Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
Chapter 6: Into the unknown

Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh... Uunngghhhhh..ohh.. maaaa... echoes of moan reverberated in a small room, a petite young girl knelt on all fours, completely nude her body glistened with sweat, her face contorted with pleasure as a massive thick cock disappeared again and again into her wet folds.

"You can't get enough of this cock, don't you slut?" Patode demanded as he gave multiple hard spanks on her ass.

"Yes,yessssss... more ... harder," she cried as she surrender to the impending climax.

"With pleasure," chuckled Patode as he held her by her hair and increased his tempo.
Right then Patode's phone rang prompting him to stop his pounding.

"Pleaseeeee... don't stop..," she requested him as she bucked her hip backwards.

"In a minute bitch," replied Patode as his cock slipped out of her cunt.

"Toppo," Patode said, frustrated as he reached the phone, "you have a really bad timing."

"I'm sorry bhau," Toppo said, judging by Patode's labored breathing, "I didn't know you had company."

"Don't worry about it now, he said, gesturing for the girl to start sucking his cock. The girl complied without wasting a minute. "Anyway, our Manager Memsaheb called, she'll be joining tomorrow; I was just about to call you."

"Excellent, i called to enquire about the same, i can't wait bhau, ever since i have seen her in person i am unable to control my lust. My craving for that body has overtaken my urge for revenge, I've never felt such a strong sexual attraction towards any of our targets." Toppo said unable to hide his excitement and further enquired, "Is everything set? What about that bastard Bhiva, i hope he is not in on our plans."

"Hold your horses Toppo, don't get too excited. Our plan needs careful execution which will take time, so by then control yourself and your cravings. And about Bhiva, if everything goes as per my plan we won't be needing him, but I cannot gurantee i will involve him or not, he may be a big mouth but he's resourceful and composed, unlike you. Leave everything to me, i'll inform you when i have our new Manager Memsaheb worshiping my dick, begging me to impregnate her with my seed." Patode said  as he held the girl's head shoving it down on his cock, gagging her.

Patode disconnected the call as he diverted his attention back to his pet pleasuring his cock. "Enough with the mouth," he growled flipping the girl on her back, folding her body by her hips in a way that her  knees were on either side of her face, he held her calves as he bent his knees impaling her again. With an evil grin he started pistoning his dick in the well lubricated pussy picking up pace every passing second.

Within minutes, the girl started convulsing, her whole body trembling, under a massive vaginal orgasm. Patode chuckled and started drilling her even harder as he assured himself that Shipra would soon find herself in the same position.

"AAAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH" , the room was once again filled with orgasmic cries of pleasure.

Namarata, seated on the aisle next to Shipra as they headed towards Amruj through bus, inquired, "Do you know where we'll be staying?"

Shipra: "Don't worry a friend of mine was stationed there temporarily and recommended a place. She was only there for a month; her husband had connections that got her transferred. She didn't know much about the area, but she said the landlords are reliable."

"Wow, what a caring husband she got. Speaking of which, has Alok bothered to call and check up on you?" Namrata remarked sarcastically, highlighting Alok's lack of consideration.

Shipra explained "He's tied up with morning classes. He'll call when he's free." trying to defend her husband.

"He is dedicated towards his goals which sometimes leads to forgetfulness, it happens when you are fully committed to something, you won't understand." Shipra continued giving a sharp reply. As she spoke, she fixed her gaze squarely on Namrata, her eyes narrowing slightly to emphasize her point. It was clear that Shipra was not only defending Alok but also subtly criticizing Namrata's more casual approach to relationships and commitments.

"Feeling frustrated, are we? Looks like someone isn't getting regular dose of Vitamin D," Namarata joked, placing extra emphasis on the word "D" to hint that Shipra's frustration might be due to a lack of DICK she is getting in bedroom.

Shipra understood the underlying meaning and couldn't help but smile a little at Namrata's word play as she replied,"I get enough D from my husband and for your information we did it twice in the previous week"

"What? Just twice in seven days? I pity you, girl. What's up with Alok? If were in his position, I'd atleast fuck that hot body of yours twice daily if not more." Said Namrata as she placed her hand between Shipra's thies  moving slowly and sensually, rubbing her pussy over her salwar.

"Cut it out" Shipra revolted, as she pushed Namrata's hand, her face flushed with arousal "Everything is not about sex in a relationship"

"Yeah sure, You should have definitely told that to Viresh when he use to fuck you all day during weekends. The only sound i heard from your room were those of his heavy grunts, your loud orgasmic moans and the creaking sound of that poor bed of yours. And at the end of such weekends i would find 8 to 10 cum filled condoms in your dustbin. So don't tell me it's not about sex," Namrata tried to proove her point.

"Shut up, we're in public," Shipra hissed at Namrata, casting a quick glance around to ensure they weren't attracting too much attention.

"Deny it all you want, but speaking as a Woman, I know that once you've experienced sex with a well endowed fuck machine like Viresh, the body is never satisfied with romantic mundane married life sex" Namrata smirked confidently.

"Enough with this nonsense, don't you have  anything better to discuss beside my sex life" Shipra snapped, her frustration evident in her tone.

They both went silent. Shipra couldn't help but let her mind wander, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. Namrata's words had struck a chord, unearthing the sad realization about her relationship with Alok. She couldn't help but dwell on the gradual decline of intimacy between them. While Alok was an exemplary husband, supportive, affectionate, and caring, the enthusiasm and passion that marked the early days of their marriage had gradually faded away. In the quiet of the moment, Shipra couldn't shake the realization that her sex life had become mundane and routine.

It was not that Alok was lacking in his abilities as a lover. He had an above average 7 inch cock and good stamina in bed. However with passage of time his fervor for Shipra subsided;  especially after the arrival of their son, Aarav. Juggling work and the added responsibilities of parenthood, both of them unintentionally neglected their intimacy, prioritizing the pursuit of a more fulfilling life. Shipra had witnessed this happen to other working couples, but never imagined it would happen to them. That's why she opposed the decision to accept the promotion; she wanted to keep the spark alive in their marriage. However, she eventually gave in to Alok's persistent persuasion and under the burden of parenthood. What was once a relationship filled with passion and desire had now become a series of chores, lacking the fervor they once shared.

She couldn't help but contrast her experiences with Viresh to those with Alok, her current partner. While her encounters with Viresh were filled with passionate and frequent fuck sessions, with a sense of deep connection and mutual desire, her experiences with Alok seemed to lack that same intensity and spontaneity. As she wondered deeper she was sure that if Viresh were in Alok's place last week, he would have fucked her countless times in every posible position until her body couldn't handle it anymore like he always did in the past. Just replaying the raw sensual fucking sessions with her ex made Shipra arroused.

"Hello, are you listening? I'm talking to you. Where are you lost?" Namrata's pinch brought Shipra back to reality.

"Yes, I'm here," Shipra composed herself, concealing her arousal. "What were you saying?" she inquired.

"I asked you to call your colleague. We're almost there, and you said he'll pick us up," Namrata repeated herself.

Shipra complied, dialing Patode.
"Patode ji, we're almost there. Are you ready to pick us up?" Shipra asked.

"Yes, Madam. I'm on the way. It'll take me 20 to 25 minutes to reach," Patode assured her.

"Okay, please call me when you're here," Shipra disconnected the call and informed Namrata.

Namrata: "Who's this Patode? His voice sounds very deep."

Shipra: "He's the branch field officer and also some local union leader. I don't know the details. Shipra, knowing Namrata's flirtatious tendencies, reminded her "Just please behave when he comes; he'll be my colleague, and I don't want any issues."

"Ok, Manager sahiba", Namrata teased her we a playful grin and continued ,"But what if he's a charming handsome hunk? No promises then."

"You are incorrigible," sighed Namrata waving her head giving up.

In the next 10 minutes, they reached Amruj bus stand, and they both disembarked the bus, finding shelter under a tree as they waited for Patode.

As a few minutes passed they found themselves at the centre of attention. Every passerby scanned them as if they were some creatures from different world. They couldn't escape the sensation of being under intense scrutiny. Now in an exceptionally rural setting, Shipra and Namrata stood out prominently. The villagers, accustomed to a simpler way of life, had never encountered such elegantly dressed and strikingly beautiful young women outside of the silver screen.Their arrival stirred a palpable buzz among the villagers. Some villagers openly stared, their mouths agape in awe, while others exchanged hushed comments, pointing discreetly in their direction.Shipra couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious under the intense scrutiny, her demeanor betraying a hint of discomfort. On the other hand, Namrata seemed to revel in the attention, flashing charming smiles and even striking a pose or two, basking in the admiration of the villagers.

Shipra anticipating the situation dressed herself conservatively in Salwar suit with dupatta covering every inch of her curvy body, on the other hand Namrata being herself was casually dressed in a small top and a figure hugging jeans clearly outlining her slim and sexy figure.

Amongst the many onlookers there stood 3 holigans at the tea stall staring at them from the very moment they stepped out of the bus. It was a group of 3 young boys in their early twenties out of which one with better look and physique seemed to be their leader.

Namrata craved for a cup of tea and asked Shipra to join her as they proceeded to the same tea stall. The three boys couldn't help but stare as Shipra and Namrata approached the tea stall. Their eyes roamed over every curve and contour of the two women's bodies, their eyes undressing them with every glance.

"What a pair of hotties," one of the boys said, nudging his friend he remarked crudely. "I can't stop looking at those bouncing tits. l'd love to bury my face in them. Which one do you think has the bigger pair?"

His friend smirked, eyes fixed on Shipra's more conservative attire. "My money's on the one dressed modestly," he replied, his tone dripping with lust. "I bet she's hiding a tantalizing figure under that thin fabric."

With a lewd chuckle, he added, "And those tight asses? They're driving me wild, man. I'm getting hard just looking at them."

Their leader seemed to be enjoying the view without indulging in loose talk.

As Shipra and Namrata ordered their teas, they could feel the three boys' eyes on them. It made them uncomfortable, but they tried to ignore it and carry on with their conversation.

"Can you believe how these guys are blatantly staring at us?" Shipra whispered to Namrata.
Namrata chuckled softly, a faint smile playing on her lips, "I don't blame them really. They probably haven't had the chance to see beautiful city girls like us very often," she commented, her tone laced with a mixture of sympathy and amusement at the boys' reactions.

Shipra nodded in agreement, but before either of them could say anything else, one of the boys called out to them.

"Hey, baby! Looking for a good time?"
His friends burst into laughter at his crude comment, while Shipra and Namrata exchanged irritated glances.

"Just ignore them," Shipra said quietly.
Namrata nodded in agreement as they collected their teas and walked away from the stall.

As Namrata and Shipra walked away from the tea stall, Namrata couldn't help but feel a slight thrill from the attention they were receiving. Shipra, however, was visibly uncomfortable with the persistent stares and crude remarks from the boys.

The boys continued their crude and vulgar comments, their voices growing louder and more obnoxious with each passing moment. Despite their rowdiness, the third boy remained calmed, his posture relaxed as he observed the scenario. His eyes were affixed on the innocent beauty of Shipra. He was mesmerized by her aura and simplicity. It was evident to him that these women carried themselves differently, exuding an air of sophistication that set them apart from the usual crowd seen around the streets. He recognized that they were not the usual modern girls his friends encountered and decided to intervene.

"Enough," he growled, addressing his friends. Attempting to impress Shipra, he continued, "Stop your nonsense. Can't you see you're making them uncomfortable? You retards can't differentiate between ordinary street girls and these cultured ladies." Turning to Shipra and Namrata, he apologize,"I am sorry on their behalf, they can't seem to control themselves in the presence of such beautiful ladies."

Shipra and Namrata exchanged surprised glances, suprised at the sudden change in demeanor from one of the boys. Despite his crude language, they appreciated his attempt to defuse the situation.

"Thank you," Shipra said softly, offering a small smile in acknowledgment of his apology.

Just as he was gearing up to continue his flattery and take his chances with these beauties, he abruptly changed his mind and  brought his hands together in a respectful Namaste to them, acknowledging the ladies with politeness. With a subtle nod and hurriedness, he signaled his friends to follow his lead. Climbing onto his bike, he revved the engine and, without uttering another word, drove off into the bustling street, leaving Shipra and Namrata a little confused but relieved.

As they all left Shipra's phone rang it was Patode. He had reached the bus stand and was looking for her. Shipra guided him to their location.

"Namaste, madam, i am Milind Vinayak Patode, MVP in short, at your service." Patode introduced himself warmly, casting curious looks at Namarata, hinting to Shipra that he was eager for an introduction.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my friend Namrata; she's here help me settle here and to experience village life," Shipra introduced her.

Patode's heart raced with excitement as he had not one, but two potential prey before him. As Patode's eyes fell upon the two mesmerizing figures before him, his primal instincts stirred within him, his cock twitching with anticipation at the sight of such exquisite beauties. He understood why Toppo of was so impatient and excited. Despite the irresistible charm of his targets, he knew he must maintain the facade of civility for now. With confidence in his lecherous abilities, he was certain that with patience, he would bed them both may be together. Without letting his imagination go wild he acknowledged the presence of the two ladies before him, all the while masking the malicious uncontrollable lust that burned within his soul.

Namrata reached out to shake hands, a gesture from her corporate background, while Patode responded by earnestly bringing his hands together in a Namaste, Though inside he wished to feel her soft, tender skin, he chose to  maintained a respectful distance, concealing his desires.

Namrata paused briefly, as if sensing something beneath the surface of Patode's amiable facade, but ignoring it she smiled and mirrored Patode's gesture, bringing her hands together in a respectful Namaste. Recognizing the cultural difference, they both laughed softly, easing the initial awkwardness.

Patode then welcomed them both warmly, expressing his hope that Namrata would enjoy her time in the village.

With a gesture of hospitality, he took their luggage and headed towards the taxi. As they followed, Namrata leaned closer to Shipra and whispered with a sly grin, "He's quite charming, isn't he?" making subtle gestures toward Patode. Laughing softly, Shipra just shook her head and they both climbed into the Bolero.

Patode, was a well built man in his early forties, standing tall at an impressive height of 6 feet 2 inches, he commanded attention with his physical presence. His muscular frame was evidence of his dedication to maintaining his physical fitness. However, beneath his outward appearance of strength lurked a darker side.

He was a total womenizer, he had an insatiable appetite for female body. What truly set Patode apart was his particular penchant for married young women, a fetish that added an extra layer of danger and excitement to his pursuits. Despite his professional appearance as a field officer at the Kasegaon branch, he wielded considerable influence and connections within the local political sphere, a fact that often worked to his advantage in his conquests.

Patode possessed a unique talent for charming and flirting with women, effortlessly lowering their inhibitions in his presence. This skill, combined with his physical prowess and undeniable charisma, allowed him to bed women with ease, indulging in the unreal pleasures that came with each conquest. Beyond his charming exterior, Patode was also well-endowed and had an unmatched stamina, attributes that heightened the pleasure of his preys and left them lusting for more. With each encounter, Patode ensured to break them even more with his 9 inch meaty cock, making them addicted to wild pleasure like they never had in their life.

As the vehicle started, Patode initiated a conversation, "How was your journey madam? I hope it was comfortable," he asked, sparking a conversation.

Shipra responded, "It was quite smooth, thank you. How long does it take to reach Kasegaon?

"It's just 30 minute drive from here," Patode replied. Patode engaged Shipra and Namrata in light conversation, skillfully putting them at ease and trying to build a friendly rapport with them.

During the ride, Patode mentioned that he had identified some potential houses where they could stay. However, Shipra quickly interjected, explaining that they had already finalized a house through a friend. Patode was disappointed learning the news but maked it well, maintaining a friendly demeanor.

Throughout the drive, Namrata seemed particularly taken with Patode and flirted subtly, As the conversation lightened, Namrata chimed in, playfully engaging Patode. "So, Milind ji, what are the must-see spots around here? We might need a local guide," she said with a flirtatious tilt to her voice.

Patode chuckled, "I’d be happy to show you around but here's nothing exceptional to see for city ladies like yourself."

As the Bolero rolled along the countryside, Namrata couldn't resist teasing Patode a bit more. "Come on, Milind ji, don't be so modest. I'm sure you can uncover some hidden gems for us," she said with a playful twinkle in her eye. 

Patode chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Well, if you insist, I'll do my best to impress the city ladies with our rural charms," he replied, a hint of flirtation in his tone.

Namrata leaned closer, her smile widening. "I have no doubt you'll be a fantastic guide," she said, her voice laced with playful banter. 

Patode glanced at her, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'll take that as a challenge then," he retorted, the playful exchange adding an extra spark to the journey. All the time Patode eyes both of them in the rear view mirror basking in double treat of beauty his eyes were getting.

While Shipra appreciated the lively atmosphere, she couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort at Namrata's flirtatious behavior. She had already warned her friend about being too forward, especially in a new environment. Despite her reservations, Shipra chose to remain silent, her mind filled with a mixture of excitement and tension as they approached their destination, she hoped that Namrata would ease up on her flirtatious behavior.

"We're almost there, I'll leave the taxi at your disposal, madam. Please take your time to complete the joining formalities, and just provide the driver with the address; he'll ensure you reach your destination safely. Unfortunately, I have some official visits to attend to, but rest assured, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me. I'm available 24/7." With a confident smile, Patode assured Shipra and Namrata of his commitment to their comfort and safety, showcasing his professionalism and willingness to assist them.

Eventually, they reached the Kasegaon branch where Shipra was to officially join. She stepped out of the Bolero, ready to begin her new chapter, while Namrata lingered a moment longer, exchanging a final smile with Patode before joining her friend.

End of Chapter 6: Into the Unknown  thanks
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