As they walked through a corridor, Amishi noticed a tray table, and put her empty glass on it. She realized that she had downed two strong drinks much faster than she usually did. Finally, Dilip came to a stop. He led her inside a big suite, and asked her to sit on the couch in the suite's living room. The door to the next room was closed.

"Just a second, I'll let them know you are here." Dilip said, and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a middle aged man's bald head poked out. Dilip whispered something to him, and he whispered back, looking at Amishi. They spoke in whispers like that for a few seconds, and the bald head went back inside and the door was shut.

"They are all in a meeting. Let's wait here for a while. I've told him to let the others know that you are here, so they'll try to wrap up the meeting soon." Dilip said.

"Who all is in there?" Amishi asked.

"Mr. Bose of course. The man this party is in the honor of. By the way, please keep that in mind. This whole thing is mainly for Mr. Bose's benefit. Everyone else present here is secondary. It is all about Mr. Bose. It's his day, or rather his night now. Hope you know what I mean." he said.

"Yes, I understand." Amishi said nodding her head. Dilip, a loyal executive assistant was probably worried that the welcome for the new boss, who was the owner's daughter, might overshadow the farewell for Mr. Bose. She decided not to step into the limelight too much. "Who else is in there?"

"There's Mr. Desai the finance VP, Mr. Singh the Sales VP, Mr. Kulkarni, the Marketing Chief, Mr. Shah from HR, whom you just saw, and then Mr. Reddy the Operations VP." Dilip said. "But remember, no matter what the others say or do, this night is all about Mr. Bose."

"Yeah, OK." Amishi said. The mention of all the main executives made that sinking feeling in her stomach return. She would have to think about all these things - finance, sales, marketing, HR, operations. In her old job, she was only in charge of one thing. Here....this was going to be so overwhelming.

"What are they discussing in there?" she asked.

"Oh, boring stuff really. Just giving him a summary of all the things in their domains. The pluses and minuses, strengths and weaknesses and all that." Dilip said.

"That sounds interesting. Maybe I should go in too!" Amishi said.

"Haha, no, trust me, it will just bore you out of your mind. The time for you to go in is later. Just sit here. Actually," Dilip walked to a cabinet in the side of the room and opened the minibar, revealing a lot of liquor bottles, "let me pour us both something to drink. You look a tad nervous. Maybe this will help."

Dilip walked towards her with a big bottle of tequila and two shot glasses. He filled them both, and handed one to Amishi.

"There you go. Bottoms up!" he said and downed the whole shot. Amishi also did the same, feeling her throat burn with the tequila. She winced and looked at Dilip.

"I usually don't drink much, you know. And this is my third drink in like 15 minutes. I don't know why, I am just feeling very nervous today." she said.

"I understand. I can't imagine being in your position, obviously, but if I were, I'd be nervous too." Dilip said. "Here, have one more."

"No, no, I mustn't." Amishi said.

"Come on. Just one more. To give me company. I am nervous too, you know?" Dilip said and poured the tequila again. Once more, both of them downed the shots and winced.

"Why are you...nev..nev...nervous?" Amishi said slurring, and realizing that she had started to cross the line from buzzed into drunk.

"Well, because frankly.... being around too many bosses makes me nervous even usually. And tonight." Dilip said, also slurring a bit. "Plus, you are just so beautiful. Even that pantsuit can not hide the fact that you have a hot body."

"Hehehe, thank you." Amishi giggled flirtatiously... and then suddenly realized... this is not something she should allow a subordinate of hers to say. "Dilip...." she continued

"What?" Dilip said, pouring himself another shot of tequila.

"Dilip...that is very inop...inop..." Amishi struggled to get the word right "Very inappropriate. Remember, you are just an executive assistant to Mr. Bose."

"Yes, sorry." he said, downing his third shot in minutes, "I only meant to compliment you."

"That's fine. Just don't" Amishi said, and then suddenly wagging her finger and breaking into a mild laughter she continued "don't let it happen again or I will punish you."

Amishi was giggling like a school girl for some reason, and despite wanting to stop, she was unable to. Dilip also started laughing. He was about to say something when the phone rang. He answered it, and said to Amishi,

"I am sorry, I need to see to something. I'll be back soon. If they call you in, go in. Best of luck."

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