Misc. Erotica Heavenly Angel: Deceived by Trust - by - duckhunter-SoftCoreXX
Devika was cautious now. She understood well that boys are not that innocent. They are adult and look women different. She was aware of her own beauty as well. In all that matter, she was still having a soft corner for Vishnu. Vishnu was the only one who saw her nude at different occasions. He never took advantage of it or never told others about her exposures. Anand and Rahim were good in her eyes, but they were not as innocent as she thinks Vishnu is.

No matter what Devika was Angel from the heart. She was good at forgiving and forgetting things. May be Chaami or Hemant or Ganapati, she came out of accidents well.

She was very much in love with Venki and so Venki for her. Venki never suspected Devika because he knew that Devika will never do wrong. He was sometimes afraid of her helping nature and caution her, but still he loves her soft heart and nature and he doesn’t want to change it.


Devika skipped weekend gym and dance practice. She was mostly out with Venki meeting friends, shopping and parents.

Monday she remembered well of extracting milk for Ganapati, something she never told Venki yet. She found her boobs a little bigger to fit in her bra. Now sure it was more milk inside or other thing. While running the pump, she saw the good flow of milk and she was sure of medicine and lotion working fine.

She reached the college. It was last week before Christmas break in college. She gave milk bottles to Ganapati. She asked him about his mouth to which Ganapati told it is getting better. Ganapati told her that Dr Francis is now on leave and Hemant is officially acting Principal.

She reached Hemant’s office to meet him, but he kept Devika away from him. It was his deliberate plan to avoid Devika as much as possible so that she won't question him much. It was also to avoid any chances of Devika suspecting him.

Rest of the Day of Devika went well. She reached home. Vishnu came afterwards to baby sit Adi. He was looking happy. Obviously he was on high after getting his first kiss of life that too from Devika. Devika forgot that night kissing as she was not offended at all. Vishnu was the only person whom she bank on for everything. No matter Anand and Rahim scored their goals in the gym and dance, Vishnu made his way to her heart of a very good boy. Her inclination towards Vishnu was also due to Vishnu’s very good, caring and friendship with Adi. Devika can do anything for Adi and Vishnu was the guy who was giving is quality time to Adi.

Vishnu saw Devika leaving for Dance. Devika was nicely dressed in a Salwar-Kameez, which she recently got for dance practice. She thought living low profile would help in avoiding accidents and she was correct as well.

During dance time Rahim was little disappointed today as Devika was almost fully covered.

The next day was not different in college. For gym also Devika got good, nice yoga pant and quick dry top with nice round neck and half sleeves. After Rahim it was Anand, who was disappointed today. But nothing much he could do.

Dear XXXX Madam,

I tried to look for lotion in the local market, but couldn’t find one. Can you please send me three more bottles to cover full treatment. I will transfer money in your accounts.

Thanks again for helping

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Dear Devika,

I am so sorry that you were not able to get the lotion. I told you it is a rare one. I have shipped one more bottle to Hemant. I had only one with me. Remaining two bottles, I will send after buying this weekend. Hope for this week it will be fine.

On another note, I just want to tell you that you must be experiencing some changes in your boobs. They will be firmer and little bigger. It you see these changes, then surely medicine is doing its job. It will produce more milk with good nutrition for your lovely son.

Take care of yourself.

Love & Regards,


Devika was sure now that things are fine with her body changes. Little she knew that lotion was with steroid gel which makes boobs harder for a couple of weeks. Tablets were good enough to produce more milk.

Wednesday and Thrusday went with the pattern of the previous two days. Things were at stagnation for Anand and Rahim. Devika was cautious in learning the dance moves. In the gym she has learned to exercise well and so Anand was not having any reason to assist her much. Same was with Vishnu was seeing Devika smiling while leaving and smiling when coming back.

It was Friday when Devika was called by Hemant.

Hemant: Devika, how are you?

Devika: I am fine sir.

Hemant: Sorry for that day. Ganga was also apologetic.

Devika: Its ok

Hemant: I can understand how you would have felt coming topless in front of me

Devika: (not expecting such straight talk)… it was an accident.

Hemant: I am sorry for you. Well Ganga just called me that we got your parcel. You can take from home today.

Devika: Thank You Sir.

Hemant: You can join me while going home.

Devika: I can manage.

Hemant: I know you are hesitant. But what you are doing today is for your son and for a poor peon. There are very few people who do such big things. Salute to you.

Devika: No, it's ok. I am doing my part as a human.

Hemant: Well its up to you if you want to come with me. I will not bite you…(smiling)

Devika: OK, I will come with you.



After college, Devika boarded Hemant’s car. She was bit reserve and was not talking to Hemant.

Hemant knew how to break the ice.

Hemant: So how is your son doing

Devika: Fine.

Hemant: Is he finding it different while drinking your milk?

Devika: (shy) Not sure. He cannot speak.

Hemant: That is obivious. I mean is he drinking more or less.

Devika: Same. Not much change

Hemant: ..and how about your Husband?

Devika: Venki??? (shy and embrassed)

Hemant: I didn’t mean to offend you. But my friend told me that it will make visible changes in physicality of your breast. Is Venki noticing it?

Devika: (shy)…..

Hemant: Ha ha … its ok. I know my question was bit personal

Devika: (shy and quiet)

Hemant: Are you finding some changes?

Devika: (shy) Yes. They are bit bigger and firm.

Hemant: So medicine is working

Devika: How you know?

Hemant: I have deep knowledge of the human body and Ayurveda. See my pain is went off in two days, otherwise the common person would have suffered for weeks.

Devika: Oh yes. I forgot to ask you.

Hemant: Its ok.

Devika: So you know more about Ayurveda?

Hemant: Yes. You told me that I don’t look like 54… right?

Devika: Yes

Hemant: It is all because of knowledge of the human body and Ayurveda.

Devika: That is good.

Hemant: In today’s world human who are working in Finance or IT world suffer heart diseases much more than other people. Hope your husband is not in that there.

Devika: He is in the bank and he has lots of targets to meet.

Hemant: In that case you should take care of him. He is at high risk.

Devika: But he is fit.

Hemant: Human body may look fit, but internally it carries a lot of silent illness.

Devika: Oh… I will ask him to change his job

Hemant: That is not easy. The good thing is human should learn to take care of his/her own health first

Devika: True

Hemant: True won't work. You need to take care of him.
Devika: Yes, but what else I can do besides giving him good food.

Hemant: It is not only good food, you need to take care of proper diet, small workouts and key nutritions which are missing in normal food.

Devika: Key nutritions?

Hemant: Yes. Vital ones. I have the supplements which you can start for him. I will also write he diet plan

Devika: Thank you so much.

Hemant: Also you need to take care around his manly needs.

Devika: Manly?

Hemant: I mean, you are husband and wife. So he must be expecting something from you..right.. I cannot say more openly than this..

Devika: No, I got it.

Hemant: You need to have a routine of minimum and maximum.

Devika: I didn’t get you.

Hemant: I mean you should minimum have it twice a week and not more than 4 times a week. More and more with age bring heart issues.

Devika: Oh….I didn’t know this. He is always behind me. …isshss(shy)

Hemant: Ha ha… don’t shy. You are so beautiful that he cannot resist.

Devika: Now you have started….

Hemant: Is it not true?

Devika: No. I am simple lady

Hemant: Simplicity is your beauty. I am not talking about your physical beauty because there you are beyond top actresses which I see in movies.

Devika: (shy) Sir…

Hemant: Ha ha… We are at home now.



Hemant opens the door. He picks the letter on the table.

“I will be going out today with the family. Your parcel is in the room. I have cleaned the house”

Devika: Who kept this letter?

Hemant: Ganga. She won't be coming today evening as she is going to spend time with her family. Anyway, she has already cleaned house. Your parcel is in the room.

Hemant goes in and brings he parcel. He opens the box and gives bottle to Devika.

Hemant: Hey there is a letter. May be instructions.

Devika: (shy and embarrassed) .. I know those.

Hemant: I would still say read them first.

Devika reads the letter. Her facial expression changes while reading it. She went bit quiet……
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Devika reads the letter. Her facial expression changes while reading it. She went a bit quiet……

Hemant: Everything fine?

Devika: (quiet)

Hemant: Is everything ok? You are suddenly gone quiet.

Devika: She is saying that I should measure my breast properly every 3 days and send her details. Depending on changing in size doctor will control the medicine amount. Excess of lotion can create adverse effects to my milk production.

Hemant: Oh, that’s it. I thought something serious. You can send her measurements

Devika: Problem is she wants measurement of with specific details.

Hemant: Like

Devika: Its says, I need to measure before applying medicine with milk filled breasts and then after feeding milk and same after applying medicine today. Same I need to do after 3 days.

Hemant: So what is the problem

Devika: I cannot do so much alone as measuring and for applying medicine I need. Above that feeding milk. This is too much. I cannot do all this

Hemant: Cool down.

Devika: I am happy with milk coming out now. I will say not to Ganapati. Anyways, his turn is on Monday and colleges are closed for a week. So I cannot continue his treatment

Hemant: Devika, my girl. Just chill down. You have worked so hard. Today you are seeing difference as well. Ganapati is getting better and importantly, your child is going to get premium quality milk. At this point of time you need just a little extra effort.

Devika: I understand. Thanks for your words, but this is getting very demanding.

Hemant: Let us break problem in steps and solve

Devika: How?

Hemant: You have not fed child. So you can take first measurement. Then feed your child and take second. After that, put medicine and repeat it. That is for today. Same for Monday.

Devika: It's not easy. As soon as I will reach home, he will demand milk. The cycle will break there itself. Also who will take measurement at home. I am not sharing this with Venki. He will question a lot. I cannot do alone.

Hemant: Venki will question?

Devika: He won't allow me. My mother will also question a lot.

Hemant: Any girl near you who can help?

Devika: (sad) No one. Even my mother will not be there every time…. (Crying)

Hemant moves ahead and pull her chin up and wipes off her tears.

Hemant: Oh my dear. Don’t cry. There is always a solution for each problem. Ganga is not here else she could have taken your measurement. Let me check my neighbor.

Hemant goes out and comes in 5 mins.

Hemant: They are also locked out.

Devika: I know it's not possible.

Hemant: Don’t get disappointed. We will get a solution. I

Devika: No it's not possible. In this problem even you cannot help me either.

Hemant: I think I can help. It is a matter of measurement only. I can measure

Devika: No. I have to take it bare breast.

Hemant: So what. I can take it without error.

Devika: How can I sir?

Hemant: Last week also I saw you. So it should not be a problem to me.

Devika: Its problem to me. That was an accident. I don’t think I can do it again.

Hemant: Well, I leave up to you. My mistake if I ever thought about you that you are brave and open minded women who will not shy away from taking bold step in helping others and own child.

Devika: Thanks for thinking about me. But sir, it is something which is not easy for a girl.

Hemant: I agree with your hesitation. I may be an old man, but look young and you have full rights to think about your modesty.

Devika: I am sorry.

Hemant: Don’t be. I was wrong. I thought I saw you earlier so it won't be a big issue. Also today, many gynecologists are male.

Devika: But you are not a doctor either.

Hemant: I got it. Anyways, you can go home and see if you can keep your son away from feeding and get the measurement on time. But make sure we you don’t break treatment in between sometimes it is not good.

Devika: (quiet)..

Hemant: It's ok to go home. You are a wonderful mom. You will get solved. Don’t worry

Devika: ….I .. I think I am ok to give measurement now. Not sure about later.

Hemant: You are really a brave mother. Let us act now what we can do rather breaking in between

Devika: (reluctant).. I am feeling odd…

Hemant: If you keep feeling odd then better we don’t do. Do it with someone whom your trust more than me.

Devika: Its not like that. I ..I… I will do now. I trust you…. (Heavenly Angel’s Trust)

Hemant: Fine.

Devika trying to get firm on her decision. For her child she was ready to cross any limit, any sacrifice.

Hemant saw Devika was ready.He doesn’t want to give her more time. He came near to her

Hemant: Let us finish it fast for our child.

Devika: Hmm

Devika pulled the pin out of her Saree. Hemant was excited. He was already standing next to her. He moved his hand and pulled her pallu down. Devika was standing now in blouse. Her boobs were standing firm and strong in her blouse. Devika’s hand was on her blouse unhooking it. She removed her first hook. Hemant was watching it. She removed second one. Blouse flaps started making way to the beautiful cleavage which started to appear more. Devika opened third hook. Now blouse was much open to show her bra. Both the boobs were tightly pushed in the bra which was good for boobs before medications. The roundness of boobs were already visible. The curves of her boobs was mesmerizing. Hemant eyes were glued on her. Devika was shivering now to open her remaining two hooks.
Her hands were not able to open the fourth one.

Hemant: Let us finish it fast.

Saying that Hemant moved his hand on her blouse and quickly opened her fourth hook. The blouse was sitting on the fifth and the last hook. Hemant was losing patience. He moved his hand and opened her last hook as well. He was little more brave to open her flaps to display full bra cupped boobs. Devika was standing motionless.

Hemant: Devika, do you want to do?

Devika: hmm.

Hemant: Then?

Devika: ……sorry.

Devika started taking her blouse out. She saw Hemant watching her. She turned other side in shyness and opened her blouse. Her ultra sexy back was with bra strap is what making Hemant mad man. Hemant started getting hard on. He did not believe that Devika is so innocent.

Almost backless back of Devika was already killing him, but the killer punch came when Devika moved her hand in the back to unhook her bra. Already in uneasy mood, Devika was not able to reach her hook properly. Hemant’s hands were ready to unhook it, but before he can do that Devika’s reached the hook and in just one click she unhooked her bra. She was finding it hard to come out of her bra. Her modesty was stopping her to again show her beautiful boobs to Hemant. Hemant on the other hand was getting desperate. He moved both his hands on the shoulders of Devika. Without asking her he slid down both the bra straps. Devika’s bra fell down on the floor. She was standing topless again in that flat
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Devika’s naked back was maddening for Hemant. Only God knows how he was controlling his emotions.
The right amount of meat at the right place. Perfect color tone and flawless skin can lift 100 yrs old man’s dick, after all Hemant was just 42 (he was lying Devika with his age so that Devika feel more respect for his age and trust his Ayurveda logic)
Hemant was having a hard pole in his trousers. He was saved from all the embarrassment only because Devika was facing the other side.
Hemant: Let us take measurement and finish your first part.
Devika: (shy) Sir can you bring measuring tape, pen and pad so that we can note it properly
Hemant: Oh yes. Sure.
Desperate Hemant ran into his room to get the measuring tape. He doesn’t want to leave the scene, but he knew that tape is with his tool kit. He opened all the drawers one by one. He was throwing stuff on the floor and kept on searching. His heart beat was getting faster and faster. Not able to find kit in 5 mins was his ultimate frustration.
Hemant: Devika, I am searching it. Give me a couple of minutes more.
Hemant did able not remember where he kept that kit after moving into this apartment. Finally, he recalled that it is in storage section on his king size bed. He quickly lifted the mattress and base and started searching for kit. Finally, he got it. He came out running in the living room. Devika was not there. He called her name but no response. He checked Washroom and Kitchen but she was not there.
Her blouse and bra were also not there. Neither lotion bottle. He saw main door is not fully closed. He came out of the apartment and searched her in lobby area, but she was nowhere. He ran back into the apartment and picked up his phone to call her. The moment he unlocked his phone, he saw message from Devika
“Sir, I thought for me convincing mom will be easier than getting it done here. Sorry, but I was not comfortable. Thanks for your help – Devika”
Dhaaaaaaak…. Hemant threw his phone on the floor, breaking its screen. He was in top anger after failing today. He opened his and wrote next version of his demand through virtual friend. He wanted to send he immediately, but refrained himself. He saved it as a draft and came back in the lobby. A small cigarette brought him down on the ground. He was much calmer now. He was thinking for Plan B. A big smile on his face was clear indication of him getting more wild ideas.
Ding dong….
Devika: Hello Rahim
Rahim: Hello Madam, You are bit early for our practice
Devika: Right now I am not here to dance, but for other important work
Rahim: work?
Devika: yes
Rahim: which work?

Devika thinking (flashback)
Hemant pulling her bra straps down. Bra fell down on the floor…..
Devika: (shy) Sir can you bring measuring tape, pen and pad so that we can note it properly
Hemant: Oh yes. Sure.
Desperate Hemant ran into his room to get the measuring tape…
Devika in the living room waiting and thinking…
“Tape, pad and pen…measurement of boobs….topless…Rahim…..dress..designer….”
“….. why can't Rahim take it, he has done it recently. I will be less shy with him rather Hemant Sir…I can directly go to him before my home..”
Devika wears her blouse and bra again and moves toward Hemant’s room to tell him. She sees him throwing things on the floor while desperately searching for the tape. She was shocked that Hemant was trying so hard to find the tape. She started fearing that if she will tell him about Rahim then he will be angrier. She quietly leaves his apartment.
He hires a taxi. During her taxi ride to home, she thinks that she did wrong by leaving without telling. She drafts an SMS and sends it to Hemant. She was also thinking about how Hemant was persistent about taking her measurement and how he was helping her getting topless. Many questions in her mind, but suspecting others was not her nature. She thought he was only trying to help her. …
.. Now what I will tell Rahim? .. He will not understand if I tell him the truth…..
…..She reaches the boy’s apartment and hits bell….”
Rahim: ….Devika Madam…. Which work…… madam?
Devika sees Rahim and came back to the reality.
Devika: Where are Anand and Vishnu?
Rahim: Anand is sleeping. Vishnu just went up to your apartment.
Devika: OK, let us go in your room. Be quiet.
Rahim: (was puzzled)
Devika: Can you bring measuring tape, pen and pad…
Rahim: For?
Devika: Just bring it fast, please.
Rahim pulls out these things one by one from his stuff which was all messed up in his room. He turns towards Devika and was stunned to see her standing topless again. He struggled to think further and was just staring at her.
Devika: I am feeling that my breasts are getting bigger because of medication. I don’t want to mess your designer dress. Can you measure again and send him updated measurements?
Rahim: ss …ss.sssss ..sure.
Rahim was in shock. He started measuring her boobs the way he did it earlier. Devika this time was not shying rather she was bold today because she escaped same situation with Hemant. Certainly Rahim was more convenient for her.
On the other hand Rahim was measuring everything in shock. He never thought that Devika will come and ask him to measure her boobs again….”Is she in love with me or she is worried about dress”. In both the cases she is a wonderful lady. Rahim’s regards for Devika grew further. Still, his desire to win her was much more than his regards to her.
He was following her and noted all the measurement. Devika wore her bra and blouse. He made a copy of her measurement for her own records.
Devika: Please send this to your designer. Also, please keep this with you. I trust you.
Devika comes out of Rahim’s room. Anand was out sees Devika. Devika was not expecting him and so fumbled. But her confidence was high.
Devika: Hello Anand.
Anand: Hi Madam
Devika: We will meet in the gym tomorrow. Bye
Anand: Bye… (was about to ask her..but Devika leaves)
Anand: Why was she here? What you were doing in your room?
Rahim: We were confirming our costumes. Since you were sleeping, we went in my room so that you don’t get disturbed.
Anand: Oh ok.
Ding dong…
Devika: Hello mom
Mom: Hello beta. You are late today. Vishnu is also here now.
Devika: Was stuck in important work.
Mom: Oh ok. Take a rest. We are leaving now. Need to attend small function.
Devika: Ok. Take care.
Mom leaves.
Devika: Vishnu, how are you?
Vishnu: I am fine.
Devika: Let me feed Adi. He must be hungry.
Vishnu: Actually, since you were late, your mom gave him bottle milk. He is in sound sleep now.
Devika: Oh…
Devika was angry with herself. She did all this because Adi would be demanding her milk immediately and see now he is sleeping. The bigger problem is now Adi won't drink her milk till next few hrs. How she will empty her breast and get a second measurement? Who is going to take it? Then who will be putting lotion on her breasts?.. Devika was lost in her thoughts…
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Devika was still thinking what to do. How to empty her milk filled breasts without without Adi drinks it. She was thinking pressing them and take out which is painful not feasible or asking Venki to drink it which will give birth to too many questions.

Vishnu was the name came into her mind. But what she will say to Vishnu? Why she want him to drink her milk? Will he do it? Will he think that I am a bad shameless lady? She was in complete disarray.

Devika: Vishnu, I have one personal request. Can you do it without asking any question and without thinking about me or my character?

Vishnu: (stunned by her request)…. Me?

Devika: Yes. Only you can help me. You are the one whom I can bank for my most personal things, something which I cannot share with anyone.

Vishnu: I am happy to hear that you trust me most. But I am not able to get you.

Devika: Actually, I have a medical problem

Vishnu: Whaat? What happened to you? We can go to the doctor? (Vishnu in fear mode)

Devika: No. I have medicines with me, but I need someone who can help me with my treatment

Vishnu: I can surely help. Tell me what to do

Devika: I hope you won't take it wrong

Vishnu: You cannot do anything wrong. I trust you more than myself.

Devika: Thanks Vishnu.

Vishnu: You can share with me

Devika: Actually I am getting less milk for Adi so I have to take medicine and put some lotion.

Vishnu: He doesn’t look hungry after you feed him. Also he eats and drink outside milk also

Devika: But mother’s milk is the best. He should get good milk from me with all nutritions

Vishnu: That is true. You know better.

Devika: Problem is medicines and treatment

Vishnu: I can go and buy medicines.

Devika: Medicines I have but treatment needs me to put lotion.

Vishnu: You don’t like lotion?

Devika: How can I explain to you?

Vishnu: Sorry for being dumb.

Devika: No, its not your fault. I mean its very personal.

Vishnu: You mean you need to put lotion on….. private area

Devika: Kind of that.

Vishnu: You mean on your butt area?

Devika: Did I say that?

Vishnu: Sorry

Devika: I need to put on my breast.

Vishnu: That is easy na?

Devika: But I cannot touch lotion.

Vishnu: (little excited) Venki Sir?

Devika: He can but it will be late for him. I need to do now

Vishnu: (taking a step ahead)… you want me to do that?

Devika: (shy and embarrassed) Hope you don’t feel bad.

Vishnu: (hiding his excitement) Its medical reason. Why will I feel bad and that too for you.

Devika: That’s the reason I trust you.

Vishnu: You want to do now?
Devika: But that is not the only thing

Vishnu: then?

Devika: I need to measure my breast size and keep record on time to time.

Vishnu: That is easy.

Devika: But first recording I need to take is with no milk. I am full of milk now and Adi slept with full stomach.

Vishnu: (getting mad inside with the opportunity) Now I get your problem.

Devika: It is very embarrassing to share with anyone.

Vishnu: Please don’t feel any embarrassment with me. I trust you and can bet my life for you.

Devika: (overwhelmed) Thanks Vishnu.

Vishnu: Tell me the what to do now?

Devika: Can you….. can you…. Drink all the milk without feeling bad. I am not a bad lady Vishnu. I am mother in need.

Vishnu: I will do it. If you feel shy then I can tie cloth on my eyes and will do it like a robot.

Devika: I trust you Vishnu. But you with closed eyes will make me more comfortable.

Vishnu was thinking how stupid he is to give that idea. However, he was still very excited to kiss and suck her boobs. Something he dreamed a week back.

Vishnu: Can I get a cloth to eye over my eyes.

Devika: I have one eye pad which I use to sleep in plane. I have kept in third drawer of my table in the room.

Vishnu: Let me get it.

Vishnu went in excitement. His heartbeat must be over 150. He opened the drawer and searched for the pad but he was not able to see it among lot of the other stuff inside it.

Devika: You got it?

Vishnu: Not yet

Devika: May be in second one.

Vishnu: OK.

Vishnu was looking into stuff in the drawers. Wanted to search eye pad as fast as possible. Finally, he finds it.

Vishnu: Got it. Bringing.

Vishnu saw something strange. He thought it was something private and brings that to Devika to tease her.

Vishnu: (naughty) What is this used for?

Devika: Oh Vishnu. It is my breast pump. I completely forgot about it. Now you don’t need to suck it. I can extract, milk using this machine

****Vishnu just killed himself without any weapon****

Vishnu: (hiding his lost face). Good. So I should leave now.

Devika: No, Let me first extract, milk out and then you have to take measurements and put lotion. Wait outside. I will be back in 20 mins

Vishnu: OK (not everything lost)
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(06-02-2019, 10:44 AM)loveall Wrote: pls complete full story

Why do you want complete the story at once? Pl have patience. Story will be completed in due course. After all I am only uploading the story on behalf of SoftCoreXX. If I upload completely, most of the readers will read the story line, omitting the inner details.

Good thing should be taken only a bit regularly. Enjoy the suspense. Open up your imagination. And time is required for wild imagination to grow.

I am sure most of the readers of this forum will agree with me.

OK, lets come to a conclusion. I know there are more than 10,000 viewers. If at least 30 readers wants me to upload this story at once, I will oblige.

Thanks everybody for your patience.
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It is not right to think that some readers omitted the story.....if u have uploaded complete story at once......because all the readers know the theme of the story........it is all about HOW they succeed????

I understand ur intention that to keep the suspense among the readers is good.......

but please understand we are not able to wait how they succeed...........so please post the story at once..............
                                                Heart రసిక  మహారాజ్ Heart
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mansi im coming to this site only for this story .
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so please post complete story..im really thankful to u for posting regular updates..but we want more..sry if u r hurt
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no one will skip the middle part..every line is so erotic..
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u dont need to fear about it
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introduction of Hemanth character unnecessary
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Hemant also nice dude..i want Vishnu to take advantage
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(07-02-2019, 09:54 AM)manasi Wrote: Why do you want complete the story at once? Pl have patience. Story will be completed in due course. After all I am only uploading the story on behalf of SoftCoreXX. If I upload completely, most of the readers will read the story line, omitting the inner details.

Good thing should be taken only a bit regularly. Enjoy the suspense. Open up your imagination. And time is required for wild imagination to grow.

I am sure most of the readers of this forum will agree with me.

OK, lets come to a conclusion. I know there are more than 10,000 viewers. If at least 30 readers wants me to upload this story at once, I will oblige.

Thanks everybody for your patience.

I know the whole story...as i've read it  before..bt i want to revise the story again..so it'llbe great if u completethe whole story at once...
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Devika goes in the room and started expressing milk using her pump. Vishnu was getting nervous and excited both at the same time. He took out his mobile and started reading about breast pump, milk, etc.
He was shocked to read the findings on the internet.

“Devika madam is so innocent” – is the only thing coming into his mind.

The humming sound of breast pump stopped after 20-25 mins but Vishnu’s heart started humming. He was not able to control his excitement.

Devika: Vishnu, you can come in.

Vishnu entered the room and froze at the door. Devika was sitting on the bed without her blouse and bra. She was covering herself with thin Sari. Bright tube light in the room made her sari further transparent. Devika’s beautiful boobs, red-pink areola and nipples were clearly visible through the sari.

Devika: Vishnu..

Vishnu: Yes Madam.

Devika: What are you looking at?

Vishnu: You are really beautiful

This was the first time Vishnu was so open to appreciate topless Devika. Devika couldn’t counter him.

Devika: Thanks, but I am a problem

Vishnu: I know the problem

Devika: You know?

Vishnu: I know, your milk is keep coming, you are not able to empty your breasts

Devika: (shocked) How you know?

Vishnu: While waiting outside I started reading about your problem and got to know that it will not work this way.

Devika: Oh, any solution they have mentioned?

Vishnu: Site says – “Good, healthy women with big boobs … sorry.. I mean big breast will keep producing the milk. Speed of production is equal to speed of baby sucking or breast pump sucking”

Devika: Oh God. That way I cannot measure it. Not sure why she suggested this to me.

Vishnu: Who is that she?

Devika: I will talk later. But any solution?

Vishnu: Only solution is to suck or extract faster than production.

Devika: But I am running my pump at the highest speed and suction.

Vishnu: OK

Devika: Vishnuuuuu ..can you suck (shy)

Vishnu: Are you fine with it?

Devika: I have no option.

Vishnu: You can wait for Venki Sir.

Devika: No. He will question a lot. I cannot tell him everything about the treatment (couldn’t hide her mind – She is not a liar, She is an angel)

Vishnu: Are you hiding something from him?

Devika: Sorry Vishnu to lie with you. I mean with him… I mean for lying… but this is something I am doing for the good of my child and Venki won't allow me.. Now please don’t ask more… I am already in the problem.

Vishnu: Don’t feel bad. Let us do it.

Devika: Thanks Vishnu

Vishnu: Let me wear that eye mask(pad) (still playing safe)

Devika in her mind – “Vishnu is such a good boy. Respecting my privacy. Not in hurry like Hemant”

Vishnu came in with eye mask in his hand. Devika was sitting on the bed.

Devika: You have to lay down on bed with head in my lap.

Vishnu: OK

Devika was sitting on the bed, still covering herself with sari which was just a formality. Vishnu has slowly come on the bed and lay down next to her. Devika helps him by bringing his head on her lap. Vishnu saw her boobs hiding behind the sari. To show his modesty, he wears the mask.

Devika, not matter how open was till now gets shy. Her breathing gets heavier. Vishnu’s situation was no different.

Devika pulls he sari pallu aside to expose her boob just the minimum to her nipple. She bends down to position her nipple over Vishnu’s lips. It was not an easy situation for Devika to move in. There is a hell lot of difference between thinking and doing. Devika was facing same. Her nipple was still a few inches away from Vishnu’s lips. She further bends down, but still an inch away from his lips.

Devika takes a deep breath and bends further. Her nipple brushes Vishnu’s lips. Vishnu opens his mouth, but Devika was not stable and her nipple goes off target touching his nose. Vishnu was in her lap with mouth open. Devika again position her nipple to his lips. This time it landed on his upper lip. Vishnu opens his mouth further and grabs her nipple.

Devika shivers badly as he closes his lips and puts pressure on her nipple. No one needs to learn sucking. Vishnu without fail makes first suck. Not much milk comes to his mouth. He makes a bigger such and extract more milk from her breast. Devika on the other hand feels it her boob got stuck in a vacuum cleaner pipe. Vishnu was 10 times harder than Adi or her breast pump. Vishnu kept sucking and drinking her milk for next 3-4 minutes. Devika for the first time felt like her boob drained out.

Vishnu: (releasing her nipple) Not much is coming out. Let me suck another one.

Without changing his position, he further drags into her lap. Devika bends further more to adjust to far reaching boob. Her nipple touched and missed his lips again. Vishnu, this time moves his hand to Devika’s side back to bend her father. Once contact is made he latch upon her nipple and started sucking her. Devika was feeling his power suck. Vishnu quickly drains the other one and come out of her lap.
Devika covers herself.

Vishnu: Hope I didn’t hurt you.

Devika: (shy and embarrassed) .. no

There was simply silence in the room for a minute and then Vishnu speaks out

Vishnu: Measuring tape?

Devika moves off the bed and brings her notes, pen and tape and hand it over to Vishnu.

Vishnu: How to measure?

Devika: Just full size of each boob. Left to right, top to bottom around the cups.

Vishnu takes the tape and was about to measure over her sari.

Devika: Actually, I need to take measurement of bare boobs.

Vishnu: Why?

Devika: For accuracy.

Vishnu: (makes his intelligent move) I think you can take over this thin sari and then reduce it equally every time. What you need to measure is the change in size, which will come out keeping Sari constant.

Devika: Oh my God Vishnu. You are so intelligent. Why I could not think that way.
Vishnu: All because of you. I studied hard this year and its simple mathematics and science.

Devika: You are a Gem Vishnu. Only you are the one who thinks about my modesty everytime.

Vishnu: It's all because I love you.

Devika: I love you too Vishnu.

Vishnu was happy to make Devika happy and win her trust again. He completes the measurement with ultra care of not crossing his lines. Devika certainly felt the difference in how Rahim did and how Vishnu is doing it now. She thought that Rahim and his designer robbed her. They could have used the same logic. She herself was dumb. But her angel heart forgives them again thinking Vishnu is far intelligent that those two.

Vishnu: It's done now. Can I leave?

Devika: Thanks Vishnu, but last one thing, if you can help?

Vishnu: For your lotion?

Devika: Yes. In that box (pointing to the box on the table)

Vishnu: Pulls out the bottle.

Devika: Make sure you are not touching the lotion with hand. It needs to be directly applied over the skin.

Vishnu: OK.

Devika was on her back now. Vishnu sits next to her and puts the eye mask again pointing lotion bottle over her breast. Devika removes her pallu completely. Her beautiful melons which were recently sucked by Vishnu were shining in bright tube light.

Vishnu: Should I open the cap.

Devika: Yes.

Vishnu: I will slowly drop the lotion one by one on each of your parts. You can let me know if I am missing the area.

Devika: OK.

Vishnu opens the cap and slowly start dropping lotion on her boobs. The first drop was right, but next one goes off near her cleavage and lower neck

Devika: Hold on.

Vishnu stops.

Devika: You can take mask off. The bottle is small and cannot waste it.

Vishnu takes out his mask. He saw Devika next to her topless with her beautiful boobs open to grab. Vishnu starts putting lotion again.

Devika: Make sure you slowly put drops covering full area

Vishnu: Sure.

Vishnu slowly was dropping lotion. Lotion liquid was a bit cold on the skin. Vishnu was slowly dropping on her boobs. Now there was no barrier. He was constantly seeing them. Devika was looking at this face. She sees him putting it dedicatedly.

Vishnu in between turns his eyes on Devika’s face. Both see each other. Devika smiles and so Vishnu.

Vishnu completes first boob. He moves to second one. Devika sees Vishnu again. Vishnu’s helping nature, innocence, respect to her modesty was making Devika forget all bad incidences. She was very relaxed now.

Continuous dripping of cold lotion started playing its role. Medicine started showing its effect as well. Her boob started getting firmer. Nipples harden. Entire body started getting tiny goose bumps. Vishnu finishes both the boobs and empties the bottle.

Vishnu: It's one. I can go now (asking reluctantly as he doesn’t want to go)

Devika: Wait till it dries up. No one in the house. If Adi woke up, then I might need your help.

Vishnu: OK

Lotion started getting dry. With that it was stretching her skin. Devika was bit uneasy, but controlling herself. To distract herself, she starts talking Vishnu.

Devika: Please don’t share this with anyone.

Vishnu: Never.

Devika: I am sorry for asking you to do all this.

Vishnu: No Madam. It is nothing in return for what you have done in our life. We were a bunch of bad boys.

Devika: You were always good.

Vishnu: Thanks, madam.

Both went quiet. Devika and Vishnu saw each other in the eyes. Vishnu shy off. Devika smiles. Devika’s boobs were now firm and hard. They blossomed in full size. Nipples were hard and erect. Vishnu figured out the changes. These were similar to what he saw during massage day. He again looks at Devika. This time Devika shy off.

Vishnu comes closer to her.

Vishnu: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Devika: You are saying because you have never seen any other topless lady.

Vishnu: I don’t need to any.

Devika: You will. Your girlfriend and wife in future.

Vishnu: May be wife, but not a girlfriend.

Devika: Why not girlfriend. Now generations are ahead.

Vishnu: Because I am with my girlfriend now.

Devika: Oh ho..

Vishnu: Am I wrong?

Devika: I am married lady. Find someone of your age. A beautiful one

Vishnu: No one more beautiful than you. Not even close

Devika: Wait. You will find one.

Vishnu: I don’t need to search.

Devika: You are getting bigger everyday now.

Vishnu comes closer to her. Hardly a foot away were their faces. Eye to eye.

Vishnu: Really?

Devika: Yes. You are talking and behaving like a big boy now.

Vishnu: What is wrong in my behavior?

Devika: Nothing.

Vishnu: Really?

Devika: You are a good man.
Vishnu: Any reward for this good man

Devika: What you want? I will give you.

Vishnu: I will take myself

Vishnu moves further close to her. Devika goes on back foot. He was now very near to her.Vishnu was constantly looking at her. His eyes were on her. Devika was blinking her eyes, but Vishnu wasn’t.

Vishnu takes the boldest step. He comes close to her and put her lips on her lips. Devika was not expecting this. She was certain now feared, but was taken by surprise. Vishnu made it so comfortable there that she didn’t object. This was also not the first time. Vishnu was a quick learner. He took Devika’s lips in his mouth and sucked it slowly. Her beautiful soft lips slowly started melting in his mouth. Devika was already topless on the bed. Her boobs were stiff, nipples were hard, Vishnu was sucking her lips together all pushed her in the zone of love and intimacy. Her legs started getting restless. Laying down on the bed, her one leg moved over another. Both the legs trying to push each other down. In reality she was trying to control her emotions.

Vishnu leaves her lips and moves back. He sees Devika’s reaction. Devika was still with her eyes closed. With the break of kiss she opens her eyes and sees Vishnu. There was no revolt or anger or stress on her face. She smiled and turn away her face to other direction.

Vishnu touches her face and turns back towards him. Devika was feeling very shy.

Vishnu: Why are you closing your eyes.

Devika: Vishnu, you got your reward. Now please go. Lotion is dry. I will also clean it up now.

Vishnu: (coming back to the reality) OK. But your measurement post lotion?

Devika: that……

Vishnu: I remember you need to take two more

Devika: Oh yes. Let me get it clean

Devika goes in the washroom. Vishnu was jubilated. He was extremely hard. Had he been in the house would have masturbated by now.

Devika comes out with a towel on her boobs. Vishnu comes back with measuring tape. Devika takes the towel off giving him a glimpse of her neatly cleaned boobs. Nipples were shining red and boobs were firm. Devika covers them back with a sari.

Vishnu takes the next set of measurement. The only changes he was seeing was hard nipples and little firm boobs. He completes the measurement as a pro.

Devika: Any changes.

Vishnu: Yes. But let us finish the final measurement.

Devika: Which one?

Vishnu: With empty boobs. Right now they are filled again.

Vishnu without asking goes to the bed and lay down. Devika was mentally forced to move in bed again. Vishnu slides into her lap. Devika forgot that he was not covering his eyes with mask now.

Vishnu moves her sari aside, exposing her boobs. Devika was completely lost. She was doing what Vishnu was asking her to do. Vishnu was not needed any help from her. He moves his one hand on her back and makes Devika to bend further. He quickly grabs her nipple and start sucking it. This all happened so fast that Devika couldn’t figure out what is happening. Vishnu quickly drank her milk and rolled up to catch other boob. Devika turns further to give him access, but in that process, she picks a mini cramp.

Devika: Oouchhhh

Vishnu: What happened.

Devika: Little pain in turning more on your side.

Vishnu: OK, let us do it another way.

Devika: How?

Vishnu comes out of bed and asks Devika to to sit on the edge. Devika comes on the edge and Vishnu sit on the floor on his knees to access her boob. Devika need not to bend this time. Vishnu grabbed her nipple in mouth and started sucking it again. The position was not very stable and Vishnu was losing her nipple again and again.

Devika: It is also uncomfortable.

Vishnu stood up and moves his hand on Devika’s shoulder. He gently pushed both her shoulders down eventually making her lay on the bed again. Devika was laying on the bed again on her back. Vishnu comes near to her and completely removes her pallu. He too lay down next to her almost a foot below. Devika couldn’t stop his actions as she was already lost in this. Vishnu pulls Devika towards him and takes her nipple in mouth and starts sucking it. He quickly drains it again.

Vishnu: Let me check the other one if something refilled in the mean time.

Without asking Devika, for the first time he takes her full boob in hand and start sucking her boob. Not only nipple, but fairly 2-3 inches on her boob was in his mouth.

His sucking made Devika crumble in the bed. She was not able to handle this assault. Her hand automatically moved to Vishnu’s head. Her fingers started moving in his hairs. Vishnu kept sucking her boobs. He moved from one to another…he kept swapping them without asking Devika. Devika with her eyes closed, legs trying to squeeze into each other was now pushing her breast in his mouth. Milk was almost zero, but sucking was on. Both Vishnu and Devika were lost in the game of sucking. Devika realized that she was very wet down under. Vishnu’s sucking was not stopping anytime. Final assault came when Vishnu bit her nipple. Softly pressed teeth over her nipple made Devika mad. Her entire body went stiff like a wood log. Vishnu released her nipple and bit the other one. Devika moaned and moaned loudly. Her hands on Vishnu’s head pushed his head inside her boobs. Devika reached her orgasm. One which was built for some good time. Her moan came so loud that Vishnu stopped sucking her. He went in fear thinking he had bit her nipple wrongly. Devika didn’t allowed him to move back. She pushed his head again on her boobs. She completely lost it. Before she could do further damage to herself… Adi cries up loudly. He's awake now. Thanks to Devika’s loud moaning.

Adi was enough distraction for both to detach. Devika was breathing heavily and so Vishnu. Vishnu’s hard on was visible to both. Devika came back to reality. She ran away to pick Adi and started consoling him. Vishnu too was in fear. A meek bye and he left.

Adi was hungry. Seeing Devika’s boob he started crying further. Devika was not sure of any milk was left.To pacify Adi she gives him her nipple. Adi starts sucking her boob. She thought he would stop, but he didn’t. He was sucking and sucking. Devika was feeling bad for her baby for giving him fake sucking. But after a few minutes she sees Adi leaving her nipple with milk in his mouth. She moves him to other boob and Adi start sucking again. After regular sucking Adi was done. He was smiling after he was full.

Devika was surprised how Adi got so much milk after Vishnu drained them completely. May be power of medicines and lotion which made her boobs a milk machine.
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Anand: Here comes our sister fucker

Rahim: What have you managed with your sister for so long?

Vishnu: She is not my sister

Rahim: That we know, but not Devika Madam. She treats you little brother who baby sits her child

Anand: He must be busy in changing diapers… ha ha..

Rahim: .. Or cleaning house

Anand:… or making beds for her so that at night his brother in law will enjoys his sister.. ha ha ha

Rahim: Looks like today she must have got her house cleaned by you ..ha ha ha.. You were there for 2-3 hrs

Anand: Did she pay anything to you…

Vishnu: Enough you fuckers… rug swept from under your feet If I distinguish you what I acted today

Anand: Don’t say you fucked he

Vishnu: I will one day, but today I smooched her.

Rahim: Whaaaaaaaaaat?

Vishnu: And sucked her boobs to drink her milk

Anand: Joking….Why she will feed you milk

Vishnu: This is my second kiss today. That lasted for 10 minutes with her and ended with her craving for me. Adi woke up otherwise I would have fucked her

Rahim: Now you are making stories

Vishnu: She was topless during entire kiss

Anand: Boy are you drunk?

Vishnu: Nope. She is having some medical problem. I helped her in emptying her breast fast, putting medicine in breast and then take measurements of her boobs. In reward she allowed me to kiss her. She is in love with me. You guys have lost it.

Anand: You are cooking stories. Why she will ask you to measure her naked boobs and suck them. She is having her husband.

Rahim: Vishnu might be right. I too took her measurement today when she came to me. I was so stunned that I couldn’t think beyond doing her work.

Anand: Now you too are lying.

Rahim: Remember, she was here during noon.

Anand: But you said that she was here for costume adjustment

Rahim: She told me that only. I didn’t know she was having medical problems. Her boobs were firmer today than the last time.. oops

Vishnu: Last time?

Anand: Can anybody tell me what is happening in this house?

Rahim: Sorry guys, I saw her topless last time when we were taking her costume measurement. The designer was looking for perfect measurement which she cooperated with.

Vishnu: You didn’t tell me, but it is true her boobs are more firm now compare to the last time.

Rahim: Now when you saw her last time.

Vishnu: I forgot to tell you, but I was massaging her one day. She was topless, but was showing me her back only. Suddenly Venki sir came home. She ran topless outside as she doesn’t want him to know I am in her bedroom giving her a massage on naked back.

Anand: But how, you saw her boobs?

Vishnu: That I cannot tell you. She asked me not to disclose.

Rahim: But we are in agreement to share everything

Vishnu: You never told about seeing her topless twice. You even touched her boobs.

Rahim: I was about to

Anand: You both fuckers are now hiding facts from me. She has taken place in your heart replacing your friends.

Vishnu: It's not like that. But I really like her

Rahim: Some.

Vishnu: And we promised each other that we will never harm her. She is helping us beyond her capacity

Anand: Don’t bring an emotional thing here. Remember our ultimate objective is to fuck her and once one will get her he is going to share with others

Rahim: Yes, but…

Anand: But what.. You fuckers are not sharing basic achievements how can I trust you that if you get her first you will be sharing her with me? I don’t trust you anymore. I will do things my way now

Vishnu: You will not harm her

Anand: I can't guarantee. I don’t want to keep watching and hearing your achievements.

Rahim: Cool down Anand. Remember, we three are friends and we decided never to harm her

Vishnu: Yes. We are men. We keep our promises.

Anand: ENOUGH GUYSSSSSSS. You mother fucker… you are talking about promises. Are you living up to your promises?

Vishnu: We are sorry, but I told you all today… right?

Rahim: Me too..

Anand: Only when we teased you beyond your acceptance limit.

Vishnu: Now we will share.

Rahim: Promise.

Anand: I don’t trust you guys. But I give importance to our friendship above her. But looks like you don’t

Rahim: You are stretching it beyond the limit.

Anand: I know you will lose it this way. Now don’t talk to me about promises.

Anand goes into is room in anger and locked it from inside. Both Rahim and Vishnu tried a lot but he didn’t open. They both know he is still stubborn and today it was their mistake.

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After Vishnu left, Devika was recalling the entire incident. She was not able to accept the reality that she was so loose ended today. What Vishnu and she did was beyond her imagination. How could I do that with Vishnu. What if Adi didn’t cry that time? Vishnu is no more child or student. He is an adult now. The way he sucked her was no innocence. Is he is looking more than that for me? Of course he must be now. I need to stop this. He is such a good boy that he is helping me for all my problems. Oh God, why I am thinking this. He is just a boy who was tempted after seeing and sucking boobs. It's my mistake. I need to take care.

But my treatment? I guess it is going fine. So much milk, which I never saw earlier.

Ding dong…

Venki: How is my darling today?

Devika: I am bit tired today.

Venki: I have a news which will take away all your tiredness

Devika: What is that news?

Venki: Not so easily. First give me a tight kiss

Devika kissed Venki. Venki started smooching her. There was sense of maturity in Venki’s kissing. It was not as thrilling as it was with Vishnu.

Venki: So news is that I have been promoted.

Devika: Wow.

Venki: I will be head of the department.

Devika: That is great news. You didn’t tell on the phone.

Venki: I wanted to surprise you.

Devika: Bad boy.

Venki: Now, here is the twist. I will not be the head of the department of this branch. We have to move to Ahmedabad. They are opening a new branch there. I will be heading that new center

Devika: Ahmedabad?

Venki: Yes.

Devika: Are we moving there?

Venki: We have to

Devika: When?

Venki: Center will open with new Financial year, but I have to join there earlier

Devika: Tell me when?

Venki: Around February.

Devika: Which means I will not finish my term in college.

Venki: Is that an issue?

Devika: Not an issue with the college. I was not yet permanent. But not good for the boys who moved below us

Venki: What is their problem

Devika: Remember I told you that they were struggling with studies and their parents want to put them in the wrong field. I don’t want to spoil their future.

Venki: I remember. One of them is the son of a politician. His father that day, literally…..

Devika: No, he has been just concerned about them.

Venki: OK. But we have a 1 month. That should be enough.

Devika: I think you can go early and get used to of place and find apartment to stay. I will join you after college ends

Venki: That will be the end of March. It will be late

Devika: OK. I will join you by the end of the Feb. Atleast give me 2 months.

Venki: one month without you and Adi?

Devika: Mom-dad will take care of us. I will call them to stay with me or I will move there.

Venki: What about me?

Devika: What is your problem?

Venki: I will alone and miss you

Devika: I know you will miss only one thing…naughty boy

Venki: Ha ha.. Let us eat out.

Devika: OK. I am also tired.
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Anand was very unhappy with Rahim and Vishnu. At the first place we are lagging far behind. Secondly, they were hiding all the progress. He understood that dancing allowed Rahim with constant touching with Devika. Also dancing is intimate. He underestimated Vishnu’s baby sitting. With baby sitting he was actually in Devika’s house and which allowed him to make a soft corner in her heart. Devika loves her family and Vishnu’s caring for her child was his biggest success point.

Anand didn’t talk with other two next day. In the evening he went to Devika

Anand: Hello Madam

Devika: Yes, Anand. How are you? Sorry I didn’t come for the gym session in last two days.

Anand: That is fine. Actually, I am here with another problem

Devika: Tell me Anand

Anand: Actually, I am under huge pressure from my Dad. He wants me to clear 12th this year anyhow. I am struggling with a few subjects and grammar part. Can you teach me after your dance and gym sessions?

Devika: I am not a faculty, but surely can help you in studies. After dance and gym, I am usually a bit tired, but I will try to help you. I also need to cook that time.

Anand: That is not a problem. I will be here for an hour and will ask you if I stuck in between.

Devika: Sounds like a plan.

Anand: Thanks Madam.

Devika: No problem

On the way back to his apartment Anand talking to himself - So now I will be at her home after the session. Vishnu cannot do much except staying with me to study. Advantage Vishnu negated. Now step two.


Since it was a holiday week. Devika and Venki went out of town to meet Venki’s parents. They together spent 5 days there. Since it was a joint family house both couldn’t get intimate time together. It was the first time after marriage when they didn’t have any love making session for 7 continuous days.

For Devika time flew away fast with family, relatives and Adi. But each day and hour it was getting difficult for boys to pass there time without seeing Devika. Not only boys, but Hemant were also feeling the heat as Devika forgot to send him her measurements after day one. Hemant was also not much interested in measurements as he was not getting that chance. His mind was thinking now in exploiting Devika’s weakness to get over her.

It was Friday again. Devika and Venki were still out of town.

Devika got an SMS from Hemant. “Your parcel is ready with remaining two bottles”

Devika completely forgot that she needs to put lotion again today. Her flight was in the evening. She calls Vishnu

Vishnu: Hello madam

Devika: Hello Vishnu, can you do my one thing

Vishnu: Sure, tell me what to do?

Devika: Can you bring one package from Hemant Sir’house

Vishnu: OK. Please send me his number and address.

Devika: Sure. I will send.

Vishnu gets an SMS from Devika. He sees the message and the address and calls Anand

Vishnu: Anand, where are you?

Anand: I am in the market. What you want?

Vishnu: There is one package of Devika madam, if you can bring from Hemant sir’s house

Anand: (excited to work for Devika) OK. Where is his house?

Vishnu: It must be near your location. I am sending SMS

Anand got the address. He reached Hemant sir’s house and rings bell

Hemant: Hello

Anand: Hello Sir, I am Anand. I am here to pick Devika madam’s package

Hemant: OK. But where is she?

Anand: She is out of town. Will come tonight

Hemant: OK. That is the reason she didn’t send her measurements

Anand: Measurements?

Hemant: Nothing. Ignore it. Here is the package take it and make sure you hand over this to Devika.

Anand: OK

Hemant was feeling bad now. He waited for a week for things to calm down, but Devika didn’t come at all. This is something he was not expecting. His blood starts boiling. He started walking and thinking next steps.

Anand carries the package and came to his apartment. He kept package to himself, which he wanted to give to Devika. He doesn’t want Vishnu to take credit of his work.


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Next morning Saturday.

Ding dong…

Devika: Hello Anand

Anand: Hello Madam.

Devika: Come in Anand

Anand: No just came to give you your package.

Devika: Oh, thanks, but Vishnu were supposed to bring

Anand: He called me to bring this

Devika: OK

Anand: When are you coming for next gym session?

Devika: Not this week. This week I am busy and tired as well.

Anand: But if you miss a session then you may need to restart.

Devika: That I know, but… OK, let me try to join you today evening.

Anand: Good. Please try

Devika: OK. Let me try.

Anand: I will be waiting.

Anand leaves.

Devika opens the package. There were two bottles. Seeing package she realized that she forgot measurements. Last time her measurement session went wrong with Vishnu. No matter how much she likes Vishnu, she was a faithful wife. She started feeling that odd how she allowed Vishnu to suck her boobs which went beyond sucking. Vishnu’s nipple biting was the most erotic thing she felt in recent. Thinking about that made her wet again.

She goes to Venki.

Devika: Venki, can do one favor?

Venki: Tell me

Devika: Can you measure my boobs

Venki: what? Why?

Devika: I am thinking they are getting bigger with milk filled with it.

Venki: Ha ha…from where you get this idea.

Devika: Don’t laugh. Do what I say.

Venki: OK

Devika brings a measure tape. Opens her blouse ad bra and stand next to Venki
Venki: I thought you were joking. You seem to be serious.

Devika: Yes. Can you measure.

Venki: OK.

Venki takes the measurement. Seeing Devika topless he starts getting hardened

Venki: It is difficult to control seeing you like this. Don’t go to anyone like this they will eat you up

Devika: Not all are like you

Venki: All are like me

Devika: No, only you are a devil

Venki: You are seeing as you have shown this to others as well.

Devika gets a jolt. She doesn’t want Venki to get any hint. To stop his argument she pushes boob on his face.

Venki: What happened? Thinking about showing others is making you horny

Devika: No. Don’t talk dirty

Venki: Dirty? See the goose bumps on you. I am sure you are wet down….

Devika: Venkiiiii…. It's your touch which is making me…

Venki: Don’t lie. Thinking of someone touching your boobs is making you wet down.

Devika: Venkiiiii

Venki: Let us assume I am not Venki. I am one of your admirers. Say your colleague, your principal, your student, anyone..

Devika: Venki. You are so bad.

Venki was started getting heavy on her. He pulls her Sari. Devika was shivering. He looks into her eyes.

Venki: I am not Venki today. I am your admirer.

Saying that he pulled down her petticoat. She was standing in her panties. Devika was already horny earlier. Venki’s act made her mad. She was leaking like anything.

Venki pulls her on the bed. His hand went on her elastic of her panties. He pulls her panties. Devika lifts her butt and Venki takes panties off of her body.

Venki: See your panties most wet ever. You seem to be enjoying.

Devika: No Venki its not like that..

Aaaaahhhhh..Devika screams as Venki pushes his finger inside her pussy hole… Devika starts shivering and putting her legs up and down…

Devika: Aaaahhhh Venki… No.. don't do that…. Please remove it… you come now… don’t tease..

Venki: See now you cannot control it. You want to fuck your admirer… just close your eyes….

Devika closes her eyes…. Venki pushes his second finger inside… Devika scream and moan…

The face of Venki started getting blurred for her… she tries to see…. She sees Vishnu there…Vishnu changes to Hemant… Hemant to Chaami… Chaami to Rahim.. Rahim to Anand… Anand to Vishnu. As more and more she tries to see the blur face…. It changes face but ended in blur vision…..

Adi cries loudly after hearing Devika’s loud moanings…

Devika opens her eyes, its Venki she sees. Venki was preparing to come to her, but Adi distracted both. Devika runs to Adi. She was totally nude. She lifts Adi and takes him on the bed. Adi was crying. Devika gives him her boob to suck milk. Venki starts sucking the other one.

Devika: Don’t drink his milk.

Venki: We are sharing your milk.

Devika: Shut up. Nobody can share his milk…

Venki: Moves out of bed and start working on his laptop.

Devika went quiet. Thinking how she herself sharing his milk to Ganapati. But she felt bad that she didn’t give him milk this week. He must be again in bad habits…..

After feeding Adi she gives Adi to Venki. Venki takes Adi out for a walk. Devika doesn’t want to take risks today. She locks her bedroom and start putting lotion directly dropping on boobs by raising her hand. It was not that tough. Little more spills, but still she manages well. She was feeling herself stupid of not thinking about it. However, it was not only medicine thing, but it was no feeding and laying 30 mins to dry which pushed her for other options. After covering both the boobs with lotion she was there on the bed thinking all again. She was a bit angry on Venki for finger fucking her as her admirer and not as Venki. She was also surprised that it made her very wet.

Do I really like it?

Am I a bad woman?

So many people saw me topless, why I don’t feel shame now?

Chaami made me full naked (feeling guilty and stupid)

I went topless in Ganapati’s house to express milk (feeling pity)

Is Vishnu in love with me? (feeling emotional)

Rahim too played with my boobs (surprised)

Anand made me crazy in gym by his leg massage (shocked)

Hemant wanted to make ne nude again (angry)

All kinds of emotions in Devika. Two things were sure. She enjoyed her roleplay with Venki. She missed her session with Venki.

She went in the washroom and cleaned herself.
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Evening in the Gym

Anand: Glad you came today

Devika: Yes. I want to have continuity.

Anand: That is good. That makes you fit when you are regular.

Devika: So today what are we doing? The last session was legs and shoulders

Anand: Let us do Chest and Triceps

Devika: OK

Both started doing the exercise. Since Devika was well trained now she was easily doing things on her own. Anand was occasionally helping her.

While doing incline chest press

Anand: You have built up a strong chest now

Devika: How can you say

Anand: I can see. It is showing some growth. Little more puffed up

Devika: I am not sure. I am lifting same weight.

Anand: But by seeing you I can see the change

Devika: (getting shy) Actually, that is not muscle change

Anand: Then?

Devika: That is because I am feeding mom.

Anand: That you were earlier as well

Devika: But I am taking supplements for milk, so they are litter bigger

Anand: Really? Can I see it.. Sorry I mean can I feel it?

Devika: Anand.. You are making me shy. How can I to you?

Anand: I didn’t mean it. But I feel something is not correct. I just asked as a friend

Devika: No Anand. You are a boy. You don’t understand

Anand: I have been training in the gym for 3 years now. I know lots of false promises. If not see can I touch them?

Devika: Anand, I am sorry but…

Anand: It's ok. You don’t feel me your nearest friend. You differentiate me with another friend. I asked for your wellness.

Devika: Aaanand… sorry I didn’t mean it. I took wrong. You can check.

Anand: OK. Take your jacket out.

Devika: Takes the jacket out. She was in her tee and sport bra

Anand: I am sorry, but you need to take your bra also out. You can be your tee

Devika: I trust you Anand. Please don’t take advantage of it.

Anand: If you are not sure then let us not do it. You can show to the doctor

Devika: I trust you.

Devika goes in washroom and takes her tee and bra out. She wears the tee again and came back

Devika: OK. I am done.

Anand comes close to Devika. He makes Devika sit on the stool and comes behind her.

Anand: Please allow me to touch you.

Devika: Go ahead Dr.

Anand from the behind moves his hands on her boobs. He covers both her boobs with his palm. Slowly he presses them to check the firmness. Devika was feeling very shy. It was good that the gym has been usually lonely. Devika’s boobs were big enough and were not fitting his palms. Anand moved both his hands on her one boob and start examining the shape and firmness. He then moves his hands on the other one and did the same. Devika was feeling embarrassed, but allowed him. Anand presses both of them hard

Devika: Aaaah.. it pains

Anand: Something is not right. These should not be that firm and you should not feel pain

Devika: It is because of medicines.

Anand: Who gave it.

Devika: A friend gave.

Anand: Is she a doctor?

Devika: She herself had that treatment and now sharing same with me.

Anand: OK. Tell me the medicine name.

Devika: Are you a doctor

Anand: No, but I know good chemist.

Devika: I will send you the email.

Anand: Are you eating tablets or also applying gel

Devika: Not gel, but some lotion

Anand: Name?

Devika: It is unnamed. I am getting it from doctor directly

Anand: OK. Can I see your skin where you are putting lotion?

Devika: Anand, how can I show?

Anand: I wanted to see if there is a skin reaction?

Devika: Why are you thinking wrong about the treatment

Anand: Because it is not usual

Devika: oh ok. But you are not a doctor

Anand: It's ok. Just a part of it will be ok

Devika: .. Ok, but just some part

Anand comes in front of Devika. He asks for Devika’s permission. Devika reluctantly said yes. Anand slowly moves Tee up. Devika’s beautiful navel and midriff were exposed to Anand. Anand loves porn we all know, but Navel was something which turns him on. Till now he was controlling himself, but seeing Devika’s navel, he started losing control. He lifts her tee further and exposes lower part of boobs. Devika now started feeling uncomfortable, but seeing Anand’s serious face, she kept her calm.

Anand further lifts her tee and exposes more part of her boob. Still, it was below her nipple. Devika’s breathing starts getting heavier.

Anand was closely, seeing the skin area of her lower boobs. Devika already had an emotional day. She started feeling a bit uneasy now.

Anand: Let me see it closely. I see some skin tissues stretched. Can you come into the light here.

Devika: Someone will come Anand

Anand: OK. Let us go in your change room.

Devika and Anand go in that room. Anand locks it from inside. Devika takes a deep breath. But deep breath was not the solution. Her breathing was already heavy.

Anand again lifts her T-shirt. This time in one go he was above her nipple. Devika tried to stop him, but Anand was holding it tightly.

Anand: See your nipple is also showing systems of medicines. You should show to a skin doctor.

Devika: But it is for milk, not for skin.

Anand: See yourself.

Saying that Anand pulls her T-shirt fully up. Exposing her full boob. Devika went in shame. Seeing Devika’s reaction Anand pulls from the other side as well, exposing both her boobs.

Anand: See both are showing signs

Devika: I don’t see Anand. Trying to put T-shirt down

Anand: You are not serious about it. Please the difference in light.

Saying that he brings Devika directly under the tubelight.

Anand: If you are not able to see then let me take this T-shirt off. You will see it clearly.

Before Devika can object. Anand pulls her T-shirt up. Devika’s hands go up and Anand takes her T-shirt out of her head and keeps in his hand. Devika was standing topless now. Both her boobs were shining in the bright light. She was feeling shame.

Anand: Don’t feel bad about it, madam. Its a matter of health. Do you see thin nerves, red lines and skin stretching.

Devika tries to focus on what Anand was saying. But her mind was not there. She was having a different feeling now.

Anand: You felt pain while pressing right.

Saying this he presses her boobs again. Devika felts pain. She realizes Anand is correct.

Devika: Yes. I am feeling a bit of pain.

Anand: When do you put this lotion last time.

Devika: Today noon?

Anand: And these are always stiff or more on the lotion day?

Devika: Not measured, but more on lotion day

Anand understood everything. Also, she was aware of Vishnu’s thing. He makes his next move.

Anand: Just want to ask if you are experiencing problems in expressing milk

Devika: Not as such

Anand: Adi might not suck hard. But did you tried with little harder sucking

Devika: Anand. How could I? What you know about sucking? Are you female doctor?

Anand: It is logical. People come in gym if have problems with muscle they feel pain and soreness with the regular activities of that muscle but it goes off. Yours is paining without doing it. If your boobs feel pain in sucking then there is a problem.

Devika: How to measure.

Anand: Someone need to suck harder.

Hearing him Devika went in shame. Vishnu sucked her hard last week. But that was before lotion.

Anand: If you allow me than I can check for you.

Devika: But….

Anand gave deaf ear to her. He quickly moved down and got her boob in the mouth and sucked her hard. Devika was already in mix, mood today. Being topless in front of her student already kicked off leak in her pussy. Then his touching and now sucking.

Anand kept on sucking hard. He was getting milk now, which he drank. Devika was lost. Anand moved on her other boob and sucked it hard.

Anand: Any pain?

Devika: Little bit.

Anand: See I was saying this.

He again sucks her boob tight. Being an expert porn watcher, he was sucking her boob but parallel he was holding other boob in his hand which he was pressing. He knew sucking would not make her pain so he was pressing another one which was creating pain waves. He finally bit her nipples. Devika moaned. He bit again and Devika moaned again. He moved to other boob and did the same. Devika’s soft moan was a bit louder this time. She was breathing heavy.

Devika: Anand, please stop. I guess you go tested it. I will go to the doctor.

Anand: (Leaving her boobs)… why are you breathing heavy. Are you fine?

Devika: Yes.

Anand: Your body is shivering. Goose bumps everywhere.

Devika: I am going back now.

Anand stood up infront of her. Making eye to eye contact. Devika tried to see around, but Anand was not Vishnu. He was bit rough. He hold Devika’s face and directly sees in her eyes.

Anand: Did I do anything wrong?

Devika: Anand, you are talking to your madam

Anand realizes he is over doing now.

Anand: Sorry madam, I mean you leaving this way was making me feel that I did something wrong. I am just trying to assess your problem

Devika: That’s ok. I need to go now.

Anand: Gym?

Devika: I cannot do now. I am tired.

Anand: Then wait for sometime.

Devika: (breathing very heavy) Please give me my T-shirt. I need to go.

Anand gives her T-Shirt. She quickly wears it and her jacket. She opens her change room door and leaves the gym.

Anand was still inside. He pulls out his cock and jerks off then and there. He did not believe that he reached here. He was now very sure of how vulnerable Devika is. More to that he knew something today which nobody know. That will be his trump card.

Anand’s act has shaken Devika further. She was not believing her instincts now. How easily she is getting wet down under. She talked to herself to take care in future. Its matter of two months and she will be out.
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