Misc. Erotica Unwrapped -dirty devil
She could have said no but here she was at the orient .For the first time in her she was in such an expensive place ,she felt out of place there ,she felt like that people were staring her .Her anxiousness suddenly changed to something else when she felt a looming presence behind her and she knew from the odour that it was Vishal.

"Looking ravishing miss Rizvi"

She have met a lot of men in her life, but few who are as bold as Vishal singh. The second he had her attention and was sure that he had it was the moment he chose to look away. He chooses to stare her up and down, to take her in. His eyes rolled slow and deliberate over her body, and she could almost feel that gaze licking at the skin beneath her clothes. VISHAL checked me out. He took his time. He wanted her to know what he was doing. Vishal took in every inch of her and then he met her gaze again with a cocky challenge, daring me to call him out on it. By all rights I should have, but there was no way that I was going to. She felt a sensation ran through her at his audacious behaviour.She was used lecherous stare from men but from Vishal it felt something else and the dress she was wearing also wasn't helping.
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The dress was somehow both simple and stunning, a basic white sheath skirt that goes all the way to the floor with gold bands of ornamentation and a matching gold bodice. Though it’s low cut, and requires her to go braless, it holds her breasts well, letting nothing spill out. . It was tight it is around her hips. The gold bands are delicate needlework, and her skin can be seen through them, but it’s classy rather than slutty, and all the needlework in the bodice is layered with a material that matches her skin.

She had received this dress through parcel -Vishal had sent it.
She waited for everyone to sleep and then she tried the dress for the first time in her room. Although the dress was not that revealing or slutty but it still hugged her body perfectly showing her curves and that for her orthodox family was obscene.

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She was twrilling infront of mirror her she noticed how perfect the dress fit around her ass , showing its perfect curve. She knew her swaying hips would surely draw attention from spectators ,she was used to attention but thought about Vishal noticing it somehow made her both anxious and excited.

She went to her friend Farhana's place ,whose house was in different part of city where nobody knew her and her family.She chose this place because she could not get out wearing that dress infront of her baba and ammu .Vishal had sent a car which picked her from Farhana's place.

She stare at the sign outside the gallery as they walk past. He was leading her ,Vishal' s hand is on the small of her back, directing her where to go, and while there is much to process sensorily in this moment, it’s only the hot touch of his fingers on her bare skin that registers in her brain.

With his hand settles on my back, and he leads her toward a security check . The security check-in at the top of the stairs seems to partly be meant to keep out the press.Now they've definitely arrived at the VIP party. The large open space is flanked by two bars and caterers are passing out dessert trays.

The sound of the crowd muffles around her e, and again, his touch and the thud of her racing heartbeat in my ears are at the forefront of my awareness. She force herself to find logical talking points and settle on the most obvious one. “What exactly are we doing here?”

Vishal doesn’t answer until we’re standing in of a large black and white photo of an empty sports arena littered with garbage and confetti and streams from pompoms. “We’re looking at images of our lonely world. Keep up, Miss Rizvi. This particular piece looks very much like my parents’ house.

I lower my voice when I rephrase my question. “But why are we here?”

“It’s mr singhania’s birthday.

"But why am I here?”
“Because I asked you to be here.” 

“You told me to be here, if we’re being precise. And I can’t figure out exactly why.” 

His eyes still focused on the exhibition, he gives yet another sigh. “Because I’m required to be here, Insha. As I’m required to be every year, and it’s so boring and dull that I decided it would be more entertaining to have you come along.”

This time when he tries to move her forward, she didn’t budge. 
“What?” he asks, his tone bordering on irritation. 

“You bought me a dress and made all that fuss that day just so that I could come here and…what? Be your distraction?” 

“That sounds like a fair summation.”

She stare hard at him for several seconds. “Do you not have any friends?”

 He laughs. “Of course I don’t have friends. I’m a wealthy, powerful man from an even wealthier, more powerful family. Most everyone who wants to get close to me wants something in exchange, and quite frankly, all I really give a fuck about is work. So yes, I have to look elsewhere for entertainment.”

 “And that’s what I am. Your entertainment.” Insha said

Finally, he looks directly at her and sports a cocky grin at her.

. “You like the job so far, miss rizvi ?” His voice was neutral.Everything he said seemed to cut through the bullshit.  

I guess so,” She said, a little uncertain of where the conversation was going.

“I find myself in the position, miss rizvi , occasionally, that I need a little work done. Let's call it extra paper work.” “Which is to say that, in negotiating, I sometimes need a little bit more than note-taking. You follow me?” 
She nodded - 
"you 've a lot of potential , if you prove yourself of worthy you will be climbing the success "

"Hi there" an old man greet them.It seems that man knew Vishal.Vishal introduced her to him.The old man took her hand and kiss it.  

Vishal and the old man whose name was Sharma engaged in conversation about a project . Insha noticed the old man ogling her body , especially her breast while having conversation. 

As the conversation end the old man looked at her and said it was nice to meet you beautiful, hope to see you again " again kisses her hand and left.

Vishal could easily read her face."This kind of people you have to deal with to get to the top .
He gets closer , eyes again roaming all over her curves and finally at her eyes "for a pretty woman like you have to deal with their pervert behaviour " he pointed finger again to Sharma who was now talking with another young woman , it was clear that the woman was uncomfortable.

Insha met Vishal gaze , It wasn't her fault his brother was an idiot.If not for her idiot brother she would not have been here with the man whom she had always tried to avoid.VISHAL was a closed book, and he was terrifying. He was muscled and mysterious and dark and good-looking . 

She regained her voice "You are not that different from him mr Vishal"

"You are comparing me with that old hog , 
I think i m quite good looking and young "

"You know what i mean " 

"I don't miss Rizvi"

"You coerced me into coming to this party and " she caught her breath lowered her eyes from his .
" And ?"
She wishpered with out looking at him " and you have been ogling at my body since i got here."

"You seem to enjoy my attention,Miss Rizvi And by the way the dress does complement your figure "

"You should not talk to your employee like that , Mr Singh ".she said hesitantly looking him in the eyes


Vishal chuckled and the sound of it drew her eyes back. He knew that breath was catching in her chest, knew that she was trembling a little but not enough that it was noticeable unless you were looking very closely at it. Her mind couldn't decide whether it was unfortunate or fortunate that close was exactly the word to describe the way that Vishal was observing her. "You intrigue me," he remarked, "I think you might have since the first day . There is this part of you that I just can't quite put my finger on. This tendency to overstate yourself as if you're covering for something, but what it is you're covering for I can never quite know for sure. "A lot of your words are spent describing your inadequacies, did you know that Insha? You will almost wax poetically about how much you are lacking. You never hesitate to beat yourself up over a missed opportunity, and you always punish yourself for your mistakes. That sort of attitude should come with a healthy dose of self-deprecation. Perhaps even resignation that you are the best version of yourself but that the best version of yourself is innately lacking. Above all else, you should have a lack of pride, and yet I see that pride in you as well. "There is a strength in your gaze. There is a hardness in the way you hold yourself. There are these moments where you refuse to acknowledge your weakness and it makes me second guess my assumptions about you. It makes me wonder if maybe you're more than just a pretty face and… more. "Maybe I see a hint of arrogance beneath the surface there, in your tendency to refuse help when you ought to ask for it. This hesitance to show weakness, a proclivity for putting your guard up, it all points to one thing and one thing alone to me. Do you know what that one thing is, Insha?" 

She didn't know. She couldn't think enough to clear her head and find out what he meant. She couldn't catch her breath long enough to stop herself from being lightheaded as he closed the space Vishal held his hand up to her, so close that he was nearly brushing against her cheek with the backs of his fingers. She felt her eyes flutter shut, felt her heart pounding in chest in anticipation of a touch that still held out. He was holding out for me and holding back for her.  

 "I don't know, what are you talking about," she told him .

"Oh you know, you were hesitant to ask me favour for your brother, if you had option you wouldn't have, but... I think there is reason behind it ..?"
"May be it it is something that hoes back to college days , that you heard some rumours about me" His reputation was as a player and sexual conquest was spread throughout the university . It would not be wrong to tell that he would change girlfriend every month, not counting his flings.

"Or maybe something you saw at the eve of Christmas party" said Vishal

Insha's heart skipped , image of that night suddenly started to flow, her throat become dry .

"I don't know what are you talking about " she muttered."

Vishal was about to say something when he was interrupted 

"There you are, Vishal .” A lady came near them . 

 “I was beginning to think I wasn’t going to see you today. Though, if this breathtaking lady is the reason you’ve been preoccupied" 

Insha noticed the lady's beautiful dress , she was indeed beautiful , Insha hardly feel any self conscious around beautiful women but the lady Vishal was talking was breathtaking , not only that the manner that she carries also makes her attractive.  

She excused herself in search of washroom. She was indeed aww of richness of the place, even the washroom was bigger than her house.She felt out place among these people ,and she later found herself alone in the darkness a balcony enjoying the view of the city from above .

"beautiful isn't it ? Seems like the whole world is beneath you .'"Vishal close in behind her.

At her home 

It was unusual for to stay outside for that late .She had received many calls during her night out , she had lie to her parents.
She knew staying out late would be problem for her yet she went to the party,
her mother was not happy with her when she returned but for now that was least of her concern something else was going on her mind. She tried to sleep but the incident from balcony was interrupting her .

She still feels his breath aginst her neck as he step closer.
Her mind couldn't remember how it started but remembers every detail of the act.

She had kissed only 3 guys before . But none of them did pent up desire like Vishal. But this kiss? he tastes…, she’ve never done drugs, but she imagine this is what that first snort of cocaine feels like, that first shot of heroine. Goddamn addictive. Their lips clash and move over one another, angry and wet. Vishal can’t stop touching her. His hands were everywhere: her face, her hair, down her back, grasping at her hips. Pulling her closer, desperate to feel more of her. He his mouth from hers and attack her neck. He feast on her, like a starving man. . He lick, suck, and nibble his way from her jaw to her ear. She’s whimpering incoherently, . sound of her voice, wild and sexy, makes. She didn't even resist . And her hands aren’t idle either. She grasps his biceps, and the heat of her hands seeps through my dress shirt. She scbangs her nails down his back and dips her fingers below the waist of his slacks, first grazing then cupping his ass.

 Insha gasps as Vishal draw her earlobe into his mouth and dance across the flesh below it with tongue. “Vishal? Vishal, what are we doing?”  

Vishal we should stop"
 She very suddenly snapped back to reality. “I...I need to go...home...I need to think about this.” 
Vishal started to move his fingers along the edge of the collar of her dress again. “Okay,” he said. But he didn't move away. Now it felt like there was a magnetic field between us, and he was drawing her closer without touching her anywhere but on the hem of my dress. He moved his hand underneath it. When he met her leg, he pushed it aside with his very strong hand, almost impatiently. Up. Along her inner thigh. Her conscience called to her. But it came from far away, like a sea had swallowed it. It was so muffled I couldn't even hear it. Insha. Push that hand away from your. His fingertips were right along the elastic edge of her under- 
wear. Between her thigh and outer labia. She sucked in breath. His face registered nothing, but I knew that his fingers felt that she had soaked her panties. He knew he was going to get his way. “It seems like you don't really want to go home, Insha.” She gave things an effort, just because. She set tried to squirm away from his touch. 
Her phone suddenly rang.

“And I..I do, I have to go.” She I pulled away from him, catching her breath ,she , and then I hurried out to building .The whole inside of her was gripped by a hot fist of desire. She actually ached from her ass to her heart, and I could feel her clit pulsing with each beat of her heart, which was knocking against my chest so hard she could barely breathe. she took a taxi from there to farhana's changed her dress and head to her home.

She could not sleep ,her went down her penty , she started her clit to tame it 
"Ah ah she moaned , not so loud to wake up her parents or brother . She was painting with desire her memory flushed back to Christmas night of 2018.
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Unwrapped -dirty devil - by Adb445 - 05-01-2024, 11:33 PM
RE: Unwrapped -dirty devil - by abcturbine - 06-01-2024, 02:00 PM
RE: Unwrapped -dirty devil - by sri7869 - 06-01-2024, 10:41 PM
RE: Unwrapped -dirty devil - by Adb445 - 04-02-2024, 11:49 PM
RE: Unwrapped -dirty devil - by Adb445 - 15-02-2024, 01:06 AM
Unwrapped -dirty devil - by Adb445 - 05-01-2024, 11:35 PM
Unwrapped -dirty devil - by Adb445 - 06-01-2024, 12:03 AM

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