cervical orgasm for a long time. I had orgasms repeatedly which was entirely new experience for me.
My entire being was alive. I had awareness of every molecule in my body. I knew we were in the same place at the same time feeling the same thing and that was it. You have taken me to a state, the closest thing to God I have ever felt. Now I know what it is like being fucked. It was filthy and rough and selfish and it was amazing.' I know it is selfish on my part. Where were you all these years, lover? Why did not you come to me earlier, claim me and fuck me?
You should have claimed me long ago. I am your property. I belong to you. Why did you deny me this heavenly pleasure all these years? Ever since you wrote your first letter, my long hidden suppressed dormant desire surfaced. This is going to sound crazy, but from the moment you I received your letter; I haven't been able to stop thinking of and about you.
You have occupied my mind and body. The very first time in my life, I ever felt passionately in love. It was a feeling so loving, so tender, so wild, so overwhelming and breath-taking, and all-involving, a feeling I did not know before.
You looked at me devouringly when I came to Lakshmi's house after my husband's death. You wanted to fuck me. I know that you are the tall handsome man I have been dreaming about since my childhood. It was my dreams come true. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, in your arms as your woman. I experienced the pleasure of submission of myself, surrendering my soul and body to you transcending all limits. Finally I found my man, my Master who owns me."
She laid down keeping her head on his lap, and looking into my eyes with love, devotion and submission. I was fondling her body feeling the smoothness of her skin, caressing her glowing face and lovingly fondling her big breasts.
Shiva asked, 'Shyamala, my baby how do you feel now?
Shiva, at this moment, I still feel your cock in my cunt. You are calling me Shyamala baby now, after fucking me thoroughly for so long time and calling me a bitch, slut, tramp and whore?' she said smilingly. I deserve that because I fit the description of all these words and I thoroughly enjoyed you calling me such filthy abuse derogatory words.
‘Shiva, you ask me 'how do I feel? I experienced orgasm for the first time during fucking. I am fucked thoroughly. I am the luckiest woman on the earth. Finally, I am with you, my master to whom I belong. I need you. I am your slave. You should have claimed me, your property long ago. I have been waiting as a fertile land parched waiting to be ploughed properly deeply, watered and seeded to flourish.
Why were you born later than I was? You should have born earlier to me to claim me and fuck me ever since I was a young virgin girl. I feel like a virgin girl fucked for the first time. You should have impregnated me many a time and produced many children. ’
“Shiva, you filled my heart with love and my cunt with your monstrous cock. You filled the void in me, fulfilled me and gave me such a wonderful unbelievable life time experience, made me forget everything, the pain, the agony, the grief and the sorrow of losing my son. I feel happy. Nothing else matters in this world except you for me now.
I experienced pure heavenly pleasure perhaps banal, carnal and animalistic pleasure akin to nirvana. It may be an unpardonable sin to experience such pleasure on this day in the eyes of other people. I do not care even if I go to hell for committing this sin.
Shiva, my Lord, I do not care even if the whole world call me a slut and whore. I experienced unimaginable, ultimate, abandoned uncontrollable blissful pleasure akin to nirvana of highest level, which I never thought even in dreams that such happiness and pleasure is plausible to experience during sex. I do not hesitate to admit such a thought, even if it is called kinky, sexual obsession or abnormal behavior. I am supposed to be crying being grieving widow.
Everyone expects me to do so. Instead, I enjoyed being thoroughly fucked by you. My mind is filled with pleasure instead of pain. My mind, body and soul is occupied by you, filled by you, owned by you and devoured by you. You have shown me that being fucked can be powerful and pleasurable beyond words can express and also gave me divine pleasure akin to nirvana and moksha. I submitted and surrendered myself to you happily. You are my Lord and Master. You are my God. I am ready to do anything and everything you want me to do.
Shyamala: In your letter you wrote -It may be perhaps that you were abused when you were young by a male relative. I think you were molested and fucked when you were young by someone in the family or a relative." Why do you think so?
Shiva: you want tell me about something?
Shyamala: I want to confess to you
Shiva: Tell me, I can understand.
Shyamala: I will tell you later. Now Fuck me.
Shyamala said, I was fucked by my maternal Uncle when I was 12.