Adultery How My Mother Saved the Family
How My Mother Saved the Family

The Story is taken from a forum and the credit goes to the original writer. I am only sharing the story.

My dear friends, I thought many times about sharing this story since its covered with my life’s most private events. It’s about My mother. How she sacrificed everything even her body and chastity for the wellbeing of her son.

Ours is a family of two- me and my mom. I’m Nikhil 20 and my mom Padma, 38. I was told by my mom that my dad left her when I was in a tender age. since then I’m her everything, my happiness is everything to her. Even though she doesn’t know where my father is, she behaves like a sumangali, wearing sindhoor on her forehead, wearing bangles and Mangalasutra. She is a conservative orthodox and respectful lady. We enjoy each others company, We could be considered a working lower middle class family living in a tiny two bedroom house in a huge city somewhere in South India.

Our economic condition was not all that well. I was still studying in my final year and had to work part time. Although the pressure of the job was too much it would wore off when I came home to have the snacks kept ready for me by mom. My mom is a delicious cook. She is delicious as well. Very few sons get to have a mother like her. At the age of 39 she was a perfect shaped woman (Thanks to all the hard work). Having a perfect shaped larger than average sized boobs, and her lovely ass neatly curved would be a delicacy even to her own son to see. She mostly wears Saree at home and occasionally nighty. I must admit that I had fantasies about her. Initially I felt guilt but later I thought it was normal. Because she is the only person with whom I live besides it hard to avoid such thoughts by a sexually active boy about a very hot female. So I decided to keep these thoughts restrained to my fantasies and allowed myself to see her in a sexy way. I wouldn’t miss a chance to peep at her cleavage when she bends down while wearing nighty.

My mom owed many 4 lakh rupees to the local money lender-(Rajeev 45years) which she had borrowed for my education. He was a very influential and powerful fellow. he had the support of security officer and local rowdies as well. He constantly came and asked for his money. Whenever he came he used to give funny looks at my mother and ogle at her. I knew he had lust for my mom. Even though I got angry at this I was helpless since the situation was in his favor. We were deep in debt and could see no way out. My only hope of repaying the money is through getting a good job. I was in final semester. And I was in great pressure to handle both studies and work, besides this money lender.

One day he came home and made a big scene. He gave a final choice- whether I should go for Jail or the amount be given instantly. As soon as he said that my mom knelt down on the floor and held his knees and said-

Mom- Please sir, don’t be so harsh on us. Please have a little compassion on the poor.

Rajeev (Money lender)- Its not possible for me to wait any longer. I have waited enough already.

Mom- Please understand sir. I have worked and toiled my entire life to bring up my son and for his education. he is in his final stage of his education, I beg you not to spoil his life. As soon as he gets a job he will pay you the amount.

The money lender was staring at my mom’s cleavage through her yellow blouse as she didn’t notice her saree had fallen off. The As tears were flowing from my mom’s eyes I saw lust flowing from his eyes. Even I couldn’t help and was also staring at her cleavage between her Mangalasutra. He noticed that I was staring too. But we acted normal.

Rajeev- Alright sister. (I was amazed to hear such a word coming from his mouth) don’t cry. (he lifted her by holding and squeezing her soft solders and wiping her eyes, enjoying the touch of her cheeks. I knew his intentions) I will figure something out. I will come some other time and talk to you. Since you depend on your son to repay the amount I believe he is the man of the house now. And I would like to talk to him.

Saying this he gestured me to step out of the house and waited near the gate of our house. I was wondering what he could tell me and looked at my mom in confusion. mom told me to go and talk to him.

I stepped outside and went to him as my mom went inside.

Rajeev- Look son, don’t think I’m a very kind person. Whatever I said there is a lie. I know it and you know it too. I didn’t want to hurt my Padma’s feelings anymore that’s why I had to say something.

Me- I’m confused, what are your true intentions actually?

Rajeev- Look kid, I will be direct. I know how you feel about your mother. I’m not a fool to miss this opportunity and I don’t think you are a fool either. I want your Mom.

Me – (I kind of had an idea where he was heading and dumbly asked this question anyway. ) What do you mean?

Rajeev- don’t act dumb kid, I want some intimate moments with your mother. Hope you understand. We can use this situation to mutually benefit each other. Its not wrong to Have sexual feelings towards one’s mothers especially when she is sexy. its the law of a Man’s nature. your mom still has age. Lets not let it go wasted forever. I’m willing to let go the Debt for a few private moments with your mom. I don’t know how you convince her. call me when you have decided otherwise I will be left with no other alternative but to ruin your future.

Saying this he left.

I was in a great shock and stood there for a minute holding the gate. I didn’t know what to answer to mom when I go inside the house. Then mom called me inside after seeing me standing alone at the gate. Then I hesitantly walked inside. She asked me what Rajeev told me. Not knowing what to tell her I told a spontaneous lie that Uncle is very kind hearted and he is willing to wait till my education is complete. A huge smile sprang on her face and she hugged me. When she hugged me the thoughts of Rajeev hugging my mom came in front of my eyes and I felt bad about it. Then I went into my room and locked and laid on the bed. Didn’t have lunch and slept.

Then in the evening I sat and thought about my present situation deeply. thinking of mom in sex position with Rajeev made me disgusted but somewhere in the corner of my brain I found a sexiness to it. I started thinking logically about this. If I go to jail who will look after my mom. If there is no one to take care of her eventually someone will take advantage of my mom’s helplessness. What becomes of her when she sees her own son’s life being spoiled for which she has worked so hard. No mother would want to see that. All these thoughts ran in my mind.

I Didn’t know how to tell this to mom. Even though if she agrees to it, it will not be whole heartedly. Through fear and pain only she had to accept this. I didn’t want to put my mom through it. I didn’t know what to do, then suddenly it occurred to me to Put Sleeping pills in her food and put her to sleep when Rajeev comes so that I don’t have to explain anything to hurt my mom’s feelings. It will be a secret between me and Rajeev only. I decided this was the best course of action to this scenario.

As I was thinking my mom knocked on the door.

Mom- son, its 8 why don’t you come out for dinner, you haven’t had your lunch also.

Me- yes mom I just woke up, I’m coming out.

saying this I went out and sat at the dining table. My mom was still in that yellow saree. looking as sexy as ever. Her bulging boobs, her naval and her shaking ass diverted my mind. she served me delicious food.

Mom- Nikhil, ever since Rajeev went I see something is bothering u, whats wrong son? (she said this in a sweet tone without knowing that her own son is planning a sex for his mother)

Me- Nothing like that mom, just a little headache (I told a random lie)

Mom- wait son, I will get a cream to apply to your head (she said worryingly)

by the time I finished my dinner on the table she brought the cream and started applying to my forehead from behind. Her soft Breasts were touching my head. Then the thoughts started running in my mind- that those breasts I fed upon when I was a baby are going to be squeezed and sucked by Rajeev without mom even knowing it. Those thoughts of Rajeev groping my mom’s naked breasts started giving me a erection. Her soft hands ran over my forehead without knowing what was running inside my head. Then fearing she would notice my hard on I left to my room saying ‘ enough mom, I’m sleepy now, good night’.

I came to my room and locked it and laid on the bed. The pictures of Rajeev enjoying my beautiful godly mother started running through my mind. As it went on I began to enjoy those thoughts. I thought about mom a ripened fruit with no one to eat it. how waste it would be. I began to think whatever Rajeev said was right. Thinking about this for a while I fell asleep.

And it was morning already. I decided that it was the day it should happen because of two things. 1- fear of Rajeev, if he gets angry due to delay and 2- out of my own lust. I didn’t go anywhere since it was the day it was going to happen. But where was I supposed to find sleeping pills, its hard to get without a medical prescription. Then my cousin Vinesh came to my mind. He works as a medical representative. he knows many pharmacists who would lend him what he wants. So I called him immediately. And told him I needed some strong sleeping pills as I was not getting proper sleep from many days. Vinesh is very close to me hence he agreed to help me. He came in the afternoon and knocked on the door. My mom answered the door as I came out of my room. He has always been a bug fan of Mom’s figure and began fucking her in his mind as soon as he saw her. I could see that in his eyes. She welcomed him He went and hugged her in front of me with a tight grip, her boobs could be seen losing its shape from round to flat as he pressed his chest against her tender breasts. Then I took him to my room and asked if he brought the pills. He had got 2 pills and told me to take just one since its strong. “what happens if I take two?” I asked. “There will be no side effects as such, but to get a sound sleep its enough if you take just one. If you take two the sleep will be very deep and prolonged for at least 7 hours” he answered. “That’s exactly what I want” I thought to myself. And I thanked him, after having some snacks my mom prepared for him, he left with an ogle in his eyes towards mom. Mom was completely alien to the situation, she didn’t have a clue what was going on, her nephew just served her son sleeping tablets so that a stranger can spread her legs that night when she is asleep.

Somehow I passed the time till night thinking how I get mom to take those pills. It was 10 we started having dinner on the table. Mom looking very sexy that night. she was wearing a blue saree, below her naval. Her beautiful cleavage visible at times when she bent down to eat. I thought Rajeev was a very lucky bastard tonight. After dinner we have the habit of drinking buttermilk, so when I went to kitchen to wash my hands, I didn’t want to risk any chances so I put both the pills in her drink and served it to mom. After her dinner she drank it and we began to chat. When we were talking I was observing her whole body as to when I would get a chance to feel them. I was hoping the pills to take effect faster. Within 15 she said that she was feeling irresistibly sleepy and said goodnight and went to her room. I knew the pills were playing their role. I immediately stepped outside main door and called Rajeev – “sir You can come to my home tonight, Mom is ready for you”. I told him.

“very good son”, He said “finally you have come to your senses. You have made a right decision. How did you convince her though?” he asked. I could sense happiness in his voice. To which I answered “come and find out for yourself uncle” “I will be there in half an hour boy” he said and hung up as though he were in a great hurry.

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