Fantasy Actress Roleplays
Sam scanned up and down Hansika's frame. Her breasts were a perfect match to body, and Sam couldn't wait to dive head-first into her. Sam wanted to return the favor from earlier, so he gently pushed Hansika onto her back and spread her legs. For the next 10 minutes Sam finger-fucked Hansika while sucking on her clit, leading to Hansika's first orgasm of the day, accompanied by perhaps the sexiest moan Sam had ever heard in real life. Now Sam was ready to slip his cock into Hansika's pussy.

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Hansika recovered from her orgasm and then turned around so that her back was to Sam, putting her feet on the floor. She bent over on her bed and awaited Sam's move. Sam stepped up behind Hansika, ready to get right to work. Sam lined up his cock with Hansika's pussy and pushed forward, sinking inside her blissful sex organ. Inch by inch, Sam's nine inches penetrated until they were perfectly imbedded within Hansika's pussy. After giving Hansika just a moment to get used to his cock, Sam started to thrust back and forth. Hansika matched Sam's rhythm, and, for the next 20 minutes, Sam fucked Hansika at a considerable pace. Hansika could feel her second orgasm building quite quickly, so aroused was she. Sam would be the second straight new lover that made Hansika cum during their first intercourse. Hansika was surprised at Sam's stamina, as she was aware of how quickly her tight pussy could make a guy cum, especially someone who hadn't done it with her before. Sam could feel his own orgasm coming on, but before he could do anything, Hansika screamed out as her orgasm crashed through her body for the second time that afternoon. Hansika's pussy constricted over Sam's cock, which eliminated Sam's last defense, causing him to cum inside Hansika. Sam steered into the skid, so to say, and slammed his hips into Hansika and he flooded her pussy with his seed.

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After taking a moment for to catch their breath, Sam pulled out of Hansika with cum oozing out her pussy. He felt a twinge of guilt, as he hadn't planned to unload inside her like that. Hansika could read Sam's face and tell what he was thinking, so she told him that he could make up for his mistake on Monday morning. She went on to say that Sam would be meeting with her boss then. Without further explanation, Hansika quickly got Sam to get dressed and out of her condo, walking him to the door while she still wore nothing but her shoes and a trickle of cum down her leg.

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Sam left Hansika's condo puzzled from the exchange they had just had. What he didn't know was that Hansika didn't mind when her lovers came inside her, since she was on birth control. In fact, in addition to cumming on her face, Jai had finished inside her pussy plenty of times (as well as her mouth and, just once so far, in her ass). What Hansika saw, however, was an opportunity that she had never had before and knew she may not get again if she passed over it this time. After her great afternoon with Sam and her ongoing shenanigans with Jai, Hansika was now determined to live out a secret fantasy she had had since she was a teenager: sleeping with two men at the same time. Neither Jai nor Sam had any idea, but Hansika was going to have both men fuck her senseless by the time Monday was over.

Hansika did feel bad that she had slept with another man behind Jai's back, but she planned to make up for it on Monday morning. Monday rolled around and, like many other mornings, Hansika was beneath Jai's desk, her head bobbing up and down on his cock. In her mind, she was making up for fucking another guy behind his back, which Jai, of course, didn't know. He probably wouldn't have cared either, since he was rather enjoying this early morning blowjob. Part of him was anxious, though, because, in just a few minutes, he would be meeting with Sam, who was still nothing more and nothing less than the potential business partner he was hoping would join the company. These thoughts went through his head while Hansika was sucking her boss's cock extra passionately today. Jai couldn't contain himself for long. Unable to hold off, he started to cum in Hansika's mouth, so Hansika removed herself from Jai's cock.

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Meanwhile, Sam was patiently waiting outside of Jai's office. He could make out some faint moans coming from Jai's office but didn't think much of it at the time. As well as mentally preparing for this meeting, he was too busy remembering his wonderful Friday afternoon with Hansika. Sam had tried texting Hansika this past weekend but did not get a response. All morning he was hoping he would see her at the office today. He didn't know that it was she on the other side of the door with the supervisor.

He waited about 20 minutes until the door to Jai's office opened and, to his surprise and delight, out walked Hansika. She looked amazing. Hansika was wearing a navy-blue halter cutout bandage dress with matching high heels with open toes. Sam couldn't take his eyes off her, and Hansika noticed, smiling and giving him a shy wave. Sam grinned like a fool and waved back, but his grin changed quickly to a look of shock when he saw something dangling from her blonde and, now that he was really paying attention, slightly messy hair. As Sam stood up to walk into Jai's office, he walked right by Hansika and saw definitively that it was fresh cum in her hair.

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It didn't take a genius to figure out that Sam had been waiting because his crush was having sex with her boss, or at least giving him a blowjob. Ignorant to what was going on in Hansika's head, Sam felt his heart break as he figured his shot with Hansika was a one-time deal and was now over. Now he was off his game as he stepped into Jai's office.

Hansika, of course, had just grinned through another blast of semen to her innocent face and cleaned up as usual before heading out of her boss's office. This time, however, she purposely left just enough cum in her hair for it to be noticeable to a close passerby like Sam had been but not to anyone else who might be coming down the hall. Once she had assured that Sam had made it out, she rushed to the bathroom and finished cleaning up.

Meanwhile, back in Jai's office, Jai was totally oblivious that Sam was anything other than a potential business partner. He had no idea he was sitting across from someone who had bedded his assistant just a few days earlier, and he knew nothing of her plan to give away to this gentleman that she was sleeping with her boss. Therefore, he carried out his presentation as planned, undeterred and rather relaxed after having a blissful orgasm just a moment prior.

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Sam, who was married to his job after all, was able to push the unpleasant feeling down and have a professional meeting with Jai. Near the very end, he got a text and checked to see whom it was from. It was Hansika! He wondered what it could possibly say. He was so confused from everything that had transpired over the past 70 or so hours. He apologized and told Jai he had just gotten an important message and then turned around to see what it said. It was along the lines of saying that just because she's sleeping with her boss doesn't mean she can't please two men at once, including a winking emoji. Sam felt relieved but no less confused. He also didn't realize that by "two men at once" Hansika literally meant a threesome, and she figured such.

As he responded to Hansika, Sam asked Jai about his assistant. Jai wasn't expecting the question and was a little nervous now that Sam had heard or seen something from earlier, so he stumbled over his words a bit at first. He told him that she had been here for a couple months and was doing a really good job. Unaware of any substantial involvement at all between Sam and Hansika, Jai divulged that it had been Hansika who picked Sam as a valid applicant for this position. As Jai was talking, Sam was texting Hansika back, saying that he had no problem with her seeing other people and that he wanted to see her again. Almost instantly, Hansika responded back to prompt Sam to tell Jai that they had fucked and to get him to call her to his office.

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Sam did exactly as he'd been told. Jai was shocked. He didn't know that Hansika had slept with anyone else and wondered how often and with how many men. He knew he couldn't be mad though because they had never defined the relationship. He was stunned silent at first, and then Sam added that he could tell that Jai and Hansika were sleeping together. The only response Jai could think of was to tell him if Jai's relationship with his employee bothered Sam, then it might be best to move on from this meeting. Sam assured Jai that all that was necessary was to call Hansika to the office. Here is where Jai suspected Sam knew a little more than he was letting on. What Jai didn't catch on to was that Sam literally knew only a little more than he was letting on. He was about as confused as Jai at this point.

Hansika heard the page and delightedly headed back to her boss's office. She was a little nervous too, of course. She had never entered a situation that she intended to manipulate until it culminated in two dicks inside her in one session. The door was open when she arrived, and she walked right in, closing the door behind her and smiling wickedly at both men.

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Both Jai and Sam nearly took the words out of each other's mouth asking Hansika to clue them in on what was going on here. Hansika couldn't help but blush. Then a smile that was half-innocent, half-seductive crept across her face as she confessed that she had been quite a naughty girl lately and that perhaps Jai needed to discipline her, since he was her supervisor. It still wasn't enough to make sense of what was going on for Jai and Sam. Each man initially thought Hansika had just used Sam to live out some kinky sex fantasy with her boss, and Hansika was aware of this potential reality, so she stressed that she had been really misbehaved and required twice the usual punishment.

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What Hansika didn't know was that Jai craved a devil's threesome at least as much as Hansika did. In fact, he had done so with a few other women in his young adult life, including his own former boss several years back, and had often fantasized about doing it with Hansika. So when she had mentioned the double punishment, his mind immediately went to a threesome with Hansika and Sam with Hansika as the shared centerpiece.

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Sam began to pick up on what was really going on as well, and as the events played out in front of him, he did a lot of thinking in a very short time. Sam had never participated in a threesome of any kind before, and up until recently he would likely would have passed on such a proposal. However, he had become somewhat fascinated by porn wherein a sexy girl could handle multiple cocks. He hadn't thought of Hansika in that context, but now that it was in his head, it wasn't coming out. As these thoughts whirled through his head, Sam made up his mind that he absolutely would go through with such an arrangement if Hansika were the female caught in the middle. It wouldn't even matter who the other man was.

Sam was too busy thinking to really hear what was being said between Jai and Hansika. Hansika was delighted to see how quickly Jai's cock sprung in his pants, so she asked him if he'd ever thought of double-teaming her with another man. To her surprise, Jai said yes without hesitation. Her heart leapt. Even if Sam wasn't on board, she thought, at least she and Jai could eventually find someone to help her live out her fantasy. Hansika then asked if Jai would do it with her if Sam were the other man, and Jai had no objection, especially since he had pretty much decided at that point that the job in the company was Sam's if he wanted it -- that is, if he was on board with doubling up his assistant with him. It would be odd to not give him the job at that point.

That was when the two pulled Sam back into the conversation, and Sam snapped out of his trance. Hansika proposed Sam return to the office around 8 pm, after everyone else had left. She suggested Jai use today as a chance to work late and push through the new hire paperwork for Sam. Hansika, meanwhile, would leave at 5 pm as usual and return when Sam did. The time in between would be preparation. Jai and Sam were so stunned that they didn't really think of words to use in response. They kind of just tacitly agreed. Sam signed some paperwork, and Jai went to work on it as Sam left to go prepare for what would be the night of his life.

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Hansika left just before 5 pm while Jai continued to work. It was just as well that he worked late since it would justify his coming in a little later tomorrow morning after what was shaping up to be a late bedtime. Sam really didn't know what to do with his time since his mind was in such a whirlwind. He decided to get a haircut and then shower at home before picking out a different suit with some clean clothes. Hansika later texted him to not eat anything, so he just watched TV for a couple hours pretending to pay attention to the screen while his head ran rampant with might possibly transpire tonight. How would he perform with another man? What positions will Hansika let them take her in? Will their dicks touch? Does it even matter? Will they double-penetrate her? Over the next few hours, Hansika prepared a small dinner for the three of them (she didn't want to be bloated for their big night) and cleaned herself up. She showered, washing her hair in preparation for styling it.

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She thought of wearing the same blue dress as she had before, but now that she was totally clean, she didn't want to put on something she had already worn. Instead she picked out a black side-slit strap dress that went down to her ankle -- one side, anyway. The side with the slit went up past her thigh. Jai had never seen her in it because it was awfully inappropriate for work. With it she found a pair of black platform heels that showcased her freshly painted toenails -- pink because the color went so well with her pale skin. She knew the shoes were a ridiculously impractical choice for the winter, but tonight wasn't about practicality.

Hansika arrived at the office around 7:15 pm and set up in the employee break room where there was a small kitchenette. She made sure no one else was in the building and then she set out on preparing a modest meal for her men. She wanted to make sure they had enough energy to tame her but weren't too full to be slowed down. Jai kept on working on the floor above where the break room was, unaware that Hansika had even returned to the office.

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Sam arrived at the office building around 7:50 pm. The only reason he hadn't been earlier, since he was going mad with anticipation, was that he knew he wouldn't get into the building without Jai or Hansika available to let him in. He texted Hansika when he arrived, and she was there just before 8 pm to let him in. She was wearing a long coat, so that Sam didn't see her dress before Jai did. Sam did notice the heels though and thought they were very sexy. Hansika then took Sam up to the break room and told him to have a seat while she got Jai.

Jai was aware of the time. Hansika had said she would come get him at 8 pm, which had passed almost 10 minutes ago. He wasn't sure if he should contact her, he was so eager to get started. As he stood up from his desk to walk to the door, Hansika appeared through the window of said door. Jai hurried over to open it, and Hansika asked if she could hang her coat up in Jai's office. Jai obliged, and before the words were out of his mouth, his jaw dropped, as Hansika removed the coat to reveal the sexy ensemble that was underneath. Jai couldn't keep his hands off his assistant in that moment, grabbing her ass and kissing her as he grew hard as a rock in his pants. Hansika laughed, and if she hadn't insisted that Jai calm himself, she might have gotten fucked right then and there in that office. It wouldn't have been the first time a kiss in the office ended that way. However, there was even better fun to be had downstairs.

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Sam responded similarly when Hansika led Jai into the break room. Neither man could believe how sexy the young woman looked in that dress and those shoes, and neither one had really grasped what was transpiring that night. Multiple times as they ate, each man considered how they were actually going to double-team this girl -- however that was going to happen, exactly. Naturally, there wasn't a lot of interest in the food, even though Hansika had done a great job preparing it. Everyone was more interested in dessert. The food served only for energy, and with twice as much manpower to handle, Hansika figured she would need it.

At last, formalities were cast aside. Hansika stood from her chair and beckoned the men to her. Normally she was in the position of subordination in this building. Tonight, she was in charge. She was not a boss. She was a queen, nay, a goddess. Jai stood up on her right side, Sam on her left, and Hansika reached into the pants of both of them. Both didn't hesitate to undo their pants right away, allowing Hansika to stroke the full lengths of two cocks, one in each hand for the first time in her life. Everyone's heart was pounding full force, and they were hardly beginning. Excited beyond measure, Hansika slowly dropped to her knees as she steadily beat off both men. Once she was on the floor, she took turns sucking them, one at a time, back and forth, for longer intervals as she went on. The men didn't even realize how she was steadily pulling them closer together.

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The men would occasionally pull at Hansika's dress, pushing the straps past her shoulders while the blonde sucked and jacked them off. Eventually, the garment slipped past her chest, revealing her lace bra, which Jai quickly unlatched, inspiring Sam to reach in and pull the underwear out and toss it aside. With her breasts hanging out and now two different men each with a hand on one of her boobs, Hansika decided it was time to see if she could fit two dicks in her mouth whether the men liked it or not. She pulled them a bit closer and then opened wide, cramming two heads past her lips.

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Jai had had his penis against another man's before, both inside a woman's mouth and vagina, so he was only a little surprised at first and then just went with it as Hansika sucked on both of their heads at once. It was a first for Sam, so he was taken back at first but quickly realized he liked it. It wasn't because of the other cock; no, it was because Hansika was so damned sexy for sucking on two dicks at once, and if she was going to do so, one of them might as well be his. Beside, he had been prepared for some incidental male-on-male contact. It was necessary for Hansika's sexiness to be put fully on display.

The men groaned as Hansika sucked their cocks in unison for a few minutes and then went back to taking turns. Incidentally, her dress had fallen to her waist so that she was topless now. After a few more minutes, Hansika slowed her stroking and stood up, releasing their cocks and turning around so she could sit up on the break room table. She asked the boys to return the favor. She was excited. If she could please these men while having her attention divided between the two of them, she figured the two of them could do wonders to her with each of them fully attentive to her.


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Hansika lay down on the table as Jai squeezed her tits with both hands and kissed her. Meanwhile, Sam squatted between Hansika's legs, which hung off the table. As Jai held Hansika down, Sam pulled the dress down her legs and off her body. Jai quickly interjected to make sure to leave the heels on Hansika, and Sam assured him he wouldn't dream of taking them off her. As Jai and Hansika went back to making out, Sam then removed Hansika's thong before settling in between those pale, sexy legs. He dbangd her knees over his shoulders and moved in to reacquaint himself with that delicious pussy.


With one man's mouth on her mouth and another man's mouth on her cunt, Hansika was in instant ecstasy. She knew she would be cumming tonight. Jai's tongue and lips traveled from her upper lip to her stomach and everywhere in between as his hands felt up her whole upper body, especially her boobs. Sam spread Hansika's legs and went to town eating her out as those legs kicked and thrashed from the pleasure. Sam then took his mouth away and replaced it with his finger, pumping in and out of her. As Sam finger-fucked Hansika like he had a few nights earlier, sucking on her clit for good measure, Jai pulled his head away from Hansika and inserted his cock back into her mouth. As Sam went down on Hansika, he saw how Hansika's taking a dick other than his own was even hotter than he imagined and decided it was time for her to take two, so he stood up, kept Hansika's legs spread and used one hand to hold up Hansika's right leg while the other hand guided his prick into Hansika's cunt.

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With her boss's cock pummeling her mouth, Hansika had to look out through her peripheral vision to see her other lover entering her love canal. She could hear her heart beating as she anticipated being penetrated at either end by two hot guys like she had fantasized about for at least the past 10 years. As soon as Sam was balls-deep inside her pussy, she was in heaven. The boys were too.

Sam and Jai grunted as they slammed back and forth in and out of their naked goddess. Jai had wanted to see Hansika with a couple dicks in her since just about the time he first laid eyes on her. To see a well-built dude holding Hansika's legs up, clad in those sexy high heels while her pussy took a steady fucking, made Hansika hotter than he'd ever seen her before. As they continued to pound her at both ends, Jai picked Hansika up by her shoulders, and Sam took his cue to lift the assistant/queen off the table as her hair reached for the carpet beneath while the men used brute strength to secure her, holding her up with their arms while their cocks slid in and out of both ends of her.

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Not wanting to use up too much energy, the men fucked her in that position only briefly before putting her down on the floor on her hands and knees. Hansika was exhilarated by what had just transpired. She hadn't seen it coming, but she was glad it happened. She hadn't quite caught her breath yet when Jai and Sam switched places, kneeling at either end of Hansika. She took Sam's cock in her mouth like an obedient slut while Jai set up behind her and began to fuck her doggystyle. Again, Hansika had dicks fucking her at both ends, and everyone was happy.

[Image: Lena-Paul-BlkdRw.gif]

Sam lightly pulled Hansika's hair, and Jai dug his nails into Hansika's ass as the two men nailed Hansika's mouth and pussy with incredible stamina. It was a few minutes into this position that Hansika had her first orgasm of the night. Her cry was muffled around Sam's cock, and her toes curled from finally letting her climax loose. She had come very close twice already tonight and was kind of relieved to finally get there.


Hansika's orgasm was a good spot to change up again, so Sam and Jai pulled out as Hansika quivered from the violent pleasure that was only beginning to subside. They helped her to her feet and then back onto the table. Jai knew exactly what he wanted to do next, so he lay down on the table and pulled Hansika on top of him. He then asked Sam if he wanted to "DP" her, which Sam absolutely wanted to do. Hansika was a little nervous. She didn't know if this position would come up and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. However, she wasn't going to deny the boys any carnal pleasure tonight, so she just grinned and prepared herself as her twat sank onto Jai's cock while Sam kneeled behind them.

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Jai and Hansika had both been thinking Sam would fuck Hansika's ass while Jai was in her pussy. Sam didn't realize Jai's intention, instead thinking of how he wanted to try double vaginal penetration. Both Jai and Hansika jumped a bit when they felt Sam begin to cram his cock into Hansika's pussy, which was already very constricted since it as already full of cock. Once Jai realized what was happening, he was thrilled with it. Hansika, on the other hand, had never considered double vaginal and felt nervous immediately. However, again, she was not going to deny the men this pleasure. Finally, with a great deal of effort and lube, both boys were sheathed inside Hansika's tight pussy that was stretched as far as it could go.
Hansika cursed, feeling conflicted. She felt discomfort, though not as bad as she had feared. She also felt as aroused as ever before. The men had already been viewing her as a goddess. Now Hansika felt like one. After a couple moments of adjustment, the boys began to slowly but surely pump in and out of the young blonde, their cocks sliding against each other as each one took its turn sliding in and then pulling out while the other one went back in. This motion relieved a great deal of the pressure Hansika was feeling, and it wasn't long until she was really enjoying having two dicks inside her pussy. Without even realizing it, she was crying out like a pornstar as the men increased their pace, sawing in and out of her delicate cunt. Her boobs swung wildly in Jai's face, except when Sam moved his hands from her waist to clutch her tits for a moment at a time. Jai enjoyed the contorted looks of pleasure on Hansika's face as his assistant got nailed like a whore.

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Hansika's body gave her no warning when her second orgasm hit. It occurred as the men were still double-stuffing her pussy, as if her vagina simply knew no other way to respond to the extreme sensation but to climax. Hansika never saw it coming and screamed like an animal as she came. Jai and Sam pumped in and out of her straight through her experience, continuing until she calmed down a bit. Again, the men figured Hansika's orgasm was a good spot to switch it up one more time.

[Image: lena-paul-first-dp-gif-porn.gif]

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This time, Sam got on his back, and Hansika squatted over him, facing away from him. Hansika figured correctly that Sam would go for her ass this time. The lube helped again as Hansika's butthole slipped down onto Sam's nine inches. She waited a moment to see if Jai would join immediately, but the boys wanted Hansika to ride Sam with her ass for a just a moment. Instead, Jai had Hansika suck his cock clean while she bounced up and down Sam, taking the whole length in her ass.

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After a few minutes of once again being fucked at both ends, Hansika gasped for breath as Jai pulled out of her mouth. Then he gently pushed her onto her back, her sweaty flesh pressing against Sam's chest while Sam went still in Hansika's ass and clutched her breasts as if to keep her from getting away. Hansika, though, would have never attempted to get away. As she watched Jai step over one of her legs, the other leg sliding up his arm to his shoulder, Hansika saw herself about to be pressed between these two sexy guys and couldn't imagine anything hotter. Jai couldn't either, as he leaned forward and slowly stuffed himself into Hansika's pussy, just alongside Sam's cock in the neighboring hole.

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All three members of this threesome moaned out in pleasure as Jai and Sam went balls-deep in their respective hole. As Jai leaned forward, Hansika's leg slipped down Jai's arm and nestled in around his waist, while the other leg was pinned between Jai's and Sam's thigh. Jai then began to pump in at out of Hansika's twat while Sam remained still a moment longer. Jai leaned even closer until his chest was pressed against Hansika's breasts. Now Hansika was sandwiched tightly between the two men, who looked over each of her shoulders and were filled with the unbelievable sensations of double-penetrating this gorgeous queen in a third position, filled like Hansika's holes were filled with cock.

[Image: ML_Hansika_DP.jpg]

Sam began to thrust beneath the two bodies on top of him, pushing in and pulling out of Hansika's tight ass, which felt even better now that Jai's cock was taking up the space in her pussy. Before long, the boys were double-fucking the assistant or queen or goddess or whatever she was with total abandon, ravishing her holes and still managing to time their thrusts just right so that they were going in and out of her like pistons in a well-oiled machine. Hansika never imagined it would feel this good to be fucked in her ass and pussy at the same time, and she cried out in ecstasy as her boss and her new friend tamed her naughty holes with authority. It was hard to tell who was really in charge here!

Jai propped himself up so he could check out Hansika's sweaty chest and see her sexy holes taking two cocks simultaneously. When he did so, it allowed Sam to push Hansika up a bit so that she was held halfway between them and angled just right for them to really give her the double-fucking she craved and needed. Hansika's hair, so carefully done hours earlier, was now a wild mess. Her body, once squeaky clean, was now coated in the sweat of three different people. Her body rocked back and forth as Jai and Sam sawed in and out of her. Eventually, Jai collapsed back on top of Hansika, and his assistant was smushed between the two men yet again. In the middle of it all, Hansika had managed to free her other leg, so now both legs were kicked straight out, spread wide and allowing the blissful assault of those two cocks on both her holes.

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None of them could believe the stamina of the three of them. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air, and the table really began to creak beneath them. Had they not all been so captivated by the incredible experience, they would have worried they were about to come crashing to the ground. The table held out, though, unlike Hansika's body which pulsated for the third time as the young woman orgasmed even more violently than the last time. Hansika sank her hands in Sam's arms that held her while her legs wrapped tightly around Jai's waist. It had always been part of her fantasy that she would cum while wrapped around two men at once, at it was happening in this moment. The men continued to saw in and out of her as fast as they could until, finally, the boss decided they were both going to cum on her face. Jai had always been so clearly fond of blowing his load on that innocent face that he would not pass up the opportunity for Hansika to take a double helping.

[Image: lena-paul-first-dp-14.jpg]

Jai pulled out and then helped Hansika off Sam. Hansika quickly got to her knees on the floor, still wearing only the high heels but now totally covered in sweat. Sam hurried to stand in front of Hansika beside Jai and before long, the grinning, pretty princess was taking two loads in her gorgeous face simultaneously as the men moaned loudly with immense satisfaction. Hansika didn't even realize 
she was laughing from deep in her throat as those hot streams of cum splattered across her face, into her hair and down her neck. The whole ordeal had generated quite a lot of jizz, so by the time Jai and Sam were done painting Hansika's face, the girl was pretty much covered. Jai was so impressed that he made sure to get a picture and promise to send it to Sam. Perhaps it would be part of his orientation paperwork on his first day.

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The three of them were quite a wreck at this point, especially Hansika. They looked at the time and saw that they had been fucking for more than an hour and a half. It didn't make a difference to Sam, though, who wasn't starting his first day until Friday. He had nowhere to be tomorrow, so he asked Jai if he'd be able to go again soon. Jai grinned and said he absolutely could. He then looked at Hansika and said if she took them back to her condo and put on a little striptease for them, maybe pick out a new dress too, and perform for round two, he would give the next day off as a paid day of work. Hansika was exhausted, but the only condition she gave was that should take a shower first. After cooling off, drinking a lot of water, cleaning up and then getting dressed last (the boys wanted to watch Hansika strut around in just her high heels for as long as they could, and so help stoke the fire for a round two, the three of them took their separate cars all to Hansika's condo.

[Image: HansikaMotwanibigboobswithoutbrahotpic.jpg]

When they arrived, Hansika insisted the men stay in the parking lot until she gave them the signal, which would be the front door's opening a crack. For the next 45 minutes Jai and Sam waited patiently in their separate cars while Hansika took a hot shower to clean up from being wonderfully defiled and then dolled herself up for the next escapade. With new year less than a week away now, Hansika had a special dress in her closet that she was dying to wear. It a red, strapless corset with a skirt that barely covered anything. It sported white trim along the top and bottom as well. With it, she had a red toque and red high heels to complete her slutty look. Then she lit a bunch of candles in her bedroom to set the mood and lastly slipped on a nightgown before opening the front door and hurrying back to the bedroom.

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As Sam and Jai emerged through the door, Hansika walked up the door to greet her lovers. Jai noticed the sexy high heels right away and was excited as he imagined what the rest of the outfit looked like. Hansika gave each boy a quick kiss as they walked past. Both Sam and Jai just stared at Hansika as she walked past them. She grabbed her red toque to complete her outfit, which gave Jai and Sam a pretty good idea of what to expect underneath that nightgown. That nightgown soon slid off Hansika's body and fell to the ground, leaving her in admiration of her barely hidden assets. Her tits her practically busting out of her dress, and her smooth legs were completely unobscured. Sam and Jai had to hold themselves back from taking Hansika right then and there on the hallway floor.

Hansika led the boys to her dining room where they all enjoyed a glass of wine to help her settle their nerves. Even though Hansika had fucked both Sam and Jai just a couple hours earlier, she was still quite anxious as she anticipated what was to come. Jai and Sam were nothing but excited, ready to double-team this beauty as soon as they got the green light. Both men kept readjusting their posture as they each felt their cocks hardening again in their pants. Even though they had been emptied earlier that evening, everything Hansika was doing was perfectly preparing them for another session and quickly.

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When it was finally time for what everyone was waiting, the boys were horny as hell, now that there was no remaining reason to restrain themselves. They had been staring at Hansika for an agonizing 20 minutes (which had felt like an eternity) as she showcased her frame in her skimpy Santa outfit. Hansika walked toward her bedroom and seductively used her finger to motion for Sam and Jai to follow her. As Sam and Jai entered her bedroom, they noticed that the room was dimly lit with at least a dozen candles decorated around the room. It was a nice touch.

Hansika used a remote control and turned on some music to which to dance. A sultry version of "Santa Baby" started to play, and Hansika did an erotic dance for the boys as they sat down on the king size bed. She swayed her hips back and forth and danced as sexily as she knew how. She could see the bulges growing in each Sam and Jai's pants, which made her eager to play with their cocks. She showed enough restraint to wait for the song to end, which felt like another eternity for all three of them. At song's end, Hansika began to undo the corset and let it slowly fall to the ground, in sync with the jaws of her onlookers. Finally, she was completely naked except for her toque and high heels which she kept on.

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Hansika's boss and new work associate approached Hansika, surrounding their naked goddess and caressing her body from head to toe. Hansika closed her eyes as she basked in the glory of having her body worshiped by two well-hung, athletic men, one of which was her boss. Both Sam and Jai continued to caress Hansika's body and kiss her neck, boobs and everything in between. After a few minutes, Hansika slowly helped both men strip naked and, as soon as they were ready, she grabbed their hard, thick, throbbing cocks as they continued to touch her. Hansika's anxiety gave way to eagerness as she wanted badly to slurp and suck those big pricks. She had plenty to work with, as Sam had an enormous nine-inch cock with massive girth, and Jai was barely an inch behind and matching Sam in girth. Hansika could hardly believe that she had all seventeen inches of these two cocks in her pussy just earlier that night.

Hansika dropped to her knees, ready to start sucking these beautiful cocks. Before she could get started, Sam and Jai instead helped her back to her feet, confusing Hansika and leaving her a bit disappointed for a moment that she could not service her lovers. Jai explained that Hansika would have plenty of time to suck them off tonight. 

[Image: Hansika-Motwani-Porn-19.jpg]

For now, this session was about worshiping her. With those words, Sam and Jai dropped to their knees, Sam in front of Hansika's pussy and Jai behind Hansika, looking at her ass. A second later, both men were eating Hansika out, with Sam using his tongue to pleasure Hansika's love canal and Jai starting out by giving Hansika a rimjob, which she'd never experienced before. It was actually the first time Jai had done this type of oral treatment, and he liked it. Hansika's ass was so warm, clean and inviting that he went with his impulse and traced his assistant's lovely asshole with his wet tongue. Combined with the sensations of Sam's mouth against her cunt, Hansika shuddered with pleasure and cried out.

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Next, Sam inserted three fingers into Hansika's pussy and started to finger-fuck his new lover while sucking on her clit. The feeling was too much for Hansika, still sensitive from their earlier fuck session, and she experienced her first orgasm of the night very quickly. It would not be her last tonight, however. As she came, she squirted from her pussy, and Sam was happy to slurp it all, while Jai continued to eat her ass. Hansika became weak in the knees, collapsing a bit, so Sam and Jai stood up and grabbed Hansika by her hands to help her keep her balance. They took this opportunity to guide her to the bed to where they were going to hatch the second part of their plan.

Sam lay on the bed, and Hansika obediently straddled Sam's face. Sam promptly licked Hansika's pussy as he had done before, while Jai was standing back savoring the site. Hansika looked at Sam's cock, which was pointed directly up. She started to stroke it and then leaned over to lick it as well. For the next 10 minutes, Sam and Hansika performed the 69 position while Jai watched for just a moment before he decided that had he been patient enough. He wanted a piece of Hansika's ass, so he straddled Hansika from behind while she was still in the 69 with Sam. Sam was aware of what Jai wanted to do, so he stopped licking Hansika for a moment. Jai inserted his cock into Hansika's pussy so he could lube up his cock with her juices before fucking her ass in a moment. It was certainly close quarters for the men, but their hot session with Hansika earlier demonstrated that they were comfortable with it. Both were straight males, and it didn't mean they couldn't let their guard down to help further the pleasure of their shared lover.

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After fucking Hansika's pussy for minute while the girl moaned around Sam's cock in her mouth, Jai pulled out and started to insert his dick into Hansika's butt. It took a bit of effort to cross past her O-ring, but he managed to bottom out in Hansika's ass with all eight inches. Hansika cooed from the cock in her ass while still stroking and slurping on Sam's cock. Jai slowly started to build up a pace as he fucked Hansika's ass, and Sam resumed licking Hansika's pussy to give her the dual pleasure that she deserved. The three of them stayed in this position for about 20 minutes. By then, Jai was fucking Hansika's ass like a jackhammer, and Sam's tongue was getting sore from all the licking he had been doing tonight.

Hansika couldn't contain herself anymore and she had her second orgasm of the night. Sam couldn't hold his first load anymore. Hansika could feel his cock swelling up, so she deep-throated his cock so Sam could release his seed. Sam used both hands and placed them on the back of Hansika's head to keep her down. He announced that he was cumming and blew his load deep down Hansika's wonderful throat. From above, Jai was watching his sexy assistant swallow that load and didn't want to be left out, so he slammed his cock hard into Hansika's ass and exploded. After swallowing Sam's load, Hansika pulled her head up and laughed with glee as she felt Jai's emptying himself in her ass while her pussy still convulsed from her own orgasm. She was confident she could get them off one more time tonight. She had been prepared for a marathon session with plenty of cum.

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Jai withdrew himself from Hansika as cum trickled from her ass. Hansika rolled over beside Sam after doing her best to swallow all of Sam's cum. Some still managed to trickle down her chin, much like how Jai's load was leaking from her butt. The three of them lay in bed for several minutes, feeling tired but not tired enough to call it a night. After some time to recover, the threesome agreed to try the classic cowgirl double penetration again. That sex position had given all three of them a lot of pleasure a few hours ago.

Just talking about double penetration had the boys getting erect again. Hansika slid out of the bed and got to her knees, deciding it was her duty to make sure her men got back to full mast. She alternated between stroking and sucking on each of their cocks for the next few minutes while they moaned and played with her hair and tits. Hansika wanted them hard again fast so they could get right back to the main event. She had never been this insatiable before. All the circumstances surrounding this evening (though now it was approaching early morning) had her motor running non-stop, no matter how forcefully they had been fucking her.

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Hansika really wanted Sam's slightly larger cock in her ass, even though it was the tighter hole. Something about it made her feel especially naughty. So Jai took his position on the bed laying down first, and as he did, Hansika made the request that both boys drain their balls inside her holes when they were done fucking her in this position. Neither man could help but grin and responded that they were happy to oblige.

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With the chitchat out of the way, Hansika squatted over Jai's cock, and she and her boss worked together to insert it into her twat. Jai was able to get a few thrusts into his sexy assistant before Sam took his place behind Hansika. Hansika squealed in delight at the anticipation of being double-stuffed again. She rested herself on Jai's chest to allow Sam a better angle at her impaling her ass. Sam slowly inserted is cock into Hansika's shitter, which caused Jai to feel Hansika's ass stretch out to accommodate its welcome intruder. He could clearly feel Sam's cock through the thin membrane that separated her ass and pussy. Hansika was properly double penetrated again, while both men remained still for a moment to allow Hansika to get used to the girth inside her. Slowly but surely, Jai and Sam alternated thrusts into the cute blonde. Within no time at all, Jai and Sam were making love to Hansika's pussy and ass, while the woman writhed and moaned between them, still wearing just the hat and shoes. The boys remained focused on alternating their thrusts to give all three of them maximum pleasure as they simultaneously had sex with their shared object of lust. The boys lost all control and fucked Hansika has hard as possible, sawing in and out of her right through her third orgasm of the evening. They pounded her for the next 20 minutes, continuing their relentless assault on Hansika's tight holes.

The boys slowed down only to try a new position. Sam slowly pulled out from Hansika's ass. He whispered into her ear that he was ready to drain his balls inside her. He then placed his cock just above Jai's cock which was already embedded in Hansika's pussy. Hansika was about to experience double vaginal penetration for the second time this night, and all three people involved were excited as they anticipated the impending sensations. It took some doing, but Sam was able to nestle his cock alongside Jai's inside Hansika's pussy, which was already incredibly tight from just one penis. Hansika could hardly contain herself, cursing and begging the boys to fuck her like the slut she was.
Sam and Jai didn't need to be told twice. Like before, Sam and Jai slowly started to build tempo by alternating thrusts. Just a moment later, they were fucking Hansika with reckless abandonment, causing her to make animalistic moans as they sawed in and out of her tight cunt. For at least 10 minutes they fucked Hansika's sexy body as hard as possible, showing their unbridled passion for the hot blonde slut. It wasn't hard for Jai to tell that Sam was about to cum, since his erection was pressed against his own. The undeniable swelling of Sam's cock encouraged Jai to let go and release his own orgasm. The men coordinated their climaxes and announced to Hansika that they were cumming at the very same time. Hansika cried out and laughed with uncontrollably arousal and amusement as both men released their seed along side each other inside Hansika's constricted cunt, which was enough to make Hansika cum one final time. All three of them were cumming simultaneously while Hansika felt her womb filling up with the hot baby juice, a unique feeling she had never experienced before. Meanwhile, both Sam and Jai were high with pleasure, as the ordinary sensations of an orgasm were multiplied by the unbelievably tight confines of Hansika's womanhood, to make no mention of the incredibly hot circumstances that had brought them to this climax in the first place, namely, the sexy, hot female's getting double-teamed for essentially the past few hours. The boys came inside Hansika for about 30 seconds, filling her wet pussy yet again. It was obvious that this blonde slut had really gotten them worked up.

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It was close to 3 am by the time they had pulled themselves apart and were all lying on their backs on the bed. Cum was oozing from Hansika's pussy, now that all three of her holes had been soaked with cum from this session. It was an impressive feat for all of them. Hansika wanted to clean up, but she dozed off, followed by Sam and Jai on either side of her.

Fortunately for Hansika, she had been given the next day off and had nothing to worry about. Sam had nowhere to be. Jai overslept, though, and would have to hear it from his boss when he finally did make it in after 10 am. On his way to work, he was obviously exhausted, but it was well worth it following the night he had. And he would certainly do it again when he had the chance, though maybe he would ask for the following day off too.

About halfway through his work day, Jai received a video message from Hansika that showed Sam fucking her from behind in her condo. He couldn't believe they were back at it again after last night's marathon! As tired as Jai was, the video got his blood pumping again, and he figured he had nothing else to lose after bungling this day of work already, so he told his boss he had a lunch appointment with a client and headed over to Hansika's condo.

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Hansika and Sam had slept in quite late and then took separate showers this time, though each one kind of wished he or she was in there with the other. The point was to get clean though, and the thought of playing around seemed exhausting by now, to be honest. That sentiment didn't last long, however. After some time to refresh, they were grinning at each other again and didn't even bother going to the bedroom. Taking off the little clothing they had put on, they were back to having sex, this time on the couch. It was Hansika's idea to send a video to Jai, but neither one thought Jai would show up 20 minutes later. In fact, Jai arrived just in time to watch Sam kneeling over Hansika, who was on her back, and cumming on her heaving breasts.

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The couple noticed Jai as Sam was finishing up, both surprised and happy to see him there. They let him know it was now his turn, and Jai quickly took his clothes off and proceeded to fuck his sexy blonde assistant on the couch while Sam got it all on his phone, right until just after Jai blasted his load all over Hansika's pretty face. As cum streamed down her face while Sam's dried cum still covered her breasts, Hansika asked Jai if he was going to go back to work now or if he would stay long enough for the two of her double-penetrate her again in about a half-hour. Jai looked around the condo, saying the question wasn't if but where.

For what it's worth, they chose the island counter in Hansika's kitchen to double-stuff her this time. The majority of this session was spent with Sam on the bottom in Hansika's ass with Jai on top in the woman's pussy. The boys worked Hansika's holes while the goddesses's legs reached for the ceiling until she came, and then each man came in his respective hole shortly after, all among a myriad of moans and cries of pleasure. When they had finally come apart, they were all feeling tired, dehydrated and just plain sore. They needed a break and yet were hopelessly addicted to this group sex. Hansika was the voice of reason, insisting they wait until Sam's first day on Friday before either of them touched her again. It would give a lot of time for all of them to recover from all the sex they had just had together and build up to another unforgettable evening. Beside, Jai couldn't keep missing work. Suffice it to say that the three coworkers could expect a lot of long days together going forward!

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[+] 1 user Likes Krishan202's post
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Bro I have been asking for a story on jyothika for a long time now. Why are you not considering my request
[+] 1 user Likes Schkoolz's post
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bro telugu lo rasthe super kick undedi
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(10-01-2020, 01:04 PM)MjKumar Wrote: bro telugu lo rasthe super kick undedi

Please write on bipadha basu/ Nagma/ Lara dutta
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Great updates brother
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We are appreciates your hard work for giving regular updates..
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Nyc work bro. .......keep going
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Brother I would appreciate you more thoroughly if you can give update on Ananya Pandey struggle
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Bro write on Kiran rathod
[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer1976's post
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We all shouted in unison and downed the fifth round of shots that night. The tequila burned my throat and the fumes almost seemed to come out my nostrils. I sucked on the lemon and winced at its tartness.

"Well done, Huma." Abir leaned in, squeezed by shoulder and rubbed my back. I giggled.

[Image: Huma-Qureshi-wearing-Vinita-Michael-4.jpeg]

I looked up and saw my friend Kriti looking at me with half a smile on her face. She had noticed that it was the third time in the last half an hour that Abir had called me "Huma" instead of my full name Huma qureshi without me saying anything in protest. She had also probably noticed that he was touching me a lot more and I wasn't stopping him.

"How about another round of beers?" Akash asked. Everyone nodded.

"Not ff.f.for me." I slurred. I had already downed way more than my usual amount. Four beers and five tequila shots.

"Oh come on, just one more, Huma." Abir put his hand on my back again. "We're celebrating a big win!"

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"Fine." I said, not wanting to be a spoilsport.

We were in a classy South Mumbai pub celebrating our team landing a huge contract that would ensure most of us of big promotions. The seven of us had just been dubbed "Magnificent Seven" by our CEO, had been handed the company credit card, and told to celebrate without worrying about how much the bill came out to. We had been a raucous party all evening, delirious in our success.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Kriti got up said "Huma qureshi , care to give me company?"

I looked up at her, my head feeling very light.


"Please come to the bathroom with me." there was a slight edge to her voice which made me comply.

We were both quite drunk. So taking slow careful steps, we walked to the ladies' room.

As soon as the door closed, Kriti turned around and said to me,

"What the hell is going on between you and Abir?"

"Nothing." I instantly said.

"Oh come on! He's calling you Huma, touching you all over the place."

"Only my back and my shoulder." I raised a finger in protest.

"Still. There's obviously a change. I'm not the only one who's noticed. The others have also been whispering to each other. What are you doing? What about Rahul?"

I suddenly felt a surge of resentment.

"What the fuck about Rahul? He's sitting there in Florida postponing trip after trip! And going out drinking every night with his friends! And going to the beach every weekend, probably ogling white chicks in bikinis!" I shouted.

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"Calm down." Kriti said looking around. Luckily there was no one else in the ladies' room. "Look, your marriage is none of my business. And as your friend, I will support you in whatever you do. But as your friend, it is also my duty to warn you about the repercussions of your actions."

"I need to pee." I gruffly said and walked into a stall.

A couple of minutes later when I walked out, Kriti was fixing her make-up in front of the mirror.

"Sorry if I yelled." I glumly said.

"It's okay. You've had a lot to drink." Kriti smiled.

"Well, so have you!"

"Fair enough,"

I reached into my purse, took out my compact and started fixing my own make-up.

"We.....we kissed earlier."


"He just wore me down."


"In the lift."

"You slut!" Kriti said, but in a jocular tone. I giggled. "So you have decided to go through with it then?"

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"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not." I replied honestly. "It's been almost a year since I had sex."

It was true. Rahul had been sent to the US for what was initially supposed to be a short-term posting. But it kept getting extended. We then decided that I would join him, but my visa application had been on hold. Rahul was supposed to come back home for visits, but each time, some deadline mad him cancel the trip.

This year of unexpected long distance-ification of our marriage had caused a lot of stress and a lot of fights. Things were far from hunky dory. Even before he left, Rahul had grown a bit distant. It had been five years since we got married. I know the fresh spark doesn't last forever. But you don't expect your husband to spend every free moment at home just watching the TV or staring at his smartphone.

[Image: Huma-Qureshi-Without-Makeup-1.jpg]

So when Abir started showering attention on me, I will admit, it felt nice. It started off with longer-than usual looks, more than usual compliments. Then he started texting me a lot more, gradually increasing the flirtatious content. Our work on the recent project also meant we spent a lot of time together as the two experts in our group. He'd do a lot of random nice things for me like getting me coffee, chocolates, cupcakes, etc.

"Well, if you do decide to, let me say based on experience, Abir is an excellent choice." Kriti said.

"Shit! I forgot! Is that why are miffed?"

"Don't be silly. He means nothing to me. Our fling was a long time ago. Four years ago. he means nothing to me." Kriti repeated for emphasis.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. It's been obvious to me for the last few months that he's been trying to woo you. I didn't say anything because I didn't see you responding. Until tonight."

"Yeah be honest, I didn't plan to respond either. I don't know...."

That's when another woman came into the bathroom. Kriti and I walked out and went back to our table.

[Image: 7-teckOkhdhdijb.jpg]

"Here's your beer, Huma." Abir rubbed my back as I sat down. I took a sip and looked at Kriti who had a wry smile on her face.

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It was way into the wee hours that our party wrapped up, and that too because the pub was closing. All of us, drunk and delirious, stumbled outside to the waiting line of cabs.

"Alright, All! Follow me!" Akash said as he opened the door of a cab.

This was the usual configuration when we shared cabs back from South Mumbai. Kirti would get dropped off first, then me, then Abir, and then Akash last. He paid for the cab and we paid him our shares the next day.

"Sardarji, Lokhandwala." Akash said to the turbaned driver as we got into the cab.

"Dude, how drunk are you? I stay at Lokhandwala. You stay at Oshiwara!" Abir said.

"Yeah man. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I am going to my cousin's place in Azad Nagar tonight. We're playing squash tomorrow. So you'll be the last stop tonight." Akash said.

As drunk as I was, I detected tone of rehearsed-ness in what Akash said. Or maybe I was reading too much into it. But this new configuration meant that Akash and Kriti would get off first and Abir and I would be alone in the cab after that.

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Akash had already kissed me in the lift with me putting up only token resistance and saying "someone might see us". He then had been extremely flirtatious with me all night without any pushback from my side. I suppose he decided to strike while the iron was hot by asking Akash for this favor.

The cab started zooming north through the mostly empty streets of Mumbai. Akash was sitting in the front next to the driver. Three of us were in the back, with Kriti and Abir sitting by the windows and me between them.

"I'm sleepy." I mumbled. I had drunk more than I could ever remember drinking. I had nearly fallen a couple of times while walking out the door.

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"Awwww, take a nap." Kriti said, sounding a lot less drunk. She could always hold her liquor a lot better than I could.

I put my head on Kriti's shoulder and dozed off.

I woke up with a start a while later, with the loud sound of my phone beeping. 

"Good morning." Abir squeezed my thigh over my skirt and said.

I looked around and saw that Akash and Kriti were still in the cab. The nap, far from making me feel better, was actually making me feel worse. I had a headache and I felt even more disoriented.

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"It was your phone." Kriti helpfully informed me.

I fished the phone out of my purse. It was a text from Rahul.

- Hi hon, hw wz prty?

It always annoyed me that Rahul wrote text messages like a teenager. But now, drunk as a skunk, I felt myself compelled to do the same as the phone's keyboard seemed to swim all over the place.

- Gud. Goin home. Hoz yr day?

There was no reply for a while. My three colleagues were talking in their drunken slurred voices about the contract and speculating who would get promoted to what. I put my head back on Kriti's shoulder and closed my eyes. But I couldn't sleep.

Getting a message from my husband suddenly made the magnitude of what I was contemplating become apparent.

Akash got dropped off at Azad Nagar. I saw him chuckle at Abir and me before walking away, further strengthening my suspicions that he was in on it. Soon we reached Four Bungalow where Kriti lived.

She got out of the cab and hugged me goodbye. And as she was doing so, whispered in my ear,

"Don't rush into anything. Think about Rahul. But if you decide to, have fun."

I nodded. The cab got going again.

Within two minutes, Abir, who had maintained a respectful distance so far, slid over and put his arm around me.

"I've been waiting so long for this!" he said, and lowered his lips onto mine.

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Much like earlier in the lift, I was taken aback by how fast he had moved. I was caught in two minds about whether to reciprocate or not. The guilt was still there. But Abir was so passionate that I thought, what the hell. And I put my hands on his shoulders and started kissing him back

When Abir broke the kiss, my eyes fell on the reariew mirror and I saw the driver's eyes in them. He was watching us make out. When he saw me looking at the mirror, he looked away. And suddenly, I felt conscious and pushed Abir away a little.

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"What's the matter?" Abir asked, lowering his face again.

"The driver." I whispered.

"Hahaha!" Abir laughed. "Don't be shy of the driver. This is Bombay. He's seen way more happening in the back seat. Am I right, Sardarji? Do you mind if we fool around a little?"

The driver just shrugged.

I still didn't feel too comfortable making out in front of an audience. But I was too drunk to seriously resist. Plus Abir's technique at least so far was quite good. Soon we were kissing again.

After a few seconds, Abir moved his right hand to my left breast and squeezed it over my top and bra. I responded by unbuttoning his top two buttons and feeling his chest hair. Abir saw I was willing, so slipped his hand under my top and to the back. Deftly, he unhooked my bra, and then moved his hands to the front, and felt up my bare boobs.

"Ummmm....lovely tits!"

I was so starved for male contact that everything Abir was doing was turning me on even more with every passing second, and the guilt of the fact that I was cheating got buried deep somewhere.

[Image: huma-kureshi-nude.jpg]

We were kissing and fondling each other for a couple of minutes as the cab drove towards Lokhandwala. I could feel his erection through his pants pushing against my hip and it seemed quite substantial. After Abir had mauled my tits under my top to his heart's content, he moved his hand sound and put it up my skirt.

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The skirt was a bit tight, so this made it ride up, exposing my thighs. This was a bit much for me, even in my drunken state. It was one thing making out in front of the cabbie. But exposing me like this was a no-no.

I slapped Abir's hand away and pulled down my skirt. Abir just thought this was playful resistance and tried to put his hand up my skirt again.

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"Abir, no!" I broke the kiss and said.

"What?" he said breathlessly.

"Not that. Not here."

"Oh come on!" Abir smiled and reached for my skirt again.

"I said NO!" I almost screamed and pushed him away with my hands against his chest.

"Come on.....I can't control myself." Abir said, a cross look on his face. "You've been stringing me along for over six months. Why are you being coy now?"

"Abir, I'm just..."

I was about to say that I was just feeling conscious of being exposed in front of the cabbie, and couldn't he just wait until we were at his apartment.

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But before I could complete my sentence, Abir lunged at me again. He put his hand between my legs, trying to resume his earlier move. I flailed my hands in struggle and, quite by accident, ended up slapping Abir hard across his cheek.

Abir was stunned. He rubbed his cheek and then I saw anger flash in his eyes.


And then he slapped me backhanded, across my face. My cheeks stung and tears sprang to my eyes.

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I was in a daze, shocked at being slapped, and slapped hard. No matter what problems Rahul and I had, he had never raised his hand on me. My parents had also been non-believers in physical punishment. This was, quite literally, the first time I had been hit in my life. And I had no idea how to react. I just closed my eyes.

[Image: huma-qureshi-in-tumhe-dillagi-single-2016.jpg]

I didn't need to react.

That sound had been the sound of brakes being slammed really hard. The taxi came to a standstill, making me and Abir fall forward and the the back of the front seat.


I heard a voice that was not Abir's curse as I heard a door slammed open and shut.

I opened my eyes and saw the driver open the door on Abir's side and drag him out of the cab. The driver threw Abir on the footpath and started kicking him.


I just sat where I was staring in disbelief and the driver rained kicks and punches down on Abir. Abir was not fighting back. He was drunk. But besides that, he was no match for this 6 foot plus burly sardar. Soon, I heard a sobbing sound. Abir was crying and begging not to be hit.

The driver stopped hitting him. Then he bent down and lifted Abir by the scruff of his neck and threw him to the side.

He then walked back to the driver's side, got in, slammed the door shut and drove off, the tires screeching as the rubber burnt against the asphalt, leaving Abir a sobbing mess by the side of the road.

After 30 seconds, the cab stopped by the side of the road.

"Fucking wimp." the driver spat out the window. "Where do you want to go, memsaab?"

"Huh?" I was still stunned at what had happened.

"Where do you want me to take you?"


I told him my address. He nodded and started driving again.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window. Not only was I in shock, I was starting to fully feel the effects of the copious amounts of booze I had downed. My head was swimming. My thoughts were garbled. I had no idea what to do next. Should I call Kriti? Rahul?

[Image: women-jolly-mos_021417013939.jpg]

That's when my phone rang.It was Abir. I didn't answer.

"Thank you." I said to the driver. He just nodded.

I closed my eyes and sat in silence trying to sort my thoughts out.

Fifteen minutes later, the cab stopped in front of my apartment complex. The night guard was sitting in his booth. I poked my head out of the window and waved at him. He opened the gate.

The driver drove his cab towards the back of our 20-building complex and stopped the cab in front of my building. I looked at the meter. The fare was almost 400 rupees.

I opened my purse and fished around. I only found one 100 rupee note and a couple of 20s. I had to really focus to make sure it was 2 20s and not one which I was seeing two of. I wasn't expecting to be the last one in the cab so had completely forgotten that I was almost out of cash.

"" I handed him the 140, "I have cash upstairs."

I opened the door and stumbled out, almost losing my balance. I stabilized myself by holding on to the taxi and said,

"You wait right here. I will be back with the money."

"It's okay, memsaab." the driver graciously said. "You can leave the cash with your watchman. I will collect it in a day or two."

"No no no no no!" I said shaking my head. "You have're a hero. You deserve more! You are....hero!"

Being out of the cab and on my feet was making me realize just how fucking drunk I was.

"Seriously memsaab, just go home and sleep. Don't worry."

[Image: 5a6b7ec6e20e752e41b1c1ebf5c385c1.jpg]

"Nonsense! Wait right here!" I said and turned around to walk into my building.

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The distance to the lift was barely 30 feet. But the way I was feeling, it looked like a mile. The lift door seemed to be swaying side to side. I focused on it with all my concentration and then took a couple of steps resolutely. Suddenly, the lift door was replace by a glimpse of the sky. Only one star was visible. Why was there a star where the lift door should be?

"Memsaab, are you okay?" I felt two strong hands grab me and pull me upwards.

"Hey sardarji! How are you?" I giggled and said as his bearded and turbaned face interrupted my view of the sky.

He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me up. My knees buckled and if he wasn't holding me up, I'd have collapsed again.

"Memsaab, is there anyone at home who can take you upstairs?" is what I think he said.

I stared at him, barely registering his question. I vacantly looked into his eyes.


"No one. I am all alone. Poor Huma is all alone." I sang.

"What floor do you live on?" he sighed and started leading me towards the elevator.

"Eight....five six seven eight!"

"What? Which one?"

"Eight! Five six seven eight! You remember that song? My boot scootin baby is drrrrrriiiving me....ULKKXXXX"

It came out of nowhere. Just a few feet away from the lift door, I puked. A lot of the beer and tequila mixed with french fries came gushing out and sprayed the driver's shirt and my top. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I'm so sorry.....I'm so sorry...." I started apologizing.

"Don't worry about it." he gruffly said. The muttered something to himself in Punjabi.

"I will buy your will buy you a new shirt....and pants.....and a new taxi!"


Soon I found myself in the lift, propped against the wall. He hit 8.

With my hands, I tried to wipe the puke off my neck and arms. I also rubbed my top when I felt something move.

"My braaaaa, sardarji!"


"That asshole unhooked my bra. And I forgot to hook it back!"

He just looked away.

I reached behind my back and tried to hook it over the fabric of my top. But if I was too drunk to stand still, I was certainly too drunk to manage something that complicated.

"Have you noticed you hardly see any stars in Bombay?"


[Image: huma-qureshi-poses-for-a-smoking-hot-pic...788132.jpg]

"But you are my star. My hero!" I threw my arms around his big burly body.

"Memsaab, please, control yourself."

The lift stopped at the 8th floor. Now that I had puked out so much of the booze, I was able to walk a lot better. I walked saying towards my door and reached into my purse for the keys.

"Okay memsaab, take care." he turned around to get back in the lift.

"Nooooooooo! NONONO! Come with me!"

"Shhhhhh!" he said and walked towards me.

"I have to give you shirt money. Shirt. And money."

After several attempts, I managed to get the key in the lock and open the door. The driver warily followed me inside.


"Wait here!" I instructed him and went to my bedroom. I took off my puke covered top and the bra. I put on a t-shirt that I often slept in. I then rummaged in my drawer until I found enough cash.

The big guy was standing nervously right inside the door. As I walked out, I saw that my puke had messed up most of his shirt and was also in his beard.

"Wash up." I said.


"The bathroom is right there. Wash up. In fact, give me your shirt and I'll wash it."

"It's okay."

"I can't let my hero go out stinking of puke. I insist!" And I marched up to him.

He walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I heard the sound of running water. A few seconds later, the door opened again and he held out his shirt. I walked to the washing machine and threw it inside.

He walked out, wearing his under-vest and trousers. He was a hairy dude! His chest and arms were covered in thick hair. He looked at me, and then looked away.

"Memsaab, you are safe in your home. I really need to go."

"First take your money." I held out the bunch of notes. It was roughly three thousand rupees.

"Memsaab, this is way too much."

"Nonsense, you're my hero!"

I walked to him and put the cash in his hands. He stuffed it in his pocket and started walking to the door.


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He turned around.

"Your shirt. It's be don e in about half an hour."

"It's okay. You can leave it with the watchman later. I have to get back to my shift."

"Come with me. I'll give you one of my husband's shirts!"

I said and walked into the bedroom. He reluctantly followed me and stood a respectable distance away.

In the closet, I found a nice black shirt and handed it to him. He tried putting it on. But he couldn't even get both his arms in the sleeves. He smiled and put the shirt down.

"What was I thinking?" I giggled. "My husband is like a string bean compared to you."

"It's okay memsaab."

"You have a really broad chest don't you?" I raised my hand and scratched the tuft of hair peeking out from his vest. "And broad arms too."

He shuffled uncomfortably, pushing my hand away. I stepped close to him. I could smell his musky sweat. I could feel the heat radiating off his massive torso. I could almost hear his quickened heartbeat and see that he was nervous and excited.

"I could feel your hard body and your solid muscles when you were helping me up here." I rubbed his bare hairy triceps with both my hands.

"Memsaab, please. Don't....." he grabbed my wrists, held them in front of his chest and looked into my eyes. Deep into my eyes.

"Don't what?"

"Don't...............................tempt me."

I shook my wrists free of his grip. And I came to my senses for a second. What the hell was I doing? Had I just been seriously hitting on this driver? What had happened to me? Was it just alcohol? Or was it something else? He was a big yummy specimen of masculinity. All the flirting and foreplay from Abir had gotten my engine running after almost a year of forced celibacy. My husband had still not responded to my last text. I was feeling more intoxicated by his brutish presence than by the alcohol remaining in my system. What was I doing? What did I want? Did I really want to......

[Image: e3da784c9bd90b6ec5f6d43a5a0bf079.jpg]

"Memsaab." he interrupted my reverie.


"Exactly how drunk are you?"

I looked up at his bearded face and into his dark brown eyes. His question made a volcano of words and thoughts bubble up inside my head. I waded through that molten mess and picked my words carefully.

" I'll accuse you of something horrible after sobering up."

I turned around and walked to the bed. Sat on it, put my hands on the bed behind me and looked at him.

He stared at me fiercely. Looked at me up and down for probably the first time that night. His eyes started at my feet, moved up to examine my shins and calves peeking out from under my skirt. Then up to my chest where his eyes lingered on my bra-less boobs and my erect nipples poking through the t-shirt. Then up to my face and into my eyes. He looked at his watch, then back at my face.

"Oh what the hell....." he said and strode towards the bed.


I smiled and pulled my t-shirt off, making my boobs swing naked and free. He put one knee on the bed, bent down and grabbed my left tit with his big right hand and my hair with his left hand. He pushed me down on my back, getting on top of me as his hand mauled my tits. The metallic bracelet in his hand rubbed against my boobs. I pulled his face close to mine and kissed him, his beard rubbing against my skin, his hot breath against my nose. He kissed me sloppily but passionately. Not as skilled as Abir, but manageable. He put one arm under my back and I rested on it as his other hand kept working on my tits.

[Image: huma-qureshi-nude-pics%2B%25282%2529.jpg]

I reached down with my right hand and felt his crotch. There was a healthy bulge there. I tried to unbutton his pants, but I couldn't manage to do it with one hand. After my fourth or fifth futile attempt, he let out a small laugh, reached down and did it himself. I put my hands down his pants, and felt a nice thick dick in there. He was ready.

I broke the kiss and said,

"Do it."


"Enough with the kissing and fondling. I have been waiting too long. Fuck me." I said that in a raspy hungry voice of a woman in heat.

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He got up to take his pants off. In the meantime, I took off my skirt and my panties getting completely naked, opened my legs and waited for him. 

[Image: huma-qureshi-showing-hot-boobs-pussy-644x1024.jpg]

He jumped back on the lifted my legs up by the knees, lowered his hips and gradually thrust his thick dong inside.

"Ohhhhhhh!!! That feels so goooooooood!" I pushed my hips forward to invite more of his organ inside me.

He pushed again and now most of it was inside me. I put my hands on his broad hairy shoulders. he then started thrusting in and out, in and out, in and out. As his thick dick pistoned my insides, I felt a surge of the pleasure that I had been robbed of for almost a year.

[Image: huma-qureshi-hard-fucked-by-black-man-in...5gk84n.jpg]

"I can't believe this is happening." he said, looking into my eyes.

"Me neither."

He lifted my left ankle and put it on his right shoulder, straightened his torso and started pounding me at three times the previous pace. During this phase, I rolled his vest up, and then he took it off, showing an equally hair stomach.

"Holy shit!!! That is....hoooooo" I hollered. This angle was working wonders.


A few minutes later, he withdrew, and wordlessly and effortlessly rolled my body over. I got on my hands and knees. He put his feet on either side of my waist, crouched down, and grabbed my boobs.

"Arch your back." he said and I complied.

He then lowered is hips and found my cunt again, inserting his rod inside in a single motion. Then grabbing my boobs, he humped me like a dog at crazy pace. The motion made the bed squeak and the headboard bang against the wall. At this angle, his dick was perfectly rubbing against the front walls of my vagina, which was the most sensitive part for me. I started moaning loudly in delight.


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He was grunting almost in tune.


And the squeaks of the bed and the thudding of the headboard and the wall provided the remaining sound effects.

The onslaught was too much for my hands to bear, which were supporting my weight in addition to the momentum of the powerful strokes from this 120 kilo giant. My elbows gave way after about five minutes and my shoulders collapsed on the bed. He moved his hands from my boobs to my waist and gripped it hard and paused mid-stroke.

"Keeep going....." I said, not wanting him to stop out of concern.

[Image: Huma-Qureshi-big-boobs.jpg]

This fortuitous adjustment in the angle turned out to be just what I needed. A few more minutes later, I felt the sensation I had almost forgotten.

"I am about to cum......keep going.....don't be scared."

The warning was necessary because I was really loud during intercourse orgasms. Once on our honeymoon, the hotel staff had knocked on the door to make sure no one was being murdered.


My shrieking went on for almost 30 seconds during which he dutifully kept pounding my cunt as instructed.

"Oh shit!" I heard him say.

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And towards the end of my orgasm, I felt a warm stream fill up my insides.

He kept pumping his seed into me for a couple of dozen strokes. And then collapse on top of me, but resting himself on his elbows so my body didn't have to bear his massive weight. We lay there facing downward, his bear rubbing against the back of my neck, for a couple of minutes, breathing loudly and heavily through our mouths. I stared at his bracelet as I tried to come back down to planet earth.

[Image: aHR0cHM6Ly-pbWdmeS5uZXQvaW1hZ9VzLzIwMTgv...QuanBn.jpg]

Finally, he rolled off my back, his half-erect dick exiting my pussy. A considerable amount of jizz leaked out my pussy, down my inner thighs, and onto the bed. I turned around, and looked at him. His mouth was open, his face and body were covered with sweat. he was staring at the ceiling.

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I got off the bed, still a little woozy, and made my way to the bathroom.

[Image: huma-qureshi-actress.jpg]

Sitting on the toilet and cleaning myself down there, I tried to come to terms with what I had just done. I had given in to my most primal animalistic instincts, and fucked a big burly bear of a man who I didn't even know. Surely it didn't happen in real life. And it sure as hell didn't happen with Mumbai tax drivers.

On the other hand, this could be a blessing in disguise. If I had done it with Abir, there would have been gossip, some drama, and complications. With this dude.....nobody needed to know.

I walked out of the bathroom naked after a few minutes of self-reflection. He had put his pants and his vest back on. And with a small comb, he was grooming his beard. he stared at me with a mild look of worry. Maybe he feared that after the act, I would be wracked with guilt and anger. He seemed relieved when I smiled at him, walked to the bed and reached for my t-shirt. I put it on, its hem ending just inches below my pussy.

[Image: huma-qureshi-nude-pics%2B%25281%2529.jpg]

"I really needed that." I said, plonking myself on the bed next to him.


BINGBONGBINGBONG the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell is it at this hour?"

I got up, quickly slipped on my skirt to go with the t-shirt.


He got up to follow me.

"You stay here!" I whispered and closed the bedroom door behind me.

I went to the front door and asked,

"Who is it?"

"Memsaab, watchman."

"One second."

I opened the door only about six inches, wanting to hide my bra-less boobs behind the door. The watchman looked at me. Then his nose crinkled and he sniffed, taking in a deep breath. And I saw his brow furrow.

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"What is it?" I asked him in a boss-like voice. "Do you know what time it is?"

"Sorry's just that....the taxi that dropped you...."

"What about it?"

"It's still downstairs. I was doing my hourly walkaround when I noticed."


"So we were just worried about you. In case...." he blushed and looked down at the floor.

I felt a flash of annoyance. But he was just doing his job.

"Thanks, but no need to worry. His taxi broke down after he dropped me off. So he said he was going to get some help."

"Really? But he's nowhere around."

"He's bound to turn up."

The watchman stood and looked at me for a second. And then he sniffed again. A look of recognition flashed across his face. And then he seemed to be suppressing a smile.

"Okay madam. Sorry to disturb you." he bit his lower lip, and walked away.

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I closed the door and lightly banged my head against it. He had clearly smelled the sex on me, and put two and two together. I hoped he wouldn't blab to too many people. Oh well, even if he did, I was planning to move to the US after my visa came through anyway.

The driver walked out of the bedroom. I looked at him.

"My name is Huma qureshi ." I said and giggled.

"I am Daljit." he said and smiled.

We both smiled at the awkward irony of the fact that we were learning each other's names only after having sex.

"Did you hear?"

"Yes, I did. What do you want me to say to them when I leave?"

"Don't say anything. Just drive off."

He nodded.

"Let me get your shirt." I walked to the washing machine. It was still wet. I didn't think he would mind.

Daljit quietly took the shirt and buttoned it up. He then took the cash out of his pocket. Kept 400 rupees back in his pocket. Kept the rest on the coffee table. I didn't say anything.

I walked up to him. He took me in his embrace. His hands reached for my skirt, pulled it up, and fondled my naked ass. I wonder if he intended irony by doing the same thing that had made me sour on Abir.

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"I'll never forget this night." he said and pecked me on my lips.

I nuzzled his chest hair. As he let me go, he respectfully pulled the skirt down.

"Daljit." I said as he opened the door.

"Yes memsaab?"

"Do you.........have a cellphone number?"

A look of worry and then shame flashed across his face. He looked down at the floor and said,

"Yes I do but........."


"I am happily married. With two kids. I am.....please don't me wrong...I mean tonight was......."

"No need to explain." I smiled.

"Bye memsaab."

[Image: C9xvQp2VwAE7aCY_4eada38e-9680-42ed-ac4b-...1492689806]

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