Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"We didn't do that," she sputtered.

"Are you on the pill?" Ricky asked again.

"We better get back," Jen said turning back towards the auditorium.

Ricky grabbed her wrist. Looking intently at her, he said "I have a right to know Jen. I do. And you know it too."

Jen stared at Ricky. She knew he was right. He had a right to know. "No, I'm not on the pill," she whispered to him. "When we did it ... I was ovulating."

Ricky stared at Jen, processing her words. Things clicked into place. "This is why I'm here?" he said. "You want another baby. Mike's shooting blanks. So you turn to me."

"Mike's not shooting blanks," Jen insisted with a scoff. Honestly she wasn't sure if Mike was or wasn't but she didn't tell Ricky that of course. "It just happened okay? There's no grand plan. If you want to know why you're here go ask Frank."

She turned to the auditorium but Ricky grabbed her hand again. "Let me just say, if you'd asked me I would've said yes," he said giving Jen a solemn look. "And if you're pregnant I'll be a good father, I promise."

"Mike is the father!" Jen insisted, her voice rising so much people turned to look. Forcing herself to calm down, she said "Mike is the father Ricky. Don't get any ideas."

"If it's my baby I have rights," Ricky said suddenly angry, his male pride kicking in.

"What are you talking about Ricky?" Jen said with exasperation. "There's no baby. It was just this weekend."

Ricky knew she was right. "Okay, you're right, sorry," he said relenting. He saw people going back into the auditorium. He said "I guess we better get back." Frowning, Jen walked back into the auditorium with Ricky.

After the recital Jen and Anna went to lunch with Melody, her daughter Priscilla as well as Ricky (Melody's husband Tucker was at work). Melody didn't know Jen and Ricky's whole story. She only knew they dated years ago and broke up. Now Jen was married to another man and had a daughter Anna. But were Jen and Ricky back together? Melody didn't know. She was discrete enough not to say anything in front of the children.

Jen enjoyed herself at lunch. It was fun catching up with Melody. She always liked Melody and with her issues with Allie it was nice having a girlfriend to hang with. Also, Anna and Priscilla were really hitting it off even though they were a few years apart. By the end of lunch Jen was in good spirits again.

Melody took the opportunity to ask Jen about her relationship with Ricky when they went to the bathroom. "Is there a thing between you two?" Melody asked.

Jen didn't want to lie. After all, Melody could just ask Ricky. So she said "It's complicated. I'm married."

"Happily married?" Melody asked, probing.

"Yes," Jen said. She hoped to see Melody again, be friends. So she felt she had to explain. She whispered "Mike and I swing."

"Oh," Melody asked surprised.

"We were married then," Jen added.

"You mean when I first met you?" Melody asked, looking even more surprised. "When you were dating Ricky?"

"Yes," Jen admitted. She felt terrible, knowing she'd deceived Melody back then. "Do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you. You were really sweet to me then," Melody said, referring to the tragedy of her first husband Paul dying in Afghanistan. "We didn't know each other well. So I get why you didn't tell me."

"Thanks," Jen said feeling relieved. As girls do, she and Melody hugged.

"Ricky went through a hard time after you broke up," Melody said. "He dated other girls. He even almost got married once. But I don't know if he ever really got over you."

"Oh," Jen said, feeling surprised and guilty.

"He'll never admit it because he's so macho," Melody said. "You know Marines."

"Yeah," Jen said with a humorless laugh.

"But I mean - and please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not criticizing you," Melody said. "But if you're with Ricky again, be gentle. Don't lead him on."


"I've got to take Anna home," Jen said after lunch. Melody had taken Anna and Priscilla to the bathroom. "Can you meet me later?"

"Absolutely," Ricky said with a playful lecherous grin.

"Not for that," Jen said with a laugh. Thinking about what Melody said, she said "We need to talk."

"About what?" Ricky said.

"About things," Jen said evasively. There was no time to openly talk because Anna was approaching with Priscilla and Melody. They said goodbyes and promised to keep in touch. On the way home, Jen called Maggie to babysit.


They met in an out of the way bar. Jen was in the same clothes but had freshened up her hair and makeup. Ricky noticed and gushed "You look incredible." He put his hand on her knee.

"No Ricky," Jen said pushing his hand off. "We need to talk. I want to make sure you understand what's happening here."

Miffed at her rebuke, Ricky shrugged and said "Okay, go ahead. Talk."

"We had fun last weekend," Jen told him. "But it didn't mean anything. If it happens again it's for fun. That's all it is Ricky. Just fun."

"I get it Jen," Ricky said irritably. "Fuck buddies. Friends with benefits. I get it."

"You're okay with that?" Jen asked, wanting to make sure. "Melody said you were upset after last time."

"God Jen, you're so full of yourself," Ricky snapped.

"I didn't mean -," Jen hurriedly added but Ricky cut her off.

"I'm here in New York by myself," Ricky said. "Not worth making new friends since I'm trying to get transferred back to LA. I'm sick of the bar scene. You're hot. You're convenient. That's all it is. So don't worry. All I want is fun too."

Jen slowly nodded her head. "Okay," she said, processing his words.

They were silent for a few moments. Then Ricky grinned and added, "It's more than that. I like you. I like Mike too, believe it or not. There's a reason we roomed together in college. I admit, when we're all together I get competitive. Doesn't mean I don't like him."

"Thanks for saying that," Jen said smiling back at him. "I like you too. I just don't want it to get like last time."

"I love Melody like a sister but she doesn't know what she's talking about sometimes," Ricky said.

"It's more than what Melody said," Jen said. "Last time we went too far. We were really mean to Mike."

"Like how?"

"Hooking up behind his back," Jen said. "Going to Cancun without him."

"He was fucking Claire," Ricky reminded her.

"He wasn't," Jen said. "You know he wasn't."

"Well, whatever," Ricky said. "Back then you said he loved all that."

"I was wrong," Jen said with a grimace. "Maybe if it happened now ... we understand better now ... I understand better. But back then, we didn't know anything. I was stupid. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Yes you did."

"No Ricky I didn't," Jen insisted giving him a serious look.

Ricky returned her stare with his own. Then, wanting to relieve the tension, he joked "So you're saying if we go to Cancun now Mike will be okay with it?"

"No way Ricky," Jen said with a laugh, shaking her head. "Mike is going to know about everything. I'm not doing anything behind his back."

"Oh well," Ricky said with a grin. "There's gonna be a wall anyway."

"Yeah, right," Jen said with a laugh and a roll of her eyes.

Still grinning, Ricky asked "Does Mike know you're with me now?"


Ricky put his hand on Jen's leg again. He said "So if you come home with me you won't be going behind Mike's back."

Jen knew it was all leading to this. The truth was, she wanted to go home with Ricky. She looked into his eyes and whispered urgently "Ricky, if we do this again, it can't end up like last time."

"Parts of last time were good," he said, caressing her knee.

This time Jen didn't push his hand away. "Yes," she admitted. "But the other parts ..."

"We won't make the same mistakes," Ricky promised.

"Are you sure?" Jen said. "I don't want to hurt Mike again."

"What about you and me?" Ricky asked, referring to their emotions and hurt after it ended.

"That's what I'm saying," Jen said. "This is all just fun. It's not serious."

"Well, I seriously want you right now," Ricky said with a grin. He moved his fingertips up her leg and under her skirt. "And you want me too right? There's something between us. We have a connection. It's always been there. You know what I mean."

Jen did know what he meant. Maybe it was chemistry, pheromones. Whatever the reason, sometimes 2 people had a physical connection. An intense attraction and desire for each other. Jen had always felt that way about Ricky, from the moment she first met him when Mike was in Cambridge for the Barnes Fellowship (see Cheating and Rivals - Part 5). That was why it'd been so easy for Jen to fall into a relationship with Ricky, even while she was dating and in love with Mike. It'd been the start of their game. And now here she was with Ricky again, full circle.

Still moving his hand up Jen's leg, his fingertips touched lace. She was wearing thigh high stockings under the short skirt. "You still think about me when you put these on?" he asked with a grin.

"Sometimes," Jen admitted. "Not always, but sometimes." Ricky was the first man Jen wore stockings for. He was the first man who ever fucked her in thigh high stockings. It was on the day she and Mike graduated from Penn State. She'd been with Ricky while, not knowing what was going on, Mike was with their parents just before their graduation celebration dinner.

"Does Mike know?" he asked. He wasn't being a dick. He was just curious.

"I told him," Jen said. Her eyelids fluttered as Ricky's fingertips moved to her bare skin above the stocking tops. She had a major cum face on now. "If I go home with you it's just fun," she said reminding him again.

To Ricky it sounded like Jen was trying to convince herself more than him. Whatever. At that moment he would say anything to get her into his bed. "I get it Jen," he said. His finger tips reached her panties. She was soaking. With a smug grin, he joked "Let's go before you wet yourself. But I guess you already have."

"God you're such an ass sometimes," Jen scoffed. Then her eyes closed as he stroked the camel toe formed in her panties. "Okay, let's go," she breathed. Jen pulled down her skirt when she stood up. She held his hand as they walked out of the bar.

Ricky and Jen were all over each other as soon as they got inside his hotel room (since he hoped the posting was temporary he was living in a hotel instead of an apartment).

Ricky was extra charged when he took off her dress and discovered she was wearing a garter belt in addition to the stockings. "You wore this for me right babe?" he said as his mouth covered hers and he ran his hands over the heavily laced garter belt.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:40 PM

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