Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
(05-01-2020, 07:20 AM)Krish World Wrote: When you wrote their first sexual unison in the beginning, the thrill of the past is lost. The story started to boring. As now we have already known lot about their mating, the seduction is no more interesting. If you had reserved the first sexual unison as the last episode of past, it would have been very interesting. More interested to see what is going to happen next in future. Good update.

Yes, i accept this.  Smile
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Can you please focus on the present situation
Some would say I am the REVERSE 
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I hope that we don't discouraged (with our comments and statements!) "Game40it" to continue this explicit story.
This would be very unfortunate and a great pity...
I'm looking forward (and think many other readers too) to an update soon,
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(05-01-2020, 07:20 AM)Krish World Wrote: When you wrote their first sexual unison in the beginning, the thrill of the past is lost. The story started to boring. As now we have already known lot about their mating, the seduction is no more interesting. If you had reserved the first sexual unison as the last episode of past, it would have been very interesting. More interested to see what is going to happen next in future. Good update.

Yes, it's true.
But curiosity remains on Meera's reaction over truth.

We have limited knowledge on Prabhu's post marriage action and reactions. Without knowledge of past behaviours, present may not be appreciated properly.

I think, we are very close to climax! We have to show our patience. Even people are not commenting as they are very anxious!
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Sorry everyone, I did not have my laptop for last few days. I only did the translation into Tamil my last post in English only yesterday. I will try to write one episode today.
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This is it Prabu thought, this is the make or break point. Am I going to get that heavenly body or am I going to get heavy berating or maybe even beating. If there is no risk then there is no reward. The reward here is something he has been dreaming about for so many weeks now. He had a certain confidence that he had assessed her right. She is ready but she doesn’t know it and she won’t make any steps. He had to do it. He has to push her over the edge of sexual debauchery. Once that mental barrier is overcome Prabu believed she had a high degree of libido that has been supressed and is lying dormant for the right person to awaken it. He was the one who was going to do awaken that simmering volcano of lust that belied her wholesome image.

He didn’t go to Saravanan’s house for two days. Meera was beginning to wonder what had happened. She was in a flux. She needed to know what happened but unless he called or came there, she would not be able to find out. She herself would not be able to call him. Finally desperately she decided to call his house. If his parents or sister picked up the phone, she would keep the phone down without speaking. Even then it took a lot of courage for her to call his house. She took the receiver in her hands several times and put it back without calling him. After a great debate within herself she finally made the call with trembling fingers. She suspected that he was still upset about his broken love affair with the white woman. She actually felt a little jealous that the woman had such a hold on him. Him thinking of the day they broke up must have stirred all his old feelings within him.
He actually was quite cheerful all this time when he was here. In fact, that was how he was from the time my husband introduced him to me. Why this sudden change of mood. Why this sudden pining for his lost love. This greatly puzzled Meera. Something else must have triggered this but what is it she wondered.
The phone rang for awhile without anyone picking it up. Her heart was racing as the phone rang. Her courage failed her and she was about to put down the phone when someone on the other side picked up the receiver.
“Hello? Who is it?”
It was his voice, she had a little surge of emotions in her heart. “Hello, it’s me.”
He recognised her voice immediately. He had a great feeling of victory. She was going to be his. No question about it now.
“Hello, Meera, very surprised you called me,” though he was feeling elated he kept his voice dull.
“Hey, Prabu, what happened? You are missing for some time. Are you okay?”  
“Actually I am feeling a quite upset and sad. I am in no mood to go anywhere.”
“It’s because of your old girlfriend isn’t it? I know. Don’t be sitting around alone feeling morose. At least come and talk to me …. Or your friend,” Meera added as an afterthought meaning for him to speak to her husband.
This is what Prabu wanted. “I don’t know … I feel so sad, I want to be alone.”
“That’s not good. You better come here, at least you may feel better if you talk things over with me, I insist.” Meera said firmly.
As if very reluctant he said okay. “My parents and sister have gone out regarding matching her horoscope for a proposal received, I’ll come once they are back. They should be back anytime now.”
After Prabu kept the phone he smiled to himself. This was unexpected. He just wanted to wait three days before going to see her, but he never expected her to call. This may not be a big deal in the big cities, but this was very unusual for a woman in a place like this. He was sure he was going to successfully seduce her now.
Meera thought to herself, poor fellow is so upset that his love had broken up. This must have been his first love. I myself had never fallen in love when I was single so I don’t know that feeling or what it would be like if that love is broken off, she thought. It must really be really painful, I must try to console him. That is what friends are for. She tried to convince herself that concern was the only reason she had called him.
She heard the sound of Prabu’s motorbike stopping in front of her house. She eagerly went and opened the door. He walked in with a very sad look on his face. There wasn’t the usual cheerfulness in his face. This was a different Prabu that she was seeing.
“Come in, come in,” she welcomed him into her house.
He walked in slowly and sat on the sofa.
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” she asked him.
“Okay,” he said without his usual enthusiasm whenever she offered him coffee.
I must cheer him up she thought to herself as she walked into the kitchen. She came back in ten minutes with a hot tumbler of coffee and handed it to him. He took it in his hand but kept it on the table without drinking it.
“Come on, drink your coffee. What’s wrong with you, why are you so sad, drink up.”
“No, it’s hot. I’ll drink in a while,” he said in a lifeless tone.
She sat beside him on the sofa and spoke to him softly, trying to console him.
“Are you still thinking of that white woman? She does not understand your love. Why must you be sad thinking of her, besides it’s already more than a year now. Try to forget her.”
Prabu looked at her and said,” how did you know that it is because of my ex lover?”
“Well it’s written clearly on your face but tell me one thing.”
“You did not seem to miss her from all the time I know you but why this sudden change. I don’t understand.”
“Meera, you don’t know how close we were. Don’t think of me wrong but we lived like husband and wife over there. For me it was strange but for her culture it was okay. Since I thought she would be my wife I too behaved as she wanted me to.”
Meera thought, what I thought was correct. He has been sexually intimate with her. His confirmation of what she suspected again induced a feeling of jealousy though she did not recognise it as such.
“Is that the reason you cannot forget her because you too had sex together.”
“No, it’s not that but I really loved her.”
“But you didn’t seem to miss her all this while you were here and coming to see me …us.”
“It was in the back of my mind but I did not show it. Also spending time here with you helped me to forget but I always thought that she would change her mind one day and call me but…..”
Prabu’s face was down not being able to speak anymore.
“But??? What changed now,” Meera asked again placing her hand on his shoulder in a sympathetic gesture.
“Now …my friend called me to say that he heard she was getting married in two days time. She wanted to call and tell me but didn’t know my number here.”
“So that’s the reason for this sadness. Life goes on, you will get over it.” She raised his head up, “we are here for you, don’t worry, things would become okay.”
Prabu looked at her and said huskily,” actually spending time with you made me slowly forget her it was just that hearing she was getting married stirred some old feelings within me.”
Meera did not know what to say so kept silent.
Prabu continued,” Now I am thinking why am I being so stupid. When I see you now she seems so unimportant to me.
Prabu hand slowly held her by her shoulders, his eyes met hers for a few moments then, before she realised he leaned forward and his lips latched on to hers. Soft lips were rubbing on soft lips.
He broke off the kiss for a few seconds,” you mean more to me now, you make me forget everything else.” His lips met her lips once more as he kissed her passionately. She forgot herself for a few moments and let him kiss her. It was only when his hands moved from her shoulder to her breast that she realised what she was doing. She quickly pushed him away and got up.
“What are you doing…this is wrong.. my god,” she started crying now. Not so much because he kissed her but because she let him and for a few moments her heart also welcomed his kiss.
“Meera, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me, please don’t cry.”
Meera started crying loudly, “please go away, I want to be alone, please go.”

“Don’t say anything, just go…” she ran to her room and locked her door.
He quickly walked up to the room and could hear her sobbing. He tried calling for sometime but there was no response from her. Have I been too hasty, Prabu had that after thought.
Prabu felt he cannot push it now and he left. The next few days was him calling, cajoling, begging and she not answering the call at first.

“Meera I know I did wrong but I just could not help myself, please understand.”
“I’m so sorry to have upset you but I was also sad at that time and you were my only consolation. I know it’s wrong but you completely taken over my soul. I just could not control myself.
Prabu’s one believe that he would succeed was that she did not mention what happened between them to Saravanan. So, it was likely that subconsciously she welcomed his advances.
 For Meera, slowly listening to his explanations and begging slowly melted her heart.  With her own feelings of longing also becoming stronger, she on that fateful day gave herself to him.
Prabu could not sleep in the bus thinking of all this that had happened on that day more than two years ago. He did not want to think of his father’s situation as it would only give him greater anxiety, so he tried to distract himself by thinking of their first illicit coupling…
He had taken his time making love to her that day. They had kissed passionately for more than 15 minutes before he had even moved to undressing her and sucking on her breast. He had tasted every inch of her body to see her reactions and note her sensitive points. Her beautiful fleshy breasts were one of them. Her distended nipple was tortured by his lips and tongue. He suckled on those two rubbery half inch points that had suckled two kids. Her exposed breasts were all that he dreamt they would be when they had been covered by her clothing. They were big and firm and beautiful.
At last he could knead that warm flesh, drink on those sweet nipples. She had a great body for a mother of two kids. She was naturally slim. She did not specifically do anything to keep herself slim. She was lucky in that way. He had kissed and licked every inch of her soft but firm stomach. She had squirmed when he had done that. It was something she was not used to. So it was even more enjoyable for her. She had trim black curls in a triangle around her pussy. At last he was seeing that fabulous treasure that only Saravanan had seen. He went one better than Saravanan. Not only had his fingers explored all her sensitive erotic spots in her pleasure tunnel but his tongue was the first tongue to know the sweetness of their taste. She was so aroused that she had plenty of love juice to feed him to his hearts content. Drink he did on the nectar of her open flower. He drank till her body shuddered in ecstasy.
Finally he was able to take her chastity fully. She lay there on her back, her legs spread open and pressed back up to her sides. Her pussy was thrust out with the petals of her womanhood open ready for his pole to enter into her body. He thrust his rod in, inch by inch. Her mouth would gasp as each inch of his hot flesh rubbed tightly against her wet tight flesh as it entered in. The gold mangalsutra lying between her breasts caught his eyes as he was penetrating her pussy. It evoked conflicting emotions in him. It excited him in showing that he was stealing someone else’s property but made him slightly uneasy that that someone else was his friend.
He started pumping slowly. His hot hard flesh moving in and out slowly pulling her wet inner flesh along on his flesh. Soon his thick love pole was coated with her sticky fluid. His cock went in and out of her pussy more easily. Her hands that were gripping and crushing the bedsheet slowly came around over his back. Her legs locked over his as body gently thudded on her. He squeezed and sucked on her nipples as his hips slowly gathered momentum.
“Meera, humph…humph……”
“hhaa…     hhaa…. hhaa…. Prabu… ng.. hhaa… ng….,” Meera’s moans were in rhythm to her gasping. 
“mm….. mmm…..  ,” Prabu’s kissing would periodically muzzles her groans of pleasure.
Fucking Meera was all Prabu thought it would be, in fact more than what he thought it would be.  Seeing her face contorted in pleasure made even more blood gush into his cock making it expand even further and hard as steel. The grip of her fingers on his back and her hands running over them with her nails raking his body told him that she was also feeling that same degree of pleasure he was.
Sweat slowly started drenching their bodies because of the immense sexual heat they were generating. At that time it was not love but pure lust, they needed to douse the intense lust with their love fluid. She was wailing, sniffling, crying not in pain but with uncontrollable pleasure. Prabu was afraid he would not be able to control himself because he finally was fucking the woman who had captured his mind from the first day he saw her but he was determined to take her to heaven before he sought his own release.
“Prabu…sss… ohh….  ohh…. god… ohh….”
Prabu had been humping for about ten minutes when with a great sob Meera’s body started spasming. ‘AAhhh……..,” a great cry escaped her as she tightly clung on to his body, biting into his shoulder. Her body trembled for over a minute as waves and waves of bliss washed over her body.
Prabu was not far behind in a few minutes after that his humping became ragged and fast. “Meera I’m going to come, can I?”
He was asking to bathe her womb with his seed.
Meera still had enough wits about her. “Don’t shoot inside…please.”
Prabu just before he came quickly pulled out. His cock jerked four or five times as it spewed it’s thick fluid over her pubic hair and stomach. They did not make love again that day as it was getting late. However, after that day we did it so many times in so many ways all over her house Prabu thought. He somehow fell asleep. When he reached his hometown very sad news awaited him. While he was thinking of Meera on his way home his father had passed away just before sunrise. He had not been able to see his father alive for the last time at least.      
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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Super update.
Thinking about Meera birthday and prabu gifts.
Finally into present. Hopefully more interesting things happen from here.
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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so now prabhu's father is no more............
he must think due to his illicit affair He had not been able to see his father alive for the last time at least.

lets see what happens next........ in the scenerio
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A barrier in between their affair, prabhu's father is dead now. Now nobody is there to stop prabhu from pursing his full power toward meera. Meera is eager too.
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great story

waiting the nexttttttt

thank you bossssssssssss
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nice update bro
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(09-01-2020, 07:06 PM)fasterboy Wrote: A barrier in between their affair, prabhu's father is dead now. Now nobody is there to stop prabhu from pursing his full power toward meera. Meera is eager too.

Absolutely right 
(sravanan, his two kids, prabu's wife, his kid and prabu's mother.) if i haven't missed any one then only 6 more to kill
Some would say I am the REVERSE 
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(10-01-2020, 02:18 AM)Theflash Wrote: Absolutely right 
(sravanan, his two kids, prabu's wife, his kid and prabu's mother.) if i haven't missed any one then theirs only 6 more to kill

Good one. After killing all, they can have a life long affair in jail. 

I still looked out for few things as part of seduction. 

1. How prabu convinced meera to do blowjobs
2. How he made her talk bad words 
3. When he bought the pink jasmine first and what meera felt when he placed it in her head. Usually, women allow only their husband to place the flowers in head and kumkum in forehead. 
4. Did they do Anal sex?
5. What other kinky plays prabu did on meera body?
6. Their mating in kitchen, sofa, etc.
7. Did he tease or play with her body, navel, breasts while saravanan is around. 
8. Did they ever had oral or sex during the nights
9. Did prabu express his wish about seeing her pregnant or drinking milk from her breast.
10. How did meera manage to hide the love bites from her body to saravanan. 
11. What was meera reaction after their first mating. 
12. How did he convinced her the second time and removed the guilt from her mind.
13. Did prabu spoke to meera about his uncle daughter during the time of affair by any chance. How did he increase the jealous in her and enjoy her.
14. After the old lady arrived, did prabu or meera got angry with saravanan for spoiling their affair. Did meera ever tried to send her back. 
15. During the time of affair, did meera anytime felt like she would have been happy if prabu was her husband and did she tell that to him?
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(10-01-2020, 04:37 AM)NovelNavel Wrote: Good one. After killing all, they can have a life long affair in jail. 

I still looked out for few things as part of seduction. 

1. How prabu convinced meera to do blowjobs
2. How he made her talk bad words 
3. When he bought the pink jasmine first and what meera felt when he placed it in her head. Usually, women allow only their husband to place the flowers in head and kumkum in forehead. 
4. Did they do Anal sex?
5. What other kinky plays prabu did on meera body?
6. Their mating in kitchen, sofa, etc.
7. Did he tease or play with her body, navel, breasts while saravanan is around. 
8. Did they ever had oral or sex during the nights
9. Did prabu express his wish about seeing her pregnant or drinking milk from her breast.
10. How did meera manage to hide the love bites from her body to saravanan. 
11. What was meera reaction after their first mating. 
12. How did he convinced her the second time and removed the guilt from her mind.
13. Did prabu spoke to meera about his uncle daughter during the time of affair by any chance. How did he increase the jealous in her and enjoy her.
14. After the old lady arrived, did prabu or meera got angry with saravanan for spoiling their affair. Did meera ever tried to send her back. 
15. During the time of affair, did meera anytime felt like she would have been happy if prabu was her husband and did she tell that to him?

Why did Prabhu sleep so early? It seems he is not that much interested in continuing the affairs. Now only Meera has the answer to the above questions. Anyway, continuing affairs will not be that much easier, knowing it's no more secret. Meera's children are also grown up now.
Did author jumped to present to fulfill readers demand?
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(10-01-2020, 08:17 AM)manas Wrote: Why did Prabhu sleep so early? It seems he is not that much interested in continuing the affairs. Now only Meera has the answer to the above questions. Anyway, continuing affairs will not be that much easier, knowing it's no more secret. Meera's children are also grown up now.
Did author jumped to present to fulfill readers demand?

you are right............. there is no need to jump in well....... when water is out on ground

why, when & how has no value.... now
only what............ what will they and all other knowers do.............matters
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(10-01-2020, 12:58 PM)kamdev99008 Wrote: you are right............. there is no need to jump in well....... when water is out on ground

why, when & how has no value.... now
only what............ what will they and all other knowers do.............matters

"Meera knowing the truth" is the all important milestone of this story. Let's see what author has in his mind.

What ever be Meera's reaction; I, however, sincerely want Meera should ensure that the truth is known to Prabhu-wife. Prabhu also must face the music of real life.
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(10-01-2020, 02:02 PM)manas Wrote: "Meera knowing the truth" is the all important milestone of this story. Let's see what author has in his mind.

What ever be Meera's reaction; I, however, sincerely want Meera should ensure that the truth is known to Prabhu-wife. Prabhu also must face the music of real life.

The only people suffered due to the affair of Prabu and Meera are Saravanan and Prabu father. These two men did nothing wrong, but suffering for no fault of theirs.

In the old age, thinking about what his son had done, the poor old man got ill and finally died. He did not want to see his son face till death. Fortunately, his wish was fulfilled.

Saravanan with some mental courage waited for more two years to see his wife turning back to normal. he put all his efforts to bring her back to old meera. His genuine efforts to keep Meera happy as his wife also went in vain. what he saw is meera getting more and more thoughts about prabu and dreaming about her life with him many times a day. This has taken all the peace of mind of saravanan.  Now, without knowing on the next steps, he is waiting for prabu's arrival to take a decision. 

Prabu and Meera, both should be punished in some way or other. Meera should lose her children and husband  and prabu should lose his wife and child. They have to be humiliated by the people of the town, their family and children. Meera should realize what kind of life saravanan had given her and what she had given in return to him by becoming bitch of prabu.
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After knowing the truth, meera should think what made her cheat her husband. It is her body and her proud about it. Only the sexual heat of her body made her to make love with prabu and become unfaithful wife. Prabu only liked her body and exploited it to the fullest. She should get anger over her beauty and for giving it to someone other than husband and enjoyed. She should light herself and lose all her beauty after being saved. She should be humiliated by her children, and people of town for her ugly look. Every time she see the mirror, it should remind the blunder she did to her family. Even prabu should ignore and hate her. Saravanan should take care of her and remove her tears and let her know that he is a true man who love only the heart and not the beauty. She must fall in his feet, cry and apologize for everything she has done and beg him to forgive her. Just one of the thought.
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