Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
It was late in the night I didn’t bother that security officer officer that time. When he had come to know that aunt is my relative he had shut his ass and had moved away from hospital.
Next day I visited them before going for work and felt satisfied that everything was fine. I gave them some money for medicines and other expenses. On the way back I called that officer and took him to my place and took him to task.
He confessed that what aunt had told was right and he had done it on others words and pressure. He was not ready to open his mouth but on threatening him he told that it was on pressure of the culprit who had made accident. Sir you know how old I am. I am about to retire how can I ask for girl of my daughters age. It is due to that fellow he wanted to have grip over the family by using the girl as weapon. Later he gave details of the person who is behind all this. When he told I came to know him, he is brother of an M L A he is a waste person doing all nonsense things spoiling his brother’s name. Total drunkard and gambler does all sorts of bad thing in one word he is a bad element. Without wasting time I went to M L A whom I knew him personally and explained everything to him. He felt very bad on hearing all the things including asking for girl. But still blood is blood he requested me to keep all the things secret and he is ready to bear half the expanses. You can claim insurance and it will be all yours. Please share half the expenses and I shall bear rest he said which I accepted with a condition that he has to manage papers of the taxi which does not have valid papers and insurance. He said he shall manipulate and see that bhanu dad is not in trouble. It was good that he accepted to manage it, otherwise it was my headache. In return he said that he would change drivers name who made accident to safeguard his brother though he is not at all happy about him but still un avoidable to save own name. As he had agreed to help us by looking after taxi papers I had to agree for that condition. M L A called his brother over phone and fired him like anything and warned him to keep away from them, otherwise he will have to face trouble from other party as well from him also. So he silently accepted to keep away.
Monetarily also he had assured to share my burden. Was happy for all the things took place, I had asked that officer to be transferred away from the place. Though it was not he doing all tortures on own but he was part of it so he too deserved some punishment. I took him to aunt and made him beg sorry for his misdeeds and he assured that there won’t be any more trouble from his or his department side.
Aunt felt relieved by this confession and assurance. I sent him back and spent some more time with them. Bhanu was so happy till previous day she was feeling alone to face battle now with me beside her she was having feeling of secured. Aunt also thanked me profusely.
Days were passing and things went as per our talk with M L A he readily paid bills and his bro never appeared there. I kept visiting them almost twice a day.
One day I visited them bhanu dad had recovered well he would be discharged soon I thought. His injuries were healing but plaster had remained now he was made walk with help of walker and the progress was good. Every time he saw me his eyes became moist. Sir you are taking so much trouble for this poor taxi driver, I don’t know how to pay back this help. Sir I won’t forget this help for life time. Even if I had son he would not be doing so much service and show concern to me. Your parents are so lucky to have such a noble son, he went on praising. I got up to leave, all of them asked what happened why you get up asked in unison.
See he is putting me to shame, unnecessarily he is praising too much. I don’t feel right to be praised. I have repeatedly told that you are my family members then where does the question of help comes? If you praise like this I will never visit you people I said in anger.
Sorry baba from now onwards I will not express anything but you cant change the feelings what we have in our heart, what do you say he looked at aunt, she just nod her head she didn’t have courage to express. At last she said that is there, if he does not like our real feelings we can’t express, but once I want to meet you parents she said. You can meet them any time, but they don’t live here, they are in my native I replied. Then with whom yu live here she asked, I told them that I live with jiju family and in be if I told them how I came here.
Bhanu stood up what this family history you have begun mom, he has come to visit us and you ar boring them she said. Bhai can we go somewhere I am feeling nausea sitting all the time in hospital, please let me have some fresh air, if you can spare some time for me she added. Why not dear, when you are calling me bhai no need to be so formal. Bhavana also looked at me as if I would invite her, but as I had come by bike I didn’t call her and I didn’t know where we were going.
Both of us came out she was holding my hand with hers. Where to ask she shrugged her shoulder. I took her to a restaurant as I didn’t have breakfast. She looked around as if it was her first visit to a good restaurant. We took a corner seat she sat opposite to me. She kept looking at me and I looked at her, she looked most beautiful in the entire restaurant if she was not in her shabby attire all the people present would be looking at her. Unfortunately she was in her cheap and old dress still she looked most beautiful and innocent. Bearer handed menu I slide it to her. She looked at and then at me as if asking what is this. I opened page and asked her to select anything she wishes to eat. She pushed back are you joking or teasing bhai she asked. Why what is joke in this I asked bewildered.
She – bhai this is the first time in my life entering hotel forget this kind I have not peeked in ordinary hotels, then how come I know what kind of food is served here.
Me – so what you might have heard names of the dishes
She – bhai you are insulting me, I have never visited hotels and had never made friendship with the girls who visit. So better chose anything on your own.
I felt pity for her, it was my mistake I should have thought of it before hand. Then I ordered some sweets and dosa, after waiter moved what is so special today she asked. Nothing, I replied, then why are you ordering sweets she asked again. I was about to laugh but something inside me stopped from laughing.
It means they prepare sweets only on special occasions like festivals I thought. That means they must be in very bad shape, I was a fool I never asked about her and her family in past so many days with them. I became serious she was bit worried and asked me did I say anything wrong bhai. No not at all I replied it is not because of you, I remembered something I changed topic and pretend like calling sho p and giving instructions to them.
She – everything is all right, are you in trouble because of us. If you have urgent work you can go after finishing breakfast.
Me – no, I had forgotten to give instructions so I gave, now I don’t need to go to shop for hours. I will be with you and I will take you for a ride.
She – that is so fun you know I have hardly ride bike, only time was with you, but I was so tensed that time. If you are free you can take me for a ride.
I could see her eyes brightened on hearing that I will take her for a ride on my bike. Pulsar 200 cc, it was thrill for her. By then our sweets arrived she looked at quizzically at it then she hesitantly she asked what is name of the sweet. It was some Bengali sweet I told her the name. then I remembered bhavana looked at me, the way she had looked at me she wanted to accompany with us, I felt bad for not bringing her with us, she too could enjoy a bit in cozy restaurant. Ok let it be some time I should bring all three sisters I thought.
The way she was eating bit by bit , it was very much evident that she was having such a sweet for the first time in her life. I kept looking at her eating. When our eyes met I began eating. Before she finished I had ordered another sweet, she looked at me. I didn’t show any sign I continued eating. At last she asked why one more, they prepare very good sweets whenever I visit here always I eat more sweets I replied without giving any clue. Then dosa and other sweets arrived, we finished food without much talks. She was eating silently I could see her reactions though she ws enjoying the food but still her face had mixed feelings. I could understand she was not really enjoying not for the food was bad but she must be feeling bad to eat alone without her family who are sitting in hospital and she alone is enjoying delicious food in cozy restaurant. Before the bill arrived I stuffed 500 rs note in waiters hand so that she should not know how much bill was.
We left the hotel and I took her for a jolly ride while my mind was thinking something else. But I kept her mood jolly and then I decide to take her to our guest house. When we reached guest house she looked at me. Without speaking anything I gave her my cell and asked her to call her mom and tell that she will be late and she is with me nothing to worry if she gets late. But her mom was bit worried. I took the cell and informed that I was caught up with some urgent work so it takes some time to return and not to worry as her daughter is safe with me, with these words she must have felt bad I could hear a sob. Sir please don’t speak like that with me, I know we are all safe with you sir. Then don’t worry it will take some time to return, I bid bye and cut call.
Bhanu- bhai why did you tell that you are caught up with urgent work and what is that.
I could read her face, she was bit tensed. When she had come ready to offer herself she didn’t have any question of safety, now the things have changed now she is worried to be alone with me. You cant predict how women think different at different times.
Me – nothing dear I feel like I am tired since morning restless work. So I wanted to relax for some time, if you are feeling easy I shall drop you back and then take rest I replied sarcastically.
She was scared the way I replied no bhai I didn’t mean it .
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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 26-12-2018, 01:34 AM

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