Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike's face lit up when Jen walked into the apartment. But then he frowned as Ricky walked in behind her.

"Hey baby," Jen said to her husband, a wary smile on her pretty face.

"Mommy!" Anna cried. She jumped up from the game she was playing with Maggie and ran to her mother. Like a young Simone Biles she used the sofa as a springboard to leap into Jen's arms.

"Okay baby," Jen said with a laugh, hugging and kissing her daughter. She motioned to Ricky. "You remember Mr. Ricky, don't you Anna?"

"Hey kiddo," Ricky said grinning at her.

Anna frowned at Ricky. Then she looked back at her mother. "Where were you?" Anna asked. "All the other mommies were there."

"Oh ah, honey, I thought it was a drop-off," Jen said guiltily, looking questioning at Mike. He shrugged, not knowing what Anna was talking about. The party HAD BEEN a drop off. The only parents there were the birthday girl's mom and dad.

Anna shrugged. She wriggled from Jen's arms and went to Mike. She pulled her father to the board game. "Come play daddy," she told Mike.

"Banana honey, I need to talk to mommy," Mike told his daughter, kissing the top of her head. Anna frowned but let Mike go. She turned back to Maggie and the game. Soon the 4 year old seemed completely absorbed in Candyland.

Mike moved over to Jen. "What's going on?" he whispered to her. She motioned to the side and they went into their bedroom, closing the door behind them. Ricky was smart enough not to follow. He sat on the sofa. He pretended to watch ESPN but really he was trying to listen to the conversation in the bedroom.

"Don't sit there," Anna said.

"What?" Ricky said surprised.

"That's where my dad sits," Anna said.

"Anna be nice," Maggie said in a hushing voice. She gave Ricky a weak apologetic smile.

"No worries kiddo," Ricky said to Anna. He stood up and leaned against the wall.


"Why's he here?" Mike hissed in a low voice.

Jen grabbed Mike's hand. "There was a fight," she said trying to reason with her husband. "He's upset. Mike I couldn't leave him alone."

"A fight? Is everyone okay?"

"I think so," Jen said looking concerned.

"What happened?" Mike asked. When she didn't respond, he asked again "What happened Jen?"

"We were in a bar," Jen said. "A man hit on me."

"Ricky got into a fight, because a guy hit on you?" Mike asked incredulously.

"You make it sound so bad," Jen said defensively. "You weren't there Mike. It all just happened. You don't have to be so judgmental."

"I'm not being ...," Mike began but then he stopped himself. It cut at his heart that she was taking Ricky's side. And why was he all of a sudden the bad guy? He hadn't even been there. "So, are we still going to dinner?" he asked.

"Yes, definitely," Jen assured him. Still looking concerned, she added "But I don't think we should leave Ricky alone. He's still upset." She squeezed Mike's hand. "I know tonight was supposed to be just us. But Ricky let you come with us, so it kind of evens out."

"I don't need Ricky's permission to be with my wife!" Mike hissed in a low voice. "We're not keeping score! You're my wife! I've already won!"

"Of course not baby. That's not what I meant," Jen said immediately, rubbing Mike's arm. They were silent for long moments. Then Jen gently said, "It's just dinner baby. We can go out alone tomorrow."

Just dinner? Mike thought bitterly. It wasn't just dinner, it was a date, time to be alone and reconnect. Frowning, he whispered "You shouldn't have brought him here. Anna."

"Anna's met Ricky," Jen whispered back, a hint of impatience in her voice. "I have lots of guy friends. Come on. Chill Mike."

Mike stared at Jen incredulously. Chill? What the fuck?

"I didn't mean that," Jen sputtered. She hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm kinda freaked. The fight ..."

"Are you hurt?" Mike asked looking concerned.

"I'm fine," Jen assured him. Looking distressed, she whispered "It's just ... the other guys are officers too. Ricky's really in trouble."

Mike nodded. He got it. You can't fight other Marines especially officers. He didn't know what the possible punishments were but they were all probably really bad.

Mike and Jen hugged and kissed Anna before going. Then Mike, Jen and Ricky left to go to dinner. Anna barely noticed, seeming to be absorbed in Candy Land. After they were gone, Anna abruptly swiped her hand across the board, knocking all the pieces to the floor. "Anna, what?" Maggie said surprised.

"I don't wanna play anymore," Anna said.

"Okay, well, you don't make a mess Anna," Maggie said. "Now clean it up."

"No!" Anna said defiantly. She got up and stomped off to her bedroom.

"Anna what's wrong with you?" Maggie said as she ran after the 4 year old.


Mike, Jen and Ricky walked a few blocks away from the loft apartment, until they were in a different neighborhood. They rarely ventured here and knew their neighbors didn't either, so they were unlikely to run into someone who knew them. They found a bar that played music and served food.

"Are you okay Ricky?" Mike asked.

"I've had better days," Ricky said with a forced smile. "Thanks for asking though."

Jen squeezed Mike's hand and smiled at him, silently thanking Mike too.

They ordered beers and burgers. It was more like a funeral than dinner though, with Ricky's punishment looming over them. Jen sat next to Mike with Ricky across the table. She sat close to him and held his hand a lot, but it didn't help his Jen Meter because he sensed she really wanted to be with Ricky, to comfort him.

Mike knew his wife was super empathetic. Another person's pain was her pain. Especially if it was a friend. Someone she cared about.

With their burgers barely eaten and working on the second pitcher, Ricky got a text. He said "It's Goose. Hank's okay. And no one's saying anything." Ricky looked incredibly relieved, like the weight of the world had suddenly been lifted off his shoulders.

"Oh my god that's so good babe!" Jen gushed, looking relieved too. She got up and moved to Ricky's side of the table. Sitting down next to him, she gave him a hug.

Mike watched as Jen hugged Ricky. He told himself this was just Jen being Jen. Comforting a friend. He'd seen her do it a million times. There wasn't anything romantic about it. But Mike knew that wasn't true.

Jen took Ricky's face in her soft hands. Looking into his eyes, with their faces just inches apart, she whispered "See? Everything's alright."

"Yeah," Ricky said grinning back. It was his first real grin since the fight.

"Are you okay baby?" Jen asked Ricky, affectionately stroking his face.

"Yeah I'm okay now," Ricky said, his grin even wider now.

Mike watched all this from across the table. Heard it all. At that moment Ricky and Jen were so into each other. They were the couple. It was like he didn't exist. Never had he felt more like a third wheel. And it hurt. It really hurt.

Jen seemed to realize she crossed a line. She squeezed Ricky's hands then got up and moved back to Mike. She sat next to him and gave him a weak, apologetic smile.

Ricky sensed they needed a few minutes alone. "I'll go settle up," he said getting up.

"I've got it," Mike said immediately, reaching for his wallet.

"No, please, let me," Ricky said. He gave Mike an appreciative grin and said "You were a really good friend today Mike. Come on, let me get the check."

Mike nodded. When Ricky was gone, Jen squeezed his hand and said "You ARE a good friend. Thanks for being so understanding."

"I'm your husband, not your friend," Mike said. Realizing what he said, he sputtered "I mean, I'm both ... you know."

"I meant, you're a good friend to Ricky," Jen said. "You're a really good person Mike."

"I didn't do anything."

"You're here, supporting him. That's what friends do," Jen said.

Mike nodded but didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. At that moment his emotions were all over the place.

Moving closer, Jen whispered "I want to bring Ricky home. Or if you'd rather, we'll go to his hotel."

Mike slowly nodded. Their loft apartment or Ricky's hotel room. Those were his choices. Either way she was going to be with Ricky tonight. There was no "Mike and Jen" option. You know what the tragedy was? He wasn't even surprised.

"Okay," Mike whispered back. He felt - what? Powerless? Emasculated? Defeated?

"Which one?" Jen asked.

Mike wanted his wife with him tonight. At least under the same roof. So he said "Our apartment."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:45 PM

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