Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
I think readers are waiting with crossed hands and legs for upcoming updates. All important update may not be next few. In the meantime I have an innocuous question aimed at all readers.

We are taking about a lot of "Love".

"Love is a very strange word. Simple it is opposite of "Hate". Similar to light and darkness. Absence of one is representated by the other.

What I am interested is in understanding of "Love" by individuals.

What is its nature?
How it is expressed?
The common factors which creates and destroys it.
What are common symptoms of "Love"?
Does it have different effects on male and female differently?
What are positive and negative sides of it?
How human behaviours are modified by it?
Does cessation of "Love" implies creation of "Hate"?
Can "Love" and "Hate" co-exists?
How they are reversed in application?
Can it be distributed among many? If yes, is it to be equally shared?
And above all, can it be measured?

Google gives many outputs which are refined and to some extent cumbersome.

I am interested in general public opinion about it. Your genuine understanding and belief. that's only important.

So, request your valuable feedback for my enlightenment.
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To me Love means a feeling that makes that individual think that the opposite sex is the right person for their life. It comes when the other makes them laugh, comfortable, sacrifice, happy and safe. Meera had sex with prabu only on those factors. He made her laugh, independent, listened to her needs, likes and dislikes, sacrificed the cigar for her, etc. She felt that he gave everything that she missed in her life. She never loved anyone in her young age. It was with prabu, she understood what it feel when someone in love. She was happy beyond description and enjoyed every moment with him. He was so lively. So definitely, what she had for prabu is not just lust. It is love. She knows that saravanan is a good human being, good father and good husband. But did he keep her happy, make her laugh. No. She was more like maid most of time. Cooking, cleaning house, looking after children etc. Saravanan did not even talk to her to understand her likes and dislikes. He did not try to understand what kind of person she is and what she is really looking for. From day 1, prabu worked on these areas and it made meera impressed with him. If it is just lust, she would have forgot him. She had some "feeling" for prabu. The so called "feeling" is LOVE. Same is case for prabu too. This is just one of my thoughts. Smile
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When the next update will come that we all so eagerly waiting for???
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Saravanan should in any case remain consistent in his decision.

I also think the path he has paved is logical and courageous.
That he demands and expects a decision from Meera shows us that he has a strong personality,
 because he is faithful to his feelings and love for Meera and expects the same faithfulness from her.
This is the minimum he can expect from his partner-wife.

In the future he will "most likely" allow Meera one night date's -without emotional ties- to satisfy sexual lust.
This could contribute to the fact that the existing monotony will soon come to an end, the sexual dimension 
of both will be expanded and thus experienced even more intensively...

We let ourselves be surprised 

Greetings to all
[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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This shows saravanan character has a strong heart and matured behaviour. He wants meera lifetime at any cost without indulging sexual relation with prabhu. In the meantime he wants to know how much lust she has built for prabhu lively when prabhu talking to meera. And the conditions puts meera on thinking and it might be the end of relationship with prabhu. I don't think she accepts the proposal of prabhu to continue mating with the knowing of saravanan. In that case prabhu will have to come some cruel and cunning plans to continue sexual relationship again and again.. Its quite excing
Amazingly written till now?
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Young Desi indian love

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mysor mallige scandal

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Please watch and post comment on my wife's pics
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masst odia honeymoon

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waiting eagerly.............
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Thanks to all for your comments and appreciation. Just completed and posted the last English update into Tamil. I expect to have the next post in English ready by tomorrow.
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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I think this is emotional erotica and it should remain like that. I generally prefer happy ending (husband wife come together at the end). With this I believe following is possible

1. Saravanan is now playing in hand of Prabhu by giving him a chance to convince his wife. Prabhu being clever will take advantage of this situation and try to speak some lie to Meera and try to convince her. Meera will decide to choose Prabhu in context of that lie but it will not reduce her love for Saravanan. This is logical also otherwise if Meera chooses Saravanan story will end abruptly and will fail.

2. Saravanan will allow Prabhu and Meera opportunity in his home and they will make love (better say sex). This will certainly disturb Saravanan but he is committed now to get or lose Meera completely. Meera's love for Saravanan will make it difficult for her to continue her sexual activities in same home because of guilt. Meera may decide to take final step to go completely with Prabhu to Chennai. (Kind of freeing Saravanan so that he can start a new life). Before leaving Meera and Saravanan will have one final sex but not like husband wife this time. Saravanan will break all barriers of respect which he used to show his wife. Meera will find it very exciting and any day better sex than Prabhu.

3. Prabhu will decide to keep his wife in village to help her mother and take Meera with him. Prabhu's mother will know it but will not be able to resist. One fine day Prabhu's mother will inform it to Prabhu's wife. She will start hating her husband.

4. Prabhu's wife and Saravanan will be in same position (Spouse betrayed). They both will start developing sympathies for each other. Slowly it will turn out to be love and then they will have some sexual pleasure as well. Saravanan will realize that he is also no saint. (Otherwise it difficult to bring husband wife back again. Meera will always have feeling that she cheated her husband).

5. On the other hand Prabhu will be completely occupied by his business and slowly reduce interest in sex with Meera. He will also start missing his wife. Meera will be going through this once again "Husband is busy in business and not taking care of her". But she will see a clear difference in Prabhu and Saravanan. Saravanan might be busy with business but always looked after her and kids. Even in sex with Prabhu she will miss her husband's last sex. Prabhu and Meera relationship start becoming bad and worse.

6. One fine day tension between Prabhu and Meera will be so high (might be little physical) and Prabhu himself will tell her how he lied to her and used her. Meera will hate Prabhu from bottom of her heart and then leave him forever. She desperately wants Saravanan but can't go back home. Nobody knows where she has gone. While Prabhu makes no attempt to find her, Saravanan will make every attempt as he still loves her.

7. Finally they meet and Meera informed why (because of Prabhu's lie) she left him. Things will be emotional and Saravanan will ask her to "Go their own old home". Saravanan will be living his happy life with his old Meera while Prabhu will live with his wife who is emotionally attached to Saravanan now.

Everyone got what they deserved
Saravanan and Meera got each other fully without any guilt and space for other. yes, Sex life is more adventurous and fulfilling now.
Prabhu got adventurous life but now he is facing consequences. Prabhu's wife was missing a husband's love all along as her husband was having Meera in mind always. With Sarvanan she found that love even if for few days. She is looking forward to raise Sarvanan's baby with all her love as she is pregnant now.

All my assumptions.. Big Grin

Game40it, your writing is very good. I do expect bigger updates though. Plz end story on happier note whenever you decide.  yourock
[+] 1 user Likes hero123p's post
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I see, readers are not interested in opening up their mind about"Love". Most probably everyone is tensed about Meera. So, let's go back to the story again.

Pravhu will definitely try all his cunning methods to woo Meera and if required will not hesitate to falsify things. He thinks everything through dick only.

Logically, he will try and can have sex with Meera only once or maximum twice before truth is surfaced to Meera. If he tells the truth and wins Meera, story ends here as per Saravana is concerned. He may not divulge the truth to Meera and inform Saravana otherwise. It won't be practical for Prabhu to meet Meera regularly without knowledge of Saravana.

However, Saravana is determined to get Meera's decisions by himself. Because, he believes Meera can't have two husband simultaneously. Once Saravana is informed (from his own source)  about Prabhu-Meera meeting, it will be his turn to question Meera about her decisions.

The dramatic events will start here. Eventually she will understand the truth, get shocked, traumatized. Subsequently there are various possibilities.

1. She looses her mental balance.
2. She commits suicide.
3. She ask for forgiveness.
4. She retires herself from Saravana's life with or without Prabhu.
5. She is turned into revengeful attitude.

Personally, I prefer the fifth option. She will realise with aghast that Prabhu not only cheated Saravana but also cheated her by concealing truth about Saravana's conditions purposefully. People in general, and more women normally do not accept deliberate cheating. Once she is convinced that she has nothing to loose further, she can take revenge on various ways. After all Prabhu is mostly governed by and slave to his dick only.

Respected members:
if you can spare your valuable time a bit, kindly put your thoughts on "Love".
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Saravanan watched as Prabu rode away on his motorbike. He had not failed to notice Prabu’s elation at first that he had an opportunity to renew his sexual relationship with Meera. He must have thought that I had simply resigned myself to the fact that my wife desires him sexually and I was simply going to yield my rights over her to him, in as far as sex is concerned of course thought Saravanan. Even if Meera had failed to understand correctly Prabu’s intentions towards her, he (Saravanan) had accurately judged to what extent Prabu was willing to go.

If only Meera had thought through thoroughly what had happened from the beginning she would have realised her great error in judgement. In the beginning when Prabu was attracted to Meera when he saw her in the temple, he would have realised even then that she was a married woman. Of course, he learnt that she was my wife only later after some discreet enquiries. Even knowing this fact that she was the wife of a friend he still lusted after her. Therefore, the only motivation he had was to enjoy sexual delights with the wife of another man. There was only lust and absolutely no feelings of love whatsoever. He had plotted from the beginning solely with the aim of wanting to fuck her thought Saravanan. 
He had played his cards right. What aided him greatly was my trusting nature. Betraying the trust of anyone, let alone a friend, would have never entered my mind, Saravanan thought with regret. Therefore, I had naively thought others would also abide by such principles. Now Saravanan had learnt a harsh lesson in his life. By nature, he was a kind, honest and morally upright person. Prabu on the other hand was morally corrupt. He may have voiced to Meera his dilemma between his desire for her and being pained by his great deceit to his friend but really that was all sham. True friends would go to a great extent for the well being of a friend and would be disgusted to even contemplate betraying a friend. Prabu had no such moral compunction. He delighted in using Meera for his pleasure. He fulfilled his sexual fantasies with her and would have continued to do so without any regret if his father had not put a stop to it.
Even now, Saravanan thought, when I told him that I would allow him to resume enjoying Meera sexually, how bright his face became. That was why Saravanan felt satisfaction when Prabu’s expression changed when he started laying down the conditions attached. Now Prabu was made aware he didn’t have a free pass to do what he wanted. Saravanan knew that all Prabu wanted was to come back every two weeks or so, fuck Meera a few times and go back to his wife and child. He would then come back the next time he was horny for the pleasures that Meera’s attractive body gave him. As far as Prabu was concerned, he was not bothered if he (Saravanan) treated Meera as his wife or not Saravanan correctly guessed. All that mattered to him was that Meera continued to fuck with him. In fact, Prabu would have thought that Saravanan not treating Meera as his wife henceforth would be beneficial to him. That would make Meera all the more hunger for his visit to quench her sexual appetite.
He would want this status quo to remain. He fucking her regularly while Meera continues to remain in Saravanan’s house albeit, practically as a glorified maid. Saravanan did not think that Prabu would ever want to set Meera up as his mistress or divorce his wife and marry her. Why should when he was readily getting all that he desired from her. Taking her as his mistress or wife would entail Prabu taking up greater responsibilities that he definitely would not want. The closeness he feels for Meera is mainly because of sexual intimacy unlike Meera who my actually have at least some feelings of love .. hmm or rather would you say feelings of attachment.
Now that brought Saravanan to the next question, what is Meera’s answer going to be. Would she forsake nearly ten years of marriage, her children, for the sexual pleasures she longs for with Prabu. This is going to be very difficult for her. She had been brought up in a strict household and this would be a cultural shock to her. Sleeping with a person other than her husband in secret is one thing but being bold enough to make it a permanent arrangement is quite another. However, choose she has to. There were no other alternatives for her. This was what perturbed Prabu greatly. He knew that Meera would feel greatly agitated and distressed if she knew that I was aware of her committing adultery thought Saravanan.
Things would have to come out in the open. I cannot continue to share her with Prabu thought Saravanan of the current situation prevailing. Even though he had not been physically sharing her, as far as he was concerned her emotions being torn apart towards the both of them was still just as bad. He also could not contemplate letting her have her pleasures and turn a blind eye to her adultery as he had first considered. It would have been distasteful thinking he would be kissing the very lips that had been kissing Prabu. Worst is to know that those lips would have been wrapped around Prabu’s cock on his regular visits made that thought especially nauseating. Then to have her embracing him as he made love to her knowing that she had been doing the same with Prabu as he rammed her pussy with his cock was just disgusting. So that’s why he had decided that she be either belonged to him or Prabu, not to both of them. Saravanan mind was filled with these thoughts as he drove back to his shop.
Prabu had a lot on his mind as he sat in the bus on his way to Chennai. He had not anticipated this turn of events when he came back here. He certainly didn’t expect Saravanan to make the proposal that he did. For him to do that he must have realised that Meera was still in need of the sexual bliss he had given her. It had been so obvious that Saravanan had been able to detect what was on Meera’s mind. Did she have the same type of thoughts that he had. When he was making love with his wife, he would imagine the many times that his cock had ploughed Meera’s tight pussy. He missed Meera’s passionate reaction as he fucked her. She would wrap her legs and arms around him in a tight impassioned embrace. Oh how her hips would meet his thrust as his cock slammed in and out of her wet cunt.  Her lips would greedily suck on his and her nails embedded in the flesh of his back when she was in the throes of uncontrollable bliss.
These are the pleasures he missed from Meera. His wife did not display this same degree of wanton lust. Hell, she didn’t even voluntarily suck his cock. He had to coax her and then too she did it only once in a while. Now he had a chance to enjoy those delights that he missed so much. Meera too must have imagined that it was he who was fucking her when Saravanan made love to her. This made his cock twitch in his underwear. His only worry was that Meera accepts what he intended to tell her and she does not get uncontrollably distraught on learning that Saravanan knew about their affair.
Prabu knew how much she cared for Saravanan. He (Prabu) had awoken her hidden lust. They sharing the close sexual intimacy and the pleasures from each other had elicited a sort of caring for him but he was not fool enough to think that she had forsaken her husband and was fully in love with him now. After each bout of sexual pleasure with him there will be accompanying sorrow at what she had done. In the beginning even as she orgasmed tears would flow down her cheeks. As time went on the tears dried up but the sorrow always remained though it had been pushed further back in her mind. He knew that when she was with him, she forgot everything else for those times together. The glow of happiness would even last for a while after that but regret, guilt and unhappiness at her behaviour never failed to slowly affect her eventually. She would often say she wanted this adulterous relationship to cease but he was always able to persuade her to give herself to him once again. Not even once she would allow him to speak about Saravanan in any demeaning manner. He too had to show her that he was equally sorry that he was betraying Saravanan and it hurt him to do so. He knew if he ever talked bad about Saravanan Meera would immediately stop the affair.
Prabu tried to keep the sexual aspect fresh as possible. He would have sex with her in various places in the house in different styles. He would fuck her in the hall leaning against the wall, lying on the sofa. He would do it on the dining table, sometimes on the kitchen ledge while the food was getting heated up Meera’s body would be getting heated up as he would fuck her with she sitting on the ledge with legs spread out and he standing between them as he shoved his rod in and out. He would give her a visual treat as they did it in with her on her knees on the bed and watching themselves mate in the dressing table mirror. All these were new and exciting for her. It was good that their affair ended when it did. Her memories of it was still enticing for her. Their actual sexual affair had only lasted a little over three weeks out of which they did not meet for more than a week one time when Saravanan had grown suspicious. So, their affair was relatively in its infancy.
Prabu had hoped that Saravanan would just agree to let Meera have her own pleasure. Him only meeting her about twice a month would have kept it exciting for sometime at least. Even then by about a year or two it would have lost its newness and Meera could have gone back to being only Saravanan’s wife once more. Now that was not possible. He also could not lie to Saravana that Meera agreed to continue their affair without really telling her about what Saravanan had asked him to do. In that case Saravanan would not touch her henceforth and Meera would eventually know everything when she asks Saravanan for the reason he was ignoring her. So, he had to persuade Meera to expect nothing more than just continue the affair. Who knows when eventually they decide enough is enough Saravanan may even accept Meera back again once he knew the affair was over and Meera did not want him (Prabu) anymore.
The week went by quite quickly for Prabu. He had settled some important issues regarding his business a day earlier than first anticipated. He had told Saravanan that he would only come back on the Saturday morning but here he was back in town on the Friday morning itself. He was going to meet Meera now before going back home. Saravanan or anyone at his home did not know that he was back. He was going to meet Meera at her home. He knew Saravanan will be in his shop and the children at school. He hoped the same thing would happen as it did before when he went to see Meera after coming back from Chennai (returning after shopping for his sister’s wedding). Then, they had fucked vigorously having missed each other for a few days. Now he wanted to do that again first before telling her about Saravanan’s proposal. He had a bundle of pink jasmine flowers in his pocket. He was ready.  
Prabu walked with pounding heart through the back way via the Mango grove. This stretch of way was always very lonely without usually meeting anyone. The wall surrounding the school field was quite high hence it was not possible to see if anyone was walking by the that way. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say to Meera. He must make sure he was able to fuck her before he told her what had transpired between Saravanan and himself. This would serve to remind her of all the pleasures she had been missing. That would mean he had to convince her to give herself to him immediately. He was quite confident he could do it because he saw the same desire in her eyes when they met in his father’s funeral. He had to be patient once again like the first time he had sex with her. At that time, he was careful to see to that she had wonderful pleasure. He remembered how her body had spasmed uncontrollably as she experience an orgasm of the intensity she never had before. He must make her shudder in bliss like that again. He was hoping she would be more receptive to his proposal with the glow of pleasure still carousing through her body.
Meera was quite upset that Prabu had gone back to Chennai immediately and that he had not even made ant attempt to meet her. Even this information strangely enough she got from her husband. Why he informed this to her even without she asking about it was something she could not understand. Maybe because she knew Prabu well he had said this as if to inform what was happening with a mutual friend. Her husband seemed to be quite quiet this past week. His conversations with her became very much limited. Even in the bed he had not made any attempts to touch her. Maybe there were some business tension she thought. With her mind also being preoccupied with thoughts of Prabu he too did not delve in it much. What would she have said if Prabu had actually come to see her she wondered. Since he did not do that she would never know. What did her husband say, he would be back this Saturday. That’s just tomorrow. This time he will be here a bit longer I think thought Meera. Would he at least try to see me this time around. She was busy in the kitchen when she heard a knock on the back door. Who could be here at this time of the day she thought to herself as she walked towards the back door. There was a knock again before she could open it. She unlatched the door and opened it. Her breath caught at her throat. Prabu was standing there with a smile on his face.       
[+] 7 users Like game40it's post
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great................ your narration and description of emotions is superb

so now............. pov of 2 out all three cleared

sarvanan is not a fool.......... he never ignored the betrayal......... but he thought to vanish the trauma by vanish the prabhu
but now he know that........... meera is attracted to prabhu... not only for physical lust but for emotional fillup also
and to vanish the emotional trauma of meera .... he offered this proposal.... just not to let reality known to meera about himself, but also about the prabhu and herself..........

on other hand ........prabhu was no other than ..what he was..........
a lust driven person ...with no emotion or moral value............
earlier he seduced and fucked his friend's wife knowingly,
now he readily accepted sarvanan's proposal.........
above his own promises, crocodile teard guilt, his father's words
but one thing is positive......... he did not want anything hurting to his own family or reputation
also he did not want to take the responsibility of meera.......
he only want to get his pleasure from meera... as and when possible........ except on his own cost (no strings attached -NSA)

now what will prabhu do... and how will meera react

and ----------------- is sarvanan here secretly
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Great Story
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I won't be surprised, if Saravana intervenes now. After studying Prabhu so much, he may have kept a watch on him at Chennai. He must have many contacts at Chennai through business.

Definitely, he knows that Prabhu has preponed his visit.
[+] 2 users Like manas's post
Super. Great action in next update. Waiting Smile
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Completely agree with Manas. Now Sarvanan or writer should not let Prabhu fuck her as per his liking and should intervene. Prabhu should not get what he wants so cunningly everytime and let Prabhu's true chracter come to light in front of everyone.
[+] 1 user Likes Vks1's post
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For a long time was talking about some abnormality in Meera's behaviour. Here it is. I had been disturbed by some aberration in characterization of Meera. When a woman truly in love of family and husband succumb to lust and adultery, her behaviour will be similar to what described by Prabhu at below.

Prabu knew how much she cared for Saravanan. He (Prabu) had awoken her hidden lust. They sharing the close sexual intimacy and the pleasures from each other had elicited a sort of caring for him but he was not fool enough to think that she had forsaken her husband and was fully in love with him now. After each bout of sexual pleasure with him there will be accompanying sorrow at what she had done. In the beginning even as she orgasmed tears would flow down her cheeks. As time went on the tears dried up but the sorrow always remained though it had been pushed further back in her mind. He knew that when she was with him, she forgot everything else for those times together. The glow of happiness would even last for a while after that but regret, guilt and unhappiness at her behaviour never failed to slowly affect her eventually. She would often say she wanted this adulterous relationship to cease but he was always able to persuade her to give herself to him once again. Not even once she would allow him to speak about Saravanan in any demeaning manner. He too had to show her that he was equally sorry that he was betraying Saravanan and it hurt him to do so. He knew if he ever talked bad about Saravanan Meera would immediately stop the affair.

Normally, the long her excitement exists, she will behave abnormally. However, once the excitement ceases after fulfilled sexual desire, she will be back to normal and will be filled with remorse. And definitely she can not sing love songs for lover.

Please see the following lines when Saravana discovers them in his bedroom and aftermath she was found singing a song in bathroom. This does not go well with the characterization of Meera.

He hips jerked a few times as her nails dug into the flesh of his buttocks. I knew they were reaching the peak of their pleasure. As his spasms subsided along with hers,  he then lay on her motionless. There were sounds of kissing. I could hear the laughter of my wife. After a while Prabu left my house hurriedly through the back door. I waited till he left. I went to the back door and gently pushed it. It opened. Having to enter my own house like a thief made me ashamed. I could hear someone bathing in the attached bathroom of my room. Meera was bathing. She was singing an old Tamil song as she bathed.
“My dear woman who asked for water, has your thirst been quenched”
“I gave what my lover needed,  has the desire diminished”

“There is plenty more but what was taken today is only a little bit”

“Sleeping today was for now and there is more in the future for both of us”
“My darling, you are an amazing treasure mine”

“The moon is shining, this is a opportune time”
“The cupids arrow is piercing the heart”
“Sleep refuses to come my love, is it right that you make me wait”
“The cooked rice is ready for consumption, should you let it cool”

I entered my bedroom. Even if I had not seen it with my own eyes the evidence in my bedroom made it crystal clear what had just happened. Meera’s sari, petticoat, blouse and bra was scattered on the floor. I looked at the bed, the bedsheet was crumpled. Similarly pink jasmine flowers were seen crumpled and scattered over the pillow and the bed. Then I saw that on the floor below the bed, a torn condom packet. It was so obvious to anyone to see. Just a while ago, he had mated with my fully naked wife. With stab wounds in my heart I went back to my shop.

I do agree, the present author is not responsible for this aberration. Except this, this story is an ideal example where the characters behaved naturally as they were created. We can always ignore minor deviations. I enjoyed psychological swinging.
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