Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Sometimes I think we're pushing her too hard," Jen said with concern on her face. "I want ballet to be fun. I don't want to pressure her."

"We're not pressuring her," Mike said. "This way Anna can compare herself to those girls. They're older and go to a better school. If Anna is anywhere near as good then maybe ballet is really a future for her."

"That's not pressuring her?" Jen said warily.

"It's not pressuring, it's data gathering," Mike said going into geek mode.

"And what happens when Ricky hits on me?" she said, skepticism still in her voice.

"He won't do that in front of Anna," Mike said. Then with a mischievous grin he said "But later, you can get Maggie to babysit, go out with him."

"God Mike," Jen said with a roll of her eyes. She laughed though. Her husband was so predictable and consistent. "So, you want me to see both Frank and Ricky this week," she said, emphasizing the word "both."

"It won't suck right?" Mike joked. Getting serious, he said "I want next weekend to be just us." He knew he'd be missing Jen big time after his week long business trip and not want to share her. Their pillow talk would be great though if she played while he was away. "So ..."

Jen laughed again. Grinning at him she said "I'll think about it okay?"


On Tuesday Jen met Frank for lunch at his Central Park penthouse.

"How's Ricky?" Frank asked.

"He's fine," Jen said with a half laugh. She realized he might consider her answer dismissive. She said "Sorry. Do you really want to know about other men?"

"I suppose not," Frank admitted. "I take it though you enjoyed yourself with him."

"We have a lot of history," Jen said with a shrug.

"Which means?"

"You said you didn't want to hear about it."

"What do you mean, history?" Frank pressed.

"We have history," Jen said with another shrug. "We've been together before. He knows what I like. I know what he likes."

Frank slowly nodded, processing her words. He didn't say anything but he looked bothered.

Jen sensed his jealousy. She said "It'd be like if we got together years from now. We'd know each other."

Frank nodded again. "Yes, I understand," he said reasonably, although he still looked bothered. After a few moments he said "But I thought we were exclusive."

"Frank you set me up with Ricky," Jen reminded him.

"Yes but ... yes," Frank reluctantly admitted. Only now was he realizing his error. It was Ricky, not Mike. Ricky was his true rival for Jenny's affections. Mike he could deal with. But Ricky - the handsome Marine, the medal of honor hero - he was the bigger challenge.

Frank asked "Where does that leave us?"

"I'm here," Jen said. "We're friends."

"It's just, Jenny ...," Frank sputtered. He took her hands. "It's my wish to be more than friends."

Jen looked away. She didn't want emotional drama from Frank. At that moment she considered ending it with him. But Mike wanted her to have 2 boyfriends. Also, if she broke up with Frank, that might lead to spending more time with Ricky and she was concerned where that might go. So she said, "Frank ... I have your jewelry in my nipples. I wear your dresses and perfume. Even your freaking panties. I fuck who you say. I think we're already more than friends."

Frank stared at Jenny. Despite her reassurance, he sensed he was losing his hold on her. His show of weakness wasn't helping things. It was power that made him attractive. Revealing his feelings to Jenny - his affection for her, his fear of losing her - made him weak in her eyes. That was unacceptable. Of all people, he wanted Jenny Johnson to see him as a strong powerful man.

So Frank grinned at her and said "I have something you might enjoy."

Thirty minutes later Jen was naked on Frank's bed. The bedroom was dark illuminated only by candles.

Frank tied Jen's hands to the bedposts above her head. "Frank I'm not sure I'm into this today," she said warily.

"Indulge me," Frank said as he tied her feet to the bedposts at the foot of the bed.

Now Jen was spread-eagled. She felt herself getting wet at being so exposed and helpless.

Frank took a feather and tickled the bottom of her foot. "Stop," Jen said giggling, trying to pull her foot away. When Frank tickled her other foot she giggled again and yelled "Stop Frank that's not fair."

"You think life's fair?" Frank said grinning at her. Jen grinned back. Frank moved up her body and sat next to her side. He brushed the feather over her breasts and across her pierced nipples.

Jen gritted her teeth. The sensation of the feather was more torture than pleasurable. Then Frank brushed the feather along her pussy lips. He flicked it across her clit. Again Jen gritted her teeth. She was breathing hard now and definitely aroused.

Frank knew it too. Grinning at her, he said "You have your cum face on Jenny."

"Just untie me and fuck me Frank," she said, frustration in her voice. But Frank was right, she had her cum face on.

"Patience Jenny," Frank said as he continued to tease her with the feather. Eventually he dropped the feather. He picked up one of the candles.

Jen knew what he was going to do. "Don't Frank," she told him. She pulled away from him, straining against the silk ties. The ties weren't strong; if she really tried she could rip them.

"Stop Jenny," Frank commanded. Jen stopped struggling, obeying immediately.

Frank tilted the candle and drops of hot wax fell onto her sexy flat stomach. "That hurts Frank!" Jen cried. "Why are you doing this?"

"You know you're punished when you disobey me," Frank said simply.

"How did I disobey you?"

"You broke our weekend date."

"I was with Ricky," she said. "I told you."

"Do you think that matters?" Frank said disapprovingly. He tilted the candle again and more hot wax fell on her stomach. This time though the wax fell on her sensitive pierced belly button.

"Ow! You're hutting me!" Jen cried, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Yes I set you up with Ricky," Frank said, moving the candle so it was above her breasts. "But my time with you is sacred. You understand Jenny?" He tilted the candle so drops of hot wax fell onto her small breasts.

"Ugh god!" Jen cried as the hot wax hit her sensitive breasts. "Frank stop it really hurts!"

"Do you understand?" he repeated.

"Yes, yes, I understand!" she said desperately.

Frank studied her. "I don't think you do," he said. He tilted the candle so the scalding hot wax fell on her super sensitive pierced nipples.

"Ugh god, god!" Jen cried. Tears rolled down her pretty cheeks. "Please Frank stop!" she begged. "I understand, I do, I understand!"

Frank studied her again. He said "No, you don't understand." He moved the candle to above her clit.

Jen's eyes went wide. "No Frank please!" she begged, twisting her body away from him. "Please don't Frank! I'm already sore there!"

Frank looked at her pussy. He didn't notice it before, but yes her pussy lips were slightly red and swollen. He asked "Ricky?"

Jen was scared to answer. Frank saw the fear in he eyes. "Tell me!" he demanded.

"Yes," Jen said in a little voice. She was looking fearfully at the candle. Frank held it right above her clit. "Please don't Frank, please!" she begged. She was crying, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Frank sighed. He put the candle to the side. "When are you seeing him again?" he asked.

Jen knew he was talking about Ricky, not Mike. "Thursday," she said. She'd stopped crying although her cheeks were still wet.

"So, Ricky already gets weekends AND weekdays?" Frank said bitterly.

"We're going to a children's ballet recital, with Anna," Jen said. She tugged against the silk rope. "Can you let me go?"

Frank glared at her, suddenly angry. "No, not yet," he growled. He went to a cabinet and returned with a black magic marker. "I think I'll write a F next to your pussy," he said taking off the cap.

"Don't you dare Frank," Jen hissed, twisting away from him. "Let me go."

"Why not?" Frank asked sarcastically. "The F on your ankle aroused your husband."

"Ricky's not like Mike," Jen said, tugging at the silk rope.

Frank nodded, processing her words. "So, you intend to fuck Ricky after the recital," he said, anger and bitterness in his voice.

"I haven't decided," Jen said honestly. "But anyways, I don't want an F on me. I don't belong to you Frank."

Frank hesitated, then said "Yes, I see that now." He untied the silk rope, freeing Jen. He felt jealous and hurt. But resigned too. He was a realist and he saw the writing on the wall. He said, "I suppose this is the end?"

Jen didn't want to end it, not without talking to Mike first (since he wanted her to have 2 boyfriends). Also, she liked Frank and felt bad for him. When they ended it, IF they ended it, she didn't want it to be like this.

With a crooked grin, Jen said "What, you're going to leave me like this?"

"You found that arousing?" Frank said surprised, referring to the bondage and candle wax play.

"Um, yeah," Jen said with a hello tone of voice. She was being truthful. She was a submissive. More than once in her life she'd fantasized about being tied up and "tortured" with hot wax. She'd almost cum when he poured the hot wax on her nipples.

A smile came to Frank's face. "You said you were sore."

"Not for this," Jen said rubbing her hand over Frank's crotch. Frank grinned and pulled Jen into his arms. Then they fucked.


Afterwards they sat in bed and sipped tequila. They were silent, both thinking and feeling reflective. Finally, she said "Remember you asked how a man could share his girl?"

Frank looked at Jen and asked, "Are we talking about Mike now?"

Jen nodded. She said "You wondered how a man could love a girl if he shared her with other men."

"My point was, if he shared her, then did he really love her," Frank corrected.

"It's the same thing."

"Not really," Frank said. "But go on."

Jen shrugged. "You know we're into this lifestyle," she said. "That's why I'm here with you."

"So?" Frank said prompting her.

"So, Mike sharing me doesn't mean he doesn't love me," Jen said.

"It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself," Frank said.

"No, I need to talk about this and you're my friend," Jen said. This was bothering her - it had always bothered her - and she obviously couldn't talk about it with Allie.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:39 PM

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