Adultery A Slutty Wife
Thick steam came out as the bathroom door swung open. Priyanka emerged with only a towel wrapped around her. Her skin glistened with water droplets fresh from the shower. I couldn't help but notice, yet again, just how fucking beautiful she is. How I ended up like this I have no clue. I do know, without a doubt, I wouldn't have dreamed of it any other way. Coming out of my hiding, i tugged at her towel. My presence startled her. She jumped back a good two feet.

"Oh my God, Rakesh!" she yelled, "You scared me half to death!! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?"

"Surprise" I replied, with a killer smile.

After eyeing and sizing her up, I added "I too needed a shower. I knocked on the bathroom door but the loud music did not let my knocks through to your ear. We could have saved some water and proudly boasted that we are environment friendly people."

Lifting one of my hands to feel her face, I gazed down into her black eyes and watched her mouth curl up into a sluttish grin. "I didn't realize you were coming home early, nor was I aware you were so concerned about saving the environment".

My forehead fell to rest on hers. "So concerned, I think we should take all of our showers together from now on."

Her face lit up as she pressed her cheek into my palm. "I think that's a great idea - for environmental reasons, of course."

"Of course," I repeated with a wicked smile.
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I lowered my lips to meet hers in a kiss that was hard and wet. My cock was rock hard in a matter of seconds. Intense, passionate, and a little bit out of control, the kiss is a mirror image of our relationship. I can't get enough of it either. I dropped my hands to the towel, tugged on it to expose her just-washed naked body. The intention was to make her all hot and sweaty again.

"Rakesh," she drew her arms up in between us, pressing lightly on my chest and took a step back, "I've have to get dressed. Rahul, your brother and my husband, should be home in a little bit."

I reached out, grabbed her hips, and yanked her back towards me. "Rahul just sent me a text. He's working late. Besides, I've barely seen you the last couple of weeks. I missed you incredibly," I protested as I buried my face into the soft, creamy flesh of her neck. My hands move around and squeeze her firm ass. A whimper escapes her throat as her body melted into mine.

"We have to be fast," she murmured while her hands make quick work of my button and zipper. "I still want to be ready for when he comes home."

"Oh, I can be fast," I assured her.
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I pulled my t-shirt over my head in one swift motion as she worked on my jeans and boxers. Capturing her mouth with mine again, I lift her up off the floor. As soon as her back hit the mattress, I'm buried deep inside her with a forceful thrust. No additional foreplay is needed. She is already soaking wet and ready for me. Her legs are hiked up on my shoulders with my hands gripping her hips tightly. All the while I am pounding into her with a feverish pace. She knows how much I love to watch her play with herself. With her eyes locked on mine, she caressed her own breasts with one hand. Pinching and flicking the darkened pebbled nipples, as the other hand rubs frantic small circles over her swollen clitoris.

"Oh my God, that's it," she moaned and writhed her body in a dance of desire beneath me. "Harder. Fuck me harder."

"Anything you want." I grunted out. I gave her exactly what she asked for.

She truly is a sight to behold. It is fucking incredible the things she does for me, her eyes begin to convey how close she is to finding her release, something which would inevitably send me over the edge as well.

It is just a matter of a few more strokes and both of us lay humped and spent besides each other.

I kissed her forehead and made my way to use the washroom. Coming out, I looked at her. Her face was glowing with a good orgasm written all over it. Nothing satisfied me more. Our eyes locked once again and in a matter of seconds, our lips too.

"I was just reminiscing on how it all started between you and me." she whispered into my ears. "Remember the first month of my marriage and how you behaved."
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go ahead
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Erotic hot slutty. Keep going
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The first month of my brother's marriage


It was an absolute hell for me.

I came back from college to attend his wedding. Besides missing my college life and friends, I felt as if I was the only driver in the house. For any and every kind of work, I was to be contacted for transportation. It seemed that I was the only one free guy in my house. Thankfully the wedding came in a weeks' time. The wedding was an even bigger pain in the ass. Along with being a driver, I had to put up a plastic smile 24 * 7. Painfully soon, the wedding too was over.

Then came the more complex parts, one can easily say the most complex part -The part where changes in lifestyle was necessary. It was damn hard for me to see my brother change. I accepted it with an open heart but I still wished, inside, that he spent more of his time with me. This wish made me do a few stupid things as well. But nothing so stupid that would affect my relation with my brother. The same cannot be said for his wife though.

At that time, I thought she was the main reason for the distance between my brother and me. So I wanted to make life a little tough for her. I started to resist her - her ideas for any outings, the food she made etc. In short, everything she suggested, I would suggest something quite otherwise. The family felt the weirdness in my actions and started to ignore me soon. It made me even more irritated. I started to count the days until my college re-opened.

Thankfully, my brother got some clues from my behavior and started to patch things up between me and him - especially on time spending front. I missed him most at nights. We would have always ended up playing on XBOX together. Well, he had something else to play with at nights now.
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My relation with Priyanka was nothing but absolutely superficial. I would exchange a plastic smile with her whenever she came across me. The only few emotions that came up in my mind were that of anger and jealousy whenever I remembered her. It is due to her that I was being distanced from my family members. However, the whole jealousy and hate thing changed a week before I was about to leave for college.

My brother and Priyanka had gone for a dinner followed by a long drive. Rahul decided to take the open jeep as the weather was good. He did not obviously know that it was going to rain. It not just rained, it rained cats and dogs. Since the two of them would be coming in late and our guard was on leave, I was duly given the duty to open the main gate for them. I was absolutely irritated on becoming a guard for them.

It was quite a major pain in the ass to stay awake, just to open the gates for them. The atmosphere inside the house started to become bitchy. I decided to make my way out into the porch before I became the topic of discussion. The wind started to pick up. Raindrops were all around the porch in no time. I decided to go and sit in the guard room, next to the main gate. The guard room was rain proof besides it was a bit of a distance from the house as well.

Thankfully Rahul came soon. He honked his car horn to open the door. I checked from inside, undid the mortised lock on the door. Closing the lights in the guard room, I was about to come out when I got the view of my life - a view which changed my whole life. I could see the two of them quite clearly against the light coming from the house. Priyanka stood there in rain, drenched - her clothes sticking to her skin. I was damn surprised, even ashamed, as I felt my cock stir up seeing her like that.
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The stirring slowly became a hurting hard rock like erection as I saw the two of them mildly touch each other. Love had indeed made them quite stupid. Stupid enough to feel each other in open. I cursed them some more, my hard on as it was hurting me badly.

I cleared my throat, so the love birds would stop playing their games. I gave them the umbrella and made my way towards the house. Rahul at that very moment caught my hands and pulled me up towards the place where they stood. I just hoped that my erection was not visible to them.

"Please open the side gate buddy," Rahul winked and added "Priyanka is not exactly in a state where she can go in front of the elders in the house".

As if, I was in a perfect state to go in front of them. The umbrella really helped me hide my massive hard on. I opened the side gate and let them in. They both quite shamelessly ran towards their room. The place which had blood rushing into it was not exactly my brain. I turned to look towards them. I could see her body even more clearly. I visually chocked even more as Priyanka turned to look in my direction. I could just keep my fingers crossed that she did not look down below towards the tent pole I was sporting.

I wasn't prepared to look towards her like that. My mind was on fire, my body too. In a single yank of hand, my clothes were done away with. I stood there alone in bathroom, under the shower. My hands wrapped firmly around my dick. My hormones were way out of control. Flashes of her images started to float across the screen of my brain as I stroked my steel shaft. I had to brace myself with the free arm as I powerfully sprayed myself inside the shower. My release came hard and fast. As the last drops came out, I was enveloped in guilt like never before.

The next day was the hardest one for me. Every time Priyanka crossed my path, blood rushed up my dick. I forget the number of time I masturbated so I did not have to sport a hard on. By the time the day ended, I was utterly exhausted and spent.

Is there any need to mention how exhausted and spent I was when I returned to college.
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Back to college


I was a gone case in the next semester at college. Memories of Priyanka kept on playing in my mind's eye and my hands kept on playing with what they were supposed to. I quite, very, desperately needed to divert my mind on to something to get those memories away from my head.

After a bit of research on the internet, I chose to start jogging. Not only jogging helped me clear my mind, I started to feel much more positive about myself. Post masturbation guilt had reduced , my grades picked up too. I also decided not to visit my home during the college breaks. The sole reason for not visiting home was Priyanka. Her images were deeply engraved in my mind. It would be hard for me to control my hormones if I saw her regularly. Besides it would be even worse to stand in front of my brother's wife with a massive tent pole.

The holidays were spent doing trekking and all kind of adventure activities. It helped me stay fit and diverted too. I observed that all the jogging and trekking brought around changes of the positive kinds in my body. I started to get much attention from the opposite sex. I knew it for sure females would surely have some impure thoughts when they were around me, especially the ones who approached me on their own. Their blushing, flushing, smirking etc was a common feature these days. I was sought after by many girls for my looks, a few liked my attitude which was mildly flirtatious and a few liked my friendliness. My mind, however, was focused on a single female somewhere else.
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your image
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My brother was definitely worried why I was not coming home but he never over exerted the point, whenever we talked on phone. It was three years now since I visited my home. I was about to complete my graduation. Since I was not going for a post graduation course, it was either time to return home or land myself a job. Job was not an issue as I had open offers from many companies to join them. I would decide upon it later. The bigger issue for me was my graduation ceremony. Rahul and Priyanka were coming to attend my graduation ceremony. Since they were going to attend the function, I was left with no other option but to face Priyanka.
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The Graduation Ceremony


No need to mention I was all anxious how the Graduation ceremony would go especially since my dream girl would be watching over. I tried to be as confident as possible before I took my chair. My name was announced, I put up my most confident walk possible. Taking the certificate, I looked around. She stood right in front of me, clicking my pictures. It seemed that all the blood in my body rushed down at that exact moment to my groins. God, she looked even more beautiful than before. We exchanged formal smiles as I posed for her. I had to adjust the robe so my tent pole was hidden somehow.

The end of the ceremony though was not as good as everyone would have wanted it to be. A boy, who happened to be jealous of me, passed a cheap comment on Priyanka as we were on our way out. I did not know what got over me, I grabbed the boy by his collar and sprawled him down on the floor. Before he could react, I had landed 2-3 solid punches to his otherwise ugly face. He was bleeding all over himself, mostly from his mouth and nose.

Priyanka caught my arms else I would have landed a few more brutal punches. I stopped as she asked me not to hit him anymore.

I asked her "Are you okay?"

Priyanka nodded and pleaded, "You should let him go. For my sake, please."

She looked around for Rahul, who was on a call. By the time he came, faculty members had stepped in. The guy had offered his apology, which Priyanka duly accepted. Soon, we were on our way back home.
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