Fantasy Anthology of a Slut Shanti by shanti2010-Completed
"What else do we want?" Shanti asked, puzzled by what he said.

"Well, there's that cute little niece of hers. She's really something!"

"Hey, don't make me jealous," Shanti said, only half jokingly.

"Don't worry, honey," he reassured her, "you're still the best." But he secretly wondered if Vijaya's niece Priyamani might be even better. Seeing her at the swimming pool the past few days since he had first voiced his opinion to Ajay had really increased his awareness of her innocent, teenage beauty. She might not be any better than Shanti, but he knew she'd be good -- and he knew he was beginning to want her real bad.

"I wouldn't try to do too much with this one film," Shanti said. "We'd better work our way up."

"How's that?"

"Well, you can call Vijaya over here tomorrow afternoon and get a tape of you and her fucking," she explained. "And then maybe you can use that tape to persuade Priyamani."

"I don't know," he mused. "It might be a little tougher than that. She looks pretty inexperienced and pretty straight."

Shanti thought for a moment and then made the connection. "Hey! There's that friend of hers I don't know her name, but she's fair tall and a Tamil around 24 years age and good-looking and looks a lot wilder than Priyamani!"

"Yeah!" Kamesh said. "I'd forgotten about her. Ajay mentioned her the other night when he was here. Yeah ... she does look a little more corruptible than Priyamani."

"Good! We've got that settled then," Shanti said, ready for some more action. "We'll both nail Vijaya tomorrow and then I'll go to work on that fair Tamil. You think you can spare any for me?" she whispered in his ear.

"Any what?" he laughed.

"You know what, you bastard," she said, grabbing his rested and ready cock. "Are you gonna give me any more of that good jism of yours, or are you gonna waste it all on younger women and housewives?"

"Don't worry, baby, " he said, cupping one of her perfect tits in his hand. "There's plenty ... for everybody!"

The next day Vijaya got a call - "Hey, Vijaya," Kamesh said into the telephone, "are you busy this afternoon?"

"What do you mean?" she asked suspiciously. She had been afraid ever since that crazy day with Shanti at Ratan's place after the afternoon in Kamesh's apartment with Shanti that Kamesh might call.

She knew that Shanti just might tell Kamesh what had happened and she knew the only thing for her to do was deny it. Whoever told anybody anything about her would just be lying, she decided. If Kamesh approached her about it, she'd just say that Shanti had made up the whole crazy, depraved story. But after the assault the other day – she had lesser such options.

"Well, I just wondered if you could drop by," Kamesh said, trying to keep the voice as innocent sounding as possible.

"How come? Ajay's not here," Vijaya explained, beginning to think maybe this was just an innocent, friendly call after all.

"No, not Ajay ... you," Kamesh said emphatically. "I just want you to come over for a minute to show you something."

Vijaya was really lost now. What could he want? If he was going to try to trick her, she'd just call him a liar to his face and stomp out of there, she decided firmly. "Well ... okay, I guess," she stammered. "I guess I can come by in a little while."

"Don't take too long, Vijaya," Kamesh urged. "See you in a minute!" Kamesh hung up the phone and winked wickedly at Shanti lying beside him on the bed.

"Okay, baby. This is what we'll do," Kamesh explained. "I'm going to put on some clothes so l don't scare the shit out of her the minute she walks in the door." He began pulling on his pants as Shanti listened.

"And then I'll do all the persuading in the living room when she gets here. You stay in here and you'll be a little surprise for Vijaya once I convince her to take her clothes off and head for the bed."

"Sounds good, lover," Shanti said happily. "Uuummmm! I can't wait to see her in action again. For somebody that's been as frustrated as you say she was, she sure does catch on fire if you treat her right!"

"Just don't forget how to treat her," Kamesh ordered. "I can blackmail her and get her to do anything I want, but I don't want to have to bang her. I want her to be turned-on, too. And that's where I might need your help," he explained as he finished dressing.

"Don't worry," she laughed. "Always glad to lend a helping hand." She punctuated her last remark with a firm squeeze of Kamesh's cock. Even through his pants it excited her.

"There she is," Shanti cried gleefully as the doorbell chimed.

"Go on, lover. Don't keep the lady waiting!"

Kamesh snatched the "special" tape from on top of the video recorder and hurried to the front door. He opened it to find an obviously ill-at-ease but still sexy and very desirable Vijaya at the door. Images from the tape flashed through Kamesh's mind as he looked at her -- and he could already picture her naked. The lust in his gaze was more obvious than he realized.

"Well ... don't just stare at me ... well ... what did you want?" Vijaya stammered, blushing from the intensity of Kamesh's stare.

"Come m, come in," Kamesh said cheerfully, waving her into the plush living room. "Would you like a drink?"

"I don't know ... I don't think so," Vijaya replied. "What is it that you wanted to see me about?"

"Well, come on in and sit down," Kamesh suggested. "We don't have to talk standing up do we?" He walked over to the big velvet couch and casually dropped the "special" tape into his video console. He motioned toward the couch facing the oversize projection screen and Vijaya reluctantly walked over and sat down.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" Vijaya asked again, suddenly remembering the rude remarks Kamesh had made the last time she ... no ... the last time she and Ajay were here. This is the same place where Shanti and I first got together with each other, she realized with an uncontrollable shudder.

"Something wrong?" Kamesh asked, wondering if Vijaya had any idea what he was getting ready to spring on her.

"No," she said angrily. "I hope you're not going to insult me again," she snapped, her nose in the air.

"What do you mean?" Kamesh asked with mock innocence.

"You know ... you know damn well what I mean," she said. "I hope you're not going to make anymore improper remarks about me and any of your ... your damn video stuff!"

"Well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about," Kamesh replied.


"Well, you know how you were so turned off about the idea of being video-taped while you were having sex?" Kamesh ventured slyly.

"Yes?" Vijaya responded, more self-righteous than ever.

"Well, I think maybe you went ahead and did it anyway!" he remarked and switched on the video machine, sending a life-size image of Vijaya -- naked and masturbating -- exploding onto the big screen.

"Oh, my God!" Vijaya gasped, clutching her hands to her mouth and staring wide-eyed at the unexpected image. She was too shocked at first to even realize where the tape had come from.

Then as Kamesh turned up the sound, she could hear the sounds of herself reaching a climax, crying and groaning as she pounded her cunt with the dildo. And Shanti appeared on the screen ... grasping Vijaya's tits and then collapsing on top of her ...

"Turn it off ... Kamesh, please ... oh, God ... please, turn it off!"

"Okay, okay," Kamesh said in a soothing voice. "Calm down, relax, I'll turn it off." He reached over and pressed a button, making the screen go blank. "Let's just talk about it a little bit. Okay?"

"Where did you get that?" Vijaya cried, still not realizing her entire escapade with Shanti had been taped.

"That's not the important question," Kamesh replied, enjoying the way the always prim and proper Vijaya was reacting. "The big question is why did you say you wouldn't do it when you really did do it?"

"I ... I don't know what you mean!"

"Why did you let Shanti tape you and her making love?" he asked, delighting in her confusion.

"I didn't ... I didn't know ... I didn't know!"

"But you and Shanti did do it, didn't you? And if you'll do it with her then I suppose you'll do it with me, too," he said softly but firmly and began to walk toward her.
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RE: Anthology of a Slut Shanti by shanti2010 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-01-2019, 02:23 PM

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