Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
The story is turning out to be more and more interesting with Meera and Prabu trying to catch up each other. Saravanan would have come to a conclusion now on what he is going to do after knowing that prabu and meera are still looking and yearning each other. He knows that prabu is trying to hide, but his eyes cannot hide the truth.
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Why did sparks fly when our eyes met albeit for a very brief few seconds, thought Meera as her heart fluttered in a thrilling feeling. Even those brief couple of seconds was enough for Meera to read the desire in his eyes. That look in those eyes were the same as when he would look at her as she lay naked on the bed waiting for him to ravish her body. So, his yearning for me has not diminished at all she thought. It would have hurt her if all the desires were only on her part. If that had been the case, then It would have confirmed that he had only used her. It would mean that after, he had his fill of the pleasures he desired from her body he had cast her aside as if she was nothing to him. That naked desire in his eyes that had first aroused her own desires was still there she thought. Any woman would feel proud that a man could want her so much.

Does he look at his wife the same way? She didn’t think so. Or is it she hoped it wasn’t so. Otherwise she was nothing special to him as he had so often said to her when he had first seduced her. So, if his desire for her is as strong now as it first was then, then why did he abruptly leave her without as much as a word. As far as his marriage was concerned maybe he was forced to marry his Mama’s (maternal uncle) daughter but he could have at least told that to me. Did he fear I would react badly to him getting married? I am well aware I have no hold on him, Meera thought to herself. I am married with two kids and therefore getting into a committed relationship with Prabu was inconceivable. However, for those precious days they were together she felt so alive. She was re-living the youth that she had lost. She knew then for the first time how it felt to be courted by a man, a feeling she never experienced due to her strict upbringing. The love banter, the cuddling before passionate love making. Being in love she never knew could be so beautiful. She had hoped that fantasy world she had built for herself and was living in could have extended for a bit longer.
I know there is no long-term future for us, Meera acknowledged to herself but if she accepted that then what did she expect from Prabu. Didn’t she say to herself that she only wanted to confront Prabu to know what made him leave without telling her knowing that that would hurt her and there was no other intent than this on her part in wanting to meet him.
“You silly woman, who are you fooling. It took just one look from him and your heart flutters, your body trembles and if he had reached for you, you would have cuddled into his arms,” Meera scolded herself.
She was afraid and also excited at the same time that if she met Prabu in a private place it won’t be long before she would be lying in his arms and their delightful affair would again blossom. How she would want those lips to be latched on to hers again. For him to suckle on her breast again. To lay beneath him once again as his long thick manhood stretches her pussy lips as it had so many times before. Those waves of pleasure that was still not forgotten even after almost three years now, would again wash through her body. Yes, she accepted to herself, you know what’s hidden deep in your heart, no point fighting it. But her pride would not allow her to throw herself at him. He needed to explain himself, to cajole her, before she gave herself to him once again. Another though struck her. Would he want her. Maybe he would not want to be unfaithful to his wife. She dismissed that thought immediately as she had just seen the same desire in his eyes for her as she had for him.
However, he is a father now. Would that place more restraint on him. That thought brought a twinge of jealousy. His wife has something from him she could never have. Would she allow his fertile seeds to bathe her womb now unlike before when it had done only on very few occasions. Luckily those few occasions must have happened on my non fertile days, otherwise I may have been still nursing his child now. But does she sub consciously want that to happen this time.
That though made her think of her husband sitting nearby. She took a furtive glance at him. His eyes seemed to be on Prabu doing the last rites ceremonies. Would she allow Prabu to impregnate her. Would she descend to that despicable level. No, she thought, I can’t stoop so low. I have already greatly wronged him by being unfaithful to him with his friend. He is such a good man, a great father. I can’t humiliate him to that level even if he is unaware of it. Thank god he is unaware of my great betrayal of him. It would mortally wound his heart. I just can’t let that happen. Why must a man who has done no wrong suffer like this and yet I can’t help myself knowing I am the primary reason for this deceit and the wrong he suffers. The least I can do is see to it that he never comes to know of this. I have to be very careful she told herself. These times I may have now with Prabu must be my last with him. I hope to god my lust for him is sated this time around and I desire him no more after this. She really wasn’t sure if her fervent wish would ever come true.
Saravanan was supposedly looking at Prabu but was in actual fact looking at his wife. She seemed to be sitting with head lowered seemingly lost in her own thoughts. He could very well guess what must be running through his wife’s mind. Her old lover was there in very close proximity. There must be so many questions running through her mind. Primary among them was the reason for Prabu ceasing all contact with her all so suddenly. He had seen her lost in her thoughts and listless very many times over the course of these two plus years. He had hoped that she would eventually overcome her melancholy and become the old Meera over the course of time. He had believed that time would be the great healer. Now he knew that his was but a forlorn hope.
He did not fail to notice the sparkle in his wife’s eyes when her eyes met Prabu’s eyes briefly. He could not see Prabu’s eyes at that time as he was looking away from him and at his wife. What would have been in Prabu’s eyes at that time he speculated. Was it the same desire that his wife displayed at seeing her lover. Probably was. He had to make the painful acceptance that his wife’s desire for another man remained undiminished even after all this time. He was aware that Prabu had made every effort not to look at his wife or make any sort of eye contact with her. He was trying to uphold his promise to him that his involvement with his wife had truly ended and he would never interfere in their lives again. Even with that determination he still was unable to resist looking directly at Meera even though it was for not more than a second or two. That showed he still desired her and he too was not able to drive Meera away from his mind.
What amount of delight that they must have shared when they had mated together. He however had seen them copulating two times. In one instance he had only seen parts of their body entwined in his own bed but in the other instance he had a full view of their mating. In both instance Meera’s squeals of delight confirmed the high intensity of pleasure that Prabu had given her. That thought made him jealous, after all he was a man and it was humiliating that his wife found greater happiness in another man’s arms than his own. He tried to keep himself detached from the baser feelings that torture a man. He really did want his wife to be happy but could that be at the expense of his own self-respect. Could he tolerate his wife enjoying the pleasures of sex with another man by turning a blind eye to their affair. Could he find peace in just having his wife take care of his and his children’s needs without interfering in her own private pleasure. Basically was he willing to share his wife with another man. Even if she had failed him in her loyalty to him she had been a good mother to his kids.
He did not find it arousing in any way seeing Meera engaged in the sex act with Prabu.  It caused no stirring in his loin. (In a small town where he resides the concept of cuckoldry was alien to the people at the time this was happening in the mid-eighties of the last century). All it did was cause feelings of anger, degradation, sorrow and pain. If he was to tolerate and ignore the continuance of their adultery, he would have to overcome all these feelings. He knew Meera would take care of the kids well. She would also make sure the household is properly run and would not neglect him. So, should he begrudge the happiness she sought through Prabu??
Saravanan tried to formulate in his mind his next course of action. He still needed time to plan his next move. He had brought Meera here to actually access her feelings and those of Prabu’s. He did not find it comfortable to let things fester as it is. Now he had noted that their lust for each other was still evident. What about Prabu. He now has a wife and kid. If his wife ever gets a whiff of what is happening between her husband and my wife, then everything could be ruined if a big confrontation occurs between them, surmised Saravanan. All his efforts to tolerate everything for the sake of his kids and the good name of the family would be in ruins. Therefore, the safest place for them to continue their affair would again be his home. He would have to avoid going into his own house if he were to come back home and find Prabu’s vehicle parked in front or behind his house. He would have to go away till their tryst is over. He had no desire to see them engaging in any erotic acts. What if she suddenly says one day that she is pregnant. Surely that would be Prabu’s child that she would be nurturing in her womb. What would he do then???
After they had come back home after the funeral, Saravanan had taken his bath and gone to his shop. Meera started to bathe herself after her husband had gone to his business premises. As she took her bath she recalled once again how he looked after seeing him again after so long. He was still that handsome guy with the masculine body that had so enamoured her. The thrill she felt with him so lose by. Absentmindedly her hands started caressing her body as her mind was filled with the image of her adulterous lover. They had had sex even in this very same bathroom. They would be tightly embracing and kissing as the water from the shower would be pouring down over their bodies.
Prabu would love to kiss and lick her body here as he would say,” don’t worry the water would wash away my saliva from your body.”  
He would fondle her body on the pretext of soaping her and when the water washes away the soap he would again suck on her tits and lick her all over requiring her to wash once again. Meera started caressing her breasts thinking of that. She hand been on the floor on her knees here and had sucked his huge cock. He would hold her head with both his hands and move his hips back and forth slowly fucking her mouth.
“This is great, why has Saravanan never tried this with you here,” he would ask.
Her husband was conservative and would not try things like this. This is what she missed most about Prabu. The different things he would try to keep the sex pleasurable and interesting. Meera started fingering her pussy as she thought of the last time Prabu and she had fucked here under the shower. She had her hands on the wall with her body slightly bent and her hips thrust back. She had her legs well spread as Prabu had held her hips and had thrust his wonderful pole deep in her pussy. He had grunted as he thrust his hips in and out again and again. She had moaned loudly as she thrust her hips back to meet his thrust. In that confined space her moans and his grunts combined to ring out very loudly. He had thrust in so deep in this manner that she felt like the tip of Prabu’s cock was banging on her stomach. Water poured down their bodies as he kept fucking till Meera came twice.
After her second orgasm Meera’s legs were trembling and she could not stand properly. That’s when he pulled out, told her to turn around and garb his cock. She had stroked him fast eagerly waiting to see his sperm shoot out like a fountain. Prabu was staring fascinated at her hand moving very fast over his shaft. She started sucking on his nipple to make him reach his peak quickly. Meera was so pleased to hear him groaning and grunting from the pleasure she was giving him. Finally, his cock started jerking and the first two spurts of his sperm joining the water falling from the shower. Meera quickly took his cock in her mouth taking the rest of his life fluid as she sucked him. Meera gasped as those thoughts made Meera come very quickly in a pleasurable orgasm. Seeing Prabu again, being so close to him had made Meera orgasm so quickly.  Prabu had told her that day that it was one of the most intense orgasms that he had ever experienced. Would she be giving Prabu that pleasure again under this shower now that he is back.
Three days had passed since the funeral. Saravanan decided that it was time to talk to Prabu privately. He was just about to call him when the phone in his shop rang. Saravanan picked up the receiver. Talk of the devil, it was indeed Prabu who was calling him.
“Saravana, can I come to see you?”
“I was just about to call you and you are calling me. Okay let’s meet. There are many things I need to talk to you.”
“Same here Saravana, where shall we meet?”
“Come to the old abandoned temple in say about thirty minutes.”
“No, Saravana, why there. Let’s meet some place else.” Prabu did not like going to the place where his father first found out about his affair with Saravanan’s wife.”
“No, that would be the right place for what I want to talk to you,” Saravanan said and kept the phone down.  
[+] 4 users Like game40it's post
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[+] 1 user Likes readersp's post
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Marvellous update. Loved it very much.
What saravanan is going to say prabu. Can't wait for next update.
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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so he became willful cuck now. in meeting husband is going to settle rules about kid. Very detailed description of emotions for both meera-prabhu and very short about saravanan. Many time I feel that if we simply erase character "saravanan" within story, noone will notice even.
[+] 1 user Likes fasterboy's post
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great............ now the stage choose by same...........where the affair set to broken
but prabhu is feeling well as sorrow........ not because his affair.......... but because winessed by his father...... stage of his separation from parents........ especially from father forever................

but prabhu's co participant is not invited..................or invited? by prabhu!

these are only my own presumptions

let's see what happens in next update

we are eager to read.....................................................
the trial of all 3 ............ before their ownself...........
prabhu's mother and may be wife too...... can be participants

waiting ......................... till you post Smile
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Very interesting state. From the thoughts of saravanan in prabu house, it looks like he is going to let everything in the hands of his wife and prabu. He seems to have decided to let them go to whatever extent they want to go till the time they get bored with their affair. He is going to let them fuck in his own marital bed and do not want to meet outside. He dont want himself or others to see it henceforth. He is even ready to face a situation where in Meera gets pregnant. He knows that can surely happen. But, no idea what will he do. What will be prabus answer to this? Can he be unfaithful to his wife and continue the affair with Meera?
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[Image: PM1.jpg]
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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[Image: PM2.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like game40it's post
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I hope Saravana takes Meera with him.
[+] 1 user Likes manas's post
(14-01-2020, 10:48 PM)manas Wrote: I hope Saravana takes Meera with him.

Saravanan will only talk to prabu. He will never involve Meera. If he does, the truth will be out immediately.
[+] 2 users Like Krish World's post
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Great update. Saravanan is going to leave everything to time. May be, he is going to allow the illicit relationship to continue. He knows that it cannot go life long. He is worried about the future of his kids. There are two risks here. 1. Chance of Meera going with prabu if the relationship become more stronger than before and both realize that they cannot live without each other. 2. Meera becomes pregnant with prabu child willingly and want to have it as remembrance of their affair. Saravanan will be deeply affected by both these. He does not have any choice after seeing the desire in both pair of eyes even after three years. He cannot go home for lunch and cannot have sex with meera henceforth. He knows that She will get enough sex daily and his need is not there. He will have to go home late. At one point meera will realize that she is no more closer to her husband and his/her activities have changed a lot. That realization is going to be the turning point. waiting to see what is going to happen next.
[+] 1 user Likes killthecheats's post
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Wow.....What be an update...... really amazed with your writing and the story line....... Waiting for the updates
[+] 2 users Like Seaman's post
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What a great style of writing


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(14-01-2020, 09:02 PM)game40it Wrote: [Image: PM1.jpg]
is this pic of saravanan and prabhu's wife ?
Because We had been told many time meera have large breast with little shagging.
[+] 1 user Likes fasterboy's post
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(15-01-2020, 06:07 PM)fasterboy Wrote: Dodgy
is this pic of saravanan and prabhu's wife ?
Because We had been told many time meera have large breast with little shagging.

Big Grin  Tried searching the net for scenes appropriate to the situation. This was the best I could find. What to do.
[+] 1 user Likes game40it's post
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please give update
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waiting for more..........eagerly
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make meera pregnant with prabhu let sravana witness their breeding
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Hot.... waiting for the update
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