Mansi sat in the car looking out the window, wondering why today had unfolded so differently from previous days. Duttsahab, usually so nice and polite, was ordering her around. It was technically true that she was his employee. And he paid her well. But still, it seemed like he was crossing some lines. What amazed Mansi was that she wasn't able to summon the will to say no to him. It's like he had a hold over her that went just beyond the money.

Next to her in the car was the bag of clothes. It had two formal skirt suits that Dutt had bought for her. The price had been so exorbitant, that she thought it would end up eating into her "salary" for a few more days. Dutt had a different bag by his legs, the one with the mini dress. Mansi hadn't asked what was in it and he hadn't told her.
He had downed a few beers in the store. In the limo, he opened another bottle and was sipping it as the car sped towards Borivali. They had been riding in silence since leaving the store. Suddenly, Mansi felt the bags next to her being moved. And Dutt's leg was touching hers. Before she knew it, the big bulky man's arm was on her shoulder. Again, despite herself, she felt a small thrill run up her body.
"What's wrong, Mansi?" Dutt asked in a slightly slurring voice, his face right next to hers. She could smell the beer on his breath.
"Nothing." she said, squirming a little, hoping that he would take his hand away.
"Are you upset?"
"A little."
"Could you...could you please move a little?" she uncomfortably said.
And he moved literally, just a little. He still had his arm around her.
"Don't you like me, Mansi?" he asked in a slightly sulky voice.
"I think you have had too much to drink." she said, finally raising her hand to move his hand away from her shoulder. He moved it so he wasn't touching her but his arm was still on the backrest behind her.
"I like you, Mansi. I like you a lot." he said.
"I like you too, Duttsahab." she felt compelled to say lest she seem rude and cold. And then added. "But as a friend."
"Yes, we are friends." he gently patted her shoulder and then moved away. "If you like, we could be something more. But only if you like."
"What do you mean by something more?" she nervously asked.
Dutt looked at her petrified face and thought carefully about what to say. He didn't want to proceed too fast and scare her away. At the same time, he did want to keep testing her comfort zone. So he started speaking, picking his words carefully.
"See, Mansi, I think you are a wonderful person. Very talented and smart with a lot of potential. But being born where you were and the life you have, the potential hasn't been tapped fully. But I can help. Haven't you find our time so far interesting and fun?"
He waited earnestly for an answer. Mansi also picked her words carefully.
"Duttsahab, I cannot deny that getting to know you and spend time with you has been a welcome privilege. I respect you a lot. And you have been showing me a world that I did not even know existed. I can never thank you enough for that. And have also been very helpful. Thank you so much."
"Don't mention it." he shrugged.
"Maybe I am a little too orthodox and haven't seen as much of the world as you have. So maybe my thinking is very limited and my life experience is limited. In my world, a man your age and a married woman my age who are not related can only have a very...superficial relationship. Like a father figure or a family friend. Maybe employer-employee. Even us being friends is something unusual. So when you say you would like something more...I don't know what you exactly mean."
"Well, what I mean is...companionship...some emotional connection...maybe like a mentor...something beyond just the superficial. Where we both enrich each others lives. I am an old man, near retirement. I don't have too much going on in life. And you have made quite an impression on me. Spending time with you adds joy to my life. I would like to do more of that in a meaningful and mutually beneficial way."
"And would you expect..." Mansi said and paused.
"Would I expect what?"
"You know." she blushed a little.
"If you are thinking what I think you are thinking..." Dutt paused and thought about how honest to be. "Okay, think of it this way. I know that you come from a world where the default setting is monogamy. You are married, you have kids, and that is it. As you can imagine, my world is a bit more...relaxed in such regards. So...would I like to have what you are probably thinking about? Why not. But I wouldn't "expect" it in the sense that it's a must-do or a deal breaker. But if it happened, it would make me happy."
Mansi had to think a little to parse through what he was saying. maybe it was time to be explicit.
"You are saying would like a physical component to our relationship. But if I don't, you will be okay with it?"
"Precisely. And even the physical component, you don't have to think I want something really major. It could be something as simple as holding hands." and he moved his hand and gently grabbed her.
Mansi almost shivered at that touch. Again, her body was sending her messages that her brain and her morality were refusing to entertain. She just stared at his hand covering hers, with its expensive rings and hairy knuckles. She tried to remember what Amar's hands looked like. She could not. Not in detail anyway. Her husband's relationship with her wasn't as passionate as it could be. But still, that did not mean she could...
Slowly she pulled her hand away. Dutt withdrew his hand but noted that she had let it be like that for almost a full minute while she was lost in thoughts.
"Anyway, just think about." he said, smiling. "Like I said, it's all up to you."
Mansi nodded and stared out of the window, weighing her options. Dutt wondered if he had gone too far. But when the car dropped her off, she took the bag of clothes. He took that as a good sign. The bait had been cast. Now it was just about being careful and patient, like a skilled fisherman.
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