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ebooks Collection 2019
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Descirption: It is the onset of World War II in the fifth in the Strangers and Brothers series. A group of Cambridge scientists are working on atomic fission. But there are consequences for the men who are affected by it. Hiroshima also causes mixed personal reactions.

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Descirption: The penultimate novel in the Strangers and Brothers series takes Goya's theme of monsters that appear in our sleep. The sleep of reason here is embodied in the ghastly murders of children that involve torture and sadism.

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9781476727233 |

Descirption: I arch into him, drinking in his passion, instantly, willingly consumed by all that he is and could be to me. . . .
Sara McMillan is still searching for Rebecca, the mysterious woman whose dark, erotic journal entries both enthralled and frightened her. Tormented by a strong desire to indulge the demands of her new boss while also drawn deeper into her passionate bond with the troubled artist, Chris Merit, Sara must face a past as deeply haunting as Rebecca's written words. In one man's arms, Sara will find the safe haven to reveal her most intimate secrets and explore her darkest fantasies. But is safety just an illusion, when the truth about Rebecca has yet to be discovered?

From the Author
Booklist says: Jones' suspense truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann. 

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Descirption: "C.M. Sutter's Detective Jade Monroe Crime Thrillers get better and better while her villains get badder and badder. This time she offers up a father-and-son team of grisly killers-one already behind bars and one who desperately needs to be. Readers will find themselves racing toward the heart-stopping conclusion to learn whether Jade has finally met her match in a crazed killer who kno exactly how to get to her." Angela M., Editor, Red Adept Editing

Darryl Sims, a long forgotten murderer, has been locked up in a maximum security prison for the last twenty years. Only when the family farm is repossessed for back taxes and sold to a megastore does the full extent of his heinous crimes-and the crimes of his son, Max-finally surface. When the property is excavated, skeletal remains of women that have gone missing over the years are exposed.
Max is now on the run with Jade Monroe closing in. Worthy adversary that he is, Max...

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9781476775272 |

Descirption: The stunning conclusion to Mark and Crystal's relationship in the passionate, all-consuming Inside Out series by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.Master.Being that person, that man, is how I define myself, how I allow the rest of the world to define me as well. And now, with a terrible loss shredding me inside out and someone trying to destroy my family to punish me, control is more important than ever. It is everything. It is what I need. It is all I need. Or maybe I just need.her.

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Descirption: <meta name="qrichtext" content="1">The fourth in the Inside Out erotic romance series by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones, this steamy novel resolves Chris and Sara's relationship and leads into Mark's story.

"Chris and I have faced our demons and bared our souls to one another in Paris. Now that we are back home in San Francisco, I want to believe that nothing can tear us apart. Not Ava's accusations against me to the security officer, or Chris's fear that he will destroy me as he feels he did Amber. And not Mark, who was once too intimately a part of our lives, and who I can see crumbling inside out. He believes he is invincible, just as I want to believe Chris and I are invincible. We have to be invincible. We need each other too much for any other ending."

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Descirption: Book 02 of Kefahuchi Tract Trilogy!Years after Ed Chianese's fateful trip into the Kefahuchi Tract, the tract has begun to expand and change in ways we never could have predicted-and, even more terrifying, parts of it have actually begun to fall to Earth, transforming the landscapes they encounter.Not far from Moneytown, in a neighborhood of underground clubs, body-modification chop shops, adolescent contract killers, and sexy streetwalking Monas, you'll find the Saudade Event Site: a zone of strange geography, twisted physics, and frightening psychic onslaughts-not to mention the black and white cats that come pouring out at irregular intervals. Vic Serotonin is a "travel agent" into and out of Saudade. His latest client is a woman who's nearly as unpredictable as the site itself-and maybe just as dangerous. She wants a tour just as a troubling new class of biological artifacts are leaving the site-living algorithms that are transforming the world outside in inexplicable and unsettling ways. Shadowed by a metaphysically inclined detective determined to shut his illegal operation down, Vic must make sense of a universe rapidly veering toward a virulent and viral form of chaos.and a humanity almost lost.ReviewFrom Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. In this dense quasi-noir tale set in the universe of Light (2004), Harrison introduces Vic Serotonin, a ne'er-do-well who makes his living running illegal tours of the Saudade event site, where hallucinatory and impossible experiences are the norm. When rich tourist Elizabeth Kielar hires him as a guide and then disappears in the area around the site, things get even stranger than usual. security officer detective Lens Aschemann, who usually turns a blind eye to the tourism business, threatens dire consequences for Vic's sideline of event site artifact smuggling, while shady club owner Paulie DeRaad buys an artifact that begins to change him in bizarre ways. Harrison privileges atmosphere over plot, using grotesquely beautiful narration and elliptical dialogue to convey the beautifully delineated angst of Saudade's extraordinary inhabitants. Although not for everyone, Harrison's trippy style will appeal to sophisticated readers who treasure the work of China Miéville and Jeff VanderMeer. (Oct.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.From Bookmarks MagazineCritics greeted M. John Harrison’s Light (2002), which won the James Tiptree Jr. Award, as a revelationâ€"a science fiction novel that drew upon much of the best of the genre but also transcended it. Reactions to this sort-of sequel were not quite as enthusiastic across the board, but even the negative revie showed admiration for Harrison’s stellar wit and style. The consensus is that Harrison has traveled not only to the outer limits of space and time but also to the outer bounds of the novel form. Readers who are up for extra-dimensional prose may be drawn into Nova Swing’s orbit. However, those who are seeking traditional character-driven space opera may find themselves adrift.Copyright © 2004 Phillips Nelson Media, Inc.From BooklistThe sequel to Light (2002) returns to a world transformed by the Kefahuchi Tract to introduce illegal tour guide Vic Serotonin, who takes people up to the Saudade Event Site-always a risky business when maps are unreliable at best, and reality is malleable. Something new is coming out of the site, something with consciousness or at least a distressing tendency to wander around town, clearly looking for something. Vic's latest client, obsessed with going into the site but also terrified, is just the the first link in a chain of people and events on the fringes of a town full of underground clubs, stolen goods, and men broken by their travels in the tract-a chain that could end in disaster for reality as we know it. With its gritty, noirish atmosphere, elements of space opera, and some impressive moments of explosive action, this is a tasty, entertaining morsel, deeply enough flavored to satisfy the thoughtful. Regina Schroeder

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9781476727240 |

Descirption: The third installment in the sexy Inside Out erotic romance series-in the seductive tradition of Fifty Shades of Grey.

You've discovered Rebecca's secrets. You've discovered Sara's secrets. Now Sara will discover "his" deepest, darkest secrets...but will those secrets bind them together--or tear them apart?

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9780373803057 |

Instead of powerful forces storming Seattle, a more insidious invasion is happening. Most of Joanne Walker's fellow cops are down with the blue flu-or rather the blue sleep. Yet there's no physical cause anyone can point to-and it keeps spreading.
It has to be magical, Joanne figures. But what's up with the crazy dreams that hit her every time she closes her eyes? Are they being sent by Coyote, her still-missing spirit guide? The messages just aren't clear.
Somehow Joanne has to wake up her sleeping friends while protecting those still awake, figure out her inner-spirit dream life and, yeah, come to terms with these other dreams she's having about her boss..

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, July 5, 8:58 a.m.
Someone had driven a tire iron into my skull. I could tell, because centered in my left temple was a vast throbbing pain that could only come from desperate injury. It felt like there were a thousand vicious gnomes leaping up and down on the iron, trying to increase the size of the hole in my head. I had the idea that once it was split open far enough, they would run down the length of metal and dive into the soft, gooey gray matter of my brain and have themselves a little gnomish pool party. Neither of my eyes would open. I fumbled a hand up to poke at them and encountered sufficient goo that I took a moment to consider the possibility that the gnomes were already in my head, had overfilled it and were now flowing out my sinuses and tear ducts. It wasn't a pretty thought. Then again, nothing could be a pretty thought when someone'd smashed a tire iron into my head.
I rolled my fingers across my eyelashes, trying to work some of the ook out of them. My heart was beating like a rabbit on speed, except when it paused with an alarming little arrhythmia that made me start hyperventilating. I hoped I was dying, because anything else seemed anticlimactic with all that going on. Besides, I had some experience with dying. It was kind of old hat, and so far it hadn't stuck.
Unlike my eyes. I physically pried one open with my fingers. The red numbers on my alarm clock jumped into it and stabbed it with white-hot pokers. I whimpered and let it close again, wondering why the hell I was in my bed, if I was dying. Usually I found myself dying in more exotic locations, like diners or city parks.
A whisper of memory drifted through my brain in search of something to attach itself to. The department's Fourth of July picnic had been the day before. I'd attended, feeling saucy and cute in a pair of jeans shorts and a tank top. I'm five foot eleven and a half. Cute and I are not generally on speaking terms, so the feeling had been a novel one and I'd been enjoying it. The outfit had shown off a rare tan and the fact that I'd lost twelve pounds in the past few months, and I'd gotten several compliments. Those were as rare as me rubbing elbo with cute, so it'd been a good day.
Which did nothing to explain how it had ended with a tire iron separating the bones of my cranium. I walked my fingers over the left side of my head, cautiously. My fingers encountered hair too short to be tangled, but no tools of a mechanic's trade. I pressed my hand against my temple, admiring how nice and cool it felt against the splitting headache, and the memory found something to attach itself to.
Morrison. My boss. Smiling fatuously down at a petite redhead in Daisy Mae shorts that hugged her va-va-va-voom curves. Right about then somebody'd offered me a beer, and it'd sounded like an awfully good idea. I tried to close my eyes in a pained squint, but I'd never gotten them open, so I only wrinkled them and felt crusty goo crinkle around my lashes.
The only other thing I remember clearly was a bunch of guys from the shop swooping down on me as they- each-bore a fifth of Johnnie Walker. With my last name being Walker, they figured me and Johnnie must be cousins and that gave me a leg up on them. I was pretty sure my leg up had turned into a slide down the slow painful descent of hangover hell.
I gave up on rubbing my eyes and prodding my head, and instead flopped my arm out to the side with a heartfelt grunt.
Unfortunately, the grunt wasn't mine.
It turned out my eyes were willing to come open after all, with sufficient force behind the attempt. I wasn't sure I had eyelashes left after the agony of ripping through loaded-up sleep, but at least the subsequent tears did something to wash away some of the goop. I was out of bed and halfway across the room with a slipper in hand, ready to fling it like the deadly weapon it wasn't, when I noticed I wasn't wearing any clothes.
Neither was the blurry-eyed guy who'd grunted when I'd smacked him. At least not on his upper half. He pushed up on his elbo while I scrubbed at my eyes with my free hand. I'd gone to sleep with my contacts in, which partly explained why there was such a lot of gunk in my lashes, but I didn't believe what my twenty-twenty vision was telling me. I was pretty certain the goo had to be impairing it somehow, because-
-because damn, sister!
"Easy on the eyes" didn't cover it. He was so easy on the eyes that they just sort of rolled right off him as precursor to a girl turning into a puddle of-
All right, there was way too much goo going on in my morning. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded, then coughed. I sounded like I'd been on a three-day drunk. In my defense, I knew it wasn't more than a one-night drunk, but Jesus.
"Mark," he said in a sleepy, good-natured sort of rumble, and grinned at me. "Who're you?"
"What're you doing here?" I asked instead of answering. He arched one eyebrow and looked my naked self over, then lifted the covers a few inches to inspect his own lower half.
"I'd say I'm havin' a real good night." He grinned again and flopped back onto my bed, arms folded behind his head. His hair was this amazing color between blond and brown, not dishwater, but glimmering with shado and streaks of light. His folded-back arms displayed smoothly muscular triceps. Who ever heard of someone having noticeably beautiful triceps, for heaven's sake? The puff of hair in his armpits was, at least, an ordinary brown and not waxed away. That would've been more than I could handle.
"So who're you?" he asked again, pleasantly. More than pleasantly. More like the cat who'd stolen the cream, eaten the canary and then knocked the dog out of the sunbeam so he could loll in it undisturbed.
For a moment I was tempted to open the curtains so I could see if he'd stretch out and expose his belly to the morning sunlight. God should be so good as to give every woman such a view once in her life.
The thing was-well, there were many things. Many, many things and all of them led back to me being unable to think of the last time I'd done something so astoundingly stupid.
No, that wasn't true. I knew exactly the last time I'd done something so astoundingly stupid. I'd been fifteen, and I'd have hoped the intervening thirteen years of experience would be enough to keep me from doing it again. Only I hadn't been shitface drunk then, and if the God who was kind enough to provide the gorgeous man in my bed was genuinely kind, there wouldn't be the same consequences there'd been then.
The point was, Mark was so far out of my league it wasn't even funny. I didn't think I'd said that out loud until he pushed up on an elbow again and looked me over a second time before saying, "I beg to differ," in a mildly affronted tone. Then curiosity clearly got the better of him as he sat all the way up, drawing his knees up and looping his arms around them as he squinted at me. He had a tattoo on his right shoulder, a butterfly whose colors were so bright it had to be new. His biceps were magnificent. He had smooth sleek muscle where most people didn't even have flab. It was like he took up more space than he really ought to.
Which, in my experience, suggested he probably wasn't human.
I didn't realize I'd said that out loud, either, until he threw his head back and laughed, then scooted around on my bed like he belonged there, giving me a curious grin. "What is your name?"
"Joanne," I finally answered. "Joanne Walker. SPD," I added faintly, for no evident reason. Maybe I thought announcing I worked for the security officer department would provide me with some kind of physical shielding.
It struck me that clothes would be a lot more effective in that arena. Still clutching my slipper as a weapon, I scampered for the bathroom and pulled my rarely used robe off the door.
"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Joanne Walker," he called after me. I stuck my head out the door incredulously.
"Is that what you call it?"
"What should I call it?" He shrugged, a beautiful movement like glass flowing. "I'mgettin' a kinda freaked-out vibe from you, ma'am. You want I should vacate the premises?"
"I want you should tell me you had rubbers in your wallet and you don't anymore, and that you've got a nice clean blood test in your hip pocket. I'll think about the rest of it after that." I retreated into the bathroom again and poked through the garbage nervously. Funny what strikes a girl as relieving in the midst of mental crisis. Having a naked guy whose name I barely knew in my bed would normally be more than enough reason to come apart at the seams, but oh no. Give me a little evidence of safe sex despite drunken revelry and it seemed I could handle the naked guy.
Pity there was no such evidence. Despite that, my hind brain announced it wouldn't half mind handling the naked guy. More than once. Which, in fact, I could only presume that I had.
"Sorry," he said. "Still got three in my wallet."
Three. I stopped poking around in the garbage to stare though the wall at him. "Confident, aren't you?"
I heard a grin come into his drawl: "Looks like I got cause, ma'am. I had five to begin with," he added cheerfully. I lurched to the door so I could stare at him more effectively. I'd developed some unusual skills lately, but X-ray vision hadn't been one of them.
"Are you serious?"
"No," he said, still cheerfully. "Sorry, ma'am."
Jesus. I didn't remember the last time I got laid, or more accurately, I remembered in exquisite, precise detail, and now it appeared I'd missed an all-nighter of action thanks to way, way too much whiskey in the jar. That was wrong on so many levels I didn't even know where to begin.
"Stop calling me ma'am." For some reason I found the ma'aming kind of charming, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be charmed. I wasn't sure what I wanted at all. All my base impulses were to throw the guy out and hide under the bed until it all went away. It'd been an approach to life that had worked pretty well until recently, but a couple of weeks ago it'd become violently clear that the ostrich s...

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Descirption: In this final installment of C. J. Redwine's Defiance trilogy, a rich postapocalyptic YA fantasy perfect for fans of Graceling and Tamora Pierce, Rachel Adams has been kidnapped by enemy forces and is being taken to Rowansmark while her love, Logan McEntire, is imprisoned and awaiting trial, unable to leave Lankenshire. As uneasy alliances are tested and their enemies plot against them, will the two manage to find a way to rid their world of the tyrannical Commander and destroy the tech that controls the deadly Cursed One once and for all?

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9780373803514 |

Descirption: *You can never go home again*
Joanne Walker has survived an encounter with the Master at great personal cost, but now her father is missing-stolen from the timeline. She must finally return to North Carolina to find him-and to meet Aidan, the son she left behind long ago.
That would be enough for any shaman to face, but Joanne's beloved Appalachians are being torn apart by an evil reaching forward from the distant past. Anything that gets in its way becomes tainted-or worse.
And Aidan has gotten in the way.
Only by calling on every aspect of her shamanic powers can Joanne pull the past apart and weave a better future. It will take everything she has-and more.
Unless she can turn back time.
### Review
"Joanne continues to be a compelling and challenging protagonist and the supporting characters are wonderful, even the villains."
--RT Book Revie

" ...the twists and turns will have readers shaking their heads while devouring the next page."
-- USA Today on Raven Calls

"Fans of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novels and the works of urban fantasists Charles de Lint and Tanya Huff should enjoy this fantasy/mystery's cosmic elements. A good choice."
-Library Journal on Thunderbird Falls
### About the Author
C.E. Murphy was born and raised in Alaska, and now lives in her ancestral homeland of Ireland, which is a magical land where it rains a lot but winter never actually arrives. Her first published title was URBAN SHAMAN, and she's since written eight more novels and two novellas featuring Joanne Walker. She's also published The Inheritor's Cycle, the Worldwalker duology, a graphic novel and various other projects. Check her out on Twitter @CE_murphy or at

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Descirption: Suddenly, being bitten by a werewolf is the least of Joanne Walker's problems. Her personal life in turmoil, her job as a cop over, she's been called to Ireland by the magic within her. And though Joanne's skills have grown by leaps and bounds, Ireland's magic is old and very powerful[unknown-8230]. In fact, this is a case of unfinished business. Because the woman Joanne has come to Ireland to rescue is the woman who sacrificed everything for Joanne - the woman who died a year ago. Now, through a slip in time, she's in thrall to a dark power and Joanne must battle darkness, time and the gods themselves to save her.

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9781101151778 |


Starred Review. Nonstop action and clever plotting power this thrilling debut. When freelance photographer Edie Miller witnesses a brutal murder and the theft of a sacred relic, she kno her life is in danger. She contacts former MI5 agent and scholar Caedmon Aisquith, one of the victim's colleagues, who thinks Edie is crazy until someone tries to kill them. When Edie and Caedmon discover that the Warriors of God believe the artifact will lead them to the Ark of the Covenant and kick off an epic war, they must decipher clues and travel the globe in a race to find the Ark first. Palov makes even the most arcane biblical, historical and mythological knowledge intriguing and accessible, tossing in just a hint of romance and politics. Fans of Dan Brown and Steve Berry will be enthralled.

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Descirption: At the request of Lady Harcourt, Charlie and Lincoln begin searching for her missing stepson. Still recovering from her ordeal at the hands of a diabolical villain, Charlie is supposed to be resting. But resting is dull, so she thro herself into the task at hand, much to Lincoln's frustration.
The search leads them down a dark path littered with family secrets and titillating scandal. Using her necromancy to expose those secrets, Charlie unwittingly raises a spirit with the power to override her control. With a dead body on the loose in London, Charlie and Lincoln must work together to send it back before havoc is unleashed, and the committee members find out.
Because if they do, they will have more ammunition in their fight to send Charlie away from her home and everyone she loves.  

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Descirption: a Walker Papers short story, between book 3 and 4

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Descirption: Joanne Walker has two choices: Defeat the enemy or lose her soul trying For over a year, Joanne has been fighting the Master - the world's most abiding evil entity. She's sacrificed family, friendships, even watched potential futures fade away and now the Master is bringing the final battle to Joanne's beloved Seattle. Lives will be lost as the repercussions of all Joanne's final transformation into her full Shamanic abilities come to her doorstep. Before the end, she'll mourn, rejoice - and surrender everything for the hope of the world's survival. She'll be a warrior and a healer. Because she is finally a Shaman Rising. The twists and turns will have readers shaking their heads while devouring the next page. - USA TODAY on Raven Calls

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9780373803255 |

For Seattle detective Joanne Walker, spring is about new beginnings. She's mastered her shamanic abilities (mostly), survived a cannibalistic serial killer (barely) and now she's facing the biggest challenge of her career-attending a dance concert with her sexy boss, Captain Michael Morrison. But when the performance-billed as transformative-actually changes her into a coyote, she and Morrison have bigger things to deal with.
And there's more. Homeless people are disappearing, a mystical murder puts Joanne way out of her jurisdiction and with the full moon coming on, it's looking like the killer is a creature that can't possibly exist.
But Jo could probably handle all of that, if one ordinary homicide hadn't pushed her to the very edge..

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9780373802357 |

From Publishers Weekly
Joanne Walker, a likable young Seattle beat cop, continues to learn the ropes of her even more dangerous job as a shaman in Murphy's spirited second urban fantasy (after 2005's Urban Shaman). After a fencing lesson at the university, Joanne stumbles on the body of Cassandra Tucker, a 20-year-old junior, in the showers. The autopsy report states that Cassandra's death was due to a heart condition, but Joanne suspects otherwise. In her role as shaman, Joanne investigates "the Dead Zone," a place between life and death, while her earthside sleuthing leads to a coven that in recognition of her special abilities invites her to take Cassandra's place in opening a passage between worlds for Virissong, an ancient Native American spirit who's expected to end a local heat wave and global warming. Unfortunately, if not surprisingly, Joanne discovers after several nightmarish and somewhat bloated magical misadventures that Virissong is one nasty lying serpent. (May)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

"A swift pace, a good mystery, a likable protagonist, magic, danger -- Urban Shaman has them in spades." -- Jim Butcher, author of the bestselling The Dresden Files

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Descirption: a short story taken from the "Winter Moon" anthology

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