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Grandma,” now I will watch marriage of my grand daughters and ofcourse daughter.”

Maa sahib,” yeah I have heard tribal costumes are great, I have never attended any one of them , to be my own marriage it will be awesome.”

Bhama,” so what is custom.”

Guard,” for that you have to be part of our clan, our clan wisewoman will explain about it. If you permit tonight is first moon night and our clan meeting wiil be held outside the palace, you are invited to attend it, it is our luck Maa sahib is present in first moon night ever in our clan, she always comes stays for 4 to
5 days. Please it is my request to attend.”

Then all came out of palace, women stood suurounding a woman in her 60s, she is eldest among them, male were nude completely, they were holding children and near to breast and standing a little away from women, women had leaf crown on their heads, maa sahib also had one, they all stood. Now the woman started to sing stories about fairytales, suns, moons, weather, medicine, forest. After she finished she asks any question.

Maa sahib,” I want to know what are marriage customs as per tribal style.”

Woman,” it is called coming of age, any boy when attends marriagable age dreams about getting a strong warrioress woman as his female husband. A girl also dreams a docile beautiful big breasted virgin boy as his wife. The girl will decide which boy she will marry. When she will see the boy moving with his friends, she will approach him with a horse, boy should be fetching water for his home. At this time she will request the boy can he give some water , she is thirsty. If boy really likes her , he will offer water to girl from his earthened pot carrying on his hips, he will drop his saree showing his
breasts to show the girl that he likes her, it is now girls duty to show her strength she is worthy for the
boy. The girl drinking water will see his breasts, in a swift motion she will lift the boy and place him on
her horse, if nearby men prevent her successfully from kidnapping the boy then it is assumed that girl has less strength to protect her future wife, she is unfit for the boy, her strength is less, if girl gets successful in kidnapping she will ride the horse with the boy to boy’s cottage, she will remove the saree of boy making him nude. As nudity is symbol of married men, each married men has to remain nude always. The boy stands nude in front of cottage, his parents see him in this condition, as he is symbolised married , a married man’s home is his female husband’s home, he has no role in his maternal home. The boy will not be allowed to enter his cottage, now no where to go he goes to his abductor’s cottage, requests her to accept him as her wife, now panchayat will be organised, the boy will dance in front of girl, feed her tasty foods from his own hands, suck her pussy, massage her body and plead her to accept him. If the girl denies means she is not satisfied with the boy, she loved him, she had shown her valour but boy is not adept in pleasing woman not a suitable wife. Then boy is declared as clan whore, he will be ousted from clan, provided a cottage far away from settlement, his job will be to satisfy any man or woman inside from clan or outside clan. If the girl agrees the boy and girl will be married in public, having sex there. Thsi procees is same for a widow man who lost his female husband, as he is widow now he will not be naked all total.”

Maa sahib,” what if woman loves other woman or man loves man.”

Elder woman,” woman can marry woman in same procedure as I said, one will be husband other wife, as man is weak sensitive he can not lead a family. So both men have to agree to a woman who will take
them both as wives, with Panchayat’s permission she can marry both keep them together, only both men can have sex with each other from permission of their female husband.”

Bhama,” i will marry 1st in vedic ritual then in tribal ritual.”

Maa sahib,” ok , i will marry in tribal ritual, one woman and man.”

Elder woman,” even a husband is strong when she have multiple wives jealousy will persist among wives, it will destroy family peace, so if you wish another rule is that you can prioritize among wives in serially, in your absence they high prior wife will act as husband to low prior wife, so peace will be maintained.”

Maa sahib,” very good, then I decide my female wife be my 1st priority, but I have a small doubt man can bring water, no woman will bring water on her hips, how will approach her to marry.”

Elder woman smilingly,” simply in a forest two tigress can not rule, one will be bossy over other. Pure brutal power of subjugation, you will force her where she may be, drag her here, may be she opposes you, may be she is not interested in women sexually, may be she is powerful than you. So she will fight you wrestle you, you have to be brutal, the winner of wrestling will bang looser till she passes out, its nature’s law, rule of fittest.”

Ok, then tomorrow you can start for approaching marriage.

Suddenly in one bike a woman came looked like muscle goddess, behind her was a person in a black veil. She stopped, she was sweating much. She removed her helmet. It is kiran dembala.
Maa sahib,” so kiran where have you come.” Kiran touched Maa sahib’s feet.
Elder woman,” kiran , you are pride of our clan, I am proud of you my daughter.”

Kiran Dembala the famous actress bodybuilder and power lifter from ooty, her husband to outside world is paki shemale rubina dembala was standing nude behind her as per tradition of clan to married men.

Kiran,” so Bhama finally we met.”

Bhama,” yes kiran, i hve been waiting for it.”

Devi,” didi you know Kiran madam, she is my ideal.”

Kiran,” Devi, your sister and I are fierce rival, no one else in earth can beat me except your sister, so will you be my wife accept me as your husband till you stay at ooty.”

Bhama,” kiran I have been waiting for thsi time, I want to make you my wife and treat me as your husband.”

Devi,” what are you speaking didi, both of you are my idol, do not harass us.”
Kiran,” ohoo Devi, you went so serius, we always make such nasty jokes, we are sisters, iron sisters to world.”

Bhama,” do not worry Devi we will never do ever such act, relax baby.”

Kiran and Bhama hugged each other like two mountains meeting each other. Kiran to krishna namaste Bhabhi, hope my iron sister treats you well.
Bhama ,” no I am not like you fucking wife in movie , showing his breast to world.”

Kiran,” do not worry you will be doing that soon after you take your man officialy as wife.” Bhama,” will you dance in my marriage or not.”
Kiran,” is there any doubt, I will postpone all my schedules to your wedding, after that we will again participate in strong man of world competition.”

Kiran,” but tomorrow is marriage of Maa sahib how will i miss it.”

Morning came, Bhama’s father, Krishna, Raji, Joseph went to fetch water to a nearby spring. It was Maa sahib riding a horse came asked for water, whole estate employees were looking in eager. Bhama’s father dropped his saree showing full breast , suddenly he felt a jerk in his hand and he found on top of horse on lap of Maa sahib, it was so fast no one ever expected Maa sahib is so expert in it, she removed
Bhama’s fathers saree disrobing him and placed him at centre of cottages where all have assembled and left.

She went inside a cottage where Krishna’s mother was staying, she forcefully lifted her and brought to centre and challenged her to be her wife, it was a wrestling which was one sided, with very feeble attempt Krishna’s mother subjugated to force of Maa sahib.

Now panchayat was held, Bhama’s father danced , fed to Maa sahib his own home made food with his own hand and sucked her pussy for long time. Then Krishna’s mother did same except dance and cooking food. Maa Sahib accepted both brother and sister as her wives. She also declared Krishna’s
mother as 1st priority in her wives. Now both brother and sister were named again, Bhama’s mother was
named Menaka, and Krishna’s mother Urvashi. It is now for marriage ritual.

Maa sahib took a bamboo ansh, she dipped it some ink and tattooed her name in around genital reagion of both brother and sister. She took a needle, pierced one of nipples of Menaka and Urvashi, inserted a golden ring on pierced nipple. She again pierced their navels and inserted navel rings. Maa sahib took mangalsutra in her hand tied on necks of both nude man and woman, she also filled sindur on their forehead. Menaka and Urvashi touched feet of Maa sahib, both were nude, only maa sahib was wearing cloth. Then final part was there, Maa sahib inserted a slender double ended dildo in her pussy, and
other part was quite thick and long , as thick as water bottle( 7 inch girth), length 8 inch, it was oiled by tea tree oil. Maa sahib pussed Urvashi first on all four with a strong force rammed the dilido into her pussy and started to fuck till she passed out in pain, all women gave war cry FUCK FUCK FUCK continuously and Maa sahib was howling in pleasure, then Maa sahib inserted the dilido in Urvashi’s anus, it was so swift, so large, Urvashi had never taken such a long one in her ass , it was Maa sahib who took her anal virginity before her break up with Maa sahib, it has been 22 years, moreover tee tree oil
has dried up in first sex. It felt like a knife cuttibg through her soft anal flesh, she opened her mouth
wide but pain was unbearable, Maa sahib had no mercy just enjoyed her own pleasure. Urvashi fainted, Menaka poitioned himself besides his sister Urvashi, a golden cup was tied to his waist resting below directly his penis. Maa sahib removed dildo from Urvashi’s ass and inserted sharply in Menaka’s ass. Menaka moaned in pleasure, Krishna was surprised.

Bhama,” my father was used to it, from beginning of his marriage he was wearing saree, taking care of house, he even touched our feet when we turned 12 years.”

Soon Menaka was moaning with pleasure, his penis spurted cum into golden cum, but fucking continues, he ejaculated 3 times filling half of cup. The elder woman came took out dildo from Maa sahib’s pussy, she took out half filled golden cup with man cum. Woman took the cup in her hand prayed to goddess and emptied completely into Maa sahib’s pussy chanting,” let this sacred union produce strong girls to carry her mother’s name and tradition , let your first born is a girl and give you prosperity, let this unborn in future will get a suitable good male wife.” She held cup near to /maa sahib’s pussy, some cum mixed with Maa sahib’s pussy juice came out, elder woman again collected the mixed sex fluid of man and woman. She told Maa sahib to feed this mixture to both of her wives and follow her words while feeding. Maa sahib fed them while speaking,” I Maa sahib husband of yours thank to goddess for giving me such devoted wife. You have satiated my hunger by feeding me your
food and satisfying my sexual needs by submitting your soft ass to me. I am satisfied to me, as a token of my thanks to my beloved wife I am feeding our love juice, mixed with my pussy fluid , it will rejuvenate you, keep you healthy and beautiful and sexy for rest of time.”
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tomorrow I will post, busy now
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Ok dear

Update tomorrow means today

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Update tomorrow means today

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sorry buddy, my harddisk crashed , restored os. shopkeeper said it will take him 7 more days to recover files
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A offer to mother goddess in tribal life
Prerna was seventeen when they lost everything. This of course was not how his parents chose to see things; they preferred to use words like "embracing change" and "fresh beginnings," but Prerna saw things for what they were. For all his father's promises and creative re-wordings, they were unsuccessful, floundering, bereft, and now all that was left was to turn tail and run.

The farmhouse was a far cry from the lavish penthouse they had called their own. Here, the high ceilings were adorned with splintering exposed rafters, rather than the gleaming steel and glass of the home he had always known. Instead of a city of human rabble laid out before their feet,
theirs for the taking, in the shadow of this crumbling house there was nothing but dust and grass. He was disgusted.

His parents were pleased with the move. His mother had always held 'Mother Nature' in high regard; vegan since time out of mind, she had imposed her lifestyle upon her family with an almost religious fervor. She in particular had embraced the move away from their life of "soulless steel," as she had always put it; the city had always been a cage to her, and it had always been her prayer to return to the land with which she identified so closely. His father, of course, reaped the benefits of her newfound joy: Although in public his mother celebrated her
favored pagan holidays with an almost tongue-in-cheek, light humor, even from two floors above
them Prerna could hear the sounds of their raucous, celebratory lovemaking.

Although Prerna said nothing in the awkward, silent mornings that followed, they found his inability to make eye contact with them somewhat troubling. What they did not know, of course, and what he would never dare to share, was his silence was born of humiliation, not derision. They need not know he holed up in his room because his hands remembered too well the shape
of his mother's body, or that his own flesh responded to each sound that wafted from her room to his. He had not touched her since his earliest days, falling asleep to the thump of her heart
beating soft against his temple, his small hands still clutching at her breast, but somehow that knowledge only served to stir him further. In the cool of night, his lights long doused, his
breathing long slowed to mimic the sounds of sleep, he listened to them. He imagined her hair, falling dark and thick in locks to her waist. He envisioned her skin, the Shremoye deep brown of
the doe that haunted their fields in early morning. He gripped himself, too tight; awoke sore and raw and weak from desperate fantasies and sweat-slick dreams.

These secret pleasures were small comfort. They left him feeling uncomfortable and more alone than before. The space between him and his family grew wider by the day; in time he came to avoid even his mother's briefest smiles, her smallest touch. Consequently, Prerna was left with no desire to further explore the miles of farmland and forest that surrounded him. So caught up was he in his misery and self-pity that it took him more than a year to find the little glade, and still longer before he met the woman who would be his ruin.

Winter was fast approaching when at last he ventured out. The ground was hard beneath his feet;
the heavy thud of his graceless footsteps carried easily, announcing his presence to all within
earshot. He turned a corner and the forest opened before him. He stood at the foot of a hill, his feet at the edge of a narrow stream, his shoulders brushing branches hanging low over the glade's entrance. His skin pebbled with gooseflesh; the hair at the back of his neck stood up. This was a secret place. This place was hidden from the world. This place was his.

Without thinking he stepped out of his shoes, barefoot and trembling as he passed through the stream. On the other side the grass was thick and lush. It softened his steps, guarding and concealing his passage through this temple. His lips parted in a wordless sigh. His hands raised to his shirt, lifting it up and over his already sweat-slick back. He dropped it to the forest floor, forgotten offering in a forgotten sanctuary. His trousers soon followed, discarded even as he walked toward the hill that filled his line of vision. There was something there, he knew, something beautiful and strange, and the very thought of it stirred new heat in his veins.

The upward slope was a gentle one, soft beneath his feet. He followed as the path directed, his bare feet finding a carpet of tender, new grass laid out as if for him and him alone. The path lay beneath a lacework of branches and leaves, dappled with sunlight and shadow, but the hilltop itself lay naked to the sky, filled with brilliant brightness and surreal, bone-deep warmth. And she was there.

Prerna knew no other way to respond than to go to his knees before her. He tried to avert his eyes, but her presence drew him like a moth to flame. His eyes roved her body, all softness and curves and dark, lineless tan. Her eyes, the rich black-brown of fresh-tilled earth, met his and engulfed him entirely. Heat pooled low in his stomach. He opened his mouth to speak, but words fled.

"Prerna," she said. Her voice was his mother's, warm and inviting: the Shremoye silky tone he had only heard through walls and cracked-open doors. "At last."

She leaned down to him then. The curtain of her hair fell thick and dark over his line of sight. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of her, his lips parting as he felt her draw close. Her
skin brushed past his open mouth, and his body responded unequivocally. She laughed; it was
the sound of a stream over stones, of rain across the plains. She twined slender fingers in his hair and guided him upward.
Prerna pressed his mouth between her legs, hungrily lapping at her wet heat. His first taste of her would have been enough but against all probability she allowed him to go on. He traced the lines of her body, dragging teeth and tongue over her sweat-slick flesh, nuzzling greedily into the apex of her thighs. He groaned, broken and wordless; he longed for more and dared not ask.

She sensed his need and moved to accommodate it. Lying back in the grass she beckoned to him, spreading her legs as he crawled shamelessly to her on hands and knees. Servile and pleading he kissed every inch of her, running his tongue around the curve of her ankle, the slope of her knee, the hollows of her ribs with all the Shremoye attention he'd paid elsewhere. His teeth found her breasts, nipping lightly at taut flesh as her back arched against him. She raised her legs to him, ankles crossed at the small of his back, smiling even as she dug sharp nails beneath the lines of his shoulderblades. He bucked against her,
crying out at the unexpected pain, but there was nowhere to go but closer.

His lips pressed to the hollow of her throat, pale against her brown skin, gasping and weak in contrast to her even, steady breath. She would brook no further delay. She dug her heels into his back, bruising his spine, forcing him toward her. With a groan he slid into her slick heat, shuddering in the enveloping circle of her. She crooned her approval, her hips canting upward to beckon for more. His hips snapped in answer, driving his aching body into hers; she met the pain with a satisfied sigh, her sharp-edged smile growing only wider in answer.

Blood welled at his back, hot and thick beneath her hands; bruises pooled at his hips as he moved so deep he felt she might swallow him whole. Still it never seemed enough for her. For every encouraging noise she gave, every approving stroke of her hands across his wounded flesh, she silently begged him for what he could not seem to give. He was weak, human, less than her in every way. At last, frustrated, she grasped his shoulder with one chestnut hand, his hip with the other, and forced him to his back. Slim fingers curled at his throat, her palm pressing hard against his windpipe. He choked. His eyes watered as he stared up at her. "Life from me," she said. "Life for me."
She lowered herself onto him again, rolling her hips against his with a bruising, grinding force. Grass and dirt worked their way into the wounds at his back. He winced, but if she noticed his discomfort she gave no sign. Her hand tightened at his throat, clasping and releasing in time with her motions atop his captive form. Breath fled and returned at the rhythm she dictated; helpless and hopeless, he gave in to her. She felt his submission and reveled in it. Her dark head tipped back, black eyes to the sky, black hair falling in liquid waves down her back. She moaned affirmation and dug her claws into his neck. Her body tightened around him, sucking him dry with a hunger he could not begin to contemplate. Her knees scbangd against the ground below as she raised from his body again, then dropped back onto him with all her weight. A shaky plea
fell from his lips, but she was no longer listening.

Harder and faster she moved. Her grip grew stronger, and soon enough she forgot to release him altogether. He writhed beneath her violent motions, his hips jerking upward to meet each sharp thrust of her body against his own. His hands shook as he lifted them to her; she allowed him, at least, the touch of his hands against her breasts, the brush of his nails over her taut nipples. He felt his breath failing. Felt his vision start to blur. He shuddered, groaning mindlessly as he came inside her, grasping childlike at her breasts, her hips, her thighs, begging for more when no more would come. As his eyes rolled to whites beneath long, black lashes he felt her tense in answer, her victory cry a quiet moan as she flexed soft muscles around his exhausted body.

Panting, weary but renewed, she watched him die between her thighs. She did not move. She did
not speak. She felt life leave him and pour into her, its vivid heat seeping into every pore, every limb. She smiled. Hours passed as she knelt above him. His flesh whitened, fading, sinking into the earth of this bower she had made for him and him alone. His trap. Altar for the sacrifice he had never planned to give.

She rose. Her hand moved to the soft hollow between her thighs, catching every drop of moisture that tried to escape from her. She slid slim fingers into her body, sighing softly. Her tongue traced the lines of her parted lips. "Your offering is accepted," she told his corpse. Laughing, the mother returned from whence she came.
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