Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
Actually, I was kind of excited. The way Lynn was sitting, I could see the back of
both thighs all the way to her... panties. Lynn was wearing panties under the towel.
I was sure she had been naked the night before. If fact, I was positive. When she
had leaned forward to ruffle her hair, I had seen all the way down her back and there
had been no sign of panties then. Still, this was great. I could see Lynn's plain
white panties stretched tightly over her sex as I pretended to examine her toenails.
"Hmmmm," I mused. "I'm not sure I like this color after all. It's not really pink,
is it?"
Lynn leaned forward to look herself, opening her legs wider and causing the towel
to fall toward her hips. I dipped my head to get around hers which was now partially
blocking my view. God almighty, the panties were stretched so tight now I could clearly
see the groove between her lower lips. I had never before been treated to such an
intimate display of my sister's charms.
Lynn's head snapped up.
"Well, it is pink and I like it," she said.
Lynn shuffled over beside me, fluffed a couple of pillows up and leaned back against
"Pass me the remote and pour me a wine, little brother," she instructed. "It's chick
flick time."
We drank wine and watched a movie which Lynn soon tired of. We ended up talking about
anything and everything as we finished the bottle. After the second glass was gone,
Lynn got up to go to the bathroom. I was still refilling our glasses when she returned.
The towels were both gone and she was wearing bra and panties and nothing else. She
settled in as if nothing had changed but thankfully browsed for another movie so I
didn't have to uncomfortably avert my eyes.
After the last glass was done, Lynn leaned across me to put her empty glass on the
bedside table instead of asking me to do it. Her breasts brushed across my chest and
caused an instant reaction, stiffening my already semi-hard cock in my jeans. Lynn
settled back to watch the movie but a few moments later suggested I get comfortable
"No, I'm fine," I declined. If I got down to my underwear, there was no way I could
hide my erection.
Lynn slumped against me after that but it was at least twenty minutes before I realized
she was sleeping. I turned off the TV and the light. I got up and turned the covers
of her bed down, then turned and leaned over to pick her up. I didn't pick her up
right away. Instead, I let my eyes rove over her underwear-clad body. She really was
quite a beautiful woman. Reluctantly, I slipped one hand under her back and the other
under her thighs. Picking her up, I swiveled her around to her own bed despite every
bone in my body, and one in particular, screaming for me to keep her in mine. After
setting her down, I took one last, long look, then covered her up.
In the dark, I undressed to my underwear which was tented up with my huge erection.
I sat on my bed, swung my feet under the covers, and stretched out. I wanted to relieve
myself in the bathroom but refused to go. It was going to be a long night. I turned
my head and looked at my sister. I could see her eyes glinting in the dim light.
"I love you, Ty," Lynn whispered, then turned around. "Goodnight," she said.
"Goodnight, Sis."
I couldn't visualize Lynn's breasts that night. My dreams were filled with her white
panties, stretched tightly over her mound, the shadowy groove dividing it beckoning
to me. I awoke in the night to a soaking pillow: I had bunched it into my mouth and
was sucking it. I flipped it over and turned around. Lynn's eyes were glinting again.
"Are you having trouble sleeping?" she asked.
"I guess," I answered. "Are you?"
"No, you woke me up. You were talking in your sleep."
"I was? What was I saying?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer.
"I don't know, you were kinda moaning. You were saying something but it was too garbled
to make out."
Thank god for that, I thought. I didn't doubt I was calling her name in my sleep.
Then, Lynn said something odd.
"Do you miss Mom at night?"
I wasn't sure what to say. Why would she think that after hearing me moaning in my
"Yes, I guess so. Why?" I asked.
"I just wondered," Lynn replied. "Goodnight, Ty."
"Goodnight, Lynn."
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We arrived at Lynn's late the next afternoon. She lived in a swish neighborhood, nicer
than I had expected , and the house appeared to be one of the best on the street.
After passing through the electronically controlled gate, we drove up a curved drive
through a tunnel of overhanging palm trees before bursting upon the rambling, two-story
house with stone-walls blocking the view of the back yard on one side and a three-car
garage hiding it on the other. The thick wooden doors opened as soon as we stopped
in front and a middle-aged Latino couple emerged to greet us. Manuel took Lynn's bags
and allowed me to carry my own while Rosita peppered Lynn with assurances of the children's
well-being and questions about her trip.
Lynn's house was fantastic, sprawling and obviously designer decorated, befitting
a prominent heart surgeon and his wife. Manuel led me upstairs to one of the guest
bedrooms. It looked over the backyard, complete with large pool and gardens, from
its own balcony. Except for the palm trees, it reminded me of pictures I had seen
of villas in Tuscany. It must have been hard for Lynn to leave this paradise for two
weeks to go home. Or was it? Mom had often told me how happy she was that Lynn was
doing so well but there was a tension in her voice that hinted of another worry, that
like her own, Lynn's life was full from the material satisfaction but wanting in other
The children department certainly wasn't one of those. My niece and nephew were great
kids and were now old enough to be interesting in their own right. Each had their
own hobbies and, after dinner and a brief visit, they disappeared upstairs to indulge
in them. Dale, for his part, adjourned to his office which was off to one side of
the living room.
The living room was a large, tiled affair facing the backyard. Dale's office was to
one side. Centered in the middle of the back wall was a large stone-work with an integrated
natural gas fireplace. This was surrounded by three plush leather couches set around
a large stone-tiled table, all of which sat within a sunken floor. Sitting on one
of the couches, I could see along the floor into Dale's office through his open door.
The 'wall' on either side of the stone encompassing the fireplace, was actually a
set of floor to ceiling windows except for the sliding glass doorway near the corner
behind me.
Lynn smiled apologetically as Dale walked away. "It's not," she explained a moment
later, "that he isn't pleased to see you. He does this every night except twice a
year for holidays." She paused, then added, "He's up for Chief of Surgery."
I changed the motion of my head to a nod from the horizontal shake it had adopted
when she first spoke.
"So, here we are, alone again," Lynn laughed. "What should we do now?"
"Why don't you show me your yard?" I suggested. "Or should I say, grounds," I laughed.
Lynn laughed with me. "Tomorrow," she said.
"Right. You're probably tired. Well, don't let me keep you up."
"I'm not tired at all," Lynn stretched her legs out on the couch she was sitting on.
I was sitting on the couch opposite her on the other side of a large, square, stone
coffee table. "Why don't you sit over here so we can talk?" Lynn pointed to the end
of the couch stretched between us nearest to her. As she did, she changed her position
to sit on the other end of her couch.
"Actually, I think I'll call it a night, if you don't mind," I said, getting up and
pretending to stretch.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Lynn looked disappointed. "Ok Ty, but I hope you'll stay for at least a few days.
I need to talk to you." I nodded my commitment. "I wish our trip had lasted longer,"
she said, a wistful expression gracing her face.
I don't know why I ran away. I had thoroughly enjoyed our past two nights together
but Dale's presence thirty feet away beyond the partially closed door of his office
robbed this evening of the earlier intimacy I had experienced with my sister. I wanted
to be with her, but by ourselves, free of potential interruption. At the same time,
I was relieved that I wasn't spending another night with her alone in a hotel room,
with the promise I had made to Mom so long ago to leave my sister alone hanging over
my head. I felt excited just being in her presence and I didn't trust myself to be
alone with her.
I went upstairs to bed but I couldn't sleep. I lay in bed remembering Mom's body next
to mine. I was surprised by how well I could remember the warmth and texture of her
skin. I could even smell her and sense the tremors she emitted when I stroked her
breasts and thighs. I hadn't felt that for some time. Was it because of being so close
to Lynn, because she looked so much more like Mom than she used to or was it Lynn's
apparent availability? When we were teenagers she hadn't been above flaunting her
body when she wanted a favor but I knew then, deep inside, that she wouldn't actually
do anything. But the past two nights, while Lynn hadn't exactly flaunted herself,
I had the uncomfortable feeling that she might and that worried me because then the
onus was on me to be the responsible one. I wasn't used to that.
Lynn was almost ten years younger than Mom was when I was first with her. Did she
look so much more like Mom because she was now a mother too? That was the one true
source of happiness I had observed in Lynn. True, she seemed to love her home but
the look on her face when she observed her kids talking to me, telling me about their
hobbies, was truly revealing. Lynn's whole body seemed to glow in those moments and
I could almost physically feel her love for her children, but I sensed nothing similar
when her attention was directed to Dale or, for that matter, from him. His mind was
on his career and it seemed she accepted that.
I got up, naked, and walked to the balcony overlooking the back yard. It was after
midnight but the moon bathed the grounds in an gentle light. I slid the glass door
open as quietly as I could and stepped outside. I breathed the warm air in deep. Lynn
had seemed desperate for me to stay and I thought about how lonely she must be. I
decided to stay for a while instead of buggering off as soon as possible like I had
planned. I stared serenely across the lawn to the trees at the end of the yard, barely
moving in the very light breeze.
The movement startled me. There was no sound. It was like something that had been
there all along suddenly began to move. I quickly stifled the fear response that burst
through me, probably because I realized I was safely on a second floor balcony, and
peered into the night to see what the intruder was. A deer, or coyote, or even a burglar?
It was moving toward a slash of moonlight that extended from the pool almost to the
house. Six more feet and its identity would be revealed. If it was a burglar leaving
the house, should I jump over and take him down, or just raise the alarm? Wouldn't
they have a security service for a place like this? If I jumped down, would I be mistaken
for one of the culprits in the dark?
The shape moved slowly but its motion was more graceful than stealthy. The moonlight
burst upon its head and upper body. It was a woman, dressed in a form-fitting black
leotard! That surprised me. I had expected the burglar to be a man. She stepped fully
into the moonlight and stopped.
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My god! She was naked. She stepped forward two or three steps and stopped again, turning
her head aside as if to listen for any sign of discovery from behind her.
It was Lynn!
Several more steps and she stopped again. Rather than turning her head to the side
her whole body twisted on her feet, bringing her breasts into profile and emphasizing
her left buttock as it torqued to push her body around. The moonlight washed around
her, defining a halo around her form but leaving her back dark, yet I could still
make out the topography of the muscles in her legs and back, and the divide between
her buttocks. Her head turned and looked directly back at me. I froze on the balcony,
afraid to move, impaled by two glinting points near the top of her head. Could she
see me?
Lynn turned and moved eloquently toward the pool. She paused at the edge and I readied
myself for her disappearance, expecting her to dive into the water as suddenly as
she had appeared below the balcony. She stepped forward and down into the pool, surprising
me. Of course. This was the shallow end. Lynn waded into the water and didn't stop
until it washed around her thighs just below the swell of her buttocks. Her arms rose
and lifted her hair high above her head, pausing to let it fall piece by piece. I
could see the swell of her breasts peeking from her sides, bulging from the narrow
waist that flared so sharply out to her hips but still in a quintessentially feminine
manner. She was luscious.
She was gone, her presence only hinted at by the moonlit ripples spreading over the
surface of the pool until the water was still. Was she standing in the middle outside
the slash of moonlight or clinging to the side? I leaned forward, peering intently
into the dark. Ripples. She was coming back, wading into the light, arms still held
high, breasts swaying from side to side as her legs pushed through the water, her
dark form disrupted only by the two glints near the top.
I ducked down, crouching behind the stone railing until only my eyes peered over the
top. Lynn stepped out of the water and stretched, arching her back and thrusting her
naked breasts toward the evening sky. I imagined, even at this distance, that I could
see her nipples piercing the night, drips of moonlit liquid dripping from their points.
She was coming. My breath caught in my throat and my mouth went dry. Those piercing
glints were directed straight ahead as she walked confidently back, but not on the
ground. They looked up, directly at my balcony.
I peered through the slats when she got too close to see over the railing. She paused
there in front of me and I strained to see her bare breasts and her naked pussy, probably
still shedding water from the pool. She moved forward and out of sight.
I stayed in my crouching position until my cramped muscles screamed for release. I
stood and leaned over the balcony but couldn't see anything below. Lynn was gone.
I looked out over the yard to the pool and imagined I could see her again, walking
slowly out, pausing to display her beautiful figure, continuing on to the pool and
entering the water, then strolling triumphantly back.
My cock was in my hand. When Lynn's imaginary figure stopped below the balcony, the
strokes grew longer and faster. I was pulling it hard now, huffing and puffing, whispering
my sister's name, "Lynn... oh god, Lynn... so beautiful," I gasped, frantically yanking
my pud. I dropped my left hand onto the railing and leaned forward, stretching up
on my toes to get past the railing. I was close. My body went rigid and my balls launched
my load into the moonlight. "Lynn," I whispered hoarsely, a scream in everything but
sound. "Lynn," I whimpered twice more as more streams of spunk lurched over the balcony,
catching the light of the moon as they fell silently until they hit the patio below
with a splat.
Chest heaving, I stood up straight and dropped my cock, my head falling back as I
stared at the moon. If only Mom hadn't made me promise, I thought, and then, Thank
god she did.
I was about to turn around and go to bed when I heard the soft click of the glass
door below.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I was afraid to meet Lynn's eyes the next morning. Dale was long gone by the time
I got up and the kids had gone to school. Rosita bustled about the kitchen and I could
see Manuel moving about in the backyard as I approached the large, curving granite
counter where Lynn sat, drinking her coffee and reading the morning paper.
"Sleep well?" she asked.
"Yeah, like a log from the moment my head hit the pillow," I lied.
Lynn smiled as she looked up. "Me too," she said. "Rosita left you an omelet," Lynn
waved at a covered pan on the stove.
I retrieved the omelet, poured myself a coffee, and pushed onto a stool two down from
Lynn's near the rounded end of the granite counter. As I ate, I noticed that Lynn
drank hers black like me but my attention soon wandered to my sister's body which
I had strained so intensely to see last night. She was wearing a simple pale orange
dress with a daring neckline that narrowed as it wrapped around her neck but billowed
loosely over her partially exposed breasts. The dress didn't hug her body but it didn't
have to. I knew it was there and it was stunning.
As my eyes moved over her breasts and down her legs, I wondered why Lynn had done
that last night. I was sure she knew I was watching. She knew I'd always had a crush
on her. Though she was only a few minutes older than me, she had always been the 'older'
sister. That was especially true in high school when the older boys always took the
best looking girls and we in turn took the best ones from the year or two behind us.
Lynn and her friends weren't shy about letting the guys in our grade know what we
couldn't have and that extended to the homefront when Lynn sometimes took perverse
pleasure in displaying her wares. But we were adults now. Why was Lynn playing with
me? Even the outfit she was wearing now was a provocation.
"You're dressed a little summery," I said.
Lynn looked up and flashed a smile. "Well, I thought you might take me for a drive
and I wanted to look like a Camaro girl." She pushed one hand down in front of her
and stretched the other above and behind her head, arching her back and pushing her
chest forward, giggling.
I looked away. "I thought you'd be tired of driving by now."
"Nope," Lynn said. "I want you to take me away for the day."
"So we can talk," I asked, suspiciously.
"Not unless you want to," Lynn countered. She stretched her hand out to grab mine
just as I was about to lift the fork to my mouth. "Let's drive around, just the two
of us."
She didn't bat her eyes but she may as well have.
So we ended up driving up the coast. We drove for a couple of hours before turning
inland. I didn't know you could find anywhere in Florida without people but Lynn found
a small park with only a few people wandering around. We sat down in the grass and
ate the lunch Rosita had packed for us. It was very pleasant. When we were finished,
Lynn took our empty juice containers and sandwich wrappings to the garbage containers.
I watched her all the way there and back.
Lynn lifted her arms and pushed her hair up on the way back, like she'd done when
she returned from the pool the night before. My cock immediately began to swell and
the memory of losing my load over the balcony, and the soft click of the sliding door
below, rushed into my head, making me blush. In my confusion, I thought for an instant
that it was Mom walking so sexily back to me, smiling wantonly, her blue eyes glistening
in the sun, bracketed by a head full of dark, brown, messy hair. I blinked and stared.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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No, it was Lynn, her pale reddish hair surrounding her lightly freckled face and green
eyes. But she looked no less sexy, and her smile didn't look like one meant for a
She dropped onto the grass beside me but instead of sitting down, she fell onto her
stomach. Strange I hadn't noticed until then that Lynn's tanned back was almost completely
bare. To make things worse, the hem of the dress had fallen high on Lynn's thighs
as she had thrown herself down.
"Could you tickle my back like Mom used to?" she asked.
How could I refuse? I trailed my shaking fingers over my sisters skin, tentatively
at first, then with more confidence, and finally with a lighter, almost teasing touch.
Stop it, I scolded myself. You promised. But I couldn't help myself. I tickled Lynn's
back like no mother ever would. I caressed her skin and visited every inch of it that
I could reach, running my fingertips around her shoulder blades and down along her
sides, and even dipping underneath the edge of the dress a little. I returned often
to the places where Lynn twitched and emitted minute sounds of pleasure.
At one point, I changed hands and for a while even used both. Changing back to one
hand again, I noticed that several strands of dried grass had spilled over the back
of Lynn's legs and gently brushed them away. Lynn lifted her head and smiled sleepily
at me, then dropped it onto her arms with a pleased sigh.
"That feels wonderful," she murmured. "We like that."
Encouraged, I began caressing the back of her legs from the hem of the dress just
inches below her bottom to her knees and back. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but
rather than stopping I imbued my strokes with extra attention and was pleased when
Lynn turned her toes inward which shifted her legs apart to enable the new deportment
of her feet. She likes it, so I'll just do this for a while and then we'll go home
and I'll leave tomorrow.
Twenty minutes later, I thought, She's so much like Mom. How can I leave her when
she seems so lonely? Lynn looked like she was sleeping. She hadn't made a move or
a sound for at least five minutes, maybe even ten. That's when my fingers first strayed
under her skirt. Lynn twitched and I froze. I got ready to yank my hand away but Lynn
moved her feet apart a little more and continued breathing normally. I started tickling
her legs again but moved my hand downward toward her knees. I stayed down there for
the next few minutes but soon began straying higher, all the while admonishing myself
for doing so. Eventually, I pushed my fingers under her dress. There was no reaction,
not even a twitch.
For Christ's sake, stop it! You promised Mom.
I never had listened to anyone much, so why should I listen to myself? I stroked up
and down Lynn's thighs, along the back and up the tender insides. At the end of each
stroke, I ventured higher and let my fingernails scratch more slowly near the apex
before returning to her knees. I loved touching her forbidden skin. The very thought
of my hand's presence under her skirt was a tremendous turn on, a feeling I hadn't
experienced since Mom had passed away.
Oh, Mom. Did you really mean I couldn't touch Lynn forever? You know she did, I answered
myself angrily.
If she was awake, I wondered, would Lynn like what I was doing? Did her husband do
this anymore? Had he ever? I felt sorry for my sister. She needed someone to truly
love her, someone who always had, who always would. If I wasn't her brother, wouldn't
she want a man to spoil her like this? Would she want it anyway? My cock stiffened
painfully in my shorts at the thought.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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My fingers bumped against Lynn's panties. I stopped, panicked, my hand frozen between
her upper thighs, knuckles still grazing her panties. Lynn's thighs twitched, then
closed on my hand. I stared at her face. Lynn had sucked in a long breath and stopped
breathing. Her legs loosened around my hand, quivered, closed, then opened again.
Lynn exhaled and began breathing regularly again, shallow, but steady.
I pulled my hand back out of danger and held it still. Lynn continued to breathe regularly,
eyes closed, and relaxed. I pushed my hand forward, fingers stretching out to tickle
the inner sides of both thighs. Lynn 'slept' on. My hand moved back and forth, resuming
its former path. The crisis was over. I would just do this for a few more minutes
and then stop as if nothing had ever happened.
But then I did it again. I curled my fingers into a ball and pushed my hand up until
it pressed against Lynn's panties. Her thighs immediately closed over my fist, clutching
and releasing rapidly, three or four times. I pulled my hand back and let my fingers
deploy, scratching down the inner sides of her thighs, relishing in their trembles,
ecstatic in their appreciation of my loving touch.
I pulled my hand away and let it rest on the back of Lynn's left knee. Her ass tensed
underneath the dress and strained upward. I slid my hand forward a couple of inches,
producing the same response. I looked around the small park. The few elderly people
present were far away, sitting on benches and gazing at the gardens. I moved forward,
trying to keep my fingers away from the sides of Lynn's thighs but I failed several
times, barely grazing her skin. Her legs quivered. In anticipation? Did my sister
know what I was doing, at some level. I scrutinized her face. She looked like she'd
been sleeping for hours.
I closed my hand into a fist and pushed my arm under Lynn's dress, all the way, until
my knuckles thudded into the underside of her panties. Immediately, Lynn's thighs
clutched my fist in a spastic series of rapid hugs varying in tempo and duration.
Courageously, or foolishly, I kept my hand in place, pushing it more firmly against
my sister's panties. The quivering clutches intensified and I moved my fist up and
down, rubbing my knuckles over Lynn's panties, and the excited pussy underneath.
Suddenly, her legs went rigid and her thighs literally vibrated around my hand, causing
her whole body to shake. It continued for at least a minute but I held my ground until
the tremors subsided and Lynn was still. As her legs relaxed, I withdrew my hand,
pulling it up to my face and breathing in her scent, gazing at the blue-hairs admiring
their own flowers from the benches. Gently, I tugged Lynn's dress down and waited
for her to 'wake up'. I waited and waited but Lynn didn't give any sign of waking.
She really must have been asleep. I patted her on the bum and, with some difficulty,
stopped myself from clutching her cheeks.
"Lynn, wake up. We should go."
I repeated myself but didn't pat her ass again. I didn't trust myself not to grab
a handful. Instead, I grasped her ankle and gently shook her leg until Lynn lifted
her head and groggily looked back at me.
"Did you let me fall asleep?" she asked.
"I did," I said. "Guilty as charged. You left me all alone with nothing to do but
commune with nature and the raisins over there," I waved at the bench and laughed.
"Be nice," Lynn laughed, getting up onto her hands and knees.
I stood and reached down to give her a hand up, thinking about how great it would
be to just get down behind her. I wiped the image from my mind with some difficulty.
"Come on," I said. "We should get going."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Lynn was in an excellent mood that night at dinner. The kids picked up on it and the
banter around the table was considerably more active than the night before. Even Dale
kicked in with an enthusiasm I hadn't noted in him before. After dessert, Dale and
I were left alone. Lynn had gone to the kitchen to discuss something with Rosita and
the kids had performed their normal disappearing act, though later than usual. Dale
had poured us each a glass of twenty-year-old port.
"I hope you'll stay with us for a while," Dale said after taking his first sip. "Lynn's
been a little depressed since your mother passed away but she's like her old self
with you here."
Dale held his glass toward me before taking another drink.
"I'm glad to hear that, Dale, but I'm not sure how long I can stay."
"You'll stay at least until the estate is settled, won't you? You can use the cottage
if you don't want to stay in the house, I mean, if you need your own space. Manuel
and Rosita don't live there anymore. We only use it for guests."
"That's kind of you but no, I'm fine in the house. I don't know how long I'll be staying.
I'm feeling a little restless myself."
"All the more reason for you and Lynn to be together," Dale said, pressing his point.
Our heads turned as Lynn's footsteps sounded in the hallway coming from the kitchen.
Dale looked back at me and spoke in a confidential tone.
"Well, think about it anyway. I'd really appreciate it and I'm sure Lynn would too."
"I will," I said as Lynn rejoined us.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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That night, I struggled with what I had done in the park. Lynn had had an orgasm.
Clearly, something was lacking in her life but I was thankful she hadn't woken up.
Getting felt up by her brother, someone she should be able to trust more than almost
anyone else, wasn't something she needed to deal with. I hammered my fist into my
thigh to emphasize my anger for endangering our relationship and my resolve not to
let it happen again. Just because I wanted it didn't mean she did too and I needed
to stop deluding myself. It was hard, but I stayed away from the balcony that night,
not that Lynn would have been there but I stayed away nonetheless.
It was the weekend. I hung around with kids and took them out for the day. It was
a beautiful day and they were excited to go for a drive in the Camaro but soon tired
of it. We ended up going to a matinee of all things. That night, we all played Monopoly.
Even Dale played for a while but he was he was quickly eliminated.
After the kids went to bed, I sat in the living room and read a book. Well, I stared
at the fireplace mostly, but I had a book with me. Dale was working in his office
working under the light of a single, jade lamp. Lynn had gone upstairs with the children
but soon joined me. Instead of sitting on her regular couch, she sat down beside me
with a crossword puzzle book.
"I thought you hated crosswords," I said.
Lynn didn't look away from her puzzle when she answered. "I did but I started doing
them after Mom went and I've been doing them ever since. I kind of like doing them
I left her to it, picking up my book and trying to read in earnest but my attention
was soon distracted by Lynn's bare feet next to me on the small couch. Loveseats,
I guess they were actually called. Lynn had tucked her feet up on the couch beside
her and was leaning over the arm where the puzzle book rested while she filled it
in. I couldn't help glancing at her legs. The sight of them reminded me of the incident
in the park and I was about to get up to remove myself from temptation when Lynn stretched
her feet out and wiggled her toes under my thigh.
"Are you cold?" I asked. "I can get you a blanket."
"No," Lynn replied.
"No, you don't want a blanket?"
"Do you want me to turn up the fireplace?"
I started to get up but Lynn stretched her hand out and pressed on my leg, pushing
me back down.
"Stay," she said.
I settled back into the couch but I was anything but relaxed. The warmth of Lynn's
feet transferred to my flesh. It was more excitement than heat. I kept my face in
my book, afraid to look at her legs or her hip and the curve of the tight brown tweed
skirt she wore. But I was weak and my eyes soon roamed over her bare lower legs and
onto her skirt and even up to the bulge in the side of her textured white blouse.
I turned, guiltily, and looked across the floor into Dale's office. He was looking
at me and smiled when my eyes met his. I smiled back and quickly looked away, at the
fireplace and then at my book and, a moment later, at my sister's feet. She wiggled
her toes as if in appreciation.
I tried hard to get into the story, flipping back a few pages to re-read what had
transpired — the words having entered my head without comprehension — jaw tensed with
determination. I succeeded, to my surprise, and was soon swept up in the action. The
hero was on the chase, about to save his lover's life. I turned the page, and lost
Hesitantly I dropped my hand onto my thigh and stared blankly at the fresh pages.
I tried to rebuild in my mind what had happened, not in the book but on the couch,
for my hand hadn't lifted from my leg to turn the page, it had risen from the side
where it had been cupping the back of Lynn's ankle. My skin prickled. Lynn's hand
found mine, and dragged it off my thigh and onto her heel, then pushed it up to her
ankle before returning to her crossword.
I kept still. All I could think of was pulling my hand back but instead my fingers
closed around my sister's leg. Lynn wiggled her foot and I started to pull my hand
away but she grasped it once again and pushed it back onto her ankle, then moved it
up and down to indicate what she wanted it to do before releasing it. I repeated her
prescribed motion and Lynn's hand returned to the puzzle book.
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So I started rubbing the back of Lynn's calves. I moved up to the part where her muscles
thickened then traveled back to her heels and around to the bottom of her feet, tickling
her soles. I moved slowly, not just because that was the way I would normally do it,
but also because I wanted to avoid detection. I glanced toward Dale several times,
feeling guilty, like I was doing something wrong and violating his trust. But my obligation
to my sister won over that and the fear I felt within myself about my own weakening
resolve. I continued stroking Lynn's legs.
Lynn shifted her weight and wiggled her legs about when she turned the page to start
a new puzzle, causing her feet to pull away from under my leg. I lifted my thigh,
expecting her to push her feet back underneath but instead she pulled them, and my
hand, toward herself. My hand was suddenly pressed between Lynn's ankles and the bottom
of her tweed skirt. I sat still, wondering if it was an accident and whether I should
extricate my hand. I looked at Dale's office and caught him looking at me again. He
smiled and I smiled awkwardly in return. He was still watching when Lynn's hand dropped
onto mine and urged it to continue its stroking caress along the back of her legs.
I thanked the architect that had designed this house with a sunken living room. Dale
was straight across and slightly back from my line of sight looking behind Lynn so
he probably couldn't see anything on the couch anyway, just our heads and shoulders.
I looked down, briefly mesmerized by her instructing hand, then looked back at her
husband. I smiled and Dale smiled back before looking down at his desk. Lynn's hand
released mine but hovered above until its continued motion was assured. I was acutely
conscious that my hand, stroking the back of Lynn's ankle and calf, was also rubbing
along the bottom of her brown, tweed skirt.
I don't know how may times my hand scbangd along that rough material before I realized
that when Lynn had changed her position she had cocked her hips. The one nearest me
was turned up so my hand was rubbing between her legs and bottom more than it was
scbanging down the side as before and, at the end of each stroke, my hand briefly left
the roughness of the skirt to stroke the underside of Lynn's bare thighs. I must have
been unconsciously lengthening my strokes because I began sensing more and more skin.
Looking down, I confirmed that I was almost reaching the back of Lynn's knees with
each stroke but I noticed something else too. With each stroke back to her heels,
my hand tried to drag her skirt along too, and it was meeting with some success. I
looked up quickly to see if Dale was watching but he was sitting back, face buried
intently in a large reference book.
As I looked back at Lynn, her puzzle book caught my eye. It wasn't a new one; it was
tattered and old, and looked strangely familiar. Just then, Lynn shifted slightly
and my hand, caught in mid-stroke halfway down her leg, suddenly slipped up, slightly
between her thighs with the arch behind my thumb pressing against the hem of her skirt.
There was no reason for my thumb to be extended like that between my sister's legs
but it was and as my hand continued stroking back, my thumb dragged Lynn's skirt along
with it.
Lynn's leg muscles were tense and I realized that she was holding herself up from
the couch, making it easier for the skirt to travel. My hand slid back along her calf,
this time caressing more than rubbing, all the way to her knee. On the way back, I
consciously flipped my thumb up high and pulled it between the press of Lynn's thighs,
hooking and dragging her skirt way back. Lynn's leg muscles relaxed and she sank into
the cushion, her thighs closing over my thumb. I jerked my head toward Dale. He was
still reading. I leaned toward Lynn.
"Are they hard puzzles?"
My voice was unintentionally hoarse, reflecting the feelings coursing through me at
that moment. My thumb pressed deeper between Lynn's thighs and I knew from the heat
it was near her panties.
"Yeah. It's one of Mom's."
My breath caught and I stared at the book, searching for clues but I didn't recognize
it as the one that had started us on our path of love. Of course not, idiot. She wouldn't
have left that one for someone to find. I breathed again and realized that Lynn's
breath had caught too when she inhaled. This wasn't a park and Lynn wasn't sleeping.
We were sitting together and my hand was between her legs. Why wasn't she jumping
up and slapping me? Why wasn't she at least angry? I mean, her husband was only twenty
feet away!
I wiggled my thumb and Lynn shuddered but her hand began filling in a word as if nothing
had happened. I pushed my hand deeper between her thighs, ignoring her calves, and
moved it back and forth in short strokes, worming its way back toward her panties.
Lynn finished the word and looked up and away and I knew she was looking at Dale.
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I looked up and saw him smiling at us. I smiled back and pulled my hand until the
back of my extended thumb contacted the front of my sister's panties. I looked away
and Lynn's thighs tightened around my hand. She was still looking at her husband as
I wiggled my thumb across the crease in her panties. Her grip tightened, so tightly
it would have been difficult to pull my hand away, even if I wanted to... and I didn't,
despite the screaming morality center of my mind.
After a long look at Dale, Lynn finally looked back at her puzzle. I dropped my book
and moved the hand that had been holding it toward her crossword puzzle book, keeping
the thumb of my other hand pressed firmly against her panties.
"Which puzzle book is it?" I asked calmly, still pretending that nothing unseemly
was happening.
"They're all the same, aren't they?" Lynn said, her voice sounding more tense than
"No, Mom liked some better than others. I imagine that's why she kept this one, unless
it was just one of the last ones she was working on," I theorized.
Lynn brushed my hand away onto the top of her skirt.
"It's not the one you're thinking of," Lynn said, her voice turning husky.
I was shocked.
"I wasn't thinking of any one in particular," I stammered.
"Oh, weren't you?" Lynn asked, her tone now teasing. Her hand dropped onto mine where
it rested on top of her thighs, near her knees, and pushed my fingers over until they
drooped between her legs.
"No. Why would I?" I responded, feeling excited about where her hand was directing
me, vying with the fear generated by her hint about the secret crossword book.
"I don't know," Lynn said, using her hand to pull mine into her lap and dragging the
top of her skirt back to be more in line with the bottom. I rubbed my lower hand up
and down, pressing it even more firmly against her panties. "Maybe it's something
we should talk about," she said.
"I'd rather not," I replied thickly. I was violating my promise to Mom not to come
on to Lynn but I had already convinced myself — I was learning how easy that was to
do while in the surging throes of passion — that Mom had really meant back then, when
my sister and I were both young. Surely, now that Lynn was a grown woman with children
of her own, it should be her own decision. The last thing I wanted to discuss with
Lynn now was any hint of the promise I had made to our mother and its clear message
that we shouldn't be doing what we were doing.
I leaned forward to peer closely at the crossword puzzle, feigning a struggle to find
a clue in aid of my sister. Part of my problem-solving process, it seems, required
my left hand to descend between Lynn's legs until its fingertips met those of my right.
I cupped her pantied pussy and moved my lower hand back, pressing its edge into the
fleshiness of Lynn's ass, thrilled to find that she favored the tiny, thong type of
lingerie. Amid several small gasps, I worked my hands, front and back, across and
under Lynn's pussy and used the ridge between my thumb and index finger to scbang
over her ass. It was overly rough but, judging by Lynn's suddenly harsh breathing,
exactly what the doctor had ordered. Well, except for the doctor in the nearby office.
My bliss was shattered by the click of darkness as the light in Dale's office abruptly
vanished. I lurched back and leaned over to my own side of the small couch just as
Dale emerged from his darkened den. Lynn was pulling the bottom of her skirt down
and pushing the top toward her knees with her other hand as her husband approached.
The evening was effectively over.
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I fought with myself that night. Far from the excitement of the moment, my morals
were holding more sway. By midnight, I was almost to the point of reaffirming my vow,
the feel of Lynn's thighs clamped tightly over my hand and the smell of her heat fading
from my fingers, when she reappeared in the back yard. The moon was less full this
time but I could still see her naked form, walking more seductively than before to
the edge of the pool, then sauntering slowing into the water until she suddenly dipped
in and disappeared. Standing naked on the balcony with my erection launched at forty-five
degrees to salute her imminent return. I waited and waited for Lynn to emerge from
the water until, finally, I caught a sudden movement to the northwest.
Lynn was standing under a tree, watching me. She must have swum to the end of the
pool, got out there, and circled around to the side near the cottage. The moonlight
reflected off her naked breasts, which glistened with trickles of water from the pool.
Her face was hidden in the shadows beneath the branches but the glints of her eyes
looked directly at me. Her head turned and I knew she was looking at the cottage,
then they turned back to me.
If you go, you're doomed, screamed the voice in my head.
I looked over the edge of the balcony to see if I could jump down. If it had been
lawn, maybe, but it was a patio. I started to turn toward the door, wondering if I
could sneak through the house without setting off the alarms.
On the memory of your mother, screamed the voice.
I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face the yard, and my sister. For a long
moment, we stared at each other, neither of us moving. Then, my right hand dropped
to my erection and grasped it firmly as my left arm lifted toward her. I stroked my
cock. The glints burned brighter, then became even more fierce as Lynn extended one
hand toward me while the other moved between her naked thighs to cup her sex. I began
stroking faster.
This is wrong, the voice whined.
Shut up, I rasped in return. Give me this, at least, just this.
I stared at those glinting pinpoints as my hand moved faster and faster. When my chest
began to heave, my eyes dropped to my sister's lowered hand, working feverishly between
her legs. She had bent slightly forward, allowing me to see her face in the moonlight,
strained yet ecstatic. I dropped my arm and leaned forward to brace my hand on the
rail, my facial expression now matching my sister's. Low moans were ripping from my
throat and though I was too far away to hear Lynn, I was sure the same was happening
to her. I was yanking my cock so hard it was almost ripping off my body. Only seconds
left. I tried to stifle it, wanting to come when she did, but I couldn't wait. It
was coming, coming.
"Ohhhhhh, yeah," I groaned aloud. "Yeah, yeah... yeah," I grunted, more subdued, wanking
slower but just as hard, my legs clenched, crouching over the railing as spurt after
spurt arced through the night, flashing in the moonlight, and falling with audible
splats on the patio below.
Lynn was hunched over, both hands between her legs, convulsed in her own orgasm. She
fell to her knees on the lawn, her whole body shuddering through her climax. I released
my drained cock and let it diminish, still half hard but becoming increasingly feeble
between my legs. I leaned on the stone railing with both hands and watched the twitching
in my sister's body slowly subside until she was still.
Lynn straightened up and stretched beyond her full height, on her toes, before relaxing
to her normal stance. She smoothed her hair back and walked slowly toward me with
the same seductive gait she had adopted earlier. I couldn't see the color of her eyes
in the dark but her hair seemed to strangely flip from the dark brown of our mother's
to the soft red of her own. As in the park, one moment it looked like Mom walking
toward me and the next, Lynn.
I straightened up as she approached the balcony immediately in front of me. Why didn't
she look up? Was she ashamed? That couldn't be, it flew in the face of her confident,
sexual stroll toward me. As I pondered her submissive posture, Lynn looked up, smiled,
and then immediately looked down again, at her feet. Her right foot moved, scbanging
over the patio, then lifted to rest, braced against her left knee with the bottom
of her foot twisted up. Lynn looked up again and laughed. I couldn't see it but I
knew she was showing me that she had purposely stepped in my wasted semen.
Her foot dropped, and she slipped under the balcony into the night.
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Lynn looked positively radiant the next day. She was dressed in a little print dress
that accentuated her narrow waist and was equally flattering for her hips. The light
material followed every curve of Lynn's body despite the looseness of the skirt. In
short, the dress didn't hide the fact that Lynn had a very nice bottom distinctly
constituted from two sculptured lumps of feminine flesh which were definitely not
held rigidly in place. A similar situation was evident above her waist. She was a
joy to watch.
A day of family relaxation was planned around the pool but Dale was called in to an
emergency surgery just as breakfast was winding up. There was a quick kiss goodbye
and a "be good for your mother" to the children before a nod to me. "Think about it,"
Dale said.
"Think about what?" Lynn quizzed me after Dale had gone.
"Nothing," I said.
"It isn't nothing. What is it?" Lynn persisted, poking me. "You know I'll bug you
until I find out," she said.
"Yeah, spill it," Gordon said, echoed by a louder chant from his sister and an even
more boisterous plea from their mother.
I relented under the combined assault. "Your Dad asked me to stay for a while."
The kids started chanting, "Stay, stay, stay."
"He offered the cottage if I wanted my own space," I added in the din.
"Stay, stay, stay."
"Ok," I laughed. "I'll stay for a while."
The kids cheered and crowded around my chair to hug me. Lynn reached out and put her
hand over mine.
"Thanks, bro. You don't know how much it means to us."
After the kids left, I poured myself another cup of coffee. Rosita came in and started
clearing away the dishes. When she left, I spoke in a low voice to Lynn.
"It won't be easy for me to be here," I said, looking meaningfully at my sister. "I
think we both know that things have gotten a little crazy." Lynn nodded and I appreciated
that she wasn't going to pretend that nothing was going on. "But you need to know,"
I went on, " that I made a promise and I intend to keep it."
Lynn smiled and squeezed my hand. "We should all keep our promises," she said.
"So we understand each other, then?"
"Yes, little brother. We do."
I was surprised that she wasn't more curious about what promise I had made but I left
it at that. I briefly wondered if Mom had said anything to her about it but quickly
rejected the idea. There was no way Mom would have told Lynn what she and I had done.
No way.
"Alright then. I'll move into the cottage today."
"Great. I'll get Rosita to make sure it's clean and have Manuel move your things."
"No, you won't. I can clean it myself and move my own stuff."
"No buts. I'll look after myself or it's no deal.
"And no visitors, unless they're invited," I said.
"The kids will miss you."
"The kids can come over anytime."
Lynn was miffed at that. "What about dinner?" she asked tartly.
"I'd love to come for dinner." That was timed perfectly as Rosita returned. "I love
Rosita's cooking," I expounded. Rosita grinned.
"So do we all," Lynn said.
Rosita scooped up the rest of the dishes and left.
"And I'll eat breakfast alone," I said.
"Suit yourself."
Lynn softened later and it turned out to be a very pleasant day. While she tanned,
the kids and I swam in the pool. We had lunch and then all of us piled into the Camaro
to find an ice cream place for dessert. Dale called to say he couldn't make it for
dinner and asked if I would take Lynn and the kids out for dinner, his treat of course.
Lynn insisted we go to IL Bellagio's, one of her favorites. When we got home, Dale
was in his study. He made it home in time for dinner but let Rosita rustle up something
for him to eat rather than trying to catch up to us.
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After the kids went to bed, we watched some old family films that Lynn had converted
to DVDs. I was shocked to see how much Lynn looked like Mom at Lynn's age. Of course,
the dress helped. Lynn smiled, pleased with herself, when I recognized the dress she
was wearing. It didn't look nearly so risqué on Mom, but then it wasn't designed to
be worn over such tiny panties and a half bra. We had started on separate couches
but when Mom appeared in the same dress Lynn was wearing she moved to mine — so she
could see better she said — but kept her distance.
"Didn't she look great in this?" Lynn asked, bending her wrists and waving her hands
down the front of her body while nodding at Mom on the screen.
"Yes, she certainly did," I replied.
Lynn paused the film with Mom walking toward the camera, the still frame profiling
Mom's mid-thirties figure perfectly for a detailed comparison. I knew what Lynn was
doing but despite myself, I ran a slow comparison between her and Mom. Lynn kept her
eyes on the screen, either to allow me all the time I needed for an uninhibited assessment
or to perform her own evaluation. She allowed her body to stretch and relax, lift
slightly and relax at all the proper moments as my eyes appreciated the vibrancy beneath
her skin, at once both herself and a live version of Mom. I had to confess, between
the two of them, it was a tie.
With a throaty chuckle, Lynn unpaused the DVD and seemed pleased when my attention
didn't return immediately to the screen. A moment later, I found myself watching Lynn's
legs. She had crossed the one nearest me over the other and was slowly bouncing it
up and down. I stared blankly for a few seconds at her feet, crested with a strange
tone of red paint over her toenails which were visible since Lynn straightened her
leg at the top of each swing. My eyes soon refocused, however, when I noticed the
muscles along the side of her thigh, now almost completely bare because she had pulled
the hem of her skirt way back. The flesh under her thigh alternately tensed and relaxed
with each swing of Lynn's leg. I don't know how long I looked at her leg but the tightening
in my shorts indicated it was for more than a few seconds. I was about to call it
a night while I could still escape when Lynn suddenly blurted out.
"Look," she cried, unfolding her leg and leaning forward, pointing at the screen.
"This is my favorite part."
I jerked my face away from Lynn's leg in time to see Mom run over and try to pull
my sister off me. Lynn had me on the ground, straddling my chest and holding my arms
to the side with her knees. As Mom pulled her back my head raised up, still calling
for help, but my eyes shifted down and it was apparent where I was looking. Lynn rose
up on her knees but Mom kept pulling her back. She struggled but Mom won, at a cost.
Both of them tumbled backward, rolling onto their backs and shoulders as I sat up,
eyes still locked between my sister's legs, but the camera soon caught their lateral
movement to my mother. I was still staring, mesmerized, when the camera shifted to
Mom and Lynn, shrieking and pushing their dresses down, yelling at Dad to stop filming.
"See, you always were Mom's favorite, and she yours," Lynn asserted, looking at me
intensely as if waiting for a challenge.
I had no doubt that Lynn knew exactly where I was looking, not just at her but at
Mom, too. As if to confirm my suspicion, Lynn turned her eyes down and I realized
that my erection had grown substantially during the scene and was suffering further
impetus under my sister's admiring gaze.
Dale's chair suddenly scbangd back and I turned to look. He was straightening up,
mug in hand, and turning toward his door. I sucked in my breath and froze for a second
then turned frantically to find something to cover myself with. I reached for the
cushion at my side, but it was gone. I jerked my head back. Dale had made it to the
door and was searching for the light switch. Lynn was silently laughing, her eyes
glinting mischievously. She was holding the cushion and as soon as I saw it, she tossed
it back onto the couch behind her with an accompanying increase in apparent amusement.
Her eyes dropped to my errant erection, proudly announcing its presence half way down
the right leg of my shorts, unaware of the imminent peril. The light in Dale's office
went out and he walked through the doorway, turning to pull the door closed.
Lynn suddenly lurched forward and threw herself across my lap, covering my shorts,
and my stiff cock. I stared at the screen, sitting stiffly as Dale approached, jaw
set, desperately trying to get my feelings under control but the pressure of my sister's
breasts on top of my stiff member made that technically impossible. Fear of her husband's
discovery and the feminine warmth of Lynn's body forced my mind to follow my eyes'
piercing attack on the screen, hoping Dale couldn't see Lynn lying atop me and that
he would simply courteously walk by and go upstairs to bed . I was gritting my teeth
so hard, I thought they would shatter when Dale's voice startled me. He was standing
right behind me.
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"Too much for her, was it?" he inquired.
I looked back, saw the direction of his gaze, and looked down at Lynn lying across
my lap, my hands hovering awkwardly above her back.
"Was she upset?" Dale asked.
"I don't... uh, I..."
"She often gets that way when she watches this but likes to be on her own," Dales
voice kind of dwindled off.
I let my hand fall on Lynn's back and gently rubbed her shoulder, more to buy into
Dale's interpretation of what was going on than to comfort Lynn. Her body trembled
and I knew it was from tightly held laughter. Anger welled up within me. This wasn't
I gripped her shoulder and the situation immediately became worse. Lynn's hand, which
had being hanging listlessly over my knee, bent and, under the cover of her body,
threaded its way between my knees and into the leg of my shorts. Her fingers wiggled
up the inside of my thigh and tickled the underside of the tip of my cock just as
her husband spoke again.
"She likes to watch this by herself," Dale expanded on his previous statement as Lynn's
hand moved higher. "It makes her quite melancholy and she always wants to be alone
Lynn's finger stretched out and her nail scratched back along the underside of my
cock. I cried out in surprise but managed to convert my outburst into a cough, which
was repeated several times because as I leaned forward to hack away, I unintentionally
thrust my hard cock along the length of Lynn's palm which immediately squeezed it
against my leg while her fingers curled around my shaft. When I leaned back Lynn's
soft hand pulled the skin over the head. I coughed again, but remained upright.
"Are you alright?" Dale asked. Lynn's hand pushed the skin back over my shaft and
her fingers stretched out to tickle the underside of my balls, before dragging the
skin back over my cockhead and capping the stroke off with a gentle, loving pinch.
"Yes, I'm fine," I gasped. Lynn's fingers were tickling my balls again.
"Would you like some water?" Dale asked. She was on the upstroke and squeeze.
"That would be great," I croaked.
As soon as he turned away, I thought, I could shove Lynn's hand out of my shorts.
But Dale ignored his offer. He was leaning over, looking down at his wife.
"I guess she just couldn't watch it anymore, hey?"
I looked down at Lynn, wondering why he couldn't tell that his wife was jacking me
off right in front of him but now that I looked, knowing that her hand was slowly
sliding up and down my cock, I couldn't see any evidence of her outrageous behavior
either. Lynn looked like she was peacefully napping on my lap.
"She just can't make it through the whole thing, poor girl," Dale said.
I looked at Lynn's head. "Yeah, I guess so," I said.
Lynn was facing me, her head pressing against the plushly cushioned arm of the leather
couch. While her husband's attention was on her face, sweet Lynn scratched her nail
along the underside of my throbbing cock, shoved her palm aggressively down my shaft,
and folded her fingers around my balls. I managed to turn my groan into a strangled
"Oh, your water," Dale exclaimed. "I forgot."
He turned away and I tried to push Lynn's shoulder up so I could reach under to shove
her hand off my cock but she resisted, her couch side hand grabbing my shorts and
pulling them higher up my leg, exposing my cock. Or it would have, if I managed to
push her off or she got up. I changed my tactic, wrapping a hand over each shoulder
and pulling her down. I was surprised by how easily her body moved. It was so quick,
her rump hunched up and her head slid back onto my lap. Her free hand pulled my shorts
up even higher while her engaged manipulator, still holding my cock, lifted it from
my leg and guided it into her mouth.
It was strange how I could be intensely aware of two situations at the same time.
I heard the tap running in the kitchen and could picture Dale there, filling a large
glass several times and dumping it out, waiting for the water to cool. At the same
time, I was blissfully aware of how fantastic his wife's mouth felt sliding down my
organ, rendering it slick with her hot saliva. If I was so adverse, why did I let
Lynn's head advance and retreat half a dozen times before trying to push it away.
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The water had stopped running. I could 'see' Dale returning, slowly, trying not to
spill the glass he had filled too full. I needed more time to get my sister off my
cock but why had my hand curled around the back of her neck, why had the other closed
its grip on her hair, and why was I pulling her onto my cock and groaning out loud.
I could hear Dale's slippers shuffling over the tiles in the hallway now. My hips
lunged forward and I was perversely pleased that I had caught his wife by surprise,
her wet gulp like music in my ears. I held her head, denying her retreat, nudging
her throat in revenge. Take that, you ballsy little bitch, holding my cock firmly
against the back of my sister's mouth and releasing her head only when I heard her
husband's feet rounding the corner.
Lynn pushed up to her former position and my only thought was to ensure that she had
adequately covered my cock, not that she had let it go. In fact, I didn't want her
to release my cock and I wished Dale had taken longer so I could have enjoyed her
mouth for longer.
"Here you go," Dale announced his arrival.
I twisted around to capture the glass of cold water from his outstretched hand. Lynn's
hand was twisting tightly around the head of my cock and her other one, taking advantage
of the lift of my twisting body, slipped under my ass, inside my shorts, and curled
up to grasp my balls. Lynn started slowly jacking me off while the fingers of her
other hand repeatedly clasped and released my balls. I held the glass up in my left
hand and dropped the right onto Lynn, lightly brushing her upper back in a tender,
brotherly caress. I ignored Dale and looked at the screen.
"It's amazing how much she looked like Lynn at that age," Dale commented.
"Yes. The other way around, actually," I said, taking a long sip of cold water which
didn't dampen the heat I felt throughout my body the least bit.
"Of course," Dale said.
We watched in silence as Dad filmed Mom getting up and sauntering down the sandy beach
while little Lynn and I played nearby. Even in the old two-piece suits of the day,
it was impossible to hide the fact that Mom had a very nice body. Lynn's stroking
hand and fingers were almost an afterthought. Dale and I both watched a very sexy
looking woman slowly wade into the water until the waves covered her bottom. Only
then did Dale speak, awkwardly, as if he shouldn't have been watching.
"Well," he paused to give a little cough. "I guess I'll go up to bed."
I downed the water and handed it back to him.
"Don't let her stay down here. She won't sleep well."
"I won't," I replied thickly.
Lynn was really starting to get to me, maybe because the screen had reminded me of
how Mom's hands and mouth felt on my cock. Weird, the effect of genes. The movements
of Lynn's hands were almost identical to Mom's.
I turned to watch Dale walk away and transferred my hand automatically to the back
of Lynn's head as it moved down onto my lap, sucking my cock into her mouth just as
her husband disappeared around the corner. I didn't try to shove it into her mouth
hard. I was in no hurry and knew I had lots of time now. I relaxed into the back of
the couch as Lynn's mouth worked my stiff prick, content to let my hand move back
and forth with the movements of her head, fingers gently twining in her hair. Mom
was swimming lazily back and forth amongst the other swimmers. She looked good, and
her daughter's mouth felt wonderful.
Lynn began sucking more earnestly. I knew she wanted to make me come. She had been
flaunting herself in front of me constantly since we'd left home despite knowing about
my promise. She must have some idea of what it was about, yet she wanted to taste
me, in a sense, right in front of Mom.
I no longer cared. I didn't have the will to keep my promise to Mom, not if it meant
denying the person I most loved in the world. I didn't have the heart to say no.
I twisted underneath Lynn, resting my back against the cushion and holding her hair
back so I could watch her mouth plunge up and down on my cock. She seemed so happy
and I did too, not terrible like I felt I should. I turned to look at the screen just
as Mom waded out of the water, rivulets running off her body as she walked, arms pushing
her hair up high before letting it fall. She looked gorgeous.
I grasped Lynn's head firmly and started thrusting into her mouth. Lynn's eyes strained
toward the screen, seeking understanding for my sudden urgency. She mumbled something,
gargled really, but I couldn't understand what she said. Come? Maybe. I shoved my
hips up and made her gargle again.
Yeah, like that, Sis. Like that.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I began thrusting regularly with full strokes, pulling almost all the way out of Lynn's
mouth before shoving deep inside again. I stretched my head back and lunged, time
after time, into Lynn's sweet face.
Mom was speaking. I turned to look. Stop it," she giggled, waving the camera away
but not moving out of its way. I strained my head forward, firmly holding Lynn's,
and thrust harder, watching Mom dance around in front of the camera.
"Unnngghhhh, unnngghhh, unnngghhhh," I groaned, pulling Lynn's head hard on my cock,
my own bouncing up and down with the effort, hanging over the arm of the couch, eyes
straining not to miss a single erotic movement of Mom's breasts and legs, or a single
flash of her eyes, or the tinkle of her playful laugh. Lynn's face was straining sideways
too, just as unwilling to miss an instant of Mom's presence.
No, really. Stop it! Mom cried, just as I exploded down Lynn's throat.
"Oh Mom!" I cried. "Oh Sis," I wailed, pumping my seed, slowing, my head falling back
and Lynn's following, keeping her mouth on my cock, not too save her furniture, I
knew, but loathe to break our illicit contact. My cock popped out of Lynn's mouth
with a loud sucking sound.
"We're here," she soothed, immediately capturing my wavering dick and folding her
lips around it, sucking in the last of my seepage as I lay, gasping, back arched and
head flung back.
Lynn's mouth slid off my cock a moment later and her arms tugged on mine, urging me
back onto the couch. She pulled me up and let me fall back until my head hit the arm
properly, then scrambled up my chest. I thought she was going to take me then, to
insert my cock within her womb while the new scene of Mom played out, now in our old
backyard. That's ok, I thought. I'll fuck you now. But it wasn't to be.
"It's our turn now," Lynn husked, her knee pressing between the couch and my head
as the other leg stretched over the arm. She pulled her dress up with one hand while
the other pulled my face toward her outstretched leg and bare pussy. I couldn't see
the screen but I could see that Lynn was watching it as she lowered her cunt onto
my mouth. "Lick us," she said.
We. Us. Why the plural. Was Lynn really losing it? Did she really think Mom was inside
her? I didn't think she was referring to Mom's presence on the screen because she
had made the reference before. Maybe Lynn needed to feel that Mom was still here.
Maybe that's how she handled her loss. I opened my mouth and pushed my tongue up hard.
Lynn's cunt squeezed tightly around it and she moaned.
"Ohhh, Ty. Lick me, lick us," she purred.
I lapped up her juice, my hands coming up to cup her ass, such a lovely ass. I tried
to hold her still so I could direct my tongue around her pussy but soon gave up. Lynn
knew exactly where she wanted me and steered her nether lips around my wet digit,
gripping my head firmly, like I had controlled hers.
"Eat me, eat us," she urged, venting her confusion in gasping commands, her hips rubbing,
lurching, lunging, and squeezing my head.
"Do you want it?" she moaned. I tried to nod my head, or shake it, I wasn't sure.
"Do you want to fuck it?" she cried, grinding on my face.
"Yeah!" I yelled, my muffled cry drowned in her soaking cunt.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh," Lynn wailed, yanking my head up tight, her legs shivering, soaking
my face. "I want you to fuck it," she cried, pulling back, rubbing her pussy across
my nose. One final gasp, and Lynn sprawled back onto my chest and legs. She lay there,
breathing hard, one foot on the floor to steady herself and the other stretched out
beside my head, curled over onto my face. I kissed it.
"I love you," I whispered, but I don't think she heard me. I turned away. Mom was
staring out of the screen, an odd expression on her face. What was she looking at?
I ignored Dale's instructions. I left Lynn on the couch. The last thing I was going
to do was carry her up to his bed, reeking of sex.
Passion subsiding, I promised myself I would leave soon. At least, I'd think about
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I didn't join them for breakfast the next day. Instead, I stayed in bed, lolling around,
listening to the birds singing. I heard Dale leave early. An hour later the children's
voices graced the morning air but soon, they too, were gone. I expected to see Lynn
coming across the lawn right after that but she didn't appear. Still, I didn't get
Manuel appeared, clippers in hand, and trimmed the small, shaped hedges peppered around
the lawn. He moved slowly in the hot morning sun. I dozed off and awoke with a minor
start. She was coming, an almost transparent robe billowing about a flimsy summer
dress that didn't look like more than a slip. As Lynn came closer, I saw that it was
a slip. Her hair varied again as she walked, from light red to deep brown, a trick
of the morning light. There was almost a bounce to her step but not quite; it was
more like she was flowing, as if in a dream. Was I awake?
She passed by Manuel, saying something and he turned to answer but she was already
past. He made the sign, his hand crossing over his chest in several passes before
rising up to his forehead. Quickly, he turned away.
Lynn burst through the open glass doors into my bedroom, the filmy curtains draining
over her body until she was completely inside. She was wearing a slip. Just a slip,
nothing more. The curtains had been the billowing robe, fooling my brain. She raised
one sexy leg and placed a knee on the edge of my bed, her hand pulling back, holding
the hem up on that side, fully exposing her gorgeous thigh. Lynn tossed the book she
was holding in her other hand. It landed on my chest. As I drew myself up onto my
pillow, she arched her back and thrust her breasts against the silky slip. My sister
was definitely naked underneath, at least, above the waist.
"Mom never told me about your promise but I know all about it anyway. I'm not stupid,
you know."
I picked up the book and Lynn swung her other knee onto the bed, holding the hem up
on that side too. It was the crossword book that had started it all, worn and dog-eared.
I leafed through the pages until I found it: 'tits', 'pussy', 'showme', followed by
'leave her alone' and 'PROMISE'. I looked at Lynn. Did she really understand what
I had done, what a louse I really was?
"So what about it? So what if I wanted you to show me your tits and pussy. You never
did, until that day I ran into your room."
"Yeah, I know, but you might remember that I threw this away."
Although her words were accusing, Lynn's voice was soft.
Still, I was defensive in my response, "Well, it wasn't yours to throw away. It was
"So you took it out of the trash so she could find it?" Lynn demanded.
"No. She hadn't finished it. You know how she was with her crosswords. She would have
looked for it and but she never would have looked back at the puzzles she'd already
finished so it would have been safe," I justified my removal of the book from the
trash in Lynn's bedroom.
"But she did, didn't she?"
"I didn't think she would," I said firmly, feeling like I was getting in too deep
in an argument I couldn't win, just like every argument I'd ever had with Lynn.
"I think you knew she would."
"Give me a break. Why would I purposely risk getting caught with that," I jabbed my
finger at the offending puzzle.
"You tell me," Lynn purred, settling down on her rump, the slip riding higher as she
"There's no answer to that. It was just an accident that she saw it, that's all."
I couldn't hold Lynn's eyes and mine fell away, to her shoulder, and then onto her
breasts which, with her hip cocked to one side, bulged against the thin slip.
"I think you wanted Mom to find it," Lynn's voice was barely audible.
"Why would I want that," I demanded.
"So you could force her into a promise," Lynn pointed at the book, now closed but
I knew she was indicating the bold word: 'PROMISE' after 'leave her alone'. It was
pretty incriminating.
"What did you make her do for you to keep her promise."
I shook my head.
"Tell me," Lynn demanded in her soft tone.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I looked up defiantly. Lynn dragged the hem of her slip up to her hips, revealing
the absence of panties as well as bra. The slip delved deeply between her tanned breasts
and I realized, as if it was a revelation, that Lynn tanned in the nude, or nearly
nude. Manuel must love that, I thought.
"Tell me," she repeated.
I shook my head.
"I want to know," she insisted, pushing her hips forward, forcing her knees apart.
Her pussy lips still looked ravaged, even though it must have been twelve hours since
they had rubbed so roughly across my face. "I'll tell you what I promised her if you
tell me about yours," my sister purred convincingly, pulling the hem of the slip up
her sides, exposing the underswells of her breasts.
I shook my head. Lynn pulled the slip over her head and tossed it on the bed, shaking
her hair, swishing it back and forth across her face.
"Tell me," she said coquettishly, her hands, now free from holding the slip, stretching
forward to grasp the sheet covering me. "Tell me," she repeated, clawing the sheet
back, drawing it down my chest until it caught on my erection. I hadn't even been
aware of getting excited but all at once, I felt incredibly horny. I should have left
early. I should have gone. The sheet, tented up by my rising erection, was still caught
on my tip but a small tug from Lynn sent it cascading down my shaft and over my heavy
Lynn tittered, "He will if you won't."
"I can't keep doing this, Lynn. You know what I promised Mom."
Lynn yanked the sheet down to my feet and quickly straddled my legs. She placed her
hands on my hips on either side of my throbbing cock and leaned over it.
"Tell me," she whispered, close enough to blow her hot breath over my tip. "I know
you promised not to fuck me but what did Mom do for you so you wouldn't?"
I shook my head and Lynn expelled a longer breath.
"Did she touch it for you? Like this?"
Lynn slipped her hand under my balls and grasped my shaft with her other hand, slowly
jacking my cock, shaking the tip under her open mouth. She raised her lashes and gazed
directly into my eyes.
"You asked for more, didn't you? Something like this?" Lynn's tongue flicked out and
pasted itself against the underside of my helmet, then slowly licked up and off the
tip. I groaned, helpless. "Did Mom have to suck you to protect me?" Lynn hissed, dropping
her mouth over my cockhead and sliding it halfway in before jerking her head off.
"It wasn't like that," I gasped.
"But she did suck you, didn't she?"
I nodded and lifted my hips up, pushing my cock toward Lynn's mouth. Whether or not
I should have left, I needed her now. One more suck and lick and I'd make my escape.
Lynn granted my wish, dipping her head and taking me into her mouth again, her fingers
twisting around my shaft, but she withdrew before I could get in deep. She repeated
this over and over until I was lifting my ass off the bed at least a foot trying to
shove my aching cock into her mouth. Lynn kept applying her sweet torture, never letting
me get in more than halfway. She even helped by pushing her knees under my ass, letting
me rest it on her thighs while she worked magic with her mouth. The surprising thing
was that I didn't try to hold her head like I had the night before, not once. It was
as if, deep down, I wanted to be tortured, wanted to be forced to confess.
Lynn pulled back and held her mouth just beyond my tip, licking it.
"Did she let you fuck her, for my sake?"
I bit my lip.
"Tell me baby brother," she cooed, swirling her tongue around my head. "Tell me and
I'll let you push it way in, even into my throat," her voice became appropriately
"Yes, yes, yes," I cried. "She let me... fuck her."
"Good boy," Lynn purred. "That wasn't so hard, now was it. Now big sister's going
to take care of you."
Her mouth dropped over my shaft to the halfway mark, then slowly forced its way down,
shoving more and more of my cock into her mouth until her lips grazed my hairs. Lynn
wiggled her head, squeezing her lips around my root, then withdrew, quicker than the
advance but still slow. She hovered over my cock again.
"Did you fuck her every day?"
I nodded.
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"Did you fuck her on the couch while Dad was upstairs sleeping?"
I nodded and Lynn smiled.
"Did you fuck her in their bed?"
Another nod.
"And yours?"
"Yes, for Christ's sake," I yelled.
Lynn dropped her mouth and descended slowly, agonizingly slowly, down to my hairs
again, squeezed her lips and shook her head, then withdrew, releasing me with a loud
pop and a huge groan from me.
"I already knew," she said. "Mom told me."
I was shocked.
"Mom told you?" I asked, incredulously.
"Sure," Lynn replied, as if it was no big deal. "She had to in order for my promise
to make sense."
"What did you promise?"
Lynn laughed. "Not so fast mister. First, you have to do me. "
Lynn rolled off me onto her back and spread her legs wide, pulling her knees back
to bare herself lewdly.
"If you do it well, I'll finish you and tell you what I promised Mom."
How could I refuse an offer like that? It was no worse than what I'd done last night,
so I wasn't really breaking my promise to Mom, technically, anyway.
I rolled over and put my face between my sister's legs. She was ready. Despite her
commanding control of me just seconds before, Lynn began moaning as soon as my tongue
slipped between her lower lips. However, she was surprisingly resistant to coming
and I had to work really hard for a long time before she flushed my face with her
oil and then she made me wait another fifteen minutes while she recovered. Finally,
she rolled onto her side, grasped my cock, and started talking.
"Do you really want me to finish you first, or would you like me to tell you what
I promised?"
"You won't leave me hanging, will you?"
"No," Lynn purred, trying to sound very sexy, and succeeding. Of course, her fingers
lightly tickling my balls didn't hurt.
"I promised Mom I would look after you," she said. The way she said it, you'd have
thought it was a world saving revelation.
"She made you promise to look after me? That's it?"
"Yup, that's it," she nodded, a huge smile on her face. "I told her it was a huge
sacrifice, but I promised to do it."
"I can look after myself," I said, indignantly, "despite what you and Mom think. I
didn't marry a rich woman, but I can manage not to starve."
"Especially with half the estate," Lynn added.
"Even without Mom's money," I insisted.
"Well, little brother, I'm sure you can, but that's not what Mom meant."
Lynn's hand was traveling up and down the full length of my cock and my mind was returning
to what Lynn had promised me, about not leaving me hanging. I didn't want to ruin
it by arguing.
"Whatever," I said. "It's no big deal."
"Oh, but it is, sweet brother. Mom said you were ruined, that no other woman would
be able to give you what you really need. She was heartbroken that she had done that
to you."
"What do you mean, no other woman can give me what I need? Other women can fuck."
"Not like your mother. You'll never get that again and Mom said you won't ever get
even close to that kind of thrill again, fucking your own mother in your father's
house, unless..."
"Unless what?"
"Unless you could fuck your sister in her husband's house."
Lynn suddenly swung on top of me and hung her head close to mine, her thighs straddling
my hips, and her pussy hovering over my cock.
"You liked what I did last night, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I hissed.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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