Adultery A Wife and The Amazon Tribe
A Wife and The Amazon Tribe Ch. 01

The Story is taken from a forum and the credit goes to the original writer. I am only sharing the story.

As the plane engine hummed away its tune, Sam continued to bask in the beauty of his new wife sitting next to him. They took their lavish wedding only a week ago and now on their way to a honeymoon that promised to be a beautiful dream. Being rich by owning a software company didn't hurt at all in planning all these expensive arrangements. In his heart, he felt it helped a lot in managing to find this beautiful wife too. 
It wasn't like he was an ugly guy. Sam was an owner of a 5'9" average body with a pleasant face. But his wife had an angelic face, wavy brown hair that flowed down her shoulders till her narrow waist and long legs that can make any guy drool even though she was two inches shorter than him. 
Julie was too much occupied with the scenery on display through the narrow window to notice the gaze of her husband. She was leaning on to the window side with her legs one over the other, resulting the hem of her yellow strapless short summer dress to ride a little higher than its original position of midway of her thighs. She was too bored to correct this little immodesty and besides she knew Sam loved to enjoy the view of her toned, smooth and long legs. After all this was their honeymoon and a little bit of teasing here and there should be something normal. 
The small domestic plane was shaking more than a bigger plane against rogue air currents, resulting small bounces in her chest area from time to time. This was a tell tale indication of Julie having to choose between her 34c bra with a more covered top in the humid climate or more exposed and cooler bra-less, strapless top.

Julie always had a fascination for wild life and rainforests. She was starting to give up on her dreams about going for adventures in jungles soon after starting a job as receptionist at a software company. But everything started to change for good once caught the attention of company owner one day. Sam was a smart and a gentle guy with a fortune made by the age of 35. The 10 year age difference was made inconsiderable to Julie due to above qualities of him. 
It wasn't like she married him only for his money. She did love him, but his wealth did manage to initiate the relationship. Julie was notorious for turning down even the hottest guys. 
Looking down at the green carpet crisscrossed with snake like rivers only reminded Julie that she was so close to her dream vacation destination. After a grand wedding ceremony, it was Julie's idea go to a remote honeymoon hotel in the middle of Amazon jungle. Even though Sam wasn't a nature lover, he happily agreed knowing her love for nature. After arriving to Brazil, they had to take a small plane to reach the hotel in the middle of Jungle. Even though they were the only two passengers, the plane was filled with supplies since the plane was the only mean of transportation from hotel to the modern world. 
After two hours of plane ride with scenery of a never ending ocean of greens and low pitch engine sound, both Julie and Sam were starting to fall asleep due to fatigue from all the traveling.Then both were slapped back in to reality from a high pitch alarm sound emanating from the cockpit and a violently shaking plane. 
"Pilot, what's happening?" Sam shouted trying to overcome the noise of the alarm while Julie trying to cover her ears to stop the alarm noise while shaking with the plane. 
"An engine failure, I'll have to try to make an emergency landing. Don't panic; put your head between your knees and brace for the impact." Pilot answered while trying to get the plane under control. 
Not panicking was a hard thing to do in that situation, but the couple managed to position themselves and brace for the impact. 
While hearing the pilot trying to send a Mayday message, Sam felt the impact like getting hit by a car. Every sense was overpowered by the violent shaking and rolling of the plane with sounds of tree branches hitting and breaking as the plane dived in to the green ocean. Then everything went quiet and dark. 
Julie suddenly jerked up from her unconsciousness. She was still strapped on to her seat and everything that happened felt like a dream. But opening her eyes only brought her back to reality to realize that everything happened for real. Other than few scratches and bruises she was in good condition and somehow during all action her breasts have managed get free from strapless top. While instinctively readjusting her dress she looked around to see the damage. Sam was stirring up from his deep sleep and looked like he was also safe except for few scratches. But looking at the pilot made Julie emit a scream without her knowledge. 
Julie's scream managed to completely wake up Sam. 
"Oh my god! Julie, are you hurt?" 
"I'm alright Sam. But the pilot is dead." She replied and then started to cry looking at the cockpit. 
Sam freed himself from his seat and leaned in to look in to the cockpit and realized that the pilot did manage to land the plane, but some thick branches crashed through the wind shield and impaled the pilot in three places including one through the neck. His lifeless body was firmly pinned to the seat while blood poured alone the impaled branches and down his body. 
Then suddenly a burning smell brought Sam's attention to the surrounding. There was a fire in the back of the plane where the supplies were and he remembered seeing few propane gas tanks in the supplies when they load the plane. 
"Julie, we have to get out of here quickly. The plane is going to explode." Sam said in a panic voice. 
Realizing the situation Julie also freed herself from the seat and followed Sam out of the plane and ran away about 100 feet away from the burning wreckage. While coming in to term with this unreal situation Julie tried to think about what to do next. Knowledge from reading few books about jungle explorations, she realized that they are now stranded in the world's biggest forest and their ticket to surviving is the supplies in the plane. 
"Sam, we have save the supplies."Julie said while trying to go back to the plane. But Sam grabbed her arm and stopped her saying. 
"Are you crazy? We don't know when that thing will bl" before he managed to complete the sentence the plane exploded with a shock wave that made the couple fall back. 
While listening to the ringing in her ear caused by the explosion, Julie thought "There goes that ticket." 

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A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 21-07-2019, 04:10 PM
RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 22-07-2019, 09:58 AM
RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 22-07-2019, 09:59 AM
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RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 24-07-2019, 09:04 AM
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RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 25-07-2019, 09:03 AM
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RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by georgemercy - 25-07-2019, 10:42 AM
RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by xossipyenjoy - 25-07-2019, 11:42 PM
RE: A Wife and The Amazon Tribe - by jaanu1 - 10-11-2019, 06:43 PM

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