I had no idea what I was in for. I had no idea what I would have to do, have to go through, to keep my marriage afloat. I had no idea what I'd have to endure to survive the wrath that was about to unfold.

"You're kidding? I just got back." Priya said into the phone. I hadn't paid attention to the phone conversation Priya was having up to this point. I was lost in my thoughts. I looked at Kareena, and noticed her studying Jacqueline, sizing her up. I watched her sneer, as if she thought Jacqueline didn't measure up to her.

"Katrina, can it wait? I literally just walked in the door." Priya whined. Then, Kareena was looking at me, holding my gaze, and her fury was communicated through her eyes. She was pissed, more pissed than I had ever seen her. Her eyes were burning a hole in me and her hands were on her hips. And damn she had never looked sexier. God, that anger, that bitchy attitude, and her perfect body, it just fucking did it for me in a deep, unexplainable way. She had never looked angrier, and in that moment, I had never wanted to fuck her more.

"Fine! I'll be there soon. Yeah, I know. I, uh, yeah, I do. Thanks." Priya hung up the phone. "Well, this is just lovely."

We all looked to Priya.

"I have to go into work. There was a big break in the case and they need me there." Priya said, clearly annoyed.

"How long are you gonna be gone? I just got here." Jacqueline asked.

"I don't know. Probably past dinner." Priya said. "Sorry, I really wanted to just chill out tonight, Jacqueline. We'll have to talk later. I have to get ready. Kareena, maybe Jacqueline can give you a ride home, or Gaurav. Sorry."

"No." Kareena replied, her voice barely controlled, her anger barely hidden. "I might hang here. Relax a little bit."

"Oh, uh, okay, whatever." Priya replied
, a bit surprised but unsuspicious.

"I might hang out as well. Maybe ask Gaurav more advice about boys." Jacqueline asked.

"Oh, cool. Okay. Yeah, just hang out as long as you want, I guess." Priya said, blindly trusting of both her sister, and her best friend. And her husband. My wife had no second-thoughts about leaving me alone with two big-titted, filthy sluts. She didn't suspect a thing. "Okay, I've got to get changed."

"I'm sorry you've got to go in, babe." I told her, knowing her presence was the one of the only things standing in the way of Kareena's fury.

"Me too, hon." Priya said, smiling sadly as she headed back to the bedroom to change.

"So, Jacqueline, this boyfriend of yours... Ranbir, is it? I've scouted out some of Gaurav's coworkers, so which Ranbir did you end up with? The fat one or the sixty year old?" Kareena asked, practically dripping with contempt.

"Oh, uh, I think he's relatively new. Trust me, he's not fat, and he's not old." Jacqueline replied quickly, trying to keep up the act, trying to keep the peace with Kareena. I realized that Jacqueline was treating Kareena the same as always. She didn't know about Kareena and me. She hadn't figured it out yet. She was just biding her time, waiting to get me alone. Waiting for Kareena to leave.

"You know, Kareena, I think there's a bus stop down the road. You can get a ride home from there, I'm guessing." Jacqueline replied.

"My boyfriend bought me a fucking sports car. He bought me huge fucking house. I don't need to ride the bus." Kareena replied. "And judging by your car, your boyfriend doesn't like you as much as mine likes me."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll buy me something nice in due time." Jacqueline replied, looking around the room and glancing at me as she did. "So, call up this boyfriend, I'm sure he'll pick you up." she added, sickeningly sweet.

"Oh, I'm not going..." Kareena began.

"Alright guys, I'm going." Priya interrupted, entering the living room, dressed in her work clothes and carrying her briefcase. "Sorry I gotta go, hon. I'll call you once I figure out when I'm gonna get home."

"Okay, dear." I said, giving her a peck on the lips. But I was so distracted that I could barely focus on her. The tension was building between Jacqueline and Kareena, and I knew it would explode as soon as Priya left. "See you later."

"Bye guys." Priya said, maintaining a positive attitude despite her annoyance at having to leave.

"Bye." Jacqueline replied. Kareena remained silent. Seconds later, the door clicked shut, and Priya zoomed away, off to work for the rest of the day, leaving me alone, with Kareena and Jacqueline.

The room was silent, and the tension was clear to all three of us. Kareena looked at me and Jacqueline, and Jacqueline looked between Kareena and myself. I was looking back between the two, unsure of what would happen next. Finally, the silence was broken.

"You seriously fucked this skank?!" Kareena screamed out, causing us both to jump.

"Uh..." I stammered. Jacqueline was confused.

"Wait, what?" she asked, stepping back.

"I'm not stupid, you dumb bitch!" Kareena replied, sneering at her. "You made it fucking obvious! My sister might be too stupid to notice, but I'm not!"

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