Fantasy Anthology of a Slut Shanti by shanti2010-Completed
Anthology of a Slut Shanti Ch. 11

I am in the first person this time – wanted to feel the pussy juices seeping out while I ooze my experiences and this tale is a very erotic one – one of my best in the various fucks over the period of my sexually active life.

I must have been 27 years that time and married to Sridhar for over 2 years now and remember the marriage day at his village Villupuram Tamil Nadu – his was a large family and there were 4 Uncles and 3 Aunts – and the Family elder was a 62 year old Shivnarayan known as Shivu – he was a bachelor by choice and had not married for reasons known to him and some in the family and after lot of coaxing in one of my whorish bouts – Sridhar confessed to a betrayal when Shivu was 19 – the woman to whom he was betrothed eloped with someone else and that was enough for Shivu to take it upon himself a different profile – and was known as an extremely amorous man who did not leave any damsel in the vicinity. He fucked women with ease and at will – and women fell in his lap with complete cooperation and nil inhibition.

I saw him on the marriage day –he conducted himself as the Family head and blessed them and at one occasion where he had to hold the hands of the couple – his fingers crept up on my wrist and the sensation reached her anal and cunt – flooding her with secretions inside the heavy silk dress I was wearing on the occasion of marriage. I was a glowing well fucked 24 year old in the wedding had been brought up mostly in urban places including a stay in Mumbai (India) and at 5 feet 6 inches, dusky fair in colour, extremely sexy looks moist face with good facials and sensuality oozing from every pore of my countenance, men and women alike imagined me in their sexual embraces 24/7. My vitals are 33-28-34.

So coming back to this episode – we all in the family including Chitra and my mother Geeta along with Sridhar were on our way to Villupuram for a family wedding – Sridhar's cousin Smita was getting married and after that there were quite a few functions adjacent to this marriage and we were all going to be in the village for a month or more – it was an unusual situation for me – I had not had sex for quite a while now – all my paramours were traveling and it was quite a while since I had acquired new admirers though at the Bank there were a aream of mn wanting to go beneath my salwar and panty – but my strict principle deterred any liasions with men at work though there was one possibility – a customer who had been eyeing me a while now , rich man at 45 years and could be a possible money spinner, had to explore and close on him but for now there had been no sex since 45 days now and Sridhar was a non-exclusive member of this group , he had no urge to fuck me and that was important for any relationship when it came to calisthenics in bed with me – the man had to be interested in me and as I have shared getting interested in me is instant because my persona is a sexual paradigm which a man or a bisexual woman will find it hard to refuse.

One of Sridhar's uncles was in charge of marriage arrangements and he was having a medium size room all for himself where all the materials of marriage was stored and he has a bed there where he used to sleep during night. Sridhar asked him whether he could sleep in his room for that night and he agreed for that. I slept in the room meant for the women and it was an eerie but exciting feeling – had not met Shivu yet and was told he had been to the neighboring village and would be back in the morning next day, the other uncles of Sridhar were like him – did not seem to have made much contribution to the progeny they claimed as 'fathered' – indeed started to believe that the other sons and daughters including Sridhar himself was a byproduct of Shivu – women would have loved to cozy in his bed and immediately went to bed and sleep with the virile man. It was rumored he had fathered at least 40-50 off-springs in the Village and quite a few in his own family. He was so amorous that some of his own aunts used to him to get their daughters and daughters in laws impregnated.

I thought in mind that me and my father-in-law's brother Shivu have got same fate. Things went on by time, I started taking care of some formalities completely and even looking at the catering and managing the resource planning and also helping my mother-in-law. I had suddenly became a responsible woman, and started doing everything out here at my in-laws place though seriously loathed the bastard husband Sridhar – I pitied him for having to own a beautiful piece look me but not have the tool to drill the sculpture - have one of the finest green fields but not have the energy to plough the fields.

The next morning while coming out of the toilet – at a distance in the foreground of the main lawn in the vast expanse of the cottage – noticed some men and standing tall was my 'target cock' – Shivu – I had made up mind to fuck him though had seen him just once some 2 years ago and even that melee could not trace him out but could feel him and there I saw him in a Tamil attire – nice angavastra and a silk lungi and my pussy leaks – dirty pussy and dirty ass – was not clean since 27 hours now and I started having crush on my father-in-law's brother and slowly started having a womanly love for him.

I started feeling happy for my cunt which would be pounded soon by this 60 + man who was believed to possess libido and virility of a 18 year old, being close to him out here and helping the family with their family wedding and sadly Sridhar was missing, he was in Srilanka on an official mission and had deputed us, though I was happy for his condition.

We met and the eye contact was searing and shearing – it went beyond cordiality and I could see the lust in his eyes for me – he crossed me while I was at the porch and soon went inside the cottage with the other men – but his eyes told his intent loud and clear and made me shiver in the hot weather of summer down south in Tamil Nadu. Soon it was nreakfast time and all women were to assemble and serve the men – which included the senior and elders who ate in a dining chamber meant only for the elite' – and by design or by desired planning the job of serving that area of dining chambers was given to me and another woman by the name Sneha. Both of us went and there were 5 men – I could recognize Raghavan Sridhar's father, Shivu and there were 3 more who weren't from the Family and most likely were the partners or village elders and were important for this event.

While serving the food – all eyes were pretty focused amongst them and animated discussion between the folks did not look out of the ordinary but at some point or the other noticed Raghavan signal to a man in the side of his to Sneha – and she looked at that man with awe and intent and Shivu noticed it and was pretty cut up with Raghavan for all those lascivious glances, something told me that Shivu had special attention reserved for Sneha and it became apparent when his left hand was behind her back kneading the buttock when went around to his side for serving him food – I could easily make out her age to be not to be more than 19 years – and she must be college going – the others noticed the touch and feel and as it was going on – came to know that the man who was sitting next to Raghavan was Ayappan – Sneha's uncle – mother's brother and both the mother and Sneha had been bred by Shivu – and Raghavan was also involved in some of the bouts though not as virile or active or strong in bed – as Shivu.

During Sambhar serving and payasam provisioning – noticed some streaks on his moustache and he called me over and asked me to wipe it with the tissue and while I tried doing it – my hands trembled and he held them firmly and sensually – he was sending me the right signals and Raghavan was quick to disapprove, he did not want his daughter in law to be consumed by the Rasputin in the Village but as I said fate is not in the hands of the observers , it is between the two who connect and the fire on both the sides – Shivu and me was equally strong.

Later in the day I noticed Sneha cross over to the cattle barn and disappear and soon from a distance noticed Shivu going in the same direction – could not hold myself and went after them and the door was ajar – as if they really did not care if some would voyeur around – that was brazen and open shameless depiction of copulation which I was about to witness – and something told me – it was planned keeping in mind my watching it which became obvious.

Shivu pulled the young lass down with him into the tall willowy grass of the sand dune. He'd carried her far enough away so that he knew they would not be disturbed, and the fact that she had come with him made him know that he could do what he wanted with her and not that he hadn't really known that all along and there were few women who cared to resist him for one reason or another, and the reason was usually that he knew just how to get to them.
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RE: Anthology of a Slut Shanti by shanti2010 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-01-2019, 02:27 PM

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