Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned expecting it to be Ricky. It wasn't. It was Goose.

"Oh hey Goose," Jen said looking up at him. Goose was tall, taller than Ricky. He was lanky and had a mustache. He was cute in a country boy kind of way. Ricky said he was a major skirt chaser. Jen doubted that. Goose was an "oh shucks ma'am" kind of guy. And he had a pretty wife in Meg.

"So Ricky says he asked you to go to LA with him," Goose said.

"News travels fast," Jen said. She shrugged. "I haven't decided."

"So you're thinking about it?" he asked.

Jen hesitated. Was she thinking about it? Thinking about leaving Mike for Ricky? Divorcing Mike? She said evasively "I haven't decided."

"Okay, well ...," Goose said with a chuckle. "I'm at that base in LA a lot, so if you decide to go I'll see you sometimes."

"Cool," Jen said.

"And if you decide to stay in New York, we can hang out there too," Goose offered.

Jen stared incredulously at Goose. Was he hitting on her? With both Ricky and Meg just a few feet away? "Well I'll keep that in mind," she said icily. My god, Ricky was right. Goose was a major douchebag.

Later that night Jen and Ricky were packing to go home. "You didn't wear any of the stockings I bought you," he said, seeing all the unopened packages.

"Ricky it's freaking hot here," she said irritably, stuffing the stockings in the zipper pouch of her suitcase.

"Why are you so pissed?" he asked.

"Why?" Jen said incredulously. "This was supposed to be a fun game. But now you've made it complicated."

Ricky looked at Jen for a long moment. Then he said "You know why it's complicated Jen? Because you know I'm right. Mike isn't the man for you. You know it. You're just having a hard time facing reality."

Jen turned away. "You're crazy," she said shaking her head.

"If I'm crazy why did you tell Goose you're thinking about moving to LA with me?" Ricky said.

"I didn't say that!" Jen said angrily. "And for your information Goose hit on me!"

"Well he hits on everyone! I told you that!" Ricky shouted back. "You told him you haven't decided! So that means you're thinking about it!"

"Is this your way of convincing me, by screaming at me?!"

"No, this is my way of knocking some sense in your head!" Ricky said. "If you're thinking about it, then that means you're not sure about your marriage Jen! That's what it means!"

They made love. Because even though they were fighting, they were still drawn to each other. They still lusted after the other's body. And afterwards, as she always did, Jen snuggled with Ricky.

"Listen," Ricky began in a soft voice, as he stroked her long blonde hair. "If it's not good, then Mike'll be unhappy too. Have you thought about that? You're not doing him any favors."

"Ricky stop," Jen said, burying her head in his chest. She didn't want to hear this.

"I'm not saying divorce him," Ricky said. "A separation. People do that. Come with me to LA." He gave her a boyish grin. "I'll be your rebound boyfriend. It'll give you time to think about it. Then if you still love Mike, you can get back together. People do that all the time. But that way you'll know."

The next morning Ricky woke up to Jen's hand on his shoulder. He looked at the clock. It was early, only 7am.

"What the fuck Jen?" Ricky groaned, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Our flight's not until noon."

"I'm heading out," Jen told him. "I want to get something for Mike. I'll meet you at the airport."

"What? Wait, I'll come with you."

"Ricky," Jen said, shaking her head. She looked pained. "I can't do this anymore."

"What? Can't do what?"

"Us. You and me," Jen got up off the bed, standing up. She ran her hand through his hair and smiled affectionately at him. "I like you a lot. Maybe I love you. But Mike is my husband. I can't go to LA with you. I have to be with Mike."

Jen lowered her head and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodbye Ricky," she said. She turned but Ricky grabbed her wrist.

"Jen, don't do this," he pleaded. "Please."

A tear fell down Jen's cheek. "I have to Ricky. I have to." She pulled her hand away from Ricky.

"I love you! You love me!" Ricky said desperately.

"But Mike's my husband," Jen said, tears falling down he cheeks. She turned and ran out the room.

Cheating and Rivals Part 70 (California - Part 2)

Ricky was waiting at the airport when Jen arrived. Jen frowned. She didn't want another confrontation. She was tired. She wanted to go home.

They were silent as they waited in line to board. They didn't talk as they settled into their seats, and as the plane took off.

Ricky turned in his seat to face her. "I'm sorry," he said as the plane leveled out. "I pushed too hard."

"Yeah you did," Jen said coldly, not looking at him.

Ricky sighed and turned back in his seat. He swiped his credit card to buy DirectTV. He put in his earphones and channel surfed for the next 30 minutes. But he wasn't watching. Finally, he took out the earphones and turned back to Jen. "So that's it?" he said. "Just like that? You're dumping me?"

"Ricky ...," Jen said, her eyes tearing up. "This isn't easy for me either."

"Then why do it?" Ricky said pleadingly. When Jen didn't respond, he said "It's Paul right?"


"What happened to Paul," Ricky said, referring to conversation he overhead between Jen and Meg. "You're afraid that'll happen to me."

"No Ricky," Jen said.

"So you don't care what happens to me?"

"Of course I care what happens to you," Jen said frustrated. "You said what if you and I met first. But we didn't. I met Mike first. That matters Ricky."

"So you admit, if we met first, you'd be with me, not Mike?" Ricky pressed.

"I'm not saying that," Jen said with exasperation. "Why does it matter? I met Mike first, not you."

"It matters Jen," Ricky said looking into her eyes. "I get it. You need to work things out with Mike. But life isn't about who you meet first. Life is about who you end up with." Ricky squeezed her hand. He was tearing up. His voice cracking with emotion, he said, "Please, just think about that."


Jen was a mess as she taxied home to the loft apartment. So many emotions swirling in her head. So many unresolved issues, so many uncertainties. But she needed to pull herself together for this reunion with Mike. She asked the cab driver to stop at the little French bistro, their favorite neighborhood restaurant. It was busy with the Saturday lunch crowd. Jen snuck into the bathroom.

Jen looked in the mirror and fixed her hair. She dabbed on a little lipstick. She wore her hair down. She had on a bra (the same one she wore on the flight to Cancun; it was the only bra she brought on the trip, since Ricky liked her braless). She didn't want Mike to think she was dressed for Ricky. She wanted to look like his Jen again.

Jen remembered something. Ricky had bought her g-strings in Cancun. She'd worn them for him. But it wouldn't be good to let Mike see them. So she dug in her suitcase and pulled them out.

Jen noticed the tiny thin strings were caked with dried cum. Ricky's cum. God they'd fucked so much this week. She'd cum so much. Her thoughts drifted to Ricky's handsome face, his beautiful body, his powerful manhood. The dried cum reminded her that half the time - more than half actually - she didn't make Ricky use a condom. She'd meant to but a lot of the week she'd been half tipsy, and god it felt so good when he was bare inside her, when he came inside her.

Jen shuddered and felt herself getting wet. No, she had to stop thinking about Ricky! She needed to focus on Mike! She threw the g-strings into the trash, covering them with paper towels so no one would see.

At the last moment she decided to put on high heels (she'd worn flats on the plane) because she knew Mike loved to see her in heels. Then, she walked the 2 blocks to the loft apartment, dragging the roller suitcase behind her. She and Mike needed to talk. They needed to work on things. They needed to sit down and have a heart to heart talk.

(Author's note: The following is from He Fucked My Girl Part 9, written from Mike's point of view. I've taken some license with the call between Ricky and Jen.)

Finally Saturday came, the day she was getting home. I woke up giddy and so excited to see her. I was expecting her any minute when Claire called. She was frantic, she couldn't find her script and their first rehearsal was that night. I looked around and found it, and she came by to pick it up. She was on her way out and gave me a kiss goodbye on the cheek, and just then Jen walked in.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:51 PM

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