Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
My apologies. I started writing yesterday and had only finished one page when something unavoidable came up. Going to be busy for two to three days. However will try my best to give an update in a day or two
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(25-01-2020, 01:54 PM)game40it Wrote: My apologies. I started writing yesterday and had only finished one page when something unavoidable came up. Going to be busy for two to three days. However will try my best to give an update in a day or two

no hurry up..........write when you are cool............
we can wait
but our expectations are great  ;)
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Completely understand. The next update has lot of physical and emotional things to take care of.
The sex portion also require in depths. Please take your own sweet time to come out with a rocking update.
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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Oh my god he is here, thought Meera. My husband said he would only be back tomorrow but he is already here. Seeing the bag in his hand Meera concluded that he had not even gone back home yet, he had come to see her straightaway. There was a feeling of elation in her heart on seeing him but she fought hard not to show that emotion on her face. Afterall he was the one who had cut off all relationship she had with him so abruptly. She made her face emotionless as she spoke to him.
“Yes, can I help you? Who is it that you want to see?” she asked sarcastically.
“Meera, you still angry with me? Prabu asked with the smile still not disappearing from his face.
“Me angry?? Why should I be, we are nothing to each other isn’t it so, who am I to get angry.”
“You know, you look so cute when you are angry,” Prabu tried another tact.
Meera was not going to be mollified so easily.
“How I look or feel is none of your concern. I would appreciate it if you would tell me the reason why you are here.”
“You want to know the reason why I came here?” Prabu kept his face serious now. Gone was the smile playing on his lips.  “I came because I missed you very much.”
“Yeah, yeah, I believe you,” she said sarcastically.
At least now she is starting to reply to me Prabu thought happily. “Whether you believe me or not that is the truth. You don’t know how many times I cried to myself knowing that I am not going to see you again.”
Tears don’t work only for women. When a man says he shed tears because of her, even the hardest heart would begin to melt somewhat.
“If so, then why did you cut off all communication with me,” Meera asked giving Prabu the first opportunity to explain himself.
“I will but can I come in first? I can’t just stand here and talk to you.”
Meera did not answer but turned and walked back in the house indirectly giving Prabu permission to come in. Prabu walked into the house. He was stepping into a house he had not been in coming close to three years now.  A house that was very familiar to him. As he walked in passing the kitchen, dinning hall into the hall it starkly reminded him of all the uninhibited sex he had with Meera in the various places in the house. Meera nodded towards the sofa, indicating for him to sit. He sat on the soft cushion of the sofa. That soft cushion had borne the weight of both of them a few times. His body weight as he sat on the edge of the sofa and Meera’s body weight as she sat on his lap with her legs wrapped around his body. It had creaked in rhythm of her moving up and down over his hip as his thick rod was churned by her honey pot.
Prabu immediately had a strong desire to fuck Meera in the same way now here on the sofa he was sitting on. The thought brought an instant reaction inside his pants as a huge hardon strained against his underwear. It made him all the more determined to fuck her first before doing what Saravanan asked him to do. Meera did not sit but rather was standing in front of him a few feet away waiting for his explanation. Prabu looked at her closely. He had not been able to do that in his house during the funeral. She had not aged at all as far as he could see. In fact, she looked for alluring now, A very slight increase in weight made her more voluptuous. Even without any makeup, sweat on her brows as she had just started on her cooking, she still looked gorgeous. She wore a plain saree, suitable for a woman ready to start on her household chores. Prabu longed to pull that saree completely off her body along with the rest of her clothing. His ears longed for the sweet music of her moans of pleasure as he shoved his cock in and out of her pussy.
“I’m waiting, so tell me why you left without so much as a word,” Meera said keenly aware that his eyes were undressing her just now. She was very familiar with that look of his. A look he always had before they started yet another bout of deceitful delight.
Prabu came back to the task at hand. He had rehearsed in his mind many times what he planned to say to her to achieve his aim.
“My old company had sent me a letter asking me to come back and join them. Since my sister’s wedding was over my father was pushing me to go back to work.”
Meera thought to herself, of course he would have to have gone back. I knew that it had to happen eventually and, in a way, I thought it was a good thing as it would have forced an end to our affair but it should not have ended the way it did. I thought it would have been one last time we made love knowing this was to be our last sex together. Was it to be the last forever or the last till he came back again on his next holiday Meera had wondered often.
“I was very reluctant to go back. I argued with my father saying I will find some work here. You must know Meera that my reluctance was entirely because of you. I just could not leave you and go away. I needed you too much.”
Prabu looked at her with yearning to reinforce how much she was in his mind. Meera was internally pleased with that look. He wanted her so much that she felt very desirable.  
Meera spoke now,” that was not the problem, my issue was why did you not say anything. I would have understood, I didn’t expect anything more.”
“The reason for that was Saravana,” Prabu said as he watched Meera’s shocked expression on hearing this.
“What???  What do you mean?”
This was the crucial part that he had to get right to convince Meera about his sincerity.
“Tell me Meera, would you ever want Saravanan to feel badly hurt?”
Meera was wondering why Prabu was asking such a thing. “Of course not, I would never want that. I would rather die than hurt him. I already feel miserable every time I cheat on him.”
“Exactly, I too respect Saravana a lot. He is a very good person. It’s my weakness when it comes to you that I do all of the things I should never have done.”
Meera kept watching Prabu’s face trying to decipher what he was getting at.
“When my father said I should go to work, I would have somehow reconciled to that. I would have tried to come back at least twice a year not because I missed my family but because I missed my lovely Meera so much.”
So, he had not planned to ever end his affair with me, Meera thought. Every time he came back, he would have wanted me. The question is would I have ended the affair or given myself to him whenever he came back. I have been thinking of him these couple of years or more, but that was because our affair ended abruptly and there was a mystery surrounding why it had happened that way. If we had said our proper goodbyes, would I have continued to sleep with him whenever he came back. Would I have continued to cheat on my husband. Well I would never really know now, would I, thought Meera. Things turned out differently.
“All that is fine but that still doesn’t clarify why you did not inform anything before leaving,” asked Meera.
“Wait, I’m coming to that. If I was to only go away for work purposes it would have been okay but because of my uncle’s (mama’s) insistence I was to marry his daughter before I left.”
“Why suddenly this? You never mentioned about her all the time came here and ma….,: Meera quite couldn’t say mated with me.
“This was not sudden. Our families, mine and my uncle’s, had planned on this for many years. I was the one who had always kept pushing it off. When during every minute of my waking hours my mind was fully occupied by thoughts of you, how can I even ever contemplate marrying her.”
It was quite pleasing to Meera that Prabu’s wife did not mean as much to him as she did.
“So, you are saying you were forced to marry her?”
“Force was to put it mildly. I had a big argument with my father. My mother started crying. There was a big family upheaval. That’s the reason I did not want to come back and see my father.”
So, that’s the reason he never came back here. Since his father was mortally ill, he finally decided to make peace with his father and come back thought Meera.
“But you could have still told me about your situation. I would have understood your dilemma. I know we cannot have a permanent relationship so I never expected that but you suddenly disappearing made me feel like I have been used and abused.”
“I’m so sorry Meera that I caused you this pain. I never thought about it this way. I did this because I thought that this would be for the best for you and …..Saravana.”
“My husband??? How so?”
“I was so attached to you that I felt that if I saw you, I would never have been able to just leave you and go. Come what may, I would have pulled you with me and eloped with you.”
“My god, you would have done that?”
“Yes, as I said before, you are my weakness. At that impassioned state of mind, I could never have resisted the temptation to take you with me and damned be the consequences. Knowing I would lose you I would have forced you even if you didn’t want to come. We would not have thought things through taking all considerations into what are the consequences of our actions, done unthinkingly. The results would have been devastating to both our families.”
Meera felt a chill down her spine if she too in her unstable state of mind then had succumbed to her desires and had ran off with him. How it would have hurt her husband. Her husband and children would have been mocked mercilessly. Her husband who had always walked with his head held high in the dignity and esteem afforded to him by the town folks would have had to perpetually hang his head in shame. Worse still she would have lost her two precious children forever. They would have loathed her from that day onwards.
Prabu seeing the expression on her face could discern that she was thinking of the horrible consequences that would have happened in the scenario he just said. He decided to further emphasise on the reasons so as to be more convincing in his reasoning for his sudden abandonment of her.
“I thought I cannot put your family through the pain and humiliation of our selfish actions. I though about Saravana. I have already done so much wrong to him, how could I put him through this humiliation.”
This was the ace in his explanation. He knew that Meera could never contemplate putting Saravanan into that situation.
Prabu continued,” because of my reluctance and all that they arranged my marriage in a hurry calling over only our very close relatives. My family had planned to have a big dinner and invite everyone at a later time. I was supposed to come back for a few days for that with my wife within a year but I refused to come.”
Meera was silent for a while digesting everything Prabu told her.
“Thank you for coming over and clarifying. Anyway, I hope you are now happy with your wife and daughter.” Meera said.
“That’s not the only reason I came back Meera.”
“No? What else?”
“Don’t tell me that you don’t know why Meera. I could see it in your eyes when we briefly exchanged glances in my house during the funeral. I am sure you too saw in my eyes what I had seen in yours.” Prabu was talking about their mutual desires without spelling it out openly.
Prabu could see Meera breathing quickening. There was sexual tension building up in the air.
“Why start again now Prabu. You have a wife and kid. Let things remain as it is. It would only cause greater heartache for us,” Meera spoke softly.
“What I saw in your eyes cannot be a lie Meera. I will be honest with you. I could not forget you even after all these times. My thoughts were always about you. Tell me the truth, did you not think about me during these two plus years.”
Meera did not want to answer him directly. “Prabu, what is important is that we now each have a family of our own. Our desires should be their wellbeing. We had a wonderful brief time together, I won’t deny that, but it cannot go on forever.”
“Why not Meera, why deny ourselves our happiness if the opportunity is there for us. Do you know that I did not even touch my wife for a month even after marriage.”
Meera looked up at Prabu’s face when she heard this. “What? But why?”
“Yes, I was always only thinking of you and I could not bring myself to touching her. It was so that she actually complained to her mother and my mother. They understood that I was still upset about the forced marriage and was behaving like this. It was only after my mother pleading with me that we finally had our first night.”
Wow, did I really mean so much to Prabu, thought Meera.
“You know Meera, even as I broke my wife’s hymen, I was closing my eyes and imagining that I was your first man and that I was taking your virginity.”
All these were lies but Meera was not to know this. He had consummated his marriage on the same night that they arranged the ‘first night’ for him just after the marriage. The only true parts were that he broke his wife’s hymen and he was thinking of Meera as he did it.
Meera who had felt a little bit jealous on seeing Prabu’s wife was very pleased that she was the one who Prabu desired even above his wife and even when making love to his wife he was imagining it to be her. I was no different she thought, even though I fought within myself to avoid it, how many times I imagined I was hugging Prabu, with his big manhood deep in my pussy, taking me to raptures when I was actually hugging my husband as he made love to me.
“Okay Prabu but should we not be loyal to our own spouses henceforth. What had happened had happened, we cannot not undo it, but we can at least stop doing the wrong thing now.”
Prabu got up and stood close to Meera. His presence so close was disturbing to her. She felt her heart racing. Her mouth started getting dry. It was not going to take much to push her into his arms once again but she would not make any move. It has to come from him.
“Did it feel wrong when we did that so many times before.” Prabu’s voice was just a little more than a whisper now.
Actually, when they were deliciously sampling the delights that their bodies provided for each other and especially when each time his thick ploughing penis pushed her beyond the precipice into rapture it felt so wonderful. The feeling she had done something wrong always came only much later.
“You what we did was wrong Prabu, feelings don’t come into it.”
“No Meera, feelings are everything about it. A person can be with someone all the time but does not feel alive and excited, but can be with someone else not very often but would live just for those few moments. Having those few precious moments is better than a lot of time which does not mean much.”
“What are you trying to say? That the times I am with my husband is nothing and that I should be happy to be with you only?”
This was what he meant but it was too early to say that. He changed his tact when he spoke.
“No, Meera you misunderstand.  I meant me. I spend so much time with my wife but it is nothing when compared to the few times that I had spent with you. I always long for those few times spent with you, never for the times with my wife.”
“Oh, but isn’t that something wrong you are doing to your wife.”
“Yes, Meera, I know that. I am not neglecting my duties to my wife, but it is just that as I said duties. Just as you had never neglected your responsibilities as a wife and mother. However, the moments we have together is for ourselves.”
Prabu placed his hand upon Meera’s upper arm. Meera felt a sliver of excitement run through her body. His hand was touching her body after so very long.
“Prabu don’t please .. let’s not continue to sin.”
“Giving pleasure is not a sin Meera darling. I want you, I want you so badly. I suffered so long without you. I can’t help myself. I want you my dear.”
Prabu pulled Meera into his arms. She buried her face on his chest refusing to look up. If she had done that, she would have seen the triumphant smile on his face. The same smile he had when he had first seduced her and had taken her in his arms. Her familiar body felt so good to him. He was caressing her back and was kissing the top of her head as he was doing so. After some time, her hands slowly moved from in front of her to around his body to embrace him in return. Now those big soft melons of her were once again pressing on his firm chest.
“Did you miss me Meera,” Prabu whispered in her ears.
Meera just shook her head.
He asked again,” did you miss me, darling.”
He raised her head by her chin and they looked into each other’s eyes. She couldn’t hold his bold look, she shyly lowered her eyes, “yes,” her low soft answer delighted him.
He lowered his lips to her quivering lips. As his lips brushed against her lips, she opened them slightly allowing his lips to suck on the soft petals. They kissed again a long deep kiss. A kiss that they had not shared for almost three years. Her arms slowly moved around his neck as his lowered to her buttocks. He grabbed her by the rotund flesh and pulled her body against his. Their groins ground together adding to the pleasure of their lips devouring each other. His tongue started it’s long denied exploration of her sweet mouth. Her tongue came to greet his as they renewed their acquaintance once more.
Their lips would part briefly for a few seconds but lock together again quickly as if not wanting ever to be separated. Meera felt his big thickness pressing against her feminine spot that was already getting wet. She felt his hand kneading the soft flesh of her breast. They kissed long and deep getting themselves ready for the love game that was to follow. Every now and then they would take a break with their foreheads pressed against each other as they whispered the desires for each other before resuming kissing passionately. Their hands started redoing the familiar exploration of each others body that had not happened for these three years. He would pinch her nipples through her blouse, knead the flesh of her buttocks. Rub from her stomach down to pressing on her womanhood. Meera who was relatively inactive except for her kissing slowly after sometime grabbed his thick penis through his pants and squeezed it.
They kissed for more than 15 minutes so much so that they were ready to start fucking without any other foreplay needed.
“Meera, I want need you now, my love.”
“Take me Prabu, yes I need you too.”
They now looked at each other and smiled. Their mixed saliva coating their lips. Prabu took out the bundle of pink jasmine from his pocket. Meera smiled on seeing it. She knew what would happen next. He would always adorn her hair with the flowers before copulating with her. It had been so long since she had worn pink jasmine in her hair. She wondered if he did that with his wife too. Before she could stop herself she asked the question too.
“Do you also buy your wife Pink Jasmine before you … you know….”
Prabu smiled. “No, the Pink Jasmine is only for my precious Meera.”
Meera was very pleased to hear this. She turned around waiting for his to adorn it in her hair. Where shall I fuck her thought Prabu as he wore the flowers on her hair, here on the sofa or in her bedroom. I can’t suddenly take her to the guest room. She would ask the reason for the change. After he had worn the flowers his hands went around her body from behind and grabbed her two breasts. She held his hand as the started squeezing her breast. He started kissing her neck as he pressed his hardon between the soft mounds of her buttocks. Their long awaited sinful delight had started again.
[+] 6 users Like game40it's post
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Now, saravanan is Happy. He.saved.his.pride.
[+] 1 user Likes fasterboy's post
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so once again prabhu manipulated the reality and slut is again a slut

Quote:“Did you miss me Meera,” Prabu whispered in her ears.

Meera just shook her head.

He asked again,” did you miss me, darling.”

He raised her head by her chin and they looked into each other’s eyes. She couldn’t hold his bold look, she shyly lowered her eyes, “yes,” her low soft answer delighted him

Quote:“Meera, I want need you now, my love.”

“Take me Prabu, yes I need you too.”

dear writer.......we want more.......eagerly
please complete this scene...........ASAP
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Awesome update.
Meera was yearning for this for three years.
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Wow. Wonderful update.

Prabu has beautifully manipulated things and made meera believe everything. He knows how to handle her much better. She has fallen in his trap now. This time he had proved her that she is much more than her wife. so the chances of taking advantage is more. Meera will now go a mile ahead and do whatever prabu says after knowing that he loves her more than his wife.

Cooking has stopped and fucking has started. Food is burnt and so the future of saravanan.

Saravanan will notice pink jasmine in meera head and happiness in meera face and find the arrival of prabu and restart of their affair when he come for lunch Smile

I still do not understand few things here

1. Saravanan after knowing that meera wants to have sex with prabu had said prabu to use the guest room. In that case, why saravanan still want to sleep with meera in his marital bed. He already told that both are not husband and wife thereafter. Where do the children sleep. How many guest room they have.

2. Why saravanan will ever come for lunch. He will surely arrange something in the shop

3. Prabu would have reached the town at 6 in the morning and saravanan goes to shop at 10 and what he was doing for four hours. People start early in the town and many would have seen prabu that time.

4. Intense fucking would result in love bites and nail marks. Both cannot afford that now. How they are going to handle this.

5. Meera is without sex for more than one week now. This gives her more intense interest to mate with her lover.

6. Is saravanan aware that meera was thinking about prabu while hugging or fucking with him. How badly it would have affected him then. So she had thought about prabu every time she had been with saravanan apart from her free time.

7. He bought pink jasmine. Did he buy condom. Is he ready to make her pregnant. 

8. There will be only few buses and if prabu goes home in the after noon after fucking meera. will that not turn suspicious for his wife. 

9. Can prabu take more advantage of taking meera with him for chennai for a week after telling saravanan when his wife is in home town. I guess saravanan will not say anything. He knows that meera would like to go to chennai.

Waiting to see where are they going to make love. prabu will surely do that in her bed. After knowing meeras need for him, he will not respect the words of saravanan in this matter. He will feel meera is already belong to him.

Please post couple of another updates also in english and then in tamil. otherwise, we have to wait for at least a week time to know what happened next Smile Hope you understand.

[+] 1 user Likes NovelNavel's post
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Convincing meera to start the affair again is easy for prabu. Meera is already yearning for him, so its not so difficult to push her back in bed. More interesting thing is how he is going to convince meera after telling her that her husband is aware of their affair. I guess he would have a plan for this. He will surely make her think about the positives of the affair and also take more control over her and make her listen and do whatever he says. He will say, Even you accept the affair and tell saravanan that you want to continue with the affair, saravanan will not leave you or stop loving you. He will play safe by telling her that he will not spoil her family. He do not want her to come with him and put everyone in trouble. Saravanan already knows that he is not keeping you happy. He is aware that you are thinking about me. He only proposed this to me. He will still take care of you and children. But, only thing that you will not have sex with him in bed. But, i am there to give you much better sex to you than him. So you dont need to worry. Your life will be more happier with good sex and all your desires coming true. Though she will be hurt hearing that her husband knows her affair, this should convince meera. Lets see how this going to happen. Even after accepting the affair to saravanan, The mating with prabu would continue until one day meera come to know about the lies that prabu had told her to use her. Only after knowing the real face of prabu, she will realize what kind of fool she has been and how much she had hurt her husband. Until then, lust will never allow her to think.
[+] 1 user Likes NovelNavel's post
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Amazing story.... Keep up the good work......
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Thats fucking horrible.
At one point you showing how much she loves her husband and her husband too and at the same time letting that decietful thing happen. Let Sarvanna intervene now because after that the only thing that will be left for her would be suicide. The guilt after that sex would not and should not let her be normal again in life.
Let the revelation come that Prabhu was always using and abusing her. Because she thinks of Prabhu as a good man. Let his decietful nature come to light to everyone, to his mother, to his wife, to his in laws.
Sorry if I said too much.

Waiting for update eagerly.
[+] 3 users Like Vks1's post
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Prabu will tell Meera that saravanan is aware of the affair.
He understands that he is weak and not able to keep you happy in bed.
He wants me to help you out with. He feels shame to tell this.
If you are ok, he wants you to go to him and say you want prabu.
He will feel happy for you. Though he will not have sex with you thereafter. He will keep you happy.
Prabu will project saravanan more like cuck to Meera. Meera will believe this.
Meera will pity her husband situation and tell the same. That's it.
Prabu will achieve what he need. Meera will not know the real story behind.
Waiting for the next.
[+] 1 user Likes killthecheats's post
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(27-01-2020, 05:24 PM)Vks1 Wrote: Thats fucking horrible.
At one point you showing how much she loves her husband and her husband too and at the same time letting that decietful thing happen. Let Sarvanna intervene now because after that the only thing that will be left for her would be suicide. The guilt after that sex would not and should not let her be normal again in life.
Let the revelation come that Prabhu was always using and abusing her. Because she thinks of Prabhu as a good man. Let his decietful nature come to light to everyone, to his mother, to his wife, to his in laws.
Sorry if I said too much.

Waiting for update eagerly.

she loves sarvanan..............for 
- giving her a family life........... the home
- fullfiling all her needs and desires (except the slutty desire...ignited by prabhu............ actually it is not a desire but the kinky lust)
- caring her with all responsibility
- last but not the least............ giving her the social status, respect and pride of a happy family woman, eminent person of town and wife of a successful businessman 

but her new ignited lust and kinkiness is overtaken her love and natural behaviour..........
in the name of love.............. the the disguise she uses to justify her betrayal
but............ only till the affair is going on secretly........
she never wanted her lust............ to destroy her own status and established family life..... 
she never wanted her to be at the stake ...... 

she did not cares for sarvanan or her children........... but she cares for herself..... stable life with sarvanan and children
not the unsatable life with prabhu.................
she only desires prabhu ........... just for her physical lust..........secretly 

waiting eagerly for next
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Please wait for my further updates. The story may not go the way many of you expect. I have a clear story line in my mind and would not deviate from that. However I enjoy reading your speculations and your involvement in the story. There can be no greater reward for an amateur story writer like me who is just doing this for fun.  My thanks once again to all my readers. I would be completing the Tamil translation of my last post here by tomorrow. I would start on the next English update the day after that. 
[+] 1 user Likes game40it's post
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(27-01-2020, 09:59 PM)game40it Wrote: Please wait for my further updates. The story may not go the way many of you expect. I have a clear story line in my mind and would not deviate from that. However I enjoy reading your speculations and your involvement in the story. There can be no greater reward for an amateur story writer like me who is just doing this for fun.  My thanks once again to all my readers. I would be completing the Tamil translation of my last post here by tomorrow. I would start on the next English update the day after that. 

ok dear.............. i am also agree with you..............
no deviation.........from the original plot finalised

we readers always per our expectations..........
but one knows about a story.......more than writer

so i always prefer............writers perspective
[+] 1 user Likes kamdev99008's post
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Saravanan must give lifetime punishment for prabu for making Meera a bitch.
Meera should also be equally punished
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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she is a whore like a slut.  she wants just sex with Prabhu and her husband like a doll .  i don’t know why he didn’t take a step Against both of them.
[+] 1 user Likes boren_raj's post
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(28-01-2020, 02:05 PM)Krish World Wrote: Saravanan must give lifetime punishment for prabu for making Meera a bitch.
Meera should also be equally punished

(28-01-2020, 04:29 PM)boren_raj Wrote: she is a whore like a slut.  she wants just sex with Prabhu and her husband like a doll .  i don’t know why he didn’t take a step Against both of them.

exactly.............sarvanan must punish both of them...........secretly ..........not in the eyes of society and other knowns........but within family
make both prabhu and meera........incapable to do anything.......... be it run a family, business and offcourse physical lust..........
by trapping them till their physical, economical and mental breakdown with humiliation........
[+] 1 user Likes kamdev99008's post
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In fact Meera deserve more punishment than prabu.
She had a chance to change, but she doesn't want to.
Though she claim that she has love for saravanan.
To me it's like the same what prabu is doing.
in the name of saravanan these two are satisfying their lust for each.
They say saravanan is a good man. She doesn't want to be a good wife. He doesn't want to be a good friend. They want to cheat saravanan knowingly again and again.
She is definitely a dirty bitch and prabu is a bloody bastard.  Angry
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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Once a Bitch is always a Bitch
Once a slut is always a slut
They can never change and cannot be forgiven.
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