Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
My fingers found the belt securing her robe and began toying with it in a lackadaisical fashion, tugging its ends and slowly pulling the knot undone. Mom shifted left to bring her right leg up onto the couch too. I continued playing until the knot pulled free. Mom seemed to be deep in thought and unaware of my activity. Slowly, not because I was afraid she would stop me but rather because I didn’t want to disturb her, I pulled Mom’s robe apart until I had an unobstructed view down the front of her body, covered by the nightgown until just below her knees. Her feet were bare; she had kicked off her slippers. As Mom pondered what to do the next day, I untangled the laces connecting her nightgown with discretion similar to that I had applied to dismantling the robe. After quite a few minutes, I had succeeded in unfettering Mom’s breasts and taken them gently into my hands. For the next half an hour, I nuzzled Mom’s neck and massaged her breasts, occasionally letting my hands stray down her belly inside the nightgown to stroke her soft skin. I was surprised when I encountered the upper traces of her pubic hair but I didn’t venture into it.

I didn’t want to disturb Mom’s thoughts as I was sure she was well into the creative process. Nevertheless, I could not stop my cock from swelling more at the thought of Mom’s bare pelvis. Had she purposely removed her panties before coming downstairs or was it just a coincidence? Her pussy was bare just inches below my trembling fingers. I hoped my hard cock, now pressing into the small of her back, didn’t intrude rudely into her thoughts but there was little I could do about that. Hoping to alleviate the situation, I returned my hands to Mom’s breasts. Mere seconds later my fingers surrounded her nipples, gently tugging and tweaking them into full extension. I would have stopped when I became aware of what I was doing were it not for Mom’s contented sigh and the feel of her body relaxing against mine. What I was doing must be helping her generate creative thoughts. Several minutes later, Mom pulled up her knees, pushing her back more forcefully into my erection. Incredible as it sounds, my hands tired of manipulating Mom’s breasts. Again, they descended her body but this time stayed on top of her nightgown, stopping on her hips.

My fingers stretched out and retracted, pulling the nightgown back. I repeated this several times until the hem was dragged up and over Mom’s raised knees. A few more clenches and the hem started an inexorable descent down the top of Mom’s thighs until it was bunched up on her belly. As soon as that happened, Mom lowered her legs until they were once again stretched out straight on the couch. I returned my hands to her breasts but after several minutes reviving her stiff nipples let them stray down to Mom’s waist. There, my fingers began kneading her sides and, as a side-effect, rolling the nightgown up under Mom’s breasts. She was very quiet but I could feel her breath shortening and knew she was excited by either her thoughts or what I was doing. So was I! My boner was so ragingly hard I worried that I might damage her spine if I moved suddenly. I moved my head, stretching it up slightly so I could get a better view past Mom’s breasts. I was pleasantly surprised when she adjusted her head to accommodate me, or was that just accidental? The last of the nightgown was now sliding up over Mom’s pouting tummy, revealing the tuft of pubic hair covering her mound, a slash of white to either side where the sun never reached when she tanned in the back yard.

When the nightgown was completely rolled up, Mom pulled her legs up again, her rising knees held tightly together. Was she feeling self-conscious? Was she going to cover up? Mom turned her head sideways toward the back of the couch. Maybe she was embarrassed that she’d let me expose her this way. Her head rubbed into the hollow under my left shoulder as if scratching an itch in her ear, then was still. A few seconds later, Mom’s knees parted, then stopped when the gap was only two inches wide. Haltingly, her knees continued to give way, stopping and starting, again and again, until they were more than two feet apart. I raised my hand to press Mom’s hair against the back of her head to clear the line of sight between my eyes and her bare pussy, now pulled slightly apart. I could see a slight furrow through the slot of pubic hair. She was trembling down there. Why? Was she ashamed? If so, why didn’t she close her legs? Or maybe she was quivering in anticipation, or from the feel of my eyes’ caress? I didn’t know. What I did know was that I wanted to be closer to that tantalizing tuft of hair.

I returned my hand to Mom’s hip and moved both of them closer to the center, stopping in the shallow groove just inside her hipbones. Stretching my fingers toward each other, I set them down on Mom’s soft pelvic flesh just short of that wondrous strip of hair, pressed in, and pulled. What a fantastic revelation! The furrow widened and a moist, pink slit appeared at the bottom of the trench. I had seen Mom’s pussy this morning when she let me pull her panties down but this, this was my first ever view of her cunt. My cock throbbed into her back. Oh God, don’t come, don’t come. I groaned out loud with the effort, willing my cock to stop. The moment passed and I sighed with relief. I rubbed my fingers up and down at the sides of Mom’s pussy, then pushed them together and pulled them apart. “Ohhhhhh,” Mom released a quiet sigh. I kept manipulating the flesh at the sides of Mom’s pussy, alternately hiding and revealing that pink slit and causing Mom to sigh again and again, more frequently as the pinkness moistened. When her sighs were almost constant, I moved my hands closer together. Now, when they reached toward each other, they met on top of that beckoning furrow and descended together into the pinkness, prying it apart, tenderly, lovingly.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 21-08-2019, 07:00 PM

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