Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I want you to be happy," Mike said. "When I see you with another man, it hurts. But I see the pleasure he gives you. Not just the sex, but everything. It makes me happy because you're happy."

Jen grinned at him. "You want me to be happy, so you give me other men. I want you to be happy, so I fuck other men."

"It's more than fuck," Mike pointed out.

"I know, but don't you see?" Jen said, still smiling into his eyes. "We're perfect for each other. We're soulmates. And I like how you treat me when we play the game. I can tell you're thinking about me all the time."

"That's true," Mike said with a half laugh.

"Well, I like that," Jen said with a crooked grin. "I think I like that most about the game. I like you wrapped around my finger mister." Getting serious, she said "We're soulmates Mike. It's crazy because what we do, but the game lets me know your soul is connected to me."

Mike closed his eyes, relief sweeping over him. Her words made him feel so much better. "When you say you love Ricky ... it turns me on. But it scares me too. Do you get that?"

"Of course I get it," Jen said. "Mike honey ... yes I care for Ricky. But he's not my soulmate. He could never be my soulmate."

"How do you know that?" Mike asked. "How do you know, right now, that it can never grow into that?"

"I just know Mike," Jen said. "I just feel it inside me." She gave him an ironic smirk and said "You know we should have talked about this before he got me pregnant."

Mike's eyes went wide at her words. "So you think the baby's his?" he asked.

"No, I think the baby's yours," Jen told him firmly. Then she admitted with a shrug "But the sperm might be his." Suddenly she looked, and felt, tired. "I don't know Mike. It could be his or yours. You were there. You know what happened."

"Yeah," Mike said. But there was that test that said he was shooting blanks.

"We can't take it back now Mike," Jen said. "It's done. We're going to have a baby."

"Jen, I know."

"We are Mike," Jen pressed. "We are. No matter what we do with Ricky from now on, it's us having the baby."

"Jen, of course, it's us," Mike promised.

"I need you to swear to god Mike," Jen said, her own insecurities and fears flaring up. "No matter what happens, you'll be there. You will not leave me. Ever."

"I'll never leave you Jen, never again, I swear to god," Mike promised. "I'll be with you for the rest of my life. I swear to god."


The next day Jen called Ricky to invite him to dinner. At the same time, Mike was on the phone with Maggie arranging a sleepover for Anna. It would obviously be better if their daughter wasn't there when they talked to Ricky.

Ricky arrived and Jen led him into the kitchen. She and Mike had agreed earlier she'd tell Ricky by herself, and then the 3 of them would go out to dinner.

Mike discretely watched as Jen talked to Ricky. She was wearing a stretchy long sleeve top and skinny jeans, and high heels. As always she looked gorgeous and incredibly hot, but maybe more so tonight because of her condition. Perhaps Mike was imagining it, but Jen seemed to have an extra glow about her. Was this how she was when pregnant? Once again he regretted not being there when she was pregnant with Anna.

Jen wore her long blonde hair down. She wasn't braless under the top. Under her jeans she wore a thong, not a g-string. She had Mike's engagement and wedding rings on the finger of her left hand. Tonight she'd dressed as Mike's wife, not Ricky's date. But Mike knew the line could get really fuzzy, really fast.

Jen was leaning against the countertop, her hand on Ricky's arm, looking up into his face. Ricky stood close to her, inside her space, his hand on her hip. Jen stood with one leg slightly ahead of the other, her bent knee almost touching Ricky's leg. They smiled as they whispered. At one point Ricky brushed a loose strand of her blond hair behind her ear. He nuzzled her neck and whispered into her ear. She smiled and looked down demurely, and then when she looked up again she smiled into his eyes.

Their familiarity - their intimacy - was electrifying. It was overwhelming. Mike's heart pounded in his chest. It hurt to watch. But he couldn't take his eyes off them.

"So I've got to tell you something," Jen whispered. She moved her hand to his arm, squeezing his elbow. "It's kinda big news."

"What babe?" Ricky whispered back, moving closer. He put his hand on her hip, caressing her there. He grinned and said "You look fantastic tonight."

Jen smiled. "Just tonight?" she teased with a laugh.

"Don't bullshit me, you know you look good," Ricky said with a grin back. "Why are we whispering?"

"I want to talk to you before we go out," Jen whispered. She looked down, suddenly not able to look Ricky in the eyes. She wanted the baby to be Mike's. She desperately wanted that. At the same time she felt anxious telling Ricky the news. After all, he might be the biological father. This was all so weird.

For some reason Jen urgently wanted Ricky to be pleased with the news. She didn't know why she felt that way. But then, maybe it was nature at work. Her body was reacting to him as the natural father, wanting him to be pleased she was having his baby.

"What is it?" Ricky asked.

"It's just ...," Jen said, looking up then blushing and looking down again.

"What is it babe?" Ricky asked in a soft voice. Loose stands of blonde hair fell across Jen's beautiful, flawless face. Ricky brushed the strands behind her ear. "Tell me. Is it about saying I love you? I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't say it in front of Mike, then I did. I'm sorry."

"Ricky I'm pregnant," Jen finally said.

Time seemed to stop. "What?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant Ricky," Jen said again.

Ricky was silent, processing that. Then he said "Is it mine?"

"The baby's Mike's," Jen said firmly.

"You know what I mean," Ricky said.

"... maybe," she hesitantly said. "That's why I'm telling you."

Ricky stared at Jen. Then he broke into a big grin. "Well fuck, how about that," he said smiling into her eyes.

"So you're happy?" Jen asked hesitantly.

"I'm very happy," Ricky gushed, beaming into her eyes. He pulled her to him and kissed her. It started as almost a kiss between cousins. But then it got more passionate. Jen kissed him back. Ricky pushed his tongue into her mouth. Jen wrapped her arms around his neck and swirled her tongue around his. He ran his hand between then and cupped and fondled her breast. Jen moaned into his mouth, running her hands down his back and into his loose jeans, feeling his ass, squeezing his cheeks.

Mike approached them. "Jen ...," he said awkwardly. "Jen ..."

Jen finally heard Mike when he said her name the second time. She pulled away from Ricky, her heart pounding, breathing hard.

"Are we staying, or ...," Mike asked hesitantly.

"I think, um, maybe ...," Jen began, then closed her eyes and clinched her jaw as Ricky continued to fondle her breast and squeeze her nipple over the filmy, stretchy top. "Maybe we should order in," she said, the words coming out like a moan.

"I'll ... get a pizza then," Mike said, his eyes riveted on Ricky's hand as he squeezed Jen's tit and ran his thumb over and around her nipple.

"Yeah - that's good - baby ...," Jen sputtered with labored breathing.

"Jen ...," Mike said anxiously.

"We won't start without you," Jen promised.

"Jen ..."

"I promise, we won't."

Mike walked down the block and ordered a pizza from their favorite neighborhood pizza dive. After ordering, he got on the internet on his phone and canceled their dinner reservation. He sat impatiently on a stool and looked out the window as the pizza baked in the wood burning oven. He wanted to be back home. He wanted - needed - to be with his wife. Even when she was with another man he wanted to be with her. Especially then.

It seemed to take forever (actually it was only 15 minutes) but finally he got the pizza. Half pepperoni and sausage (for Mike and Ricky), half veggie (for Jen). He told the pizza guy no pineapple on the veggie side. I mean really, who ate pizza with pineapple?

Mike was excited and wary as he opened the door of the loft apartment. He didn't know what to expect. To his surprise - and relief - they weren't fucking. They weren't even kissing. They were watching TV, an old Friends episode. Ricky sat on the sofa and Jen sat on the floor, between his opened legs. Jen's head rested against his thigh, and he absentmindedly ran his fingers through her long blonde hair. Mike got a lump in his throat and a pain in his heart. They looked like a couple. A freaking loving couple.

"Hi baby," Jen said as Mike walked in. She smiled at Mike but didn't get up to greet him.

"Hey," Mike said, his voice barely audible because his throat was so dry. He put the large cardboard pizza box on the coffee table. "I'll get drinks," he said.

"A beer for me. Thanks buddy," Ricky said grinning at him. Now he was rubbing Jen's neck and shoulders.

"Jen?" Mike asked.

"Probably just water," Ricky told Mike.

"Yeah, just water," Jen agreed, reaching back and squeezing Ricky's hand.

"Okay, sure," Mike said, his stomach churning. What did they think, he was offering alcohol to his pregnant wife? They had juice and milk in the frig, not just water. He was just giving her a choice!

When Mike got back with the drinks Ricky was still massaging Jen's neck and shoulders. Jen had her eyes closed, her chin on her chest. Ricky ran his thumbs up the sides of Jen's neck.

"Baby, do you have a migraine?" Mike asked concerned.

"A little," Jen said, her eyes closed, her head slowly swaying with the rubbing of Ricky's strong hands on her neck.

Mike put down the drinks, then got a big glass of ice water and 2 Advils. He handed them to her. "Thanks baby," Jen said, taking the medicine and drinking down half the water.

"Let me," Mike said to Ricky, moving to the sofa.

"I've got it Mike," Ricky said, rubbing up and down along the cords of Jen's shoulders and neck, and across her temples.

"But -," Mike sputtered.

"It's okay baby," Jen said, her eyes still closed, her head still slowly swaying as Ricky massaged her. "It's almost gone."

Mike sat on the chair across from the sofa. He watched as Ricky helped his wife through her migraine. How had he learned to do this? But then he got it. Jen spent a lot of time with Ricky before. She'd practically lived with him. Of course he learned how to take care of her.

Eventually Jen felt better. She got up on the sofa next to Ricky, giving him a weak, grateful smile. She always felt a little disoriented after a migraine.

"Sit here Mike," Jen said, patting the space on the sofa next to her.

Mike eyed the space. The sofa was a love seat, made for 2. Jen was tiny so there was space for him, even with broad-shouldered Ricky sitting next to her. But ...

Without thinking, Mike said "I'm good."

"Are you sure?" Jen asked.

Before Mike could respond, Ricky opened the pizza box. Looking at the veggie side, he said "Where's the pineapple? It's not veggie without pineapple."

Jen couldn't help laughing. This was an ongoing joke between her and Mike. On one of their first dates back in college, Jen ordered pizza with pineapple and ham. It was normal for her; growing up her family always got pineapple and ham on pizza. Mike was horrified. For him pizza was pepperoni and sausage, maybe mushrooms, but never something sweet like pineapple. And ham couldn't make up for it. Jen hadn't been able to stop giggling at the horrified look on Mike's face. She found it adorable. Since then, they'd always playfully teased each other about pineapple on pizza.

"I know, right?" Jen said to Ricky with a big grin on her pretty face. "Mike hates pineapple on pizza. It's like his cause. No pineapple on pizza." Like always, she gave Mike a playful teasing smile.

"You haven't lived buddy," Ricky said, unaware of the inside joke between Mike and Jen. "In LA that's the thing. My buddy Akoni, he owns a pizza place. He grills the pineapple and uses some kind of special cheese mix. Man it's delicious. You got to try it sometime Mike."
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