Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
As Mike got out of the taxi he was so preoccupied with the picture and his thoughts he didn't see the men appear out of the shadows. He didn't notice the men until he was surrounded. The men wore suits but they looked military.

Colonel Banks was among the men. "Mike," he said looking grim. "You need to come with me." A black Suburban drove up. Doors opened and more men surrounded Mike. "Now," Banks ordered Mike.

Cheating and Rivals Part 39

"What did Mike say?" Frank asked when Jen returned to the bedroom.

"What?" Jen said not understand.

"About removing your tattoo," Frank said.

"Oh," Jen thought. She forgot to ask Mike. "Mike likes the idea," she said. It wasn't really a lie. She knew, deep down, Mike hated the tattoo. Anyway, if anything it was a lie to Frank and Mike would like that.

"Good," Frank said with a nod. He was frowning though. He didn't like having to check with Mike. But, he knew it was a process. Eventually - soon - Jenny would feel no obligation or need to consult with her "husband." Frank said "I'll set up the appointment with the doctor."

Jen nodded. She didn't like the way Frank was so controlling. In bed, yes. But he was controlling in everything.

Jen shrugged inside. She knew life worked that way. There were goods and bads with everything. Like with Mike. Yes he was gentle and considerate. He would never force things on her. But that was the problem. When it came to sex, Jen wanted to be forced. She wanted to be controlled. That wasn't Mike's personality, but it was Frank's. So right now, she needed Frank in her life. Jen considered ... maybe "needed" was too strong of a word. Wanted.

Jen sat on the bed next to Frank, one of her long legs under her. Frank touched his shirt she was wearing. "You're beautiful," he said smiling at her.

"I'm kind of messy," Jen said apologetically. The shirt had soaked up where he came on her stomach and tits and was damp in those places.

"That's alright," Frank said with a good natured chuckle. It was his cum after all (of course he didn't know about Mike's sperm inside her). He looked inquiringly at her. "Both times tonight you made me pull out."

Jen faked a carefree laugh and said evasively "That's right, 2 times - you've been holding back on me mister."

Frank grinned. "I missed you," he offered as an explanation to why he was able to get hard twice that night. Usually it took longer for him to recover. He'd been that way for a few years now.

"And I wanted to show Mike what he's not able to do," Frank added, the grin still on his face.

"God," Jen said with a laugh, rolling her eyes. "You're so competitive." Frank shrugged as if conceding she was right. Jen thought about it and then mused "You might think you're putting him down. But maybe you're doing exactly what he wants." She grinned and said "So you might think you're beating him but really he's winning."

"I doubt that," Frank said with a dismissive laugh. He had replaced Mike; he was the focus of Jenny's sex life now. He took her places Mike couldn't ever hope to reach. Also it was more than just sex. She was here, now, in his bed. Tonight she would sleep in his arms. He would make love to her again tomorrow morning before sending her home. She would kiss him and look in his eyes as she again came on his cock. On top of that, Jenny was no longer allowing Mike to bring her to orgasm. Mike was relegated to using condoms so thick practically all sensitivity and intimacy were lost. So how exactly was Mike winning?

Jen shrugged again. She and Mike had played the game for years. She understood how his mind (and dick) worked. She understood (sort of) his cuckold fantasies. She suspected Frank - unintentionally - was giving Mike exactly what he wanted (just like Frank was giving her what she wanted). So didn't that mean Mike was winning?

But Jen didn't say more; if Frank didn't get it that was his problem. Instead, remembering her earlier conversation with Mike, she said "Frank, you know, if I take the part, we have to tell Duncan I'm married."

"No," Frank said with a frown. "That would embarrass me in front of my friends."

"We have friends too," Jen said. "And family. And neighbors. I can't go to the opening with you. You can't hang backstage as my boyfriend. The program can't list me as Jenny Johnson -."

"Not acceptable Jenny," Frank said sternly. "I did this for you. Have you already forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten," Jen assured him, rubbing his arm. "I'm so freaking grateful to you. But Frank, this is my real life."

Frank's frown deepened. "I'm not part of your life? After all we've shared?"

"Frank ..." Jen sighed.

"Look here Jenny," Frank said, taking a conciliatory approach. "Actresses often use stage names. So there's no reason you can't go by Jenny Johnson. As for public appearances, you'll go alone."

Jen thumbed the ring finger of her left hand, feeling the rings there. Frank's idea meant not wearing her wedding and engagement rings. Mike wouldn't like that. But she'd still wear the Sophia ring, so maybe his idea was doable. "What about Duncan and the cast?" Jen asked.

"I don't want them to know you're married. That would embarrass me and undermine my standing," Frank said. As if meeting her half way, he said "The cast and crew will see me as your patron. As will Duncan. I do not want them to know you're married. But they need not know the true extent of our relationship, that I'm your boyfriend." He gave her a charming smile. "I believe that's a reasonable compromise."

"They'll think I'm your trophy girlfriend," Jen said. "People will talk."

"There'll be rumors," Frank conceded with a shrug. "But Jenny. There are rumors already."

Jen grimaced knowing Frank was right. It was the result of their game. A lot of people suspected she was promiscuous. And they were all right.

The rumors didn't affect her life. Not really. In the advertising world, cheating (and drugs) were common. Her friends (like Allie and Keri) and sister didn't judge her. She had a mixed relationship with her parents so it didn't matter with them. Mike's parents were a concern but they lived half way across the country.

That left the 2 most important people in her life - Mike and Anna. Jen would be horrified if Anna ever found out or even suspected. But she and Mike would stop playing the game long before their daughter was old enough to understand.

That left Mike. Obviously he was part of the game. Mike loved the game - needed it - more than her. He didn't mind the rumors. Like everything with their game he was conflicted. But if anything it turned him on when people thought she was cheating on him. It was part of his cuckold fantasy.

Then it dawned on Jen. Mike wanted this. He wanted the rumors.

She replayed their earlier conversation in her head. Mike had been upset about the prospect of keeping their marriage secret from Duncan and everyone else. But was it good upset or bad upset? He'd been agitated - but often agitation meant excitement.

Mike wanted her to control things. It was like how she wanted Frank to take charge and force her. Mike was the same way. He didn't want her to ask him. He wanted her to just do it. Force him.

Like when she did that thing with Mal.

These thoughts made Jen shiver.

Jen's reverie was broken when Frank said "Are you cold?"

"Um ... yeah, a little," Jen said, trying to refocus to the here and now.

"The shirt's damp," Frank said with a grin. It was moist with his cum.

"Yeah," Jen said with a laugh.

Frank handed her another one of his shirts. Jen took off the soiled one and put on the new shirt.

"I like seeing you in my shirt," he said smiling at her. "Now, what do you think of my idea?"

"Um, I think it might work," Jen said. She needed to talk to Mike. Actually, no. She'd tell Mike. These thoughts made her pussy tingle.

"We'll have to be careful," Jen told Frank. "Be discreet." Putting on a playful scolding face, she said "No kissing or holding hands in public mister."

Frank smiled at Jen. He was pleased she was giving in so easily. Perhaps his hold and influence over her was greater than he thought. He said a silent "fuck you" to Mike, knowing that if his hold over Jenny was growing, Mike's was fading.

Frank knew all this was a moot point anyway. Soon Mike would be in CATF's custody. He would be out of the picture for months. Jenny would be upset; she was a sensitive empathetic girl after all. But Frank would be there to comfort her, guide her in her new Broadway career; in her new life. He would be there for Anna too. No hardship there. Like her mother, Anna was an adorable, beautiful girl.

Jen ran her fingertip along Frank's chest. "So, ready for round 3?" she asked grinning at him. She had an inch that needed scratched. When her nympho switch was on she was insatiable.

"Well ..." Frank said with a laugh. He was almost 60. He kept himself in good shape and was healthy as a stallion. Yet, most days he was only able to get hard once, two at the most (like tonight). He was secure enough in himself and his masculinity that it didn't concern him. Also, he didn't crave orgasms like Jenny. For him, quality was more important than quantity. And, mental and emotional victories were often more gratifying than physical pleasure.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:05 PM

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