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Rahim entered into his apartment. He saw both Anand and Vishnu watching TV.
Rahim: Guyz let us go for party today evening
Anand: Party?
Rahim: Yes party
Vishnu: Bro party for what?
Rahim: I will tell you. Give me some time.
Rahim went in the room. He saw totally mad. He unzips his trouser and pulled out his dick. It was semi erect and was hard in a few seconds. Rahim kissed his own hands, which touched her boobs. He started visualizing the scene of Devika topless and he taking the measurement. Soon his visualization reached the second level. He started imagining that he is holding her boobs and sucking them. Then he started taking measurement of her leggings. Pulled Devika’s sari, petticoat and panties out and was measuring her legs, butt, pussy hole moving his fingers inside her. His fingers came out wet and he felt the wetness…. The wetness was real. He just unloaded in his hands. He cleaned up everything. He again opens the catalog and saw the design. He was still not believing that Devika is innocent that she can do anything to help others. She is really a divine angel.
Vishnu: Bro, tell us now?
Anand: Yes. I am curious. Looks like you fucked her during dance session.
Rahim: Only that left now.
Anand: Whaaaaat?
Vishnu: Tell us what you did to her
Rahim: Don’t me angry.
Rahim told everything to them in detail. Both Vishnu and Anand felt jealous to Rahim but didn’t express it directly.
Anand: Devika Madam is so innocent
Vishnu: I told you. She will do everything to protect her near ones and now we are her near ones.
Rahim: Yes dear. She is so good.
Anand: She wore that shorts for me for gym session. She was so hot that day in gym. I massaged her thighs form all sides during session to relax her muscles.
Vishnu: Whaat? You didn’t tell us
Anand: Yes, I kind of going slow but she is also coming close to me
Vishnu: I am the most backward now. I just did massage her after your first session. That day she went in her nap and I touched her pussy.
Rahim: Pussy? Mother fucker….
Vishnu: It was over her clothes
Anand: Don’t scare us. I know she trusts you most. We were just lucky
Rahim: I think she loves all three. She is innocent and want to help us.
Vishnu: I sometimes feel that we are very cruel. She is helping us for making us good boys and to protect us from getting wrong. We are not doing correct with her
Rahim: I too feel shame
Anand: So, I am the alone in the race.
Vishnu: You will also not do anything wrong to her
Anand: Come on. We are not banging her. We are just seducing her. We will give her pleasure
Rahim: I am confused. Anand is also not wrong. We are not forcing her.
Vishnu: OK. Let us make promises. We will never hurt her. We will just try our best to seduce her and see if we get lucky
Rahim: Deal
Anand: Deal
Vishnu: Rahim, where is the party tonight?
Rahim: Here comes the hungry pig… Let us go to Pizza Hut
Adi was hungry and started crying. Devika took him in lap and started feeding him. She was sitting in her bedroom and watching herself in the mirror. Adi was sucked in the breast.
Devika was in after shock of today’s incident. She was introspecting herself. How can she be so helping with these boys that she went topless or wear a tiny skirt and shorts.
“Am I breaching the line of control? Am I becoming a bad woman? Am I very stupid? These boys are adult and I am crossing my limits” - She questioned herself
“I am just helping them. My help can save their future. My help can make them good people. They are already good boys, but world thinks that they are bad. Also, their parents and principal’s hope are on me. I cannot think negative here. Its a matter of a few months and they will pass 12th this time. I should not suspect them. It's ok if something went out of my control. They are like younger brothers to me. They trust me. I cannot break their trust as well. Nothing wrong happened. Just few incidences”
Her nature was not like that, that she will regret of helping others. She decided to be careful with all.
That night after Venki was back, she forgot the incident. Both had a good dinner and then soon were in the bed. Devika was normal now. Venki on the bed was reading his book. Devika was standing in front of the mirror of her dressing table. She took her sari out. Then she took off her petticoat. Her hand went to her blouse hooks. She started removing them. She went in the thoughts again of evening incident. She took out her blouse. She was standing in her bra and panties. She pulled her nightie and was about to wear, but she stopped. She was in her thoughts. She unhooked her bra and kept is on the table. She was standing topless in just panties in front of her mirror. She saw her boobs in the mirror.
“This is what Rahim saw today” – She thought
I no time her boobs were stiff and so her nipples. She cupped her breasts and saw herself in the mirror. Her boobs were not coming in her palms. She felt proud of her boobs. She saw her nipples. Those were pinkish and proudly standing erect now. She was feeling wet again. She quickly wore the nightie and went on the bed. Venki was still reading the book.
She went next to him and started rubbing her lips on his neck. Devika’s proud boobs were showing its glory through its thin material. Devika kept kissing and rubbing him for a few minutes.
Venki: Hmm. So Madam is horny again today
Devika: No, I am just feeling your presence and your body
Venki: So you are not horny.
Devika: (hiding) Nope.
Venki: Good. I need to finish this book. We just did it yesterday
Devika: (little disappointed) I will also sleep.
Venki kissed her and both said good night. Devika closed her eyes, but couldn’t take her mind off. She was having urge today, which was not fulfilled. It was her mistake that she lied. Normally she don’t but she thought of Venki to make moves. She was already wet in her panties. She was not getting sleep. She turned and saw Venki still reading the book. She calmed herself. After great difficulty she went into her sleep.
Ganapati: Madam, my milk
Devika: Oh. I totally forgot it Ganapati today.
Ganapati: Oh. It was helping me. My mouth was not sore last night.
Devika: I am sorry
Ganapati: Don’t say sorry, Madam.
Devika: I mean, treatment was working. I could have got it today.
Ganapati: No problem Madam. But the only problem today is Friday and I have to wait for three days.
Devika: Oh, I am sorry.
Ganapati: Can you squeeze and take out something
Devika: Ganapatiiii. How can you talk like that?
Ganapati: Sorry Madam. Ignore my foul talk. I was thinking how it would have worked in old times
Devika: That I don’t know. I have session now. I will come after two sessions.
Ganapati: OK
Devika was back in her room. Ganapati followed her.
Ganapati: Any solution Madam
Devika: I could have squeezed some for you, but college has ended. Need to leave staff room. I am sorry. Will starting treatment again from Monday will ok?
Ganapati: I am not a doctor. I was sore for many days except last night.
Devika: Hmm.
Ganapati: I can come to your house to pick if you can make it ready.
Devika: No, I am going on 2 days vacation with Venki. We will leave today evening and will be back on Sunday evening.
Ganapati: (sad face) OK. Went out.
Devika saw the clock. It was already late in the college building. She cleaned up her table, picking her stuff. She was ready to leave the room. She picked her bag and came out. She saw Ganapati standing and eating Gutkha.
Devika: Ganapatiiii, you are eating Gutkha again
Ganapati: What to do, madam. I need this if I am sore again.
Devika: Uff…
Ganapati: You don’t worry
Devika: You are making life impossible. I forgot today and now you started eating Gutkha. I have no place also to express milk and give you
Ganapati: You can come to my quarters in the back of the college building. You can do there. It's just not a very clean
Devika: Your quarter? I don’t think it is a good idea
Ganapati: I knew that good teachers like you will not come to the poor’s quarter and hence I didn’t tell you.
Devika: Don’t talk like that Ganapati. Do you think I am like that?
Ganapati: But you said. Not a good idea
Devika: I mean. I am coming into your quarter. What people will think
Ganapati: People? I leave alone there. There are quarters. One for me and one for watchman. He must be sleeping now as his duty is night time.
Devika: Let me see.
Ganapati and Devika walked to his quarters. It was very lonely. No one near. The college was empty. Devika saw the watch.
Devika: I don’t have much time. Let me do it quickly.
Both entered the quarter. Forgot not very clean. It was shabby and smelling.
Devika: You daily clean staffroom, but you cannot clean your place. Bad thing Ganapati.
Ganapati: Sorry Madam.
Devika: You have that bottle which I gave you.
Ganapati: Took out from his small fridge.
Devika: OK. Please go out. I will give it you. Again promise me this you are not going to tell to anyone.
Ganapati: I will die but will never utter a word
Ganapati went out. Devika was feeling very odd for doing this thing. She saw Ganapati went out. She pushed the door to close. She took her pallu down and unbuttoned her blouse from the front. She opened the flaps and unhooked her bra. She moved the bra up to expose her boobs. Since it was already 8 hrs after feeding Adi, he boobs were full of milks. She took the bottle and opened it. She placed the bottle next to her nipple and started expressing milk inside. Little milk was spraying outside, but battle started getting filled quickly.
In 10 minutes bottle was full. She was happy that it was filled using hands. Breast pump was an easy tool as it sucks, but doing by hand was tough. She kept bottle on the side and pulled her bra down. She was putting her hooks back when she felt something moving over her foot. She quickly pulled her legs up in fear. It ended up in her elbow hitting bottle which was still uncovered. The bottle fell on the floor, spilling entire mill.
Devika: Oh shit.
Ganapati: (From outside) What happened? Are you fine?
Devika: I dropped the bottle.
Ganapati: Knocked and came in.
Devika: Sorry. My mistake bottle fell down. It was no capped. All milk went on floor.
Ganapati saw the milk on the floor. He quickly moved on the floor and stared licking the milk on the floor.
Devika: Ganapati. What are you doing. Floor is dirty. Don’t do this please.
Ganapati: It is so precious. You put lot of efforts. I don’t want to waste it
Devika: Ganapati, please don’t do this.
Ganapati: I will not waste your effort madam. It is ok.
Devika: Stop it. You are making me cry.
Ganapati: (stopped and stood up) Sorry Madam
Devika: Ganapati. You are insane. That is dirty floor. We cannot do this. Let me fill again.
Ganapati: Can you?
Devika: Yes. There is enough
Ganapati: OK. Let me give you bowl
Devika: OK. Please go out
Ganapati: Please take care, Madam
Devika: I will spill this time.
Ganapati: I was thinking that it can again spill from the bowl, it will be safe if I drink directly from there. This can do without you hurting yourself by pressing hard
Devika: Ganapatiiiiiiiiii. You are talking senseless. How can I? Its so shameless.
Ganapati: sorry, Madam. I was just trying to reduce your pain.
Devika: You go out.
Devika took the bowl. Ganapati went out. She opened her blouse again and started squeezing. Now milk was not coming so easily. She was also nervous. She was feeling bad for Ganapati. The poor man was licking the floor for milk. She felt so helpless for him. After 10 minutes hard work she got very less.
It was very difficult for her to press boob by one hand and holding a bowl with another. She covered herself and called Ganapati inside.
Devika: Ganapati, I got some. Hope this will work.
Ganapati: It is very less for three days. But thank you, Madam
Devika: I could have more, but I have to hold the bowl with one hand.
Ganapati: I can hold the bowl
Devika: Ganapati, I you crazy and stupid. How can I open my blouse in front of you.
Ganapati: I will close my eyes.
Devika: No. What if you open your eyes. It can happen accidentally. I am not ready
Ganapati: I will tie cloth on my eyes. Tight one.
Saying this he went inside. He got two long cloth. He tied one his eyes covering it well. He took another and wrapped over it.
Ganapati: I am blind now. He he.
Devika: I am hesitant.
Ganapati: OK. No problem Madam, if you don’t trust. But God promises. I have even closed eyes inside. You can tie anything over these two slots.
Devika: I trust you, but you need to feel that it is uneasy.
Ganapati: (quiet)
Devika: OK. Hold bowl here (holding his hand). Do not move your hands here and there.
Devika adjusted his hand and bowl properly. She took her her pallu down. Her blouse was already unhooked. She opened the flat and took the bra up. She positioned herself properly to point nipple over the bowl. Slowly she started expressing her milk now using both the hands. She was feeling very awkward doing in a lonely quarter in front dumb peon. Though Ganapati cannot see, but the milk spray sound itself was making Devika nervous. She was feeling strange. She tried hard but couldn’t fill a bowl full pressing and squeezing her boobs hard. She was tired.
Devika: I got more than half bowls filled. But it is difficult without a pump. The pump sucks it well.
Ganapati: Half is good for two days. For today I will lick the spilled on the floor.
Devika: Don’t talk that way. I feel bad.
Ganapati: Sorry. But I have no option
Devika: I can't do much.
Ganapati: I could have sucked, but you felt it was bad for the old man to suck. I know I am not your child.
Devika: Ganapati it is not possible.
Ganapati: Sorry. I was trying to get milk out.
Devika: I know. Also promise you won't lick the floor.
Ganapati: OK Madam, but…..
Devika: What but…..
Ganapati: Nothing. I know you will get angry
Devika: Tell me
Ganapati: If I wash my face and then suck, is it ok?
Devika: It is not because your face is not clean. It is not appropriate
Ganapati: You are a doctor and I am patient.
Devika thought everything. She felt pity for Ganapati’s condition. Ganapati was mentally kid only. He is loud mouth, but unhurting. She thought it wouldn't be that wrong.
Devika: OK. But you cannot see and you cannot touch. You will just suck like a machine or pump
Ganapati: OK
Devika securely kept the bowl in the fridge. Ganapati was sitting on the floor. Devika came and sat next to him. She was on her knee adjusting her height to point her boobs equal to his mouth.
Devika was extremely shy. She was shivering and fearing a lot. She said yes, but it was really tough. Somebody seeing it is a different thing, but somebody touching and sucking. It was not easy.
Devika: Open your mouth Ganapati and only suck when I will tell you.
Ganapati: OK
Devika pulled her bra up and took out her right boob. Her beautiful piece of the globe, a very fair skin booby with pinkish red nipple was next to dirty Ganapati’s mouth. She saw this with her eyes. She couldn’t believe herself that a man like Ganapati is going to suck her boobs. She moves further ahead. Her open boob was next to Ganapati’s face. Ganapati had a cloth tied and wrapped around his eyes, nose and ear. Only his lips, mouth and chin was visible. Devika moved her boob ahead and now it was 1 cm away from his mouth. She was shivering like anything. She holds her boob with her hand moved further removing any gap between them. Her nipple point touched Ganapati’s cheeks. Devika moved a little right to adjust the her nipple on his lips. Ganapati was sitting without any movement.
Devika’s nipple finally touched his lips. She felt so strange that she stood up. She quickly pulled her bra down and closed the flaps of her blouse. She started hooking her blouse.
Devika: Sorry, I cannot do it this way. Only my son can do it.
Ganapati was sitting on the floor. Devika was quick to dress up properly.
Devika: I am sorry. I am going.
Ganapati: OK Madam. No problem. What you gave me is enough. I will survive. Who does his for a poor man. I am very thankful. You are a Devi. Real Goddess.
Devika left the quarter and soon was on the way back to home. She was uncomfortable during her entire journey till she reached home.
She entered her house. Adi was awake. Seeing mom, he started crying. Devika took him inside her bedroom. She took him in her laps and started feeding him. Adi started sucking her boobs. She felt relaxed. She felt good that she didn’t allow Ganapati to suck. It is only for Adi. Only for Adi….
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Devika was looking for a break from all these situations. She went on a 2 days vacation with Venki on Friday evening and will return on Sunday evening.
Her vacation made boys vulnerable. Devika was drug that they need to have (see/touch) at least once a day. After coming into her building their time spend with her increased considerably along with adventures.
All three were aware of each others position and achievements. Also, they know that Rahim is in advantage position because of Dance classes and Anand is ripping over it by giving her Gym lessons. Vishnu chose the passive route of staying at home and become a family member.
On the other end Devika felt embarrassed when she had to go topless in front of Rahim. She carries sympathy towards Rahim.
She was partly of seduced when Anand massaged her which she showed in her wild sex with Venki
Vishnu was her dear brother and one who is taking care of Adi. She has lots of respect and soft corner for him.
Ganapati and Chaami were lucky one. Chaami was a bastard. Ganapati was idiotic. Both got their rewards. Ganapati is not done yet.
The situation is complex, where we don’t know who is going to nail it. All boys are becoming better day by day. Devika won their heart and they don’t want to do anything wrong or forcibly with her.
Two days went very lonely for boys. They kept watching movies and masturbated in their room thinking Devika. They kept revising their plan and strategies to make the next move.
Little they know that there is fourth person who will very soon join this race and will be tough nut to crack for them.
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Ganapati: GM Devika Madam
Devika: GM Ganapati. Here is your milk
Ganapati: Thanks Madam
Devika: Hope you are getting better
Ganapati: Your milk is best medicine I ever owned. My mouth is feeling better
Devika: Happy for you
Ganapati: Madam, principal sir has asked you to report him as soon as you are in.
Devika: Anything special?
Ganapati: He didn’t tell me anything
Devika: OK
Dr Francis: Come in Devika
Devika: Good Morning Sir
Dr Francis: Morning Devika
Devika: Sir, you called me?
Dr Francis: Yes Devika. Meet Prof. Hemant Gulati. He will be my substitute for next 4 months. You can say till this college year end
Devika: Sir, you are leading somewhere?
Dr Francis: Devika, you might not aware of it, but I am suffering from heart problems for many years. I am going for bypass surgery next month. I will be on bed rest for 3 months. Looking at my age doctor suggested to me skip remaining part of the college yr. Hemant is of the best professors around and were available to backfill me for next 4 months
Devika: Oh, Sir. I never knew this. Good you are getting surgery done on time.
Dr Francis: It was long due
Devika: We should take utmost care of our health. We will miss you here
Dr Francis: I will be back in the next session.
Devika: Good Luck Sir.
Dr Francis: Thanks Devika
Devika: So, when is last day here
Dr Francis: Next Friday.
Devika: OK. So, two more weeks
Dr Francis: Yes.
Devika: Hemant Sir, I am also new to this college, but can help you to my limits. Call me whenever you demand my assistance
Hemant: Thanks Devika
Dr Francis: Devika, you are such a nice person
Devika left the room. Dr Francis and Hemant met other teachers and worked on handover process. During lunch Hemant again saw Devika. This time he was alone. He had more time to look Devika closely. He saw a perfectly shaped lady in a nicely fitted sari. Devika’s fair spotless skin, her beautiful face with petal like lips. He 34 D breasts and perfect round buttocks. Aaaah….. Hemant couldn’t control touching his prick which was hard seeing Devika.
Hemant was in 40s. He has a charming personality. He was an English professor in a reputed college in some other township. He was a womanizer and young college girls easily falls for him because of his attitude, personality and his fit toned muscular body. He was already divorced. Divorce didn’t change him. He was nevertheless looking for new girls and fellow professors.
He accepted this temporary office as he desired to go to this township. He was likewise fronting for a Head of Department position. He thought that college Principal experience will be helpful and hence he agreed to be a standby principal for 6 months.
Meeting Devika was more of luck for him. After closely watching her, he got his next target. Devika will be the most beautiful person he has ever seen or met.
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Hemant: So you three are problem trio of college
Vishnu: problem?
Hemant: Don’t make faces. I know everything about you. Ganapati and other teachers told me all.
Rahim: There is a difference now. We are working hard, sir
Hemant: I know, you guys have moved out of the hostel and now living below Devika Madam to focus on study
Anand: We are focused
Hemant: I know where your focus is. Don’t mess with me
Vishnu: Sir, we are not lying. You can see our results
Hemant: That I will see anyways
Hemant: You three must remember one thing. Results matters the most.I will be closely monitoring your test results and trust me that will decide your stay outside the hostel.
Rahim: OK Sir
Vishnu: Fine Sir
Hemant: You three can go now
Anand: Mother fucker who made him an acting principal
Vishnu: Boy he will be a pain in the ass
Rahim: We have to be careful. Let us study for this test and score well
Anand: Study?
Vishnu: Yes. We don’t have any option. Going back to the hostel will be the end of our story with Devika Madam
Rahim: Vishnu is right
Anand: But I didn’t open books in last two months
Vishnu: We are in the same state.
Rahim: I guess we need to focus on studies this week. Next week is the crucial test week
Anand: No gym this week
Rahim: No dance classes.
Vishnu: Because of you both I will be at home.. gurrrrr
Rahim: If we want to live near her then we need to make this sacrifice.
Anand: Bloody mother fucker....
Vishnu: Who?
Anand: This guy ..Hemant
Rahim: Ha ha ha… cool down
Hemant: So Ganapati, I have tightened them well. Hope they will not make any mess in college
Ganapati: You are great sir. Dr Francis is a soft man, but you did right with these boys.
Hemant: Yes. He is here for a couple of weeks more to guide me.
Ganapati: Good. Hope they pass out this year and give everyone some relief
Hemant: They will. Now tell me about Devika Madam. How is she?
Ganapati: She is an angel. She helps everyone. She helped a lot in making these boys straight
Hemant: I doubt she did. I think boys are acting
Ganapati: I also feel the same way.
Hemant: Such boys will not change easily. I guess they are behind her beauty.
Ganapati: Beauty?
Hemant: Leave that. Tell me how Devika is with you and other teachers
Ganapati: She is very good with all. She comes on time and talks politely with all. She talks politely to small kids also…. He he
Hemant: Ganapati, you brush every day? See your teeth and mouth
Ganapati: That because of my Gutkha.
Hemant: You eat Gutkha in college? You are not allowed to
Ganapati: I am stopping that. Devika Madam is helping me
Hemant: She is helping you? She gave you medicine?
Ganapati: Yes. Best medicine. Nobody can get that
Hemant: What is that Medicine, which nobody can get.
Ganapati: I cannot tell you.
Hemant: Why?
Ganapati: She will be angry to me.
Hemant: Why she will be angry. You need to tell me
Ganapati: No I can’t
Hemant: Then I will be angry.
Ganapati: But Sir…
Hemant: No but. Tell me now
Ganapati: She is giving me milk
Hemant: Milk… ha ha ha….
Ganapati: I mean her own milk
Hemant: Whaaaaaaaaat? Her own milk? Have you gone mad?
Ganapati: I am not lying. Don’t tell her that I told you.
Hemant: You are drinking her milk? How? She is feeding you in college?
Ganapati: No. She is a good lady. She brings in a bottle.
Hemant: Then it is not her
Ganapati: It is her milk only. Because I asked her and I gave her breast pump.
Hemant: Whaat? Tell me everything
Ganapati: My doctor told me that to recover from boils in my mouth, I need to drink mother’s milk three times a day. I requested Devika madam, as she is feeding mother. She agreed to bring in a bottle.
Hemant: Oh My God. She is a very helping lady
Ganapati: Yes. She is a Devi
Hemant: Hmm
Ganapati: She forgot to bring in a bottle last week. Then she went in my quarter and gave me milk.
Hemant: What are you saying?? Tell me in detail
Ganapati poor man, spoke everything. Hemant went mad hearing all. He couldn’t believe that Devika is so angelic. This thing made his belief stronger to get hands on Devika.
Hemant: Ganapati, good you told me all. Now don’t tell this to anyone else you will lose both, your job and her milk.
Ganapati: I won't tell this to anyone.
Hemant: Also now I am aware of this, I will take extra care of your good madam. Your disclosure to me is going to help her in her career and future.
Ganapati: You are great sir.
Hemant: Now you can leave.
Ganapati: Good Afternoon Sir
Hemant started planning to nail Devika down. He was a master in this. He was just waiting for Dr Francis to go and then he can start his own seducing game.
Ding dong…
Vishnu: Madam, you and this time?
Devika: Vishnu, you haven’t come upstairs today to baby sit Adi
Vishnu: Actually, we all were studying today. We have tests next week
Devika: That’s nice to see. I even forgot that you boys need to study as well. That is, your prime focus
Anand: Yes, madam. We want to score high in each and every test now.
Devika: Good boys. When are you tests scheduled for?
Rahim: Monday we have for Langunage and Tuesday for Core.
Devika: OK
Devika left with a big void in their life. It was just Tuesday today and the boys need to spend one entire week without her. That is serious punishment for them. Hemant was successful in creating fear in them. His entry in their life was nothing less than of a villain. All three were cruising towards Devika were now hit by one big speed breaker.
Days started passing off without any action. Hemant was waiting for Dr Francis to go and was playing safe. He talked Devika everyday to create his impression. He was almost 20 yrs elder to her and Devika was giving him all the respects for his position, age and personality.
The trio was studying hard as never before. They didn’t meet Devika so that they don’t divert their attention.
Friday evening. Devika called Vishnu.
Vishnu: Hello
Devika: Vishnu, how are your studies going
Vishnu: Its going fine. Actually completed for me
Devika: How that early?
Vishnu: Because I was studying everyday when Adi was sleeping. Tha helped me a lot
Devika: That is great. So now I don’t need to feel bad in calling you for help
Vishnu: Never no for you
Devika: Please come upstairs.
Vishnu didn’t tell his friends about the talk. She silently closed the door and went to Devika’s apartment
Ding dong….
Devika: Hey Vishnu, come in.
Vishnu: Hello
Vishnu was Devika madam in a nightie. Nightie was of short sleeves, loose and was a few inches above her knees. Her beautiful legs were on display for Vishnu. Also the material of nightie was a bit thin. Devika’s curves were visible to Vishnu. Seeing Devika after 3 days and that too night gown was enough for Vishnu to feel hot
Devika: What are you thinking Vishnu
Vishnu: Nothing. How can I help you?
Devika: Promise me it you are not disturbing your studies.
Vishnu: I am already done. Trust me.
Devika: Good. Now I need help from my brother
Vishnu: Tell me please
Devika: Actually, I was going gym all three days without Anand so that I do not lose my touch and to get stronger.
Vishnu: That is great
Devika: Now the problem is I overdid gym and now my body is cramped and tired.
Vishnu: Hmm. You should take a rest.
Devika: I remember your soothing massage that day. If you have time then can you please give me massage today? I cannot go to the parlor because of Adi and calling home someone stranger is risky.
Vishnu: (on cloud 9) No problem
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Devika: Come inside the room. I don’t want on Sofa
Vishnu: OK Madam
Devika: I know Vishnu you are good in massaging. I ended up straining my legs. Can you do your magic?
Vishnu: I will try my best.
Devika: Thanks
Vishnu: No problem
Devika: And I trust you most so I am allowing you to touch me.
Vishnu: I respect your trust
Devika: Thanks Vishnu.
Devika was on the bed, sitting with her legs straight. Vishnu came next to her and saw his beautiful madam with half naked legs waiting for him to touch, press, rub them and give her comfort.
Vishnu: If they are paining much then I can do with oil
Devika: But that will spoil bed
Vishnu: You can use any oil. May be baby oil of Adi. It will be nice smell and less sticky
Devika: You are intelligent
Vishnu picked the bottle and slowly dropped a few drops of oil on her each calf. He then slowly spread it over her calf muscle to the ankle. Devika was feeling it very soothing. Vishnu has seen her legs earlier, but never got a chance to touch her bare skin. He was shy in the start but slowly he came into speed. He was gently rubbing her calf, ankle and toe area. He added more oil and kept rubbing them. Devika was feeling very good. She was really in pain. Her skin was as soft as of Adi. Vishnu was feeling like eat her legs. He was controlling himself.
He was almost done with her lower legs. He was not havng courage to move up till knee area. Her nightie was sitting 4 inches above her knee. Her very lower thighs were visible to him. He saw Devika couple of times and she smiled everytime.
Vishnu was getting little bolder and he started giving he squeeze on calf. That made Devika moan in pleasure. It was very relaxing for her and she started enjoying the massage.
Devika: Your hands are magical Vishnu
Vishnu: Thanks Madam
Devika: I am sorry to ask you to do this for me. As a teacher I shouldn’t ask benefit from you
Vishnu: No problem at all. I am not helping my college teacher. I am helping my sister like friend who is in pain.
Devika: So nice of you Vishnu
Vishnu: Are we only student-teacher?
Devika: I didn’t get you?
Vishnu: I mean our relationship is not restricted to college given. I guess we are good friends who understand each well
Devika: My little Vishnu is talking big today
Vishnu: Learning from you. You have done so much for us. This massage is nothing.
Saying this his hands moved over her knee. Devika got little uneasy feeling, but she slowly blended well in her massage. Little more oil and Vishnu was now massaging her knee and thigh area joining to her knee.
Vishnu: I am sure you also think that way
Devika: Which way?
Vishnu: I mean you also think we are more than student else we would have never got a chance to live below you.
Devika: Yes. You are right
Vishnu: You did a lot for us. Coming to birthday. Learning dance and gym.
Devika: I am also learning Vishnu. Its two ways
Vishnu: Yes. It is giving us a chance to learn new
Devika: But you are not learning dance and gym both
Vishnu: I love plays. Remember, I directed a play and you helped me a lot
Devika: Of course.
Vishnu: Which teacher will give you blouse? You did it and I really appreciate your efforts to make my play's success
Devika: That was embarrassing to sit without blouse. But that was for you
Vishnu: Yes Madam. You did all for me. Thanks for that
Devika: It's ok. I have forgotten that now
Vishnu: Are your leg paining or only calf muscle?
Devika: Entire leg Vishnu. I over-did in the gym. My bad
Vishnu: Then I might need to do little above also.
Devika: Go ahead.
Vishnu was overjoyed. He took some oil in his hand and started rubbing on her lower thighs and slowly moving fingers inside her legs to mid thigh. Her nightie was still covering her legs, but Vishnu’s hands were moving inside it.
Vishnu: You can lay down full. That will be more comfortable.
Devika: OK
Devika moved down. Now she was fully on her back. Vishnu was rubbing her thighs on the top inside nightie.
Vishnu: Let me put nightie little up else it will be spoiled in oil
(Saying this he moved her nightie 8 inches above. Now her thighs were fully exposed)
Devika: Vishnu, don’t do that. I am feeling shy
Vishnu: You don’t need to be. Nothing wrong in getting massaged.
Devika: But Vishnu I am exposing more
Vishnu: Come on Madam. You are shying like I am seeing you for the first time. You were already in short and mini skirts outside house.
Devika: Vishnu, look at you. Now you are getting shameless to me
Vishnu: I am saying in general. I don’t think it matters between our relationship. I have seen much more than this, but I have always respected to you as my Madam
Devika: But….
Vishnu: Don’t worry…
Saying this he put more oil on her thighs and started rubbing them. He was putting the right amount of pressure. That was making Devika calm and relaxed.
Devika: I am closing my eyes. Your massage is so soothing.
Vishnu: No problem. Just leave them loose.
Vishnu massaged her thighs as well. He nicely and slowly moved her legs 4-5 inches apart during massage and got access to her inner thighs. He was in heaven seeing and touched her beautiful legs. Devika was in her own heaven after getting this message.
Vishnu: Let pain is much related to back muscles of your thigh was well. Let me massage that as well.
Saying this he pulled her foot little back, which lifted her knee up making an inverted V of thigh-knee-foot. Devika was all ok to get a good massage. She was definitely carried away. May be Vishnu was the person with whom she was more free.
Inverted V gave Vishnu a view of a life time. He could easily see her full thighs. Her nightie rolled up to her panties and butt. Her thin white panty was now clearly visible. Vishnu was having a big hard on. He gathered his composure and took more oil and started giving a nice massage to her entire thigh moving is hand all around her thigh muscle. He was using both the hands on one thigh from top and bottom and sliding from knee to upper thigh. With each motion, he was travelling 1 mm higher.
He finished her right leg and now was doing on the left one. Being a right handed, it was little difficult angle for him to do left as good as he did on the right one. He moved her legs more apart and created more space between them. Rather on the right side now he was sitting between her legs and was now able to give her a proper massage on left one.
Devika was just feeling the massage with closed eyes. She was not aware of Vishnu seeing her panties and now sitting next to it spreading her legs. Very tired legs and amazingly relaxing massage put her in a different zone.
Vishnu’s hands were now touching her thighs to the maximum limit. His fingers were not touching her panties. Vishnu started getting desperate. He wanted to do more.
He saw Devika almost in sleeping in comfort and thought of trying his luck. He changed his hand direction a bit and now his fingers are brushing her pubic area. As he moves his hands towards the upper thigh he was deliberately touching his fingertips on her pubic area. With first 2-3 touches he was gauging her reaction, but then he got bolder with each move. Devika was very relaxed but was breathing slightly deeper.
Vishnu: Devika Madam….
Devika: hmmmmm
Vishnu: If you want real comfort than I can massage your lower back. Because legs are connected to lower back and your pain will reduce considerably with that
Devika: hmmmmm
Vishnu: For that you have to go to your stomach.
Devika: (turned on her stomach)
Vishnu: Also, your nightie will be a problem
Devika: uff…
(She was expecting a break in massage. She lifted herself and without giving extra thought pulled her nightie up, above, out of the neck, head and threw aside and quickly laid on her stomach again.
Devika: OK now?
Vishnu: Fine.
Vishnu was not expecting Devika to do this. May be she was in her sleep or maybe she was in big pain, but to come in panties and bra it was a bumper lottery for him
He without giving more thoughts started massaging her lower back. His hands were really good at massage. He was slowly moving his hands on her lower back, which added ripples of comfort waves in Devika’s body
Devika: So good
Vishnu: I told you
Devika: But don’t tell anyone.
Vishnu: Why would I
It was now clear to Vishnu that Devika was not sleeping and was aware of it. She willingly opened her nightie. That gave him more confidence but also a fear of controlling now
Vishnu carefully did her lower back. His palms were pushing her panties down, but it was very limited. He was focusing on lower and middle back. He was pushing his hands upon her middle back, which was touching her bra. He acted like the bra is a barrier in massaging but to his hard luck Devika was unmoved.
He repeated his massage and was pushing for more luck, more freedom. Finally his luck favored him
Devika: You can open the hook if it comes in between.
Vishnu unclasped her bra. Now her entire back was visible to him. He was enjoying her sexy back again after a long time. Last time he just saw her, but now he was touching her everywhere. Soon he started playing with her back. Her soft back was mesmerizing. He was lost in her beauty. She was lost in comfort. He kept massaging her and without both aware of it her bra straps were off her shoulders. Though she was comfortably laying down covering all but an uninterrupted view of her back was itself an erotic view.
Vishnu was Devika’s skin was having tiny goose bumps. Her fair and hairless body was showing tiny bumps all around. He was not aware of what is happening but when he moved his hand from her neck to her lower back till her panties…
Devika: Aaammmm
Vishnu repeated it..
Devika: aaaahhhh… aaaahhhh
Vishnu was not understanding if the sound is coming because of his pressure or back pain. Vishnu was not a sex champion that he could understand the difference between moaning and feeling relax.
He moved to the side and started massaging her back, shoulders and moving hands from top to lower back. His fingers were creating magic. He saw Devika’s foot were now getting stiff. Her goosebumps were bigger and so her sound.
Vishnu was moving his hand from her shoulder to her lower back with good pressure and Devika was moaning more loudly now. This distracted him. He lost his control and his hands hit he elastic of her panties and pulled it a inch down. Devika didn’t objected it. He got bolder now. He did it again and now panty was a 1.5 inch down. Vishnu was also getting mad to see her panties further down. In greed of seeing more he lost his full control ended up moving his both the hand fingers inside her panties.
It gave an electric shock to Devika. She immediately acted and moved up on the bed and was sitting facing Vishnu. Vishnu was scared like hell. But God was showering him all the luck. As Devika stood up and sat on the bed, her unhooked bra came down on her thighs. Her beautiful boobs were on full display. She was not expecting this. Her nipples were extremely hard and boobs were pointing hard facing Vishnu. She quickly covered them by pulling her nightie on them. Vishnu was about to faint ..
Devika: Vishnu, what were you doing..
Vishnu:….I.. I …I was just masaassaagaagaing
Devika: Here? (Showing her lower back. With panties bit down..)
Vishnu: My hand slipped due to oil… sorry…
Devika: Done for now…
Vishnu: What is that thread? (pointing to the thread which Chaami tied).
Devika: (not expecting this) Don’t see it is sacred. Close your eyes Vishnu
Vishnu: (Not closing his eyes)…This is similar to what we saw with tribal folks
Devika was shocked. She was speechless. Before she could say anything, she heard some sound outside the room……
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Devika heard the sound of the main door. The sound was about the opening of the door and then closing. She got it clear that it was Venki. He used his key to come inside.
She was sitting topless on the bed having nightie in her hand and wearing just one panty. She was shocked how to handle this. Vishnu was there and she was sitting topless. It will be an uncalled disaster.
She doesn’t want Venki to come inside the room. She quickly ran outside her bedroom still topless with nightie in her hand.
Venki was taking his shoes off. He was having flowers in his hand. He saw Devika coming towards him only in panty and a nightie in her hand.
Venki: Holly molly… what a scene.
Devika: You came without knocking.
Venki: I wanted to surprise you today.
Devika: Surprise? For what?
Venki: First take your flowers and give me my mangoes. (Grabbing her boobies)
Devika: Flowers for what?
Venki: Today is the 3rd anniversary of our engagement.
Devika: You still remember.
Venki: Yes
Devika: You are so caring.
Venki: But you are a step above, I wanted to surprise you but you surprised me.
Devika: No, it was accidental. I was just changing and you came. You scared me, in fact.
Venki: Let me say sorry to my scared wife. Where is Adi?
Devika: He is sleeping.
Venki: Then let me say sorry now. That little cop will not allow me to say sorry at night.
Devika: What is this sorry game?
Venki: Let me explain you
Saying that Venki lifted Devika in his arms like a baby and was about to move inside the bedroom. Devika was scared like hell what to do.
Devika: Adi is sleeping inside.
Venki: Oh you want to in the living room now…
Saying this he dropped her on the sofa and came near to her. He was kissing her over her boobs. He bit her nipples. Devika was clueless what to do. Vishnu was inside the room. Venki started his act straight in the living room. He was very horny seeing Devika topless.
Devika: I am bit tired. Can we do it at night, please?
Venki: You don’t need to do anything. I will do. Don’t stop me babe.
Venki started sucking her boobs. Devika was full of shame. It was most embarrassing situation for her in her life.
Devika: Venkiiii. Not now. I don’t want
Venki: Just quickie. Please don’t stop me.
Saying this he lifted Devika and pulled her panties out. Seeing her panties
Venki: You don’t want to do now but see your panties was full wet.
Devika was dying of shame now. She got seduced during massage by Vishnu. She didn’t tell this to him, but when Vishnu was rubbing her back, she slowly went in that mode. After all, she was young and Vishnu’s delicate massage was too hot for her to resist.
Devika: It was because it fell in the restroom….
Venki: Liar..
Venki pulled her one leg apart and moved his hand over her pussy and moved his middle finger inside her.
Venki: Liar…Liar… you are dripping wet. No excuse baby. I am not listening.
Saying this Venki went fully nude in no time. He was fully hard. He again kissed Devika. Their bedroom door was behind Venki’s back. Devika was facing Venki and can see her bedroom door behind him. She was fearing what Vishnu will feel. She wanted to stop Venki but all her efforts were futile.
Venki pushed her on the Sofa and created space between her legs. He positioned his dick in her pussy hole and in a swift move buried deep inside her. Devika screamed a little controlling herself. Venki pulled his dick out and saw it was glistering in Devika’s juices. He pushed again..
Venki: You are a liar.. See how wet and horny you are..
Devika knew what she was going through. Venki was now pushing in and out. He was also grabbing her boobs and sucking them in between. Devika couldn’t stop him today. She was her fuck toy today. The whole problem was she was fully wet. She was cursing herself as why she allowed Vishnu to do her a back massage and why she opened her gown for him. She cannot change the things now. Her only hope was Vishnu now coming out of the bedroom.
Venki: You are wet, but not moaning loud like always
Devika: Adi is sleeping
Venki: He sleeps at night as well. I want you to moan freely
Devika: I am doing Venki. You finish fast, please.
Venki: Not unless I see you in my favorite pose.
Venki with his dick in pulling Devika up and then himself went down on his back. Devika was on above him. Women on top is what Devika and Venki both enjoy most. Devika was reluctant, but Venki was impossible today. She cannot leave him as he will follow her. She better thought of finishing it.
Venki started pushing his dick up in her wet pussy. Venki’s hand were cupping her breast and squeezing them. Devika was already seduced earlier, but Venki’s sudden attack diverted her mind. Now she was doing to save her pride and keep Venki distracted. Little she knew about her body. No matter brain was fearing Vishnu, eyes were on the bedroom door, but continuous drilling of Venki broke her resistance. Her body was now working in motion with Venki’s pushing. Soon her pussy started rubbing over his dick. Her entire body was moving front and back. Her butt was crushing over his balls and were dancing over his upper thighs. Her boobs bloomed to full glory and nipples were hard. Devika was slowly reaching her peak. A difficult one, but something she needs to achieve as fast as possible.
She closed her eyes. Gave up her fear. Seeing nothing around was helping her to dive in the act. She started rubbing herself harder and harder. Her moans were now bigger and louder than earlier one. She was about to reach her orgasm. Her entire body was shaking wildly. Venki pushed strongly again inside her. Her pussy grabbed and squeezed his dick. Her body stiffened. Her hands pushed Venki’s chest down. She was moaning loudly and then slowly released her body. She opened her eyes and saw Vishnu seeing her. She was fully nude sitting over Venki. Every inch of her body was on display to Vishnu. Her fear came true. May be her moaning made him come out. She cannot do anything now.
She got her peak, but Venki was not done yet. He was still pushing inside her. She was almost motionless seeing Vishnu. She lost all her modesty today. She was helplessly sitting nude over Venki. Cannot speak a word. Vishnu saw what he could but felt it would be bad for him to stay there. He moved inside the room. Venki soon peaked. Devika was in wrong mental state now but she cannot relax. She need to take Vishnu out first.
She moved up from the sofa. Venki was on the sofa.. exhausted and breathing heavily.
Venki: Where are you going?
Devika: I am going to take a bath. You made me all dirty.
Venki: OK, but let me use the restroom first.
Devika: No. You use the living room one. You like living room right. Go there.
Venki: You are weird .. Sometimes..
Devika: Your punishment mister. Now use that common toilet.
Devika wore her panty and nightie and moved towards the bedroom. Venki stood up from the sofa and moved inside the common restroom.
Devika: Vishnu, move out of flat right now and remember if you tell this to anyone then you will see your teacher dead.
Vishnu was still in shock of life. He could have never imagined seeing Devika like this. He was out of the apartment and entered his apartment and straight went to his room. Before Rahim or Anand can speak anything, he just locked his room. Devika’s nude body fucking over Venki was the only thing coming into his visualization. It was something he will need time to accept. He wanted to see her nude and really loved what he saw today, but he was still feeling bad for Devika. He never wanted Devika to feel humiliated. He always wanted to win Devika. But nothing can change now.
Devika’s beauty is such a big thing which can hide everything in this world. Soon visualization of nude Devika over Venki led him to go nude. He started jacking off. In his visualization, Venki changed into Vishnu. His prick got harder and so his shaking and rubbing. Soon he cummed. That was his first shag of the day. He shagged thrice before going into sleep, but still not able to believe what he saw.
Devika on the other hand went quiet. They ordered food from outside. Devika was talking well with Venki but her mind was not there. She was fearing if Vishnu will tell this to the world. She was confident that he won't do this but want to make sure. She was finding words to defend and hide her actions. Vishnu was like her younger brother but after today this might change…
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The next day was Saturday. colleges were closed. Venki was having half day in Bank so he was out. It was around 11 AM Devika called Vishnu
Devika: (very feeble voice) Vishnu
Vishnu: Yes Madam
Devika: Can you please come. I need to talk
Vishnu: Will be there in 5 mins
Vishnu ran out of his apartment and went to Devika’s apartment. He knocked the door and Devika opened it for him. Vishnu came inside. Devika was not looking at him.
Devika: Vishnu, I needed to talk about yesterday incidence
Vishnu: Yesterday? What happened?
Devika: You know very well. It was a very bad day of my life. I don’t want to speak that directly, but what you saw yesterday was a big mistake of mine. I am sorry for that, but please don’t tell that to anybody
Vishnu: I forgot it completely. I don’t want to remember either. Forget about telling anyone.
Devika: Thanks Vishnu
Vishnu: I am not like that who will spread it. It is a matter of your prestige and which is mine also. I will not do anything which will make you feel bad in others eyes. I will never let you down
Devika: (tears in the eyes). Thanks Vishnu
Vishnu: Doesn’t cry, please
Devika: You have seen something which was very personal and sensitive. Boys of your age shouldn’t see that
Vishnu: Why my age? We are 18 above now
Devika: I forgot Vishnu. For me, you all are young college boys.
Vishnu: I know, but you need to understand we all are grown up now. We can understand you and Venki sir’s needs. Nothing wrong with it
Devika: But it is private things. No one should see this
Vishnu: I know. But it's fine in todays world. You were not doing anything wrong. It is just someone saw it. The good part is I am not going to tell anyone
Devika: (surprised to see Vishnu so mature) Thanks Vishnu
Vishnu: I have one question
Devika: What?
Vishnu: I just want to know if really nipple goes big when you are aroused
Devika: (dumbfounded) Vishnuuuuuu. You are talking dirty
Vishnu: I was just curious Madam
Devika: Yes, it is true. But why are you asking
Vishnu: It is because when I saw you earlier those were soft and small but those were very hard when I saw you after the massage and ……
Devika: And
Vishnu: …and…during love making.
Devika: (speechless) Vishnuuuuuu… are again.. I am not talking to you now
Vishnu: Sorry Madam, if I have offended you. I just asked out of curiosity
Devika: You go now.
Vishnu: I have one more question but you wont like it.
Vishnu: No problem. Thanks for showing trust in me
Vishnu left today, but he left stamp of his adulthood. Devika who was seeing them as innocent boys was very surprised to miss this part that these are big boys. Soon the equation will change once Devika will realize that these are not small boys anymore.
Devika kept a low profile during the weekend. There was a bit of openness in her life now. From modern clothes in party and gym to topless for Rahim. If that was not enough, she was seen fucking nude by Vishnu or getting nude in the forest for the sake of her family. These situations were embracing but she earned the confidence on herself. She was not one who will go behind the curtains if things start falling apart. She is an ANGEL and forgiveness and innocence is in her character. She left all behind and moved on.
Monday morning she left for college with the milk bottle for Ganapati. She was free from the mind and was thinking positively.
Ganapati: Good Morning Madam
Devika: Good Morning. How is your mouth now?
Ganapati: Your medicine is working fine
Hemant: Devika, what I am hearing. You are also a doctor
Hemant planned it properly. He entered in her room at the time when she was handing over a milk bottle to Ganapati. Devika was stunned seeing Hemant
Devika: … I .. I am not a Doctor
Hemant: But Ganapati is saying that your medicine is helping his illness.
Devika: Ganapati, you can go now
Ganapati left without speaking a word
Hemant: is it true?
Devika: No, it's now like that
Hemant: Then?
Devika: Actually, Ganapati is having some boils inside his mouth. He eats lots of Gutkha
Hemant: And you are treating him?
Devika: Just helping him
Hemant: That can be risky if the treatment goes wrong. Also college may not allow you to run your private practice here
Devika: No, I am not running my practice. I am giving him the medicine as his doctor ordered for
Hemant: Oh, I see! But in form milk?
Devika: Yes
Hemant: Is it a medicated milk?
Devika: (shy) no, it's mine.
Hemant: What?
Devika: Actually, his doctor suggested him to sip human mother's milk to repair his mouth skin. I am helping him
Hemant: That is so nice. But how, you manage?
Devika: I am using the breast pump he got for me. Just giving him as medicine. Once done I will stop
Hemant: You are really an angel. Who does this in real world and that too for a peon.
Devika: He is also a human. I am doing my best if that helps him
Hemant: I am a fan of yours now.
Devika: (feeling proud) Thank you sir
Hemant: No. Thanks to you for helping our college staff member
Devika: Its fine. I am also part of it.
Hemant: By the way, can I ask you one question if you don’t mind?
Devika: No sir, please ask
Hemant: If you are expressing milk for him and you are also feeding your child at the same time. How do you manage to get that much. Are you taking right diet?
Devika: No. It is manageable.
Hemant: I will suggest you to go on proper diet designed for good milk because you may do wrong with your child.
Devika: Wrong? How?
Hemant: Taking the extra milk out of body with pump will deplete the nutrition value of your milk and that will be wrong with your child
Devika: Oh, I didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me.
Hemant: One of my colleague had the same problem because she was having triplet. She was exhausted and then she went for supplements which helped her immensely.
Devika: Can you guide me to that lady. I will also take supplements
Hemant: Sure. I will get her contact details for you. It's in my diary. Come with me. I will give you there.
Devika: Thanks.
Hemant: Her email is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Devika: Thanks
Hemant: Normally she checks her mail once a day. You can expect a reply in a day.
Devika: Thank you so much
Devika left his office, leaving grin on Hemant’s face..
Ding dong….
Rahim: Hello Madam
Devika: Hi guys, just dropped here to check if your tests are going fine
Anand: They went well till now. A couple of more in this week and then we will be back on our practice.
Devika: Sounds good. See you on Friday then
Rahim: Sure. We will start our Dance practice from Friday
Anand: No, first gym and then next day Dance
Rahim: Gym can be anytime but I am running out of time from my competition
Devika: Well, no gym and no class this Friday. You all are coming to my house for dinner.
Vishnu: Dinner?
Devika: Yes. I am going to cook for all of you. You are working so hard. It's time to celebrate.
Anand: Cool. Can you cook Palak Paneer for us?
Devika: Sure. I will. Any other wish
Rahim: I love Kheer
Vishnu: I am ok with home made food and also don’t want you to put that much effort
Devika: No worries. You can tell me what you want. I will try.
Vishnu: Sure.
Devika: OK, bye. See you on Friday.
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Dear Devika,
Nice to see your email. Since Hemant has recommended you, I will be very happy to help you.
There are two components of treatment.
1. Tablet xxxxxx. Take once in a day during lunch.
2. Ayurvedic lotion which you need to put on your breasts once a week.
Ayurvedic lotion is difficult to find. Since you need it urgently, I have couriered 1 bottle at Hemant’s address. You can use that till you find in your local area.
These medicines are not only going to increase milk flow, but these will make your milk quality far superior which will be very good for your child.
God bless you and your family.
Keep in touch.
Wednesday morning at college
Devika: Ganapati, here is your bottle.
Ganapati: Thanks Madam
Devika: How long you need to continue
Ganapati: Few more weeks
Hemant enters her room.
Devika: (tensed) OK. You can go now
Hemant: Any reply you got from her?
Devika: Yes. She emailed me back. She has couriered one bottle at your place. You can give me once you get it.
Hemant: Good. She is a nice lady. I will let you know once I get the bottle.
Devika: Thanks. In the mean time I will get the tablets
Friday while Devika was in college her phone rang.
Devika: Hello
Hemant: Hello Devika. I am Hemant.
Devika: Good Morning Sir
Hemant: I got your parcel.
Devika: Great
Hemant: I am not coming to the office because I twisted my leg yesterday and cannot move a inch. Can you collect from here today.
Devika: Where is your house?
Hemant: It is in XXXX XXXXX area.
Devika: OK. That is almost on the way. I will collect around 3 pm
Hemant: Sure. I will wait.
Ding dong…
Ganga (maid in her 40s) opens the door.
Ganga: Come in Madam. Sir is waiting for you only
Devika: Thanks
Hemant: Devika, welcome to old man’s house
Devika: You and old. No way
Hemant: I may not look old, but I am very old
Devika: You are not more than 40-42.
Hemant: Ha ha. I am 54.
Devika: 54?
Hemant: Yes. It is just I do exercise, eat healthy and believe in Ayurveda which keeps me young
Devika: Wow.
Hemant: Nothing big. I can share those tips with you to keep you and your family healthy and young.
Devika: Sure. By the way how is your leg
Hemant: Lot of pain. Cannot move without support. Ganga is helping in day time. Rest I am managing with pain killers. But healing faster
Devika: How it happened?
Hemant: Two boys were hitting a poor dog. I just ran to stop them and ended twisting my leg.
Devika: Oh that is bad.
Hemant: I cannot allow people to hit poor innocent lives.
Devika: You are so good.
Hemant: Nothing good. I am just a human and believe in humanity.
Devika: Yes. But these values are missing in people nowadays
Hemant: That makes me different.
Hemant: Ganga, can you bring Devika’s parcel
Ganga: (brings parcel and give it to Hemant)
Hemant: Here is your parcel.
Devika: Such big one.
Hemant: I am also wondering.
Devika: Let us open and see.
Devika opens the package and pulls out a soft toy and a letter.
“Devika, sending you this bottle which you need to use one a week. You cannot touch lotion with your hands. It has to be directly applied to your skin otherwise t will lose its potency. Also a couple of things you need to take care of: Put the lotion for 1.5-2 hrs before you feed your son. Wash it after 30 mins and do not wear a bra that day. You need to repeat it every week for 4 weeks.
Soft toy is for your son. God bless him”
Hemant: Good. She explained your everything.
Devika: She is a wonderful person
Hemant: She is indeed.
Devika: I will follow them
Hemant: So start it ASAP.
Devika: Yes. From today itself.
Hemant: But I think you cannot do it today.
Devika: Why so?
Hemant: Instructions says that you need someone else to put it.
Devika: My mother at home can do it.
Hemant: Once you put it, you cannot feed your child for 2-3 hrs. But once you are at home, your son may not allow you. He must be waiting for you since morning.
Devika: Oh, I didn’t think about it.
Hemant: If you allow me, I can suggest one solution.
Devika: (little surprised) tell me sir
Hemant: Ganga can help you here. That way, when you reach home you will already passed 1.5 hrs.
Devika: But it will be inconvenient for her
Hemant: Not a problem. She is trusted lady and good help
Devika: But will she?
Hemant: No worries. She will help they way you will ask for.
Devika: (reluctantly) OK
Hemant: Ganga. Can you get Devika inside and help her with medicine.
Ganga: OK, sir
Ganga takes Devika in the bedroom of a one bedroom apartment. Devika saw the room pretty clean with lots of paintings. The paintings were of niche taste, mostly of females in little revealing postures and costumes. Those were really tempting and seductive But it is called Art. Bed was by far very nice and costly. Bedsheet was one the very soft, silky and very expensive. It was reflecting the taste of Hemant. Devika was not in that materialistic world, but was impressed.
Devika explains everything to Ganga reading instructions again.
Securely closing the door Devika opens her blouse. Though the Ganga matured lady still Devika was feeling shy.
Ganga: You can take Saree also out. It will be hanging unnecessarily when you will go in restroom to wash.
Devika: Hmm
Devika takes her Saree off and also her bra. Her beautiful boobs were out and fully glorified.
Ganga: Madam, your boobs are so beautiful.
Devika: (shy)….
Ganga: Your husband must be always behind you. You are so beautiful
Devika: (shy) Ganga… pls
Ganga: (giggling) Don’t shy from me. I am also married. My husband just waits for the night.
Devika: (giggling and shy) ok ok. Now please put it quickly
Devika lay down on her back. Her boobs were looking two beautiful mountain peaks on her fair and toned body.
Ganga opens the bottle and as per instructions slowly drops lotion on her boobs. Since lotion should directly touch the skin, Ganga was dropping lotion covering all the area of her boobs.
Devika: Ganga can you be a bit faster. I have to go home and cook for guests also (boys were invited for dinner)
Ganga: Bottle is small and her your boobs are big. If I do fast and waste lotion, then your other boob will leave out. Also lotion is very sticky it will mess sir’s bedsheet.
Devika: Take Care Ganga.
Ganga slowly finished her both the boobs and was sitting next to Devika.
Hemant: Gangaaaaaaaa…Gangaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (loudly)
Devika goes into panic mode..
Ganga: Yes Sir.
Hemant: Call for you
Ganga: Coming Sir. Madam, I will be back in 3 mins. Please don’t stand up as lotion is still wet and it will spoil all. I will close the door.
Ganga slowly opens the door, goes out and closes the door.
Devika could tilt her neck and see the door. The door was closed but not locked from inside. Her breathing was high as she was resting topless on the bed. She could hear Ganga but couldn’t make out of what she is talking over the phone. After 2 mins Ganga went quiet.
Devika’s phone started ringing. She picks up the call.
Hemant: Sorry Devika I cannot move so calling you. Ganga left suddenly due to family emergency. She told me that lotion part is done and you just need to wait 30 mins before washing it.
Devika’s heart was in her mouth hearing Hemant. But she kept her nerves and kept resting as is. Every tiny sound was ramping her heart beat. He was ready with a pillow in her hand to hide herself incase Hemant comes in. Laying topless was no fun. Once she passed 10-15 minutes she was more relaxed. Her heart beats were near normal. She was pretty confident that Hemat won't walk and enter her room.
Humans are strange animals. When things are fine they find another problem. Once she was relaxed she started feeling different. Her past, exposing incidences were coming in her mind one by one. From Vishnu’s play to Chaami, from gym to Ganapati’s quarter, from Rahim’s designer dress to Vishnu’s hiding in bedroom. She was thinking all, while laying down topless. Lotion on her boobs was drying fast now. She was feeling the change in her boobs. Dry lotion was stretching her boobs skin. It was creating a little indifferent feeling. Devika was feeling like someone is grabbing her boobs. Slowly running fan was creating enough breeze to make her nipples hard. Her body was having tiny goose bumps. All thoughts of exposure and tingling sensation on the boobs skin started making her wet.
When she was deep in her thoughts, she got another call from Hemant. She was again alerted.
Hemant: Devika, I think 30 mins are over.
Devika: OK. Let me clean and dressed up.
Hemant: Make sure you follow all instructions.
Devika: Oh yes. Thanks for reminding.
Devika moved up from the bed and was looking for a restroom. She couldn’t find any. She opens the door by an inch and ask Hemant who was sitting in the living room.
Devika: Where is washroom?
Hemant: That is across the kitchen that side. It’s a one bedroom apartment so washroom is common.
Devika: (feeling odd) OK
Devika looked for something to hide herself as she need to go out of the room to clean herself. She found one towel. It was small but she covered herself well from the front and quickly left the room to the washroom.
Hemant was sitting on the sofa in the living room and she zooms passed him to the washroom. Though Hemant was hardly 2-3 feet away from the hallway, but he could only see a part of her naked back. She was on her petticoat covering her breasts with the towel wrapping full front and part of back. She cleaned herself with the water. Her boobs were very firm and nipples were very hard. She dried herself and covered herself with the same towel.
She came out of the washroom and was again walking very fast towards the bedroom. As she was crossing the living the room and Hemant, she heard Hemant’s voice
Hemant: Devikaaaaa.
Devika in her own world was not expecting Hemant to call her name or stop on her way. She was walking fast and Hemant’s voice scared her off. In order to move away from Hemant’s view she ended up hitting wire rack. The rear end of her hanging towel got stuck in the rack and she went off balance and finally tripped and fell on the floor next to Hemant.
Hemant in bending from his sitting position raised his arms and got hold of Devika, from her arms around her shoulder. Devika was still recovering from the fall off. Hemant used his muscle power to pull her up and making her sit on sofa next to him.
It was then Devika realized her towel is still stuck and hanging on the rack 4 feet away from her. She is sitting topless in front of Hemant. He neatly clean boobs which were already stiff were on display to Hemant. Hemant’s eyes were glued on her beautiful sexy body. Her perky boobs were pointing towards him. Hemant’s hands were not in his control. He wanted to grab those boobs and he raised both his arms towards Devika. It was self control which ended up with him hold her from her arms.
Hemant: Are you fine Devika?
Devika: (quickly making X of arms, hiding her boobs) I am fine.
She quickly moved out of his clutches and ran into the room. She wore the blouse without bra and wrapped Saree hiding her pointed nipples.
Devika: (Embrassed with face down) …………I am leaving sir.
Hemant: Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just called your name to remind you that you need to avoid the bra for today.
Devika: I was aware of it.
Hemant: Can you just give me water. I need to take my tablet.
Devika wanted to leave and avoid Hemant. But her helping nature won't allow this. She went in the kitchen and came with a glass of water. She raised her arm towards Hemant holding water glass
Devika: Water
Hemant: (taking glass) Thanks Devika
Devika: Any other help you need now as Ganga is not here?
Hemant: No. I just needed my medicine. Ganga will come back in 2 hrs. I will sleep by then.
Devika: Ok. I am leaving now
Hemant: Devika.
Devika: (panicking)… anything else?
Hemant: Sorry for your accident today.
Devika: It's ok. Let us forget.
Hemant: Yes, but I called you to say something. Hope you won't mind
Devika: (reluctantly) ..tell me, sir
Hemant: Actually, your blouse is see-through. I observed it when you were giving me water. I would suggest you to take my thin jacket to cover yourself. Rest its your call.
Devika was very embarrassed. She ran into the room and saw herself in the mirror. Her nipples and areola was clearly visible in transparent material of the blouse. Taking hints from Hemant she picks one thin jacket fro his closet and wear it.
Devika: Thanks Sir. I am leaving now
Hemant: Take care of yourself.
Devika: You too (leaves)
Hemant: Ganga, here is your token of appreciation (handing over Rs 1000)
Ganga: Thank you, sir. I did what you told me.
Hemant: Perfect. You can go now.
Hemant was freely walking in the apartment thanking his luck of Devika tripping in front of him. He was not expecting this so soon. His whole plan was to make Devika topless in his bedroom and make her comfortable with her nudity in that room where some day he will want to see, touch, feel and have her beautiful body.
Thanking his luck, he opened his laptop. Drafted another email.
“Dear Devika,
Hope you today’s medicine worked great for you. Try to find the same lotion in your city. If you find any problem, then let me know. I can ship more. Hemant sir already paid for all the medicines
Bye Take Care”
Saved in Draft.
Devika reached home around 5 pm. She was embarrassed on the way, but today’s situation was nobody’s fault. It was an accident which was getting more often with her now. Hemant was 30 years elder to her, almost of her father’s age. She gave him a clean chit like she gave it to Chaami. She found him unharmed and so she was ok by the time she reached home.
Adi was hungry and seeing his mom, he started crying for mom’s milk. Devika took him in the room and started feeding him. Devika thanked Hemant for predicting it rightly. Adi was uncontrollable for milk as soon as she was in and it would have been impossible put lotion today.
Her mother helped her in preparation of dinner. They had early dinner and left the place as they need to reach their home.
Devika was smelling lotion from the blouse which she was wearing directly over her breasts. Venki and the boys were about to come.
Devika changed herself to a thick T-shirt without a bra and a knee length skirt. No matter how thick is cloth, you cannot hide bra-less boobies.
Ding dong….
Devika sees through the keyhole. All the boys were standing. She unlocks the door and slowly opens to take them in.
The very first thing which was visible to them while Devika was opening the door was her round, curvy and pointed boobs which were clearly showing the signs of open world (no bra).
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upload full story at once mansa
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full story endhuku? idhe mater chala undhi.super update
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venky enti entha howle gaada..
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enka ah devika ite evadiki padte vanki salla darshanam estundi
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Devika: This is not correct Venki
Venki: I am sorry, but Ganesh is leaving tonight for on-site. His flight is at 2 AM. He has asked me if I can drop off his family back at his home safely after see off.
Devika: Can’t he asks this earlier? I have planned this dinner a week back
Venki: I am sorry, but you go ahead with the boys. They live below us. I will meet them tomorrow
Devika: Venkiiii please come na..
Venki: I would love to but friend is in need. More than that his family, including small son. We should think of their safety as well.
Devika: Why they are going to see off. Is it necessary?
Venki: This is his first trip. They are excited. I cannot tell them not to come because I cannot come.
Devika: I can understand. Well, since food is ready and the boys are here, Let me eat with them and will send them back in an hour
Venki: Don’t do that in a hurry. Enjoy your time with them. Adi will be happy with them. Sorry for messing up all.
Devika: It's ok. You are a good friend. We should always help others.
Venki: Thanks for your understand baby.
Devika: Stop buttering and tell me what time you will be back
Venki: After dropping them at home, I should be back by 3 AM.
Devika: 4 AM? But flight is 2 AM and check-in will be 2 hrs early
Venki: After check-in and boarding, I will drop them home, which is in the opposite direction of our house so it will take 1.5 to travel.
Devika: OK. I will be sleeping then.
Venki: Don’t put chains on. I will come in using my keys. Don’t want to ring bell
Devika: I know, but you get same view every time (naughty)
Venki: May be someday..
Devika: Dream about it.
Venki: OK Bye
Devika: Bye
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Devika: So boys Venki is dropping his friend to the airport and then his family back to their home. He won't be here with us for dinner.
Rahim: oh no
Anand: We never met sir
Vishnu: I met once, but we never talked (having a grin on his face)
Devika: (understanding meaning of Vishnu) Ok Ok… now tell me when you want to have dinner. It is ready.
Rahim: I am hungry.
Anand: Me too.
Vishnu: It is only 7:30 PM.
Rahim: So what. I want my favorite dish.
Anand: Me too
Devika: OK, let us first have dinner and then we can chit chat. Vishnu, can you see Adi please.
Vishnu: Sure.
Devika arranged everything on the dinning table. Anand and Rahim started eating. Vishnu was not hungry so he was holding Adi. Devika was staying back to eat with Vishnu so that he doesn’t feel left out.
Devika: So boys, how your tests went?
Rahim: They went well. I will be scoring my best marks in life time.
Anand: I studied first time in life .. he he
Vishnu: I was preparing, handling Adi here. So mine went well.
Rahim: So that’s the reason you were looking cool when we were sweating.
Vishnu: Upto you. Someone was studying whereas someone was enjoying dancing with most beautiful lady on the earth.
Devika: Who is she?
Anand: He he.. He is saying about you
Devika: Me?
Vishnu: Yes. We all agree that you are the most beautiful person we have ever seen or met with. Not only you are beautiful, but your heart is of gold
Devika: You are exaggerating now
Rahim: Nope. He is correct. You are so good. Who help others like you do? You are learning dance and gym for helping us. To save me from my brother’s bad world.
Anand: And putting out so much in the gym just because you want Rahim to win the competition
Devika: Thanks guys for all the appreciation. You all made by day
Vishnu: Not only help, but we have learned a lot from you. Many things which no one teaches.
Devika: Like?
Vishnu: Like inner beauty of a person. People see only outer beauty, but with you I learned what inner beauty means.
Devika: (her throat went dry sensing what Vishnu is hinting towards)
Vishnu: Person, beautiful or not is all depends on how a person thinks and behave. You are a real angel.
Devika: (gets calm) Thanks. Anand take more Kheer. You like it na?
Anand: Sure.
Rahim: Food is awesome. Feeling like eating everything.
Devika: It is for you only. Enjoy.
Both Anand and Rahim finishes the food.
Anand: Where is your hand?
Devika: Why?
Anand pulls Devika’s hand and kissed on the front and back of her palm.
Anand: Just saying thank you for these beautiful hands for working so hard for our food.
Rahim: I will say thank you to her beautiful mind.
Rahim surprisingly moved ahead and gives a peck to on Devika’s forehead.
Rahim: This is the beautiful mind which no one else has.
Devika: (controlling her emotions) Thanks
Vishnu: I am hungry.
Devika: OK, let us eat.
Rahim and Anand were playing with Adi in the living room. Vishnu and Devika started eating food in the dining area.
Vishnu: You don’t know how we are feeling good today
Devika: Why so?
Vishnu: Never felt like family in many years. You made us feel today that we are also loved.
Devika: Aaaaw Vishnu. You are so good boy
Vishnu: You like me?
Devika: Of course
Vishnu: I mean you love me?
Devika: Of course Vishnu. You are like my younger brother
Vishnu: Thanks Madam. I know you treat me like your younger brother, but I certainly feel more than that
Devika: Not getting you
Vishnu: I mean after seeing you that day, I kind of not able to feel like your brother.
Devika: Vishnuuu, what do you mean? Stop talking about that day
Vishnu: I won't talk. I just want to say, no brother should see his sister like that. But I have seen you and now I feel guilty and bad if I think you as a sister.
Devika: It's ok. Don’t feel bad.
Vishnu: I just want to be your good friend. A good young friend.
Devika: You are always and will be.
Vishnu: Thanks. You are really very good for the heart.
Devika: Thanks for your words Vishnu
They finished their food. Vishnu was a kind boy to help Devika at a cleaning dining table and in keeping dishes back in the sink. After finishing, they join others in the living room.
Rahim: When is sir going to come
Devika: He will be here by 2 or 3 AM. Any reason for asking?
Rahim: Nothing. Just was wondering if you find is safe living alone in the apartment.
Devika: I have Adi with me… he he
Anand: Devika Madam is brave. I am making her strong in the gym.
Devika: Yes. Anand is making me hard and strong.
Vishnu: But strength is mental as well
Devika: I agree. Mentally, I am strong. I fear only in the dark, but that is no problem here.
Anand: Yes.
Vishnu: So what is the plan now. Dinner done.
Devika: You want to watch movie?
Rahim: No. I don’t like
Anand: I like
Vishnu: I am ok if it is a romantic movie.
Devika: Oh ho. Lover boy.
Vishnu: Nothing like that. I just love romance
Rahim: I love thriller
Anand: I love action
Devika: So all are different choice. What to watch now?
Rahim: What you like?
Devika: Me? I love romance (shy)
Anand: Then lets us watch some romantic movie
Rahim: Why not we dance. It's been a long time.
Devika: Yes. The movie will be long and we all should sleep on time
Anand: But what I will do. You both will enjoy the dance. Why not play some games.
Rahim: Games?
Anand: Yes.
Devika: dumb charades?
Rahim: I am in.
Anand: I am also in
Vishnu: I am in only if in Devika Madam’s team
Devika: Then done. Let us play.
Rahim: Who will go first?
Vishnu: I will try first.
Vishnu is given movie “Amar Akbhar Anthony”
He tries a lot to act like all three actors, but movie was old and difficult to act. Finally, they concede.
Now Anand moves to act. He was given movie “Hum Apke Hai Kaun”. He was smart enough to act like Salman using Calapult. Rahim guessed it quick
Rahim-Anand are now 1-0 up.
It is now Devika’s turn
They call Devika in the corner. Anand very lightly call movie name. Devika could not hear him properly. So he comes near to her and speak near to her ear. She cannot hear again properly. Anand moves closer to her. He was standing in front of her. Devika turn her head in other direction to hear him clearly. Anand’s broad chest touches her bra-less boobs. Devika felt the touch, but did not react to it. Anand comes on touching distance to her ear.
Anand: “Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani”.
Anand’s lips were very close to her ears. She heard it and was about to speak to confirm. Anand quickly moves his hand on her lips and mouth to stop her from speaking.
Anand: Don’t’ speak
Devika: Oh, sorry.
Anand: Let me repeat last time.
He makes a cup of his hand near her ear and very softly repeat the name of the movie. In the process of speaking close to her, his chest pushes her boobs further. Devika feels the pressure of his chest over her boobs. If that was not enough Anand’s lips brushed over her ears.
Devika’s ears were very sensitive. Anand’s brushing of her ears with his lips sparked her womanhood. She heard this time and moved aside. She tried to act, but she was not able to open up herself to act for “Jawaani” (youth). Vishnu was enjoying Devika’s acting, but it was not coming out good.
Vishnu: You can act the word which is the most critical one.
Devika: Hints for 2 words out of 4.
Devika start getting little sultry to act for Jawaani. She made a controlled attempt to express Jawaani but her inner self was not allowing her to go full on. Finally, they concede again.
After disclosing the name
Vishnu: You could have acted like a young actress blooming to youth… blah blah…
Devika: I am not your drama artist. Mr. Director… he he
Vishnu: I didn’t mean that, but just more openness could have given us points.
Devika: I will try next time.
Now Rahim comes. Devika decided to give him a tough movie name. She decided on “Bhool Bhulaiyaa”
Devika: (coming close to him and speaks slowly) Bhool Bhulaiyaa
Rahim: Not getting you
Devika goes closer to Rahim. Rahim was taller to her. She moves on her toes and try to speak into his ears. In order to take support she ended up pushing herself on his back and tries to speak more closer to his ears.
Rahim got the name but he was looking for more closeness. Devika again pushes for height and was completely on her toes. Her big boobs were crushed in the back of Rahim. Her nipples behind the T-shirt cloth were brushing the back of Rahim. Anand already sparked something in her. Rubbing of her bra less boobs over Rahim’s back took her to the next level. Her nipples started getting hard now.
She speaks softly and Rahim confirms that he got the name.
Rahim tried all the combination, but fails to act. Finally the concede. So score goes remains 1-0.
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Adi was firmly sleeping now. Devika started feeling a little different among three young adult boys. Bra-less boobs were not helping her either. Boobs and ears were her sensitive areas and she was feeling the heat now.
Devika: Can we end this now. I am tired now. We can play sometime later.
Vishnu: I don’t want to lose.
Devika: Neither me. But these guys are tough.
Rahim: OK, let us have last chance, if you can tie.
Vishnu: Good. But this time you go first.
Anand: OK. I will act.
Anand was given movie “Hum To Mohabbat Karega” by Vishnu. Anand badly failed to act. The shoreline was still 1-0
Now between Devika and Vishnu they decided Vishnu will act. Vishnu was given movie “Rang Rasiyaa”
Vishnu tried to act like a painter, but Devika was not able to guess the movie.
Devika: Vishnu, try your best. We can try.
Vishnu acted again.
Devika: Is it Painter Babu?
Vishnu said no. Time was running. Vishnu was thinking what to do.
Devika: You were telling me to open up. See you yourself is not able to act. Try hard. You don’t want to lose right?
Vishnu: Again tries his best.
Devika: Titanic?
Vishnu: No…show his frustration ..
Devika: OK, OK… try last time..
Rahim: 30 secs more.
Vishnu comes near to Devika and ask her hand. She gives him. He took her to make her sit on a chair. He again acts like making a painting and then he comes near to her and takes a long breath, sees with eyes of Devika, …….. And grabs her boobs softly and runs away and again act like a painter and then comes back and act like spreading color over her…
Devika: Rang Rasiyaa?
Vishnu: YaY. We won.
Devika come back to her senses. She realized that Vishnu grabbed her boobs openly in front of others. She was feeling cheated and she moves into the kitchen.
Devika: I am coming. Need some water.
Rahim: (softly) Are you mad Vishnu?
Anand: Man you grabbed her boobs so openly..
Vishnu was feeling the heat now. He slowly goes behind Devika
Vishnu: Sorry if you felt offended.
Devika: That is not good Vishnu
Vishnu: I am sorry, Madam. I went on your words. Be open… We want to win..
Devika: It's ok. Never do it again.
Vishnu: Promise
Devika: OK. Let us go outside
Both came in the living room. Devika started behaving normal now.
It was 10 PM now.
Anand: We can watch movie now.
Devika: OK. But I will sleep by 12.
Rahim: We can watch short English movie.
Devika: But I don’t know much about them and don’t have all channels with us.
Anand: We can watch college-college based movie. I can run stream using my 4G phone on your smart TV
Vishnu: Good idea
Rahim: Suggest movie fast
Anand: American Pie?
Devika: Let me see its rating first.
Devika was shocked to see it is Rated R.
Devika: It is Rated R movie. Let us watch something universal U/A
Rahim: But we are all adults.
Devika: Yes. But I am not comfortable
Anand: No problem. That is the issue with us Indian. We learn all things hiding from mature people and that’s the reason our learning is half and disturb our future.
Devika: I didn’t mean it.
Anand: I know you are very good Madam. But since childhood we see same. We see chapter on Reproduction in books, but teacher skip that completely. In exams, we fail to answer basic question. If that is not being taught, then why they put such things in books and asks in exam
Devika: Chill down. I know that is shortcoming in our society. But we cannot change them overnight
Rahim: True. Also, we cannot change the fact that you are also reluctant to watch a basic movie with us. It is rated R not porn.
Devika: But…
Vishnu: Guys, let us drop that topic now. We should watch what we all are comfortable with.
They finally agreed to play Newton movie so that it will finish within 2 hrs.
The movie starts and all sit on 3 seater sofa to watch the movie. Devika was sitting on the single seat sofa chair. The movie was political satire and soon porn lover Anand started feeling bored and so Rahim. Both wanted to watch R movies with Devika but they failed to convince her.
Devika was very much interested in the movie. She was watching it passionately.
Anand: I am feeling sleepy. If you guys want to finish the movie, then I am going. I will sleep in my room.
Rahim: Me too.
Devika: OK (again focusing on the movie)
Vishnu being the smarted guy stays back acting like he is keenly watching the movie.
Rahim and Anand left. Devika moved on Sofa next to Vishnu.
Vishnu: You liked this movie.
Devika: It is good. I like Raj Kumar Rao
Vishnu: Me too.
Adi cries. Vishnu quickly picks him and bring it to Devika.
Vishnu: He must be hungry now.
Devika: How you know?
Vishnu: I have spent good time with him. I can guess correctly now.
Devika: You are right.
Devika wanted to watch the movie, but Adi was crying.
Devika: Can you bring my towel from that rack
Vishnu: Sure.
Devika: Can you bring my towel from that rack
Vishnu: Sure.
Devika folds her legs and takes Adi in her lap. She puts a towel on her side and slowly lifts her shirt to pop her left boob out. She carefully gave that in Adi’s mouth and start watching her movie.
Vishnu wanted to see her boob but it was not on his side. He couldn’t see much and neither was able to try more.
Adi finished her right boob and was still sipping. Devika turned him on the left side and repeated the same. The biggest difference was Vishnu was sitting next to her. As she lifted her T-shirt up Vishnu could see her naked waist and back from the side. Rest Devika covered well with her towel. The towel was enough to cover her up. Vishnu was looking for idea to pull the towel down off her shoulder or somehow towel to fall down but he cannot take that risk.
His eyes were on Devika. Devika was sitting with folded legs with knee length skirt. Her beautiful knees were visible when she was sitting with folded legs. Moving Adi right to left raised her skirt further up. Now her thighs were half visible. There is no doubt that she was more open now. Showing legs to these boys not that big deal for her, but she still try to maintain that gap.
Vishnu laid down on sofa stretching his legs a bit on the other side. Now his face was on the level of Adi and Devika’s knee. He was acting like watching movie, but he was eyeing Devik’a exposed thigh.
The movie was getting more catching. Devika was lost in the movie. Adi stopped drinking the milk and was sleeping again. Devika was not aware of that. Vishnu got his chance and slowly he got hold of a corner of the towel and he's pulled it mm by mm every minute. He was praying for Devika to remain engrossed in the movie. He pulled the towel to a good extend but it was still 2 inches sitting over her shoulder.
Vishnu almost lost his battle to pulling towel, but not his fate was stronger than his effort. Devika was lost in the movie. She felt that towel was hanging her shoulder and she was feeling uneasy. She pulls her towel aside and threw it on the side chair. In all she was not aware of her T-shirt was up and his beautiful round piece of love was fully exposed in the dim night light.
Vishnu’s eyes popped out seeing the glory piece. Last time he was 10-12 feet away, but today he was not even 10-12 inches away. Vishnu slowly crawled ahead on the sofa and now he was very near to her boob. Devika was still watching the movie. Vishnu’s breathing started getting heavier and warmer.
The hot air from his nose were striking Devik’s thigh and boobs. Devika was keenly watching the movie. It was thrilling. He was feeling hot air on her boobs but she felt it must be Adi. She ignored all. Vishnu was crawling further ahead and now his mouth was at the touching distance of her boobs. He was lost in the charm of her boob. He forgot that he is just a student of her and she is a married lady. He wanted to suck her boob but he was not able move ahead. He took a long breath and moved ahead. His lips brushed Devika’s exposed boob. His lips were few mm away from her nipple.
Devika was watching most crucial part of the movie. She thought Adi is looking for more milk. Without paying attention to the surroundings, she grabs her boob and pointed her nipple to the approaching lips of Vishnu. Vishnu didn’t know how to react. He opens his lips and takes the nipple in his mouth. He sucks it gently. He was extremely hard down under. His one hand was holding his hard on and another was balancing himself on her boob. Devika kept watching the movie. Vishnu slowly sucks again. He got the drops of milk in his mouth. He certainly didn’t link the milk taste, but he couldn’t do much.
For the next few minutes he slowly kept sucking her boob. After 2-3 minutes his sucking stopped and changed into gently kissing her nipple. It was the time Devika felt something is very different. She saw down and was horrified seeing Vishnu kissing and playing her exposed boob. Adi was sleeping in her lap. She didn’t know what to do. She cannot stand up or put Adi here and there easily from that position. She bends herself back to take her boob away from Vishnu’s mouth. Vishnu moves towards her boob and keep sucking nipples. Not only sucking he bit her nipple with is lips over the his teeth. Devika was taken back. Her entire body was shivering. Goose bumps everywhere on her body. She made an eye contact with Vishnu. Vishnu was mad in her love. He was enjoying playing her boob and doesn’t want to come back to reality unless forced. He knew that Devika is not going to beat him. He knew that Devika is a an angel. He was taking advantage of that. Devika tried to pull her Tshirt down, but Vishnu holds her hand and stopped her from covering her back. In fact Vishnu exposes it further and pulls out another boob out as well. Devika was in shock and was motionless. This was something she never expected from Vishnu.
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Vishnu was finding it tough in that pose. He quickly came down from Sofa and was on his knees in front of Devika. Devika pulls her tshirt down and covers up her both the boobs. Making an eye contact with Devika, Vishnu lifts her Tshirt up again. Devika was not able to show any strength. Her attempt to cover up again was a weak one. Vishnu was strong enough to pull her Tshirt up and exposing her topless again. This time he grabs both of her boobs in his hands and start kissing, sucking and biting her nipples. His position was very dominating in that state and Devika was finding hard to come out of this sudden attack. Seeing Devika very weak gave Vishnu more power. He lifts Adi from her lap and kept making him sleep on her side on the sofa. Devika tried to stand up, but Vishnu was quick to push her back in that position. He strongly comes back in front of her. He gets hold of her legs, which he unfolds and bring down from the sofa. He separates out both her legs, pulling her knees apart and comes between them. Devika was now sitting on sofa with her legs down and separated. Vishnu was sitting on the floor on his knees between her legs. Vishnu was in full control of her. He moves hands ahead and grab the end of her T-shirt. He pulls it up with both the hands, exposing her boobs again. Now there was no Adi between them. Devika’s resistance was strong, but Vishnu covers up with more power. Devika’s hands go up and Vishnu successfully pulls her tshirt out of her neck, head and arms. He threw her shirt aside and sees Devika sitting topless in front of him. Devika was hiding her boobs crossing her hands. Her face was down in shame. Vishnu holds her hands and tried to separate them to get a clear view of her boobs.
Devika: No Vishnu please.
Vishnu: I love you. Please allow me once.
Devika: Vishnu no, this is wrong…..
Vishnu was not listening to her again. He put more force to separate her hands apart. Devika was not strong enough. Her hands open up and a beautiful, uninterrupted view of her heavenly boobs was in front of Vishnu. He grabs her boobs and start sucking them again. He was aware of Devika’s weakness on her boobs. He bites her nipples to make Devika shudder. Devika was losing her battle very fast. An attack on her boobs and nipples was something she cannot defend easily. Vishnu was no stranger. He saw her fucking earlier. Today itself Hemant saw her topless. Vishnu’s persistent attack on her boobs left her defenseless. She conceded the battle. Her resistance was very minimum to zero.
Vishnu kept sucking and biting her nipples. Nipples soon were very hard. Vishnu stopped sucking them. He turns his head up to see Devika’s face. Devika was sitting there with her eyes closed. He moves up and puts his lips on her lips. Devika opens her eyes and seeing Vishnu in front of her. Vishnu was not a trained kisser. He doesn’t know how to kiss. He took both her lips into his mouth and start sucking them hard. It was painful for Devika. She doesn’t know how to come out of it. Vishnu was still holding her hands to keep Devika in control. Devika pulls her face back. Both make eye contact. Vishnu again tried to kiss her, but Devika ditch him again. Vishnu grabs her face this time and puts his lips again on hers. Devika opens her mouth this time and give him access to her lower lips. Vishnu sucks her lower lips. Devika closed her mouth, taking Vishnu’s upper lips in her mouth. She sucks him back. It was the basic lesson which Vishnu learns. He sucks her and she sucks him back. A tight lip lock.
Vishnu was in a hurry. He releases both her hands and moves his hands on her thighs. He started rolling her skirt up till her thighs. Since she was sitting the sofa it was not easy for him. He stopped rolling it up and moves his hand inside her skirt from both the sides. Quickly his hands were on her panties elastic bands. He starts pulling them down. Devika was sitting and hence it was not possible for him to take panties down with her support. He makes an eye contact with her.
Devika: (signals, no shaking her head)
Vishnu put more force to pull her panties down.
Devika: Vishnu, enough now… please don’t go ahead..
Vishnu: I will stop today..
Devika: No Vishnu.. Please understand it wrong..
Vishnu was persistent. Devika was getting hot. She was already turned on once she conceded herself to his kissing. Vishnu tried to lift her up and Devika moves her butt up, allowing him to drag her panties. Vishnu was successful in pulling her panties down from her butt to her thighs. Devika again sits on the sofa, resting her butt firmly on the seat. Vishnu pulls her panties further down to her knees. She again tried to make difficult for Vishnu to pull it down, but it was of no use. Vishnu was in no mood to stop. He pulls her Panties down and takes off from her leg. He separates her legs again and rolls her skirt up to get a glimpse of her pussy.
Devika: Vishnu … No….
Vishnu: (sees Devika was authority in his eyes)….
……… ………..
Devika: Vishnu no….
Devika: Vishnu don’t sleep here….wake up Vishnu.
Vishnu feels Devika’s hand on his face and hairs. She was slowly moving her fingers in his hairs. Vishnu open his eyes and came on his senses.
Devika: You were snoring. Its time for you to go home and sleep there.
Vishnu: … movie..
Devika: That is over sometime back. You slept on the sofa while I was watching my movie and feeding Adi.
Vishnu: Oh.
He saw the clock. It was 12:20 AM. Adi was not there. Devika must have dropped him in his bed. He sees Devika again. She was in her nightie. Nightie material was thinner than T-shirt. Her nightie was also shorter than her skirt. Her boobs were showing firm and big inside it.
He thinks back to the dream which he just saw. A smile was on his face.
Vishnu: You changed to nightie. How long was I was sleeping?
Devika: May be 30 mins.
Vishnu: Oh really…
Devika: Yes. I dropped Adi back. Cleaned the kitchen and changed into my sleeping dress.
Vishnu: You are looking different then that massage day.
Devika: What?
Vishnu: You were in same nighte that day as well but today there is a change
Devika: (knew she is braless) nothing like that (shy)
Vishnu: Your breast are looking much bigger….
Devika: Vishnuuuuu
Vishnu: Sorry Madam….
Devika: You should not talk like that.
Vishnu: I just said that casually.
Devika: You are getting naughty day by day. Today you did the wrong thing….
Vishnu: Today….wrong??
Devika: Yes. I was feeding Adi and you slept and in your sleep pulled my towel down. I was shocked to see you did that with me.. But you were sleeping… (giggling)
Vishnu: Oh God…
Devika: Its ok.
Vishnu: No, I mean, why I was sleeping that time..
Devika: Vishnuuu (naughty)
Vishnu: I wanted to see them again. Those are looking so big and firm today since I saw your shirt
Devika: Vishnu you are getting shameless. Don’t talk to me like that.
Vishnu: I couldn’t resist speaking about that.
Vishnu comes closer to her. Sees her boobs again .. (Few feet away)
Vishnu: Certainly today they are bigger and firmer..
Devika: Vishnu you are crossing the limits. I told you they are without a bra. Now please go you naughty boy
Vishnu: No, there is a difference. I am saying this because I saw you naked .. Sorry I mean without clothes that day. These are bigger than that.
Devika realizes that it might be lotion which had made this change. But Vishnu was so openly talking about her boob made her conscious. She was already charged after the all the events today. It took no time for her to again feel wetness down under. Tiny goose bumps and nipple started hardening again.
Devika: Now you go please. You are in sleep.
Vishnu: No. I can see one thing..
Devika: What?
Vishnu: Your nipples are hard again like that day when you were….. With sir
Devika: (taken back on his observation)… Vishnuuuu
Vishnu: Looks like you are waiting for sir again…
Devika: (shy)… don’t speak these things… you go..
Vishnu: I am not feeling like going back.. Can I keep seeing you..
Devika: No. I feel it's not right. I am leaving a wrong impression.. It seems..
Vishnu: (coming closer to her)… No. These are right impressions (hinting at her nipples poking from thin material of her nightie)
Devika: You are no more boy. I need to be careful now. Vishnu please go…
Vishnu: Can I kiss you?
Devika: Vishnuuuuuuuu
Vishnu: Please madam once…
Devika: This is limit ..
Vishnu: What limits Madam. I saw everything that day. I just want to kiss you. I never kissed anyone.
Devika: No. Vishnu. You are my student. You are expecting something which I cannot give you.
Vishnu: Why, madam?
Devika: Please understand
Vishnu: (comes further close to her comfort and holds her hand) .. Just one time.
Devika: (having goose bumps all over).. No Vishnu. Please go.
Vishnu: I really like you. I want to reserve my first kiss only for you.
Devika: Keep for your girlfriend an wife
Vishnu: Will you be my girlfriend?
Devika: No. I am married.. (Giggling)
Vishnu: You can be still my girlfriend
Devika: Yes, but better you find one of your age.
Vishnu: No. You are the best and most beautiful person.
Devika: Vishnu.. No buttering.. go now
Vishnu: I will go only after my kiss.
Devika: Hmm, you are getting stubborn now.. its not possible
Vishnu: Why?
Devika: I don’t have answers
Vishnu: Just one kiss..please please please..
Devika: No. It carries a wrong message.
Vishnu: I will not tell anyone…just one small one…
Devika: No Vishnu
Vishnu: My mind is not able to forget that day…something which I should not have seen …now it is making me a different person…
Devika: You are finding reasons..
Vishnu: No.. I really felt different… please just one kiss and I will remember that in my life time.. If there is someone whom I want to dedicate my first kiss then it's you..
Vishnu comes very close to her. He was holding her hands. Devika was getting restless with his advances. She was not able to push him back or hurt him by scolding. Inside her mind she was guilty of exposing herself to him that day..
Vishnu moves his lips towards her.. Devika was in a dilemma.. She doesn’t want to do, but Vishnu was persistent…. Vishnu’s lips came very close to her. She wanted to stop, but her body froze. Vishnu brushed his lips on hers. Just in dreams he learned how to kiss. He pushes her lower lips down and surprisingly Devika was soft and allowed him that space. He pulls her lower lips inside his lips and sucks them. Devika gets a jolt..He then picks her upper one sucks that one… Devika was shocked to see such an intimate one from the first time kisser…She finds all the courage and separate out…
Devika: Done.. go now..
Vishnu: Oh my God… you are so awesome… you made my life….
Devika: (shy) You kissed for the first time? I don’t think so.
Vishnu: God promise it was first. I loved it. I can never forget it…can I get one more please..?????
Devika: NO. Go away now (naughty).. And don’t tell this to anyone
Vishnu: I will never. But don’t ask to forget it. I want to remember this for my life time.
Devika: (feeling shy)
Devika opens door and signal him to go..Vishnu moves out and was standing on the door. Not feeling like going. Devika comes close to him to push him out and close the door..
Vishnu: …. But I will still say that your boobs are looking bigger and firm today.. Next time I want to kiss them…. Saying this he quickly kisses Devika on her lips and ran away….
Devika was smiling on his act. She enjoyed today’s kiss and Vishnu’s boldness. She saw herself in the mirror. Vishnu was right. Her boobs were looking massive and nipple was tearing the nightie material. It was 1 AM in the clock. She went to bed and soon caught her much needed sleep..
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