Misc. Erotica Newly married wife shared with friend
It's the day before my Marriage. Everyone in my home are very happy and busy with the preparations. I woke up late due to jet lag and glanced at my mobile. There are couple of missed calls and lot of messages from my would-be wife. I opened the chat and saw some photo. I quickly opened it and god she is beautiful in her pre-wedding day saree. She is asking me how she looks in the saree and she called me because she is tensed about the marriage and the agreement we have made about our post marriage life.

I am Kiran, 26 year old working as software engineer in USA. I went to do masters there and got a job after completing couple of courses. I am from orthodox family with strict rules and practices. My parents wanted to get me married as soon as I landed in the job. They were worried about my food, health and also does not want me ending up marrying a foreigner. So here I am in India getting married to a girl from another orthodox family. My parents saw her and sent a photo to me when I was in USA and I said OK at the first glance. Yes, I agreed without talking to her because I was astonished by her beautiful face.

She is Shruthi, 22 years, 5'4'' and 52 kg. She completed her Bachelors from a girls college. Coming from an orthodox family, she completed all her schooling in girls-only school. So she has very minimal exposure to boys her entire life till now except few of her close relatives. Her parents wanted to get her married as soon as she completed her education. After multiple rejections, she agreed to marry me to which their parents were very happy. Because our families know each other for a long time. We met each other when we were kids but it was a very long time ago and we don't remember those moments. So we are still some strangers getting married and about to start a new life together.

I saw her text messages and lost myself to her picture. I met her when I came to India for marriage. It was a small date at a coffee shop and she wore a normal lose Punjabi dress with dupatta. But here she is in saree which was well dbangd around her beautiful structure. It shows her curves at the right places yet nothing really exposing. Suddenly my phone rang and I saw her profile pic appear on the phone. I answered it quickly and said hello. She did not say anything. I knew what is going on. I said, "Do not worry about it. You will like USA". She started saying "But..." and I cut her off by saying "You look pretty in the saree". There was silence and after few seconds she spoke, "Did you like the saree or the way I wore it?". I was bit shocked with the way she is speaking now compared to the the day we met before. She did not talk much and she was shy (or at least that was what I felt). I said, "Both", wondering what she really meant by her question. There was silence again and she said she got to go and she will text me later. 

She hung up the phone and I saw some more text messages from my friend and roommate Raj. "Hey Kiran, good news.." was one of those texts and that was all I wanted to hear from him. Raj and I have been friends from our childhood. He is still completing his masters final semester. I got the job in the same city he is studying and I invited him to move in with me and stay in my apartment as it is also near to his college. So when my marriage was fixed we discussed about the arrangements to be made for setting up our new family and he said he will look for another place to stay for few more months until he completes his masters. He had plans to move to a different state for his dream job. So that message from him says he found a new house for me and he will be moving out before I travel with my wife after marriage.

I was happy with that and enjoyed every moment of our marriage. There is a reception next day and everything went as planned. We applied for US Visa for my wife immediately and we wanted to go for our honeymoon after we travel to US. We had our three night ceremony at their house and it was just OK. She was shy to let me see her nude body and we had normal missionary style sex in a very dark room with our clothes on. It was first time for both of us and I did not last long in her. After 3 weeks she got her visa and we made our travel plan to US. I texted my friend about the date and asked him if everything is good with his movement. He said he took care of it all and he will be moving out one day before we land in US. We did some shopping and I bought her some pants, shirts and leggings to wear in US but nothing odd or sexy. I wanted her to wear some western dresses but she denied to that. She said she is not comfortable wearing them. We packed our luggage and we are ready for our travel. It was first time for her to travel in the flight and she was very excited about it.

The day of our travel, I got a call from my friend saying there is an issue with his new apartment and that he will need another week to move out. But we could not postpone our travel because I need to attend office work as per the plan. So there is no choice and I told Shruthi about it. She was not happy about it and I suggested that I will travel today and she can travel a week later once everything is settled. But she did not agree to that because she is scared to travel alone for the first time. So we discussed few options and nothing worked out. Finally we agreed to share the apartment for a week until Raj moves out. Our apartment is a single bed room with a single bathroom which is outside the bedroom, a hall with an open kitchen and a balcony. Raj will be sleeping on the sofa in the hall.  Throughout the travel my thoughts were only on the situation that I have to live with my wife and my friend in the same apartment. Though I know Raj, I still felt uneasy with this. We reached US and Raj has come to airport to pick us up. I introduced Raj to Shruthi and they shook their hands. We reached our apartment and we were really tired of the long journey and the jet lag. So we slept through the day in the bedroom and Raj made arrangements for our food. Being a weekend, we got chance to sleep extra time and relax.

Everything went smooth over the weekend. Shruthi started getting used to the new place and Raj also made her feel safe and comfortable. We discussed about our marriage and cracked some jokes on the photos from our marriage. On monday, I had to go to my office for completing some documentation work. So I asked Raj to take care of Shruthi if she needs anything and Raj said he will stay at home until I come back. I went to office after kissing my wife in our bedroom and I gave a small smack on her back saying she looks sexy in that legging. She is wearing a white legging and a green long top which is covering till her knees. What made it look sexy is the tightness of the top at her ass. When we were doing online shopping in India, she did not tell me her sizes because she was shy and I had to look at her lose punjabi dress and guess it. It was difficult to me because she does not have any legging or such tops before. So she looked hot in that dress and I complimented for that.

I went to the hall and started wearing the shoes for office. Shruthi was standing in a tempting way by crossing her legs and carrying my lunch box. Right then Raj came out of bathroom after taking shower. At that moment my wife is in between me and Raj, with my wife facing towards me. I could not see him clearly but I sensed him just standing still. I moved a bit while wearing the second shoe and noticed Raj staring with blank face towards us but in an angle which suggested that he is looking at my wife's sexy ass. I was taken aback and shocked at the way he was staring. I immediately finished wearing my shoe, stood up and said to my wife that I will be back as soon as I can. I greeted Raj as well and left the apartment. Through out my travel to the office, the images of the scene repeated in my mind. I was having jealous and angry on Raj for looking at my wife like that. But also wanted to see what he was looking at. During the lunch break I called my wife to check how her day is going. She answered the call immediately and I asked her how is her day. She said she slept after I left and Raj had to go out for a while to know the status of his new apartment. I told her I will be back in couple of hours and hang up the call.

That evening when I reached home Raj and Shruthi are sitting in the hall and watching some TV show.I greeted them and went in to our bedroom. Shruthi also came behind me and hugged me after closing the bedroom door. I kissed her on the lips and asked her to stand in the same pose as she was standing in the morning. She asked why and I said I just want to see it again. She said what will she get if she do it. I promised to buy her new clothes. She was happy with that and she stood in the same pose. I went away behind her and take a look at her. To my surprise, I had an instant erection in my pants looking at the view. It was so hot to watch her ass in that angle and the curve of her ass is mind blowing. Then I realized why Raj was staring at her as if he was in a trance. I started imagining how he might have felt with such a view but also got angry about it. After all she is my wife and he should not be staring at her like that. But it might be a coincidence and can't completely blame him. 

I was lost in these thoughts and came to senses when my wife asked me what happened. I told its nothing and I am just amazed by her beauty. She blushed and kissed me and asked me to fresh up and come for dinner. I took bath and came to the hall. Raj was watching TV and Shruthi was preparing rotis. I went to Raj and asked him how was his day. He said he went to his new apartment and that they are still doing some repair work which appears to be taking another 10 days. I looked at Shruthi as if asking her if she is OK. To my surprise, she said to Raj "Do not worry about it Raj. You can stay here as long as you can. After all you are best friend for Kiran and I will also get bored sitting alone in the home. You will be at home every alternate day and I can have some company." I was shocked to hear those words from her. Several thoughts running in my mind. Does she really mean it? Is she comfortable with him staying in our house? Is Raj really having difficulties in getting the apartment?

Meanwhile Shruthi brought the food for us and me and Raj started having beers. I told Shruthi to eat and go to sleep as she is tired and I will come later. She ate and went to our bedroom o sleep. I had a beer and said I am done. But Raj continued on to the 3rd beer and said "I am sorry for troubling you with the move out. I am trying all options and it is getting hard to find suitable one with in the budget". I said, "Do not worry about it. We are OK with you staying here. Shruthi also seems comfortable with you." Raj said "Yes, she is very kind and beautiful". I was not expecting that from him at all and was shocked to hear that. I know he was drunk and probably out of his senses but how could he talk like that about his friend's wife. I asked him "what do you mean by beautiful?" to which he answered "I meant she looks beautiful". I started having mixed emotions running through me by hearing that. Is he referring to her face or is he talking about her body? Is he looking at her in a sexy way? Is he talking all this only because he was drunk and out of his sense? All these questions are making me curious to find what his feelings are and also making me horny. I should be getting jealous or anger in this situation. But here I am enjoying all this.

My better part debated to cut the talk and go to bed but my other half won the debate. I asked him "What makes you think she is beautiful? Because she has beautiful eyes?". "No, my friend", he started saying with his hand gestured as if he is referring to a hour glass, "she has a beautiful..." and fell down on the sofa and passed out. I felt angry, not because he was talking bad but because he did not complete the sentence. I guess I wanted to hear him saying it and praising my wife. I made him sleep properly on the sofa, cleaned the mess and went to our bed room. My wife was fast asleep and I slide into the bed. Hugged her from behind and kissed her on the neck. All the while thinking about what we talked. She did not respond back and I kept my hand on her ass started feeling the shape of it. It was soft and felt huge to my hands. All I can think of is '"What would Raj do if he gets to touch her ass? Was he looking at her secretly? Is he imagining her while masturbating?" All these thoughts made me super horny. So much to grasp in a day. I slept off with all these thoughts and woke up to me wife standing with a cup of coffee in the morning.

"Kiran, it is 7:00 already. You said you need to be in office early today. Wake up and get freshen up. I have prepared your breakfast and lunch is getting prepared." Shruthi woke up early, took her bath and wore a soft silk saree. She is looking gorgeous. I stood up and gave a hug to her and tried to kiss her on the lips. She pushed me away asking to get ready for office. I had bath and came to the hall to see if Raj is awake. To my surprise, he is not in the house. I asked Shruthi about him and she said he went out saying there is some urgent work. I had breakfast and started to office. I called Raj and he said he had to go early and will be going back to home in the afternoon. I could not concentrate much on the office work. My mind was completely occupied with the talk from last night. 

After an hour, I got a text from Shruthi "Your wife is waiting for you. Come early." and it was her pic with the saree she wore in the morning. She wanted to tempt me with the photos and adjusted the saree below the navel and lower hip on the back. She was so hot in that saree. Suddenly I felt like I missed a heartbeat. Did she mention she is going to wait for me in that attire until I reach home? What if Raj goes first? Will she adjust when Raj goes home? What will be his feeling when he sees her like that? That last question made me so horny. But for that to happen, my wife should stay like that until I go home. I quickly thought about it and texted back to my wife. "Are you sure you can stay that long like that? what if I come late in the evening?". She replied "I can wait for my dear husband for ever." I replied "OK then, I need a proof that you are staying the same till I get back. So take the go pro, keep it in the hall and record your day so that I can see it when I come home." I was eagerly waiting for her reply and after 15 mins there is her message. It was a pic of our hall and she was pointing to a corner near the TV stand. I zoomed in and found the go-pro which she positioned in such a way that the entire hall and kitchen were covered in the video. She sent another pic showing that it is in record mode.

I could not do any work that entire day and it was time to leave. I hurried up to my car and drove fast to our home. I was about to get out of my car and I noticed Raj coming out of our apartment. I waited in the car till he left and went in to our home. I rang the bell and after 2 mins my wife came to open the door. She is still wearing the same saree in the same attire as she showed in the pic. She was so damn hot in that. I immediately closed the door and took her to our bedroom. I started kissing her and caressed her hip. She stopped me and said she is in the middle of cooking and asked me to wait till bed time. I asked her if she really stayed like that the entire day and she said "As my husband wished for with a wink". Then I remembered about the go-pro and quickly took it and went back to the bed room. Shruthi was cooking and talking on the phone. 

As the video started playing, Shruthi was cleaning the house, watching TV and having lunch. After some time she went in to the bedroom. I thought she might be having her nap. I started forwarding and suddenly I see Raj on the sofa and Shruthi in the kitchen. I paused and reversed it back a bit till I see her coming out of bedroom and I can hear the calling bell. I can see she was sleepy and she opened the door probably forgetting that she is wearing the saree like that. From the angle I could not see the door but after a few seconds, I see Shruthi coming back to the sofa area and grabbing her mobile. She talked to someone on the phone and gestured the other person to sit on the sofa. I was wondering why would she has to ask Raj to sit on the sofa. 

And my heart dropped when I saw Vasthav following her to the sofa. Vasthav is Raj's college mate and he comes to our home sometimes for hangout. From the angle I could not see where he is looking at while walking behind her. Then Shruthi asked him to sit and went to kitchen to get him some water. She brought a glass of water and handed it over to Vasthav. All this time she was still in the same attire with saree below the navel and back at the lower hip. Vasthav was drinking water while watching her hip region. Shruthi was texting someone on the phone. I suppose it was Raj she called earlier and probably texting him.
After that my wife went to the bedroom and came back with the saree adjusted properly. She might have realized about the saree when she saw herself in the bedroom mirror. After all she is a orthodox woman and felt shy about it. I wanted to go and ask her about adjusting the saree and that she has broken the rule. But I wanted to see what follows because she did agree that she followed the rule when I asked her after reaching home. So the video continues and she was talking to him about his college and how he knows Raj and me. Meanwhile the door bell rang again and it was Raj this time. Raj came in to the hall and sat on the chair near the sofa. The chair is closer to the go-pro and I can hear them clearly. My wife told Raj that she is going to sleep and went inside our bedroom.

Raj asked Vasthav why he is here and told him not to visit our home going forward. Vasthav didn't care to listen to Raj and asked "Who is that beauty?" Raj asked him to don't talk like that and told him that she is Kiran's wife". Vasthav said "She really looks hot in that saree". Raj said" Stop talking shit. She is my friend's wife." Vasthav said "Come on Raj, I know you very well. Doesn't she look hot? Actually she was wearing the saree below her navel and lower hip when I came in. She must have adjusted it later." Raj asked "What do you mean? Did she wear the saree like that?". Vasthav answered "Yes bro. She was wearing it so sexy I got instant erection seeing her" and pointed his crotch area showing his erected penis through the pant. Raj said "You need to leave now. We will meet later at your house" and made him leave immediately. Then he set on the sofa and started watching TV and keep looking at the bedroom door waiting for my wife to come out. After half hour, I see my wife coming out of our bed room and greeted Raj. Asked him if he would like to drink some tea to which Raj immediately agreed. Then Shruthi went to the bathroom and came out after 10 mins. This time she came back with the saree adjusted below the navel and the lower hip. She saw towards the go-pro and gave an expression like "sorry" to me for adjusting it before. 

All this time, Raj was involved in the TV and when my wife came near Raj with a cup of tea, he got shocked at the sight of my wife's saree. He was just staring at her dumbstruck and my wife called him again. He came to his senses and took the cup from my wife's hands. His hands were shivering a bit and I can see his fingers feeling my wife's hand while grabbing the cup. Then my wife started cleaning the hall by arranging the stuff here and there and I did not understand why she has to clean it again since she cleaned it few hours back. All I could see is Raj sipping tea and enjoying the view of my hot wife in a sexy saree. After some time Raj got a call and he went out just when I reached home. I got so horny looking at all the series of events. What was Vasthav thinking about my wife? What was Raj thinking about my wife? Did they enjoy her in that saree? Most of all, what was my wife thinking all the while? Why did she adjust the saree when Vasthav was here and then adjusted back when he left? Was she comfortable with Raj? Does she know Vasthav and Raj staring at her? Was she enjoying it? So many questions running in my mind when my wife entered bed room.

"What are you doing?" asked Shruthi. "I have to ask that" was my response. She gave a question mark face signalling she did not understand my question. I took her in my hands and gave a kiss on her lips. "Why did you adjust the saree when Vasthav was here and adjusted it back when Raj is here?" I asked her. She said "Because my naughty husband asked for it". I was shocked to here that but I did not understand it clearly. "Were you not shy when Raj was here? I did not tell you to wear like that in front of him" I asked her back. Shruthi took a moment and kissed me on my forehead and said "I heard your conversation yesterday. I know what is going on in your head. I understand you are getting horny when Raj is talking about me and looking at me. I noticed it from the first day of your office when you were wearing the shoes and when Raj was watching me. I know why you asked me to do the same pose and watched it from the same angle as your friend watched me." I was shocked to hear all this from my wife. I do not have any words to say. I kept silent and she said "I thought you would get angry when your friend saw me on the first day of your office. But instead you were horny and wanted to see what he was seeing. Later that day, when your friend said I am beautiful and told I have a beautiful figure..." I interrupted her and said "He did not say figure". She said "Come on Kiran. You know what he meant by the gesture of hour glass. And you did not get angry on him instead you made him sleep properly on the sofa. And you know that he will be home before you and still asked me to wear the saree like that. You wanted him to see me in that way and more than that, you wanted to watch him staring at your wife." I just watched into her with blank face. I do not know what to say to her. After few minutes she broke the silence and kissed me on my lips and said "My dear naughty husband. Do not worry about it. I was reading about this behavior on the internet and it is very common for some men to get aroused when other men watch their wife." 

I was so happy hearing this from my wife. "Thank you for understanding me and my thoughts. But how could you do it? I mean you were so orthodox and not comfortable with wearing modern dresses also." Shruthi said "Kiran, this is where you need to understand me as well. I have never got chance to be around boys due to my schooling being in the girls only school. Because of that I developed interest in boys during teenage and whenever we go out for shopping I used to notice how boys ogle at girls. It some how turned me on and always wanted men to look at me and praise my assets. But I never got chance to really show my assets until today. I used to wear very lose dresses and they hide my body and my figure." This was a new side of my wife. I just kept listening and grasping the new information my wife is feeding me. Shruthi continued "When we landed in US, I noticed your friend looking at me and my body and I sensed his interest when he touched my hand pretending a handshake. And when you were also enjoying it, I started enjoying it myself too. It feels like living my dream while making you happy. If you do not like it, just tell me and I will stop." She kissed me again and stood there looking at her feet. I do not know how to respond. Still digesting the words she just told me. After few minutes of silence, I went to her and hugged her and went in to the hall. She is still in the bedroom waiting for me to say something. After some time, I texted her saying "Raj will be home soon and the rule applies till bed time ;)". She ran into the hall and jumped on my lap and kissed me hard. Then she went in to the bed room and arranged her saree to make sure it is as expected and even made it go lower. She came back to the hall and looked at me by showing her hip and navel. I noticed the difference and gave a wink to her and said "The feast is ready for Raj". I still did not understand why she adjusted her saree when Vasthav was here. Wanted to ask her but I left it out for a later time. I sat on the sofa thinking about the flow of events and wondering what would happen next and eagerly waiting for Raj with beer cans ready.

I heard the door bell and I looked at Shruthi. She was smiling and looking at me. I signaled her to go and open the door and I went into the bathroom. I hear her open the door and close it in a few seconds. I hear Raj's voice and he was asking about me. Shruthi said he is in the bathroom and asked if he would like some water. Raj said OK and Shruthi asked him how was his day and they started talking. I can only imagine his discomfort by watching her in that saree. I waited for 2 minutes and came to the hall and greeted Raj. Shruthi was standing in front of him such that her curves are visible to Raj when he talks to her. I noticed his bulge and discomfort he is facing. To ease it up I asked Shruthi to get the dinner ready for us and offered a beer to Raj. Even though he was talking to me he kept throwing glances at the kitchen to get a chance of viewing my wife. I started getting horny again and the beer is making it higher. We are in the 2nd round and Shruthi said she is feeling tired and went to bed room. She texted me to finish it off and come fast as she really needs to sleep because she has to wake up early. I texted her to go to sleep and that I will wake her up once we are done.

I took Raj out to our balcony so that Shruthi will not get disturbed with our talking. In between the conversation I asked Raj about Vasthav's visit and to that he said he had warned him not to come here again. I asked him if he said anything bad about Shruthi (Knowing Vasthav for some time I can even guess what he would comment without watching that video). Raj said "Nothing like that, I sent him back immediately after seeing him here." I asked him again "Raj I know what he is. So tell me frankly what he commented on Shruthi." Raj emptied the can and said "Vasthav said he saw Shruthi in the Saree". I responded saying "What is wrong in Saree?". Raj said "It is not the saree but the way she wore it today. She looked very hot and sexy" I was shocked to hear those words from Raj about my wife and it also excited me. I did not react to his words but asked "Is that Vasthav's comments or yours?" Raj just looked in to my eyes and said "Look Kiran, I do admire her beauty but I do not want to see her in that way. She is my friend's wife." I felt good that he is giving such respect to me and my wife. "I feel proud to have you as my friend. I know how difficult it is to you as a bachelor and living with such a hot lady in the same house." I told him. Raj replied "I am lucky to have you as my friend and Shruthi is very lucky to marry you." I went near him and gave a friendly hug to him and said "I must get friend some good gift. Until then don't feel bad to enjoy the beauty in our home." 

Raj did not understand what I am saying and just stood there with a blank face. I smiled at him and said "Don't hold yourself back from looking at the beauty. Beauty is to be admired and I don't mind you watching it". With that he came to the senses and asked me if I am serious or just talking under the influence of the alcohol. I assured him that I am talking for real and that I do not have any objections with him watching her as long as she is comfortable. He just sat on the chair without saying anything still trying to realize if this is real and not a dream. I said good night and left to our bed room. I slid into our bed and tried to wake her up. But she is in deep sleep and I hugged her from behind and dozed off thinking what just happened.
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Newly married wife shared with friend - by an_old_man - 18-08-2022, 06:47 AM

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