Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Yes," Jen admitted as she hurriedly undressed him. He had worn his formal uniform to the recital and she hated taking it off. She loved how he looked in it. But she wanted to see his naked body more.

As always Ricky took control. Unlike Frank, he didn't exert dominance over Jen through mind games and manipulation. No, Ricky was old school. He was a big man and Jen a petite girl. She was like a rag doll in his hands (a very pretty, sexy rag doll). Ricky did whatever he wanted with her body. If he wanted her on her back, he pushed her down. On her hands and knees, he flipped her over. If she struggled, he pushed her arms away. If she pushed away he pulled her back.

She wasn't forced, she was willing. The point was, Ricky used his physical dominance over Jen to control her. To do what he wanted. He didn't ask - he wasn't gentle or considerate - he took what he wanted.

And Jen loved it all. Maybe Ricky didn't push her sub buttons to the extreme like Frank. But he made her feel weak, helpless, completely under his control. A little girl being dominated by a strong man. Ricky more than satisfied her submissive desires.

Also, Jen reveled in sex with a man her age. Frank was good. His thick cock was freaking incredible and he definitely knew his way around a girl's body. But while Frank was in amazing shape for an older man, Ricky was almost 30 years younger and it showed. He practically fucked Jen's brains out.

Like last time, as Ricky made her cum Jen called out his name, screaming "Oh fuck Ricky I'm cumming! You're making me cum babe!"

Afterwards they lay panting next to each other. As she'd done that weekend, Jen looked at Ricky with awe. Their sex was even better now than before, if that was possible. "I think I like getting revenge fucked," she joked, affectionately stroking his chest.

"Get used to it babe," Ricky joked back, his chest still heaving. But he was half serious too. Deep inside him, there was still hurt from before. "So, no condom this time?"

Jen shrugged but didn't answer. She was at the safe part of her cycle. Still, she had a sponge inside her, just as she'd had a sponge inside her the other day with Frank. She wasn't taking anymore chances. She didn't tell Ricky that though.

"Let's go out Saturday night," Ricky said stroking Jen's sexy flat stomach.

"You're already thinking about more?" Jen laugh. She was still panting, her body still tingling from the intense clitoris/g-spot orgasm Ricky just gave her.

"I'm always thinking about more," Ricky joked, motioning to his cock. Jen looked down. He was already getting hard again! Another benefit of a younger man!

"Mike doesn't want to play this weekend," Jen told him.

"That never stopped us before," Ricky said with a grin.

Jen frowned. They just talked about this! "This isn't before Ricky," she told him.

"So ask him," Ricky said with an unconcerned shrug. "You know he'll change his mind."

Jen suspected Ricky was right. So it was up to her. Did she want to see Ricky again so soon? She knew the answer was yes.


Mike flew home Thursday night. He was exhausted when he got home just before sunrise Friday morning. Jen immediately ushered him into the bedroom to get some sleep.

Mike woke up around 11am. He was disoriented at first then he heard Jen and Anna's voices outside in the TV room. His spirits immediately lifted. He'd been lonely in Cupertino but now hearing the voices of his family he felt happy. He quickly brushed his teeth and threw water in his face, then went out to see his wife and daughter.

Mike paused though before entering the family room, looking at his girls. Jen and Anna were playing a spirited game of Candy Land. Jen laughed a lot and was feisty, playfully joking and teasing Anna. She usually wasn't like that. Jen was the "serious and nurturing mom" and Mike the "fun dad." At the moment though, Jen seemed happier, more full of life, an extra bounce in her step. Mike knew why. He'd seen it many times before. She was in a new relationship and infatuated.

They had a wonderful day together. Jen stayed home on purpose to be with Mike, so this way they had a long weekend to look forward to. The three played board games, watched TV and read books. They had lunch in Central Park under their tree.

These times were important for Mike and Jen. They needed to reconnected after she was with another man (and this week she'd been with 2 men, both Frank and Ricky).

Other couples in the lifestyle learned this lesson early on, and it's not like they were unaware of the importance of reconnecting. But, Mike and Jen pushed the boundaries and played dangerous games. Often those games didn't give them a chance to reconnect (like when Jen was seeing her "boyfriend" a lot, or when they pretended to be separated). Now though they were smarter. Not only did they know the importance of reconnecting, they were committed to doing it.

"You had fun this week?" Mike asked later that night after putting Anna down.

Jen knew they were drifting back into their game, into pillow talk. "Yeah," she said taking his hand and leading him into their bedroom. They undressed each other (kissing along the way) and got into bed.

Jen told Mike about Frank's bondage games and the hot wax "torture." Alarmed Mike looked at her nipples and belly button. They were a little red but otherwise fine. "It wasn't any worse than a bikini wax," she joked.

Then she told Mike about her day with Ricky. "How did Anna act around him?" he asked.

"Honestly she barely knew he was there," Jen said. "She was more interested in Priscilla."

"What'd she call him?" Mike asked. Had Ricky tried to pull a "call me Uncle Ricky" move?

"I introduced him as Mr. Ricky," Jen said. That was a parenting decision Mike and Jen had made. For adults their age, Anna called them by their first names with a Mr. or Mrs. in front. Trying to remember, she added "But I don't think she ever talked to him."

Mike nodded approvingly. That was a good thing. He didn't want Anna to think there was anything special between Ricky and her mother. The young girl obviously wouldn't understand.

"Ricky wants to get together this weekend," Jen said hesitantly.

Mike looked at his wife, processing that. After a moment he said "You're happier."


"You're happier," Mike repeated.

"Because you're home," Jen said.

"Yeah but ...," Mike began. With a grin he said "I've seen this before baby. You get extra happy at the start of a new relationship. More alive. Like an extra bounce in your step."

"If you say so," Jen said with a laugh, wondering how she must look "bouncing" around.

"It's true," Mike said grinning at her. "I think you're infatuated with Ricky again. It's okay, I want that."

Jen felt like he was pushing her to be with Ricky. "Mike you're crazy," she said. "You remember all the drama from the first time right?"

"You've already started up with him again," he pointed out.

"So far it's just sex," Jen said. "You keep saying you want him to be my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend #2," Mike said, as if that clarification was significant. "Each time we learn more. Yes we've had drama." He wasn't talking about just Ricky, he was talking about all of their game. "But when you think about it, all we had to do was talk more."

"Yes," she agreed. That was certainly true.

"You almost married Colin before we met, and we still played with him," Mike reminded her. "You were seriously infatuated with Scott and we played with him again."

"That's true," Jen said, agreeing again.

"So Ricky's here," Mike continued. "You clearly like him. I say go for it."

Mike rubbed her stomach. "And there's the possibility of this," he said looking into her eyes.

Jen was silent. Then she said "You hope I'm pregnant?"

Mike evasively said "I know I'll love the baby just like I love Anna."

"You never give me a straight answer," Jen said frustrated.

Mike paused, trying to put his feelings into words. Finally he said "I'm conflicted about the fantasy. But I'm certain about the baby. Does that make sense?"

"None of it makes sense," Jen said with a laugh. Then she affectionately leaned into his arm. "Yeah, I guess it makes sense. You are a freaking awesome father. Anna adores her My-My."

Mike grinned at her. Then getting serious again, he said "If it happens, and if Ricky wants, I think he should have a relationship with the baby."

Jen's eyes opened wide with surprise. "You're serious?" she said.

"If he wants," Mike said. "But if he does then it seems fair. He has some rights to the baby."

"He said the same thing," Jen said. She was skeptical of the concept though. From her point of view, Ricky would have no rights with the baby.

"Ricky? You told him?"

"He figured it out," Jen said.

Mike slowly nodded, processing that. Ricky wasn't book smart, but he was real world smart. It didn't surprise him he figured it out.

Mike stroked Jen's arm and said "I guess I feel like he has some rights to you too."

Jen stared at her husband. She wasn't surprised by this, not after playing the game for so many years, especially knowing how turned on Mike got by Jim and Stacy's relationship. But still she stared at him. Eventually she said "You said you never wanted to share me forever with a guy."

"I thought about what you said, about seeing Frank a few times a year," Mike told her. "Maybe that'll work. If you like someone, it's stupid to artificially end it." Then he added, and this was the really important part, "As long as I'm the only one you love."

"You are Mike," Jen assured him immediately. Was Mike changing his rules to better fit his pregnancy fantasies? For whatever reason, she liked this change in their game. It was difficult knowing at the start of each new relationship it HAD to end eventually. Mike called her lovers "boyfriends." Maybe they were for a time. But to Jen the "friends" part of that label meant something. And she hated losing friends; it was difficult, it hurt. That's why, for the most part, she was still friends with most of her old "boyfriends."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:40 PM

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