10-12-2019, 12:34 PM
Nice update
Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
10-12-2019, 12:34 PM
Nice update
10-12-2019, 12:39 PM
10-12-2019, 12:48 PM
10-12-2019, 02:42 PM
Hey! I have a few points to discuss. It appears I have been missing something.
In the last encounter of Meera with Prabhu, Meera expressed her feelings towards her husband like this:- “What have you done to me, because of my loneliness when he was not there I just spent time with you as friend. I never expected to sleep with you, I never in my dreams too thought that I would betray my husband.” “Your virility has won over my chastity. A man and a woman should never meet alone. After that first time we enjoyed together I felt like committing suicide but I had no heart to leave my husband to suffer alone with the kids .. I thought that I should never meet you again .. but the sexual pleasure you showed me that day in bed made me forget about honour, dignity and made me go back to you again and again,” she said her voice betraying her lust as she ruffled the hair of her lover feasting on her erect nipple. Though, she is concurred by lust of amazing sex and thrill of adultery, in conscience she always remembers her husband and pained by self betrayal. So, when, she is traversing her past with Prabhu, her inner conflict and self conscience of wrong doing need to be portrayed. In her every action with Prabhu, may be when she will be alone again, Saravana should visit her in her memory now and then. She should be torn apart by her conscience. Otherwise the above conversation of Meera with Prabhu will be meaningless. I would also like to visit her memory in three occasions. 1. When she suspected Saravana's suspicion about pink jasmine. 2. When all of a sudden, Saravana arranged a domestic help. 3. When Prabhu dis-appeared without formally informing her. This conflict and tension in her memory is vital when she will finally realise that Saravana knows everything. I am eagerly waiting for the final encounter of truth reveling. Till then lets enjoy super seduction and lusty love making.
10-12-2019, 07:25 PM
This is true cuckold story. There, The husband willful stays as cuck without any enjoyment.
He is cuck. If he was under compromise for kids and society status, He had choice to refuse sex with Meera
10-12-2019, 08:25 PM
10-12-2019, 09:18 PM
(10-12-2019, 02:42 PM)manas Wrote: Hey! I have a few points to discuss. It appears I have been missing something. (10-12-2019, 07:25 PM)fasterboy Wrote: This is true cuckold story. There, The husband willful stays as cuck without any enjoyment. .......i request to consider these suggestions ....... as and when you think fit..... your story is just not a sexescapade/sextale/erotica....... the subject has a broad scope of emotions and incidents..... a complete erotic thriller......of love, lust, betrayal.......and consequences
10-12-2019, 11:48 PM
Great going plz continue
10-12-2019, 11:51 PM
Meera's recollection of past events were disturbed when she heard the sound of her husband’s motorbike arriving. She looked at the time, it was already 1.10 in the afternoon. Almost an hour had passed on her reminiscence of those days with her lover. She opened the door for her husband.
“What’s for lunch,” he asked as he walked in. “We are having fish today,” Meera told her husband. Funnily enough so did Prabu. One time when she had told him this,” Prabu, you know something, both you and my husband like fish. I must cook fish curry at least twice a week.” He had smiled as he replied,” there is nothing to be surprised about that coincidence.” “Why?” “Well it’s logical isn’t it that we like the same things. Both of us like you and we both like to eat you,” there was a mischievous smile on his face.” She had blushed brightly when he had said that. She knew what he was particularly meaning by that. He had introduced the pleasures of cunnilingus to her. She had groaned loudly and her body had convulsed as she experienced that joy for the first time. Her reaction had been so ardent that he had asked her. “Is this the first time for you, hasn’t Saravanan done this for you before?” She did not want to put down her husband in anyway. As it is, she was consumed with guilt every time she saw her husband after she had had sex with Prabu. She did not want to denigrate her husband further in any other way. Prabu must already been thinking he had bested her husband by sleeping with her. He must not think that her husband was not capable of satisfying her. She always told him that she had only succumbed to him because he made use of her loneliness. “No, he does this too. Only not every time that’s all,” she had said wanting to defend her husband in some small way. As she served her husband all the guilt came back. Not only had I been cheating on him when Prabu was here, I am still mentally cheating him even when Prabu isn’t here. I don’t know what is worse. At least when Prabu was here I had the excuse that his presence here as well as his constant persistence that he wanted sex with me pressured me to sleep with him many times, she reasoned to herself (She found it difficult to admit to herself that truth be told she wanted it too) but now even when he is not here he is consuming my thoughts. This is in a way a greater betrayal to my husband she thought as she watched her husband eat his lunch. “Why are you waiting for me to finish my lunch first, I have told you many times to eat along with me. I can serve myself. Afterall all the dishes are here on the dining table.” Even her husband’s innocent words uttered now brought back unwanted memories of her time with Prabu. He had made her lie on her back on this very table and had pulled her saree up to her waist. He had looked hungrily at her wet pussy licking his lips and had said,” Nothing you cook can be tastier than this delicious dish that I’m going to eat,” as he buried his face on her sweet womanhood. She thought to herself, “If my husband had only known that his friend had eaten his wife’s pussy on this very table, he would never want to eat a meal here again and secondly he would have probably killed me. No, he wouldn’t have, she immediately dismissed the thought of violence from her husband. He is too good a man to be violent towards a woman, even one who has wronged him badly as I have. The thought that pained her most was that he would have been incredibly hurt. The vision of her husband’s face in anguish made her feel miserable. Love came flooding back for her husband. She didn’t know how else to express this except to lovingly serve him as he ate. “Here dear, have another piece,” she said as she put another piece of fried fish on his plate. “No, it’s enough for me I have already had two pieces, there won’t be anything left for you.” “It’s okay, I have kept some for me in the container, how is the food, today? Is it okay.” “My wife cooking always is great,” he said looking at her fondly. Those words again. Prabu used to say the same thing. “You are not only beautiful, but you cook like a dream too. Saravanan is a very lucky man.” She tired to banish the thoughts about Prabu as it kept intruding into her mind. How can my husband be lucky when I had allowed his friend to enjoy what should only be my husband’s rightfully. She suddenly hugged her husband as she sent him back on his way to the shop. He was surprised, pleasantly so by this. He could feel the love in the way she hugged him. He thought that she is really making an effort to return to her normal self before Prabu’s unwanted intrusion into their peaceful life. I must continue to show that I care for her. Only then can I be supportive of her inner battle to redeem herself from the affair that had so affected her. Meera kept herself very busy making every effort not to think about her departed lover. She reasoned that the thoughts about him only come when she had nothing to do. It’s not for nothing that they say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. She started doing some house cleaning and mopping. She had no help since the mother of her husband’s worker who her husband had got to help in her housework had suddenly died 6 months ago. She refused her husband’s offer of getting her another domestic help. She did not want to have more free time because that was when memories of Prabu and their blissful times together kept interfering in her peace of mind. It also helped that just as she finished her domestic duties her children came back home from college. As there was no tuition for them that day, she spent her time, busy taking care of them. She sat with them and supervised their homework. Although she had only studied till the 11th standard she had been a bright student. Her family situation at that time had not allowed her to pursue her studies further. That was the time before all this wealth. This comfortable life was only because of her husband and the gratitude she had shown for that was to sleep with his friend. She felt ashamed of herself. Soon her husband came back and she was busy preparing their dinner. It was now 11pm. Her children were already fast asleep. Her husband’s deep breathing as he lay beside her also indicated that he was fast asleep. Yet sleep refused to come to her. As it has been the past two days, whenever she was idle with nothing else on her mind, the memories of her time with Prabu disturbed her once more. Why is it especially for the last two days she wondered. The woman selling flowers offering her pink jasmine had initially triggered her mind. Prabu would always buy that for her before he mated with her. He found the fragrance of the flowers intoxicating as he would vigorously pump his thick rod in her wet sheath. Soon she too started associating the sight and smell of pink jasmine with satisfying sex. She would often smile as she had to clean their bed of the crushed and scattered pink jasmine flowers after Prabu had left after making love to her. Yesterday the sight of the pink jasmine flowers triggered back those old memories. Coupled with this was the visit to Prabu’s house. She was going there for the first time after they went there for Prabu’s sister’s marriage. When her husband had remarked that she seemed to be wearing only pink jasmine in her hairs nowadays, a chill had run through her spine. She feared that her husband had got an inkling of her affair with Prabu. She had warned Prabu’s over the phone when he had called her. They decided to cool their ardour for the time being. Prabu stopped visiting her completely. Her husband had subsequently not shown any other indication that he was suspicious about her faithfulness. Two weeks or so without contact with Prabu, he had called her on the phone had said that he really was missing her a lot and he was desperate to see her even if he had to hide and see her from afar. He had come that Friday evening to the temple knowing that she would be there with her family. Her heart filled with joy when she heard him say that he could not sleep without seeing her again at least once. This was the time when their affair was at it’s peak. It was there that her fear that her husband was suspicious of them was mostly assuaged. In fact her husband on seeing Prabu had called him over and had asked why he was not to be seen at our home. She only sighed in relief after hearing this. Prabu gave some excuse that he was busy in the preparations for her sister’s wedding. That evening in Prabu’s house Prabu had gestured to her secretively to follow him behind the house. She had smilingly refused. He was very insistent as he kept looking at her as much as he could without attracting any other person’s attention. Meera knew this was a situation fraught with danger and there is a real possibility that they could get caught. However, after the more than two weeks of separation she too wanted to meet with him alone. She carefully looked around to see where her husband was. She noticed him to one corner sitting with a group of men chatting. Noting that his attention was not on her she slowly walked around and out of the house without anyone noticing her. In the old abandoned house behind Prabu’s newly built house she and Prabu had kissed passionately. He had caressed and kneaded her breasts and had even tongued her pussy briefly. On her part she had fondled his large pole that she had missed for more than two weeks. Both of them needed that brief liaisons. It had subsequently led to lusty mating between them two days later in her bed. Her eyes yesterday had automatically gone towards the old house when they visited Prabu’s ailing father. Prabu’s house, the pink jasmine flowers had all together had invoked all the desires she had so desperately tried to suppress. Now as she lay beside her husband the memory of her first lovemaking with Prabu, the first time she cheated on her husband, the first time she lost her chastity forever came rushing back to her mind. She couldn’t resist those thoughts from entering her mind once again. On that fateful day…..
11-12-2019, 12:59 AM
great..............your narration is wonderful.......... picturisation like narration of conflicting emotions
now i think her old memories will indicate her some abnormalities....during their affair and prabhu's sudden disappearance..... or may be through some other way(s)
11-12-2019, 03:31 AM
Super update bro.
One question though. Is that true, her husband was really incapable of satisfying her and she does not want prabu to know. Is that the main reason for her affair with prabu and why she loved it very much?
11-12-2019, 03:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2019, 04:12 AM by Krish World. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
Meera started treating prabu also as her husband and started cooking him fish too. She served the fish and herself only to her secret husband prabu first.
Saravanan caring about the remaining fish for Meera. What he really did not know that he is eating only the remaining left by prabu and meera. Poor fellow. At some point during the affair, meera would have wished her husband to be cuckold, so that she can have best sex life with prabu and family with saravanan and kids. Is that what is going happen in future? Will prabu settle back in the town with his family again after their parents?. Can saravanan turn cuckold and allow prabu to his house again to bring happiness to meera? More interesting things seems to be in the pipeline. ![]()
11-12-2019, 10:09 AM
Superb! I enjoyed it very much. "Dil Maange More.!"
As with my views with story:- Sravana does not enjoy seeing his wife with others. Within framework of his dignity and statesmanship he made necessary arrangement to stop liaison. Breaking relation is very easy but giving it a chance to neutralise needs a lot of courage. This can't be called cowardice. Saravana is not weak but of very strong mentality. He could absorb the pain within himself. He had not expressed his disturbances not only to Meera but not even shared with anyone. What a man! Meera is not slut. She has restrained from another adultery. Adultery is a great addiction. Whoever have indulged in adultery, they know how tempting it is to continue. Your partner need not to be incapable. Greatest sex organ is mind and mind is ready to accept everything as superior and great achieved through adultery. Even a woman married to a bull also will find it more pleasurable what she gets through adultery even from ordinary person. It is the quest for change that counts. See, even in erotica literature, we are not interested in vivid description of lovemaking of husband-wife. Which is natural and obvious does not thrills most human. We don't give credit for our rights. You make mistakes, repent and struggle to come back to normalcy correcting to mistakes. that's life. Once I was told " The purest love you can get only from a prostitute." Meera's agony and pain mixed with love for husband & family will definitely make her vulnerable. Not for committing another adultery but for something else. If she is mentally disturbed up to point, she may reveal the truth herself or make attempt to commit suicide or even both. I don't think, she will make another mistake with Prabhu, even if they meet in isolation by chance. Let's see how life recons.
11-12-2019, 11:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2019, 12:00 PM by Krish World. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
Its been nearly three years since prabu left meera and she would have thought about him at least couple of times every single day as she happens to see every room of her house where they mated lustily. The agony and pain must have gone top the roof. Sleeping once can be called as an accident. But, she has happily mated and slept with him many times.
I guess there is something else also in her mind that prabu was able to bed her easily and for many times because, saravanan did not satisfy her inner sexual needs and prabu identified it and hit it correctly. She must have thought, it is only because of saravanan incapability, she had to sleep with prabu again and again. She do not want to tell that to prabu as he would think bad about her husband and will humiliate him while making love with her. Though, she has some respect for her husband for only the good life he has given her, when it comes to her happiness in bed, comparing to prabu, definitely she must have felt that saravanan is weak and incapable. She would have thought, she definitely deserve prabu kind of sexual partner for her desires. She must have been happy to have that experience in her life. Otherwise, she would not have experienced heavenly multiple orgasms in her life time with saravanan. With that, she has one kind of mind justification for her affair with prabu and why she did not repent much for that or reveal about her affair to the husband. Lets see how things discloses in future. ![]()
11-12-2019, 07:06 PM
very well written, I always love slow buildup in story
Waiting for more updates
11-12-2019, 07:23 PM
(11-12-2019, 10:09 AM)manas Wrote: Superb! I enjoyed it very much. "Dil Maange More.!" (11-12-2019, 11:13 AM)Krish World Wrote: Its been nearly three years since prabu left meera and she would have thought about him at least couple of times every single day as she happens to see every room of her house where they mated lustily. The agony and pain must have gone top the roof. Sleeping once can be called as an accident. But, she has happily mated and slept with him many times. 2 POV i am agree with both manas......... described the feellings of sarvanan and krish world......... meera's but the conclusion is same............... sarvanan is no lesser than prabhu in physical performance.............but the freedom, kinkiness and dominated aaproach made prabhu superior meera was attracted to prabhu not physically....... even now...................... but mentally........... because of kinkiness, taboo and most important--- she was with him only for sex ...not for living a homely life or any other affair except sex........... so she got addicted for sex with him........... but not for life with him now we are waiting for the author's POV........ in the form of NEXT UPDATE
11-12-2019, 08:29 PM
This is in response to some queries and comments on the story so far. Appreciate the involvement of the readers in the story. First and foremost let me say that my main reference point would be characterization of the main characters as per the original story.
Does Meera love her husband. Yes. Has she also gone fond of Prabu. The answer to that too is yes. Hence the emotional turmoil and conflict of character. Was she enjoying a satisfying sex life with her husband. The original author would have briefly described a lovemaking session between husband and wife in the first story. He would have stated they made love twice and Meera's eyes would swoon as her husband was making love to her. She would smile happily and talk with her husband after their sex session. All of which indicates she had a satisfying sex session. In the first story Meera would say to Prabu that after their first sex session she thought to never meet with him again but because of the pleasure he had shown her that day had made her come to him again and again. So how to reconcile these two things? One reader had already stated that unsatisfying sex is not the only reason for a wife to stray. Even when the wife has a satisfying sex life with her husband she may still stray due to other reasons. Example, boredom, a new sensation of falling in love again. The attention paid to her by her lover when the relationship between man and wife has set into a predictable routine etc. Here though there is an indication that for Meera sex with Prabu was better than with her husband, though both were satisfying for her. Only the intensity seemed to have differed. To explain this I tried to subtly indicate the possible reasons woven into the narration, though I am not sure to what extent I had succeeded. This story was set some where in the mid nineteen eighties. Woman from decent families especially in a small town/village background had been taught to behave with restraint in matters of sex with their husbands lest they be thought to be women with loose character. Both Saravanan and Meera were of that background and hence were not very experimental in exploring sexual pleasures. Even in the first story when Saravanan sees Meera performing fellatio on Prabu he would say he never asked this of Meera lest she is disgusted by it. Meera was for the first time experiencing variety in sexual foreplay and she too didn't of the constraint of having to show restraint as it usually is with a lover. The newness probably contributed to her having a more satisfying sexual union. Coupled to this, the feeling of being wooed and the thrill of doing something wrong makes the sex seem more blissful. If the affair had gone on for a much longer duration eventually this too would become somewhat routine and may not be as exciting as before. Prabu having had exposure of even having gone overseas is probably more attuned to experimentation in sex. The affair had abruptly ended and hence the only memories of it for Meera are those wonderful days before the sudden parting. Therefore she was battling against the yearning for return of those days. that were in her memory. Saravanan too if he was to be more creative in his love making would probably be able to equally satisfy her to the same extent as Prabu. Hence it is not that Prabu has a bigger penis that made sex with him more pleasurable but the higher level of stimulation due to more experimentation coupled with the other reasons stated above. As an aside, many are under the fallacy that the bigger the penis the more satisfying it is for women. If a woman enjoys a certain level of sex with a man whose penis is 6 inches long and of satisfying girth then she would enjoy it more with a man having a tool of 7 inches and even better with a man whose rod is 8 inches long etc. The pleasure does not increase proportional to the increase in inches of the man's penis. In fact it is men who are more concerned with penis size than women. There was an actual study that found that for a substantial number of women the ideal penis size was 6.2 inches. In stories like this penis size is emphasized just for erotic value and not because there is truth in how it is portrayed in the stories. As an aside , researches doing work on sexual matter relating to women say the depth of a vagina is apparently about 3 and a half inches and can expand to a maximum of double this due to high stimulation. The clitoris, the 'A' spot, the 'U' spot the 'G' spot are all located within 3 inches or so within the vaginal wall. Hence most normal sized men can more than satisfy any women provided the technique is right. It also states women are sensitive to stimulation around the ears, neck, lips, nipples inner thighs etc. Even in the case of cuckold relationship it was the cuckold men who found that relationship satisfying. Except for a small number of women, many women in such relationships found it stressful and demeaning. The felt inadequate that they on their own could not be attractive enough to their husbands but needed the presence of a third party for that. Here Saravanan did not find the sexual union between Prabu and Meera sexually stimulating. Hence he was not a cuckold. The story would unfold in a different way as it goes on. I cannot say much on some of the comments and questions as that would give the story away. The story is still in it's early stages. I hope it continues to intrigue the readers as the story progresses. One thing my stories are not abandoned half way. The story will definitely be completed.
11-12-2019, 08:34 PM
The reader kamadev seemed to have posted while I was writing the reply above. I only noticed it after posting the reply. He has more or less succinctly conveyed what I wanted to say in my rather long reply.
11-12-2019, 09:23 PM
Saravanan is fool. He is acting like gandhi to save a human to commit suicide and to save 2 kids future while keeping them under their mother presence and save her marriage not no no... only his so called social honor.
He never realized that meera is now prabu's mistress and He has been even be erased from meera's mind as husband. She is only living with saravanan because of prabhu is not capable to keep her maintain in future. However he choose to keep doing sex with meera. Kudos author !! This story have perfect solid emotional dose for brain who love emotional drama. Loved to read so many conflict, lust, betrayal, Humiliation (? I don't think so) |
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