Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen touched up her makeup. She put in a sponge. Then she rushed out to catch a cab.

It was a pub called Shore Leave. It catered to the military crowd in New York City. Ricky met Jen outside. She greeted him with a brief hug and kiss to the cheek.

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked.


"This is a military bar. I probably know people inside," Ricky said. He looked at her left hand. "Can you take off your wedding ring?"

Jen hesitated as she processed Ricky's request. This was the whole point of the game - she was his boyfriend. So she couldn't exactly wear her rings in front of his friends. Last time she did the same thing. On top of that, she and Mike played the wedding ring game all the time so she knew he'd be okay with it.

"Alright," Jen said. She took off her wedding and engagement rings and put them into a zippered pouch of her purse.

"You look incredible," Ricky gushed as they sat in a booth close to each other. He brushed his fingers across her blonde hair. "I like it like this," he said with an appreciative smile.

"I know you do," Jen said with a smile back. With a playful giggle she said "Don't get too full of yourself. I always dress for the man I'm with. I mean, why wouldn't I?"

Ricky didn't like hearing that but what could he do? He was a big boy and knew the score. Jen was married and played with men on the side - not just him but MEN as in plural.

"So how does Frank like your hair?" he said trying to keep bitterness out of his voice.

"I told you, short. So I wear it up for him too," Jen said. "Mike likes it long," she added although Ricky already knew that too.

"When you go out with Mike and Frank, do you wear it up or down?" he asked, curious.

"If I'm with Frank I wear it up," Jen said with a shrug. "But Mike wants that so I'm doing it for him too."

"Okay, whatever," Ricky said with a laugh. He reached under the table and squeezed her thigh. "Speaking of dressing for me, are you wearing a G?"

"I couldn't. I came right from work," Jen told him, looking apologetic. "It's funny. You and Frank are obsessed with panties."

"What?" Ricky asked with a curious raised eyebrow.

Jen explained about the panties. Then at his prompting she gave him more information about Frank.

Ricky thought about it. Then he said "The panties might not be his wife's."

"Then who?"

"This is kind of psycho ...," Ricky warned.

"Go ahead," Jen said. Now she was really curious.

"Maybe they're Sophie's," Ricky suggested.

Jen's jaw dropped. "Sophie is his daughter!" she said shocked.

"So?" Ricky said with a shrug. "Frank likes young girls. Maybe they fucked. You said they don't talk. Maybe that's why. See? It fits."

"That's fucked up Ricky," Jen said with a shiver.

"I'm just saying," Ricky said with another shrug. "I've got another one."

"I'm not sure I want to hear it."

"You probably don't. Seriously. You probably don't."

Jen didn't say anything for long moments. Then her curiosity got the better of her. "Okay, what?" she asked.

"This'll really freak you out."

"Just tell me," Jen snapped.

"Okay," Ricky said with a laugh. "You said Frank's a major player right? And he's friends with your parents? Maybe he had an affair with your mom."

Jen's eyes went wide and her lips parted, once again shocked. She was silent as she processed Ricky's idea. Finally she said "That's freaking demented Ricky."

"I know," Ricky said with a laugh. "Maybe Frank IS fucking his daughter. But it's you not Sophie."

"Oh god I do NOT want to hear this!" Jen said covering her ears with her hands. "That is demented Ricky!"

"I'm surprised you and Mike didn't think of it," Ricky said.

"That's because we're normal people!" Jen said glaring at him. "We don't have a sick imagination like you!"

"Are you really pissed?" Ricky said with a grin. "I'm just kidding around. They ARE probably his wife's. Which is still weird but whatever."

"It's not weird it's sweet," Jen said with another glare at him. Then she broke down and laughed. "Okay, it's weird too."

They shared a good laugh. It was the laugh of 2 people who liked each other. A lot.

Ricky grinned at her and caressed her back over her bra straps. "You used to go braless for me," he reminded her.

"Ricky my nipple rings will show," Jen whispered.

"So?" Ricky said with a grin. He held out his hand and said "No one knows you here. Go into the bathroom. Take off your bra. And then put it in my hand."

Jen stared at Ricky. Suddenly her heart was pounding. If Mike was there he'd say she had her cum face on.

Without saying anything, Jen got up and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as Jen was gone a couple Marines came over, Mac and Hank. Ricky had gotten to know them since being transferred. They were good guys.

"Hey Ricky, who's the hottie?" Mac asked.

"Her name's Jen, we're college friends," Ricky said.

"Looks like you're more than friends," Hank said.

Ricky grinned. He and Jen had been sitting and talking close. Anyone looking would think they were a couple. Which, at the moment, they were.

"I guess you could say we're together," Ricky said. He felt proud saying that. He felt even prouder when Mac and Hank gave him impressed smiles.

"Way to go buddy," Mac said impressed.

"Yeah, OO-RAH," Hank said with a grin.

"OO-RAH!" Ricky and Mac repeated and then they all laughed.

"Hey you're buddies with Goose right?" Mac asked.

"Yeah we served in Afghanistan together," Ricky said. "We were stationed here before."

"Well he's back," Mac said. "Just got back from another tour."

"No shit," Ricky said.

At that moment Jen approached. Mac and Hank immediately took a step back to give her space. "Ma'am," they said politely with a slight nod of their heads.

"Jen, this is Mac and Hank," Ricky said. "Guys, this is Jen."

Jen demurely shook their hands. Mac and Hank tried to be gentlemen but they couldn't help stealing glances at her chest. Without the bra her nipples (and the bars) were clearly outlined in her dress. Jen knew they were looking and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Thankfully Mac and Hank stayed only another moment.

"Oh my god I can't believe your friends saw me like this," Jen said sitting down next to Ricky. Under the table, she stuffed her lacy white bra in his hand. The bra was one of Frank's, padded to conceal her pierced nipples.

Ricky grinned. He looked at her chest too. "Damn you look incredible Jen," he gushed.

Jen couldn't help smiling. She loved male attention!

Ricky moved closer until their thighs touched and put his arm around her. "Ricky not here," Jen said pulling away but he held her tight.

"Babe no one knows you here," he said reassuringly. "They think you're with me." Looking in her eyes and tenderly stroking her cheek, he said "You are with me right?"

Jen looked back into Ricky's eyes. She nodded. Then Ricky kissed her.


Ricky and Jen lay panting next to each other on the bed in his hotel room. They had both just cum and her pussy was full of his cream.

"I better go," Jen said getting up. It was getting late and she promised Mike to be home by dinner.

"Just wait a second," Ricky said, wrapping his arm around her. As they snuggled, he said "This feels good right?"

"Yeah," she agreed. She meant it too, it felt awesome. She contentedly closed her eyes and snuggled deeper in his arm. She needed to get home but she could enjoy this for a few more minutes.

Ricky thought about all the freedom Mike gave Jen. To be with other men. Then he thought about what Mac said. He said "You remember Goose? He's here in New York."

Jen's body tensed in surprised. Then she forced herself to relax. "How is he?" she asked.

"I haven't seen him yet," Ricky said. "He just got stationed here."

Jen thought about Goose, remembering. Then she shrugged, as if saying to herself "that was a long time ago." She got out of bed and said "I really have to go." She hurriedly dressed.

"You know, I think I need to get an apartment," Ricky said looking around his hotel room.

"It must be expensive staying here," Jen said as she stepped into her high heels. She hadn't bothered to put stockings back on. After all she was only going home to Mike.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:43 PM

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