Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Look at this weekend. Okay, she really screwed up with her cheerleading outfit. But everything else Mike was ecstatic about. Fucking Mr. Hayden's son. It got him so hot. She wondered if, deep down, Mike hoped she would fuck both Mr. Hayden and Thomas at the same time someday.

And Colin was worse. Didn't he remember the last time? It led to her miscarriage, and Mike almost dying. It was like for Mike all that never happened.

Jen knew she was just as bad. In the heat of the moment she had no inhibitions or good sense. And Frank was pushing so hard. He was like a pusher and they were addicts. How much longer would it take? Before she let Frank cut her hair, tattoo her. Or worse.

Mike would hate it all. It would hurt him terribly. But he wasn't capable of stopping either. It was like a drug for him. When it finally ended with Frank, would Mike still love her? Would he be there? She couldn't bear the thought of life without Mike. Of losing his love and respect.

So if Mike wouldn't stop it, she needed to stop it. But the truth was – and this showed her sluttiness more than anything else – she didn't want to stop with Frank. Not yet. She – her body – she loved it too much. She craved it. Frank was like a drug to her too. And she wanted more. She was addicted.

At that moment Jen made a decision. She WOULD set Mike up with a girl. The thought of Mike with another girl drove her crazy. So if Mike was seeing another girl, she'd pay more attention to him, be more careful with what she did with Frank. She would think about the consequences of her actions more. It would be like the Golden Rule. It would give her the strength to control herself with Frank, while still allowing her to explore her desires with him.

At that moment Allie walked into her office. "You're still going this weekend right?" she said.

Jen had forgotten all about the Hamptons party. And now she had plans with Frank. "Um I don't think so," she said. "Something's come up."

"Are you serious?" Allie said, clearly disappointed. "What about our birthday party?"

"We'll get a drink this week," Jen said. But she knew her offer was lame. She felt terrible about backing out, as she knew the weekend was really important to Allie. Another casualty of her obsession with Frank Tower.

"Fuck you bitch, we'll party without you," Allie said dropping into the chair in front of Jen's desk. She looked at her friend. "What's wrong with you?" she asked, seeing the distress on Jen's face.

"It's nothing," Jen said. "I mean ... I don't know."

"What?" Allie pressed. She studied her friend. "This is about a guy right? You and Mike are playing your game again."

"Yeah ..." Jen admitted.

"So what's happening?" Allie asked. Anything to get her mind off her own problems.

"It's just stupid," Jen said in a self-critical voice. "I'm involved with this guy. It's getting kind of heavy."

"It always does with you and Mike," Allie said.

"Yeah ..." Jen agreed. "It feels different this time. Frank's not like other guys. Or maybe I'm different. I'm trying to control myself."

"Yeah right," Allie said skeptically. She knew the history of their game. "So how are you going to do that?"

"Something Keri said, what she does," Jen said. She hesitated, not wanting to say it.

"What?" Allie asked with an intrigued look on her face. "What?"

"I'm thinking about setting Mike up with a girl," Jen finally said.

"Are you serious?" Allie said disbelievingly. "Your bubble boy? You'll let him fuck another girl?"

"I don't want to," Jen said. "But it'll keep me from going too far with Frank."

"Why don't you just end it with Frank?"

Jen shrugged. Looking embarrassed, she said "I'm not ready for that."

"God Jen," Allie said incredulously. Shaking her head she said "Well, I don't know. I think you should dump Frank and go to the Hamptons with me. You, Mike and Anna. At least then I can be your wingman." She thought of her pending divorce and gave a humorless laugh. "Or you can be mine," she lamented.

"It's just ... I've got a date with Frank," Jen said apologetically.

Allie shook her head. As she left she gave Jen a sad disappointed look.

Jen returned to staring out the window. She didn't know what to do.

A moment later Allie abruptly walked back into Jen's office. Closing the door, she said "I'll do it."

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"I'll do it," Allie said. "I'll be Mike's lover."

Jen stared at Allie, her lips opening in shock.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:50 PM

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