Adultery Indian Wife Teases, Has Fun by rupanita-Completed
Story :- Indian Wife Teases, Has Fun

Written by rupanita
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Anjali was Amit's wife. This story perhaps would have remained a fantasy and she would not have written it had it not been for the prodding of an internet friend. Dileep was an old friend of Amit's. Although Dileep was vaguely fond of her ever since Amit had married her, it was the first time when he first saw her in a skirt that he realized that she turned him on quite a lot. This realization was both arousing and disturbing…after all she was not just another girl but the wife of a very dear friend.

It was a pleasant surprise when a particular incident took place. He had visited their house. She, like most Indian women normally wore only Indian clothes and that day was no exception. It was nothing very daring, quite the opposite if anything. It was knee length and loose, made of some light material with a close floral print. But when she sat down, she smoothed the skirt carefully over her buttocks, and the curve held Dileep's gaze. When she crossed her legs, the hem of the skirt rode to just above the knee, and Dileep could make out that the legs were soft and cushiony. She had shaved her legs or perhaps removed the hair in some other way due to which the skin was smooth and polished. She had caught him looking at her body on that occasion, and the glimmer of a smile had said "naughty, naughty!" She had not been angry, neither had she ignored his gaze.

Dileep and Amit had been childhood friends and had been together not only in school but also in the university. While Dileep had got a job with a software major here in India, Amit and Anjali had gone to the UK for a couple of years. When they came back, Dileep again started visiting them and was pleased to notice that Anjali had remained much the same. She had never been what one would call a great beauty, but she definitely was beautiful. She had a pleasant face with a nice smile, and black eyes which now seemed more playful than before. Her figure was much the same, tall and on slimmer side, but with breasts that were appropriate and seemed to be still firm. Her black hair came to her shoulders.

This evening her legs were encased in tight Indian pajamas, called churidars, and appeared to be as soft and cushiony as he remembered them. Her feet were bare as Indian women normally remain at home. Her manicured toes were painted a bright red and dainty anklets added to the sensuality.

It was at dinner that the first incident took place. Dileep was seated next to her at the corner of the table and they all had had some good wine to go with the food. Dileep shifted his position slightly and felt his knee brush against something under the table. He saw the slight start she gave and realized it was her leg. Dileep immediately drew his leg away but not before noticing the naughty smile that she gave him. What exactly was that? The smile of a good host or something more amorous?

Bemused, he waited for a while and then moved his knee towards her under the table, ever so slowly. He felt it register against something soft and warm and he knew it was her leg again. This time she didn't pull away. Feeling bolder, he moved his leg a little more and felt the flesh of her leg press harder against him.

They sat like that for a couple of moments. The sensation was incredible. He could feel a warm glow start to form where their legs were pressing. Dileep could feel a raging hardon in his pants. But above the table, Anjali continued to converse as though nothing at all was the matter. Dileep did likewise, though his sentences were jerky and somewhat monosyllabic.

He then started to rub his leg up and down against hers, slowly and softly and then harder against her. Her lips parted in a slight gasp, but she did not move away. Soon his leg was caressing her hard under the table. No one noticed, and there was no sign of anything going on except for an ever so slight heaving of Anjali's bosom and the occasional flick of her tongue against her lips. Dileep was finding it difficult to concentrate on the dinner. It was getting too hot. Dileep was worried that either Amit or his wife would notice something. He moved his leg back and saw Anjali exhale softly. He guessed that perhaps she had had enough. His attention moved back to the food and the conversation.

Then to his utter surprise, he felt Anjali's bare foot against his. He could distinctly feel her toe ring, dainty as it was against his foot as she moved it right from his toe to his heel. The feel of flesh against flesh was getting to be too much when she withdrew the foot. Now, she pressed her leg quite definitely against his, and then, even more amazingly, he felt her other leg as well against his leg from the other side. She pressed her legs together and his leg was now held firmly between soft and warm female flesh on both sides. She started to move both her legs very slightly together. It was as though her legs were a vagina fucking his leg. She continued in this way, alternating the movement of her legs, so his own limb felt as though it was being corkscrewed. Dileep felt that he would come in his pants there and then. He stole a glance at her. For a moment she looked at him and the sight was stunning. Her lips were parted and her skin was slightly flushed. Her breath was coming shallowly and she was clearly trying to hold down her gasps. But it was the eyes more than anything else that were mindblowing. They were half closed and had a sleepy languorous look in them, a look that a woman gives when she is close to orgasm.

Then all of a sudden the spell was broken. Anjali got up and announced that she would be bringing in the dessert. Amit and Dileep quickly polished off the last of the dinner. In a short while they were all relaxing in the drawing room, with the contentment that comes after an excellent meal and good company. Anjali had completely recovered her poise and there was no sign whatsoever of what had transpired so recently. Soon it was time for the goodbyes as Anjali and Amit left. A quick smile was the last memory that Dileep carried of the evening. He was still very horny when he went to bed and his state of arousal was a surprise albeit a pleasant one thanks to Anjali.
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The next morning, Dileep found himself somewhat racked by guilt about what had happened. He did not know whether he should be happy or tense. However he resolved not to do anything that would bring him close to Anjali. Days passed uneventfully. Dileep's mother in law had been ailing for quite some time and Dileep's wife Anju had to be with her mother. It was thought that this arrangement would be for a while only but it had to be extended because Anju's mother's recovery was painfully slow. Anju's brother's wife had volunteered to stay but she was in the family way and doctors had advised rest; so Dileep had been without his wife for almost two months at a stretch.

One day Dileep was again in town to attend a seminar. He was staying in a hotel and decided to visit Anjali and Amit. He had tried to get in touch with Amit but his cell phone was off. He nevertheless did visit them and was greeted by Anjali.

"Hi! What a pleasant surprise!" She said exuberantly. "Why didn't you telephone?"

Dileep was approaching the coming moments with trepidation.

"I just thought I would give you a surprise." He said.

"Come on right in." she said. "Where is your luggage?"

"Well, I do have my bag in the trunk, although I have checked into a hotel and the clothes are in the hotel only."

"Are you crazy? Checking into a hotel? Indeed!" she said scornfully. "Go and get the things from the car right away. When you get back inside, just make yourself at home. I'm going to take a quick shower and clean up a bit", she said." Relax, you seem as nervous as an escaped convict. If its okay with you I will take a shower; what I will do is to leave the door open. You come in with your things and click the door shut. And certainly is there any need for you to bother about things like, well, clothes?"

Dileep smiled sheepishly. He had no option so he dragged himself to the car, got out the briefcase and entered the drawing room. His shoes were dirty and they were pump ins, so he took them off so as not to muddy the marble floor of the house. His entry into the drawing room therefore made no noise. He could see the living room where he was supposed to keep his luggage so rather than wait in the drawing room for Anjali he decided to go to the living room.

It was quite by accident, but when he turned to go into the living room, he caught a glimpse of Anjali, in her bedroom. Dileep froze in place, and felt like he couldn't quit staring at her.

He was looking down the hallway. Her door was halfway open, with a door-sized, full-length mirror on the almirah that was visible. He was actually seeing a reflection of Anjali, in the mirror.

She stood, totally naked. Her back was mostly toward the almirah and thus it was her posterior that was visible to Dileep. He had a full on-side view of her. She was moving casually, as she had finished kicking her clothes away from around her sexy feet.

Dileep felt very embarrassed for having seen her like that, but it was also a big turn on for him. His heart was pounding and his hands trembled with anticipation.

He was now carefully out of her sight, so she could not see him, but although he knew that what he did was not right he still tried to see her. He couldn't help it, as he stood, mesmerized at her beauty.

Dileep was fervently wanting her to turn. He was getting horny, and she did exactly what he wanted her to do. She turned toward the mirror, rewarding him with a full frontal view of her very fit body.

In the brief moments that he saw her reflection in the mirror, he experienced a real treat. She was a fair girl, 5 feet six inches tall with jet black hair and a body that could be described as stunning. Her 34B chest was complimented by a shapely butt and legs. Her complexion was an attractive wheatish one. She had a flat hard stomach and firm generous breasts with delightful light brown nipples. Surprisingly it took the little nobs very little stimulation to get erect and at times this proved to be a source of major embarrassment for Anjali, especially if she was without a bra. Her body was lightly muscled and glowing with health. Her pubic mound was smooth except for a vertical line of hair which obviously was there just as a fashion accessory since they did nothing to hide her labia which lips were slightly off tone to the rest of her skin, having just a slight pinkish hue and somewhat puffy. She stood there for a while lost in her thoughts but this proved to be a blessing for Dileep for he continued staring at her. After what seemed like just a fraction of a second to Dileep, Anjali entered the bathroom and the fantastic view was lost.

The cool water cascading down the contours of her shapely body relaxed her tremendously. For a moment she closed her eyes and then opened them again to watch her reflection in the mirror. Although she was 30 plus old, Anjali still did not look a day older than 25.

She watched fascinated as the water ran down with its full gravitational force over her pierced belly button before its speed was temporarily arrested by the pubic hair and then finally having made its way out it again regained the same force to finally fall at her bare feet where it made little puddles.

After she disappeared into the bathroom, Dileep sighed, and relaxed, realizing he had a hard-on, straining in his tight Levi jeans. He was frustrated and confused. What exactly did she have in mind. Sure, the house was new and the doors were creaking, he himself had seen that but did she not know that he could perhaps see her as she stripped? But she was not in front of the door. In fact he had seen her reflection so it was not as if she deliberately wanted to expose herself and how was she to know that he would be there ogling! On the other hand what about all those hot footsies. It was possible that she was having just some fun. Or was it he who was just having fun at the expense of an unsuspecting housewife?

He went into the spacious living room to watch some television, trying to forget what he had seen. He looked out of the window at the bright blue sky; the wind was still blowing hard.
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In the back of his mind, Dileep was listening to the shower running. He found himself rubbing his swollen cock, through his jeans. The coarse and rough material of the cloth was adding to his discomfort especially when juxtaposed with the shaped pussy that he had seen. It was getting to be too much. He just wanted Amit to arrive. If nothing all this tantalizing and tease would end. He heard the shower stop, and he listened intently as Anjali moved mysteriously, in the bathroom.

At that moment the phone rang, startling Dileep into jumping from his chair. He was stunned and just stared at it on the end table.

Anjali came bounding out of the bathroom, wrapping her robe around her, as she ran to the phone. She was still wet, her hair dangling in her eyes, and the wetness causing the robe to cling to her sexy curves.

She had managed to tie the robe sufficiently by the time she answered the phone.

"Hello", Dileep heard her say. "Well, when do you think it will be"?

It was obvious that Amit had called and I was hearing a one-sided conversation.

"I love you, too", he heard her tell Amit. "No, please don't worry, I already told him he would need to stay. Well, we have the mattress in the family room".

At this point, Dileep felt as if he had become a burden. He felt like he was in the way, and causing an inconvenience. He could tell that they were discussing where to have him sleep, and knowing this made him nervous.

As Anjali talked on the phone, Dileep sat in the rocking chair, not five feet in front of her.

He was trying to cover his erection by leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees. Her elusive mound was only hidden by a few inches of terry cloth.

The sight was intoxicatingly hot. Anjali's light blue robe, though knee length, had split open below the waist, when she sat down. Dileep did not know whether she realized it but he did not want to be caught staring. Caught up in the phone conversation, her entire legs were showing, as the split robe had fallen easily along both sides of her long, well-toned legs. With guilt, he imagined himself kissing her smooth inner thighs.

In the moments that seemed to go on for a lifetime, Dileep again noticed that she had very smooth, freshly shaved legs, her bare feet adorned by the light golden anklets that he had noticed before. Her toenails were trimmed neatly and painted with the red polish that had arrested his attention previously.

His trance was ended as he heard Anjali ending her conversation.

"Ok dear, be careful, and we'll see you soon". "Bye, bye".

As she hung up the phone, Dileep was nervous. Here was this young lady almost fully nude and absolutely alone with her husband's friend but had a cocky air about her that was unsettling. To add to his discomfiture his mind was constantly fixated on the wonderful body that the bath robe hid. He wanted to tell her that he would just leave, but before he could say anything, she spoke first.

She smiled, looking directly into his eyes. "I have good news and bad news, which would you like first", she teased, with a grin?

"You need to give me the bad news first", Dileep said.

Perhaps she could sense his nervousness, and she clasped her hands together, in front of her, still smiling. He couldn't but help notice the slight cleavage of her ample breasts that came into view.

"The bad news is that we have only one bedroom here", she said with a calming effect. She still tried to put him at ease, by quickly adding, "The good news is that Amit is headed home, and will be here within an hour. Meanwhile why don't you make yourself comfortable. I'll give you a pair of Amit's shorts."

Following her was a pleasant treat. Her petite ass cheeks were clinging to her robe, giving Dileep a pretty good idea of reality. The dampness of her skin had made the robe stay snugly in the crack of her small ass.

She opened a door on the other side of the well lit kitchen, leading him into a cozy room.

With a big couch and a TV it would be crowded for a mattress, but he could hardly say that he wanted to share the bedroom. He kept his bag down, looking around. He then saw the mattress, as she pointed to it, leaning on the wall behind the couch.

"If you wouldn't mind, could you help me to drag the mattress over to the center", she asked, her robe gaping open around her firm tits?

"Ya, no problem", Dileep stated, already grabbing hold of it.

She tried to help, but Dileep said it was fine. Just as he was placing it in position, he caught her staring at the huge lump in his pants. She stared for several seconds, and then shifted her questioning eyes to his...there was a naughty playfulness in them but it only added to Dileep's discomfiture. As she did this, embarrassment took over and he rapidly looked elsewhere, trying to defuse the situation. Was she really surprised that he should have an erection? Something inside him said that if she was really unaware that he had seen her nude, well her surprise was understandable. But what about the knee fucking that he had been a part of?

She didn't say anything for a few seconds more, and then beginning to speak, she made her eyes look off to the side.

"Well, why don't you go ahead and relax. After I finish getting my hair brushed and throw on something to wear, I'll get the bed made up". She said opening the Almirah and giving him a pair of loose Bermudas.

The day's developments had left Dileep somewhat exhausted. He had stripped down to the bermudas, getting ready to lie down.

Just as he was looking around for the light switch to turn off the light, he heard a timid knock on the door. He had not latched the door fully shut, and it opened freely as Anjali knocked.

It was quite by accident and coincidence, but as she entered with a couple of clean towels and washcloths, they were suddenly standing only inches apart.

Because of the sexual tension of the day Dileep's cock, while not hard, was swollen and enlarged. Since the opening fly on Amit's bermudas was gaping open, his cock was visible to the visitor. He had no idea that Amit owned bermudas which had to be zipped up. God!! Nobody bought shorts/boxers/bermudas these days which had a fly of all the things. And in his tearing hurry to ease the tension on his cock, he had not bothered to check.He was dumbfounded, and she was apparently embarrassed.

"I ..I'm sorry, I ..didn't mean .." Her voice just trailed off, as she was froze in place. She stared at his cock, which, on its own accord, had fallen out the fly of the shorts.

The whole thing only lasted about 10 seconds, but time seemed to stand still. Her eyes were still fixated on his growing cock; as he was trying to pull up the zip. It however wasn't very easy to shove a rapidly rising hard-on and pull up the zip.

He apologized with embarrassment, as he tried to hide his cock with one hand and tried to shove it back into the shorts.

"It's my fault, and I shouldn't have come charging in".

Ignoring the cock, she held out the towels.

"I thought you might need these. Feel free to shower any time", she said, as she backed away.

She again stammered an apology, as she hastily left the room.

The sexual tension of the entire day was a trifle too much.

He wanted to jerk his cock, but after so many comical events, he was apprehensive that he would surely get caught, if he did. Still, he couldn't get over the look on Anjali's face, as she locked her eyes onto his cock.

The way she made those last comments made him feel guilty and embarrassed. He wondered if seeing his hard cock bulge had made her feel uneasy, here, in her own home. But the question that kept bothering him was what did this woman want. He decided to shower instead of lying down and after that wore the article of clothing that she had left for him. This time he took good care to ensure that the zip went up.
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She didn't come out of her bedroom for a long time, which made him even more fearful, that he may have offended her. She did emerge a little before her husband arrived. She was wearing a light cream colored skirt that was knee length. It made him happy because this way at least he would get to see her legs for the rest of the evening.

She appeared to be in the mood for conversation but just as things started moving, Amit arrived.

"Hi there!" he said warmly shaking hands. " That's a pleasant surprise." He kept his briefcase on the wooden cabinet and said that he would be back soon after taking a wash and that they would have drinks and dinner together.

What happened after Amit went to the bathroom was something that amazed Dileep even more. Just as the sound of the water cascading down started coming, Anjali said that it was very warm and putting her hands under the elastic bands of her skirt, she pulled down her panty. For a moment it lay on her bare feet and she then bent down picked it up and throwing it at Dileep went into the kitchen. Since a panty could do precious little to add to the heat it was clear that she was teasing him. It was a thong panty light blue in color and the last thing Dileep wanted was to get caught by Amit with his wife's panty in his hands. But this was in a way his dream come true. The panty would certainly be his companion in lonely nights.

While Amit was having a bath, she arranged for some cake and coffee and invited Dileep to join her. That sounded quite welcome and Dileep, full of eager anticipation went into the dining room. She had just finished setting out the cake and coffee.

To his surprise, he saw that she had arranged for them to be seated across one another at the corner of the table.

He sat down and she heaped some cake onto his plate.

He started on the cake. Just then, he felt a slight touch against his leg. He knew immediately it had to be her leg. Dileep felt a wonderful feeling wash over him.

He looked up at her and smiled.. On an impulse he did nothing, and went back to the cake.

He felt her foot again. This time it was not just a touch. It rested against his leg and then quite definitely started to rub up and down.

"You're eating very slowly" she said and her voice had become throaty."Don't you like cake? "

She teased her hair again and her foot became more insistent against Dileep's leg.

She said nothing, just looked at him with those half parted lips. Her eyes had become very dark now, and that intoxicating look was inviting and bemusing at the same time.

Dileep responded to her touch by rubbing his foot againts her anklets and attempted to hold her toes with his hands

"That's NICE.". She smiled as she looked in his eyes while he massaged her foot.

She felt brazen for the first time in her life. She bent her foot slightly enough for her large toe to push against the front of his trunks. She could feel the hardness of his prick. Dileep didn't say anything as he released her foot from his hand. Her toes moved up his shaft and back down to the base.

"You give good toe." He laughed as she continued to explore his length and hardness.

"I thought you were shy and conservative." Dileep added as she moved her foot down to his knee so her toes could move up under the bottom of his trunks.

"I am." She giggled again. "But what makes you think that I am not shy?"

Dileep jumped as her toe maneuvered its way all the way up to his balls. She twisted her foot until her toe pushed up the fine elastic enough for her toes to get underneath. She moved almost her whole foot up his side and turned her body so her foot pressed against his naked prick.

"God. How did you do that?" He asked as her toes again moved up and down his prick. She felt the pre-com on the tip and moved her toe around and around the crown. She curled her toes and slightly gripped the side of his shaft enough to pull the tight skin downward and back up. She was jerking him off with one foot.

Dileep too attempted to move his foot under her skirt. He still had her panty in his pocket.

"Don't. Please let me." She complained as her foot moved up and down his length faster and faster. Dileep couldn't believe what was happening as he felt ready to burst. As the hot fluids gushed out and smashed against his trunks a blinding bright light exploded in his face. "Shit." He exclaimed.

"Look what it did to me!" he said, embarrassed just as they could hear the sound of the tap being turned off. Anjali threw her head back and laughed. He watched mesmerized at her effervescence.

"You'll keep sitting there with your shorts all wet and sticky?"

" I… I think I'll go and change." Dileep stammered.

"That's a bright idea. There are more shorts in the same almirah."

As Dileep was leaving, he saw a smiling Anjali massaging the few droplets of cum into her legs.

"What are you staring at? Amit will have to wait for you. Be quick."

"Sure, I'll do that."

"Hi! Dileep!. Its has been long real long but the good thing is that you made it." Amit said warmly embracing him. Dinner was laid and finished quickly. Most of the conversation was carried on by the men folk and though Dileep expected some below the table footwork none was forthcoming. Dileep retired to his room while Amit proceeded to his own room saying that he had had a hard day at work.
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"Love. I'll just join you." She whispered in her husband's ear.

"Sure. But don't be too late." Amit mumbled sleepily.

Through slits in his eyes, Dileep could tell she was in the kitchen, as he saw a shadow move. The door then opened and there stood Anjali, again. She had the light from the kitchen on her, and he could clearly see her beauty. She stood there for a few moments, maybe checking to see if Dileep had awakened.

He made his breathing deep and she took to bait.

Anjali walked slowly over to where Dileep was sleeping. She slowly kneeled down, next to the mattress, still staring at his cock.

Dileep decided to give her a little show. In his sleep, he flexed his cock muscles, making his rock hard shaft move a bit. He heard her gasp and take in a quivering breath.

In a way, he was so turned on; he silently hoped she would allow him to make love to her. He had mixed emotions about it.

He worried about his friendship with Amit, and what if he ever knew that he had fucked his wife. Dileep couldn't take it any more. He decided that if she made a move on he would fuck her.

She was absolutely beautiful. He could smell her perfume, and it was having a tremendous effect on him. She was moving slightly and he was trying to figure out what she was doing.

Dileep had pre-cum nearly ready to drop from the end of his dick. He watched as Anjali slowly moved her right hand to his cock. Her hand was shaking with nervous anxiety, and her breathing was deep and rapid. She then took a deep breath and grasped his cock in her hand.

Her petite fingers did not quite wrap all the way around the girth of his cock. Seeing the contrast of her hand and his dick, he knew she could easily hold two hands on his cock and still have some stick out at the top. Knowing this was driving him wild.

Anjali began a slow, sensual stroking action. She moved his cock up and down, her warm skin inviting sure passion.

There was no way Dileep would last very long. The sensations were beyond description. He began to stir, and moan then opened his eyes, looking at Anjali. To his utter amazement, she did not stop or change her actions, at all. She looked into his eyes and smiled.

Dileep opened his mouth a bit, as if he was going to say something.

Anjali just put her index finger from her free hand, onto his lips, as if to say, don't speak. He closed my mouth around that finger, licked it, and then kissed it. Anjali took this as a sign of approval, and started pumping his cock a bit faster. Her pajama top bounced with every stroke of her hand, due to her swaying tits.

Dileep was not sure of her intentions. At this rate, he would cum, in no time at all. If she planned to fuck, it would have to be a second thing, so to speak, since the orgasm was getting near.

His mind raced as she sent a million sensations through his cock. Maybe she was only planning on helping him to get my rocks off. If that were the case, he would soon know, because he was getting close to orgasm.

He wondered if she had thoughts of putting her mouth down on his cock? He also wondered if she had a desire to feel his length push deep inside her? He had a lot of mind-boggling questions like that as he watched this beautiful woman, stroking his cock.

He raised his right hand, taking her left tit and squeezing it. She did not try to stop him.

She continued to use her hand, loosely gripping his manhood, stroking up and down its length. He felt the orgasm building deep within his loins. His cock began do swell and spasm.

She could sense what was happening and grabbed one of the towels, she had brought to him earlier. Not missing a beat of his cock, she used her free hand, dbanging the towel over his stomach. He now figured that there would be no oral sex, but was still grateful for the relief she was giving him.

The feelings were intense, as her sexy hand manipulated his pulsing cock. He tensed up nearly every muscle in his body, as he began to cum. She felt it coming and pumped his cock even faster, tilting his shooting rocket downward. He shot out several pulses of long, thick, pearly ropes of cum, watching them land on the towel.

Looking at Anjali's hand, he could see the remaining ejaculated cum, resting on her fingers, running down to his stomach and pubic hair. She slowed her stroking motion but continued, milking every bit of the fluid that she could get.

She was smiling as she gently took the towel, softly cleaning his cock and her hand. She reached up with her left hand, scooping some cum from his cheek, and bringing it to her mouth, sampling a taste. She licked her lips and moaned, finishing the process of wiping up any more cum. Through this whole thing she had not spoken a word, until now.

"I wanted to do something for you. I hope it felt good to you and relieved some built up tension", she said, as she leaned down, giving him a simple kiss on the cheek.

With that, she gently tucked his cock back into his shorts. She then reached for the blankets, pulling them up to properly cover him. He watched with quiet gratitude, as she tucked him in, quietly rising to her feet and leaving the room.

She did not pull the door shut as she walked out into the kitchen, and he watched as she disappeared, switching the kitchen light off.

"You awake?" she said to Amit as she slipped off her top.

"Yes." He said as heis wife snuggled up to him clad only in a panty.

"Dileep asleep?" he asked.

"I guess so."

"The door to his room is open. Don't you feel it sexually exciting that another man is here and you are well, almost nude." He said.

"Yes. It does. You….you have seen him nude?"

"Yes. Naturally. Just as your girlfriends would have seen you nude, same with him and me. You would like to see his cock? If he is asleep, could you enter his room this way? He too may be sleeping naked." Amit asked his cock stiffening finding the very idea arousing that his friend and wife could be naked with only darkness hiding them from one another.

"Sure, what's the hitch. I'll just have to take off my anklets so that the tingle doesn't wake him up or else I'll be caught almost nude by him."

"So, take them off and take a round. If you are lucky you will see his cock. Whatever we'll make love thereafter."

Anjali did as told. Dileep appeared to be asleep but Amit was right. Being in the same room almost nude did inject a lot of sexual tension in her. She returned and found Amit to be quite aroused. They made love taking care to ensure that the moans did not wake up their friend. Thereafter they lay down to sleep.

He lay there, still breathing heavily, contemplating what had just transpired. It truly did feel good, and it also served to relieve a lot of built up tension.
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He was entranced with her actions as he stared into the dark.

He hoped that doing what she had done would not have a negative impact on their friendship, between the three of them.

Staring into the dark, he went into a dreamy daze, falling asleep.

The next thing he realized, he was awakened by the sensation of movement.

Anjali had eased out of bed, and crept out into the hall. She was wearing nothing except panties which she had been wearing when she had entered the room after some conversation with her husband.

She quietly opened the door to the spare room, stepped in, and shut it behind her. Dileep had passed out a few minutes ago, and was a bit of a heavy sleeper himself. She stood beside the bed, looking at him, deciding if she should continue. This was NOT like her! She was never aggressive! She never took chances! Now here she was, doing both, and all for this new, beautiful cock. She just convinced herself.

She moved the blanket off of him, and he lay sleeping before her in his boxer shorts. Anjali grabbed the elastic and forced quickly down to his knees, unleashing his soft penis. Tingles of excitement went through her at the sight. She couldn't believe he didn't wake up yet! Well, she knew how to get him up.

Gently straddling his legs, she lifted his soft penis and slipped the entire thing into her warm mouth, easily. Her long hair tickled around his crotch. He awoke into a state of half sleep, suddenly feeling good. Dileep grew inside her mouth, and before he was completely hard he woke up entirely. It didn't take him long to know exactly what was going on - Anjali was sucking his cock!

He moaned, reaching down and running his fingers through her long hair as he became fully erect in her mouth. Feeling him grow like that in her mouth had Anjali's panties become even wetter, and she began to bob her head eagerly up and down on his lap. ' slurp slurp' she sucked silently on his cock, her lips gliding up and down his shaft .

He could hear her slurps, and he could see her and the half-light of the moon that poured in through the window. She was giving him an amazing blowjob. What sort of a woman was this, he would never be able to understand. If this was what she wanted to do, then what was the need to masturbate him in the first place. More importantly, would this finish with this blowjob or lead to something more.

Anjali couldn't keep going. She needed to slide him into her dripping wet pussy. She pulled him out of her mouth and knelt straight up. Reaching up under her long shirt, she slid two thumbs into her panties and began to slide them down. She raised one leg and slipped it down off her foot. She pulled her panties off the other leg, crawling up the bed as she dropped them on the floor. She was breathing heavily, turned on beyond description and was fully nude.

Anjali reached underneath her with her small hand, even before she got into position, and grabbed his thick member. She raised his manhood straight up into the air and moved her pussy over it. He could feel her wet slit pressing against the tip of his cock as she ran him quickly to her entrance. She let go of his cock when it was in position, and pressed down.

The soaking wet petals of her treasure parted, the foreskin rolled back and the head of his penis slipped inside. "Ohhhh..." she sighed, falling forward such that she was holding herself up by her arms. She pushed down hard, and Dileep's entire cock slid quickly into her vagina.

"Ohhhh!" she moaned louder. She felt so full! He was really stretching her so wide! She pressed her crotch hard against him and she began to kiss his cheek, keeping him inside her. His lips found hers and they kissed urgently. Her tongue darted into his mouth, exploring him as she kept him inside her.

He sent his own tongue back into her mouth, his hands sliding up her thighs until he gripped an ass cheek in each hand. He began to hump upwards, sliding in and out of her horny pussy using small strokes - she still would not let him out of her too far!

Dileep slid his hands off her ass and up her back. They broke the kiss, and Anjali sat up and her bare breasts engaged his attention. He had seen them before but was seeing them for the first time with her consent and knowledge. The light was dim, but he still was able to admire her nice figure. Her breasts were on the larger side but still firm, her nipples were rock hard, and she was practically jutting them out at him, as if urging him to take them.

He leaned up, his big hands holding her small back as he sucked a thick brown nipple into his mouth. She sighed above him as he ran his tongue in a circle around one breast, before kissing over to her other one. In the meantime, he was subtly humping his hips upward, still staying deep inside her, but moving slightly in and out. He reached around and cupped a breast in each hand, squeezing them gently as he continued to tease them with his mouth and tongue.

Her hands ran through his short hair as she looked down at him, watching him manipulate her tits, feeling his penis slide just a little bit out of her, and then back in her. He felt so good, so different inside her. She began to ride him, unable to help herself as she increased the strokes.

Dileep released her breasts and lay back in the bed as Anjali began to slide her pussy far up his cock until it nearly popped out of her before jamming it back inside. His hands slid down to her ass, squeezing it as he watched her ride him with abandon. "Unh! Unh!!" her moans began to escape - she couldn't help it!

The orgasm that he had waited all day for was fast approaching. Gripping her ass tightly, Dileep forced her to bounce up and down on him even harder. He, in turn, fucked upwards, meeting each thrust. She was gasping for breath, his cock slamming so deep inside her over and over.

In no time, her orgasm struck. She slid her pussy all the way down his penis, rubbing it against him as the intense feelings hit her full force. Her heart was pounding, her vagina was convulsing, her entire body was tingling as she came hard. "Ohhhhhhh!" she let out her breath finally as she began to regain her senses.

Dileep was so turned on that he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't give her the time she desperately needed to recover. He lifted her off of him easily, and dropped her on her back beside him. He scrambled on top of her and the she opened her legs for him instinctively.

He looked down as the engorged helmet pressed against her swollen pussy lips. He slipped into her easily, and pushed his entire cock into her warmth. Anjali raised her legs in the air, opening them wide for him as he held himself up on his arms above her.

He gave her a powerful thrust. "Ohh!" she cried, pleasure shooting up her spine as his thick dick shot deep inside her. He began to fuck her with abandon, she turned him on too much. He jackhammered in and out of her suitably lubricated pussy, her pretty feet were flailing above his thrusting ass.

The bed was squeaking a little under the intense force of his thrusts. Her lovely were bouncing up and down to the rhythm, she was biting her lip to reduce the volume of her moans.

He was losing it. It was beyond his control. His cock pistoned in and out of her a few more times before, finally, he slid his penis out of her vagina with an audible 'slurp'.

Dileep moaned, dick spasming in his hand. A long, thick stream of white fluid shot out the end of his rod and splattered across her taut stomach, some of it even catching the underside of her breast.

Anjali was gasping for breath, chest heaving as she watched more of his cum fire out in a thick stream, again landing on her tanned belly. It felt so hot on her stomach, and it turned her on tremendously.

Finally, the last of his semen trickled out of him, dripping onto her shaped pussy as she lay before him. Her eyes were closed, she was smiling.

"That was well, nice. And thanks for not cumming inside me." she whispered, as they cleaned themselves off. He kissed her smiling lips softly.

She grabbed her panties, hustling out of the room with the dainty thing still in her hand.

The End
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Awesome story ,Thank you
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