Incest Justin Thyme by Callicious
"I don't want to, but I have to go. Mom might come up. You know how she is, and we would be busted big time." I gently started to set Rosemary onto the bed, but she grabbed hold of my neck and squeezed. The pressure of her breasts was nearly enough to change my mind, but prudence won out. "Sweetheart, you know I have to." Slowly Rosemary released me, and I set her down. I leaned in for a quick peck on the lips and stood slowly. I knew it was going to be so lonely in my room tonight, but I had to go.

Rosemary, sitting on the bed, looked up at me wistfully, before grabbing my hands and pulling herself up, and into my arms once again. "Justin, I love you."

"I know, Sweetheart, I know. And I love you back, and always will. I will never forget last night, nor will I ever forget how you look tonight." Another quick peck on the lips and I stepped back. It was wrenching, but I did it.

Rosemary looked down at my crotch, suddenly, puzzled. "You aren't even hard?"

"Not on the outside, but I will be as I remember this time. At this moment I'm overwhelmed, and I love you so much it bypassed sex." I quickly stepped back for a quick, fervent embrace; then I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door.

I wasn't a moment too soon! I had no more than cleared the door when I saw Mom turn the corner at the bottom of the stairs and start up. She had her nightgown on, with a robe over the top, and obviously had been to bed. "Hi, Mom. What's up?" and I closed Rosemary's door behind me. I knew that would give Rosemary a warning, now I just had to stall Mom for a minute to give Rosemary time to get out of that beautiful gown and throw on one of my tee-shirts like normal.

"Justin, I was just coming up to talk with you for a minute. You and Rosemary talking? You have no idea how I like to see that. You two used to be so close. Anyway, I remembered after I went to bed that Grandpa asked if I could stay over tomorrow night, and help him get Grandma to the Dr. early in the morning Wednesday morning. You kids will be OK with that, won't you?"

"Oh, sure. That'll be no problem. Is she OK?"

"Sure. Grandpa just wanted a little support I think. All of this has hit kind of hard with him, too."

"I think that's a good idea. Don't worry about us. We'll get along just fine." I hoped Rosemary had finished changing by now, but I stepped in to give Mom a good one-armed man-hug, and held her tight for just a minute. "You know, I like the way you love and care for Grandpa and Grandma. Not all kids are that way with their parents, and it bothers me to see it. I love you, Mom."

Mom looked up with moisture in her eyes and said, "Thanks, Justin. That was really sweet to say."

"Well, I meant it." And I did. Fortunately, Rosemary popped her door open, wearing my tee-shirt as I had hoped.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?"

"I forgot to tell you Grandpa wants me to stay over tomorrow night and help get Grandma to the Dr. early in the morning. Justin said you two would get along OK."

Rosemary stepped into the hallway quickly, leaving her door open so that the still made bed could be seen. Quick thinker, that girl! "Mom, you don't worry about us. Justin and I are big kids now. We're going to be on our own in just a couple of months now, anyway."

"Don't remind me! Where's your robe? You shouldn't be running around like that in front of Justin!"

Rosemary looked down and said, "Oh, I was just changing for bed when I heard you talking and I forgot to grab the robe." She swept her hand over the front of herself indicating the tee-shirt, "Justin doesn't care, anyway."

"Well, I do. I hope you won't be running around in front of everybody like that when you get to school."

Rosemary dropped her head submissively, "Oh, I don't think so. Justin's my brother. He doesn't count." She looked at me out of the corner of her eye as she said this. "Goodnight, Mom. I love you. Goodnight, again, Justin," and she turned and walked back into her room and closed the door.

Mom just shook her head, watching the door close, and then turned back to the stairs. "Goodnight, son. I'll see you in the morning." I nodded and moved to my door and entered my room on shaky legs. 'Justin doesn't care, anyway'? Oh yeah? Then why is my cock so hard and quivering?

Friday morning finally came. I was a nervous wreck, dodging through the minefield of my love for Rosemary, her love for me, and not letting Mom catch on. Since I didn't have to work Rosemary rode to school with me, which added stress to the day. I couldn't help myself. Every time I was around her I know it was obvious to anyone who knows us that something was happening.
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Somehow, I stumbled through the day, with lunch being the only time I felt like I could relax. As I had all week, I ate lunch with Susie, and since Susie already knew what was going on I could relax and not worry about slipping up. I know my grades were not what they should have been for the week, but I just could not concentrate. If I didn't straighten that out soon I knew Dad would be coming down on me hard. It isn't like any of the classes were even difficult!

Three o'clock and the final bell rang at last! I was in a fog, with thoughts of our meeting with Dad and Mom tonight, plus seeing Rosemary by our lockers, with Susie and Stephanie in tow had everything jumbled up. I was beginning to wonder if I was cracking up. I made my way down the hall feeling dread in the pit of my stomach for some unknown reason. I just knew something was going on that was going to jump up and bite me.

Stephanie grabbed my arm, rubbing her boob on it in the process, and said, "We've got to hurry, Justin. Susie and I are going over to swim for a while before your mom gets home. I got a new bikini, and you've got to be sure to let me know what you think of it." I knew something had to happen!

We got home, and I made my way to my room as soon as possible. In my state of mind I just had to get away from females as quickly as possible. My mind was already in turmoil. It wasn't but a few minutes, and I heard them coming up the stairs, laughing and talking all the way. It was then I realized I had gone all week without even turning on the monitor and the camera in the Koala. I had the real thing, I didn't need to watch! Today though was an opportunity for my original purpose and I stepped over to my computer and quickly logged in just in time to hear Stephanie talking about her new bikini. ". . . like it." Her voice dropped conspiratorially, "I wouldn't dare wear it anywhere else. I just saw it, and I thought of Justin, and just knew I had to buy it for him." Her face was a study in crimson. "I almost chickened out, so I told him at school I wanted him to tell me what he thought of it. That way I have to wear it."

Stephanie opened her bag and pulled out a series of strings and small pieces of fabric that had more missing than was actually there. I could have imagined Susie wearing something of the sort, but Stephie? She certainly was crushing on me, which I already knew, but this was at a whole new level.

"How in the world do you wear that?" gasped Susie. "That is just barely legal!"

Rosemary looked crestfallen. She knew she was not going to be able to keep me to herself, and she had told me, as well as the girls she hoped I would end up with one of them, but she was obviously feeling impending loss.

Susie opened her bag and pulled out her own suit, which I had seen last weekend, the one that was see-through when wet. Rosemary was wearing the one she had teased me with earlier as well. I was definitely in for seeing more skin, and in more provocative ways than I was accustomed to.

Stephanie pulled her shirt over her head, quickly followed by the other two, who also quickly peeled off their pants, leaving them all in panties and bras. I licked my lips in anticipation, but true to form all three girls turned their backs to the Koala before removing their underwear and pulling on their bathing suits. I loved their asses, but was disappointed to once again miss out on watching from the front side. Stephanie giggled as she turned herself back around and worked at arranging her straps in front of the mirror. "Girl, how are you going to keep that on and in place?" asked Susie.

"I've got to be really, really careful, that's for sure. Otherwise I'm going to give more of a show than I intended." She turned from the mirror to the Koala. "Mr. Koala, do you think Justin will like this one? I hope so." She turned back to Rosemary and giggled. "You know how silly this is? We won't change in front of a stuffed animal, but we ask its opinion of our outfits." She reached over and stroked the fur on its head. "Mr. Koala, you don't take us seriously, do you? Ooops!" When she bent over it loosened one of the straps of her bathing suit, which allowed a boob to pop free. I don't know if Mr. Koala liked it, but I surely did!

Her top was halter style, but the lower strings for the top didn't tie in the back. They were connected instead, after crossing the back, to the ties on the bottom. The entire outfit was held on by the tie at the back of the neck. When she bent and reached for the Koala it caused the straps to loosen, and the breast to pop free. It wasn't meant for swimming, but for looks, and/or sunning. I just might have to go down to the pool for a change!

Stephanie's suit was not the normal bikini, in that the top, which was made up of two tiny triangles, consisted of a tie that tied behind the neck, and straps that crisscrossed across her lower back and connected to the bottoms. Keeping the tops in place required her to maintain good posture, whether standing, sitting, or bending. If she allowed tension to be released the tops would come loose, and if released too much would even allow the bottoms to sag. All in all, it was a very daring suit, designed more for what it showed than what it hid.
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She turned back around after getting her boob back in place and covered her face in her hands. "I don't know if I can wear this out there after all. I told Justin I wanted his opinion, but I don't think I can really do it." She opened her bag back up, and looked inside, before wailing, "Oh no! I took it out! I don't have my other bikini!"

"Well then, I guess that answers it. You'll have to wear it, either that or skinny dip. I have an idea Justin would like that," Susie laughed. "You might be able to get Rosemary to join you if you do that."

Rosemary colored. "I don't think so! If we are going to get any time in the sun, though, we had better get going before Mom gets home. We only have an hour or so left."

I quickly shut off my monitor and hurried to be out of the room before they came out. I wanted to be sure not to miss this show! I made it down the stairs and to the kitchen before they came out of the room, and was busy drinking a Coke when I heard them coming down the stairs. I casually walked around the corner just in time to meet them at the bottom. Susie of course had to get the ball rolling and embarrass Steph.

"Hey Justin, what do you think of Steph's new suit?"

"Oh, good! She promised to show it to me to see if I liked it. Why don't you step out here where I can see it better?"

Steph blushed bright red and covered her face with her hands, but being caught as she was she stepped on out into the kitchen area, where there was more room.

"Wow! I like it! It's kind of risky, though isn't it? It looks like it might fall off. Turn around and let me see the back side." Her nipples were poking nicely through the thin fabric covering her breasts, and I could tell the embarrassment was also exciting her. If I was going to develop this I had to be careful not to overplay my hand, but to encourage her exhibitionism. I knew there was only one she was interested in exhibiting for, and that one was me. "It looks really good on you, Steph."

She had her head down somewhat, but looked up at me with a deer in the headlights look and said, "Thanks. I hoped you would like it." I noticed she took a quick look at my crotch, where I hope she was satisfied with the bulge she put there.

Yes, being a horny, red-blooded male, I liked it. On reflection, though I really liked it better when Steph was being Steph, instead of trying to outdo Susie or Rosemary. Being a little daring was one thing, but her self-confidence was so low she didn't think she could compete with others because of boob size. If only she could realize!

Working on a balky computer, clearing some nasty viruses, just because a customer didn't keep her anti-virus and anti-spyware protection up to date, kept me busy for the next fifty-five minutes before the girls came back into the house to change before Mom got home. I had purposely left my door ajar to be sure I wouldn't be surprised with the monitor on watching for them to return. As I expected, Susie stuck her head in the door and said, "Hi Justin," and stood there until I waved. I half noticed her top was still damp, and her nipples were still somewhat visible through the translucent material, but I made it a point not to "notice" them. I waited until I heard the talk and giggling in the hall way ceased, and I heard Rosemary's door close before turning the monitor back on.

Susie was half pouting when she got into the room and complained, "I was hoping Justin would be downstairs again when we came in. He didn't even notice my top when I said 'Hi' to him just now. I don't know what I have to do to get him to notice me. I mean my top is still about half see-through, and he didn't even notice. I don't know if he would notice if I pulled a Rosemary and went naked!"

"Maybe you need to quit trying so hard, and just let it happen. Maybe you are just scaring him away." Rosemary is pretty smart! Anyway, Susie was standing right in front of the Koala while complaining about me not noticing, but she couldn't tell I was noticing at that very moment, and I liked what I saw very much.

Stephanie had her back turned, and pulled the strings on the tie at her neck. When she turned the strings loose her suit puddled at her feet, and she stepped out of it, and half turned to say something to Susie, leaving her right boob in profile. How I was wishing I could take a picture of that! "Hey Suze, what do you say we try going naked with Rosemary some day? This does feel free like she says. If your mom wasn't coming home, Rosemary, I might be tempted to try it today. What do you think?"

"I'm not too sure how Justin would react to that. He wouldn't know where to look first. Between you and Susie I'd probably be ignored." Rosemary seemed a bit despondent at the thought. How little she knows!

Stephanie turned her back again, and started to dress, but then turned around and just sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back on her hands with her boobs up thrust in the air. Her pussy was neatly trimmed with a narrow landing strip. It had to be trimmed closely; else it would not have been hidden by her bikini, or whatever her suit is called. As tiny as it was there wasn't room for much hair!

Susie looked at her and said, "Why didn't you just shave it all?"

"I thought about it, but as little as I am anyway, I didn't want to look like a little girl. I thought I needed something here," and she plucked at her little tuft of hairs with her fingers. Oh how I wished I was there doing it for her. My shorts were pooled at my feet, and my rigid cock was in my hand. "You know, this really does feel free."

Susie, never one to be outdone, dropped her bikini also, and stood there in all her glory, but she still had her back to me. "I didn't trim mine down as far as you did. I just trimmed so I didn't show around my bikini. What do you think?"

"I always thought different stroke for different folks," opined Rosemary. "Everybody likes it different." Hers hit the floor about then, and I had a full frontal view of her from across the room, and if I had a choice, she was still it. I could look at her all day and not grow weary of the view. Stephanie turned on the bed to look back at her, and when she did her legs parted, allowing me to see into her pussy, which brought a major twitch and a groan from me. I waited for Susie to turn around, but Rosemary reminded them Mom would be home at any time, so they all quickly dressed, and left the room.
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I was left with a hard, dripping cock, but just a few strokes with my hand, and my knees buckled as I spurted into a handful of tissues before I pulled my shorts back up and I went downstairs.

Mom came home in a great mood. She sold another house, and one that she had listed, so she earned the whole commission. Definitely, she felt like celebrating! Our original plans were to have dinner in, but Mom called Jorgensen's, a rather upscale steak house that specialized in private business lunches, and made reservations for four, but in a private room. The private rooms were heavily used for business at the lunch hour, but there were rumors about what went on at dinner. This way we could enjoy the celebration, but also have a quiet place we could talk about the house.

Dad came in the door, obviously tired from a long week working out of town, but was excited at Mom's sale, and more than happy to celebrate it out rather than eat in. As much as he ate out when traveling he really enjoyed a home cooked meal when he returned, but since his wife was quite busy with her real estate office, home cooked meals were not common. She is an excellent cook, but just not home enough to cook for the family very often.

The dinner was good, with a lot of talking and laughing, as was normal when we all got together. I, normally the serious one of the group thought about the differences in our family and those of other guys I knew. Almost all of them complained of their parents and didn't care to be around them any more than necessary, whereas Rosemary and I had a very close relationship with ours. In many ways it surpassed parent/child and became almost on a friendship basis. My brow furrowed a bit in thought as I pondered the situation. I couldn't call it 'friends', because there was a definite authority factor involved, but it went beyond the norm.

"Justin, what's on your mind, dear? You haven't been with us for the last little bit?"

"Sorry, Mom. I was just thinking about us, and how we are so different than all the guys I know. None of them would want to be out with their parents like this, but to Rosemary and me, well, we love being with you guys. I was just trying to understand the difference."

"Thank you, honey. We love being with you kids as well. Unfortunately, many parents don't take the time to be with their children from an early age, and try to be friends instead of parents. If they would have acted more like parents earlier on they could act more like friends later. Your Dad and I have tried very hard to give you responsibility, and as you have taken on responsibility it has allowed us to relax the hard side of parenting and to enjoy just being us." She reached over and grabbed my hand affectionately. "You have both become very responsible young adults, and we have been able to treat you almost as adults for quite some time now. I think that is the difference in our relationships."

Dad chimed in, "If we spend time enjoying being with each other instead of constantly having to tell you what to do, or not do it changes attitudes. We don't have to corral you and security officer where you go and what you do. You both have been very good at following our guidelines, and we don't have to worry about you when we both have to be away. Actually, I'm glad you bring it up, Son, because that is in a large measure the reason for this dinner tonight."

Dad took a quick glance at Mom, who gave a smile and slight nod.

"We have a proposition for you two, if you are interested. The house we have in mind is under contingency of "approval of partners," which means if you don't like the idea we will cancel the offer and find a different property. We have in mind an old Victorian mansion that was built by a railroad tycoon around the turn of the last century. It has been owned by an insurance company, and used as offices for several years now, but went into foreclosure when they went bankrupt. We can purchase it for a fraction of its value, but it will need some work to make it usable. It is in a mixed use neighborhood, so we have been able to clear any zoning issues, and it has ample parking."

"We propose purchasing the property, with you two as managing partners to oversee it. There were nine bedrooms originally. They have been converted to office space and must be converted back, but there is other space that can be converted into bedrooms as well, plus areas that can be set aside for study areas. Because they were converted for offices there is more than enough power to each room, plus each room is hardwired for data, which will be good for internet service.

Our concept is for the two of you to manage the property, and we will rent out rooms to students at ASU, as well as a number of other schools in the area. This will be sufficient to cover your schooling and provide some pocket money, so that you won't have to go out and try to find minimum wage jobs. What are your thoughts on the concept?"

I looked at Rosemary, and she looked back at me, both of us wide-eyed at the idea! "Absolutely!" I managed to get out after a moment or two. Rosemary just nodded with a big smile on her face. Of course neither of us really knew what we were getting into, but the potential seemed too good to be true. If it was other than my parents I wouldn't have believed it for a minute.

"You said we would be 'managing partners?' Does that mean we would be part owners, too?"

"Yes. It will be purchased by an LLC, and each of us will be 25% owners. You two will be managing partners, but your mother and I will retain veto rights, just in case we think you are going crazy with it. I know that will not be an issue, but it is set up that way legally to protect us because we are putting up the money. You two will be providing sweat equity."

Rosemary asked, "What do we have to do?"

"Well, to start, the house is going to need some TLC to get it ready for occupants. Mostly, paint and light stuff. Justin will want to do some electrical and electronic upgrades, security items, and stuff. We'll talk about that more tomorrow when we look at the place. Unfortunately, you will have to start almost immediately after graduation to get it all done in time. It is livable while you are working on it, so you won't be commuting. We'll hire contractors for the heavy stuff, but there really won't be that much to be done. The house is in remarkably good condition. Then, you will be responsible for renting out rooms, and taking care of day to day issues. All applications will be reviewed by the four of us before accepting, and each renter will also have to be backed by a parent for security. Your mother will handle the legal paperwork and contracts."

Mom spoke up, "We will limit occupancy to females, with no boys allowed in the house other than on the main floor in the common areas. We don't want to open ourselves up to other issues more than we have to. Justin, do you think you can handle that? The turret room at the top of the house is the largest, and I think the nicest room, and it would be yours. For some reason it has a private stairway as well as through the other areas, so you would not have to be in the girls areas, other than when you are needed there for some purpose."

"I think I can handle that." Rosemary just smirked at me from across the table, and I felt her foot sliding up my calf, before she pulled her foot back. "I have one other question, though? What happens after we graduate?"

Dad handled this one. "We considered that, and what we are thinking is this; either we can retain the property and continue to operate it if we wish, or by that time the market should be improved enough to sell it for a substantial profit. However, if we maintain 80% occupancy, and I see no reason we should not, we will turn a nice profit if we sell the property for the same price as we purchased it, plus we will have paid for your schooling and allowed you to earn pocket money along the way. This is not going to be just a piece of cake. You two will earn everything you make, but I think it is the best way to go, and it will be educational for you."

"Let me add one other thing. This is not going to be a Sorority, nor will it be run like one! It will not be a party house, but a place for students to live without all of the ruckus that goes on in the dorms or the Sororities. I didn't say it won't be enjoyable, but it is not party central. Are we clear on that?"
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Rosemary and I both nodded affirmatively. "You two have shown maturity around the house, and haven't been partiers, even when we were away and you could have tried it, which is why we thought you could handle this. Let's go home and get some rest tonight. We pick up your grandparents at 6:30 tomorrow, and it may turn out to be a long day, after a very long week."

"I'm so glad Grandma is feeling up to going with us! That will make the trip so much fun!" said Rosemary. "Grandpa too, of course!"

Mom laughed as she stood to leave. "Your grandmother said to tell you that if you don't behave up there she will move in and run the place right!" Now if we could have Grandpa and Grandma as "house parents," it WOULD be a fun place! Forget not being a party house!

When we arrived back at our house everyone split up for the night, and I headed for my room. I wanted to get a head start on a paper I had to write for Senior English. I plugged in Sibelius' symphonies, always good studying or thinking music, and started researching the web for my material when my door quietly opened and Rosemary slipped into my room, wearing only a thin, and well-worn, tee-shirt. She had never just walked in on me before.

"I didn't want to knock, just in case Mom or Dad heard it, although I think they are rather busy right now," she giggled and grinned. "I hoped you wouldn't mind, though. It's not like we have any secrets now, is it? I mean, what haven't you seen?" She laughed. "I might have caught you spanking the monkey or something like that, but I would have just had to help you."

I just shook my head resignedly. Her nipples were obviously excited about her being in my room as she was, and I found myself responding as well.

"I just had to see you. We haven't been able to be together since we almost got caught the other night. Quick thinking, by the way. Thanks."

"No prob."

Rosemary walked over behind my desk chair and dbangd her arms across my shoulders, and let her hands slide back and forth across my abdomen while her breasts pillowed my shoulders. Her chin rested lightly on the top of my head. "I can't believe we get to go up there together this summer to work on the house." She sighed contentedly and gave me a little squeeze. "I had to laugh at Mom asking you if you could handle living in a house full of college girls! I mean, what if they all ran around dressed something like this? You would just hate it, I'm sure!"

I lifted my head up to where I could look into her eyes. "How will you handle it? Stephie seemed to be getting under your skin earlier this afternoon."

Tears welled up in her eyes. I swiveled my chair around and seated her on my lap and put my arms about her, protectively. She buried her head in my neck and said quietly, "I'll handle it. I don't say it will be easy, but I'll handle it. I know I can't keep you to myself, although I want to. I just hope it is someone like Steph or Susie that I like and will let me share you. Not in bed necessarily, but seeing you and being part of your life." There was a quiet sniffle, and she went on, "That's why it is important to me to spend as much time with you as I can right now."

"That goes for me as well. Whatever guy is lucky enough to get you had better be someone who will let me be a part of your life, as well. I'll always love you."

"I wish I could spend the night with you. It just feels so right, with you holding me in your arms like this." She sighed, and snuggled her nose even more deeply into the junction of my neck and shoulder. "I don't even care about the sex right now, just feeling loved and secure." She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes, and then leaned in for a very tender kiss. "Think of me tonight. I'll be thinking of you," and she stood and walked somewhat unsteadily to the door before turning back toward me. "Thank you, Justin. I love you," and with a stealthy peek into the hallway she was gone. Suddenly, my room felt

so empty, and I was so alone.
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My room felt lonely when the alarm finally went off Saturday morning. I had tossed and turned all night after Rosemary left my room to go to bed. I had never been lonesome in here before, but now it seemed I was lonely all the time if she wasn't around. Tired and edgy from lack of sleep, I wandered to the bathroom to grab a quick shower before Rosemary for a change. I knew it would take an act of Congress to get her moving this early, and thought I'd be ahead of the game to get mine while she was waking up. Imagine my surprise when the door opened and Rosemary slipped in as I was dropping my robe to the floor. Grouchy though I was, I couldn't help noticing how good that thin tee shirt looked on her, especially since it was all she had on! Mom's scolding obviously hadn't changed her dress habits in front of me, not that I would complain, mind you! "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm going to take a shower, what else?" She gave me a cheeky grin, and pulled the shirt over her head before placing a hand on her hip, striking a pose. "Mom and Dad are taking one together. I heard them talking when I walked past their door on the way to start the coffee. If we hurry we can take one together, too."

"Are you sure we're safe? I'm nervous about this."

"Relax. Mom promised Dad a . . . ," blushing furiously she paused. "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but then I can't believe I heard her saying it. She obviously didn't know I was at the door. She promised him a blow job. I can't believe our parents are doing that!"

"Well, I guess they get to have fun, too, don't they? And Dad was gone all week."

Rosemary stepped into my arms for a hug, and the feeling of her soft skin on mine did nothing to make my cock go back down. "If we hurry, we'll be OK, and if we hurry fast enough, who knows. I might be nice to you, too." She broke away from our embrace and quickly started the water, while I brushed my teeth. I figured I might as well save all the time possible. I certainly didn't want to get caught in the shower with my sister.

I must say, brushing my teeth while watching my sister getting into the shower was the most enjoyable time I've ever spent in personal hygiene. I quickly rinsed my teeth, and dropped my brush into the container and got into the shower with Rosemary. While she was shampooing her hair I grabbed a washcloth and liberally applied some body wash and started soaping her back, paying particular attention to her ass, and then I knelt and did homage to her legs. A little shampoo, and of course water kept getting into my eyes, but that was a very minor price to pay for the pleasure. Rosemary turned around to rinse her hair, and once again I was overwhelmed by her beauty. I knelt at her feet and just looked up at her body, disregarding the water as it cascaded into my face.

On impulse, I suddenly leaned forward and planted my face at the vee of her legs, feeling her tiny landing strip on the bridge of my nose as I placed a gentle kiss on the top outer edge of her pussy. Slowly I stood to my feet and pulled her into my arms and kissed her wet face. Rosemary's eyes twinkled as she looked at me. "That was nice, Justin. That was very nice." Quickly, remembering the time factor, I reloaded the washcloth with body wash and began washing the front of her body. I could get used to doing this every day for the rest of my life! The curling streaks of suds around her breasts, and the swirling lines they left across her belly, and the way they accented her awesome figure were stunning, and I had to step back to admire my handiwork!

Again, I knelt to wash her legs, but I paid particular attention to her landing strip and pussy before I regretfully rinsed out the cloth and began my own ablutions. I had shampoo suds in my hair and eyes when I suddenly felt soft hands returning the favor, with the feeling of the soft washcloth spreading body wash over me, and a soft hand caressing it into the skin. I personally never use body wash myself, just opting for the bar soap, but if it came with an applicator like this morning's I would be fully in favor! When I turned to rinse my hair I found a soft, warm, body caressing me from behind, and a pair of hands around on the front side gently stroking my rampant cock. Rosemary had sufficient body wash on her hands to provide lubrication as she quickly stroked me and caressed my balls.

The stimuli from the night before, as well as all that happened this morning, plus her soft boobs rubbing against my back while she stroked my cock had me cumming in just a matter of a couple of minutes. I had to grab at the towel bar in the shower to keep from falling, the sensations were so great. When I was able to catch my breath I turned to see a big smile on Rosemary's face. "Did you like that, big brother?" All I could manage was a nod and a kiss.

"I didn't do anything like that for you," I said. "That wasn't fair."

"Oh, I didn't expect anything. I just did that because it was fun. Maybe another time I'll give you what Mom is giving Dad." She gave me a big grin, and then a little peck on the cheek. "Why don't you grab a towel and hurry to your room. You can come back and shave when I'm done in just a minute. We'll just tell them you came in first, but let me take care of my shower before you came back to shave, if anybody asks." I just nodded my head, grabbed a towel and slipped out the door and into my room.
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We needn't have worried, because both of us were sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when Mom and Dad came from their room, ready to go, but with a very satisfied look on their faces. It looked like the day started off well all the way around!

We all got into the Denali, and headed off to pick up Grandpa and Grandma for the trip. Rosemary and I climbed into the back seats, leaving the middle ones for the G'parents. Actually, I was happy they were going along, because that left the two of us where we could talk and not be under the direct eye of Mom the whole time. Rosemary was wearing a tight pair of shorts and a snug tank top that, while not as tight as those old volleyball shorts and shirt she had been wearing to tease me, had garnered a disapproving eye from Mom, although she didn't tell her to go change.

While Grandma and Grandpa were getting settled in the car, and a lot of confusion was going on, I put my hand on Rosemary's knee and slid it up her leg to the bottom of her shorts. She shivered from the contact, especially from my fingertips, which were on the inside of her leg. "You should have worn a gunny sack or something. You're going to have me hard all day," I whispered. "Thank you for this morning. That was dangerous, but I needed it."

Rosemary just smiled at me, and put her hand on top of mine, effectively trapping it at the very top of her thigh. The way the seats were configured, Grandma would have to really turn around to see my hand on her leg. Rosemary, feeling full of herself, just started up a conversation with Grandma as if I wasn't even in the car. Her fingers kept caressing my hand, though.

The house in Scottsdale was huge! There is no other way to describe it, and had it not been for my mother's real estate connections we never would have been able to find it at the price we did. The economy had driven the insurance company out of business, and business office space was a glut on the market. If my parents had not had the presence of mind to think outside the box and creatively about student housing the place would have remained empty for quite some time. To restore the house to its original glory for a single family would have taken a very special type of person who was into antiques. There would be potential for a Bed and Breakfast, except the community was trending more toward business, and would not have the draw other areas would have. It fit our purposes perfectly, though.

Rosemary squealed with delight as soon as she saw the place. The Victorian construction was different than the rest of the area, which of course has a very Southwestern/Mexican flavor in architectural styles. The size of the grounds was impressive, with plenty of parking for our needs. In fact we had more spaces available than would be needed on a regular basis. There was a large coach house that I looked at as having potential, but that would be down the road. How it would tie in I would find out quite a bit later, but that is for another time.

The local realtor, who had the listing for the bank drove up as we were looking over the grounds and exterior of the house. It needed paint, but the roof looked to be in good condition. Before the realtor could get out of her car I edged over to Rosemary and cocked an eyebrow at her questioningly. "It's ours, Justin. I just love it."

"Good. That was my thought exactly. It will be a lot of work, but if we do it right we will not only put ourselves through school, but this can be the beginning of building our wealth." I looked over at Dad, who was watching our responses. I just nodded, and he smiled and nodded back. Rosemary and I walked over by him and Mom and I just said quietly, "Unless there is something inside that nixes it, and I know you two have already looked it over, I'd say do it."

Dad smiled again and said, "I see a lot of potential here, potential beyond just getting you two through school."

"That's what I was just telling Rosemary. I see this as just a start, with a lot of potential for growth."

"Grandpa came walking over just then. "Is the inside as good as the outside, Pete?" Dad just nodded. "I'd like to get involved then. I've been looking for a place to put my 401k, and I would like to finance the purchase. I think it would be a good investment opportunity for me, and I'm not really happy about what my broker has been doing with my moneys the last few years. What do you say?"
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Dad stuck out his hand. "Welcome aboard. We can work out the details later if you really want a part."

"Hi, folks, I'm Donna Wilkinson, your realtor for this property. I'm sorry you beat me here!"

"Hello, Donna. That really is no problem. We got here early, and had an opportunity to look around the exterior. You aren't late." Mom was being every inch the realtor in return, acting almost as if she was selling the property to Donna, instead of vice-versa. I knew Donna had the authority to accept or reject the deal on behalf of the bank, and recognized right away what Mom was doing. Mom would never cheat anyone, but she was adept at maneuvering the situation to her vantage. "Just for the record, I am not acting in capacity as a realtor in this matter, as I am one of the principals."

"Right. I remember. Shall we go inside?"

Rosemary gasped when she saw the ceiling { frieze (check word)} in the foyer. Designs were inlaid into the plaster that looked like a ribbon that looped and curled around an intricately detailed rose. Whoever did the plasterwork was a real master of his craft. "Oh, Justin. I love it!" She squeezed my arm and snuggled close. I was afraid someone would wonder about us, but they seemed to mark it down to excitement and exuberance, since we would be both living there.

Donna, though, almost tumbled to it, saying, "Not bad for a starter home, right?" with a big smile at Rosemary. I felt things go cold inside, but it passed over and no one thought anything of it, but just laughed.

The lower floor had twelve foot ceilings, with dark walnut trim around the floorboards and windows that was milled in an ornate style not seen in a hundred years. The original owner had spared no expense in the house, but yet managed not to leave an overbearing impression. Dated opulence, but I found it to be beautiful. It didn't leave an impression of a museum, but had a warmth and comfort that felt like 'home'. So many times the balance is not struck when building such an edifice, but they managed it this time. I know Rosemary felt it as well, as she held to my arm and constantly squeezed it as each new feature was seen.

I could go on and on about the features of the house, but that is beyond the bounds of this story. Suffice it to say the rest of the lower floor matched up, with a large dining room, a smaller cozy breakfast area, and a library/office, complete with floor to ceiling bookshelves and a rolling ladder encircling the room, giving access to the upper shelves. Tech geek that I am, I am also a voracious reader, and my mouth watered at the idea of the room filled with leather bound tomes.

An antiques walnut desk, obviously built for the room, was the focal point of the far wall, centered between wide, nearly floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the back portion of the estate. When one looked at the desk it was obvious why it had been left with the property. It was massive, and quite heavy. It would be out of place in any room less magnificent than this. Looking at Rosemary, I said, "I claim the desk." She squeezed my arm and giggled excitedly. There was more than ample space in the room to set up several small study tables, and the room would lend itself, with the ambiance to encourage it, to a quiet room for doing homework.

The kitchen was spacious, and could be adapted for multiple users with some work, but that was what we expected. Though it was not designed as an eat-in kitchen it looked to me like we could install a counter with seats to take some of the pressure off the breakfast area if everyone wanted to eat at once, which should not be a problem. There was a large pantry area, which would work well for segregating shelves, giving storage space for food stuffs for each of the tenants as well. Off the pantry was a stairway, which Mom told me was the private stairs to the turret room, which would allow me access to my room without having to go through the other areas.

We made our way back to the foyer to the wide, curving stairs that led to the second floor. Ornate carved walnut bannisters rimmed the edge, with a large carved rearing horse forming the newel post. An antique oriental carpet runner marked the stair treads. The second floor was not as opulent as the lower, but the appointments, also all walnut, accented the hallways. The ceilings were all ten feet high, lower than the first floor, but gave a much more spacious feeling than in most modern homes.

It was when we looked into the individual rooms, which had been converted to office space that we found things had been modernized significantly. The ceilings had all been lowered with drop ceiling, and florescent lighting installed. The electrical system had been upgraded, and each room had internet access hardwired, which would provide options, although wireless access was also in place. I was going to take a good look at it, but it looked to me like there wasn't a lot for me to do with it.

Converting these rooms back to bedrooms would not be difficult, and they were all large enough to install twin beds and make double occupancy. Being of the age it was, the house did not have a lot of closet space, but armoires could easily be installed in the rooms to provide ample storage without interfering with the antique ambiance. Even with the drop ceilings the rooms still had the flavor of the era.

Bathrooms were going to be a little difficult to make work. Each wing of the house had a bathroom; that I was glad to see the insurance company, in its upgrades, had not altered significantly. Each one had an antique claw tub with high sides. We were going to have to install surround shower curtains and some and held shower heads. At least, these were minor upgrades and would not take much work or expense. The only issue was they would be shared by four girls. At least they had double sinks and wide mirrors installed in each room.

When we went up to the third level we found smaller rooms that would lend themselves well to single occupancy, having been used either as servant's quarters or a nursery. There were also two extra rooms, giving a total of ten rooms available. Two of the rooms had not been counted as bedrooms in the write-up on the property because they did not have closet space, but as with the others we would install an armoire. At the end was a small stair that led to the turret room, above this floor, with access also to the attic.

Immediately, I knew I was going to like this room due to its size. Unlike the rooms on the lower floors it did not have a hallway, but was the width of the house, less the roof incline. In England it would be called a garret, but I was more than satisfied as it was at least half larger than the rooms on the lower levels. The turret itself had a great view over the front and rear of the property, plus a great skyline view of Scottsdale. It had a bit of a strange configuration, with built in bookshelves blocking about half of the expected rear window area that projected into the turret. It was the only thing in the house that did not appear to be symmetrical, taking up nearly a fourth of the circumference of the area. One would normally expect such a thing to follow the rounded shape of the turret, but it wasn't a serious issue, but rather a curiosity. I puzzled over it for a few minutes, but then disregarded it as inconsequential and moved on.
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Mom and Donna were in the library slash office going over the contract when we returned to the main floor. That we were going to purchase the property was a foregone conclusion, and Grandpa coming in with the financing made it a much quicker matter since we didn't have to go to the bank for a mortgage. Mom was able to negotiate a little lower price as a result, and we were able to move the closing up to the next week. Rosemary gave Dad a big hug and said "Thank you," followed by a hug for Grandpa and Grandma. Neither of them had felt up to climbing the stairs, so they had not seen the upstairs, but what they saw on the lower level was more than enough for them. Rosemary came back over to me and gave me a hug as well. "Can you really believe we got to live here instead of a dorm? This is beautiful, Justin. I just love it, and I can't wait to have it, and you, alone. It is better than I ever dreamed possible!" Everything was too good to be true.

Dad and I started discussing work that needed to be done. Of course, the interior needed to be painted throughout, and a good portion of the exterior as well. Security needed to be upgraded, and we discussed electronic locks with card readers for each of the tenants, as well as security cameras at the doors. Rosemary and I would try to do as much of this work as we could, hiring out some minor plumbing upgrades and renovating the kitchen to make it more user friendly for multiple users. Carpeting needed to be replaced in all of the bedrooms, the dining room and library. The hardwood floors in the rest of the first level would be left alone. We would see what we thought we could accomplish in the first couple of months, and then see if we needed to bring in outside help. One thing is for sure, we were going to have our hands full trying to get everything ready for occupancy before school started in the fall.

I needed to give Jim my notice Saturday for sure. I couldn't leave him until I completed Hulvey's theater room, but would have to have weekends free from then on, and would not be available during the summer at all. I really hated to leave him because he had been so good to me for so many years now, but life goes on. I knew he would not fault me for it and in fact I knew he would be happy for me, but it felt almost as bad as leaving home. As a sop to my conscience I would order all electronics through Jim. I owed him at least that much. Perhaps, if he was interested we could talk later about opening a second store in Scottsdale, with me running it for him, but that was miles down the road yet.
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Mom and Donna came out of the library with big smiles on their faces. I knew the look in Mom's eyes said she had negotiated the price down quite a bit. I know Donna wanted a higher price, but she was very happy to have this property, that was going to be difficult to sell otherwise, off of the books. Mom had the contract in hand, and Dad, Rosemary, and I signed it. Grandpa was with them, and had made arrangements with Donna for the financial side of things. All that remained to be done was the closing, which was set up for the following Thursday. That was extremely fast, but with a cash deal a lot of red tape was cut out. I learned something from this. Always deal in cash when possible! It certainly simplified things, and negotiating was a lot easier!

Grandma, who owned an interior decorating company until five years ago had started sketching some ideas for the first floor, and based on our descriptions of the 2nd and 3rd floors was jotting notes for those areas as well. Honestly, I think the purchase of this property was giving her a whole new lease on life as well. She has been enjoying her retirement, but over the last several months has grown restless, needing a purpose in life. This gave her one, at least in the short term. She was keeping things simple, and inexpensive, but making them pretty, which would attract the sort of tenants we wanted for the residence. Rosemary, and a little later Mom, was involved in this with her.

Dad, Grandpa and I sat down on the stairs and discussed some of the changes that needed to be made, and some of the financial requirements. Dad was a little concerned about Grandpa putting all his eggs in one basket with the property, but Grandpa waved them off. "Student housing is something that will always be needed. I've been reading on this for the last month, since we heard you were considering this for the kids, and I think you've struck a gold mine. We are buying the property right, far below actual value, so I'm not at risk there. If we decide it isn't working for us, there are companies who specialize in this very thing, so we can get out at any time. We will have a going concern, with an excellent, desirable, property so I don't see any reason for concern. I wouldn't do this elsewhere, but I have a vested interest in the success of this project whether I invest or not. It just makes sense to Grandma and me right now. If it all fell apart it would hurt, but it wouldn't destroy us."

The numbers Dad and Grandpa were tossing around for doing the renovations were staggering to me, so I just sat and listened. Electronics I know, but the other areas of discussion were like a foreign language to me. I could do a lot of the work, and had somewhat here and there, but when it came to planning and knowing pricing I was over my head. That's one thing I really appreciate about my Grandpa, though. He didn't just throw stuff around and leave me in the dark, but took the time to help me understand. "Justin, let this be a lesson to you. Anytime you get involved in any type of financial dealings don't go into it solely on the advice of someone else. If you don't understand, don't do it! That's one of the big issues I've had with my broker lately. He wants me to get into areas I don't understand, strictly on his advice. That is dangerous! I'm not saying he is trying to cheat me. I really don't believe he is. He has always been honest with me in the past, but there is just too much of an area of temptation that I won't put in front of anyone."

It was a quiet ride home, after we stopped for dinner. Grandpa and Grandma dozed in the middle seats, which left any conversation low voiced and confined to front and back. That suited Rosemary and me very well. We sat snuggled against each other and held hands the whole way home. Rosemary was almost giddy with excitement, while I was thrilled with the possibilities I was also concerned with some of the responsibilities I would be shouldering. Rosemary leaned in and gave me a gentle peck on the cheek. It was not sexual in nature, but simply an expression of her love that I fully understood, and I squeezed her hand in return. Nothing more was needed.

Fifteen minutes from Grandpa's house everything changed. Rosemary received a frantic call from Stephanie on her cell phone. "Hey, there Steph! The place is beautiful! Just wait until you see it!"

"Later, Rosemary. You've got to come quickly. We were in a terrible accident, and Susie may not live!"

"No! What happened?" That woke Grandpa, who turned around to see what was happening.

"We were at the mall to see a movie. We were driving home when a drunk driver blew a light and hit us right on Susie's door. They airlifted her to the hospital, and it looks bad. I'm OK, just banged up pretty badly, but they are releasing me. Can you come down here? I don't want to be alone, and my family isn't around."

"We'll be there as soon as we can make it. Hang on." Rosemary hanged up the call and turned and buried her face in my shoulder. Instinctively I put an arm around her and held her tight. I had heard the conversation, so I didn't need to ask questions.

I saw Dad looking back at us in the mirror, so I told him what was going on. He just nodded and made a quick left turn at the next intersection and drove quickly. He turned to look into the middle seat and said, "Dad, you don't mind if I drop the kids off at the hospital before I take you home, do you?"

"By all means, no! Let's see what is going on there, first. I know Susie, and I want to see what's happening, too."

I'm not saying Dad sped, or anything, but we made excellent time to the hospital, and all of us hurried into the Emergency entrance. Of course, since we were not family they wouldn't let us in to see Steph, but promised to let her know we were there. A few minutes later, a nurse came back to where we were sitting and asked Rosemary and me to follow her. "She asked that you be allowed to come back to her room. This is unusual, but since her family is not available I will allow it. She is concerned about needing a ride home in just a few minutes." Grandpa pulled a business card from his wallet and handed it to me as we started to follow the nurse.

"Justin, she probably won't need this, but just in case, give it to her." I took the card and hurried off after the nurse.
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When we got back to the cubical Steph where was being treated many tears were shed between the two girls. Steph kept saying it was her fault that Susie was hurt, but obviously it was not. A young security officer officer arrived shortly after we did, and had some paperwork that he wanted to finish. I didn't think Steph was in any condition to be talking with him at the moment, especially since she was talking about it being her fault. She was not talking legal fault, but I knew how such a thing could be twisted out of context by prosecutors and lawyers. Even though I had not given Grandpa's card to Steph yet I just interrupted the officer and extended the card to him. "Sir, I understand you need to finish up your report, but Stephanie is in no condition to do so at this time. Here is her attorney's card. He's in the waiting room if you would care to speak with him now."

"Wow. You ambulance chasers don't waste time, do you?"

"Sir, with all respect, I find that remark to be outside the bounds of professional conduct as well as quite offensive! My grandfather is not now, nor has he ever been an 'ambulance chaser' as you called him. Stephanie is our friend, and called us as we were returning from Scottsdale, asking us to come. Grandpa was with us, and offered his services as a friend, pro bono, because he knew how some of you can be. He is retired, but still a member in good standing of the bar, and he will be representing Steph, unless she chooses otherwise."

"I'm sorry. I misunderstood, and my comment was totally uncalled for. I apologize. I deal with lawyers all the time who hear accident reports on the scanner, and often reach the hospital before we do, trying to score clients. That does not excuse my conduct, though."

"I understand, and I assure you he would share your sentiments. I'm just a bit protective of his reputation I guess. No offense and your apology is accepted. Would you care to speak with him? I really don't think Steph is in any condition to deal with this at the moment."

"Thank you. I believe I will. At least I can get his contact info and things. It is a lot easier if I can complete things right away, but it usually doesn't happen." He noted Grandpa's name and info then said, "I'll just speak to him for a moment and then leave things in his hands." He handed Steph the security officer report she had to fill out, along with his report, and left.

"Thanks, Justin. That's why I wanted you to come back here. Besides not wanting to be alone, that is. I knew you would take care of me."

A young Dr. bustled into the room at that moment, looked at us warily, but Stephanie assured him it was OK to speak in front of us. "All right, young lady. We are going to let you go home now if you have anyone to care for you at home. Do you?"

Tears welled up in Steph's eyes. "My mom and her boyfriend went out of town for the weekend. I can't even reach them on her cellphone."

Rosemary spoke up quickly. "It's OK, Dr. Steph will be coming home with us. We'll care for her until her mother gets home at least."

"All right. I'm giving you some prescriptions for pain and to help you sleep. I want you to take them as prescribed. Please don't abuse them. They aren't for fun, but you will need the help to rest. Please follow up with your physician on Monday." He handed the scripts to her, and she promptly gave them to Rosemary.

"Please, Dr. I have to know how Susie is doing?"


"Yes, the other girl who was hurt in the wreck. They airlifted her here, and I have to know how she is." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "She and Rosemary are my best friends, and I don't know what I will do if she dies."

"She is in surgery right now. She's badly hurt, but I don't believe she is in danger of dying. I really can't say more than that at the moment, because I don't know any more."

"Thank you." He bustled back out of the room, obviously quite busy, and a nurse brought in some release forms for Steph to sign, along with a bag of her clothes, which were not wearable due to blood stains all over them. She also had a robe for Steph to wear.

"I'll have to ask you to leave, Sir, for just a moment so we can get Stephanie decent to go out. I know this isn't very pretty, hun, but it is all I have available, unless one of you brought her a change of clothes?"

Rosemary just shook her head, "Sorry, but we were just coming into town when Steph called. We just hurried over here, and I didn't even think about bringing her something to wear."
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"Not a problem. Just return the robe in the next couple of days, and be sure they mark it down so you aren't billed for it. I hope you heal up quickly. You aren't badly hurt, and you are lucky. You could have been like a young lady we had airlifted in here earlier!"

"I know. Susie was with me."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that!" Her face flamed with embarrassment. "She is going to be OK. But it was really touch and go for a little bit. I just saw her a minute ago when they brought her out of surgery."

"Oh! Can we see her?"

"I'm sorry, but that is not possible. She is in recovery now, and wouldn't know you are here. From there she will be going to ICU until at least Monday. Maybe then, but call first."

Stephanie was crestfallen, but nodded. "Thanks." I stepped into the hall, and waited just a moment until a CNA arrived with a wheelchair. We made our way to the waiting area, where our very concerned parents and grandparents sat talking quietly.

When Rosemary explained the situation to them Dad quickly jumped up and went out to get the SUV. He pulled up to the door and carefully helped Stephanie into the front seat while Mom got into the middle with Grandpa and Grandma and Rosemary and I crawled into the back. Grandpa leaned forward and talked with Steph for a few minutes, then said, "My offer to represent you stands. I'm retired, but I'm still a member of the bar. I don't want a cent from you, but I know you will be swarmed with 'ambulance chasers' before you have a chance to turn around. I'll bet there are messages on your answering machine at home now, and you'll be getting all kinds of mail advertising their services. Some of them are good, but some are jackleg lawyers who are merely scum in striped pants. I never practiced personal injury law, but I have had to deal with a number of them who will take on any case hoping to get a settlement rather than go to court, just so they get their cut of the money. I always thought that was distasteful. However, I also think drunk driving is distasteful, and I'll be happy to do all I can to help you deal with whoever it was that hit you."

"Thank you, sir. It is Susie I'm really worried about. Her parents just left on a cruise, and they won't be back for ten days. Can you do anything for her?"

"I planned to make her the same offer when I can. With her parents out of the country she is going to need help. She is eighteen isn't she?"

"Yes sir."

"Well that makes it a little easier all the way around. Her parents need to be notified, and possibly they can appoint me to represent them and her until she is able to make her own choices. I don't want someone to slip in there while she is not fully cogent and get her to sign something to represent her. It has happened before, more than once! Again, understand, I don't want a nickel out of this. You are my granddaughter's friends. That is all I want or need."

We dropped Grandpa and Grandma off at their house and made our way home. One thing I really love about Mom and Dad is the way they reach out to others who have needs, and are not the least bit selfish about what they have. There was never a question Stephanie would come to our house at least until her mom got home. Rosemary had known this; of course, when she said Steph would be cared for by us. Mom's only question was whether she would prefer a guest room, or if she would prefer to share Rosemary's king-size bed.

Dad backed the Denali into the garage, rather than drive it in, so that Steph's door would be by the door into the house, and she wouldn't have to walk around the car to get into the house. By now, soreness had really set in, and muscles were stiff. I took one arm, and Rosemary took the other, and we got her into the house. Mom had her sit down at the kitchen table and fixed her a cup of hot tea to go with a little snack she prepared. Steph's meds really needed to be taken with food, and she and Susie had not eaten dinner yet before the accident. I know she was famished, but it was obvious she was quite uncomfortable.

As soon as she had eaten a little, and drank the tea with her meds Rosemary started to help her to her room. It was immediately obvious, though that the stairs would be impossible for her tonight. She was just too sore and stiff to climb them. Mom suggested she possibly use the couch, but Rosemary suggested I carry her instead. Steph thought for a moment and then thanked Mom and said if I didn't mind, she thought she would be better in the bed.

I know that being carried up the stairs by me wasn't the most comfortable thing Steph ever experienced, but I think being held in my arms more than made up for it in her mind. She wrapped her arms around my neck and managed to press at least one of her breasts against me the whole time I carried her. It was immediately obvious to me her bra had been removed along with her clothes at the hospital. She is such a little thing carrying her up the stairs was no great hardship, and holding her like this was more than enough compensation. Rosemary gave me a knowing smile and a little bit of a wink when she knew no one else was watching.
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I got to the top of the stairs, and started to set Stephie down, but Rosemary piped up and said, "Go ahead and carry her down to my room. Don't make her walk it." I didn't mind, especially when Steph slid around a little in my arms so she could get both boobs against me at once. Hospital robes are made to protect one's privacy, but only the bare minimum is done with them, and the way she shifted caused it to gap open so that I was looking down into her robe and saw her left nipple poking out from the end of her breast. Quickly, I averted my eyes, but the picture in my mind was going to stay there for quite a long time!

I think Rosemary has the perfect body, in my estimation, but that doesn't mean I don't like to look at others, too! I had certainly enjoyed seeing Stephie through the eyes of Mr. Koala, but that didn't compare to the real thing right there in my arms. I almost stumbled, but caught myself in time. Steph's arms tightened around my neck, pulling her breasts tightly against my chest again. I had allowed myself to be distracted and nearly fell.

I nearly lost it again when Stephie snuggled her face into my neck and gave me a little kiss. "Thank you, Justin. I know I can always count on you when I need you." Again, another hug, and the feeling of her breasts smashed against my chest. My cock had been growing somewhat from just holding her, but when I saw her nipple, and then the way she kept rubbing her boobs against me and I couldn't help it. The last thing she needed right now was to have me perving on her, I thought, but she had other ideas. In her mind this was the best time to get me paying attention to her, and she was doing all she could to get my attention. The problem is: she had it!

Rosemary, the little minx, hadn't missed a bit of what was going on, and I know it was tearing her up to see it, but she was determined to encourage things between Stephie and me. She had told me she hoped I would fall for either of the two friends, knowing they would want her to be part of our lives. I saw her look at the bulge in my shorts and smirk at me. She went ahead of us into her room to turn down the bed, and dallied a bit, leaving Steph in my arms just that little bit longer. Stephanie leaned back a bit to see what she was doing, and again her robe opened, exposing her whole left boob to my gaze. Yes, I looked, and Rosemary smirked at me again.

She got the duvet pulled back and opened up the sheets for me to lay Stephie down, when of course the robe was opened up before my gaze. Steph glanced down as I set her down and saw the way it was gaping open, but instead of being upset and freaking out, looked up at me as she slowly closed it. "Oops. That wasn't supposed to happen!" She smiled up at me. "I know my tits don't match up to Rosemary's, but I hope you liked it."

What was I supposed to say to that? It seemed to me I couldn't say the right thing no matter how I tried. I certainly wasn't going to compare hers to Rosemary's, but how to say I liked it without being offensive, and I certainly couldn't say I didn't see it. It was right in front of my face! My face was beet red with embarrassment, although she didn't seem all that fazed by it. Maybe the pain killers were working on her more than I thought. "Stephie, I didn't mean to look at it, but it is beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of there."

"Thank you, Justin." She reached up and pulled my head down and gave me a little peck on the lips. "Thank you, too for carrying me up the stairs." She giggled, and said, "I know you liked it. Your truth meter is showing." She and Rosemary both laughed at me as I beat a hasty retreat for my room.

I quickly turned on the monitor as soon as I got into my room and the door securely closed. I had an idea things would get interesting in a hurry, but I had no idea how interesting! Steph was sitting on the edge of the bed getting ready to put on a tee-shirt Rosemary tossed over to her. "I must be loopy from these meds. I can't believe I let Justin look at my tit and didn't even get upset or try to hide it! I really don't mind it with Justin, though. He's a really nice guy. Nothing like the jerk my mom is going out with! I really don't see what she likes about him. He's not like Justin at all! He keeps trying to peek in on me and tries to cop a feel whenever he thinks he can get away with it. If I had a place to go I'd leave home! You don't know how lucky you are to have your parents!"
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She slipped the robe down and off her shoulders, exposing her back and what looked like would be some very nasty bruising on her left side, where she had bounced off the door rather hard. She slipped the tee-shirt over her head and lay back with a sigh, rolling her hips enough to free up the robe, and dropped it to the floor. "Ohhh, I hurt all over! I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be worse."

Rosemary brushed her hair back a bit and said, "Just rest a bit. Try to sleep if you can. I've got to talk to Justin for a minute. I'll be back in just a few. Don't worry about waking me tonight if you need something, or if you pain gets bad. That's why you are here, K?" She walked around the bed and started for my room, then stopped and pulled her shirt over her head. I had almost switched off the monitor, but stopped with my hand on the switch when she pulled her shirt loose from her shorts.

"What are you doing? You going in there naked?" Steph laughed as Rosemary tossed her shirt at her.

"No, I'm not going naked. I'm just getting ready for bed first, and getting comfortable. Mom doesn't like it when I am around Justin in just my nightshirt, but I like being out of this bra," and she popped it off, and then rubbed her breasts, as if trying to restore circulation. I groaned as she massaged them right in front of the Koala. This was the first time she had ever done so.

"What about Mr. Koala?"

Rosemary laughed. "Mr. Koala, I'm not embarrassing you, am I?" She turned back to Stephie and said, "I forgot he was even there. I know I've been silly about him, but he just seems so real. I still talk to him about things, but I had other things on my mind tonight." Rosemary stepped over to the Koala and stroked his fur softly, with those luscious boobs right in front of my eyes. Leaning forward, she rubbed the top of his head between her breasts and sighed, "His fur feels so nice on my skin! I'm almost tempted to sleep with him, but I know it wouldn't be too good on all the electrical stuff Justin did with him."

The camera came back into focus again as she pulled away. "Did you like that Mr. Koala? Was it as good for you as it was for me?" She and Stephanie both broke up laughing at the joke and Rosemary unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them to the floor. I was to be disappointed though, as she pulled a tee shirt over her head before slipping her panties to the floor. Quickly, I turned off the monitor and moved across the room before she could leave her room and walk across the hall to mine.

I needn't have hurried. Just as I turned off the monitor and walked across the room I heard Mom knock on Rosemary's door and ask if everyone was settled OK. I should have known Mom would be up to check on Steph. She isn't one to leave people alone who needed help. I switched the monitor back on, not expecting a show, but so I could know what was going on. It wasn't eavesdropping per se, but keeping abreast of plans.

". . . now I want you to make yourself totally at home. If you need something don't hesitate, but ask me, OK?" Steph nodded. "We'll have to work something out about getting you some clothes tomorrow. . ."

"That's not a problem, Mom. I've got stuff she can wear."

"Oh, OK. Now don't feel like you have to get up in the morning or anything. You just get some rest. If you need anything, one of us will be happy to get it for you. Now I won't be around most of the day tomorrow, I have an open house, so I'll be gone by about 9:30, and probably won't be home before 3:30 or 4:00. Don't hesitate to call my cell, though, for anything. OK?"

"Thank you." Steph sounded sleepy. Her pain pills were starting to kick in already.

"Rosemary, remember your Dad has that Kiwanis golf outing tomorrow as well, so he won't be around until tomorrow night. Justin can help out with anything you need. He's good about things."

"Yeah, I know. We'll get along fine."

"Why don't you get out of here for a bit and let Stephanie go to sleep." Mom looked at Rosemary and cocked an eyebrow. "But, not like that! Put a robe on or something before you leave the room."

"OK, Mom. Steph, if you need something just buzz my cell. I want to talk with Justin about our house for a bit before I go to bed, if he hasn't gone to sleep already. I doubt he has yet. It is still early for him." Rosemary gave Mom a hug. "Thanks, Mom for being you. You're the greatest."

An almost drunken sounding Stephanie echoed her from the bed, "You got that right, Rosie. Thanks."

"That's not a problem, dear. You are almost like a daughter to me, as close as you are to Rosemary, and you are welcome in my home anytime." Mom laid her hand on Steph's cheek gently, then leaned down and kissed her on the forehead like she used to do with us when we were sick in bed.

I turned off the monitor then, expecting Rosemary at any moment. I peeled down to my boxers and sat down at my work table as if I had been working on something. Mom knocked on my door, but fortunately didn't open it. "Goodnight, Justin. Thank you for helping with Stephanie tonight. I love you."

"Good night, Mom. Love you, too!"

It was a couple of minutes before I heard a light tap on my door, and Rosemary slipped into my room. She had on her robe, but when she had the door shut behind her and saw I was looking she slipped it off with a giggle. "Mom told me I had to wear it when I left the room, but she didn't say I had to leave it on."
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She hanged the robe on my doorknob and then hurried across the room and into my arms. "Oh, Justin, can you really believe our house? It's beautiful!"

"Yeah, I know. Dad said he was going to move Mom down there and give us this one instead. He said it wasn't fair we get to live in a nicer house than they do. It's a tremendous opportunity they have given us, and that is for sure."

"I can't wait until we move down there and have the house to ourselves. You don't know how many times I wanted to rip your clothes off of you and attack your body today. I made notes of several places I want to make love to you, though!" She smiled her impish grin.

I sat down in my desk chair, and Rosemary sat in my lap and snuggled. It was not overtly sexual, yet the close contact and the love shown by it were more sexual than the sex act by itself. Just the act of showing my love through holding her was gratifying. The more time I spent with Rosemary the more I was learning that love was about so much more than just the physical union, but the soul bond that transcended mere sex. Don't get me wrong, I loved sex with Rosemary, and it seemed to be on my mind continually, but for now sitting and holding her more than sufficed, especially since opportunity for more was not there. I just couldn't get enough of her presence.

We talked at length about the house, and what we wanted to do with it, how we would decide who to accept as tenants, and then the subject got serious quickly. We turned to talking about Susie, and how we could help her. We concluded I needed to call Grandpa first thing in the morning and pick his brain. Since we weren't family getting information would be hard, especially with her parents stuck on a cruise ship.

Finally, Rosemary rose to go to bed. We had talked out everything we could on the house, and it was getting late. As she turned to go, Rosemary turned back around and just grazed the tips of her tee-shirt covered nipples across my chest and whispered, "Tomorrow, Mom has an open house, and Dad has the Kiwanis golf outing. Maybe we can find time for some fun, depending on how Steph is doing." She leaned in and gave me the lightest little peck on the lips, grabbed her robe from the doorknob, and slipped across the hall. It was to be another very lonely night in my bed.

Sunday morning I awoke early, as usual, and immediately I started thinking about Susie, and getting Grandpa involved in her situation if possible. I called the hospital, but could get no more information than she was in guarded condition, and that no visitors were allowed. I went down to the kitchen and made coffee, which always put Mom in a good mood if it was ready when she got up. It was still much too early to call Grandpa. I fixed myself some breakfast and began to get ready to go to work. Rosemary and I had forgotten about that when we were making plans for today. Another roadblock to our getting together!

Dad came bustling through the kitchen and poured coffee into a large travel mug. "Thanks, Son. This hits the spot! I don't have time for breakfast, sorry, but I overslept a bit. I'm due to tee off in thirty minutes. I won't be home until after dinner, actually, probably late, but I'd like to talk with you about some ideas on the house if we could tonight."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be here. Have fun today."

"Uh huh. I can't wait until I can retire and quit doing all of these things! Seems like I never have a day or a weekend I can call my own! If it isn't this charity thing it's a ribbon cutting or something. I guess it's the price I have to pay to live like we do, but I'm not always sure it's worth it." He hurried out the door just as Mom came down the steps.

"Do I smell coffee ready?"

"Sure thing, Mom." I was pouring a cup for her as I spoke. I set it down at her place, and she settled into her chair and cradled the mug in her tiny hands. "Thanks, hon. I really appreciate this. I'm glad you are up. I really wanted to talk with you a few minutes before I have to hurry off. Sometimes I wish I could retire! It seems I'm always running off to do something instead of staying home like I would like. Sometimes I think the price to live like this is too high!"

"That's funny. Dad was saying the same thing as he went out the door."

Mom sighed deeply. "It seems like you two were just born, and you are getting ready to move out in just a few weeks. My babies are growing up, and I'm never around to enjoy it. By the way, son, I just want you to know how proud I am of the kind of young man you have become. I appreciate the way you cared for Stephanie last night. You didn't have to carry her up those stairs, but you knew she would be more comfortable than on the couch. You've also shown real maturity in taking on responsibilities lately. You have no idea how proud that makes a parent. The way you and Rosemary have started caring for each other again is special. You two used to be so close when you were little, and now to see you working together again is so sweet."

If she only knew, I know she wouldn't think it sweet!

"Thanks, Mom. Taking care of Steph was no problem. She and Rosemary are such good friends, and besides, she is a very sweet girl."

"She seems like it. Is she someone you are interested in?"

"Oh, I don't know. She's nice and all that, and she's Rosie's friend. We talk and stuff, but I haven't asked her out or anything. We're just friends at the moment. I'm really not all that worried about going out much yet. I'd rather wait until college. I'm going to have enough on my plate with the house and studying. I don't think I need to get tied down with a girl right now."
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"I think that's wise. Be friends, and don't get too involved just yet. Making friends and keeping them friends is much more important for now. Like I said, you are growing up to fast." Mom stood up and put her cup in the dishwasher. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "We'll be having pastries and things at the open house, so I'll wait until I'm there to eat anything. Thank you for the coffee."

I sat at the table and finished my coffee while jotting a few notes on a napkin of things to be done on the house as they came to my mind. My brain works that way. Often after working on something and, then sleeping on it the ideas will just pop the next morning. I can't explain how it works, just that it does. Security was an area of concern to me. The house was not in a bad area, but to me a house full of girls was a potential issue. I wanted to be certain they were safe, and as protected as we could make them. Electronic locks with key cards had already been decided upon, and security cameras had been discussed. As I thought on things I decided I wanted more than just cameras at entrances, but I also wanted them over the parking area, and covering the back areas of the property. Safety was something I wanted to be able to use to market our property to parents of potential tenants. I tried to think as a father would think, and Rosemary came to my mind. How would I want the place secured if she was to live there?

As if thinking of Rosemary called to her, I heard her coming down the stairs, but I wasn't prepared to see her nude body round the corner as she entered the kitchen. Not that I minded! I could get used to that in the mornings without discomfort!

"Good morning, Justin. Any coffee left?"

"Sure, I'll get you a cup." I stepped over to the coffee maker, but I dropped the cup I reached for while looking at Rosemary. It shattered all over the counter, into the sink, and on the floor.

"What's the matter, 'big brother'? Something distracting you this morning?" Rosemary giggled. "Do I need to get my own to protect the crockery?" I shook my head in frustration. At least it wasn't one of Mom's good cups, but an advertising mug from Dad's company. Rosemary stepped over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Don't worry about the coffee. I really need a hug worse. I really missed you last night, and with Stephie in the bed with me I couldn't even get myself off. After sitting on your lap and feeling your cock last night I was so horny! I knew today was going to be a nude day for sure! Join me?"

I was a little tentative with Stephie just up the stairs, but it was to enticing to pass up. I quickly pulled my shirt over my head as Rosemary swept up the broken cup, and my shorts dropped quickly to the floor after the shirt. I was at full erection immediately, and as soon as Rosemary set the broom down I gathered her into my arms to feel the glorious softness of her breasts against the skin of my chest. "Oh, I needed that," sighed Rosemary into my ear. "You have no idea how badly I missed you last night!"

The trouble was; I did know how badly I was missed, because I had spent a fitful, lonely night myself. I nuzzled her neck and planted light kisses behind her ear, which caused goose bumps to appear on her shoulder. I found it interesting the way she would get the goose bumps only on the side I was teasing. Stepping back, I released her to get her coffee, and I sat down on a chair. Rosemary walked over with her coffee a moment later, and instead of sitting in the chair next to me as I expected turned my chair enough that she could straddle my legs. She set her coffee down momentarily and slid herself forward until her pussy was in contact with my erect cock, and then leaned forward until her nipples grazed my chest, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I think this is the way I want to drink my morning coffee from now on." Her hips flexed enough for me to feel her pussy rubbing lightly against my cock, and then she leaned back enough to put the cup to her lips and sip the brew. My eyes roamed up and down her exquisite shape, and my hands stroked tenderly up and down her sides, from the curves of her hips to the swell of her breasts, tracing the feminine form in all its glory as my eyes drank in the luscious sight of her breasts and excited nipples.

I couldn't help myself. I had to lean down and take the nipples in my mouth by turn and gently suckle and caress them with my tongue. Rosemary set her cup down with a sigh, and leaned backward allowing my questing mouth better access, and in the process pressed even more closely with her hips. My hands slid down, and grasping her ass cheeks I pulled forward, pressing her even more tightly against my cock. As I paid more attention to her nipples with my mouth and tongue her hips undulated, rubbing her pussy up and down just a little on my cock, and I could feel moisture collecting on the upper portion of my ball sack as well. Her head was thrust back, and her mouth was slack with a quiet moan emanating from it. As much as I was enjoying her breasts I couldn't resist moving my mouth up to her neck and kissing and nuzzling the alabaster skin, while crushing her breasts against my chest tightly. Another moan from her lips, and I felt a hand squeeze between our bodies to grasp my cock and stroke it a few times.

Rosemary whispered in my ear, "I just can't stand it anymore. I have to have you in me! She slipped back and rose up just enough to pull my cock to the entrance of her pussy and she slowly sat back down on me, easing my cock into her tight, very wet, and slippery pussy. She let out a quiet "Ohhhhhh" as she settled down on me and squeezed her breasts snugly to me with a bear hug that nearly expelled all of my breath. After sitting still for a few moments, other than a rhythmic squeeze and release of her pussy muscles on my cock, she slowly started rocking her hips and lifting herself up and lowering herself back down on my penis. My hips were rocking in time with her movements, thrusting in and out.

I knew I wasn't going to last long, and I did my best to limit my strokes, trying to make it last for her, but I knew it was hopeless. My balls were tightening up, and my muscles quivered as I tried hard to hold out. Sweat was beading my forehead, and running into my eyes, when with a quiet wail Rosemary thrust down hard on my cock and quivered, with her pussy spasming around my cock. I lost it. I thrust into her as hard as I could as my cock and balls pulsed repeatedly.

I guess the angle was just right for her clit to press against my cock as we moved against each other, and her heightened arousal was sufficient to bring her to orgasm so quickly. All I know is it was mind-blowing, and I loved her more than I knew was possible. I held her to me tightly, and kissed her neck repeatedly as we came down from our climax, and as our breathing slowed enough to whisper to her, "I love you." I felt her press her cheek tightly against my cheek adding to our hug, when I heard it.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" said Stephanie, who was standing with a hand under her tee-shirt, holding her pussy, and looking at us with big, wide eyes.
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This is part seven of a multi-part story, and does not do well as a stand-alone. Please read the preceding sections first if you have not already. It will greatly enhance your enjoyment of the story. If you are looking for a lot of wild sex you will be disappointed. While sex is involved in the story it is a part of the story, not the story a part of the sex.

I have received valid criticism for some of the grammar issues with my story, but I plead artistic license for some of the sentence fragments, and/or run-ons as I have tried to write in a conversational style, and we rarely follow grammatical rules to the max when we speak. Mrs. Wadsworth would be scandalized if you knew I was in her English class, but actually I learned this style of writing from her Lit class. The only unfortunate part is that I am not as accomplished a writer as those I studied. I do value the criticisms as well as the praise I have received. Thank you, and please comment.

Susie slowly opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings, with the light in her eyes so bright that it hurt. She moaned slightly with discomfort, and a face appeared over hers. Curly hair fringed the face, causing a halo effect of the light shining through the hair. "Are you an angel? Am I dead?"

"No. You are at St. Francis Hospital, and I'm Dave, your nurse. Nobody has ever called me an angel before, not even my mother." Dave smoothed back Susie's hair gently, only to be answered with a moan of pain. "I'm going to give you something to make you feel better in just a moment, and you can go back to sleep. I'll be here if you need me all night. OK?"

Susie wanted to ask him why she was there, but the thoughts wouldn't formulate in her mind due to the anaesthesia she still had in her system. She nodded slightly, and then felt coolness in her arm as he injected morphine into her IV port. With a sigh she closed her eyes and allowed sleep to overtake her once again. "Rest well little one. We almost lost you, but you're going to make it now."

Rosemary and I were both so startled by Stephanie speaking up, and standing there in the doorway, that neither of us moved for a moment. There wasn't any point in trying to hide, and we surely couldn't run with my cock still impaling Rosemary, although I must say it was wilting rather quickly! Rosemary was the cool, collect, one though. She just reached on the table for a napkin to catch the overflow as my cock began to slip out of her pussy.

"I thought you would sleep for quite a while yet, Steph. Are you feeling alright?"

"I hurt in places I didn't know I had, but it isn't as bad as last night was. I'm just so tight and sore. I just woke up and I was worrying about Susie. I really didn't mean to spy on you!"

"That's OK. I woke up, and just felt like this was going to be a 'nude day'. My emotions were all mixed up, and I find being nude relaxing, and when I asked Justin to join me, well, one thing led to another."

Rosemary smiled at her friend. "I just find it so freeing and relaxing. You can join us if you like, but there is not pressure either way, nor does it mean Justin will do anything to you, unless you want him to." This was followed by a grin and a wink, and a deep blush from Steph. "Susie is in "guarded condition" in the ICU, but she isn't allowed any visitors before Monday. Justin will call Grandpa in just a few minutes and see what he thinks about things."

Rosemary stepped up off of me, and after wiping myself off a bit with a napkin I stepped to the coffee maker and poured Stephanie a cup. That got Rosemary giggling. "You should have seen Justin when I came down. He took one look at me and dropped a cup, and it shattered all over the place. Maybe it's a good thing you're dressed as long as he's handling the crockery." Steph giggled along with her, but stopped suddenly and held her side. "Steph, are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. It just hurt to laugh." She sat down at the table, and then looked at both Rosemary and me. "You weren't kidding about going nude, were you?'

"I'm not," said Rosemary. "I don't know if Justin will stay that way. It's his first time, and I don't think he was planning on you waking up early." She grinned up at me.

I just shrugged. "It's a little late now to be worrying about it. No, I wouldn't have done it if I knew you would get up early. I thought your meds would keep you asleep for hours yet. Right now I need to call Grandpa and see what he has to say. I've got to go to work in just a couple of hours, too."

Rosemary pouted. "I forgot about that. Can't you call in or something?" I just shook my head and walked out of the room to get my cellphone, very conscious of Stephanie's eyes fixed on my cock as I crossed the room.

Grandpa and I talked for a while about Susie's situation. Without either her, or her parent's, authorization he could not represent her interests, and since she was eighteen he said he would be on iffy ground if she said she didn't want him later. I assured him that would not be an issue, and he agreed to attempt to find them through Carnival Cruise Lines, although without knowing which cruise they were on it would be difficult. Good guy that he is he said he would cover the expense of the satellite calls to the ship, which can be quite expensive.

I returned downstairs to find Steph and Rosemary huddled over the camera ooh'ing and ahh'ing over the house. Steph looked up at me with eyes shining, "We really get to live there, Justin? That's amazing!" Slowly she stood from her chair and walked over to me. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and then wrapped her arms around me in a very nice hug. "Thank you for everything, Justin. Somehow, I just know you will be there for me when I need you." She nestled her head on my shoulder and sniffled. "You and Rosemary are there for me more than my own mother. She won't even answer my calls, but you two take me in, your Grandfather is going to represent me and Susie, and you are going to let me live in that beautiful mansion with you."
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I could feel tears on my shoulder as she hugged me tighter to her. I was trying to keep my cock back away from her, thinking she didn't need to feel me getting hard from her boobs smooshed against my chest, but she pulled even harder until the only thing between my cock and her was a very thin tee shirt and a light pair of panties, the only clothes of her own she had here. Without releasing her hold on me she pulled her head back enough to look me in the eyes. "I feel safe, and loved, in your arms, even like this. I can trust you. You aren't like Mom's boyfriend. There is no way I'd let him see me dressed like this. He tried to get in the bathroom while I was taking a shower the other day. I heard him trying to get the lock open on the door."

Rosemary gasped. "What did you do?"

"I had a little wedge with me, and had it under the door so it wouldn't open. It wasn't the first time he's tried to do something like that. I have to put it under my bedroom door, too."

I thought about Mr. Koala, and felt a little bit guilty. I knew it wasn't the same, but in a lot of ways, it was. I was invading their privacy. First opportunity I decided I'd remove the camera, and I'd try to leave the monitor off, also.

Rosemary put an arm around Steph's shoulders, but pulled away quickly when she saw her wince. "Did you say anything to your mom?"

Steph's face suddenly grew bitter. "I've tried to talk with her about it, but she won't believe me. She says it's my imagination, that Paul is a really sweet guy who wouldn't do a thing like that."

"If you ever need to, you just come over here! We'll always have a place for you, right Justin?"

"Certainly. Anytime, and I know that would go for Mom and Dad, too."

"I really don't know what is going on with Mom any more. We used to be so close, but since Paul came around he's all she has time for. It I almost like he has cut off all contact with people she used to be friends with, too. I keep telling myself it is just that I don't like the guy, but there is more to it than that."

I looked up at the clock and jumped up quickly. "I'm sorry, but time has gotten away from me. I've got to run." After a very fast shower I skipped shaving and threw my clothes on and ran down the stairs. Steph had to make a comment about liking my other outfit better, but I didn't have time to jaw with her right then. Stopping to grab the camera from Rosemary I hustled out the door and made it just in time to unlock the doors and get the lights on before we opened. I had to give Jim my notice today, and really didn't want to do so under conditions of being late!

Sunday's in the store ran the gamut from being crazy busy all day to a waste of time just being open. Today was one of those days. It was a beautiful spring day, and with a special kid's weekend at the Kitts Peak Observatory, that always drew a crowd and another celebration of something or other out on Mt. Lemon, and Old Tucson having a big wing-ding, there just weren't all that many people thinking about electronics. It was painfully obvious yesterday had been the same. There was absolutely nothing in the warrantee work area to be handled, the storeroom had been totally straightened and swept out, and there wasn't even any cleaning to do in the main showroom area. I tried not to feel sorry for myself, knowing what I was missing out on at home, but I wasn't real successful. I showed Sam and Joe the pictures on the camera, and they were suitably impressed, but you can only do that for so long.

By the time Jim showed up at 12:30 we still had not had a single customer, and we had run out of ideas to keep ourselves occupied. Joe just grinned and locked the door. "Closed for Spring Fever" was what the sign he hanged in the window said. "You guys get out of here," he said to Sam and Joe. "Enjoy the rest of the day off, and it's with pay. You guy's always take care of me, so this is a freebie." He didn't have to argue with them!

Jim clapped me on the shoulder and said, "Tell me about that flea hotel you guys looked at. Is it going to work out?"

I pulled out the camera and we scrolled through the pictures. "I know that property. There was talk about putting it on the National Landmark list a few years ago, before the insurance company bought it. I hope you realize you guy's got a real deal!"

"Oh, yeah, I know. I'm still blown away by it, but there is one problem. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to give you my notice. I'll stick around 'till I get Hulvey's taken care of, and maybe I can help out after school during the week if you need help, but I'm going to have to jump on the house as soon as I can if we are going to be able to accept students this fall."

Jim just nodded. "Yeah, I knew this was going to happen. I'm sorry to see it so soon, but I fully understand. You just let me know any way I can help you. References, or whatever, all you have to do is ask, K?"
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"Thanks. I really hate to quit, too, but this is an opportunity I won't see again. There are a couple of things I want your help with." I pulled the camera back out and we started going through the pictures again, but this time I was discussing my concerns about security. Over the next half hour together we worked up a list of cameras, sensors, locks, and other security devices. We even listed a gate for the parking area that worked with a remote like a garage door opener. By the time we were done I had given him a pretty large order.

"You're sure you don't want to get all this stuff locally? You really want me to get it and you have to schlep it up there?"

"Yeah, for sure. Dad and I both wanted to run the business through you. You've been awfully good to us through the years, all the way back to saving my life when I took the projection TV apart." We both got a good laugh out of that. "We also agreed this goes beyond the bounds of all the stuff you let me get at cost. This is to be run as a straight cash sale."

"Justin, you don't need to do that. I don't mind."

"Yeah, I know. You'd give me your shirt if I asked for it, but we both feel, and Grandpa concurs this is too much to ask a freebie for."

"I'll at least give you the 10% discount I give commercial customers, though."

"That's fine. In fact, the sale needs to be in the name of Thyme & Thyme Again Properties, LLC. We don't have the LLC in place yet, but it is just a matter of Grandpa getting it filed. The name is available."

"All right. Thank you. I assume you want this stuff right away, so I'll get the orders placed first thing tomorrow. Now you get out of here, and enjoy your day off." I walked out with a big grin on my face. That was one order from my boss I was most happy to oblige! Enjoy this day I would indeed!

I could have called Rosemary and let her know I was going home early, but couldn't think of a reason I needed to. If I had remembered Stephanie was at the house I might have done so, but I had our house in Scottsdale on my mind and I didn't think of her. When I popped open the door and walked in she was lying on the couch wearing only what she wore when she was born, except she had more hair. It was only on her head, though. Everywhere else she was a bald as a baby. She shrieked and tried to cover herself, but the vision was burned in my memory forever.

Quickly I turned around just as Rosemary scurried into the room to see what the problem was.

"Justin, what are you doing here?"

"Jim closed the store early because we weren't doing anything, and he gave us the rest of the day off. I was thinking about the house, and forgot Stephie was here. Sorry, Steph! If I had remembered I would have called."

"It's OK, Justin. You can turn around. I saw you this morning, and you didn't ty to hide from me, so I guess turnabout is fair play."

"I don't promise not to stare, though," I said as I turned around. Steph giggled delightedly when she saw how my shorts were tented obscenely. "It looks to me like central casting had you made up to look like an accident victim. How are you feeling, Steph?"

"I'm really sore all over, but these pain meds have me feeling pretty good. I doubt I'd have to courage to do this, but Rosemary is right. It feels freeing. Of course, you already saw my little titties last night, and you seemed to like them."

"What's not to like, Stephanie? You have a lovely body!"

"You don't think my titties are too little?"

"You are little. I think they are lovely."

Rosemary walked over and slipped her arm around my waist. "I told her you would say that. She is lovely, isn't she?" I just nodded. "Are you going to join us?"

I shrugged. "Why not? She seemed to like staring at me as much as I'm going to be staring at her. You know already I'll be staring at you, so if she doesn't mind it, I don't." Steph blushed cutely, but smiled at me. "On a serious note, Stephie, I don't want the medicine making you do something you'll be sorry for later. I'll go to my room if you prefer."
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"Is he always this gallant, Rosemary? He's so different than Mom's boyfriend . . . ." I know her Mom's situation was really disturbing to Stephie. She looked so forlorn and abandoned at the moment. Rosemary sensed it, too, and hurried over to the couch and held her hand. I thought it wisest for me to vacate the room for the moment and went on up to my room to put my stuff away. Quickly I slipped off my clothes and noticed a large damp area in my undershorts. I shook my head ruefully and wondered what I was getting myself into as I walked back out my door and down the stairs. My half-hard cock led the way like the nose of a hunting dog sniffing the ground for his prey. Not that it reached the ground, but . . . .

I had just poured myself a glass of Coke when Rosemary called and asked me to join them in the living room for a minute. Well, if I must, I would sacrifice myself to the torture of their naked forms. The sacrifices we men make for the women in our lives!

I strolled in there, glass in hand, with my cock bobbing before me, much to Stephanie's enjoyment. "Justin, are you hard all the time?" I glanced down at myself and said, "Well, this isn't really hard, but with you two running around looking like that, how can I help it? I'm sorry, but you excite me. I'm not used to seeing one nude female yet, and here I have two! And beautiful ones at that!" Steph kvelled at the compliment, although she accepted what I said as flattery, rather than taking it as a true compliment.

I spread a towel on the seat of the recliner before sitting down in it and looked questioningly at Rosemary. "I just thought we ought to lay out some ground rules if we're going to be running around naked like this. I told Steph being naked didn't mean we would have sex. This morning just happened, not that I'm complaining mind you, but that doesn't mean it's the norm."

Steph broke in, "I really like you, Justin. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I've had a crush on you since like in the seventh grade." She blushed and looked down. "Don't laugh at me, please. I can't help it. I really think a lot of you, and being naked with you and seeing you is a fantasy-come true for me, but I don't think I'm ready for sex yet."

I looked at her downcast eyes and over to Rosemary and back, then I got up and knelt next to the couch and took her hand in mine. "Sweetheart, you don't have to worry about me. I will never laugh at you, especially for saying something as sweet as that to me. I had no idea you felt that way about me. I guess I'm just oblivious, huh? I would never do anything to push you into something you don't want or to ever hurt you! I kind of think you are pretty special, myself." Gently I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it before setting it back on the couch. Stephie's eyes were no longer downcast, but were wide and shining as she looked at me.

"Did you really mean that?" I nodded, and she nearly launched herself at me, wrapping both arms around my neck and squeezing me tightly. I know it had to have hurt her, but she didn't let go for the longest time. Who was I to complain? Her bare tits felt absolutely wonderful against my chest, and the skin on her back was soft and smooth as I caressed it. After all, I did need to support her weight, since she was hanging half off of the couch to hug me. Over Steph's shoulder I could see a happy smile on Rosemary's face as she looked at the two of us.

Why is it that it always seems that when things are going really well and everything is just rosy, life has to raise its ugly head? I was really getting into holding Steph when her cell phone rang. If it had been mine I would have ignored it, knowing it was nothing important, but with her mom gone and Susie hurt, who knew what it could be. She withdrew from our embrace to grab her phone, and saw my now fully hard cock standing up and saluting her. A very cheeky grin split her face as she reached. That grin was quickly wiped away though as she saw the text message from her mom.
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