Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike hesitated, looking at the huge sparkling diamond. It was bigger than anything he ever gave her. Mike chuckled inside, although it was without any humor. It described their manhoods too. Frank was bigger than what he was able to give Jen.

"Um, honey?" Jen said with a "hello" tone of voice. "Sometime today?"

Mike fastened the necklace around her slim, elegant neck. Jen dropped her hair and then stepped into high heels (4" Manolo Blahnik's). She turned and said "How do I look?"

"You look amazing," Mike gushed. Jen always looked gorgeous but she looked even more so today. She looked so bubbly and full of life. Mike knew it was because Jen was excited to spend the weekend with Frank. The realization was gut wrenching. But it got him hot too.

Mike looked at the diamond. It was nestled in Jen's cleavage. His wife wasn't a busty girl and without a bra she looked even smaller than normal. But the dress had a V neckline that showed off her small cleavage perfectly. And the big perfect diamond drew your eyes to it.

Jen looked at herself in the mirror. She pursed her lips, not happy at what she saw. She missed the extra lift a bra gave her. She looked almost flat chested. Mike loved that look though. A lot of men did. Because his blonde haired, blued eyed, small breasted wife looked like an innocent Lolita. With her long legs she looked like a barely legal ballerina. That's what Mike was thinking. But Jen was thinking "God I need a boob job!"

Mike's eyes remained on the big diamond nestled between the soft swell of her breasts. Jen seemed not to notice Mike's fixation with Frank's necklace. Or maybe she pretended not to notice (like how she often pretended not to notice when men checked her out). Sometimes he wondered if she did that on purpose, because she knew the little things heightened his angst (and excitement).

Jen wasn't wearing her wedding rings (no surprise there). But she wore the new tennis bracelet he gave her yesterday. As Jen put finishing touches on her makeup and hair Mike touched the bracelet. "Thanks for wearing this," he said.

"Of course I'm wearing it," Jen said smiling at him. "I love it."

"The diamonds aren't as nice as Frank's," Mike said. Of course, he wanted Jen to say the tennis bracelet was way better than the necklace because they came from him.

But instead Jen said "Yeah but I can wear the tennis bracelet all the time. Frank's necklace is too nice. I can only wear it on special occasions."

She saw Mike's face fall and quickly added, "Um, that didn't come out right. What I meant was, I want to wear the tennis bracelet all the time. That was my point." She hugged him like she was trying to apologize for her choice of words.

Jen went out to say goodbye to Anna. She gave her a big hug. Like her father, Anna's attention was drawn to the big diamond in Frank's necklace. "Pretty mommy," Anna said as she grasped the diamond. "I want," she said tugging it.

"Careful honey," Jen said, gently pulling Anna's hand away. "It'll break honey. Look at what daddy gave mommy." Jen raised her left wrist to show Anna the tennis bracelet but their daughter's attention remained riveted on the big sparkling diamond from Frank.

Mike's thoughts flashed to a scene in the new movie "16 Hours." He went to see it that week after work (he often went to movies when he was alone). There was a point where the bad guys were preparing another massive attack against the US stronghold. As the US soldiers nervously waited for the enemy attack, one soldier thought about his family back home. He had a wife and two young daughters. His wife was beautiful. If he was killed she would easily remarry (because of her beauty she would have many suitors). The soldier imagined his wife living the rest of her life with another man. Even worse, he imagined that man raising his daughters as his own; eventually his girls would not even remember him. The soldier's anguish was overwhelming.

As Mike watched his 2 girls, he imagined Frank someday giving a similar diamond necklace to Anna. Maybe for her Sweet 16 birthday. By then, Frank would have fully ingrained himself in their lives. At the very least, Anna would know Frank was really important and special to her mother. And what would Anna's relationship with Frank be? Mike knew Frank could be charming and charismatic when he wanted to be. Would Anna look at Frank with adoring eyes? Would she go to Frank when she needed advice or financial help, instead of him? Would Frank be the dominate man in Anna's life? (Just as he was becoming that for Jen?)

Jen noticed Mike staring. She saw the look of anguish on his face. With Anna watching Sesame Street again, Jen pulled him aside. "You're letting things get to you Mike," she said knowingly. She touched his crotch. Feeling him rock hard, she said "Enjoy the excitement honey. But don't fret about things. All these worries, they're in your head. They're not real. It's just a game baby. We're just playing."


Lou picked Jen up. As Jen got into the car Lou glanced at the building. He assumed Mike Andrews – Phantom – was there.

They drove to a helipad to helicopter – HELICOPTER! – to Atlantic City. Jen found it hard to contain her excitement.

Lou was quiet. He seemed cold and distant. Jen said "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Jenny," Lou said. "If you don't mind though, I'd like us to be just friends."

From his tone of voice, Jen knew "just friends" meant no more sex between them. She frowned at that. No one liked rejection. Well, whatever. Maybe Lou had a girlfriend and was feeling guilty. "Okay, friends is good," Jen told him.

Lou nodded. They drove the rest of the way in silence.


The fundraiser was at the Borgata where Frank was part owner. As before, Jen had her own room for appearance purposes but she planned to stay with Frank. There was no time for sexy fun before the fundraiser. Jen and Frank went directly to the event while Hugh and Lou took their bags to Frank's room.

Jen was apprehensive and melancholy as she worked the fundraiser. Apprehensive because she needed to tell Jasmine and Leo she was resigning. She wasn't worried about Jasmine; the bottle blonde bitch no doubt would be happy to see her go. But Leo was different. She'd gotten close to Leo. He'd become a mentor, like Johnny. Jen hated disappointing people and she worried about Leo judging her harshly. "Well, maybe it won't be so bad," she thought to herself. After all, Johnny had taken the news better than she expected.

Jen got a lot of compliments on the diamond necklace. It was impossible to miss being nestled in her soft cleavage. A couple times Jen noticed Jasmine looking at her chest. Jen found herself reflexively looking at Jasmine's chest. She always quickly turned away though. Jasmine's breasts were so much bigger (she had a striking resemblance to Kate Upton). Jen'd always been insecure about her small bust. If not for Mike she might have gotten bigger tits by now.

After the fundraiser, Jen and Frank rushed to his room. They were all over each other. But then Frank pulled away. "No yet," he said panting. "Take off your clothes."

Jen realized immediately it was one of Frank's power games. She was impatient for sex. Jasmine wasn't the only person looking at her chest that night. A lot of men looked too and male attention always got her hot. But, while Frank was an awesome lover, his games were always super exciting. So Jen quickly undressed to her panties and high heels.

Frank nodded approvingly. First, because she wasn't wearing a bra. Second, she was wearing his necklace. Third, she was wearing one of the panties he gave her.

"Take off the panties," he ordered. "You won't need panties tonight."

Jen was breathing hard. She understood Frank now. Only he fucked her in his wife's panties. So no panties meant another man was going to fuck her. Or men. Jen flushed, her inner slut coming out. She shuddered excitedly.

Jen stepped out of the high heels. Then she pulled off the red lacy panties. She straightened up again, completely naked now. She faced Frank, not trying to hide her naked body from him.

Frank looked Jen up and down. She was an extraordinary lovely girl. Her blonde hair, innocent face and slim body gave her a youthful look. It was easy to imagine this was the high school Jenny Johnson he knew a little over a decade ago. If anything she was even more beautiful now. His dick was incredibly hard. But not yet. He would get his later. For now he had more exciting – more pleasurable – things in mind.

"I took the liberty of picking an outfit for you," Frank said. He added with a chuckle "Claudia actually. According to my instructions."

Frank motioned to the sofa. Jen saw an outfit there. Three items. A short black leather mini-skirt. A black long sleeve stretch top. Black stiletto high heels (she noticed they were Christian Louboutin's with the trademarked red soles). "Please dress," Frank said. He said please but his tone of voice made it clear it wasn't a request.

Jen looked doubtfully at the outfit. It wasn't hooker-wear but she'd be showing a lot. But she went with it and put the outfit on. First the top. Then she squeezed herself into the super tight leather mini-skirt. Finally she stepped into the 4" Louboutin high heels. (In the back of her head she delighted at the new high heels. Frank always let her keep the clothes and she had an obsession with shoes, and she adored Louboutin's.)

Jen looked into the mirror. She saw what she expected. A slutty girl. The mini-skirt ended above mid-thigh and it was so tight it looked painted on her ass. The top was worse. It was long sleeved and went up to her neck so it didn't reveal any skin.

It was made of stretching, filmy material. It was opaque but her nipples and nipple bars easily dented the sheer top. So did her belly ring. (Jen wore Frank's diamond necklace outside the top.)

"Where am I supposed to wear this?" Jen asked apprehensively.

"Well, that's the thing Jenny," Frank said with a grin. "You have a choice. We can go to Jasmine's get-together –."

"No," Jen said immediately. Jasmine was having a little party for the campaign staff in her suite. Kind of a "thank you" celebration for their hard work and her recent, improved poll numbers. No way she was going to let that bottle blonde bitch see her dressed like this. Especially not the way this top emphasized how small her breasts were. She wasn't going to let Jasmine with her huge breasts one up her that way. It would be too humiliating.

"Fine," Frank said agreeably. "Then you'll go to the B Bar. You'll met someone there. You'll go to his room and sleep with him."

Jen knew "sleep" meant sex. "Who is it?" she asked.

"You'll soon find out," Frank said. He was grinning. Jen couldn't decide if it was a mischievous or evil smile. Probably some of both.

"Who Frank?" Jen pressed. "Do I know him?"

"You'll soon find out," Frank said again. He looked at her sternly. "Please don't question me Jenny" he said in a harsh tone.

Jen returned his stare but then she had to look away. His intensity was too much. "Where's the B Bar?" she asked. She wasn't familiar with the Borgata.

"On the casino floor," Frank told her. "They have an excellent selection of tequila. They share stock with the Gypsy Bar."

Jen shrugged. She didn't care where the B Bar got its freaking tequila. She picked up her purse and moved towards the door.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:13 PM

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