Setting the vial down on her desk, she went out to the lab to get a milligram scale. Back in her office she looked at the notes that her secretary had transcribed and printed out for her. Joan turned on the digital scale and placed a one-quarter inch square of sterile absorbent paper on it, then she tared the scale until it was zeroed out. Next she opened the vial and, using a minute dropper, added sixty milligrams of the drug. It was a small amount but, according to her calculations, it should be the correct dose for mildly enhancing her libido.

Joan picked the bit of paper up off the scale, looked at it, then popped it in her mouth. She then drank what was left of the coffee in her cup on the desk. She often drank her coffee cold, being caught up in her work and letting it cool to room temperature. She was used to it, even liked it that way sometimes. She put the scale away back in the lab. Joan hadn't noticed any particular taste from the drug, not that she was expecting any.

She went back to her office to do some paperwork, waiting for the drug to take effect. She figured it would be about twenty to thirty minutes. Fifteen minutes later she felt warm and realized she was squeezing her thighs together rhythmically. She also felt that familiar wet feeling in her vagina that meant sexual arousal.

"Oh yeah," Joan said out loud. "Mmmm!" She placed her hands on her 32C breasts, which at five feet, two inches tall and 108 pounds, looked really good on her. At age forty-five she was still a good-looking woman who took care of herself physically.

Joan had always had sensitive breasts. Now she squeezed them with her hands relishing their firm softness and feeling the hard nubs of her even more sensitive and now aroused nipples through the material of her white silk blouse and lightweight brassiere. Her body gave a shudder of pleasure as she squeezed her pussy particularly hard between her thighs while her hands firmly kneaded her breasts.

"Whew! This is coming on faster and harder than I thought it would. I need to go back over my calculations to see if I missed something."

Joan took in a couple of deep breaths as she continued to squeeze her thighs together and kneading her breasts.

"Mmm-mmm! Yeah, I'll do that... later."

Joan was getting more sexually aroused by the second. She stopped massaging her breasts and stood up. She was wearing a tight black skirt that stopped two inches above her knees. The matching jacket was on a hanger on the coat rack by the door. These were part of her going-to-meetings wardrobe, along with her three-inch high heels. Normally, she would be wearing cross-trainers but, with the two meetings she'd had today and the fact that the rest of her day had been taken up by paperwork at her desk, her comfortable shoes had remained at home.

Pulling the skirt up, Joan pulled down her panty hose and white lacy panties. She paused, then shrugged. She kicked of her shiny black pumps, sat down and removed her panty hose and panties altogether. Then she hiked her skirt up over her hips, sat back in her high-backed desk chair and spread her legs.

Joan looked through her windows and across the lab to where light was coming in through the hallway door window. If anyone was left in the building, besides the security guard, and came down that hall they could look in and, at an angle, see her sitting at her desk. For that matter, the security guard did make rounds occasionally and would come down that hallway at some time. She got up and closed the blinds on her office windows then pulled her skirt up again before sitting her ass on the edge of her chair and leaning back in it.

"Ooo, yeah," she sighed out loud as she reached down with her right hand to begin stroking and rubbing her pussy with its closely trimmed pubic hair. Her pussy was wet and her fingers felt so damned good manipulating it. Joan took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She closed her eyes as she slid two fingers into her pussy while she pressed the heel of her hand against her clitoris. Her left hand was massaging her breasts, switching from one to the other and pinching her nipples hard every now and then.

"Oh damn!" Joan exclaimed. She was beginning to breath heavily. Oh God, she thought, this feels so damned good.

Just then the phone rang on her desk, startling her. Her mind was very far away and it took the second ring to bring her fully back to reality. She grabbed the phone.

"Dr. Kolar," she said, barely able to control her voice. She could see from the digital display that it was an internal call, probably from the security desk in the lobby.

"Ah. Dr. Kolar, this is Chet, with security.

"Yes, Chet, what can I do for you," Joan asked. She had answered the phone with her left hand, which was a bit awkward, but she didn't want to stop stimulated her pussy with her right hand. Actually, she felt more than a bit of perverse pleasure doing this while talking to the security officer... . If he only knew, she thought, and smiled wickedly.

"Uh, yes mam', I'd noticed that you hadn't signed out and I wanted to check and see if you were... uh... if you were still working."

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