Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 34

"Did you mean that?" Frank said looking into Jen's blue eyes. He gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "All that you said?"

"No," Jen said simply. "I was dicking with you."

Time seemed to stop. "What?" Frank finally said, his eyes wide.

"You fuck with me Frank," Jen said. "You say, 'it's okay to still be friends with Mike.' I mean, really? Well, guess what? I fuck with you too."

Frank's face went from surprise to disappointment to anger. "You bitch!" he yelled, pulling out of her pussy and throwing her across the bed.

"It's not all one way Frank," Jen told him. "And you DID know what you were getting into."

"Fuck you!" Frank yelled angrily, storming out of the bedroom.

Whatever, Jen thought. She sighed, knowing she had to apologize to Frank. She picked up her iPhone first. No texts from Mike. She frowned. He must've arrived by now. No calls or texts? She wasn't surprised though, Mike was terrible at staying in touch. Still, she wanted to know how things were going, especially if Anna was okay. She quickly texted "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?"

Then she got out of bed. She decided to leave the high heels on. Then, on impulse, she put on Frank's shirt. She took a selfie of herself and texted it to Mike. Then she went outside to Frank.

"I don't wish to speak to you right now," Frank growled at her. Anger and hurt were written across his face.

Jen sighed inside. Even grown men - powerful men - like Frank Tower could pout like little boys sometimes. "I'm sorry okay?" she said edging up between his legs. She climbed onto his lap. "I'm in a bitchy mood. Mike's at a party in the Hamptons. With Anna."

Frank glared at Jen as if demanding more of an explanation. "I did what we talked about," Jen explained. "I set Mike up with a girl."

"Who?" Frank said.

"My friend Allie," Jen said.

"We agreed on Juliet," Frank said.

Jen knew he was going to say that. "Frank it doesn't matter," she said. "I mean, it matters, but it doesn't. All that matters is Mike is spending the weekend with Allie. So we get to spend the weekend together. That's what we want right?"

Frank nodded. But he was still smarting, hurt by Jenny's ruse in the bedroom.

Sensing his hurt, Jen wrapped her arms around Frank's neck and kissed him. "I'm sorry," she said in a soft voice. "I'm a bitch sometimes. I AM jealous. I guess I don't understand how we can be exclusive if you're seeing other girls."

"It's only sex Jenny," Frank said. "And we don't see each often enough."

"I can't give you anymore Frank," Jen said, looking into his eyes and affectionately brushing her fingers through his hair. "I'm a mother. I'm already spending too much time away from Anna. Like this weekend."

Frank frowned at that, not liking the situation. But at least Jenny's reason was her child and not her husband. And Anna was certainly an adorable young girl. Frank knew situations and relationships could change over time. Often they did change.

"Well, let me just say," Frank said. "I consider myself exclusive to you. Because you're the only girl I've opened my heart to. Ever, other than Sally."

Jen couldn't help smiling at that. And blushing too. Affectionately brushing her fingers through his hair again, she smiled and said "Sometimes you're really sweet." She gave Frank a soft kiss on the lips and said "I love Mike. But I think I've kinda opened my heart to you too. I get like that." She grinned at him and said "You know I had a major crush on you in high school."

"I wish I'd known," Frank said grinning back.

"But you were already banging Paige," Jen said with a laugh. But then she remembered Sally. "Sorry," she said sheepishly, feeling like her foot was in her mouth.

"Not my best moment," Frank admitted looking regretful and ashamed. "I had many bad moments with my marriage."

Jen knew he was talking about his cheating on Sally. "I have too," she said. Looking just as regretful and ashamed, she said "I've cheated on Mike. I told him eventually. But I still cheated."

Frank certainly understood why a gorgeous, wonderful girl like Jenny Johnson would cheat on a barely average husband like Mike Andrews. If Jenny was his wife, she'd have no need to cheat.

"Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you," Frank said looking into her eyes. "Because we're so much the same."

Jen wasn't sure if she wanted to be the same as Frank Tower. She didn't say that of course.

"I like this," Frank said touching his shirt.

"I like it too," Jen said smiling at him. She moved her lips up to his ear. "It smells like you. I like that."

They kissed. To his surprise, Frank found himself getting hard again. Jen felt it too. She reached between their bodies and guided his cock into her. She clenched her teeth at the penetration. He was so freaking thick!

Frank was a top. So he rolled Jen onto her back on the sofa. Holding her hands over her head, he long stroked in and out. They looked into each other's eyes as they made love. Frank pushed all Jen's buttons and soon she threw her head back as she had another incredible orgasm on his beautiful thick cock. Afterwards Jen kissed and caressed Frank until he came again in her pussy.

Jen thought about that morning. Going off the pill. But it was only that morning. She was still safe.

Frank carried Jen to the bed like his bride. They snuggled and took a short nap (Jen wore his shirt while she slept). After about an hour they woke up to the ring of Frank's phone.

Frank spoke a moment and then hung up. He stroked a stray blonde hair from Jen's beautiful face and softly said "Time to get up Jen honey. It's Claudia."

"Claudia?" Jen said trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

"And Annette and Bridget."

"Bridget?" Jen said not understanding.

"They're here to help get you ready," Frank said. "For our date tonight. With my Broadway friends."

Jen had practically forgotten. "I don't need help," she said getting out of bed. "I'll take a quick shower." She needed it after having sex 2 times (and Frank cumming inside her twice). She knew her body probably reeked of sex.

"Jenny they're your personal staff," Frank told her. He tenderly stroked her face. "You're with me. This is your life now. You deserve this. Enjoy it."

There was a world wind of activity when the "stylists" arrived. Claudia and Annette carried bundles of dresses, shoes and makeup. They both kissed Jen warmly and fussed about her. They good naturedly teased her about wearing Frank's shirt.

Bridget arrived a few minutes later. To Jen's surprise, the younger girl carried a fold-up table. Also, while Claudia and Annette were both wearing expensive, trendy dresses, Bridget was in a bra top and yoga pants. Bridget took the table into the bedroom (saying she needed to "set up") while Claudia and Annette continued to fuss over Jen.

"All ready," Bridget said a few minutes later.

"You go ahead Jenny darling. We'll draw your bath," Claudia set.

"My bath?" Jen said with a laugh. Did she really just say "draw your bath"? But anyway, Jen let Bridget lead her into the bedroom.

"A massage table?" Jen said surprised.

"I'm a masseuse too," the seamstress said. "You're auditioning tonight? So exciting!"

"Um, I don't think so," Jen said, remembering her promise to Mike.

"Well, just in case," Bridget said with a warm smile. "We want all the kinks out."

Jen let Bridget help her onto the massage table. The young masseuse/seamstress worked on Jen with lavender scented oils. "This'll make your skin really soft," she said as she rubbed the lightly scented oil into Jen's muscles. Jen had to admit, Bridget knew what she was doing. The massage felt fabulous!

Bridget saw Jen's iPhone on the dresser. "I'll mute this so it doesn't ring," she said, not wanting anything to interrupt the relaxing massage. "I'll turn it back on after."

Okay," Jen mumbled, already in major relaxin' mode.

After about 45 minutes Jen was completely relaxed. "Almost done Bridge?" Annette whispered, peeking her head into the bedroom. "Jenny's bath is ready."

"Yes she's ready," Bridget whispered back. They were whispering to maintain the relaxing Zen spa experience. She said "Here let me help you up Jenny." Bridget and Annette walked Jen to the bath, fussing over her like mother hens.

Jen was surprised and delighted to see the bath filled with vanilla scented bubbles and rose pedals. She let Bridget and Annette help her into the bath. As she soaked in the tub, Bridget knelt next to her head and continued the massage of her neck and shoulders.

As Jen soaked in the bath, Frank sat on the sofa in the living room. There was a tequila in his hand but he didn't touch it. He frowned at the wall, feeling troubled.

He was used to being in control. He liked it that way, with all things, both in business and his personal life. He wanted to be in absolute control. But he didn't feel that way with Jenny. The way she dicked with him earlier in bed. The way she chose Allie instead of Juliet. He felt like she was controlling things instead of him. It was a new experience. It made him desire Jenny more.

Jenny needed to understand he was in control, not her. Frank knew she was a sub. She knew it too but resisted her true nature. Jenny needed to give into it. Give into him (because her "husband" certainly couldn't give her what she needed). She would be happier that way. So Frank picked up the phone and made a few calls.

After the bath, Annette did Jen's makeup while Bridget knelt on the floor and gave Jen a pedicure. Claudia showed Jen the dresses she'd brought and the girls talked about the best one to wear tonight.

Jen had never felt so pampered! She felt like a princess with Claudia, Annette and Bridget her handmaidens. It was so much fun! It was like a spa and shopping day with her best friends. Except she got all the attention. Jen couldn't help feeling special and privileged. Like Cinderella with not one but 3 fairy godmothers.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:54 PM

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