Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Ricky was getting ready for a mission. He wasn't able to talk about it but Jen sensed it was going to be a dangerous mission. That's all Ricky did, dangerous missions. A few times he went away for a couple days to train. When he came back their sex was even more passionate, even more desperate. It was like they both knew it might be their last time.

On a sunny beautiful Saturday, Ricky and his friends decided to go surfing. They drove to Lunada Bay, the famous surfing spot off the Palos Verdes peninsula, just south of Los Angeles. By that time Jen had bought more clothes, including a few bikinis and cover-ups, as they'd gone to the beach a few times.

Jen wore a bikini that left little to the imagination. Ricky picked it. He liked showing her off. In that way he was like Mike. Unlike Mike though, Ricky would never share her. He liked showing her off as if to say to other men, "Look what I got. She's mine. You can look but that's all you can do."

Jen went with it. She let him show her off. She was proud of her body. She liked the attention, she liked men looking at her.

Her bikini was hot pink and mostly strings. The triangle cups covered most of her breasts but not all, leaving some side flesh exposed. The bottom wasn't a thong exactly, but it was low cut and seemingly designed to ride up between her ass cheeks.

Jen spread a blanket on the sand and laid down, intending to watch the men surf and work on her tan. Her skin was already golden from the California sun but you could never get too tanned in her opinion. The other wives and girlfriends weren't as sun worshipping as Jen. Maybe because they lived here and already had their perfect tans. Anyways, they were playing in the water with the boys, leaving Jen alone on the beach.

Jen was surprised when a tall lanky man plopped down next to her. "Oh my god, Goose, what are you doing here?" she said.

"Here a few days," Goose said. "I told you I'm here a lot." He was slurring his words. It was clear he was drunk, even though it was just mid-afternoon.

Goose's eyes slowly traveled down Jen's body, lingering on the small triangles of pink barely covering her tiny tits and sweet pussy. "Nice bikini. Pink looks good on you," he said with a grin.

"I'll make sure to tell Ricky, he bought it for me," Jen said with a flirty laugh. She looked passed his shoulder. "Where's Meg?"

"Back home," he said with a shrug. "This is a work trip."

"Which makes sense cause you're on the beach," Jen teased.

"That's the Marine life," Goose said with a crooked grin. "Work hard, play hard." He reached over and flicked the thin pink string by her neck. "So how exactly does this work?"

"It ties at my neck, back and sides," Jen said with a grin. "Pretty standard bikini technology."

Still grinning, Goose curled a finger in the string and tugged at the cup. "I mean, how does a tiny thing like this stay on?" He tugged a little more and the dark of her areola came into view. He tugged a little more and her nipple popped out.

"You play a dangerous game," Jen said, although she made no move to stop him.

"And you're a cock tease," Goose said, rubbing his thumb over her bare nipple. Her nipple got hard and her breathing got heavier. "God your body's perfect. I've wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you."

"What would Meg say?"

"It gets her hot," Goose said simply.

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"Meg likes watching me fuck other girls," Goose said. "It gets her hot."

"What?" Jen said again, her lips parting into a surprised O.

At that moment Jen saw Ricky swimming over towards them. She fixed her bikini top and Goose scooted over, creating a respectful distance between him and his best friend's girlfriend.

Jen was panting, she had her cum face on. She didn't want trouble between Ricky and Goose. So she jumped up and ran to Ricky, who was just emerging from the water. "Teach me how to surf," she said tugging him back into the water.

For the next hour Ricky taught Jen how to surf. She was good for a beginner. She had good balance from her experience in gymnastics and dancing. A few times she wiped out though. There was a monster wave when she really wiped out and Ricky had to save her. She thought she was going to die but really she'd been in no danger at all. But still it'd been an epic wipeout.

As it got dark the couples separated and went home separately in their cars. Jen didn't see Goose. She assumed he got a ride back to the base with someone else.

Jen and Ricky got in his car. It was a rental, some kind of Ford sedan. Ricky was about to start the car but Jen stopped him. "Wait," she said. The lot was empty, they were the last ones. It was almost dark outside.

Jen pulled the strings of her top and bottoms. She pulled out Ricky's cock and went down on him. When he was hard, she got on top of him. She guided him into her. He penetrated her easier now. Her pussy was more used to his size.

"You're horny," Ricky said looking into her beautiful face.

"Yeah," Jen agreed, panting as she rode him up and down.

"Goose hit on you?" he asked.


"Is that why you're hot?"

"Yes," she told him.

"Do you want to fuck him?" Ricky asked looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

Jen wrapped her arms around Ricky's neck, still riding him up and down. She moved her sexy lips up his neck and breathed into his ear, "Do you want me to fuck him baby? Would that turn you on?"

Ricky glared at Jen. He lifted her off his cock and threw her back into her seat. "I'm not fucking Mike okay?!" he yelled angrily.

Jen curled into a ball, hugging her knees, and cried. After a moment Ricky softened and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said. But Jen kept crying.

They made love when they got home. They made love the next morning. They didn't talk about what happened in the car.

Ricky had to go away on another training exercise. He pulled Jen into his arms and looked intently into her eyes. "Don't fuck Goose," he told her. "I don't want you to see him."

"I won't," Jen said, pulling away from him. She glared at him. Then she softened, and rubbed his shoulder. "I won't," she promised. Then she rubbed lower, and lower. Eventually she was on her knees going down on him.

Later that night Jen was studying her checkbook. She was getting worried about her money situation. She was paying half of everything with Ricky and funds were getting low. She and Mike each had a checking account, and they had a joint savings account. So far Jen had only spent money from her checking account; she felt justified doing that, as that money was hers. But she didn't want to go into the savings account as that belonged to Mike too.

How did married people do this? Divide their assets? Jen didn't want to think about it.

Jen started thinking about getting a job. Something in marketing, maybe even a dancing gig. As she considered this, she wondered if she would ever go back to New York. She wondered if she would ever see Mike again. It made her sad. She pushed it from her thoughts. She didn't want to think about it.

There was a knock at the door. Her heart didn't leap anymore. She knew it wasn't Mike. And when she opened the door it wasn't. It was Goose. She wasn't even surprised.

Goose was holding a bottle of red white. He opened it while Jen got glasses. They sat in the small TV room and talked as they sipped the cheap red white.

"So you moved here with Ricky," Goose said. "I wasn't sure you would."

"I wasn't sure I would either," Jen said.

"Ricky's crazy about you," Goose said. "He ask you yet?" Ask you to marry him.


"Meg thinks he will. So do I. What will you say?"

Jen looked down, not answering at first. Finally she said "I'll think about it when it happens."

"You're a cold bitch," Goose said with an admiring grin.

Jen shrugged. It was a "whatever" shrug.

"Meg thinks there's another guy," Goose said. "Is there?"

"Huh," Jen said with a half laugh. It never fails ... a woman's intuition.

"Is there?" Goose asked again.

"Yeah, there is," Jen told him. She drained her glass and held it out to Goose. He refilled it. "So Meg likes seeing you with other girls?"

Goose nodded. "She thinks it's hot, other girls wanting me."

Jen laughed again, but it was without any humor. Goose and Meg sounded like her and Mike, but in reverse.

"You think it's weird?" Goose asked.

"I don't know," Jen said. "I guess as long as you're happy."

"We are happy," Goose said. "Very happy."

"So you have a 24/7 hall pass?" Jen asked.

"Pretty much."

"How does it work?"

"You're getting kind of personal," Goose said.

"You started it," Jen said.

"No you asked me," Goose said. "You started it."

"No you told me yesterday on the beach," Jen reminded her.

"I was drunk," Goose said.

Jen shrugged another "whatever" shrug. "So are you gonna tell me?"

Looking sheepish, he said "I'd appreciate if you don't tell Ricky."

Jen shrugged again. She wasn't going to say anything to Ricky. "Does Meg fuck around too?"

"No way," Goose said. "That's not how it works."

"So how does it work?" she asked again.

"Just me and other girls. Meg likes to watch. Sometimes she plays too. A threesome. But mostly she likes to watch," Goose said. "If she's not there, I tell her about it. I record it if I can."

Jen laughed again. They sounded just like her and Mike.

Goose read her laugh wrong. He said "You think we're freaks. Listen, we love each other. More than a lot of couples. How happy are people really? What's the divorce rate? Me and Meg love each other. We'll always be together."

"I get it Goose," Jen said. She said sincerely, "You two sound like you really love each other. You really ... adore each other."

"We do," Goose agreed. He seemed mollified by her sincerity. "More?" He offered her more wine.

"Sure," Jen said holding out her glass. As he poured, Goose looked at her chest.

Jen was braless under her t-shirt. She hardly ever wore a bra nowadays. Ricky preferred her that way. And her breasts were tiny, she didn't need the support. Mostly she only wore a bra when she didn't want her nipples to show, like if she was going to an official function with Ricky.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:52 PM

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