For the next fifteen minutes or so, I told him the entire story. From how the marriage was arranged to the night in room 106 to this recent incident. He listened carefully, asking a few questions along the way. Finally when I got done, he said,

"So sorry you are in this situation, Hitu. Sounds like a nightmare. I am sure you are very conflicted and stressed. I am glad you called me."

"Yeah, I really needed to talk to a close friend." I said looking around to make sure Apara wasn't there.

" is what I think. All these facts are troubling for sure. But as a third party and your friend, let me tell you not to jump to any conclusions."

"How can I not jump to conclusions after what happened today???"

"Relax. Listen. Maybe.....bhabhi just stopped for a coffee. This guy started talking to her. You said she is very friendly and chatty anyway. So they chatted. Maybe he was in town visiting. She told him she manages a motel and recommended it to him. And then finished her coffee and came home. And that's why he came to your motel."

"Possible. But...."

"Yes, I know. It doesn't look good. Similarly for the other night, there can be other explanations. All I am saying is, don't be hasty in judging facts."


"Be calm. Let's see what happens." Amit assured me. "Now....hopefully it is just a misunderstanding. No issues. What we have to talk about is.....what if your suspicions are correct?"

"You mean if she really is a lying cheating slut?"

"Yes. What then?"

"Do you even have to ask? I will kick her out. Divorce her. Shame her!" I said angrily.

"You are being emotional, Hitesh." Amit calmly said.

"Well, shouldn't I be if my wife is doing such things?"

"Calm down. I am on your side. All I am saying is....listen. She is a citizen. You married her. You got a green card, right?"


"So you have been married what, less than a year?


"So it's what is called a conditional green card for a few years."


"So if tomorrow you discover she is a slut, kick her out, get a divorce. There goes your green card and your chance at a citizenship."

"What? Really?" I had not thought about this at all.

"Of course. Are you ready for that? Everyone in our community knows you have moved to America, gotten into the hotel business. If you return suddenly, people will talk. Everyone will find out. Is that what you want. To return home divorced and humiliated?"

He had a point.


"That's why I am telling you, think a little. Let's say she is being unfaithful to you. You confront her. Things get nasty. You get divorced. Bye bye, America. Instead just sit tight for a couple of years. Once you get citizenship, it can't be taken away. Then you can do whatever you want."

"Hmmm....but that means putting up with this for 2 more years?"

"That's the price you will have to pay unfortunately, yes. Again, only if it is true. We don't know that yet."

"I see what you mean."

"First things first. Try to confirm if she really is being unfaithful. Try to get proof if possible. It will help down the line with divorce negotiations."

"How do I get proof?"

"Try to get pictures or videos. Maybe get one of the employees to talk. Are you friendly with them? How about that Pepe guy? Maybe he knows something if he tried to send you in the wrong direction."

"Not really. They mostly speak Spanish. And Apara is friendly with them all. My interaction with them is limited."

"Try to befriend one of them. Maybe when one of them leaves or quits, hire someone you can trust."


"This is a serious matter, Hitesh, but you need to be careful. And plan properly."


"Of course, hopefully it is all a misunderstanding."


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