Adultery Dentist Dilemma
Mmmmm...huh...What the..." I said as I opened my eyes. I was in deep sleep and some movement and a tingling feeling woke me up.

The room was dark and I couldn't see what was going on but the tingling sensation just continued. That sensation was accompanied by slurping sounds. I saw a silhouette to my side with its end over my chest. The silhouette moved slightly and with its each move, the tingling sensation travelled all over my body. I could feel that my nipples were erect and wet; a tongue was working on them. Bursts of intense pleasure raced to my head and my breathing got heavier.

The fragrance of the aftershave emanating from the silhouette turned me on even more. His rough chin rubbed over the soft skin of my breasts intensified the pleasure, making me writhe. The silhouette moved across my chest and settled on my other breast. I moved my left hand towards the side table and switched on the night lamp. And there he was! My man! My lover!

"Aahh....Amol" I moaned as his tongue rolled over my erect nipples. He looked up to me and smiled. I returned the smile and he continued sucking my breasts. I grabbed his cock with my right hand and began jerking him. Amol let out a loud moan of pleasure. My soft, slender hands moved smoothly on his thick, hard cock. Amol was already erect and his cock soon oozed out pre cum making my hand wet.

If his cock was leaking, then my pussy was flowing. Amol's expert manipulation on my boobs was more than enough to make me ready for a hard fuck. Right now I was more than ready; I was desperate for his cock. Amol judged that and moved over my body. I raised my legs in the air and spread them as far as I could. Amol placed himself between them and pointed his cock at my pussy. He slapped his cock on my clit a couple of times and then slowly started inserting it.

"Aaahh..." I sighed as Amol's cock inched into me. Our wetness had made it very easy for him to penetrate me. Soon he was completely inside me. The length and the girth of his cock completely stuffed my pussy. This feeling of being full was amazing. Being completely buried inside me, Amol bent down to kiss me. The kiss was soft and tender making me feel dizzy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

After what seemed eternity, Amol broke the kiss. He raised him self on his hands. I braced my self for I knew that a storm of orgasms was about to follow. Amol slowly pulled his cock out to the edge of my pussy and pushed it back again very slowly. I sighed as his cock touched the deepest places inside my pussy. He started to fuck me with slow, long drawn strokes and then steadily increased his pace.

His cock made squishy sounds as it steadily drilled my pussy. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him for a kiss. We engaged in a wet, sloppy kiss, all the while as he fucked me. He broke the kiss and sat up on his knees. He held my legs with his hands and spread them wide.

Amol's cock was still buried inside my pussy and he started fucking me again. I grabbed the bed sheet tight and grit my teeth as Amol's stroking increased its pace.

"Oh yeah...Oh yeah....Yes...Fuck me like that!" I hollered, unmindful of the fact that I was in an apartment complex with people around us. I had become a shameless slut in the hands on this man who reciprocated my filthy language with deep hard thrusts. The bed creaked loudly from all the wild action happening over it. I was sure the downstairs neighbor, who by now would have lost their sleep, would be thinking that the bed was about to collapse.

But that was far from the truth. The bed that I was being fucked on and on which I had been fucked several times before this was as strong as the man who was fucking me.

Amol abruptly stopped his stroking and placed my feet on his shoulders. With this move, I was pushed ahead towards the head board and my ass was raised in the air. In this angle, Amol's cock would go deeper into my pussy. He then proceeded to fuck me with the same vigor and I moaned just like I did a minute ago.

His hard thrusts pushed me, banging my head against the head board, making loud 'thuds'. The moaning, panting, creaking and the thudding filled the room as our deepest carnal desires poured out. I looked at Amol whose face was dripping sweat. His every move made a few drops of sweat fall on my face and my lips. I licked his sweat off my lips, enjoying its salty taste. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of Amol's cock as it rubbed against my pussy walls.

I almost went into a state of trance and what brought me back were Amol's grunts and my impending orgasm.

"I am gonna cum baby...ahh...huh..." Amol moaned as his stroking became frantic and erratic.

"Me too...ummm..." I replied with short breaths. Amol then moved on to the top gear as the climax approached.

"Here it comes!! Take it baby!!" he screamed as his cock spurt out semen deep into my pussy.

"Aaaaahh...yeaaahhhh" I screamed too as the force of his orgasm triggered mine. He collapsed on top of me and I was almost knocked out from the orgasm. I just didn't realize when I fell asleep.

The annoying ring tone of my cell phone alarm woke me up. It never failed me. I had purposefully set that ringtone just to piss off my sleep.

I hurriedly switched it off and looked at the time. It was 6.30 am. I turned to look at Amol who was sleeping on his stomach, the blanket just covering his ass. I slowly tried moving out of the bed trying to avoid making any noise but the attempt miserably failed.

" awake sweetie?" Amol asked, barely opening his eyes. I nodded and went to the bathroom. After a quick shower I came out naked and dripping wet. I took the towel on the hanger near by and started drying my body. I then moved to the dressing table and switched on the hair dryer and started moving it over my head.

Amol, who by now was completely awake, got out of the bed and moved to the bathroom. I then heard a loud stream of piss running down the toilet and Amol moan loudly. I smiled to myself and kept combing my hair. He came out a few moments later and stood next to me. I saw him in the mirror, naked with his erect cock just a few inches from my cheek.

"You didn't wake me up properly today?" he asked with a cheeky grin on his face. The proper wake up referred to the blow jobs I gave him to wake him up. I just looked at him and smiled.

"I am not touching that. Every time I do, I get late" I said as I applied on moisturizer on my body.

"You get late...but you get laid as well" he said and chuckled.

"Haa...haa...Very funny" I replied making a mocking face.

"C'mon Sushmita...don't break the ritual. I know you love it. I know you want it" he said as he grabbed his cock and shook it.

I sighed, gave it a light kiss and got up. I walked around the room to gather my clothes. This was usual. Our love making was such that every time my clothes were strewn across the room.

"Aww...C'mon" He said, this time genuinely sad that I wasn't responding to him.

" have made a video of us, what good is it if you can't use it my absence" I said and giggled.

I picked up my bra which was lying over the night lamp and started wearing it. I then collected my panty which was lying on the bed. Amol moved quickly and snatched it out of my hand.

"I am keeping these..." he said.

"What the hell? already have a couple of them. I am running out of underwear." I replied, slightly agitated.

"But I have bought you several new pairs" he said as he kept the panty inside the drawer.

"Yeah...those are not the ones I can wear everyday." I said as I continued dressing. By now I had worn my jeans and put on my top. I slightly combed my hair, sprayed perfume on my self. I grabbed my hand bag and started moving towards the door.

Amol hurriedly wrapped a towel around his waist and followed me to the door.

"Can't you really stay back today? It's not like you husband is coming, he is 2000 miles away!" he said.

"Well...he is not coming but my in laws and my kids are" I said as I opened the door.

"So...when next?" Amol asked, standing half naked and proud at the door.

"I don't know...I will call you" I said and gave him a light kiss, turned back and moved to the elevator. I heard the door close and I entered the elevator.

I am a dentist with an established clinic in the swankiest suburb of Pune. Pune, one of the fastest growing cities in India, was where I was born and brought up. It was in this city itself that I completed my Bachelor's degree in dental surgery. When I was in school, Pune was just a small city in India known for its pleasant weather and its defense garrison. Pune was a quite city with almost no night life barring a few odd pubs in downtown. It was mockingly called the Pensioners Paradise.

Like the city, I too was not developed in school. I was what one calls a nerd. I was tall and skinny compared to other girls in my class. I had long and oily hairs which were always tied in a pony. My teeth were protruding and my father, being a well reputed dentist himself, fitted them a pair of braces. Braces might look cute on some girls, giving them the amateur girl next door look. But in my case, it made me look dorkier.

What made the case against me stronger that I was very good at studies. That's it! I was only good at studies. I was an introvert who seldom went to the playground to play with other girls or participate in any other extra curricular activities except those which had an academic angle to them.

From the above description, one can clearly make out that I was not the most popular girl in school and so it is easy to conclude that I had no boyfriends as well. The concept of boyfriend was as alien to me as sports. It wasn't that I didn't talk to any boy; it was just that my shy nature coupled with my nerdy looks kept boys away from me. I had several girl friends but all of them were nerds.

I neither had the face nor the base to catch the attention of the boys around me. I was almost a flat chested girl and my loose clothing made them almost invisible. I distinctly remember being call 'carom board' by the boys in my school. I was sad about the relative isolation which was forced upon me by my looks and my eremitic nature.

To compensate, I turned my attention towards academics. I was always at the top of my class in any academic exercise and won loads of academic competitions at various levels.

My father was a very well reputed and a well established dentist in the city and I had admired his profession since childhood. I too wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and become a dentist. My academic brilliance not only helped me secure a topper rank in the state board exams but also ensure a seat in one of the best dental colleges in the state. And thus I resumed on a 5 year journey to become a dental surgeon.

My physical blossoming happened in college. My jaw line by then was restored and the braces were no longer needed. I put on weight but because I had taken up yoga a couple of years ago, I maintained the fat I the right places. My boobs grew bigger and their shape improved as well.

From a dismal A cup in the first year they had grown to a desirable C cup by the time I was in the third year of my college. My ass was not fat neither was in very small. It was just perfect!

I had made some friends in college who had good fashion sense and they helped in my make over. My loose, dull clothing was replaced by fitting jeans and tops. My blossoming body also gave me the confidence to try on other clothes such as short skirts shorts.

An appealing body with a good fashion sense made me into a head turner. From being an unpopular girl in school, I was now one of the most popular girls in college. One can say that I had transformed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful, flawless swan.

But the nerd inside me still thrived. I was still the studious girl that I was in school and my academic performance didn't regress. Even though I was more confident than earlier; I was still a not into dating. Several boys from my class tried to hit on me but being the 'good girl' I paid not attention to their advances. My friends teased me about it but I just didn't care about all that stuff.

I had been raised in the typical Indian middleclass family where girls are taught to stay away from boys and that their love and attention is only reserved for the man who will be their husband and who will be chosen by their parents. Such girls, even if they are eager to mingle with boys, stay away because of the teachings and out of sheer fear of their parents. So, I too did not date anyone during my days in college.

After passing out with flying colors, I joined as an intern with my father from who I learnt the practicalities of being a dentist. In a couple of years I was handling patients on my own and I had created a client base for my self.

As is the ritual in India, I got married in my mid 20's to a guy called Vivek. Vivek was a dentist himself who also had an established practice. He was a student in the college where my father conducted guest sessions. He was not only an academically gifted boy, but also had a multi faceted personality. He was a regular participant in all the extra curricular activities that happened in his college. He was a sportsman, a theatre actor. One could say he was kind of a jock.

Vivek, with his charming personality swept me off my feet and we were married just a month after we met. I settled down with Vivek and his parents in one of the upscale neighborhoods in Pune where he had a large bungalow his father had built several years ago. My in laws were very loving, just like my husband and they always made me feel comfortable in the new surroundings that I was living in.

I joined Vivek in his clinic and we had another work station installed so that I could work on my patients. In a few months, I had established my own practice and had as steady string of clients. A couple of years later we were gifted with twins and my life seemed just perfect till the time my husband took up an opportunity to go abroad on a work assignment.

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for several years. He accepted the assignment not only because the money was good, but the international exposure would help him further his career back home when he would return. I couldn't join him because I couldn't get a work permit there and because we had a settled practice here. So it was decided; I and the kids will stay in India with my in laws and Vivek would go abroad for a couple of years and come back.

Even though I was very sad about his departure, I consoled my self on the belief that company of my two cute little kids, my so loving in laws and my parents who were just a few miles away from me. Along with that, I was also happy that I had a great career here.

Technology helped us reduce the distance. Vivek and I kept in contact through the internet and we had long video chats. But no amount of sophisticated technology could beat the physical company of my husband. Our busy lives coupled with the time differences between our nations made things very difficult for us to manage.

Even though Vivek had a very charming and attractive personality and was also pretty good looking, he was not dynamite in bed. The fist few years of our marriage were pretty satisfactory considering our absolute inexperience and the newness of the relationship but as with almost every marriage, the passing years had brought a sense of staleness to our sex lives. Even though we did introduce variations like trying out new positions and fetishes but it just didn't make the cut. I am not saying that I was not happy with the things the way they were but they could have been better.

Vivek's departure had made things worse. It not just created a lack of sexual gratification but also created an emotional void. I, being an introvert hardly shared anything with anyone but with Vivek it was very different. I used to talk to him about any thing and everything. He awakened the extrovert in me and was a very good listener. He always listened to what I had to say and also respected my views. Whatever was bothering me, he would have a solution to it. He wasn't just my husband but he was also my best friend, philosopher and guide.

Even though my husband was away from me and I so wanted to fill the void in my life but I never considered cheating on him. I was a good wife with a great career and one big happy family. It was until a chain of incidences that started 3 months ago that pushed me on the road to adultery. Three months ago I met Amol and my life changed....

Three months ago...

"Varsha...are there anymore patients?" I asked my assistant on the intercom.

"No madam...all the appointments are done for the day except for one patient referred to us by Mr. Deshpande." She replied.

"Well alright. Why don't you go home and I will shut down the clinic after this last patient. It is already getting late" I said.

"Ok madam. I will wind up and leave." She said and cut the call. This was an unusual thing. It was always I who left first and Varsha shut down the clinic but today I stayed back because of a lot of work and the last patient was a reference from my most regular patient.

Varsha left and I continued doing some work. It must have been 15 minutes after Varsha left that I sensed some movement in the clinic. I heard a knock on the door and I looked up. I saw a man enter with a smile on his face.

The first thing I noticed about this man was his height. He was definitely more than 6 feet tall perhaps reaching up to 6.3 feet. He had broad shoulders which gave him an imposing personality. He had a light stubble or as it is called 5'o clock shadow. He was dressed in formals which looked really sharp on him. He was wearing a white shirt and an ash colored trouser. His hair had started whitening a little giving him a mature look. He had an air about him that could make a girl weak in the knees.

I stared at him as he walked to my table with the same pleasant smile. He noticed my stare before putting his hand forward before speaking.

"Hi. I am Amol Kulkarni. Mr. Deshpande must have mentioned me." he said.

"Hello. I am Dr.Sushmita Paranjape. Yes, Mr. Deshpande did mention you." I said as I got up and shook his hands. After this introduction we both sat down on our respective ends.

"What is the problem?" I asked.

" left incisors are aching. Perhaps it is infected." He replied.

"Hmm...I will have to check to conclude that. Please sit on the chair." I said as I got up and walked towards the chair. Amol followed and sat on the table. I walked to the table and put on a pair of surgical gloves and mask before getting back to the chair.

"You really have a well decorated clinic." He said.

"Thank you so much" I replied with a light smile before asking him to open his mouth wide. He opened it and I checked his teeth. While I was checking his teeth, I noticed that he was checking me out. I had worn a kameez that day which was a little low neck and while attending to the patient, it gave a great view of my cleavage. Amol wasn't the first person to do this. Almost all my male patients took a peek and I had gotten used to it. One can say it was an Occupational Hazard.

After checking his teeth, I moved away from the chair and walked towards my desk. Amol got off the chair and followed.

"Well...there is an infection. We will have to get a root canal done." I said as I removed the mask and gloves.

"Okay, when should I come next time?" he asked.

"Why don't you come tomorrow and we can start on your treatment" I said as I wrote down a few medicines for him.
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Will dentist get seduced or tempted....

Amol showed up the next day as planned and his treatment started. Amol was a very jovial person and I liked his company. He had a great sense of humor but he also was knowledgeable about a lot of things. Even though he flirted with me, his flirting was not cheap and I just brushed it off.

I noticed several times that Amol constantly stared at me while I was treating him but dismissed it as nothing unusual.

Once he accidently (that's what he says now) brushed his arm against my breasts. Even though he apologized, I did feel a little odd. There were several such instances but I never thought of his intentions otherwise.

One evening, Amol was in my clinic as usual for his treatment. He sat at the other end of my desk and started talking.

"Doctor...I am very tired today. I don't want to be treated upon today. I just want to talk today." He said.

Well...I couldn't refuse him. All my appointments for the day were done and I was free anyways and so I agreed. While talking I came to know that he was senior sales manager for a software company who used to come to Pune often for his project. He had a family back in Mumbai where he was settled. His wife was a housewife and he had a 10 year old son. While talking I came to know that he was 41 years old. That is 10 years senior me but he didn't look a day older than my husband. One clearly could conclude that he took efforts to maintain himself. I also came to know how he knew Mr. Deshpande and I also told him a little about myself like my college life and all.

"Can I ask you a question? Why are there two work stations here?" Amol asked.

"It is my husband's work station." I said.

"You are married?" Amol said with a expression of shock.

"Yeah..." I replied and smiled. I thought it was just one of his usual flirting techniques.

"But you look like you have just passed out college" he said with a mischievous smile.

I giggled at him and showed him my mangalsutra which was hiding under my kameez.

"This college girl is not just married but also has kids." I said.

"I have never seen you husband." He said.

"Yes...because he now works abroad. He has been there for over six months now" I replied.

"That's ironic!"He said.

"Why?" I asked, confused as to what he meant.

"Ironic because you are so beautiful yet so lonely. Well...why are friends like me here. What do you think?" he said.

I immediately looked up at him. He had a suggestive smile. I immediately gauged his intentions but still wanted to make sure if that what he exactly meant.

"What do you mean Mr. Kulkarni?" I asked sternly.

" are so beautiful and must be hungry for attention with your husband being away. If you need any 'company' then call me" he said with a mischievous smile.

His words pissed me off to no bounds. I stopped writing the prescription I slammed the pen on the table.

I looked at him and said, "Look Mr. Kulkarni, I am not lonely and I don't need you company. The only reason I am entertaining you is because Mr. Deshpande asked me so. If you further want to talk nonsense then I would advice you to get out of my clinic."

I thought my angry words would embarrass or at least throw him off guard but he just smiled. I was taken aback by his reaction but continued with my angry rant.

"That is your modesty speaking. You have my phone number and you can call me any time you want. I can be a very special friend madam. I think that you shouldn't waste your beauty like this. It needs to be appreciated. You don't know what kind of effects you have on me." he said.

"What the hell! Mr. Kulkarni, if you want to carry on with this treatment then I suggest you keep it strictly professional. If you cannot then you should find another dentist" I said.

"That is alright madam. It will take some time for our friendship to blossom. Till then you are the doctor and I am the patient" he said as he got up and left.

This was the first time I had encountered such a situation. A man had openly proposed an illicit affair with me. The very thought was disgusting. I hurriedly closed the clinic and started driving home. In spite of trying hard, his words kept ringing in my ears and the scene just kept repeating in my mind.

I thought of telling all this to my husband but in the end decided not to. I didn't want him to worry about me and I thought I was more than capable of handling this situation but how wrong I was. Even though the thoughts of the evening were continuously running in my mind but I just couldn't come up with the courage to talk about it to anyone.

I had a very demanding life beyond my profession. I had two very energetic five years old twins who always kept me on my toes. Besides that I also had to look after my in laws. Even though my mother in law helped out a lot with all the work but due to her age, she couldn't completely take care of the house.

Two weeks had passed since the incident and life had returned to normal. Amol soon became a distant unpleasant memory. I was in my clinic one evening when taking a break just after a patient had left. The intercom on my desk started ringing. I picked up the phone and I heard my secretary at the other end.

"Madam...there is a gentleman here to see you." She said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Mr. Amol Kulkarni" she replied.

"Oh c'mon...what does he want?" I thought to myself.

I didn't want him here but I didn't want to look unprofessional as well so I decided to let him in. I tried behaving as normal as I could but I knew the tension on my face was obvious.

Amol walked inside the room and sat down on the chair right in front of me. He was wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of off white cotton trousers. He had a smile on his face. It wasn't the usual one. It was a smile that showed that he knew how tense I was.

"I am sorry for the other day madam. I want to continue my treatment here" he said with an apologetic tone.

I decided to be the bigger person here and said, "That is okay. I am sorry as well. I shouldn't have been so rude to you. I will continue your treatment only if you promise to keep this arrangement strictly professional. No funny business." I was trying to sound as professional and hard as I could.

Amol smiled and said, "No worries madam. I will behave and you need not apologize, after all, everything is fair in love and war."
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This is 'Carry on Dentist' from literotica by Bdrew86.
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Dentist moves onnn

I was clearly bowled over by his googly but I didn't want to display my confusion or anger. He had breached the topic indirectly but I couldn't say anything in return because it would show that I had been thinking about all this.

From that day onwards, Amol behaved appropriately. He was back to his jovial nature and the tension between soon waned. After a couple of days I received a sms on my cell phone. It was from Amol. It was just a regular sms joke and I glanced through it once and ignored it after. From that day onwards I started receiving his messages regularly. They contained jokes, inspirational messages and all the usual things that a forwarded message has.

The forwarded messages were followed by personal messages. He started sending messages to inform me the time he would be coming to the clinic or other such reasons but they soon diverted towards more personal.

In the last few days, Amol and I had developed a sort of friendship. The tensions between us were long gone and we talked like friends now. Looking at his new avatar, I had let down my guard and opened up to him.

Amol was a great conversationalist and he bowled me over with this quality. His personality had kept the introvert inside me at bay and I used to talk to him with equal enthusiasm. Our conversations soon moved from the clinic over to the phones in the form of messages and calls. At first they were brief, but gradually became longer and deeper.

This was the first time after Vivek left that I was talking so much with someone. I was pouring my heart out at a man who wasn't my husband and who hadn't known me for that long but our relation had grown to a point where one would think we knew each other for years.

I was gradually getting attracted to Amol and I was very well aware of it. I knew I shouldn't walk on this road and I knew the consequences could be bad but Amol was like the pied piper who could make the whole town dance to his tunes. Being a marketing guy Amol exactly knew how to manipulate someone and make him talk.

He had such a convincing personality that it was hard to say no to him. It wasn't just his charm or his personality but the attention he gave me.

It was with him that I was completely different. I was this free spirited person and had become a lot like him. Amol and I talked about topics that I could never talk to. It was the first time in my life I had found a guy who could talk about all the nerdy stuff that appealed to me.

Our conversations ranged from philosophy, politics, films, music and what not. I knew in my heart that my husband wasn't into all the stuff that I liked though he was quite supportive but we never talked so much about it.

Amol and I started meeting outside my clinic. He usually would come in last and we would leave together. We often went out for coffee before we would go our separate ways. I knew I was walking a tight rope but I convinced my self that I had the situation in control but I didn't know that this illusion of control would soon shatter.

One day, we met at a café in the cantonment area of Pune. This was the usual place where we would meet for coffee. We sat at a table and ordered some hot coffee and started talking. Soon our coffee arrived and we started sipping it and continued with the conversation. There were several thoughts going through my head.

'I am a married woman who was having coffee with a man who wasn't my husband.' I thought to myself.

'Well...there is nothing wrong with a couple of friends having coffee.' I thought and tried to brush aside my concerns.

'Yeah...but you very well know that this man wants to have sex with you!" I thought.

My thoughts drifted me away from the conversation and I just started out of the window.

"Sush...Sush...your coffee is getting cold" Amol said as he tried to bring me back on track.

"Huh....yeah" I replied and started sipping the coffee.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight" Amol said with a big smile on his face.

" No way" I replied, completely shocked from his sudden proposal. I knew I had to get out of this situation.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I have to go home. My kids and in laws must be waiting form me. Besides...isn't coffee enough for today?" I asked.

"There is never enough time for us" he replied with a very innocent face.

That was one of the sweetest things I had heard in a long time. I just couldn't say no to him when he was throwing such googlies at me.

"Well...why don't we go some other time but not today. I am getting late." I said as my took the last sip of coffee, grabbed my bag and started moving towards the door. Amol followed after paying the bill and we drove back to our respective lives.

While driving home, I recalled all the things that had happened between us. I wondered how I was falling for a guy who had openly asked me to sleep with him. Why was I attracted to him so much that it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to control the situation?

I reached home and got to my usual routine of being a daughter in law and a mother. We all had our dinner and I tucked in my kids for the night. After such a hectic day I wanted to relax. I decided to take a hot shower. While in the shower the whole situation sprang up in my mind again. The thoughts ranged from what I was doing to whether I was doing the right thing.

My mind was running in overdrive over this and a classic debate ensued between right and wrong. On one had I assured myself that I had things in control but deep inside I knew that I was sliding into a pit from which perhaps there was not return.

The socially awkward geek inside of me poked its head out and a thought came up. "What does Amol see in me? Why is he so attracted to me?" I thought to myself. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and another wrapped around my head. I walked over to the dressing table and sat on the stool right in front of the mirror. I stared at my reflection and tried to find out the answer to the question.

I knew that I had become a 'hottie' in college but that was years ago. Since marriage and kids happened I hadn't paid much attention to my body except for the yoga that I did every morning. I had become complacent about my body after my children were born and hadn't really observed myself in the mirror like this for ages.

I sat there for several minutes as I slowly applied moisturizer on my hands and on my face. I took of the towel over my head and gently dried my hair. While doing this a thought suddenly sneaked into my head. "Why not check myself out" I thought.

I slowly got up from the stool and stood in front of the mirror. I delicately put a finger on the knot of the towel and pulled it. The knot got loose and came apart and the towel slid down my body. I stood naked in front of the mirror. After several years I was consciously checking out my body.

The first thought that came to my mind was that my boobs had gotten bigger. In college there a C cup but now they were a massive D cup. But the best thing about them was that there was hardly any sag. There had attained a perfect tear drop shape. The fair skin topped by pink areolas and puffy nipples would make any man weak in the knees. I held my boobs in my hand and gently squeezed them weighed them for a couple of minutes before moving on.

My stomach was almost flat except for a little baby fat around my waist. My husband loved it and I always maintained the right amount of it around my waist. I had taken care to get rid of the post pregnancy stretch marks now they were hardly visible. My thighs, though a little fleshy than before were still not bad to look at.

I turned around and the first thing I noticed that I had a fabulous ass. It wasn't was just perfectly firm. I turned around again and lifted my leg and placed it on the stool. With that my pussy came into view. The pubic hair had grown considering that I hadn't taken efforts to maintain it since Vivek left and he did prefer a little growth down there.

All this checking out had turned me on. In the confines and the privacy of my bedroom I was touching my self. I hadn't done this ever, not even in my college days and here I was checking out myself for a man who wasn't my husband.

I was so engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't noticed the first couple of rings of my cell phone and when I finally did, I ran across to the side table and picked it up. It was Vivek!

"Hey sweetie...were you sleeping, sorry to have disturbed you" I heard my husband say as soon as picked up the call.

"No dear...just took a hot shower and was preparing the bed" I said with a sense of nervousness and guilt.

"Vivek...I miss you" I said as tears welled up.

"I miss you too love" he replied.

"Can't you come home for a few days? At least for a week?" I asked as I was almost on the verge of crying.

"Hey sweetie...don't cry. You know I can't come there so soon. I also desperately want to see you and the kids but what can we do? All that we can do is being strong" he said trying to be as calm as possible.

Vivek consoled me for the next few minutes and I calmed down. This emotional upsurge was followed by the usual husband and wife talk about family and other such mundane stuff. After almost an half an hour, we bid goodbyes and ended the call.

I dumbly wore a pair of panties and my night dress and got into bed. I couldn't sleep even though I tried so hard. I was conflicted between the deep love for my husband and the uncontrollable attraction towards Amol. I couldn't find an answer to this dilemma. I just stopped thinking about all this and let my fate decide the outcome. I blanked out all the thoughts and soon I drifted to sleep.
[+] 3 users Like Amulraj's post
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Super story.
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Very hot
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(30-12-2019, 03:59 PM)Vinukollam Wrote: Continue

Thanks all.

Dentist recalls move on sessions...

The next day might have looked routine to many but for me it was a very unusual day. The dilemma continued as I was engrossed with the rights and wrongs. Like a robot, I went ahead with my day. I prepared breakfast for all, prepared the kids for school, bid my in laws goodbye and then drove the kids to school. From there I proceeded to my clinic which had already been opened by Varsha.

I went on with my regular schedule of treating the patients and handling the appointments. But in the back of my mind those thoughts still pestered me. I tried to focus on my job because I ran a risk of hurting someone if I didn't pay attention. Around noon, after I had finished lunch, I sat on my desk to take a break. I knew that there were no appointments lined up for the afternoon.

I sat at my desk and rested my head on the head rest of the chair and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw a picture of Vivek and Amol standing next to each other, looking at me with welcoming smiles. The picture was so clear, Vivek, even though was pretty good looking himself was loosing out to Amol. Vivek was no match for the imposing body and the commanding personality that Amol had.

Even though I loved Vivek from the bottom of my heart and was emotionally dependent on him, I found myself drifting towards Amol even in my thoughts. I saw Amol walk over to me and firmly grab my hand and we started walking away. I looked back and Vivek was no where to be seen.

The scene abruptly cut to a room where I found myself lying on a bed, with Amol on me. We were both naked and Amol was furiously fucking me. We were moaning loudly and I felt the walls of the room shake from the love making. Even in the mad frenzy of sex, I looked around in the room. From the looks of it, I could easily make out that it wasn't a home. It was a hotel room, an expensive suite.

These thoughts were perhaps fuelled by the fact that Amol was rich and didn't hesitate to show off. He would wear expensive suites and drove a luxury car. He had a taste of fine dinning and living.

Amol hugged me tightly and continued fucking me. I was moaning but was aware of the fact that what I was doing was wrong. My eyes weren't closed with pleasure but were wide open with shock. As Amol and I got closer to cumming, I saw someone standing at a corner of the room. I looked over his shoulder and saw my husband, Vivek standing there. He had a very sad and disappointed look on his face.

We just kept looking at each other as Amol reached his orgasm with a loud grunt and with him I too was pushed over the edge.

"Madam...Madam." I saw Vivek say but he sounded like a girl. To be precise he sounded like Varsha, my receptionist. I looked at him closely and he continued to call me Madam.

Suddenly I felt being shaken and I woke up. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. I was panting and sweating. Varsha stood in shock as I sat up and was about to cry.

"Are you alright madam?" she asked. I just nodded in reply. She gave me a glass of cold water and I gulped it down like a man stranded in the desert.

"Madam, is there anything wrong?" Varsha asked, clearly concerned about me. She knew me for several years now. She was hired right around the time when I was pregnant with the twins and so we knew each other for half a decade. Even though she called me madam in a professional setting but in private she called me didi.

"I am fine Varsha." I said as my breathing returned to normal.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the napkin on the arm rest of the chair.

"How many appointments are lined up for the evening?" I asked her.

"There were five but three have been cancelled and another two have been proponed." Varsha informed me.

I just shook my head and got up from the chair. I walked over to the washroom and I washed my face with cold water. I looked up in the mirror and saw myself properly. This was the first time that I had sexual thoughts about someone other than my husband.

I was not just disturbed about me fantasizing about Amol but was more perturbed by the fact that I saw my husband in that dream.

I came back to my desk and sat there quietly. Varsha had gone back to the lobby and I was all alone with my thoughts again. Suddenly my phone rang. It was a sms. I picked up to see that it was from Amol. I opened the message.

"What are your plans for tonight? Our dinner is still pending." read the message. My hands trembled as I read the message.

'What the hell is happening?' I thought to myself I decided not to respond and kept the cell phone back on the table.

Varsha called me on my intercom to tell me that there was a patient waiting and was I okay to handle him. I said that I was fine and asked her to send the patient inside.

I attended to the patient for almost half and hour before he left and I was back to being alone again. I took the cell phone and read the message again and again. In my mind a war raged between whether I should go with him or I shouldn't.

Right then the phone rang. I was startled and was about to drop the phone but I managed to hold on to it. The phone, I thought was ringing a little too loudly and I saw that it was a call from Amol. I just waited for a few seconds contemplating whether to respond or not.

A few seconds later the call ended. I sighed with relief but it started ringing again. This time I decided to pick it up.

"Hey...are you busy?" Amol asked.

"Yeah...I was attending to a patient." I replied trying to sound as normal as I could.

"Did you read the message I sent you?" he asked. "Yeah..." I replied.

"Then what say? Should we go out for dinner tonight?" he asked.

"Mmm...let me think about it." I said as I tried to evade him.

"Oh c'mon...I am only asking for dinner. I am not asking you to make a life changing decision." Amol said as he pleaded to me.

'Perhaps it is a life changing decision for me.' I thought.

"Sush...are you going to say something?" He said sounding a little annoyed.

"Ummm...Well okay. Let's go for dinner; But where?" I asked as I finally gave him a nod.

"That is a surprise!" he said and ended the call.

I tried to assure myself that there was nothing wrong with going out for just one dinner. Amol hadn't misbehaved with me ever since that incident. He had been nothing but a gentleman for all these days and I didn't think it would be appropriate on my part to turn down such an innocent request.

With the decision made I went back to attending the last patient of the day. After the appointment was done I told Varsha that I was going out and she should wind up and leave. I quickly drove home and took a nice long shower.

I packed a light green evening gown and my make up set in my back and informed my in laws that I was going out for dinner and I would be a little late. They didn't mind that because I used to go to such dinners with friends very often.

I messaged Amol too pick me up from my clinic in an hour. I drove back to the clinic and I was pretty sure that Varsha would have left. I was true. Varsha had closed the clinic and left. I opened the clinic with my key and went inside. I took off my clothes and my underwear. I wore a black colored strap less bra and matching colored panties. I wore the evening gown and put on the make up.

I locked the clinic and I saw that Amol was already waiting. I quickly got into his car and he started driving. We kept quite and I just stared at the road. Amol sensed my discomfort and started a conversation. He was dressed in a smart black suite and looked really handsome.

"I am very glad that you accepted my invitation tonight" he said and smiled at me. I gave him a smile but didn't say anything. It was already dark and the streets were lit up. I just look outside the window as Amol drove smoothly on the streets of the city.

"Where are we going?" I asked him to break the silence of awkwardness that had filled the car.

"Le Meridian." he said as he continued driving.

'That's typical Amol.' I thought to myself and just looked outside the window.

After a while we reached the hotel. We got out at the entrance and the valet drove the car away. We walked together inside the lobby and then proceeded to restaurant. The restaurant manager who perhaps knew Amol showed us to our table. We sat there with menu cards in our hands. We were still not speaking to each other.

The waiter brought us a round of drinks and we ordered our meal. Amol broke the silence and started talking. Slowly Amol engaged me in a conversation and soon we were engrossed. I was back to being an extrovert and was enjoying the time. After couple of rounds of drinks, our meal was set at the table. We continued talking even as we slowly ate the delicious food. The main course was followed by a round of dessert. It was a special sundae that I loved a lot.

"How did you know that I like this?" I asked; a bit surprised.

"You mentioned it once." he replied with a smile.

I smiled back at him and we then enjoyed the sundae to our hearts content. We had been at the table for more than two hours and I realized that it was time to leave. Amol paid the bill and we walked out of the restaurant. As we stepped out of the lobby, Amol's car was waiting for us. Amol tipped the valet and we sat in the car and drove off.

There was barely any traffic on the roads at that time of the night and we soon reached my office. He parked the car in the basement right next to mine. We walked up to my clinic together and we entered the clinic.

As soon as we entered the clinic, Amol grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I was too stunned to react and went to him. He quickly put his lips on mine and we engaged in a kiss. I didn't respond for a first few seconds. I am not sure whether it was the liquor I had a couple of hours ago or it was Amol's effect or perhaps both but soon I opened my mouth to welcome his tongue....
[+] 2 users Like Amulraj's post
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Very interesting updates. Super story.
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Superb Story. Loved it.
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(31-12-2019, 10:59 AM)hhhotboy2000 Wrote: Waiting

Dentist steps towards joy stick

As soon as Amol realized this, he held my arms tight and kissed me harder. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss. We sucked on each other's lips and tongues as our kiss became frenzied. Amol picked me up and walked inside my room with his tongue still in my mouth.

He placed me on table and we continued kissing. Amol then moved on to my neck leaving behind a trail of wet kisses on my hot skin. He kissed my shoulder and slowly removed the strap of the evening gown. I moaned in protest but it was too feeble for even me to hear it. It sounded less like a moan of protest but more like a moan of pleasure.

He slowly removed the straps of the dress and pulled it down to my stomach, not for once breaking the contact between our mouths. With the dress resting on my abdomen, my boobs which were firmly secured by the strap less bra came into view. Amol looked at them for a moment before taking his right hand behind me and using the left hand to squeeze my breasts.

I heard a light snap and the untied bra fell in my lap. My D cup tits were now in full view in the brightly lit room. I tried to hide them by covering them with my hands but Amol was quick to respond and pulled my hands away.

He quickly latched his mouth to my left breast and began sucking it. I moaned but tried to pull him away. I was loosing control over myself by the second and I knew I had to stop this before things got out of hand. I somehow with all my strength pushed Amol away.

Amol was shocked at this and he looked at me with disbelief. "What happened?" he asked.

"We can't do this Amol. We shouldn't do this. We both are married and it is not the right thing to do." I said trying to cover my exposed boobs.

"But you want this. I know you want this too." he said sounding a little agitated.

"No...well...I don't know what I want. All that I know is that this is wrong." I said. I was confused myself as to how to react. My body had willingly submitted but my mind was still resisting.

"But I love my husband. I can't do this to him." I said as tears welled up in my eyes.

"And I love my wife but I love you too." he pleaded.

"No you don't. You barely know me, how can you say that you love me?" I replied. I was in utter disbelief about what he had just said.

"We shouldn't do this Amol. You have to go now. Please!" I said as I got off the table and walked into the washroom.

Amol sighed and went outside the room. I quickly changed back to the clothes I had worn during the day and stepped out of the washroom. I went out to the lobby and saw Amol still standing there.

"You didn't go?" I asked him.

"It is almost midnight. How can I leave you alone over here." He replied.

I just kept quite and we got out of the clinic. I closed the clinic and then we walked back to our cars in the basement. We both started our respective a cars and drove in the opposite direction from one another.

It was past midnight when I got home. I tip toed into my house so that my in laws wouldn't wake up. I slowly walked into my room and locked it from the inside. I started walking over to the cupboard to change my clothes. Just as I opened the cupboard, I saw my self in the mirror. I looked closely at my reflection in the mirror and thought, 'is that really me?'The evening gown that I was wearing was gifted to me by Vivek on our anniversary 2 years ago. I had worn it just for one day. After marriage, I had always been a modest dresser preferring salwar kameez rather than something hip. I wore casuals but very rarely.

I had a large collection of clothes but I wore only a few of them, perhaps fate had me prepare my wardrobe all these years for this day. I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. I did look sexy in this gown and no wonder Amol was tempted to do what he had done. I slowly removed the straps of the gown from my shoulders and unzipped it from the back. I took it off completely and placed it on the bed.

The strapless black bra and the matching panties came off next and they also joined the gown on the bed. I stood completely naked in front of the mirror admiring my body. I could still feel Amol's lips on my boobs and that feeling sent a shiver down my spine. I gently cupped my boobs and squeezed them. I closed my eyes in pleasure as the picture of Amol playing with them came to my mind.

I placed my right leg on the dressing table and my pussy came in to view. My right hand slowly went over my pubic mound and caressed it. I sighed as my slim fingers flicked the clit and I gently twisted my nipples with my left hand. I started fingering my self, something I had never done nor attempted in my life. I thought what might have happened had I let Amol continue and I soon pictured Amol fucking me on my office desk. That picture itself was enough to make me cum.

"Ammmoolll..." I moaned as I came. I felt weak in my knees and fell to the ground, panting and cooing from the orgasm. A few minutes later I realized that I was lying naked on my bedroom floor and quickly got up and dressed for bed. I couldn't sleep that night as the whole incident just kept playing in my mind. I knew I had fallen for Amol and I knew that even if I did prevent him from fucking me tonight, I wouldn't be able to hold for long.

I knew I had surrendered my body and my soul to a man that I had met a few weeks ago and I felt no qualms about it anymore. I wanted to feel his lips on mine, his naked skin rubbing against my soft fair skin, his cock inside me. I had to sleep with him!

A few more rounds of furious masturbations followed that night and Amol's psychological conquest was complete. He had my soul and I knew that it was just a matter of time before he had my body and I was looking forward to it.

I didn't hear from him for the next few days and all during the day I used to check my cell phone for his calls and messaged but with no luck. I thought of calling him but couldn't find the courage to do so because of the disaster that our last meeting was. I hoped that he would call in a couple of days after things cooled down but that didn't happen.

I finally gathered the courage and called him on a Saturday. He picked up the call on the first ring itself. Perhaps he too was waiting for my call but was stuck with the same dilemma. The first thing we did was to profusely apologize to each other for the other day.

Amol apologized for taking things too far and I apologized for abruptly ending our liaison. We expressed our desire to continue meeting each other and decided to meet again the next day. Amol suggested we go out for a movie to which I agreed.

The call ended with the desired result and the smile on my face returned. I was looking forward to meeting him and spend time with him. I had decided to let fate take its course just go with the flow. I knew that we were both married but we were so strongly attracted to each other that I just didn't care about anything anymore. What the heck, I thought, let's just enjoy!

The next day came very fast, at least that how it felt. It was a Sunday and my clinic was closed. I was free the whole day and I wanted to spend it with Amol. I told my parents that I was going out with my friends for a movie around noon and I would drop the children at my friend's place. They agreed to the arrangement for it would be a relaxing Sunday for them.

I dressed modestly in a salwaar kameez so as to not arouse suspicion and left the house with the kids. I dropped them at my friend's house. She was a very old friend of mine who had a child as old as mine. I knew that my kids would be thoroughly entertained for the day and I gave them a kiss and left.

I went to my clinic and changed in to a pink tank top underneath which I wore a push up bra. The combination gave a great view of my cleavage. I knew Amol's eyes would pop out looking at me like this. I wore a denim skirt which ended just above my knee. I wore pink open toe heels to suite my pink top. I put on light make up and then proceeded to the theater.

The theater was a popular multiplex which was always crowded on weekends. The crowd mostly consisted of college students and young professionals and I wanted to easily blend into them. Just as I drove inside the theater complex I saw Amol standing there.

I quickly parked my car and walked over to him. We smiled and greeted each other. As soon as we met, the awkwardness between us vanished and we went back to being normal. Amol was wearing a light grey lacoste T-shirt and a faded jeans accompanied by a pair of woodland shoes. He was wearing a pair of black Ray Ban aviators which looked really good on him.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady." he said as he handed me a bouquet of lilies he had been hiding behind him all this while.

"Wow...they are so beautiful. Thank you Amol, it's so nice of you." I replied blushing all the while.

We held each other's hand as we walked towards the movie hall. Amol had booked tickets for a movie which I had heard was not so popular with the public and true to the news, the theater was sparsely populated. We found our seats and I sat down as Amol went to fetch popcorn and soft drinks for us.

There was enough time for the movie to start and Amol came back a few minutes later and sat next to me. We watched the trailers and teasers of the upcoming movies before Amol spoke up.

"Sush...I want to say something. I really love you and I am really happy that things are normal between us once again. I know that you think that what we are doing is wrong but let reason take a back seat for a while and let's enjoy each other's company."

I just smiled and said that I think so too. That statement was a signal enough to let Amol know that I was game. Soon, the theater lights were switched off and the movie was about to start. The seats in the hall were such that the arm rests could be pulled back so that there was no division between the seats. When the movie started, Amol promptly slid back the arm rest and sat back. I got the signal and moved toward him into his arms.
[+] 4 users Like Amulraj's post
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Interesting story.
Repped you.
Please continue.
[+] 1 user Likes pcirma's post
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Super hot update
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Lovely update bro
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Awesome update. please dont leave this story incomplete.
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Vivek is not here, she needs company. Amol wife is here only, why he needs company?
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(31-12-2019, 06:45 PM)Muthiah Sivaraman Wrote: Vivek is not here, she needs company. Amol wife is here only, why he needs company?

Companions r far apart but moods go on ...

After a few minutes Amol slid his left hand over my shoulder and gently held my arms. I rested my head on his shoulder and placed my left hand on his chest and continued watching the movie. We weren't exactly watching the movie; we were just staring at the screen because our minds were occupied with some other activity.

The seats were large enough for one to sit with knees folded. That's exactly what I did. I got my feet up and placed them near my butt just the way classical dancer sits. After a few moments Amol slid hands under my arms to gently grab my left breast. I looked up at him and saw his face. He had an expression of doubt. I just smiled at him and took his right hand and placed it on my thigh. Our seats were at the top and most of the crowd was sitting in the lower rows. We still looked around to make sure that no one was peeping on us and all we saw were a few couples sitting far away from us but were already busy with each other.

Assured that we wouldn't be disturbed, Amol lowered his head and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes as I felt Amol's lips on mine. His lips slowly nibbled my upper lip and I felt his tongue on my lips. Before he could slip his tongue in my mouth, I slipped mine in his. Amol just let me take charge of things just took a back seat as he let my tongue explore the insides of mouth.

Our kisses were passionate but short. We were aware that we were in a public place and we had to be alert. Amol squeezed my breasts hard and I gave out a small yelp. We both giggled at this and continued kissing. Amol slid his hand up my skirt and though I was very conscious about it, I just let him do it. I had decided to let things flow and now was not the time to stop.

His hand slowly creped up to my panties I shivered when he got there. This was the first time that my pussy was touched by someone other than my husband. It felt different, it felt strange but also felt very pleasurable. I moved my hand from his chest slowly down to his crotch. I started rubbing his erection over his jeans which excited Amol and he rubbed my panty covered clit faster. We both shuddered from the manual stimulation of our private parts.

From the first feel itself I got an idea of what lay beneath the jeans. His cock felt large and hard and as I kept rubbing it grew harder. Our hands and mouths were busy pleasuring each other. Amol's left hand was busy on my boobs where as his right hand had now moved aside the panties and was slowly fingering my pussy. My left hand was busy rubbing his crotch and my right hand was firmly holding on to his right wrist.

Time passed like the wind and soon we saw the lights in the theater getting brighter. It was interval time and we quickly disengaged. We quickly sorted our clothes and sat as if nothing had happened. We looked around and saw the other couples do the same things and we laughed.

I looked at Amol who was staring at me. Without a word being spoken we both knew that we were neither interested in the movie nor sitting in the theater. We needed a more private place, a comfortable place and a larger place to continue our sexual exploration of each other.

"My place?" he asked. I blushed and nodded. Amol smiled and we both got up and Amol grabbed my hand and I followed him as we hurriedly left the theater.

"Follow my car." Amol said just before we got into our respective cars. We both raced out of the theater and drove back to his place. It was mid afternoon Sunday and the traffic on the roads was negligible. In a few minutes we stopped outside a large residential complex. My cell phone rang and I saw it was Amol.

"I will drive inside and go up to my apartment. You come in ten minutes later. My building is F wing and apartment number is 805." He said and cut the call.

I saw Amol drive across the street into the complex where as I waited outside in my car. After a few minutes, I slowly drove into the complex and parked my car in the visitor's parking area in front of his wing. I got out of the car and took my hand bag and the bouquet of lilies with me. I couldn't keep the flowers in the car and couldn't take them home either, so, I decided that the best place to keep them was Amol's house.

I got inside the elevator and pressed the button for the 8th floor. As the door closed and the lift started moving up, my breathing got heavier and my heart started beating faster. The few seconds inside the life felt like several minutes. 'This is it Sushmita. You are going to sleep with Amol.' I thought to myself as the lift slowly climbed the building.

I nervously looked at the electrical board on which the numbers for the respective floors glowed one after another. 'I am ready for this?' was the thought that came to my mind but I brushed it off aside thinking that it was too late to turn back now.

The elevator finally stopped and the door opened with a 'bing' sound. I got out of the elevator and looked around for a door with 805 written on it. I soon found it and walked towards it. The door was slightly open and I slowly pushed it and got inside.

Amol was standing in the living room. He had changed into a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I smiled at him and placed my hand bag on the table.

"These flowers have to be kept in water." I said. Amol quickly raced to the kitchen and brought a vase with water inside. He kept the vase on the table and I placed the flowers inside them. We smiled at each other and then I moved around the living room.

"You have a very beautiful house." I said to Amol. "Thanks. Your presence has made it even more beautiful." he replied.

" really know how to talk." I said with a smile.

Amol just laughed and offered me to show the house. The apartment was a large three bedroom apartment with large balcony to each bedroom. Each bedroom had separate bathroom. The first two bedrooms were used for their intended purposes and the third was modified into an entertainment room. The room was filled with all sorts of fancy things.

There was a large flat screen television in one corner on the room. Below it was a Bose sound system with speakers all across the room. One corner of the room had been converted into a mini bar and behind the bar table there was a large collection of expensive wines and other liquors.

There was a large French window to the room which was for the moment covered with satin dbangs. The wall opposite to the window was filled with posters of the old rock bands. There were posters of right from Elvis, Beatles up to AC/DC. From the posters I realized that Amol was a rock n roll fan. I wasn't much into rock n roll but my husband was a huge buff so I knew a lot of stuff about these bands.

"I bought this place a couple of years ago when my trips to Pune became long and frequent." he said.

"Hmm...Your family doesn't live here with you?" I asked him as I turned around to face him.

"No...they live at my Pali Hill apartment in Mumbai. They come here only during the vacations." He replied.

Amol moved towards the sound system and switched it on. The room was filed with the music soon. The stereo played the soothing music. I recognized the soundtrack. It was Café Del Mar. I loved the music. It was Balearic, easy listening music which helped calm my nerves.

"Enough talk about home and family." he said as he sat down on the red colored velvet couch which was opposite to the TV. He patted on the couch signaling me to sit next to him. I smiled and went to him and sat on the couch.

"Now...Where were we?" he said and came closer to me. I giggled and pulled him closer and we kissed. Unlike in the theater our kiss was slow and relaxed this time. We had all the space and the time in the world do whatever we wanted. Amol patted his laps and I knew what he wanted. I moved over his body and sat on his lap facing him. As I sat on his lap, my skirt got pulled up almost to my ass. We continued kissing and Amol moved my skirt further up and grabbed my ass.

He squeezed my firm ass buns and I moaned into his mouth. I held the back of his head tight and pulled him deeper into my mouth. After a few minutes of kissing, I pulled on his T-shirt. Amol raised his hands and I slid the shirt over his head and threw it away.

My breathing got heavier watching his naked chest. It was broad and smooth without a strand of hair. This is just the way I thought a man's chest should be. My husband had hair on his chest but he wasn't hairy like an ape but he wasn't enthusiastic about shaving it either.

I gently ran my fingers over his torso. I started from his shoulder blades and slowly moved towards his abs. He didn't have a six pack like models but he had a very firm abdomen. We kissed again before Amol started pulling my top. I broke the kiss and took my top off. As soon as my top was off, Amol quickly released the hooks of my bra and it fell down.

He grabbed my large and proud boobs and squeezed them. "Aaah" I moaned as Amol continued squeezing them. He twisted my puffed up nipples a couple of time before latching his mouth on to them. I grabbed his head and pulled him closer, urging him not to stop. He firmly grabbed my breasts before feasting on them.

"Aaahhh...Amol...I can't believe this is happening. I never thought I will be here like this." I said.

He stopped sucking my breasts and looked up at me and smiled. "Believe it baby, this isn't a dream. I wanted you from the first time I saw you. You are so sexy...I love you!" He said before going back to sucking my breasts.

"I love you too Amol...keep sucking my breasts. I just love it when you do that. They have been dying for attention." I moaned loudly.

"Your body is so amazing; you have the sexiest pair I have ever seen. I just want to keep sucking them. I was hooked on to them the first time I saw them last week." He said and nuzzled between my boobs.

"I should have let you continue that night. I want to tell you something. That night I went back home and fingered myself thinking about you. I just can't get you out of my head baby." I said as I pulled his face over my left breast and he sucked on it.

"I knew that Sush...I knew that...I know you want want it bad, don't you?" he said.

"Ohhh yess...I want you...." I said. I pulled his face towards me and kissed him. He kissed back and again went to sucking my tits. After a furious round of sucking my breasts, Amol lifted me and placed me on the couch. He got up and stood near the sofa.

"Take off my pants." he ordered. I, like a submissive slut nodded and dug my fingers in to the elastic of his shorts and his undies. I slowly dragged them down his legs and his erect cock sprung up as soon as I dragged them beyond his thighs.

I gasped in surprise to that sight. His cock was not just long, it was very thick. I must have been a couple of inches longer than my husband's cock but the girth wasn't even close to comparing. The length didn't surprise me as much as the girth did. The head of the cock was like an overgrown mushroom which gave way to an equally thick stem. The foreskin was fair making the blue veins running underneath very visible. The pink head looked fearsome but at the same time it looked equally appealing if not more.

I gently wrapped my hand around his cock. It was so thick that I could barely wrap my fingers around it. I pulled it lightly and the foreskin slipped back to reveal the head. Its hardness was really surprising. It was harder than my husband's cock. I wondered if Amol was really 41 years old.

"Are you really 41 years old?" I asked as I expressed my doubt.

"Why, my cock tells a different story, doesn't it?" he said and laughed.

"It's just....just....amazing." I said finding it difficult to describe it.

It wasn't just the length and the unusual girth of his cock. It was also the appearance. Amol's cock was straight like an arrow unlike my husband whose cock curved upwards. He had completely shaved off his pubic hair which made his cock look even bigger. It was the perfect specimen of manhood.

I slowly started jerking it and Amol moaned. I jerked it with my right hand and fondled his balls with my left. Amol continued moaning at the manual stimulation of his cock and ran his fingers through my hair.

Soon, his cock started oozing pre cum which made my fingers wet. I spread the pre cum on the cock head and continued jerking it. The pre cum made the cock shine and it looked even more magnificent.

'Look at's so amazing. I so want to suck' I thought as I kept my self busy giving Amol a hand job. The hand job continued for a couple of minutes before Amol moved my hand away. He pushed me back at the couch and sat down near its edge. He unbuttoned my skirt and pulled it off my body and threw it away. He dug his fingers into my panty and slowly dragged it down my thighs.

I lifted my ass a little to help him take it off. I was now completely naked in front of a man who wasn't my husband and was naked himself. I closed my legs trying to keep my pussy out of view. It was my modesty which perhaps made me do that but Amol grabbed my knees and pulled them apart. I didn't resist and within a moment my pussy came into his view.

I hadn't shaved my pussy in months and frankly hadn't taken the effort to maintain the growth down there because I never expected to show it to someone. Amol ran his right hand over my pussy. I sighed at his action.

"Your husband likes it hairy?" he asked.

"Nah...he doesn't mind it anyway. With him away I never felt the need to shave it and I didn't know I would be in this situation." I replied.

"Well...let's do what is supposed to be done here." Amol said and got up. He walked into the washroom and came back with a can of shaving foam, a razor and a water sprinkler.

"Have you changed your profession?" I said and giggled.

"Well...I specialize in styling hair of a different kind." He replied. We both laughed at his reply.

Amol then sprinkled some cold water on my hairy pussy and proceeded to apply the foam. I moaned as Amol's hands moved all over my pussy. Amol sprayed a rather large glob of foam on his hands and proceeded to slowly apply it all over my pussy. Amol was taking his time lathering my pussy, practically massaging it.

After applying a generous amount of foam, Amol took the razor and began shaving it. For the next 15 minutes, Amol carefully shaved of my pubic hair. I sighed and cooed as my pussy was cleaned shaved by someone else for the first time in my life. I was lying on the couch with my head against the back rest, my legs rested on the couch, spread wide to give Amol access.

It felt weird to be in this pose, being treated like this but it was extremely erotic. He then cleaned off the remainder of the foam with water and wiped it clean. I watched in wonder how I had let another man shave my pussy.

Amol then lifted my left leg and placed it on his shoulder. He started massing my feet gently before kissing it a couple of times. He gently licked the fingers and took the thumb in his mouth and started sucking it.

My feet are extremely ticklish and I giggled uncontrollably as Amol kept on sucking my toe. He deliberately tickled my feet heightening the pleasure. He did the same to the other feet and then started kissing his way up to my knees.

"We are done with lets start 'pussycure." he said. I giggled at that comment. No one had used such words with me, not even my husband. I liked Amol's dirty talking; it was so taboo, just like the other things that were happening here.

He came close to my crotch and placed my legs on his shoulders. I could feel his warm breath on my thighs. He gently started kissing and licking my thighs and slowly made his way to my pussy. He brought his face an inch away from my pussy and inhaled deeply.

"Aaah...intoxicating!" he moaned and exhaled. He then gently blew air on my pussy. The cold air on my hot pussy made me shiver. Amol took out his tongue and delicately licked my clit. I shuddered as his rough tongue rubbed my clit. He kissed my pussy for a couple of times before dragging his rough tongue all over the length of my pussy.

"Ummm...." I moaned as I bit my lower lip. After being sex starved for months, I was lying naked, getting my pussy eaten. Amol increased the speed and pressure of his tongue steadily. He focused his tongue in two places, the clit and the hole. He alternated between sucking my clit and tongue fucking my pussy hole. He wasn't just assaulting my pussy; he was also assaulting my senses.

I could feel my heart beating faster and beads of sweat over my body. My moans were getting louder and my vision getting hazier. Amol grabbed my boobs and started squeezing them. He pinched and twisted them hard. The licking and the pinching made me scream but I muffled my screams by covering my mouth with my hand.

It must have been barely a minute after Amol started licking that I sensed my orgasm approaching. I am usually a silent cummer but this time I was exactly the opposite. I started hollering and screaming and my body bucked and writhe as I got closer to the edge. Amol realized my situation and licked my pussy harder.

"Aahh...Aahh...yeah...yeah..." I screamed as I got to the edge. Amol pinched my nipples hard and that's what did it. I arched my back as I squirted my love juices all over Amol's face.

"Whoa!...ha ha ..." Amol laughed as my cum splattered all over his face. He moved back and his eyes were closed because of all the cum deposit.

"I am sorry!" I said as I realized what had happened and sat up immediately.

" fact I love it!" he said as he got up and walked over to washroom.

He came out a few seconds later with a towel. I felt very awkward because I had never squirted in my life.

"It looks like you haven't been licked so well before." he said as he sat next to me.

I nodded in affirmative. Vivek wasn't much into going down on me. He did like receiving blowjobs but didn't reciprocate with equal enthusiasm. Amol leaned over and kissed me. I could taste my own juices smeared on his lips. This was some kinky shit I was doing here, I thought. Amol then moved down to my breasts and sucked them for a while.

"Sush...I want you to suck my cock!" he said as he looked into my eyes before kissing me hard. My breathing got intense just listening to those words. The way he said that was so passionate, so assertive, and so powerful. I looked down at his cock; it was semi erect but still looked awe inspiring. I simply couldn't refuse, even though I didn't want to.

I just nodded and got off the couch and kneeled in front of him and positioned my self between his legs. I gently held his cock and ran my fingers all over his it and then softly fondled his balls. The manly scent of his cock was making me dizzy. His cock twitched from the slightest touch of my fingers and oozed pre cum from the tip. The ball sack was massive and heavy, probably filled with a lot of cum.

I brought my mouth closer to his cock and lightly licked the head. I concentrated my licks on the slit of his cock. Pre cum started oozing out of the slit and I licked it with the tip of my tongue. The cock was slowly getting erect with each lick. I lowered my mouth on to his balls and took the sack my mouth. Amol sighed loudly in pleasure and held my head with his hand. He started running his fingers through my hair, caressing my head as he received pleasure from my mouth.

After sucking on his balls for a minute I raised my head up again to notice that his cock was fully erect. I watched with wide eyes, the sight of his erect cock just and inch away from my eager mouth. I noticed Amol smile at me. He realized the effect his cock was having on me. I shyly smiled at him and slowly started jerking his cock.

I held his cock against his stomach and started licking from the base of the shaft. I slowly dragged my wet tongue on the underside of his shaft and slowly licked up to the underside of the cock head. I clamped my lips on the underside of the cock head and started sucking and licking it.
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Wowwwww awesome update. Thanks. Happy New year
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