Incest Justin Thyme by Callicious
Steph nodded. "Chevy is fine. I wasn't expecting anything new!"

Michael just shrugged. "I don't know how to evaluate a used car, and I know they still have some of last year's models on clearance. I thought it would be as easy to get one of them as a used one. That way you get a newer car, and I get a better deal." He gave her a grin. "That work for you?"

"That's too much! I didn't expect anything like this!"

"No problem. I don't agree with the way insurance companies try to beat you down on replacing a car anyway. I feel like I ought to get you something better than I broke, rather than try to get by with a little less." He opened his door and hurried around to get hers, but she already had it open. He held it for her, though, as she stepped down and closed it behind her. A salesman walked up before he could start for the door.

"Good afternoon, Sir! Glad to see you, today. What can I help you find?"

"Hi, thanks, but is Tom in? I'm not trying to cut you out, but I need to deal with Tom, if you don't mind."

An obviously disappointed salesman said, "Yes sir, if you will come this way I'll get Tom for you." He led them through the showroom door and asked the receptionist at the desk to page Tom for a customer.

"How are you, Sheila?"

"Hi Michael. I'm doing well. What are you up to today?"

"Well, I owe this young lady a car, and I thought I'd see what Tom has in those rejects from last year, and see if he has anything I can afford." He winked at Stephanie. "Sheila is my cousin, and Tom is her husband, and the sales manager. They just keep her here out of nepotism, and because she has a pretty face." He quickly dodged the slap she aimed at his arm and laughed as she smiled and shook her head.

In just a minute or two Tom came from the service area and walked to the counter. "I thought you said I had a customer, Sheila? I don't see anyone worth doing business with around here, unless it is this young lady here."

"Now don't be getting your hopes up, there, Tom. I happen to know she has a young man eating out of her hand, and I wouldn't want him upset with me. Besides, you are stuck with Sheila, and you married up getting her. How you did it I don't know!" Tom laughed and stuck out a hand for a handshake that turned into a hug.

"I'm sorry for these two. You have to forgive them. I think they both were dropped on their heads when they were babies," Sheila stage whispered to Stephanie, to her smile.

"What can I help you with today, Michael?"

"I owe Stephanie a car, and I thought it was about as easy to go ahead and get her a new one as to try to pick out a used one. There won't be that much difference, and since I wrinkled hers I feel like I owe her. I thought maybe a Malibu if you have one of last year's rejects." Michael gave Steph a wink.

"Sure, I've got a couple, but they aren't rejects. They are special ones we saved, so instead of a deal we can charge extra."

"Lead on, Macduff, but you'd better have a pretty sharp pencil."

Tom led them outside again and across the lot. "Any particular color you'd like, Stephanie?"

"I don't really care. Maybe blue."

"Excellent choice. I say that because I only have one blue one left, and it is one that has all the fun stuff on it." He led them to a blue Malibu and opened the key case on the window, then unlocked and opened the door. "Give it just a minute to cool off before you get in, and then take it for a spin and see what you think."

Stephanie looked at the car, and then at Michael, then back at the car with her mouth open. "Are you for real? You really want to buy this for me?"

Michael just nodded.

"I don't know what to say! This is way more than mine was worth! I don't deserve this."

"Stephanie, sweetheart, I'm not buying it because you deserve or don't deserve it. I think it is the right thing to do, and if it will bring you any happiness I want to do it."

"You are too much! No wonder Susie is in love with you."


"Um hmm. I saw the way she looks at you. I've never seen her look at Justin like that, and he's the one she's been after for the last year."

"I never said or did anything to try to get her!"

"You didn't have to. You just were you, and you've been there for her. Please don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dream of hurting her. I just didn't think about her falling in love with me. She'll get over it as she gets better, and gets to know me. I've never had anyone even interested before now."

Steph just smiled at him. "She's more than interested. I've known her since kindergarten, and I've seen her chase guys, but I've never seen her look at any of them like she looks at you. If you are sure about it I don't even need to drive it, but you have to let me pay you back from what the insurance company gives me for my car."

"We'll talk about that when the time comes. Get your sharpest pencil out, Tom, and I'll give you a check for it right now."

Tom just nodded and said, "Let's go back to the office and let me write it up. I'll have it run through the car wash and have it vacuumed out. It looks like the last person to look at it didn't shake the sand off his shoes first." He lifted his push to talk phone and called for a porter to come take care of the car, and led them to his office.

When they had all the paperwork taken care of, and licenses ordered, Tom extended his hand to Stephanie. "Your friend has good taste. You won't find a better man around than Michael. I'm amazed no one has caught him yet. To be honest, if Sheila wasn't his cousin I'd be worried myself!" He gave Michael a big grin. "Really, we talk a bunch of junk about each other, but they don't come any better." Michael looked at the floor, blushing. "Now, since Michael is paying for it, I have given you free servicing for two years on the car, and anytime you want the car washed, you just bring it by here. No charge." At her horrified look toward Michael at the comment that Michael was paying for it Tom quickly broke into her thoughts. "I was just kidding about Michael paying for it. Well, actually he is, but that is something we give with every new car we sell. It's one reason over sixty-five percent of our sales are repeat customers."

Stephanie, obviously relieved, said, "Thanks. I'll remember that."

Sheila came to the door and said the car was ready, and they all went out. Michael opened the door for Steph and waited until she was settled in the car before closing it. "I'll see you at the hospital tomorrow."

"Thank you, so much! I'll see you there."

By 12:30 we had removed the carpet in every second floor room but one. We still had to carry down the rolls of carpet from the last room, but I know I was beat. Rosemary had to have been exhausted. She wasn't fit to take anywhere. Her clothes were hopelessly dirty, her hair a straggly mess, and her tee shirt had torn somehow. She was covered, but just barely. Not that I minded, but I wasn't taking her out that way.

"I'll go grab us something to eat. Why don't you just kick back and rest for a few?" She just nodded at me. I know she was too pooped to pop. She slumped down on the floor and leaned back against one of the rolls of carpet.

"I had no idea how hard this work is. I don't know how we can get the upstairs done, too!"

"It won't be today. I think we are done with this for today. There is a lot of other work we can do that isn't nearly as hard. We'll concentrate on some of those jobs this afternoon." I left her leaning back against the carpet roll and left.

I drove back to the McDonald's where we got our breakfast and got a couple of meal deals and hurried back to the house. An intriguing sight met my eyes when I walked back in and carried the bags and drinks up the stairs. Rosemary was lying right where I had left her, mouth hanging open, dead to the world, asleep. Her tee shirt must have had the AC blowing on it, because the sweat had mostly evaporated, and her nipples were standing totally at attention. I wanted to play with them pretty badly, but thought better of it. Carefully setting the drinks down on the other carpet roll, but within reach I sat down on the floor next to Rosemary and then gently shook her awake.

"Did I go to sleep?"

"Is the Pope a Catholic priest?"

"I knew I was tired, but not that tired. Thanks." She dug into her fries, eating them three and four at a time, instead of daintily one at a time as she normally did, and then she wolfed down the sandwich like she hadn't eaten in weeks. To be honest, I was right behind her. We had both burnt a lot of energy in the morning.

In between bites I said, "I like your shirt."

Puzzled, she looked down at her shirt and started laughing. "I was feeling chilly! I would ask you to warm them for me, but we have a lot of work to do."
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"I would volunteer to warm them for you, but I don't know if I have the energy or not." My meal gone I leaned back on the roll of carpet and laid my head down and let my muscles relax. Next thing I knew Rosemary was waking me. I had slept for thirty minutes, and I needed it! My muscle were stiff and sore when I tried to get up and get ready to go back to work.

"I thought you needed it as badly as I obviously did, so I set my alarm on my phone for half an hour. You didn't even hear it go off."

"I think this afternoon we had better take it a little easier. There are a lot of things we can be doing to prep the house for painting. For instance, we can start removing all of the switch plates and outlet plates. We'll put them in a box and be sure to keep the screws, too. That will take us most of the afternoon if we stop early enough to get a bath before we go out to eat. I passed a little diner that made me think of Al's, although it looks a lot nicer. I thought maybe we could try it this evening."

"OK. Sounds good. Shall we get one of these rolls downstairs when we go to get screwdrivers?"

"Who died and made you Simon Legree?" She just giggled at me and grabbed one end of the carpet roll. I picked up my end and we struggled our way to the stairs. "You know, there has to be a better way to do this. I think we'll cut it into more pieces next time. I know your arms have to be sore from the backing."

"Yeah, they are, but I try not to think about it. I'll know better next time and wear long sleeves. I have an idea most guys who install this stuff are bigger than we are, and can handle it better."

The rest of the afternoon was spent removing switch plates and outlet covers in prep for painting. I know, it doesn't sound like much, but in a house of this size there are a lot of them to be removed, and it does take time. We finished in my garret room at 4:30, and decided we had accomplished enough and decided to call it a day.

One thing I noticed was Rosemary had carried several sections of carpet padding upstairs and laid them out on top of each other. "They are for padding for our sleeping bags. I thought it would be better than the floor." Smart girl, there. Makes me glad I chose her for a sister!

There was a lot of giggling and laughter as we made our way to the bathroom off of my bedroom. It was one of the two bathrooms that had an over-sized clawfoot tub, with room for two. We decided whoever built the house had a dirty mind, and we loved him for it! There had been a lot of hugs and touches throughout the day as we worked together, making the day and the work fun. It all led up to this time together as we slipped into a tub of hot steaming water and just relaxed together. It is a deep tub, and the back slopes at a comfortable angle for relaxing and soaking. I had thought there would be a lot of horseplay when we bathed together, but neither of us really felt like it. I just put my arm around Rosemary and she rested her head on my shoulder and we cuddled.

It's funny, but the sexual hijinks I had anticipated was more than made up for as we spent time just enjoying each other's presence. I could see her lovely body through the water, and her hand found a resting place on my cock, but not in an overtly sexual manner, but one of comfort and familiarity. Of course, I was hard, but not in an urgent manner. I was content.

When the water cooled we stood in the tub and washed each other, gently scrubbing and making patterns on each other's body with suds from the body wash. Again, it wasn't overtly sexual, but deep down inside it was. We seemed to be thinking of tonight, and built for it rather than playing around at the moment. When we both were covered with suds I gave Rosemary a big hug, and moved around using my body as a washcloth, as it were.

When we stepped out of the tub we dried each other off, and then walked holding hands from the bathroom down the stairs to where we had left our bags when we arrived. Walking down the main stairway naked as the day we were born was a thrill. At first I was self-conscious, feeling like people were watching although I knew there was no way anyone could possibly see us. At the bottom of the stairs I pulled Rosemary to me in a hug and I gave her a kiss. "Welcome home, Rosemary. I love you."

Rosemary leaned back, but remained in my embrace and looked me in the eyes. "I know, Justin, and I love you, too. Thank you." She leaned forward again and hugged me tightly. "This place is so much more than I could have dreamed! I wish we had it furnished, and it was just for us. Nice dream, hmm? By the way," she whispered in my ear, "thank you for making love to Stephie. She really needed it, and it was beautiful to watch."

I just nodded and held her close to me. "I felt funny with you there until you grabbed me and lined me up for her. I knew it was good then, and I really loved you for it. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt either of you."

"I know. That's what makes you so wonderful. I know you will never hurt me."

"That reminds me. I owe you something. Come with me." I took her by the hand and led her to the library, with the desk, the only piece of furniture in the house. "Wait here!" Quickly I went back to the hallway and grabbed a sleeping bag, then took it in and spread it over the top of the desk.

"What are you doing?"

"Just trust me." I lifted her up on the edge of the desk, then knelt down between her legs and put her legs over my shoulders and leaned in to nuzzle her pussy with my nose. "I owe you this, remember?" I knew both of us were at a fairly high sexual pitch from being together all day, her without a bra, and much of the day with the tee shirt bunched up under her boobs. Then taking a bath together took things up another notch. Another time and I would go more slowly and tease her a bit, but this wasn't the time for that. I just grabbed her ass and pulled her toward me as I dove in and started licking her slit. She was already fairly puffy with arousal, and more than a little moist, which confirmed to me teasing was not needed. The first time my tongue flicked across her little love nubbin her breath hissed between her teeth and her pussy lifted to meet my face.
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She leaned back on her hands and scooted herself closer to the edge, giving me a little better access, and her legs parted slightly wider, allowing me to get really up close and personal. "Justin, I never knew how good that could feel." Her voice was rather breathy, and she was trembling as I flattened my tongue and stroked over her clit firmly. She was having trouble sitting still as I alternated licking her clit and tongue fucking her vagina, but she really came unglued when I grasped her love button with my lips and sucked in on it while flicking it with just the tip of my tongue and I hummed.

Rosemary's legs alternated between squeezing on my head and spreading widely giving me access, and her breath was coming now in gasps. She arched her pussy upwards and moaned before her arms collapsed and she fell backward on the desk. Her hands reached down and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me as if she was trying to pull my head inside. "Justin, I'm coming!" Her legs snapped shut, squeezing my head tightly, and she rocked her hips up and down on the edge of the desk. With a gasp for air she suddenly let go and just lay quietly on the desk, with her chest heaving trying to catch her breath. I just stayed there kneeling between her knees looking up at her face until she slowly sat up. When she grabbed my head and lifted it I knew she wanted me to stand, and did so. She pulled me in, and although I had her juices spread all over my face she kissed me and hugged me tightly to her.

My cock, of course, was hard and probed at her pussy without either of us trying to do so. As badly as I wanted to slip it in and make love to her on the spot I somehow knew it would be better to wait, so I pulled back. "Shall we go get some dinner now, my love?"

Rosemary just pulled me to her again and nestled her head on my shoulder. The feeling of her breasts pressed against my chest is something I will never tire of, and I reveled in feeling her body as I stroked her back with my hands. She nuzzled my neck and gave me little kisses that sent shivers all the way down my leg. "You have no idea how badly I have wanted to attack your body all day. You have had me so horny I've been beside myself. Let's hurry and get some supper and go to bed."

I just nodded, not of a mind to argue with her thoughts. "I think I ought to wash my face first, hmm?"

Rosemary giggled and said, "Somebody got me all messy, too." She released me and stepped down from the desk. "I think we might be able to find other uses for this desk, too. I wonder if it's ever been used this way before." Twining her arm around mine she grasped my hand and almost skipped out of the library to the stairs and we made our way back up to the third floor, where we had our towels and washcloths.

Rosemary was on my arm when we walked into Bill's Family Restaurant. It wasn't Al's by any means, but it did look to have the same type of clientele, people who were there because of good food, not for a fancy ambiance or theme.

It was certainly family friendly. We found a wide range of ages, with 'blue-hairs' seated in a booth next to a family with small children. One big difference was everyone was seated at individual tables or in booths, rather than at long folding tables, and there was no standup eating at a counter around the walls. There was a large waiting area just inside the door, and the seats all had a worn look as if to say waiting was frequently the situation. Indeed, as we entered the dining room we took the last table.

As we neared our table I noticed a girl who looked familiar from behind. As I walked past she grabbed my arm and said, "Justin, it that really you?" I turned, surprised, to see Janelle Hulvey sitting there with another girl. "What brings you and Rosemary up here?"

"Hi Janelle! I didn't expect to see you here! I thought you lived on campus."

"Oh, I do, but this is the closest thing I can find to Al's, and I come over here when I get homesick. This is my roommate, Holly. Holly, this is Justin Thyme and Rosemary, his sister. He's the one I told you about that saved my Senior Class Play last year. Say, why don't you two join us, would that be OK, Ma'am?"

"Certainly, if they wish to."

I wasn't opposed. I was over my crush on Janelle, but I still thought she was an awfully cute and awesome girl. I looked over at Rosemary, who gave me a wry smile and nodded. I pulled out a chair for her, then I made my way around to the other side of the table.

"You didn't say what brings you up here."

Rosemary answered for me. "We've been working on our house."

"House? You have a house up here?"

I nodded. "Yes. We closed on it last Thursday. We're going to fix it up and rent out rooms to students next year, and live there while we go to ASU."

"I wish we could have done something like that! I hate the dorms. Guys and girls are running up and down the halls all times of day or night. Seems like there are parties every night, and it is almost impossible to study, and sometimes it's hard to sleep, too. So where is your house?"
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"Do you know that big Victorian mansion that was used by an insurance company? It's just down the road about a mile."

"No way!"


"What's it going to cost, and do you still have room?"

"I don't know for sure yet. Probably just a little under what the dorms cost, but meals aren't included. Kitchen privileges, of course, but everyone is on their own. We haven't done anything yet about renting out rooms. We just got the place, and weren't expecting to be up here working on it for a few weeks yet, but had a chance this weekend."

Janelle looked over at Holly. "Want to move off campus?"

Holly nodded emphatically. "I'd move now, renovated or not, if I could!"

"When could we take a look at it? Is it mixed or just girls? Single rooms, or multiples?"

I laughed and turned to Rosemary. "What do you think, Rosemary? Should we show it to them as is, or wait until it looks better?"

"Oh, please. We don't care what it looks like now. I've always liked that building. I already know I want in if I can swing it by Daddy."

Rosemary nodded. "I suppose we could give you a quick tour tonight if you want. Tomorrow we will be working all day, and we won't be in any fit condition to show you around."

Our waitress came around for the third time, and Rosemary and I hadn't even opened our menus. I think she was getting frustrated and impatient. Rosemary just asked what Janelle and Holly were having, and then said bring it for us, too. That made it easier than taking the time to try to decide, and we weren't being fair to our waitress.

All in all, we had an enjoyable time at dinner. It wasn't quite the more romantic setting Rosemary and I had wanted, but we enjoyed getting acquainted with Holly, and she and Janelle told us a lot about what to expect on campus. Janell spent quite a bit of time telling Holly about how I saved her play, and my sound system in my room. Then she asked me about her Dad's system, and when I would be installing it.

"Oh, I finished that yesterday. That's why we are here today. I didn't think I'd get everything in for a couple of weeks. I'll be going back next week to do any tweaking your Dad wants after playing with it this weekend."

"Cool! I'm going home tomorrow! I'll check it out!"

It was well after 9:00 before Janelle and Holly left. Both of them loved the house, and put in a claim for which room they would like to have if they could swing their parents to the idea, and both thought they could. The idea of being in a secure, all girls house, away from the partying and stuff that happened on campus was a big plus. We weren't able to give them a firm price, but we had a range, and a high point we could tell them, which seemed more than fair to the girls. "If you are going to keep your prices that low I know you won't have a problem filling every room. I know I'll pass the word in the dorm, and I'll be careful who I mention it to," said Janelle. She looked over at me with a mischievous grin. "Think you can handle living in a house with that many girls around, Justin? Are you sure you'll be safe?" She and Holly both got a kick out of that, especially when I blushed. I'm just not used to being teased in that fashion!

Fortunately, we had not laid out our sleeping bags yet, with one still in the hallway with our gear, and the other in a pile by the desk in the library. I carried the sleeping bags upstairs to lay them out and get ready for bed, while Rosemary said she would be up momentarily. Since we had eaten with the girls, and then they had been at the house for two hours, I had not been able to spend any time with Rosemary alone, and I couldn't wait to have her in my arms again. I hurried to get myself ready for bed, spread the sleeping bags out and zipped them together, and waited. It seemed like forever, but actually was only about five or six minutes before I heard Rosemary ascending the stairs. When she stepped through the door my breath literally stopped. The vision before me was . . . .
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The vision before me was exquisite. I literally was dumbfounded, unable to speak, and having trouble regaining my breath. How she did it so quickly I don't know, but somehow Rosemary had done up her hair, not really in a bun, but I don't know how to describe it. Tendrils of hair framed her face on either side, and she was a vision in that lovely negligee we had almost been caught with just a few days ago.

Slowly, I rose from the sleeping bag where I was lying and I walked to meet her at the door. In all of the porn I have seen I have never seen a more beautiful sight than what was before me. There is something about love that transforms a woman when she is with her man. I'm sure there is also something that transforms that same man. Whether I had been transformed I know not, but as she stood there in the doorway with a gentle smile on her face she glowed. I approached with outstretched arms to embrace her.

"This is as close to a wedding night as I will ever come with you. I hope you like it."

My voice was still overwhelmed by the beauty of her trusting, loving smile; framed by her red-gold hair and her emerald green and light green peignoir. Finally, I croaked out, "You are so lovely!" OK, flunk me for originality, but for truthfulness I deserve an A+. Confident of her own desirability, Rosemary nearly floated into my arms. She nestled her head on my shoulder as I murmured inanities into her hair. For the longest time I just stood and held her, reveling in her complete love and devotion, knowing I returned every bit of it. What about Stephie? That was entirely on a different plane, very real, but also very different. This was my Rosemary, the one who made my life whole.

"I wish I could carry you over a threshold. This is as good as I can do." I lifted her in my arms and carried her over to our bed, gently knelt down, and laid her on the sleeping bags. I bent over her and kissed her gently. What it lacked in intensity and passion was made up for by the fervor and depth of emotion. I stepped around the bed quickly and then crawled in to embrace my darling Rosemary. I felt like my heart was going to tear a hole in my chest it was beating so hard. I love Rosemary so much it almost hurt.

"Justin, would you please undress me and make love to me? Lay claim to me and make me your woman?"

In a sense, it was a shame to undress her. The gown on her was so beautiful, and while she might wear it for me again, somehow I knew it would never be the same. I sat up and leaned away from her for a moment. "May I just look at your first? You have never been so beautiful before, and it isn't just the gown. It is everything about tonight. I love you, Rosemary, as I shall never love another. No one will ever take your place." She nodded, I think comprehending what I was saying. Finally, with hesitant fingers I gently began unbuttoning each of the buttons on the bodice. I didn't need to undo all of them, of course, but it was as if I was unwrapping the most exquisite present I have ever been given, which it was. I was unwrapping my Rosemary.

As each button was released another small section of her alabaster skin was exposed. When they were all undone I slowly pulled back the left side until her breast and nipple were exposed, then I leaned in and gently kissed it and carefully pulled it closed again. In no way did the material hide her breast. If anything, it enhanced its beauty. I repeated the action with the right breast before rising and offering my hand to help her stand. With her standing before me I slipped the gown slowly from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor in a slither of material, leaving her standing there wearing only a little string bikini type panty.

The love and trust in her eyes as she looked at me was heart wrenching. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her, crushing those magnificent breasts to me. My cock was so hard it was nearly vertical when I hugged her, and it was now trapped between our bellies, with pre-cum leaking heavily. "Justin, please take my panties off and love me. I can't take it any more. I have to have you."

I let my hands fall to the strings on either side, and allowed my fingers to slip under them. Slowly, I slid them down her legs, kneeling as I went, but I took the time to kiss and suckle each nipple as I went by, which brought a moan from Rosemary. As the panties passed her knees I was down on my own knees, so I leaned in and planted a kiss on her very swollen and very moist pussy. Rosemary stepped from her panties and dropped quickly to the bed and pulled me atop of her. "Don't wait any longer! I need you now!" Her voice was nearly cracking with intensity and emotion. "Please, Justin."

I didn't wait, but slipped my cock into her pussy slowly. She was so tight from arousal I didn't think I was going to be able to get it in at first, but it went, and then slid all the way in on the first stroke. When I was fully in place Rosemary grabbed my ass and held me tightly and burst into tears. I stayed still and just held her as she wept. Her arms slipped up around my chest and held me tightly to her. "I have wanted this all day, no, ever since I first wore that gown and we almost got caught. I love you, Justin. Make me your woman."

Her hips started moving slightly, and I took the hint and slipped slowly back out almost all the way, and then slowly back in. I knew I had to take it slow, or I was not going to last but a few seconds. I had never been so sexually aroused in my life, but it was oh, so different this time. "I want you to come deep inside of me and plant your flag, claiming me for all time. Don't worry about waiting for me, I just want you," she whispered in my ear. "You feel so good inside of me. I want to feel you come, way down deep." Her lips left my ear and settled on my neck at the shoulder, and I could feel her teeth gently biting down on me as her hips rocked in time with my thrusts. She was doing something with her vaginal muscles that squeezed and caressed my cock, doing all they could to bring things to a climax. I was moving as slowly as I could, doing all I could do to prolong this exquisite feeling, but knowing it was about to end. I knew I could never recreate this time, and I wanted desperately to make it last.

Suddenly, with toe curling intensity it ended. I quivered and shook as I pressed into Rosemary as hard as I could, and my cock planted my seed deeply into her womb, claiming her as mine. Rosemary cried out, and I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down on me as her orgasm came over her as well.
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As our orgasms subsided we held each other tightly until I had to roll to keep from crushing her. I held closely to her to keep my cock from falling out, and we just cuddled and both quietly wept releasing our emotions. Yes, I wept along with Rosemary. We had not made any solemn vows to love and to cherish in a church, but we had just consummated that vow to each other. We both knew it could not be exclusive, that I would be sharing it with Stephanie, and one day hopefully Rosemary could find someone with whom to share the love also, but our first love would always be each other, and nothing could change that love.

Rosemary had thought ahead, and had a towel handy to keep us from leaking all over the sleeping bags, which was a good thing, and allowed us to remain in place and cuddle and snuggle. We kissed gently in little pecks and talked nonsense as we reveled in the love we shared with each other. I can only hope Rosemary felt as fulfilled and happy as did I.

Stephanie was shaking so hard she could hardly zip up her shorts. She pulled a tee shirt over her head as she ran to the door to wait outside for the security officer dept. She could hear sirens approaching, and walked out onto the lawn to flag them down. Tears streamed down her face as she cried uncontrollably. A squad car came to a screeching halt and the driver jumped from the car with his hand on his service weapon and a flashlight in Stephanie's eyes. She could hear others approaching as she walked toward the officer. "He's in there, officer. You'll be needing an ambulance if he's not dead," and she broke into fresh tears.

"Can you tell me what is going on? We got a call for a domestic disturbance. Have you and your boyfriend been fighting?"

"Oh, no sir. My mother's new husband tried to bang me, and I might have killed him. I don't know. I had to hit him in the head with a softball bat."

"Ok, hold on, please. I have to warn you that anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. Do you need an attorney? I'm not arresting you; understand, at least not at the present."

"I had to defend myself. He was trying to bang me!"

As another car pulled up, two more were approaching down the street. A female officer jumped out of the car and approached. "What do we have here, Johnson? Fight with a boyfriend?"

"This young lady says her mother's husband tried to bang her and she hit him with a softball bat. Why don't you talk to her and I'll check things out inside." He turned to walk toward the door, but stopped quickly when Stephanie called out, "Be careful, he's got a gun!"

The officer pulled his pistol, but waited for the next two officers to follow him before he entered the house. It was only moments before one of the officers was back outside talking rapidly on the radio as he came toward Stephanie.

Stephanie's legs were shaking so hard she had trouble standing, so the female officer, who introduced herself as Officer Sanchez grasped her by the arm and led her toward her patrol car and let her sit on the bumper. "OK, can you tell me what happened?"

"I was taking a shower, and was going to bed early because I had a bad headache. Mom had to work late at the hospital, and Paul, her new husband broke into the bathroom just as I was getting out of the shower. He's been trying to do that for quite a while, and I used a wedge under the door so he couldn't push it open, but he used some kind of tool to push it free. I didn't have any clothes on, and when he tried to grab me, telling me he was going to make a woman out of me, I kicked him really hard in the privates and got loose. He fell to the floor and puked, but when I tried to get out the door he grabbed my ankle. I stomped on his hand and ran to my room and was going to lock him out, but he got there before I could get the door closed all the way. He was trying to pull a little gun out of his back pocket. My softball bat was behind the door, so I grabbed it and hit him in the head really hard and he fell down and didn't move. That's when I called you and grabbed these clothes and ran outside."

Officer Sanchez was taking notes in a little pocket notebook, but stopped as an ambulance with lights on and siren screaming came to a stop and backed into the driveway. Neighbors all around were out on their lawns gawking. The patrol sergeant pulled up right behind the ambulance and walked over to Officer Sanchez, who asked him to stay with Stephanie while she went and conferred with one of the officers who had entered the house. Stephanie could see them talking together a little distance away. She was still shaking uncontrollably; to the point she was having trouble staying on the bumper. The Sergeant asked her if she would be more comfortable sitting in the patrol car, and she nodded. "You aren't arresting me, are you, Sir?"

"Oh, no. At least not until we know what all happened. I do have to put handcuffs on you, though, if you are going to be in the car. That is for our protection, as well as yours." Stephanie started crying again, but stood and put her hands behind her back. The Sergeant helped her sit in the back seat of the patrol car, but left the door open.

Officer Sanchez walked back over to the patrol car and squatted down so she could look Stephanie in the face. "What is your mother's husband's name, Stephanie? And, I notice you call him that rather than your step-father. Is there a particular reason?"

"His name is Paul van der Fleugal, and he just married my mother last weekend, although he's been staying here with her for the last month or so. I want nothing to do with him. This is not the first time he's tried to catch me in the shower, or get into my room when I was sleeping. Plus he's constantly trying to touch me. I don't know what Mom saw in him, but he's a creep!"

"Thank you. You did a good job on him. I wish all girls could do as well. If you'd like to step out of the car we'll take the cuffs off. Everything inside is exactly as you told me, so it is obviously a matter of self-defense, and as I said, a good job of it. You don't have to worry about him bothering you any more, either. He's a convicted felon, and as such is not allowed to carry a gun, so we have him on gun charges, plus attempted bang and aggravated assault. With his record I have an idea he is going away for quite a while, that is after he gets out of the hospital. You fractured his skull, plus did some major damage to his face. I'm not supposed to say this, and Sarge, you didn't hear me say it, but I wish every rapist got this." The Sergeant smiled and nodded. "I hear you, Sanchez."
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Stephanie stepped out of the car and turned around so the Sergeant could remove the cuffs. "I'm really sorry I had to put them on you, but it's policy, and for our safety.

"What do I have to do now? Will I have to go to court, and do I need a lawyer?"

"We will need you to come down to the station, tomorrow or Monday will be fine, to file a complaint. Whether you have a lawyer is up to you, but I would suggest it would be a good idea, especially for when this goes to trial. You will be called as a witness unless he pleads guilty or takes a plea deal. We will be adding enough charges to make it difficult for him to bargain it down very much."

The EMT's pushed the gurney out the front door at about this time, and loaded Paul into the ambulance. They didn't bother with the siren as they left, although the lights were still flashing.

"When will your mother be home?"

"She should be getting here any time now. She had to work extra at the hospital because one of the other nurses called in sick."

"We will need to talk with her, since this is her house. It will be a while before forensics are done processing the scene. If you have someplace else you can go it would not be a bad idea."

Stephanie nodded. "Can I go back in the house and get my cell phone and some clothes?"

"Certainly. I'll go in with you."

Stephanie and Officer Sanchez made their way to the house and entered. Everything was fine until Steph made it down the hall to her room and saw the large blood stain on the floor from where Paul had bled through the nose and mouth after she hit him. She started shaking uncontrollably and crying. "It's OK, hon. You did the right thing, and you did it well. It wasn't you that was in the wrong."

"He's not going to die, is he? I didn't mean to kill him!" Steph was nearing hysteria.

"No, I don't think he's going to die, although I really don't think that would be a bad thing if he did, after what he did to you. I didn't say that. Don't worry about him. He brought it on himself. Just look past it and step around. Go ahead and grab your stuff and you can get out of here."

Steph grabbed some other shorts, a couple of shirts and threw them into a bag along with a hair brush. She grabbed her purse, and said, "I think that's all I need for tonight. Thank you."

Carefully looking away from the stained carpet they made their way back outside.

That's when Steph called us.

Rosemary and I were still cuddling and enjoying the afterglow of our sex. I was gently toying with her nipples and giving her little kisses as we talked quietly and just enjoyed each other's company. When her phone rang it totally broke the mood.

"Who in the world could be calling at this time of the night?" Rosemary was rather cross as she reached for her phone. For a moment she thought about not answering, but if it was Mom, she would be curious why we didn't answer.

"It's Steph! Hello." She didn't sound really happy as she answered.

"Rosemary, I need your help! Can I stay at your house tonight?"

"I'm not there, Steph. I'm up at Scottsdale. What's up?"

I could hear Steph's voice break into half sobs as she answered. "Paul tried to bang me, and I might have killed him. I can't stay at home tonight, and I know Mom is going to be pissed."

Rosemary instantly was over her grouch and she reverted to a mothering role she adopts so well. "OK. We have two options. You can go to my house. Mom would be most happy to put you up, and she would be a good one if you need someone to talk to. I know she is home, or you could stop by the house and tell Mom you need to borrow a sleeping bag and you can head up here."

"Could . . . could I please go up there? I," she sniffed and sobbed a time or two, "I know you and Justin are 'honeymooning' this weekend, and I don't want to spoil that, but I need to be with someone who loves me, and I know you two do."

I nodded at Rosemary. Steph needed us, I could hear it in her voice, and I needed to protect her.

"Come ahead. I'll call Mom and tell her to grab a sleeping bag for you. I'll ask her for some towels and things, too. Look, I know you are upset, and we'll talk after you get here, so please drive carefully."
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I heard a sniff, and a soft "Thanks. You guys are always there for me."

Rosemary quickly called Mom and told her a little of what was going on, what little she knew, knowing Mom wouldn't let Steph leave without a little reassurance and some mothering. Dad was home, too, and he would give her some good positive attention from a father figure, which she so desperately needed with her own Dad dead these ten years. Mom and Dad are great at getting you to talk about what is bothering you, and at giving you the love and support you need without prying or being judgmental. I knew they wouldn't let Steph drive up here if she wasn't up to it, bringing her up themselves if need be. Have I mentioned how great my parents are?

"Now, where were we?" Rosemary asked as she put her phone away. She rolled back into my arms and gave me a big kiss. "Did I ever tell you, Justin Thyme, how much I love you?" Her body fitted so nicely against my own. "We have at least two hours before she gets here. Whatever can we find to do to pass the time?"

I felt her hand slide slowly down across my belly until it reached and grabbed my cock. I wasn't hard, but neither was I fully soft either. She got a nice handful and squeezed it. "What have we here? Is there anything we could find to do with it?" She slipped her lips right next to my ear and whispered, "I want to drain it dry. I don't care if you can't do anything tomorrow. I want all it has tonight," and then she licked my ear. By now she was stroking my cock, rather than just squeezing it, and it was nearly up to full strength. I want to try lots of things with you. Anything but tying me up or in the ass. I don't think I'd like that. Anything else, let's try it and see if we like it." She leaned back and gave me a radiant smile, the smile of a loved one with her lover.

"You ate my pussy earlier and it felt so wonderful! One of these days I'm going to return the favor, but tonight I want to do things that I benefit from, too. OK?"

I could only nod approval. The idea of a good blowjob intrigued me, but it seemed to me it left her lacking, at least most of the time. The difference to me about eating her pussy is she can make love and even orgasm again afterwards, whereas if I blow my wad I can't go again for a while, and it seems to me rather selfish. Not all the time, mind you. Like I said, I'm intrigued by the idea, but I want to be sure she is satisfied as well.
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I leaned forward and sucked a nipple into my mouth and played with it with my tongue and lips while I slipped a hand down to explore her pussy. I found it swollen and quite moist already. Clearly the idea of what we were doing had Rosemary more than ready for action. There was no shy maiden here! I let my fingers do some exploring, something I had not done much of before, and Rosemary was obviously pleased at my ministrations. She would tell me what felt good, and what she really liked, and I would concentrate on those areas until it was time to move on. Her breath was coming in pants, and I saw a red flush spreading across her chest. Her hand was holding my head firmly against her breast, and my flattened tongue was licking roughly across her nipple.

Suddenly she sat up and said, "Quickly. I have to have you in me!" She got on her knees and said, "Try me from behind. I've always wanted to try that!"

I got on my knees behind her and slipped the head of my cock in her grasping pussy and pressed forward, then started pistoning in and out slowly. She pressed her ass up against me, taking me all the way in, but after a few strokes she stopped me. "That's not really comfortable. I like how far you get inside of me, but it isn't a comfortable angle. Let me be on top of you."

I reluctantly slipped out of the warm confines of her pussy and lay down on my back. Rosemary quickly straddled me and sat down quickly on my cock. Her eyes were wide and anxious as she started bouncing up and down. I reached up and grabbed her nipples and started gently pulling and twisting them, then I stroked her breasts and squeezed them, sliding down to the nipple and playing with it again. She used one hand on my chest to hold herself upright, and slipped the other back to play with her clit as she slipped up and down on my cock. Whenever she got to the bottom she would stop for a moment and grind herself against my pubis before slipping back upward again.

My hips were flexing in time with her strokes, and I did all I could to penetrate as deeply as possible when she made the down stroke. I could feel my balls churning, but knew I could hold out for a while in this position. Rosemary couldn't, though, and with a gasp and a moan she fell forward and nearly smothered me between her breasts. I'm not complaining, mind you! I'm bragging! I could feel her pussy clenching at my cock, and I moved slowly in her enjoying her bliss. Soon she was moving with me again, and I increased the speed and intensity of my strokes. She was panting and saying my name over and over into my ear.

It wasn't long, and I felt her stiffen again, and her vaginal walls clutching at my cock as she had another smaller orgasm. This time, her squeezing put me over the edge, and shortly after hers ended my orgasm erupted.

When I was able to breathe again without sounding like I had just finished running a mile race, and I could hear more than my pulse roaring in my ears, I heard Rosemary whispering, "Thank you, Justin. I love you." I felt teardrops in my ear, and I gently hugged her to me. Words were superfluous at that point.

We lay there comfortably with me holding Rosemary on top for a while until my cock started to soften and fall out. Rosemary quickly grabbed the towel, and then rolled off of me onto it. She gazed softly into my eyes for a few minutes and then leaned in for a soft kiss. I hugged her to me and smiled back at her. Again, no words were needed.

How does one explain love? I'm not talking about something light and ephemeral, but rather something that comes from deep down within your soul; something that takes two dissimilar persons and bonds them into one unbreakable whole? I'm not talking about sex. The wonderful sex we experience with each other was merely an expression of that love; a desire to bring pleasure and fulfillment to the other, while biologically expressing a desire to propagate. Already I was feeling a sense of jealousy toward whomever I would have to surrender Rosemary. I know she was struggling with the same feelings toward Stephanie, but had already come to grips with the necessity. Who would she find? I briefly thought of Michael, and as much as I admired and liked the guy I just didn't see them together.

Rosemary rested her head on my shoulder and snuggled her breasts against the side of my chest and closed her eyes. I was content. Involuntarily, my arm tightened about her, pulling her to me more tightly, and a small smile crossed her lips. I kissed the top of her head and then basked in the afterglow of our coupling and the recognition of our love.

We had been lying together so for about fifteen minutes, with Rosemary dozing on my shoulder while I lay there and pondered our future. I needed to be vigilant and look for the kind of man Rosemary needed. I knew they would flock to her once she got on campus, but I felt it necessary for me to help weed them out. I know, she's a big girl and can make her own choices, but she's also mine, the one I love, and one I have sworn myself to care for and protect. The responsibility that comes with love is important to me.

My phone rang. Gently I disengaged myself from Rosemary. I was certain it would be Dad, and it was.

"Hey, Justin. I thought I ought to touch base with you. Stephanie and her mother are both here, and needless to say, there has been a lot to talk about. I'm in my office so I can talk with you privately. I'm not going to talk out of school. You need to know some of this. How much you pass along to Rosemary I will leave to your discretion."
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"When Stephanie came to the house your mother was expecting her, thanks to Rosemary's call, and it is a good thing she called. Stephanie was more than a little shook up, and I don't believe she had any business trying to drive up to Scottsdale by herself. Your mom sat her down and talked with her for a while, and was able to calm her somewhat until her mother called her."

"Stephanie thought her mother was holding her responsible for what she did to Paul, and things got rather heated quickly until your mother asked to speak to her. It was plain to your mother that Stephanie and her mother were talking at cross purposes. All Mary was concerned about was Stephanie's condition, so your mom invited her over here, since Stephanie didn't want to set foot in their house again tonight. I don't fault her for that. Anyway, Mary came over and was able to convince Stephanie all she was concerned about was Steph's well-being, and she apologized over and over for not listening to what Stephanie had to say about Paul being handsy and trying to get into the bathroom or her room."

"Mary is really torn up as you can imagine, but she is planning to stay at home tonight. She called the hospital and told them she will not be able to be in to work for a day or two. She is going to contact a lawyer as soon as possible and file divorce papers immediately."

"Stephanie is determined she needs to go up there with you two tonight, so your mother and I are going to drive her up there. She said she doesn't mind sleeping on the floor, but your Mom and I aren't that young, so we are going to a motel, and then we will see you again in the morning."

"The reason I called is Stephanie is in a very vulnerable state right now. Be very careful with her. I know you two are sweet on each other, and I'm not opposed, but this is not a time for anything relational. Stephanie idolizes you, so just be careful. You have good sense. Just use it."

What was I to say? I know Dad didn't think I would try to take advantage of Steph or of the situation. He was just being careful, and trying to warn me of Steph's vulnerability I know. "I'll be careful, Dad. I'll not do anything to hurt her."

"I know, Son. I just wanted to warn you a bit about her mood and susceptibility right now. She's a bit fragile, as you can understand. We'll be there in a couple of hours, and we can talk a bit more in the morning."

"OK, Dad. We'll see you when you get here."

I didn't have to tell Rosemary anything of the conversation, for she was huddled up against my back, listening over my shoulder. If all of this is what being an adult is all about I want to go back to being a kid!

Rosemary wrapped her arms about my chest and put her head down on my shoulder. Normally I would have found it to be very sexy, but now I only found it comforting. Neither of us felt like fooling around anymore after that call, so we just lay down on the bed and cuddled and talked quietly about Steph and her situation.

Rosemary and I went downstairs and got dressed at 12:30, although we didn't expect them to arrive before 1:00. We didn't want to get caught otherwise. We also carried Rosemary's sleeping bag and some of the padding to the only room on the second floor that still had carpet. We went back up to my room just for a place to be, and I mentioned my curiosity over the configuration of the bookcases. Rosemary also thought they looked uneven and dissimilar to the other side of the turret. We wiggled them and pulled on shelves, but everything seemed to be solid. We finally just marked it up to an oddity of the builder and made our way downstairs to be there when the folks drove in.

It was just a few minutes before one when Dad pulled into the drive and stopped the car. It's just one more reason I love my folks so much. After all, how many parents would drive two hours out of the way at that time of the night for their own kids, let alone someone else? I know Dad had to cancel a golf match for Sunday morning, and Mom was skipping out on an open house. It wasn't her client, but it was one of her agency's, and she didn't like missing them. They have always been there for us when we needed them and I really appreciate them. I know Stephie did as well.

They all got out of the car and came in. I gave Mom a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks, Mom. You guys are awesome." Mom just gave me a hug and a smile. Dad gave me a wink and a grin. I know he heard me.

"I look at it this way, son. I'm just doing what I would hope someone would do for you if you were in a similar situation."

Meanwhile, Rosemary and Stephanie were hugging and crying in the doorway, having not made it any further.

Dad wandered over to me and gave me his famous one-armed hug and tousseled my hair. He knows how much I hate that, and does it just for fun, like he has since I was about 5. Maybe longer, but that's about as long as I can remember. "What do you say we meet you kids at McDonald's at about 9 for breakfast? Maybe your Mom and I can come back and give you kids a bit of a hand with some stuff for a couple of hours."
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"Better yet, let's meet at Bill's Family Restaurant. It's not Al's, but it is as close as there is up here. We went there for dinner tonight and saw Janelle and her roommate, who by the way want a room. Janelle says they go there when she feels homesick."

"All right. I'll see if I can pry your mother away from the cry fest over there, and we'll go get some sleep. I doubt the girls get very much tonight, so don't count on to much from Rosemary tomorrow."

"Yeah, I figured on that. Thanks again. I want you to know you are my favorite Dad." He toussled my hair again, just for spite, and started for the door.

"Come on, old woman. It's past working people's bedtime. We'll see them again in the morning." Mom just shook her head at him, but she gave Stephie a hug and broke away. Steph quickly moved over to Dad and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you for everything," she whispered through tears. "Sometimes I think about my Dad and wonder what he would have been like if he hadn't been killed in Iraq. I like to imagine he would have been just like you."

Dad bent over and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, sweetheart. That is the nicest thing I've ever been told. For what it's worth, my wife and I think of you as the daughter we didn't have. As far as I'm concerned, you are one of us. You always have a place no matter what goes wrong. Understand?"

Steph nodded, then reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, again. It's times like this that I realize what I've really missed." She squeezed him around the waist once more, and then stepped back.

I know Dad was really touched by the way he walked out the door with his arm around Mom's waist. I know I told you we are a huggy family, but there was just something extra in the way Dad held Mom as they walked out to the car.

Steph walked over to me and gave me a hug and a little peck on the lips. "I'm sorry to mess up your weekend like this, Justin. Is there any time you and your family don't put other people ahead of what you want?"

"Now don't go putting us on a pedestal, yet. We aren't anything special. We just try to do as Dad said and treat people the way we would want to be treated. When it is someone special like you that we love and care about it makes the choice easy."

"You really make me feel loved. Thank you. Now, where would you like me to put my sleeping bag? I'll leave you two to each other, and let you have the rest of the night."

"No," said Rosemary. "Not a chance!" I said.

Rosemary slipped an arm around Steph's waist from the other side so she was in a hug sandwich between us. "We have already had a wonderful evening. So much better than I could have imagined. You don't need to be alone tonight. We are all going upstairs to Justin's room, and we'll share him. Family doesn't leave family alone when they are in need."

The tears spilled over from Steph again. "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to quit crying. I feel so worthless and dirty after what Paul did and said."

"Steph, honey, what someone else does doesn't make you dirty. What they say doesn't make something true. You are worthy, and you aren't dirty. Do you think Mom and Dad would have come up here with you if you were? Do you think Rosemary and I would want you with us? There is no one, absolutely no one, except Rosemary, that means as much to me as you do, and you already know about Rosemary. That is not worthless!"

She continued to sniffle, and I knew better than to say much more. She had to deal with the trauma, and overcome it on her own. All I could do is be there and provide the support and love she needed, and I couldn't ask for a better helper than Rosemary. "Now, young lady, are you going to walk up the stairs, or do I need to pick you up and carry you?"

"Now that sounds like fun. Maybe you ought to offer that to Rosie, here. After all, it is her weekend." Steph aimed a little grin at Rosemary, and I was glad to see that little spark of life from her.

Rosemary grinned at me. "Maybe you could do that in lieu of over the threshold!" I just shook my head and groaned.

"Before I do anything, I have to find a bathroom."

"The only one that is set up is by Justin's room. Let's go on up and you can use it." Rosemary stepped in front of me, obviously waiting for me to pick her up and carry her up the stairs. I grabbed her and tossed her up in the air as I picked her up, which brought a squeal of surprise, and then I led the way up the stairs.
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The first level wasn't too bad, and then from the second to the third floor was a bit more of a struggle, but by the time I managed to reach my garret room my knees were indeed getting wobbly, and I was puffing for sure. The feel of her boobs against my chest, sliding back and forth, as we climbed more than made it worth it, though.

Rosemary looked over at Steph as I set her down and said, "I must have worn him out somehow or something. What do you think?" That generated a little giggle from Steph, and a sideways look out of the corner of her eye at me before she scampered off to the bathroom.

While Steph was in the bathroom I caught Rosemary's eye and said, "Maybe we ought to sleep dressed tonight. I don't know that Steph needs to feel pressured to get naked after what she's been through. What do you think?"

Rosemary nodded, but didn't say anything as Steph came out of the bathroom.

We laid out the sleeping bag for Steph on some pads next to mine, and then Rosemary and I lay down, still wearing our clothes. Steph looked at us funny and asked if we weren't getting ready for bed. Rosemary answered that we were, that we didn't think she needed to be faced with getting naked after all that had transpired.

"Don't be silly. Justin isn't anything like Paul! I don't mind getting naked with Justin, or if he touches me. I know he loves me and wants to make things good for me, not to tear me down like Paul did. He told me what he was going to do to me, and it wasn't love. That's one reason I really wanted to come up here tonight, so I could share the love instead of remembering what Paul tried. Please, may I?"

In answer, I pulled my shirt over my head, and Rosemary followed right behind me. In moments we were all naked and crawled into bed. I don't know if you've ever snuggled with two naked girls that love you unconditionally, and I don't know how I deserved it, but I can recommend it highly. It didn't take long for my cock to stand up like a flagpole to Stephanie's delight, nor did it take Steph long to insist that Rosemary be the one to take advantage of it. "This is your weekend together, and I'm just a third wheel. For me just to share in the love is more than enough." This time, when Rosemary climbed on top of me it was Steph's hand I felt on my cock, lining it up with Rosemary's pussy. Turnabout is fair play can be good as well as bad.

I've never been one who thought sex should be a spectator sport, and when I was making love to Rosemary, all of my focus was on her. Even though there was a naked girl beside us who was involved in our lovemaking, all of my attention was on making this a great experience for Rosemary. Stephie's turn would come. Neither did I think of myself as some sort of stud who was taking care of two women. All I was was a very fortunate young man who was in love with two wonderful women, who were also in love with me, and willing to share. The thought of a threesome never crossed my mind, as far as the three of us went. Sure, I'd read of them, and had even seen a couple of porn videos about a guy with two women, and if I had just been having sex I might have thought it fun. I wasn't just having sex, though. I was making love, and to make love one must have ones attention focused on the one he loves.

"Don't wait for me, Justin. I don't think I'm going to get there this time, and I really don't care. I just wanted to feel you in me one more time. Come for me, my love. I want to feel it in me one more time tonight. I love you," Rosemary whispered in my ear. I didn't need any encouragement. I had been struggling to hold it back for some time, and although it wasn't a great earth-shattering climax, I mean after all, it was my fourth time tonight, but it was earth-shattering after all, because it was my Rosemary.

"Thank you, Justin. I really needed that. That really felt good."

"But I didn't make you come, honey. I feel like I shortchanged you."

"I didn't need to come. I just needed you, tonight. It's different, but no less satisfying. It's all about love, not sex." I guess women are wired differently, but as long as she was happy, I couldn't ask for more.

Stephanie had been lying quietly on her sleeping bag, watching and participating vicariously without disturbing us in any way. She rubbed her pussy as I made love to Rosemary, and I vaguely remember hearing a quiet "Ohhhhh" from her right after my climax hit. She rolled over to us after the initial afterglow had worn off and put an arm around each of us, and then kissed Rosemary on the cheek, and then me on the cheek. "You two are so beautiful to watch together. Your love really shows."

Rosemary and I both slipped an arm around Stephie and pulled her into our embrace, making her a part of us. That is the way I woke up two hours later, with Rosemary still on top of me, and Stephanie tucked in at my side, except there was a cold puddle under my ass, and I had to pee very badly. I tried to roll Rosemary to the other side gently without waking her, but I managed to wake both girls in the process. "That was a very nice way to go to sleep," Rosemary murmured in my ear. "Thank you for a wonderful day and night." A very nice, soft kiss punctuated her comment, answered by a soft hug from me.
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I made my way to the bathroom and back to find Rosemary trying to blot up as much of the moisture as she could. Both girls decided to use the bathroom as well since we were all awake and came back walking together with an arm around each other. Seeing the two of them walking toward me that way had a stiffening effect, which made them giggle.

We cuddled together on the bed, with the girls on either side, just enjoying each other's company, without any overt sexual action, readying ourselves to go back to sleep. Rosemary whispered in my ear, "Do you think maybe you could go one more time? I think it would be good for Stephie." I shrugged and nodded.

A glance at Stephanie showed her looking hungrily at my cock, without noticing we saw her. I glanced back at Rosemary and nodded, but I didn't have any idea how to approach the issue. My cock twitched at the knowledge Stephie was staring at it so, and her tongue darted out to lick her lips. Rosemary half crawled on top of me to whisper in Steph's ear and then moved back to her side. Steph looked at her wide-eyed, and then at me. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked back at Rosemary. "Could I? Are you sure?"

Rosemary gave her a big smile and nodded. Steph looked up at me. "Justin, would you . . .?

"Of course, Sweetheart. You don't have to ask." I lifted up slightly with the arm I had around her shoulders and she quickly crawled on top of me and held to me tightly. This time it was Rosemary who grasped my cock, but instead of lining it directly at Stephie's vagina she rubbed it up and down her slit, which was more than a little moist. Every time Rosemary stroked it across Steph's little love button Steph would moan and press downward trying to get it inside.

"Please, don't tease me. I need him inside," Steph half cried. She moaned and sobbed as Rosemary slipped the head into her hole and I slowly thrust it in. I could feel her muscles clutching and squeezing me as I pressed forward. She was so wet I didn't need to pull out, but was able to go all the way in the first time. When I bottomed out and pressed against her pelvis Stephie cried out, and her body quaked. She pressed against me tightly with her pelvis, trying desperately to get me in further as she shook with a powerful orgasm. I really didn't know a woman could come that fast. I stayed still, allowing her to enjoy the sensation until her head dropped onto my shoulder, and her body shook with sobs.

I wrapped my arms around her and just held her tightly and Rosemary gently stroked her hair. I made no moves at all, but just lay there and held her. Obviously, there was more going on that just an orgasm, and I could be patient. I was well enough drained sexually that I didn't have any overpowering urges, so I basked in the pleasure of her pussy holding me tightly with an occasional tremor from her orgasm. She felt so differently in my arms than did Rosemary. It was neither better, nor worse. It was just different and altogether wonderful.

Steph sobbed on my shoulder for several minutes, releasing all of the stress and emotion from the day. Rosemary got up and grabbed the roll of TP and gave her several tissues so Steph could wipe her eyes and nose. She blew her nose, and oh the sensation that made on my cock!

With a huge sigh, Stephanie laid her head back onto my shoulder and squirmed a little getting comfortable. "Thank you, Justin and Rosemary. I really needed that, but I didn't want to ask because it was your weekend. I just needed to feel loved, and with you two, I do. This just feels so . . . , so . . . comfor . . ." and a soft snore followed. Rosemary and I just looked at each other and smiled. With a quick peck on my lips Rosemary snuggled closely into my side, her breasts pressed tightly against me.

"I love you, Justin," she whispered, and then closed her eyes. I was left to lie there enjoying the feeling of my cock buried deeply in Steph's pussy, and the comfort of her soft body on mine, and her hair caressing my cheek, while Rosemary snuggled on my right arm, with her head on that shoulder, and her hair caressing the other cheek. I thought to myself there could be much worse ways to live as everything went dark.

Mom and Dad were waiting for us when we drove in to Bill's at five minutes to nine for breakfast. Dad gave me a crooked grin and just shook his head as I walked in the door with a girl on either arm. "It's a good thing I know better, or I'd think you were starting your own harem there Justin." He laughed as Mom slapped his arm, and the girls squeezed my arms and giggled.

"Aye, it's a tough life, but I'm learning to bear up under it," I replied with a straight face, but then broke up laughing as Rosemary gouged me in the ribs.

Stephanie broke away from me and walked over to Dad and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then embraced Mom and whispered, "Thank you, so much." Mom hugged her back and just nodded.

Dad put an arm around both women and said softly, "You are most welcome, my dear. We are here for you anytime."

We ate a leisurely breakfast, with a lot of laughing and talking together. I loved the way Mom and Dad included Steph just like she was one of us. Dad joshed our waitress, Debbie, as she kept coming back to the table to fill our coffee cups, telling her to just leave the pot and save shoe leather, but she said she couldn't do it. We found out she was a junior at ASU, and worked at Bill's on weekends, trying to pay for her education. As we talked with her some more we found out she was hoping to be able to afford an apartment off campus for her senior year because she said it was such a commotion all the time in the dorms she was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle her school load. The problem was apartments were so scarce and expensive, even if she had a roommate she didn't know if she could handle it.
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Dad asked if she would be interested in a room in an all-girl's house with security for the price she was paying to live in the dorms.

"Would I ever! There isn't anything like that available, though. I've looked all over. There just isn't any affordable off campus housing."

"Are you familiar with the old Victorian mansion over on Carlyle? It used to be an insurance company."

"Sure. Everybody knows that house."

"Well, we just bought it from the bank for my son Justin, here, and my daughter Rosemary. We're fixing it up now, and will have rooms available for students to rent for about the same price as they are paying for dorms. Food is not included, so that would be extra. I don't know if you would be interested in that or not."

"Absolutely! When could I see it? And would you have room for my roommate?"

"Well, we just got the place, and it isn't ready yet for showing, but yes we would have room for your roommate. We haven't rented out rooms yet, although we do have a couple of them spoken for."

"Oh, I don't care what the place looks like now. I'd really like to see it! Could my roommate and I drop by this afternoon? Then I could call my parents and tell them what I found?" Her eyes were pleading, and she was almost dancing in anticipation as Dad looked over at Mom and then said, "OK."

"You're going to get me in trouble with my wife, though," he said with a grin. She's a realtor, and she's very big on having the place look right before we show it. She thinks we can get more for it that way." He dodged Mom's playful slap at his arm and chuckled.

"I have an idea it looks better now than the dorms do. I've got to get back to work, but Bitsy and I will be by there at 2'ish? Is that OK?"

Dad nodded, and she hurried off to take care of other customers. Dad said thoughtfully, "I think we've hit on a gold mine here." He glanced at Stephanie and said, "You see, what my wife and I were thinking is this. Justin, here, might not be able to catch a girl, so we thought we ought to try and bring them to him." He winked at Steph, and dodging another swat from Mom, while laughing. Stephanie grabbed my hand and stuck her tongue out at him, which made him laugh even harder.

"You seem to be feeling a lot better this morning, my dear."

"Yes, I am thank you. And thank you again for bringing me up here. Rosemary and Justin and I talked a lot last night, and they really helped me. I just feel so loved when I'm with your family."

Dad reached across the table and rested his hand on hers. "You are loved, my dear. You've been like a sister to Rosemary for a long time now, and as far as my wife and I are concerned, you are one of us." Mom nodded.

Michael walked into Susie's room pushing a strange looking wheelchair. "Would you believe the hospital doesn't even own one of these contraptions? I actually had to go to a medical supply house and buy this one!"

"What is that thing?"

"It's a wheelchair for people in body casts, who can't sit in a normal chair. The hospital only has them in children's sizes. They told me body casts are hardly ever used any more. Anyway, I thought you might like to get out of the room for a while and get a little sun. That is, if you feel up to it."

"Oh, Mikey. You do the nicest things for me! I would love to get out of here for a while. These walls are starting to close in on me, and I hate TV. Now that they are cutting the pain meds back I don't sleep as much, either. Can we really go outside?"

"No, not yet. There is a nice solarium at the end of the hall where you can get some sun and fresh air, though. When it's nice they open the windows. I shanghaied a CNA to come down and help me get you into the chair in just a few minutes."

"I wondered where you were. You said you had to go home last night, but you'd be back first thing this morning. It didn't seem right waking up and not seeing you in your chair."

"I'm sorry. I planned on being back early, but when I found out the hospital didn't have the right kind of chair I thought I needed to get one. You are going to need it when you go home, anyway."

"Go home?"

"Sure. Don't you want to? I'm sure the hospital will let you stay if you insist." Michael gave her a big grin. "The Dr. told me he would have released you yesterday if you had anyone at home to care for you. They were going to send you to a nursing home, but I suggested they wait until today when your parents get back and see how they wanted to handle it. I believe they are due in this evening."

"Right. They have a 5:40 flight, so if they come directly here we should see them about 7:00."

A CNA came bustling into the room. "Hi, I'm Kelly. I understand you want to go to the solarium?" At Susie's nod she said, "I didn't realize you are in a body cast. I'm sorry, but I've been off the last couple of days, so I haven't been here. I really need to call another CNA to help me lift you."
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Michael put his finger in front of his lips. "Shh. Don't call anyone. Show me how to help and I'll be your other set of hands."

"I'm not supposed to do that, sir. I'm supposed to have another CNA."

"Oh, I know, but I need to learn how to help her for when she goes home, don't I? You don't tell, and I won't either. OK?"

Kelly looked at Susie doubtfully, who just said, "They are all busy with others. There isn't any reason to pull them away from their jobs. Mikey is really good at taking care of me. He does a lot of things for me now so that I don't have to bother you."

Kelly, with an indecisive look on her face hesitated. "It'll be OK, Kelly. I already turn her most of the time so that we don't have to bother you. How much harder is it to put her in the chair?"

Kelly relented and showed Michael how best to lift, and Susie was transferred without issue. Kelly started to push the wheelchair, but Michael told her he could handle it, and she could see to her other patients with a big "Thanks."

Mom and Dad left at about noon, but the morning was productive. Mom and the girls worked in the kitchen, and made plans for its renovations. Dad and I meanwhile walked the property and discussed plans for it. Dad thought a pool off of the back patio would be a good idea, but I thought it would only end up as more work for me. I was right, but he won. A pool would be installed, and privacy fencing would be required. Dad said he would take care of contracting it, which would be one part of the load I didn't have to carry. Whether or not to hire out the maintenance we would discuss later, but I was pretty sure it would land in my lap, and I don't even swim.

The old carriage house showed a lot of promise. The lower floor had room to convert to house six vehicles, and the upstairs had at one time been servant's quarters. It would take a lot of work to update them, but in the future they might be profitable. One corner of the building puzzled us very much. The corner was walled off, but there was no sign of an entrance, and when we went outside the outside walls were whole, without even a window to provide access. That was a puzzle we would see about solving later, once we had the house finished.

Dad and I spent a good bit of time talking about Steph's situation, too. He was encouraged by her attitude at breakfast and was very complimentary of what Rosemary and I had been able to accomplish, although he had no idea as to how we had done it. I just said we had talked a lot together, and I assured her she is loved. Then he told me Mary Winters was going to be at our house for dinner, so we weren't to work late. I guess she felt the need to try to reestablish her relationship with Stephanie on a neutral ground. I kind of think she needed some reaffirmation as well. She, too, had been through a very traumatic experience.

Once Mom and Dad were gone the three of us went out and grabbed some fast food before going back to the house to finish up some last minute things before showing the house at two and leaving at three. We rolled up our bedding and stashed it in the library, except for Rosemary's sleeping bag. She spilled some Coke on it so she would have to take it home and wash it. She couldn't think of any other way to explain a need to wash it that Mom would buy.

Debbie and Bitsie loved the house and asked to reserve a room. Bitsie also told us she knew a couple of other girls that would be interested. It looked like we were going to be nearing capacity well before we even had the house ready for occupancy.

Just before we left the house Stephanie came to me and gave me a gentle hug. "I didn't get a chance to say thank you for last night. I'm really sorry I went to sleep on you."

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Sweetheart, you are one of us, and you are mine. I'm going to do whatever is needed to take care of you. I really didn't mind you going to sleep. You needed it, and I'm glad I could help. Besides, I enjoyed it."

"Yeah, but I messed up your weekend with Rosemary. I know you two were really looking forward to it."

"Look, honey, we had a wonderful day together yesterday. You didn't mess that up. Did you hear Rosemary complain? I know you didn't. One thing I want you to keep in mind, and never forget it. Last night you were afraid to ask for what you needed, and I never want that to happen again. I'm glad Rosemary saw your need, because I probably wouldn't have. Guy's aren't wired to notice things like that. If you need something, or even if you want something, please tell us. Remember, Rosemary promised to share."

"I know. This is all new to me, and I never had anyone to love me before. I love you, Justin, and I always will." She hugged me to her tightly and buried her head on my shoulder.

Rosemary came around the corner and joined our hug, embracing the two of us together. "I hope you were listening to him, Steph. We really mean it. You are part of us now, and we aren't going to let you get away."
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I freed one arm and slipped it around Rosemary, holding my family in my arms. I really don't have a clue how I deserved to have these wonderful women loving me, but I was happy. We would face some difficult times ahead, I knew. Life is like that, but with these two I felt like I could face anything.

It was peaceful in the solarium. The sun was bright and hot, but shade cloth had been stretched overhead and muted the harshness of the sun's rays. Ceiling fans turned lazily moving the air enough to keep things comfortable. Susie's left hand stole away from her lap and grasped Michael's hand. She gave it a squeeze before lifting it to her lips and placing a kiss on it. "Why are you taking such good care of me, Michael? Don't feel like you have to do all of this out of guilt."

Michael drew her hand to his own lips and kissed it in return. "No, I don't feel I have to do this out of guilt. I'm doing all I'm doing because I think it is the right thing to do. Feelings have nothing to do with it on that level. I have a responsibility, and I will fulfill the responsibility. You however make it very easy to do. That is the only place feelings enter into my actions. You parents will return this evening, and how much I do beyond that point will remain to be seen. They may not want me hanging around, but I will be sure all of your needs are met."

"I stayed with you because they are gone, and I did not think you should be left all alone. Don't think I'm noble. I have also enjoyed very much being with you and getting to know you. You are different than anyone else I know. Most want to be around me because they think they can get something either from or through me. You have not been that way. Everything I have done for you and for Stephanie has been because either I felt I should, or because I wanted to, and I can tell you honestly it has been because I want to, even when it was something I felt I should do."

"I want you to hang around! As far as I'm concerned you are welcome any time, and Mommy and Daddy won't say different. But I don't want you to stay because you think you have to."

Michael gave her big grin. "You can count on that, Little One. Anyone who knows me well knows I don't do much I don't want to do. Now, do you want to go back to your room for lunch, or would you like me to have it brought out here for you?"

"You can get it brought out here?"

Michael gave her a crooked little grin. "If I just mention Mom's name I can do just about anything I want to do here. I don't abuse it, and I won't have to this time either. The nurses have been very helpful with things like that."

"Oh, then out here, if it doesn't cause trouble with other patients. This is so peaceful and nice. I have missed the sun."

Michael stepped away long enough to find her nurse and make arrangements.

I was feeling rather tired when we pulled into our driveway. Rosemary uncharacteristically sat in the back so that Steph could ride up in the front with me. Somehow her hand found its way into mine for almost the entire trip. We didn't talk much, but looking over at her periodically as I drove I was reminded constantly that she and Rosemary had both shucked their bras as soon as Mom and Dad drove away.

Shortly before we hit town, and during an uncharacteristically quiet area with no traffic Rosemary asked me to look back. I pulled the mirror down enough to see her, just in time to see her raise her shirt. "Say goodbye, Justin!" She laughed at me as she slowly put her bra over her boobs and pulling her arms from her sleeves worked them through the straps, hooked it in place, and lowered her shirt. All I could do is shake my head and replace the mirror. Steph squeezed my hand and laughed at me, and then with a quick look around for other vehicles did the same thing. Then she reached across and stroked my cock a couple of times.

"Poor Justin! I think we bother him when we do that, Rosie." Both girls laughed. "I wish I could do something with that right now. Knowing you were seeing my boobies poking out my shirt every time you looked had me has had me so turned on this whole trip." As for me, I knew I was going to have to take care of business just as soon as I got half a chance, or I'd be sporting wood at inopportune times with Steph's mom at the house!
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When I hit the garage door opener as I pulled in the drive I was surprised to see my Mini was gone. Dad must have had to run an errand or something for Mom. We were right on time at least, and since I didn't see Mrs. Winter's car maybe I'd have time for a shower before we ate.

We all piled out of the Denali and grabbed our gear, or rather, I did. Rosemary took the sleeping bag and dropped it in the laundry room on the way through. There was a note on the kitchen table from Mom. "Kids, Dad and I are running over to Mary's to help her with a couple of things before we all come back over to eat. We should be back by seven or just a little after. Grab a snack if you want, and you will have time to catch a shower and clean up. See you shortly."

"I wish I had known," complained Rosemary. "I wouldn't have put my bra back on."

"No reason to leave it on is there?" asked Steph as she pulled her shirt over her head and quickly pulled off her bra. "You don't mind, do you, Justin?" Rosemary was right behind her, and dropped her shorts and panties, too.

I seemed to have unleashed a monster with Stephie. It seems she had a one track mind when it comes to me! She pulled my shirt from my shorts and raised it enough to press her breasts against my chest and hugged me to her. "Oh, that feels so nice. I've been wanting to do this the whole way home. Don't you want some of this, too, Rosemary?"

"Save me some. I'll be right there," called Rosemary from the laundry room, where she was putting the sleeping bag into the washer. I held Steph and stroked her soft skin on her back until Rosemary came back from the laundry room and lifted my shirt from the back and pressed her breasts against me.

"Oooh. You are so right. This does feel nice!"

Steph was rubbing against my cock, and sliding her boobs around on my chest. "You ought to slide around on this side. It feels even better!" and she slid around under my arm and around my side, without removing her boobs. Rosemary followed her lead and slid around to face me, and she too rubbed against my cock, but with her totally naked it felt different.

"I think you have something there, Steph, but it seems to me there is too much in the way. She dropped her hands to my belt and unfastened it, then unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and dropped them and my boxers to the floor. When she pressed her pussy back against my cock again it was electric. Steph slipped her hands down from where they had been caressing my belly until she had my cock in hand. She pressed it downward pushing Rosemary out enough to pass it by her belly, and leaving a trail of pre-cum across her belly as it rubbed its way by. I felt it passing through her little landing strip exclamation mark, and then it slipped into the crease of her legs and rubbed against her pussy as it slid between her legs. From the moist feeling I had I knew Steph wasn't the only one who was turned on. Rosemary clenched her legs together and gyrated on my cock and moaned.

"Maybe we ought to all get a shower together while we have time," Rosemary moaned. "Who knows when we'll get another chance like this?" I felt Stephie pull away from me momentarily, and then felt her bare pussy press against my ass, and her short fall against my ankles.

"I wish we had time to go to bed first," Steph said. "I didn't get to finish last night, although it felt wonderful."

"Why not?" asked Rosemary. "You wouldn't have time for a lot, but maybe you could have a quickie."

"Oh, please, Justin, would you make love to me?" Duh! Let me think about this for a while. Think?

"Of course, Sweetheart. I would love to make love to you." I looked at Rosemary, who gave me a big grin of approval, and both girls let go of me and grabbed clothing from the floor and started up the stairs. Poor me, I had to follow them up the stairs and watch their asses move as they made their way. A thought crossed my mind, and I didn't know if I could make it work or not, but I was going to try my hardest.

We hurried to Rosemary's room and pulled the covers back carefully and Steph jumped on the bed. "Please Justin. Don't wait. I need you in me now! I've been so turned on all day." Now I like to play around a bit first, but time was of the essence, and she was obviously ready. I couldn't help myself, though. I had to suckle on her delectable nipples for a couple of minutes, which left her squirming and gasping. "Please, don't tease me! I need you." It came out almost as a wail as she flexed her pelvis up and down trying desperately for contact with my cock.

I slipped it into her as slowly as I could, but she pressed downwards on me feverishly trying to get me inside. She was so tight I had to force my way in. When I bottomed out her nails dug into my back as she pulled me to her, and I could feel her pussy spasming around my cock. She surely couldn't be coming already, could she? I had read of women who could come quickly, but this fast? Her breath was coming in gasps, and I felt her pelvis rocking, trying to get me in further, but we had our pubic bones mashing on each other. There was no more to give. I began to thrust slowly, trying hard to hold mine off, hoping to be able to hold it and also give Rosemary the loving she craved. The way Steph's pussy was milking at my cock though I didn't have much hope of holding out for long. My arousal had been going on all day also.
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Slow wasn't going to work with Steph as hyped up as she was. She started bucking against me, and in just a few minutes gasped and moaned softly as she pulled me into her tightly and her pussy tried to draw me in further. Her muscles clutching and grasping at me pulled me over the top, and I thrust against her again and again as my seed spurt as deeply into her womb as I could make it. The exertion left me trembling and weak as I covered her. I felt her kissing my neck and moisture from her eyes rubbed against my shoulder and neck. She sighed deeply as the last twitches of her orgasm rippled through her vaginal muscles. "Thank you. I really needed that. I don't know what I'm going to do when we aren't together all the time. I think you have made me addicted to you. I hate to hurry us, but if we are going to be able to shower we had better get going."

I nodded and reluctantly I started to withdraw my cock from her. Surprisingly, I, while not hard all the way, neither was I flaccid. Stephie looked at me, then at the clock and grinned. "Roll over, Justin. I want to try something." I glanced over at Rosemary, who sat with her hands tucked between her legs, and saw her rueful smile. I rolled onto my back. "I don't know how to do this, so tell me if you don't like it." Steph leaned forward and took my cockhead into her mouth and licked it. My eyes about popped out of my head! "Hmmm. That's interesting. I don't know if I'm tasting me or tasting you. I'll have to try it again sometime so I can tell the difference." She grinned down at me and took me in her mouth again. "Ummm," she hummed and licked under the head again and again. It didn't take much and I was back at full staff again.

"Rosie, here he is. It's your turn."

Rosemary gave her a very grateful smile and moved over next to me and whispered, "Can you do me too, Justin? I really need it." I just looked into her eyes and smiled as I crawled between her legs. Once again, I couldn't resist suckling her luscious breasts until she gasped, "Enough, please, Justin. I need you now."

Lunch was brought out to the Solarium for Susie, and Michael helped her with it. While they were waiting for it he slipped back into her room and carried her bedside table out and set it up over her wheelchair so he had a place to set the tray. She had nearly finished everything when a couple walked through the doorway. Michael glanced up, but not recognizing them turned his attention back to Susie and her lunch. It wasn't until the couple walked over close enough to see Susie's face, and she to see them that recognition was made.

"Mom! Daddy! You're early!"

Michael quickly stood and stepped aside so the parents could reach their daughter. Her mom was crying unabashedly as she hugged Susie, and her dad had rather moist eyes as well as he grabbed and squeezed her free hand. Michael quickly pulled up another chair so the parents could sit down and talk with Susie.

Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Michael Borden. He has been taking very good care of me."

Michael stretched out his hand to them, and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I'm honored to meet you." Although both parents shook his hand their response was rather icy, not to Michael's surprise. "I ask your forgiveness for what has happened to your daughter. I accept full responsibility, and I will do all in my power to set things right as best I can. What happened was wrong, and I should have recognized I was impaired, but I did not. The ones who spiked the punch have been charged with serving alcohol to minors, and have been expelled from the university. That does not diminish my responsibility, and I will do all I can to make things right."

Susie piped up. "Daddy, Mommy, Michael has been here almost all the time caring for me, sleeping overnight in a recliner to be sure I had whatever at any time. He was here for my surgeries, and brought in a specialist from Mayo trying to save my foot. He even bought this chair for me because the hospital didn't have one so that I could be out of bed. I hope you will give him a chance. He's been wonderful."

Tom Collins nodded. "We'll talk about that later. Right now we want to know about you. How are you?"

"The Dr. has been very happy with the way I'm progressing. He said I can go home as soon as someone can take care of me. He wanted to put me in a nursing home, but Mikey, don't call him that. He hates it except when I do it. He tolerates it then." She gave him a grin and he grimaced. "Anyway, Mikey convinced them to keep me here rather than to move me to a nursing home and then home. He said he will hire home care nurses to see to me if we can set up a room for me at the house. That's up to you."

"Let me step out for a bit and let you folks talk. I'll be back in half an hour or so and help you back to the room. OK, Susie?"

Susie looked disappointed that he was leaving, but nodded her assent, and Michael left the room.

Madge Collins looked disapprovingly at Susie as Michael left. "I'm not sure I like that young man hanging around after the way he had destroyed your life. It's just not seemly."

"Mommy, it's not that way at all. I wish you would give him a chance. Stephanie went to court when he was arraigned and spoke up for him, and so did Rosemary's Grandpa. He thinks a lot of Michael. He said he stood up before the judge and plead guilty to everything and told the judge he took full responsibility, that he should have known he was under the influence, but he just thought he was sick. He doesn't drink at all, not even coffee or soft drinks! Rosemary's Grandpa and the State's Attorney both asked the judge for leniency, and the judge threw out the charges of driving under the influence and underage drinking because he didn't know the punch was spiked. Michael also told the judge he was prepared to cover any expenses the insurance doesn't cover. He even bought a new car for Stephie to replace hers. The insurance company wouldn't replace hers until everything is settled, and that may be a long time. He didn't even buy a used one, even though hers was eight years old."

"How does he afford to do all of this? Is he from a rich family?"

"I'm not sure about his family. He doesn't talk about them a lot, although they seem to be close. He talks with them on the phone a lot. He has made his own money by writing some computer programs that are really technical, and he has written and sold a couple of apps. He said he doesn't have to worry about money, but he doesn't act spoiled."

Tom Collins broke in. "Well, it was nice of Mr. Thompson to volunteer to represent you girls, and to call us every day with a report about you. Especially since he did it at his expense! Is this Michael paying his charges too?"
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"Oh, no. That wouldn't be proper! Mr. Thompson said Stephie and I are like sisters to Rosemary, and when Justin called him he said he would do it for nothing, that we are family. He really thinks a lot of Michael. You ought to talk with him about how Michael went over to the house when they were discussing what to do. He just went in with a big bouquet of roses and got on his knee before Steph and apologized and asked her forgiveness. He told Mr. Thompson there would be no need for legal action, that he was going to plead guilty to all charges and he would cover anything insurance didn't. When Michael went to court he expected to go directly from there to jail, but he didn't ask for mercy. Both Mr. Thompson and the States Attorney said they had never dealt with anyone else like him."

"Maybe we have been a little harsh in our judgment of him, but you have to understand how it is when we couldn't even get home to be with you how our imaginations worked."

"I know, and I'm really sorry I messed up your vacation. I know you have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"That's OK, honey. You are a lot more important than any vacation! We would have gotten off the boat and flown home if it was possible."

"I know, Daddy. I'll be OK. Michael already had a prosthesis maker in to take measurements and start designing what I'll need. The lady said I'll even be able to dance at my wedding."

"Are you planning that already?"

"Don't be silly, Mom. It was just an expression for how well the new foot will work. I'll be getting one of the spring kind too so I can run again."

"How much of this is insurance going to cover?"

"Michael said he doesn't know, but he isn't going to wait for them to decide. He wants me to be taken care of first and then let the insurance company take care of it. He said otherwise I would have to wait too long, and he wants to get me back to living normally as soon as possible."

Michael walked back into the solarium and said, "I hate to break this up, but Susie really needs to get back to bed. This is the first time she has been out of her room since she got here. I was getting ready to take her back when you folks arrived, but I don't think I should wait any longer. You will be more than welcome to visit in the room." With that he grabbed the wheelchair and started back up the hallway to the room where Kelly was waiting to help put Susie back into bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to be a CNA, Michael? I think you would fit in well."

Michael just laughed. "No thanks. You girls have to work too hard. I avoid work if at all possible. I'm just here to help the 'Little One'. Once she's doing OK I'm foreswearing work again." He followed Kelly's directions and Susie was promptly back in her bed again.

Susie reached out her good hand and grabbed Michael's. "Thank you so much, Mikey. That was really nice."

"Good, I'm glad you liked it. I'll go away and let you folks talk. Call me if you need me, OK? I'm just going down to the cafeteria and grab a sandwich." He turned to the senior Collinses and said, "She will probably get sleepy soon. She's had a big day already today, and she hasn't had a nap. You can wait if she dozes off, or you can join me in the cafeteria if you'd like to talk." Tom nodded and Michael walked out the door. Madge noted with rather mixed emotions the look of dismay that crossed Susie's face as Michael left.

As I slipped into Rosemary's wet pussy she reached down and grabbed my ass and pulled me in quickly. We didn't waste time getting a rhythm going, and Rosemary, like Stephie, was very ready. It wasn't long before I felt her starting to clutch at me with her pussy and her breathing became labored. It was difficult, but I bent down far enough to catch her nipple in my mouth and I sucked on it and hummed while continuing to pleasure her pussy. That was enough to put her over the edge, and she called out my name as she came. I slowed down to allow her to enjoy her climax, and then resumed when her breathing returned to normal. I wasn't quite there yet, having just come less than fifteen minutes ago, but it was starting to build rapidly. Soon my orgasm overwhelmed me and I pumped my juices into her with a groan before collapsing on top of her, totally spent.

Carefully we rolled so I wouldn't crush Rosemary, and I gave her a gentle kiss. I reached out an arm and drew Stephie in to cuddle with us as Rosemary and I enjoyed the afterglow. I was content.

The next thing I knew I heard the sound of the garage door opening! We had dozed off, and the folks were home! Mrs. Winters was probably with them! Quickly we jumped from the bed and I grabbed my clothes and ran for my room, while the girls quickly spread the covers back up, but left the bed slightly rumpled as if they had lain down on the covers and napped. The girls quickly grabbed some clothes and scurried into the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

We were none too soon as I heard Mom knocking on the bathroom door asking who was in the shower. Rosemary said they were, that they had accidentally dozed off, and had jumped in when they heard the folks get home. They would be out in just a jiffy.
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Mom knocked on my door. "Justin, the girls are just now getting a shower, so we are going to be late." I quickly slipped on a pair of shorts and opened the door. "Oh. At least you are up! We have another change of plans. We are meeting your grandparents for dinner at Al's. Just as soon as the girls get ready would you please drive them over there? You know how your Grandfather is about being late! I'm going to hurry on over there and placate him. Please hurry. Oh, bring Stephanie with you. Mary is joining us as well."

"Sure thing, mom. We'll be right over."

I waited until I heard the garage door close before I walked into the bathroom. "Hey there. You'd better shake a leg. We're supposed to meet Grandpa and Grandma at Al's in ten minutes, and you know how he is about being late." Even though I knew I didn't have time to join them in the shower I enjoyed the scenery as the girls hurriedly finished up. As soon as they got out I jumped in and rinsed off quickly.

We hurried into Al's to Grandpa's frosty glare. Rosemary hurried over and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Sorry we're late, Grandpa. We didn't know we were meeting you for dinner until just a few minutes ago. We were really tired, and we just dozed off after we got home. I'm sorry we kept you waiting."

Stephanie reached out and shook his hand. "Hi Mr. Thompson. It's nice to see you. Thank you ever so much again for offering to represent me. I really, really appreciate it."

Grandpa actually blushed a little bit as he said, "Aw, shucks, girl. I'm happy to help out. You are like a sister to Rosemary, here, and I don't charge family. And, my name's Ben, not Mr."

I shook Grandpa's hand after giving Grandma a hug. "Thank you for standing up for Michael, too, Grandpa. I really think he's worth it."

"Oh, I know he is. Any young man with the character he has displayed needs someone to stand up for him. Besides, I think your Grandmother is crushing on him."

"Ben!" she said with a slap at his hand, which caused him to chuckle and a little smile from her.

"I followed up on the spiked punch and found out it was true. Charges have been pressed against the fraternity and the two young men who did it. They were hoping to 'encourage' some of the young ladies, and didn't think about what might happen. They were arrested, and have been expelled from the university, so Michael's charges have been officially dropped. I think that young man is going places."

Stephie gave her mom a big hug, and the two of them talked quietly together for a few minutes. Steph grabbed my hand and pulled me over to sit by her and her mother. Mrs. Winters squeezed my hand as we sat down. "Justin, I really appreciate what you have done for Stephanie. You and Rosemary have been very good for her. She hasn't been able to stop talking about you for the last few weeks. Thank you. I know you will take good care of her." Her eyes welled up. "In a lot of ways you remind me of her father. Pardon me," she said as she blotted at her eyes with a napkin. "I seem to have trouble keeping from crying the last few days."
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