Incest Justin Thyme by Callicious

Stephanie and Rosemary were going to lay out and get some sun, but we had a rare cloudy day, so they went for a brief swim before going in the house to hang out. The humidity was hovering at about sixty-five percent, which to us is very oppressive, so they went indoors rather soon. Neither had bothered with a bathing suit since it was just them, nor did they bother dressing again once they were back in the house.

"Hey, Rosemary," Steph called from the den, where she was surfing the net on her laptop.

"Yeah, Steph?" Rosemary stuck her head around the corner. She had a little flour smudged on her forehead where she had brushed back her hair. She was in the process of baking some cookies.

"You ever think about going to a nudist resort?"

"Can't say as I have. I've never been excited about someone seeing me nor me seeing anyone else. I really don't care about you or even Susie. I didn't even like getting changed in the locker room for P.E. I just started doing this because of Justin, and I like it, but I don't think I'd be comfortable around other men."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. The first time Justin saw me, other than seeing my boobs when I was high on pain killers, was terrifying, but it was a real rush, too. Of course, knowing that he loves me made a big difference. It would be a real rush . . ."

"What brought that up, anyway?"

"Oh, I just saw an article about a big shindig at a resort that got busted for drugs, and it got me thinking. I wonder what Justin would think."

Rosemary snorted. "He's a guy, what do you think he would think?"

"It might be fun to try it sometime. It could be really fun for us if it gets him all turned on. I don't think I could do it, though."

"I have an idea all the girls at the house next fall will do that for us anyway, although I don't plan to make a nudist house out of it! The way a couple of them were teasing him when they came to look at the house I have an idea he will stay turned on most of the time."

Stephie got a worried look on her face. "I know. That is kind of what I was thinking about with a resort, to see how he would react. I'm afraid of losing him to some of the other girls that are built better than me."

"Stephanie Winters! Don't start on that again! You know Justin can't keep his eyes off of you when you are around! You can't call Susie ugly, and you saw how he didn't pay any attention to her. Sure, he liked looking at her nipples through her shirt and stuff, but it was always you he watched."

"I guess so. I hope he doesn't get tired of me." Rosemary just shook her head in frustration and went back into the kitchen to finish her cookies.


Michael and Susie took their time going up the mountain, stopping at several lookout points to look over the city and the country side. At one point they climbed out on the rocks where they could climb. Michael helped Susie up several times, and the feeling of the soft skin on her thighs as he lifted stirred him, as did the sight of her nipples poking out from the chilly air. They weren't to the top yet, but were at about 5000 feet elevation, and the breeze was chilly. Susie noticed Michael's eyes on her, and she liked the feeling of his hands on her legs, so she asked for help a lot more times than was really needed, even with her prosthesis.

A couple of times she got up on a rock and asked Michael to lift her down, which put his face right at her breast level, where he couldn't avoid seeing her protruding nipples. She made it a point to press against him as he lowered her down. Once, she managed to feign losing her balance so that she was pressed entirely against him, and she could feel his hard cock pressed against her. He tried pulling back quickly, but she clung to him as she "struggled" to get her footing. Michael's face was red with embarrassment, but Susie was smiling with pleasure.

The walked back to the car, and drove the rest of the way up the mountain to get some fudge. Of course, fudge can be purchased any number of places, but the fudge on Mt. Lemmon has a cachet of its own, and to many, a trip up Mt. Lemmon is not complete without stopping at the general store for a pound or more of fudge.

When Michael stopped the car and they got out the air was significantly cooler than it had been even halfway to the top. Susie's nipples immediately started poking out. She crossed her arms under her breasts and hugged herself, squeezing her boobs together in the process, being certain Michael noticed, but acted as if it was totally incidental. "Brrr. It's nippy up here!" The double entendre was not lost on Michael as he could not avoid seeing those fascinating and stimulating knobs on the front of her breasts. Quickly, he shepherded Susie into the store, hoping to get her warmed up and allow her nipples to recede. He was afraid of himself, and what he would do. Temptation was just getting to be to strong!
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In no hurry to go back outside and allow her magnificent breasts and protruding nipples to tempt him further, Michael wandered about the general store with Susie looking at dream catchers, post cards, and other souvenirs. Finally noticing the time he asked Susie, "Would you be willing to run by my apartment with me, and then take me to the airport? Otherwise, I'm afraid I may be late to meet Pete, and I don't want to do that. It will give us a little more time together, also."

"I would love to, Michael. I'm already feeling lonely with you getting ready to go. Do you realize we have hardly spent any time apart since the accident? Other than at night since I went home, and then sometimes you were there way late when I needed you." She slipped an arm around his waist and snuggled up against him, this time with her thoughts on him leaving she didn't even think to tease him, but just gave him a gentle hug that got his heart to pounding.

For the longest time Michael had given up finding a girl to whom he thought he could give his life. So many of them had been interested in him only because of his name and the chance to parlay that into money or an expansive lifestyle. Here though he found a girl that not only didn't care about his closeness to notoriety or money, but cared for him as a person, and although she didn't share his religious convictions, as evidenced by her teasing, she wanted to please him, not the other way around.

Finally, the two of them went up to the counter and ordered some fudge. As promised, Michael bought her half a pound of three different kinds, one for each day he might not see her. She picked out the 'Rocky Road', 'Chocolate Raspberry', and 'Cappuccino', but she cheated and quickly ate a piece of the Cappuccino after it was weighed, but before he paid for it. "That is so good it needs a kiss to follow it!" Quickly she leaned into Michael with lips upturned until he bent down and gave her a quick peck on the lips because he knew he would never get her out of there without it. It was a red faced Michael that faced the lady behind the counter, but a grinning Susie that clutched his arm.

The one thing Michael had not counted on was the weather! They went to the front door of the store to look out on a solid rain. Normally rains consisted of localized showers or thunderstorms that blew over quickly, but it was obvious by looking at the sky this was no shower. Michael took a quick look at his watch, and groaned. Knowing how traffic slowed almost to a standstill when it rained he knew he had no time to spare at all. "Sorry, Little One, but we're going to have to run for it."

Susie grinned. "I love running in the rain! I always have! Let's go," and with that she darted out the door to the car and stopped by the door and looked up into the rain, allowing it to run down her face as she waited for Michael to unlock the door. He had totally forgotten it was locked! Finally he found the remote in his pocket and unlocked her door, just in time to jump in the car and look over to see her shirt had turned translucent, as did her bra also! Susie looked down at herself when she saw his eyes go wide and she giggled. "I guess this isn't the outfit to go running in the rain with, is it?" and she wiped down her shirt as if to try to brush the water away, but actually was rubbing it in and tightening her shirt across her boobs, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Michael was in a real quandary. What to do? He had nothing in the car to dry off with, nor to cover up with either. He caught himself staring, totally transfixed by the sight before him. As much as he had tried to avoid it, he had of course seen pictures of nude women in his past, but never had he ever seen anything as marvelous as what was before his eyes right now. Her nipples poking out through her shirt had been one thing, but this was several orders of magnitude beyond pokies. It took an effort of will for him to tear his eyes away, but Susie saw in them what she had longed for. Proof positive he found her attractive, actually, beyond attractive; captivating even.

With shuddering breath Michael stared straight ahead. His cock was at full mast and hurt badly. Never in his life had anything prepared him for what he would find in the one he loved. How he longed to take her in his arms and ravish her boldly, even though he knew he would not have to force her, but instead he had to find a way to control himself.

Susie, for once in her life, had the maturity to understand his turmoil, and to remain silent, even to turn away somewhat. She had accomplished what she had desired and to push the envelope any more would surely backfire. She had not intentionally gotten wet, but when the opportunity arose she took advantage of it. Now to find a way to settle things down and not destroy Michael's self-control and with it the bedrock of his faith. Quietly she reached a hand over and placed it on his trembling hand on his knee. "Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Never before had she ever called him "Honey." Michael noticed a more mature tone of voice coming from her. Gone was the teasing, playful, tone that always seemed to be in the background if not out in the open. He sensed she realized finally what a strain she placed on him. "I didn't do it on purpose, but I'm not sorry you saw me. Like I told you before, I'm yours whenever you want, but I'm also willing to wait as long as it takes. I've been an awful tease. I know it, but I see now how I've hurt you. I promise I'll quit teasing you. In the meantime, if you want to look, I don't care, but I won't try to flaunt it in front of you."

Michael was unable to speak. He didn't trust himself not to beg her to let him make her his own, for he knew what he answer would be. He just couldn't. Instead he squeezed her fingers, nearly crushing them in his emotion, and she made no complaint, even though it hurt. Finally he found his voice and said, "Would you mind terribly to slip into the back seat, behind me? I'm afraid to look at you. I won't be able to control myself if I do."
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Wordlessly, Susie climbed out the front door and into the back one and slid over behind Michael's seat, but before she buckled her seat belt she leaned forward and caressed his cheek with her hand and then kissed him on his ear. Michael's hand was trembling as he turned the key and started the car. A quick look at the clock and he knew he was going to really have to hurry if he was going to make it.

Susie, for her part squeezed out her shirt as best she could and made a valid effort at drying in in the time it took to drive to Michael's apartment. Once there Michael ran in to throw some clothes together for the trip, leaving Susie to follow along behind. It was totally unlike him to be so impolite, but Susie knew he really had to hurry. She had been able to dry the shirt enough that it was not totally translucent, but her bra and the outline of her nipples were still visible. Michael quickly turned his head away and said, "Grab a shirt out of my closet there, OK? You can change in the bathroom."

Susie picked out a nice dress shirt with a long tailored tail and took it into the bathroom. As wet as her bra was she didn't want to leave it on, so she took it off too. Surely his shirt would be loose enough her nipples wouldn't show too badly. Yesterday she would have found a way to pull it tightly enough to show off, but now she knew she didn't need to, and was careful to not try to arouse Michael any more. Instead, she just let it hang loose over her shorts, without knowing the shirt covered them and looked much like a short skirt. After rolling her bra up inside her wet shirt she walked into Michael's bedroom only to hear him suck in his breath between his teeth while looking at her longingly.

"I'm sorry, Honey. I took my bra off because it is so wet. I'm not trying to tease you, honestly."

Michael shook his head. "It's not that, I didn't even notice. Tell me, you do have your shorts on under the shirt, don't you? That is the sexiest thing!" He stepped over to her and enveloped her in a massive hug, crushing her to himself. "Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are, and how much you turn me on?" His head came down and he started nuzzling her neck, sending goose pimples all over her body and leaving her weak in the knees. "You have no idea how badly I want you, how hard it is for me to resist. I have been fighting for control now for quite some time, and I'm sorry for the way I reacted when I saw you earlier."

"Michael, Honey, you didn't offend me. You didn't look at me with lust as a piece of meat like a lot of guys do when I'm in a bathing suit. All I saw was love and admiration, and you can look at me any time. I'm yours, and I'll never be another's, but I promise I'll never tease you again until you can follow through." She gave him a big grin, "You'd better watch out then, 'cause all bets are off! Right now though, we had better get going or your new boss will be waiting for you at the airport."

Michael stepped back and looked at her with new appreciation. This time he was able to take in her beauty, even knowing she was braless, and while it stirred him deeply it was on a different plane, and he knew he was going to be able to wait. It wouldn't be easy, but he would make it. Friday night couldn't come quickly enough!


I looked through the back room at the store, checking out actuators, motors, switches, and a whole array of various parts I might need for my purpose. I was considering an electric remote entry for the carriage house. We could access the passage only from the house side as it was, and that was not always convenient, or it didn't seem to be to me. The problem was how to install and activate the device, and did we really need it badly enough to allow for a possible means of entry? I sat down at the workbench and made a few sketches of what I thought might be possible and noted a parts list. Before purchasing them I wanted to go back up there and look it over carefully.

First of all I had to determine how the hidden latches even worked before I would know how to set up an electric opener. I knew Jim would let me return anything I didn't need, but I really didn't see any sense in doing it that way.

I know Jim would have let me just take what I thought I needed and bring back any excess and pay for it when I was through. I had the money, or would as soon as we did something with the gold, and I would rather just pay for it as I went rather than making Jim bankroll me. I really needed to discuss things with Dad, and probably Grandpa before doing it, too. Grandpa didn't really have any say in the matter, but I really respected his opinions. As it says in the good Book, "in the multitude of counselors is wisdom." Maybe not in so many words, but something like that. At least, that is my interpretation.

It felt good sitting there at the workbench. It seems crazy, but I really missed the place. I need a place to park some money, and I know Jim has a money-maker here. I also know he would like to expand up toward Phoenix. There's no way I would have time to run such a store, but maybe he would like a silent partner. It is something to think about anyway.

I walked back out through the front sales room and said goodbye to the guys on the way out. I really owe a lot to them, and to the other guys and Jim. They took a kid that knew nothing, but had an insatiable curiosity about anything electronic and taught me everything I know. How few businessmen would do that? Note to self: Talk to Jim and see if he knows anybody who could run a store up in Phoenix. Maybe I could find a little time to help out. . . .
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I made my way home, ready for a late lunch, and was greeted by the smell of fresh baked cookies. I'm glad it rained and the girls couldn't lay out in the sun! Mom hasn't had time to bake in a while now, and I really love those chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies I could smell! They're made with a bunch of real butter and a lot of brown sugar so that when they are put on the cookie sheet in a ball and then smashed flat with the bottom of a glass that has been dipped in sugar, they melt into a chewy, gooey, glazed bit of sweetness that had me nearly drooling just from the smell.

Steph came around the corner to greet me in all of her glory, followed by Rosemary, who was also nude. "Ummh. I don't know what I want first! You two or those cookies I smell." I didn't really see Rosemary because she was behind Steph until she stepped around her.

"What about both at the same time?" She had taken some of the cookie batter and smeared it on each of her nipples, and stuck a chocolate chip on the end of the nipple. "Would this be interesting to you?"

I didn't even bother answering. I just dropped my notepad on the floor and stepped forward and put my arms around her waist and started licking and sucking the batter from her nipples. I want you to know that was the best cookie dough I ever ate! I had her giggling as I went after it, and I didn't quit just because the dough ran out, either.

After a few minutes of teasing her I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Steph. "I seem to have had a little accident with the dough, too, Justin. Could you help me clean it up?"

I looked at her and she had it smeared all over her pussy, with a cluster of chocolate chips right on top of her clit. Her pussy is sweet enough I'm happy to eat it any time, and this was not something I could refuse! "Rosie said I could have you this afternoon since I have to go out with Mom and Dr. Meechum tonight. Do you mind?"

Rosemary gave me a wink, even though her face was flushed with arousal, and she pushed me toward Stephanie. "Take care of her, big brother. I'll get my turn later." I couldn't refuse, and I'm constantly amazed at how the two of them constantly are looking out for the other one. I thought girls were always rivals when it came to a guy!

I picked Stephanie up and laid her across the table. Mom would have a royal hissy fit if she knew about it, on more than one account, but it seemed to be the best place, and it was just the right height. I pulled up a stool, because it was just a little higher than a chair, and I started licking the batter off, a little at the time. I know it tickled, and I had her squirming all over, especially when I used just the very tip of my tongue in the crease between the leg and the pelvis. I had to put her legs over my shoulders and hold her tightly to keep her from wiggling off the edge of the table. I don't know what she was up to between breakfast and when I came back home, but she was getting very excited very quickly, and I hadn't even touched her pussy proper yet.

Her nipples were poked out as far as I have seen them poke, and her pussy lips were swollen and juices started flowing right away. Her musky scent is all the aphrodisiac I'll ever need! I was still dressed, and my cock was all bound up and getting cramped, but I didn't want to stop with her. She is small enough that I was able to reach up and pluck at her nipples while still holding her legs pinned against my head, so I plucked at them gently, but firmly as I started licking the batter from her swollen labia. I was careful to stay on the outer edges and not get to the inside area or to touch the chocolate chips yet, although she was doing all she could to get me to.
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After cleaning up the outside of her outer lips I moved to the top of her mons, where her hair used to be and carefully licked off the dough she had smeared there. It was still teasing her, but let her calm down a little bit from what I had been doing. Once it was as clean as my tongue could make it I tweaked her nipples rapidly, which caused an intake of breath, and then I broadened my tongue and made a fast swipe up her pussy, but stopped just before I got to the chocolate chips. She thrust her pelvis up and wailed, but I still wasn't giving her any release.

Quickly I thrust my tongue in and out of her vagina while plucking at her nipples. When she wasn't watching me because she was rolling her head back and forth I pounced on those chocolate chips and sucked them into my mouth and rapidly but firmly stroked my tongue across her clit. Her hands, which had been pressed flat against the table on either side of her, flew to the back of my head and she crushed my head to her as she nearly screamed, "Justinnnnn!" She bucked up and down and squeezed my head between her legs began shuddering and then began to cry.

As soon as I could get my head free from her leg's grasp I stood and leaned over her and took her into my arms. "What's wrong, Sweetheart? Did I do something wrong?"

She shook her head almost violently while still crying. I glanced over at Rosemary, who was watching, while still putting cookies into and taking them out of the oven. She just shrugged a little and shook her head. All I could do was to rock her in my arms and hold her until she got her cry out and could talk. Finally, after a few minutes, she started to settle down and drew in a few shuddering breaths and whispered, "Tissue?"

I released her enough to reach over and grab a couple of napkins, which she used to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

"I'm sorry, Justin. I'm such a baby. I was feeling sorry for myself earlier because I don't have a figure like a lot of girls do, and I hardly have any boobs. Then you came home, and Rosemary, who is beautiful and has such nice breasts gives you cookie dough on them, but you left her for me when I put it on my pussy. I was afraid to put it on my nipples, 'cause you might not want them. Then what did you do? You just gave me an awesome orgasm!" She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me to her as tightly as she could. "I love you, Justin. No one can ever love you more than I do and will," she murmured softly in my ear. "I'm sorry I'm such an insecure baby."

"Stephie, Sweetheart, there will never be anyone else. It is you and Rosemary, and as long as you can share with her I'm the luckiest guy in the world! I love you both, equally, but differently, and there will be no room for anyone else. I love your nipples! And I love your boobs, too! If you had big boobs you would look funny. Yours are perfect on you, and you never have to worry about them sagging. When we celebrate our fiftieth anniversary they will still be as perky as they are now, and I will still love them just as much."

Stephie pulled her head back and looked at me with shining eyes. "Are you saying you want to marry me?"

"Well, I'm not in a position to ask just yet, but yes, I want to marry you."

Again the arms wrapped around my head. I felt my face turning red, and I saw a little red because her arm was pinching off my carotid or something, but it was all OK as she whispered in my ear, "The answer is yes when you get around to asking." She loosed her grip on my neck and gave me a sweet and tender kiss. She then leaned in with her forehead against mine and whispered, "Will you please take me to your room and make love to me? I don't have long before I have to go, and I don't want to waste any of it."

Rosemary has such a sense about her. She stayed away while Stephie was getting things out of her system, but she stepped over to the table right then and hugged the two of us. "Justin, why don't you take her up to your room now? I'll clean up the table for you." She gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and then kissed Steph on the cheek. "Have fun, Steph. I'll get my turn later."

Steph nearly lunged out of my arms to wrap her arms around Rosemary's neck. "Thank you, Rosie. You're going to be the best sister-in-law in all the world, and I'll always share with you." Rosemary just looked over at me with a raised eyebrow and then smiled as I gave her a little nod.

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Michael hugged Susie tightly to himself, feeling her unfettered breasts press up against his chest. The feeling was beyond anything he had ever imagined. He knew Susie could feel his cock pressed up against her, and for the first time he didn't try to pull it away. They had come to an understanding, and he would wait, but the genie was out of the bottle to the point that he could enjoy the contact, and the knowledge of her beautiful body. He would wait to see more, but he also knew he would never forget seeing her as he had seen her up on the mountain.

The temptation had been so strong, and so nearly had he given in to the temptation. Susie felt so good in his arms and he murmured, "I love you, Little One," in her ear as he pressed her to himself. "Thank you for understanding."

Susie looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry for teasing you, Honey. It wasn't until today that I realized what I was really doing to you, to us. I could have ruined everything. I don't know how I could live without you."

"You aren't going to get that chance, my darling. But you are going to have to let me go now. We are going to be late as it is." He gave her a little kiss on the cheek, but his head swam and all the air seemed to be sucked out of the room as Susie kissed him back fervently on the lips.

"Maybe you'd better tuck that shirt into your shorts, Darling. You don't know how good that looks that way." He shuddered a little as he looked at her, and then turned around so he couldn't see her while she tucked the shirt in.

"It's safe now, but I have to have another kiss like that before we go. I felt that last one all the way through me." Michael didn't hesitate for a second, but took her into his arms and pulled her close again, and again felt her braless breasts flatten against him, and felt her pressing closely against his hard cock.

"We'd better go," he said with a rather shaky voice and taking her hand led her through the door.

For once traffic flowed quickly going north on I-17, and they arrived at Deer Valley Airport just minutes before the UP aircraft arrived. Michael parked as near the terminal as he could and waited in the car holding hands with Susie until he heard from Pete. Susie would have liked to have had more, but the console was in the way, so she settled for hand holding.

Once Pete was heard from Michael got out of the car and started for the terminal with Susie holding to his arm possessively. "Now don't you forget to come back to me, Michael."

"Now how can I forget my acushla? I'll call you tonight and let you know when I'll be in if you will come and get me. If you are in school I'll just get a cab."

"You'll do no such thing, Michael! I'll be here!"

Michael gave her a grin. "Maybe you'd better keep the car then. There's no point in taking it to my place and having to have your mother pick you up. You can even drive it to school if you want, or any place else you want to go for that matter. It won't do any good just sitting in the driveway."

"Thanks, but I can't see me driving such a nice car to school! Everybody would think I won the lottery or something."

"You didn't. I did, and you were the prize."

"You're silly, but I like it."

Pete Fleming walked into the terminal just a minute or two after Michael and Susie arrived. He looked a bit harried and pressed for time, but his smile lit up his face as he saw Michael. "Michael, I'm really glad to see you. Sorry for the rush, but given the circumstances I thought I needed to deal with this situation now rather than later, but I'll get into more of that on the plane." He turned to Susie and put his hand out. "It's Susan, isn't it? I hope I remembered right."

Susie smiled and nodded, even as badly as she hated the name. "Yes, Sir. Thank you for remembering, even if you are taking Michael from me." She noted Michael's smirk and squeezed his arm warningly. She had also seen Pete's glance at her prosthesis as they had walked to meet him, and decided to put the question to rest right away. "Do you like my foot?" She held it up for him to see and saw him blush in embarrassment. "Oh, don't feel badly about it! Mikey got it for me, and it's the best thing that ever happened, 'cause that's how I got him! I'll never be sorry."
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Susie turned to Michael and turned her face up to him for a kiss. "I'll see you when you get back, honey. Don't forget me."

Michael blushed to kiss her goodbye in front of Pete, but bent for a quick peck goodbye. "I'll call you tonight, Little One. I love you."

"I know. I love you, too." Michael wanted desperately to give her a long hug goodbye, but couldn't bring himself to do so in front of Pete, so he just squeezed her hand before letting go and turning to leave. His eyes caught the movement of her breasts though, and he felt himself stirring involuntarily. It was so different now that she wasn't trying to tease him, and he found himself enjoying the view that soon would be his to enjoy forever.


It felt a little funny walking hand in hand with Steph up the stairs to my room since she was nude, but I was still fully clothed. We got to the top of the stairs and Steph looked at me and giggled. "One of us has too many clothes on, and it isn't me!" She stepped away from me and struck a provocative pose. "Like what you see, Mister?"

I paused, one step down, and looked at her speculatively. "Hmm. Now let me see. Your feet are big enough to hold you up, but not big enough to get in the way. Your legs reach all the way to the top. That's a good thing. Turn around slowly, hmm, we might need to get your ass fixed. It has a crack in it." I waited for her to turn the rest of the way around and saw the pleased blush on her face as I studied her nude form. "Your arms are on the right sides, and they reach all the way down to your hands that each have the correct number of digits. Your face is on the right side of your head. Of course, I haven't checked the teeth yet to determine your age, but, yes overall, I think I like what I see." I gave her a grin and held my arms open to her, gathering her to me when she stepped in, catching her nipple in my mouth and sucking and licking it as I hummed.

"You are absolutely silly, and I love you so much. Thank you. Ohhh, that feels so good! It makes my pussy tingle when you do that." I slipped my hands down her back to cup her ass and pull her closely to me. I kneaded her ass cheeks as I held her there and she started squirming in my grasp. "That feels so nice, but I've got to have you, and we don't have much time. Ohhh! What are you doing to my nipple?"

I turned her without letting her nipple slide from my mouth and slipped one arm down to her knees and the other up her back and picked her up, still sucking and licking, plus I hummed and caused her to moan. Carefully I held her as I got my door opened and turning sideways I carried her in and laid her down on my bed.

I started to pull my clothes off, but Steph stopped me. "Please, Justin, let me do it. You have been so good to me, and I want to serve you, as I will serve you all of my life."

"Stephie, you don't need to serve me! I'm not looking for a servant!"

She was kneeling at my feet by now, untying my shoes and paused only long enough to look up at my face. "There is a difference in how one serves another, Justin. There is service out of duty, and there is service out of love. There is no shame in serving the one you love, nor is there any duty, for it is done because I want to, not because I have to." She wrapped her arms around my legs and hugged me tightly, with her cheek planted against my very hard cock. "I love you, Justin, and I'm learning more and more every day just how much I love you. It isn't the sex, although that is fun!"

She pulled her head away so she could look up at me, and then leaned back in to hold me to her. "It's all about the way we care for each other, and the way you accept me the way I am, not the way I wish I was. You love me anyway. How can I help but love you? Because of that, I'm yours, and all I have is yours, and I will serve you all of my life." That goes against a lot of the feminist movement, but it made a lot of sense to me.

I hadn't really thought of it in so many terms, but I was starting to see how I also had been giving myself to serve her and Rosemary, putting their needs ahead of my own, not out of coercion, for I found I really wanted to. Maybe the definition of love is really giving, giving of oneself unselfishly for the other? This was going to need some reflection, but not right now, as I was overwhelmed by the sensation of my cock being pulled from by briefs only to be engulfed by her mouth.

"Easy, there, Sweetheart. I'm not going to last long if you do that! Not after all we've been doing!"

Steph just giggled and fondled my balls and started humming as she licked the underside of the head and sucked. My pants were around my ankles, leaving me immobile, and it was only a couple of minutes until I groaned and warned her it was coming. She didn't slack off a bit, but looked up into my eyes with almost a worshipful expression as she cupped my balls and lifted them against my body gently, reverently, as if they were a gift she was offering. I totally lost it, and with my feet encompassed as they were by my pants I nearly fell when my knees buckled, but Steph wrapped her arms around my legs and held me up, never letting my cock slip from her mouth.
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Steph reached around with one hand, once she was certain I would not fall, and stroked my cock, milking all of my semen from it, sticking her tongue out to catch the last few drops as she squeezed it out. Her eyes were fixed on mine to see my reaction as I saw the last few drops on her tongue. She licked the tip of my cock lovingly, swallowed, and asked, "Does my service please you?" I couldn't speak. I nodded and lifted her up to embrace her and give her a kiss.

She insisted on kneeling again to remove my pants from my feet, and then stood to pull my tee shirt over my head, then stepped in and pressed her naked body against my now naked body. "I love you, Justin."

I carried her to my bed, and we cuddled together and stroked each other's body as we enjoyed our love for each other. It took a little while for me to recover and get hard again. I don't claim to have gotten fully hard, but it was enough for me to crawl between her legs and slip it into her very willing pussy to once more demonstrate my love to her. I fell asleep in her arms after our lovemaking, holding her tightly to me, and the last thing that crossed my mind as I drifted off was how glad I was for that crazy Koala, and how something designed for one purpose turned out to be so much better than ever I had intended.


Pete led Michael out to the company plane, a Cessna Citation, where a flight attendant met them at the door. "Welcome aboard, Sir. I'm Mandy, and I'll be taking care of anything you need on this flight."

"Thank you. I'm Michael, not Sir." He gave her a grin and followed Pete to the rear, where he buckled in to a plush leather seat. "This is a lot nicer than I get on Southwest!"

Pete just laughed. "You will probably have to settle for that on the way back. I don't usually get to use this either, but it does come in handy when we need to go someplace and don't have the time to worry about commercial. I want you to meet Dave Drugan, one of my assistants, and the one you will coordinate with for the most part. I tend to be hard to get hold of, so I'll leave you in Dave's capable hands. I'm not sloughing you off, don't think that, but I have to do more than just oversee IT. This situation is one that I have to take a hand in, and immediately."

"I owe you an apology about this. I popped off the mouth, and I had no right to do that. I'm really sorry."

Pete gave Michael a long hard look. "Look, Michael, I want you to understand something, and understand it from the very start. You are young, but smart. You need to understand when the boss says he wants something done that is the way it is to be done. The directive may be disagreed with, and the one directed can argue it up to a point, but then the directive has to be carried out. If it is wrong it falls back on the boss, not the employee. The boss is the boss, and if the employee doesn't agree or like it, he can always quit. What we have here isn't just a matter of what the boss wants, but who is the boss. I have to nip this in the bud."

Michael nodded. He still felt badly about the way he had responded. He should have been more professional, but to be honest he had been insulted by the IT guy, and he allowed it to color his judgment.

"Dave, Michael is the one who developed the program I use for my investing when he was only sixteen. He may be young, but he obviously knows what he's doing with code."

"You wrote that? I use it as well to handle my own 401k. I would have thought you were a lot older than you are!"

"Thank you, Sir. I just did an update. I brought a CD along with me for Pete. I'll have to send you a copy as well. Understand, it is one I did myself, so it doesn't have a lot of fancy packaging. We will be putting out an update also, but I'll be glad to give it to you. My future father-in-law was having trouble with his because he isn't very tech savvy, so I simplified a few steps."

The conversation was paused as the aircraft rolled onto the active runway and immediately accelerated, pushing Michael deep into his seat, and then rotated in what seemed to him an impossibly short time and started its climb out.

Once the plane reached altitude and leveled out, Mandy stepped back from her seat in front. "What can I get you to drink, Sir? I have water or an assortment of juices for your choice."

"Gbang juice by any chance?"

"Certainly, Sir." She turned and went back to the galley. Michael looked questioningly at Pete.

"She already knows what we drink, and I told her you don't drink any stimulants. We try hard to take care of our people. Now, I want you to tell Dave exactly what David Abernathy said to you. He needs to be aware of what we are walking into."

Michael nodded. "I still feel somewhat like a little boy tattling, but here it is. Please understand; I expected some resistance. IT people tend to be rather parochial about our turf, and we don't tend to like others pushing in to our areas of expertise without asking for it." Pete raised a hand, stopping him.

"That's all well and good, but remember our conversation about the boss?"

"Yessir, I remember. The gist of it is he called me at about eight oh five and said he was the IT chief. He never mentioned his name. He said you," he nodded at Pete, "had called him at home the night before and instructed him he was to call me before he even had his first cup of coffee, and said something about I was supposed to be the greatest computer programmer of all time, that I was to be the salvation of the company and would make his department obsolete."

Pete's face was totally white with anger. "You didn't say anything about that! He didn't even introduce himself?" I shook my head "No." "I can't imagine anything more rude! Go on and tell Dave what you told me earlier. He needs to know."

"Well, the gist of it was that he 'didn't know what a snot-nosed kid without any real world experience, especially in the field of transportation could tell him.' I just told him I had expected resistance to my participation, but that I could not work with him under an adversarial situation, and that I would not be going up to meet with him."
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Dave sat there and just shook his head, but remained quiet. Pete was obviously furious, but he was making a valiant effort to keep his temper under control. "Dave, do you see any way to fix the situation?"

"No, Sir. I'm sorry, but I don't."

"OK, Michael, here is what we are going to do. I'm going to introduce you as Mike Thibodeaux so he won't know who you are. Dave, he is the son of Jeff Thibodeaux, but he gets tired of all the hoopla surrounding his Dad, and I can't say I blame him, so he goes by his middle name Borden. He doesn't like to be called Mike, either, although I just heard a young lady call him 'Mikey', but I wouldn't think of doing that." He grinned as Michael's face flushed. "I don't think I need to tell you to keep this to yourself?"

"I understand. Sorry, but I can't say much nice about your old man, Michael. I'm a Broncos fan myself, and he has ruined too many Sundays for me." He gave Michael a smile to rob his words of any offense.

"Anyway, Michael," Pete went on, "I'll introduce you as an intern in my office, so keep your mouth shut unless I bring you in on it, OK? Even if he says something you know is not right just let me handle it."

"Yes Sir."

Mandy walked back just then with another bottle of gbang juice and coffee for Pete and Dave.

"Mandy, would it be too much trouble to get a bottle of water, too?"

"Not a problem. Would you like ice with it?"

"No, thank you. As it is will be fine."

Pete turned back to Michael. "I hope you will excuse me the rest of the flight. I have other matters I have to deal with since I am working instead of on vacation as I was supposed to be, and I really didn't need this today."

"Not a problem, Sir. I'll get some work done, myself." With that they each pulled out laptops and started to work.


Rosemary came into my room and woke us about thirty minutes after Stephanie and I fell asleep. "Hey, lovebirds. You'd better rise and shine. Mom and Dad are due home in about half an hour or so, and you've got to be home just after that, Steph."

Stephanie smiled up at her and then stretched with a long groan of pleasure. "Thank you, Rosie. I don't know who got the idea two women can't share a house with a man. If one of them is like you it would work easy." She bounced up quickly and embraced Rosemary and kissed her on the cheek. There was nothing sexual about the contact, and girl on girl stuff leaves me cold, but seeing those two naked and together had little Justin stirring. The contrasts between the two bodies would have made an interesting photo that I'd never tire of studying.

"You'd better give Justin a little time to recuperate, and then I hope he will give you as good of a time as he did me! Thank you, Justin." She crawled back onto the bed and on top of me to give me a big kiss. I followed the kiss by lifting her up higher so that I could latch on to her nipples and gave them each a big suck and a tongue-lashing. "No fair! Don't start something you can't finish!" I didn't bother mentioning that she and Rosemary had already started it, though I know she felt my stiffening cock pressing against her. She writhed atop me until she could get my cock between her legs and reached down quickly and slipped it into her pussy opening, then quickly slid herself down onto it. "I'm sorry, Rosie. I know it's your turn, but I've got to go, and I just need it."

Rosemary just reached over and slapped her bare ass and said, "Go for it, girl. You don't need to ask me."

"Thank you, Rosie. Give it to me hard and fast, Justin. I don't need romantic and loving. I just need you!" She started bouncing up and down on me while I still had her nipple in my mouth. Quickly I rolled her over so I was on top and I started driving into her hard, deep, and fast, causing her to grunt for breath each time I bottomed out in her. Always before when I made love to the girls I took my time and showed my love for them, making certain I met their needs before mine, but this time this is what Stephie was looking for.
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Even though I had already come I knew I wouldn't last very long going at it this way, and I was doing all I could to control myself, but with Rosemary standing watching and plucking at her own nipples and her beautiful pussy with the red-gold exclamation mark landing strip right in front of my eyes I knew I didn't have a chance. We didn't have much time either, and Stephie knew it too. "Don't try to wait for me, Justin. I want to feel it in me one more time before I have to go. Give it to me hard!"

Her hips kept rising to meet mine, causing our pelvises to slam together and my balls to slap her on the ass. She was pulling my ass each time, making me drive into her even harder, but then she let go and reached up to pull on her nipples and wailed. "Now, Justin. Please! I'm coming! Come with me!" She pulled her nipples hard and thrust her hips upward and held them there while her pussy squeezed on my cock. I held tightly to her, knowing what was happening, but I wasn't quite there yet. Suddenly she collapsed with a smile on her face and just lay there.

I slowed down my strokes to allow her to come back around again before I climaxed. After a couple of minutes she opened her eyes and smiled up at me. "That was nice! Thank you. I really didn't think I would come, but you made me." I sped up my strokes again, although not quite to the same intensity, and it was only a minute or so before my climax hit me and I drove into her as deeply as I could and shot my load.

Rosie was sitting in my desk chair, leaning back as far as she could lean, and one hand plucked at her nipples while the other was furiously rubbing her pussy. It was only moments after my orgasm that she stiffened and moaned as her orgasm racked her body. I could see the muscles rippling in her belly as it overcame her, her body glistening from a sheen of sweat all over her. She lay back in the chair, legs splayed out, with one hand resting on her pussy, and the other now resting motionless on one boob and the other boob sticking straight up in the air, as her chest heaving for breath.

"Two months ago, if you would have told me I would watch my brother and my best friend having sex and being turned on by it I would have told you that you were mad, but I just did, and it was such a turn-on! I love you two."

I glanced at my clock and quickly got up off of Steph. "We've got to move. Mom and Dad could get here almost any time. Rosemary and Steph jumped up and hurried out of the room. I needed a shower, but I knew the girls did even more so, but they could grab one under the guise of having been swimming more readily than I could. I ran into the bathroom and got the water going and jumped in with it still cold. I just needed to rinse off well, and I was nearly done before the girls came in. It would have been fun to stay and help them, but I got out quickly and dried off as they got in. I did watch though while I dried. No point in wasting such a beautiful sight!

We all quickly got dressed and made our way downstairs. Stephanie gave me a big hug and kiss, of course, I was a willing participant, then she hurried out the door to go home and prepare for dinner with her Mom and Tom. She really looked forward to talking more with him about her Dad. Rosemary had prepared spaghetti sauce after finishing with the cookies so that Mom wouldn't have to do anything about supper once they got home, which I thought was really thoughtful of her. I had been satisfying myself and she was busy taking care of the family. Some guy is really going to hit the jackpot when he wins her!

I went into the kitchen with Rosemary and helped her set the table and prepared a salad. As soon as Mom and Dad arrived Rosemary could cook the spaghetti and everything would be ready. I was cutting tomato wedges when Rosemary slipped her arms around me from behind and gave me a gentle hug. "Thank you for loving Stephie, Justin. That girl worships the ground you walk on. I'm so happy it is her and not somebody else."

Something in her tone of voice told me all was not well. Carefully I set down the knife and tomato, then wiped my hands before turning in her hug to hug back. "What's wrong, Rosemary? Does my being with Stephanie hurt you? I'll break things off with her if it does."

Rosemary put her head down on my shoulder and sighed. I could feel a couple of tears tickle my neck and a little shudder went through her shoulders. "No, I don't want you to do anything like that. You know I love Stephie like a sister that I don't have, and I'm really glad you two are together. It was beautiful watching you two together today. It was just that I was wishing so badly it was me in the bed with you. I know I will get my share of you, too. Stephie and I are in full agreement on that, at least until I find someone, and I will always love you. If I have to share you I don't know anyone I'd rather have with you. I guess I'm just all mixed up inside. I love you, Justin. It isn't supposed to happen this way, but I can't help it."
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I knew exactly what she felt. When I was with Steph there was something in me that longed for Rosemary, and when with Rosemary the same for Steph. The difference was I was the one getting all of the benefits of the relationship!

"I love you, Rosie." Never before had I called her that! She hated the name and allowed no one but Steph to call her that, but at the moment it fit. "You mean the world to me, and I never want to hurt you. You come first in my life, and as important as Stephanie is to me, you are first. The only reason I have allowed Stephanie in at all is that I know I can't have you. Don't get me wrong. I love her with all I have, but I also love you with all I have. That isn't supposed to happen either, but it did, and I can't change it, nor do I want to."

Rosemary lifted her head and looked me in the eyes and hugged me tightly. "I know. I'm just mixed up. Part of me is so happy for you and the other is jealous because it isn't me. While I was watching you I couldn't help remembering how you felt inside of me, and I got off too. I didn't really feel left out or unloved. I guess I just needed a hug. Thank you." She gave me a gentle kiss and put her head back on my shoulder for just a minute. "This feels really nice and secure. Thank you for loving me."

Her eyes were shining as she stepped back. "We'd better get supper finished."


It was an exhausted Mary Winters that walked in the door of her home just minutes after Stephanie returned. An elated Stephanie gave her mother a big hug and nearly danced her around the kitchen. "Hi, Mom! Sorry I couldn't come home last night and I had to leave you and Dr. Meechum alone. Did you have a good time?"

Mary freed herself from the hug and looked at her daughter and knew. Young love was written all over her face as well as a look of satisfaction and fulfillment. Her baby was grown up. A part of her was saddened, but on the other hand she was happy for Steph. To see the joy on her face brought back pangs of memories of her and Brad so many years ago, memories that had been cut short so suddenly and cruelly, and she hoped desperately that Steph would never know that pain.

"Yes, honey, we did. We missed you, but when we saw the news we understood why you didn't want to leave. Did you have a good time with Rosemary and Justin?"

"Umm hmm. Justin is so thoughtful! He really makes me feel good about myself, and I love the way he takes care of Rosemary, too. So, did you have a good day today?"

Mary groaned. "Ugh. Today was rough. Three of my patients had gone home, and ER was short-handed, so Helen, my charge nurse, asked if I would be willing to go down there and help out. I didn't mind, but then a school bus with Kindergarteners got hit by a truck and knocked on its side. Things got really hairy there for quite a while. Tom and I worked together that whole time, and I didn't even have time for lunch. I'm really beat."

"Do you want me to fix something to eat? Dr. Meechum will understand if you don't feel up to going out I'm sure."

"I thought about that, but I don't want to take away your chance to talk with him about your Dad. I know you really wanted to."

"Let me borrow your phone, and I'll call him. He can come here instead of having to go out. You go lie down for a few minutes and I'll do some grilled cheese and fix some soup."

"I can't have you do that!"

"It's too late. I just called him. Hi, Dr. Meechum? This is Stephanie, not Mom. Look, I know you were planning to take us out to dinner, but Mom is really shot. I know she was looking forward to going out tonight, but I think it would be better if we stayed in. Would you mind terribly if I fixed some grilled cheese and soup?. . . Great! We'll see you then. Goodbye."

Tom Meechum stood staring into his bathroom mirror. He had that 'thousand yard stare' in his eyes. His hands trembled as he tried to shave. Dealing with trauma every day in the ER he could deal with. Accident victims did not normally cause issues, but this morning handling all of those children was just too much. He was so thankful Stephanie called. Going out in public tonight was just more than he could handle, but he didn't feel right about calling Mary and cancelling. As long as he was working he was OK, but when they got off and he got home to his quiet apartment was when the old memories, fueled by the horror of all of those children this morning, hit.

Winters. He remembered Winters, and now he was going to see his widow, for whom he was developing feelings, and his orphaned daughter. All too clearly he could see Winters in his mind's eye, throwing his body atop of Tom's and the Ell Tee, giving his own life for theirs. What was it about Marines that made them do such things, sacrificing themselves for someone else? So many times he had seen such heroism, always shrugged off by the ones who survived as only doing their duty. They didn't even see their heroism for what it was. What he didn't recognize either was the way the Marines looked at their "Docs" as heroes for rushing into firezones to rescue wounded Marines, often at the sacrifice of their own bodies or lives. The tears began to flow as they had so many times before as the memories overwhelmed him.
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He did not see the face in the mirror as he shaved. Stumbling blindly back into his bedroom he dressed numbly, preparing himself to tear the scabs off of old wounds as he knew he would have to do telling Winters' daughter about her father. Not that he was unwilling, he owed Winters much more than that, but would he be able? Suddenly he stood to his feet and pulled out his phone. It took only a moment to find the number and he called Marine Barracks at Eighth and I streets in Washington. Normal duty hours were over for the day, but he was able to get the OIC, or Officer In Charge, and start the ball rolling to get the decoration Winters was so deserving. He knew the little ribbon and piece of tin would not do anything to replace him, but Stephanie at least needed to know what kind of man her father really was.


Mom and Dad came walking in the door nearly an hour later than expected. The was a bad accident with a fatality on the highway leaving the airport, confirming what I've always said, "You are safer flying than getting to or from the airport." This of course tied up traffic and they sat there without even the option of turning around. Of course I had to take some good natured teasing from Dad about my nascent TV career, but he was also very interested in all that transpired at the house with the railroad people and the Sheriff.

Mom was very pleased with Rosemary for preparing supper, and I could tell she was quite tired from the trip and all that went on in LA. When Rosemary asked about the movie premier Mom gushed on and on about the women's gowns, and how handsome the actors were in their tuxes. Dad rolled his eyes, but I could tell he really enjoyed taking her.

Supper was an enjoyable meal as we all caught up with each other and what was going on. As I know I told you before, Mom and Dad both worked very hard, and often long hours, but they never stinted of their time for us when they were home, and did all they could to be a part of our lives. On the other hand, they never tried to smother us either, giving us as much freedom and liberty as they thought we could handle. They always encouraged us to go after our interests and supported us all they could.

Rosemary had chosen to not play soccer her senior year. She was a good, but not great player, and while she enjoyed the game she decided she wanted more freedom in her senior year, for which I was grateful, because it gave me a lot more time with her. Mom and Dad always made it a point to be there for her games unless in Dad's case he was out of town. Since I was in track and cross-country there wasn't a whole lot for them to come and see. More often than not though, I would see one or even both of them at the finish area when I ran.

Because of my job at Jim's I didn't run competitively my senior year. I came to the conclusion I would never make a living running track, and that I could learn so much more working as much as I could with Jim, and it has paid off many times over. Mom and Dad were supportive of our decisions either way, just encouraging us to weigh our decisions carefully to be certain there would be no regrets later.

We had a rule that we didn't take phone calls while we were eating dinner, but when Jim called from Scottsdale I asked permission to take the call. Dad nodded, and I put it on speaker thinking the others needed to know what was going on.

"Hey, Sport. We got your gate installed and working for you, and I turned on your alarm system."

"Thanks, much, Jim. I owe you a big one."

"I know, and I'll collect." I heard him and Joe laughing. "Joe and I took a look around your little harem while we were turning on the alarms system. I like the way you spotted your cameras. I think you have it laid out pretty well. There was one thing I got to thinking about before coming up here, and I knew you had plenty going on there, so I didn't bother you about it. If you don't want it you don't have to pay me for it, but I added a keypad on the card slot at the gate. I got to thinking you will probably have parents and other visitors that won't have a pass card allowing them entry, so I put in a key pad that will go to your cell phone, or to Rosemary's, or if you aren't around anyone you want can monitor it. It will save people from having to park on the street and walk up to gain entrance."

I looked at Dad and he nodded. "Good idea, Jim. Thank you. Anything else?"

"No, that's about got it. It is a beautiful house you have here. I'm really pleased for you."

"Thank you so much! I'll be in to settle up with you tomorrow, and I want to pick your brain about another possible project on the house. I've got to run it past Dad first."

"There's no rush to pay me. It isn't that much, and I know you are good for it, especially if the news had it right." I could hear Joe snort in the background. "You can pay me in twenty dollar gold pieces." He laughed and I chuckled along with him. I knew I was going to take a good bit of razzing from him before it was all over anyway.

"Thanks so much, Jim. You didn't get bugged by any newsies, did you?"

"Naw. Had a couple stop by, but I just told them I was there to put up a gate to keep riff-raff out, and made sure they got the point."

"Very good. I'll see you in the morning. Have a great evening."

I hung up the phone and Dad said, "I think that was a smart move, having Jim go up there and activate everything. That keypad on the gate is good idea, too. Smart thinking there, Son."

I nodded, pleased that he thought I was doing well. Dad is always free with his praise when he thinks it is deserved, but he can also lower the boom when he isn't happy. I'm always happy to hear he likes what I did!
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With that interruption out of the way we carried on with our supper and catching up with each other.

Mom was normally off on Wednesdays, and since Rosemary and I didn't have to go to school because of the fire Dad decided to call in "well" and take the day off too. He and I would swing by Jim's in the morning and then we all would go up to the house and check it out. Mom had not seen the cellar, nor any of the secret doors yet, so we decided to take Grandpa and Grandma along too. We were going to need Grandpa's advice before the day was over I was sure.

After supper was over I sat down with Dad in his office and filled him in on more of the details of our discoveries and then I broached the idea I had been mulling over about backing Jim in opening a new store in the Phoenix area. He thought it would be a good idea, at least to look into and discuss with Jim. The biggest issue was going to be finding the right person to run the operation. He didn't feel I would have the time to do much more than occasionally working on some of the electronics that needed warrantee repair, or possibly building out some custom equipment, but he suggested I not try to do any installations.

"Son, you will have the rest of your life to make money. Your purpose in going to ASU is to get an education. I have an idea you will have your hands full with the house. Don't be trying to bite off much more, at least until you have your feet solidly on the ground and know what you are looking at."

It was good advice, and I'm grateful for it. I also ran the idea of a remote release for the carriage house door, giving access to the secret room, and he sat and mulled it over in his mind for a few minutes.

"I'm inclined to say leave it as it is, Son. Sam Johnson obviously left it alone for a reason, and I think he was probably right. If there is no access there is no way anyone can break in from the outside. You did say there is a way in from the upstairs, right?"

"Yeah, from one of the apartments up there. It gives access to the winch."

"I think I'd leave well enough alone. We can take a look at it tomorrow if you'd like."

Our business taken care of, we walked out to the den and joined Mom and Rosemary. Since there was no school tomorrow and Mom and Dad weren't working we were going to watch a movie together. I'm not much of a movie kind of guy, but I knew at least it would be much better than the one I watched with Rosemary and Steph, although it wouldn't be nearly as much fun!

Mom and Dad kicked back in their double LazyBoy recliner and I flopped into the love seat. I expected Rosemary to sit in the other recliner, but she surprised me and sat down next to me and cuddled up to watch. Not that I'm complaining! Before long her hand sought out mine, and we sat and held hands between us where it wouldn't be obvious if Mom looked over our way, and Rosemary rested her head on my shoulder.


Tom, feeling a little self-conscious, walked from his car to the Winters' front door. He felt awkward because he had nothing to contribute. He had planned to take the ladies out, and didn't have time to stop by the store and pick up any wine, and he had just given Mary flowers. Stephanie opened the door for him right away.

"Hi Dr. Meechum. I'm so glad you could change plans for us tonight."

"Hi, yourself, Stephanie, and please, it's Tom. I'm Dr. at the hospital, not in your home."

"Thank you, Tom. I'll try to remember that. Please come on in. Mom will be out in just a minute or two. I hope you like tomato soup?"

"I do, thank you."

"Good, 'cause tonight is going to be anything but formal. Mom was pretty beat when she got home, and she thought you would be rather tired as well, so I thought there was no reason to go out if you didn't mind something simple at home."

"Hi, Tom. I'm glad you could come over again, and Stephanie could be here this time."

"Hi again, Mary. I'm sorry, but I came empty handed tonight. Since I was planning on going out I didn't have anything to bring, and I didn't have time to stop. I didn't know if wine would be appropriate anyway for Stephanie."

"Nonsense! We aren't formal around here. You don't need to bring anything but yourself when you come to our house. I'm just glad you would change your plans for us. I really hope I didn't disappoint you, but today was kind of tough for me. I'm not used to all of that."

Tom reached out and took Mary's hand and cradled it between both of his hands. "Mary, you did a tremendous job today. I don't think I could have made it through all of that had you not been there. Deborah does a great job, but since she wasn't there I didn't have anyone else on the staff I could work with as I did with you. Unfortunately, they are just there because it is a job. They don't really care about what they are doing as do you. You have a very calming effect on the youngsters, and on me as well." He shuddered just a bit. "I nearly lost it when they brought in Danny. I really thought we were going to lose him, and it is still touch and go, but we got him stabilized for surgery. That was as bad as anything I've seen since Iraq."

Stephanie was half listening from the kitchen, but she pricked her ears when she heard him talk about Iraq, and she looked through the doorway to see the look that passed between her mother and Tom. She fought back a smile. It was not the look of a Doctor to a Nurse, but much deeper. A profound respect was obvious along with a deep liking. Steph knew it wasn't love by any chance. It was still much too soon, but she sincerely hoped it would grow, and quickly. Her mother needed someone in her life; someone who could make her happy and complete again. She had given up so much of her life for Stephanie's sake and it was time now for her to live her life for her own sake for a change.

Stephanie served the soup and grilled cheese as Tom and Mary sat down at the table. "You will have to come back another time when Mom can cook, Tom. She can really cook when she sets her mind to it!"


"Well, it's true, Mom. It's just that you don't usually have anyone to cook for but me."

Tom broke in to stop any squabble, "I know, Stephanie. She did a pot roast last night that was fabulous! I haven't eaten that well in a long, long time."

Mary colored at his compliments and Stephanie saw the look that passed between them. "You'll have to get her to do her lasagna for you some time! And her beef stroganoff is to die for!"

"Stephanie! She exaggerates, Tom." It was plain though that Mary was pleased Stephanie thought her cooking was good. She did so little of it for just the two of them. Between working as many hours as she did and Stephanie's busy schedule with school it seemed she didn't cook as much any more. Most things went into the microwave and that was it. The thought of having someone special to cook for stirred her thoughts and desires.
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Stephanie turned to Tom. "What can you tell me about my Daddy? I really remember so little about him. I remember sitting on his lap and having him read me bed time stories. I think I miss that the most."

"Well, he didn't read me any bed time stories." Tom gave her a crooked grin, but his eyes clouded over as he remembered the past.

"Tom, you don't have to talk about it if it hurts too much. We will understand."

Tom looked across the table at Mary and his voice hardened. "Understand? I don't think so. You saw what it was like in the ER this morning, and there wasn't anyone shooting at you. You have no way of understanding!"

Mary was taken aback by his outburst, and Stephanie looked at him wide-eyed in shock.

Tom was contrite and ashamed of his own outburst. "I'm sorry. Look, I didn't mean to go off on you. It isn't you, it's me. I'm so glad you don't understand." Tom's head dropped and he struggled to hold back tears. He looked at Stephanie and took her hand in his. "I'm sorry, Stephanie. Your Dad would be really proud of you. This morning was hard for me." He glanced at Mary. "It brought back too many memories, but your mother was right there with me all through it. I couldn't have handled it if she hadn't been there, and I've been struggling since then. I know I promised, but I can't really talk about it tonight. Would you please allow me another time?"

Stephanie jumped to her feet and threw her arms about his neck. "Don't even talk about it if it hurts too much. I'll understand as best I can. Thank you for being there."

Stephanie sat back down, but kept hold of Tom's hand, feeling his need of support. Tom dashed tears from his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffled once before looking at the two women with him. "I'll say this much, and I would like to take the time another time to talk with you about him." He looked over at Mary. "I called Eighth and Eye this afternoon."

"Eighth and Eye?"

That brought a slight smile to Tom's face. "Marine Headquarters at the corner of Eighth and I streets in Washington DC. I went as high up the chain as I could since it was after duty hours, and I talked with the OIC about your husband's missing decoration."


"Officer in Charge. I'm sorry. I forget you don't speak military. It's almost a different language sometimes. Your husband was put in for the Medal of Honor, but it was demoted to the Navy Cross because there was no officer who witnessed his actions." He turned to Stephanie. "I want you to know the story. I don't know any other way for you to understand the kind of man your father was. I know I told you he was killed by an RPG protecting me and the Ell Tee. We were pinned down by the enemy ambush, and when the Ell Tee went down it was your father that took over the squad and got everyone situated so we could defend ourselves. He was all over the place, constantly putting himself under fire. Oh, he wasn't being stupid or 'Brave'. He was just being a good Marine non-com taking over for his officer. By rights he should have been an officer himself. What he was doing was making certain the squad was able to do its job. He had no reason to expose himself like he did when he saw the insurgent with the RPG, but he saw the Ell Tee and I were exposed and he ran to cover us. If he had stayed where he was he would have been safe, but I would be dead. He gave his life for me. I don't know how he did it, as badly hurt as he was, but he was able to shoot the RPG guy after he was hit, and that broke the attack."

"Some days I look at myself in the mirror and wonder why it was him instead of me, and I feel guilty for being alive. That is the reason I went into medicine, because he told me I ought to, and that's the reason I chose ER medicine, to be able to do what I can to save lives. Now, if you will excuse me, I think it's time I left." He paid no attention to the tears that streamed down both cheeks and dripped onto his shirt.

Mary got up from her chair and stepped over to Tom and embraced him, holding his head to her breast, comforting him. There was nothing sexual in the gesture, nor did Tom take it as such, but rather it was a gesture of comfort to another, even as Dr. Meechum himself had held Brad Winters in his arms as he lay dying in Iraq. The comfort had now come full circle as the love of one fighting man for another was requited by the man's widow. Stephanie for her part knelt on the floor next to Tom, with her head nestled on his leg, hugging it to her, as she cried for her long dead father.

"Tom, you can't go. You aren't in any shape to be alone tonight. I have a guest room you can have. I can't let you be alone tonight. We are here for you."

Tears, long held in, were shed, soaking Mary's blouse, even as she shed her own on Tom's head as she held him tight, and on the leg of Tom's pants as Stephanie mourned the father she had hardly known. A bond was formed that night that could never be broken.
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Tom struggled mightily to get control of his emotions, finally realizing where Mary cradled his head, and he lifted it slowly, dazed and exhausted from the release of long pent-up emotions. Tom's voice was shaky as he said, "I'm sorry for breaking down like that. You must think terribly of me."

Mary wiped tears from her own face as she looked tenderly down at Tom. "It seems to me you've held it in far too long already, Tom. I'm glad I was here for you, and thank you for what you did for Brad."

"I had better be going. It has been a trying day for both of us. Thank you for being there for me today, and here for me this evening. Stephanie, we will make a time to get together and just talk, OK?" She nodded her response, her puffy eyes expressing her appreciation.

"Are you sure you will be OK, Tom? I'm not too sure about you being alone tonight."

"Thank you, but I'll be fine. Besides, what would your neighbors think if they saw my car in your driveway two nights in a row?"

Stephanie cast a wan smile up at Tom and said, "They would probably say 'It's about time!'"

"Stephanie Marie Winters!"

"Sorry, Mom."

Tom looked between the two of them, the one unrepentant and the other embarrassed, but not backing away. He knew he needed to get out before a battle broke out between them, and he didn't want to do anything more to embarrass Mary. He stood shakily to his feet to go, with Stephanie quickly grabbing his hand with both of hers as she stood. She stepped in to give him a hug, laying her head against his chest as she murmured softly, "Thank you for being there for my Daddy," and then she stepped back with moist eyes.

Mary gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Tom. My guest room is yours if you would like."

"I know, and I really appreciate it more than you know, but I'll be OK. I'll see you in the morning?" Mary nodded and Tom turned for the door with Mary right behind him. She stood in the door and watched him back out of the driveway and then drive up the street. She stood there in the doorway, eyes unseeing, long after he was out of sight.

Finally with a sigh she turned back into the house to see Stephanie watching her silently. "Stephanie, how could you say such a thing?"

"I'm sorry it embarrassed you, Mom, but I was right, and it is about time you found someone. I don't think you could do a bit better than Tom. He obviously likes you, and I know you like him. He's no Paul!" Steph turned and walked to her room where she quickly texted me. "Can you come over for a little bit? I need you!" Stephanie sat on the edge of her bed and held the last picture she had of her father, one that was taken of him holding and kissing her goodbye. Her mother had taken that last day just before he climbed on the bus to deploy.

I got there as quickly as I could, sensing something was wrong. As soon as her mother let me in the door Stephanie came running down the hallway and launched herself into my arms weeping. Mary watched me hold her daughter and knew Steph was now mine, and she felt so alone. Who was there to hold her?


Mom looked at Rosemary with a cocked eyebrow when I got up and left before the movie was over.

"Stephanie texted him and asked him to go over. She said she needed him."

"At this time of night?" It really wasn't that late, but I guess it was a little later than normal for a guy to go running off to his girl's home.

"Steph was having dinner with her Mom and Dr. Meechum. Dr. Meechum was in Iraq with Steph's Dad when he was killed. It must have been too much for her, so she called Justin."

"They seem to be getting pretty serious. Do we need to be concerned?"

Rosemary just smiled at Mom. "It's a little late to be getting concerned. She would say 'Yes' in a heartbeat if Justin asked. Don't worry though. They both know they have college ahead of them."

Mom looked over at Dad who just shrugged his shoulders and restarted the movie. "He's a big boy now, Honey. He's got a good head on his shoulders, and I think Stephanie is a pretty sharp young lady. I know she worships the ground he walks on."

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Susie was on the phone with Michael. "So tell me what happened, Honey. I want to know all about it."

Michael was lying back in a king-sized bed with extra pillows piled up behind him. "Nothing yet, Little One. We just got in a little while ago and had dinner. They are on Daylight Savings Time here, so they are two hours ahead of us instead of just one. Because of that we didn't get in until a little after six, and then by the time we got to the motel it was way too late to catch him at work, so we'll be there at eight in the morning. That's six our time, so it may be interesting. I might even wish for a cup of coffee or two before it's all over."

"Pete was pretty mad when I told him about getting called the way I did. He didn't say anything, but I'm glad it isn't me he's coming out to visit. He's going to introduce me as Mike Thibodeaux, an intern, so we'll see where it goes from there."

"Are you coming back tomorrow night? I sure hope so!"

"It's possible, but it looks like it will be Thursday sometime. I don't think we can get everything done in time tomorrow unless I catch a red-eye tomorrow evening. We'll have to see how it goes in the morning, but I wouldn't plan on it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I stay and work until about noon on Thursday. Pete knows I have to be home Thursday evening though."

"My lower lip is sticking out! You'd better hurry home and fix it!" Susie laughed, but disappointment was evident in her voice. "You have me totally spoiled, and it is all your fault. I didn't used to be this way until you came around."

"Oh? Do you want me to go away so you can go back to the way you used to be?"

"Nooooo! I like being this way! I just don't like missing you!" She made a kissing sound into the phone.

"Good. I've got to go now, Little One. Four in the morning is coming soon, and I have to meet Pete and Dave Drugan for breakfast at four forty-five our time. Good night, Little One. Don't forget I love you." He kissed the phone and waited for her goodnight before hanging it up regretfully. She wasn't the only one spoiled by the other.


I walked into the house to find both Mom and Rosemary waiting up for me. Mom looked at me carefully before asking if everything was OK with Stephanie, and I could see Rosemary's concern as well.

"She's OK. Dr. Meechum and Mrs. Winters," I couldn't bring myself to call her Mary, at least to Mom, "both had to handle a bunch of kids from that bus wreck this morning, and they were both pretty shaken. Dr. Meechum was supposed to take them out to eat, but Mrs. Winters didn't feel up to it, and I think Dr. Meechum was pretty stressed, too, so Steph made grilled cheese and soup. She and Dr. Meechum were supposed to talk about her Dad, but all of the trauma of the day triggered his PTSD, and the evening was pretty rugged. No, he isn't violent or anything." I caught her concerned look.

"It was all emotional. He told Steph about how her father saved his life, and that he should have been given the Medal of Honor, but no officer was there to recommend him, because the Lieutenant Dr. Meechum was working on died. Steph's Dad was put in for the Navy Cross instead of the Medal of Honor, but the paperwork got lost and the medal was never awarded. Dr. Meechum said he called Marine Headquarters to see about getting the medal awarded, and then he broke down."

"Stephanie called me when he left. She really needed someone to be there for her." I looked up at Mom. "Could you give Mrs. Winters a call? I think she needs someone to talk to. She has nobody."

"This late?"

"Yeah, I think it would be a good idea. She really looked torn up when I left. I gave her a little hug, and I thought she was going to break down on me, too." Mom just nodded and went to the phone.

Rosemary walked over and gave me a hug and we could hear Mom on the phone with Mrs. Winters. "Mary, Sorry to call so late, but Justin just suggested you had a rather tough day today and you might need someone to talk with... . Yes, he is pretty caring, isn't he." I blushed. "Yes, he told me about the bus wreck, and he said Dr. Meechum was there and told Stephanie about your husband's death. I know it had to be hard... . Absolutely! It's no problem at all! Would you like to come over here, or would you rather I went there?... No, I don't mind a bit. I'll be right over."
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Mom walked back into the living room and looked at me thoughtfully before she came over and gave me a big hug. "I don't know who you are, or what you've done with my son Justin, but you are pretty special. I'm going over and be with Mary for a little while. You were right. She really does need someone right now, and as much as she appreciated you and the way you were there for Stephanie, you just aren't old enough." Mom stepped back, then leaned in and gave me a big kiss on the forehead. "You have really grown up lately, Son. I'm really proud of you!"

Mom is always free with her praise, but this was way above and beyond anything she has ever said before. I couldn't help feeling a warm glow inside as Mom walked out the front door. "I'll call Dad on the way over there and tell him what's going on. I don't know how long I'll be, so let's plan on not leaving before ten or ten-thirty in the morning, OK?" I just waved goodbye as she closed the door, then Rosemary and I hugged each other before walking up the stairs together to go to bed.


Tom Meechum walked into his empty apartment and went to the refrigerator for a beer. He pulled one out, popped the top off and started to take a drink, but at the smell stopped, looked at the bottle, and poured it out in the sink. He was not an alcoholic, but he recognized tonight was not a night he needed to crawl into a bottle. The empty feeling within came simply from the emptiness of his apartment and the loneliness he felt after leaving Mary and Stephanie.

Since returning from Iraq and finishing college, going through Medical School, then interning and residency, he had not taken the time to develop relationships with anyone. The nightmares, times of despondency, the aching sense of loss and horror from the war had not been something he felt he could share with another person who had not been there. He visited a number of therapists who encouraged him to find someone with whom he could talk, and beyond talking develop a close relationship, but he had never felt it possible to bare his soul, or to get close. Everyone with whom he had been close in the Corps either didn't come home, or they came home broken and scarred, and he had been the one to care for them, saving those he could save. Getting close to anyone frightened him, for he was afraid of losing them, too.

Tonight had been different. Tonight he had broken down and had allowed Mary and Stephanie within the horror he lived with for over ten years. Of course, Mary had been with him through today's horror with the little Kindergarten kids, and she had been what held him together on more than one occasion during the ordeal.

To be honest with himself, that first morning in their home, meeting Stephanie and seeing SSgt. Weathers' picture on the wall was the first chink in the wall of armor he had built around himself. Stephanie and Mary had done so much to assuage his pain when he saw the picture of the man to whom he owed his life. Then dinner with Mary, when Stephanie was prevented from coming home had widened the chink, causing him to take stock of his life, but it was tonight that the shell of the armor had fallen away, leaving him denuded as it were before them. Oh how he wished he could have accepted Mary's invitation, but to share her bed, rather than her guest room. He didn't want sex. What he really wanted, nay craved, was the companionship of a soul-mate that knew him fully and yet loved him.

He reached for the telephone on the wall just as Mom walked into the Weathers' home. "Mary? Look, I'm really sorry to call so late, and especially after this evening, but I just had to say 'Thanks.'"

Mary waved Mom to a seat at her kitchen table and poured her a glass of white wine to go with the one she herself had been sipping. "Not a problem, Tom. I'm glad we could be here for you." Mom signed she could leave and give Mary some privacy, but Mary shook her head 'No', waving her to the seat. "I know it was really hard for you, but it meant a lot to Stephanie to hear about her Daddy, and it meant a lot to me, too. That was Brad all the way."

"I really don't know what came over me. I normally can keep my emotions in check, but tonight I just lost it. I apologize for ruining your evening by dumping my load on you."

Mary sat down quickly, nearly overcome with emotion and the need to nurture and comfort a hurting person. Her nurse persona came out, but along with it a maternal and an almost spousal need to allay and assuage the obvious pain Tom suffered. "Tom, I think it was past time you let it out. You can't keep all of that inside. I'm here for you any time you need someone with whom to talk. It was a hard day for both of us, and I can't imagine what it was for you. I am grateful you were the one who was there though, because I don't know anyone else that could have handled the trauma the way you did."

"I couldn't have done it without you, Mary. Every time I looked up you were there, and your compassion for those kids was so calming, but not just to them. I just want you to know it meant a lot to me, also. And not only that, but you are beginning to mean a lot to me. I hope I'm not presuming on anything or rushing things, but I would like to explore a relationship with you if you would be interested."

Mary felt widely conflicting emotions. On the one hand she was afraid. Afraid of allowing another man into her life after what she just went through with Paul, and especially a man as terribly scarred as was Tom, but on the other hand she felt such a bond with Tom already. Holding his head on her breast as he wept had also broken through some barriers she had erected in her own heart, and as she had looked at Brad's picture when Tom left she felt as if Brad was bringing them together.
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"Tom, I think I would like that, and I know Stephanie would be in favor. She has already said so."

Tom felt his legs begin to tremble and weaken. Quickly he fumbled for a chair and sank into it. "Thank you so much Mary. I'll see you in the morning. Good night."

"Good night, Tom." She didn't say it, but felt; "I love you," but it was entirely too soon to think of love. Love, real love, didn't come that fast. It couldn't, could it?

Mom stood and gave Mary a hug after she put the phone back on the hook. "It sounds to me like things are working out."

Mary sat back down at the table and looked at her wine glass, suddenly feeling almost giddy with relief. "Better than I could have imagined, Charlotte. Thank you so much for coming over! I don't know that I need to talk now, but I want to, if you have time."

Mom reached a hand across the table and rested it on Mary's. "Any time, Mary. I don't know how you have carried the load all these years like you have. I think it is about time something really good happened for you."


I had been in bed for maybe fifteen minutes or so with the "Humming Chorus" from Puccini's Madame Butterfly playing softly. The pathos of this opera has always gripped me, this piece in particular. I found the melody at once peaceful, yet stirring. It really fit my mood after being with Stephanie and her mother this evening. A light tap on my door sounded, which I knew wasn't Mom, so it had to be Rosemary.

"Come in," I called out softly, so as not to be loud enough for Dad to hear. The door opened enough for Rosemary to slip through, and then she closed it carefully, using her fingers to prevent making any sound. She wore a long tee shirt, and nothing else as she padded over to my bed. The "Humming Chorus" ended as she sat and Maria Callas's rendition of "Un Bel Di" from the same opera followed. Obviously as you can tell from my choice of music, my mood was rather somber as I lay there.

"I couldn't settle down enough to sleep. May I lie down with you for a while, Justin?"

I slid over to give her room on my little twin bed and held my arm out to rest her head on my shoulder. She snuggled in close and murmured in my ear, "Thank you for taking care of Stephie tonight, and her Mom, too. You are pretty special, you know it?"

"I don't think I'm anything special," I said as Verdi's "Va Pensiero" from Nabucco started. If there is a song that carries more pathos in it than this one I don't know what it is. Don't get me wrong. I was not melancholy, just thoughtful, after sharing the pain of the one I loved and the pain of her mother.

"I think you are, and I love you for it. Thank you." She kissed my cheek and placing her arm around my chest pulled me to herself. I rolled to face her and hugged her back enjoying the comfort of the other woman that I love. What a messed up world! I'm not sorry, not at all. I'm just in fear that I will not meet the needs of these two lovely women I've been blessed with. I never ever want to do anything to hurt either of them, and I'm constantly afraid I will prove to be inadequate to meet their needs. "Do you ever think of yourself and what your needs or wants are?"

"Now don't be putting me on a pedestal an making a saint out of me or something. I can't help it that I love you two. I'm afraid you are the one getting the short end of things."

"Oh, I'm OK. I'm just glad you and Stephanie are hitting it off. I know you love me, and that's enough for now. Besides, you give me great sex, and I don't mind sharing."

"I haven't been able to do anything for you in quite a while. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'll get my turn. I thought Stephie really needed you the last few days. Watching you two was really special! I've never been able to get myself off like I did this afternoon! I kind of wish we could try it now, but there is no way with Dad home. At this moment I'm content just being held in your arms, but we'd better not fall asleep this way. I'm really looking forward to getting back up to the house so we can sleep together, Stephie too, sometimes. I know it sounds weird, but I like to wake up on your shoulder and look across and see Steph snuggled up on the other side. I'm so lucky to be included in your love."

"You will always be my first, and as much as I love Steph she will never take that away, though I feel like a real cad sometimes."

"I don't mind, even if you do like Stephie's nipples better than mine." She gave me a big smile followed by a kiss to show what she really meant and we just snuggled together, wrapped totally in our love for the other, and I felt peaceful as I lay there with her in my arms.

As hard as we tried not to, we both fell asleep with Rosemary wrapped protectively in my arms. The garage door opener is what awakened me, and for a bit I was confused. I knew I had Rosemary in my arms, but we weren't up at the house, and the garage door opener... . I sat up with a start, waking Rosemary. "Shhhhh! Mom just got home, and we were asleep!" I whispered. "Don't move. I don't think she will come check on us. If she does we were just talking and we dozed off." Quickly I pulled on a pair of shorts, just in case, but I had trouble getting them zipped over my hard cock. Rosemary does that to me!

It's a good thing I dressed, because I heard Mom knock on Rosemary's door softly, and then I heard her call out to her and check the bathroom. Next there was a knock on my door, which I answered as if I was asleep. "Justin, do you know where Rosemary is?"

"Yeah, Mom. Come on in. She's in here with me." Mom came through the door with her eyebrows raised. "We were talking about Steph and Mrs. Winters and stuff and we both dozed off." Fortunately, I had also thrown a sheet over myself, and Rosemary wasn't under it. "Is Mrs. Winters OK?"
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"Yes, Tom called her just after I got there, and they talked out a couple of things on the phone. Thank you for sending me over there. I really think it helped her. Now, Rosemary, you know better than to be in your brother's room dressed like that. Where's your robe?"

"I was hot, Mom, and I couldn't sleep, so I came over to talk to Justin about stuff. He doesn't care about this."

"Young lady, he is still male, even if you are his sister, and yes he does care. I'm not saying you two are doing anything wrong, but you shouldn't be dressed like that in front of him."

"Yes, Mom." Rosemary got up and started for her room before turning back to me. "Thanks for talking with me, Justin. I needed that," and with that she and Mom were gone. She was gone, and I was stuck with a hard cock that didn't want to go down!


It was a bleary eyed Michael that stumbled out of his room to meet Pete and Dave for breakfast at six-thirty Chicago time. Pete led them to a Denny's next door to the motel, and said to Michael, "It's not Coco's, which is where I usually try to go when in the Phoenix area, but it will do. I've done a lot worse, and at least you know what you are going to get."

"It's definitely not Bill's, either. I like Coco's, and it is one of my Mom's favorites, but since I found Bill's I haven't been back there."

"Oh, yeah. I've got to remember that place when I go back to Phoenix, too. You need to check it out next time you are down that way, Dave. Good stuff! Not fancy, just good food, and a lot of it."

Dave looked over at Michael when the waitress came for their order, "Michael, does it bother you if we drink coffee in front of you?"

"Oh no. Not at all! I don't tell others how to live their lives. It's a personal decision, and I don't have any say over what others do or don't, nor do I look down on anyone for anything they do that I might not."

Dave nodded and said to the waitress, "The biggest cup of coffee you can give me, and you can leave the pot if you'd like!"

Pete laughed at him, and then said to the waitress, "If you can put it in an IV it would be even better. Last time he was at the Dr's they found too much blood in his caffeine system."

Once the orders were placed, Pete called their attention to the upcoming visit to the IT department head. "I'll admit I was quite angry when Michael told me of Abernathy's phone call, and I'm still pissed. My first thought was to walk into his office this morning and fire him on the spot, but after thinking on it overnight, and sleeping on it, I decided that would not be the best route to take."

With an apologetic nod at Michael he said, "I have to admit if I was told a 'snot nosed kid with no real world experience in transportation' was coming in to help my department I wouldn't be really happy about it either. However, that does not mean I'm going to take his insubordination lying down. I am going to go in there and try my best to give him a fair shot at explaining himself. Perhaps he was just having a bad morning and popped off without taking real thought for what he had to say. We'll see."

"Michael, you are going to have to be very careful of what you say and how you react to things. I want you to take a look at what we are doing, and what is more important is Ben wants you to take a look. You will take a good look at our programming, and I want your honest evaluation. Your job is not to pick it apart and find fault. Your job is to evaluate it and if there are areas we can improve I want to know about them. These evaluations are to be delivered to Dave's attention here, not to David Abernathy. If you don't see any material areas in which we can improve our performance I will not in the least be disappointed to hear you say so. Understood"

"Yes, Sir." Michael grinned, "Maybe you should have let him have his first cup of coffee before he called me."

Pete chuckled slightly. "Maybe so, and I'm going to give him enough rope to hang himself this morning. I'm not taking rope for the hanging with me. As far as you are concerned this morning, you know nothing about this whole kerfluffle, and you will be just a very junior intern along for the ride."

With breakfast over the three men rose, walked back to the motel, and got in their rental car for the short drive over to the offices.


Mom looked rather tired when she got up to join us for breakfast. When Mom came in, Dad, Rosemary and I were at the table eating omelets Rosemary had made us. I jumped up and grabbed her a cup of coffee and Rosemary quickly heated the skillet to make Mom an omelet.

"Thanks, kids. I've got the best kids in the world, and I want you to know how thankful I am for you." She gave Rosemary a big hug and a kiss on the forehead before stepping over to me and giving me the same. "I've hardly slept all night thinking about Mary Weathers and all she has been through. I've been so blessed! She hugged Dad from behind as he sat in his chair. "You know we hear about the guys in our military giving their lives, but we don't often think about the families they left behind. We have our freedoms because of people like them, and I think we ought to do more for the families. I think I'll get together with Mary and Tom and discuss setting up some sort of foundation or something for their families. We obviously couldn't fund it ourselves, but what do you think of the idea?"
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"Something like a Big Brothers/Big Sisters for military orphans?" Rosemary asked. "I like the idea. Stephanie has really missed her Dad, and I know she always looks up to you, Daddy, when she is over here. She asks about you all the time."

"Oh really? I didn't know. I don't know what I can do for her, but all she has to do is ask."

"She was really appreciative of what you did for her when Paul attacked her a while back. She has talked about it several times, but now Justin has kind of taken that role." Rosemary giggled at me. "A little different than a 'father figure', but a male role-model perhaps."

As for myself, I certainly hoped it was more than a Daddy fixation. It sure seemed to me to be different than that. Rosemary's comment sure got Mom's gimlet eye on me though.

"Now Justin, you be sure to treat her right. I wouldn't want you taking advantage of her vulnerability."

Rosemary popped to my defense quickly, "Oh, no worries there, Mom. Stephie loves him, though I don't know why, and Justin has been very good to her. She's my friend, and I'll be sure to let you know if he gets out of line." Rosemary winked at me over a lop-sided grin and set Mom's omelet on the table in front of her.

When I finished my breakfast I got up to go over the Jim's and settle up with him for the work he did at the house for me, but Dad said, "Hold on a moment, Son. I'd like to ride over with you, if you don't mind."

"Cool! I'd love to have you go along!" I never get to spend as much time with Dad as I would like. He knows the line between being a parent and being a friend, but yet he has always been my best friend. I know I'm a bit of an introvert, and I just don't make friends that easily, and Dad has always been there for me.

"Do you mind driving? And using your Mini?"

"No problem! You can drive it if you want." I knew what he really wanted! He was grinning like a little boy being tossed a bag of candy when I tossed him the keys.

We were just a few minutes early, before the store opened, but I knew it was OK to go in the back door, and I knew the code for the keypad, so Dad and I went in that way. Harry and Tom were both there, so of course Harry had to yell something about riff-raff using the front door. I just thumbed my nose at him and walked to the office, with Dad right behind me.

"Justin! You didn't have to run over here this early in the morning to pay me! I know you are good for it. Hi, Pete, haven't seen you in ages."

I pulled out a checkbook and asked him what the charges were as I started writing out a check. He rummaged about on the desk for a minute muttering to himself about "where did I leave that paperwork," before he found it and handed me the invoice. Without even looking to see what all he had charged me for I wrote out the check and handed it over.

"Not much of a business man there, Justin. I might have put anything on that invoice."

"The day I have to check your bills will be the day after they bury you, and you know it. There is only one other person I don't check his bills, and that is Grandpa. But of course, he doesn't charge me." I gave him a grin to say "Thanks," and said, "I've got something else I'd like to run past you and see if you are interested. In the past you've talked about how the Phoenix area would be a great place to expand. Do you have anyone in mind that could run a store up there, and would you be interested in a silent partner? I am going to need a place to stash some cash, and I don't know anyone I'd rather do business with than you."

Jim looked at me silently for a few minutes before asking Dad, "Is this the kid I saved the life of when he took apart a brand new projection TV?" That got a grin out of Dad. "Did you know he had this in mind?"

"Yes, I did, Jim. He and I talked about it last night, but I told him it was strictly an investment option. He doesn't have the time to work like I know he would like to and do well in school. I told him he will be working for a living all his life, not to be in a hurry to get started."

"Yeah, and I have an idea after looking at that harem setup you'll be plenty busy keeping that house going. That many girls are going to keep you hopping keeping the drains open from all their hair." He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers while looking over them at me. "What are you looking for?"

"I really don't know. I'd like a working partnership, but that is out of the question. I like the way you do business and I think that would be a good market for one of your stores, and with the surrounding communities I could see three or four stores doing well if you could find the right people. I really don't know what is fair, so I thought if you were interested you and Grandpa and I could sit down, Dad, too if he's interested and figure it out. I'm not lawyering up with Grandpa. I just like his advice on doing it fairly for both of us."
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