Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
 ragini 19.30
I told ragini to make her mom pay back rukmani money, but her mom was not ready at last she agreed to refund partially so deal was set and not to even look at him. That was the thing I wanted and it was settled so easily without much interference of mine . ragini was happy as her mom would stop behaving like a whore and sleep with everyone who pays her. Even ragini offered her mom if she is interested she can marry a suitable person and settle in life for that her mom felt shy and said what I would by marrying again at this age. I was doing all those things to accumulate more money to secure daughters life but not for her own fun.
I called rukmani mom and made ragini mom to promise that she would not bother him anymore and would refund his money in few days. He was so happy for this dramatic change in her, he looked at me in disbelief.
We both left leaving both mother and daughter crying in each other’s arms for the reunion. her mom thanked me for making her daughter agree to live with her, she didn’t have any clue that it was our drama planned and played together.
We both went to rukmani place lavanya was happy to see her bro smiling in relief of her problems. She sat beside me on sofa asked what happened shree bro, my bro is looking so happy after long time. I didn’t know how to explain about his sinful activities, but he straight away explained what had happed to him in past and that was the reason for rukmani disappearing and how much he had tortured his wife mentally after marriage.
Lavanya began arguing with her bro how dare you did torture my sweet bhabhi who has devoted all her life for betterment of our family without a single grumble. She began accusing him as she didn’t know the entire thing about his bro. stopped her, now everything is settled now there is no point in quarrelling now onwards he is free of his burden and will lead happy life.
How will he race my loving and caring bhabhi we don’t have any news about her. Lavany started crying. I soothed her, you leave it to me. I shall find out where she is and will bring her back soon , that is my promise.
Both bro and sis were happy on my assurance, lavany showered kisses on my face that too in presence of her bro. I need a big party on the occasion of reunion of the family I teased her. What can I offer, everything belongs to us is yours, you can ask any kind of party she replied winking at me stealthily. You are right her bro agreed readily. Please bring my wife back to me, I shall be your slave for rest of life he was begging me.
Lavanya moved to kitchen to prepare some snacks.
With one condition I shall bring back your wife. You will keep her happy for rest of life. You should not disturb her mentally or physically in future if I find that she is not happy with you, I will see that you wont be left in a state that you can live any more. I will finish your life completely. That is the second chance I am going to give you. You know how much I love her and all I did to you is just because of her and not for you. I had settled your life and show the path to live and provided good and constant business after settling your financial matters.
Yes shree bhai I am already indebted a lot to you. I know without your help I would not be living, by now I would have dead and buried. If you help me in bringing back to me I shall be so grateful to you in future.
Ok, I shall search her and bring her back it may take couple of days to trace her. Once she is back both of you will not discuss about the past. You will not ask her where she was all these days and what she did in these days. She will accept you as you are and you too will have to accept her as she is. You are not going to ask anything she will be instructed not raise any topic of your past. I gave small hint that even if he comes to know that she is no more virgin he should not ask anything about it. I was sure he would not suspect her but I had added that word so that there should not be any misunderstanding between them later.
No issues shree bhai I wont ask her anything as per your instruction and I am not interested in that . what I want is she should return to us safely that is all. I don’t mind even if takes more time than you expected, I have felt her absence I cant bear it, I know she is my life now I am completely realized she is inseparable part of my body and soul. I was fool to argue or quarrel with her and I was such a fool I raised my hand on her. For that I need to ask excuse to you and her. By the way do you know about her whereabouts if yes I am really a happiest man on the earth.
Yes and no I replied.
What do you mean by that he asked.
I had traced her after she was missing. I forcefully made her stay with me for few days. But later she moved from me. Now I have some idea where she might be, I am not sure but have a faintest idea. Be assured she will be with you soon.
Shall I accompany in searching her he asked.
Not at this stage, if she comes to know that you are with me she may run away again which I don’t want. First I will catch her and convince her that you have become good man and your past is cleaned and both of you will be happy together. She was so sad that she never wanted to see you again. But I have partially convinced her, yet she is not ready to come to you.
Please don’t say like that, he fell on my feet and hold them tight. Please somehow convince her and make her ready to live with me. Hence forth I will see that she enjoys her life with me. I will keep her like queen, most of my burden has gone and whatever I earn will all be ours. Most of the debt is cleared and I don’t have other liability. Only lavanya marriage will be my responsibility left. That she is not ready to marry now, she wants to complete her higher education and settle before she marries.
That is fine, I would like to ask you something very much personal.
There is nothing personal with me, everything is open and you know all. You wont need to ask my permission to ask anything you want.
Do you think that she will agree to come back to you, especially after coming to know about your past.
I don’t know that but if meet her I shall convince her, I will try my level best. I am ready to hold her feet and ask excuse I am ready to do anything she wishes. I am ready to go to any extent to convince her and bring her back to us.
That is fine now you have realized her importance in your life. You are such a fool you didn’t realize it was she who gave you second life, still you made her sad and used her body for your benefit. It will be really tough for me to convince her. But I shall try my level best. But you tell me, you have made blunder mistake in your life. You did what not everything to her. You drink and abuse her you made her starve for food as well in her married life, she was still with you, she sustained everything you did to her. What you would do if she to committed same mistake as you did.
What are you asking shree bhai, make it clear.
You are not a kid, you can understand what I am saying. In simple words the same mistake you did, if she does it then also you will accept her.
I am confident about her, she is none other than your own blood. She can never do any of such thing. Even if she has done I don’t have any regret or issue. But please tell me if anything happened to her, was she a victim of any kind. Even if the answer is yes I don’t have problem but pure concern about her.
That is nice of you, I expected same answer from you. Don’t worry she was never victim, and she can never be also. How can any one touch my sister, I don think anyone has born to touch my sister other than myself. (word game, I indirectly told him that I could do anything with her)
One day I was sitting in my apartment as I had nothing better to do as it was drizzling outside. There was knock on door, it is open pleas come in I shout not bothering to open door. Sush came inside she called other to come in. it was new ten girl almost sush age. Sush introduced her as cousin shreya who have recently shifted from delhi as her dad got transferred from Delhi. He is deputy commissioner so far working there. Nice to meet you I stretched my hand to greet her. But the new girl shreya just pretend to smile but didn’t shake hand. I felt little strange sush gestured don’t mind she is like that only. I offered the seat, before shreya took seat she watched house intently, though it is neat and beautiful still she probably didn’t approve it. When sush said her dad is d c she looked at me with pride and attitude as if her dad is the man top of world. I didn’t like her attitude but had to ear with as sush had brought her.
Both were drenched in rain their clothes adhered to their body like second skin. I could see the bulge in shreya dress she has nice tits I felt, when she saw me glancing at her tits she protruded her apples by pushing her chest forward. Sush was watching me ogling at her cousin, immediately I looked other way. Come on girls your clothes are wet better change them or else you would catch cold, by then i shall prepare hot tea I offered. Sush took that girl in spare bed room where she and sheetal keep their dress as often they spend night with me. Shreya looked at sush why do you keep your clothes here. Many time we spend time here and spend night here as he teaches us she replied and pulled shreya to room.
After some time both girls emerged from room wearing shorts and tee. We all were sipping hot tea in cold whether sush said it is nice to have good tea in this weather. How is your studies I casually asked sush, she said we are doing fine jiju. With all the basic things yu tought us has helped us a lot, I think we shall retain our positions number one two among ourselves. Otherwise it was very tough to handle these subjects stil we are having few difficulties we have decided to come here on week end to stay for couple of days to study. Wow that is great I replied winking at her, for that she blushed. We kept normal chatting for some time, rain was not to stop iot was pouring now so there was no chance for the girls to go home.
Jiju we are getting bored if we had our books here we could study, now suggest some nice pass time. You can watch t v or elseif you want to play video games you know where to find I suggested, but there is no chance for any other games I said with wicked smile.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 26-12-2018, 01:51 AM

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