Adultery The Subjugation of Professor Sandhya by hornynri
The Subjugation of Professor Sandhya

Writer- hornynri

"Okay, now who can tell me what an oligopoly is?" Professor Sandhya Vora wrote down the word on the blackboard with her chalk and asked her first year economics class.

A couple of hands went up.

"Yes Neha?" Sandhya asked her brightest student. She stood up and started answering.

"Mam an oligopoly is a business environment where the....."



The quiet of the classroom was shattered by loud singing noises as three young men strolled into the class. Sandhya got angry and yelled,


"Sorry mam." Manish, the 20 year old bad boy of the college smirked and replied. But his face did not show any contrition. He strolled to the last row of the class , followed by his two cronies Suraj and Aqeel.

Sandhya glared at the three students who had been a disruptive influence in class since day one. Or rather since day 11, because none of them had bothered to show up for class in the first couple of weeks of the semester.

Sandhya continued glaring at the three guys, especially Manish, who sat there chewing gum with a cocky expression on his face. He was a thin young man standing at barely 5 ft 6 whose appearance didn't suggest he would be so troublesome. But he was the spoilt only son of an influential local politician and was riding the wave of arrogance that comes from power. He had already failed first year once as had his two lackeys.

Suraj, his lackey number one, was about 5 ft 10 and of average built. He was the son of a prominent businessman. He was also arrogant and difficult to control. And Aqeel, the biggest of the three, stood at an imposing 6 ft 2, had the broad built of the wrestler, but was the relatively quietest of the three. probably because he didn't come from a rich or powerful family. He had just happened to be friends with the two since childhood.

Sandhya looked at the three and then looked at Neha who was still standing, wondering whether to continue with the definition of an oligopoly. Sandhya was tempted to ignore the guys and focus her attention on Neha and other students who actually cared about getting an education. But she couldn't take it anymore.

"Manish, Suraj, Aqeel, this is your last warning. The next time you stroll into class 15 minutes late, that too disturbing everyone, I will throw you out of class."

"Great! Free period!" Suraj piped up and a few students giggled.

But Manish was about to surpass him in arrogance.

"Vora mam, this classroom doesn't belong to your father. We are paying customers. You can't throw us out."

"Why do you even want to be here? You come in late. You don't pay any attention in class. You disturb other students. If attendance is all you care about, I will mark you present whether you show up or not." Sandhya thundered.

"Why didn't you say so before? Come on boys!" Manish stood up and started strolling out. He cast another arrogant look at Sandhya, pointedly checking out her chest before leaving.

Suraj and Aqeel followed him. It seemed to Sandhya that Aqeel seemed a little reluctant to leave. She noticed that he was actually carrying the textbook with him. He gave Sandhya an apologetic look before walking out.

"Okay Neha, proceed." Sandhya said, now that the disruptive elements had been gotten rid of.

The rest of the period passed without incident.

Later Sandhya was sitting in the staff room going over her lesson plan when her head of department Professor Dixit walked in.

"Sandhya, can I see you in my office please?" he said.

"Of course, sir."

Sandhya followed him, wondering what this was about. They went to his office on the same floor. Dixit closed the door and asked Sandhya to take a seat.

"Yes, sir?" she asked.

"Sandhya, I heard about what happened today." he said.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"With the troublesome threesome. Manish Singh and his two cronies."

Oh no, not this discussion again, thought Sandhya.

"I have told you many times before. Don't get into a tiff with them. I know you have returned from America only recently, but surely you remember how India is, especially how U.P. is. You grew up here."

"Sir, what can I do when they walk in late, disrupt the class."

"Just ignore them. That's what everyone else does. You on the other hand scold them, react to their provocations. Manish is a spoilt brat. he thrives on that."

"I already told them they can stop attending classes if they want."

"That's not going to work. Do I need to explain to you again why they like pushing your buttons? You're a 28 year old young attractive woman who is quick tempered. You know how boys this age are."

"So what should I do?" Sandhya said, throwing her hands up.

"Just ignore them. Treat them like they don't exist."

"I'll try, sir, but it's getting increasingly difficult."

"You'll just have to try harder. I have heard that Manish is planning to contest the student elections this year. Given his father's contacts and muscle, he is sure to win. Then he'll become even more unmanageable. We just have to keep our heads down and pray that he graduates soon."

A peon walked in with two cups of tea. Dixit picked up his cup, took a long sip, and said in a tender fatherly tone,

"Listen, Sandhya. You are a very bright young woman with a PhD from a top American university. A very dedicated teacher. All the regular students sing praises of how well you explain even the most complicated concepts of microeconomics in a lucid way. Your research is miles ahead of anyone in our department......"

Sandhya knew where this was going.

"Why are you working in this college in this shitty crumbling town? The others and I are here not by choice, but because we can't do any better. You could be teaching at Delhi University, JNU, IIMs...."

"I appreciate your concern, Dixit sir. It's not like I am unaware of all this. But as I told you, my husband's family situation. And the business....."

"Yes, yes, I know. But still, I feel sad seeing such a talented young academic rotting away in this cesspool."

Sandhya didn't know what to say. It's not like she was happy about the situation. Six months ago, she had been a high flying economics PhD graduate being courted by ivy league schools and Washington think tanks. But then tragedy struck her husband Jiten's family.

Jiten's two brothers, who remained in U.P. to take care of the family's mid-sized manufacturing business and look after their ailing parents, had died in a car accident. They left behind their housewives and two kids each. Jiten's father was bed-ridden with a chronic illness and his mother was only slightly better.

The responsibility of returning to steer the family through these tough times fell on Jiten as the only able and qualified member of the family. And Sandhya had no choice but to move back with him and make most of the situation.

She had found a job almost instantly in the biggest college in their town, which was still nothing compared to the sprawling American universities she had been used to. The courses and syllabi were decades behind. The infrastructure was patchy at best. And there was the disruptive student politics element.

Sandhya felt claustrophobic. It led to tension and fights with her husband. But she couldn't blame him too much. He had to do what he did for his family.

"Anyway, I have a class to teach." Dixit said, finishing his tea and getting up. "Think about what I said."

"I will, sir." Sandhya replied and walked out of the office.

After the day's classes were done, Sandhya caught an auto rickshaw home as was was her daily schedule. After one car was destroyed in the accident, the family's second car was the only vehicle available and Jiten had to use it as he tried to make sense of the complicated business his brothers had left him. Expenses regarding the funeral and other issues cropped up. Sandhya and Jiten realized that the family wasn't nearly as financially well-off as they had thought. With all the nephews and nieces to take care of in addition to the parents' medical bills, there wasn't enough money left to buy a car just for Sandhya.

Jiten honestly told Sandhya that it would take at least a year to fix the finances of the family, and at least till then, she would have to rely on autos and other forms of public transport. As it is, his plan was to get the business back on track, sell it, and move the family to Delhi where Sandhya would have a better career. Sandhya made her peace with these inconveniences since they were short term.

Sandhya was reading her notes on her way, but she realized that the auto driver was shamelessly staring at her in the rearview mirror. She found this whole aspect of U.P. life very difficult to get used to after over a decade in America. She had grown up in the same town, but in the cantonment area because her father was in the military. Cantonment life, with its fauji discipline was very different from the jungle raj that the rest of the town had descended into. Her parents had gotten sick of U.P. and retired to the hills of Himachal Pradesh a few years ago.

Sandhya had left for America when she was 18. She was always a bright student and her aunt and uncle in Boston were very eager to sponsor her education. She got a great SAT score and went to attend college in America, where she excelled and then stayed on to get her PhD. Having spent a decade in America, was wasn't used to the street life of U.P. where women were ogled at shamelessly, catcalled, and harassed. Sandhya had always been a naturally aggressive woman who couldn't quite come to terms with the path of least resistance that women in U.P. have to take when dealing with aspects of street life. She accepted the fact that she could no longer wear the short skirts, tank tops, and alluring shorts she used to back in the US. But clothing never deterred the leery louts anyway.

Back in the auto, Sandhya made an angry face and looked back into the rearview mirror and into the young lout's eyes, as if saying "what are you looking at?". The young man held her gaze for a few seconds, then felt embarrassed and looked away. He did still occasionally check her out, especially her ample bosom which seemed impressive even under the sari she was wearing. But his looks got discreet, not shameless like before.

Sandhya reached home, greeted her nieces and nephews and sisters-in-law. She went to check up on the in-laws who were both sleeping. With all that done, she sat down with a laptop to work on her research paper. She worked on it for a couple of hours until it was dinner time. She helped out her sisters-in-law a little with the cooking and had dinner with the family. Jiten was working late as usual. It had become common for him to return well after midnight.

"Phew, what a day!!" Jiten said, plopping on the bed, making Sandhya wake up.

"Awwww, honey." she hugged and kissed him. he kissed her back. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Yeah, I grabbed some grub between meetings. It is so insane, the level of bureaucratic red tape and corruption....."

Jiten started on one of his nightly rants about how messed up the business environment was. Sandhya heard him out patiently, but was getting a little sick of the same old complaints. She listened to him rant as he changed out of his work clothes, and then got in bed next to her.

"I love you." Sandhya cuddled up next to her husband, and put her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." an exhausted Jiten replied.

She kissed her husband and then slowly moved her hand down to his crotch and felt his dick.

"Not tonight, darling. I am just completely exhausted!" Jiten said.

"It's okay. I'll do all the work." Sandhya said, winking.

"Please, I just want to sleep." Jited pleaded. "I have an early start again tomorrow."

Sandhya frowned and rolled away. She stayed like that sulking, hoping that Jiten would make at least some attempt to pacify her.

"It's been almost a month since we had sex." she said bitterly.

In response, Jiten snored. He had already fallen asleep.

Sandhya shook her head. She pulled up her night gown, slipped a hand into her panties, and started pleasuring her clit, replaying events from an eventful courtship period followed by early years of marriage when Jiten was an insatiable sex machine. It seemed like a completely different universe now. She worked her clit furiously focusing on the memory of the time when Jiten had fucked her on a beach in Jamaica under the stars. Soon, she achieved a small orgasm, and tried to will herself to sleep.

Sandhya and Jiten had known each other since their childhood. They went to the same private school, the best in the city. Although they were classmates, they were never really too close. Sandhya was always very attractive and popular in school. She was very tall for an Indian woman, standing at about 5 ft 9. She had big double D boobs that developed early getting her a lot of attention from boys in her teens. She had a slim perfect ten figure, big brown eyes, a sharp nose, and full luscious lips to go with thick straight cascading hair. Raised in a privileged army family, she was brash, confident, and always the center of attraction. She was also always first in class, making her the total package, and a little intimidating to Jiten who was always second and could never beat her academically.

Jiten was raised in a family that was financially well-off but had humble beginnings. His grandfather has immigrated from Pakistan during partition and the family had had to work hard to get to where it was. His parents hadn't been to college. Socially, they were more traditional and had a distinctly middle class mindset. jiten was the first one in his family who was sent to an expensive private school and the first one to speak proper English.

He always felt a little out of place in the school that mainly had kids of army officers, IAS officers, and top businessmen. While the other kids brought sandwiches and fancy cakes in their tiffin, Jiten had to make do with puri subji. he grew up with a bit of a complex about his family background. He was tall too, shooting up to 6 ft 2. But he was an awkward tall skinny guy, very unsure of himself. he had attractive features and a lean and fit body, but never had the confidence to be popular with girls in school.

For as long as he could remember, he had had a crush on Sandhya. But he could never muster up the courage to say anything to her in school. He mooned over her, made occasional awkward conversations about home work etc. But nothing beyond that. Sandhya, raised in a Westernized liberal household, dated a couple of the confident studs in school. Jiten always felt jealous of them.

They parted ways at 18.

Sandhya went to the US to attend college. Jiten got into IIT after working hard at the entrance exam.

The already Westernized Sandhya took to life in an American college like a fish to water. She always kept her focus on academics. But she also enjoyed herself in other ways, losing her virginity to a cute white guy. Then dating a couple of more guys, including a serious relationship. She partied, drank, smoked, tried drugs, all the while not losing sight of academics.

IIT is where Jiten found himself too. Found his confidence. Found the ability to interact with the opposite sex without seeming like a tongue-tied nerd. And his body also filled out as he started working out. He went from being a reed thin lanky nerd to someone girls started actively flirting with. By the end of college, he had an attractive steady girlfriend, a great job offer from an American tech giant, and a personality that was very dominant.

After a year, Jiten's company sent him onsite to Boston. He made great strides in the company, getting promotions well before others from his cohort. His steady girlfriend and he eventually broke up because the long distance relationship got tough to handle. Jiten immediately embraced the dating culture in the US, getting laid a lot. But none were satisfying enough to turn into an actual relationship.

One night, Jiten was on Facebook when he noticed a picture of one of his school friends had posted of his newborn baby. Jiten dutifully clicked like and scrolled down to leave the obligatory "So cute!" message when he saw a message next to a face that brought old memories flooding back.

"Sandhya Rana: Adoooooooooooooorable!"

He had almost forgotten about her. Jiten had stayed in touch with many school friends through college, but Sandhya who had moved to the US, had almost fallen off the map. Thanks to Facebook, she had been able to reconnect with some of her old friends.

Jiten clicked on her profile. It was set to private, but from the picture, he could see that she had not changed much since school. If anything, she looked even more gorgeous. he clicked the "Add as Friend" button. Within five minutes, she had added him back. And immediately, a message popped up in his Facebook inbox.

- OMG!!!!! Jiten Vora!!! Is that really you???

- Haha, yes.

Jiten replied.

- Looking at your pics. You have changed. I mean it as a compliment. [img=570x15]file:///C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]

- Thanks, Sandhya. You look almost the same. And I mean that as a compliment too. [img=570x15]file:///C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]

- And you're in Boston too! Since when? Where do you live?

- It's been about six months. I live near Kenmore Square.

- Get out! So do I!

- Small world.

- Indeed, Jiten Vora, indeed!

There was a pause in the conversation while they both checked out each other's profiles. Jiten saw that Sandhya was a PhD student. And her relationship status was listed as single. He went through her pics, which included a lot of gorgeous shots of her, making him think back to those days when he had a massive crush on her. Sandhya saw that Jiten worked in a great company, and had really filled out well. His relationship status also said single.

Jiten, who had now become confident in flirting with women, found his old diffidence returning as he thought about Sandhya. She was in his neighborhood, single, even more gorgeous than before. It was like god had sent her back in his life with a plan. Surely, he could at the very least ask her out. But then he started second-guessing himself. Would it seem creepy if after 5 years of absolutely no contact, he suddenly asked her out? Maybe he could do it under the guise of "catching up". Should it be over coffee? Drinks? A meal? Should he do it right away or after a few days.

Jiten was thinking about all these things in unnecessarily complex detail when a message popped up.

- We should get drinks and catch up some time.

Jiten smiled. She had made the decision for him.

- Sounds good, Sandhya. When?

There was a pause for a couple of minutes.

- I'm free right now.

Whoa! Jiten looked at the time. It was a few minutes before midnight.

- Perfect. Where?

- The Tap Room. In ten minutes.

Jiten almost sprinted to the bar. His childhood crush had returned to his life, and herself invited him to meet her for drinks at midnight. He walked into the bar. It wasn't too crowded, because it was a weeknight. He scanned the entire seating area for signs of Sandhya. But suddenly, his vision went dark.

"Guess who!!!" a cheerful voice behind him said.

"Sandhya!!!" Jiten delightfully said, moving her hands away from his eyes. She was one of the few women tall enough to cover his eyes without having to go up on her heels.

"Jiten Vora!!!" Sandhya said and hugged him.

Jiten felt a surge of pleasure as Sandhya's big boobs pressed against his chest. He also smelled alcohol on her breath mixed with a heady perfume. She had been drinking already, he realized.

As Sandhya broke the hug and stepped away, Jiten was left breathless at how gorgeous she still looked. She was wearing a blue tank top with a short denim skirt that showed most of her thighs.

"It's been what? Six years?" Sandhya said leading him to a table in the back of the bar.

"Yeah, almost."

"You filled out nicely." she said, rubbing his arm.

"Thanks." Jiten said, finding himself intimidated by this gorgeous beauty again. "What can I get you to drink?"

"I'm sure you can see that I've already been drinking." Sandhya said sheepishly. "Whiskey. I'll stick with that. Whiskey and soda."

"Coming up." Jiten said and went to the bar.

Jiten could feel his heart beating loudly as he ordered whiskey for himself and her. As he waited for the drinks, he pinched himself to make sure this wasn't some kind of a dream. The goddess Sandhya Rana, after all these years, back in his life, looking like a million bucks. And she was drunk and had already touched him 3 times, which was 3 times more than she had ever touched him before.

If it had been any other girl, he would have made a move on her right away. With Sandhya, he still felt nervous.

Jiten walked back with the drinks. He saw that Sandhya was touching up her make-up. He took that as an encouraging sign. When Sandhya saw him coming back, she put away her make-up kit and flashed him a wide happy grin. A drunken grin.

"To old friends!" Sandhya said, clinking the glass against his.

"To old fiends!" Jiten echoed.

He took a small sip. Sandhya gulped down almost half the drink.

"So tell me all about what you've been up to. I saw IIT on your profile. You were always smart." Sandhya ran her hand through her hair as she said that.

"Not as smart as you. I could never dislodge you from first rank." he said.

"Yeah well." Sandhya shrugged, smiled, and started laughing. "Hehehehehe."

Sandhya was exactly as he remembered. Brash, gregarious, even a little bit immodest.

"So how's your PhD going?"

"Oh, fuck PhD. Tell me about our sleepy old hometown." Sandhya said. "As boring as always?"

"Even more so. Now with ugly malls." Jiten smiled and replied.

He was starting to feel his usual confidence return.

For the next 45 minutes or so, the two old classmates drank and caught up. They talked about school memories, teachers, old friends, etc etc. Sandhya kept downing drinks like a pro. Jiten was having a tough time catching up with her. But he didn't mind because the more she drank, the more physical she was getting. She kept rubbing his arm, his shoulders, unnecessarily leaning in to whisper stuff. And getting more and more giggly.

Finally after they got done catching up on a lot of the old topics, there was a lull in the conversation. Jiten took a sip of his drink and looked at the increasingly tipsy hot young woman sitting next to him. She was staring at her drink, seemingly thinking of something with half a smile on her face.

"Sooooo.........Jiten Vora!!!" she said slurring heavily, looking up at him.

"Sandhya Rana!" he didn't know what else to say.

"Nerd to in five years flat!!" she said sliding closer to him and holding up five fingers.

Jiten could only smile like an idiot.

"You were such a nerd in high school....with those pimples....and that Chamanlal haircut. And now..." she reached over and ran her hair finger through his hair. " such a...."

Jiten was delightfully shocked when Sandhya grabbed his hair and pulled him into a kiss. Her lips wrestled with his, and her booze soaked tongue plunged into his mouth. Jiten put his hand on her shoulder and drew her into an embrace. They kissed for a couple of minutes, taking only an occasional break for oxygen. Sandhya was an aggressive and passionate kisser. Jiten slid his hands down her back and gradually up her side rubbing her boobs. The boobs he had dreamed of holding for years.

But he was still tentative. He didn't feel sure about going beyond just the occasional caress. Sandhya however was in no two minds. She moved her left hand down to his hand and placed it firmly on top of her breast over the tank top. Jiten squeezed the big firm tits, and instantly, his dick reacted. His crotch was pressed against Sandhya's thigh. And she felt it too. As Jiten gently squeezed his dream girl's tits, his bulge kept growing.

"Jiiiiiiiiten Voraaaaa!!" Sandhya said, breaking the kiss and moving a hand to his bulge. "Why, I had no idea you were this gifted!"

Sandhya ran her hands over Jiten's pants. From the bulge, he was clearly well-endowed. She felt hungry for it.

Suddenly Sandhya got up and grabbed Jiten's hand.

"Come with me!" she breathlessly said, dragging him behind her.

"Where..." Jiten asked as he was dragged towards the back end of the bar towards the bathroom.

The bartender saw the young Indian couple going there together and knowingly smiled. This happened a lot on weekends. He didn't care. He caught Jiten's eye, and nodded, as if to say "yeah, it's fine".

Sandhya dragged Jiten inside the bathroom and locked the door. Moving with unsure motions because of all the drinks, she put her elbows on the bathroom sink in front of the mirror. She then parted her knees a little, and reached behind and lifted up her skirt revealing skimpy boyshorts style black panties.

Jiten was rock hard. The look at Sandhya's perfectly shaped round ass was something he had always fantasized about. She was being aggressive. Time for him to be aggressive too. He pulled her panties down with one hand until they were stretched around her knees. He put one finger inside her shaved pussy and was happy to note that she was sopping wet.

"FUCK MEEEEEEEEE!!!" Sandhya said hoarsely.

Jiten didn't need a second invitation. He fished out his 8 inch long and considerably thick dick into his dream girl's warm waiting cunt.

"OHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Sandhya put her palms on the mirror and groaned.

All this had happened to fast for Jiten to wrap his head around. A couple of hours ago, Sandhya Rana was a distant memory, a symbol of something unachievable from his younger days. And here he was in a cramped bar bathroom, fucking her from behind as she made animalistic drunk noises.

Even in her drunken stupor, Sandhya was feeling like a naughty slut. She had just seduced this sweet young guy who had turned into a stud. growing up, she always knew he had a crush on her. Girls always know. But he was so geeky and lanky, so tongue-tied, that she didn't think about him much beyond just a nice guy. Half the school had a crush on her anyway. Jiten was just one of them.

But he had turned into a real hot hunk, and was also blessed with a big thick tool. This was promising!

The back story to how Sandhya got to the bar to then get fucked by her old classmate in a bathroom deserves more exploring.

Sandhya had gotten out of a serious 2.5 year relationship with a white guy just a month ago. Unlike Jiten's break-up with his ex, Sandhya's break-up had been acrimonious. We don't need the details of why, but suffice it to say that the month since the break-up had been very taxing on Sandhya.

Things had been tough in her PhD as well, because the break-up coincided with her qual exams. It had taken all her emotional strength to focus on the super tough quals and pass them.Just that day, she and her friends had been celebrating clearing the quals. Which is why she was already drunk.

But after 11 PM, all her friends, who had either girlfriends, boyfriends, or spouses, left to continue their celebrations in bed. And Sandhya had picked up a bottle of whiskey to walk home and celebrate by herself. Drinks always made her super horny. She considered hooking up with some random guy before heading home. But no one she saw in the bars that weeknight looked dishy enough.

She had been sitting in front of her laptop checking Facebook and drinking out of the bottle, when Jiten's invite came. Looking at his pictures, she felt herself getting turned on. She decided to meet him at the bar closest to her place. And drunkenly, she headed out again.

"Ooooh yes!!! Right there!!!" Sandhya moaned as Jiten moved one hand to her clit and started stroking it even as he fucked her.

"Show me your tits, Sandhya!"

The authoritative tone in his voice made Sandhya even hornier. She took one hand off the mirror and pulled her tank top and bra up. Jiten watched the huge boobs with prominent pink nipples swing over the sink as he fucked his dreamgirl.

"Nnnnnnnnnnhh...oh yes....nnnhhhhhhhhhhhh....!" Sandhya creid as she felt an orgasm approaching.


There was a loud rap on the door. Jiten paused, his dick buried insid Sandhya's warm cunt.

"FUCK OFF!!!" Sandhya yelled, and then said to Jiten. "You, you keep going."

"Oh come on!!!" a woman's voice said from outside. "Get a fucking room. I really need to pee."

"IN A MINUTE!!!" Sandhya said, closing her eyes and willing that elusive orgasm on.

Jiten could see that this hot young thing was about to cum. He had been with enough women to know what to do. He lifted up her right knee, put it on the bathroom sink, opening her cunt up even more. And the rammed her at an unbelievably high tempo.


Sandhya screamed her way through a powerful orgasm. Jiten watched happily as he was able to bring his dream girl to an orgasm with relatively little effort.

Sandhya finally quietened down. Her breasts swung back and forth as Jiten slowed down his speed and resumed fucking her at a gentler pace.


"I'M BURSTING HERE!!!" the woman shouted from outside.

"Yeah yeah!!" Sandhya said, and then turning her head said, "You about to finish?"

"Not even close!" Jiten said, taking his dick out of her pussy. "But I feel for that lady outside."

Sandhya pushed herself back into a standing position with some effort. She bent down and pulled her panties up and then pulled her tank top down.

"Not even close he says." Sandhya gently rubbed Jiten's dick just as he was trying to stuff it back in his pants. "You're full of surprises, Jiten Vora!"

They opened the door and headed out. The woman waiting outside almost pushed passed them.

"SKANK!!!!" she shouted before slamming the door.

"BITCH!!!" Sandhya shouted back.

Jiten felt embarrassed standing in the bar in front of about a dozen people with a big tent in his pants.

"My place!" Sandhya said, taking a couple of steps towards the font door of the bar. But she stumbled as the drinks had taken full effect.

"Easy there." Jiten steadied her and then propping her up by her shoulders, ;le her towards the bar.

"MY PLACE!!!" Sandhya loudly demanded.

"Yes, yes, I just have to pay for the drinks." he said looking at the bartender who had been watching everything unfold with a wide grin. A couple of other customers at the bar were also amused.

"Just take her home, bro. Pay me tomorrow." the bartender said laughing. "if I had a shot at her, I wouldn't wanna waste a minute."

"Thanks." Jiten said, taking Sandhya out of the bar.

In three minutes, they were inside her tiny studio apartment. In 24 more seconds, they were both naked. And in 3 more seconds, Jiten's dick was again inside Sandhya as she lay spread-eagled on her couch.

Jiten and Sandhya's relationship progressed in leaps and bounds after that. They were almost inseparable whenever they had any free time. The sex was wild, the personal chemistry was perfect, and they both really cared for each other. Within two months, Sandhya moved out of her tiny studio apartment and into Jiten's well-furnished two bedroom place. They made their relationship official on Facebook and told their respective parents, who were delighted. In a year, they got married.

The first year of courtship and the next couple of years of marriage were like a never-ending dream for both of them. Jiten had a well-paying job he loved and the woman of his dreams. Sandhya was making great progress through her PhD program and was blissful to have a husband who was good looking, intelligent, well-hung and insatiable in bed. Sandhya herself had a very high sex drive and Jiten's appetite matched hers perfectly. They pushed each other's sexual boundaries a lot, experimenting with public sex, anal sex, spankng, S&M, and light bondage.

Sandhya was especially into bondage and loved being submissive. She loved it when Jiten spanked her hard, pulled her hair, spat in her mouth, treated her like a whore. She was an aggressive and dominant woman in regular life but in bed, she enjoyed being dominated and treated like a slave. Jiten did it because she liked it so much, but he was never really a natural at it.

The fairytale story hit a speedbump when Jiten's brothers died in the car accident. Luckily, Sandhya had finished her PhD just recently, so had flexibility. She and Jiten had made plans to move to San Francisco or New York City. Instead they ended up in a shady crumbling old town in lawless Uttar Pradesh.

Sandhya dealt with it the best that she could. The one aspect of life she was having trouble adjusting to was how the demanding and stressful task of handling the business had wreaked havoc on their personal chemistry and sex life. Jiten returned home tired and disinterested on most nights. They weren't really having personal conversations anymore, just bitching about work. The spark that they had always managed to maintain in their relationship was flickering, and on the verge of dying out.

Back to present day.

Sandhya woke up at 7 AM to a familiar sight. Jiten's side of the bed was empty. He had woken up early and left for the factory. Sandhya got up to get ready, spend some time with the family, and then head to college.

The next few weeks passed peacefully with the same routine continuing. Jiten would come home exhausted and cranky, and the only real interpersonal connections Sandhya had were with her in-laws. Who were nice and sweet but beyond food and weather, they didn't really have much in common with Sandhya. The sexual drought did end one day when Jiten came home relatively early. they had sex, but it was monotonous, not exciting like it used to be. Sandhya found herself masturbating more and more.

On the professional front, Sandhya tried to follow Dixit's advice and mostly succeeded. Manish, Suraj, and Aqeel tried to create problems for her in class. But she chose to just ignore them instead of reprimanding them. Even when Manish tried to push her buttons by doing sings like randomly whistling, singing songs, and once even smoking in the class, she just ignored him. Dixit was proven right. Eventually the troublesome threesome just gave up coming to her class altogether.

Term-end exams rolled by. In that university, term-end exams were administered by the college and year-end exams were administered by the university. Sandhya crafted a challenging and interesting exam paper. She knew that 90% of her students were sincere and hard-working, Even though she didn't take attendance, her class was always full part of it was her personal appeal and ethereal beauty, but she was also a very good teacher.

On the day of the exam, Sandhya was sitting in the staff room. The invigilation was usually done by the college's non-teaching staff and professors were summoned only if there were any questions. Sandhya was working on her research paper when a peon came with a note asking her to go to the examination hall.

"Yes, what's the problem?" she came in and asked. Mishra, the college clerk was standing next to a bespectacled young student named Hari. As soon as she saw Hari, she realized that it would be some stupid pedantic doubt.

"Mam, do I use WPI or CPI in this problem?" he asked, pushing his specs up his nose.

"Hari, come on. read this. What is this word?" she pointed at the paper.



"So WPI?"

"Yes." she shook her head and turned to go.

Just as she was about to leave, her eyes fell on a young man scribbling furiously on his answer sheet. She walked to him.

"Who are you?" Sandhya asked pointedly.

"Mam?" the guy asked, looking terrified.

"Who are you? What is your name?" she asked.

"I am....I am a student mam." he said.

Mishra the clerk approached them speaking affably.

"Madam, you get going. Don't worry about it. I will sort this out."

"Wait a minute, Mishraji." there was an edge to her voice that made Mishra stop in his tracks.

Sandhya snatched the answer sheet from under the guy's trembling hands.

"I know each and every student in my class. I have never seen you before. Let's see...." she checked the front of the sheet. "So you are Suraj Kumar? Interesting. I have seen Suraj Kumar many times and he looks nothing like you."

The guy got up.

"SIT!!!" Sandhya said loudly. By now the whole examination hall was staring at her.

"Don't let him go anywhere, Mishraji." Sandhya said, walking up an aisle and finding another imposter. "And you are Manish Singh. Interesting. Then you must be Aqeel Qureshi."

The whole class was watching silently as Sandhya stomped around and made sure there were no more imposters.

"Mishraji, call the security officer."

"Vora mam, no need for security officer and all." Mishra said, looking nervous himself. "We'll just punish these boys here."

As Sandhya looked at his face, she realized that there was more to this than met the eye. As invigilator, it was Mishra's job to check every student's hall ticket and ID to prevent something like this from happening. Even if one had slipped his attention, three was too much. That too names of the three most notorious students in the college?

She picked up the three answer sheets, tore them into shreds and dumped them into the dust bin. Then speaking in a measured tone, she said.

"Mishraji, you can go back to the office. I will invigilate the rest of the exam."

"Mam, it's okay. I can."

"Nowwwww." Sandhya said in a low voice conveying anger and disdain.

Mishra turned tail and walked out.

"You three. Write down your names and phone numbers on this sheet of paper. Real names."

The three young trembling man complied.

"Now get out."

They almost ran out of the room.

"Sorry for the commotion, class." Sandhya said. "Continue writing."

Two hours later, the exam ended without any further incident. Sandhya was stacking the papers when a peon came with a note. She had been summoned to the principal's office immediately.

"Oh good, I was planning to speak to Principal Tripathi anyway." she said.

Dropping the answer papers in her locker, she went to principal's office. She was carrying with her the sheet of paper with the three impostors' names. When she reached the office, the peon there opened the door for her. She walked in purposefully and was glad to see Dixit and Mishra were there too. The principal had a very upset look on his face.

"Good after, sir." she said.

"Mrs. Vora, who the hell do you think you ARE???" Tripathi almost yelled the last word.

"Excuse me?" Sandhya was taken aback.

"You America returned types think you own this world? Who gave you the authority to pull that little stunt you just pulled?" he slammed his fist on the table.

Sandhya was not one to be pushed around.

"With all due respect, sir, you need to get your facts straight. I didn't pull any stunts. I stopped cheating from happening." she thundered back, raising her voice.

"Your job, young lady, is not to invigilate. You get called for a doubt? You answer the doubt and you go back to the staff room. The clerks will do the invigilation."

Sandhya couldn't comprehend what was happening. She had just exposed a major incident of academic impropriety and she was being yelled at. She looked around. Dixit was sitting there with a morose expression on his face. Mishra had a wry smile.

"I know what kind of invigilation was happening there." she threw Mishra a disgusted look.

"Do you know what a big problem you have created? Luckily, this was our internal end-term. I can't imagine if this had happened at the university level finals."

"What????" Sandhya said. Then showing the piece of paper in her hand, "Sir, these are the names of the guys who were pretending to be Manish Singh, Suraj Kumar, and Aqeel Qureshi."

Tripathi took his glasses off and pressed his forehead.

"Dixit, why don't you try explaining to your brilliant young protege here what the reality is."

"I'll.....I'll talk to her later." Dixit weakly said.

"Mrs. Vora.....Sandhya....have a seat." Tripathi weakly said.

Sandhya sat down, looking very upset. She had no idea the cheating for the sake of protecting the powerful was so institutionalized.

"Do you know who Manish's father Ujjwal Singh is?"

"Yes. MLA and minister." she said.

"Do you know the kind of problems he could create for our college?"


"Do you know how he got his start in politics? Student leader. he wants his son to do the same. But according to the rules, his son cannot contest elections if he's flunked his exams. Which he already did last year. Do you think Ujjwal Singh will be happy if his son flunks again?"

"What does that have to do with anything? If he wants to pass, he should study." Sandhya hotly responded.

"You have parachuted in from America. This is India. This is U.P. Do you know how hard my job is?"


Tripathi picked up the paper and looked at it.

"Good. You got their phone numbers. Mishraji, call these boys back, and have them complete the exams."


Sandhya got up from the chair. Tripathi held his hand up.


"I can't allow this. Even if you have them write the exams, I am the one grading them. I will give them all a big fat zero."

"Mrs. Vora, go home. Think about it. And then come talk to me tomorrow. Remember, you are still on probation."

"I'd rather quit this job than be part of a shady cover-up. I have principles." Sandhya said.

Sandhya stormed out of the office. There was a small crowd of professors and clerks gathered outside trying to listen in on the conversation. The news of what Sandhya had done was spreading like wildfire.

"Fuck this shit!" Sandhya said as she walked to the staff room to pick up her things. "I'd rather wait tables at a dhaba than do this."

Sandhya was bursting with rage as she gathered her belongings and walked out of the college. A few students and a couple of her colleagues just stared at her, some admiring her guts, and others thinking how stupid she was being.

Sandhya called Jiten. He didn't answer. Instead a short text message.

- busy. ttyl.

Sandhya flagged down an auto at the main gate, still shaking with rage. She got in, and the auto made its way through the dusty streets. On her phone, Sandhya started looking up names of local reporters to talk about this with. No matter how powerful Ujjwal Singh was, he couldn't afford a media scandal.

Sandhya was so engrossed looking up and writing down contact details of reporters, that she didn't even notice when a black SUV with tinted glasses started following her auto. The driver got suspicious first. He was going at barely 40 but the big powerful SUV was not overtaking him. He slowed down the auto even more. The car sped up and pulled up next to the rickshaw's right.

The passenger side window rolled down and a big bearded face appeared.

"Madamji, where are you going? If you want, we'll drop you off."

Sandhya looked up from her phone at the menacing face. Her heart beat quickened. This wasn't the first time she had been randomly propositioned on the streets of the city. But something seemed off this time.

"Bhaiyya, drive faster."

The auto driver revved up the engine as much as he could. The SUV had no trouble keeping pace.

"O Miss America, teach us some ecology also." the main shouted.

Even in that panicked state, Sandhya had to resist the urge to correct him and say it was economics not ecology.

The driver sped the rickshaw along the largely empty afternoon roads. Finally, the guy in the SUV seemed to have lost patience.

"Oye Auto, quietly pull over to the side or we'll ram your auto so hard, both you and Miss America will be walking on crutches."

"Sorry memsaab." the driver said in a trembling voice as he slowed down to a stop.

Sandhya reached frantically inside her purse. She had brought back a small can of pepper spray from the US precisely for such an eventuality. She found it and grabbed on to it as the big brute opened the door and got out of the car. Cockily, he sauntered over to the auto.

"Come, Professor, we'll drop you home."

"No thanks." Sandhya said.

"Do you think I am kidding here. Come with me or.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

He had lunged to grab Sandhya's arm and pull her out. Just as he did that, she whipped the pepper spray out and sprayed a big gust in his eyes.

"FUCKING BITCH!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" the big brute said rubbing his eyes and flailing around.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Sandhya slipped out of the auto and started running with her purse in one hand and the pepper spray in another. She heard a bunch of doors open behind her. She turned around only after fifty feet to see four men running after her. And instantly, her suspicions were confirmed.

In front was another big burly brute. Behind him, in sequence, were Aqeel, Manish, and Suraj.

Sandhya ran as fast as she could in her sari. She used to run a lot to keep fit in the US, but always in shorts. Sari wasn't the most running-friendly garment. But the men were beginning to gain on her. The men had chosen the ideal spot to ambush her. It was a deserted stretch of the road with no one around. She reached into her purse and fished out her phone. Still running, she dialed 100.

"Hello....hello......" she said breathlessly.

"Hello?" a male voice at the other end said.

"I am being chase by four criminals. Please help me."

The men were almost next to her. Another few seconds and one of them would grab her.


"Empty....stretch of....road.....after Shankar Colony."

That's when Aqeel sprinted ahead of the other brute, and tackled Sandhya, bringing her down. They landed on a grassy patch by the side of the road. The phone flew out of her hand with her purse. But she was still holding on to the pepper spray. She pushed Aqeel back with her elbow, turned around and emptied whatever was left of the pepper spray in his eyes. He started screaming in pain too.

Sandhya tried to get up and start running again, but Manish and Suraj pounced on her together. Suraj held her arms while Manish grabbed her legs keeping them pinned.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!" Sandhya started screaming.

The other brute meanwhile was looking around for her phone. He found it.

"Hello...hello madam...hello...." the voice from the other end was saying. The brute just held the phone and stood there watching the two young students try to subdue their professor.

Sandhya found renewed strength. She was not a waif by any means. At 5 ft 9, and with regular workouts under her belt, she was a handful. She managed to wrest one arm free from Suraj's grip, and then taking careful aim, punched him hard in the crotch.

"OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW" he screamed and rolled away.

Manish was still wrapped around her legs. Sandhya poked him in the eye hard and when he was forced to release her legs, kicked him in the crotch. He rolled away screaming too.

Sandhya struggled to her feet when.


She saw stars in front of her eyes and tottered around in shock as the big brute, easily 6 ft 5, slapped her hard across the face. She felt disoriented.

"Unless you want another one, stay down."

The blow made Sandhya slump down to the ground.


The faint voice could still be heard from the phone. The brute finally put it to his ear.

"Hello, who is this?" he asked.

"Hello? Who are you?" the voice at the other end said.

"Sub-inspector Yadav?"

"Yes...." the cop at the other end was confused.

"Bhura here. Netaji's work."

"Oh....but who was that...."

"I told you...Netaji's work. Hang up and don't log this call."

"But if it is a woman...."

"Should I have Netaji call you himself?" Bhura thundered.

"No no, of course not. Just......don't do anything too rash." he hung up.

Sandhya was slumped on the ground still trying to recover from the blow to her face. Her left cheek stung as if it were on fire.

"You're quite a handful, memsaab." Bhura squatted next to her and said gently. "took out four men easily. You should be in the olympics like Mary Kom."

Sandhya was slowly regaining her senses. As he spoke those words, she slowly gathered a fistful of dirt.

"Now....before there is any more...."

And she threw the mud in his eyes. But the slap meant she was still groggy and the experienced muscleman saw it coming. He simply closed his eyes. It wasn't pepper spray. The mud dropped to the ground harmlessly.

Sandhya stared at Bhura. He didn't look angry. In fact, he seemed amused.

"You are quite the little patakha aren't you?"

Sandhya tried to get up and make a run for it. Bhura efortlessly lunged at her and grabbed her in a bear-hug, facing away.

"HELP!!! HELP!!!!" she started screaming again.

"There is no one around. And even if there were, no one is going to try and challenge Ujjwal Singh's men in this town." Bhura calmly said.

Meanwhile, Suraj and Manish had recovered from the ball-crunching kicks. Manish ran towards Sandhya yelling,


He punched her in the stomach twice. But before a third blow could land, Bhura turned her body away.

"Saab, let's not waste any more time. You can do whatever you want later. For now, take the bottle of chloroform out of my pocket and knock her out. if I had known she was such a fighter, I'd have done that in the first place."

"Yes, yes!" Manish said.

A few seconds later, a cloth was shoved against Sandhya's nose. And everything went black.


A big tumbler full of water woke Sandhya up.

"Oh, finally. Took four splashes." she heard Manish's voice say.

Sandhya was groggy for a few seconds until her head cleared and started registering sensory perceptions. The first thing she noticed was that there was a gag in her mouth. The second, that there was rope binding her wrists and her ankles to something metallic. And when her eyes cleared, she saw Aqeel in front of her with a tumbler of water. His eyes were still red from the pepper spray. And Manish and Suraj standing a few feet behind.

Sandhya was inside what looked like a small gymnasium. She had been tied to one of the weight machines. and her body was tilted backwards at a 45 degree angle. She moved her head down and saw that her sari was gone. but thankfully her blouse and petticoat were still on. Although the blouse was completely drenched thanks to the water she had been splashed with, and the outline of her huge boobs was clear through the blue fabric.

Sandhya noted that her worst fears had come true. From the moment the brute in the car called her Miss America, she knew this wasn't some random attempt but something to do with the events earlier in the day. Now the troublesome threesome was gathered around her.

"Good evening, mam!" Manish cockily said coming very close to her.

Evening? It was already evening? her family must be worried.

"Now, I am going to take the gag off. For your information, you are in the gym of one of my family farmhouses. So feel fee to scream as much as you want. No one is going to hear you."

Sandhya just stared at Manish with a hateful look in her eyes. He took the gag out. She coughed a few times.

"Manish....what the fuck do you think you are doing?" she said, still in a professorial tone.

Manish smiled at his buddies and then slapped her across the face. It was mildly painful. Not debilitating like the blow by Bhura earlier. Reminded of him, she looked around. The two brutes were nowhere to be seen.

"Just let me go and we'll forget this ever happened." Sandhya tried a different approach. "I am planning to resign anyway. Then you and your buddies can do whatever the hell you want."

Manish started laughing. Suraj joined in. Aqeel just stood there expressionless.

"Listen to her. Once she resigns, we can do whatever we want. Miss America, tell me this. What makes you think I am already not doing whatever I want?" he extended his right hand and pinched her left nipple hard over the blouse and her bra.

Sandhya wince but didn't cry out. She didn't want to give this evil young brat the satisfaction.

"You're obviously a very intelligent woman, Vora mam." Manish said. "Here you are, with your sari stripped off, tied up. A gorgeous sexy sexy sexy woman at the mercy of three virile young men. Men who have a grudge against you. Do i really need to draw you a picture of what is about to happen?"

"Let me go or you'll regret this." Sandhya angrily said.

"And how will I regret it, exactly? I hold all the cards right now. What cards do you hold?"

Sandhya said nothing.

"You've always had it in for me. From the beginning of the semester. I thought you learned your lesson when you stopped humiliating me in class. But no, you were planning to destroy my career."

"Heh, career." Sandhya spat.

"All you had to do was do your job. Listen to experienced men like Mishra and Tripathi. but no, you wanted to become Jhansi ki Rani."

Sandhya felt rage bubbling up again and started struggling to see if her restraints would come loose. But they didn't.

"Khoob ladi mardaani woh thi Jhansi waali rani." Manish ran his fingers over Sandhya's cheeks gently, humming the old couplet.

"Enough of this dialoguebaazi!" Suraj impatiently said. "Strip her naked!"

He started moving forward but Manish held one hand up. Suraj stopped in his tracks.

"That's always your problem, Suraj. You don't know how to relish things. Always in a hurry."

Sandhya had felt a pit forming in her stomach at the mention of being stripped naked. She was trying to not acknowledge the inevitable. but it was getting increasingly difficult.

"But I can respect your basic sentiment." Manish said. And then he started unhooking Sandhya's blouse in the front.

"Please don't do this, Manish." Sandhya said, closing her eyes. "I am your professor. A married woman. I am almost a decade older than you."

"That just enhances the experience, mam. Or should I call you Sandhya now? Nah, mam is better. An older married hot woman, and a professor to boot. What could be sexier?"

Manish finished unhooking the wet blouse and opened it. Suraj sighed at the glimpse of Sandhya's massive tits ensconced in a white bra.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Manish said. "Your fantastic bust made me forget. Aqeel here is a talented photographer even with a phone camera."

"Noooooooo. Pleeeeeeeeease." Sandhya felt her usually confident resolve melting.

She opened her eyes to see Aqeel fish a smartphone out of his pocket. He snapped a couple of pictures of her with the blouse open.

"Next step." Manish reached around Sandhya's back between her body and the machine surface. he fished around under her blouse for a moment and unsnapped her bra. The cups receded upwards, giving a glimpse of her massive jugs to the three young men.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Suraj ran forward and immediately put his hands on her massive tits and started massaging them. "Damn, these are huge. It was always obvious that she's stacked, but these are like porn star boobs!"

Sandhya closed her eyes and fought back tears as her student mauled her bobs artlessly. he then started licking and biting her nipples one by one.

"You want a taste, Aqeel?" Manish said and the tall young man stepped forward next to Suraj and started playing with her tits too. Manish was still maintaining his distance.

"How big are they mam? What is the size?" Manish asked.

Sandhya didn't say anything. She had resolved that if she had no way out of it, she would make the experience as unpleasant for them as she could.

"Hello? What's the size?" Manish repeated his question.

She said nothing, and kept her eyes closed.

"Ah ha, silent treatment. I don't mind it. I hate chatty women anyway." Manish said.

He still stayed a fair distance away as his two cronies played with Sandhya's boobs. She had her eyes closed, her face turned to the side, and was trying her best to fall asleep somehow. but there was no hope of that.

"Okay, enough with the milk jugs." Manish said after five minutes. "Let's look at the real treasure."

The two cronies obediently stepped away, leaving Sandhya's tits to hand free under her loosened bra. Her blouse was still open.

Manish approached Sandhya and deftly untied the knot on her petticoat. It fell down around her ankles.

"Such boring panties, mam. Someone as hot as you should wear thongs. Lingerie. Don't worry, I'll buy you some." he patted her pussy mound over the fabric.

"Now boys, are we ready for the final unveiling?"

"YES!!" both guys said in unison.

"Dhan-te-dhan!" Manish put two fingers in the waistband of the panties and pulled them down.

Sandhya was unable to stop one tear from escaping her closed eyes. This was a very humiliating experience. Her most private parts were now on full display in front of these young bullies.

"Good!" Manish bent forward and licked the tear off her cheek. "Cry, that's what I want, you snooty bitch. Cry! Reognize who's the boss."

Sandhya defiantly shook her head. She could feel her pussy was completely exposed. No protection whatsoever.

"Interesting design!" Manish said appreciatively patting her pussy.

Sandhya used to shave her pussy completely bald until she started dating Jiten. He expressed fondness for a small thin line of hair being retained, what they call a landing strip. That was the "interesting design" Manish was referring to.

"See, that's the benefit of going to America. You learn such nice grooming tricks. The girls I bang, they either have a full thick bush, or then completely hairless. This..." manish rubbed his finger over the strip of hair. "...this I like. Classy, mam. Very classy."

Manish arrogantly playing with her pussy hair finally broke the dam holding back Sandhya's tears. And she started crying.

"YES!!!!" Manish pumped his fists in the air jubilantly, "And we have waterworks!!!"

Sandhya wept as Manish hungrily licked her tears off one by one, while his finger gently rubbed her pussy hair strip up and down.

"Cry baby cry!" Manish semed to almost get aroused by the taste of tears.

And then his fingers moved below the hair and at the junction of the labia and accurately spotted Sandhya's clit. He flicked it gently.

"Nooooooooo!" Sandhya shook her head, still crying as another level of privacy was breached. Manish now started teasing her clit in a circular motion.
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The Subjugation of Professor Sandhya by hornynri - by elite1392 - 05-03-2019, 03:34 PM

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