Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike wondered what people thought about when Jen was with him. A gorgeous girl with a plain looking guy. Did they feel sorry for Jen? For a girl who settled for less? Maybe they figured Jen was forced to marry. An unplanned pregnancy. Parents who needed financial help. Or did onlookers resent him? For fucking with the natural order of things.

Jen looked beautiful as usual. Achingly hot. The fact Mike knew her blushing face was due to getting fucked not too long ago made his dick throb. The fact he knew she was full of Ricky's cream made her hotness practically painful. Yes, he was already hard again. The game did that to him. He was hot all the time.

Mike had to admit, Ricky did look good. Handsome, powerful. He walked like a predator. Back in college he looked like an athlete. Now he looked dangerous, even here in this casual setting. Mike figured that's what happened when you faced life-and-death battles as a Marine.

Mike looked at Jen and Ricky again. They looked so good together. Holding hands. Happy. Excited over the apartment. Like they were starting a life together. Together.

Mike thought about California. How close did he come to losing her to Ricky? And why the fuck did he push her back into his arms? But he knew. His cuckold fantasies were too strong. They overwhelmed him. And Jen with Ricky again got his dick hard. The cuckold angst, the jealousy, the danger, it was all so delicious it made him lightheaded.

Babs had another apartment to show Ricky. It was a beautiful sunny day so they walked. Ricky and Jen walked together, with Babs leading the way. Mike trailed a few steps behind, watching his wife with her boyfriend. They were holding hands. Jen seemed so happy. She definitely had an extra spring in her step. Mike was happy for her. For him, that was another reason he loved the game. He loved seeing Jen so happy.

Jen chatted excitedly with Ricky and Babs, talking about consignment shops to buy "gently used" furniture, about trendy and avant-garde bars and restaurants in the neighborhood, about how so many of the neighbors were around Ricky's age and seemed welcoming and nice. It was like this was Jen's apartment too, not just Ricky's. It made Mike wonder how much time Jen planned to be here.

As they walked, Mike's eyes were on Jen's long slim legs. Her tight ass. Her toyboyish Converse hightops. Then, as they laughed and talked, Ricky moved his hand to Jen's tiny waist. To her ass. He curled his thumb into the back pocket of her white short shorts. He did it so naturally, like that's where his hand belonged. Like she was his. And Jen let him. She didn't flinch even a little. Like she knew she was his. They were a couple. They were together.

Mike's heart pounded in his chest, the jealousy and cuckold angst spiking. He found it hard to breathe. Yeah, it was incredibly exciting, but ... he felt like on the verge of losing it.

As they arrived at the apartment building, Jen whispered something to Ricky. He didn't seem happy, but he nodded and followed Babs into the building. It was an old building, a walk-up with no elevator, but it seemed clean and well maintained. Jen held back as Ricky and Babs went up the stairs.

"Having fun?" Jen whispered when Mike caught up to her.

"Yeah, it's really ... a lot," Mike whispered back. There was no need to whisper. There were people on the street but no one close, and by now Ricky and Babs were already upstairs. Still, Jen was supposed to be with Ricky, so they both felt like they had to whisper.

"A lot good though, right?" Jen asked. With a giggle she said "You love being the 3rd wheel."

"Yeah," Mike agreed with a sheepish grin. It was good talking to Jen like this. Stepping out of role playing back into reality for a few moments. He felt his Jen meter filling up. "Jen, sometimes when you're with another guy ... it feels so real. Like you're really with him."

"That's part of it, right?" Jen whispered back. "Making it feel real. It's more exciting that way."

"Yeah ...," Mike said, his voice trailing off.

"You're always conflicted," Jen said knowingly. "But you don't want to stop. You love it too much."

Mike felt like he was being manipulated. He said "I can tell you don't want to stop."

"Oh don't be that way, you're having fun," Jen said giving him a playful pout. Lowering her voice even more, she giggled and said "You're leaking out of me. My shorts are getting wet."

"I think that's mostly Ricky," Mike pointed out.

"You too baby," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand. "This is our game baby. It may look real but it's not." She squeezed his hand again.

"Thanks," Mike said feeling better. "I need to hear that sometimes." They smiled at each other. This is what Mike needed. A few moments of reconnection.

"You have to be more careful," he said, talking about earlier that day. "You never know. The party could've been canceled and I might have walked in with Anna."

"I know baby, you're right," Jen said looking regretful.

"Anna can never find out," Mike told her. "If she found out the kind of person I am ... I couldn't handle that."

"She already knows Mike," Jen assured him. "You're the best father in the world. And the best husband too. Anna knows that."

Jen smiled into his eyes and Mike felt her love. Yes, this is what he needed. He was feeling a lot better.

Then Jen broke the spell when she said "Baby, don't you have to pick up Anna?"

Mike somehow managed to keep the smile on his face, although inside he felt deflated by her abrupt dismissal. "Yeah I better go," he said.

"I'll be home by 6," Jen promised, although she was already turning away and moving up the stairs to rejoin Ricky. Mike watched as she excitedly ran up the stairs. The long blonde hair. The tiny white shorts. The long shapely legs. The black Converse hightops. He felt an ache in his cock. And in his heart. With a heavy heart, Mike turned towards the subway to pick up Anna.

Cheating and Rivals Part 64

"How about a drink?" Ricky asked Jen after they toured the last apartment with Babs.

"I thought, maybe ...," Jen said, playing with the buttons on Ricky's shirt. She wanted to go to his hotel room and fuck. She was horny again. Being around Ricky all day, around his handsome face, his beautiful body, around his man-ness (!), of course she was hot again. Seeing other girls, turning their heads to ogle Ricky as they walked by, looking enviously at her for being on the arm of such a gorgeous man, that got her hot too.

It was getting late. She had to be home by 6, so they didn't have time to get a drink AND have sex. So of the 2, she wanted fucked.

"Sometimes I think all you're after is my body," Ricky said with a grin.

"Well ...," Jen said with a giggle, still playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"I just want to hang out. I know you have to go soon," Ricky said. "I like hanging with you Jen."

Jen stared at Ricky. It was like he was opening his heart to her, and it touched her. She took his arm and said "Okay baby, let's get a drink."

They went to Shore Leave, the bar that catered to the military crowd. Jen turned a lot of heads as they found a table. It was her tight ass in the white shorts, her long shapely legs, her beautiful face. Also, walking outside in the hot sun all afternoon, both Jen and Ricky had a sheen of perspiration, and for Jen it meant the bars in her pierced nipples slightly dented her bra and blouse. Ricky didn't mine other guys looking though. Like Jen, he got a charge out of it. As long as all they did was look.

"You always wear the ones Frank gave you?" Ricky said looking at Jen's chest. If you knew what to look for, you could also see the slight dents in Jen's blouse made by the diamonds in the nipple bars.

"They're the only ones I have," Jen said.

Ricky tugged up Jen's blouse slightly to reveal her belly button. The belly ring there matched the nipple bars. "I'll get you some," he offered.

"I'm already wearing the g-string," Jen said with a grin. "Besides, I don't think Mike would like that. He hates piercings."

"So why'd you do it?" Ricky asked. Jen didn't answer. She just shrugged. Looking frustrated, Ricky said "Sometimes I don't get you Jen."

"Come on, don't get in a bad mood," Jen said, giving him a pretend pout. "You should be excited. Which apartment did you like best?"

Ricky shrugged, not really caring. To him, apartments were pretty much all the same. He was more concerned about WHO was going to be in the apartment with him. "Maybe the second one," he said. "It's bigger. You can keep some stuff there if you want."

"... that's probably not a good idea," Jen said warily.

"Get your period yet?" Ricky asked.

"Uh, kind of personal and none of your business," Jen scoffed with a "duh!" tone of voice.

"I think it is my business," Ricky shot back.

"Why are you in such a pissy mood?" Jen said annoyed.

"Because you're fucking with me!" Ricky said, getting angry now. "Again!"

Jen bit her tongue, forcing herself to stay calm. In a reasonable voice she said, "I spent a day away from my family to help you apartment shop." Lowering her voice, she said "I let you fuck me. I'm here with you now. How am I not being a good friend to you?"

"A day away from your family?" Ricky scoffed with a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah right. Mike watched us fuck. And then he followed along like a lost puppy dog. I mean, Jen, seriously? How do you put up with that?"

"Will you keep your voice down!" Jen hissed. "And I told you not to talk about him! And by the way, hello! He's my husband! It's because of Mike I'm with you now!"

"That's the only reason?" Ricky said, both challenge and hurt in his voice.

Jen heard the hurt and she softened. "Not the only reason," she said, covering his big hand with hers. "Not close to the only reason. I'm just saying, you know our lifestyle."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:44 PM

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